Makeup for brown eyes and copper hair. Optimal color of lipstick for red girls - examples of this makeup We will take from the stars. Nevertheless, a bit of theory will not hurt!

Makeup for brown eye redhead: examples of stars

The American actress Debra Messing is a dark copper-red hair and eyes of a walnut. The focus in makeup of his brown eyes the red-haired actress prefers to do it on his eyes. In the photo we see her pretty dark eye makeup in Smokey-Iz. The lips are designated, but attention does not attract attention.

Julianna Moore - face paints face: Copper-red hair and light-kare green eyes. For makeup, she prefers the gentle peach tones of Rumba and lipstick - they perfectly refresh the face, make it younger. Julianna's eyebrows Moore - strictly under the color of the hair. Shadows - light brown.

The dark-skinned singer Rihanna is different. She had bright red hair. Makeup for such hair Girl in brown eyes chose very bright - After all, the color of hair and skin conducive to this! Rosic cheeks refreshed image.

But Rihanna's lips made pale - paler the natural shade. But did the makeup play? I don't think!

Isla Fisher: Makeup

Isla Fisher - Actress, known more by TV series. His dark brown eye isle prefers bring non-banal brown tones, but light and bright colors. So, on one photo she with terracotta shadows and dark brown arrows, on the second - with light green shadows.

Lip makeup at the same time - inhabitant, light peach or pink-beige.

Makeup for brown eye redhead from Isla Fisher

Haley Williams: Makeup

The American and the scandalous singer of the rock band "Paramore" Haley Williams is also sometimes red. She has mid-brown eyes, but the singer's hair color prefers yellow-red and intense red-redheads. It necessarily brings the upper eyelid to the black eyeliner. For kulte events, makeup bright - and, bright and eyes, and lips.

Makeup for brown eyes red from Haley Williams

Ariana Grande: Makeup

American ascending multi-star (actress + singer + model) Ariana Grande is not afraid to experiment with the color of the hair. Since her hair color is bright red, and the eyes are black, like coals, eyeliner around the whole eye with a black pencil looks very organic. Eyes become big and expressive.

Ariana Grande and her makeup for red hair and brown eyes

Makeup for Karich Eye Red: Main Rules

Need to take into account that red hair hair is very different - As well as skin color, and eye color. After all, the brown eyes are light-karium, garage, dark brown, almost black - by any. And red hair is light red (almost rusia), dark red, bright red, red-red. And keep in mind that not all redhead have a natural hair color!

What is common? Oddly enough, the general moments and rules in make-up for brown eyes are red.

1. Be sure to emphasize the eyes

Usually the red-haired girls have a rather pale appearance, and if you do not emphasize your eyes, you can look like a very pale moth.

If the eyes with red hair dark brown, almost black, then you can choose a black pencil. But still a brown pencil will look at the red-haired beauty more organically.

2. How to choose shadows, if the hair is red, and brown eyes?

Again, we proceed from the color of the eyes.

If the eyes of green-carie or light brown, the color of the shadows can be with a greenish tinge. Try olive greens - you will like it! For every day you can also use light gray shadows, and for evening makeup, a kare-green eye, try the dark gray, almost graphite color of the shadows.

If the eyes of dark brown, and the hair is red, then in makeup you can be a bed and take darker and bright shades. For you - gold, sand, greens and of course, all shades of brown.

3. Eyebrows - be sure!

Many red-haired eyebrows are very bright, so it makes sense to emphasize them, give them a form. Color Pencil or eyebrow shadows - brown, suitable for hair color, but in no case is not black!

4. Lipstick - Harmony with Hair

If a shadows for brown eyes, we choose, based on the color of the eyesT. lipstick - based on their hair colors. Ideally, it should be in one color range with hair.

Winework lipstick and blusia - Terracotta, pink-brown, peach.

5. Careful with bright colors!

You can take bright colors for makeup for brown eyes, only If your hair is bright, For example, you paint them in red-red.

If the hair is pale, then bright colors on the face can give you a view of a clown.

The same applies to the colors of clothing.

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The game with fire is a risky business. The same can be said about experiments with visa of women, kois, nature gave a chic red hair, gray with tremendous eyes. These ladies, as anyone else, know: the slightest inaccuracy in the application of the shadows, the wrong selection of the shade of lipstick - and that's it. Consider - disappeared! The image instantly collapsing, a feeling of cheap cosmetics cheap hand appears.

What should I remember what should be taken into account during make-up to create a harmonious image?

Correct base for meikap

The first distinguishing feature of the naturalness of the hair is the skin of their owner. Almost all fire-red people have very light color. Often - with freckles. If the lady she is dark, then, most likely, the hair was originally different. Therefore, for red women, the main thing is to keep a healthy natural hue of the skin.

You need to pick up a tone cream by defining it with its color.

In red-haired with eyes, sulfur from nature, one is a real problem: they are shy of their own freckles and hide them under several layers of cream, picking it up, as a rule, for some reason, it is darker than you need. How such a decision is not clear. In any case, this is by no means acceptable in this option. If the lady with fire-red hair chooses the tonalnik darker, it will turn into a 50-year-old young lady. So optimal makeup is a bright beige, "Nature", porcelain.

If the lady is dark, then the cream must refresh it, and not turn into a mask. For the basics of the makeup fit: Natural beige, tan, similar to them.

Choice of shadows

Serulyptizes were lucky: any "classic" color of the shadows for the age of them with such eyes may come (with rare exceptions). But, everything is in order.

Gray shadows to such eyes - the most classic solution. The look really becomes as if you are close. Gray shadows should not match the shade with eyes, better if they are or lighter, or darker. And the most refined makeup is the combination of shades.

Evening makeup involves almost black shadows in combination with everything with the same white. If there are glitter in their composition, the image will be more festive, male, even somewhere scenic.

With dark blue or dark-green shadows about the same story. They can "be won" with the dress or decorations of the same color.

For redheads, it is better to avoid pink and brown tones. Such shadows give the face a painful appearance. Those who love the creative, also worth being common with the "poisonous" tones - yellow, turquoise, unless of course they do not want to give girls without taste.

With blinds or without them

Many believe that in a daily visacy it is quite possible to do without Rumba. Of course it is possible! But if you need ... they create an impression of a healthy girl. In addition, inflicting them, you can adjust the features of the face: make it more elongated or round.

The makeup artists advise the use of terracotta, coral, bronze blush, because makeup for red girls with gray eyes involves a combination of pastel skin tones and a blush.

You can apply them in two ways: under the powder or vice versa. The first option will create the impression of marble leather having a fold. He closer older women. The second is brighter, alive. On the face of a young girl, it looks realistic.

Color lipstick

What can be lips. Lady with red hair, and even Seruoglazim, sometimes it is difficult to choose the best of options. Start throwing: what texture, colors, with glitter or matte it should be?

A woman who uses Aluu Lipstick risks behind her to hide, because the scarlet will "shout", distracting all the attention on the lips of the red-haired girl. Those of the redheads who want to look elegant, it is better to stay on the tones close to the natural color of the lips, maybe a little darker. Many are amazing a plum, burgundy. Those who do not have such a bright, you can try bronze or brown color.

Brilliant lipsticks, as well as pink, do not go red.

Contour pencils

It is often in the redness of the nature and eyelashes, and eyebrows are bright. Therefore, the contour or eyeliner will have effectively allocate eyes and lips, makes the facial features more stringent, stylish. The contour pencils for the eyes are difficult to vary. Black - classic. Close to it brown. Lips should circle a little darker lipstick or the same.

Seruralous red-haired girls are so different from blondes with brunettes that options, make wonderful makeup, not so little. But there is an opportunity to remove the "formula of the visible being" for himself and follow it:

  • light beige cream;
  • gray (all shades), dark blue or dark-green shadows, better combination;
  • lipstick - from natural to plum and burgundy tones;
  • blushes, powder and contour pencil.

Using this algorithm, you can create and adjust your own image, gradually bringing it to the ideal. Use our advice, try to experiment and become even more beautiful with us!

Makeup for redheads should be started with applying a tone base, like or brown. Most often, the owner of red hair has very light, almost porcelain leather - in this case, it is worth a preference to a translucent tonal ivory color cream. Do not resort to dark shades and bronzers - it may not look quite natural and spoil all the natural beauty.

If you are a smoothing girl, then choose peach or beige shades that will be best merged with your skin color. All redness and rashes, as well as dark circles under the eyes, it is necessary to disguise with a considerator and a corrector. After that, I apply to the face of a light crumpled powder. For girls with fatty or problem skin, organic mineral powder is perfect.

Makeup for red-haired girls also provides for the application of the Rumba. Karaglasm Beautifests We advise you to draw attention to peach, redhead, beige and coral blush, which are best suited to complete the makeboard. Glamorous girls should also look at brownish, apricot and coral blush. But the owners of blue and gray eyes should choose beige-pink or peach beauty products to emphasize natural beauty.


I wonder what makeup for red hair is suitable for you? If you are the owner of beautiful blue eye, Try to use bronze, golden, blue, peach or beige shades. But it's not recommended to apply too dark colors - in combination with light skin and eyes, they will look too contrast.

Makeup for reds with gray eyes

But beauties with gray eyes are worth paying attention to silver, gray and steel shades, which will be a little lighter or darker of natural eye. It is also worth trying cold blue or blue tones, and to make eyes a little greenish, we recommend using copper or green colors of the shadows.

Girls with such appearance are very attractive due to an unusual contrast between the look and the color of the hair. Makeup for reds with gray eyes should be selected very carefully, so as not to break the harmony of this gentle image.

The color of the curls can be natural or acquired. But at the expense of any shade of red leather looks particularly brighter and requires the right approach to makeup.

  • It is necessary to have a good tonal tool to hide all imperfections of the face: freckles, small foci of inflammation, dark circles under the eyes. It must be chosen accurately in accordance with the tone or a little lighter.
  • As shadows recommended: olive, sand, swamp, chocolate, nut, creamy and other close nature of tone.
  • It is allowed to focus on something one - eyes or lips. Having a gentle skin shade, it is better to prefer the second option, but not to use unnaturally bright shades. Red-haired girls with gray eyes are perfectly suitable lipstick, but natural color.
  • The outline and mascara recommended a calm brown shade.

  • To give the face of the event, you can add tender blush, only slightly touching the brush of the protruding part of the cheekbone. Usually, peach or pale pink colors are used for red-haired beauties.

Expressive appearance does not imply the use of bright colors in cosmetics. Of course, intensive tones can be used in evening makeup, but very neat.

What is categorically contraindicated?

There are some elements of makeup, absolutely not suitable for gentle red-haired and serulyzim beauty with bright skin.

  1. It is forbidden to use the tongue cream under the color of the tan. Even if the color of the curls are not saturated, initially only the pale leather is expected. Dark tone will not look with such a type.
  2. From the bronzer too will have to refuse. It can create a rust effect, especially if there are freckles on the face.
  3. The black outline and the mascara should not be present in make-up, as they break the natural harmony of the image.
  4. Dark purple shadows, as well as any shades of orange do not fit the red-haired girls absolutely.
  5. Drug lipstick is also banned.

We should listen to the tips of the stylists in order to prevent annoying mistakes in makeup.

Arrows in Makeup Red-haired

Despite the fact that clear contours are contraindicated with girls with thyroid and gray eyes, the arrows still can be used in everyday or evening makeup.

To do this, you can select the contour in the form of a soft pencil or shadows of dark brown tone. They are chosen along the century and look very natural. Liquid eyeliner is suitable for lover of clearer borders. It also should not be black or dark blue. Warm chocolate shades are suitable.

Makeup for reds with gray eyes for every day

This option can be used not only for work or study, but also to exit. It will not stand out, naturally emphasizing his eyes.

  • Align the complexion of the face, applying the basis for makeup and in a few minutes gently distributing the bundle sponge the tonal cream. The consilet is slightly lighter than natural shade remove all imperfections, cover the skin around the eyes, including all the top eyelids.
  • A creamy shade is applied to the area from the growth line of eyelashes to the lower boundary of the eyebrows.

  • Movable eyelid is stuffed with sand pigment with golden splashes. But the color should not be too shiny.
  • Dark brown tint of a thin brush draw contour in the upper eyelid. You can also go along the bottom slightly.

  • Paint the eyelashes brown ink no more than two layers.
  • Lips are covered by a caring transparent balm or natural lipstick.
  • Peach blush is applied to the cheekbones with a thin layer.

Fresh and very gentle image is ready for every day. For such a makeup, it will be necessary for a minimum of time. But the effect will be incredible.

Evening makeup option for serulygous with red hair

All the beauties for a special case want to have a fatal look to hit the opposite sex in the heart. But with such appearance and multiple contraindications for dark shades, you have to pick up shadows very carefully.

An even tone of the face is especially important for mekap. In the cold season, it is possible to use a dense texture, while hot in summer it is necessary to prefer lightweight cream with a toning effect.

  1. After the skin is prepared, on the upper and lower eyelids make a brown pencil eyeliner and carefully chose.
  2. A warm chocolate shade of shadows draw a fold and an outer corner of the eye to the middle of the rolling age.
  3. The inner portion is covered with a light touch of coffee with milk, but there should be enough pearles in it.
  4. All transitions make very smooth.
  5. Bright pearl shadows are applied to the eyebrow and on the inner corner of the eye.
  6. Eyelashes painting brown ink in several layers.
  7. Lipstick is better not to use.

The chic evening image for red-haired beauties with gray eyes is not difficult to create. Instead of brown gamma, it is also recommended to use olive.

Makeup for girls with such an unusual appearance requires a particularly careful approach and prohibits many common funds. In compliance with the recommendations of the stylists, it will be very natural and at the same time no less spectacular.

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