Russian oligarchs. Dossier

The US Department of Finance spent half a year to draw up what the law on sanctions adopted last year requires. But the result of their efforts is a strange copyampist, in which single additions and skips do not change the overall picture.

People who have fallen into this list do not become objects of any sanctions (with the exception of those 22 people who have fallen into previous sanctions lists). However, the publication of their names in connection with Russian President Vladimir Putin and US sanctions will serve as a warning for all those who lead to them: In the future, these people may have problems in relations with the American government. This in turn can make many Western banks refuse to work with their money. However, the US Department of Finance obviously do not care similar consequences of publishing this list.

To make this list, the Ministry of Finance, undoubtedly consulted with experts and, undoubtedly, endured an aggressive head of lobbyists who represented the interests of rich Russians who did not want to get into this list. But as a result, seven pages of the public, undecid part of this report of the Ministry of Finance are an accurate copy of the data taken from the English-language official sites of the Kremlin and the Russian government, as well as the list of Russian billionaires copied from the Russian-language version (Forbes). As the first chief editor and the publisher of the Russian Forbes, I was very flattered by the fact that the US government chose him as a flawlessly reputable source in the question of whom the oligarch can be considered. However, I also know that Russian Forbes has never claimed that his list of rich Russians is complete, and the assessment of their states is absolutely accurate.

In 2004, when we first made up this list - under the leadership of the first chief editor of Paul Klebnikov, whom later in the same year shot closely from the office of the editorial office - the most common reaction of the people who got into it were just laughter: They tried to stupid, commenting on our estimates who were often based on analysts that were trying to determine the cost of private companies on the basis of the cost of their shares and other secondary indicators. But the overwhelming majority of them are with rare exceptions - they wanted to be excluded from this list. The fate of Klebnikov confirmed their concerns.

The list drawn up by the US Department of Finance for some strange reason is the number 96 of the Forbes list: Albert Shigabutdinov, the magnate of the petrochemical industry from Tatarstan, whose state is estimated at one billion dollars, became the last on this list. If we assume that any person who earned a large condition in Russia must necessarily cause suspicion, then this list needs to include those whose states reach 900 and even 700 million dollars, especially considering the fact that the Forbes figures in many cases are approximate . I experienced a real relief for the founder of the Telegram Messenger (Telegram) of Pavel Durov: possessing a state of $ 950 million, it takes 100 place in the Forbes list, so he managed not to get into the list of the US Department of State.

On the other hand, Grigory Berezkin, to whom the Kremlin entrusted the purchase of some media assets that are of great importance for the Putin's internal propaganda system - including RBC, whose former owner was forced to sell it after his journalists began to guide the business interests of Putin's daughters - Did not get into the list of the Ministry of Finance of the United States, because "Forbes" appreciated his condition at 800 million dollars.


Report Congress in accordance with the Law on Sanctions

Financial Times 01/30/2018

The United States challenges Moscow

Financial Times 01/30/2018

What does the Kremlin report for the oligarchs mean?

Der Spiegel 01/31/2018
With the use of a list drawn up "Forbes", two more problems are connected: first, some of the people do not lead almost any affairs in Russia (they simply remain citizens of Russia), and secondly, among them there are those whose States - or at least their part - captured the repressive apparatus of President Vladimir Putin.

The first group includes Yuri Schaeffer, whose registered in Luxembourg company produces Water "Metropolitan" and other alcoholic beverages in Latvia and in other countries. The SPI Group belonging to the SPI Group (SPI Group) has been sued for many years with the Russian government, which is trying to take the right to produce traditional Russian vodka brands. This circumstance can hardly be called proof of close ties of the reader with Putin.

This can not be said about Yuri Milner, who made his first investments in a silicon valley thanks to the money of the oligarch Alisher Usmanova, but then it was engaged in his own business, becoming a venture capital investor and struggling to avoid such connections. And Oleg Boyko, an entrepreneur who earned his condition in the 1990s, even before Putin's arrival, forced him to close his gigantic gambling empire at Putin, and he closed all casinos. Now Boyko owns a major international lending company that does not work in Russia, as well as gambling establishments in Germany, Italy, Romania and Croatia.

The second category includes the Ananev brothers, with which last year - after the publication of the "Forbes" list - had to give their large bank Central Bank of Russia, despite the fact that, according to them, his financial situation was quite sustainable; Danil Khachaturov, who last year lost his business, which passed under the control of the state; Elena Baturin, a spouse of the former mayor of Moscow, who was the largest developer in the capital during the reign of her husband and which was sold to a business after his resignation in 2010; Mikhail Shishkhanov, who bought business battleship, but last year was forced to transfer his bank to the state. This list is very long, because Putin's system is constantly changing, and its more predatory representatives constantly bite pieces of business empires of those who have no patrons at the highest level.

On the other hand, Anatoly Chubais, the former head of the State Monopoly of RAO UES and the current head of Rosnano - a state company investing in the latest technology - did not fall into the list of the US Department of Finance, despite his close ties with the Kremlin, which everyone is well known about. The judges also did not hit this list, despite the role that corrupt courts play in the Putin system.

Experts with whom the US Department of Finance obviously consulted in the process of drawing up the list - Anders Aslund (Andrey Aslund), Andrei Illarionov and Andrei Pionkovsky, as well as the former coordinator of the Ministry of Finance on the sanction policy of Daniel Fried (Daniel Fried) - published its version of those criteria in November that need to be taken into account when drawing up a list under the law "On Countering America's opponents by means of sanctions". They believe that only those people who are really close to Putin must be included in this list, and those who have enriched "by carrying out corrupt commercial operations with Putin regime".

If you consider these criteria, you need to pay attention to the other two of the Russians drawn up by Forbes. In addition to the list of richest Russians, this magazine also publishes a list of the richest civil servants and deputies and the list of "kings of the State Translation". These lists draw a much more accurate picture of the one who was enriched through relations with the current regime.

Nevertheless, the US Department of Finance chose to ignore the warnings of the Atlantic Council's experts on the fact that "rich Russian businessmen should not be included in the list only on the basis of the size of their states. Many of them earned their states even before Putin's arrival, and now to survive, they are forced to pay a weighty tribute to the Kremlin. " Thus, this list fell as hostages, and those who made them hostages.

Another expert Council is to include people in the list "Only on the basis of reliable information" - the Ministry of Finance, too, obviously ignored.

There is one justification that everyone has long been known and according to which the secret part of the US Department of Finance is allegedly more justified and based on more reliable data than its public part. But this excuse seems unconvincing. Given the goals of the United States - to dismiss Putin's regime in the eyes of Russians and the whole world - there is no point in classifying information about the approximate Putin and their corruption.

Personally, I am inclined to provide US administrations a specific credibility loan. President Donald Trump extremely reluctantly signed a law on sanctions, and, quite possible, the Ministry of Finance never treated this list seriously. And the fact that the administration does not recommend introducing any new sanctions, indirectly confirms this my theory.

Well, if the Trump administration does not believe in the effectiveness of sanctions. But if Congress continues to demand the imposition of sanctions - and it continues, the administration costs more seriously to the selection of targets. Otherwise, those Russians who do not carry any responsibility for the system built by Putin will lose their business and their reputation, while Putin himself will remain whole and unharmed.

Insurance materials contain estimates of exclusively foreign media and do not reflect the position of the EOSMI's editorial office.

In 25 years, a person brings his first results ... Remembering the past, makes scubons on the tree of life - Born, studied, married ... Someone was lucky more, someone less ... It is especially interesting the story of those whose life is considered to be able to ... How to start and What are the results of the richest citizens of Russia in their 25 years?

Roman Abramovich

Roman Abramovich, Ex-Governor of Chukotka, the owner of the FC Chelsea, by 25 years carried out his first business project, creating a co-operative "comfort", which was engaged in the production and sale of soft toys. Then the 25-year-old Abramovich headed the small enterprise "AVC" and soon got into the field of vision of law enforcement agencies. In 1992, the Investigation Department of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Moscow held a criminal case on him about the embezzlement of diesel fuel from the Ukhta refinery in particularly large amounts, the damage was 4 million rubles. On the fact of theft of state ownership, a criminal case was initiated under Article 93 - I of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. On June 19, the Deputy Prosecutor of Moscow Ponomarev signed a decree on the arrest of Roman Abramovich. But as a result, it was possible to cover.

Vagit Alekperov

Vagit Alekperov, Chairman of the Board of the NTC NC "LUKOIL", in 24 years old graduated from the evening branch of the Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry. M. Azizbecova in the specialty "Mining Engineer on Technology and Complex Mechanization of Oil and Gas Fields". Labor activity began while studying, working by Burovik at Kaslavneft.

Victor Vekselberg

Victor Vekselberg, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Renova CJSC, a graduate of the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, has worked in the Special Design Bureau on Beshetant Pumps - BN "Connas". For 11 years "Doros" to the head of the laboratory.

Vladimir Yevtushenkov

Vladimir Yevtushenkov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of AFK "Sistema", graduated from the Moscow Chemical Technology Institute for 25 years. DI. Mendeleev in the specialty "Engineer-technologist" and settled the master to the factory. Ya.M. Sverdlov of the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering of the USSR in the city of Dzerzhinsk.

Alexey Mordashov

Alexey Mordashov, General Director of SEVERSTAL-GROUP CJSC, at 23, with honors, graduated from the engineering and construction department of the Leningrad Engineering and Economics Institute. P. Tolyatti and became a senior economist at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Combine. In 25 years, he took the post of head of the Bureau of the Economy, and in 27 he became director of Finance and Economics of Severstal OJSC - the youngest for the entire history of the enterprise.

Nikolay Tsvetkov

Nikolay Tsvetkov, President of FC URALSIB, a graduate of the Tambov Supreme Military Aviation and Engineering School, served in the Air Force for 25 years. At the age of 28, he graduated with honors from the aircraft engineering academy. NOT. Zhukovsky.

Vladimir Lisin

Vladimir Lisin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Novolipetsky Metallurgical Combine, a graduate of the Siberian Metallurgical Institute, immediately after graduation, I got a career in the "Tulachermet", and almost until 35 years old did a career in the native enterprise - Stalevar, the operator of the continuous casting unit, the head of the shift, site, deputy chief shop.

Vladimir Potanin

Vladimir Potanin, Interros President, in 22 years old graduated from the Economic Faculty of MGIMO. Immediately after the end of the Institute, until 1990 he worked as a senior engineer at the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the USSR.

Mikhail Friedman.

Mikhail Friedman., Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Alpha Group Consortium, graduated with honors from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. After graduation, she worked as an engineer-designed plant "Elektrostal" in the Moscow region, and then 1988, together with institute friends, created a cooperative "courier", specializing in winding of windows. Soapy windows are short-lived - in 1989, the company "Alpha-photo" was established, which was engaged in selling computers and became the basis of the future empire.

Elena Baturin

Elena Baturin, General Director of INTECO, in 23 years old graduated from the evening branch of the Moscow Institute of Management. In parallel with study, worked at the mill "Mill". Then he moved to work in the Board, where he met the future husband - Yuri Luzhkov.

Rustam Tariko

Rustam Tariko, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Russian Standard Bank, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers at 26 years old and took commerce. The first money earned in 27 years at the resettlement of foreigners in Moscow hotels.

Peter Aven

Peter Aven, President of Alfa-Bank, graduated from the aspirator of Moscow State University for 25 years. M.V. Lomonosov and settled in the All-Union Research Institute of System Research of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, where she worked safely for eight years.

Oleg Deripaska

Oleg Deripaska, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company "Basic Element", entrepreneurial activities began during the period of study at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. At 23, he took the post of financial director of the Military Investment Company LLP, in 25 he became the general director of Rosaluminprodukt. In the same period, they registered two more companies engaged in aluminum trade - Krasnoyarsk-Alumin-Product and Samara-Alumin-Product. Taking the most active part in the privatization of the Sayan Aluminum Plant, the 26-year-old Oleg Deripaska took the post of his general director.

Mikhail Prokhorov

Mikhail Prokhorov, General Director of MMC Norilsk Nickel, a graduate of the Moscow Financial Institute in the specialty "International Economic Relations", got a job at the International Bank for Economic Cooperation (MBES) and in 25 years old became the head of the department. In parallel, Alexander Khloponin has established a private business with the current governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: the production of fashionable jeans, then "boiled" jeans.

Member of the Board of Directors of the MDM Bank, a graduate of the Physical Faculty of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, the first steps in the business did, being a student, - together with partners established the tourist company "Satellite", later partners were sold to the office equipment. The Melnichenko banker was at 21, when the Bank of Russia issued a license of the financial community of MDM - Moscow Business Peace, specializing in currency and exchange operations.

Following the head of Alfa-Bank, Friedman, who tried to earn the indulgence of the West, refusing to serve Russian defense, a number of Russian oligarchs rushed to execute foreign citizenship on the eve of the February report of the US Ministry of Finance on the full property and financial situation of Russian businessmen and politician businessmen, including offshore and proximity to the President of the Russian Federation. More than 700 famous Russian representatives of the Business elite received Malta citizenship.

According to the "Tsargrad" edition, only under the program "Citizenship of Malta for Investments" from Russia recently withdrawn a total of about 700 million euros. Information about this was published on the portal of the Government of this country.

According to the Russian newspaper, "made legs" from Russia co-owner "Yandex" Arkady Volozh and members of his family, owner of the investment and development company O1 Properties Boris Mintz with family, founders of the Sportmaster network Dmitry Doychen and Nikolai Apronushnyak, Brother Ex- Russian Transport Minister Leonid Levitin. Also on the list - the family of the owner of the major developer company FGC "Leader" Vladimir Voronina, Top managers of Kaspersky Lab, CEO of the Polyus Golding Company Pavel Grachev, included in the top 25 highest paid managers of Russia Forbes magazine, Top managers Huawei , CANDY-HOOVER GROUP and many others.

Knights of the Maltese Order of the rats are far from the first who acquired themselves second citizenship among our oligarchs. "Friend" of President Gennady Timchenko in 2013 became the richest Finnish, and he became a citizen of Finland by the late 90s. Oligarch Alisher Usmanov, the owner of Kommersant and Maul.Ru at one time went on the first line of the richest people of Britain, and Roman Abramovich, who recently acquired shares in the English company Highland Gold Mining, which mines gold in Russia . The same Friedman, like a media manager and a former member of the Board of Directors of the Vedomosti newspaper Demyan Kudryavtsev, a long-time citizen of Israel. Even the founder of the Russian Athos Company, the former personal masserer Vladimir Putin Konstantin Holochepov recently became a recent citizen of Croatia and the owner of a luxurious estate on the island of Sypan near Dubrovnik worth a minimum of € 39 million.

This list could continue to continue very and very long. At the same time, almost all of them remains citizens of Russia through second citizenship. The Constitution of Russia does not prohibit its citizens to have a second passport of any other state. Moreover, the term "second citizenship" itself in the laws of the Russian Federation is not used at all. In other words, no one will make you abandon the Russian citizenship and will not deprive any privileges.

The most quickly obtaining second citizenship is possible thanks to special investment programs in a number of EU countries. So the Austrian passport can be obtained for a significant contribution to the economy - most often we are talking about the amounts above 6 million euros. At the same time, the state guarantees the return of investments, citizenship together with the investor receive members of the family, and the time of receipt of the document is 1 year.

You can become a citizen of Cyprus in a simplified program by investing in the economy of the country from 2.5 to 5.5 million euros. At the same time, the millionaires are given a 5-year money back guarantee. The minus is that citizenship for the remaining family members is issued for a fee. But the passport can be obtained in just 3-4 months.

The process of obtaining the citizenship of Great Britain is hardly suitable for the definition of "fast". For investments in the amount of 2 million pounds, it is possible to obtain the status of a residence permit, after 2 years - permanent residence and only in 5 years - citizenship.

The second citizenship of Malta, where our oligarchs rushed massively, will cost a much smaller amount - 650 + 150 thousand euros. True, during 3 months you will receive only permanent residence, and citizenship - for 12-16 months. For issuing passports to family members will have to pay. From the underwater stones, we also note the need to maintain the status of the resident within 183 days during the first year. However, the recipient has a pleasant bonus in the form of a visa-free entrance to the United States, the Schengen zone - only 166 countries of the world. Total, only 730 last oligarchs were taken out of the country and presented Malta almost 700 million euros or 47 billion 749 million rubles. In order to be clear, at all housing and communal services in the Russian Federation this year, according to the budget, 39,043 million rubles are planned, 410 billion rubles for health care. That is, only the oligarchs from Russia have spent so much as needed to be twice as much as it is necessary to replace more than 10% more transactions, build and repair hospitals, buy medicines.

How many billions left Russia, can say only the CIA.

"Publication (names who bought Maltese citizenship) came out scandalous, and some characters that are listed, hurried to report that the Maltese passport is needed for the convenience of making traveling around the world. For nothing else they were acquired. Here, as in the case of Friedman and Co. (by the way, among those who have island citizenship, and Alexey Marey, who occupied by November 2017, the post of chief manager of the director and deputy chairmen of the Alpha Bank of the Board), the principle is the same: on West - life, in Russia - "work in the sweat of the face" and the conclusion of money in the European "quiet harbor."

I have already said that the Russian elite has become a lief for the West. Her behavior causes bewilderment even from our geopolitical opponents: they do not observe such benefactors among those who consider themselves the "owners of life" them.

I recently wonder: why the Russian t. N. Elite so much despises Russia? I gave me one of my interlocutors - Vasily Mozcovka, the leader of the Chelyabinsk movement "Stops", which, at the end of last year, was personally called by the president and expressed his support to social studies speaking for environmental safety in their city. Moviestoke compared his native Chelyabinsk, neighboring Yekaterinburg and Kazan, where he personally visited and looked, how people live, which makes local government. I won with a big margin of Kazan. To my question, why the capital of Tatarstan became the leader, Vasily answered the following:

"Yuri, you see, the elite of Tatarstan connects his further fate with his region. They were born there, they learned, began to work, rose to the top of power, but left their own. He is not going to leave anywhere, they do not bring money from the republic, they are interested in one "To leave the descendants to the prosperous republic. And what about in Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg? To whom the enterprises actually belong to the enterprises, plants, factories? Offshores! Where are our former governor Yurevich? In London! So you answer why Kazan went around the largest industrial centers of Russia." My interlocutor is right! More than 70% of the Russian large industry belongs to foreign offshore. Consider almost the entire domestic economy is managed by "due to the bulb." And in the current federal government, this fact is considered normal. Otherwise, how can I explain the decision of the "Schivalov Commission" about the impossibility of compulsory deofshorization, because it will lead to a systemic crisis in the Russian economy?! Shuvalov Rights: the system that he and his counterparts (Kudrins, Dvorkovichi, Grefy, etc.) implemented in Russia, literally collapses. A system is sprinkled, which is sharpened only to repaid money from Russia. They do not care about the development of the economy, on the impoverishment of the country's population, it is important for them to receive the cache here and send it there.

How long this situation may continue when the "elite" despises Russia in open, but, receiving foreign citizens, does not forget about his assets in a hateful country? How to explain from the side of "successful and consisted" in the 90s, namely, this factor, I explain their actual betrayal of the Motherland, the sectarian worship of the T. N. Western values \u200b\u200band shop windows? ",- noted the leading program "Real Time" on the Television Channel "Tsargrad" Yuri Pronko.

To questions, Yuri is worth adding and one more: Do all these people think that for the United States will have at least some importance to their citizenship? From the very beginning of this story, Putin was removed by informal demand, otherwise the Americans will take their money, as they did with Kazakhstan, and the oligarchs themselves will be removed, as indicatively demonstrated with Kerimov. And the main thing here will be how the Cavalers "Order of Maltese rats" and others like them to repent in Washington, and not how many passports they are sought by pockets. Boot, as you know, not by passport ...

However, after such a mass outcome in the "Knights of the Offshore and Percentage", the State Duma and the Federation Council would have to think about the law on the second citizenship, and on us, on the one hand, periodically militia who fought for Russians in the Donbass Ukraine issued, and on the other , "Elite" is buying Maltese passports in bulk.


Representatives of the current regime love to declare from TV screens about the success in the fight against poverty. It is appropriate to recall the restructuring slogan of Democrats, they say, "the Bolsheviks fought with rich, and we will fight with the poor!" True, more than 20 years are fighting ...

And the court propagandists often inflate the cheeks that Putin de, so cool that all the bad oligarchs won, and now we are finally healthy! For a fair note, which is generally at Putin dollar billionaires, it was 12 times more, usually the answer: "There is nothing to envy successful people!"

In general, it turns out from all this lying disgust only one solid farce as a joke:

President Putin once again signed a decree:

"Make people rich and happy.

List of people attached. "

So, was the Russian people for 20 years of anti-people reforms held by irresponsible power, "more better" to live? Or this concerns only elected people from the "lists"?

About this in the article on the basis of the materials of the economist A. Sokolov.

I. Dollar billionaires of Marauders when Putin became 12 times more

The number of dollar billionaires over the years of Putin's reign has increased from 8 to early 2001 to 96 at the beginning of 2012, or 12 times.

A source:

By the number of dollar billionaires, Russia in 2012 ranks 3rd place in the world after the United States (424 billionaire) and China (157 billionaires).

The general condition of the 96 richest Marauders of Russia is $ 376.1 billion or 20.3% of GDP in 2011 (or 55% of budget expenditures, or 102% of all investments), which at times exceeds the same indicator of the United States, China, the EU, etc. . countries and regions.

II. 2/3 dollar marauders of Russia Raders due to criminal grabbing and ties with higher officials

Who are these billionaires and at the expense of what are they rich? Out of 96. Russia's dollar billionaires in 2012, according to the Journal of Forbes, 64 (or 2/3) Redemptions by clamping and connections with the highest officials of Russia. Only 28 billionaires created their business from scratch, and another 4 people were "red directors", that is, they had to directly manage production in Soviet times (but then they also took part in taking).

A source: [ Rice businessmen of Russia 2012], [Finance, 2011]

61% of national wealth were zakhapani at a price of 52 times lower than the real value in a matter of years

Recall briefly the history of the clasization. All reforms, including restructuring, were crushed in order to ensure that the small grouping of persons who had informal relations with the highest officials assigned all the national wealth of Russia. At first, the Soviet Union, CPSU and Socialism prevented this - they had to destroy them. Then it began to interfere with the congress of people's deputies (the only legally elected parliament for the entire new history of Russia). Then Yeltsin declared his dissolution on September 21, 1993 (putting himself out of law), and on October 3-4, he shot from tanks and large-caliber machine guns of his defenders. The crowd caught how thousands of valiant patriots and defenders of the Constitution shed. The people then lost and was robbed.

As a result of voucher clamping and mortgage auctions and all associated frauds and rollbacks, the best folk enterprises, which, and the blood and blood were built by blood, the pride of the Soviet industry, went to the paws of the romance at a price of dozens and hundreds of times lower than their cost!

According to Rosstat, in 1992, 46,815 state and municipal unitary enterprises were caught, in 1993 - 42924, 1994 - 21905.

In 1991, the state belonged 91% of fixed assets, and in 1994 - it is 30.2%, now - 20%. In a matter of years, the people stole 61% of national wealth. Wherein state for 1991-1994 received only 1.16% of their cost, 52 times less!

And what in the end? Were better to manage the new "effective managers" with the scared assets? No, they simply completely disappeared and closed. By 1994, real industrial production fell to 52.3% of the 1990 level, even in 2011 did not reach the level of the RSFSR - 80.7%.

III. 64 major marauders killed more than 561 thousand lives

If the dealer is rich due to the clamping (\u003d theft) of the people's property and thanks to the patrons among the highest officials, and did not create a business from scratch, then additionally should count how much "absolute lives" such a dealers "killed." I will explain what it is about.

If the wealth is htched dishonestly, due to the robbery of everyone else, then this means that many others should have tolerance: pensioners were not allowed pensions, workers - wages, children - benefits. It will be concentrated in this indicator.

As an "absolute life", we define the average income per month, multiplied by 12 and on the average life expectancy in the country in the years. If the state of the marauder is divided into already, then we will see how many absolute lives were "killed" due to the unlasting of national wealth. It will be a conditional assessment that does not reflect the entire amount of the scale of the country caused by the country and the people of Russia by these beasts. But nevertheless, they will show us a peculiar state price of their profit.

So. Secondary monthly income in the country in 2011 - 20703 rubles. The life expectancy of the population is 69 years old. The dollar rate will take 30 rubles. Thus, every billion of the national riches stolen from the people of national wealth is not some nonsense, which will not be revised, this (1,000,000 x 30) / (20703 x 12 x 69) \u003d 1,750 lives!

$ 320.9 billion stolen 64-major Marauders of National Wealth - this

MURDER(320 900 000 х 30) / (20703 x 12 x 69) \u003d 561 654 lives

IV. 59% of the main oligarchs of Marauders focused on the deployment of natural wealth belonging to the Russians of Russia and future generations

In which industries will mostly fly these Deltsi? The project of the pro-Western occupation of Russia with the construction of peripheral capitalism initially assumed the transformation of Russia into the raw material colony. Therefore, first of all, our raw materials are plundered. Despite the fact that only basic funds of enterprises were subject to privatization, that is, buildings and cars that provide, say, oil and gas production. However, in fact, the people were stolen and their own subsoils, which belong to the future generations of Russia, but are located only a narrow grouping of oligarchs and officials.

Only 7 billionaires have machine-building assets, and they are auxiliary nature and are not the main source of wealth.

Industries: 96
retail network, restaurants 11
oil and gas 19
development, Construction, Real Estate 38
finance 38
mechanical engineering 7
agriculture 4
metallurgy, mining industry 29
chemical industry, fertilizer 11
transport 13
food industry 2
telecommunications, MediaBusiness, IT 13
energy 5

A source: [ Rice businessmen of Russia 2012], [Finance, 2011]

As for social status, out of 96 billionaires 11 fell as a result of pseudo-chores in Dumke and Federation Council, and 10 in the ranks of the United Russia party. 5 people once, in Soviet times, apparently, were even workers.

Interests and Social Status 96
part of the State Duma and Federation Council 11
party member "United Russia" 10
orthodox image 2
invests in sport 18
businessman from St. Petersburg 6
state support 7
blogger 2
military 5
member of the Russian Jewish Congress 4
from workers 5

A source: [ Rice businessmen of Russia 2012], [Finance, 2011]

It is worth noting that the list of Forbes is only the visible part of Iceberg. It provides only official public billionaires among private businessmen. That is, those who prefer to stay in the shade, but actually owns huge states, this rating does not reflect.

But even despite this, 11 especially revealing among deputies and members of the Council, and the Council of State

  1. Kerimov Suleiman. - $ 6.5 billion (Deputy Duma 3.4 convocation, member of the Federation Council, Unified Russia (previously LDPR))
  2. Chechrey - 4.2 billion $
  3. Guriev Andrey - $ 3.5 billion(member of the Federation Council since 2001, United Russia)
  4. Gridin Vladimir - 3.0 billion $(Deputy Duma 5, 6 convoors, United Russia)
  5. Ananyev Dmitry - 1,8 billion $ (member of the Federation Council)
  6. Moshkovich Vadim - 1,8 billion $
  7. Molchanov Andrey - 1,7 billion $(member of the Federation Council, United Russia)
  8. Skorobogatko Alexander - 1.7 billion $(Deputy Duma 4, 5, 6 convoors, Unified Russia (previously LDPR))
  9. Motuev Zelimkhan - 1.5 billion $(Deputy Duma 3, 4, 5, 6 convocations, United Russia)
  10. Simanovsky Leonid - 1,2 billion $(MP Duma 4, 5, 6 convocations, United Russia)
  11. Gruzdev Vladimir - 1,0 billion $(Deputy Duma 4, 5 convoors, United Russia)

According to the latest data "Forbes", in Moscow they live and "make money" 79 billionaires, and their general condition is 375 billion dollars. The annual cumulative income is at least 10% of this amount, that is, $ 37.5 billion. From this income is charged income tax at 13%. If a progressive tax scale had been operating, then additional taxes would have enough to increase the minimum of one third of the wages of state employees of all levels [Sitnikov, 2012].

V. In the poor Russia billionaires per capita 4.2 times more than an average of the world

The number of ultra-rich households (Ultra-High-Net-Worth (UHNW) - with more than 100 million dollars) in Russia over the past year increased by 13% - from 607 to 686, providing the country to the fourth line in the world ranking, and the country for the year Raised from 11th place in this ranking, testifies the 12th annual study of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG).

Table 3. The number of dollar millionaires and billionaires in the countries of the world


Population in 2011, million people

Number of millionaires, thousand people. (\u003e $ 1 million)

Number of ultra-rich (\u003e $ 100 million)

Number of billionaires at the end of the year (\u003e 1 billion $)

% of the population

by 10 million people

by 10 million people




Great Britain


Russia / Mir

0,62 / 1,0

4,2 / 1,0

At the same time, as can be seen from the table above, the distribution of wealth among three categories of rich in Russia is very different compared to other countries. Thus, in 2011, in Germany, dollar millionaires numbered 1.16% of the population, and in significantly more in Russia - only 0.1%. The attitude is almost 12 times! However, the number of dollar billionaires by 10 million people. The population is completely different: 6.7 people. and in Germany and in Russia. The ratio from 12 decreased to 1.

If it is similar to to compare the world as a whole (last line), the ratio has changed from 0.6 / 1 by 4.2 / 1, that is, 7 times. Dollar billionaires per capita in Russia in 4,2 The above is higher than the world. Although the level of national income per capita, calculated on purchasing power parity in 2010: Russia - $ 19.2 thousand, the world - 11.1 thousand $ (attitude 1,7 )

That is, the main capital in Russia is focused in the hands of a very narrow layer of ultramilliadeers.

Let's have another comparison. The average salary in Russia at the market rate in 2010 was $ 682, in Poland - $ 1070 (1.6 times higher than in Russia), in the United States - $ 4,240 (6.2 times higher than in Russia) .

The cumulative state of the top 100 rich was in 2010: in Russia - $ 297 billion, in Poland - $ 29.3 billion (already 10 times lower than in Russia), in the USA - $ 830 billion (only only 2.8 times higher than in Russia).

At the same time, income tax in Poland - 18-32%, in the USA - 10-35%, and in Russia - only 13% and a flat scale of taxation.

Vi. The oligarchic coefficient of the Russian economy is higher than its average 8.2 times

To evaluate how many riches are concentrated from the top of the rich country and carry out a cross-country comparison, you need to calculate the oligarchic rate of the economy.

The coefficient of oligarchicity we will calculate as the ratio of the total state of the Top 100 (or Top 40) of the country to the country's GDP, according to the estimates and Ratings of Forbes.

Table 4. The oligarchic coefficient of the Russian economy in Top 100, 2005-2012

RUSSIA 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
The number of dollar billionaires, at the beginning of the year, people A. 27 33 53 87 32 62 93 96
Top-100 total state, at the beginning of the year, billion $ B. 141,3 248,0 337,3 521,7 142,5 297,0 427,2 379,9
GDP at current prices over the past year, IMF, billion $ C. 592 764,3 989,4 1294 1660 1229 1487 1850
Oligarchic coefficient of the economy in the top 100 (B / C),% D. 23,9% 32,5% 34,1% 40,3% 8,6% 24,2% 28,7% 20,5%

Source: [Rally businessmen of Russia , 200 5-2012]

So, the coefficient of the oligarchicity of the Russian economy amounted to 20.5% in 2012, and the average for 2005-2012 - 26.6%.

For comparison: the oligarchic efficiency of the US economy over-100 in 2012 was 6.7%, in China - 4.9%, in Poland - 5.5% (according to data), in the world as a whole - 2.5%.

That is, Russia's economy is 8.2 times more oligarchic than the economy of the world as a whole, 3 times - than the US economy and 4.2 times - than China's economy.

VII. Return from the states of oligarchs for Russia's GDP is many times less than in other countries

If you draw a similar comparison of the top-40, which allows you to consider more countries that the next picture will be.

Tab.5. The oligarchic ratio of the economies of the countries of the world in Top-40, 2012

The number of dollar billionaires, at the beginning of the year of people

Country GDP at current prices, 2011, IMF, billion $

Top-40 total state, at the beginning of 2012, billion $

The oligarchic coefficient of the TOP-40 economy (C / B),%

Righting GDP from the state of the Top-40 oligarchs (B / C), times
The tax on income of individuals,%
E. F.
62,8 5-40%

China *

32,7 5-45%

Great Britain

23,6 0-50%
22,8 18-32%
21,3 10-35%


17,5 17-47%

South Korea

16,9 n / D.


16,0 15-27%


15,8 0-45%
13,0 15-35%


10,0 5-35%
9,0 10-30%
7,6 5-37%


6,3 13%


4,5 5-32%


4,3 1-28%
Notes: * including Kong Kong and Taiwan

A source:

Russia was in 14th place out of 16 with an indicator of 15.9% of the total state of top-40 billionaires in the country's GDP.

Interesting and reverse indicator (E), which shows relative return in GDP from a state concentrated from the TOP-40 rich. So for each +1 billion $ increase of the state of the top-40 oligarchs, the cost of goods and services (GDP) of Russia responds with the increase of only in + 6.3 billion $, whereas in China increases +32.7 billion $ (5.2 times higher), and in the USA - +21.3 billion $ (3.4 times higher).

But not only are the Russian billionaires poorly manage stolen as suggestions, So their income is still subject to a flat scale of 13%That is not in any of the countries in question!

VIII. CIS - the most oligarchic region in the world

The most oligarchic region in the world is the CIS. The total state of the TOP-40 of the rich CIS is 16% of GDP, and the top 100 is 20.9%.

Even in Africa, the level of wealth concentrations at the clans of the clans is only 3.5% - 4.6 times lower than in Russia!

Table 6. The oligarchic ratio of the regions of the world, 2012

The number of dollar millions, at the beginning of the year.

GDP region at current prices, IMF, 2011, billion $

The total state of the top 40 of the rich, at the beginning of 2012, billion $

The total state of the top 100 of the rich, at the beginning of 2012, billion $

The coefficient of olig-chicnation of the economy over the top 40 (C / B),%

The coefficient of olig-chicnity of the economy along the top 100 (D / B),%

Developing Asia

NIS * and Japan

Western and Northern Europe

Central, Eastern and Southern Europe

North America

West Asia

Australia and New Zealand

Latin America


* NIS - New Industrial Countries (Taiwan, Kong Kong, Singapore, South Korea)

The reverse figure that we was viewed above and which characterizes the return for the economy of the country from concentrated in the rich states, in the CIS will obviously be the lowest.

IX. 15% of "people" illegally assigned the fact that by definition they cannot belong

The national wealth of the country is a set of material goods created by the work and natural resources. According to Rosstat and Russian Academy of Sciences, according to different methods, the total cost of national riches of Russia is approximately equal to 340-380 trillion dollars. At the same time, 85% of Russians own 7% of national wealth, and in the hands of a small group of oligarchs (their about 1500 people, which is approximately 0.00001% of the total population of the Russian Federation) more than 50% of Russia's wealth are concentrated. For comparison: according to research conducted in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1% of the richest families of the United States (more than 9 million people) owns 38.5% of the national wealth of their country. [Peskov, 2003]

The current irresponsible authorities, who are obliged to serve the whole people, in fact serve as a narrow layer of oligarchs, protect their dirty wealth. Academician RAS D.V. Lvov noted that according to research data, 15-17% of the population of Russia accumulated 92% of the income of the whole country in their hands.

"There is a rich Russia that lives on a western pattern, which has created a closed loaf contour. This is a kind of closed existence system: Office - moving to a country or other residence, private school, private university - preferably abroad, and then - And leaving abroad. And this small part of Russia, which accounts for 15-17% of the population.

Due to what today is the main share of Russia's income? Our studies have shown that income by 75% is created at the expense of land, oil, forest and water resources and only 20% is the real contribution of capital, business, which sometimes creates effective production.

But if 75% of revenues are created at the expense of natural resources, it is made at least a unique, unforgivable for such a unique country, like our share: what Russia is given from God and is not the fruit of human hands, turned out to be in hand 15% of people, who were illegally appropriated that by definition they cannot belong! " . [Lviv, 2006]

And most importantly, academician stressed in his speech, all the reforms that are held are aimed at maintaining the standard of living of the richest people. What does it mean? This means that we have made our own hands to do this - to create a mechanism for self-reproducing poverty. All control system works on it, and so on.

X. More than 90% of Russia's population suffered unconditional losses for 20 years from anti-people reforms.

If we had the authorities responsible before the people and the Soviet system would continue with the same level of social gap in the income and the same growth rates of real incomes of the population, which in 1970-1986 (+ 3.7% per year), then average incomes It would increase by 2011 compared with 1990 by 114% in all categories of the population, both in the poor and rich.

In reality, revenues increased by an average of only 52% (less than the norm on -62%).

But it is on average. Due to the growth of social inequality (income relations of 20% of the richest income of 20% of the poorest) almost three times it turns out that the revenues of the rich rose as it should be 2.21 times. The revenues of the remaining 80% of the population grew by only 19%.

First 20% group (There are 5.2% of total revenues, and the average monthly income in 2011 is 5383 rubles) - this is the population living below the minimum life level. This is a homeless, this is a real social bottom, people crossed out of life. In the last 20 years, the revenues of the lower, the most disadvantaged social group decreased by 19%, although they would have to really grow by 114% if the Soviet system had been preserved.

The official subsistence minimum in 2011, according to Rosstat amounted to 6369 rubles, and the percentage of the population living below the subsistence minimum was 12.8% (for comparison: in neighboring Belarus, which does not have practical minerals - 5.2% of the population are below the subsistence minimum ).

Second 20% group (accounted for 9.9% of total revenues, and the average monthly income in 2011 is 10,248 rubles) - this is also an extremely low standard of living, in fact those who live in poverty cannot afford nothing but elementary clothes, food and services first need.

Third20% group - There are 14.9% of total revenues, and the average monthly income in 2011 is 15,444 rubles, which is lower than the country of income at 20 703 rubles by quarter.

Fourth20% group - There are 22.6% of total revenues, and the average monthly income in 2011 23,394 rubles - the most that could claim the role of the "middle class".

1,2,3,4 20% groups together - There are 52.6% of total income, and the average monthly income in 2011 is 13,612 rubles. Revenues of these 80% of the population without rich should have increased by 2011 compared with 1990 by 114%, and increased by only 19%. This is unconditionally lost from the rule of irresponsible power and its anti-people reforms.

Fifth 20% group (There are 47.4% of total revenues, and the average monthly income in 2011 is 49,066 rubles) - over the past 20 years increased its income by 121%, but not at the expense of the development of the economy (income growth in all 5 groups while maintaining the Soviet system It would increase by 114%), and first of all due to the growth of social bundle, that is, the robbery of the remaining 80% of the population.

However, if we hold a dotted orange line, parallel with the red dotted, we will see that even these 20% of the rich entered the winning zone from reforms only somewhere in 2005. And for all 20 years, they lost more together than gained, having lost 1 , 01 trillion $ income

That is, Ta the interlayer of society, which certainly won the reforms is even not 20%, but 5-10% of the population.

Xi. The irresponsible power for 21 years deprived the people of Russia more than 29.6 million lives and 9.6 trillion. $ income

The average income in Russia in 2011 amounted to 20,703 rubles (704 $ at the market rate in 2011 prices). If you repel from this figure, then the total losses of income of the entire population in 21 years - 9.55 trillion $ (In 2011 prices) (shaded part between the blue line and the red regulatory dotted lines on the chart). Of these, as noted above, the richness lost 1.01 trillion. $, The poor is 1.58 trillion. $, 80% of the population without rich - 8.54 trillion. $

Concentrated losses of 9.55 trillion. $ Will mean that the Group for the interests of 5-10% of the population "killed":

(9 552 000 000 × 30) / (20703 x 12 x 69) \u003d 16 716 754 life

Calculation based on the demographic balance indicates that real losses are almost 2 times more.

When preserving the average for 1970-1989. The pace of natural population growth (+5.72 people / 1000), the population of the RSFSR would significantly increase. At the same level of migration, which was over the past 20 years, in Russia would live now 172,7 Million Man - here is the Soviet level! Will he achieve?! According to Rosstat, taking into account the census data, the population of the population at the end of 2011 amounted to everything 143,06 million people

In this way, cumulative losses of the population of Russia only for 1990-2011. amounted to 29.6 million years.

The difference between 29.6 million people. and 16.7 million significant. It says that with the destruction of the Soviet system and anti-people reforms the current regime did not just deprivedpeople substantial income, but alsopowerful social security, and most importantly - the meaning of life.

XII. The Soviet level of social bundle has been preserved in Belarus, and incomes increased 4 times more than in Russia

To understand what a normal (Soviet) income level of income of all groups of the population, consider the example of Belarus.

The level of social bundle there remained at about the same level as in 1990. The ratio of income is 10% of the richest to income 10% of the poorest in Belarus only 5.6 times (three times lower than in Russia). And then the income of all five groups of the Belarusian population (both rich and poor) increased compared with 1990 by 210% (2 times more than the norm, and 4 times more than in Russia).

And this is without any colonial launch and passing the reserves of the country's natural resources under Yeltsin-Putin!

The rate of wage growth is even more indicative. The average salary of Russians increased by all over + 18.8% compared with 1990. Whereas Belarusians have a growth of wages + 220%.

In Belarus, a social state has been preserved. Say, in Russia the number of families, we received residential The premises and improved their living conditions in 2011 amounted to 244 thousand (or 171 family / 100 thousand people. population). In Belarus - 47.7 thousand (503 families / 100 thousand people) - indicator 3 times higher!

XIII. Income tax rate in Russia and for the oligarch, and for poor criminal and mockery

Socialist Francois Hollande, President of France, plans to introduce income tax in the amount of up to 75% for those citizens of the republic, whose annual income exceeds 1 million euros or 100 thousand euros per month. This is essentially means a socialist revolution, since three-quarters of the revenues of the rich will be withdrawn to the country's budget for the decision, first of all, social programs. Who is not in the know: now the minimum pension in France is Rovne 6000 thousand euros per year. The French Socialists believe that this is not enough. Therefore, they do not stop at an existing 50% income tax rate. And they are not afraid of the flight of capital. That is the state to collect taxes, and not to cry out that businessmen will rewrite the property to the mother-in-law. This is a matter of the effectiveness of the tax system and the social justice of society.

Professor of the Paris School of Economics Tom Picketti in this regard, said: "... governments will be more and more difficult to explain to citizens why they spend the money of taxpayers to save banks and large corporations, while top managers continue to receive ultrahigh income."[Sitnikov, 2012]