Swimming as a factor in the recovery of children in Dow. Swimming as a means of rehabilitation of preschool children Health effect of swimming in pre

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

Volga State Socio-Humanitarian Academy

Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports

Department of theoretical foundations of physical education

Course work

swimming as a means of rehabilitation of preschool children

Performed: Lyubetskaya N.A.

correspondence department 4 course c. No. 42.

Samara 2011.


Chapter 1. Analysis of literary sources on research

1 Swimming contributes to improving, physical development and hardening children

2 Effect of swimming on cardiovascular, respiratory system and upport and motor vehicles

3 Influence of swimming in the CNS

4 Positive Influence of Swimming: Hardening of the Children's Organism and Improving the Termoregulation Mechanism

5 Role, place and value of swimming in the structure of physical education

6 Education Children Swimming

Chapter 2. Organization of classes and methods of training for swimming children of preschool age

2.1 Hygienic upbringing in preschool institutions

2.2 Organization of classes in basins of different types

3 Methods of training for children of preschool children

4 games in water with preschoolers

Chapter 3. Research results and discussions

1 study of incidence reduction

2 Definition of functional samples with dosage exercise

3 Dynamics of Growth Change

4 body weight measurement


List of references

swimming preschooler game pool


The relevance of the problem:The ability to float refers to the number of vital skills. Swimming is both one of the most important physical education tools, so it is included in the content of physical education programs for preschool institutions, general education schools, secondary and higher special educational institutions. At the same time, the data indicate a low percentage of children who can swim.

Despite the efforts of a number of researchers in the search for the most effective means, purposefully affecting the formation of techniques of movements in the process of swimming, the desired result is not yet achieved: the educational process takes a long time, the percentage of children who have not mastered the skill of the navigation. This is especially true for children of preschool age, since in this period there are the most intensive formation of knowledge, skills, skills. Global mental neoplasm is associated with this age - the arbitraryness of mental processes and behavior, manifested in the ability to manage their mental and motive activities.

The fulfillment of swimming actions related to the movement of the human body in aquatic environment creates certain difficulties to perceive their own movements and control them. Successful mastering the motor action largely depends on how developed by the student the ability to make the right perception and evaluation of its own movements is as adequate to its motor representations. Practice shows that in the process of learning, children in most cases have incorrect ideas about the movement studied.

Object research:Children enrolling in early early age.

Subject of study: Swimming as one of the best tempering and strengthening the body.

Purpose of the study:The purpose of the study is to identify the strengthening and tempering, which turns out to be in swimming children.

Research tasks:

1. Examine and analyze scientific and methodical literature.

Establish the impact of teaching children's swimming for hardening and strengthening the body in a whole.

Consider a role, place and value of navigation in the structure of physical education funds.

The most effective hardening and strengthening of the body of children is achieved by the systematization, sequence of application and interaction of primary training for swimming and general physical training in water, taking into account the individual characteristics of those involved.

Strengthening the health of children is implemented on the basis of the developed integrated methodology based on the means of initial swimming and exercise of general physical training in water systematized in the program of recreational swimming.

I. Analysis of literary sources on the topic of research

.1 Swimming promotes rehabilitation, physical development and hardening of children

Currently, our state is quite acute the problems of the health of the younger generation, education in children needs a healthy lifestyle, healthy leisure.

In our opinion, among many mass sports, perhaps only swimming combines the possibility of harmonious development of the body, pronounced healthy orientation and important applied importance. According to its dynamic characteristics, swimming is one of the available physical culture facilities for people of different ages and preparedness.

Swimming is a unique type of physical activity. Specific features effects of swimming on a children's body associated with active movements in the aquatic environment. In this case, the human body is subjected to double influence: on the one hand - exercise, on the other hand, the unique properties of the aqueous medium in which these exercises are performed. We must not forget that the water is of particular importance for the human body, which is 80% consists of water (and the brain cells are 90% consisting of water), all vital processes proceed in an aquatic environment of the body, and the first 9 months of the development of the human body occur in Water medium.

Pediatrician experience shows that early swimming training contributes to the harmonious development of babies and has a positive effect on the development of all organism systems: improves breathing, blood circulation, strengthens the musculoskeletal system, has a beneficial effect on the activities of the central nervous system.

Early physical development is a whole range of exercises, methods and actions aimed at the physical development of the kid of the first few months. Undoubtedly, early infant swimming affects the improvement of the physical development of the child.

Swimming is a physical action, the basis of which is the retention and relocation of a person in water in the necessary direction. During swimming, which is a means of massage of the skin and muscles, the child overcomes significant water resistance, constantly training the musculoskeletal system, i.e. A peculiar gymnastics is carried out.

During swimming glands, sweat glands are cleared, which contributes to the activation of the skin breathing and the abundant influx of blood to the peripheral organs.

The horizontal position during the navigation is a peculiar state of weightlessness, which activates the blood flow, developing and strengthening the cardiovascular system.

It is best to start training in swimming from 2-3 weeks, but no later than 3 months, because each child is born with certain congenital reflexes, which after 3 months fade away. These are swimming congenital reflexes, thanks to which the child is able to study swimming.

Parents should understand that the teaching of the baby swimming is possible while the baby did not disappear with tonic reflexes, the stake-fictional reflexes come to shift, and the swimming training is almost no longer possible until 3-4 years of age, when the child will consciously execute instructor commands.

Swimming, swimming, games and entertainment on the water - one of the most useful types of exercise, they contribute to the improvement of children, strengthen their nervous system. Therefore, the earlier to teach a child to water, to teach him to swim, the fuller will affect the positive impact of swimming on the development of the entire children's body.

.2 EFFECTS EFFECTIVE FOOD SYSTEM on the cardiovascular, respiratory system and musculoskeletal system

First of all, the muscular system of child preschool age is poorly developed, its mass is 22-24% of the body weight (in an adult-40%). In its structure, the composition and functions of the muscles of children differ from the muscles of an adult. The muscles of the child contain more water, at the same time there are fewer protein and inorganic substances in them, their mechanical strength is lower. Muscular bundles are still poorly formed, the innervational device of the muscular system is not developed enough.

The child's muscle is reduced slowly than in an adult, but the reductions themselves occur through smaller intervals. They are more elastic and reduced to a greater extent shortening, and when tensile - are lengthened. These features of the muscular system of the child explains the fact that children are quickly tired, but physical fatigue passes faster. Hence the invisibility of a child to long-term muscle stresses, monotonous static loads.

Swimming movements The child performs with the help of large muscular groups of hands, legs, torso, already well developed by 3-5 years. Against the background of their intensive activity in motion, the underdeveloped minor muscle groups are involved. Therefore, for the comprehensive development of the muscular system of children, swimming classes is especially favorable.

Movements, when swimming, are characterized by large amplitudes, simplicity, dynamism. In the cycle of swimming movements, the tension and relaxation of muscle groups alternately alternate, and the muscles of the child are, therefore, in favorable conditions. Short-term muscle stresses, alternating with the moments of relaxation, rest, do not tire the Children's body, allow it to cope with a significant physical activity for a fairly long time.

The cardiovascular system of the child is well adapted to the needs of the growing organism. The amount of blood in a child (per 1 kg of mass) is relatively more than in an adult, but the path of movement of it according to the vessels is shorter and the blood circulation rate is higher. The vessels are relatively wide, and blood flow over them is not difficult. The blood flow towards the heart is facilitated by the great mobility of the child: the muscles are pushing the venous blood along the vessels during the movement. But it should be borne in mind that the heart of the child is quickly tired at strain, it is easily excited and does not immediately adapt to the changed load, the rhythm of its abbreviations is easily violated. Hence the need for frequent recreation for a children's body. These features of the child's cardiovascular system must be considered when choosing physical exercises.

When swimming, the blood circulation bodies are in facilitated environmental conditions due to the position of the swimmer; Close to horizontal, work of large muscular groups for large arcs, mechanical effects of water pressure on the body surface, helping blood outflow from the periphery and facilitating moving it to the heart. The correct rhythm of the work of the muscles and the respiratory authorities also has a beneficial effect on the activities of the cardiovascular system.

Since the physical activity on the heart during swimming is possible to randomly dose, swimming is one of the effective types of medical physical culture, contributing to the development and health promotion of those who have been weakened by cardiac activity.

Child respiration organs have their own characteristics: the narrowness of the respiratory tract, tenderness and lightness of the mucous membranes, an abundance of mucous membranes and the walls of the respiratory tract of blood and lymphatic vessels. This determines the facilitated penetration of infection into respiratory organs, contributes to the emergence of inflammatory processes of respiratory tract and irritation from overly dry air, especially indoors.

People who are systematically engaged in swimming are developed by respiratory muscles and respiratory organs, there is a good respiratory consistency with movements. When swimming, a person breathes clean, devoid of dust and sufficiently moisturized air. When inhaling, during swimming, the respiratory muscles carry additional load due to the need to overcome the resistance of the water, the necessary effort is performed and when exhaled into water. Due to the strengthened activity, the respiratory muscles are strengthened and develop, the mobility of the chest is improved, the life capacity of the lungs increases. Systematic swimming classes, bathing is favorably reflected on the development of preschoolers respiratory bodies.

The musculoskeletal system of the child is in the formation stage. Therefore, the spine in the child is soft, elastic, natural curvatures are not yet fixed and straightened in the lying position. In view of such an advantage, it is easily subjected to abnormal bends, which can then gain themselves, form deformation. When swimming, the lifting force of water that supports the child on the surface, as if facilitates the body, so the pressure on the skeleton support apparatus is reduced, especially on the spine. In this regard, swimming is an effective means of strengthening the skeleton, actively used as a corrective (correct defects).

In view of the age weakness of the binder muscular apparatus and the unfinished process of the child's stop of the child is easily exposed to deformation, as a result often develops flatfoot. It can be caused by excessive load on the foot or incorrect distribution of it on the internal and outdoor stops of the stop. A large dynamic work of legs in a unwitting position when swimming has a strengthening effect on the formation of a pediatric foot, helps to prevent the disease with flat-grade.

In medicinal gymnastics, swimming is becoming more widely used as a means for the prevention and treatment of various violations in the posture of children, such as scoliosis, kyphosis (changes in the normal form of the spine), as well as the turns of the joints and various consequences of children's paralysis (poliomyelitis).

In the process of swimming, coordination is developing, the rhythm of the movements necessary for any motor activity and all the vital manifestations of the children's body. However, the assimilation of a certain rhythm of movements is a rather difficult task for preschoolers. The development of rhythmic movement skills occurs in a variety of organized and independent activities of children. But swimming especially effectively contributes to the development of the rhythm of movements from preschoolers, and thereby improving the activities of all systems of the children's body.

1.3 Effect of exercise swimming on the central nervous system

The central nervous system is intensively developing in the first three years of the child's life. Already at 2-2.5 years, the overall picture of the structure of the brain in children differs little from the structure of such in an adult. The cerebral cells of the cerebral of children have a great ability to fix and hold the established adaptive links. The high plasticity of the cerebral cortex in childhood largely determines the ability of the child to relatively light development of new movements.

Up to 6 years old in a child in the activities of the central nervous system, the processes of excitation are still dominated over the braking processes, therefore, as a rule, the preschooler is very moving, its movements are fast, impulsive, attention is unstable. The child of the preschool age is characterized by a tendency to imitation. In this regard, teaching children movements should be founded on a visual show. At the same time, in preschool age, there is an active speech mastering. Therefore, the explanation for learning movements is of great importance.

In 5-6 years, children are well mastered and perform various arbitrary movements. However, they still have some non-possession of complex motor actions due to the slow concentration of braking, there is a weak ability to analyze muscle stresses, inaccuracy of response movements to complex stimuli, etc. In this regard, the movements of preschoolers are often inaccurate, indiscriminate, uneconomical, accompanied by involving unnecessary muscle groups, a significant increase in the activities of cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

In children under 7 years of age, the properties of the central nervous system are such that they quickly get tired, but also quickly rest, therefore large short-term loads with frequent interruptions are allowed in teaching preschoolers swimming. Children more tires monotonous activity, requiring great accuracy of movements.

4 positive influence of swimming: hardening the body of children and improving the mechanism of thermoregulation, improving immunological properties

Early swimming is a wonderful incentive to the active development of the baby, affects almost all organs and systems of the children's body. This is a universal means of hardening, physical development, upbringing. It is known that the heat capacity of the water is almost 28 times higher than the heat capacity, the human body loses in water 30 times more heat than in the air. It is for this reason that water procedures are a very strong hardening agent. Swimming increases the resistance of the body to sharp respiratory diseases. It is noticed that if the "floating" babies still arise at ARZ, then they have a lighter current, minimal duration and less frequently develop complications.

Proper physical education of the child is unthinkable without hardening its body. The most effective tempered means are air, sun, water. The most effective is hardening with water. It is easily differentiated - according to strength and duration due to various methods of water use of the required temperature - when distributing, dilated, bathing. Particularly effective bathing, swimming, as they combine the effect on the body of a child of water, air, sunlight and accompanied by movement.

To achieve a useful effect of hardening and strengthening the body, several rules must be observed:

· Classes should be carried out regularly, otherwise the impact effect will decrease;

· I will not allow the large difference in Tempirators, as a result of which there is a high probability of catching cold;

· It is necessary to increase the time of time depending on the skills acquired.

.5 role, place and value of navigation in the structure of physical education

The means of physical education includes hygienic factors, natural forces of nature, exercise. The physical development of a person also has the influence of various movements that are included in various types of activities (such as labor, etc.), unconditional reflexes, massage.

The full solution of the problems of physical education is achieved only with the comprehensive application of all means, since each of them affects the body in different ways.

Hygienic factors (occupation, recreation, sleep and nutrition, room hygiene, platforms, clothing, shoes, physical investigation, etc.) increase the effectiveness of the impact of physical exercises on the body. If the exercises are carried out in a pure, light room, then children have positive emotions, efficiency increases, the development of these exercises and the development of physical qualities is facilitated.

Hygienic factors have independent meaning: they contribute to the normal operation of all organs and systems. For example, benign and regular nutrition provides timely delivery to all organs of the necessary nutrients, promotes the normal growth and development of the child, and also positively affects the activities of the digestive system and prevents its illness. Normal sleep provides rest and improves the working capacity of the nervous system. Proper lighting warns the occurrence of eye diseases (myopia, etc.) and creates the most favorable conditions for the orientation of children in space. Clean the premises, physical education equipment, equipment, toys, attributes, as well as clothes, shoes, the body of children serves as disease prevention. Compliance with the regime of the day teach children to organize, discipline.

Natural forces of nature (sun, air, water) enhance the effectiveness of the effect of physical exercises on the child's body. During the exercise of physical exercises in air, with solar radiation in children there are positive emotions, the oxygen is more absorbed, the metabolism is increasing, the functionality of all organs and systems increases. The sun, air and water are used to harde the body to increase the adaptability of the body to elevated and reduced temperatures. As a result, the thermorerature regulatory apparatus and the human body acquires the ability to respond in a timely manner to sharp and rapid changes in meteorological factors. At the same time, the combination of natural forces of nature with exercise increases the effect of hardening. Natural forces of nature are used as an independent means. Water is used to purify the skin from contamination, to expand and narrowing its blood vessels, mechanical impact on the human body. The air of forests, gardens, parks containing special substances (phytoncides) contributes to the destruction of microbes, enriches blood oxygen. The sun's rays favors the deposition of vitamin C under the skin, protect a person from diseases. It is important to apply all the natural forces of nature, most appropriately combining them.

Exercise is a specific means of physical education used for solving wellness, educational and educational tasks. Therefore, exercise is widely used in different periods of human life.

Movements in various activities have a positive effect on the child's body, if the correct posture is observed, as well as the dosage of physical exertion.

Of all cyclic sports, swimming is different from others that they can do almost from birth. And at the same time, many older children, teenagers, boys and even adults in our country or do not know how to swim or move in water incorrectly, without feeling sufficient loads, and therefore flooding without much health benefits.

Swimming, like other cyclic exercises, has a beneficial effect on the SCC, contributing to an increase in its power, efficiency, vital activity. With systematic sessions, the thermoregulation is improved, the intensity of blood flow increases, heart muscles are strengthened. Gas exchange is improved, which is very important for the full development of the growing organism. (But all this, of course, only with a fairly loyal swimming technique and proper breathing.) Moderate swimming loads have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, "removing" fatigue, improving sleep and improving performance.

Swimming can be effectively used for warning and even treating quite common among modern children and adolescents of posture and shortness dishellion. So. When swimming, the brass is straightened by spine. And in adolescents floating freestyle, high growth rates are usually marked.

.6 Education Children Swimming

Now there is the possibility of mass learning to swim the kids in almost every family - in a home bath, and year-round, without breaks. And this opportunity should be used to fully. The child is 1-2 years old, not to mention the chest children, the "home basin" is quite enough so that it is harmoniously developed physically, grew up healthy and hardened, disciplined and acquired the necessary skills for the subsequent development of sports swimming in the kindergarten basin, secondary school or any other.

So on (Fig. 1) and (Fig. 2) shown as the teaching of young children to swim in the conditions of children's clinic.

Fig. 1. Training of infants swimming in the chest

Fig. 2. Training of infants swimming on the back

But even if for any reason the child was not taught from his breastside, then in a year old, it will make it harder, but the child's most anatomical and physiological features contribute to the development of movements in water: its proportion is less than in an adult, so it is much easier And better (more stable) rests on the water; The body has a well-streaming form; The mobility of the joints and the ligament apparatus allows you to successfully develop a variety of movements. The child begins to speak - his vocabulary for two years is 220-400 words, he understands much more. He is already fluently crawling, turns away from the back on his stomach and vice versa, lying on his stomach, lifts a torso, leaning on his hands, independently moves from the position lying to the sitting position and on the contrary, walks on all fours, begins to walk (first in the lateral direction), climbs Lestenka on a small height, can independently lit up for a bench, break into the hoop.

Active movements strengthen the muscular and cardiovascular system of the child; Moreover, the development of movements is directly dependent on the external environment. Thus, classes in water and the performance of various movements associated with overcoming its resistance is the most important factor in the harmonious development of the baby. Horizontal position, a peculiar state of aqueous weightlessness, activates the bloodstream to working muscles, which contributes to their development and strengthens the cardiovascular system. This is a swimmer working pose, its initial position for the subsequent fulfillment of swimming movements.

Especially it should be said about breathing. At this age, the child's breathing is frequent and superficial, which is explained by the great need of an organism in oxygen and in connection with this intense work of the respiratory unit. Staying in water, performing various movements, exhalations into water, breathing delay during dives develop and strengthen the breathing apparatus.

Wellness, therapeutic and hygienic meaning of swimming in a person's life, and especially a child, it is difficult to overestimate. According to experts, dosage classes in swimming contribute to the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system: ischemia, angina, myocarditis, neuroses, etc.

During swimming, a person overcomes considerable water resistance, all muscle groups are constantly trains (including very small), radically contributing to the elimination of various posture defects and liquidation of flatfoot. The constant swimming and swimming harness the body, form persistent immunity not only for colds, but also to some infectious diseases. And here the temperature factor is decisive.

Due to the permanent overcoming of water resistance and its large density, the implementation of inhalation and exhalation during a novice swimming is difficult, and it has to make additional efforts to promote the strengthening of the lungs, bronchi, vessels, as well as intercostal muscles. As one of the ways are mastered, the breathing becomes natural, familiar, and an increase in the speed of swimming contributes to further training of breathing apparatus.

When swimming with sports methods, movements are performed with a large amplitude, with the participation of large muscular groups and, as already noted, with a significant water resistance. Thus, the systematic performance of exercises in water develops coordination and accuracy of movements, flexibility and strength, and overcoming in an accelerated pace first small segments, and then, as it prepared, medium and long distances it helps the development of speed and endurance. The cyclicity of movements inherent in swimming as the type of sport, not only harmoniously develops the proprietary machine, but also forms rhythmic deep breathing.

The process of teaching children's swimming of 1-2 years, if we build it methodically correctly (which provides for a consistent study of exercises based on the natural growth and development of the child, as well as its motor preparedness), contributes not only to hardening, the formation of skills that make up the basis for the study of methods of movement in water , but also in connection with this formation of the main movements. For example, at 12-18 months, the child begins to walk on its own and quite quickly - this is how such a walking helps him to keep the balance. However, the toddler's legs are still bent in her knees, tilted torso forward, - hence the short and uneven step, extra movements. Performing walking in the home pool (in lightweight conditions), the child develops these movements and thus improves walking skill.

Sometimes you have to hear that at the age of 3-5 years, the child is afraid of water and therefore it allegedly needs a complex of preliminary exercises to eliminate the water-visa. According to the perennial observations of the author, such children at the specified age are quite a bit; The survey of coaches working with this contingent showed that they are not more than 5%.

Thus, the analysis of these literature testifies to the relevance of the problem of optimizing the training process in swimming.

II. Organization and methods of research

.1 hygienic education in preschool institutions

Hygienic education and teaching of children, the formation of their personal and public hygiene skills plays a crucial role in health care, contributes to the correct behavior in everyday life, public places, has a positive impact on the results of many types of their activities in the preschool institution and at home.

Hygienic education in a preschool institution should be an integral part of the educational and educational process and the implementation of all forms of physical culture and recreational work. It accompanies every moment of the child's life - morning gymnastics, training sessions, food, sleep, walk, etc. Hygienic skills are especially necessary for the child when preparing for swimming and in the learning process.

When teaching swimming in children, water treatment habits are formed and fixed, the need for them is a positive attitude towards them, the ability to independently carry out the necessary actions related to the use of water procedures. And in this regard, the hygienic skills become more durable - cleanness, accuracy.

First, the children (first younger group) teach to the fulfillment of the simplest rules - wash your hands after all pollution, games, walks, after using the toilet and before meals. When visiting the pool of children of the third year of life, you need to learn to use individual toiletries: With the help of adults, they should be able to wipe dry, change clothes, carefully fold their belongings necessary for classes in the pool, do not forget to clean them after graduation.

At an older age (the second younger group) continue to educate personal hygiene skills, but more and more attract children to their independent fulfillment.

To successfully conduct swimming classes, it is necessary to continue to form, fix and improve the skills and skills and skills to undress themselves and dress, observing a certain sequence, carefully fold or hang your clothes, put shoes in place. You need to remind you to children washing rules under the shower before swimming, help them in this, to teach them on their own, dry and comb hair.

In the middle group, all hygiene procedures children must be gequently made without adults, consciously.

In the older group, children should be able to be able to wash under the shower without the help of adults, thoroughly wash the most sweating hidden parts of the body, especially crotch. If necessary, children should be able to help each other while washing under the shower (wash the back), when dressing and collecting things. It should be achieved from children carefully, in a certain sequence to wipe - first wipe the head and face, then neck, ears, hands, torso, legs.

In the preparatory school, the children must independently comply with all hygienic rules both in everyday life and in swimming classes. Children 6-7 years old without reminders, but when monitoring adults, it should be able to correctly and quickly undress and dress, carefully fold things, put the shoes in place, notice and independently eliminate the disorder in their appearance, in clothes and help in this comrade.

The educator must be remembered that it is necessary to achieve good results in education in children of strong personal hygiene skills and performing elementary rules of public hygiene (not to sift, do not pack furniture, walls; wipe foot at the entrance to the room), in educating culture of behavior, organization and discipline Only with the constancy of the claims and the creation of a favorable hygienic environment to perform them. It is especially important that those surrounding children adults themselves were clean, understood the importance of health hygiene. It is also important that the hygienic skills are fixed in the family, and for this IV kindergarten, and in the family, uniform requirements should be placed in the family.

2.2 Organization of classes in basins of different types

Availability indoor pool in the pre-school building Creates the opportunity to attract all children to swimming, starting with younger age. At the same time, the necessary conditions for the life of children in the garden should be provided, medical and pedagogical control over the upbringing and health of each child, taking into account its individual psycho-physiological characteristics.

Children's teaching in kindergarten is a number of interrelated processes, complex in the organizational and methodological plan.

Let us follow the preparation of children of one of the older groups to go swimming when it is organized, for example, before lunch. Children must come to the pool strictly according to the schedule, so the educator leads them in a timely manner from the site to the room (if they were on a walk) so that they managed to remove clothing from themselves and remained only in shorts and shirts. The most comfortable clothing for children on the way to the pool from the group and back - elongated bathrobes or capes with a hood from flannel, terry fabric. On the legs in children - only socks and easily removable slippers. (It is necessary that all children have triggered nails on legs and hands.)

Prepared to the lesson, the first subgroup of children, taking bathing accessories, accompanied by an assistant teacher goes to the pool. They are met by a swimming teacher. If there is a room next to the pool for "dry swimming", it spends a complex of preparatory exercises there (for 5-6 minutes). If there is no such room, the exercises can be carried out in the physical building or on the bypass tracks of the pool.

Then children go to the edible at the pool under the supervision of the teacher and the assistant caregiver, and back. The path from kindergarten to the pool and back should not exceed 30-40 minutes. All the time spent on the road and classes should be no more than 1 hour 20 minutes - 1 h 40 min. It is desirable that the distance of the walking distance to the pool amounted to approximately 500-800 m.

The educator checks in advance the presence of all the necessary bathing supplies in children, clarifies with a nurse, how many children can do in the pool in the pool. If someone will be removed from swimming, the teacher should leave the child in kindergarten in parallel or adjacent to the age group.

The transition from kindergarten to the pool complements the stay of children in the air. At this time, the educator can observe with children in nature, to note the state of the weather, to draw the attention of children to the house under construction, to pass by urban transport by the city transport, remind the rules of transition through lively areas of the road, etc.

At the coming to the basic kindergarten, children remove the upper clothes, street shoes, converted into replacement shoes that bring with them, and go to the pool room. In the seminal pool, children under the supervision of the educator, a swimming teacher, nurses of the pool undress, be sure to visit the toilet, wash under the shower and are sent to the pool, where the teacher is conducted with Nidsh.

After class, the teacher monitors that children, having accepted the souls, especially thoroughly wiped out and rubbed a towel, reminds that it is necessary to wipe the ears well, and then dry your hair. He explains to children that it is necessary to do not be cold when leaving the street.

From the pool, children go to the separable for outerwear, first converted, put the replaceable shoes into a separate package, and then in the same bag in which bathing facilities are born. The tutor does not hurry children when dressing, gives them the opportunity to relax a little after swimming, checks, everyone is well dried hair. Making sure that all the children got dressed, knit caps, scarves, fastened the coat, coming out with them to the street.

If swimming classes are held before breakfast, parents can bring children at the appointed time in the pool. We swim in the second half of the day from 16 h 30 min to 17 h 30 min Parents can take home straight from the pool. The rest of the groups are returned to kindergarten.

When drafting the course of children's swimming pool in the basin of the basic pre-school institution, some changes are allowed (see section "Place a swimming time in the day").

In practice, a number of kindergartens of different cities of the country have accumulated positive experience in children's swimming in swimming pools of cultural and sports complexes and sports societies. To work with preschoolers, as a rule, small baths are provided, the so-called "frogs", but often classes are carried out and in baths of 25.0 x 12.5 m in the shallow part: the place for children is distinguished, the pool is distinguished by the separation path across. A visit to such pools with preschoolers is possible only if there are specially designated premises (serial, shower, toilet), drying devices, as well as conditions that meet sanitary and hygienic requirements. To visit the children of the pool in the sports complex should be the resolution of SanEpidstation (urban or district).

When you turn on, some changes are made to swimming classes in it. However, the regime should be compiled so as to provide sufficient stay of children in air, the full conduct of general education, food, sleep, all other forms of physical culture and educational work. Necessarily takes into account the time of food intake. Swimming classes should take place no earlier than 40 minutes after meals and no later than 1.5-2 hours before night's sleep.

It is most advisable to conduct classes in the next intervals:

in the morning before breakfast - from 7 h 30 min to 8 h 30 min;

after breakfast - from 9 h 30 min to 12 h 30 min;

after daytime sleep - from 15 h 30 min to 16 h 30 min.

In the presence of a pool in the premises of a kindergarten, all the specified time is used to carry out swimming classes.

As the experience of a number of preschool institutions shows, morning hours (from 7 h 30 min to 8 h 30 min) are most convenient for conducting classes in the pool. The day of the day is essentially not violated: Morning gymnastics, games are compensated by a small warm-up, exercises and games in water (while physical exercises are combined with water procedure); Comprehensive classes are fully carried out; Children go to walk in a timely manner, because during breakfast and classes they have time to dry hair and relax.

In groups engaged in the pool in the morning to breakfast, almost never afterwards. Even in the evening, the children are preparing their bathing

Head of kindergarten Carries out the general guidance of educational work of the preschool institution. It includes teaching children to swim in the overall work plan of the pre-school institution; Provides conditions for swimming in kindergarten; Defines the responsibilities of employees during swimming classes and controls their implementation; Together with the medical personnel of the preschool institution and swimming teacher is responsible for the safety of children and compliance with all the requirements for the conditions and organization of swimming.

Senior teacher Together with the head, the teacher in swimming, the educator and medical personnel participates in the development of the work schedule, determines the time for swimming in the day of each age group; Provides assistance to educators in organizing a pedagogical process in swimming groups, if necessary, makes changes to the day mode, helps educators in working with parents. An important duty of the Senior Educator is to control the educational work in the kindergarten as a whole and, among other things, to carry out children's training sessions.

Education to swimming in kindergarten leads a teacher who has special training, which gives the right to work with preschool children. The duties of a swimming teacher may also be carried out by a kindergarten teacher who knows how to swim and has prepared training on courses.

The teacher organizes and manages the educational process for swimming in preschool institutions with a swimming pool. Together with the head of the kindergarten and the older teacher, it is a schedule for each age group. The teacher conducts futures for swimming in accordance with the program, fills the diary (magazine), where it records the content of the classes and the assimilation of their children, as well as the accounting of attendance, finds out the reasons for skipping classes.

The swimming teacher talks with teachers of groups and attendants, with parents, with children, first-started engaging, clarifies them the rules of behavior in the premises of the pool. It provides the necessary assistance to children when undressing, making a shower, especially if there is no educator.

Together with the nurse of the pool, the teacher verifies the conditions for holding activities, teach children to strict observance of the rules of hygiene. He is fully responsible for order during the classes and safety of children.

The duties of a swimming teacher also includes the continuous improvement of its skills, methodological techniques for working with children, as well as navigation propaganda among childcare facilities and parents; Participation in organizing and conducting physical recovery work. He is engaged in the advanced training of educators, organizes swimming classes for them.

Educatorhe keeps work in his group. Together with the head, the Senior Educator, a swimming teacher and medical workers, is the schedule of the Group's training sessions, taking into account the visits to the children of the pool and monitors its implementation.

The educator together with his parents prepares children to swimming: conducts hardening procedures; Shows children all the premises of the pool, introduces the rules of behavior in the pool and directly during classes, teaches to quickly undress and dress.

The educator ensures that children have all bathing, before each occupation checks their presence, helps children prepare everything you need. He brings in a timely manner in the pool, prepares subgroups to classes in water, performs with one of them preparatory exercises in the hall (at the time when another subgroup with the teacher is in the pool); Watches children during swimming time, monitoring their well-being, together with a nurse and physician determines who among children we need sparing regime or exemption from classes, supports close relationship with parents.

Assistant teacher Watch out for cleanliness and order in the sectional, helps children when stripping and dressing, along with the educator, hesitates the premises, creates such conditions in the group room so that children after visiting the pool do not catch fire. On the day of classes, he helps the educator to bring children to the pool and takes them after swimming in the group room. After swimming classes, he watches towels and smelting to laundry, or hangs them for drying, helps children remove the other bathing facilities (hats, sponges, soap).

Children's garden doctor Conducts planned medical examinations, and also monitors the state of health and the physical development of swimming children periodically controls the compliance of physical exertion to the physiological possibilities of the body of children. It will help to choose the most suitable moment to start regular classes, will give the necessary recommendations, when using which swimming will bring the maximum benefit to the health and development of the child. Before starting training, swimming is especially important to reveal chronic diseases in children - tonsillitis, bronchitis, otitis, etc. The admission of these children to classes and conditions under which they can study swimming are determined by relevant specialists for each child separately. It must be remembered that children with chronic nasophary diseases, respiratory tract in compensation state especially needed hardening, but the nature of the impact. Water procedures for them must be gentle.

Children with skin-allergic diseases, eczema, other skin diseases to swimming classes are not allowed until the complete disappearance of clinical manifestations of the disease. The permission to visit them the pool gives a dermatologist. When analyzing the current morbidity, special attention of the kindergarten should pay the repetition frequency and dynamics of diseases with sharp respiratory viral infections.

Often, children who have suffered 4 times or more are often pooling, they require close attention from adults, especially at physical culture, swimming classes.

The tests distributes children to groups of health (see: Methodical recommendations for a comprehensive assessment of the health of children and adolescents with mass medical examinations. - M., 1982). Often with ill children, as well as with a delay in general physical development, it is advisable to combine into one subgroup 1 and create the most favorable conditions for them (somewhat higher water temperature, abbreviated classes, limited load, etc.). In relation to all children, an individual approach should be carried out.

Nurse pool controls the sanitary condition of all rooms, pool, equipment, bathing supplies; monitors the temperature regime in the pool room, air humidity, water condition. Having found the ill-quality of water, the nurse must contact the sanitary service that will conduct additional tests. In "Case I need a nurse may prohibit classes.

Before each occupation, the nurse examines children if the doctor of kindergarten is missing, frees from the classes of those who complain about poor well-being. It registers visits to children of the pool, indicates the reasons for skipping classes.

During classes in the pool, the nurse is watching the "state of each child, provides the necessary assistance. Special attention is paid to children less hardened or starting to do after the disease. For them, the time of staying in water should be reduced. The nurse ensures that the child go a little earlier From the pool, accepted the shower, helps him to be confused by a towel, get dressed, in the absence of an assistant to the teacher, it takes into a group room.

With temporary interruptions in the work of the pool (for technical or other reasons), the pool nurse helps the medical staff of the kindergarten to fulfill their daily responsibilities.

Garden Medical Sister Participates in conducting planned medical examinations of children, during the year systematically controls the state of their health and physical development. It follows the timely implementation of all therapeutic and prophylactic and wellness activities in the children's institution, compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements for the premises content, the state of the air-thermal regime, the implementation of the day.

A nurse together with a kindergarten doctor solves the question of admission of children "to swimming in swimming, taking into account the state of health and individual characteristics; In accordance with the conclusion of a doctor, he frees children from swimming after transferred diseases, ensures that there is a gentle regime for children with disabilities in health, often Accompliaments and individualization of physical exertion; in infectious diseases, it prohibits the visit to the pool by children of quarantine groups until the end of the quarantine terms.

The nurse is recorded and registration of physical development, health and morbidity of children engaged in swimming, and also organizes a sanitary and educational work with parents, educators and service personnel.

Regular work on teaching children swimming largely depends on the state of all necessary equipment. Provides it pool maintenance worker. It monitors the health of the equipment for the supply of cold and hot water, ventilation devices, shower plants, timely eliminates the detected defects. If necessary, a swimming pool service can perform the obligations of the chloride.

Operator of chloroant installation (If available)) chlorins the water in the pool, supports proper concentration, ensures uninterrupted operation of the equipment.

2.3 Stages and teaching methods for swimming preschool children

Several stages of learning can be isolated. The first begins with familiarizing the child with water, its properties (density, viscosity, transparency). It continues until the child will be mastered with water, will be able to disgust and confidently with the help of an adult and independently move along the bottom, make the simplest action, play.

The second stage is associated with the acquisition of children of skills and skills that will help them feel quite reliable in water. In class, children learn to stay on the surface of the water (to pop up, lie, slide) at least short time, they receive an idea of \u200b\u200bits ejecting and maintenance strength, and also independently, arbitrarily perform a breath-exhalation in the water several times in a row (at least 10).

After that, preschoolers are trained in swimming in a certain way. As a result of the third stage, children should be able to sail 10-15 m in fine water (the depth of water on the chest), keeping mainly the coherence of the movements of the hands, legs and respiration, which is characteristic of the learned method of swimming.

At the last, fourth stage of primary learning, the assimilation and improvement of the technique of swimming methods, simple turns, elementary jumps in the water continues. Children acquire the ability to swim on deep water (the legs do not get the bottom).

Each of the stages of initial training of swimming can be conditionally "tied" to a certain age of children:

the first is early and junior preschool age;

the second is the younger and middle preschool age;

third - senior preschool age;

the fourth is a senior preschool and younger school age.

Such age periodization of initial training of preschoolers swimming has naturally relative in nature: individual data and abilities of children can make adjustments to it. But in general, it allows the teacher not only clearly imagine the main directions of work with children of different age groups. It is important that in it the initial training of swimming is considered in perspective, there are continuity ties with swimming children's early (breast-old age) and initial training in school years.

Learn to swim never late. If you teach a child to swim in preschool years failed, it needs to be done at the first opportunity.

A properly organized process of teaching swimming has a versatile developing influence on children and has a high educational and educational effect. The volume of not only motor skills and skills, but also knowledge, the physical qualities and the mental abilities of children are developing, the moral and aesthetic feelings, volitional qualities are brought up, a conscious and responsible attitude towards their actions are developed, to relationships with peers.

Methods of training for swimming is based on the general-generated principles with an institution of an individual approach to the child: Consciousness and activity, systematicity, visibility, availability.

Conscious and active attitude of children to exercises and games has a swalle value to achieve positive results when teaching swimming. Therefore, explaining the task, the educator should strive to ensure that the children understand how to perform the movement, to pay attention to (to push it stronger to slip away; make a complete exhalation in water so that, overlooking the surface of the water, take a breath again) .

Understanding the meaning of tasks stimulates the interested and active fulfillment of them, contributes to the gradual assimilation and awareness of the exercise value. It encourages children to perform movements as much as possible, more clearly. They show more independence, creativity, if they are meaningful, realizing that it is necessary to make certain efforts to achieve the goal. From how emotionally, it is interesting to conduct classes, the level of assimilation of the proposed material also depends.

Consciousness and activity engaged in the analysis of classes, observations for other children and assessing the performance of movements. This is facilitated by the simplest methods of self-control when learning exercises and correct errors, as well as help each other when performing tasks with couples or groups.

Classes should be carried out systematically. This is very important, because training is connected with other forms of work on physical education, as well as with the entire pedagogical process. With systematic classes, a sequence is carried out, frequency of both in the organization of classes and in the location of the educational material. With regular classes, it is necessarily an alternation of physical exertion and recreation, it is useful to change different activities, alternating exercises and games.

Motor skills and skills are formed at repeated repetition of exercises. It is necessary that the repetition is combined with the assimilation of the new one. Classes on the program providing for the change in exercises from the simpler to more complex, from those known to the unknown, must be regular, otherwise the purpose of the training will not be achieved.

With systematic classes, good results are achieved in the physical development of children. A consistent increase in the load at the same time is an important condition for the prevention of injury.

Success in teaching swimming can be achieved only if the features of the development of children's children and real forces and the possibilities of each child will be taken into account. Only knowing the state of health, the level of physical development, the degree of exposure to colds, individual reactions to physical exertion and the change in temperature conditions, you can choose the most correct ways to teach the preschooler swimming. It should be remembered that the availability of tasks for children of the younger, middle and older assumes the inclusion of exercises of such complexity, the successful implementation of which requires the children's high concentration of their physical and spiritual forces, applied efforts.

The graduality and sequence in the transition from getting used to water during a simple movement along the bottom to learning certain swimming movements (sliding, swimming with the object in hand or lightweight method, etc.) is one of the conditions for learning children. This is the key to the assimilation of more complex meals of swimming, their techniques and childbearing children to independently perform exercises at an increasing depth (on the belt, on the chest, in the growth of the child).

An individual approach in learning is necessary when working with children of preschool age: the child's body has not yet been fully formed and rapidly, both excessive and insufficient physical exertion unfavorable for its development. An individual approach involves the use of appropriate methodological training techniques (preparatory exercises, select options, etc.).

Compliance with the gradual increase in requirements is achieved by decreasing increasingly difficult tasks and the absorption of increasingly complex movements at the increase in the size, duration and intensity of physical exertion. Its gradual increase increases functional capabilities, develops physical qualities - endurance, dexterity, strength, etc. It becomes possible to increase the flowable distance, speed, the number of repetitions of exercises and reduce the intervals between them.

The principle of visibility in teaching swimming is one of the leading. The thinking of the preschooler specifically, the motor experience is insignificant, the perception of movements in the aquatic environment is complicated. The unusual situation is excited by children, their attention is scattered, the water splash dries the voice of the teacher. Under these conditions, various sensual images are visual, auditory, muscle - in combination create a more complete picture of the learning movements and contribute to their best assimilation. In this case, the relationship of the show with a living, figurative word - a story, explanation.

Good progress is achieved with a skillful combination of the entire variety of verbal (explanation, orders, etc.), visual (display, sound and visual guidelines, direct support and assistance), practical (repetition, games, competitions) methods and techniques. It is important that the tasks of a certain stage of training are taken into account, the features of the age of engaged, the preparedness of children, their emotional state, the conditions for conducting classes.

A crucial role in the formation of swimming skills play exercises. They are the main means of learning children.

The technique of sports methods of swimming and their lightweight varieties is recommended to be developed as follows: Initially, children form (with the help of display and explanation) an idea of \u200b\u200ba particular sports method of swimming in general. After that, individual movements are learned, which are then connected. The use of this method provides for a certain sequence of setting tasks, selection of exercises and teaching techniques.

Learning the movements of the legs: a) on land (imitation) and with a support in place in water; b) slide with support and without support with hands with breathing delay; c) Slide with support and without support with hands in coordination with breathing.

Learning of the movements of the hands: a) on land and standing in water; b) in coordination with movements, with breathing delay, using support in place and in motion; c) the same in coordination with breathing; d) swimming, making fears of hands without performing the movements of the legs (the legs are freely stretched, the board, circle is held with their legs).

Archings of the swimming method as a whole, i.e., the development of agreed movements of hands and legs and breathing.

Improving swimming with complete coordination of movements.

During the training of movements and mastering them, their character changes. Movements are associated with varying degrees of coordination, from simple to complex and reflect different levels of training.

Performing simple, lightweight swimming movements leads to mastering more complex. Do not work for a long time to work out separate swimming movements. This may adversely affect the assimilation of swimming technology with complete coordination. For the formation of sufficiently deep skills to perform individual elements it is useful to learn them in class in various combinations, with different variants.

Optimal success can be achieved, purposefully exercising children in those swimming methods that they mastered quite firmly, developing motor quality, especially endurance. For example, if someone from the children moves well in water with the help of working legs with a board in hands, sailing 5-10 m, then this skill can be improved, increasing the distance (15-25 m or more). Before releasing, children offer to relax. In the future, recreation time is gradually reduced by increasing the distance and the frequency of their repetitions. This leads to the improvement of swimming skills and physical development.

In the classroom it is advisable to combine individual preparatory exercises with swimming in full coordination, widely use games and encourage children attempts to sing their chosen way.

It is important to maintain a positive emotional attitude of children to classes at all stages of training - strive to ensure that the exercises and games in the water delivered the guys pleasure and joy, encouraged them to independence, the desire to learn how to swim well.

Already at first occupations, children easily assimilate swimming, so to speak, a combined way, when the movements of the hands are made, as when swimming with breasts, legs - as when swimming with a roll, breathing at the same time arbitrary. On the first 3-4 classes, it is recommended to focus on swimming this way.

Simultaneously with this, unfortunately, with the first sessions, children offer elements and other ways of swimming. Their learning begins with the movements of the hands. Each child teacher points to those movements that he is better turned out.

All movements with hands are performed first during walking along the bottom of the pool (the exhalation takes place in water), children try to gradually tear off the bottom.

In the future, "its", elected, the swimming method is improved in parallel with the learning of other methods of swimming both in the elements and in the form of a holistic movement.

Thus, group individualization is applied in training. Its meaning is that engaged in those engaged in common to all swimming movements, and they master these movements in different ways. The same material is applied in classes with each child in different sequences and dosage. This technique allows you to increase the motor density of classes, the interest of children, accelerate the transfer of preparatory exercises on land with classes in the physical culture (in the physical building or on the playground). 3-5 such exercises are recommended to include in the introductory part of classes 1-2 months before the start of training. This is mainly imitation exercises, as well as exercises that prepare for mastering the right breathing when swimming in different ways. Similar exercises should also be included in the complexes of the morning gymnastics and in homework.

In order for children easier to adapt to new conditions, staying in water should be started from 7-10 minutes, gradually increasing to 35 minutes. First, classes are across the pool or in the "frog" (6-7 m), then along the entire length of the 25-meter basin.

Depending on the tasks of the lesson and the preparedness of students of the game, given in the current plans, can be changed, as well as the dosage of exercises.

Each fifth occupation is advisable to do control. Children swim as much as they can, and the teacher evaluates the swimming technique.

In the conclusion of the course of study, on the 15th classes, the competition is held. Parents, teachers, friends are invited to him. The content of the holiday includes sailing at the time of segments of 12 and 25 m, relay in swimming. Winners are awarded by prizes, the icons are awarded "I can swim".

2.4 games in water with preschoolers

Games are used from the very first lessons for the development of children with water. Sleeping and playing in a small place, younger preschoolers painlessly overcome the feeling of uncertainty and fear, quickly adapt in water, get used to boldly enter and dive into it, move confidently and without tension. Games help master everyone prepared for swimming actions.

In working with senior preschoolers, when children are seized in swimming techniques, games are used to repetition, fixing and improving individual movements of the sports method of swimming, to achieve stability and flexibility of skills.

Games and entertainment in water contribute to upbringing in children of courage, determination, confidence in their forces, initiative.

When teaching preschoolers, swimming uses a wide variety of forms - game exercises, fun games, plot and immutable, games with competing elements, relay.

Choosing games and methodological techniques, you need to take into account age, the number of children in the group, physical fitness and degree of ownership of each skill of the proposed movements. Movements must be very simple, affordable or known to children.

Games are selected in accordance with the specified educational and educational task and the conditions for conducting classes (depth, equipment of the place, water temperature). The cool water, the shorter, the game must be lively, the energetic movement should be in it. It is important that all children in the water participate in the game.

You need to choose a convenient place to play the game. The teacher is constantly watching playing and ready to help at any time.

It is recommended to initially explain to children the rules of the game and learn it on land, and only after that hold a lesson in water. If the game is complicated and is held for the first time, it is desirable that the teacher takes personal participation in it.

All the games described below are conditionally separated by age groups. Their use depends largely on what age training will be started. In this regard, it is possible to carry out games designed, for example, for senior preschoolers, in the classroom in junior and secondary groups, but in a lightweight version.

Junior and middle preschool age

Little and big legs

Task game: Help the children getting laited in the water.

Description. Children form a circle and imitate the movements of the teacher. He says: "The little legs fled along the path", while quickly fights, saying: "Top, top, top". Then, slowing down the movement, slowly says: "The big legs went on the road - the top, top, top," the knees high high and then so that the splashes appear.

rules. It is impossible to push each other and splash.

Methodical instructions. The teacher monitors that the children perform all the movements together, they were not afraid of water, hempsted kids.

Fish frolic

Task game: To accustom to children to carry out different movements in the water, do not be afraid of water.

Description. At the signal of the teacher, "Fish is frolic", children jump on two legs. At the signal "Fish rest" - squatted. You can resolve jumping on two legs with a subsequent drop in water.

rules. Listen to the teacher carefully, perform the movement on the signal. It is impossible to push each other.

Methodical instructions. Children can be put in a circle or offer to become free near the teacher. Helping children to overcome the fear of water, encourage the fierce.

Senior preschool age

Games for familiarization with water properties Seine

Task game: Help to get used with water resistance.

Description. Playing (fish) are located in a limited space. Two fishermen, holding hands, along the signula of the teacher, flee the fish, trying to surround it. Each caught fish is included in the fishermen chain. So gradually make up the nem. The game ends when all the fish will be drove.

rules. It is impossible to catch the fish torn by a non-child. It is impossible to push, trample each other, grip, b by hands, torso.

Methodical instructions. Watering assigns a teacher. Caught by the latter is declared the fastest fish.

Karasi and Carps (I option)

Task game: Teach children freely move in the water.

Description. The teacher shares playing two equal groups. Children are in touch with their backs to each other, after which they quiet. The distance between the ranks is 0.5-1 m. For each rank, the direction in which you need to run is planned in advance. One rank - karasi, the other - carps. The teacher in random order utters these words. The named team (Shernga) immediately rises and runs in the specified direction. Children of another team rise, turn and catch up with running away, trying to touch their hand. A child who touched his hand stops. According to the teacher's signal, everyone stops, returned to previous places, and the game starts first.

rules. Being in Shero, you can not turn back. During the mining it is impossible to push each other. After the stop signal, it is impossible to continue running.

Methodical instructions. The game can be carried out at the depth of water by the belt. In this case, standing in the ranks, children do not squat. Build the ranks are better in growth so that their right flanks are against each other. The same command can sometimes call and twice in a row ^ the words "Karasi" and "Carps" The teacher should pronounce slowly, long, stretching the first syllables of the word and quickly uttering the latter.

We are funny guys

Task game: To accustom to children vigorously move in water in different directions.

Description. Children go in a circle, in the middle it is a leading, designated or chosen by children. Children choir pronounce text:

We, funny guys

Well, try to catch up with us!

We love to swim and dive. Once, two, three - catch!

After the word "catch!" Children run away, and the driving catch up. The game ends when it will catch up 2-3-4 players. When repeating the game, a new leading is selected.

Chapter 3. Research results and discussion

.1 Research to reduce morbidity

As a result of the survey, it was revealed that as a result of teaching children of preschool age swimming, the incidence of ARVI decreased by 30%.

Fig. 3. Indicators of reducing the incidence in children engaged in swimming

Based on the indicators of this table, it is certainly necessary to note that swimming is an effective means of hardening, increasing the stability of colds and exposure to low temperatures. In addition, occurring changes in blood increase the protective properties of its immune system, increasing the resistance to infectious and colds.

So, as a result of classes in swimming on the human body, a versatile positive effect is provided. In health goals, swimming is available and useful for almost all age categories.

3.2 Definition of functional samples with dosage exercise

In systematically engaged in swimming, there is a physiological gelatinity of the pulse up to 60 and less blows per minute. At the same time, the heart muscle works powerfully and economically.

From the above table 1, it can be seen that at the first stage, the cardiac rhythm returned to the initial indicators within 5-6 minutes, which indicates a low preparedness of engaged in. But as a result of an increase in physical activity, heart rate began to decline until the initial data is already 3-4 minutes.

Thus, as a result of classes in swimming in the cardiovascular system, positive changes have occurred (in the strengthening of the contractile ability of the muscular wall of the vessels and improving the heart of the heart), which led to a more rapid transportation of blood saturated with oxygen, to peripheral parts of the body and internal authorities, which contributes to the activation of the overall metabolism.

Table 1.Results of functional samples with dosage exercise

Restoration of heart rate

Measuring heart rate at the beginning of the experiment

CSS measurement at the end of the experiment

120 ice / min.

110 Ud / min.

115 UD / min.

110 Ud / min.

As a result, we can say that the physical preparedness and healing of cardiac rhythm sucked, this testifies to strengthening the cardiovascular system.

3.3 Dynamics of growth change

Table 2.Dynamics of growth change in girls and boys


Height for September 2009 (cm)

Growth for April 2010 (cm)

Height for September 2009 (cm)

Growth for April 2010 (cm)

Making conclusions from these indicators can be said: children have indicators below average growth, in accordance with physiological indicators for this age, increased their indicators to average, this suggests that swimming contributes not only to health promotion, but also improving the physical qualities of the body of children . Also from the table shows that the growth of girls is slightly more boys, on the control dimension. The geographical environment, climate, lifestyle also has an influence on growth. Regular exercise and sports practices to increase growth, affecting the thickness and length of the bones, and affect the growth of the body as a whole mainly until 16-18 years old in women and 18-20 years in men. After 22 years, it is possible to increase growth by correcting the defects of posture (stuff) to eliminate scoliosis and other body deficiencies.

3.4 Body Mass Measurement

Table 3.Dynamics of body weight in boys

September 2009

December 2009

April 2010

Table 4.Dynamics of body weight change in girls

In the initial period of training, the body mass decreased, then it stabilized, and in the future, due to the growth of muscle mass, he increased slightly. This suggests that the training process was built correctly.

All of the above studies give us to spend some suggestion that the study made it possible to identify the characteristics of hardening and strengthening the body, physical, neuropsychic development, emotional and immune status, in children engaged in swimming.


According to the specialists of the whole world, the period from the birth of a child before his receipt to school is the age of the most rapid physical and mental development of a person, the initial formation of the qualities necessary throughout the subsequent life. A distinctive feature of this period is that it is in preschool age that a general development is provided that serves as the basis for acquiring any special knowledge and skills of developing various activities. In preschool age, the child acquires the basics of personal culture, its basis, corresponding to spiritual values.

The plasticity and high lability of the organism of preschoolers determine their high sensitivity to the effects of the external environment. Among the factors negatively affecting health, indicate: deterioration of environmental conditions, decrease in living standards, stress, hypodynamine, and others.

Methods of teaching children's preschool children should rely on the main didactic requirements of pedagogy and have a raising and developing nature. Public Principles - Consciousness, Systemativity, Visuality, Accessibility, Strength and Private Methodological Provisions of the Theory of Physical Education - the principle of increasing load, repetitions are carried out during classes in accordance with the age characteristics of children.

It is obligatory in working with preschoolers an individual approach. Fragility, non-formation of a children's body requires careful accounting of abilities, inclinations, and most importantly - the possibilities of each child. Only when taking into account gender, age, the degree of physical development and health, exposure to colds, the habits for water and changes in temperature conditions, individual reactions to exercise, one can find the most correct techniques of work when teaching children's swimming.

Relevant areas that significantly increase the effectiveness of health care and illuminated in the course of physical education of children at an early age are: the modernization of the projective installations of the educational process in accordance with the ontogenetic and sexual agents of the development of children; implementation in the practice of technologies for pedagogical control of physical fitness, taking into account the sexual individual individual characteristics of physical development; Exception from the content of physical education of anti-physiological agents; organization of year-round motion activities; correction of organizational aspects of the educational process; adequate to projective installations of physical education; Improving the level of medical and biological professional competence of teachers of physical culture.

In perennial research, the relevance of the following organizational and methodological conditions for the implementation of the principles: the lability of projective installations is experimentally substantiated: the use of integrated technology for assessing the effectiveness of physical culture lessons; priority development of endurance, the forces of postural muscles and coordination abilities; compliance of physical exertion to the actual individual state of the child; permanent correction of the educational process; Intensification of the health-saving and health-free determinants: integration of sports and pedagogical and biomedic knowledge; raising the level of professional competence of teachers; determination of the degree of traumatic exercise; continuity and continuity of the main components of the educational process: ensuring the continuity of physical education programs; Child's personal priority: Accounting for individual features; use of physical fitness controls, interconnected with indicators of physical development; solving the socio-psychological tasks of physical education; Humanization of the educational process.

The developed and experimentally substantiated theoretical and methodological concept of health care in the process of physical education of preschool children is based on the fundamental common-friendly and medical and biological principles that determine the natural and individually acceptable physical development of the child and taking into account modern trends in humanization, as well as the intensification of the formation of potential psychophysiological capabilities of the child during the course Education and education, create both objective and personal prerequisites for many years of physical improvement of students.

Caring for the physical development of the child is almost as important for its harmonious development, as a rational regime, regular and full nutrition, sufficient sleep and frequent stay in the fresh air.

Having studied the material on the topic we came to the following conclusions:

1. Early swimming training contributes to the harmonious development of babies and has a positive effect on the development of all organism systems: improves breathing, blood circulation, strengthens the musculoskeletal system, has a beneficial effect on the activities of the central nervous system.

2. The effectiveness of the functioning of the pedagogical system for the formation of a healthy lifestyle of preschoolers is ensured, firstly, due to the accentuated attention of teachers not to study and educational and educational, but on educational and educational and developing tasks aimed at understanding the children's children and the quality of assignments, and not to mechanical memorization and repetition of educational material; Secondly, due to the active use of the biofuel method in the process of solving educational, educational and developing tasks.

3. The basis of health promotion methodology is: a systematic approach, from the point of view of which, human health can be considered as the holistic condition of the body; The pedagogical approach, based on which, the process of developing a person of a value attitude to his own health obeys the laws of training and upbringing; The theory and methodology of physical education proving that the targeted motor activity of a person is inextricably linked with the process of learning it to the skills of a healthy lifestyle.

4. The full solution of the problems of physical education is achieved only with the comprehensive application of all means, since each of them affects the body in different ways.

5. Movements included in various activities have a positive effect on the child's body, if the correct posture is observed, as well as the dosage of physical exertion.

Thus, the training of swimming not only warns the disease, but also treats. Unlike other, the system is developing symmetry, coordination and endurance in the body. It stimulates internal organs and determines their harmonious functioning.

List of used literature

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11. Osokina T.I., Timofeeva E.A., Goddene T.L. Training swimming in kindergarten. - M.: Education, 1991

12. Spock B. Child and care for it. - M.: Knowledge, 1990

13. Shebekk V.N. Ermak N.N. Shishkin V.A. Physical education of the preschooler. M.: Enlightenment, 2000

Sitnova Elena Valerievna

Swimming - Vital skill, one of the fixed assets of the comprehensive physical development of the child. The performance of the muscles in preschoolers is small, they are quite quickly tired with static loads. Children are more characteristic of the dynamics. During alternate tension and relaxation of various muscles, which increases their performance and strength.

The statistical voltage of the body decreases in the water, the load is reduced to a still not faster and militant children's spine, which in this case the posture is correctly formed. At the same time, the active movement of the legs in the water in a disgraceful position strengthens the feet of the child and warns the development of flatfoot.

Systematic swimming classes lead to the improvement of blood circulation and respiratory authorities. This is due to the rhythmic work of the muscles, the need to overcome water resistance. Improved cardiac activity, chest mobility, increases the life capacity of the lungs.

The shower also plays a considerable role in the recovery of children. This is a potent hardware. When carrying out this procedure to the temperature

the factor joins the mechanical action of a jet of water, which has an exciting effect on the nervous system. Souls are particularly useful to low-active children. The water temperature is + 34c, and is brought to + 28c. Duration of velves from 30-40 seconds to 1-1.5 minutes. The colder the water, the shorter the procedure.

Regular swimming classes have a positive effect on hardening the children's body: the thermoregulation mechanism is being improved, immunological properties increase, adaptation is improved to a variety of external environment. The nervous system is also strengthened, the sleep becomes stronger, the appetite is improved, the overall tone of the body increases, movements are improved, endurance increases.

Swimming favorably affects not only the physical development of the child, but also on the formation of his personality. Not to all children communicate with water gives pleasure and joy. Some are afraid to enter and dive into the water, afraid of splashes and depths, and some have a fear before that it may not be possible to perform right or that exercise. Psychologists have been established that the main danger on water is not actions in it, but a sense of fear, insecurity of their own forces and fear of depth. That is why the work is aimed at helping the child to overcome this unpleasant and unsubstantial feeling. Water is an excellent antidepressant, strengthens the nerves and "flushes" negative emotions.

Swimming classes are developing such features such as purposefulness, perseverance, self-control, determination, courage, discipline, the ability to act in the team, to show independence.

Swimming has a positive effect on the respiratory system. This is due primarily to the fact that the child breathes in unusual conditions. Inhale and exhale it performs, overcoming water resistance. This contributes to the development of respiratory muscles, an increase in the life capacity of the lungs, improve the respiratory rhythm.

Swimming is an important means of warning, and even correcting starting posture violations. The corrective action of the swimming is ensured by the relaxation of the muscles, the position of the body and the symmetry of the applied movements.

Swimming strengthens the nervous system: in the classroom in the pool, children receive many positive emotions. Thanks to systematic exercises, excessive excitability and irritability are eliminated in water, the ability to control their movements in difficult conditions is developing.

Water has a relaxing, soothing effect, providing strong sleep to a child.

Swimming children are less likely to become colds, as swimming boosts and forms persistent immunity (21).

Wellness, compensating and recovery effect

swimming is associated with increasing general endurance, physical performance of the preschooler. Improving physical performance is accompanied by a prophylactic effect on the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases, a decrease in body weight and fat mass, cholesterol content and triglycin in the blood, decrease in arterial

pressure and cardiac frequencies.

In each preschool institution, the pool is visited by children with different health indicators (DMT (body weight deficit); BMI (excess body weight); hypendynamic syndrome; with different impaired coordination of movements, a musculoskeletal system, etc.).

Children with DMT (body weight deficit) are lagging behind in physical development, their physical development indicators are usually below average. These children do not perform age rules in running, throwing, jumping, etc., are quickly tired, slowly restore their strength. Children with DMT forms a negative attitude towards physical exercises, sports. They become unsure in themselves, they are afraid to cause ridicule in peers. All this causes stress in such children and can lead to the emergence of neurosis.

Children with BMI (excess body weight) are movable, inert, quickly tired, many have a sword, sweating. They are not adapted to increase loads, lagging behind in physical development, they have special difficulties to raise, jumping in length and height, movable and sports games. Such children develop a complex of "inferiority". They are afraid to be clumsy, do not have twisted, very worried and worry when they are included in the sports team to participate in relay, competitions. Usually these children refuse to fulfill exercise publicly.

Children with CMT, as well as in children with DMT, unwanted personal qualities are formed: uncertainty, excessive self-criticality, sometimes aggressiveness. The main cause of such performance indicators is the low energy potential of their biosystem. The body lack oxygen in muscle tissues, which adversely affects the structure and functionality of muscle fibers. In such children, very low reserves of the main energy substrate (muscle glycogen, therefore, the necessary level of oxygen consumption is not supported in the muscles of children.

All this as a whole leads to a decrease in the functions of the musculoskeletal system, to the deterioration of the state of the cardiovascular system and to disrupt the metabolism.

Children with hypendynamic syndrome have large behavioral problems caused by the features of the state of the psyche and the nervous system.

Usually these children easily carry exercise, love to participate in sports competitions, have a high level of physical development in certain indicators. At the same time, insufficient muscular control can cause overwork, overheating the body. In such cases, children can get sick

colds or have problems in a state of cardiovascular system.

Exploring the development of preschool children, scientists concluded that this age is characterized by the active, uneven development of coordination abilities, which is due to the natural growth of the child and the corresponding development of the systems and the functions of its body.

Coordination is the quality formed in children in preschool age, and the resulting skill is observed. Children's learning arbitrary implementation of coordination actions increases the ability to regulate and proportionate their own actions, improves arbitrary tension and muscle relaxation, teaches a child to regulate and proportionate their movements, perform them with the greatest energy savings and is a means of knowing the possibilities of their engine apparatus. Coordination of movements is impossible without a spatial orientation, as it is a necessary component of any motor action, without the development of such qualities as: dexterity, flexibility, endurance, plasticity.

Therefore, the best way to develop coordination will be swimming.

Thus, for the organization of successful work on the development of preschoolers, it is used individually - a differentiated approach in order for the needs of each child to be taken into account on each occupation for children's swimming.

Child learning is divided into several stages:

1 stage - lies in exercises on land,

imitating basic swimming movements. These are rowing movements

hands with a turn of the head, fly movies with straight legs from the hip,

without bending your knees, the deflection in the spine is in the lying position.

Stage 2 - mastering the child in water and learning movements in it. The child is trained by the correct body position when sliding and diving. The most difficult at this stage is to teach the child to do exhale into the water slowly and gradually.

3 Stage - Training in kicking movements when swimming freestyle: a child is supported by arms. It is important that the child does not cover his eyes in the water and looked right in front of him.

4 Stage - learning to complete coordination of swimming movements first with breathing delay, and then when agreeing with breathing movements. The duration of the exhalation performed in water significantly exceeds the duration of the inhalation; Exemplary ratios - 4: 1 and even 5: 1. When swimming with freestyle in one respiratory cycle (inhale - exhalation), the swimmer performs the rings of the right and left hand and 4-6 movements of the legs (8).

Thus, the overall assessment of the favorable influence of swimming on the child's body in preschool age is presented in two aspects:

1) medical and physiological - strengthening various functional systems of the children's body, ensuring the full development of the central nervous system;

2) psychological - one of the ways to form an arbitrary regulation of movements and actions that have increased susceptibility to external learning influences in preschool age.

2 Features of organizing children's healing in the process of swimming

Any business begins with a serious approach to his organization. These include:

Selection of the form of work;

Drawing up a graph;

Selection of contingent children attending swimming training classes;

In choosing exercises, games;

Drawing up a perspective plan;

Development of abstracts and, of course, classification and differentiation in

the choice of techniques for stimulating the development of each child.

The presence of the indoor pool in the preschool building creates the opportunity to attract all children to swimming, starting with younger age. At the same time, the necessary conditions for the life of children in a preschool institution must be provided, medical and pedagogical control over the education and health of each child, taking into account its individual psycho-physiological features.

In our pre-school institution, 9 age groups are currently functioning, 6 of them are visited by the pool. Classes for the improvement of children are held from 09.30-10.30, 11.30-12.30 and after day sleep from 15.15 - 17.00.

Children visit the pool 2 times a week, engaged in subgroups of 8-10 people. The duration of classes in the middle group is 10-15 minutes, in the older 20-25 minutes, in the preparatory 25-30 minutes. Our pre-school institution pays great attention to health work with children, for which a substantial developing environment is being created and constantly updated to optimize the motor regime, prophylactic procedures are underway and hardening activities.

Pre-development complexes of recovery classes, taking into account the level of physical development of the child, the health of children; sex differences; level of physical fitness; Muscular activity level.

Organizational work on the improvement of children includes three stages:

First step.

At the first stage of this work, exercises are selected in accordance with the needs of children and medical recommendations. Differentiate them according to the degree of increasing difficulties, building the inclusion of inclusion in the complex, thinking out the multiplication of exercises for each child, I define the location of children in the pool depending on the exercises and the problem that the child has.

For example:

To eliminate motor disorders in the content of the complex I enter the following exercises:

Circular movements with hands;

Mahi hands;

Imitation movements ("Box", "skier", etc.);

Flexion, extension of hands;

Various types of swimming;

Basic exercises, for example:

Exercise "Disgust"

I.p. - Standing, legs apart, hands are omitted, the body is vertically.

Raise one hand up, at the same time left to stay back. Change hands and legs.

Exercise "Scissors"

Alternation of legs.

I. p. - Standing, legs apart, the body is vertically, the left hand lift up, right to take back.

At the same time, pull the right leg as much as possible, and the left back.

Alternate the position of the hands and legs, etc.

In these exercises, we seek the coordination of movements, using the signal, the score, synchronous display.

To reduce body weight, exercises are used as:

Running and jumping in water; - are the main means. They are used to improve the functionality of the body as a whole, the development of endurance, strength, speed, coordination of movements.

Swimming - used as a means of restoring forces after classes.

Usually with children having an excess body mass (BMI, classes are carried out in a deep part of the basin, they are given a load with orientation to the state of the child.

To remove excitation and stress in children, we take exercises for relaxation:

Stretching; Exercises for flexibility; Pulling.

During the execution of these exercises, it is very important to choose the right musical accompaniment that will help perform a movement in slow motion.

Second phase.

At the second stage, a promising work plan is drawn up, which includes:

Goals and objectives;

Complex of exercises with their complication (Appendix No. 1).

Third stage.

At the third stage, abstracts of classes are developed, reflecting the physical health of children achieved by the child the level of physical development, its harmony, the level of motor activity of the child, the degree of its physical fitness in their content.

Due to the fact that the pedagogical team of our kindergarten, in his work with children, uses the classical structure of building classes, and my classes are also consisting of 3 parts: preparatory, primary, final.

Perspective planning

Physical and wellness work is planned in accordance with the level of development of motor skills and kids skills.

Failure training classes are held with children of secondary, senior and preparatory groups with a duration of 20-30 minutes (in accordance with the age of children)

Before starting swimming classes with children, special conversations are held. Children introduce the rules of personal hygiene, which must be observed when washing under the shower, and during their stay in the water.

The organization of training for swimming and recreation work of preschoolers in our preschool institution passes in gradually and represents a certain algorithm.

Stage 1 - Research - Design:

Study of the level of health of children;

Study of the awareness of children and parents about the importance of swimming and opportunities for a preschool institution. At this stage, subgroups of children are determined based on data on the state of their health (health group, hardening group).

2 Stage - organizational and executive:

To account for the fulfillment of the tasks, a registration log is conducted, which allows you to plan further classes and conduct individual work. The medical sister of the pool maintains a journal of attendance, where she records the presence of a child, or its absence indicating the reasons. Children were absent in the preschool institution for illness are temporarily exempt from classes in water and engage in "dry" swimming. "Dry" swimming - consists of overall and preparatory exercises on land, as well as breathing exercises.

Classes for teaching children to swim in a system based on an individual - differentiated approach, since all children behave differently in water: someone is afraid of someone confident in their power; There are overly movable and vice versa - slow; Abilities and swimming skills in children are also different.

3 Stage - reflexive:

During the year, the compliance of the predicted results and actually received by the following parameters is monitored:

* Physical condition - the level of morbidity of the child,

the state of curvature of posture - two times a year;

* Strengthening moral and spiritual qualities: the formation of a new

relationships to yourself and your health, your abilities and


* The level of swimming skills - once a month.

The stronger health and good physical data we will arrange our guys in childhood, the easier it will be adapted to new social conditions.

Swimming is an amazing view of exercise. It delivers joy to children, serves as an excellent recreation and hardening agent. Exercises in water improve the activity of the nervous system, bring up force, improves the mobility of the joints. Water cleans the skin, helps to improve skin breathing. When swimming, pulmonary ventilation is significantly increased, the number of oxygen absorbed by the organism. Stay in water, and even more so swimming improves metabolism in the body; The water pressure on the baby's chest makes breathing, which causes the reinforced operation of the respiratory muscles, contributing to their development. Children regularly engaged in swimming differ in proportion to developed muscles, good posture. Swimming has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and the vascular and nervous system of the child.

Swimming, training and improving the thermoregulation and respiratory system, serves as an effective means of preventing respiratory diseases.

Thus, swimming as a physical exercise, harmoniously developing and strengthening the human body, contributes to an increase in its motor capacity and improving the quality of a number of movements necessary to him in everyday life. Therefore, it is not by chance that the swimming is among the fixed assets of the physical education system.

Also swimming has a positive effect on the formation of the nature of the child: the children teach to overcome various difficulties, will develop and strengthen the will, discipline, courage, independence.

According to our long-term observations, an effective means of hardening and physical training of elderly people is a dosage swimming in a cool (from +17 to + 20 °) and warm (from +21 to + 26 °) water that has a positive effect on the blood flow through the vessels.

As you know, swimming has a beneficial effect on all the main functions of the body, and especially on the function of the breathing apparatus and the cardiovascular system. Hydraulic pressure and water resistance contribute to the easier exhalation and make a somewhat difficult. Under the action of swimming in cool water, ventilation of the lungs increases, breathing becomes deeper, the tour of the chest and the aperture of the diaphragm increases. Squeezing the liver and other internal organs, the diaphragm enhances the abdominal circulation and blood progress to the heart. As a result of meal drooping, the number of heart abbreviations is grinding, the composition of the blood is improved.

All this saves heart reserves, increases the body's protective forces.

Swimming has a positive effect on muscles and joints. Water acts anesthetic and has an arraying effect, which improves the nutrition of the skin, increases its elasticity and tour. The mechanism of the massiferous effect of water is manifested in strengthening the general circulation of blood and lymph. This facilitates the work of the heart, ensures the effective delivery of nutrients and oxygen by the cells of the body, including the brain and the heart muscle. If swimming is carried out in seawater, then a pronounced chemical impact turns out.

Practice convinces in great value of swimming not only as a wellness, but also as a medical agent.

To study the role of dosed swimming in the complex recovery treatment of patients with cardiovascular diseases, we were monitored at the Schochi resort for persons aged 60 to 72 years. In 1966-1967 106 patients with obliterating * diseases of the arteries of limbs (S. E. Kabanov, L A. Kutubyev, N. S. Gadzyuk) were investigated; In 1968-1969. - 102 patients with atherosclerosis (L. A. Kutubyev, L. P. Eliashevich); In 1970-1974 - 150 patients with hypertensive disease (L. A. Kutubyev, I. and Bunov).

Studies were conducted during the cold season in the closed swimming pool with sea water located on the seafront. The mirror surface of the pool bowl is 225 m 2 (25x9 m), its minimum depth is 100 cm, the maximum is 180 cm, the temperature of the water in it is + 24-26 °.

For swimming, patients were divided into three groups: weak, medium and intensive physical activity regime. The inclusion in the appropriate group was carried out strictly according to the indications.

Based on a number of experiments, we have been developed in accordance with three modes of various methods of swimming, designed for training sessions during a monthly stay at the resort.

Patients who were prescribed a weak impact mode were recommended to swim by the breaker or on the side at low speed -0.4 - 0.5 m / s. In this group, an interval training method was used. The downtal distance began with 25 m and for 20 training brought to 200-400 m.

Patients who were prescribed a moderate impact mode were floated to a breaker, on a side, a ram on the back with an average speed of 0.6-0.7 m / s. For them, a re-interval training method was used. Classes began with segments of 50 m and for the course (18-20 lessons) brought distance to 400-500 m.

To those who have been appointed intensive impact mode, it was recommended to swim on the side, the ramp on the chest and on the back, breast brass and on the back at a speed of 0.6-0.7 m / s and 0.8-1.0 m / s . In the classes with them, re-remote, uniform methods and with gradual acceleration were used. At the beginning of the course, most engaged in the distance to 100 m on average for 2 minutes. 40 sec. Gradually increasing the speed, by the 20th day they improved their initial result by 50- 60 seconds.

Upon completion of the monthly course, patients received specially designed and printed "techniques" and recommendations to continue swimming under the supervision of doctors at the place of residence.

In the process of training sessions, medical control over the patients was conducted. They studied the reactions of the cardiovascular system on physical exertion. Clinical observations were conducted (the frequency of the pulse and respiration, blood pressure, the life capacity of the lungs and other indicators) was determined. Laboratory tests of blood and urine were conducted. Studies were used by functional methods (oscillography, electrocardiography, mechanoelectrocardiography, etc.).

After the described classes, swimming marked only favorable results.

In 70% of cases, the symptoms of the intermittent chromotomot suffer from obliterating diseases in 70% of cases (in 30% of cases they disappeared at all), the pains stopped or decreased, in 46% improved pulsation in the footsteps, 43% increased the oscillator index, 51% improved capillaroscopic Picture, 96% increased skin temperature stop.

In patients with atherosclerosis under the influence of swimming, the tours of the chest increased, the life capacity of the lungs increased, the dynamometric indicators were improved, weight decreased; It became a rareral pulse, the blood pressure decreased, the ECG indicators were improved, the content of cholesterol and lipoproteins in the blood decreased, the lecithincholesterine index increased.

Faming of patients with hypertensive disease I and II-A stage contributed to the normalization of arterial pressure and the functional state of the cardiovascular system, the improvement of biometric data, etc.

It is noted that swimming classes in the pool positively affect the neuro-psychic sphere of older people. Raising emotional tone, they cause pleasant lightweight, good health and mood.

* Oblotion - Vascular infection.

Sections: Work with preschoolers

Today, the physical education program of preschoolers is public. For its implementation, order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Culture and Sports, the Russian Academy of Education No. 2715 \\ 227 \\ 166 \\ 19 dated July 16, 2002 "On the improvement of the process of physical education in educational institutions The Russian Federation "defines the priority tasks of development and health care of pupils of pre-school educational institutions.

Everyone knows that the basis of physical education of preschoolers is the development of motor activity. And the most optimal type of physical activity is swimming, as it has a favorable strengthening and psychological impact on the child.

Immediately I note that in our kindergarten, in swimming classes, the health orientation is a priority; Therefore, by paying due attention to the traditional methodology in the process of implementing the program T.I. Zokhina "teaching children swimming in kindergarten" and, solving the main task - ensuring the full physical development of children, we set ourselves the goal - to optimally increase the degree of reciprocal rehabilitation, considering the pool - As one of the main wellness procedures in a single system of recovery of children in Dow.

Such a significant goal was implemented with a direct change in the content of the traditional swimming program, where we were partially changed, expanded some techniques, and also abandoned a number of some techniques techniques, by integrating non-traditional methods. Since the swimming was considered - as a complex skill, requiring a separate workout of each swimming element (breathing delay, immersion, pop-up, lying, slip, work, work, legs, proper breathing), and then smooth connection of studied exercises to purchase a swimming skill, a method was used repeated repetition of swimming exercises in water using a variety of varying agents (swimming boards that support damasses - dams), a new non-traditional method of performing exercise in pairs, a finger gymnastics was used in water, carried out the techniques of exercises with a support in place, the force of jolts when performing sliding, Mandatory setting of proper breathing.

Moreover, gaming techniques were used with elements of competitiveness, which attached dynamism, significantly increased the interest of children to classes, thereby developed the ability to acquire swimming skills and improved the psycho-emotional state of children.

Wellness work in the pool was based on the principles facilitating:

- the formation of qualitative changes in the wellness and training work with children for:

a) creating a positive psycho-emotional mood;
b) the formation of confidence in children in their abilities (by overcoming the feeling of fear and anxiety to the water waters);
c) the development of small motility for the formation of motor and mental mechanisms affecting the overall development of children.

- creating an atmosphere of understanding between an adult and a child.

- Mastering a swimming skill (as an alternative to drug prevention of many diseases).

The adjustment of the traditional program, in addition to the successful implementation of the principle of high-quality changes in health and educational tasks, contributed to the decision of the ultimate goal - the mastery of the children with a vital skill of swimming.

In favor of the expediency arguments and the effectiveness of innovative teaching methods, it is possible to note the following fact: for the period of work carried out, it was revealed that swimming is a skill that can be learned by every preschooler of older age (subject to systemism), and all this is contrary to the popular belief that Only children of school age (3-4 class) are well mastered and cope with the training program for swimming! Moreover, swimming classes had a unique health effect: in terms of hardening the body (the incidence decreased: at the beginning of the school year, the health index in the group was - 94.6%, at the end of the year - 116%), and in terms of the best workout of the respiratory system, And in terms of unloading the musculoskeletal system and, of course, in terms of the beneficial psychological impact on the child, the consequence of what such changes were noted: as a desire to become better (faster, stronger, bolder), be able to know more.

It should be noted that by the end of the year 90% of pupils were able to move independently in water with the help of coordinated movements of the hands and legs (the way to crack on the chest, on the back), 10% with the help of supporting funds.

So, the Success Successes in qualitative changes in health and the results of training in swimming are in our opinion - new forms and methods of working with children. Let us dwell on them in more detail.

1. Contrast temperature water in the pool and air. Water temperature +32 degrees, air temperature +28 degrees. Warm water did not cause hypothermia from children and, thus, allowed to maintain the positive attitude of children to classes and gave the opportunity to better do exercises. And as an effective hardening agent, children after classes in the pool took a colder shower (below +32 degrees).

2. Mandatory setting of proper breathing (traditionally children are taught when inhaling with breathing delay - to inflate cheeks, which is not entirely right, but it is necessary to seek at the first stage of the respiratory cycle, the effect is inhalation of the flower smell). The breathing exercises were performed throughout the training program. Breathing exercises served as rest between exercises, and as a method for the development of endurance and increasing the volume of lungs.
The children learned well that in the breath with a delay of breathing - the body at the surface of the water, and on the breath - the body is immersed in water.

3. Using exercises for the development of musical abilities of hands with hands (finger gymnastics in water: "My hands", "My family", "Soldering cabbage", etc.) and this gave positive results, because Developing the mobility of the joints in water, where the water acted as a kind of simulator, the level of development of small motility was increased, which is one of the indicators of the intellectual development of the child (speech and thinking well).

4. Swimming preparatory exercises ("Star", "Strela", lying, slip) were performed using auxiliary means, namely: supporting belt - damallowed to increase the efficiency of mastering the horizontal position of the body in water (a wonderful alternative to the traditional technique, where exercises at the initial stage The development of the horizontal position of the body in water is carried out with support to a partner). Only through the use of supporting belts, the learning process did not lose attractiveness for children, since: it was a goal and a game: for unsure children - an ideal solution for overcoming the feeling of fear; For more prepared - the receipt of the best way to achieve the right position of the body in water, moreover, the use of the belt, excluded the monotony in the process of occupation, and raised interest.

5. Mandatory familiarization with the nature of movements and the study of elements in water with a support in place (i.e., studying the movements of the legs with the support of the sides of the pool), as the correct movement of the legs give the horizontal position of the body and resistance in water. And only then began to work out the right movement of the legs in the slide.

6. The formation of swimming skills depending on the force of a shock from the side of the pool (in the traditional method - from the bottom of the basin, which leads to a jumping effect that does not give the stability and the correct horizontal position of the body in water). Only the use of a strong shock from the side allowed us much easier to solve the motor coordination problem (gave the body horizontal, thereby reducing water resistance).

7. Use of learning gaming techniques, as leading in organizing classes. But, unlike situations, the use of a widely known method of game situations, where a targeted impact on attention, memorization, as well as an emotional state, we have introduced the game-competition in the process of the game method ("Who is faster?", "Who is next?" "Who is better?"), Moreover, when teaching any element of swimming technology, games in which this element prevailed. Naturally, the question of the dosage of exercise performances, as in the presence of an element of competitiveness, children are highly emotional, as a result of which ovenslusion and fatigue could arise. Reception of regulation was simple enough: Swimming exercises were performed in parach (In the traditional method, it is recommended that all children simultaneously perform exercises). All this gave a good result:

At first - This is the optimal receipt of load control and recreation, which contributed to the health of children.

Secondly - Children performed swimming movements depending on their abilities (buoyancy, flexibility, strength), without thinking about the laws, which are subject to swimming movements (pushing force, water resistance). Recreation children received the opportunity to observe the quality of the exercises of others, therefore, had the opportunity to consider, evaluate and analyze the element of the swimming techniques, thereby provided them with the opportunity to notice errors, correct them. As the acquired skill of performing one or another type of swimming exercises, the children were already able to celebrate the right movement in water from the wrong.

Thirdly - The instructor had the possibility of implementing an individual approach to each pupil, (i.e., suggest, for example: "That the fingers during the rowing should be closed", "not clap on the water with the hands", "to carry out the right hands on the air", " Making a broken movement with your legs "," Do not carry wide hands over the water, ", etc.), explain - how should the child should perform this or that movement correctly, and it is specifically, instead of common explanations!. Moreover, it was very important to use figurative expressions, for example in such a wording: "When swimming, slide on the water easily, as the clarification,", etc. Children perceived it as a game as a manifestation of care, goodwill and attention from an adult, more confidence had developed a certain confidence in their abilities.

Fourth - Exercises were carried out using a variety of means (swimming boards supporting belts) so that children do not get tired and did not get out of the repetitions of the same exercises, thereby interested the child and caused positive emotions. After a variety of repetition attempts, they have already mastered the necessary coordination of movements.

In our opinion, such a work of children in pairs contributed to the development of independence, the development of the ability to observation, assessment and undoubtedly increased the potential of the child both in physical and in a healthy-saving plan.

And the last thing I would like to be noted - at each lesson, the quality of the exercise of the child was taken into account, in order to acquire the most full-fledged skills and skills, and, of course, to successfully develop swimming skills, there was a preliminary way to show the instructor of the proper swimming technology.

The result of our innovative techniques in the process of teaching swimming was the vital factors acquired by our pupils:

At first - Having learned to swim, children will later be able to develop this skill to develop a lifetime, only improving the swimming technique.

Secondx - Mastering the skiing skill developed in children the enormous potential of health care.

Thirdly - Developed certain confidence in their forces and abilities.

For our pupils, the ability to float caused an unexpected feeling of joy and pleasure that "I swim! ..". Good luck to them!

Use of health-saving technologies

in swimming classes in Dow

Health is one of the main values \u200b\u200bof the person. However, in recent years, medical statistics suggests that the number of preschoolers with chronic diseases increases and only a few percent of absolutely healthy first-graders comes to school. The reasons are very different: from objective factors (violation of ecology) to subjective (reduction of motor activity, unbalanced nutrition, psychological overvoltage, lack of personal interest in maintaining health. Therefore, the preservation and promotion of children's health is a priority direction of public policy.

Grow a healthy person - the task is difficult and responsible. Everyone knows that it is in preschool age that the foundation of health is laid: it is becoming the formation of all vital systems and mental functions of the body, its adaptive mechanisms, small and large motility develops, increases resistance to external factors, the basic physical qualities, endurance and performance are generated, acquired Cultural - hygienic skills, self-service techniques are being developed. Therefore, the improvement of children (maintaining and promoting health, the prevention of morbidity, the creation of conditions for the head) is one of the most important tasks of each DOU.

Health - This is the condition of the full physical, mental and social well-being of a person.

Health depends on the following factors:

20% - hereditary factors

20% - Conditions of the External Environment

10% - Health Systems

50% - the way of life of the person himself

It is necessary to comprehensively solve the tasks of the physical, intellectual and emotionally personal development of the child, its school preparation, actively introducing into an educational process. Such technologies that would help reduce the psycho-physiological costs of preschoolers, improve their psycho-emotional and physical condition, to disclose and increase potential intellectual and creative abilities, i.e. Heating technology.

Heating technology- This is a complex of various forms and activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of Pupils of DW.

Objectives of health-saving technologies in preschool education

1. Ensuring a high level of real health to the pupil of kindergarten.

2. Formation of a conscious child's relationship towards the health and life of a person.

3. Formation of knowledge of health and skills to protect, maintain and guard it.

4. Formation of experience allowing the preschooler independently and effectively solve problems of a healthy lifestyle, safe behavior, tasks associated with the provision of elementary medical, psychological self-help and assistance.

5. Forming a standing motivation for a healthy lifestyle

Application in the work of primary health-saving pedagogical technologies will increase the effectiveness of the educational process, will form value orientations from teachers and parents aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils.

According to modern ideas, the purpose of education is the comprehensive development of the child, taking into account its age possibilities and individual characteristics while maintaining and promoting health.

Areas of healthy saving

The best drugs are those that stimulate our own healing forces and increase the body's resistance, its resistance to microbes and other malicious factors. This means ishealthy lifestyle and the use of natural protective forces of the body:

1) day mode;

2) hardening;

3) rational nutrition;

4) Physical culture and sports, as the most important factor in the health of the body.

One of the most effective ways of physical development and recovery of children are swimming.

Swimming It provides a versatile developing effect on children, contributes to the improvement of blood circulation and respiratory organs, increases the performance and strength of the muscles, strengthens the nervous system, improves appetite, increases the overall tone of the body, increases endurance. In water, the static body voltage decreases, the load is reduced to a non-rapid and militant children's spine, which in the process of swimming is switched correctly, a good posture is produced. The active movement of legs in water in a disgraceful position strengthens the feet and warns the development of flatfoot. Regular swimming classes have a positive effect on the hardening of the children's body: the mechanism of thermoregulation is improved, immunological properties increase, adaptation to a variety of environmental conditions is improved.

Using the basin in the Dow promotes:

Increase the motor activity of children;

A variety of tempering procedures;

Strengthening the wellness orientation of the educational process;

Removes the nervous tension and strengthens the total tone of the body;

And therefore allows for comprehensive wellness activities and allows the instructor to swim in a variety of typeshealth-saving technologies.

Types of health-saving technologies

Features of the technique of carrying out

Ensuring temperature regime

Water temperature from +29 to +32,

air temperature from +24 to +28

Hygienic souls

Before and after classes in the pool.

The shower is the contrast of water-air temperatures as an element of hardening.

Air baths

Exercises on the side of the pool after the adoption of the soul.


  • Boshunt

Exercises in motion on ribbed tracks, on the side of the pool. Prevention flatfoot


Performing exercises in motion, walk by ribbed paths, impact on biologically active stop points.


  • samomassage
  • condussuga
  • cotton

It is necessary to explain to the child the seriousness of the procedure and give children elementary knowledge about how not to harm their body.

It is carried out from senior preschool age on a special technique. Recommended children with frequent colds and diseases of ENT organs. Used visual material.

Games on water

  • Movable
  • On matching speech with movement
  • Finger

Games are selected in accordance with the age of the child. Elements of sports games are used.

Building classes in a game form with a high level of positive emotions is a guarantee of successful training and upbringing, hardening effect and implementing other wellness problems.


  • Games and exercises for the development of the emotional sphere
  • Relaxation exercises

You can use calm classic music, nature sounds.

Exercises for prevention flatfoot and posture disorders

It is recommended for children with sluggish posture and flatfoot. Warning of the spine curvature, the harmonious development of all muscle groups, especially the muscles of the shoulder belt, hands, chest, abdomen, back and legs. The disproportionate load on the muscles.

Motor therapy

  • Museum rhythmic moments

Music is selected according to the subject of classes, creates a positive emotional attitude.

Breath Exercises (breathing exercises)

Provide room air, teacher to give children instructions on mandatory nasal cavity hygiene before conducting the procedure. Performed during the workout and throughout the lesson.

Work with parents

  • Consultation
  • Health corners
  • Folders - Movement

There may be part of joint activities for the purpose of cognitive development.

The form of conducting depends on the task.

Thus, the use of the basin in recreational work is a powerful factor in which it appears to combine the flow of educational material using health-saving technologies.