Fritters from zucchini and potatoes recipe. Fritters from zucchini and potatoes

No one will argue that the zucchini is vegetable and useful, and tasty. There are many recipes for cooking and one of them - pancakes from potatoes and zucchini with the addition of greenery.


  • 500 g potatoes
  • 500 g Kabachkov
  • 1 bulbs (50-70 g)
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour
  • 1-2 clove garlic
  • dill
  • salt, pepper to taste

From this number of products, 12-14 oldes are obtained.


First you need to grasp the zucchini. If the zucchini is young, three of it with the skin, if the old one is cleaned from the peel and seeds. Which grater is rubbed - the matter of taste. Usually I use a large grater, as in the recipe or, but once the recipe saw the recipe on the Internet, where the zucchini and potatoes were offered to grind a blender. Well, at the blender, I somehow did not dare, but grate vegetables on a small grater - why not? I must say that the result pleased, the pancakes turned out tender and tasty.

So, the zucchini is three on a shallow grater. Then the salt, mix it, shift into a colander and retain minutes for 10 minutes to the sideline, so that the stack of allocated juice. From my young zucchini, after I still squeezed him, I climbed almost a glass of juice.

Potatoes also rub on a small grater, add a small ground bulb into it and mix. Onions will not give potatoes to darken, well, the taste, of course, will improve. Potatoes also highlights a lot of juice, which must be merged, and squeeze potatoes.

In a wide cup, we lay out the pressed zucchini, the pressed potatoes passed through the press garlic, 2 tbsp. l. flour with slide, 1 egg and about 2 tbsp. l. finely chopped dill.

Solim, pepper to taste and mix. Dough for fades from potatoes and zucchini ready.

In the process of cooking, the zucchini and potatoes will still highlight juice. I advise you to add more flour, but simply merge this liquid, slightly moving away the zucchini-potato mass aside.

In a sneakened frying pan, lay the dough, forming small pancakes. Pancakes make enough thin so that they are well delighted. Cooking on medium fire.

Fry pancakes on both sides to ruddy crust.

Finished pancakes from potatoes and zucchini, if you wish, you can lay out on a paper towel to absorb excess fat. Serve them with warm with simple delicious sauce, mixing the sour cream, garlic clove, chopped dill and salt.

We suggest you to prepare incredibly tasty and useful and potatoes. They are remarkably suitable for rapid snack or satisfying breakfast. Serve them best with low-fat sour cream, yogurt or.

Recipe Fully from Zucchini and Potatoes


  • top grade flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs;
  • bulb - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • fresh dill - 0.5 beam;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spice.


Zucchini rinse, cut, if necessary, skin, rub on the grain, we give Kashitz to stand a little, and then press all the extra juice. Also on the grater crushed purified potatoes, cut a large fresh greens, throw the grated onions and garlic. We add all the vegetables to the zucchop, mix the mass with a spoon, suck the flour and drive the egg. Then they season to taste with spices and mix thoroughly again. In the frying pan heating the oil and lay the vegetable dough slide, slightly pressing the top. When the lower side of the foddes are shaking, carefully turn over and fry until readiness. Let's supply them with fresh vegetables and sour cream.

Lean Fritters from Zabachkov and Potatoes


  • potatoes - 200 g;
  • zucchini - 500 g;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil.


So, we rinse vegetables well, we proceed, grind small slices, and then lay the blender in the bowl and beat. Then, in small portions, squeeze the sifted flour and make a pretty mass of mass. From the resulting dough form small pancakes, laying out them with a spoon in the pan, and fry in a heated olive on both sides. After that, laying out pancakes on a plate and apply with sour cream and fresh vegetables.

Fritters from zucchini and potatoes


  • flour - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream low-fat - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • potatoes - 8 pcs.;
  • egg cooled proteins - 3 pcs.;
  • onion green - 200 g;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • spice;
  • vegetable oil.


We rinse zucchini with potatoes, clean and grind on a large gradder into a deep bowl. Then add whipped egg squirrels, suck flour, add chopped dill, green and spices to taste. Mix the mass to a spoon to a homogeneous liquid state. Now we form a spoonful of pancakes, lay out in the pan with a butter and fry on each side. Next, send them to the baking sheet and bake in a hot oven, about 15 minutes. A few minutes before the end of cooking, sprinkle pancakes from zucchini and potatoes with grated cheese and send again in the oven. Let's eat a dish immediately to the table along with low-fat sour cream and any fresh vegetables.

How to cook zucchini and potatoes pancakes?


  • potatoes - 600 g;
  • potato starch - 2 h. spoons;
  • zucchini - 500 g;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • muscata grated nut - to taste;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • apple puree - for feeding;
  • fresh salad - 0.5 beam;
  • vegetable oil.


Fresh salad rinse, dry and chopped with a knife. Potatoes and zucchini rinse, process, rub on a large gradder and press juice from them. After that, we mix the vegetable mass with a salad, we suck the sifted flour, starch, add an egg, we put up to taste and throw the ground nutmeg at the request. Stir everything again and fry pancakes on the heated oil for 3 minutes on each side until the appetizing crust appears. We shift the finished pancakes first on paper napkins to absorb unnecessary olive, and then we serve with a freshly prepared apple puree.

From the zucchini experienced hostess knows what to cook. This vegetable is used for stew, even in soups it is used, yes, and many more baking from the zucchini. I want to offer you a very simple recipe for pancakes, which includes a young zucchini. I also added a zucchini potatoes and fresh greens. How to mention delicious fritters from zucchini and potatoes with greens find out from my recipe, and step-by-step photos will demonstrate cooking.


  • the zucchini is young - 1 piece;
  • potatoes - 1 piece;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • flour - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt and ground pepper - to taste;
  • onions green and dill - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml.

How to cook zucchini and potatoes with greens

To begin with, cleaning with a vegetable cutter (so more convenient) zucchini and potatoes. Since I used a young zucchini, I did not remove the seeds from him, because they have not yet formed to fully.

On the grater I grind purified vegetable ingredients. We use the grater with large cells. Potato and zucchini mass combine in one bowl.

I wash fresh greens, finely cut it. Green cutting in a bowl to the zucchini-potato mass.

Singing an egg to ingredients.

I'll have flour.

I do not forget to grasp the salt and the black pepper (this spice is optional).

I smear the ingredients well so that it turns out thick dough.

In a frying pan in which I will fry zucchini fritters, heating the oil. Zucchini dough laying out in hot oil with a spoon. Fry to crust on both sides.

Pancakes from zucchini with the addition of greenery and potatoes are ready! Pleasant meals!

You can apply such pancakes with sour cream, ketchup or other your favorite sauce.

Calorie: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not indicated

The zucchini season has not yet ended, it is necessary to try as much dishes as much as possible with the participation of this summer vegetable. These pancakes are something mean between traditional pancakes and zucchini pancakes. Very tasty, nutritious and original. Let's cook fritters from zucchini and potatoes. Recipe with photos in front of you.


- Zucchini - 1 pc. (small size);
- Potatoes (medium tubers) - 3-4 pieces;
- onion - 1 pc.;
- Chicken eggs - 1-2 pieces;
- salt - to taste;
- black ground pepper - to taste;
- Fresh or dried garlic - to taste;
- Wheat flour - 3-5 spoons;
- Vegetable oil - for frying pans.

Recipe with photo step by step:

1. First do the main ingredients - zucchi and potatoes. Zucchini fritters can be prepared from any zucchini - both of the old and young. Only in the case of the second, the wruffs will be less. Old zucchini will need to be cleaned from the skin and remove the seeds. The remaining flesh is on medium or small grater. I don't advise the blender to polish because it will be more difficult to separate the juice. And the more juice, the more flour will need. Therefore, just soda the vegetable and so far retire.

By the way, such zucchini can be prepared and not only in the summer. Find out, and indulge native zucchini pancakes and winter.

2. Clean potatoes, wash and also soda. Rinse it thoroughly from starch. Squeeze. And for now, forget about him too.

3. Loan remained. Here it can be grinding in a blender or chop finely. Drop juice.

4. Return to vegetables. Zucchini carefully squeeze and put in a bowl. Do the same with potatoes. Add a bow, lean the egg, pour pepper and salt. Add garlic. It can be used as fresh (passed through the press or finely chopped) and dried, granulated. Pass sifted flour.

5. First place 2-3 spoons with a small slide. Stir if the zucchio-potato dough is liquid, add more flour.

6. Heat pan with vegetable oil. Forming pancakes with hands or with a spoon, lay in hot oil to roast. Cook on slow fire. Better - under the lid. So that zucchini pancakes with potatoes are well and evenly delighted, do not make them too thick. Fiering to ruddy crust on one side, turn the pancakes and fry on the other. Prepare pancakes until all the dough is over. While still raw dough will stand in a bowl, waiting for its queue, juice can be released again. Be sure to drain it so that the pancakes do not fall apart in the pan.

Serve pancakes from potatoes and zucchini while they have not yet cooled. Very tasty with sour cream sauce.

Zucchini - vegetables are useful rich in fiber, water and minerals. They have low calorie and even in combination with vegetable oil, a small amount of flour and potatoes retain some dietary value. Lush fritters from zucchini and potatoes like even small children, and after all, they are forced to eat vegetables sometimes not easy.

Preparation of such magnificent pellets - the process is simple and understandable, and products for most recipes can be "mined" in their own garden or in the country. Moreover, you can cook both completely young, soft zucchini, and those vegetables that have already reached 25-30 cm and got a dense skirt.

Council! Young zucchini is distinguished by elevated wateryness. To remove excess water and make pellets are tight enough, you need to escape and leave them before cooking. Then the juice will be separated, vegetables need to rinse.

The simplest and tasty recipes of lush foddes are chosen so that all components are maximally available, and the cooking process did not take you more than 30-40 minutes.

Recipe number 1. Lush zucchini and potatoes without a bow

For the preparation of a classic recipe the simplest ingredients will be required.:

On the shelter zucchini you need to take 2 medium potatoes;
To give the dish, the viscosity will need 3 eggs, 5 tbsp. l. flour;
so that the pancakes rose, do not forget to take half the teaspoon of soda;
The flavor of the clove of garlic will appeal, fresh greens - what kind of likes it;
Frying pellets need to use unrefined sunflower oil. So tastier and so that it turned out beautiful crust.

Prepare a dish for this recipe is very simple: Sutter vegetables on a large or medium grater, after removing the peel. Then everything needs to be salted and do not touch 5-7 minutes. Allocated juice is drained, and only then the remaining products are introduced, mixed thoroughly. It is necessary to lay out with a large spoon on a heated frying pan. Fry until readiness for about 3-4 minutes. So that the pancakes have retained the line, do not need to turn them away from the side to the side more often than 1 time.

Recipe number 2. Magnificent zucchini and potatoes with Italian herbs

If you want to make some variety in a standard recipe, then you can add to the components onions and Italian herbs:

On 400 g of zucchini take 200 g of potatoes;
For this mass you need 1 onion head, 1 tsp. dry mix of Italian herbs;
2 cloves of garlic and 1 egg;
about 150 g of flour, you can take rye;
a little salt, half of the spoons of soda, pepper;
Oil for frying.

Follow the step by step plan, and then you will have perfectly lush fritters:

1. The young zucchini without seeds are ideal, then pancakes are especially gentle. They are cleaned and rubbed. Then add to the chopper vegetable potatoes, also fluttered on medium grater.
2. Garlic need to grind very well - use the press or fine side of the grater. Add it to vegetables. Then, alternately, pumped out the soda and all the spices except salt.
3. Next to the mixture, wheat flour is suited, the benefits of which is higher, if you spend it in advance through a sieve. All mix.
4. Now you can add finely chopped onions and yolks.
5. But the protein must be whipped with a mixer so that it becomes a lush foam.
6. Enter the protein in the mixture and leave half an hour. Then salute and proceed to frying.
7. Fry pancakes in a frying pan with a thick bottom, oil in it should be about 1 cm. Lay out 1-2 tbsp. l. The mixture on the preheated surface, hang out the contours of future foddes and fry until a golden state.
8. After cooking, laying the layers on the paper napkin to eliminate the oil.

You can apply such beauty with sour cream or other suitable sauce. Additionally sprinkled pancakes with shallow greens or a naked green bow.

Recipe number 3. Pancakes from zucchini, potatoes and green onions

You can cook lush fritters with a green bow introduced into the dough. This will require set of the following components:

2 medium zucchini, about 8 potatoes to them;
5 spoons of flour, 3 spoons sour cream;
Proteins in the amount of 3 pieces;
Onion green fresh takes about 200 g, you can more like your taste;
100 g of any solid grade cheese;
Salt and pepper, as well as cooking oil.

Vegetables, as in other recipes, are crushed with a grater and put into a large bowl. Egg proteins are whipped to foam, added to vegetables, then flour and green onions, sliced \u200b\u200bmanually. Spice season and mix well. Lay out yummy on the hot frying pan with butter. Then they are sprinkled with cheese and sent to the oven preheated to 180 degrees to a quarter of an hour. When applying is added sour cream.

Recipe number 4. Pancakes with corn flour and zucchini

The corn flour gives an incredible taste and a very beautiful crispy crust to be a potato-potato pan. For their preparation required:

2 zucchini take 2 medium potatoes;
To make a pomp, need 1 cup of sour milk;
White or red onion (half), egg and 150 g of corn flour;
slight salt, garlic, pepper;
Fry everything will be on the oil.

The cooking process looks like this:

1. First, the zucchini roll and stacked with salt and grated potatoes in the dishes. After 10 minutes, liquid is drained.
2. In another dishes, milk and egg is mixed, flour and soda.
3. Onions and garlic are roasted on a separate pan.
4. All components are mixed and seasoned with peppers, then small tortillas are laid out and roasted on medium fire. A characteristic ruddy color will tell when the tortillas are fully prepared.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult to cook fritters from zucchini and potatoes, the recipe for lush "buns" you are squeezed without problems. In the midst of summer and zabachkov yields to enjoy tasty Oladiami, you can even need every day. In addition, they also have a high nutritional value, excellent taste and incredibly preparing way!