How to call on the mermaid desires at home without full moon. Long hair

What do you need a person for happiness? Perhaps everyone - your own, you will say. And you will be absolutely right. However, I am sure that for me for complete happiness it is simply necessary to become an irresistible beauty. Here is just the appearance of me the most ordinary, and no cosmetic procedures and tricks on hair color do not give the desired result. Well, there is no happiness in life - even cry!

Tell me a recipe for happiness!

On the eve of Christmas, among the universal festive excitement and anticipation of New Year's miracles, I accidentally got on the session of the next Disney masterpiece about the princess, where the beauty with the strange name Rapunzel defended her right to be happy. Little in the face of the fairy tale has captured my attention. I do not know what emotions it caused in children, but I always unconsciously approximately the destiny of Rapunzel on myself - after all, she also dreamed of becoming happy and could only count on her mind and appearance. A key element of the appearance of rapunzel steel magic hair.

What is the magic of hair?

We must pay tribute to the creators of the film "Rapunzel" - hair even looked like luxuriously in the cartoon design. They glowed in the sun, roded like a stream, turned out to be curls and revealed as the petals of an exotic flower. From them, it was simply impossible to remove the eyes, and the unusual force was also buried in them.

I was just awesome by the hair of Rapunzel's princess and behind the plot of the film watched purely mechanically. The brain feverishly worked, recalling fragmentary information about the magic of female hair. After all, long hair from ancient times was considered an attribute of magic, a catcher of cosmic energy. In some nations, long hair was valued on a par with precious stones and gold.

Rapunzel conquered the heart of the romantic hero, and in me it matured a firm conviction that, to achieve happiness, I definitely need luxurious long hair. Such as Rapunzel! After all, she helped to become happy, and suddenly there is a place for magic in my life?

Mystery of Magic-Manying Hair, like Rapunzel

I immediately launched an incarnation of a plan to life. I will certainly be the same as the princess rapunzel, the hair is long, strong, streaming and emphasizing my beauty!

The program of gaining a fabulous chapels included several stages.

How to make hair strong, like Rapunzel?

First of all, I thought about the source from which Rapunzel had gained his unique hair. It is remembered, it was a magic flower, the decoction from which the Rapunzel's hair was incredibly strengthened. In modern conditions, such a flower could be, for example, St. Justice - the same golden, magically strong, and the infusion of it strengthens his hair and gives it shine.

It is surprising that a truly royal plant for gaining luxurious hair has been considered a unprecedented buckle, oil from which superbly strengthens her hair, making them as strong as Rapunzel. From cosmetics great reinforce hair Kerastase Ciment Anti-Usure.

How to make hair flowing like Rapunzel?

So that the hair was the same flowing, like Rapunzel, they need to combably comb. Agree, many beauties would have to take care of patience, with which a fabulous princess caught daily for his hair to the very last curl. But the regular combing hair is frequent comb gives them softness, elasticity and vital energy. However, the ease of combing strongly depends on hair care products. So, milk MOLTOBENE NIGHT REPAIR MILK Makes hair with elastic and obedient, makes it easier for their combing and gives shine.

How to make hair shiny, like Rapunzel?

So that the hair glisters and shone, the princess Rapunzel aunt-wizard ordered to sing. But I also had an elderly aunt, who prompted me to rinse a purely washed hair with a chamomile decoction. After such a procedure, they become shiny and acquire a golden shade.

You can use tonic shampoo L "Oreal Professionnel ABONDANCE De Cacao Shampoo With cocoa extract, which gives a lot of useful vitamins, refreshes and softens them, giving a luxurious shine. In addition, the radiance of the hair will strengthen the mask L "Oreal Professionnel ABSOLUT REPAIR Serie Expert Mask.

How to grow long, like Rapunzel, hair?

It was nice to imagine themselves with a luxurious luxury coat with silk shining hair like Rapunzel. Not that I sought to beat the record Princess Rapunzel, however, the stories are well known for the owner of exclusively rich curls. So, the queen of long hair in the second half of the century called Miss Milli Owens. This noble lady has a hair reached 2m 55cm. A actress Music Hall Sidoni Gabriella Kolts at the beginning of the twentieth century had one and a half meter braids.

I know that the tincture of the fruit of the pod red pepper causes a tide of the blood to the skin of the head, amplifying hair growth. However, it is much more pleasant to take advantage of the spray to enhance hair growth KERASTASE SPECIFIQUE STIMULISTE, which stimulates the nutrition of the hair in the roots and increases the cellular activity of the hair onion.

Thank you, Rapunzel!

As it turned out, not only I penetrated the idea to grow long hair like Rapunzel. It is known that during the work on a film of 10 women from the creative group began to grow hair. I do not know what success they managed to achieve, but I even had to have fun with my own hair. And recently, a miracle happened: waiting for the traffic light signal at the transition, I suddenly heard the admiring whisper of some kind of baby: "Mommy, look, True Rapunzel!" Wrapped, I saw interested views standing behind people and a young man who said: "I always believed that I will meet a real princess!"

Thank you, Beauty Rapunzel! You helped me become confident in my beauty, and your hair pointed the way to happiness!

In the article:

How to call a mermaid a good day?

In order to cause such a magical essence as a mermaid, you must first ask her favor and achieve the location of the element that owns it. Since mermaid - representative water World, It is with water that you will have to come down to someone who wants to urge this a magical creature.

Before you seek help from the sealessness, you need to remember that these creatures are very cunning, they will not be difficult to get out of you or simply pick up the gifts and do not fulfill your request. If you still decide that you are not afraid of such a turn of events and ready for everything, then, first of all, the backs of the reservoirs.

To do this, go to the coast of the river or the sea and leave there a gift to the mermaid. It may be a necklace of marine seashells or corals. It is important that the number of components in the necklace is odd. Leave the gift sentencing:

Mermaid, here's a gift, come! Take him and me reward!

When the gift is accepted, and he will take a sea wave, become on the shore, lay off your hands and say:

Mermaid, charming waters, come me, hear my call! You accepted my gift, so take my request now (write what you would like to get).

When you graduate from your monologue, thank the spirits of the water for listening to you and accepted your request. Now you can go home. If the mermaid does not deceive you, then after three days you will get everything they asked about. You can also to fulfill your desires yourself.

How to call a little mermaid at home?

Call the spirit of water at home you can absolutely independently. To carry out such rituals, you absolutely do not need to go on a natural reservoir. Enough water that you can dial at home.

To carry out the rite you will need a big bucket, the fair filled with liquid. Water is recruited only in the full moon exactly at midnight. Note that the initially typed fluid should be very cold.

Put the container with the liquid to the floor, and will place yourself nearby. You should fully focus on your desire to call for a mermaid. When you understand that you are ready to meet with the Spirit, say three times:

Mermaid come!

After that, bring your hand to the water. If a magical creation I decided to help you and responded, the liquid will become warmer. If the water was as cold as it was, then it is not worth spending a ritual anew. Of course, you can call these actions and your persistence, but it will be very evil, and the consequences of the call may be unpredictable.

How to cause the spirit of water to lengthen the hair?

Often our ancestors used the strength of these magical creatures and asked them beauty. It was believed that the mermaid could make a girl more attractive. Most often asked for gorgeous curls. It was believed that this means more efficiently than ordinary.

But remember, since the mermaid is quite a cunning creature, it may require anything in return, and not limit ourselves to the same gift that you will present to her before holding a rite.

To spend a ritual, you must come ashore to the reservoir. At home, this ritual is not held. As a gift, the keeper marine bring a silver ring. It will be not only her gift, but with it, you can make the spirit of water disappeared.

Come to the bank of the river (or any other natural reservoir), sway and dissolve the braids. Slowly comb their ridge (desirable, wooden, not plastic).

It is best to hold a new attribute to buy a rite. Imagine your curls will grow very quickly after the rite will become strong, shiny and healthy. When you tune on this note, take a ring in your hand and tell me:

I see what is hidden at the bottom of the sea. Mermaid come!

Now take one of your hair and throw it into the water, saying:

My hairs, sail, the spirit of waters is attracted, picking up help.

If the creature will respond to your call, then circles will begin on the surface of the water. If the mermaid refused to help you, do not concern her more. If she came, then continuing to comb her hair, say:

Spirit of water, give me long braids, beautiful and healthy, and I give you a gift for this.

Do not look into the water until you say these words. If the mermaid is aggressive, it will easily take you to yourself.

After the words are told, and the spirit of water will hear you, throw the ring into the water. So you will present a gift to the mermaid and return it back to another world, from where she came.

How to call a mermaid in the bathroom?

It is necessary to immediately warn that such a challenge of the essence is very dangerous. No one guarantees that mermaid will come to the call of the sorcerer, and not from the lower world, which can pretend to be anyone.

Therefore, if you have little experience, and you do not know how to deal with other entities and send them back to another world, it is forbidden for this ritual.

To hold the rite, the sorcerer will need:

  • a glass of cold water;
  • three candles; Full bathroom;
  • slight salt;
  • shell.

It is carried out between 12 and 2 nights. Put on the long white shirt and tie it up with a white belt with red tassels. It will be insignificant, but still protection against otherworldly influence. You need to become before the open window so that the moon light falls on you. Take a glass with water and slowly plunge into it a shell, repeating:

Mermaid, come. As I said, it will be.

After that, throw a salt into the liquid, repeating the same conspiracy. Lower the container on the windowsill and say:

I urge you, the spirit of water.

Leave the container on the window and go to the bathroom. There must be a dialed bathroom and three lit candles. As soon as you go into the room, the water splash should be heard from the bath and the mermaid will appear in front of you.

Simple ways to call the spirit of water

There are several very simple wayswhich are least dangerous, and even a person who has never contacted such creatures and has not been fond of magical practices can call the mermaid.

How to hear the voice of the mermaid?

In order to encourage this creature and hear her singing, you need to spend a special ritual. But remember, it is possible to spend it only to women, because mermaids practically do not have the authorities over them. If a man becomes a rite, it is quite possible that the mermaid is attracted by his beautiful singing and takes it to him.

For the rite, come to the reservoir of the reservoir (it is important that it was a deserted place). With you, take two glasses with wine (in one - white, in the other - red). Put the container with red wine ashore, and from another glade, send a little yourself, after which they whisper:

Mermaid, mermaid, come. Drink wine with me, and after - the song is sideways.

Now put the second container with wine ashore and quickly leave from the area of \u200b\u200bthe rite. When you go away for a small distance from the water, then hear the singing of this being.

When the mermaid finishes his song, return to the reservoir of the reservoir, thank her for what was able to come, and throw in the water any decoration brought to the mermaid.

Call in nature

If you want to make sure that the mermaids are existed, spend this simple call rite, after which the Spirit of the Water will seem before you. But remember, this ritual is not designed to ask anything at the creature. It just allows you to surprise the spirit of water. Come to the reservoir and whisper:

Mermaid, come and show your tail.

Now put a gift on the shore and go away a little. After 10 steps, turn around and you, which will come out to pick up a gift taken to her.

If on the day of the rite you feel or got sick badly, this is a sign. There is no need to cause a creature today. If every time before calling the Spirit, you begin to feel very bad, it suggests that contact with this creature will not bring you anything good, and it is better not to disturb the spirit of water.

Not only to fulfill the desire, but also to give the Council to the one who needs. In order to find out how you do, come at midnight to the river shore, go knee-off in the water and tell me:

You, mermaid, daughter of water, for my call to me come!
Mystery to me our taught and the secret is shared.

All this time, you need to knock on the surface of the water with your fingers lightly. When the mermaid appears, tell her everything you think and ask the Council. For three days after the ritual, pay attention to various signs of fate. With their help, the mermaid will tell you how to enter the current situation.

Call a mermaid is not very difficult. The question is whether it is necessary to bind to the non-permanent and insidious spirit for the achievement of the goal. If you still decided that without magical help you could not do, try to be extremely careful in communicating with the spirits of water.

In contact with

  1. Oddly enough, your chief friend in the process of growing length is scissors. Those who think that the best way Relieve hair - do not cut them, deeply mistaken. Regular haircut helps to keep them healthy, will save from the secting tips and accelerate growth.
  2. Do not forget to use air conditioning every time you get a head. Coloring and hot stying do not give the best way to our hair: for example, they become thinner below. The air conditioner is able to replace lipids and proteins inside the hair structure, as well as seal the cuticle - it will save your curls. It is best to wash off the air conditioner best of all cool water, which will smooth out the outer layer of the hair, will prevent the loss of moisture, thereby protecting your hair from further warm exposure. Cool water really contributes to hair growth.
  3. Another rule: do not abuse shampoo. His goal is to wash off the dirt, but with excessive use (too often or too much) it is washing and the necessary hair natural oils that retain straight and healthy.
  4. Each week is causing oil or mask on curls. Hair that touch your shoulders is most likely much "older than" the rest. That is why they need enhanced nutrition.
    Examples of SOS masks:
    1) Coconut oil + almond oil + macadamia oil + jojoba oil;
    2) Castor oil + rapid oil.
    Leave a miracle mixture on the hair for 10-60 minutes, then see with a shampoo (it seals oils).
  5. Think about taking vitamins and biologically active additives to strengthen hair and accelerate their growth. Your body requires many vital substances: from protein to minerals. Pay attention to your food - Do you get enough nutrients or perhaps it is worth it to take a balanced diet? This directly affects the growth of new healthy hair.
  6. Combing curls as if they consist of gold - very carefully. Permanent combing (and even coarse) can cause physical harm to your hair. When you unwind wet strands, be sure to start the bottom and gradually lay the "way" to the top. So you will unwind your hair from confusion, preventing the loss of "in the ranks".
  7. Pillowcase on the pillow! Yes, it also matters. The best silk, satin-silk, and the pillowcase from cotton, on the contrary, causes friction and formation of tanglars on her hair.
  8. Never, hear, never three hair with a towel too much - it's better just try to squeeze slightly. In addition, do not wraink them into a massive thick towel. Why? When you twist your hair in this way, then with the most likely you break them. To avoid "mechanical" damage, use a special thin and soft microfibular towel or generally try to do without it.
  9. Change the location of your tail to keep the integrity of the hair and help them grow without damage from the rubber band. If you have painted, loose and damaged hair, try to make tails as much as possible. Better twist "donut" and fasten it with invisible.
  10. Do not abuse hot laying and do not forget to give your hair a break. Remember: The key to rapid hair growth - their health!

Mermaids are beautiful nymphs well-known to us on the myths and the legends of different peoples of the world. Since mermaids are spirits of water, then according to the legends they can be called and ask for advice. Better time To call the spirit of mermaids is considered - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. According to the legends it is in full moon easier to see the mermaid, since at that time they can leave the water.

How to call a good mermaid?

In the global folklore there are many stories about semi-semi-puzzles, seductive inhabitants of the sea buchin. The origins of these legends rise to Ancient Babylon. Why are they preserved to this day?

Maybe modern psychologists argue that this image symbolizes a sexual desire leading to self-destruction? Nowadays, people tend to deny the existence of mermaids, as well as unicorns. These mythical creatures, with a horse's body or another animal, but necessarily with one single horn, are often mentioned in fairy tales and legends. Almost due to human fantasy they entered the folklore?

Warm summer day of 1890, Teacher William Monroe walked around the beach in the Scottish County Cateness. Suddenly, on a stone speaking from the sea, he noticed a creature, similar to a sitting nude woman. If Monroe did not know that he was extremely dangerous to swim over the stone, he would have no doubt that he was watching a woman. But something was strange in all this, and he began to look closely. The lower part of the body was under water, but Monroe saw naked hands, combing long, shiny brown hair. A few minutes later the creature slipped off the stone in the MOPE and disappeared from the view.

After a long internal oscillations after 12 years, Monroe sent a note to the London Times. In the letter, he was very careful and dryly described this creation. "The head was covered with hair above the specified color (brown), slightly darker on the top of the top, the forehead, the face of chubby, cheeks, blue, eyes, mouth and natural shape lips, similar to human; I could not see my teeth, because the mouth was closed; chest and stomach, hands and fingers of the same size as an adult representative of the human race; The way this creature used his fingers (when combing), does not imply a membrane, but about this I am not sure. "

Monroe said that although others who trustworthy people argued that they saw this creature, he did not believe them until he saw him on his own. And, seeing, was convinced that this creature was a mermaid. He expressed the hope that his letter can help confirm the "existence of a phenomenon, so far almost not known to naturalists, or a decrease in skepticism of those who are always ready to challenge everything is unable to comprehend ..."

From this quite a logical letter it follows that faith in mermaids was not the prerogative of sailors that are crazy from boredom and abstinence in long ocean journey. In fact, mermaids, like dragons, is almost universal symbol. The mention of them can be found in the folklore of all countries of the world, and if there is no sea in the country, the river or lake becomes home. It seems that, as in the case of a dragon, the emergence of the mermaid is associated with the symbolic expression of some internal needs of men.

Today on the Internet you can find many ways to call the spirit of mermaids. Why is it caused and whether it is not known, but this is what they write about it on the network:

How to call the mermaid of desires at home

At midnight, when the moon is full of cold water in the pelvis. Put the pelvis on the floor and sit in front of him in the lotus position, then mentally say - the mermaid come (three times) if the water in the pelvis became warm, then the Spirit appeared.

How to call a mermaid on the street?

The old method allows you to see the mermaid. You need to take a silver ring to whisper to him - I see what is hidden at the bottom of the sea. Then you need to look at the sea through the ring, closing one eye. As soon as the mermaid will give you a sign about your presence - throw a ring in the sea and it will disappear.

Oh, these maritime maids, so beautiful and sad, well-known to all of us from fairy tales and myths, who have a diligence of any careless traveler. In fairy tales, these are predominantly beautiful girls who, top part Human torso, and instead of their feet, they have a fish tail. Mermaids are the spirits of water, inhabiting reservoirs and sandwicked on the surface of lunar nights. Each people have their own ideas and beliefs about mermaids, but they all converge on the fact that mermaids can be called and asking for their help. Let's see how to call the mermaid, according to the ancient beliefs.

Mermaids, as any reasonable creature, in relation to a person can be well-minded or negative, so to draw them, you need to have some gift with you, it is best to decorate from natural materials.

Rituals how to call the mermaid at the reservoir

Method number 1.

In order to call the mermaid, you will need to complete the full moon to go ashore to the nearest reservoir. In order for the mermaid to be kind, and is located to help you, take with you gifts for mermaid - a wooden scallop, the best thing is best, and any decoration from seashells. Stop at the water, and dismissed your hair, start them to comb your comb. Hair remaining on the ridge, challenge with the words:

"Hair, my hairs! Touch me the Spirit of Waters! So that the mermaid sailed, but help helped "

It is impossible to watch the water, and the mermaid can be pulled to the water. After asking her about everything, they wanted to give gifts into the water. who brought with them.

Method number 2.

In full moon, at night, come to the reservoir, go knee-deep into the water, and clapping your palm on the water, so that the reflection of the moon go ripples, say:

"You, mermaid, daughter of water, for my call to me come!

Method number 3.

You can call the mermaid using necklaces from seashells. You will need an odd number of seashells from which you make a necklace. Put the necklace on the stone, protruding from the water and say:

"Mermaid, here's a gift! Come, take it, yes reward me! "

How to call a mermaid at home

Method number 1.

Pour water in the pelvis, put it on the floor, put the light in the room and sit near the pelvis in the lotus position. Three times say the words:

"Mermaid, come!"

If the water in the pelvis is warm, then you visited the spirit of mermaids. Say your desire, and the mermaid will execute it.

Method number 2.

Put U. entrance door Water in a bottle, and hang on it with candy. Exercise the light and say five times:

"Mermaid, come!"

If the candy disappears, it means that the mermaid came to you.

Method number 3.

To carry out the ritual of the call, in the full moon, take the glass and put a shell in it, throw in a glass with water pinch. Put a glass on the windowsill so that the full moon is reflected in it, and say three times:

"Mermaid, come!"

Then go to the bathroom and fill the bath with water, burn three candles, smear the light and say:

"Mermaid, come and show your tail!"