How to preserve sharp peppers in vinegar. How to marine sharp peppers for the winter

A delicious billet for the winter of sharp pepper helps to give any dish original taste. The recipes shown below in the article will help each host without any problems to prepare an acute and piquant blank from pepper.

In the cooking, acute peppers is customary to use as the main or additional taste ingredient in marine fills, filling soups and second dishes, for the preparation of various sauces, ketchups, etc., i.e. in those dishes where the taste and fragrance of such seasoning is important . Therefore, in the summer season, many gourmets tried to have time to make a blank for the winter of acute peppers.

The amount of spices, salt and pepper can be changed to taste.


  • acute red pepper - 2 kg;
  • garlic - 500 g;
  • salt - 300 g;
  • hvel-Sunnels - 15 g;
  • saffron - 10 g


Pepper cleaned, skip with garlic through the meat grinder, add the rest of the ingredients, mix well. Adjika package into small glass jars or bottles, cover with lids or tie with cellophane and stored in a cool place. The billet for the winter of acute pepper in the form of sauce is ready.


  • spicy pepper or chili pepper - 6 pods;
  • vegetable oil - 200 ml;
  • thyme - 1 twig;
  • salt.


Pepper rinse and dry. Then cut off the fruit, cut in half and carefully clean from seeds and inner partitions. Pepper prepared in this way cut into slices and decompose on parchment, sprinkling with oil slightly and sprinkled with salt. Parchment with pepper put on a baking sheet and bake in a preheated oven to lightweight lifting on both sides. Next to put a twig of thyme. For a more uniform injecting pepper into the processing process, it can be turned over.

Hot peppers together with Timyan lay in a sterilized bank, pour in a herd oil preheated in a sauinee. Cover the can with a sterilized lid and clog. Leave for cooling. Can be stored in the refrigerator.

Ingredients on a bank of 1 l:

  • pepper sharp - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • complies of dill - 2-3 pcs;
  • pepper peas - 1-2 pieces;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • currant leaves - 1 pc.;
  • khrena leaves - 1 pc.;
  • for marinade on 1 liter of water:
  • vinegar 6% 300 ml;
  • salt - 40 g;
  • sugar - 40 g.


To pick up ripe fleshy fruits of pepper, each rinse and pierced with a knife or toothpick through the fruction area. In order for the fruits a little soften and gave extra bitterness, they are recommended to blanch by immersing in boiling water for several minutes, then cool in cold water and put it in a colander.

The inflorescence of dill and leaves rinse and dry on a linen napkin. Covers of garlic clean and wash. In each jar, put the clove of garlic, fill it tightly with prepared pepper and pour the marinen fill.

Marinade to prepare in the usual way: boil the mixture of water, sugar and salt. Add vinegar. Banks roll and turn over.

Blank for the winter of acute pepper with honey


  • acute pepper - 800 g;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • honey - 350 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 60 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 250 ml.


Pepper sort, wash, cut and clear from the frozen and burning seeds. The flesh of pepper blanched 2-3 minutes in boiling water. After that, immerse in a saucepan with cold water and, having a slightly having to remove the thin skin. Then peppers cut into slices and put into sterilized banks.

Marinade Fill: Mix Water and Honey, add salt and vinegar, bring to a boil. Purge oil to pour into a saucepan and warm and warm and cool completely.

In the prepared banks with pepper pour the marine fill first, and then the oil. Cover the cans with sterilized covers and pasteurize according to their volume. The billet for the winter of acute pepper is ready.

Drying pepper is not such a time-consuming process, but requires a lot of time. For this option, the workpiece is better to take pepper with thin walls, the duration of its drying is smaller, and the aroma in finished dishes is more saturated.

If, as a result of the drying, you want to get whole dried peppers, you need to handle them as follows:

  • peppers wash and dry a linen napkin or paper towel;
  • eliminate pepper on the grille or hang on the thread, which is placed in the open air - so drying will turn out more natural, but this will take about a month.
  • for drying of acute peppers, you can use a special electric dryer, while the maximum temperature for drying pepper is 40 ° C.

With the help of drying, you can get a sharp pepper powder. To do this, in the primary processing process, it is necessary to remove the fruit and burning seeds, and the pulp arbitrarily cut. Having dried pepper with a blender or coffee grinder into powder.

Acute pepper is better freezing with small portions of 10-20 g, most convenient to do this using mobile molds for ice. In case you need a portion of pepper, it will be possible to just get it out of the package, and not chop out a large frozen piece.

Processing sequence:

  • pepper pods wash, cut off the fruit and clean from seeds;
  • pad peppers to place in a blender and grind in Cashitz;
  • decompose the mashed puree in the mold and send to freezing;
  • pull out frozen cubes from the form and shift to the container convenient for you (plastic container or plastic bag).

Tip! When grinding in a puree from acute peppers, you can add spicy greenery!

The sharpness of the bitter pepper gives a capsaicin contained in the fetal, in different varieties of chile the concentration of this alkaloid is different. At the beginning of the 20th century, American Chemist Wilbur Skoville offered a scale that determines the degree of burning of each variety of bitter pepper.

Choosing the main ingredient

When choosing Chile, pay attention to the appearance of the fetus: the peel should be smooth and elastic, without damage. If there is orange spots on the surface of the pod, pepper is affected by bugs. When flexing, the fruit should bended, and not break.

There are many varieties of chili, each of which differs in the intensity of taste, color and form. The table below reveals the features of the most popular varieties.

Table - varieties of chili

Bird eye- saturated red or orange;
- elongated, pointed;
- very sharp;
- Distributed in Mexican cuisine
Habaro- red, yellow, orange, green;
- meaty;
- rounded;
- the most acute of all varieties;
- the main ingredient of Souce Tabasco
Khalapeno- Green, as aging becomes red;
- moderately acute;
- distributed in Mexico
Anaheim- Dark red;
- oblong or round;
- soft taste and aroma;
- part of curry;
- harmonizes with rice and bean, vegetables and meat;
- Popular in the USA
Plohen- green;
- rounded, large sizes;
- average severity;
- Served with baked dishes and smoked
Serrano- Dark red, dark green;
- bullet;
- medium burning;
- added to sauces

In large volumes, sharp peppers are dangerous to health. From the use of Chile, it is worth abandoning with diseases of the digestive system, increased nervous excitability, kidney pathologies and liver, pregnancy and lactation.


Most often, Chile is preserved by marinade, as part of which: water, refined vegetable oil (odorless), vinegar 9%, sugar and salt. Sometimes some of the components are not added.

The pepper can be filled with a cold (cold method) or hot (hot method) marinade. The last method is most common, since most recipes based on it are implemented without sterilization: heat treatment and vinegar allow you to avoid the need for additional heating.

Sometimes the workpieces require sterilization on the steam bath. The process is carried out in four stages.

  1. "Bath". The bottom of a large pan is clinging towel or a cut of dense fabric.
  2. Immersion. To post banks with blanks, covering, but not closing them with covers. Pour water into a saucepan so that it hides the container with the preservation "on the shoulders."
  3. Boiling. Boil water, reduce fire to prevent strong drilling, and throw time. Banks of 0.5 liters are sterilized for 10-15 minutes, 1 l - 25-30 minutes, 2-3 l - 35-40 minutes.
  4. Insulation. Capacities with billets flip up the bottom, put it on the pallet and bite the blanket to the final cooling, about a day. After that, they can be removed for permanent storage.

Before canning, the pepper is usually blanched: immersed in boiling water, then instantly styled with ice water. Fruits are softer and less burning. You can do without cooking, then the pods will come out with crispy.

Rules of "Zhugay" conservation

Marinade removes part of the severity of Chile, however, the workpiece is acute. If the pepper is preserved in pure form, it is desirable to use less burning varieties, if with other vegetables - more "burning" varieties. Here are another four items that will tell how to marine sharp peppers for the winter.

  1. Prepare banks. Capacities for storing billets rinse with household soap or soda and sterilized on a steam bath, in the oven or in a slow cooker.
  2. Choose the right covers. Use only metal: screw or sealing. Boil five to ten minutes or scream with boiling water.
  3. Clean the product. Before culinary processing, rinse pepper with soda in running water.
  4. Cut the perchinka. Often chili is preserved entirely, in this case it is necessary to cut dry fruits, but a small "tail" leave. You can also clean the pod from seeds, without cutting, chopping the fetus with rings, straw or chop with a meat grinder.

Seeds and partitions are the most acute parts of Chile, so it can be removed to mitigate these "elements".

Pickled sharp pepper for winter: 9 recipes

Work with burning pepper is needed in rubber gloves to protect the skin from burns. It is impossible to touch the face and eyes, open skin damage to the plaster. After cooking thoroughly rinse hands with soap.


Features. The easiest recipe for pickled sharp peppers involves the use of a small amount of products and is realized very quickly.

Required components:

  • pepper burning - 200 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • garlic - two or three teeth;
  • vinegar - three tablespoons;
  • sugar - two tablespoons;
  • salt - tablespoon;
  • petrushka - two or three twigs;
  • lavr - one or two sheets;
  • pepper fragrant - three or four peas.

Step by step

  1. From pepper remove the fruit.
  2. In the banks fold the cloves of garlic (entirely), peas pepper, parsley (without cut) and laurel.
  3. Fill the container with the main component, trying not to leave emptiness.
  4. Boil water, enter vinegar, sugar and salt, withstand on moderate heat for two or three minutes.
  5. Pour hot marinade into a container with prepared products, roll.


Features. A fast preparation snack that was conserved according to the recipe described can only be stored in the refrigerator. You can close the blank with polyethylene lids. If you take peppers of different colors, the appearance of the conservation will be incredibly spectacular.

Required components:

  • chile - 1 kg;
  • vinegar or apple - half of the glass;
  • salt - tablespoon.

Step by step

  1. From pepper cut off the fruit and get seeds.
  2. Process in fruit with a meat grinder using a grid with large cells.
  3. The twisted product is stirred with salt and vinegar, put in banks to the edges. Close or roll.

The main component can be chopped together with seeds, then the snack will turn out more burning.

With tomatoes

Features. The specificity of the method in pre-roasting vegetables is desirable to use a cauldron or a thick-walled saucepan. Tomatoes choose dense, plums: they keep the form better.

Required components:

  • pepper burning green and carrots - 1 kg;
  • tomatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • garlic - one or two heads;
  • vinegar - a glass;
  • vegetable oil - half of the glass;
  • sugar - two tablespoons;
  • salt is half a tablespoon;
  • basil, Estragon, Orego to taste.

Step by step

  1. To the cauldron to pour oil and fry the cut 3-5 mm carrots with circles with circles.
  2. When the vegetable softened, enter chopped garlic, pepper without fruits, fry five minutes.
  3. Each quilting, spices, sugar and salt with large slices, withstand five minutes on moderate fire.
  4. Pour vinegar, remove from the stove.
  5. Without allowing the workpiece to cool, distribute the mass to banks, roll.

With tomato juice

Features. Another option "Chile in Tomat" suggests the use of juice squeezed out of fresh tomatoes. You can do this using a juicer or scrolling the fruits with a meat grinder and squeeze juice with a gauze.

Required components:

  • tomato juice - 2.5 l;
  • pepper burning - 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil - a half cup;
  • sugar - 90 g;
  • salt - 30 g;
  • chopped garlic - tablespoon;
  • vinegar - tablespoon;
  • pepper black ground - a quarter of a teaspoon;
  • lavr - five sheets.

Step by step

  1. In the juice stir sugar, salt, laurel, black pepper, butter. Boil, withstand on low heat for 20 minutes.
  2. Enter vinegar and garlic, heated two or three minutes.
  3. In the banks to lay pepper and pour the fruits with boiling sauce, roll.

In the workpiece, you can enter a tablespoon of grated shit, adding to the sauce with garlic. Marinated sharp pepper with butter is not only a tasty snack. Pouring can be used as a fragrant spice by adding it to soups, sauces, stew.

With honey

Features. Chile in honey pouring It is customary to serve meat dishes, it is recommended to use red pods for preservation.

Required components:

  • pepper sharp - 450-500 g;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • honey - 100 g;
  • vinegar - 50 ml;
  • garlic - four teeth;
  • salt - 25 g;
  • mustard in beans - teaspoon;
  • lavr - two sheets;
  • black pepper - six peas;
  • the pepper is fragrant - four peas.

Step by step

  1. To put the laurel and pea pepper, whole garlic cloves and pepper pods with a cut fruit.
  2. Pour boiling water into the container, cover with a lid and withstand a quarter of an hour. Liquid merge.
  3. To fall asleep salt, mustard, vinegar, honey, stir and pour cold water, boil, withstand no more than one or two minutes on low heat.
  4. In a jar with a blank, pour hot marinade, roll.

Realizing the recipe for bitter pepper with honey for the winter, you can pour the main component of the marinade without prior scaldings with boiling water, but in this case it will take sterilization on the steam bath.

With onion

Features. Acute pepper marinated in vinegar with a cold way can be mocked with onions. It is advisable to use the fruits of salad varieties with a sweetish, mild taste.

Required components:

  • pepper - 20 pods;
  • onions - ten small heads;
  • garlic - one head;
  • 6% vinegar - two glasses;
  • sugar and salt - two tablespoons;
  • lavr - one sheet.

Step by step

  1. Pepper clean from seeds and litter with rings, onions - half rings, garlic - small cubes.
  2. Mix mix and lay out in banks.
  3. In vinegar, breed sugar, salt, crumbled Lavr.
  4. Bring, stirring, to boil, remove from the stove. Wait for a complete cooling of the marinade.
  5. Pour refueling to banks, roll. Place for storage in a cool place.

To give the kissing, it is possible to close the bitter pepper for the winter, adding an apple with sour-sweet varieties into the slices.

In Armenian

Features. Such a conservation is called "Cits" - this is one of the national dishes of Armenian cuisine. In honor of the appetizer, the grade of burning pepper was named, which specialists consider the best for this twist. Here are the long pods of green, not too sharp taste. In fact, such pepper is not pickled, and sauer, since there is no vinegar in the traditional recipe. Solit burning pepper in Armenian for the winter can be in an enamelled saucepan or in banks.

Required components:

  • acute pepper - 2 kg;
  • water - 2-3 l;
  • salt - a little more than half of the glass;
  • garlic - four to five teeth;
  • celery - twig;
  • leaves of Cherry and Khrena - three or four pieces;
  • kinse seeds - a teaspoon;
  • other spices to taste.

Step by step

  1. Pepper is not washed, lay out in one layer on the table or tray, leave for one or two days.
  2. Wash fruits, dry.
  3. Each pod is to pelt a knife or fork: thanks to this, the brine will fall inside the fetus, and pepper will not pop up in the process of conservation.
  4. In water stir salt.
  5. In the container for insolence, add, alternating with greens and cloths of garlic, pepper, pour the cold salt solution.
  6. To withstand under the yoke at room temperature 12 days. When the pods are yellowed, the conservation is completed.

In Korean

Features. Components that determine the flavoring rod of pepper in Korean, - wage and spicy spices.

Required components:

  • chile - 1 kg;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • garlic - half of the head;
  • vinegar - 70 ml;
  • sugar, salt - half a tablespoon;
  • pepper red ground, pepper black ground, ground coriander - half a teaspoon.

Step by step

  1. Pepper folded into banks, trying to leave as much emptiness as possible.
  2. In the water stir salt and sugar, boil.
  3. Introduce spices and crushed garlic, after re-boiling to reduce fire, mix vinegar. Remove from the stove.
  4. Pour hot "broth" into cans with pepper, roll. The snack is ready to eat three days later.


Features. Green hot pepper, pickled in Georgian, is a spicy, tart snack, the taste of which is Celery's root.

Required components:

  • pepper sharp green - 2.5 kg;
  • white wine vinegar - 0.5 l;
  • vegetable oil is a glass;
  • garlic - 150 g;
  • celery root - 100 g;
  • parsley - 50 g;
  • sugar or honey - three tablespoons;
  • lavr - five sheets;
  • salt to taste.

Step by step

  1. From pepper cut off the fruit.
  2. In vinegar stir oil, introduce sugar, salt, laurel. On low heat boil.
  3. Immerse in the marinade half of pepper, cook seven or ten minutes, from time to time turning the pods so that they will be heated evenly.
  4. With the help of a noise, get the fruits, load the remaining, repeat the "procedure".
  5. Get pepper from Marinada, remove the saucepan from the stove.
  6. Chile get out of the sudine.
  7. Grind parsley, finely cut garlic and celery, pour spices to the cooled marinade.
  8. Re-boil "broth" and to withstand on moderate heat for two or three minutes.
  9. Pour the pepper marinade and insist the day in the refrigerator.
  10. Dispatch on banks, pour marinade, sterilize, roll.

How to make taste softer

To make a pickled bitter pepper for the winter softer, you can give a few days to give the collected pods to lie down at room temperature. Here are three more advice from the hosts "with experience."

  1. Choosing fruits. Long and thin pods are maridious faster, such fruits are conveniently compactly located in banks, and they seek effectively.
  2. Elimination of excessive burning. To remove excess bitterness, you can soak the fruits per day in cold water, you need to change the liquid several times. Or ten minutes to pour boiling water.
  3. Filling emptiness. If I didn't have enough chili to a complete jar, you can fill the emptiness with chopped strips by the Bulgarian pepper of different colors.

With a feeling of burning in the mouth after eating Chile, milk will help to cope, yogurt, ice cream, rice, fresh bread or boiled potatoes. Drinking water is meaningless: capsaicin is a substance that does not dissolve in water.

How to serve

There is a pickled sharp chili pepper, you can use the cheese or bread. It is recommended to add a product into soups and broths, vegetable dishes, baked chicken and meat dishes. The most resourceful mistresses seek many ways to use conservation to create gastronomic masterpieces, here are three of them.


  1. Stir 50 g of yeast in 250 ml of warm milk.
  2. To be confused with a pinch of salt two eggs and introduce a mixture into a dairy-yeast composition.
  3. Introduce 200 g of flour, four tablespoons of vegetable oil, stir well and add 200 grams of flour.
  4. To withstand the dough one and a half hours in a warm place.
  5. Roll out the dough into the reservoir, 0.5 cm thick, and lay out on the tray.
  6. Tomato cut into thin circles and decompose over the entire perimeter of the workpiece.
  7. The next layer is to place 250 g of chopped thinly salami, then 100 g of chopped pepper chippers.
  8. Sprinkle with grated parmesan.
  9. Send to preheated to 200 ° C oven for 20-25 minutes.


  1. Cut up three or four boiled potatoes, two boiled eggs and two small tomatoes, two marinated cucumbers litter with circles, two or three pods of marinated pepper - rings.
  2. Mix one or two tablespoons of mayonnaise and sour cream, teaspoon mustard, salt and black pepper to taste. Enter a bunch of crushed parsley and dill.
  3. Put the bottom of the flat plate with torn lettuce leaves, then decompose with bouches, without mixing, prepared ingredients.
  4. In the center of the dish place sauce.


  1. One or two pods of marinated pepper cut into rings, 300 g of boiled lamb - straw, two pickled cucumbers - circles.
  2. Ten slices of wheat bread lubricate the thin layer of cream oil.
  3. Turn the lamb, pepper, cucumbers in pieces.
  4. Sprinkle with grated cheese and send a minute to the microwave.
  5. Serve, decorating the branches of the basil.

Recipes of pickled sharp peppers are easy to perform. At the same time, for winter days, the workpiece will have to be quite by the way. No wonder in the Caucasus, they say that nothing is heating the body and soul like an acute snack.

Gorough pepper is a rather spicy vegetable, adding sharpness and brightness to almost any dish. He loves all the fans of "sharp", so a frequent guest in their kitchen. Together with such additives, like horseradish and garlic, he will give the dish unforgettable taste notes, very valued by lovers of spicy treats. Why is the bitter pepper enjoys such popularity? The answer to this question gives scientists. So, its consumption contributes to the development of endorphins, that is, hormones of happiness. Therefore, a man, jogging, is enjoying. In this case, the immune system is stimulated, blood circulation is improved, stress decreases, disappears with pain syndrome.

Acute pepper can be harvested for the winter, there are many ways for this. It can be fastened, making the whole or with additives, dry, ferment, canning in vinegar or lemon juice, olive oil, and so on. We will talk about it today.

Pickled pepper sharp (whole)

Ingredients: Bitter pepper, seasonings to taste (peas, horseradish leaves, cherries and currants, as well as umbrellas of dill, basil, garlic, carnation and cinnamon). Marinade: one liter of water takes two glasses of sugar and four teaspoons of salt, put on each liter jar on one spoon of vinegar.


Before making pickled sharp peppers for the winter, its pods are washed, cut off dry tips. In the prepared banks lay seasonings and peppers, which is pre-covered with boiling water. It is necessary to fill the packaging. Further the water is adjusted to a boil, add salt and sugar and pour the contents of the cans, closed by the drop-down lids and assign the container to the cooling. The brine is then cleared into the pan, bring it to a boil and pour jars again. They are also closed and leave for five minutes. Then the brine again drain, boil it and pour banks for the last time, pre-rank in them vinegar. The container is clocked, turn over the bottom and coat.

Marinated pepper twisted on a meat grinder

Ingredients: One kilogram of bitter pepper, half a cup of apple vinegar, one tablespoon salt.


Acute pepper for the winter is prepared as follows: ripe pods of any color are washed, cut off their fruits and passed through the meat grinder, without removing seeds. The resulting mass is mixed with salt and vinegar and laid out into sterilized banks, then close them with covers and put in a dark cool place.

Such seasoning is perfectly suitable for fried meats, fish, first dishes, and it can be added to Adzhika.

Basic Rules Mariny Pepper

Gorky pepper cooking recipes. They may differ by some nuances, but the basic principles of marinations remain unchanged. Mandatory should be present such products like salt, vinegar and seasoning, cooked from fragrant and black peppers, carnations and cinnamon. Frequency, garlic, celery and ginger are often used. Salt is best to take large, since small often contains iodine, which is capable of bleaching the pods. Vinegar, of course, you can take an apple or wine, but the best option will serve as a concentrated table. All spices must be put in integer, otherwise the brine will be muddy. The dishes for marinations should be selected from glass or aluminum, since such a surface does not react with vinegar and will not give the dish of an unpleasant taste. Marinated pepper sharp must "be soot" within three weeks, and you can keep it up to one year. But four months later he becomes a little soft. If the jar with vegetable was discovered, it is necessary to store it only in the refrigerator, closing the caproic lid.

Burning pepper in oil marinade

Ingredients: Acute peppers, spices to taste (herbs), garlic, root of shine, as well as a bay leaf and pepper pepper. For marinada: half liters of apple vinegar and olive oil take on a liter bank, one spoon of honey.


The pods are rinsed well and dry, tightly fold into the prepared banks, shifting garlic and herbs, add bay leaf, pepper peas, chripped root. PREPARED MARINADS: Vinegar and oil are connected, honey add, everything is well mixed, poured banks and closed by dumplings. Peppers are cleaned for three weeks in a warm place, after which it will be ready to use.

The vinegar can be replaced with lemon juice, but in this case, the fucking should be put in the banks necessarily.

Burning pepper in tomato juice

Ingredients: Juice of three kilograms of tomato, one kilogram of bitter red pepper, one spoon of salt, three cups of sugar, five laurel sheets, half a spoon of ground black pepper, thirty grams of garlic, five spoons of vegetable oil, as well as one spoon of vinegar.


Acute peppers, the recipes of the preparation of which we consider today, washed and dry. Banks sterilize. Juice put on fire, after fifteen minutes after boiling, they add salt and spices, boil half an hour, then pepper pods and boil twenty minutes. Then add pressed garlic and vegetable oil, the laurel leaf is taken out. Everyone is adjusted to a boil, vinegar is poured, mixed well.

In the banks impose sharp peppers, poured it with juice, roll and wrap up to complete cooling. It should be noted that in this dish pepper is not so sharp as juice, although the taste of the latter is unpredictable and gorgeous. Store open banks are best in the refrigerator.

The seasoning is perfectly suitable for pasta, meat, pilaf and soups.


This acute Armenian seasoning is perfectly suitable for pickles, cabbage and kebab. Pepper for her take only green, it should be thin and burning.

Ingredients: Six kilograms of bitter pepper, ten liters of water, one bundle of dill, two glasses of salt.


Sharp peppers do not need to wash, leave him to lie on the table for two days so that he will be taught. Then it is washed and pierced by each pod for a fork through. Prepared pepper is put in container, stirred with garlic and chopped dill, poured in advance with the prepared brine. For this, the salt is pre-dissolved in cold water. Tar is covered and put under the press for two or three days. Willingness can be determined by color: the pepper must get yellow.

Banks are well flushed, the pepper with dill is removed, pressed, decompose on the containers and tamper. If there is brine there, it is merged. Pepper pasteurize ten minutes and rush, pouring a hot rape.

Pepper sharp marinated: recipe with patissons and chili

Ingredients: Thirty Bulgarian peppers, twenty patissons, five chili peppers, bay leaf and pepper peas to taste, half of the bunch of dill greenery, one glass of salt, one and a half cups of sugar, four hundred grams of vinegar, three liters of water.


How to marine sharp peppers? The cooking recipe states that pods need to rinse, vegetables cut in half and put everything in the prepared banks by layers. Water is boiled in a large tank. Chile is cut into thin half rings, seasonings and dill are added to it and boil around half an hour. This is a marinade, which we will pour vegetables. Next, three-liter banks must be sterilized thirty-five minutes, roll in covers and put in a dark cool place. Acute peppers are submitted to Mexican, Chinese or Thai dishes together with fragrant rice.

Bitter Pepper with Green Tomatoes

Ingredients: Two cups chopped green tomato cubes, three chili peppers, two spoons of vegetable oil, one clove of garlic, one bay leaf, one-quarter of dry oregano, thyme, major, three sugar spoons, three salt spoons, one liter of water, half liters Vinegar table.


Chile's pen should be cut into rings and together with the rest of vegetables to send into sterilized banks. Next, you need to prepare marinade from water, vinegar, sugar and salt, add spices and vegetable oil to it. All this is necessary to pour vegetables, close them with covers, cool and put for three days in a cold place. Store snack in the cold.

Bitter pepper without vinegar

Ingredients: Bitter pepper, oil olive cold spin, garlic, spicy herbs.


Before cooking pickled peppers sharp, vegetables must be prepared: rinse and dry, then decompose them on banks that should be sterilized. Fill in all the oil, close the caproic lid. Store snack in a dark place. Oil from the workpiece is well suited for use in salads.

So we looked at how you can cook acute peppers for the winter. Doctors say that such a snack is great for those who do not suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This product is rich in vitamins, beta-carotene, iron, phosphorus, choline and many other useful elements. Many are mistaken, arguing that the bitter pepper is harmful to health: if it is used in moderation, it will only have a positive effect on the body. Thus, the product contributes to getting rid of insomnia, improves the condition in complications of diabetes mellitus, normalizes the operation of the vessels, helps to increase the activity of the brain nervous tissue, treats asthma, allergies, epilepsy, atherosclerosis, and even benign tumors.

Spicy pepper (red) has a strong spicy flavor and bitter taste. Conducted by this content in it capsaicin, which is not in the Bulgarian pepper. Some varieties are so burning that with one touch to the pod, you can get skin irritation. Such a vegetable is rarely used in cooking. Moreover, its excessive consumption can lead to the development of malignant tumors, since it irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach. If the norm adheres to the norm, it will also be useful for the gastrointestinal tract, and will allow you to saturate the body with vitamins, minerals and microelements necessary for its normal life.

Preparation of marinated acute peppers for the winter is a fairly simple process, the result of which will provide a delicious snack for a long time.

Usually, the peppers marinate entirely without disturbing the integrity of the pod.

Simple recipe

The simplest recipe for this workpiece does not take much time and will not require any complex manipulations.

And the pickled sharp pepper is preparing from:

  • Pod acute peppers;
  • Vinegar;
  • Water;
  • Spices.

So, at the very beginning you need to prepare pepper pods - rinse them and cut dry tips if they are. It is important, again, not to damage their integrity.

After that, the banks are laid out peppers, covered with boiling water and additives (pepper peas, horseradish leaf or currants, cherry leaves, cinnamon, carnation, honey, etc.).

Marinade is prepared at the rate of: 1 liter of water - 2 tbsp. l. Sugar and 4 h. Salts, as well as one teaspoon of vinegar (9%). Water is adjusted to a boil, sugar and salt are added, after which the cans with vegetables and additives are added, covered with clean covers.

The bay of vegetables on the second circle, leave banks for 5 minutes, after which repeat the operation again.

In the last pouring of sharp peppers, the brine is poured by vinegar, after which the covers are clogged, they put up the bottom.

Spicy pepper picking recipes for the winter

There is a lot of recipes for this workpiece. Every year you can cook new options, but not to pay attention to everything. Sharp meals home preservation diversify homemade kitchen, allowing home holidays to shine culinary delight among ordinary and familiar dishes.

As well as jars with multi-colored peppers, very decoratively look at the shelves with supplies. We will present you some particularly interesting recipes.

Methods of harvesting of acute marinated peppers for the winter have two main directions: marinating hot brine and cold. Both methods are good to preserve the product, but completely different dishes are obtained to taste.

They are undoubtedly similar, but you can appreciate all the nuances, trying to cook sharp peppers pickled for the winter and try themselves.

You can also divide the types of recipes for marinating on those in which vinegar is used, and those where it is not. Thus, this preservative is replaced with citric acid or products that have a strong natural acidity.

This can include tomatoes, lemon juice, red currants, grape leaves. In addition to them, you can add chrren leaves or cherries - they allow you to keep the color of vegetables.

Spicy pepper in sweet marinade

For cooking you will need:

  • Podpick pepper - 3 kg;
  • Candied honey;
  • Vinegar 9%.

Vegetables are washed in water, after which they are placed in banks entirely. Next prepare marinade at the rate: on 1 tbsp. vinegar accounts for 2 tbsp. l. Honey. The amount of acetic pouring depends on the taste preferences and the degrees of the content of cans. Such an acute-sweet appetizer is well suited to many main dishes.

Such a billet can be stored without a hermetic cover, since vinegar and honey in combination perfectly copble with protection from microbes and mold.

Store pepper sharp marinated for the winter is best in the refrigerator or in the cellar. The aroma and the taste of the finished conservation will justify all expectations.

It is important to take into account the fact that all the preservation without boiling must be prepared in sterile rubber gloves at all stages of preparation.

Cooking option with honey and sugar

Continuing the topic of a sweet-sharp workpiece, here's another recipe.

The ingredients are as follows:

  • Acute pepper of different colors;
  • Sugar;
  • Vinegar 9%.

Wash vegetables well, put it in a diplocked banks. Pouring is prepared by the proportion: 1 cup of vinegar is one tablespoon of sugar and one tablespoon of honey. The amount of marinade is calculated exactly on the number of cans.

Like the previous version, this does not require boiling marinade and can be stored without clogging. Banks better hold in the cellar.

Read also, use these methods and it will be possible to prepare zucchinous dishes when it wants, and not only in the season.

Our cooks have already prepared canned tomatoes with garlic for the winter. Hurry to make yourself blanks!

And we collected popular recipes of spins from cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini and eggplant. Successful to you preservation, cute mistresses!

Pickled color pen for winter

This recipe is already based on boiling. A classic and familiar one looks like this, however, in this particular case there is also honey, which will give a sharp dish new paints of taste.

Here is a coolest list:

  • Acute pepper - 5 kg;
  • 250 g honey;
  • 20 g salts;
  • Vegetable oil - 360 ml;
  • 1 l vinegar 9%;
  • Spices (hills cinnamon, carnation, bay leaf and fragrant peas) - to taste;
  • 2 garlic heads.

Before cooking, sterilize banks. Wash pods, cut into 2-4 parts, scat. Marinade is boiled, bringing water to boil and adding vinegar, oil, honey and spices. During boiling, the chopped pepper is lowered into the marinade for 5 minutes and get it.

At the bottom of each bank you need to put 2-3 cloves of garlic, without cutting them. Vegetables are as close as possible in the cans, poured with boiling brine and roll. The latter manipulation may not be performed, since the recipe allows the possibility of storing the product not in hermetic packaging.

Honey, according to the reviews of many owners, perfectly complements the sharp pepper marinated in conservation, giving him sweetness, due to which he becomes tastier and rich in taste.

"Fire Snack"

For all amateurs of acute food, the bitter pepper will always be relevant, and the recipes for its winter workpiece appear every year. Here is one of the interesting variations on the "pickled sharp pepper for the winter."

For cooking you need:

  • 1 kg of pepper;
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • Vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp. l.

Peppers, as usual, washed. Crop the tails and to release sharp essential oils you need to cut the stupid side to a small depth. Marinade also boil with salt, sugar and vinegar.

In sterile banks folded prepared peppers, after which they are poured with boiling water. After 10 minutes, boiling water is drained and poured already brine. Banks rush with hermetic covers.

The result is a pretty sharp dish that will not leave indifferent food lovers "with a light".

Method of Marination without vinegar

As mentioned, marination without vinegar is based on the replacement of this product with acidic vegetables, leaves, etc. Let's cook the bitter pepper in the oil marinade.

As an example of such a method of harvesting of the pod acute peppers can serve as a recipe.

As ingredients are:

  • Pepper;
  • Tomato juice;
  • Salt;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Sugar.

So, how to marine sharp peppers without vinegar for the winter? Let's start the process in order. Wash vegetables, cut off the fruits. Pods need to fry. Juice can be squeezed from tomatoes, and you can take ready, but it should be natural and with a lot of pulp.

It is rewarded several times, strain and pour sugar with salt to taste. Pepper, already toasted, lay on banks and add juice all the time. Purify and sterilize banks for 20 minutes.

This unusual way allows you to do without vinegar, which may like many. Nevertheless, the safety of such a product is not inferior to classically prepared marinades.

In addition to following, recipes can also be resorted to some additional tricks to change anything in the final product or correct some miscalculations.

For marinations, peppers of any color are suitable, and if they are mixed, it will be diverse and beautiful.

Sometimes it may not be enough acute peppers on one or two banks. It would seem that the problem. But there is an easy way: add chopped Bulgarian pepper into a jar, where in the marinade it is soaked in sharpness and will not spoil the dish.

In addition to him, you can add cherry tomatoes, which will also become burning and complement both appearance and gastronomic value.

If very acute is impossible, you can cut the seeds and inner partitions of pods in raw pods, since they are the main concentrations of essential oils.

There are many ways to cook marinated acute peppers, among which the main groups can be distinguished: marinating with boiling and without, as well as with the addition of vinegar and without it.

Recipes differ in the presence of various ingredients - from the simplest, salt and vinegar, to more complex with frying and adding honey and sets of spices.

Marinated sharp pepper is the perfect winter blank. It comes to first dishes, garniram, kebab, as an independent snack to the feast. Spicy taste is saved even in pickled form.

Each blank from Chile is made on a special recipe. Bitter pepper is well suited for preservation. It does not require careful sterilization, because he himself has antiseptic properties.

The simplest recipe that our grandmothers passed from mouth to mouth. The main components can be added to taste: greens, spices, mustard grains.

You will need:

  • 500 g of pods;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salts;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 garlic head;
  • vinegar 9% - 50 ml.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Wash the pods, drown.
  2. Clean garlic.
  3. We bring water to a boil. Add salt, spices, sugar. Vinegar Village last.
  4. Pepper with garlic provisions in boiling water for 10 minutes.
  5. Pepper decompose on banks. Covered to edge boiling marinade.
  6. Roll with covers. Turn over the bottom. Put in a dark place.

Recipe without sterilization

A simple recipe that does not require boiling marinade, sterilizing cans. It is important only to comply with the correct proportions of products.


  • pepper pepper - 1 kg;
  • half-liter of pure water;
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • 1-2 pcs. laurel leaves per bank;
  • vinegar - 100 g


  1. Pepper should be thoroughly rinsed and dried on the towel.
  2. Sterilize boiling water or in the oven cans, covers.
  3. At the bottom of the packaging laurel leaves, parsley and other spices at will.
  4. Fill banks with pods closely.
  5. Boiling water pour to the banks to the top.
  6. Let it be under the covers of 15 minutes.
  7. Brine merge into a saucepan. Boil. Add salt and sugar.
  8. Add to each bank to add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar.
  9. Boiling marinade pour pepper. Tightly spin the covers.

A spicy snack will be ready for consumption in a month.

Cooking in Armenian with fragrant herbs

The Armenian recipe for the preparation of pepper on the winter will delight even sophisticated gourmets. Thanks to a special way of a snack, it turns out tender and not too burning. This is the perfect addition for any dish!

Need to prepare:

  • slightly unworthy pepper - 3 kg;
  • 100 g salts;
  • 2 parsley beam;
  • 500 ml of apple vinegar;
  • vegetable oil - 350 ml;
  • 3 heads of garlic.


  1. Washed and dried pods to reserve at the base at the scene. Fold in a big bowl.
  2. Grinding parsley and garlic mix with salt. In this mixture, pepper should lie for a day.
  3. Connect the oil and vinegar in the pan. Fry pepper.
  4. Finished component Place in banks. Sterilize them in a water bath for about 20 minutes.

Snack will be ready in use after a day.

Pickled sharp green pepper

In addition to red chilli peppers, green vegetable is suitable for marination. This kind is valued by gourmets. The recipe is as simple, but the taste is slightly different.

For the workpiece we take:

  • 1 kg of pepper;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt and as much sugar;
  • 1.5 liters of filtered water;
  • table 9% vinegar - 3 tablespoons.

Preparation steps:

  1. Rinse the peppercorn on the colander. Dry. Spread on banks tightly.
  2. Fill boiling water. Let it brew at least 15 minutes.
  3. Drain the water in the scenery. Add spices, vinegar. Pretty boil the mixture.
  4. Fill marinade into banks, roll out the key.


  • 1.5 kg of red acute peppers;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 3 tbsp. l. salts;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • 50 g of honey;
  • vinegar table - 200 g;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Chile pods need to pre-worry. Dispatch on jars.
  2. We are preparing marinade: salt, sugar, honey dilute in clean filtered water. Boil. Before readiness to pour portions of vinegar, butter.
  3. Pour the cooked brine of the pod. We ride the cover with the key.