Proper definition of bra size. How to choose the first bra for a teenage girl? How to understand when you need to wear a bra

So, you need to part with a bra if ...

1. You wear it regularly for more than a year and a half

This is a unambiguous sign that it's time to throw it out in the trash. Because even the most high-quality elastane does not serve so long.

The fibers of the belt stretched irretrievably, and the bra loses supportive forces. If your bra is already a year and a half or more to your bra, and you still wear it and think that he is "like a new one," then you may have originally bought it too free on the belt, so you do not feel the loss of support.

I remind you: The new bra must sit tightly, only four fingers should be placed between it and their backs. Most often, this ratio is achieved when the volume of the bra on a label (for example, 75c) is 10 units less than the actual girth under the breasts (thus, the bras with a volume of 75 on the label will fit the lady with 85 cm under the cheek in the girth. Why is it so I wrote and).

The larger the size of your breast, the more intense the bra is wearing a bra, because the material needs to overcome more resistance. Therefore, for the owner of a big breast, the valuation point is a year. Provided that you wear your bra regularly, at least 2 times a week.

2. You changed in weight by more than 3-5 kilograms or you had pregnancy and breastfeeding

Hormonal changes and racing weights are reflected on the shape and elasticity of the chest. After pregnancy and feeding a woman, they complain that "before the underwear it was easy to pick up," but now "the chest does not fill the cup, as if he was blown away, and I can't wear anything." As well as loose or replenished women - all these are the problems of one order.

Little weight change in minus can help adapt the straps or a bra belt resource, provided that you wore a correct size. Therefore, you should not be afraid to pick up underwear on the eve of losing weight - you want to keep your breast, and you need good support. Just ask your scraper phytter to find you underwear on a more dense standard, because you plan to lose weight.

Sometimes, when the client is located somewhere between the sizes (for example, the 75E size belt sits moderately tightly, and the size belt 70f is tightly dense), I propose to stay at a smaller size (70f) and additionally take an extender to increase the volume for the first time. And you lose weight, and the belt stretches, the extender can be removed, and the bra continue to wear anything happened.

If your weight "left in plus", then a slight fluctuation can be covered by an extender resource. But, if you feel that the belt is stifled, and wearing a bra just uncomfortable, you painfully want linen without seeds or soft material, then it's time to change the size.

But if you have passed pregnancy / breastfeeding, then these processes affected not only the size, but also the shape of the chest, therefore, accept the fact that you will have to pick up new underwear, and the old send to the scrap.

Over the past six months, I lost 10 kilograms - used extenders, rebuild the hooks denser, and in the end, changed the size. Doctors recommended for me to lose another 8 kilograms, and I am preparing to do the same with a new lingerie. But nothing can be done, unfortunately, because the wardrobe also had to completely change. But health and good physical form are worth.

3. You wear your bra fastened on the last hook

If you accompanied this stage, as it should be, overrably, the hooks are increasingly more densely, then you know that your bra has 4-6 weeks to live, the Elastane resource will be lost at all.

If you initially buy a bra "how you have" and you are able to easily fasten it on the last hook on the day of purchase and do not have discomfort, then you have a big bear service.

The bra begins to stretch after the first washing. As a result, you can normally displacing it (without falling strapless and logging on the back of the belt) only 4-6 weeks, everything else he will simply cover the nipples, without providing you with any real support. If this is the case - admit your mistake, pick up a new supportive underwear and appreciate the suddenly emerged resource convenience.

4. Your straps are tightened to the limit

You are trended to extract the best support and shape from the bra, tightening the straps to the maximum (I even saw that the strap controller moves from the back to the region of the key (!)). It's time to recognize the fact that the bra finally lost the support resource.

In general, you probably already know that 90% of support in the bra must come from the belt, and the straps should be used only in order to adjust the bra for the growth and asymmetry of the chest. Therefore, once the straps are completely tightened, the belt was already carried out, or the size was originally selected incorrectly - the third is not given. It is time to buy a couple of new "work horses" for your wardrobe!

5. bones get out of the trim, break or roll you on the side

All this is disturbing calls, the real fire siren that the bra does not cope with the load that it is assigned to it.

Do you want your sconce and in the tail, and in the mane, not giving rest? Or wear rarely and with displeasure, but this damn region still continues to occur? The solution here is also one - throw out the old and buy a new one, but is there a problem with the size, it is worth asking a professional.

Problems with bone bones occur due to the too intense friction of the surface according to your body. Most often, such problems are among those who initially "because of comfort" chooses the volume more, because "in a little closely and stuffy." In fact, a well-chosen bra must fix the chest and do not choke through the body. And "stuffy and closely" for you because the size is incorrect.

I am surprised how much women are stubborn in their convictions. There are such "happy", which pull out bones from freshly underwear, because "this is a torture gun."

There are skewers who transform hooks and straps in the "desired" place. And it is instead of figure out that if you are forced to somehow "finish" a bra under ourselves, then you originally picked it up incorrectly either in size or in the form, and the present right decision is to just learn how to choose the clothes for yourself.

In fact, any size and form can be found good, comfortable underwear. We are ready to open for you a new world of comfortable and beautiful linen, which you will not want to shoot!

This question is very delicate. Parents should pay attention to how the teenage girl's figure is formed and how she herself reacts to these changes. If she feels comfortable without a bra, then pumped out this theme early. And if he asks to buy a bra, then it is worth thinking about it. Opinions of psychologists and doctors about the time of acquisition of the first bra read further.

It is impossible to definitely answer this question. There are not developed by the years for girls, whose 9 years begin the first menstruation and grows breasts. And to someone and in 16 bras to wear just nothing. The girls are all very different, and physiological processes in organisms also flow in different ways.

At the beginning of the period of puberty, the dairy glands of the girls gradually increase their dimensions. Move them to this ovarian hormones. For a couple of years, connecting gland fabric is completely enveloped with fatty tissue, and the chest takes beautiful feminine outlines.

Important! Psychologists believe that if the girl is shy to go to school without a bra, feels uncomfortable without him, the peers will keep away or it starts to slouch, then it is definitely necessary to buy such an important wardrobe item for it, regardless of age.

Pros and disadvantages of early wearing bra

With whatever age, the girl neither started to wear a bra, he must be correct. When operating such a product, harm to health will not be. Is that a concern for the purity of the product and the acquisition of the next as milk gloomy increases.

But if your daughter is daily wearing a Push-AP bra, then you can forget about the correct breast formation. Such a style raises and holds a bust during the day in an anatomically incorrect, unnatural position for her.

Selected not in size, small, with cut bones, belt or straps, he will slow down the blood circulation and the exchange processes in the lymphatic vessels located in the axillary depressures. This is just fraught with the consequences of health.

Important! The greatest harm from the early wearing of the bra is usually applied by a teenager parents, a careless word, phrase or joke about "pimples". Doing the psychological injury to your child. The consequences of this can be manifested for many years, to old age: stuff, uncertainty, understated self-esteem, loss of confidence in parents, etc.

How to understand that it is already time ..?

Parents can accurately determine the purchase time of the first bra for their smaller daughter, turning attention to the following points:

When answering "Yes", at least one point of the questionnaire, it is worth thinking about the acquisition of a bra and discuss the upcoming purchase with her daughter.

An example of determining its size

Determine the size of the bra will help unaccomplished calculations:

  • measure the girth of your girl in the most convex points and under the breast.
  • the figures obtained need to be compared, and the difference between them will be the size.

For example, the largest number of girth - 79 cm, and under the breast - 68 cm. The difference will be 11 cm. This is the size of "zero", on the marking on products - AA. There, there will be a digit on the labeling, denoting the magnitude of the busta belt. This grumpling under the breasts, in your case - 68. So you need to search for fitting model with a size of 68aa.

Rules for choosing a leaf girl teenage

If your child does not yet have such a chest volume, in which you can buy a bra, refer to the tops or sports shops, a little supporting breasts. Sometimes there are seamless porolone cups in them. Of course, they do not raise the bust, as some girls take care of this, but they can serve as defense against unspeaked touches or blows during sports.

Important! The purchased bra must necessarily be comfortable, comfortable and please not only mom, but also a girl.

Buying bra, give preference to a simple style of laundry from natural fabric. Let it be a soft cotton knitwear of a bodily or other light shade. Many girls choose brass bras for themselves as if beach colors. By virtue of young age, they are not yet ready for feminine shapes and shades, and in such bumps, swimsuits feel comfortable and comfortable.

Select the lingerie necessarily in size: the brake acquired with the reserve, "on the grown" the bra look ridiculous, and the little one will not give the breast correctly. A bra with a bone or effect of Push-AP, you can acquire a teenager only for rare wearing. For every day, recommend to wear a model with soft cups.

Carefully make sure that the teenage girl wore a bra strictly in size, and it was replaced by another model as the growth and development of dairy glasses.

A well-chosen bra might give the appearance of a woman a completely different look. He is able to adjust the flaws of the shape and make it the owner visually younger. In addition, to know how to choose the right bra in size, it is also important for health: because the squeezing or rubbing breast thing can cause hazardous diseases. With age, the body changes, so it is necessary to ensure that the bra is always perfect "sat" and was comfortable.

How to understand what bra does not fit?

To assess the suitability of things to wear, you need to wear a bra, fasten it and pay attention to such moments:

1. The bras of the bra must sit tightly on the lactic glands, not to crush, but not to "be covered" with folds. That is, the chest in the perfect suitable thing completely fills the cups. Too small bra can be easily "calculated" to protrude the chest from above. No suitable cups are able to cause and splitting the bones, which are located under them, on the mammary glands.

2. Straps also require a close "glance": if a small chest can hold narrow strips of fabric, then large glands must be maintained using elastic wide strapless. The length of the holding "ribbons" should be adjusted so that it is possible to fix the bra in the most comfortable position.

3. "Right" tape under cups is located tight, but does not prescribe. At the same time, the fastener of the bra does not "jump up" up when rising hands, and under the bottom of the tape can push the finger.

How to find out your bra size?

In order to come to the store "fully arms" or order a bra on the Internet, it is necessary to measure breasts. For this, an ordinary centimeter tape is taken and, preferably, an assistant is invited: after all, it is necessary to measure the amount of the chest only when the hands are lowered.

To determine the size of the thing you need to know the length of the circle (volume) under the breast. The measuring tape should not crash, but firmly fit to the skin. The resulting digit is the size of the bra. For example, if the stuff on the store is written in the store "85V", then 85 cm. - Breast volume.

How to determine the size of a bra cup?

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a bra, you need to accurately and correctly "calculate" and the size of its cups. If the form and variation of the bra is a matter of convenience and personal preferences, the size of the cup is an indicator, mandatory for a beautiful view and preservation of breast health. For this purpose, the centimeter tape is "allowed" at a more protruding point of the chest and the volume is measured. The magnitude of the cup is calculated as the difference between breast girth and under the breast. For example, if "80A" is written on the label, then and is complete, or the size of its cup.

Fortunately, there are tables of conformity of individual breast parameters with standard dimensions of bras. We behave the necessary measurements, with such systematized data, learn how to choose a bra in size, very simple. According to the table, if the magnitude of the girth under the breast is within 88-92 cm., And in the center of the chest - 106-108 cm., The woman will fit the woman with a size of 90s.

It is necessary to remember: the dimensional grids of manufacturers can differ significantly from each other. Therefore, it is necessary to try on a bra. If it is decided to buy a thing without fitting, you need to at least get acquainted with the specific dimensional grid of the brand.

It is impossible to choose a smaller thing in the hope of losing weight;

To "detect" the most convenient form of the cup, it is necessary to measure different options offered;

With a big breast, you can buy a so-called "minimizer" or bra, lifting breasts;

The material of the lining fabric should be natural, not to be born, do not cause sweating;

If there is an opportunity, you need to take a thing without "thicker", fully made of viscose, cotton;

Pregnant and nursing need to buy special bras, who are unlikely to fit after the end of lactation.

The moment when you learn that we carry the wrong bra size, can completely change your life. It's like a thunder among the clear sky: you always believed that you have a confident "deuce", and in fact the size of your chest "the third aspiration."

How does brass-size bras affect health?

Many women live in a happy ignorance and continue to wear inappropriate bras over long years. In the meantime, the complex and size of the breast may change repeatedly throughout life.

Why do women admit the same mistakes? Ladies with big breasts buy a small bra and vice versa, girls with a small breast choose models with more than need a depth of a cup. But it is unacceptable, the wrong choice of a bra affects not only aesthetics, but also for the general well-being of a woman. Beautiful bustik with irregular length of strapless and the magnitude of the cups can serve as pain in their shoulders, neck and hands and can develop.

A bra with small cups on lush breasts may cause circulatory disruption. If the bra squeezes the body, there is a violation and this can lead to breast tumors. Therefore, the size of the bras must be chosen correctly.

7 signs of incorrect bra and 3 confirmation that everything is ok

In your bra bra, you will feel at 10 kg slimmer and for 10 years younger. Repeat the size of bras in the wardrobe is recommended once a year. Infographics will help you understand whether you are suitable for your bras, or it's time to visit the underwear store.

Dmitry Belov

The bra we carry with adolescent age and until late old age. In the bra, our chest is reliably supported and protected, not pegs when walking and does not interfere with moving vigorously. We carry them all your life, without even suspecting the existence of some rules and, especially, medical contraindications.

And it's more important to know about it that health does not depend on this delicate part of the body, but also women in general.

ATTENTION, if bra ...

It is not difficult to understand that the bra is incorrect. You need to pay attention to the following points.


Most often, problems arise in this area. In the place where the trapezoid muscle of straps is often crashed into the body and squeeze not only soft tissues, but the nerves passing there. It is possible to understand that this one has already happened by feeling numbness and reduce sensitivity in hands. Before that is dangerous.

If the straps are strongly pressed on the shoulders, it means that the bra is incorrectly selected. Normally, the weight of the breast is distributed as follows: 90% - on the belt, and only 10% - on the straps. Lained proper support The chest pulls the shoulders forward and down. In such conditions, it is not easy to maintain the correct posture.

True, sometimes the stuff appears due to the fact that the woman is dissatisfied with the lush breasts. To pick up shoulders - guaranteed discomfort and embarrassment. And if the bra helpally helps to cringe - problems with the spine and the forever "tired" type is provided.

Rib cage

The corset part plays the main role in supporting the chest, but it should not crash into the body. Any traces in the field of the chest talk about too much squeezing, and therefore, about violation of blood circulation and the outflow of lymph. The lymphatic and blood vessels are responsible for the correct metabolism in the tissues: oxygen and nutrition must arrive in time, and toxic elements are deleted. If the balance is broken, it will not only badly affect the state of the chest, but also increase the likelihood of cancer.


Blood circulation can be too small a cup. In this case, obvious traces on the skin are sometimes not noticeable, but in the field of the mammary glands, any squeezing is dangerous.

Always pay attention to the bone of the bra. Cut bones not only prevent normal blood supply, but also injure the tissues of the breast. This can provoke the development of neoplasms.

In the photo, the exemplary position of the bone is marked with green with a properly selected cup size. With a small cup, the bone will always be pounded into the milk gland.

Every woman must have several bras of different sizes and shapes, because the breast is the most volatile part of the body. Size, sensitivity and form affects pregnancy, feeding, weight fluctuations and even change in hormonal background, which accompany every monthly woman cycle. When there is a choice, you can always wear one that is ideal today.

What is dangerous "Push-Ap"

"Push-AP" gives the chest perfect shape and adds missing volume, but for this compresses the chest in an anatomically improper position. It is not necessary to abandon the "Push-APA" forever, but for everyday wearing such underwear does not fit - only as a branded output.

Medical restrictions

In some diseases, the bra may seriously damage health. From this type of linen, it is necessary to refuse or limit its wearing in the following cases:

  • We should not wear bras to women with implanted pacemakers;
  • With hypertension, more free models should be chosen;
  • With neoplasms, even benign, to pull and squeeze the chest categorically impossible;

Also, doctors believe that cancer occurs more often in women who wear a bra for too long without removing even overnight. "The right" lingerie is quite possible to wear every day, but you need to sleep without it and do not wear more than 12 hours in a row.

If you encountered one of these restrictions, your choice is Comfort Bra. The modest "appearance" of this item of the lady toilet with interest pays for full health safety.

Bra without harm (Comfort Bra)

Significantly reduce the risk of developing oncological breast diseases can Comfort Bra. This closed bone bra, with wide straps and a belt, looks like a little bit like a sporty. Mainly natural fabrics are used.

In our country, such underwear has not been widespread. And in vain, because in terms of health and convenience, nothing better than Comfort Bra have not yet come up with. It is especially important to pay attention to the bras of this type of women after forty.

Of course, Comfort Brara is not deprived of some drawbacks - decolted outfits and clothing with thin straps do not wear it. But health should be helped at the head of the corner, because without him there will be no beauty.

What materials to choose

Never allow the effect of the sauna. Synthetic fabrics are poorly passed air. Under such a bra, the skin will sweat and inflamed. It is harmful to the skin, and just unpleasant.

Today it is no longer needed to choose between beautiful elastic synthetics and non-zealous looks, but comfortable and breathable natural materials. Modern fabrics are not inferior to flares or cotton through breathability, but they stretch and sit down the figure is not worse than Nylon. In addition, in some models of linen, the inner layer is made of pleasant skin and perfectly absorbing fabric moisture.