How to bake bream in the oven with mayonnaise. Bream in the oven - Affordable fish delicacy

1. Lent baked in the oven with tomatoes
2. Little baked in the oven, on an ambulance hand
3. Lack baked in the oven slices
4. Angle with potatoes and sour cream
5. Stuffed stuffed baked in the oven
6. LESS, stuffed with buckwheat, in the oven
7. Fascinated bream with lard in the oven

It has long been known that the fish is very useful. But the benefit can be extracted from fresh fish, and not from frozen fillets purchased in the store, since the expiration date is very difficult to establish. For example, you can buy a live bream and prepare it at home. Although bream is a very bony fish, his meat has a wonderful taste. Best of all this product is baked in the oven or stew with seasonings and vegetables. The meat of this product, baked in the oven, retains all its useful properties.

Buck baked in oven with tomatoes


vegetable oil - 50 g

tomatoes - 0.5 kg

bream - 0.5 kg

onions - 1 head

ground pepper, salt, parsley - to taste

lemon - 1 pc. (small)


Fish clamp, clean from scales, rinse and dry, after grate with salt and pepper.

Tomatoes wash, chop with circles.

Onions finely chopping, squeeze juice from lemon.

On the form for baking to lay a foil, lubricate it with vegetable oil, to put part of tomatoes and parsley on top, on top of placing the prepared carcass, and then again the remaining tomatoes with greens.

Put the foil and put in the oven again.

This dish is baked 25-30 minutes.

You can boil potatoes on the side dish.

Bashing baked in the oven, on an ambulance hand


onion onion - 3 pcs.

bream - 1 pc.

parsley, dill, pepper ground black, salt - to taste


Bream to pay, clean, wash, if inside there is caviar, then take it out and put it on the sideline, the gills also need to be deleted.

Then it is necessary to make cuts on the adhesive (on the tail and ridge) after 5 mm.

After a carcass you need to grasp salt and pepper (outside and inside), if I was caviar - it also needs to be salted and again put inside the carcass.

Inside the bream also need to put onions, pre-launched rings, dill and parsley.

The edges of the carcass are connected using wooden toothpicks and put on a leaf for baking, pre-lubricated with vegetable oil. Bake the dish is needed in the oven at 150 ° С 40 minutes.

After this time, the dish can be shifted in a plate and serve to the table, but first you will need to pull out the caviar, onions and greens. The latter can be thrown away, but caviar can be served to the table together with the bow.

Bream baked in oven by pieces


flour - 4 tbsp.

creamy butter - 4 tbsp. l.

black ground pepper, salt - to taste

milk - 125 ml

parsley - to taste

vegetable oil - to taste


Wash carcass, make a cut on the ridge along and cut it with small pieces.

Pour milk into the cup, then dissolve salt in it. In milk, after that, it is necessary to poke the pieces of bream for 15 minutes.

Then the pieces of fish need to be cut into flour and shift them into a glass with vegetable oil, to pour everything with melted butter and put in the oven, preheated.

Bake the dish need 15 minutes, after cooking shifting everything on a plate and decorate with a parsley.

Bream in the oven with potatoes and sour cream


bream - 0.5 kg

potatoes - 3 pcs.

flour - 2 tbsp. l.

sour cream - 30 g

salt to taste


Carry clean and rinse, cut into pieces, then salute them and cut into flour.

Potatoes clean and wash, cut into cubes.

Lubricate the baking sheet with vegetable oil and put fish there, to put potatoes on top.

Heat the oven to 180 ° C and put a barrel with a blank for 25 minutes.

Then remove the dish, pour sour cream and get into the oven for another 15 minutes.

Before serving a dish, sprinkle lemon juice.

Bream stuffed baked in the oven


onion ones - 4 pcs.

olives - 60 g

creamy oil - 15 g

vegetable oil salt - to taste

lavra leaf - to taste

garlic - 3 teeth

lemon - 1 pc.

black pepper ground - to taste

cream or sour cream - 70 g


Clear fish, remove the insides and fins, rinse well, make transverse cuts on the cutter, pull out small bones, salting the carcass. Square from the inside and outside the lemon juice and graze black pepper.

Then the fish must be stuffed with the following products: chopped finely onions and ½ it is part of it in the fish, then a finely chopped parsley greens, a little lemon zest, butter and chopped olives are placed inside.

The rest of the bow should be mixed with vegetable oil, salt, add garlic and put on the form for baking.

On top of the mixture, lay the prepared carcass, lubricate it with vegetable oil, cover the foil and bake in the oven for 5 minutes at a low temperature, then remove the foil.

The bream must be lubricated with vegetable oil and bake for another 15 minutes, but the temperature needs to be slightly increased.

Finished fish can be decorated with orange or apple slices.

Bream stuffed with buckwheat sowing


vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

dry buckwheat - 1 cup

onions - 2 heads

creamy oil - 70 g

chicken eggs - 3 pcs.

dried mushroom powder - 1 tbsp. l.

salt, black ground pepper - to taste


From dry buckwheat, you need to cook crumbly buckwheat porridge and add a mushroom powder.

Onions finely cut and fry in a frying pan until shuttering, mix with buckwheat pitching, add 50 g of soft butter.

Chicken eggs boiled screwed and chop, then add them to the porridge with a bow. After the mixture, pepper, salt and cool.

Fish clean and roll over the head so as not to cut a carcass. Then rinse it and dry, especially inside. After that, it must be salted and pepper.

Heat the oven to 200 ° C. Push to porch, but not very tight. Abdominal can be copped with thread or wooden toothpicks.

Putting paper for baking, lubricate, and then pour breadcrumbs.

Top to put stuffed carcass, top to pour the creamy butter on top and put everything in the oven for 15 minutes.

After donate heat to 160 ° C and bake for another 30 minutes. Raw vegetables will be suitable as a garnish.

Stuffed bream with lard in the oven


bream - 1.5 kg

salo salty - 100 g

garlic - 1 head

green dill and parsley

vegetable oil


Bream cleanse from the internships and scales. On the back to make cuts, salt.

Salo finely cut, garlic Celement, the greens of dill and parsley smallly chop, mix.

Folded with a mixture of a carcass.

After it, it is necessary to cut into flour, fry in boiling vegetable oil, and then put it in the oven until the dishes are fully readily.

Fish is a great replacement of meat, and Baked in the oven bream is an excellent decoration of any table, not only everyday, but also festive!

Bream - delicious and useful fish. It is easily absorbed by the body and does not cause gravity.

However, not everyone knows how you can cook this fish to get juicy and tender. Bream can be frying, cooking, soaring, stew, serve together with a garnish and, of course, bake.

In any form it is excellent and amazing. But it is best to bake him, because it keeps all the nutritious and useful properties and, while, it turns out to be juicy and gentle with a pleasant aroma.

We offer to carefully read all the secrets of cooking in the oven.

How to prepare bream for cooking

Before baking, bream must be prepared correctly. To begin with, it is cleared of scales.

Then it must be cut and remove all the insides. We wash thoroughly because the fish can be patched.

All fins and gills should be removed. It is also necessary to remove small bones - for this carcass you need to cut on the sides and remove all possible bones.

Simple recipe baked bream in the oven


You consider the first thing from the fish, take out the insides and cut the fins. Next, it is rubbed with salt and ground black pepper;

Baking shape is sprayed with vegetable oil and bream is laid there;

The bulb should be cleaned and cut into rings. Luke rings lay out from above;

Tomatoes cut on medium slices and also lay out onions from above. It was the tomato that prevents the burning of Luka and give a fishing and fragrance;

On top of the mayonnaise layer in the form of a layer or mesh;

The oven is heated to 180 degrees and there is a form. It is advisable to bake in the "Heated and bottom and bottom" mode. Bake about 30-40 minutes;

The greens are laying on a large flat plate - lettuce leaves, parsley, dill. I pull out the finished bream with vegetables from the oven and lay it on the greens.

Stuffed bream baked in the oven

The following products will be required:

  • Bream - 1 kg;
  • Onions - 4 bulbs;
  • Garlic - 3 teeth;
  • 70 grams of olives;
  • Lemon - 1 piece;
  • 20 grams of butter;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • 100 ml of cream or sour cream;
  • Slight salt;
  • Chopping black ground pepper;
  • A pair of laurel sheets.


  1. We prepare the bream - clean itching, insides, cut off the fins, the gills and take out small bones. We make cross-cuts;
  2. We cut the lemon and squeeze the juice. We rub the fish from all sides. Also rub the black pepper;
  3. Onions clean and cut in small squares. ½ part of the onion put inside the fish;
  4. Next, finely chop the greenery and lemon zest. These ingredients are also placed in fish;
  5. Add a bit of cream oil and crawled olives cut into half;
  6. Finely rub garlic, mix with the rest of the bow and add vegetable oil into the mixture. We lay out everything on the baking form with a uniform layer. We put the bream from above and lubricate the oil. Cover all foil;
  7. Heat the oven to 180 degrees and put a form with fish there. We bake it 5 minutes. Then pull out, remove the foil and put in the oven;
  8. We increase the temperature and it bakes 15 minutes;
  9. I pull out the finished stuffed bream, we shift onto the plate and decorate the slices of orange or apple.

How to bake bream in the oven in foil

The following products will be needed:

  • Bream - 1 kg;
  • 1 medium lemon;
  • Garlic - 3 teeth;
  • 3-4 twigs of thyme;
  • 3-4 sprigs of rosemary;
  • Vegetable or olive oil;
  • Some salt and spices.


  1. To begin with, we prepare fish - clean the scales, take out the insides and remove extra fins. The carcass is spawned well and laid out on a drying towel;
  2. We rub her salt and pepper from all sides;
  3. Cut the lemon with circles, garlic finely rub. Lemon with garlic put in the fish;
  4. Well lubricate the outer sides by olive or vegetable oil and lay out onto foil;
  5. Then we lay out several twins of thyme and rosemary. After that, the fish tightly turns foil and laid on the baking sheet;
  6. The oven is warmed up to 180 degrees and the baking sheet is put there. Half an hour is baked, until readiness;
  7. We take a finished bream out of the oven, we remove the foil sheet and lay out on a plate. It can be served with fresh vegetables.

How to bake bream in the oven with potatoes

The following components will be needed:

  • Half a kilogram bream;
  • Potatoes - 2 kilograms;
  • 1 bunch of parsley;
  • 100 grams of mayonnaise;
  • Some seasoning for fish;
  • Salt.


  1. First prepare the fish. Clean the scaly, take out the groove, clean the fins and remove the extra bones. Next, we wash with cold water and wipe the towel;
  2. Then we make small cuts in the form of a grid so that it is better soaked with spices. We rub it with salt and seasonings. If in the seasonings already contains salt, then the salt is not necessary separately, otherwise the fish will turn out too salty. We leave it for a while that it is soaked;
  3. Prepare potatoes. We clean it from the skins, rinse and cut in the form of straws. We lay it out in a bowl, add salt, pepper and a little mayonnaise. All mix;
  4. We rinse the greenery of parsley well and shake so that all the extra moisture of the glass. Next, lay the greens inside the fish and fasten;
  5. Baking shape is lubricated with oil and bream is laid out, potatoes are folded on the sides;
  6. The oven is heated to 180 degrees and there is a baking sheet there. Bake half an hour before the appearance of a red crust. Also do not forget the potatoes to turn over so that it is completely protected;
  7. Finished fish and potatoes lay on a plate and apply on the table.

You will definitely like our recipe. Take a tasty bake of Sazan in the oven in foil. The best recipes collected in one. What fish bake in the foil in the oven. What will happen tastier and that adding to the dish turned out to be exquisite.

How to bake stuffed bream mushrooms in the oven

For cooking, you should purchase the following products:

  • Bream - half a kilogram;
  • Champignons - 500 grams;
  • Onions - 3 heads;
  • 1 lemon;
  • Salt;
  • Some black pepper and coriander.


  1. Bream cleanse from scales, indoors, fins and stones. Rinse with cold water and wipe the napkin;
  2. Along the entire carcass, we make transverse cuts at a distance of arcs from each other 1 cm;
  3. Grind peas peppers and coriander. I spend in a cup and mix with salt;
  4. We rub the bream to this mixture and leave it for an hour so that it is soaked;
  5. We clean the bulbs and cut into small cubes. A frying pan is placed on the plate, some vegetable oil poured on it and the onions fall asleep. I own it under the lid until golden color;
  6. After that, we remove the onions from the stove and shift into the cup;
  7. Mushrooms clean, rinse and cut into pieces. I fall asleep in the pan with oil and fry until readiness;
  8. Remove mushrooms from the fire and fall asleep in a bowl with onions. Mix all;
  9. I put the finished stuffing inside the bream. The abdomen should be copped with toothpicks or sew threads so that the filling does not fall out;
  10. Lemon should be chopped in the form of thin rings. 2-3 rings lay under the gills;
  11. Baking shape is sprayed with oil, and spread fish on it;
  12. The oven is warming up to 180 degrees and put the form. Bake 15 minutes;
  13. Then pull out the fish, lubricate the mayonnaise in the form of a layer or mesh and remove into the oven. We bake for another 15 minutes;
  14. After 5 minutes, we pull out again and insert a couple of lemon circles into the cuts. Sprinkle it with lemon juice and put in the oven. We bake for 5 minutes;
  15. We put the finished bream on the plate and serve with lemon circles.

Baked bream pieces in the oven

The following components will be required:

  • Bream - 1 kg;
  • 200 grams of flour;
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • 130 ml of milk;
  • 1 bunch of green parsley;
  • Slight salt and black ground pepper;
  • Vegetable oil.


  1. From the fish we consider the scales, take out the insides, cut off the fins and rinse. Cut it into pieces;
  2. In the cup we pour milk and simulate. Lay out pieces there and soaked for 15 minutes;
  3. After that, the pieces are cut in flour and spread them into a refractory container, lubricated with oil. Fill there melted butter;
  4. Heat the oven to 180 degrees and put fish there. It is necessary to bake it 15-20 minutes;
  5. I put the finished fish on a plate and sprinkled with a chopped parsley.

  • In front of the baking on the entire surface of the fish carcass, cross-cuts should be made. Due to this, the salt and spices are completely absorbed, the fish will become juicy and fragrant;
  • You can use special seasonings for fish as spices, they will give an extra fragrance with a dish and make it more delicious;
  • Before baking the bream, it can be sprinkled with lemon juice. Lemon will remove unnecessary smell;
  • Fish availability can be defined by the eyes. As soon as they become whiten, bream can be pulled out of the oven.

The bream baked in the oven is a great dish that needs to be prepared. Be sure your guests and family members will appreciate this dish only from the positive side!

How to cook breamSo that it was delicious, satisfying and simple, and not just just, but also useful. It turns out very tasty if the bream is fed up in a pan, but, alas, not useful. Today nutritionists recommend replacing fried foods on boiled, stew, baked or steamed.

Therefore, I want to offer you a more useful cooking option - Bake the bream whole in the oven. You can bake. But in my case it was found that the foil was over)), I did not want to go to the store for the foil, and there was no longer time. I had to use an open method of baking. But ... the result exceeded all the expectations, the fish turned out to be tender, juicy, fragrant. Friends, on this recipe you can bake not only bream, but also another sea fish or meat. In the recipe, I used the citrus marinade. Marinade gives the fish an amazing taste - gentle with citrus notes of a sweet orange. In more detail about the preparation of bream, read in recipes. So, the dish from the bream in the oven.

bash baked in the ovens whole photo

How to cook bream in the oven without foil


  • sea bream 2 pcs.
  • lime 1pc (can be replaced with lemon)
  • orange 3pcs.
  • red pomelo 1pc.
  • box kinse
  • olive oil
  • salt and pepper to taste

Preparation of bream

  1. Of the two oranges, squeeze the juice of the base citrus and cut into thin circles.
  2. In the form for baking, put paper for baking, sprinkle olive oil and lay out several citrus circles.
  3. Place the pre-cleaned bream from above. In the bream put a few twigs of the cilantro. Salt fish and pepper. Put out the remaining part of the chopped citrus.
  4. Fish sprinkle with orange juice and olive oil.
  5. Prepare bream in the oven preheated to 180 degrees around 20-25 minutes. The bream preparation time depends on the size of the fish. Be careful during cooking, do not distinguish.

You can try other useful bream dishes.

Bream stew

Now in stores you can find such a fruit like Quince. If you take fresh fruits, they are very tough with a tart astringent taste, and in stewed form fruits acquires a sweet taste, resembling the taste of pear. So,

How to stew fish with quince


  • bream 1 pc. (500-600 gr.)
  • quince fruits 1 pc.
  • butter cream 3st.L.
  • white onion or ordinary onion peek 1pc. (better white it is more gentle and sweetish taste)
  • water 1.5 glasses
  • salt and pepper to taste


  • We prepare bream and separate it on fillet. If bream is river, then. Mode to portion pieces.
  • Quince we clean, remove the core and cut the slices. White onions cut thin half rings.
  • Prepared products along with fish and butter lay out in the dishes, where the fish will be prepared. Solim and pepper, pour water and carcass on medium heat under the closed lid for about 8-10 minutes.

Bream stewed in sour cream

  • The bream is separated and cut into portion pieces, fish salt and pepper to taste.
  • Onions (it is better to use white onions) a mode with thin half rings, carrot three on a large grater.
  • Fish, carrots and onions put in a shallow skillet. Water mix with sour cream and pour into a frying pan. Sourished sauce should cover fish somewhere on three quarters. Mashed bream under the closed lid on slow heat for 8-10 minutes.

We serve stewed bream hot.

Bon Appetit!

Bream in the oven is obtained very tasty and satisfying. But often speaking about fish prepared in the oven, recipes with sazans, carp and pikes are immediately remembered, and bream are represented only in smoked form.

However, people who know how to make bream in the oven, please their relatives and close to fragrant fish with juicy meat and appetizing views of the dish.

Fish preparation subtleties

Bream is marked well in any sauce and absorbs the required number of spices and seasonings. It can be prepared both with sour cream, and with spicy herbs sauces.

With the help of lemon juice, you can add meat a spicy taste and remove the specific fish smell.

People who adore well-fried fish are preparing carcass in sour cream or mayonnaise. And those who love slightly girdle fish, unfold foil for 5 - 10 minutes until readiness.

When baking, bream is not worth making cuts on the carp in the hope that the bones will interfere with the less in food, this method is only suitable for frying in a frying pan. The preparation of bream lasts only 25 - 35 minutes, and during this time the bone simply will not have time to succumb to the crunch.

Bream in the oven with mustard and lemon

To bake the bream in the overall, the next set of products will be required:

  • 1 carcass weighing 1000 g;
  • 160 - 180 g onion of the onion;
  • 1 small lemon;
  • 100 ml of mayonnaise;
  • 35 g mustard (finished);
  • 3 - 4 twigs of fresh dill;
  • 2 large cloves of garlic.

The spices will need salt and seasoning for fish dishes. If necessary, you can use black pepper ground.

  1. Prepare a carcass to cooking. Remove the scales and insides, and also do not forget to remove the gills.
  2. Well rinse bream under running water and after drying it with paper towels or napkins.
  3. Clean the onions from the husks, rinse and cut the half rings.
  4. Wave dill and lie finely.
  5. Wash the lemon and cut it with thin circles.
  6. In a deep plate, put mayonnaise, seasonings and mustard. All mix well and spray.
  7. A carcass from all sides to deepen the resulting sauce (inside and outside) and postpone it for 13 - 17 minutes to marinate.
  8. The baking sheet is completely offered foil and make it low-side sides. In the middle, place part of the sliced \u200b\u200bonion and put the bream on it.
  9. Low residues connect with greens and garlic, and then put the fish in the abdomen. Put 2 - 3 lemon circle. While weaning toothpicks.
  10. Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees.

Prepare a dish is necessary for 30 - 35 minutes. After cooking, put it up with the onion layer in a flat plate, decorate it with lemon circles and fresh greens.

Buck baked in oven with tomatoes

Bream in the oven in foil is especially juicy and tasty, if you cook it with tomatoes.

To do this, you will need:

  • 500 -700 g bream;
  • 500 g of tomatoes;
  • 40 - 60 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 100 g of onions of the reptile;
  • 1 small lemon.

Also need salt, pepper ground and fresh parsley greens in the required quantity.

  1. Prepare a carcass and divide it. After that, well and evenly soda the breeds with spices from all sides.
  2. Tomatoes rinse and grind on thin mugs.
  3. Remove the husks from the bow, wash it and cut it with half rings.
  4. Foil for baking spread on baking and smear it with oil.
  5. In the center decompose part of the tomato with onions and greens, and put a carcass on the vegetables. Over put the remaining tomatoes.
  6. Foil tightly and well close so that the cracks remained, and place the baking sheet.

To bake the bream, the oven must be heated to 180 - 200 degrees.

A carcass is entirely in foil for such a recipe for 25 - 35 minutes, after this time the dish can be taken.

You can apply boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, puree or rice


The bream baked in the oven can be quickly prepared by a special recipe.

This requires the following ingredients:

  • 1 Middle Fish Carcass;
  • 300 g of the onions, but you can use red.

It will take salt from the spices, ground black pepper, and it is better to use fresh dill and parsley from greenery.

  1. Fish, remove, remove the gills and rinse well in cool water.
  2. On the adhesive along the ridge and tail, make cuts about every 5 - 7 mm.
  3. After that, a carcass soda with spices from all sides, including the abdomen.
  4. Clean and cut the onions with semirings, and rinse the green, dry and lie finely. Mix it with onions.
  5. Put the resulting mass in the abdomen of fish and secure the edges of the toothpicks.
  6. Explodulate foil for baking on the baking sheet and wake her vegetable oil and put fish on it.
  7. Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 150 - 160 degrees for 35 - 45 minutes.

Such stuffed bream baked in the oven, on the table is served hot with boiled potatoes or any garnish from croup. Also, the dish is worth decorating with fresh leaves of parsley and lemon slices.

Not all hostesses know how much Baking the bream in the oven. In fact, for the preparation of this fish, it takes a little less time than for carp or sazana

Slices baked

Delicious bake of bream in the oven is not only entirely, but also by pieces.

This will require the following set of products:

  • 1 kg bream;
  • 100 g of flour of the first or top grade;
  • 40 g of butter cream;
  • 120 ml of medium fatty milk;
  • 1 small bundle of fresh parsley.

Salt and pepper will need from spices in the required quantity.

  1. Rinse the carcass, turn it out and cut the portion pieces of the average size.
  2. Pour milk into the deep plate and add salt. Eye the pieces of fish in it for 13 to 16 minutes.
  3. Observe them on each side in the flour and place it on the foil, laid out in antiquity and lubricated with vegetable oil.
  4. Melt the creamy oil and pour them pieces of fish.
  5. Wrap a loose foil and place the baking baking form in the oven.

By the time of loading the oven should be warmed up to 160 - 180 degrees, then the dish will be ready after 15 - 20 minutes.

Submitting to the table Such a treat is recommended in portion plates with parsley greenery and fresh vegetables.

Bashing baked in the oven in sour cream

The recipe for bream cooked in sour cream is quite simple, and at the same time the fish turns out very juicy and tasty.

For cooking, the next set of ingredients will be required:

  • 500 - 600 g of fish;
  • 250 - 300 g of potatoes (better use white);
  • 100 g of the flour of the highest or first grade;
  • 40 ml of the sour cream of medium fat.

Salt and pepper ground should be used in the required quantity to achieve the usual taste.

It is possible to prepare a dish by the next step-by-step instructions.

  1. Fish cleaned, rinse in cool and running water, and then salt and cut it into flour.
  2. Clean the peel potatoes and rinse, and then cut it with medium-sized cubes or cubes.
  3. Lubricate the baking sheet and put a carcass on it with potatoes.
  4. The oven will break up to 160 - 180 degrees and place the baking tray for 25 minutes.
  5. After the time expires, get it and fill it semiamatic seeding dish, and then return it to the oven for another 15 minutes.

The dish is fed hot. It can be supplemented with a small amount of solid chopped cheese without a sharp pronounced taste.

Before serving the cook, it is recommended to sprinkle fish with fresh lemon juice

Bream stuffed with buckwheat

For this delicious dish, it will be necessary;

  • 2 kg of fish;
  • 30 ml of vegetable or sunflower oil;
  • 1 small blade dry buckwheat;
  • 200 g of the Republic of Luke;
  • 60 g of butter cream;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 10 g of dried mushroom powder.

From the spices you will need salt iodized and black ground pepper in the required quantity.

  1. From buckwheat cereals, welcome porridge and add dry powder into it (mushroom).
  2. Remove the husks from Luke and cut it with half rings. Pass it in oil until golden color and mix with porridge. After that, put a piece of butter of creamy.
  3. Boil eggs (screwed) and after grinding.
  4. Mix them with porridge and add salt with pepper. Then let the time to stand and cool.
  5. Clean the fish, pay, remove the gills and rinse well.
  6. Consider a carcass and soda spices.
  7. Start the abdomen of the cooked porridge and secure the edges with toothpicks or grab the thread.
  8. Place the shape for baking or baking a special culinary parchment and put the fascinated fish on it.
  9. Plush the dish with a small amount of gray breading superstars and top with a melted creamy oil.
  10. Heat the oven to 180 - 200 degrees and place the baking sheet into it for 13 minutes, and then reduce the temperature to 150 - 160 degrees and bake for another 25 to 35 minutes.

The dish on the table is best served hot, and it will complement it perfectly a side dish from raw thermally vegetable.

The bream baked in the oven is perfect for family dinners and to meet guests. If such a dish is decorated and pretty, then it will become the main decoration of the table, which will have to taste everything. The main thing is when choosing a main dish, choose recipes with photos, so you can estimate the final result before cooking.

It has long been known that the fish is very useful. But the benefit can be extracted from fresh fish, and not from frozen fillets purchased in the store, since the expiration date is very difficult to establish.

For example, you can buy live bream and cook it at home. Although bream is a very bony fish, his meat has a wonderful taste. Best of all this product is baked in the oven or stew with seasonings and vegetables. The meat of this product, baked in the oven, retains all its useful properties.

Buck baked in oven with tomatoes


  1. vegetable oil - 50 g
  2. tomatoes - 0.5 kg
  3. bream - 0.5 kg
  4. onions - 1 head
  5. ground pepper, salt, parsley - to taste
  6. lemon - 1 pc. (small)


  • Fish clamp, clean from scales, rinse and dry, after grate with salt and pepper.
  • Tomatoes wash, chop with circles.
  • Onions finely chopping, squeeze juice from lemon.
  • On the form for baking to lay a foil, lubricate it with vegetable oil, to put part of tomatoes and parsley on top, on top of placing the prepared carcass, and then again the remaining tomatoes with greens.
  • Put the foil and put in the oven again. This dish is baked 25-30 minutes.
  • You can boil potatoes on the side dish.

Bashing baked in the oven, on an ambulance hand


  1. onion onion - 3 pcs.
  2. bream - 1 pc.
  3. parsley, dill, pepper ground black, salt - to taste


  • Bream to pay, clean, wash, if inside there is caviar, then take it out and put it on the sideline, the gills also need to be deleted.
  • Then it is necessary to make cuts on the adhesive (on the tail and ridge) after 5 mm.
  • After a carcass you need to grasp salt and pepper (outside and inside), if I was caviar - it also needs to be salted and again put inside the carcass.
  • Inside the bream also need to put onions, pre-launched rings, dill and parsley.
  • The edges of the carcass are connected using wooden toothpicks and put on a leaf for baking, pre-lubricated with vegetable oil. Bake the dish is needed in the oven at 150 ° С 40 minutes.
  • After this time, the dish can be shifted in a plate and serve to the table, but first you will need to pull out the caviar, onions and greens. The latter can be thrown away, but caviar can be served to the table together with the bow.

Bream baked in oven by pieces


  1. flour - 4 tbsp.
  2. bream - 1 kg
  3. creamy butter - 4 tbsp. l.
  4. black ground pepper, salt - to taste
  5. milk - 125 ml
  6. parsley - to taste
  7. vegetable oil - to taste


  • Wash carcass, make a cut on the ridge along and cut it with small pieces.
  • Pour milk into the cup, then dissolve salt in it. In milk, after that, it is necessary to poke the pieces of bream for 15 minutes.
  • Then the pieces of fish need to be cut into flour and shift them into a glass with vegetable oil, to pour everything with melted butter and put in the oven, preheated.
  • Bake the dish need 15 minutes, after cooking shifting everything on a plate and decorate with a parsley.

Bream in the oven with potatoes and sour cream

This fish can not just bake in the oven separately, but bake with the side dish, for example, with potatoes.


  1. bream - 0.5 kg
  2. potatoes - 3 pcs.
  3. flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  4. sour cream - 30 g
  5. salt to taste


  • Carry clean and rinse, cut into pieces, then salute them and cut into flour.
  • Potatoes clean and wash, cut into cubes.
  • Lubricate the baking sheet with vegetable oil and put fish there, to put potatoes on top.
  • Heat the oven to 180 ° C and put a barrel with a blank for 25 minutes.
  • Then remove the dish, pour sour cream and get into the oven for another 15 minutes.
  • Before serving a dish, sprinkle lemon juice.

Bream stuffed baked in the oven

An excellent decoration of the table will be such a dish as stuffed baked bream. When cooking it does not need to apply tremendous efforts, but the dish itself will delight not only with its appearance, but also with its taste!


  1. onion ones - 4 pcs.
  2. olives - 60 g
  3. creamy oil - 15 g
  4. vegetable oil
  5. salt to taste
  6. lavra leaf - to taste
  7. bream - 1 kg
  8. garlic - 3 teeth
  9. lemon - 1 pc.
  10. black pepper ground - to taste
  11. cream or sour cream - 70 g


  • Clear fish, remove the insides and fins, rinse well, make transverse cuts on the cutter, pull out small bones, salting the carcass. Square from the inside and outside the lemon juice and graze black pepper.
  • Then the fish must be stuffed with the following products: chopped finely onions and ½ it is part of it in the fish, then a finely chopped parsley greens, a little lemon zest, butter and chopped olives are placed inside.
  • The rest of the bow should be mixed with vegetable oil, salt, add garlic and put on the form for baking.
  • On top of the mixture, lay the prepared carcass, lubricate it with vegetable oil, cover the foil and bake in the oven for 5 minutes at a low temperature, then remove the foil.
  • The bream must be lubricated with vegetable oil and bake for another 15 minutes, but the temperature needs to be slightly increased.
  • Finished fish can be decorated with orange or apple slices.

Bream stuffed with buckwheat sowing


  1. bream - 2 kg
  2. vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  3. dry buckwheat - 1 cup
  4. onions - 2 heads
  5. creamy oil - 70 g
  6. chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  7. dried mushroom powder - 1 tbsp. l.
  8. salt, black ground pepper - to taste


  • From dry buckwheat, you need to cook crumbly buckwheat porridge and add a mushroom powder.
  • Onions finely cut and fry in a frying pan until shuttering, mix with buckwheat pitching, add 50 g of soft butter.
  • Chicken eggs boiled screwed and chop, then add them to the porridge with a bow.
  • After the mixture, pepper, salt and cool.
  • Fish clean and roll over the head so as not to cut a carcass. Then rinse it and dry, especially inside. After that, it must be salted and pepper.
  • Heat the oven to 200 ° C. Push to porch, but not very tight. Abdominal can be copped with thread or wooden toothpicks.
  • Putting paper for baking, lubricate, and then pour breadcrumbs.
  • Top to put stuffed carcass, top to pour the creamy butter on top and put everything in the oven for 15 minutes.
  • After donate heat to 160 ° C and bake for another 30 minutes. Raw vegetables will be suitable as a garnish.

Stuffed bream with lard in the oven


  1. bream - 1.5 kg
  2. salo salty - 100 g
  3. garlic - 1 head
  4. green dill and parsley
  5. vegetable oil


  • Bream cleanse from the internships and scales. On the back to make cuts, salt.
  • Salo finely cut, garlic Celement, the greens of dill and parsley smallly chop, mix.
  • Folded with a mixture of a carcass.
  • After it, it is necessary to cut into flour, fry in boiling vegetable oil, and then put it in the oven until the dishes are fully readily.

Fish - Great Meat Replacement, and baked in the oven bream is an excellent decoration of any table, not only everyday, but also festive!