Where Ulyanov Lenin was born. The history of life

Biography and episodes of life Vladimir Lenina. When born and died Vladimir Lenin, memorable places and dates of important events of his life. Quotes of the revolutionary photo and video.

Years of Life Vladimir Lenin:

born on April 22, 1870, died January 21, 1924


"Eternally there will be a Lenin heart
Crush at the chest revolution. "
From the poem Vladimir Mayakovsky dedicated to the memory of Lenin


November 1917, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - the current leader of the Bolshevik revolutionary movement - left the conspiracy apartment of Margarita Feofanova at Serdobolskaya Street and headed to Smolny, who was at that time the headquarters of the Bolshevik government at the time. Having freely arrived at the destination, Lenin began to lead an armed uprising, tuned to act quickly, rigidly and decisively. The next night - from 7 to 8 November - the temporary government of Kerensky was overthrown, and instead of him a little later created new - the Council of People's Commissars led by Lenin. At the same time at the meeting of the Petrograd Council, Vladimir Ilyich solemnly concluded: "Comrades! The working and peasant revolution, about the need for which the Bolsheviks spoke all the time, accomplished. "

Since childhood, in the character and behavior of Vladimir Ulyanov, there was no hint of the rebound. The boy grow diligent, brought up and extremely diligent. In adolescence, Vladimir practically did not express interest in public life, but was distinguished by frantic scientific curiosity and efficiency. By the time of the end of the gymnasium of certain political beliefs, the young men had no, but, most likely, they simply did not notice due to the closetness of the character of Ulyanov. So, the elder brother of Lenin - Alexander - was also not suspected of revolutionary activities, and meanwhile he was agreed in an attempt to attempt to the life of Emperor Alexander III, for which he was executed. Some researchers believe that this event was the cornerstone in the life of young Lenin, awakened in it not only a revolutionary spark, but also thirst for retaliation.

The first signs of reconciliation in the future Love of the peoples were manifested in the years of student when the charter was adopted in Kazan University, according to which a police officer was commissioned for students. According to the student inspector, Lenin, known for his calm and extremely balanced character, was in the first rows of raging students protesting against innovation. However, the protest was quickly eliminated, and all the participants in the disorder were immediately arrested and expelled. During the investigation, the police revealed Lenin's connection with the secret limitation of "Folk Volya", and also related to Alexander Ulyanov. Since then, Lenin "registered" in the police list of unreliable, but the revolutionary activity of the young Buntar only gained momentum.

The Great October Revolution was predicted for many years of self-safe work: the study of books, organizational activities, the establishment of connections with opposition circles, the search for funds for the needs of the revolution and the like. But the mainstream movement has already been formulated: "... A Russian worker, rising at the head of all democratic elements, will fall off absolutism and will lead the Russian proletariat (next to the proletariat of all countries) direct expensive open political struggle against the victorious communist revolution." Of course, regarding the activities of Lenin and the methods of his struggle there were contradictory opinions, which to this day do not find a consensus, but the fact of his genius is still undeniable. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin is one of the most significant revolutionary statesmen in the history of mankind.

Vladimir Ilyich died aged 53 years after a long sickness. The immediate cause of the death of Lenin, according to a medical conclusion, was the violation of blood circulation in the brain and hemorrhage into the cerebral shell. Lenin's death became a nationwide tragedy. From all the surroundings, crowds of peasants stretched, wishing to worship the father of the revolution. The official farewell with the leader lasted five days, after which the coffin with his harnessed body was placed in a specially built mausoleum on Red Square. According to the estimation of the American historian Nina Tumarkin, during the farewell of the coffin Vladimir Ilyich visited about half a million people.

Life line

April 22, 1870 Date of birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Ulyanova).
1879 Admission to the Symbir gymnasium.
1887 Admission to the Law Faculty of Kazan University.
1895 The creation of a "union of struggle for the liberation of the working class".
1900 Creation of the All-Russian Workshop "Spark". First emigration to Europe.
1908 Second emigration to Europe.
1917 The October Revolution and the emergence of Soviet Russia led by Lenin.
1918 Attempt by Lenin Auxidic Fanny Kaplan.
January 21, 1924 Date of death of Lenin.
January 27, 1924 Date of the funeral of Lenin (room in the mausoleum).

Memorial places

1. House in Ulyanovsk, where Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was born (now the Memorial Museum "House, where V. I. Lenin was born).
2. Symbir gymnasium, where Vladimir Ilyich studied.
3. Lenin's Museum Apartment in Ulyanovsk, where his family lived from 1871 to 1875
4. House-Museum of Lenin in Ulyanovsk, where his family lived from 1878 to 1887
5. Lenin House Museum in Kazan.
6. Lenin Museum in Moscow.
7. Lenin Museum in Tampere, Finland.
8. Mausoleum on Red Square, where Lenin's body is located.
9. Monument to Lenin in Yoshkar-Ola, Republic of Mari El.
10. Monument to Lenin in Bore, Nizhny Novgorod region.
11. Monument to Lenin in Volzhsky, Volgograd region.
12. Monument to Lenin in Novokuibyshevsk, Samara region.
13. Monument to Lenin in Ibresi, Chuvash Republic.

Episodes of life

In December 1985, Lenin was arrested as a participant in the "Union of Fight" and after the year of the conclusion was exiled to the village of Shushensky Yenisei province. So that Lenin's civilian wife is Nadezhda Krupskaya - could ride with him, the spouses had to officially issue a marriage. But the problem was that only church marriages were recognized at that time, and Lenin and Krupskaya were atheists. But since the choice of young people were not, and it was impossible to slow, then the wedding decided to play. True, she turned out very improvised: Shushensky peasants were invited by the guarantors and diashers, and the wedding rings for the bride and the bride were cut out of the copper patch.

Since the founding of Soviet Russia, Petrograd remained the capital of the newly marked state for 124 days. During this time, he glanced in the history of the Smolnnin period, Lenin, as the chairman of the Council of People's Commissar, managed to do an incredibly huge amount of work. Working at eighteen hours per day, Vladimir Ilyich managed to write 110 articles, 70 reports and 120 letters, edit more than 40 state documents, chair 77 meetings of the Council of People's Commissars, lead 26 meetings of the Central Committee and participate in the 17 sessions of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee.


"No one is born if the slave was born, but a slave, which not only alien to the desire for his freedom, but embellishes and justifies his slavery, there is an inspiring sense of indignation, contempt and disgust ..."

"If I know I know little, I will achieve to know more."

"Only then we will learn to win when we will not be afraid to recognize our defeats and disadvantages."

Original film filming chief in the film "Live Lenin"


"The death of Lenin became a reason for the first nationwide ritual of mourning after all heavy tests of the past years. The society overwhelmed the wave of hysterical sorrow, heated open access to the body of the late leader and mourning ceremonies, which were held throughout the country. "
Nina Tumarkin, American historian

"Plekhanov - he read, Martov - loved, but only for Lenin it was unquestioned, as the only undisputed leader. For only Lenin represented himself, especially in Russia, a rare phenomenon of an iron will, an indomitable energy that merges the fanatic faith in motion, in the case, with a million faith in itself. "
Richard Pipes, philosopher

"The ideal who devoted themselves to such titans of the Spirit, as Lenin, can not be fruitless. The noble example of his dedication, which will be glorified in the centuries, will make this ideal even more elevated and beautiful. "
Mahatma Gandhi, ideologist of the National Liberation Movement of India

"In Veliky Vladimir, there is a striking negative. He accompanied and appropriately put each material into the world building. It was this accommodation that opened him the path in all parts of the world. "
Nikolai Roerich, artist

"Lenin, according to the testimony of all who ever encountered him, showed himself the greatest statesman of modern Europe, a person who is infinitely influenced by the masses in the peoples of enthusiasm, awakening the feeling of conscious discipline; A man who, thanks to his powerful mind, be able to negone all the world social forces that can be used for the good of revolution; A person who easily recognizes and paralyzing the most sophisticated goats of bourgeois statesmen. "
Antonio Gramshi, politician

"He left God, the king, the country, Moral, the court, the debts, rent, interests, laws and customs of centuries, he left the whole historical structure, such as human society."
Winston Churchill, Politician

"Logic in Lenin's speeches is some omnipotent tentacles that cover you on all sides by ticks and from whose hugs there is no urine to break out: either give up, or decide on a complete failure."
Joseph Stalin, politician

"I respect the man in Lenin, who with complete selflessness gave all his strength to the implementation of social justice ... People like him are custodians and updates of the conscience of mankind."
Albert Einstein, physicist

Lenin: The secrets of an unwritten biography

  • Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov was born 10 (22) of April 1870 in Simbirsk (now Ulyanovsk).
  • Father Ulyanova, Ilya Nikolaevich, was an inspector of popular schools.
  • Lenin's mother, Maria Alexandrovna Ulyanova (nee form), passing the exams, became a teacher, but did not work. In the family of Ulyanov, there were 6 children, among whom Vladimir was the third.
  • 1879 - 1887 - studies in the gymnasium. Vladimir Ulyanov finishes her with a gold medal.
  • 1887 - For the preparation of an attempt on the life of Emperor Alexander III, Senior Brother Ulyanova Alexander (Revolutionary-Peopling). This event affected the life of the whole family of Ulyanovy (in fact, the dear noble family was expelled from the Society), and especially to the life of Vladimir - he begins to think seriously, for which his brother gave life.
  • The same year - Vladimir Ulyanov enters the Faculty of Law of the University of Kazan.
  • December of the same year - for participation in the student gathering of Ulyanov is excluded from the university and sent to the village of Kokushkino to the family.
  • 1891 - Ulyanov finishes externally Faculty of Faculty of St. Petersburg University.
  • The same year - Ulyanov arrives in Samara, where he begins to work as an assistant jury attorney.
  • 1893 - Vladimir Ulyanov arrives in St. Petersburg. Official goal of arrival - lawyer practice. Here he comes into one of numerous revolutionary circles and soon becomes known as an ardent supporter of Marxism and the promoter of this teaching in working circles. In St. Petersburg, Ulyanov is experiencing a novel with Apollinaria Yakubova, a convinced revolutionary, his older sister Olga on top of female courses.
  • 1894 - 1895 - the first major work of Ulyanov "What is" Friends of the People "and how they fight against Social Democrats" and "Economic Maintenance". In them, Vladimir Ilyich criticized the people's movement in favor of Marxism.
  • The same period - Vladimir Ulyanov gets acquainted with the hope of Konstantinovsky Krupskaya.
  • Spring of 1895 - Ulyanov leaves to Geneva to a meeting with members of the Labor Liberation Group.
  • September 1895 - Ulyanov is arrested for the creation of the St. Petersburg "Union of the struggle for the liberation of the working class".
  • Spring of 1897 - Ulyanov for three years I was exiled to the village of Shushensky Yenisei province. The hope of Krupskaya comes here (for revolutionary activities, she is exiled to Ufa, but seeks permission to visit Ulyanova in Shushensky on the rights of the bride). During the reference, they got married.
  • In Shushensky Ulyanov, a number of articles and books wrote for revolutionary topics. The most famous research work "The development of capitalism in Russia" is the best. Proceedings were published by them under various pseudonyms, one of which is Lenin.
  • 1900 - departing a link, Ulyanov leaves to Germany. Here he is together with G.V. Plekhanov begins to publish the first communional Marxist newspaper "Spark". From Germany, Vladimir Ulyanov moves to England, then to Switzerland. It continues to publish his works, and Lenin's pseudonym since then is fixed after him forever.
  • Vladimir Ilyich Lenin proves the need for a bourgeois-democratic revolution in Russia, relying on the basics of Marxism. Discrepancy with the teachings of Marx Lenin is that he admitted a revolution in Russia - less developed, compared with Western European countries, the country.
  • 1903 - the famous II Congress of the Social Democratic Party of Russia. There is a split on the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. Lenin gets up at the head of the Bolsheviks, and soon creates the Bolshevik Party.
  • 1905 - Lenin leads the preparation of the revolution in Russia. He directs the Bolsheviks into an armed uprising against the tsarism and the establishment of a democratic republic.
  • 1905 - 1907 - during the revolution, Lenin illegally lives in St. Petersburg and leads the Bolshevik Party.
  • 1907 - 1917 - emigration. Lenin does not leave his political views, performs at the congresses II of International.
  • 1910 - In Paris, Lenin meets Inesa Armand. Their relationship continues almost throughout the remaining life - until 1920, when Armand dies in the Caucasus, infected with cholera.
  • 1912 - In the Social Democratic Part conference in Prague, Lenin allocates the left wing of the RSDLP into a separate party of the RSDLP (b) - the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party of Bolsheviks. Here he was elected head of the Central Committee (Central Committee) of the Party.
  • In the same period at the initiative of V.I. Lenin created the newspaper "True". Lenin organizes the life of his new party using dubious methods for this. For example, encourages the so-called expropriation of funds (actually robbery) to the Party Fund.
  • 1914 - the beginning of the I World War. Lenin arrested in Austria-Hungary on suspicion of espionage in favor of Russia.
  • After liberation, Lenin leaves in Switzerland. Here he puts forward the slogan with a call to turn an imperialist war in civilian. For this, all Socialists of Russia need to unite and overthrow the government that has drawn the state in the war.
  • February 1917 - Lenin learned about the revolution in Russia will find out of the press.
  • April 3, 1917 - Lenin returns to Russia.
  • April 4, 1917 - Vladimir Ilyich in St. Petersburg sets out a program of transition from the bourgeois-democratic revolution to the socialist ("all the power of the Soviets!" Or "April theses"). He begins to prepare an armed uprising and put forward plans for the overthrow of the Provisional Government.
  • June 1917 - the I-th Congress of the Soviets. Lenin supports only about 10% of the gathered. Nevertheless, he declares that the Bolshevik party is ready to take power in the country.
  • October 24, 1917 - Lenin in the Smolny Palace leads the uprising. October 25 (November 7) of 1917 - the Interim Government is overthrown. The October Socialist Revolution occurs.
  • After the revolution, Lenin becomes Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars Chairman. He lines his politics, hoping to support the world proletariat. But the world proletariat of Lenin does not support.
  • The beginning of 1918 - Lenin insists that the Brest World was signed. As a result, Germany leaves a huge part of Russia.
  • Disagreement of most of the population of Russia with the Bolshevik policies leads to the civil war of 1918-1922.
  • July 1918 - in St. Petersburg there is a Left-Eserovsky rebellion, which is brutally depressed. After that, a single-party system is installed in the country. Now Vladimir Ilyich Lenin is the head of the Bolshevik Party and all Russia.
  • On August 30, 1918, an attempt was committed to Lenin. Vladimir Ilyich is seriously wounded. After that, "Red Terror" was declared in the country.
  • Lenin develops the policy of "military communism". Free trade is prohibited in the country, natural exchange (instead of commodity-money relations) and the exversman. A wave of peasant uprisings is passing around the country, which were stored hard. Soon, on the personal order of Lenin, persecution began to the Russian Orthodox Church. About 10 million people became victims of the policies of "military communism". Economic and industrial indicators of the country decreased sharply.
  • March 1921 - at the congress of the party Lenin puts forward the program of "new economic policy" (NEP), which slightly straightens the economic crisis.
  • 1922 - Lenin transfers two strokes, but never ceases to lead the state.
  • The same year - Russia is renamed the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
  • The beginning of 1923 - Lenin understands that he will soon not be able to manage the country at all and at the same time sees that the Bolshevik party is planned. He writes "Letter to the Congress." In it, he gives the characteristic to the whole leader of the Central Committee and offers to shift

The day, when Lenin died, invested in the Russian history in black letters. It happened on January 21, 1924, before its 54th birthday, the leader of the world proletariat did not live for only three months. Doctors, historians, modern researchers have not yet agreed in a single opinion about what Lenin died. Mourning was declared in the country. After all, a person left his life, who managed to build a socialist state in the world, and in the largest country.

Sudden death

Despite the fact that over the past month, Vladimir Lenin seriously sick, his death was sudden. It happened on the evening of January 21. It was 1924, Soviet power was already established on the territory of the whole country of Soviets, and the day, when Vladimir Ilyich Lenin died, became the national tragedy of the whole state. Mourning was declared all over the country, the flags were fitted, in enterprises and in institutions were mourning rallies.

Expert conclusions

When Lenin died, a medical concilium was immediately assembled, in which the leading doctors of the time was participating. Officially, doctors unveiled such a version of premature death: an acute circulatory breakdown in the brain and, as a result, hemorrhage into the brain. Thus, the cause of death could be repeated extensive stroke. The version also told the fact that Lenin for many years suffered from a venereal disease - syphilis, who infected him some Frenchwoman.

This version is not excluded from the causes of the death of the proletarian leader to this day.

Could Could Sofilis Cause

When Lenin died, the body was opened. The pathologists found that in the brain vessels there is an extensive lime. Could not explain the cause of this physician. First, he led a well-known lifestyle and never smoked. He did not suffer from obesity or hypertension, he did not have a brain tumor or other obvious lesions. Also, Vladimir Ilyich had neither infectious diseases, nor diabetes, in which the vessels could suffer.

As for syphilis, this reason could cause Lenin's death. Indeed, at that time, this disease was treated with very dangerous medicines that could give complications on the whole body. However, neither the symptoms of the disease nor the results of the opening confirmed that the cause of death could be a venereal disease.

Poor heredity or strong stress?

53 years old - this is how many years Lenin died. For the beginning of the twentieth century it was a fairly young age. Why did he go so early? According to some researchers, the poor heredity of the leader could be the cause of such an early death. After all, as you know, his father died exactly at the same age. According to the symptoms and description of eyewitnesses, he had the same disease as his son suffered. Yes, and other relatives of the leader had cardiovascular diseases as anamnesis.

Another reason that could affect Lenin's health was his incredible workload at work and constant stress. It is known that he slept very little, practically did not resist and worked quite a lot. Historians describe a well-known fact when in 1921, Lenin forgot the words of his own speech in 1921 at one important event. He had a stroke, after which he had to learn to speak again. He could hardly write. He had to spend a lot of time for rehabilitation and recovery.

Unusual seizures

But after Ilyich had a hypertonic blow, he came to himself and recovered quite well. In the first days of 1924, he was so in the form that he even went to hunt.

It is not clear how the leader's last day passed. As the diaries are evidenced, he was active enough, talked a lot and did not complain about anything. But a few hours before death, several strong convulsive seizures happened to him. They did not fit into the picture of the stroke. Therefore, some researchers believe that an ordinary poison could be the cause of a sharp deterioration in health.

Stalin's hand?

When Lenin was born and died, not only historians know today, but many educated people. And before, these dates of the nazubok remembered every schoolboy. But the exact reason for which it happened, neither doctors nor researchers can still be called so far. There is another interesting theory - Lenin, they say, poisoned Stalin. The latter sought to gain absolute power, and Vladimir Ilyich was a serious obstacle on this path. By the way, and later Joseph Vissarionovich resorted in poisoning as a faithful way to eliminate his opponents. And it makes you seriously think about.

Lenin, who first supported Stalin, sharply changed his mind and made a bet on the candidacy of Lion Trotsky. Historians assure that Vladimir Ilyich was preparing to push Stalin from the country's management. He gave him a very unflattering characteristic, called cruel and rude, noted that Stalin abuses power. Leninist letter, addressed to the congress, where Ilyich spoke with a sharp criticism of Stalin and his leadership style.

By the way, the story with poison has the right to exist also because a year earlier, in 1923, Stalin wrote a report to the politburo. It was discussed that Lenin wants to poison and asked him to get a dose of Cianisy potassium. Stalin said that he cannot do this. Who knows, maybe Vladimir Ilyich Lenin himself prompted the future successor to the scenario of his death?

By the way, the toxicological study of the physician for some reason did not spend at one time. Well, and then such analyzes were too late.

And one moment. At the end of January 1924, the 13th party congress was supposed to be held. Surely Ilyich, speaking on it, again would raise the question of the behavior of Stalin.

Evidence testimonies

In favor of poisoning, as a faithful cause of Lenin's death, some eyewitnesses say. The writer Elena Lermolo, who was exiled to the cautious, in the 1930s of the twentieth century, communicated with the personal cook of Vladimir Ilyich Gabriel Volkov. He told such a story. In the evening he brought Lenin dinner. He was already in poor condition and could not talk. He handed the cook with a note in which he wrote: "Gavryshchenka, I was poisoned, I am poisoned." Lenin understood that he would soon die. And he asked to report on the poisoning of Lion Trotsky and the hope of Krupskaya, as well as members of the Politburo.

By the way, the last three days Lenin complained about the permanent nausea. But when opening, doctors saw that his stomach was almost in perfect condition. He could not have an intestinal infection - in the courtyard stood winter, and for this time of the year such diseases are uncharacteristic. Well, the eating the leader was prepared only the most fresh and carefully checked it.

Funeral chief

Year, when Lenin died, was noted in the history of the Soviet state with a black mark. After the death of the leader began an active struggle for power. Many of his comrades were repressed, shot and destroyed.

Lenin died in a hill near Moscow on January 24 at 18 o'clock 50 minutes. His body on the locomotive was delivered to the capital, the coffin was established in the column hall of the House of Unions. For five days, the people could say goodbye to the head of the new country, which only began to build socialism. Then the coffin with the body was installed in a mausoleum, which was specially built for this purpose on the Red Square to the architect Shushus. Until now, the body of the leader, the founder of the world's first socialist state, is there.

A family

Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov was born in Simbirsk, in the family of People's School Inspector Ilya Nikolayevich Ulyanov (1831-1886), who had a personal (non-treating) nobility. The family of the future of the prominent revolutionary of the twentieth century was heterogeneous by origin, but for the most part consisted of the differences (intelligentsia). In the family of Lenin, representatives of several nationalities - Russians, Kalmykov, Chuvash, Jews, Germans and Swedes.

Lenin's grandfather, Nikolai Vasilyevich Ulyanov, Chuvash by nationality, was a fortress peasant from the Nizhny Novgorod province, and moved to Astrakhan, where he worked as a tailor-artisan. Already being a mature man, he married Anna Alekseevna Smirnova, the father of which was Kalmyk, and the mother is probably Russian. When Ilya Ulyanov was born, Nikolay Ulyanov had already been 60 years old. After the death of Nikolai Vasilyevich, Ilya worked out the elder brother Vasily Ulyanov. He helped his brother to get enough education to enroll at the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Kazan University, who graduated from 1854. After graduating from the University, Ilya Ulyanov worked as a teacher of mathematics and physics in gymnasiums, institutes and colleges in Penza and Nizhny Novgorod, and 1869 was an inspector and Director of People's Schools of the Symbirian province. After awarding the Order of St. Vladimir III degree Father Lenin in 1882 received the right to an offacarious nobility.

The second grandfather of Lenin (according to the mother) Alexander Dmitrievich Blank (before the baptism of Israel Moishevich Blank), accepted Christianity to become a military doctor. Coming into resignation from the post of medical inspector of the hospitals of the state weapon plant in Zlatoust (in the rank of Stat advisor), Dr. Blanc was attributed to the Kazan nobility (Chin gave him the dignity of the personal nobleman). Soon he acquired in the Kazan province the estate of Kokushkino, becoming a landlord of the middle hand. Early orphaned mother of Lenin, Maria Alexandrovna, like her four sisters, brought up a mother's aunt, who trained niece music and foreign languages.

There are evidence that the biological father of Lenin and several other children in the family was a home doctor who lived in the family of Ulyanovy for more than 20 years Ivan Sidorovich Pokrovsky. If you compare their photos similarity will be obvious. And in youth in some documents [in particular, the examinations of the time of study at St. Petersburg University] Ulyanov even directly writes their patronymic as Ivanovich, which indicates that he knew about this fact and did not hide him.

In the manuscript of memoirs of the senior sister Lenin Anna there is a place where she writes that when Pisarev was banned, they took his books at the home physician. And then he jershoot and writes: "... from a familiar doctor." That is, hides the fact that this doctor was a close man for Mother Ulyanov. Obviously, she was hard to experienced his intimacy with her mother and tried to strike him out of his memory.

Youth. Beginning of revolutionary activities

In 1879-1887 he studied at the Symbir gymnasium. Lenin's views in the years of his youth were under the influence of family education, an example of parents, under the influence of revolutionary-democratic literature and contact with the life of the people. A very strong influence on Volodya had his brother Alexander, who was a continuing authority for him. The boy tried to walk in everything on his brother, and if he was asked how he would do in a given case, he invariably answered: "like Sasha". Over the years, the desire to equal to the elder brother did not pass, but it became deeper and meaningful. From Alexander Volodya, he learned about Marxist literature - for the first time he saw "Capital" K. Marx.

In his youth, he breaks with religion. The impetus to this was a scene that outdown him to the depths of the soul. Once in a conversation with the guest of Ilya Nikolaevich, he said about his children that they are poorly visited by the Church. Looking at Vladimir, Guest said: "Schish, it is necessary!" Volodya ran out of the house and in protest sang a native cross. What matured for a long time, broke out.

Revolutionary moods were manifested even in his work. Once, the director of the Gymnasium F. M. Kerensky (father of an unfair subsequently, Eser A. F. Kerensky), always put the writings of Ulyanov as an example of other students, warningly said: "What kind of oppressed classes are you writing about what it is here?"

In January 1886, at the age of 54, Ilya Nikolaevich died from hemorrhage to the brain, Ilya Nikolaevich died. The orphaned family remained without livelihood. Maria Alexandrovna began to bother his pension, waiting for which several months have passed.

The family did not have time to come to himself from one strike, as the new mountain collapsed on it - on March 1, 1887 in St. Petersburg, Alexander Ulyanov was arrested for participating in the preparation of the attempt on Tsar Alexander III. After him was arrested and his sister Anna, who studied in St. Petersburg.

About the revolutionary activities of Alexander Ilyich in the family did not know. After graduating from the Gold Medal of the Simbirsk Gymnasium, he brilliantly studied at the University of St. Petersburg. His research in the field of zoology and chemistry has drawn attention of prominent scientists, such as N. P. Wagner and A. M. Butlers; Each of them walked to leave him at the university on his department. One of his work on zoology, performed on the III course, was awarded the Golden Medal. In the last summer, held by him at home, he all the time gave preparation of his dissertation and seemed entirely to go into science. No one knew that, while in St. Petersburg, Alexander Ilyich participated in the circles of revolutionary youth and led political propaganda among the workers. Idean, he was on the way from the debt to Marxism.

When his older brother Alexander was executed in 1887, Vladimir Ulyanov said the famous phrase: "We will go to another way" which meant his refusal of individual terror methods.

In 1887, Lenin graduated from the gymnasium with a gold medal and entered the Faculty of Law of the University of Kazan, but soon it was excluded for participating in student unrest and sent to relatives to the village of Kokushkino Kazan province.

In the autumn of 1888, Vladimir Ilyich was allowed to return to Kazan. Here he entered one of the Marxist circles organized by N. E. Fedoseyev, in which the writings of K. Marx, F. Engels, V. Plekhanov studied and discussed. The works of Marx and Engels played a decisive role in the formation of the worldview of Lenin - he becomes a convinced Marxist.

In the autumn of 1889, the Ulyanov family settled in Samara, where Lenin also supports communication with local revolutionary. Young Vladimir brilliantly endured the exams in the University of St. Petersburg, after the end of which he worked as a jury assistant for some time in court, where he was protected by proletarians (cases of stealing bag with grain, iron rail and wheels). Without finding itself in this activity, plunged into the revolution as an active Marxist.

The memories of this time of the doctor Vladimir Krutovsky are engaged:
"I drove in a crowded train, where enterprising railway workers apparently sold extra tickets. He drew attention to the young man of a small growth, which quarreled with the boss," requiring the extension of an extra car ", and so organized the people that in Samara, the head of the station said:" Well, To hell! Retail the car ... "

It is found in Switzerland with Plekhanov, in Germany - with V. Liebknecht, in France - with P. Lafarg and others. The figures of the international labor movement, and on return to the capital in 1895 under the leadership of Cederbauma-Martov organizes the "Union of the struggle for the liberation of the working class" . The "Union of the struggle" was active propaganda activities among the workers, they produced more than 70 leaflets. In December 1895, Lenin was arrested and in a year and two months were sent to the village of Shushensky Yenisei province for 3 years. Here Lenin married N. K. Krupskaya (in July 1898), he wrote the book "Development of capitalism in Russia" assembled in prison, directed against the people's theories, worked on articles. During the reference, more than 30 works were written, there was a connection with the Social Democrats of St. Petersburg, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh, and other cities.

In emigration

In February 1900, Lenin's link term ends. In the same year he leaves Russia and establishes a newspaper "Spark" in emigration, designed to serve the propaganda of Marxism; At the same time, the distribution of the newspaper allows you to create a rather extensive network of underground organizations in the territory of the Russian Empire. In December 1901, he first signed one of his articles printed in Iskra, Lenin's pseudonym (he also had pseudonyms: V. Ilin, V. Frey, Yves. Petrov, K. TULIN, KARPOV, etc.). In 1902 in the work "What to do? The foolish questions of our movement "Lenin spoke with his own concept of a party, which he saw a centralized combat organization (" Give us the organization of revolutionaries and we will turn Russia! ").

Participation in the work of the II Congress of the RSDLP

From July 17 to August 10, 1903 in Geneva, Brussels and London, the II Congress of the RSDLP was held. Lenin was waiting for him with great impatience, because the congress that took place 5 years ago did not create a party: did not accept the program, did not swallow the revolutionary proletariat forces; The CC elected at the first congress was immediately arrested. Lenin took the preparation of the congress in his hands. According to his initiative, the Organizing Committee was created, whose members were assessed by the work of social democratic organizations before the congress. Long before the congress, Lenin wrote a draft charter of the party, sketched the projects of many resolutions, thought over and outlined the work plan of the congress. With the participation of Plekhanov, Lenin also compiled a draft program of the party. The program has emerged the nearest tasks of the working party: the overthrow of the tsarism, the establishment of the Democratic Republic, the destruction of the residues of serfdom in the village, in particular the return of land peasants cut off by the landlords during the abolition of serfdom ("segments"), 8-hour working day, full equality of nations and Peoples. The ultimate goal of the working movement was recognized to build a new, socialist society, to the means of achieving it - the socialist revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat.

With the opening of the congress, the heterogeneity of the party became obvious, an acute controversy was arose between supporters of Lenin - "solid" sparkles on the one hand and his opponents - "soft" sparks and "economists" on the other. Lenin stubbornly defended the provisions on the dictatorship of the proletariat, about the rigid demands for party members. In most points, the "hard" sparks won, but the party split into two factions - the Bolsheviks led by Lenin and Mensheviks led by Martov.

Revolution 1905.

Revolution 1905-07 Caught Lenin abroad, in Switzerland. Supporting close relationship with local party organizations, he possessed comprehensive information on the increase in the revolutionary wave. At the III Congress of the RSDLP, held in London in April 1905, Lenin emphasized that the main task of this revolution is to end the autocracy and the remnants of serfdom in Russia. Despite the bourgeois nature of the revolution, according to Lenin, her leader was to become a working class, as the most interested in her victory, and his natural ally - the peasantry. I approved the point of view of Lenin, the congress determined the tactics of the party: the organization of the strikes, demonstrations, the preparation of an armed uprising.

Lenin wanted to take direct participation in revolutionary events. At the first opportunity, in early November 1905, he is illegally, under someone else's name, arrived in Petersburg and turned active activities. Lenin headed the work of the Central and St. Petersburg committees of the RSDLP, paid a lot of attention to the leadership of the New Life newspaper, which became very popular among the workers. Under the direct leadership of Lenin, the party was preparing an armed uprising. At the same time, Lenin writes the book "Two Tactics of Social Democracy in the Democratic Revolution", which indicates the need for the hegemony of the proletariat and armed uprising. In the struggle for attracting the peasantry to his side (which was actively conducted with the Esrami), Lenin writes a brochure "to the village poor". This struggle was successful: from the moment of the arrival of Lenin to Russia and before his departure, the number of the party increased by an order of magnitude. By the end of 1906, approximately 150 thousand people consisted in RSDRP.

The presence of Lenin could not remain unnoticed by the royal security, the further stay in Russia became dangerous. In 1906, Lenin moved to Finland, and in the fall of 1907 I re-emigrated.

Despite the defeat of the December armed uprising, Lenin proudly said that the Bolsheviks used all revolutionary opportunities, they were the first to join the path of the uprising and the latter left him when this path was impossible.

Second emigration

In early January 1908, Lenin returned to Switzerland. The defeat of the revolution 1905-1907. It did not make him fold his hands, he considered the repetition of a revolutionary rise inevitable. "The broken armies learn well," Lenin wrote. In 1912, he strongly breaks with the Mensheviks who insisted on the legalization of the RSDLP.

On May 5, 1912, the first issue of the legal Bolshevik newspaper "True" was published. Her chief editor was actually Lenin. He almost daily wrote in the "truth" of the article, sent letters in which he gave instructions, tips, corrected the errors of the editorial board. For 2 years, about 270 Lenin articles and notes was published in Truth. Also in Emigration, Lenin led the activities of the Bolsheviks in the IV State Duma, was the representative of the RSDLP in the II International, wrote articles on party and national issues, studied by philosophy.

From the end of 1912, Lenin lived on the territory of Austria-Hungary. Here, in the Galic place of Poronin, his first world war was found. Austrian gendarmes arrested Lenin, declaring his royal spy. To free it, the assisted of the deputy of the Austrian Parliament of the Socialist V. Adler. To the question of the Habsburg Minister "Are you sure that Ulyanov is the enemy of the royal government?" Adler replied: "Oh, yes, more sworn than your Excellency." On August 6, 1914, Lenin was released from prison, and after 17 days he was already in Switzerland. Soon, at the arrival of Lenin announced at the meeting of the Bolshevik-emigrant bands his abstracts about the war. He said that the war began is an imperialist, unfair on both sides, alien to workers' interests.

Many modern historians accuse Lenin in the affected sentiments, he himself explained his position as follows: a lasting and fair world - without robbery and violence of winners over defeated, the world, in which no people would be depressed, it is impossible to achieve, until the authorities have capitalists . To end the war and conclude a fair, the democratic world can only the people. And for this, the workers need to turn the weapon against imperialist governments, turning the imperialist slaughter in the civil war, in the revolution against the ruling classes and take power into their hands. Therefore, who wants a solid, democratic world, should be for the civil war against governments and bourgeoisie. Lenin put forward the slogan of revolutionary affection, the essence of which was to vote against military loans to the government (in parliament), creating and strengthening revolutionary organizations among workers and soldiers, combating government patriotic propaganda, support for the soldiers of soldiers at the front. At the same time, Lenin considered his position deeply patriotic: "We love our language and our homeland, we are full of feelings of national pride, and that is why we especially hate our slave past ... and our slave present."

At the party conferences in Tsimmerwald (1915) and Kintale (1916), Lenin defends his thesis on the need to transform the imperialist war in a civil war and at the same time argues that the socialist revolution may defeat in Russia ("imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism").

"Silved car"

After the February Revolution of 1917 (about the fact of which Lenin learned from newspapers), the German authorities allowed Lenin accompanied by 35 comrades in the party, among whom were Krupskaya, Zinoviev, Lilina, Armand, Sokolnikov, Radek and others, to travel from Switzerland by train through Germany. And Lenin was driving in the so-called "polished car" - in other words, he and his closest colleagues were forbidden to leave his wagon at all stations of the following to the border. Moreover, the German Government and the General Staff were well aware of who Lenin and how much of his ideas could be socially explosive for the Government of Russia, tuned to continued bloody war. It is noted that the German government financed all the Oposition Parties in Russia, in proportion to their number. Thus, the greatest support had the essentials (6 million people for 1917), and the support of the Bolsheviks (30 thousand people for 1917) was very insignificant. There is a hypothesis that that is why they gave the opportunity to Lenin to freely cross their territory. The arrival of Lenin to Russia on April 3, 1917 found a large response in the proletarian environment. The next day, April 4, Lenin spoke to the Bolsheviks with the report. These were the famous "April theses", in which Lenin outlined his part plan for the transition from the bourgeois-democratic revolution to the revolution of the working, socialist. Taking into account the management of RSDLP (b), Lenin implements this plan. From April to July 1917, he wrote more than 170 articles, brochures, draft resolutions of Bolshevik conferences and the Central Committee of the Party, the appeals. After the execution of the temporary government of a peaceful demonstration, held in Petrograd on July 3-5, the period of dvoevsty ends. The Bolsheviks led by Lenin are moving into an open confrontation with the government and are preparing for the new revolution.

July 20 (on the old style on July 7) the temporary government gave an order about the arrest of Lenin. In Petrograd, he had to change 17 conspiracy apartments, after which, until August 21 (on the old style on August 8), 1917 he hid it near Petrograd - in the slaughter on the lake spill, until the beginning of October - in Finland (Yalkal, Helsingfors, Vyborg).

October Revolution of 1917

On the evening of October 24, 1917, Lenin arrived in Smolny and began to directly lead the uprising together with the then Chairman of the Petrograd Council L. D. Trotsky. For the overthrow of the government, A. F. Kerensky took 2 days. November 7 (October 25, by the old style), Lenin wrote an appeal to the deployment of a temporary government. On the same day, the Leninist Decreements about the world and the Earth and the workers of the Peaceological Government were adopted on the 2nd All-Russian Congress of Soviets and formed by the Workers' and Peasant Government - the Council of People's Commissars led by Lenin. January 5, 1918 A constituent meeting has been opened, the majority in which they received the esters. Lenin, with the support of the Left Socialists, put the Constituent Assembly before choosing: to ratify the power of the Councils and the decrees of the Bolshevik government or to disperse. Russia at that time was an agrarian country, 90% of its population was the peasants. The esters expressed their political views. The constituent assembly not agreed with such a statement was dissolved.

For 124 days "Smolnninsky period", Lenin wrote over 110 articles, projects of decree and resolutions, proved over 70 reports and speeches, wrote about 120 letters, telegrams and notes, participated in editing more than 40 state and party documents. The working day of the chairman of the SNK lasted 15-18 hours. For the specified period, Lenin chaired 77 SNK meetings, led 26 meetings and meetings of the Central Committee, participated in the 17th meetings of the All-Russian WFIC and its Presidium, in the preparation and holding of 6 different All-Russian congresses of workers. After moving the Central Committee of the Party and Soviet Government from Petrograd to Moscow, from March 11, 1918 Lenin lived and worked in Moscow. Lenin's personal apartment and work office were located in the Kremlin, on the third floor of the former building of the Senate.

Post-revolutionary activities

In accordance with the decree of the world, Lenin was necessary to leave World War. Fearing the seizure of Petrograd by German troops on his proposal to the Council of Sovnarkk and the Central Committee of the RCP (b) moved to Moscow, which became the new capital of Soviet Russia. Despite opposition to the left communists and L. D. Trotsky, Lenin managed to make the conclusion of the Brest peace treaty with Germany on March 3, 1918. He lived and worked in the Kremlin, embodied his program of transformations towards socialism. August 30, 1918 Attempted by Auxidic Fanny Kaplan, who led him to heavily injuries
(The question of the possibility of semidding Fanny Kaplan to get into Lenin from a distance of 50 meters remains controversial). In 1919, on the initiative of Lenin, the 3rd, Communist International was created. In 1921, at the 10th Congress of the RCP (b), he put forward the task of the transition from the policy of "Military Communism" to the new economic policy. Lenin contributed to the statement in the country of a one-party system and an atheistic worldview. Thus, Lenin became the founder of the world's first socialist state.

The consequences of injury and excessive work led Lenin to severe illness. (The version according to which Lenin was sick with syphilis, which began to spread back during his life, most likely erroneous). In March 1922, Lenin led the work of the 11th Congress of the RCP (b) - the last party congress on which he opposed. In May 1922 he was seriously ill, but in early October returned to work.
Lenin's last public speech was November 20, 1922 at the Mossovet's Plenum. December 16, 1922 His state of health has again deteriorated sharply, and in May 1923, due to illness, he moved to the near Moscow estate. In Moscow, Lenin was the last time on October 18-19, 1923. In January 1924, a sharp deterioration was suddenly a sharp deterioration and January 21, 1924 at 6 o'clock. 50 min. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) died.

After death

On January 23, the coffin with Lenin's body was transported to Moscow and installed in the column hall of the House of Unions. The official farewell took place within five days and nights. On January 27, the coffin with the harnessed body of Lenin was placed in the Mausoleum specially built on Red Square (architect A. V. Schusev). January 26, 1924 After the death of Lenin, the 2nd All-Union Congress of Soviets satisfied the request of Petroset about the renaming of Petrograd to Leningrad. The delegation of the city (about 1 thousand people) participated in Moscow at Lenin's funeral. It was also announced about the decision of the USSR CEC to build a mausoleum from the Kremlin Wall. The project performed the architect A. Schusev. By January 27, 1924, a temporary mausoleum was built. He was a cube crowned with a three-stage pyramid. In the spring of the same year, he was replaced by another temporary mausoleum, also from the tree.

Modern stone Mausoleum was built in 1930, also on the project A. Schuseva. This monumental structure lined with dark red granite, porphyir and black Labrador. The external volume of its 5.8 thousand cubic meters, and internal - 2.4 thousand cubic meters. Red-black tones give the mausoleum clear and sad rigor. On the entrance to the monolith from the black Labrador, the lettering from the Red Quartzite is laid out inscription: Lenin. At the same time, guest tribunes for 10 thousand people were built along both sides of the building along the Kremlin Wall.

During the last restoration conducted in the 70s, the mausoleum was equipped with the latest devices and equipment for managing all engineering systems, strengthened the designs and replaced more than 12 thousand marble blocks. Old guest stands replaced new ones.

The entrance in Mausoleum stood a guard, established by order of the head of the Moscow garrison on January 26, 1924 a day before Lenin's funeral. After the events on October 3-4, 1993, Karaul was removed.

In 1923, the Central Committee of the RCP (b) was created by the Institute of V.I. Lenin, and in 1932, as a result of his association with the Institute K. Marx and F. Engels, the Unified Institute of Marx was formed - Engels - Lenin under the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) (later Institute Marxism-Leninism under the CPSU Central Committee). In the Central Party Archive of this Institute, more than 30 thousand documents are stored, the author of which V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin).

And after his death, Lenin shares society - approximately half of Russians stands for his burial on Christian customs (although he was an atheist), next to his mother's grave; And about the same amount think that it needs to be left to lie in his mausoleum.

The main ideas of Lenin

The Communist Party should not wait for the implementation of Marx's predictions, but to carry them out independently: "Marxism is not a dogma, but a guide to action." The main goal of the Communist Party is the implementation of the Communist Revolution, followed by the construction of a classless society free of operation.

There is no universal morality, but there is only class morality. According to the proletarian morality, everything is morally everything that the communist revolution contributes ("Our morality is subordinated to the interests of the class struggle of the proletariat"). Consequently, for the good of the revolution, any, arbitrarily cruel, actions are permissible.

The revolution will not necessarily occur simultaneously throughout the world, as Marx believed. She may first occur in one, separate country. This country will then help the revolution in other countries.

After the death of Marx, capitalism switched to his last stage - imperialism. Imperialism is characterized by the formation of international monopolistic unions (empires) dividing the world, and the territorial section of the world is completed. Since each such monopoly union seeks to increase its profits, the war is inevitable between them.

To carry out a revolution, it is necessary to turn an imperialist war in civil war. Tactically, the success of the revolution depends on the rapid capture of communications (mail, telegraph, stations).

Before building communism, an intermediate stage is necessary - socialism. With socialism there is no use, but there is still no abundance of material benefits, allowing you to satisfy any needs of all members of society.

Different facts about Lenin

    Quote " anyware is able to manage state"It is distorted. In fact, the article "will keep the Bolsheviks state power" (full collection of works, vol. 34, p. 315) Lenin wrote:
    We are not utopians. We know that any black-workers and any cooking are not capable of entering into the state management. In this we agree with the Cadets, and with Breschkovskaya, and from the Treper. But we differ from these citizens in that we demand an immediate break with the prejudice, as if to manage the state, carry the everyday, daily management of the management in a state of only rich or rich families taken officials. We demand that the teaching of the government was conducted by conscious workers and soldiers and that it was started immediately, that is, to teach this immediately began to attract all workers, all the poor.

    Lenin believed that communism will be built in 1930-1940. In the speech of "tasks of unions of youth" (1920) he said:
    And so, the generation, which is now 15 years old and which in 10-20 years will live in a communist society, must put all the tasks of their teaching so that every day in any village, in any city, youth solved almost the one or another task of overall labor, Let the smallest, let the most simple.

    Quote " learn, learn and learn"Not doried from context. It is taken from the work "The Picture Direction of Russian Social Democracy", written in 1899 and published in 1924.

    In 1917, Norway made an initiative to award Nobel Prize of the World Vladimir Lenin, with the wording "for the celebration of the ideas of the world," as a response step on the decree of the world published in Soviet Russia, who brought Russia from the First World War in Separate procedure, but the Nobel Committee rejected this proposal.

    V. I. Ulyanov - one of the few politicians, not having autobiography. In the archives there was a single leafle where he tried to start his livelihood, but continued never followed.

    This work for him was made by his older sister. Anna Ulyanova was older than his brother for 6 years, and the process of his adults and upbringing took place on her eyes. She writes that Volodya began to walk only at 3 years old, he had short weak legs and a big head, as a result of which the boy often fell. Falling Volodya began to beat his head about the floor In malice and irritation. Echo from shocks was broadcast all over the house. So he attracted attention, writes Anna. At the same age, he chlorically touched the legs of the horse from Paper-Masha, and later destroyed the collection of theatrical posters belonging to the elder brother. Such cruelty and intolerance caused fears from the parents, Anna is recognized.

    Anna also touched upon the question of jewish origin Ulyanovyov. Alexander Blank - Grandfather Lenin on the maternal line - was a baptized Jew. It is still so unknown why Prince Alexander Golitsyn, whose efforts and baptism took place, patronized this Jewish boy. One way or another, it was thanks to the prince of a grandfather of the future leader a lot managed in life: education, promotion, successful marriage. Evil languages \u200b\u200bargue that the form was an illegitimate son of Golitsyn. Anna for a long time tried to give publicity found facts. Two letters have survived to Stalin asking permission to publish a complete biography. But Joseph Vissarionovich considered that the proletariat was not at all necessary to know this.

    Someone today doubts, and then we celebrate anniversary of the birth of Lenin. Crvottoles arose due to an alleged plaid date of birth. Indeed, in the Labor Book V. I. Ulyanov, the date on April 23 was affixed. The thing is. That the discrepancy between today's - Gregorian - and Julian calendar in the 19th century was 12 days, and in the XX - already 13. The labor book was filled in 1920, when a random error was filmed.

    It is said that Ulyanov, in the gymnasium friend with Alexander Kerensky. They really lived in one city, but a considerable difference in age could not lead to such a tandem. Although their fathers on duty have often met. And the father of Kerensky was the director of the gymnasium in which Volodya studied. By the way, it was the only teacher who put Ulyanovaya four to the certificate. So that the boy receives a gold medal, his father had to go to the deal: he recommended F. M. Kerensky as a candidate for the same post of the People's Inspector that occupied himself. And he was not refused - Kerensky was accepted for this position and went to inspect the schools in Central Asia.

    Until now, the other possible meeting of Lenin remains a mystery - with Hitler. The game of these two historical persons in chess is depicted on the 1909 engraving by Emma Lönvenshtamm, the mentor of Hitler on the artistic craft. On the reverse side of the engravings there are pencil signatures of "Lenin", "Hitler" and the artist Emma Lévenstamm, the place (Vienna) and the year of creation (1909) of the etching. The signature of the artist is also on the edge of the face of the image. The meeting itself could occur in Vienna, in a house belonging to the wealthy and some fame of the Jewish family. By this time, Adolf Hitler was an unsuccessful young watercolorist, and Vladimir Lenin was there in the same place in emigration, and wrote a book "Materialism and empiricism".

    IN AND. Ulyanov at 21 became the youngest lawyer of Russia. What is the considerable merit of the official authorities. Forbidden to learn in person. I had to pass exteronic.

    V. I. Ulyanov was an Orthodox religion and even walked in the church - at the insistence of mother-in-law. Few people know that in London in 1905 he meeting with Pop Gapon. And even gave him his book with an autograph.

    About Lenin's relationship with Inesa Armand There is a lot of rumors. While it remains a mystery and for historians. However, in the family album of the Krupskaya Photos of Ilyich and Inessa are located on one page. Moreover, the most intimate letters Nadezhda Konstantinovna writes the daughters of Armand. Heself, Armand in a suicide diary writes that he lives "only for children and V. P.".

    Rumors about that. what real surname Krupskaya - Rybkin, devoid of grounds. It is simply usually her underground nicknames were associated with the underwater world - "Fish", "Midhog" ... Most likely it is due to the base disease of the hope of Konstantinovna, expressed in a slightly scorched eyes.

    Revolutionary children, as you know, was not. The last hope collapsed in Shushensky. "The hopes for the arrival of a little mutter were not justified," the hope writes Konstantinovna his mother-in-law from the reference. The miscarriage was caused by the occurrence of the Krupskaya Basady Disease.

    According to testimonies and attending doctors, and the Commission established in the 70th year, and today's specialists, lenin had an atherosclerosis of the brain. But flowing very atypically. Professor with the world name G. I. Rossolimo, examined Ulyanov, recorded in his diary: "The situation is extremely serious. The hope of recovery would be in the event that syphilitic changes of vessels would be at the core of the brain process. " Perhaps hence the version of the venereal disease of Lenin.

    After the first stroke In May of the 22nd Ulyanov, several months returned to the working condition. And in October, I began to work. For two and a half months, he accepted more than 170 people, wrote about 200 official letters and business papers, presided over 34 meetings and meetings of the SNK, a hundred, politburo and advocated a report on the session of the VTCIK and at the IV Congress Comintern. The case in medical practice is unprecedented.

    Still unknown who shot in Lenin. But rumors that Kaplan remained alive, remain rumors. Although neither in the Central Archive of the KGB, nor in the matters of the WTCIA was not found a written sentence of execution. But Kremlin's commandant of the Kremlin claimed that he kept this conclusion in his hands.

    Shortly before death Vladimir Ilyich recalled people with whom he had long broke up. To say something concrete about them, he was no longer able and called only the names - Martov, Axelrod, Gorky, Bogdanov, Wolly ...

    Ulyanov was always afraid to be paralyzed, not capable of work. Feeling the approach of the stroke, he called Stalin to him and asked for paralysis give him poison. Stalin promised, but as far as it is known, this request did not fulfill.

The main works of Lenin

"What is" friends of the people "and how are they fighting against Social Democrats?" (1894);
"The development of capitalism in Russia" (1899);
"What to do?" (1902);
"Step forward, two steps ago" (1904);
"Materialism and empiriocriticism" (1909);
"On the right of nations for self-determination" (1914);
"Socialism and War" (1915);
"Imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism" (1916);
"State and Revolution" (1917);
"Children's disease" Levizna "in communism" (1920);
"Tasks of Unions of Youth" (1920)
"On the fancy injury of the Jews" (1924);
"Page from the diary", "On cooperation", "About our revolution", "Letter to the Congress"
What is Soviet power?

Family tree Lenin

--- Grigory Ulyanin --- Nikita Grigorievich Ulyanin --- Vasily Nikitovich Ulyanin --- Nikolai Vasilyevich Ulyanov (Ulyanin) | L - Anna Simeonna Ulyanina --- Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov (1831-1886) | |- Lukyan Smirnov | | - Alexey Lukyanovich Smirnov | L - Anna Alekseevna Smirnova | Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov | --- Moshka Izkovich Blank | --- Alexander Dmitrievich (Abel) Blank | | L - Miriam Blank L - Maria Aleksandrovna Blank (1835-1916) | --- Yugan Gotlib (Ivan Fedorovich) GROSSOPF L - Anna Ivanovna Grosshopf | --- Carl Renahold Estate | --- Carl Frederick Estate | | L - Beata Eleonora Niman L - Anna Beatta (Anna Karlovna) Estedt | --- Karl Borg L - Anna Christina Borg | --- Simon Novelius L - Anna Brigitta Namelia L - Ekaterina Assberg

In 1990, I wrote: it's time to take a look at Lenin with sober eyes and recognize with antichelovic, antihumanny many of his views and actions. Lenin can not be considered more as a moral authority, the moral symbol of the post-Betyabrsky Russia.

Today in the yard of the 2015th year. I somewhat changed my look at Lenin. Neither God nor the devil does not consider him. He is a great statesman whose role in the history of Russia and the world is ambiguous.
I am against the praise of Lenin, but also against the assessment, what an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences gave him, that Lenin allegedly "shame of Russia".

Cult Lenin

I did not accidentally mention the need sober View on Lenin. For a long time we were literally drunk by his name, his personality. We have long acknowledged that the cult of Stalin's personality was. But we did not notice that I was in life, posthumously continued until recently the cult of the personality of Lenin. Of course, he is somewhat different from the cult of Stalin, not so cynically frank. Recall that Lenin himself resolutely objected to the exaltation of his personality. But nevertheless, he, this cult, is. The most striking expression, an example of the Cult of Lenin is the mausoleum of his name on Red Square in Moscow. The very fact of the existence of such a mausoleum in the center of Russia, on the main square of the country we, as it were, we say to everyone that Lenin for us is the most and same it cannot be (as there can be no two or several mausoleums on one area).

We are essentially semi-gramious Lenin. As God or Holy believers never criticize, and under Lenin, we have never criticized under any circumstances as if he is holy, God. On the contrary, criticizing, noting mistakes and misconceptions of others, we invariably gaze to Lenin as an ideal leader or to truth in the last instance (for example, at a convenient case, it was quoted or referred to it). What is it like not the cult of Lenin's personality?! It is time to recognize it openly and make the appropriate conclusions.

Transition from adoration to criticism of Lenin

I, like millions of my fellow citizens, grew up in the atmosphere of Lenin's cult. I almost with my mother's milk I took Lenin with the mind and heart as the most native, closest man considered him the greatest among the Russians. I was quite agreed with the characteristic of Lenin, given A. V. Lunacharsky.

Gradually, however, freeing from the children's and youthful adoration of Lenin, I became more critical and critical to him, to his separate statements, thoughts, ideas. It was caused first of all the natural sense of criticism that never left me. Then, I always tried to adhere to the Cartesian methodological principle of doubt and an ancient maiden "subject all doubt."

The critical attitude towards Lenin increased along with the growth of the feeling of protest against an absolutely non-critical attitude to Lenin from the leaders of the country, official ideologues, philosophers.

I reviewed my attitude to Lenin completely in the last three to five years (1985-1990). I came to the conclusion that Lenin was a utopian who tried on the scale of the whole country to fulfill his utopian ideas. Frankly, I stopped respecting him as a thinker, reformer, political and statesman.

This revision was promoted by two circumstances.

The first is my philosophical classes, crowned with speech in 1985-1988 a lot called "categorical picture of the world. (Basics of categorical logic) ". In the process of writing work, I came to the conclusion that the main ideas of Marx, and Lenin was his faithful student, based on Platonism. From Plato with its absolutization of a common, whole, lawlike, ordered stretching thread to the socialist and communist utopians of the new time, on the one hand, and to the hegel Holist-Totalitarian thinking, on the other. Marxism perceived both these directions. In addition, in Marxism, especially in his Lenin-Stalinist version, the strong influence of the traditions of Laplasovsky mechanistic determinism, which represented the order in the world like the order in the hour mechanism.

The second circumstance is the publicity of the era of the restructuring, which allowed Lenin to see Lenin from the other side, with the one that we always fastened with us, silent and just hid. Having received the first signals about the negative side of Lenin's activities, I again reviewed the volume of his complete writings related to the post-Betyabrs. This viewing made a coup in my mind. I realized that Stalin is just a continuation of Lenin, and the ideology of the class approach is criminal at its essence, antigumanna As antiguman racism, chauvinism, religious fanaticism and the like ideology, mind-creating, evaluating people on the basis of their belonging to a particular social group, community.

In the article "How to organize a competition" (January 1918.), which cannot be read now without shudder, Lenin the whole category of people, millions and millions enrolled in the category of "harmful insects", "fleas", "bugs" and simply "harmful people" .

A humanistic-oriented person will never allow themselves to be such assessments of people, and even more so methods of getting rid of ("cleaning") from them.

It is not only in the estimates, but also in action. At the same time, when the above article was written, an order of the Sovnarkom was issued (January 21 1918.), According to which representatives of the bourgeois class, men and women were heading under the convoy of the Red Guards for forced work. All those who resisted were prescribed to shoot in place. Representatives of the bourgeois class are mostly mental people, intelligentsia. They are absolutely not adapted to physical work. Make them to fulfill physical work - it means to discover them for unhealthy and death. And the coercion and the threat of execution is the application of a serious moral and psychological injury.

Lenin - the founder of the totalitarian state

In our country, those who stand in power still depict Lenin as the founder of the Soviet state, implying that it was supposedly the father of the democratic state system. This is nothing more than a myth. In fact, Lenin was the founder of the totalitarian state, the father of the totalitarian system, which now in the entire civilized world is assessed as inhuman. Stalin only brought this system to a logical end (as it was possible in Russia).

Very much similar in Lenin's ideas about socialism and in what we call now totalitarianism. In accordance with these concepts, Lenin and his associates were carried out in the post-beater period, the policy, which was subsequently not quite definitely called the policies of military communism.

Totalitarianism carried violence, dictatorship, terror, repression, atmosphere of lies, deception, social demagogue and mimicry, universal suspicion and informing, Jesuitism, the suppression of personal rights and freedoms, antigumanism.

* **

We condemn Stalinism for its methods of total surveillance, for the incitement of universal suspicion, for the hunt for the "enemies of the people", for the painful addiction to the disclosure of conspiracies, to the search and exposure of the so-called "pests". But all this was already under Lenin, only maybe not in such a developed form. Characterist in this respect Lenin's letter to workers and peasants about the victory over Kolchak (August 24 1919.):

"... The landlords and capitalists are not destroyed and do not consider themselves defeated, every reasonable worker and the peasant sees, knows and understands that they are only broken and hidden, they were turned around, they turned around very often in the" Soviet "" protective "color. Many landowners climbed into Soviet farms, capitalists - in different "mastergua" and "centers", in Soviet employees; At every step, they pushed the mistakes of Soviet power and her weakness to reset it to help today Czechoslovakov, Tomorrow Denikin.

Need to track down and catch these robbers, hiding landlords and capitalists, in all of them cover, to expose them and roast mercilessly, because it is the worst enemies of workers, skillful, knowledgeable, experienced, patiently waiting for a convenient point for conspiracy; These are sabadets that do not stop in any kind of crime to damage the Soviet power. With these enemies of workers, with landowners, capitalists, sabotaments, white, it is necessary to be merciless. " .

Regarding this letter Lenin N.K. Krupskaya wrote:

"This appeal to the vigilance of many frightened. A lot was told to Ilyich about how redarmeys were repented sometimes with one specular commander, the fact that he did not like it from the bar, then because of the little things. Others told with a grin, said: "Won de your disarm redarmeys what!" Of course, many cases used to have no vinyl, for which it is necessary, not that vinyl, who needed: prevented the lack of knowledge, old pettectural measurements of the fact that it is good, an anarchic approach to a whole number of questions. "

Lenin - Civil War inspire

Lenin and his comrades were unleashed by a fratricidal civil war, in the fire of which died in estimates from different historians from 14 to 23 million people (for comparison: Russia lost to the first world war somewhere up to 1.5 million people). Even before 1917, Lenin proclaimed the slogan: "To turn the war imperialist in a civilian war!" And the Bolsheviks achieved the implementation of this slogan.
Through the falsehood was the other of their slogan - one of the main slogans of October - "The World of Peoples!" They brought nations not peace, but the sword. He played his fateful role, above all, the unrestrained sermon class hostility and hatred. Articles, speeches, letters of Lenin literally crap this hatred, malice, intolerance. This preaching, on the one hand, charged Lenin's supporters to the most decisive, merciless struggle with the class "enemy", and, on the other, I charged the opponents of Lenin on the responding fierce resistance, to try the Bolshevik regime to overthrow.

However, the main reason for the unleashing of civil war and expanding its scale was the policy of military communism, primarily the suppression of private trading and the privacy. These latter caused violence over peasants and merchants in a gigantic scale, that is, above the majority of the population of Russia. What is, for example, the establishment of a state monopoly on bread trafficking. It immediately delivered outside the law millions and millions of peasants, merchants .

The half-starving existence of residents of Moscow, Petrograd and other large cities was largely due to this state monopoly on the distribution of food. At the approaches to Moscow and Petrograd, Zagratryady did not let the so-called bagpores in these cities. In rural areas there was relative satiety, and in cities - almost hunger.

Lenin: Terror, hostage

Lenin was an inspirer of a red terror, in many cases absolutely unjustified, excessive, inhuman.

Take an example with the murder of the Volodarsky (Chairman of the Petrograd CC). He was killed on June 21 1918. June 26, Lenin writes Zinoviev: "Only today we heard in the Central Committee that in St. Petersburg workers They wanted to answer the murder of a Volodarsky mass terror and that you (not personally you personally, and St. Petersburg cheekers or peckers) kept. Protesting decisively! We comprise yourself ... brakes The revolutionary initiative of the masses is quite correct. It's impossible! Terrorists will consider us rags. Arrive time time. It is necessary to encourage the energy and mass cause of terror against counter-revolutionaries, especially in St. Petersburg, the example of which decides.". Think just: killed one person, and the response to the murder - mass terror! This appeal of Lenin to encourage energy and the mass of terror responded in September of the same year, when in response to the murder of Uritsky (also the chairman of the Petrograd CC) was shot 500 (five hundred) hostages! (See No. 5 "Emergency Commissions Weekly").

P. Fedorov: "In Lower, explicitly, the White Guard uprising is preparing. It is necessary to strain all the forces, draw up the top three dictators (you, Markina, etc.), bring the immediately mass terror, shoot and export hundreds of prostitutes, soldering soldiers, former officers, etc. P.Ni Minutes of delay ... you need to act with might and main: Mass searches . Shots for storing weapons. Mass export of Mensheviks and unreliable. "

E.V. Bosch in Penza: "It is necessary to organize enhanced security from selected reliable people, to carry out a merciless mass terror against fists, Popov and White Guards; Dubious locked to a concentration camp outside the city. "

"Shot and export hundreds of prostitutes, former officers," "doubtful lock into the concentration camp", "Massive export of Mensheviks and Unreliable" (probably also into concentration camps) - these orders are not amenable to any description.

In the same period, Lenin announces a merciless war against Kulakov (read: prosperous, strong peasants-hosts). He even craves their death. In the leaflet "Comrades working! We go to the last, decisive fight! " he's writing: .

In this leaflet, Lenin demanded, wished the death to two millions of peasant families, i.e.-12 to millions of people. Real appeals to genocide! What is the Stalin's here, what is the floor here!? This is all the Bolshevism-communism in its original essence! (Marx also has similar bloodthirsty statements - see about it below).


Lenin considered the use of the hostage method in order. He even erected him into the rank of state policy. So, in a letter to the cure dated August 10 1918. He was the "Decree project" - "in each bread parish 25-30 hostage of rich Responding life For the collection and links of all surplus. " A little lower in the same letter he explains: "I suggest" hostages " take, and appoint namely by moshands. The purpose of the destination: it is rich, how they are responsible for the conference, answer life For the immediate collection and the library of excess bread. The instruction [appoint "hostages"] is given a) the committees of the poor, b) all the prospects. "

I do not remember where else, in which state the hostage method was built into rank state politicians used as a method state Control. This is monstrous! Lenin and Bolsheviks reached the extremes in their abnormalness of the human person, to the position of the representative, the element of any group, community.

Here it is impossible not to mention the execution of the royal family - Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra Fedorovna, children - Alexey, Olga, Tatiana, Mary and Anastasia, the doctor Botkin, the maid of Demidovaya, the cook Kharitonov and the proud lacquer. This execution was made on the night of July 16-17, 1918 directly by decision of the Yekaterinburg Council. There are unconfirmed information that the order for the execution of the royal family proceeded from the center, from Lenin and Sverdlov. We will not argue if this order was actually or not. In any case, the conscience of Lenin is unclean. If, let's say, Lenin did not give a similar order, then why did he not condemn the execution of members of the royal family and the four people accompanying them? Why did the wives of the country and the kings and the accompanying children hid from the public? The other fact is a grave burden on the conscience of Lenin ...

Monstrous utopism of Lenin

Lenin belongs to the number of people who are called "noble" robbers, such as Robin Hood, Stepan Razin, Emelyan Pugachev. Lenin did not take a lot of people for an evil intent, exposed to Ostracism and arranged terror against a significant part of society. He completely sincerely wanted happiness to people and did not just wanted, but was obsessed with this idea of \u200b\u200ban opportunity. The exaggerated desire for something one usually leads to the opposite result. Recall the slogan, hung in the 1920s in the Solovetsky camp of special purpose: "Iron Hand will tear humanity to happiness." These words belong to L.D. Trotsky, the nearest associate of Lenin. In them - the cynical essence of the "noble" robberies.

Quite rightly notes A.G. Latyshev: "Unlike some critics of Lenin, considering today that the main goal of Lenin's activities was the seizure and retention of power, believed that the desire of his whole life was to make part of the world's population (workers, poor peasants), destroying another part for this purpose ("Rich", clergy, free-sisted intelligentsia, etc.). A similar "stratocid" is no better than Nazi genocide. " (See: A.G. Latyshev. Declassified Lenin. M., 1996. P. 9).

This is written by A.G. Latyshev. See the quote below on page.