Interesting facts from the life of snails. Amazing facts about snail

The largest representative of the land mollusks is a giant african ahatin snail covered with pupil, wrinkled skin. Snail shell massive and thick-walled. Skin breathing, the gills are missing.

Two pairs of little rozing serve as a giant snail as tanging. At the ends of the first pair of rozk are eye.

Snail reaches a length of 15-20 cm and has a conical sink. The sink itself can be spinning both counterclockwise and in the opposite direction. Old African Akhatin on the sink can be counted from 7 to 9 turns.

Snail shell color is different, but usually brown with alternating dark and light strips. Body from gray to dark brown flowers.

The lifespan of the African Snail Akhatina: At home 5-9 years.
Snail weight about 250 grams.

Food and Feeding African Snail Akhatina

Nutty snail Akhatina It occurs with the help of "tongue" seated with horny spikes.

Feeding Snail Akhatina:
Eating rotting vegetation, palm, mushrooms, algae, lichen, boring citrus crops. Feed mostly at night, in the evening. Its diet includes more than 500 diverse species of plants, vegetables, beans, pumpkin, melon, salad, potatoes, onions, carrots, sunflower, eucalyptus, etc.

Akhatina lead a nightlifeAlthough in wet weather they often crawl. If food is not enough and reduced humidity, snails are buried in the ground and fall into the hibernation. The mouth of the shell cloculates the film from the mucus.

Tropical African Snail may even survive freezing and snow, but during hibernation loses up to 60% of its own weight.

Reproduction of African Snails Ahantin

Hermaphrodite. One snail Ahather puts eggs, Approximately 100-400 small eggs, each of which in diameter is 4.5-5.5 mm.
For the whole life, Akhatina postpones up to 5 billion. Eggs.

Mollusks are very unpretentious. However, the appropriate correct care and content of snails Akhatin. When they do not suit them, for example, do not like the conditions of detention, they can easily fall into the hibernation. Do not like Akhatinum dry air and temperatures above +30 and below +16.

Some homemade snails Akhatina With his hibernates, they are trying to achieve, for example, cucumbers or bananas who are very loved.

Interesting facts about African snail achatines

In medicine, the Akhatin snails are used as the donors of nerve tissues for the treatment of human brain diseases.

Horn Snails Akhatin - This is an inside out of the nose. All olfactory receptors that have a man inside the nose, snails stretched into horns.

Snails do not see, but distinguish light and darkness.

Snail has about 25 thousand teeth, which are located in the form of "grater". With this location of the teeth, they dislike food.

In Africa, Akhatin snails are eaten, as they consider their meat tasty. In the USA - they are afraid of them, as they can very quickly destroy the hectares of landed crops and cause a national disaster.
In Europe - these large snails are perfect pets for children and adults.

The most amazing in home African snails is that they know how to sing. Naturally, not like birds, their singing is more like a squeak. You can hear singing or a squeak of Akhatin when they are afraid and begin to hide convulsively into their sinks.

Good day! Today I want to tell about cute and cool (as for me) Snails Akhatin.

Approximate content of this creation:

  • Who are Akhatina? Why are they such good pets?
  • What will have to face beginner sniplodge?
  • My personal experience

Let's start with full acquaintance with these "miracle-yudami"

We read some of the old good Wikipedia (a separate view is described here: Ahather Fulika):

Py.Sy: In Africa, even put in prison for breeding snails

Wikipedia has already suggested that Akhatina - live exclusively on land, crawl on their belly leg and love to eat a variety of vegetation. But this does not exclude what they need not only vegetable, but also animal protein. How do they get it?It is clear that in nature no one feeds them with special mixtures, but somewhere they find him! The answer is simple: they eat carrion. Simple animal remains, perhaps people (yes, Africa cruel) or other livelihood become salvation for the body of Akhatina.

But if you think so, snails are needed not only carbohydrates and proteins, and calcium for the structure of a beautiful shell. And again the question arises: where do they find him? The same answer: carrion,but other parts of it are bones. Yes, and in the truth, the snail "glowing" bone getting calcium.

We have dealt with all the sources of "utility" for snails in nature. Now I want to tell about the interesting part of the study of Akhatin - Myths about them. Let's consider each of them separately.

Myth number 1.

They are slow enough and can affick no more centimeters per minute.

I will say on personal experience, Akhatina is relatively fast creatures. My per minute or two or three in the event of hunger can probick the entire container to their favorite feeders, and this is not the limit (they are just 1.5 months old, imagine what the one-year-old individuals do)

Myth number 2.

Do not cause allergies

In part, I agree with this statement, the snails themselves do not cause allergies (as I know), but their mucus, feeding: Daphnia, Ghammar, the substrate can very much.

Myth number 3.

Akhatina love to swim

Kippers in this regard were divided into two groups: someone believes that the snails love to swim, they rejoice in this event and reach on the water during swimming, and someone believes that this meaningless occupation and achatina are experiencing great stress. I am standing somewhere in the center of these thoughts: bathing can be carried out only if necessary (in activated carbon, pyrheal) and with severe pollution (no more than 1 time per week). I do not deny that stress is present, but it is better to experience it than to die without a healing bathing.

Myth number 4.

If you feed the ahastina with bright fruits and vegetables, then her shell will become brighter

That is, if you follow such logic, then when eating a man of bright vegetables and fruits, his hair, teeth, nails or even the skin will change the color? Rave? Nonsense, of course. The seashell color depends exclusively on the genes.

Myth number 5.

Ahather - a wonderful cosmetologist

If you still think that the use of snails for massage faces is normal, then everything is very sad. First, the snails are carriers of diseases, and if they are sick, and you put them on your face with cracks (and the snails are used for their healing), you may not begone. And secondly, for Akhatin is a big stress. Imagine you from your homely home transplanted for something incomprehensible with the remnants of toxic cosmetics (

If you weighed everything and decided to make a sharp, it should worry about her comfort and safety:

Let's start to say with the "Azov" content of ultrasound.

Starter pack:

  1. Terrarium with ventilation (at least 10-15 liters per person)
  2. Soil (coconut substrate, leaf Obad, moss, mat)
  3. Calcium (minimum 3 types of written (egg shell, feed chalk, shell, sepia, tricalcium phosphate)
  4. Pulverizer (to save humidity)
  5. Thermometer and hygrometer (for temperature and humidity control)
  6. Protein (gammarus, daphnia, fish feed, turtles)
  7. Snail (not required)

As you see, not everything is so simple, as it seemed)

Every day you need to remove in the container, feed the snails and follow the order.
Attention! Next, something interesting!

My personal experience:

The first snails that appeared from me - immakulyati (Zhora-Grooming, Shekia and Chipo). They are third in the frequency of breeding at home. Also very love protein and are required to receive it 3 times a week.

From the first days I settled several-day kids in a round aquarium, which became my first mistake.

After purchasing all the necessary, they moved to a small container on 5 liters of horizontal type, where they continued their existence)

Most recently, they moved to them long-awaited friends from another point of the city - Akhatina Fuliki Albino!

1. Likes are invertebrate, soft animals. They belong to the grade of the bunthrodium (gastrooda), the type of shellfish.

Snail is a unique living creature that is protected by a sink and can live not only in the wild, but at home.

2. The snails asymmetric and consists of a leg with a sole, torso and head. In the sink, the head and leg is drawn with a very strong special muscle, which covers the entire body of the snail.

3. Snails appeared on Earth about 600 million years ago. This allows them to consider them among the most ancient inhabitants of our planet, along with jellyfish.

4. The word snail happened from the Old Slavonic "Ulit" - hollow because of her house (sinks), which is empty without an animal.

5. Snails are common around the globe. They can adapt to any environment, do not require a lot of food. These amazing creatures are the most striking example proving the theory of Darwin and its principles of evolution.

6. Snails have more than 110,000 species, a habitat area of \u200b\u200b2,000 of them is the territory of Russia. Snails are divided at the place of residence for: marine; land; Freshwater. They are pulmonary, gill.

Grape snail

7. Grape Snail is a large scenario snail area of \u200b\u200bhabitat, which is the European part of our continent. The sink of this type of snails is 50 millimeters, which is spiral bent into 5 turns. It's length from 35 to 52 millimeters, and the width is 22 millimeters.

8. The saws of the grape snail ranges from cream to brown with a red tint. The first 3 turns throughout the diameter alternate with light and dark stripes. On the outside of the shell, small ribs are well noticeable. In the wild, this mollusk lives about t 8 to 20 years.

9.zima grape snail for three months is alone, attaching the sole to the substrate and blocking the sink with a special mucus. During wintering, the snail loses up to 10% of its weight. After activation, the mollusk is restored within one and a half months.

10.Vinograd snail is capable of carrying a low temperature to -7 ° C, but not more than 10 hours. Grape snail at home is divorced for a long time.

Geographical cone.

11. The most poisonous bubble-legged is a geographical cone living in the quiet and Indian Ocean. It produces enough toxins to kill 10 people. The antidote from the poison of this mollusk has not yet been found. This poisonous snail affects its enemies, releasing the cloud with large insulin rates, which instantly lowers the blood sugar level.

12. Snails are capable of crawling on the blade of a knife and do not hurt - while moving the sole of their feet rests on a kind of "pillow" from a mucus that protects the body of the mollusk and helps him move.

13. Most snails are hermaphrodites, that is, females and males at the same time. In a partner to continue the genus they do not need.

14. There are about 85 eggs once a snail, of which young people are hatched in a month.

15. The painting of the snail shell directly depends on the color of the soil and the composition of the feed.

Garden snail

16. The fastest sniffer is a garden, which develops speed up to 60 m / h, while the average speed of other snails is 5.4 m / h.

17. If the surrounding conditions become unfavorable, the snails can be held in hibernation until six months. Thanks to this ability, garden snails transfer to -120 degrees.

18. These cute little creatures have an incredible force: they can carry 10 times greater load than their own weight.

19. The sinks of almost all snails are tightened clockwise. The strength of this "housing" depends on the amount of calcium in the mollusk diet.

20. One of the biggest grape snails was discovered in 1976. Its weight was 2 kilograms, and the length is 15 inches.

21. Snails fully earned their reputation as the most slow creatures on Earth - on average they overcome 7 centimeters per minute. For comparison, the sloth moves at a speed of about two meters per minute.

22. Salt and sugar for snails are equivalent to the poison.

23. Snail is born with a sink, only kids it is thin and transparent.

24. Snails - far from stupid creatures. They are able to think and make decisions based on their vital experience.

25. Snails are not chewed, but peat meals with 25 thousand teeth. They have more teeth than any shark.

Australian Trubacch

26. Australian trumpeter is a large bubble. Weighs giant snail 18 kilograms. She belongs to the class of predators, lives at a depth of 30 meters in the coastal area of \u200b\u200bAustralia, New Guinea, Indonesia and feed on worms.

27. Snails vision is so bad that they can only distinguish the day from the night.

Snail Karakolus

28. In the mantle snails that live in water, there are gowns. This body must be constantly worn by the flow of water to organize this process, the mantle is equipped: an inlet siphon, through which the liquid comes; The output siphon, through which the water is removed.

29. In nature, snails that feed animal food. Such species are distinguished by teeth in the form of a drill. It can stamin oyster shell or other solid protective shells, which helps to get to meat.

30. The snails communicate with the help of touches.

Australian marine

31. The biggest snail is the Australian Sea. It weighs up to 40 kilograms and grows up to 30 centimeters in length.

32. Mollusk mucus is a composition that is very important for snail. It consists of a complex protein (mucin) and water.

33.Muzin regulates mineralization processes and the creation of the shell. The mucus is divided into two types. The first look helps move mollusk, moisturizing the surface. The second type is made by special iron, as an answer to any stress and mechanical damage to the shell. The main components of such mucus are polysaccharides, mineral salts that have restorative, regenerating properties.

34. The real properties of Muzin today are widely used in cosmetology, as a rejuvenating, sunscreen, moisturizer.

35. In England, snail runs are often arranged: animals crawl along their treadmill on the "trail" of salad leaves. The same fast snail receives this most salad leaf as a reward.

Fried snails, french cuisine

36.Myaso Snails is not in vain is considered a delicacy in many countries - he has a pleasant taste, but according to the protein content it surpasses a chicken egg.

37 The smallest mollusk - Angustopila Dominikae. Its size is 0.8 millimeter. Compare: 4 Such snails can easily fit in a needle ear.

38. Snails of small sizes can move through the bio of the cilia.

39. Almost a complete absence of vision by snails compensates for a very developed sense of smell - a person without a shell feels at a distance of up to two meters.

40 In France, the Burgundian snail lives in France, which in the winter in the cold and in the summer in the drought sleeps, but when it goes the warm quiet rain, it begins to "sing" - makes such sounds that resemble melodic singing.

Radules snails

41. Representatives of the bucculent differ in a special body in the oral cavity - Radules. This authority performs the functions of the language and teeth. Radules consists of a cartilage plate, which contains several rows of teeth, of different shapes.

42. Vegetarians have small teeth, predators are large in the form of peak or a bar. The number of teeth in the snail can reach 25,000. Basically, the Radula includes 120 rows, in each 100 teeth \u003d 12,000.

43.Yadovy Snails mostly have teeth with a cavity, according to which the poison paralyzing victim flows from a special gland.

44. Labor clamps belong to the most low-charming organisms on Earth. But despite this, individuals have enough enemies: marine bulls; sardine; sea \u200b\u200bstars; mackerel; whales; herring; Hermit cancers. Freshwater mollusks should be afraid: trout; storks; frogs; Herkel.

45. For land snails Danger represents: Mals; Drozda; boars; lizards; Jerzy.


46. \u200b\u200bSlug is a snail without a sink, which is completely similar to his relative. Some species have a small imperceptible shell covered mantle.

47. The snails - this nose, turned inside out (all receptors that people are located inside, the snails are outside).

48. Since many kitchens of the world use snail meat as a delicacy, there are even special farms for their breeding.

49. Recently, scientists have begun to use snail as a donor of nervous tissue for the brain affected by the disease - in particular, we are talking about epilepsy. Experiments on rats are successful.

50. In many corners of the planet, snail shells are used as decorations and for crafts.

African snails of Akhatina

photo from the Internet

Snails are not only garden pests, as many people are mistaken. For someone, these creatures are a favorite pets, for someone - an object of close study. Types of snails in the world There is a huge amount, and these creatures have developed amazing life mechanisms during evolutionary processes.

  1. Snails appeared on Earth about 600 million years ago. This allows them to consider them among the most ancient inhabitants of our planet, along with jellyfish (see).
  2. Snails are one of the most convincing evidence of the theory of Darwin's evolution, they can adapt to almost any habitat conditions.
  3. These clams can wholely draw themselves into the sink due to the special muscle covering the entire body of the snail.
  4. Snails - far from stupid creatures. They are able to think and make decisions based on their vital experience.
  5. Snails are capable of crawling on the blade of the knife and do not hurt - during the movement of the sole of their legs resting on a peculiar "pillow" from the mucus that protects the body of the mollusk and helps him move.
  6. If the surrounding conditions become unfavorable, snails can be held in a hibernation until six months. Thanks to this ability, garden snails transfer to -120 degrees.
  7. The average life expectancy of the snails is 15 years old. This is comparable to life expectancy, for example, the Amur Tiger (see).
  8. Most snails are hermaphrodites, that is, females and males at the same time. In a partner to continue the genus they do not need.
  9. At once, the snail is laying about 85 eggs, of which young in a month they hatch.
  10. The sinks of almost all the snails are tightened clockwise. The strength of this "housing" depends on the amount of calcium in the mollusk diet.
  11. Snails do not chew, but peat meals with 25 thousand teeth. Yes, they have more teeth than any shark (see).
  12. These creations are capable not only to drink in the usual sense of the word, but also absorb moisture with the surface of their body.
  13. Snails eyes are so bad that they can only distinguish the day from the night.
  14. Almost complete absence of vision compensates for a very developed sense of smell - a person without a shell feels at a distance of up to two meters.
  15. Snails are completely devoid of hearing and the ability to produce any sounds. But they have equilibrium organs and chemical feelings.
  16. Snails horns are a nose, turned inside out (all receptors that people are located inside, the snails are outside).
  17. Between themselves, the snails communicate with the help of touches.
  18. Snails are capable of transfering items 10 times harder.
  19. The biggest snail in the world is the Australian Sea. The weight of these mollusks reaches 15-18 kilograms, and the length of the shell is 60 centimeters.
  20. The color of the shell in all snails is different, as it depends on the composition of the mollusk food and the painting of the soil in the place where it lives.
  21. The snails fully earned their reputation as the most slow creatures on Earth - on average they overcome 7 centimeters per minute. For comparison, the sloth moves at a speed of about two meters per minute (see).
  22. Doctors conduct experiments on the use of snails as the donors of the nervous tissue for the brain affected by the disease - in particular, we are talking about epilepsy. Experiments on rats are successful.
  23. The UK is very popular "Long-term runs" - mollusks leisurely crawl from the start to the finish line along the trail of salad leaves (see).
  24. Salt and sugar for snails are equivalent to the poison.
  25. The nervous system of the snails consists of 20 thousand neurons (the human brain, for comparison, contains several hundred billion of neurons).
  26. Snail became the first "cyborg", which was able to create scientists - her neurons successfully secured on a silicon chip.
  27. Meat snails is not in vain is considered a delicacy in many countries - he has a pleasant taste, and in the content of the protein it exceeds a chicken egg.

1. After the nervous system of the snail consists of 20 thousand neurons. For comparison, the human brain contains several hundred billion of neurons.

2. The snails - it is turned inside out the nose. All olfactory receptors that in humans are inside the nose, snails are elongated in the so-called horns.

3. It is necessary that the snails do not see, but only distinguish light and darkness.

4. A snail is about 25 thousand teeth. They are located not in the ranks, but in the form of "grater", with the help of which they dislike food.

5. Ahanta Fulika Land Snail can reach 20 cm in length. Despite the huge sizes, the average speed of such a snail is less than the speed of a conventional grape snail.

6. The use of species of snails is hermaphrodites.

7. Maximum speed of grape snail 7 cm / min.

8. In the South and South-Western Europe, snails are eaten. The snails in the meat contains more protein than in chicken egg.

9. The largest of the found snails treated as Syrinx Aruanus. She weighed 16 kg., And her house had 70 cm. In length. These are aqueous snails, and in water, as you know, the weight decreases.

10.The whole snails are spinning clockwise, i.e. Right, if you look at it from a pointed end. Sometimes, quite rare, there are left-handed shells.

11. Supports drink water not only mouth, but also absorb moisture through the outer cover of the body.

12. With the first frosting snails begin to prepare for winter. They break into the ground or hide under the leaves. Then they draw all the caller in the sink and close the entrance to it with a film from the mucus, which is later hardening. "Closing the door", snail falls asleep to spring. So they can carry a strong heat and cold. For example, a garden snail can withstand cooling to 120 degrees. There are no such cold on Earth. When winter comes, the snails are freezing into the ice and sleeping quietly.


Ahantin has been proven to be long-term memory, they can remember the location of food sources and return to them. Young individuals are more mobile and overcome long distances throughout the day, they are also capable of far migrations. Usually, they are not returned to rest at the same place. The old snails on the contrary, there is a place where they prefer to relax and from where they do in search of food, without removing more than 5 meters. When transferring to the rest of the rest, another sharp (within 30 meters), they are still returning to their place.
Scientists have proven that sharp is the most "smart" mollusks on Earth. They even have some conditional reflexes.

Beauty salons around the world picked up a new trend - a massage with a snail, which is believed to very positively affect the skin. The substances contained in the mucus of the snails protect the skin from wrinkles, bacteria and strong ultraviolet radiation, eliminates dead cells and restores the skin. As a rule, clinics use only ointments made from the slim mucus, but beauty salons in the cities went further, deciding to place snails right on their customers.
Now let's go to an extremely unusual recipe. This treatment method was used in ancient Greece. Hippocrates treated the inflammation of the skin with a mixture of the black milk and the mucus of the snails. Now such a means is used to treat acne, smoothing scars and remedy for burns. This is a 100% natural product, with ease replacing conventional chemistry-based creams.
The rejuvenating and healing property of the snail mucus was found on snippled farms in France and Chile. In workers who constantly holding a snail, the skin of the hands was gentle and young.
I suggest you a simple way to make such a cosmetology procedure at home!
Cosmetologists advises to use African snails for daily massage. According to the reviews of experts, practicing alternative methods of treating and care for the face, Akhatina and Archahatina perfectly cope with this task. It is necessary to rinse the snail under cold flow water. Next, prepare your face and neck, as the usual procedure - clean with cosmetics from cosmetics and pollution, rub some ordinary milk. After - conveniently located in the chair and let the snail crawl on the skin. Dairy "Primanka" is nice for mollusk. Gradually, he will "come around" in all areas of the face and neck, leaving the healing mucus. After such a cosmetic "session", the animal should be returned to the house, launch the selection into the skin and leave it for 15 minutes, as the usual mask - until complete drying. The result will pleasantly surprise you: the skin will tighten, it will become fresh and velvety.