Diarrhea vomiting and pressure. Frequent causes of vomiting and diarrhea in patients of different ages

One of the most unpleasant signs of various diseases are nausea, temperature or diarrhea, and when they are observed immediately, and a vomit reflex is added, then a patient feels significant discomfort.

If a person has diarrhea, temperature and nausea simultaneously, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Call such symptoms are capable of different kinds of disease.

Therefore, when initial signs appear a thorough diagnosis and choose the appropriate therapy.

Nausea, temperature and diarrhea: causes and treatment

During his life, a person may encounter various diseases that accompany unpleasant symptoms. These include nausea, diarrhea, temperature, lethargy, etc.

They may indicate pathological processes in the functioning of digestive bodies. Such symptoms are manifested separately and comprehensively.

The pathology in the work of the tract is short-term or long-term infectious.

When the objective causes of such symptoms are absent - it is necessary to refer to doctors without delay, in order to identify provoking factors and subsequent treatment.

The reasons

Manifested nausea, diarrhea, the temperature is able to accompany many diseases. Extremely often these symptoms appear during the following pathologies:

  • Acute food intrication. It occurs when receiving products of inadequate quality. The contaminated pathogenic microflora food will be excellent soil for breeding malicious microorganisms. Penetrating into the human body, they provoke severe poisoning. This can be supplemented with such signs as high temperature, malaise, dizziness.
  • Respiratory, viral infections. They may disrupt the proper work of the internal organs, provoking general poisoning.
  • Overeating. Excessive food intake or "heavy" food, including alcohol, is the reason for the "inclusion" of the protective mechanism, which is expressed in nausea, diarrhea and elevated temperature.
  • Dyskinesia biliary ducts. Many pathological processes of the digestive tract (ulcer, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, etc.). Usually, the patient during diagnostics should be observed a strict diet every day. When deviating from it, side effects appear as strong nausea, diarrhea, temperature. Alarming status Bud black diarrhea.
  • Allergy. Considered a protective reaction of the body. Through vomiting, it is getting rid of toxic substances, the patient has a violation of the GTS operation, diarrhea appears, temperature.
  • Psycho-emotional shocks. Stress is considered the most popular cause of such symptoms. It is mainly not hazard for a person when the duration of the phenomenon is not more than 2 days.
  • Changing of the climate. During travel, it is often noted that there are failures in the work of certain systems, including all sorts of violations in the gastrointestinal tract. Similar symptoms like dizziness, diarrhea, nausea, temperature, vomiting goes by themselves as adapting in new conditions.
  • Pregnancy. Women in position often marks nausea and diarrhea. This is due to hormonal changes, adaptation of the body to new conditions, preparation for fruiting. When toxicosis becomes a protracted, high temperature appears, diarrhea, pregnant tedious to learn the recommendations of the doctor.
  • Oncology. Cancer neoplasms, being foreign formations, will become a dangerous reason for the subsequent destruction of the patient's health.

Due to this disease, various courses of chemotherapy are often prescribed for its therapy, drugs that cause strong nausea, diarrhea, vomiting reflex.

First aid

Any intoxication is a pathology that oppresses the functioning of the entire body, so it is necessary to contact the doctors.

Prior to their arrival, when the patient is conscious, the following measures can be taken:

  • Call a vomit reflex. Dissolve in 1 l hot water 1-2 h. L. Soda, salt or manganese. Drink up. After each drunk liter, you need to push the root of the tongue, provoking vomiting. It should be continued until it becomes clear water.
  • Abundant drinking mode. Only water, tea or wild rose hips.
  • Take an absorbent agent. Activated carbon, polysorb, smect, polyphefam, enterosgel.

When the patient is unconscious:

  • It is necessary to flip his side, bend legs in the knees.
  • Watch that he does not choose the vomit masses.
  • Establish a vomit reflex, diarrhea during intoxication is prohibited.


When such unpleasant symptoms, like nausea, the temperature or diarrhea appear constantly it is possible to take drugs.

Activated coal, for example, 1 tab. By 10 kg of weight, removes toxic substances from the body and the pathogenic microflora from the gastrointestinal tract.

However, it is not necessary to take the remedy during the exacerbation of ulcers either in suspected internal bleeding. In addition, you can use the following drugs:

  • Smacks. You need 2 bags of 0.5 glasses of warm water, after the dosage is reduced to 1 sachet. The gap between the receptions is at least 60 minutes. Carefully use when constipation.
  • Phthalazole. 2 tab. Tools take every 2-3 hours, the healing effect appears on 3 day after 1 use. The main contraindications include hypersensitivity to the preparations of the sulfonamide group, an allergic reaction to the components of auxiliary substances, various pathological processes in the circulatory system, age up to 3 years.
  • Furazolidon. Refers to antibiotics, used up to 4 times a day at least 7 days. It is forbidden to use patients who have high susceptibility to the drug, liver diseases, children under 3 years old, women in the position and during lactation.
  • Imodium. Usually, enough 1 tab. And the means acts in the first 30 minutes after dissolution. There are certain contraindications to which include: dysentery, acute intestinal intoxication, intestinal obstruction, 1 trimester of pregnancy, lactation, age up to 6 years.
  • Enterol. 1-2 capsules 1 times 60 minutes before meals are eating three times a day. It is prohibited for receiving patients with venous catheters or with an allergic reaction to components that are part of the drug, children under 12 months.

Such medicines are available for acquisition in pharmacies. Before use, you need to consult with your doctor.

When an acute or chronic diarrhea drug treatment is prescribed only a specialist.


The change in the diet is necessary in symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea and nausea. These symptoms are considered an indirect characteristic of various gastrointestinal diseases.

The specialist appoints an individual dietary food, for example, a dairy table.

In many situations, certain products are prohibited, which contains allergens. Allowed products are:

  • white bread;
  • soup made of broth fish, meat and vegetables;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • porridge on water (optimally from rice);
  • omelet for a pair;
  • boiled eggs;
  • acidic apples in baked form;
  • bananas.

Forbidden products is:

  • flour in fresh form;
  • sweet dishes and desserts;
  • marinated, smoked or canned products;
  • legumes;
  • whole milk;
  • silnogazed drinks;
  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • mushrooms.

Prepare dishes are necessary for a couple.

Folk recipes

To quickly eliminate the diarrhea, the attacks of nausea and the vomit reflex can use the following means:

  • Crumpled leaves of blueberries (4 tbsp. L.) 1 liters of boiling water are poured, it is for 30 minutes, they are used for 0.5 glasses for half an hour before meals 2 days.
  • 4 Medium carrots are boiled in the peel, cool, cleaned, are cleaned, adding boiled water to a liquid state. You need to use 3 tbsp. l. Not less than 4 times a day before the final disappearance of diarrhea or a vomit reflex.
  • From a strong diarrhea every 30 minutes you need to drink tea with ginger (1 tbsp. L. Ground root for 1 cup of hot water).
  • During the diarrhea in an adult, the following means: the branch of fresh wormwood is bounce, 4-5 minutes, then spits.
  • An insignificant amount of wood husk is poured with water, boiled for 10 minutes, cool, focusing, is used in free mode to 0.5 liters per day.

Eating fluid

The main side effect, when there is a high temperature, diarrhea and nausea, is the rapid loss of fluid inside the body, which is fraught with dehydration, which leads to a deadly outcome.

Therefore, you should stick to the abundant drinking mode.

Optimally, over the day, take a greater number of ordinary boiled water, but not less than 3 l per day. Mineral water without gas is allowed.

It is possible to take carrot juice or apples diluted with water. Effective are brazers from herbs and compote from dried fruits. They fill the lost liquid and additionally feed with vitamins.

Many specialists advise to eat a solution of reciprons. When it is not near, then you can make a similar means on your own.

For these purposes, it is necessary to dissolve 1 liter of boiled water. soda, 0.5 h. Salts and approximately 5 tbsp. l. Sahara.


Prevention measures suggest essential compliance with the rules of hygiene and sanitary standards during the preparation of food products.

It is necessary to apply only high-quality foods with current shelf life, appropriate external and taste characteristics.

Vegetables, fruits and greens need to be washed, to use boiling water. It is necessary to wash the hands more often, in particular after the toilet, public places, public transport, medical institutions and before meals.

When there are symptoms such as temperature, dizziness, lethargy, diarrhea and vomiting reflex, it is necessary, first of all, to identify the sign of what they are.

For proper examination of the disease, you need to seek help to doctors. Do not independently establish the cause of the ailment and treat it.

The patient must pass all the required tests, repulsted from which the diagnosis and appointed treatment is appointed.

Therefore, when such unpleasant symptoms appear, it is necessary to consult with doctors.

Useful video

1) the use of non-filled water, which was infected;

2) emotional problems, chronic stress;

3) the syndrome, the name "irritated intestines";

4) Crohn's disease (chronic sluggish inflammation of a certain part of the gastrointestinal tract);

5) ulcerative colitis, which is characterized by chronic inflammation or appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the fat intestine;

6) oncological disease of the rectum;

7) (in which suction is broken).

If symptoms arose: vomiting, diarrhea, temperature, - must be visited by a doctor. Most dangerous when such a state occurs after visiting Asian, African or other remote regions. If you do not get a timely full qualified medical care, it may develop such dangerous not only for health, but also for the lifetime itself, as its main signs are a dry tongue and dry lips, a constant feeling of thirst, breathing rapid, urination, on the contrary, becomes less .

How, in the presence of such symptoms, like vomiting, diarrhea, the temperature in an adult, can you have a prefigure help?


1) As much can use liquids that have a room or slightly large temperature (this can be both water and various broths);

2) Exclude completely from its diet for the time of coffee, any alcoholic beverages, fruit juices and milk.

Drinking with small sips in small portions. If there is no appetite or there is a feeling or spasms inside the abdomen - do not eat. And when the appetite appears again, it is recommended to eat rice, bananas, white bread crackers, baked vegetables, and if meat, then only lean and in small quantities. Until the complete disappearance of such symptoms as vomiting, diarrhea, temperature in an adult, under the ban for it, the use of fresh fruits, greenery, alcoholic beverages, oily, sharp, fried. You can, of course, use with these disorders and a non-delepsy antidiarene, but if vomiting, diarrhea, the temperature of the adult will not disappear on the second day of reception of this drug, then it should not be continued, but it is better to visit the doctor.

In order to protect yourself and their loved ones from such misfortunes, try to drink water only profounted, always wash the berries, vegetables and fruits, as well as hands before meals. After all, in addition to a banal intestinal disorder, a person may be infected with hepatitis A, dysentery due to non-compliance with these elementary rules, and in exotic countries, even cholera. Before traveling to distant countries, ask the necessary vaccinations, and, being there, be extremely careful, especially with raw and unusual food.

When vomiting, diarrhea, temperature, a person thinks about food poisoning. Do not forget that there are other factors causing similar states. Main reasons:

  • Food poisoning.
  • Viral and bacterial infections.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The reason is the reception of food containing toxins. Produced by pathogenic microorganisms. The poisoning is manifested for several hours (1-12). A person has multiple symptoms. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to carry out differential diagnosis with other diseases.

The main symptoms of food poisoning:

  1. Nausea.
  2. Vomiting.
  3. Diarrhea.
  4. Pain.
  5. Increase temperature (37-40 degrees).
  6. Weakness.
  7. Pallor.

The first sign of poisoning is nausea. Lasts short-term. Soon, severe vomiting begins. The stomach is cleared. The process cannot be stopped. Long, indomitable vomiting - an indication for the use of antiwest drugs.

After vomiting the relief will come. Man will feel weakness. There will appear the pallor of the skin. Now, at the end of vomiting, enterosorbents (activated carbon) are taken, other drugs (light manganese solution, enterosgel). In some cases, the reception in small quantities of the dishes of medicinal herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort) is possible.

Diarrhea (diarrhea) is a natural cleansing mechanism. Helps bring out the remnants of infected food from the body. Depending on the causative agent of the disease, diarrhea can be different in color.

With diarrhea, due to amplifying peristaltics, a sick person is experiencing strong spasms. Feelings can be saved after recovery. After diarrhea, the body is dehydrated. With severe dehydration, the solution of the regudron is taken.

Temperature in vomiting, diarrhea indicates the severity of the state. Temperature 37 degrees speaks about the presence of a sluggish process. The increase of up to 38 degrees speaks of the transition of an infectious process to the sharp phase. Requires careful monitoring of human condition.

Food poisoning of light and moderate severity cure at home, with reservoirs. The use of antipyretic agents, drugs of nitrofuran row is allowed.

A sharp deterioration in the state of the patient (headaches, fainting, impairment of vision, the temperature rose to 39-40 degrees, dreamed violations) requires urgent hospitalization. Test analyzes, set the accurate diagnosis. Depending on this, treatment tactics are selected.

An adult man easier to transfers food poisoning than a child. The children's body has an immature immune system. Light disease occurs hard. At a temperature of 38, there is a need for hospitalization. Even if the temperature, diarrhea flow without vomiting. It is justified by the use of mums with salted water (1 tbsp. A spoon of salt dissolve in 1 liter of boiled water).

Viral and bacterial infections

The emergence of a person incessant vomiting, always gives rise to the infection of viruses, bacteria. Diseases occur hard. Timely laboratory study (blood, feces, urine, vomit will be able to identify the pathogen. After applied adequate therapy.

Common viral, bacterial infections:

  • Rotavirus.
  • Dysentery.
  • Salmonelles.
  • Viral hepatitis.


Rotavirus () is a microorganism that affects the intestines of man. They are infected with a fecal-oral way. The flu virus does not apply. The disease has become so called due to the similarity of the symptoms (temperature 37-38, runny nose, cough, headache, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness).

When infected with rotavirus, the patient's chair becomes like a clay, acquires a light, grayish-yellow shade. Blood adherence. At the child, the disease occurs harder than an adult. If the baby is very sick, tears, take action. Outly the disease occurs during the first infection. The virus causes active generation of antibodies, strong immunity develops.

No specific drugs. Treatment is symptomatic. It is recommended to drink, activated carbon, antipyretic. Be careful in communicating with patients. They are inflated, to be insulated.


The cause of the disease is to enter the intestine. This bacterium causes the hardest defeat, mostly a large intestine. The source of infection can be a person, water, food. Symptoms of infection appear in 2-7 days after contact with an infected object.

The disease can begin in different ways. Headaches, lethargy, temperature quickly replace the abdominal pain. A strong diarrhea appears, the temperature rises to 39. The skin is pale, the tongue becomes brown. Heartbeat is rapidly, blood pressure decreases.

The number of defecates is from 20 to 50 times a day. Gradually, the chair turns into a mixture of mucus, blood and pus. Duration of illness 3-4 weeks. Complications - peritonitis and paraproatitis.

Treatment depends on severity. Light shape - therapeutic table number 4, nitrofurans, oxychinolines. With medium and heavy form, a combination of antibiotics is selected. Preparations are prescribed taking into account the sensitivity of the strain.


Intestinal infection is called. It occurs when contacting a sick person, animal or food. Development acute (chills, elevated temperature up to 41 degrees with nausea, vomiting, headaches).

  • Specific symptom - frequent, watery feces. Green chair, with bile, keeps 8-10 days.
  • Often there are articular pains, an increase in liver and spleen.

The patient is placed in the infectious compartment. The diagnosis is made after laboratory research. Treatment is carried out using penicillin derivatives, fluoroquinolones, specific bacteriophages. Antibiotics are not prescribed in the absence of blood in a chair.

Patient is prescribed abundant drinking, solutions for the restoration of electrolyte balance, diet, preparations for the withdrawal of toxins, restoration of intestinal microflora.

Possible complications:

  • peritonitis;
  • toxic shock;
  • polyarthritis;
  • renal failure.

Viral hepatitis

Acute liver virus disease. The incubation period from 7 days to 6 months, depending on the strain (A, B, C, D, E, F, G). You can be infected with dirty water, infected food, syringes, with unprotected sex.

The disease begins with temperature, nausea, pain in the field of epigastria. Then the lubrication is joined, headache. Appetite is lowered. The diarrhea, flatulence begins. There is a strong skin itching.

Against the background of this, there is a significant increase in the size of the liver and spleen. Human . Urine darkens, feces discolored. Signs of general intoxication are growing. After the color of the skin and the scool of the eyes in yellow color comes some relief.

Children tolerate hepatitis unequal. If the child has always been low organism resistance, the light shape of the disease occurs hard.

When infected with hepatitis A treatment is not required. Assign a diet, bedding, abundant drinking, antispasmodics (but-shpa, papaverine), choleretic means. If necessary, add preparations for detoxification (intravenously).

Infection of other types of hepatitis proceeds harder. In addition to basic therapy, antiviral treatment with interferons is used. Full cure is almost impossible. Proper therapy reaches prolonged remissions. Long ban on alcohol is introduced.


  • chronic diseases of the horizontal bubble;
  • necrosis;
  • cirrhosis;

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Disorder of the work of the stomach and intestines leads to the development of various diseases. Increased or reduced secretion of gastric juice and digestive enzymes causes malfunctions in the work of the internal organs. Pancreatitis, gastritis, gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer and many other gastrointestinal diseases often have similar symptoms.

Pancreatitis is considered the most dangerous. In men, it develops due to the use of alcohol and fatty products, and in women due to a biliary disease, diets, hormonal oscillations.

The primary sign is vomiting with an admixture of bile, pain in the epigastria, diarrhea and a small temperature. With nausea in light shape and weak pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, it is possible to treat the patient at home, symptomatically. If the temperature rose to 38-39 degrees, then the attachment of the pathogenic intestinal flora occurred. Acceptance of antibiotics will help relieve inflammation.

Disorders from digestive bodies deserve close attention. After conducting a comprehensive examination, the gastroenterologist will be able to assign appropriate treatment. It will relieve possible complications.

For life, a person faces or transfers various diseases that are accompanied by a variety of symptoms. Such ailment, as nausea, diarrhea, temperature, weakness indicate pathologies in the work of the digestive system. These features can manifest themselves individually, in the complex, accompanied by other complaints. The pathology of the operation of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) can be temporary in nature (the case of non-alcoholic poisoning) or a long infectious process is possible. If there are no visible explanations for such symptoms - it is necessary to urgently contact the medical institution, to accurately diagnose the disease.

Temperature, nausea, weakness, diarrhea: what it says about

Nausea, vomiting, temperature, weakness are signs of what causes such manifestations? A normal question that occurs in a person experiencing such unpleasant conditions. Gastric disorders of various nature most often accompany the symptoms of this character. These ailments are often exacerbated by such a state as dizziness, dehydration of the body, fever, chills, etc.

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the poisoning of the body:

  • food;
  • alcoholic, narcotic;
  • drug;
  • chemical.

Any microbe can lead to very serious consequences. Gastric diseases are acute or chronic. In the acute course of the disease, signs appear suddenly. Dizziness, temperature, nausea, diarrhea, headache, weakness are rapidly developing. In this case, you need to seek medical care as soon as possible.

Important! If a person has a sharp abdominal pain (backwards), diarrhea, nausea, temperature 37 ° C and higher, vomiting, the reason may be in appendicitis. Immediate surgical intervention will be required here.

For chronic form of diseases, the stages of exacerbation, replaced by remission. At the moments of exacerbation, symptoms are also developing rapidly as in acute form. During remission, there may be completely disappearing. Then the main task becomes - delay the stage of sickness of the disease for a longer period.

Vomiting, Headache, Temperature, Weakness: Relationship with poisoning

Food products that man uses daily is designed to provide the organism with the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals. But the quality of modern products leaves much to be desired, so their use brings less benefit, and the negative effect is enhanced. Especially dangerous food poisoning caused by staphylococcis, which actively multiply in meat and dairy products. Symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, temperature, weakness in an adult can talk about such poisoning. Often, the situation is exacerbated by the following ailments: dizziness, headache, lubrication in the bones.

Approximately the same manifestations also cause other types of poisoning: alcoholic, drug, chemical. The patient, in such a case, shows abundant drink, washing the stomach, any sorbing substances (polysorb, activated carbon, atomoxyl). In the case of any poisoning, it is necessary to immediately cause emergency assistance, since only a qualified physician can estimate the degree of intoxication. Only explicit light alcohol poisoning can be removed at home. With chemical intoxication, medication and narcotic - to contact the hospital.

Effect of intestinal infections

Different types of pathogens can cause various serious diseases of the lust and intestinal tract, including toxicoinfection:

  • staphylococci;
  • klostridia botulism;
  • salmonella;
  • bacteria bacilluscereus.

Important! For example, infection caused by clostridia of botulism with proper treatment is in one or two days. In the worst case, they can provoke a paralysis of respiratory muscles. Unwise of qualified assistance leads to a fatal outcome

Nausea, diarrhea, temperature, weakness as signs of gastrointestinal disease

With any disease, the patient's trap can be applied and tear. Diarrhea, an increase in body temperature up to 39 ° C, as well as in this case, can be poured in the bones, weakness, headache, dizziness, exhaust, pain in the stomach, discoloration of the carts. These symptoms are significantly aggravated by the situation and can talk about exacerbation:

  • stomach ulcers, duodenum;
  • cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • hepatitis A;
  • gastroprota, etc.

Each of the listed diseases requires specialized and timely treatment, because tightening with therapy can leave a person with disabilities for life

Vomiting, temperature, adult weakness - what to do

If symptoms such as temperature, dizziness, weakness, diarrhea and vomiting are observed, first of all, to determine the sign of what they are. For the correct diagnosis of the disease, it is necessary to contact the medical institution, and not carry out self-diagnosis and independent appointment of any treatment. There, the patient is sent to the necessary surveys, on the basis of which the diagnosis is made and adequate therapy is appointed.

You should not consider insignificant or non-serious gastrointestinal diseases. We all love to eat deliciously, and the launched stage of the disease can exclude the use of such beloved oily, fried food. Therefore, it is better to enjoy your favorite meal, but in moderation and follow your well-mindedness, trusting specialists in a timely manner.

The combination of symptoms of vomiting, a liquid chair (diarrhea) and an elevated body temperature in an adult may be a sign of acute intestinal infection, viral hepatitis, food poisoning or gastric flu (rotavirus infection). The latter disease is more common in children. The absence of treatment of such symptoms can lead to a sharp dehydration, cramps and even the death of the patient. Therefore, it is not necessary to postpone the appeal to the doctor when the first signs of the disease appears.

Why treat diarrhea in an adult?

Diarrhea or diarrhea is a protective reaction of the body for the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms into the intestine. Also diarrhea arises as a result of irritation to the toxins of nerve endings and muscles of the intestinal wall. With each defecacyment, a person loses a significant part of the fluid. Without water, all the main processes in the cells of the body are stopped, suffering from the brain and the cardiovascular system. With significant dehydration, cramps may occur, the respiratory stop and even the death of the patient.

What to do with diarrhea?

  1. Cleaning enema. No matter how paradoxically sounds, but the enema purifies the intestines from toxins. Sometimes this method helps prevent diarrhea without medicines.
  2. Diet. In the diet should prevail products with fixing, enveloping and astringent action. These are mucous porridge (rice, oatmeal), crackers, rubbed non-fat meat. It is not recommended to use cheeses, fermented milk products, milk, oily and fried food, as well as smoked salts, pickles and alcohol.
  3. Abundant drink. Regardless of the loss of fluid and the frequency of detergents, the person must drink 50 ml of fluid per day per each kilogram of the mass of its body. You can give preference to a strong black tea, a compote from dried fruits, a rumor of rosehip and water without gas. If drinking does not fill the loss of fluid, a person feels thirst, loses weight, skin and mucous membranes remain dry, then it is necessary to carry out intravenous injections of the liquid (dropper). Such events are carried out only in the hospital.
  4. Disintellation preparations (sorbents). These drugs are used to associate and remove viruses and bacteria from the body, excess gases. Activated carbon, smect, enterosgel, polyfepan and sorbex are widely used.
  5. Preparations that reduce intestinal motor activity. These include Loperamide and Imodium. In case of intestinal infections, the use of these drugs is not recommended, since the cessation of detergents will lead to stagnation of toxins and microbes in the intestine. This group of drugs is allowed to use with functional or inflammatory diseases (for example, Crohn's disease).
  6. Intestinal antibiotics (nifuroxazid, furazolidone). Have a direct impact on intestinal infection.

What to do with nausea and vomit?

Nausea and vomiting in combination with diarrhea and fever testify to strong intoxication (toxins poisoning). Vomiting is also a protective reaction of the body, aimed at purifying the stomach from toxins and microbes. In case of intestinal infections and poisoning, antiemetic drugs are not recommended.

  1. Washing the stomach. Reducing the concentration of toxins in the stomach will lead to a decrease in the vomit reflex. As a rule, washing the stomach is carried out to clean water, that is, until the moment when food remains in the wash waters.
  2. To restore fluid loss, rich drink is recommended. Every 15 - 20 minutes you need to make 1 - 2 throat of water, juice, morse or compote. Drinking liquid is not recommended, it can provoke a repeated vomit reflex.
  3. Antiwheat preparations are used in extreme cases when vomiting extends the patient or threatens deep dehydration. These include metoclopramide (or Cerukal), drugs of Domperidon (Motilium, Domrid). Parenteral forms of these drugs (in ampoules for injection) are convenient with frequent repeating vomiting.

What to do with fever?

Increased body temperature indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body, as well as that the immune system is struggling with infection. The temperature of 38.0 - 39.0 degrees may be accompanied by chills, for example, with acute intestinal infections or rotavirus infection.

  1. Cooling the patient. In no case, with an increase in body temperature, you can not bite the patient. It needs to be brought and confused with cold water. If the legs and arms on the background of fever are cold, they need to be omitted in warm water, grasp mustard or give a patient with any spasmolitic (but-shua, papaverine).
  2. Abundant drink will help to remove toxins from the body, and also prevents dehydration exacerbating during fever.
  3. Antipyretic means. Used at temperatures above 38.5 degrees. Paracetamol preparations (Rapidol, Ehelevgangan), ibuprofen (Nurofen) are widely used. It is not recommended to use acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) due to its aggressive effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.