How the dishwasher works (basic principles). You can wash the dishes without detergent in the dishwasher as a dishwasher washed from the inside

Buying dishwasher, you need to get acquainted with the subtleties of its operation: from the correct connection to the selection of detergents. Before you download the dishes in the bunker, find out: what can be washed in a dishwasher. Not all devices react positively to washing in the car. In order not to spoil the dishes and not harm the technique, read our publication.

  1. You can wash automatically.
  2. Conditionally allowed to wash.
  3. It is forbidden to download to the dishwasher.

To find out to know if the washing is allowed in the dishwasher, you can have a sign on the device.

Icon "You can wash" looks like this:

Or like this:

Cookware for automatic washing

What can be downloaded to the car without fears:

  • Ceramics. Ceramic tableware perfectly tolerate high temperatures.

  • Stainless steel. All items from this material (grill, pans, pans, baking sheets) carry any, even intense sink.
  • Plastic containers, boards, silicone shapes. The main thing is to have a bottom up.

Is it possible to wash the "Barrier" jug in the dishwasher? This question is asked by many users on the forums. Experts recommend handling in the PMM cover and the inner bowl at a temperature of 40 ° C. It is first necessary to remove the cartridge, it is washed with running water.

  • Glass forms, dishes, glasses, cups perfectly carry automatic washing. Add the rinser, then the glass products will glisten and sparkle.

Cooking "Chateter" can be placed in the car. Before downloading, it is desirable to remove the handle with the thermometer.

  • Porcelain products covered with icing. Watch out for icons on dishes. Czech and Japanese porcelain can be processed at a temperature of + 50-60 ° C.

Before placing instruments in the chamber, learn the instructions for the PMM.

You will use an article about how to make the first launch of the dishwasher.

Objects that are permissible to wash in PMM

These products and materials are allowed to automatically wash only under certain conditions:

  • Products from Melchior. Metal can be in the composition of cutlery - externally, it looks like silver. Melchior can be placed in the dishwasher only separately from the rest of the instruments, as it can darken.

  • Children's plastic toys are perfectly laundered in the typewriter. Avoid loading toys with fine glued elements. They will disappear and can damage the pump.

What can not be washed in the dishwasher

What materials can not be loaded into the car:

  • Cast iron. Cast iron lattices, caulders, pots, frying pan can only be treated with hands, preferably without detergents. Otherwise, the surface begins to be covered with a white rode and rust. Some clean cast iron sand or salt.

Important! Pig-iron utensils with a ceramic coating can transfer an automatic washing.

  • Wood. Wooden boards, spoons, blades are losing the form under the influence of high temperatures. The structure of the tree is destroyed, and the objects come into disrepair.

  • Enamel. Enamel and teflon pan, bowls, tefal frying pan. Under the strong head of hot water, the coating is washed away, and the items can no longer be used.

  • Copper and brass. Cookware from these materials darkens, loses shape.
  • Silver. The table service instantly loses its shine, and if you lay silver with a metal, the items will take into the reaction and darken. You can wash silver, but observing precautions. It is recommended to purchase a special accessory for the dishwasher - a tray for washing silver appliances.
  • Aluminum. Meat grinder, baking sheet, garbling will also darken. Moreover, aluminum is washed off and stains the walls of the dishwasher.

  • Crystal. Crystal products are sensitive to high temperatures and can crack. Although in modern PMM there is a "delicate" mode with a reduced temperature, we recommend to wash your crystal with your hands. Abrasive particles of detergent can scratch the surface.
  • Porcelain with a picture without glazes and gilding. Over time, the decor will darken, it will happen, will take a non-primable appearance.

Is it possible to upload a thermos in the dishwasher? It is undesirable, especially products with a glass flask. The same applies to the thermocruise. The jet of hot water is destructed isolation, and the subject comes in disrepair. Today on the market you can find new types of thermos, which can already be washed in the car: for example, Hoffmann. Look carefully on the designation.

What subjects show manual care:

  • Banks, children's bottles with stickers and drawings. The sticker will tears and clog the drain filter, which will lead to problems in operation.

  • Knives. If the camera does not provide a special knife holder, it is better to care for them manually. Sharp edges are quickly stupid from hot water, and can also damage the walls of the chamber, rubber gaskets.
  • Terks, string. The dried pieces of products are stuck in the holes and do not wash away with an automatic washing.

  • Electric kettle, steamer with special coating, blender. All these items may come into disrepair. You can only download separate elements of the blender, for example, a whisk and a flask from heat-resistant plastic.

Read more about what is impossible to wash in the dishwasher, read in our separate article.

Non-standard use of dishwasher

Want to save time on household matters? Then these ideas will help you.

Vegetables and fruits. We started conservation? Soon you should come visit? If you need to move a bunch of potatoes, pepper, tomato, apples and other products, distribute them on the shelves of the dishwasher. Run the rinsing mode with cold water without using detergents.

Important! Avoid loading vegetables with mud lumps. It can clog the drainage filter PMM.

Small toys. If your child adores the "Lego" constructor, then the dishwasher is "wand-cutting". Place the small details in the wash bag and send to the PMM. You can use a washing machine, but then the elements may be damaged during the scrolling of the drum.

Caps and baseball caps. In the washer, these items wardrobe are quickly losing the form. Then, in the dishwasher, it is simply processed by jets of water that blends dirt.

Do not forget to replace the detergent for the dishes on the powder or gel for washing.

Beach and rubber shoes. Previously clean the sole of sand and dirt, pull the insoles. Look, there is no glued elements. Choose low temperatures gentle. Crocks brand shoes can not be placed in the machine, verified by users.

Dishes and toys of animals. If there are dogs in the house, cats, probably care for their dishes is not your favorite activity. Fold everything on the top shelf of the PMM and start the antibacterial mode.

Hood and ventilation filters. All products made of durable plastic can be downloaded to the bunker. If this is a filter, you will pre-create its contents.

Sports supplies. These are also plastic products that will not be able to wash, but wash in the car - please. Helmets, kapa, knee pads disperse and retain their appearance.

Containers for ice, fruit, refrigerator shelves. All shelves and forms that can be reached from the refrigerator are perfect in PMM.

Banks, aquarium. Are you tired sterilizing juncture banks? Use the dishwasher. You can also clean the aquarium, just put it up.

Plastic lamps and lampshades. Why not? The main thing is to get to the bunker.

Decorations of gold and silver. If the technique launders the table silver, then it will cope with decorations. It is important to put small elements in the tray so that they do not fall into the drain.

At first, it may seem that dishwashers do not need special care, since externally look clean for quite a long time. But in fact, with each cycle of washing, workers are inevitably contaminated by precipitation of hard water, residues of food and detergents. Skip and flaw fat gradually lead to breakdowns or ineffective work. Therefore, cleaning the dishwasher (hereinafter PMM) is the basic condition for its long-term operation.

Let's find out how to clean the dishwasher for only 7 simple steps at home. But keep in mind that this is an example of a complete set of procedures, which, of course, does not always need to fully fulfill. In addition, some procedures should be carried out regularly, and some are only as the problem occurs.

Step 1. Washing Mesh Filter

Let's start cleaning the mesh filter, which must be cleaned 1 time per week. After all, it quickly forms a flap of fat, which clogs small cells, because of what an unpleasant smell appears, and most importantly - flow.

To remove the filter, the bottom basket is gently removed and disassembled, as shown in the photo above. The extracted filter is enough to rinse under the jet of water with a conventional dishwashing liquid and install in place.

Step 2. Cleaning blades

Now clean the blades (impeller or rocker), which are also cleaned as contaminated. They can be clogged by the residues of food or scale. If this happened, then all the blades need to be removed alternately and washed, and clean the holes with the toothpick as shown in the next photo.

After assembly, they should rotate well if it did not happen, then it should be cleaned from scale and axis.

Step 3. Remove seals

The door seal should be cleaned every 6 months. For this purpose, a specialized agent recommended by the dishwasher manufacturer is acquired.

  • The space between the gaskets is convenient to clean the toothbrush.
  • It is better not to use folk remedies like citric acid, since because of it, the rubber gasket loses its elasticity, which means that the PMM can begin to proceed.

Step 4. Wash the "dead zone" and baskets

At the bottom of the door of the car there is a "dead zone" - the water does not come here, and the debris accumulates. This part must not be forgotten to clean carefully.

Plastic parts of the basket are easy and quickly cleaned with a brush and a tool for washing dishes.

Step 5. Get rid of fat, mold and rust

Now you need to remove all visible pollution, mold, fat and rust:

  • To remove mold, you will need to apply bleach. However, this process will be dangerous for stainless steel parts, so it is better to prevent the reproduction of mold mushrooms, regularly dried by the machine. To do this, just leave the door open so that the inner compartment is carried out;

  • Elimination of rust. You should use a special means to remove rust, but it is also important to understand why corrosion appears. So, over time, paint on baskets can begin to peel, then you can upgrade the coating with the help of a special sealant. And so that water does not flow into the device with a significant content of iron (from rusty pipes, for example), it is necessary to put a filter at the input;
  • Ideally, the camera, the door, seals and the coarse cleaning filter, the PMM need to wipe every day.

Step 6. We clean the car from scale

To remove scale, it is best to purchase a special tool and run one short detergent or, on the contrary, the most powerful and long mode at a maximum temperature is depends on the cleaner selected. Of course, the car must be empty.

  • What cleaner for dishwashers choose? The most common tool is a FINISH cleaner. But there are other effective fluids, such as HG, Soda Sun, Somat, Topper and a remedy for AMWA.
  • It is not recommended to use citric acid, as it can ruin gaskets. In extreme cases, it is possible to clean the dishwasher using soda and vinegar: pour the table vinegar to the usual circle of 5% (if you divide from 70% essence, then you need to add 13 tbsp. L. Water), then add There ¼ cup of food soda and put the glass on the upper shelf (for mugs). And then run the car in the usual program without dishes.

  • Such a cleaning is enough to spend 1 time in 3 months.
  • The most important advice - for the prevention of scale, do not neglect the regular use of salt, since it changes the composition of water and does not allow deposits to accumulate.

Step 7. Wipe the car completely

After the end of the cycle, simply wipe the camera of the dishwasher - if any contamination remained, they should easily move away.

Well, that's all, your assistant is ready for full work again!

We also offer you to see the following video about the care and prevention of the formation of mineral sediments with salt:

Proving the benefits of presence in the kitchen dishwasher do not need - they are obvious. The same who has already acquired this unit or seriously think about his acquisition, it is worth remembering that the dishwasher is not a wizard. And do not know how to create miracles. The fact that and how to wash in a dishwasher will be discussed in this article.

Dishwashers: Washing according to the rules

Initially, it is necessary to emphasize that each model of dishwashers has its own characteristics, to deal with which it is possible (and you need!), Carefully examined the instructions. However, there are general rules, as well as some tricks characteristic of the overwhelming majority of such devices.

Before loading

So that the dishes after washing in the car pleased with the crystal purity, and the dishwasher itself is a long smooth job, it is worth performing several simple operations that predicate the sink procedure itself in the car. All the remains of food from the plates need to be cleaned, otherwise these particles can clog filters, which will reduce the efficiency of washing, and later can lead to a breakdown of the machine. With the same purpose, it is better to soak pans and frying in water in the water, if they have suicheed or burnt residues of food. Most dishwashers have a special pre-sink or soaking program in their arsenal. It is intended just to combat such pollution and is a short, (10-15 minutes) the washing cycle in the cold, less often in hot water. The preliminary sink of the pan and the saucepan is performed before the final reloading of the machine with less dirty plates and cups and, in principle, is designed to replace manual soaking. However, if the dishes are very dirty, it is better to combine just in case both. When the pollution is moderate, then especially economical users can with the help of "manual" soaking dishes to achieve some reduction in electricity consumption. However, in this case, there is another advice - not to buy a dishwasher at all, because then the savings will be one hundred percent

Up and down

The most dirty dishes are always put on the bottom of the basket: it is there that the largest power of water jets. It is usually placed in pans, frying pan and covers from them, as well as bowls and components of various devices, "inhabiting" kitchen (meat grinders, combines or mixers). Flat trays and covers are better located on the sides of the basket; Bowls and pans put in the center - upside down and under the tilt to provide free circulation and water flow. Knives, forks, spoons, cutting parts of kitchen combines are better to put in a special container with sharp parts down. It is important to make sure that the dishes do not interfere with the rotation of water sprayers.

Cups, plates, other small and fragile items are laid in the upper basket. For glasses and cups, special holders are often provided that ensure their stability during washing. In no case cannot be inserted deep tanks in each other: the car simply will not be able to rinse them. It is also necessary to make sure that lightware will not be moved and damaged by strong water jets.

We choose the program

The height of the upper basket in modern dishwashers is usually adjustable, which allows for the same cycle to wash the dishes of various sizes in them. However, remember that by loading into the car and small, relatively clean dishes, and large items with stronger pollution, you need to carefully select the temperature of the washing. For such a "combined" download, it is better to stay on a regular or economical program. The first, as a rule, is called "Casual Sink" or "AUTO" and consists of a rather long wash at a temperature of about 60 ° C, two rinsing (in cold and hot water) and drying, if it is provided in the model. The economical program implies one or two preliminary sinks in cold water, long wash at 50 ° C, rinse in very hot water and drying. For a strongly polluted, large and sufficiently durable dishes, the mode of "intense" washing is suitable. It includes a pre-car wash in warm water, then the main one is in very hot, up to three rinsing and drying. But for fragile items: glasses, glass, cups of fine porcelain or glass This mode is not suitable. For such dishes in many modern models, a special gentle wash program has been developed. The sink in this case is carried out at a temperature not higher than 55 ° C, rinsing - first in warm, then in hot water. The selection of the sink program also depends on whether you use powdered detergents or a tablet "3 in 1".

Many dishwashers are equipped with a half-load feature. When using it, only the upper basket is filled with dishes, and the car spends less water, electricity, as well as detergent, salt and rinse. Some especially "smart" aggregates have an automatic load recognition system. In this case, you will not have to break your head over the choice of a more economical mode: the dishwasher itself is "weighing" and "save" - \u200b\u200bin accordance with the loaded amount of dishes.

Not all right!

Unfortunately, in the dishwasher, you can wash away. So, plastic dishes must necessarily have labeling that it is intended for hot food, otherwise plastic may not withstand the temperature at which the machine washing is carried out. It should not be washed in the dishwasher faience and porcelain dishes exposed to gluing. Painted fayans or porcelain in the dishwasher is also better not to wash: the drawing can fade.

Especially accurate circulation require crystal and thin glass. A real crystal containing lead impurities, many manufacturers wash in the dishwasher at all recommend. Makery is allowed only in some units of individual manufacturers. The model must provide a very careful wash. This, for example, is famous for the disquish Miele. The fact is that crystal, which contains in its composition Lead (now it is mainly products from the Czech Republic) very fragile. It should also be remembered that from hot water a crystal darkens and turbines. The same can be said about artistic products made of glass, distinguished by the special subtlety and complexity of forms. They can simply be damaged by fairly powerful jets of water passing through the sprayer.

In addition to the above dishes, a rusting steel, cutlery with pearlescent, horny and wooden inserts, wooden cutting boards are also not subject to machine wash.

Separately, you need to say about the old dishes and table silver. Old enamel and decorative finish, as a rule, do not tolerate the effects of concentrated detergents used in dishwashers. Silver dishes washed in the dishwasher, in principle, it is possible, but only following certain rules:

  • To avoid the appearance of spots on the table silver and its darkening, wash silver items are needed separately from all other, excluding silver contact with other metals;
  • Wash silver dishes immediately after its use, not allowing long contact with aggressive substances that are in some types of food. Especially dangerous for the appearance of cutle silver products containing acids and oils (vinegar, juices, sour vegetables, mustard, eggs, olives and oils);
  • To protect against oxidation and giving silverware, the brilliance should be periodically used by specialized equipment for silver care and other non-ferrous metals.
  • Ancient silver, covered with patina, washing in the dishwasher.

    At the end of work

    After the machine finishes the work (a beep will notify this, "Ray on the floor", the number "0" or the word "end" on the display), do not rush to unload it immediately - let it cool and the device and dishes. Remember that by opening the dishwasher immediately, you risk burning hot steam, and the hot dishes are more fragile. First, it is better to unload the bottom basket. So on the dishes in it will not fall droplets of water, which could remain on the items from the top basket.

    If something is wrong: problems and solutions

    One of the most common problems is dissatisfaction with the result of washing. The reasons may be several: lack of detergent in the machine distributor, the inconsistency of the selected program of dishes and the degree of pollution, interference created by water sprayers incorrectly placed dishes finally clogged the filters of the machine with residues of food.

    Another common trouble is the presence on the dishes after washing bless spots and herds. This may mean that there is not enough rinse in the typewriter or the container cover is loosely closed for the regenerating salt.

    Finally, a small trick: the most popular tablets for the dishwasher "3 in 1" (unifying detergent, salt and rinse) during shortened washing cycles often do not have time to dissolve. Therefore, it is better to use them for ordinary long-term programs that include soaking and several rinsing.

    Carefully following the recommendations given in this article, as well as acquiring the necessary experience in the dishwasher, you will learn how to cope with possible problems that occur during its operation. In the extreme case, the caustic dishes can be left in the car for another cycle. In the end, while the unit will "correct errors" you can do something else: to pay time to loved ones or work. After all, with a mad rhythm of today's life, a shortage of time is a serious problem for many. It is several additional free hours a week that appear when using a dishwasher, and there is, in our opinion, the main plus from its acquisition. Naturally, in symbiosis with clean dishes. The dishwasher is not a luxury, but the means of saving your time, of course, in the event that you will correctly exploit it.

  • print version

    First, is it worth buying a dishwasher?

    So, as I wrote earlier, I lived for a long time without a dishwasher, and the main argument against her purchase was the belief that the car would stand most of the time. But the years went, I had a child, then the second, and then the third one. ... then I realized how much the routine daily washing dishes is soothes! Of course, my example is not the most definite, because not all my readers have such a big family. The second point, which stopped me - ecological (greater water consumption compared to manually washing). However, over the years, the energy efficiency of dishwashers has grown significantly. Now, when washing dishes, it is manually consumed by more water than when washing in the car. I compared water consumption a month before buying a dishwasher and after. As a result, over the past couple of years, we have an average of 0.5-1 cubic meter of water every month.

    Who needs to buy a dishwasher?

    I think that for home use the need for a dishwasher has large families and large families in which all relatives are grandmothers / grandparents, aunt / uncle, moms / dads, children, grandchildren eating at a common table. In small families, dishwashers truly often stand without reason, as it is easier to wash the dishes manually at once than accumulating the required amount. A good option for such families is small dishwashers.

    If you have ideas, who still use the dishwasher, write in the comments!

    What dishwasher to choose?

    I will not give advice on choosing a brand, as there are a lot of offers on the market, it all depends on your personal preferences, desires and financial capabilities. When I chose my dishwasher, I basically relied on the internet reviews. As a result, he stopped at an inexpensive, but sufficient famous brand. In general, I am pleased with my choice. A much more important parameter for choosing a dishwasher, in my opinion, is its size, so I want to dwell in more detail on this moment.

    How to choose the optimal size of the dishwasher?

    We use a dishwasher designed for 10 sets of dishes. This is a medium size. Usually we launch it once a day, and the pan go there, and the frying pan. In my family, 6 people: two adults and four children. If we had the opportunity to install the car, greater in size and sizes, we would have chosen on 12 or 14 sets, so that all the dishes accumulated in exactly the day fit. Based on my experience, I want to give advice: Choose a dishwasher in the number of tableware sets. How to calculate how much you need? Multiply the number of family members at 2. The family of 3 people, for example, enough cars for 6 sets, and a family of 7 people will need a bigger machine for at least 14-16.

    Dishwasher: how it all arranged

    1. Dirtyware is laid in the car tank. Add detergent - tablet or powder. Once a month or less often is added regenerating salt and rinse.
    2. The tank is filled with water, which is softened, passing through a special container. The unit itself warms the water. For this purpose, electric heaters are provided in its design.
    3. A detergent is supplied to heated water from a special tank.
    4. By means of the circulation pump, splashing water under pressure through special nozzles from below and on top of the tank. Rotating water jet cleans the dirt from the dishes. All waste is settled on the bottom of the dish. The water temperature varies from 30 to 90 degrees.
    5. Water merges from the tank through the filter, after which it comes to sprinklers. The water cycle occurs until the completion of the program, from 1 to 3 times.
    6. The drainage pump pumped out water into the sewer.
    7. Clean water enters the machine and dishes rinsing.
    8. After draining water from the machine, the dishes is dried.

    Myths about dishwasher

    Myth number 1: The car is poorly laundered dishes


    Yes, this happens, but it happens either due to the fact that it is incorrectly configured, or due to the fact that the regenerating salt or the rinse is not added. Also, the causes of poor-quality washing may be too tough water or filter contamination.

    Myth # 2: Machine washes long


    In fact, the car can work at least half an hour, at least two hours. But she does it without our participation! All that is required of us is to download dishes into the car, pour powder and press the button. It takes only 3-5 minutes, and even wad hands do not need! In addition, in all dishwashers there are so-called "short programs" ("Express washing", "fast washing"), as a rule, their duration does not exceed 30 minutes. True, such programs are only suitable for washing non-severely polluted dishes, for example, for rinsing glasses, dessert plates and tea cups.

    Myth №3 Dishwasher is an excess


    Now, in the 21st century, we live surrounded by a variety of electronic assistants. I have no servants in my family, we live separately from relatives, so helping your wife with domestic affairs. So the dishwasher is its "electronic servant", along with a vacuum cleaner and a washing machine.

    As for the expenditures on the dishwasher compared to the wash manually, consider a simple example - a sign with the calculation of the cost of washing dishes:

    Wash in dishwasherManual washing
    Water10 liters / cycle
    At a price of 20 rubles per cubic meter of water
    20 cop
    20 liters
    Electricity0.8 kW / h per cycle.
    At prices 4.83 p. per kW is about 4 rubles
    Detergent0.5 Tablets or Powder Portion
    11 r. On the cycle (SONETT)
    7 p. On the cycle (Bioretto)
    About 20 ml means for cycle
    13 r. for Sonett.
    8 r. For Fresh Bubble.
    Regenerating SolAbout 15 g per 1 cycle
    Salt Sonett 3 r.
    Salt Bioretto 2 p.
    TOTAL:approximate cost
    18.2 p. For eco-friendly cycle
    13.2 p. for natural cycle
    approximate cost
    13.4 p. For eco-friendly washing dishes
    8.4 p. for natural washing dishes

    From the above calculations it follows that washing in the dishwasher is more expensive. But it is impossible to say that the difference in 4.8 r. - This is an excessively expensive solution. I take the same calculations from my family's experience, in which 6 people, while all of us mostly eat at home. We launch your dishwasher 1 time a day, we have enough. It seems that the usual liquid dishwashing detergent is spent slower than powder or pills, but this is an illusion, because we wash the same amount of dishes as in the car, and without it, just in the pot of the machine, the dishes are copied longer than in the sink.

    What are the means for dishwasher choose?

    Powder or pills?

    I use myself pills, it is so more convenient for us. But from a rational point of view there is no special difference. Tablets are inconvenient only when the powder needs to be mixed with a bleach. Therefore, the remedy needs to choose from consideration of usability, as well as based on its financial capabilities, since the pills are usually more expensive than the powder. In my store you can find both powder and tablets of different brands (Sonett, Bioretto, Fresh Bubble).

    Packaging priceCost 1 cycle (10 g / poltales)
    But even a wall as an ultra-modern designer designer Kim Joonmin.

    To properly use this assistant, first you need to explore the instruction manual, but do not forget about the features of the washing, which the manufacturer does not always say. After reading our advice, your dishes will be wetrated economically and efficiently.

    Before proceeding with the Council, you need to know the principle of the dishwasher. The user presses one button, after which the mechanism starts. Water is fed to the tank, where the heating element brings water to the most suitable temperature (depending on the selected mode). After heating from the tank for detergent, the contents enters the tank with already warm water, after which the pump is entering the work, which supplies water into the nozzles and splashes it on the dishes. This is the first stage that takes an average of 30 minutes and ends with a drain of dirty water. After the tank is filled with pure water for rinsing. Finish stage - drying.

    What can be washed in the dishwasher?

    Not everything can be downloaded to the dishwasher. What can you wash without fear with this mechanism?

    - almost any ceramic dishes;

    - Glass plates (the main thing is that they do not come into contact, otherwise they can split);

    - stainless steel products;

    - products from Melchior (in the absence of decorative elements);

    - thermos (in the upper compartment);

    - products with titanium coating (only subject to use of gentle means);

    - Porcelain and faience dishes (without drawings and gilding).

    Some utensils have a marking, which indicates the possibility of washing in the dishwasher (this information indicates manufacturers as Calphalon, Kitchenaid, Frybest, TVS, Alluflon).

    Contraindications for washing in a dishwasher

    Now let's talk about forbidden for washing in this household appliances. If you do not want to disappoint and throw your favorite dishes on the garbage, check the list below:

    - products with teflon coating (regular washingfrying or pans With a non-stick coating in the dishwasher will entail the disappearance of this layer);

    - enameled and cast-iron dishes (the essence of cast-iron dishes is in hardening, and the dishwasher reduces it to no);

    - bowls from a slow cooker;

    - silver plate;

    - Crystal;

    - cutlery and utensils with decorative elements;

    - Wooden dishes (quickly swells and forms cracks);

    - garlic catcake and grater (it is useless, no dishwasher will repent the remains of food from small holes);

    - containers with stickers (if the label breaks off from the case, nothing terrible for dishes happens, but the technique may suffer);

    - dishes from aluminum (staining the inner surface of the device);

    - Kitchen knives of large sizes (if there are no special racks for sharp objects, otherwise they can damage the rubber and plastic parts of household appliances);

    - Copper utensils (copper products are attracted by their characteristic color, but in the dishwasher flexible);

    - vacuum mugs and drinkers, can easily get water;

    - Brass items, they can lose the protective layer and come into disrepair.

    What, besides the dishes, you can wash in the dishwasher?

    This household appliance helps not only in the kitchen, but also around the house. In addition to dishes, she washes toys, brushes, sponges and more:

    - Sponges for dishes (periodically they require careful washing);

    - soaps, cups and containers under the toothbrushes;

    - cosmetic brushes (manually it is impossible to get rid of bacteria);

    - hair brushes (pre-clearing);

    - Vegetables: carrots, pumpkin, beets, potatoes (without using detergents!);

    - Plafones;

    - filters;

    - plastic objects;

    - vacuuming nozzles;

    - computer keyboard (placing on the top shelf with key keys);

    - Caps (easily wash in the dishwasher and are not deformed, unlikewashing machine );

    - ventilation covers (manually washed almost impossible);

    - rubber shoes (pre-clearing from dirt and sewing insoles);

    - Nitens;

    - flower pots.

    How to locate dishes inside the equipment?

    Household appliances is washing every device placed on its territory, but if it is wrong to position them, the sink quality will deteriorate. How to place dishes inside the mechanism for a particular car wash?

    How to choose the right mode?

    The quality of the washing and consumption of resources depends on the selected mode. Standard washing mode uses several stages: pre-delivered food residues, washing hot water with the addition of detergents, rinse and drying. In addition to the standard mode there are some more options:

    - intensive sink mode (used for laundering especially contaminated dishes (long-term fat, dried spots));

    - delicate mode (for "vulnerable" dishes);

    - economical mode (low-temperature mode, saving resource consumption);

    - Express mode.

    Featuring the regime for specific requirements, it is possible to save not only time, but also the cost of servicing home appliances.

    How to choose suitable detergents?

    Pay attention only to special means for kitchen assistant, no standard dishes and washing powders! Specialized funds are divided into two types: powder and tablet.

    Each of them there are advantages: powder - economical (minimum flow), tablet - comfortable (combine the tool for washing, rinser and salt). Consumption Next: Powder 30 grams, tablet - 1 tablet per cycle.

    The funds are divided into strongly alkaline (for standard washing) and weakly alkaline (for fragile utensils, contain enzymes). If there are no special operating conditions in the instructions of the detergent, it is better not to risk using it for washing silver and crystal.

    Well, if the detergent is made on the basis of natural ingredients, without chlorine, phosphates and other harmful additives. The process occurs due to oxygen and active ingredients. Among the popular "Eco" manufacturers of detergents for dishwasher Proprete, Gruen-Green, De La Mark, Klar, as well as:

    - MRS. Meyer's is a manufacturer who does not use phosphates and chlorine, instead of which applies an oxygen formula;

    - FINISH Quantum- produces three-component substances: bleaching particles, rinse, balls to remove contaminants;

    - Cascade Complete - Manufacturer producing a gel agent, perfectly guided by his task.

    Salt for the dishwasher is part of many tablets, but in the case of using a powder detergent, you need to get a salt additionally. The amount of this substance depends on the degree of rigidity of water. Savings on salt will entail the formation of scale and calcium deposits.

    The rinser that prevents the formation of stains from water drops is used by many users. But it is better if it is part of the detergent.

    Attention deserves and means for washing household appliances. With a frequency of 1 time in 5-10 months, depending on the frequency of operation, it is recommended to clean this household appliance. Unfortunately, with many pluses, the kitchen unit can be a seating for bacteria and microbes that require systematic destruction. The means that includes enzymes and polycarboxylates, are perfectly suitable for washing and disinfection of kitchen appliances.