Royal traditions. Unusual royal children's traditions of the tradition of the English royal yard

In the castle of the queen already installed the festive Christmas tree

Before Catholic Christmas remains everything - nothing, and the residence of Queen Elizabeth II - Windsor Castle is ready to receive guests. The network has photos of dressed fir and dining room decor.

New Year's tree decorated a whole team of specialists. The Christmas tree with a height of almost 6 meters installed in the George Hall and "dressed up" in golden balls and garlands. Judging by the photo, the result justified the effort. The festive tree looks fabulously beautiful and creates an atmosphere of magic.

In the castle, the preference has been given not ordinary ate, but the Fir Nordman, named after the famous Professor Botany Alexander von Nordman.
A tree of 6 meters high rose in the Big Windsor Queen Park and was traditionally installed in the St. George Hall.

If last year the Eastern topic was chosen for the decor, then they stopped at a less intricate, but no less beautiful - golden theme. Fir branches were decorated with cones, ribbons, toys, stars and garlands only warming golden color. On the top of the tree was placed in the figure of an angel.

This year the stylistics is more traditional - the castle (by the way, the oldest and largest castle in the world) is decorated with gold and red colors.

The second tree, 4.5 meters high, was installed in the raspberry living room and decorated with red toys to support the decor of the room.

Royal Christmas is strictly planned: breakfast, service in church, walk, lunch, departure to sleep. Christmas dinner lasts only 50 minutes.

Even the outfits are tightly adjustable: costumes and "gorgeous silk dresses" dress for lunch, and for dinner - "tuxedo and spectacular dresses" with expensive ornaments and tiars.

In Christmas morning, women wear casual dresses or smart suits with pearls, men must prepare a coat, as the royal family goes to church.

Gifts are made to give "inexpensive and pleasant." The royal family is having fun shadows, board games and other Christmas baubles.

Christmas morning, the family is going for breakfast before going to church. After the service, there is a large lunch, the menu of which from year to year does not change: a salad with shrimps or lobster, fried turkey and all traditional side dishes (Pasternak, carrots, Brussels Cabbage), and for dessert Christmas pudding with cognac oil. After the meal, everyone is watching the christmas treatment of the queen.

Later, the monarchs are disposed of time at their discretion, before they are going again for afternoon tea and traditional Christmas fruit cake. In the evening, the royal meal is a buffet with 15-20 different dishes. It is always a buffet with chefs standing at the table.

The state dining room is served by gold-plated silver ordered by Georg IV and still used as Queen, and its guests during government banquets. Luxurious decoration is shoved on burgundy tablecloths in the dining room and is waiting in the wings.

The queen usually spends December in Windsor Castle, but not Christmas itself, MailOnline reports.

The royal family will join the Queen and Prince Philippe in the Sandringem Palace, they will join Prince William with Duchess Catherine and children, as well as the remaining members of the royal family. Whether Megan Plant will appear on the dinner dinner, while it remains unknown, but judging by rumors about the ambulance, there will be a place at the table for her.

Sandringem Palace is a private residence, and looks more modest. The queen is not wasteful, so the decor is minimal. The royal family dresses a big christmas tree and a silver artificial tree in a dining room, which is about 30 years old.

What gifts like to receive and give the English Queen on Christmas Eve? What are the Dutch princesses afraid in winter? And who is the Danish monarchs invite to Christmas? In each monarchical country, be it the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Monaco, Spain, Denmark, Norway or Sweden, the main winter holiday is associated with special traditions that remain unchanged for decades. And this has a special attractiveness of the life of royal families.

Great Britain

On December 17, the Queen of Elizabeth II is usually removed to the Sandringem in Norfolk, so that in a relaxed atmosphere to tune in to the Christmas Lad. A week later, her numerous relatives are tightened. And the Christmas Eve comes: Her Majesty's grandchildren and great-grandchildren hang out the latest decorations on the Christmas tree, and during the traditional Five O "CLOCK TEA are exchanged with gifts. The fact that in the royal family is made to give each other inexpensive trinkets with Izy-Minky, has long been the parable In Languages. Handing a luxurious cashmere sweaters, Princess Diana many years ago. Her unsuccessful attempt to please the Queen served as a good lesson Kate Middleton.

In December, members of the royal family are paying a lot of time charity
Prince Harry in Children's shelter in Lesotho, 2014
Duchess Catherine in the Charitable Center, London, 2015;

Somehow Kate presented to Prince Harry's naked women's figure "grow a girlfriend", which in water increases several times, - and her majesty came from the idea of \u200b\u200bdelight. Harry himself is also a big original: pleased the grandmother with a hat for the shower with the inscription "I'm not bitch." As can be seen, all gifts are not only funny, but also in the economy are necessary - like, for example, a white leather seat for toilet, handed to Prince Charles his sister, Princess Anna.

Hist, neither the exchange of gifts was having fun, already at 8 pm in the palace, the atmosphere of British inhabudacy reappears: the ladies in the evening dresses and men in strict costumes are gathered for a festive dinner. This year, the prince of Georg will appear on it for the first time, but his sister Charlotte fork with a knife can not yet know how to sit at her main table.

On the morning of December 25, after the traditional English headset, the whole family goes to the church of St. Mary Magdalene to the service. At their return, the time of Christmas lunch comes, which crosses the turkey with a crispy crust. And at 15.00 - the translation of the New Year's appeal Elizabeth II to the subject. And only then the Queen dissolves the whole rather big service personnel of the palace at home: they say, rest, we are not proud, dinner will prepare themselves.

On December 25, at 15.00 on television, the New Year's appeal of Queen Elizabeth II to the people is broadcast. Last year, the video was first recorded in 3D format. Also on the eve of the holiday, her Majesty personally presents gifts to serving staff of the Buckingham Palace, and this is not a little 800 people


In the Holland, Christmas is beginning to be very early - in mid-November, when Sinterklaas sails from Spain on his ship Sinterklaas, kinds of Santa Dutch. According to the legend, it is in this part of the Pyrenean semi-island that he rests all year.

Greeting arrived at the port arrived and monarching family - King Villem-Alexander, his spouse, Maxim, and three daughters. Princess Catarina, Alexy and Ariana Masut Syneneclas, with caution looking at the black pites accompanying him: according to legend, Mauri, Santa's helpers, plant naughty children in a bag and send them to punish in Spain. Of course, the princesses are trying to behave well, as requires the court etiquette, and the "terrible link" does not threaten them, but from the trip to Christmas itself, at the end of December, they still do not go anywhere. Mom girls, queen-consort of Maxim, originally from Argentina, so almost every year the main winter holiday the whole family celebrates in the Argentine residence El Messidor.


In the 1950s, Princess Grace Kelly proposed to arrange a Christmas holiday for children from poor families. The kids spent all day at Grimaldi Palace. H there they were given gifts and treated them with chocolate milk prepared on a special recipe. Since then, this event has become a tradition. For the first time this year, young guests were greeted not only by Prince Albert II and Princess Charlein, but also their children are two-year-old twins Jacques and Gabriella.


Danish Queen Margret II large international family: Henric Prince Consort Henrik, originally from France; Anna-Maria's sister also became a queen, coming out married to the Greek King; The second sister, Benedict, was combined with a marriage with a German prince. In 2015, a lot of people gathered in the Palace of Fredensborg for ChristmasQueen Family Margrete II - a huge international clan: her spouse, Prince Consort Henrik, - French; daughter-in-law, Princess Marie, - Australian; Anna-Maria's sister is married to the last Greek king - Konstantin II. Therefore, any holiday in the royal house is celebrated with a big sweep. On December 23, everyone dressed up the Christmas tree and wrap up gifts. And the next day, the younger heirs put out a plate of rice porridge on the street - a treat for the gnomes, Santa's assistants. The festive feast begins with the traditional Christmas rice pudding with almonds. Then the Danish monarchum serves a roasted goose or duck, venison, potatoes in caramels and a salad of red cabbage and cucumbers. And for dessert - pudding with rum and raspberry sauce and apple krambl.

On the eve of the New Year, Queen Margret II pronounces speech that broadcast on television. And then to her Majesty, friends come to visit, with whom she suits Masquerade and looks salute.


On Christmas Eve King Philip VI and Queen Letia arrange Christmas dinner in Sarsweal Palace for his parents, King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sofia. Despite the fact that Christmas in Spain is the most important holiday, in the morning of December 25, Princess Leonor and Sofia - however, like other children - will not find the desired boxes under the Christmas tree. All gifts will get on the night from 5 to 6 January, when the holiday of three kings is celebrated, or the magicians, which young Spaniards write letters instead of Santa Claus. For the Spanish-Role family on January 5 - not only the date of the Catholic celebration, but also the birthday of His Majesty King Juan Carlos.


King Harald V and Queen Sonya with children and grandchildren spend Christmas not far from Oslo - at its Villa Kongsseteren, built back in 1911. Shortly before the holiday, the royal press service publishes the traditional Christmas portrait of the ruling family. Norwegian monarchs lead a much calmer and free lifestyle than their British "colleagues". Therefore, they often give television interviews on the eve of Christmas. So, in 2012, the eight-year-old Princess Ingrid, the daughter of the Crown Prince Hokon, admitted that there was nothing more boring for her than to pose for official photographs, especially christmas.


The Swedish royal family tries to be closer to the people, publishing different videos from their lives. For example, such: a two-year heiress of the throne Estel helps parents, the Kronprintsess of Victoria and Prince Daniel, the oven cookies. From the dough adults cut the figures of animals, and their daughter rolled and tried raw dough taste, 2013

For the Swedish Royal Family, the Winter holidays are not only Christmas, but also the birthday of Queen Silvia: a double occasion to collect all relatives at one table. In honor of the German ancestors of Her Majesty in the festive menu, always include christmas gallers - decorated with sugar cupcake with adding dried fruits and brandy. Among other dishes are Lutefis, Fish Jelly, which loves the Kronpringessia Victoria very much, as well as lobsters and oysters commissioned her sister Madeleine.

But, perhaps, the most affluent tradition is supported by Kronprintsa Victoria and her husband Daniel: On the eve of Christmas on the DROTT-Ningholm Palace website, a video appears, in which spouses together with her daughter Estel baked gingerbread gingerbread. For the first time, a similar mini film was removed in 1985: in him the king with the queen and their three children - Victoria, Madeleine and Karl Philip - did sausages. The princesses commanded so loudly, demanding to put more meat minced meat into the apparatus for the manufacture of sausages, which in the people the clip was called "more meat!".

Text: Natalia Tugushi

Is the most famous in the world! In 1917, the Windsor Dynasty was established by King Georg V, and since then is the only reigning family in this country.

At the life of the royal family, not only the devotees of the British, but also and the whole world, now have been an example for imitation for many years. In addition to Queen Elizabeth II in this family there are still a lot of people who are also forced to fulfill their duties and observe the old traditions. And often they are rather strange!

1 Do not travel together

Family flights for the royal family are not allowed, so Charles will never fly one aircraft with her sons as ordinary relatives. This rule, though unpleasant, but quite logical - often disasters often, and even the royal family is not insured. Therefore, to lose several family members and potential heirs for the throne is simply unacceptable. The rule was broken only once, when Prince William flew to Canada together with George. True, this required the consent of the queen.

2 Always take a black set of clothes

The royal family cannot disrupt the rules of etiquette, so they should always be prepared for any surprise. So during travels in the suitcase of the monarch, there should be a black set of clothes. Let it be rather gloomy, but the Queen will never come out of the aircraft in the case of mourning in neon outfit. By the way, the black color in clothes is allowed only for mourning days!

3 At the opening ceremony, the queen takes hostage

Strange tradition, because the queen has long been in good relations with parliament. However, each time at the annual opening ceremony, both parties give a tribute to an old tradition. Previously, when the monarch and parliament did not get along, the royal family took hostage of one of the members of parliament. He was accompanied by the Buckingham Palace, where he was under the protection of personnel. Thus, the security of the monarch in the building of the parliament was provided.

4 Competition for the most ridiculous gift

The royal family does not give each other dear gifts, so they have a competition for the most ridiculous and terrible present. On when the whole family is going to the Sandringem Palace, they exchange their gifts. It was overwhelmed more than the rest managed to Prince Harry, who presented his grandmother with a hat for a shower with the inscription "Life of an unfair thing". Anne's princesses Anne once managed to surprise the relatives when she gave Prince Charles white leather chairs for toilet bowl.

5 They are very modest

If you think that the royal family can afford anything, then you are mistaken! They save even on trifles, for example, Queen Elizabeth II never misses the used gift paper. Agree, most of us comes the wrapper and boldly send in the garbage. But not the Queen of Great Britain ... Obviously, this habit has formed in youth, or she simply takes care of the environment.

6 Preparing food for themselves

In addition to Queen Elizabeth II, which food is preparing a personal cook, all other members of the royal family prepare themselves. The time passed when the monarch of the Specials served the staff, now they even go to the store themselves. Of course, they have many duties and solemn events, but dinners they prepare as ordinary families. Kate Middleton repeatedly said that Prince William's favorite dish is fried chicken.

7 Royal family flies economy class

The Queen of Elizabeth II, of course, always flies on state aircraft, it is put on status and for security reasons. But the remaining members of the royal family can easily sit in the economy class aircraft. Often, the passengers simply unexpectedly discover near the monarch of person, and it is absolutely normal. One of the last such flights, which fell into the press - Megan Plant and Prince Harry flew to Nice for the New Year.

8 Royal children also wear clothes from relatives

Anyone who at least once in his life got clothes from relatives, knows about this feeling of disappointment. Do not worry, as it turned out, the royal children also have to wear clothes from someone else's shoulder! For example, Princess Charlotte recently published in the shoes, which Prince Harry wore more than 30 years ago. And Prince George wore a suit that his father put on his brother's christening in 1984.

9 Forbidden game "Monopoly"

Very unusual ban, and it is not known what he is connected with. But for the first time, it was discovered in 2008, when Prince Andrew (the third child Elizabeth II) was presented at the official reception of the desktop game "Monopoly". To which the prince refused the present and answered that they were forbidden to play at home in this game. Amazing refusal, because usually members of the royal family can not accept a gift!

10 It is impossible to give autographs

You will never be able to see an autograph not one of the members of the royal family. It is strictly forbidden, because the signature of the monarch of the person in this case can fake. According to etiquette, any of the windsor needs to be politely refused if someone suddenly ask for an autograph. You can add a ban on Selfie to this rule - take a picture with Kate or William. As they touch any member of the royal family - only the official handshake, initiated by himself!

11 The royal driver can not go through Ughabam in the morning

The queen is a queen, and sometimes its quirks can be taken as proper. For example, she has a specific requirement for the Royal Train machinists. When she takes the morning bath, the driver is forbidden to go through a bumpy road. Elizabeth do not like to shake in the bathroom on the bodies, so from 7.30 the train should go only on a flat road. It sounds very strange, but who can violate the order of the queen?

12 Royal dinners by tradition

Yes, here are official dinners in the royal family are held for all the rules! There are strict rules that cannot be violated in any way. For example, the honorary guest of the evening always sits on the right of the queen. At first she will talk to him, and only then can go to the interlocutor who sits on the left. Once Lewis Hamilton was invited to dinner in the Buckingham Palace and spoke first, although sitting on the left. Queen Elizabeth II immediately explained to him that he was wrong.

13 Queen Elizabeth II The most depicted features in history

Each brand is an image of Queen Elizabeth II. Since 1967, when a stamp was developed for the first time, more than 200 billion postage stamps were published. Thus, the Queen image is the most popular worldwide, it is not surprising that her face is familiar with almost every resident of the Earth!

14 They do not vote

Despite the fact that, according to the law, any member of the royal family can vote in the election, they have never done so. The fact is that Windsors are treated as people who represent the UK as a whole, so their choice may affect the opinion of the Company. In addition, they always remain politically neutral. For example, after Megan Plant becomes the wife of Prince Harry, she will no longer be able to express himself on a political field.

15 Six ravens live in Tower

No, this is not a myth that in Tower should always live a crows in the number of seven individuals. This tradition dates back to the Epoch of Charles II and strictly executed for many centuries. In fact, raven six, and one spare, in case of death. The whole thing in the legend, which predicted the fall of the kingdom in the event of the death of all crowners.

The royal family complies with many traditions that, sometimes, seem very strange. But certain obligations to a whole country forced them to strictly follow the rules, let them have already ceased to be relevant.

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Speaking of the British, we immediately imagine the arrogant and primary Britons, always following our traditions. Traditions for the British is an integral feature of the national identity, typical of every resident of this country, which they always proud. The British prevent the traditions of tradition, their history and their way of life always distinguished them from other nations.

In the life of any resident of Britain, there are always certain traditions, accompanying it at every step. These traditions are manifested in all sides of life: the kitchen, everyday life, sports and much more.
Royal traditions
The traditions of the royal yard are most often taught in the form of various ceremonies performed by the queen and her family.
Opening of parliament

The queen officially opens up a new session of Parliament every year, usually in October or November. She, together with the Duke of Edinburgh, leaves from the Buckingham Palace in Westminster in the State Care (State Coach). Before the Queen and her surroundings enter the Parliament Building, Palace Guards (The Guard) are searched by the basements of the building. This tradition is respected from 1605 when a group of conspirators tried to blow up the parliament building. Nowadays, police officers are helped in search of explosives by palace guards.

Awards (Investitures)
Awards are held in the Buckingham Palace 20 times a year. Sometimes they are also held in the Edinburgh Palace and outside the United Kingdom. Each award ceremony is attended to 150 candidates, each of which can invite up to three guests. The queen enters the hall accompanied by two officers. Playing military Orcreas. Queen or another member of the royal family, which holds the ceremony, stands throughout the awarding procedure, which lasts a little more than an hour. After the orchestra played the national anthem, the Lord Camger alternately calls the name of each candidate and the reason he is awarded. Then the queen attaches to the chest lucky reward and congratulates it. At this ceremony, the queen is also devoted to the knights.
Takes in the Royal Garden
More than 30 thousand people attend techniques in the Royal Garden every year. Every summer, at least three adhesives are held in the Buckingham Palace and one at the Palace of Holudhouse (The Palace of Holyroodhouse) in Edinburgh. These techniques are held since the 1860s. In the 50s of our 20th century, the number of techniques in the garden of the Buckingham Palace increased from two to three per year. The test of the queen gives additional reception in the garden, which is held for a large national organization, which celebrates a round date, for example, a red cross, or , for example, to mark the year of disabled. For reception, people from all spheres of life society are chosen: from the government, the armed forces, the diplomatic corps. Invitations are sent to the Lord Chamberlain on behalf of the Queen. At the reception, the time of which is usually from 4 to 6 pm, there are up to 8 thousand guests.
The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh, together with other members of the royal family, are taking care of the guests after the national anthem of Great Britain. Each of the representatives of the royal family goes in the garden by their way with such a goal so that each of the guests had the opportunity to be represented and communicated with the royal individuals. During taking music, two military orchestra play turns. Queen and other members of her family in the end arrive at the royal awning, where they drink tea. Also at the reception put a separate awning for the diplomatic corps and all other guests. Tea and sweets are served. At about 6 pm, the royal family leaves the garden, and the orchestra plays the Hymn of the United Kingdom again to mark the end of the reception.
Official visits
The queen is the official head of the United Kingdom, as well as the British Commonwealth of Nations. The United Kingdom Ministry of Foreign Affairs sends invitations to the heads of other states. Usually in the year the queen takes representatives of two foreign countries. Each of these visits continues from Tuesday to Friday, during which the head of a foreign state not only has time to meet with the Queen, Prime Minister, Ministers, leaders of political parties and heads of diplomatic missions in London, but also to visit the State Banquet in his honor, give A response banquet and spend the day outside of London and Edinburgh, during which he or she meets with other aspects of the life of the British.
Other ceremonies
The ceremony on the day of the victims of the dead in Whiteholl is held on the second Sunday of November, when all the people together with the queen gives to give those killed in the two world wars and other military conflicts of the twentieth century. Queen, other members of the royal family, representatives of the Armed Forces and the leaders of the country's political parties spend two minutes of silence at the monument to the dead in Whiteholl. Then the Queen and all those present put wreaths at the monument, after which a short service is held, the orchestra plays the anthem of Great Britain and the Queen is leaving. War veterans marched past the monument, giving tribute to the dead. The christmas treatment of the monarch to his people began to broadcast on the radio, George V in 1932. Queen Elizabeth II passed its first radio message in 1952, and on television in 1957. Earlier, the appeals were spent live, but since 1960 they are recorded in advance and only broadcast on Christmas Day. There is a tradition of distribution of alms by the monarch ("Maundy Money") to the great Thursday at the passing week. This ceremony is held in one of the country's cathedrals or abbey, and money is given to pensioners living in the parish. This tradition originates in the 13th century, when the kings were distributed by poor and sick food and clothes, and even washed their legs.
Traditions of parliament

For centuries of its existence, parliament has increased numerous traditions. Some of them are relevant and represent the rules of behavior in the upper and lower chambers, others are outdated and remain only from love for traditions.


Each meeting of the Lower House of Parliament begins with prayer. Members of the Chamber pray standing, turning face to the wall behind their backs (praying, standing on his knees, members of the Chamber could not, when it was customary to wear swords in parliament). The priest reads prayers out loud. Since 1997, additional prayer has been read in those days when one of the members of Parliament dies. This tradition takes his roots since 1558, when members of the Chamber began to pray before the meeting, and about 20 years later she was already firmly established and prayers read a specially invited priest.

"Nekarelametsky language"

The expressions used in the ward must obey the special rules. In parliament, words and expressions can not be pronounced, which can insult other members of parliament, you can not use gross expressions, hint or frankly declare that another member of the chamber lies or drunk, and to upload the words of others. Little Glossary forbidden in Parliament of Words: Blackguard, Coward, Git, Guttersnipe, Hooligan, Rat, Swine, Stoolpigeon and Traitor. If someone broke these rules, the speaker will ask for this someone to pick them back. If he does not obey him, the culprit can be punished and even removed from the meetings for a certain period.


At the end of the end of the meetings in parliament, policemen shout "WHO GOES HOME?" ("Who goes home?). This tradition began in those days when there were no central lighting of streets in London, and the parliamentarians went home with small bands, reducing the risk of being robbed on the dark streets of the city. By the way, probably relevant and now, the More, according to the schedule, evening meetings end at 10 pm, but they can continue far over midnight. The police are not included in the meeting room until the discussion is over.


The official clothing of the speaker is described in the form of a speaker's clothing. The clothes of the rest of the parliament are a suit that, let's say, dress on a business meeting or negotiations. However, in recent years, some members of parliament have been seen in the Westminster Palace not only without ties, but even without jackets. In the eighteenth century, it was customary to wear wigs, but before this day wigs were left only on the heads of the speaker and clerks, but the acting Speaker of the House of Commons does not wear a wig.

Hats were another attribute of parliamentary etiquette. They were worn in the meeting room, but they were filmed at the entrance and exit from the hall, as well as during statements. The hat also served a great way to take a place on the bench in the meeting room, as a man could not leave without a hat, and, accordingly, I had to return. This system was destroyed by those members of the chamber that wearing two hats with them ... In our time, the hats must be worn to all parliamentarians during the appeal to the speaker. Women may not wear hats. Medals and other insignia signs, showing the favor or gratitude to the monarch, can not be carried in parliament.


Another "relic of the past" in parliament is a snuff of tobacco, provided to use the members of the Lower House of Parliament and the rest of the chamber's clerks. Tabakerka lies at the entrance to the ward. However, very few use this opportunity, although a snuff of tobacco is the only type of tobacco, permitted in the Chamber and Committees. Smoking was prohibited back in 1693.

Bill's approval

Bill's approval - the use of the Norman version of the French language

The process of adopting a new law requires the text of Bill to be accepted by both parliamentary chambers. The transfer of Bill from the Chamber to the Chamber always occurs at a certain order, in which the phrases of the Norman French have been used to report the results of the Bill discussion of the Bill for more than 200 years. Here is some of them:

If the Lords Chamber accepted one or more bills, members of the House of Commons get them together with the following asscription: Case "Soit Baillé Aux Communes".

If the lords approved Bill, accepted by the Community Chamber, then write "a Ceste Bille Les Seigneurs Sont Assentus". If the Bill is changed, then the lords after the "Bille" will add Amended "Avecque des Amendments".

In the event that Bill House of the community has been changed by the House of Lords, and the members of the Lower Chamber do not agree with the changes, then the reasons for disagreement are written in English under the heading "CESTE BILLE EST REMISE AUX SEIGNEURS AVECQUE DES RAISONS".

Queen's approval form is also announced at Norman French at the closing ceremony of Parliament. For general bills, this is La Reyne Le Veul, and for private - Soit Fait Comme Il Est Desiré.

Bag with wool

The woolsack bag Lord Chancellor in the ward of the lords sits on a bag with wool. This custom came out of the Middle Ages, when England was the main exporter of wool and wool products to Europe and was considered the leading manufacturer both in quality and by the number of material. Symbolizing the national heritage of the country, Lord Chancellor sat and still sits on a bag, packed with wool. The only change in the tradition - the bag is stuffed with wool not only the production of Great Britain, but also other countries of the Commonwealth, which symbolizes the unity of these countries.

Cover photo: Jonathan Hordle / Rex / Shutterstock

All royal life is completely consisting of traditions - birthday, weddings and everything else. Today, on the eve of Catholic Christmas, we will tell about the customs of the monarchs of the United Kingdom, which you may have never even heard before.

Family sends postcards

The English media write that Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philipse send about 850 cards signed by personnel. The same Christmas members of the royal family are engaged in the same Christmas. This year for the postcard this year was made by Prince William and Kate Middleton with children.

Queen goes to shopping

Elizabeth II likes to buy Christmas gifts for your loved ones. The huge Harrods store is open for a certain day only for the queen so that she can do all the scheduled purchases.

Employees of the Buckingham Palace receive gifts

All the staff of the palace is granted a choice between a symbolic gift or a book as an annual Christmas present from Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philippe. To get this gift, you need to work out in the palace for more than a year, while the cost of presents grows along with the post. Junior staff receive a gift worth 28 pounds, every year the amount increases - to 35 pounds sterling.

Family for the holidays leaves the Buckingham Palace

The royal family on Christmas holidays traditionally goes to Sandringem House in Norfolk. This winter departure to a country house, surrounded by 24 hectares of gardens, is an excellent tradition that is respected from 1862.

The queen has its own train, but she prefers to ride in Sandringem House as well as everyone else. That's how easily. She travels on a train to which a ticket can buy anyone, but hires a whole crew so that her, Prince Philip and the attendant personnel transported to Norfolk a week before Christmas.

The family is going to Norfolk

For all members of the Royal Family, who conduct holidays with the queen and Prince Philip in Sandringem, provides for a certain time in which they should appear on Christmas Eve - depending on their family status. First, the youngest family members arrive, and at the end are the most important: Prince Charles, Duke and Duchess Cambridge.

The entrance is allowed only for marriage

For example, Kate Middleton was not allowed to come in Sandringem until she married Prince William in 2011. However, Megan Margle contrary to the Royal Protocol this year was invited after. Perhaps the grandson of the queen persuaded the grandmother to retreat about traditions, because the house of Megan far from England.

Family members decorate christmas spruce

According to the former royal chef, Darren McGrayred, the Royal Family has a big Christmas tree and a large silver artificial tree in the dining room, which is about 30 years old. By tradition, after collecting in Sandringem House, the younger members of the royal family decorate the Christmas tree, the decor is always minimal.

Princes play football

William and Harry traditionally go to the football field along with the locals and Sandringem House employees in different teams to play against each other. Usually they put on the form (more precisely, only socks) of their favorite teams: William supports Aston Villa, Harry - Arsenal. Only in 2015, they rejected traditions to play in the same team - for the local pub The Black Horse Inn.

The family suits the party on Christmas Eve

On the eve of Christmas, dinner is satisfied, for which men come in black suits with a tie, and women in black dresses, jewels and tiara.

During dinner, everyone enjoys his drink. Usually the choice of Queen is a jin-cocktail called "ZAZA", Prince Charles chooses cherry brandy. Princes William and Harry drink on Pint (and maybe more) Sandringem cider from local apples.

Morning begins in the church

Photo: Alan Davidson / Silverhub / Rex / Shutterstock

The Royal Family Christmas Morning is defined in the church at a 45-minute service.

A turkey is served for lunch

A royal family Christmas table decorates a juicy turkey cooked by a chef and filed with lobster. "After the church, they have a big lunch, which includes salad with shrimps or lobster, as well as fried turkey and all traditional side dishes - Pasternak, Carrots, Brussels, as well as Christmas pudding with brandy for dessert, - said the ex-chef of the royal family McGray. - From year to year on their table, one and the same food. "

At the same time, the Queen menu is always written in French - regardless of what time is served.

Queen stands with a message

The queen writes in advance christmas in a white living room or in one of the other large rooms of the Buckingham Palace a few days before Christmas. The message is broadcast to the whole country on December 25 of each year at 15:00, and the royal family also looks at this record.