The most effective way to pull out the face. Why oval faces change with age and how to pull it up with massage and exercises

In the process of aging, our person acquires uneven outlines: a second chin appears, cheeks, after sleep, you notice the formation of unpleasant bags under the eyes, and the nasolabial folds and tear grooves become more pronounced. How to be in this case? Is it really to go under the knife in the clinic of aesthetic surgery? To date, there is a simpler and less cost way to make it up for several years - non-operational face lift.

What it is

After 25 years, hyaluronic acid begins to be produced in the body in insufficient quantity. In addition, over the years, the ratio of the number of dead cells in relation to new things increases, which is associated with the exchange processes. As a result, the skin loses its elasticity, peeling, gradually turns into a crumpled and dery. First of all, the parts of the body are suffering, where the dermis is the thinnest, the area around the age, neck, the hands who give out the age of a woman.

Surgery to lie down under the Knife to eliminate the age consequences, I do not want at all. Agree that the rehabilitation period of several months and the general anesthesia you absolutely can not need anything, because it is possible to be rejected with cosmetology procedures. And if suddenly, during the operation, something will go wrong, and the surgeon is only an amourous face or will bring infection. Why talked so seriously, because modern cosmetology may well "smooth out" the consequences of age-related changes.

The non-functional face lift is based on therapeutic injury to different layers of epidermis.Consequently, the response of skin cover to the stimulus will be the production of collagen fibers providing tone and elasticity.

Lifting will help:

  • get rid of small mimic wrinkles;
  • eliminate the second chin and accusation;
  • remove the resulting bags under the eyes;
  • normalize the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • minimize peeling due to the fact that metabolic processes will be established at the cellular level;
  • improve skin turgor and give her beautiful smooth color.

But unfortunately, with some serious age problems, cosmetology procedures do not cope in force. For example, very deep mimic wrinkles, widths, hung in the eyelid, distinct nasolabial fold or puppy cheeks.

Important! None of the specialists of the beauty industry can guarantee 100% efficiency, because to predict how to react your body to an external stimulus, it is not possible.

Methods of non-functional lifting

According to cosmetologists, some facial lift options are an alternative to surgical intervention. The basis of almost every technique is the ability of the skin to self-ed.

Consider the most efficient ways.


This is an introduction to the skin of hyaluronic acid injections (recommended after 25 years).It allows you to contain the skin in perfect condition, smooth out its irregularities, remove small wrinkles and give the dermis a beautiful smooth color. As a rule, it will take 1-2 procedures for improving the condition of the skin several times a year.


It assumes the introduction of plasma epidermis in the deep layers of plasma with a huge number of platelets, which is mined from the patient's blood. At first, the person take a certain dose of blood from the vein, and then drive a fence through a special centrifuge. At the exit get a plasma rich in platelets. It is carried out several times a year by courses of 2-4 sessions.

Electrotherapy, or Darsonvalization

The method is based on the impact on the skin cover of current pulses, which activate the production of own collagen. A similar technique allows to eliminate fat deposits, get rid of the swelling, acne, and increased oily skin. In addition, it copes with the smoothing of postoperative scars.

The impact of currents on the face in cosmetology is called the Mostimulation. Under the influence of the micropulse, muscle contraction occurs, which launches positive processes. Having passed the whole course, you will notice how the faces will improve and leave the second chin, the nasolabial folds will be accelerated, and wrinkles will decrease. The only drawback: the procedure cannot be done after the introduction of fillers or Botox.

Laser impact (biorevitalization, dermabrasion, thermolysis)

It copes well with the main task - rejuvenation. Makes the skin of one-photon, increases the tour. Cosmetologists allocate several options for the procedure:

  1. Ablative, Inappropriate evaporation of dermis cells, which, in turn, will launch their regeneration.
  2. Unbelievable When the effects of drugs and instruments are aimed at synthesis in deeper layers of epidermis, promoting the restructuring of the dermis at the cellular level.

As the prevention of the deterioration of the condition of the skin, the laser impact can be carried out only once a year. But to achieve a persistent effect and elimination of signs of aging, it is recommended to undergo a course consisting of 4-7 sessions.

Radiofrequency lifting

RF-waves low frequency affect the fabric, provoking the reduction of collagen fibers.In order to extend the youth, 5-6 procedures per year will be enough.


Due to the intensive effects of rays of light, collagen and elastin is achieved. Allows you not to easily eliminate mimic wrinkles, but also remove pigment spots and vascular grid. The effect is noticeable after several sessions of such therapy.

Vector Lifting

It assumes the introduction of hyaluronic acid under the skin in strictly defined places. Collagen penetrates along lines forming rhombus.

Prices Botox.

Botoululovoxin is a weak poison. After penetration under the skin, it is relaxing and tissue suspension.Thus eliminate small mimic wrinkles and accuse.


Invasive impact method that came to us from Chinese medicine, Allows you to activate certain points, improving the blood circulation and regeneration of the epidermis. Contraindicated in the presence of a pacemaker, elevated pressure and diabetes mellitus.

Nitee Lifting

The master affects the dermis with special threads whose validity is 2 years. The devices are introduced under the skin due to the formation of microprocries, and then they are fixed reliably. Made under local anesthesia. Handsome Oval Family is delayed for 5-7 years.

Interesting to know: The quality of the nite lifting directly depends on the material used. Previously, cosmetologists believed that golden threads were the most worthy. But over time, it became known that they cannot withstand high temperatures. To date, the threads began to produce from polypropylene, caprolac and polyolic acid, which does not give them to deform.

We suggest you watch videos, how to introduce threads under the skin.

Similar non-surgical face lift demonstrates excellent results.

When visiting the Cabinet of the Cosmetologist, the specialist will carefully examine the skin. Proper diagnostics will help the wizard to determine the desired number of sessions. Necessarily correctly answer the questions set as there are 3 types of aging:

  1. Photostation. Arising from frequent stay in the sun.
  2. Biostation. Age changes in the skin provoke internal factors and ecology.
  3. Chronostation. Connected exclusively with the age of the patient.

To carry out a face lift, you can resort to one of two ways:

  1. Manipulation at the level of the dermal layer.Shallow impact on the epidermis is carried out when there are no explicit wrinkles on the face of a person. These include laser, radio frequency and microtonal impact.
  2. Deeper correction aimed at eliminating medium wrinkles.Biorevitalization, injections of botulinumoxin and plasmolifting are vivid examples of such interference.

Do not forget to talk about your chronic diseases and other health problems, although the competent specialist to define contraindications should ask you about them.

What is used

Many ways of facial suspenders without carrying out operations are made in the Cup of the beautician.

This is due to the fact that the perfect sterile conditions and the involvement of special expensive devices that are practically unrealistic to be purchased for home use (and there is no point).

For example, for darsonvalization, the effects of ultrasound or laser will need to be purchased a special device, and a medical centrifuge will need a medical centrifuge to highlight plasma.

According to user reviews, such an apparatus, like a mesonoller, can perform a face massage at home, providing an oval correction. The device is a handle with a rotating head, littered with miniature needles.

His driving on the skin provides microtraums. The body responds to increased collagen generation and improvement of metabolism at the cellular level.

Important moment! If you plan to apply a mesoroller at home, fumble of sterility. The best result is achieved when choosing a device with needles, 1.5 mm thick.

In the nite leather lifting of the face without surgery can be used:

  • conical threads silhouette elevator software or silhouette elevator;
  • thread aptos with microscopic notches;
  • surgical threads;
  • mesoni for Tredlifting.

Kseomoin, dysport or Botox are used to conduct botulinum or botox. When biorevitalization involving the administration of subcutaneous hyaluronic acid, the ampoules of IAL-System, Restylane, Jalupro, Skin R & Viscoderm have positively proved, the price per unit of which starts from 7 thousand rubles.

Hyaluronic acid introduced under the skin is extracted from animal or human embryos. The best option will be the preparation of human origin, since it is more compatible with the skin.

Invasive way of exposure involves the introduction of fillers under the skin. Most often they are a gel mass. The most effective are those that have in the composition of hyaluronic acid. Tools are absolutely harmless. Some are directed to the contour suspender, and some on smoothing wrinkles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Dispositive rejuvenation techniques have their advantages.The most important among them:

  • minimum number of contraindications;
  • a low rehabilitation period, which is limited to several days;
  • lack of strong painful sensations through the use of local anesthesia;
  • the instant appearance of the results, as well as the accumulative effect, which is enhanced with each injection;
  • positive effect on the whole body, because the microcirculation of blood is improved, the vessels are cleaned and the products of metabolism are better output;
  • the possibility of conducting procedures in outpatient conditions;
  • the skin does not remain scars, as it happens after the plastic operations.

Important moment! The list of contraindications to the use of cosmetic face lift is insignificant. The procedure is prohibited during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, during the exacerbation of chronic diseases and the struggle of the body with infections, as well as in the presence of serious dermatological problems and cancer.

The minuses include the absence of a long effect - the result is delayed for several months, a maximum of a year. If you are tightened by a surgical way, then for another 5-7 years you will observe the absence of savings and skin problems. But the risks of complications during the plastic surgery are much higher.

In addition, with a low pain, when a person reacts greatly to the stimulus, some procedures may seem simply unbearable, especially, mesotherapy. But from this situation there is always a way out - local anesthesia.

Lifting at home

Some women and men who wish to make a facelift, do not like to visit the beauty salons. They prefer rejuvenation in the home atmosphere. What non-surgical options for skin impact can be carried out at home: independently either invites the cosmetologist?

Methods for the correction of the facial oval at home:

  • Exercises from the Facebilding series.These are various options for manipulating the skin of the face, the regular use of which can bring muscles into tone. The skin after such procedures becomes velvety and elastic. Small wrinkles are leaving, the contour of cheekbones and sowing faces becomes more pronounced. Want to strengthen the cheeks and cheeks, then take a breath, and then try to slowly exhale the air through a lifted mouth. To eliminate the second chin 10-15 times with the jaw.

  • Massage with lifting effect. Due to the active and deep effects on the skin, minor wrinkles can be eliminated and even form the desired contour of the face. There are various types of massage: Spanish, lymphatic, massage with spoons, Moroccan and many others. It should be noted that the massage session should last at least 10 minutes. To achieve the desired effect, we will need 7-10 procedures conducted with an interval of 3 days. Massage movements in the forehead zone and cheeks must be carried out from the center to the sides. The chin zone is being worked with all the fingers, forehead and cheeks - two, and at the bottom and upper eyelids are not so intense, easily touching only the pads of the fingers.

  • Darsonval and RF lifting.To carry out a circular lift person, you will need to purchase special equipment, the cost of which starts from 3.5 thousand rubles.

  • Various creams that include hyaluronic acid.But such an effect, as from injection or laser biorevitalization, should not be expected even from the most expensive drugs.

You should know:As a rule, the effect of the invasive and non-invasive effect on the skin with the aim of correction of an oval person is delayed by 6-8 months. In order to always look young and beautiful, it is recommended to visit the Costridge Cabinet at least once a year. The longest result was recorded with the introduction of threads - 5-7 years.

Find out for yourself what procedure will give a positive result, it is very difficult. After 25 years, you can make a massage, ultrasonic and laser impact. Facial lift after 50 years due to serious age-related changes can not be crowned with success. Having watched this line, you can try hyaluronic acid or Botox, laser and RF lifting. Positively proven itself tightening threads.

By contacting the competent specialist, you will recommend a specific procedure and calculate the required number of sessions. The cosmetologist will focus on your age, the reasons for the deterioration of the condition of the skin, contraindications and the availability of specific problems.

Do not attend cosmetology-amateurs that conduct sessions at home, otherwise you can earn an inflammatory process instead of rejuvenation and serious complications. In the cosmetology salon, be sure to read the license and ask if the Master has a diploma for medical education.

Useful video

How to remove balls and tighten our faces without surgery?

Today, everything or almost everything is adjusted with the help of beauty enclosures. High cheekbones? You are welcome! Full lips with a clear contour? There is nothing easier. About how far advanced progress and how to adjust the face with the help of injection techniques Elle told the lead plastic surgeon of the Eura Clinic Eura Clinic.

Lion Sotsky, plastic aesthetic surgeon

"The Filler is a filler that doctors cosmetologists today are actively used to correct age-related changes and creating new proportions of the face. Procedures that a specialist conducts using injections are aimed at recreating volumes in a particular zone. Almost all zones of the person are corrected by fillers. You can, for example, increase the lips, cheekbone, chin. Also fillers fill out folds and wrinkles - nasolabial, rotation, etc. Even the shape of the nose can be corrected by fillers.

One of the main purpose of the filler is the restoration of the volume where there are wrinkles. Reducing the volume of fatty fiber on the face is one of the aging processes, so the use of phillers to restore the volume is an effective rejuvenating procedure. With a competent approach, of course.

One of the basic rules in aesthetics is the formation of the so-called "triangle of youth", whose vertices are cheekbones and chin, which should be well expressed. And then there are already solid creativity - as a doctor and patient see the face and what are their ideas about the beautiful. Undoubtedly one: With the help of injections, the person can be made more harmonious and attractive. Partly similar to the work of the sculptor.

I sometimes have to hear comments that after aesthetic procedures, all the individuals are the same. And sometimes it is true - with a mechanical, non-individualized approach. But if the doctor is a professional, he will help to hide the shortcomings and emphasize the merits, harmonize the face and even dissatinate the patient to make another clone.

The most common procedure is filling wrinkles. Initially, the dermal fillers were invented to fill the nasolabial folds. However, the situation has been changed, and the readings for the use of fillers are becoming increasingly and wider. Now it is not only filling of wrinkles and furrows, but also bulk plastics, face modeling. From the last popular directions is the correction of the temporal area, injection rhinoplasty, lifting techniques of contour plastics.

For many years in a row, the main zone for increasing the phillers was lips. Today's trend is high cheekbones. The main method of correction is cheered today is the contour plastic with dermal fillers. Implants cheese applied today much less often. And this is quite logical, because the same effect can be achieved by injections: without surgery, rehabilitation, seams ... Also, a very promising direction is lipophilling, that is, the bulk plastic with its own fat. Excellent procedure - we take fat from there, where there is its excess and move to the zone where the volume is required. And all this by several minor punctures.

The main problem that the Botox injections decide and similar drugs is, of course, the elimination of wrinkles. But there are additional bonuses that can be obtained using these drugs. First of all, it is a lifting. The most obvious example is elevating eyebrows. So, we can raise your eyebrows, thereby correcting their form. With the help of botulinum injections, it is possible to achieve lifting corners of the RT or reducing balls. And all this by weakening muscles, pulling cloth down - muscle depressors. Also, botulinumoxin is actively used in neurology to eliminate asymmetries as a result of damage to the branches of the facial nerve.

And again about the lips. Fashion for unnatural huge lips passed. Now everything is for the naturalness. That is, the lips are still doing, but now they are clearly defined, the correct form, the most relevant to the rule "golden proportion". At the same time, they should not be small. Lips are the same sign of attractiveness and sexuality as chest. They should attract attention, but seem to see them - and it is the creation of a beautiful natural form now and is the main trend.

Of course, injections are hurt. There are many factors on soreness of injections, starting on which procedure we do, what anesthesia we use and ending with a psycho-emotional state and the day of the cycle in women. Botox injections, for example, anesthesia do not require - a very thin needle does not give any significant pain. With contour plastic, the most commonly used anesthetic method is an application anesthesia against topical anesthetics. That is, simply speaking, Emlie painkillers. However, they do not always allow to completely turn off pain sensitivity, especially if we are talking about lips or nasolabial folds. Local conductor anesthesia is more efficient when the sensitive nerve is blocked. Such an anesthesia allows you to completely turn off the painful sensitivity for several hours.

There are general contraindications to perform injection procedures. These are inflammatory diseases of the skin in the field of administration, the acute phase of infectious diseases, allergic reactions to the drug, pregnancy and lactation. In addition, the contraindications to botulinate therapy are pronounced gravitational ptosis of tissues and pronounced hernia of the lower eyelids.

From what age do you recommend starting beauty injections? There are no age criteria. Uniquely similar procedures are not performed by persons who have undergone agents. But in general, everything is very individual and is determined by the presence of indications for conducting certain procedures. The age of their appearance can be very different. But in the middle of the injection of botulinumsone begin to do in the area of \u200b\u200b30 years, Dermal Fillers - in 35-40.

The most obvious examples of the correction of the person with the help of fillers can be traced in the following examples: completely changed the face with the help of injections of dermal fillers in cheekbones, lips and chin.

Megan Fox achieved the ideal proportions of the face with the help of contour plastle fillers of cheekbones and lips, as well as obvious rhinoplasty.

Multiple women wonder how to pull the faces at home and look younger. After all, I don't want to go under the scalpel of the surgeon and humble with the inevitability of aging. Indeed, it can be done without doctors, without anesthesia and without a surgical scalpel.

Quickly pull the oval faces at home will not work. Each woman who set itself such a goal should understand that the face of the contour of the face involves the use of long and comprehensive procedures.

Reinforcement with golden threads, mesotherapy, botox and other cosmetology are effective, but rather expensive procedures. We offer a way to return your youth, without spending a penny. All that will be needed is 20 minutes a day.

How to get the contour of the face for free?

Beauty does not always stand condition. Even if you are not very early, and age has already walked around wrinkled traces of your face, you can literally make the time to start the opposite. We will teach you to do the exercises for lifting the face that Carol Madjio developed.

Why not pay?

No need to pay money. The whole fee for your youth and beauty is the modest time that you spend on the performance of the exercise on "excavation" of the perfect person. Are you ready to give your favorite two dozen minutes a day, in a few weeks to have a tightened chin and smooth neck?

What will the method give?

Sculptural gymnastics according to the world-famous American cosmetologist Carol Madjio corrects not only the contour of the face, but also the shape and size of the eyes and the nose. A complete set of exercise removes bags from the eye and raises the upper eyelids, making a look open. The face of a young woman who does not know either the sorrows, no suffrage, or fatigue, which is what Facebilding on Carol Madjio gives.

Where to start a facelift?

The first thing that issues the female age is the cheeky "balls" and a wrinkled neck. That is good for the cat breed Sphinx, it is not suitable for a lady. Therefore, we decided to focus on the exercises that remove the double chin, pull up the lower part of the face and smooth the neck of the neck.

Get ready for the first stage - exercises for beginners. You will perform a complex twice a day without weekends for eight weeks.

  • Performing each exercise, imagine the stream of energy that flows through each of your muscle, wipes it and makes it strain and work.
  • Attention focus solely on the area of \u200b\u200bthe person with which you work right now. Do not spray on fantasy about your new holistic look. This will take it later.
  • When performing any exercise to concentrate, you must straighten your back, pull the stomach and buttocks and strain the front surface of the hips. At the same time, the static load on the muscles will pull the lower part of the body. This provision will be the initial for each part of the gymnastic complex.
  • Complete each exercise, it is necessary to complete muscle relaxation. It is done like this: as soon as possible, squeeze your lips and sharply make the sound "PFR-R-R-R-R", seeking active vibration of lips.

Exercise for the bottom of the face

The young form of a person is impossible without a clear circuit, these exercises are necessary, so that the chin does not score:

  • Stand attentive. You can sit down, but keep your stomach and hips intense, but the back is straight.
  • Open your mouth. Cover the bottom teeth by the bottom lip, as if the lip is pulling to the larynx. Tension the lip of the mouth.
  • The upper lip must be pressed against the upper teeth.
  • Put an index finger on the chin to feel all the time, how the skin is stretched.
  • Discover the mouth with slow movements without weakening the lips, then again commemorate the strained lips. There should be a movement similar to the stroke of water folded into a handful of palm. Make sure that the jaw joints remain alone: \u200b\u200bthe movement is performed by the corners of the mouth.
  • Every new time you close your mouth, raise your chin about a centimeter. During the exercise, imagine how the side muscles of the chin and cheeks work.
  • When the head is trapped to the limit, stay with a covered mouth for 30 seconds.
  • Slowly return the head to the original position.

Exercise for neck number 1

  • Lie on a flat rigid surface. Strain belly, buttocks and muscles of the thighs.
  • Squeeze the front of the neck.
  • Tear away your head and neck from the surface by 2 centimeters. Make sure that you feel the tension of the cervical muscles in those areas where your palms touch the skin.
  • Hold for 2 seconds, slowly return the head to the place.
  • Repeat 30 times.
  • Perform a relaxing exercise.

Exercise for neck number 2

To prevent the sake of the neck contour and forget the wrinkles for a long time, do these exercises:

  • Lie on a flat solid surface. Hands freely lying along the body.
  • Tear the shoulders, head and neck for 2 centimeters from the surface.
  • Fixed in this position, turn the head to the right and left, it is desirable to immediately make at least 20 pairs of turns (if you consider a turn one way at a time, then it will be 40).
  • Over time, bring the number of turns to 30 (60, if you consider each turn of the head for one).
  • Perform a relaxing exercise.
  • Exercise to get rid of the second chin
  • Take the original position standing or sitting.
  • Curbed lips stretch into a smile.
  • Put your hands in the base of the neck, above the clavicle and pull the skin with a small movement of hands down. Lift the eyes up to the ceiling.
  • Wrap your head. If you feel the unusually strong tension of the muscles of the chin and neck, then you do the exercise correctly. Do not throw a head too sharply. It is better to do it gradually, but you can't bring it to the point when you can't stop the head.
  • Hold your head in the extreme long position for 3 seconds.
  • Return your head to the original position.
  • Repeat 35 times.
  • In order for the second chin to really leave, it is better to do the exercise not two, and three times a day.
  • Perform a relaxing exercise. Save in social networks:

Hello, our dear beauties! How do you want to look at yourself in the mirror joyfully and with pleasure at any age. Alas, if you do not make any effort to preserve the young oval, then over time, the strength of gravity and changes occurring in the skin will lead to the fact that the mirror will look at all the more sad face with "floating" cheeks, lowered by the corners of the lips, the second chin.

Fortunately, these shortcomings can be corrected almost at any stage. And today we will tell you how to pull the oval faces quickly and easily with various manipulations.

Some of these procedures can be held at home, some are only in salons or clinics. The main condition for success is regularity, because it is impossible to make gymnastics for the person or other procedures once once and get the result for the rest of your life.

Diagnosis of problem areas

There is a very simple diagnosis that helps identify the most problematic places on the face, which will require special attention in the future. The earlier to identify such places, the faster and easier will achieve the desired result.

Want to know how you will look after 5-10 years? To do this, you will need a mirror with a handle, approximately, in which the beauty from the fairy tale looked and said: "The light of my mirror, say ..." found? Well, now I will proceed:

  1. Stand straight, shoulders straighten up, look close up, relax. The mirror you hold in your hand, position right in front of yourself. In it you will see how you look now.
  2. Raise your hand with a mirror up, simultaneously with this movement, tighten your head back. Reflection will show you your face in the past: the skin is stretched under the influence of gravity, wrinkles are smoothed, the eyes are wide open, the second chin is not visible.
  3. Now lean, lower your hand with a mirror down, and look at yourself from below. This time, the strength of gravity does not adorn your face, but on the contrary, under its exposure, all parts of the person dispersed, wrinkles manifest themselves, and even where they are not yet visible during the vertical inspection. In this position you can see which parts of the person need a particularly careful study.

To begin with, let's talk about those procedures that you can do for without special difficulties. For example, gymnastic exercises.

The most important thing for a beautiful face form is a smooth back and royal posture.

Skin accusation is connected, among other things, with the fact that facial muscles weaken. Amend this situation will help the gymnastics for the face. But you can hardly achieve the desired result with poor posture. After all, if a person is constantly stuck, then his head is most often lowered, and this, in turn, leads to the weakening of the facial muscles, which means that the skin saving.

We make gymnastics - avoid "plastics"

So that your face is young and tightened for many years, it is necessary to do after 25 years. Doing it constantly, you will postpone the appearance of deep wrinkles for an indefinite number of years.

Since in this article we are talking to you about how to save oval, then the exercises, here presented, will be precisely for the bottom of the person. But it will be much better and more sensible if you will perform a set of exercises for all facial "departments": forehead, eyes, cheeks, nasolabial triangle.

Please remember if you have any problems with the jaw department before performing the exercise data, consult your doctor.

Just as before any charge, you need to make a light warm-up to heat the muscles. For this, there are enough light movements of the chin, move forward or back to them, right-left. Please note all movements should be painless, light, smooth, without sharp jerks, so as not to dislose yourself the jaw.

  1. Open your mouth, "Cook" under the bottom of the bottom teeth, imagine that you need to scatter as much water as possible using the lower jaw. Slightly lowered the head, "crushed", closed the mouth, at the same time raising her head up. Important! The corners of the lips when performing this exercise should be relaxed. We repeat 5 times. Remove the tension from the muscles, open-closing the mouth several times.
  2. A relaxed attachment muscle leads to the appearance of a second chin. With this exercise, you can prevent this unpleasant phenomenon. Important! Lips should be as relaxed as much as possible. Tighten the language and try to get it to the tip of the nose. Put your hand to the area where the second chin can be formed and feel it strains. Repeat 5 times.
  3. To save the young oval of faces, tighten your cheeks, perform the following exercise: Turn the head to the left, slide the lower jaw with the voltage. You must feel how the muscles tighten on the neck on the left side. Now repeat to another straight. For each side to perform 5 times.
  4. Sit or stand straight, lower your shoulders. Looking straight in front of her, pull the lips forward, uttering out loud "y". There is no need to pull the sound, just briefly pronounce it to fix the lips in the desired position. Then say "and" smiling as if someone pulls you for the corners of the mouth, trying to reach your smile to the nape, froze in such a position. Muscles should be strongly tense. They stayed at 5-8 seconds, repeated again. Total 5 repetitions.
  5. Imagine that you really wanted to kiss the giraffe. Right so much I wanted that you already trapped the head and the lips for a kiss stretched out, and he still would not be bowed in front of you. This is how this exercise looks like this. Raise your head up, the bottom of the jaw take a little forward, the lips fold the tube. In this position, delay within 5-8 seconds. Repeat 5 times.
Here is a video with effective exercises for oval and neck:

If you want to achieve serious results, then alone gymnastics will not be enough. Be sure to add massage, use special cosmetics - cream, masks.

Is it possible to modify the lower part of the face

In general, it is possible, only here it is important to remember that (ideally - daily). Of course, if problems are already very serious, neglected, then in this case, the massage is unlikely to correct the situation.

In essence, the task of massage is to improve the blood circulation in the zone we need and adjust the chin line and cheeks. This can be achieved both simply manual self-massage, and with the help of submitted means, or hardware techniques.

Important! Do not make a massage if you have inflammatory processes on the face, the body temperature is raised, facial muscles are damaged.

Here are some self-massage faces of the face:

  1. With a towel. The terry towel is wetting in very cold water (you can add ice cubes there), we turn the harness and begin to "clap" them at the bottom of the face with a partial approach on the cheek. You can do this as follows: Take the towel with your hands on both sides and, as if pulling, with force (without fanaticism and bruises))) Chlock at the bottom of the jaw. Performance time - starting from 2 minutes and more.
  2. Another better effect will achieve if you alternate the cotton hot and cold towels. You can, of course, simply make compresses, it will also give a certain result, but if you want to get rid of the second chin, it is better to still apply a more significant impact on the skin.
  3. Apply oil on the skin and cheeks, it is better olive and make the following movements: on the neck from the clavicle to the chin, along the side surfaces of the neck down. Capture the skin with a large and index finger, plug-in movements through massage lines. Purchase around the chin area and the bottom of the cheeks. Make it up before the appearance of redness on the skin, end the massage with light stroking.

Try not to overdo the massage - do not bring to bruises and very painful sensations.

Masks for suspenders

Also give a temporary effect. But the mask is more intense care than cream, and it has not only pull-up effect, so it is very good to make such masks 1-2 times a week. And before an important event, it is simply necessary.

And here are the recipes of tightening masks.

Yeast mask

Well nourishes the skin, while possesses.

For her preparation you will need 50 g of "living" yeast, diluted with warm water, you can add a bit of rye flour into this mixture. The mixture should remind a thick sour cream on the consistency.

Before applying the mask must "stand out", that is, you cover the cup with a mixture with a clean napkin and put on a day in a warm place. It turns out something like the goat, which should be applied to the face with a thick layer.

The effect of the mask will be much better if you break the face before applying. And then learn and rest with a face mask for 20 minutes.

Masitarian mask

It is done very easily:

  • We take 1 teaspoon gelatin and pour into a small amount of water. You need to wait until it wakes up, after heatting on a water bath and melt up to a homogeneous mass.
  • It adds the sneithing pulp of one ripe (you can even stand up) a banana, all mix well, let it cool.
  • Then, with the help of a brush, apply a mixture on a face with several layers - they applied the first layer, gave a bit to dry, applied the second, so three layers in total.

While this mask on the face, it is not desirable to talk, smile, wrinkle, the most correct action will be if you searched to relax for 20 minutes. And then you will remove the mask with a cotton swab, moistened in the water, and are cool with cool water.

Honey mask with massage

You can make such a mask only if you do not have allergies on honey. For the mask you will need a very small amount of honey - literally one tablespoon. Honey should be liquid.

Apply it on your face with the help of a brush and start easily patted through massage lines. This procedure should continue until white suspension appears on your hands. These pieces of "dead" epidermis are mixed with honey.

As soon as you received this effect, you can stop massage and wash. After applying the cream to your face and neck.

All of the above procedures are home to home care. But, if you are ready for more serious changes, you can resort to various hardware methods for the correction of the facial oval. In some cases, they serve as a kind of alternative to cosmetic operations, helping to restore the former skin condition.

Hardware techniques

It is necessary to apply these techniques only after consulting with a specialist, it is he who prompts which of the hardware techniques is suitable specifically to your case.

There are devices that can be purchased for home use, they are usually less powerful than those used in cosmetology cabin in the cabin or in clinics. Therefore, if you want to get a more serious result from the application of such procedures - contact specialized salons or clinics. There you will be diagnosed with your skin and will be able to pick up.

The main mechanisms of influence on your skin of various hardware methods are very similar. With the help of light, heat, microtoks, or infrared radiation, there is an effect on the deep layers of the skin, which leads to the production of collagen and elastin fibers. As a result, small wrinkles are smoothed, facials are pulled up, pigment stains leave.

The effect of these cosmetic procedures occurs after a certain time, sometimes it is two weeks, sometimes a month. To maintain the skin in a tone, it is necessary to conduct courses once every six months a year. One or two procedures will not lead to the desired result.

Contraindications to such manipulations with skin are inflammatory processes, cancer diseases, pregnancy, and, in some cases, breastfeeding period.

Not yet surgery, but no longer cosmetology

One of the very common ways of face suspenders at the moment has become a suspension with the help of threads that are implanted under the skin.

Using various threads of special non-allergenic materials under the skin, a kind of "frame" is created, which supports the skin in the desired state. Under the skin, the threads are introduced using special thinnest needles, which allow a specialist conductive procedure to arrange the threads in a certain way. After the introduction of the thread under the skin, the cosmetologist creates the desired tension of the thread, which gives the person a completely new form. The operation of these manipulations will not call - the skin is not cut, only one or two punctures per thread is made. But still the procedure is done under local anesthesia. Often, after this manipulation, the patient can immediately begin their affairs.

The threads are resinking and not resolved, it depends on the composition of the material from which they are made. Suspensable, or mezzani, they dissolve within 6 months. But during this time, under their exposure under the skin, a frame of collagen fibers is formed, which replaces the resinking threads.

It often happens that the "gasket" of the threads is accompanied by "injections of beauty" - when vitamins and different useful substances are introduced under the skin.

Before you decide on such a fairly serious type of intervention in the body, you need to make aware that this, a rather complicated procedure must be made a good specialist. All rules of sterility and tools and the room itself must be met, in which this procedure will be performed.

In no case cannot be performed this type of lifting if there are at least some inflammatory processes in the body, their teeth hurt, there is an allergy to polypropylene or on substances from which the threads are made.

Of course, with a positive outcome, the effect of this procedure is awesome, it lasts for quite a long time - about two years and allows in some cases to even do without surgery.

So at the moment cosmetology offers us a large selection of options, you just need to remember - no matter how you do not have a good specialist who will give you a competent diagnosis and advises, which one of all the techniques available now is suitable for you.

A minute of exercise before meal will reduce appetite better than any special means.

You can also be interested

Age changes on the skin can begin in 30 years, so even young women need to know that it is possible to pull out the face:

  • folk remedies are masks, compresses, contrasting souls;
  • professional cosmetics - cream, serum;
  • hardware methods - darsonvalization, RF lifting, laser grinding;
  • salon Processes - Introduction of Filler, Nite Lifting.

Read in this article

Causes of skin sorcement

Oval faces can lose their clarity for the following reasons:

  • Skin aging. From 35 years of elastin, collagen in the dermis cells is reduced, which leads to the loss of skin elasticity.
  • Genetic predisposition. If the woman's family starts early to undergo age-related changes, then the facial suspender needs to be engaged in 25 years of age as prevention.
  • Long stay under sunshine. They dried the skin, it loses moisture and, accordingly, elasticity, elasticity. Solarium is also valid if they enjoy incorrectly.
  • Sharp fluctuations Weight. We are talking about a sudden slimming - skin covers simply do not have time to adapt to new conditions and "hacking out", so they are squeezed.
  • Cutting in the body of a large amount of liquid. This applies to those who love there are salted, pickled and smoked, and then drinks a lot of water. So the skin first "inflated" because of the edema, then "blown away" and as a result separates.
  • The use of incorrect caring tools. The cosmetics in this case begins to "work" in the opposite direction, the skin loses moisture, becomes dry, slow down at the cellular level regeneration processes and the production of collagen, elastin.

The reasons for the sickness of the skin can be in the abuse of alcoholic beverages, smoking, habit of sleeping down (in a pillow) - these are provoking factors.

How to pull the oval face masks

Pulling the oval of faces can be at home by masks for folk recipes:

  • Gelatin + cream, honey, eggs. First, gelatin is dissolved in water - 1 tablespoon per 100 ml, it is better to do it in a water bath. As soon as the water becomes similar to liquid kissel, it is added to it 1 tablespoon of cream (if the skin is dry) or honey (if it is fat), and after 5 minutes - 1 teaspoon of olive oil.

The finished mixture is applied to the purified face for 30 minutes, removed after frozen by applying a hot towel.

  • Cosmetic clay. It is used pink, which is capable not only to pull the skin, but also to level her relief (small wrinkles disappear). It is necessary to take juice from one large lemon, connect it with 1 tablespoon of honey and add clay to the finished mixture in such a quantity so that the result is a sour cream.

The mask is applied to the peeled and sparkling face, it remains in place for 30 minutes, then washed off with warm water. Be sure after the procedure you need to treat the skin with moisturizing cream.

  • Dopey. The correction of the facial oval with simultaneous leather improvement is the result that will be after applying a mask from 1 tablespoon of crushed greenery of dill, such a number of oatmeal flour and 1 teaspoon of olive or any other vegetable oil. A means of 25 minutes is applied, then washed off with warm water.

This mask is perfect for skin, which is characterized by increased dryness, the presence of foci of active peeling.

  • Cuccessful. You need to pure 1 fresh cucumber, add protein to it from 1 chicken egg and 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. The mask is applied for 20 minutes, then washed off with warm water. You can improve the recipe - add a small amount of cream or fatty sour cream if dry-type leather, or honey with a problem derma.

Listed funds can be used 2-3 times a week. You do not need to alternate, it is advisable to choose something one and use for 1-4 months.

See this video about the recipe masks for skin suspenders:

Cream tightening

Cream, tightening facials, should have a comprehensive effect on the skin - accelerate regeneration, improve blood circulation, stimulate the production of collagen, elastin, to hold moisture in cells and so on. There are several of the most effective means of this category, each of which has individual qualitative characteristics.

"Turboslim" from Evalar - face cream

This includes:

  • caffeine - enhances burning fat deposits, the face begins to lose weight slowly;
  • hyaluronic acid - attracts to the cells of the dermis moisture and holds it there;
  • gingo Biloba (extract) - eliminates edema, acts reinforcing on the walls of the vessels.

The cream is applied daily in the evenings, the course is not limited.

Revitalite Laser from Loreal

  • strengthen the production of collagen in dermis cells;
  • make exfoliation permanent;
  • ebid from pigment spots associated with solar burns or early age changes;
  • accelerate regeneration.

The composition is enriched with chemical compounds, so you need to follow the reaction of the skin on it - allergic is possible.

"Active lifting 45+" from garnier

Faces are tightened, wrinkles smoothed out, it turns out to be a pronounced lifting effect. The cream has natural components:

  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oil - nourishes, moisturizes;
  • oil Carite - eliminates the foci of redness.

It can be used at any time of the year, protects skin cover from air temperature drops, direct sun rays.

Lifactive from Vichy

Fruit acids, caffeine and adenosine in the complex have a rejuvenating, pulling effect. With daily use of the cream, for 1 month, the amount of collagen produced is increasing, due to which there is a face and becomes clearer.

The composition is enriched with red grapefruit extract, which removes toxins, slags of dermis cells. But this citrus can not be applied with overly sensitive skin.

For the correction of oval faces you need in constant mode (at least 4 months in a row) use some one of the listed creams. But if during the first month there is no positive changes in appearance, it is worth considering a cosmetologist and change the tool.

Exercises for oval faces at home

Gymnastics, consisting of a complex of exercises for an oval person, can be performed at home, mandatory daily to see positive results after 3-4 weeks.

What to perform for contour

To improve the elasticity and clarity, the contour you need to perform the following complex every day:

  • In the sitting position, standing should be slightly lifting the head and pull out the lower jaw as much as possible. It is important not to slouch, do not climb the back. It is necessary to fix in this position for the longest possible period, but in the first days it is unlikely to succeed longer than 2 minutes.

Exercises for suspended contour face
  • After a hot soul or bath, active patches in the second chin area should be performed. At first, the skin is slightly rubbed (preparation for aggressive influence), after the end of the exercise strokes this part of the face with soft movements. The correctness of the execution is determined by its own feelings - the skin is slightly numb. The duration of patters - 2-3 minutes. If skin covers differ dry, you can exercise with moisturizing cream or any cosmetic oil.
  • Take a simple pencil into teeth, keep it 5-10 seconds, then "draw" the numbers in the air. This exercise is especially useful for the chin - its outline will pull up, even if the accusation occurred because of the sharp weight loss and the "care" of the second chin.

Effective at home for suspenders

For the suspended face, the face at home will be useful:

  • cheek inflation - to dial in the mouth of the air and move it from one cheek to another;
  • lip closing - with a closed mouth you need to push the lower jaw forward, fixed for 5 seconds in the maximum position;
  • "Incorrect" smile - pull the cheeks, put on them with your fingers and at the same time try to smile;
  • pressure on the chin - palms patch the chin and try to lower your head down, having resisted by hand;
  • capture lips - in a position sitting backing the head back and try to grab the top to the bottom lip;
  • lips "tube" - pull the lips ahead and in this position to pronounce all the vowels of the alphabet;
  • inhale / exhale - through the nose you need to dial the full mouth of the air, inflate the cheeks and immediately free from it through the mouth (thin "trickle").

Recommended during the day to pronounce vowel sounds, while cycling all the muscles of the face. Additionally, you can put forward the lower jaw forward and move it to the sides, inflate the cheeks and put your fingers on them, as if you want to squeeze the air from the mouth.

Effective specified exercises will be only if they are made daily, each of them is repeated 10-15 times. After the whole complex, it is worth accepting a shower and work a contrasting method over the second chin area - it will be a kind of hydromassage, which also pulls the skin.

See this video about Facebilding with a selected contour of the face:

His lifting faces in the cabin and houses

Lifting facial oval is one of the most competent methods of its correction. The procedure can be carried out at home (contrast washness, compresses) and in the cabin (ultrasound, vacuum massage, photorejuvenation, laser), but in the latter case it will be clearly effective.

Folk remedies for skin lifting

Provides the face of oval faces at home can be only two methods that "work" on the principle of lifting:

Listed folk remedies can also be used in daily mode, but they must be combined with masks, the use of professional cosmetics.

Hardware rejuvenation in the cabin

In the cabin can offer several different procedures that are positioned as rejuvenating, but are successfully used and for suspended facials.


It affects the dermis cells comprehensively:

  • contributes to the splitting of fats;
  • stimulates regeneration processes;
  • cleans from toxins and slags.

Face Massager with Ultrasound

A procedure is carried out without anesthesia and anesthesia, it has a slight amount of contraindications and does not require a long recovery.


The skin of the person is exposed to light pulses that have the ability to penetrate into deep layers of epidermis and have a positive effect directly at the cellular level. The procedure does not require any preparation, painless, differs in the absence of side effects and complications.

Laser Lifting

The rays of the laser affect the skin pointingly, which causes a significant increase in the protective forces of the body and accelerating regeneration. The laser technology of suspended facials is characterized by the complexity of execution, so:

  • patient introduces general anesthesia or local anesthesia is performed;
  • preparation requires, during which contraindications are excluded;
  • requires recovery period.

Vacuum massage

A fairly simple procedure, which is contraindicated only in the presence of diseases of blood vessels, malignant tumors in places of intended conduct and severe dermatological problems. By creating a negative pressure on the skin, a facial oval suspender occurs. After a session, you will need a recovery mask - the skin is so aggressively processed that it must be calmed, cool before going out into the street.

Massage for suspended face

Massage for lifting an oval face will be effective with regular execution and in a complex with other available methods, it can be done on your own at home.

How to conduct for chin

The most effective for chin will be a towel massage, which is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Mocked towel in salt cool water. It needs to be squeezed, but not overdoing - moisture in the tissue should remain enough.
  2. Lubricate the chin and neck under it with bold cream.
  3. Fold the towel to stripe and pat them 3-10 times the chin.
  4. Take another towel and moisten it in warm water without adding salt.
  5. Fold the towel with a strip and pat on the chin.

Perform 4-6 alternate repetitions. Massage can be performed daily in the evenings. The procedure for soft strokes of treated with palms is ends.

Effective massage Tanaki for the contour of the house

For skin suspenders, a person is used, the essence of which is to study the lymphatic storage system. How to perform it:

  • smoothing of the forehead - three fingers of two hands need to do smoothing movements from the forehead center to the temples;
  • getting rid of edema - indicable fingers of the hands of the outer corners of the eye and the smoothing movement move along the lower eyelid to the inner corner, then go to the top eyelid and return to the "starting position";
  • lifting the corners of the lips - the Unnamed and middle fingers of each hand to position in the center of the chin, click on it and lock on 3 seconds, then, without weakening the pressure, move the moving movement around the mouth.

Snacking fingers are also worked with nasolabial folds, the lower line of the facial oval. It is important to perform naked, move along massage lines, making efforts.

Massage Tanaki has contraindications to fulfillment, so when solving it, it is necessary to exclude them. These include leather pathology, oncology, problems with a circulatory and lymphatic system.

See this video about the technique of massage for the face of Tanaki and Asahi:

How to adjust cheekbones

If you fulfill the traditional face massage with your fingers, then after 1 month the effect was noticeable for cheekbones - they will catch up, will become more elastic. The procedure is carried out only after preliminary skin cleaning with lotion or cosmetic milk, a small amount of cream or cosmetic oil is applied to the hands, a session begins with a simple stroking - it will warm up the dermis, prepare it to more aggressive effects.

The face must be working strictly according to massage lines, pinching, patrass, rubbing - they all improve the blood flow, amplify regeneration, microtraums are applied, which causes an increase in the power of the protective dermis system.

This is an excellent alternative to plastic surgery, pulls the contour of the face literally after the first session, must be carried out by a specialist, so it is advisable to contact the profile clinic or beauty salon. The essence of the sculpture- - development of the muscles of the face through the mouth, the massage of the cheek, lips and the chin "from the inside." It is performed only in combination with classic face massage, contraindicated with:

  • dermatitis;
  • herpes with active rash on face;
  • exacerbation of any chronic pathologies;
  • oncological diseases;
  • infectious processes.

Sculpture-Book Massage

Tighten our faces without surgery

Pulling facials without surgery can be in the cabin with a laser grinding, cryoralifting, modeling of threads and other ways. For the most part, they have little contraindications, performed without anesthesia, do not require a long reducing period.

As preparation for non-operative methods, consultation is considered by a beautician and an incomplete medical examination - measuring blood pressure, collection of anamnesis in a patient about diseases (the presence of chronic pathologies).

Laser grinding, cryoralifting, RF lifting

These procedures are considered safe and effective against the sake of the skin and change the facial oval. It is performed without anesthesia, do not require hospitalization, you may need several sessions to obtain the desired result. Especially effective with minor age-related changes, can be used as the prevention of the emergence of the problem under consideration.

Result of laser grinding skin

Modeling threades

Nytheye lifting is minimal damage to the skin and the maximum face lift effect. The threads are introduced subcutaneously, they turn the connective tissue, so inside the correct framework is created, which "pulls" the skin.

The threads can be applied self-sessive and insoluble, the effectiveness of the procedure will be the same. Modeling threads periodically must repeat, the result is saved for 2-3 years.

Than harmonize the lower third of the person

The lower third of the person can be pulled into physiotherapy procedures.that are used in cosmetology: the result of thermolytic face

Such procedures should be carried out 2-3 times a week for a minimum for 30 days.

Deep peeling

The most often used tools with an acid content in the composition, which allows you to clear the deep layers of the skin and "force" it is updated. Instead of remote "old" cells, new, in which the processes of collagen generation, elastin flow quickly and fully.

It is possible to apply as prevention of the change in the contour of the face or at the first sign of the development of the problem.

Correction oval Fillers

Correction oval fillers is the most efficient cosmetic procedure, it allows you to:

  • simulate the upper part of the face;
  • make harmonious cheeks and cheeks;
  • tighten the lower third person.

Correction of the zone zone, nasty furrows

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, does not require a recovery period, several sessions will be required to achieve the desired result. Fillers are made, most often, based on hyaluronic acid, therefore, after 6-12 months, it may be necessary to re-introduce them.

Procedures to pull out face

Procedures for lifting an oval face are selected with cosmetologists not only in efficiency or cost, the patient's age is taken into account and its overall health.

Best after 30.

At this age, age changes either have not yet begun, or are at the initial stage of development. Independently assign themselves any pull-ups, rejuvenating procedures cannot be advised by the cosmetologist. But the best are considered:

  • mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid;
  • massages;
  • creams;
  • After 40 years, all care procedures are carried out in constant mode.

    See this video about how to improve oval faces in 40+:

    What will help if the face is thin

    The lack of a fat layer on the face makes many tightening procedures inaccessible. For example, massages will be contraindicated (they will lead to injury to the skin and vessels), and the hardware will be carried out in gentle mode and short courses.

    A thin face makes it possible to carry out injections for the introduction of biocoxtereers with hyaluronic acid, overlapping masks, contrasting compresses and washes.

    Home Applications

    If you start working on the correction of the facial oval at the initial stage of its change or for prevention, then you can use the instruments that are intended for home use.


    Its value is only 1000 rubles, but the effect is identical to what occurs after professional mesotherapy. It is a roller on the handle, its main part is equipped with thin titanium or steel needles. It is necessary to pump a purified face - small punctures will form, through which nutrients will arrive in the dermis cells.

    The procedure is quite painful, requires a day for recovery - should get redness, point hematomas and swelling.

    RF Lifting

    The device can cost 5-35 thousand rubles, the effect on the skin turns out to be due to radio frequency waves, which "warmer" collagen fibers and cause them to actively shrink. Such instruments have several capabilities at once - for example, you can make a face massage with them.

    The lack of a home procedure is the presence of contraindications to it. For example, this concerns infectious processes, malignant neoplasms that can be in a hidden, asymptomatic state for a long time.

    The contour of the face can be long tightened, correct, but can start sagging at the young age. Methods to combat the problem a lot, you only need to choose the appropriate and use it according to the recommendations of specialists.

    Useful video

    See this video about the most effective facial lifting procedures: