Investments for chicks of Petrov's nest. Victor Naumov

2. Petrove nest chicks.

2.1. Alexander Danilovich Menshikov.

2.2. Boris Petrovich Sheremetyev.

2.3.The Andreevich Tolstoy.

2.4. Alksay Vasilyevich Makarov.

3. Bright individuality, which made a single command.

Peter Great and Company "Friends".

In the history of Russia, time is hardly the time equal to the transformations of the Petrovsky quarter of the XVIII century. For a centuries-old history of the existence of the Russian state, not few reforms were carried out. The Petrov transformations were given to Russia, the time said with all certainty. The famous historian and publicist M.M. Sheerbat believed that the path passed by the country under Peter, without him would have to overcome two centuries. Karamzin at the beginning of the XIX century believed that it would take six centuries. Neither Shcherbatov nor Kramzin did not feed sympathies to the converter's king, but they have to have to recognize the gigantic leap of Russia during the years of Petrovsky reforms. Peter's transformation provided our country with a new quality condition: first, the lag behind the economic and cultural life of Russia from the economic and cultural life of the advanced countries of Europe was significantly reduced; Secondly, Russia into a powerful power with the modern land army and the powerful Baltic fleet; The increased military power allowed Russia during the Northern War to crush the Swedish army and the fleet and establish themselves on the shores of the Baltic; Thirdly, Russia became among the great powers, and in now on, no question of interstate relations in Europe did not decrease without its participation. The peculiarity of the transformation is that something was bore a comprehensive nature. The degree of entry of innovations into the crowd of Staromoshkovsky lifestyle was different. In some cases, as, for example, in everyday life, the transformation touched the narrow layer of society, providing an influence, primarily on his "tops". Many generations of peasants and after reform broke out with either a beard, nor with a semidic zipoon, and the shoes finally pushed out Napti only in Soviet times. But in the construction of the armed forces, the structure of the state apparatus, foreign policy, industrial development, architecture, painting, the scenery of scientific knowledge, urban planning of innovations were so deep and sustainable, which allowed other historians and publicists of the middle of the last century to build Petrov transformations into the rank "revolution" , and Peter himself is considered the first in Russia "revolutionary", wherein the ordinary, and the "revolutionary" on the throne. Peter was very unrearly ordinary man. First of all, it strikes the versatility of his tanks: he was an outstanding commander and a diplomat, a fleet and a lawyer, he could be met with an ax and pen in his hands, cutting a new font and sitting behind the drawing of a new ship, concerned about the failure of the failure and unreasonable victory , for the study of any wonder machine and reflecting on the device of the government mechanism of an extensive state. However, Peter the Great was not only a Delian, but also a thinker. His life was so formed that he gave him a little leisure in advance and leisurely to think about the action plan, and the temperament inspired little and hunting. Speedness of affairs, inability, and sometimes the inability to wait, the mobility of the mind, extraordinarily fast observation - all this taught Peter to think without meditation, without hesitation, to decide, think about the case and, sensitively guessing the requirements of a minute, to form the fulfillment. In Peter's activities, all these moments, so distinctly distinguished leisure reflections and, as if scattered with thought, went together together, accurately growing one of the other, with organic-life inseparable and sequence. Peter is in front of the observer in the eternal flow of a variety of cases, in business constant communication with many people, among the continuous change of impressions and enterprises; It is more difficult to imagine him alone with himself, in a secluded office, and not in a crowdy and noisy workshop.

This does not mean that Peter did not have those general guidelines, of which the image of human thoughts is compiled; Only in Peter, this image of thought was expressed somewhat in its own way, not as a detailed planned plan of action or a stock of ready-made answers to all kinds of life requests, but was a random improvisation, an instant outbreak of ever-excited thought, every minute ready to answer every request for a meeting with him . His thought was developed in small details, current issues of practical activity, master, military, governmental. He did not have any leisure, nor the habit of systematic reflection on the abstract items, and the upbringing did not develop him and the inclination to this. But when he met such an item among the current affairs, he was his straight and healthy thought about him, judgment is as easy and simply as his tearful eye grabbed the structure and appointment for the first time. But he has always been ready for two bases of his way of thinking and actions, firmly embedded in the early years under eligible influences for us: it is a unrepreneurous sense of debt and forever intense thought about the general good of the Fatherland, in the ministry who consists of this debt. On these foundations, his view was held on her royal power, a very unusual Old Russian society, but the former initial, initial moment of his activity and together its main regulator. In this regard, the ancient Russian political consciousness was experiencing in the face of Peter the Great Steep Fracture, a decisive crisis.

In his work, for the first time, the people's educational properties of power were clearly shown, we barely flickering and often completely extinguished in its predecessors. Peter managed to turn the political consciousness of the Moscow sovereign with an invalid on the face; Only he in the composition of the supreme power of everything clearly understood and especially felt the "mustache", the responsibilities of the king, who are assessed, according to him, to the "two necessary affairs of the Board": to the schedule, inland improvement, and defense, state external security. This is the benefit of the Fatherland, the common benefit of the native land, the Russian people or the state - the concepts that Peter ringed not the first of us learned and expressed with all the clarity of the primary, the simplest foundations of the public order. Autocracy - means to achieve these goals. Nowhere and never left Peter the thought of the fatherland; In joyful and mournful minutes, she encouraged him and directed his actions, and about his obligations to serve the Fatherland, which only you can, he said simply, without Paphos, as a serious, but the only and necessary. To live for the benefit and glory of the state and the Fatherland, not to regret the health and life for a common good - such a combination of concepts was not quite clear for the usual consciousness of the ancient Russian person and little familiar to his everyday life practice. In minutes of a nationwide disaster, when the danger threatened to everyone and everyone, he understood the duty and could feel the willingness to die for the Fatherland, because, defending everyone, he defended himself, as each of all, defending himself, defended him. He understood the overall benefit as a private interest of everyone, and not as a common interest who should sacrifice the private interest of everyone. The feather animentary and did not understand private interest, which did not match the general, did not understand the ability to clicter in a circle of private, home affairs. This is a difficult thing for the ancient Russian mind of the concept of general good and intensified to find out to him with his example, his eyes on power and her attitude towards the people and the state Peter the Great.

This look served as the general basis of Peter's Laborism and was expressed popularly in decrees and charters as a guiding rule of its activities. But Petr especially loved to express his views and leadership ideas in a frank conversation with approximate, in the company of their "friends", as he called them. The nearest performers had to know before and better than others, the SCake Manager deal, and what he was waiting for them and demands. It is worth noting that many, expressing the era of Peter the Great, speak only about Peter himself, sort of, as soon as he spent these reforms, that he alone pulls WHO Mountains, while "millions" pulled him under the mountain. In fact, Peter had a lot of assistants who were moving on military, diplomatic, administrative and cultural fields. Like any valid epoch, the transformation time has put forward a lot of outstanding figures, each of which contributed to the strengthening of the power of Russia. Calling their names, it should be understood about two circumstances: about the exclusive gift of Peter guess the talents and skillfully use them and on the exception of helpmen from the heterogeneous environment itself. Among the companions of Peter the greatness, in addition to Russians, you can meet the Dutch, Lithuanians, Serbs, Greeks, Scots. In the "team" of the king were representatives of the oldest aristocratic surnames and ordinary nobles, as well as people from the "Nodov" of the Society: Posal and former serfs. The king for a long time, in the selection of assistants, was guided by rationalistic criteria, often ignoring the social or national affiliation of the person, whom he brought to himself and which gave responsible orders. The grounds for promotion and success in the career were not the "breed", not the origin, and the knowledge, skills of the ability of the official or officer.

There is no need to prove that in the framework of the autocratic political system, the personality of the monarch itself was of great importance, his views, determined, ultimately, the choice of persons approaching the throne. Monarch limited abuse chose and colors of gray and colorless. To be noticed and clusted Peter, it was necessary to meet the demanding requirements of the Tsar Rationalist. One of the faces of diving Petra Great consisted in the ability to guess talents, choose comrades. Dozens of bright individualities can be called, discontinued their abilities in a wide variety of activities. But Peter knew how to not only guess the talents, but also to use them in the field, where they could be most useful. A few examples. Under Poltava, at hand, the king was the entire color of the team composition of the Russian army: Feldmarshal B.P. Sheremethev, Generals A.I.Prenin, Ya.V. Bryus, A.D. Menshikov. Peter sent the opponent's opponent's opponent's battlefield from the battlefield and, as further we will be convinced, not mistaken in my calculations - only Menshikov, and no one, had such properties of the nature and diving that could ensure the success of the operation in the suriceary.

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Boren Rodion Christianovich (1667--1717)

Reponnin Anikita Ivanovich (1668--1726)

Tolstoy Peter Andreevich (1645-1729

Makarov Alexey Vasilyevich (1674-1740)

Golovkin Gabriel Ivanovich (1660-1734)




Before you start your abstract, I would like to know what is "Petrov's nest chicks". This is an excerpt from the poem "Poltava" (1828-1829) A. S. Pushkin. So the poet called the nearest associates of Peter the first. Who was the "chick of Petrova's nest"? In the passage of the work - "His comrades, Sons: - I noticed such associates

And Sheremetev noble

Bruce, and Boore, and Repnin,

And, happiness balovane rooted,

Singher-magnetic lord. "

Peter as: Sheremetyev Boris Petrovich (1652-1719), Bruce Roman Vilimovich (1668-1720), Bourding Rodion Christianovich (1667--1717), Reponna Anikita Ivanovich (1668--1726). And as it turned out, the "half-hold lord" - Alexander Danilovich Menshikov (1673--1729), the nearest associate of Peter 1.

In the first editions, the book offered to the attention of readers was called "Petrova's nest chicks." The author tried to show the events of the epoch through the prism of the life and activities of a number of people of Peter's associates: Alexander Danilovich Menshikov, Boris Petrovich Sheremeteva, Peter Andreevich Tolstoy, Alexey Vasilyevich Makarova, Savva Lukich Vladislavich-Raguzinsky, Apraksinsky Fedor Matveyevich, Lefort Franz Yakovlevich and Golovna Gabriel Ivanovich. As for Bower and Repnin, Pushkin, apparently, meant their role in the Poltava battle.

Thus, I believe that my task is to learn about the personalities of "chicks".

Sheremetev Boris Petrovich (1652-1719)

Sheremetev Boris Petrovich. - Military figure, diplomat. Rod. In an old boyars family. At the age of 13, he was appointed in householders. In 1682 he received a boyars title, showed himself on military and diplomatic fields. In 1686 he participated in the conclusion of the "Eternal World" in Moscow with a response, and then was raised at the head of the embassy sent to Warsaw to ratify the prisoner of the world. Returning to Russia, Sheremetyev received a command of the troops in Belgorod and Sevsk, who were responsible for the protection of the Crimean raids. The service was away from Moscow allowed Sheremetyev to not choose during the struggle between princess Sophia and Peter I. in 1695 participated in the 1st Azov campaign of Peter I, but at the allocated from Azov the theater of hostilities. In 1697 - 1699 Sheremetyev traveled to Zap. Europe, fulfilling the diplomatic instructions of Peter I, and returned to Russia in a German dress, thereby causing the enthusiastic taking of the king. During the Northern War, 1700 - 1721 showed himself a slow, careful, but talented commander, who earned the confidence of Peter I. After defeating near Narva, Sheremetyev was sent to the vehicle. Baltic States. In 1701, Yousse Erestfer Sheremetyev defeated the Swedes defeat, from which they "for a long time they don't really know and not justify", for which he was awarded the Order of Andrei the First-Called and granted to the Nemina of General Field Marshal. In 1702 Sheremetyev defeated by the Swedes during the village of Gummelsgof, in 1703 he took the GH. Volmar, Marienburg and Noteburg, renamed Shlisselburg; In 1704 mastered Derptom. For the suppression of the rebellion of the Archers in Astrakhan in 1705 - 1706 Sheremetyev was the first in Russia awarded the Count title. In Poltava Battle, Sheremetyev played a modest role, but he deserved the approval of Peter I. In 1709 - 1710, after the siege, I took Riga and, celebrating the short triumph, was sent to the unsuccessful for Rus. Army Protian campaign. In 1712, Sheremetyev said Peter I about his desire to take a tread in the monks of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, but the king replaced the monastery to marry on young beauty A.P. Naryshkin, who gave birth to Sheremetyev, four children. In 1715 Sheremetyev was delivered to the commander Rus. The expeditionary corps in Pomerania and Mecklenburg for joint actions with the Prussian King against the Swedes is the case, for Sheremetyeva, no noticeable. In 1717, he returned to Moscow and after severe illness died. In the will, Sheremetyev asked him to bury him in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, but Peter I, having decided to create a Pantheon in St. Petersburg, ordered Sheremetyeva to bury the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, forcing the "state" even a dead associate.

Bruce Roman Vilimovich (1668-1720)

First Ober Commandant of St. Petersburg; Education received homemade and, by that time, excellent, in 1683 he was recorded in the royal fun, in 1695 he received the rank of captain and the company of the Preobrazhensky regiment. The same and next years participated in the Azov campaigns and accompanied Peter in his passion journey (1697--98). In 1700, he was appointed colonel of one of the infantry regiments, with whom he participated in the siege of Narva. In 1702, he was under the siege and the capture of Shlisselburg, in 1703 it was when taking Nienschchana and the investment of St. Petersburg, and on May 19, the next year was appointed Ober Commandant in the northern capital. In the last position, he did a lot for the device of St. Petersburg, using the frequent devils of the St. Petersburg governor A.D. Menshikova, to protect him from enemy attacks. He reflected a three-time attack of the Swedish Maidel's Swedish General, who was trying to destroy the city under construction (in 1704 and 1705), for which he was awarded the Nemina General Major. In addition, Bruce spoke from St. Petersburg with his detachments for the siege of neighboring Swedish cities. This is his attempt in 1706 to master the town of Vyborg, who has completed failure, as it was undertaken to adverse autumn months. Since 1708, Admiral F.M. was sent from Moscow to the protection of St. Petersburg Apraksin, Roman Vilimovich became the most active in his assistant. In the autumn of the same year, he helps Apraksin in the destruction of the Expedition of the Swedish General of Lisechera sent by the Stockholm Senate for the reverse conquest of Ingermanland and the disruption of St. Petersburg; And in 1710 (from March to June) - during the siege and taking Vyborg, for which he was awarded the estates. July, August and the first week of September was busy conquering Kexholm, which he managed to take on September 8. This feat who delivered Bruce Chin-General Lieutenant, his military field ended; The following years before his death, he devoted exclusively to the device of St. Petersburg and the occupation associated with the rank of Ober Commandant. In 1719, he was appointed a member of the Military Collegium, but next year he died, on the 53rd year from birth. Buried inside the Petropavlovsk fortress. The main monument of the works of R.V. Bruce in the rank of Ober Commandant is the stone Petropavlovsk fortress, built under his leadership instead of the former earthy.

Boren Rodion Christianovich (1667--1717)

Boore (Baur), Rodion Christianovich (1667, near the city of Guzu, Holstein - 1717, Ukraine), Russian military leader, one of the associates Peter I, General from Cavalry (1717), an active participant in the Northern War 1700-1721. In September 1700, near Narva, being a Rotmistrome of the Swedish army, he passed on the side of the Russian army and was adopted by Peter I for military service. The commanding of the Dragunsky regiment in the Baltic States, as part of the troops B. P. Sheremetyev participated in the battles near the gummelsgof, during the siege and the capture of Nienscans, mastering Derptom (Tartu) and Narva. In July 1705, at the head of the Baur's squad, a sudden strike on the enemy struck and mastered Mitava (Jelgava). Next year, A. D. Menshikov helped with his detachment to win in the battle under Kalishe. In June 1707, after the siege, Boore took a partition. In 1708, the commander of the Dragun squad, followed the movement of the coming Swedish army. After its crossing of Mogilev through the Dnieper (August 1708), defeated the village of Raevka with one of the Swedish columns. Then, moving behind the Swedes, carried out a number of shots on the arrigarg. In the subsequent Bower, the Bower successfully acted in the battle under the forest, as a result of which the head of the levent carbon case was crushed. In the Poltava battle of 1709 Baur, first the commander of the Draghun regiments in battle for the redoubts, successfully reflected all the attacks of the Swedes, captured 14 banners and standards, then headed the cavalry of the right wing of the army. After the battle, he participated in the pursuit of the remnants of the opponent's army to the darning, which ended with their capture. For the differences in the battle under Poltava Peter I complained to Bower my portrait decorated with diamonds and possession. From autumn 1709 he commanded the cavalry in the Sheremetyev army, participated in the siege of Riga (October 1709 - June 1710). From 1711 with a cavalry detachment led the fighting against the Swedes in Poland and Denmark. From January 1717 the commander of the division in Ukraine.

Repinn Anikita Ivanovich (1668-1726)

Feldmarshal General. A.I.Pannin was a representative of the ancient princely kind, leading his beginning from Prince Chernihiv Mikhail. The founder of the surname was the voivode under Ivan IV Grozny Prince Ivan Mikhailovich Repin-Obolensky. Uncle Anynikov Ivanovich enjoyed the location of the king Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova, and the Father, Novgorod and Tambov Voivode, the head of the Siberian order, deserved a great respect for Peter I.

Participated in Azov campaigns 1695-1696. From 1699, Major General. At the beginning of the Northern War 1700-1721. He commanded the division, participated in the taking of Noteburg and Narva. In 1708, for the defeat with the dungeon was deepened, but after successful actions during the Forest restored in the rank of general. In Poltava battle of 1709, he commanded the center of the Russian Army. In 1709-1710 He led the siege and taking Riga, in 1712-1713 and 1715-1716. Commanded troops in Pomerania. From 1719, the Governor-General of Liflandia and at the same time in 1724-1725. President of the Military College. After Peter I, I made a declaration of Empress Ekaterina I, but I was soon removed by A. D. Menshikov in Riga.

Menshikov Alexander Danilovich (1673-1729)

The year of the birth of the favorite of Peter I is exactly unknown: he was born in Berchgolts in 1673, according to Golikov - in 1670, it was not quite clearly as the origin of him: according to some, his father was a court horse, according to others - a corporal of the Petrovsky Guard; There is also news (later) that Menshikov in the youth sold pies on the streets of Moscow. This is how the legend says about the first meeting of Peter I and Menshikov, recorded by N. A. Crylico: "Here Peter first went on the first to hunt. Rides a horse and somehow lost the horseshoe. And he had a boys in him. Without horseshoe it is impossible to ride. He drives up to one kuznitsy and sees there a blacksmith with her son. The kuznez is needed. "This is what," says me, shifted me a horse. "Salted the guy of the horseshoe, the king for the Schipaki dispersed." Stop, "says - This is not horseshoe. I am not good. "He starts to kill another. He took Peter and dispersed the second." And this is not Ladna. "He fastened. Peter grabbed once, the other could not do anything. Held a horse. Peter gives him a silver ruble for horseshoe . He takes the ruble, pressed the ruble for two fingers, the ruble only rang. He gives him another, and the same manner. The king was amazed. Here I found a braid on a stone. I smacked, pulls him five rubles with gold. I broke, broke the guy break. The king recorded his name and surname. And it was Menshikov. And the king, as he came home, he called him to himself. Menshikov served in the Preobrazhensky regiment from his very institution, for several years he performed the duties of the twin during Peter and acquired its location, From 1697, Menshikov was indepressible with Peter: together with him there is a Azov campaign, goes abroad together, participates in Streletsky wanted list, performs important instructions; its influence begins to outweigh even the influence of Leforta. after Narva battle Menshikov, along with the king, participated in the actions of the Russian army in Ingria, and showed greater courage and non-served military talents. After taking, in 1702, Noteburg was appointed to the commandant of this fortress, then the governor of the conquered regions; In his maintenance, in the so-called Izhora stationery, many nationwide income were transferred. Talented and energetic, Menshikov did not stop before the sake of satisfaction of the emerged, as a result of war, needs; Its fast, decisive actions quite fit the king's cycling energies; Even sort of elementary education (he could hardly sign his name), he replenished this lack of natural reality. In 1705, Menshikov was summoned to Lithuania, where military actions were concentrated, and here he acted first as an assistant Feldmarshal Oglvi, supervising over the cavalry, and then from 1706, as an independent commander-in-chief. In the same year, he won the Swedish General Mardefeld at Kalishe. It was the first victory of the Russians in the correct battle, and Menshikov was generously gifted for her. Even earlier, in 1702, he received a diploma for the advantage of the graph of the Roman Empire; Now he was erected in San Prince Roman Empire, and in 1707 Peter erected him to the dignity of the brilliant prince Izhorsky. Having received the news about the treason of Mazepa, Menshikov attacked Baturin, took it an attack and brutally ruined, having interrupted almost all the inhabitants. For the Poltava battle Menshikov received Feldmarsh dignity. Until 1714, he took part in the campaigns abroad, in Kurlydia, Polaria and Holttein, and then his activities focused on the issues of the internal device, touching, due to his proximity to the king, almost all the most important state needs. The most developed employee of Peter Menshikov was, however, not so much due to the consciousness of those principles, which the activity of the converter was sent, how much due to self-carrying motives, and these latter gave the whole figure a special color. "Singher-magnetic lord", according to Pushkin, "Child of the Heart" of Peter, as his last in his letters to him, was a terrible bribe and casnocrad and, despite the awards, in abundance, poured on him, increased his condition with all disgraced means. Not satisfied with bribes from the petitioners, he robbed the border of the estate of the Polish gentry, fixed the Malorosiysk Cossacks, took the land from the landowners imprisoners with his estates, finally, crushed the treasury on all sorts of contracts. In 1711, Peter first learned about Menshikov's abuses, and three years later was appointed, according to Donos Kurbatov, a special investigative commission. Since then, until the end of the reign of Peter I, Menshikov almost did not come out from under the trial. Numerous investigative commissions revealed the grandiose abuses, but their exposure only laid the trust and location of Peter to Menshikov, without having deprived of the last fully effect and power. In addition to the preserved Peter attachment to a pet, in addition to the intercession for him, Catherine, who became acquainted with Peter, and other considerations could act here: in the face of Menshikov, Peter treated one of the most gifted and employees devoted to him. Both the devotion of the king and the personal interests of Menshikov, closely related to reforms, made it the enemy of the Party of Adherents of Starny. In such a role, he performed, by the way, and in the collision of Peter and Son. Many of the contemporaries are unlikely, however, it was thoroughly considered Menshikov the main culprit of the death of Alexei Petrovich. Be that as it may, Menshikov's abuse safely went with his hands; Commissioning with their disclosure with cash fines, he successfully drove his enemies, including sometimes very strong people, such as Shaffirov. Alexander Danilovich Menshikov reached incredible success due to its rapid natural mind, businesslike, energy and personal loyalty to the emperor. Menshikov lived widely and was fabulously rich. It is enough to say that his palace is in Vasilyevsky Island, and now inspiring his respectful respect, at one time was the biggest and most luxurious building in St. Petersburg. The famous Petrovsky Assembly, noisy feasts and festivities in the presence of the royal court, the diplomatic corps and many invitedness often occurred, for the absence of another such premises, it was in the palace of the brilliant prince. It happened that Peter himself came to these celebrations in the crew, renting from the prosecutor of Yaguzhinsky. When establishing the board, Menshikov was appointed, in 1719, President of the Military Collegium. Only by the end of the reign of Peter, after the famous Monsov has undermined the confidence of the king to Catherine, Menshikov, re-outreached in abuses, was seriously dangerous, but soon, after the death of Peter opened him the road to even greater power. Based on the Guard, Menshikov built the throne Catherine I and became the actual ruler of Russia. Being at the top of the power, Menshikov in the struggle for the preservation of their authorities, a number of major mistakes were made, which their opponents from the rows of old aristocracy took advantage. The death of Catherine I broke his state career. The Supreme Secret Council signed an order about the arrest of Menshikov, the link to Siberia (along with the family) and the confiscation of the property belonging to him. In the same place, in Berezov, in two years he died.

Tolstoy Peter Andreevich (1645-1729)

Valid secret adviser (from 1718). From the ancient noble sort. The son of Sound Andrei Vasilyevich Tolstoy (mind 1690) from marriage with the daughter of Mikhail Vasilyevich Miloslavsky, a distant relative of the queen Mary Ilyinichna (the first spouse of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich). Got a home education. In 1665--69 he served as a father, former at the time of the governor in Chernigov. In 1671, he was granted to the soils of the Queen of Natalia Kirillovna, and in 1676-- in the sors of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich. During the Russian-Turkish war, 1676--81 took part in Chigirin campaigns 1677--78. After the death of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich (April 1682), Tolstoy, as a relative of Miloslavsky, stood on the side of the princess Sophia Alekseevna. Contemporanik A. A. Matveyev wrote about the brothers in thick as people "in the mind of the bearer of sharp and great prion"; They had a nickname of Chargenkov. May 15, 1682, on the day of the Streetsky Bunt, Tolstoy spread among the Archers a provocative rumor about the sacrifice of Naryshkina Tsarevich Ivan Alekseevich, which aggregated them in a campaign on the Kremlin. For the service rendered to the princess Sophier Alekseevna during the Bunta, was granted to householders to the king Ivan Alekseevich.

The fall of the princes of Sofia Alekseevna in 1689 made Tolstoy Jump to the side of Tsar Peter Alekseevich, but the king had long been incredulously towards him. He served as a governor in Ustyug, then in the Semenovsky regiment, where he received the rank of ensign, and then captain, was transferred to the Preobrazhensky regiment; Participated in Azov campaigns 1695--96. In an effort to conquer the trust of Peter I, he at the beginning of 1697, at the age of 52, being already grandfather, raised the permission from the king to go to the Volunteer to Italy to study the naval business. Two years spent in Italy brought him closer to Western European culture, he freely owned Italian. The diary of the overseas journey is preserved, a typical example of those impressions that Russian people of Petrovsky took place from their acquaintance with Western Europe. In January 1699 returned to Moscow.

In April 1702 appointed the first permanent ambassador of Russia in Turkey. In 1703, he wrote a political and geographical review "The state of the Turkish people", and in 1706 - a detailed description of the Black Sea. The stay of Tolstoy in Turkey had to be at an extremely difficult period in Russian-Turkish relations: Turks could not accept the loss of Azov, and they were increasingly worried about Russian victories over the Swedes. Tolstoy had to use all his cunning and quietness, as well as giving bribes to Turkish officials. It is believed that at the same time he did not forget about his interests, and when one of the secretaries of the embassy wanted to convey to him to Russia, Tolstoy poisoned the subordinate (however, this common legend dates back to the ill-wisers of the thick of French diplomats, painfully perceived Russia's successes in Turkey) . In 1706, he requested to change it, but Peter did not satisfy his request. Negotiations were negotiating on the issuance of 1709 Swedish king Charles XII and Getman I.S. after the Poltava battle Mazepa. In November 1710, when a new war with Turkey became inevitable, Tolstoy was planted in a seven castle, where he was located 1712. Leaving himself, he again asked for a resolution to return, and this time it was allowed him, but the Turks who believed him, that Russia does not fulfill its obligations, he was not released. Already in November of the same year, he again got into the dungeon and was released only in March 1713. In June 1714, a peaceful treaty was signed, and the Tolstoy was able to finally return to his homeland.

In 1716--17, King Peter I was accompanied on a trip by Europe, participated in diplomatic negotiations. In 1717, the Tolstoy was charged with a particularly difficult and responsible mission - to negotiate with the Austrian courtyard about the return of the Beshavich Alexey. Together with A. I. Rumyantsev, Tolstoy arrived in Vienna, had an audience from the emperor and achieved his permission to travel to Naples, where Tsarevich hid. By intimidation and false promises, Tolstoy bowed Alexey to return to Russia. In 1718 he took an active part in the investigation and court over Tsarevich and his accomplices. From that time, Tolstoy became one of the closest and trusted persons Peter I. In December 1717, was appointed senator. In 1717--21 President of the Commerce College. In 1718--26 the first Minister of the Secret Office. In December 1718 he received the rank of a valid secret adviser. In 1719 he was sent with a diplomatic order to Berlin. In March 1722 he was granted the Order of St. Apostle Andrei First Called. At various times, he received from Peter I 1695 peasant yards (by the end of his life, over 12.5 thousand souls of peasants were listed). During the Persian campaign, 1722--23 headed the names of the name. Peter I. The Tsarevich's case Alexei Petrovich brought him closer to Empress Catherine Alekseevna, on the day of coronation (on May 7, 1724), with a downward offense, in the Count Russian Empire, dignity.

After the death of Peter I (January 1725), together with A.D. Menshikov vigorously promoted the construction of Empress Empress Ekaterina I. In February 1726 he became the initiator of the creation of the Supreme Secret Council, which was included. However, neither the confidence of the empress, nor vernity and experiments in intrigues were not lost fat from falling. Long acting at the same time with A.D. Menshikov, he broke up with him on the question of the successor of Catherine I. If Menshikov hatched a plan for the end of the son of Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich, with the condition of his marriage on one of his daughters, then Tolstoy, fearing that the witness of the son of the sister who died with his active assistance to Tsarevich will The eternal threat to him and his whole family, advocated the transfer of the throne to the daughters of Peter the Great. In the political struggle of A.D. Menshikov won the top: In April, 1727 Tolstoy was arrested, and in May he and his sons were deprived of the ranks and the county title. Together with the son of Ivan, Solovetsky Monastery was exiled, where he died aged 83 years; buried there.

Tolstoy, according to the review of contemporary F.-V. Berkhgolz, was a fun and kind of indiscriminately, extremely polite and spoke well in Italian. He is very nice, witty, kind of companion. The words of Peter the Great, addressed to Tolstoy: "Head! Head! If you were not so smart, then it would have been cut off!". "The life of Tolstoy is noteworthy in many ways," Pavlenko's historian wrote. "Peter Andreevich was the only companion of Peter, who began his career his opponent, and ended him with a faithful servant. To make such a metamorphosis, it was necessary to overcome the sideways and The conservatism of the medium to which he initially focused. In the ranks of the companions, Petra Tolstoy joined the ripe years, and despite this, he began to comprehend new ones, and in the process not learning, as it was done by his younger contemporaries, and re-triggering. It It is always difficult and difficult. " Tolstoy children: Count Ivan Petrovich (mind 1728), a valid Stat adviser; Count Peter Petrovich (mind 1728), Colonel. By decree of the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna in May 1760, the Graft title was returned to the grandchildren of Tolstoy.

Makarov Alexey Vasilyevich

Makarov's life, outwardly not catchy, without bright bursts. Alexey Vasilyevich was not bought in the rays of glory, he did not give battles, did not lead successful negotiations, did not build the ships and did not command them. Makarov contributed to the victory of Russian weapons, and in the successful actions of Russian diplomacy, and in the construction of a regular army and fleet, and in the innovations of the country's cultural life. In short, he participated in all the conversion endeavors of the king. It was obliged to this Position: He was the Cabinet-secretary of Peter. Makarov followed Peter everywhere. Figuratively speaking, he was the shadow of the king, his memory, eyes and ears. Like Peter, Alexey Vasilyevich worked, not knowing the mouth, with the full recycle of the forces. The king, undoubtedly, impressed calm, balance, prudence and punctuality of the office of the secretary. Makarov belonged to the number of Peter's associates, which, like Menshikov, Dobriyar, Kurbatov and many others, could not boast of their genealogion. The circle of duties of the office was quite wide. They included correspondence with Russian ambassadors and agents abroad, with governors, colleges, synod and a Senate; concerns about hiring foreign specialists and sending Russian people abroad; Management of the construction of royal palaces, the device of parks. The office was kept the content of the court state, the spending on the kunstkamera, the issuance of remuneration for monsters. An important recruitment of the cabinet was the reception of petitions on the royal name. The office deposited many documents of military maintenance. Finally, in the last years of his life, the king a lot of the Cabinet forces absorbed the writing of the "Historia of the Savy War".

Career Makarova was not torn by vertical, such as Menshikov. On the contrary, the climbing to power was slowly slowly, not complicating, however, no drops or steep lifts. And yet two milestones on his long path can be noted. The first time it happened in 1711, during the pruth campaign, and then repeated in 1716-1717, when they journey abroad. Months held together, near the king with Makarov. Peter fully appreciated many advantages of his office-secretary: a sober head and a clear look, the ability to work, not to twist the hands, be a servant faithful and reliable.

The duties of the cabinet became extensive, and the more reports, relatrations, statements, petitioners and other documents came, the more weeding the role of Alexey Vasilyevich. The king was naturally impossible to sort out the mass of incoming correspondence. Preliminary viewing and systematization, as well as the definition of the importance of the creature of the Cabinet of the Cabinet; He also reported Peter about her, he also answered himself or prepared projects of answers, then subscribed to the king. In the interval between these conversations, Makarov listened to the commands of Peter, was controlled with the financial affairs of the office and even cut the time to manage his own patrimony.

Many publishers learned to bypass Petrov decrees, who have been registered for the filing of the king of the police: they were asked not to the king, but to Makarov, whatever the monarch would have a positive solution to the issue. Almost everyone asked the Cabinet-Secretary to convey their request to the king "for prosperous time." And Makarov patiently waited him, thereby preventing the outbreak of the royal anger about the reports provided to him, containing bad lead to him. It is worth mentioning the case of Kurbatov accused of treasures. The role of Makarov in this matter was extremely difficult and demanded not only dexterity from him, but also courage. He had to be lavailed between the opposing forces - Menshikov and Kurbatov, with each of which he was in a friendly relationship. In addition, Makarov was supposed to be reckoned with the king himself who carefully followed the prison and considered Kurbatov Kaznocrad. During the investigation, Alexey Vasilyevich did everything possible to alleviate the fate of the friend. But the trials of the Cabinet secretary were in vain, and the belief of the king is not a guilty of Kurbatov. Also were the most well-known cases of Ershov and Kickin, in which Makarov performed as the defendant of the accused. In general, Makarov's service as a Cabinet secretary was very necessary and useful for Peter.

Makarov's star hour, like Menshikov, came in the years of the short reign of Ekaterina I. Alexey Vasilyevich was the second after Menshikov man, whose proposals of the Empress listened and expressed his willingness to agree with them. With Catherine Cabinet, and with him and the Cabinet Secretary reached the highest authority and influence. But with the death of Catherine, the fate of the Cabinet, as well as his secretary, was predetermined. A week later after the funeral of the Empress, on May 23, 1727, the Supreme Secret Council adopted two declarations, which put an end to the existence of the Cabinet and appointed Makarov president of the Camera Collegium. Thus, Alexey Vasilyevich was removed from the courtyard. The portrait of Makarov will look flawed if not to leave his economic activity. Alexey Vasilyevich belonged to the type of landowners represented by such a colorful figure like Menshikov. Of course, the land riches of Makarov did not follow any comparison with the possessions of Sheremetyeva and especially Menshikov. Nemen, Makarov can be attributed to landowners above average weight. Macarova brings not only the practicality, but also the origin of the utmost economy. Both of them started from scratch, having no land nor the peasants. The transformation of the Son of the Vologda Planting Man in the landowner is the fruit of his own effort and enterprise Makarov. In it, an official who knew the price on a bureaucratic field, side by side got along with a calculating Delian who was able to round up his wealth. By the end of the life of Makarov became a rather major landowner. He owned at least one and a half thousand fortress peasants. The motto of the economic activity of Makarov formulated himself: "Ah ... people whatever goodness is looking for what we can do." He did not disagree with his word. Cabinet-Secretary, indeed, all his life was concerned about the search for "good", that is, increasing the profitability of Votchin. Of course, Alexey Vasilyevich took bribes, otherwise he would not be the son of his century. But he also took, apparently, in such sizes that this kind of actions, which were considered in those days ordinary, did not attract the attention of three investigative commissions and leisure meters. At the very beginning of the reign of Anna, Joanovna, Makarov's career was crushed. He was not deed. The name of Makarova was committed to oblivion. From 1731, Alexey Vasilyevich was under investigation, and the investigation rolled out one of the other, like the waves, having fallen into his head continuous testing. They stretched throughout the long-lasting decade. In these years, he became a victim of "Ostermenovshchina" and appears as a tragic personality. Makarov belonged to the number of the first Russian people who raised their head against the German Zasil. Makarov is buried in his estate - the village of Glebovskoe (Pereslavsky district).

Savva Lukich Vladislavich-Raguzinsky 1670 - 1738

Count, secret advisor. By nationality, Serb. Born in the city of Herceg Novi not far from Ragusa (Dubrovnik in modern Croatia) where his father moved - the descendant of the Bosnian Prince Vladislavich. In his youth, trading was engaged and soon found himself in Constantinople, where his diplomatic activities began with the fulfillment of informal instructions V.V. Golitsyn and E. Ukrainians. Performing two cases, he appeared with goods in Azov in 1702, as if studying the trading path in the Black Sea, and in 1703 he visited Moscow. Peter I issued him a complained diploma for ten years, which was provided with the right to trade freely in Russia with a payment fee on a par with Russian merchants, a monopoly for sale for three years fox furs from the Siberian order, the right to import to Russia and export goods through the Azov from it, How to open trading houses and shops in it and other places. Lettering was commanded by all officials to provide Raguzinsky all kinds of assistance in his trading matters. In 1705 Raguzinsky overturned a new complained letter, expanding the rights to import and export goods not only through the Azov, but also through Ukrainian cities, as well as in other ways. From 1708 finally settled in Moscow (got the courtyard on the cover). He took an active part in the Prottian campaign 1711. He belonged to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe royal appeal to the Christian peoples of the Balkan with a call to support Russia in the war with Turkey. At the direction of Peter I, he was at the rate of the commander of the Russian troops of Count B.P. Sheremetyeva as a consultant "for tips in local affairs." Raguzinsky participated in the most important military councils on Prude. Through it, contacts with the Serbian border colonels were maintained in the Austrian monarchy, ready to promote the Russian army, with the Russian colonel M. Miloradovich, headed by the Anti-Isian movement in the south-west of the Balkans. In early 1711, with the mediation of Raguzinsky Peter I, I established a secret connection with the Lord of Moldova D. Kantemir, who expressed the desire to be in alliance with Russia. He showed readiness to this and the Lord of Valahia Brankovoyan. Raguzinsky participated in the meeting of Kantemir with Sheremetev on the rod. He contributed to the exchange of gifts of the parties, handing Chanatera 200 wallets of money for the first costs of the set of Moldovan troops and 300 wallets for the purchase of cattle for the Russian army. Thus, material support was provided to the Russian-Moldovan Union. In the alarming years of Russian-Turkish relations that followed the Prottian world, Raguzinsky supported ties with cantakuzines, high-ranking Persons of Valahia. They, in addition to all, played a mediation role in Russia's intercourse with Serbs. Raguzinsky soberly assessed the situation in the south and was not located to unjustified victims. When representatives of the Serbian traffic headed by Miloradovich and Chancellor Golovkin arrived at the beginning of 1713 in Moscow, in connection with the new announcement of Turkey, the Russian war decided to return them to the Balkans to resume the struggle, Raguzinsky was opposed to this. He believed that the move was already bleeding. Senate considered him convincing.

In 1716-1717, he traveled to Venice, Dalmatia and Dubrovnik. At his request, he was issued letters of recommendation for the signature of Peter I, in which he was called "Illyrian Graph Vladislavich." As already in practice, he and this time combined his trading cases with government assignments. Raguzinsky performed by the commercial and financial agent of Russia, on the task of the king, was engaged in the organization of the practice of young Russian nobility, held in the Venice Republic of the maritime service. In Venice and Dalmatia, he recruited Slavs for the Russian Fleet. In 1717, during the trip, Peter I in France, Raguzinsky consisted in his retinue. In 1718-1722 Raguzinsky continued to stay in Italy. He visited Rome where negotiations with a dad about establishing a written link between Russia and the Vatican. In connection with the expansion of palace construction in St. Petersburg, the task of Raguzinsky included the purchase of marble statues. He was also entrusted to the king of the obligation to patronate Russian Gardemarines, who studied naval science on the galleys, as well as painters of Ivan and Noman Nikitin, who were in Florence. The death of Pope Clement XI prevented the conclusion of concordate with Russia, and Raguzinsky returned to St. Petersburg. Well-owned pen, Raguzinsky was also engaged in literary activities: on behalf of Peter I transferred the work of the Dalmatian abbot Mavro Orbina "Slavic Kingdom" into Russian. The Russian version of the book was widespread in the Slavic south, reviving the consciousness of the kinship and the integrity of the Slavs. In Petrovsky, Raguzinsky did a lot for the development of the Russian economy, the organization of a special education of the young nobility, the construction of the marine fleet. He contributed to the strengthening of trade and diplomatic relations between Russia with Europe, to the establishment of relations with the Slavic peoples of the Balkan. In 1725, he was appointed authorized ambassador to China to resolve trade and border relations. From October 1726 to April 1727 led in Beijing negotiations with representatives of the Qing Empire. Over 30 conferences with Chinese authorized and two audiences in Emperor Shizhung (the motto of the Board of UNCHEN) did not give the parties to the desired results. The main controversial question was the question of borders. Qing Commissioners put forward claims on the territory already mastered by the Russians. Raguzinsky rejected these claims, seeking recognition that "every state owned by what he has." After some break, the negotiations resumed in the border area on the River Bure, where 20. 08.1727 A Burin's Treaty was signed on the Russian-Chinese border to the west of the Arguing River, in which both parties recognized the existing borders. 21.10 On the basis of preliminary conditions developed during the negotiations, when discussing the Burinsky Treaty, Raguzinsky and Chinese authorized Chabi, Tuguez and Tulishem, a new treaty was compiled. The draft treaty was sent to Beijing for approval, and the exchange of texts took place on 06/14/1728 on the Kyakhta River. According to Kalytinsky Agreement, the trade of Russians in Beijing was limited to permission to send a caravan of no more than 200 people in 3 years. However, thanks to the discovery of duty-free border trading in Kyakhte and Tsuruhaight, the total volume of trading operations compared with the previous period increased significantly. The contract legally issued the existence of a Russian spiritual mission in Beijing, out of 10 members of which 6 was studied Chinese and manchuric languages. The decision to conduct correspondence between the Contracting States on behalf of the Russian Senate and the Tribunal of External Relations - Lifanuian (from the Chinese side) relieved questions about the mutual title of emperors. The settlement of local border disputes has begun on border administrators of both parties. The final articles of the Kyakhtin Treaty determined the procedure for receiving embassies and the jurisdiction of the border violators. Being in Buryatia, Raguzinsky achieved streamlining relations of the royal administration and the local population. In 1727, he laid the city of Kyakhtu (Troitskosavsk), which up to the second half of the XIX century. He was the main point of trade between Russia and China.

Apraksin Fedor Matveyevich (1661-1728)

Graph, Admiral General, President of the Admiralty Collegium, a member of the Supreme Secret Council, one of the closest associates of Peter 1. Brother Tsaritsa Martha, the wife of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich. Since 1682, Petra 1, a member of the creation of "funny" troops. In 1693-96. Dvinsky Governor and Governor Arkhangelsk. From 1700 ch. nach Admiralty ordnance and the Azov Governor. From 1708 he successfully commanded the corps acting in Ingermanland, and then in Finland. He managed Estlandia, Ingermanlande and Karelia. From 1714 he commanded the gallery flotilla, distinguished by Ganguchi. From 1718 President Admiralty College. During the Persian campaign 1722-1723. Commanded the Caspian Flotilla, in 1723-1726. -Baltian fleet. Enjoyed big confidence in Peter 1. From 1726 a member of the Supreme Secret Council, a supporter of A.D. Menshikova.

Lefort Franz Yakovlevich (1656-1699)

Russian Military Affairs, Admiral (1695). Less from Switzerland, from a merchant family. He began service in the French and Dutch armies. In 1675 he arrived in Russia and in 1678 he entered the military service in the rank of captain. Participated in the Russian-Turkish war 1676-1681. and Crimean campaigns of 1687 and 1689. In 1689, it became close to Peter I, which contributed to the rapid career of Leforta. In 1690, he was produced in Majora General, in 1691 - in Lieutenant General. During the Azov campaigns 1695-1696. Commanded by the Russian fleet. Together with F.A. Head and PB The Great Embassy was headed by the Great Embassy - a Russian diplomatic mission to Western Europe.

Golovin Fedor Alekseevich (1650-1706)

From the old nobility, the graph, the first cavalier of the Order of Andrei and the First-Called. Diplomat. In 1689 he concluded a nonsense agreement with China. From 1691 - Siberian governor. In 1697-1698. The second ambassador of the Great Embassy in Western Europe. During the period of the first reforms and changes in the foreign policy frame, Fedor Alekseevich Golovin became the nearest employee of Peter I. In 1699 - General Admiral, later General Field Marshal. In 1700-1706 The president of the Embassy Order and at the same time I conducted a Yamsky order and weapons, gold and silver chambers.

Graph Golovin vigorously participated in the creation of the Russian Fleet, in negotiations on the conclusion of contracts with Saxony and Denmark (1699).

Introduced the coat of arms in Russia. Participated in the organization of the Russian regular army. During the heads of the head, a system of permanent Russian representatives abroad was created. Under the leadership of F.A. Golovin was determined by the Russian-Turkish border in Kuban and in Podneprovye (1703-1705).


Peter I had an amazing gift to find real talents among ordinary people. So he "opened" the omnipresent Menshikov, a highly detached diplomat of Shafirov, the ancestor of the famous dynasty of the largest Russian industrialists Nikita Demidov, his permanent office secretary Alexei Makarov and many others who became devoted performers of his great presense. At the same time, Peter did not pay any attention to the pedigree - he needed a capable, business and obedient associate, who understood him with a half-clow. Menshikov - Son is not a groom, not that Capral, the street trader pies, Shafirov - the son of the translator of the Embassy Order, a small merchant in the shop of the Moscow merchant of the Jewinov, Nikita Demidov - from Tula Kuznetsov, Makarov - Chericar of the Vologda Voivodskaya Chancellery - all of them by passing the Peter's school , rose to the level of the largest statesmen.

The mind and energy of each of the "chicks" directed a solid hand of Peter. Gifted by nature, they, first of all, performed his will, showing the initiative and resourcefulness. But with all the differences, the measures of talent and knowledge they have both shafts. All of them pulled the strap in one harness, obeyed one harsh will and therefore were to restrain their temperament, and sometimes rude, unbridled temper. In portrait sketches of each of them, it is possible to find traits characteristic of a person of the transitional era, when the influence of the enlightenment has not yet been fully affected. That is why in one person, rudeness and sophisticated courtesy, charm and arrogance, were calm, charm and arrogance, barbarism and cruelty were hiding under the outer gloss. Another common feature is among the prominent associates of the king there was no persons with poor intelligence devoid of a natural mind. Finally, the community of their destinies is striking: the career of almost all the heroes of the book was tragically broken.


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Behind Poltava "Victoria" The main military leaders received huge land. Menshikov was allocated land and on the territory of the current Penza region on the river Jules. But he owned it for a long time, selling to another landowner.

The influence of Menshikov at the court, in the Senate was great. When Peter leaving the capital to the theater of hostilities or abroad, Alexander Danilovich commanded from his behalf. He was appointed a governor to St. Petersburg, lived in his magnificent palace on Vasilyevsky Island and in the summer residence in Oranienbaum. Menshikov had a craving for luxury, worn out perfectly, distinguished her tidwing, had the best kitchen in St. Petersburg. Being "Almighty Lord" he wrote himself "Notable pedigree" . The coat of arms of Menshikov reflects his military valor as an artilleryman, cavalryist, shipbuilder, cities administrator in the northern latitudes of the Russian state.

Since 1714. Menshikov managed the lands in the Baltic States, led to the tax collection, where he admitted arbitrariness and abuse. It caused a cooling of Peter to him. Their correspondence began to wear official character in contrast to the past years when she had a friendly and joking tone. The bright prince, the first one in the state paid huge starts. Peter rushed him at the request of his wife, but said:

"Menshikov in lawlessness is conceived, his mother gave birth to sins, and his stomach catches his stomach, and if he doesn't fix it, he was without a head."

Peter's contemporaries told about this case: the emperor, listening to Senate Cases about the treasures, grumbled greatly and said the prosecutor general Yaguzhinsky:

"Write a registered decree that if anyone and so decorate that you can buy a rope, it will be hung."

"Sovereign - answered Yaguzhinsky, - We all carve, with the only difference that one is more and more notar than the other. "

Peter laughed and said nothing to it.

Starting out Since 1713 The light prince was continuously under investigation. Every time he swore, paid huge fines, gave the last oath. The king brought up his club and confiscation of numerous estates, kept under house arrest. Menshikov paid 100-200 thousand rubles fine And immediately began all Syznov. Menshikov said that his "Isked by Satan" . Peter robbed him as an outstanding commander and administrator who had a lot of strength and health in the construction of St. Petersburg - Petrovsky "Paradise" . Despite court cases, Menshikov retained all posts, with the exception of the post of President of the Military College. Later he lost and fasting St. Petersburg Governor who occupied 22 of the year.

After Peter's death, Menshikov played a decisive role in the emerar's wife's erection - Catherine I. - and began to actually manage the state. He tried to breed with the imperial house. Your daughter Maria He managed to deal with the grandson of Peter I, Tsarevich Peter Alekseevich, future emperor Peter II. But he soon died of smallpox.

The efforts of their profits of Dolgoruky Menshikov was removed from the management after the death of Catherine I and taken under house arrest. The investigation in the case of his abuse of power was conducted. Alexander Danilovich was exiled to Siberia, in Berezov, with the whole family. All his property: 90 thousand Fortress peasants, cities and villages, palaces - it was confiscated, taken out 1 3 million rubles, a few hundred pounds of gold, silver and diamonds.

On the way, Menshikov's wife died in the link, daughter died in Berezov Maria. Died there and Alexander Danilovich himself in 55 years of age in 1729.. Two his daughters by Empress Anna Ioannova were returned from reference and restored in rights.

Famous picture of an outstanding Russian artist V. I. Surikova "Menshikov in Berezov" Posted in 1883. Alexander Danilovich is depicted sitting with his three daughters in the lowest hut, which he himself built, former ruler with an orlin profile. Brave warrior, generalissimus ( since 1726.), a member of the English Royal Society (the membership was notified by I. Newton himself, despite all the abuse of power, remained in Russian history. A few books are written about him, including the book. N. I. Pavlenkopublished in the series "Life of wonderful people" in 1999. A few portraits of A. D. Menshikov, sculptural images are known.

War was brewing with Turkey. Shein was sent to the southern borders with the task to inspect the border fortresses and find out their combat readiness. He also collected serunel people around the cities for the Crimean campaign of the Russian Army under the start V. V. Golitsyn .

After overthrow tsarevna Sofia Alexey Semenovich became part of Peter and was a member of all battles, contributed to the creation of the fleet, went with the king to Arkhangelsk at the shipyard. In 1690. He was pleased with the Earth: 1735 tentin at "Drugs for the Keren city" , Where Shein founded the village and called him his name. After 5 years "In his newly built, Shein, the estate of the Verkhnevsky county" erected by him church in the name of Sergius Radonezh.

When Peter in the spring of 1695 I decided to win in Turkey AzovShein was appointed one of the main governors in Russian troops and took part in the siege of Azos. This campaign is known, not successful, because Turks received help from the sea, and there was still no Russian fleet. Nevertheless, Shein received awards: the title of near boyar and the governor of Pskovsky. Next year, in the second campaign on Azov Shein, the main governor of all ground troops. Siege this time was successful. Azov was taken, the Turks surrendered. Peter himself participated in the battle. But he provided the honor of the conquest of Azov, he gave him first place in the triumphant entry ceremony to Moscow, he himself was walking as an ordinary scorer in general. On engraving A. Shhonebek About taking Azov in the center with a saber depicted Peter, to the right of him A. S. Shein.

At the same time, in 1696., Shaina was granted chin generalissimus And entrusted to the institution Ingenic order What meant great attention and confidence of the king.

Soon in Azov there was an uprising of Sagittarov, dissatisfied with their position. They moved to Moscow, they called them overthrown tsarevna Sophia . She took advantage of the lack of Peter, who was abroad. To meet the shooters came Soein with 4 thousand Warriors I. 25-Y. cannons. He had long convinced the rebels to obey the king and go back to the place of service. But the beliefs did not act. Shein dispersed Sagittarius by guns and started looking for the wrapping of the instigators. Sagittarius were cruelly punished: many executed, the rest are sent to prisons and monasteries in custody. But Alexey Semenovich was wanted insufficiently carefully and did not open involvement in the rebound Sofia.

When Peter arrived from abroad and found out about the participation of the princess in a plot, he expressed his rigid dissatisfaction with Shaine. And then the abuse of the military man holder was also opened: he embossed for bribes in the ranks of officers. Peter took the sword to deal with Generalissimus in place, but the blow fell on Leforta . In the indignation of Peter his own collapse of the beard. After this incident, Alexey Semenovich lived not long. In February 1700 He died and was buried in Trinity Sergius Lavra.

Study history seall Sheino, now Pachelm district, in the XIX century Engaged G. P. Peterson. He writes in the book "The historical essay of the Kerensky region" :

"Kerensky Territory, calming down from the faded alarm of the enemy invasions, quickly began to settle the peasants-transporters ...

Thus, it is possible to think, it was also written in the village of Shaino, what was recorded in the "Labor Books of 1690 ...".

In 1695. the village already existed, and from that time began to be called by the name of his temple - Sergievsky.

To this you need to add that "Newly built village sat" not at all on the place where it is now, but to the northeast of the current Shein, where on the shore of a little river or, or rather, the stream of the interpretation is now Old village with village Felicatovka - minor villages, constituting, maybe the rest of the former sela Sergievsky.

At one time with Selo, Sergievsky mentioned in the documents, the other behavior of Boyhar Shein - the current village Kozlovka., and at that time Novoselki. They switched to her son Sergey Alekseevich Sheiny, but then August 14, 1713Decree Peter I. was commanded

"Boyarin Alexei Semenova and his son Sergius of the neck of the Shiny estates and all who remained after them, attribute to the palace volators and be for them for the Great Soviet Ekaterina Alekseevna" .

In 1727. The named villages and the village again moved to private ownership. But that's another story.


Fedor Alekseevich

Fedor Alekseevich Golovin , state and military leader, born at 1650 In the family of Tobolsky governor. Rod heads known from the XIV century. The founder of the surname was Ivan Head, Cancer Prince Moscow Ivan III. For Peter I. Heads, namely Fedor Alekseevich, were erected in graph dignity. First, F. A. Golovin was stolnik , fought, then distinguished himself on a diplomatic field, because he knew foreign languages. He was entrusted to head Great EmbassyPosted to the Far EastWhere China threatened the turns of Russia. Heat managed to conclude Nerchinsky Treaty on the Russian-Chinese border in 1689. He led the construction of cities Nerchinsk and Udinska, strengthened their garrisons artillery. For the success of his embassy Fedor Alekseevich received a boyars title and the rank of general.

In the future, Peter ordered the grub to respond for the material supply of the Russian army. In the 1690s Admiral Golovin participated in Azov campaignsCommanded the squadron gallery. After host, he led Armory, Gold and Silver chambers and Yamsky order. This indicates a particular confidence in Peter I.

When was formed Great Embassyking to Europe ( over 250 people), Fedor Alekseevich in the rank of general and commissioner was appointed 2nd ambassador And he was responsible for negotiations on the sending of foreign specialists and for the training of Russian youth abroad. It is recruited over 800. Foreign officers, engineers, doctors, sailors, etc. He also provided the financial side and the practical work of the embassy. In short, F. A. Golovin was the most serious assistant Peter in diplomatic affairs.

Heading Embassy Order from 1699 to 1706 yearsGolovin created a system of permanent missions in Europe. Two years he headed Naval orderand Mint , created a regular army and fleet on the Azov and Baltic seas. In his submission was School of Mathematical and Navigation Sciences in Moscow.

At the beginning of the XVIII century For diligence and honest service Fedor Alekseevich received more than 1 thousand yards In various country's counties, including on the territory of Mokshansky county in the village of Lomovka, now the Luninsky district. He was married to the widow of the former owner of the Lomov estate Catherine Soyonova, but in 1700 The land was complained to him. Golovin built in the village wooden church of the Blessed Virgin Kazan.

F. A. Golovin, except for military and diplomatic service, participated in the creation of the first Russian newspaper "Vedomosti" introduced the gerbah paper. They are written a scientific book "Globus Heaven" published in Amsterdam in 1715., after his death. Fedor Alekseevich died in 1706. On the way from Moscow to Kiev. After his death, Peter wrote General Pelfhaldmarshal P. M. Apraksin:

"... This weeks Mr. Admiral and our friend from this light is cut off with death ... This is pronounced Peter's sorrow."

For merits before the fatherland, the first in the Russian state awarded the Order of Andrei First Called, got chin general Field Marshala . After his death, the earth owned sons in Lomovka Alexander Fedorovich, Captain Lieutenant Fleet, and Nikolai Fedorovich, Admiral, president of Admiralty Sollygia. In their possession in Lomovka was more than 200 yards and 1400 Fortress peasants.

Gabriel Ivanovich


After F. A. Golovin at the head Ambassador was put Gabriel Ivanovich Golovkin. Later, this outstanding person became president college of Foreign Affairs, first Russian chancellor (the highest state rank of that time). He was called "Great Chancellor » .

Gabriel Ivanovich was born in 1660.. The nobled race of golovna is known in Russia from the first half of the XVII century. The father of Gabriel Ivanovich was a roundabout and boyar, a relative of Peter I Natalia Kirillovnanee Naryshkin. At 17, Gabriel was appointed stolnik and then blocking tsarevich Peter Alekseevich. Golovkin became a zealous supporter of Peter, accompanied him on trips, including in European states, together with him worked on shipyards in Holland and participated in the war with the Swedes.

Artist Petrovsky Time I. Nikitin Left descendants Portrait of G. I. Golovkinon which it is depicted when andrei First-Called Ordents and Alexander Nevsky, in a parade long wig. Gabriel Ivanovich was hood, high growth. Contemporaries celebrated his nominity.

At the main diplomatic post, which Golovkin held 28 years, he led the delegation at the negotiations with Poland, led negotiations with hetman I. S. Mazepa On the eve of the Poltava battle, to win the time for a decisive battle, actively engaged in the issue of the exchange of Mazepa, who escaped to Turkey. Golovkin put tremendous efforts to conclude Nesteadt Mira With Sweden, who stopped a 20-year-old war with her on favorable terms. Diplomatic work on this happened two years. King Sweden Gustav-Adolf It was confident that Russia, separated from Sweden by large lakes, extensive spaces of swamps and impregnable fortresses, will be deprived of the exit to the sea. However, it happened differently. "Window to Europe" It was cut down.

After the conclusion of the world, Golovkin personally appealed to Peter I. asking to take the title

"Father of the Fatherland, Peter the Great, Emperor of All-Russian" .

Peter in the Senate agreed to call him only Emperor All-Russian m. . Other titles rejected.

Peter attracted Gabriel Ivanovich and to the internal work in the state. When Peter began to report the abuse of government officials, he appointed Golovkin by the head of the commission "For research and eradication of abuses on governmental outfits" where Golovkin successfully worked since 1713. A few years later, he became a senator, was erected in County dignity. Gabriel Ivanovich introduced a significant contribution to the development in 1722, the "Table of Ranks", document for government officials and military, through which the country lived In the XVIII-XIX centuries.

G. I. Golovkin was one of the richest people of the country. He owned Stone Island in St. Petersburghave many houses, large estates, including on the territory of the Penza county. He belonged to him more 10 villagesand villagesLocated according to the old Moscow roadPersonal from Penza to Saransk. This village Vasers, Ust-Väster., Sanders, Big, outdoor and Forest vyas other.

In the intervals in 1712 Golovkin built a temple that was burned in the 5th anniversary of the Crimean Tatars. Gabriel Ivanovich lies again two temples in this village, where he had 150 yards, 840 people peasants.

After the death of Peter I in 1725. Golovkin continued diplomatic activity, then was cabinet-minister, chief adviser to empress Anna Ioannovna. He died in St. Petersburg, buried in Serpukhov in his testament.

After the death of Gabriel Ivanovich in 1734. Earth owned his son Mikhail Gabriovich, famous diplomat. The diplomat was the other son of Golovkin Alexander Gabriovich.

Boris Ivanovich


Boris Ivanovich Kurakin, Prince, Valid Secret Counselor, Major General, one of the most famous diplomats Peter I. , born in Moscow in 1676.. In a number of the names of Russian boyars, the princes of Kurakina, one of their oldest and dates back to the family of Kiev Prince Vladimir. In the XVI century prince A. I. Bulgakov-Kurakka became a source curakin branches. Boris Ivanovich's father was a Smolensk governor. Baby Boris baptized king Fedor Alekseevich . Still at the young age of Boris made sleeping bag Peter. Under the royal court, he learned a diploma. Like all the young environment of the king, Kurakin Consisted in the fun forces under the village Semenovskoye. At the age of 15 He was married to the sister of the wife of Tsar Peter Ksenia Fedorovna Lopukhina, and after three years he, together with the king in the rank of ensign Semenovsky regiment Was in the Azov campaign.

After taking Azov, Peter sends Kurakina in Italy For learning to different sciences. In Venice, he studied mathematics, geometry and trigonometry, astronomy, mechanics and other sciences, showed amazing curiosity in learning European life and great abilities to study languages. To Moscow Kurakin Returned in 1698.. Soon his wife died. Burrying her, Boris Ivanovich again took part in hostilities now in the north of the country, in the battles with the Swedes. He was produced in lieutenant colonels, but by the weakness of health Peter defined him to a diplomatic field.

In 1707. Kurakin went with a diplomatic mission to Rome to pope Customer XI with the instruction concerning Catholic Polish state. Upon return, he managed to participate in Poltava battle as a commander Semenovsky regiment. Later he was always abroad, fulfilling the duties of the authorized ambassador at the English courtyard and in the Hague. In 1712. Kurakin was awarded the title of Major General, and next year he got chin secret Counselor .

Kurakin carefully guarded the interests of his country, helped G. I. Golovkin and P. P. Shafirova At the conclusion of such a desired for Peter World with Sweden. He had to fulfill multiple instructions of the king on recruitment to Russia of foreign specialists. Boris Ivanovich He was a messenger and in Paris along with the son of Alexander, born from his second marriage.

But one mission failed to him. Peter expect to improve his relationship with France by marriage his daughter Elizabeth with king Louis XV.. Marriages of this kind were the continuation of the foreign policy of states. But Louis put Peter the condition to get close to England against Austria, which Peter did not want.

Kurakin was a good analyst of international relations. He correctly noted that England and France, competing among themselves, at the same time "Great Hate breathe on the real successes of his royal majesty" . In the row of Petrovsky diplomats B. I. Kurakin It takes one of the most prominent places as an energetic and smart assistant king. Natural friendliness and kindness also contributed to its popularity abroad. He died in Paris after the death of the emperor, in 1727.. The Orthodox Equity of Equity, perfect over the royal envoy, attracted the attention of an extensive Paris society.

Inquisitive from nature, Boris Ivanovich Wheel diary, wrote autobiography, had a huge archive. Over 80. Twisted volumes were sent to his estate on the shore of Hopra. Earth 17 thousand tents, he got from Peter in 1700 -

"Dicorozhya land denied a diploma from the order of the Kazan Palace."

On this earth soon arose village Borisoglebskoye. Son Boris Ivanovich Alexander The granted land from the neighboring landowners launched. Famous Vernight Kurakina Prince Alexander Borisovich Kurakin in the early 1780s There was a luxury palace with a library and archive, art gallery with 400 scenic portraits of kings and statesmen, with the theater and a beautiful park. He was renamed Nadezhdino. Now it is name "Diamond Prince" Kurakino and is located in Serdobsky district.

For Boris Ivanovich, According to Lewa M. S. Poliboyarov, listed in the XVIII century earth on the river Jules (Gorodishchensky district).

B. I. Kurakin showed himself and how first Russian Memoist. In his book about Peter I written in 1723-1727 ("Historia about Peter Alekseevich" ), We will find the most interesting information of Peter's contemporary about the epoch, about statesmen, the nravas and customs of the time. This is not panegyric Peter, but very thin observations of a skeptical memoirist. Unfortunately, labor remained unfinished and concerns only 1680-1690s. The activities of the young Peter.

Kurakin - The author of notes about the Russian-Swedish war, many notes on Russian policies, in the resolution of which he had to participate. Its archive stored a numerous correspondence with different statesmen of that time, papers relating to the management of its estates. They are important as a documentary source of information about the domestic life of the country. Curakin archive published by the grandfather Boris Ivanovich Prince Fedor Alekseevich Kurakin in the 1890s.

Peter Pavlovich

"... In the morning there was countless people around the peel, the soldiers hooked the execution of the execution. The convict was brought in simple sleigh, under the guard of the Preobrazhensky order. In the vernacia read, various abuses were headed for his affairs, for which the guilty knocked on the death penalty. From him removed a wig, an old fur coat and led to the plate. The convicted of fused to the church, squeezed himself with a congestion and, becoming knees, put his head on the fell. But the executioners of the executioner pulled him out of his feet and stretched out on a platform, so he had to lie on his tolstoy belly. Then the executioner waved the big ax, and he fell on the bench. The head was spoken by the sovereign, "-

so described the contemporary execution of Vice Chancellor, valid secret adviser Peter Pavlovich Shafirova February 17, 1723. Peter I rigidly straightened with bribers. Higher rank official was pardon, but deprived "All ranks and advantages" . The execution was replaced by reference to Siberia.

But this man was lucky in life. His life and career is the case of a special kind. The king found our hero in the commercial ranks of Moscow, where he traded in a rich shop purpet of Jewinov. In the conversation it turned out that small knows German, French, Latin and Polish, that he is the son of the translator Ambassador. Shafirov was enrolled in the service. Later he will become senatorand vice-Chancellor. Son of baptized Jew will receive the title barona and the position of the second person in the country's foreign policy department. Amazing biography of this person!

In 1697. The 28-year-old translator, being in the tig of the king, became a very useful famous diplomat F. A. Golovin, who made him his secret secretary and began to turn him hard. By visiting European states, Shafirov became an adherent of the Western way of life, Western culture and understood the importance of Petrovsky reforms.

The king, in turn, looked at a young diplomat, gave him responsible instructions in negotiations with Poland for joint actions against Sweden, who had successfully performed by Shafirs. Peter Pavlovich produced negotiations with foreign ambulances, developed in detail the diplomatic projects of Peter to create an allied coalition of a number of European states against Sweden.

After Poltava battle P. P. Shaffirov received rewards from the king, he was pleased 300 peasant yards, he became secret advisor and vice-Chancellor . Friedrich Prussian Schafirova complained order of generosity, and the Polish king - order of white eagle. Peter gave him to the office of the post office. In 1710. Shafirov suits the marriage of the Duke of Kurlyandsky Friedrich-Wilhelma with niece Peter Anna Ioannova (Future empress).

The tragic was the role of Shafirov at the conclusion of the world with Turkey after unsuccessful Pruth hike. Peter inflounted by the Turks Azov, it was obliged to destroy the newly built city of Taganrog and other small cities in the mouth of Samara. Turkey has agreed on a truce, but so that Russia fulfills the title conditions, P. P. Shafirov and the Son of Field Marshal B. P. Sheremeteva Michael Stayed in Turkey hostages with 200 other Russians.

Peter in every way pulled out the surrender of Azov, and meanwhile the position of the hostages worsened. Shafirov wrote Peter:

"We put on our jail, in which one tower and two horses in all seats on six with all people our people and keep us in such a fortress that we will die from Woney and the Spirit in a few days."

But also in captivity of Shaffers by bribing inclined the influential persons of Turkey to the world. The peace treaty was written three times. All this lasted 3 years. AT january 1714 Shaffirov arrived in Moscow, Mikhail Sheremetev He died on the road.

Upon returning from Turkey, Shafirov was awarded with new villages, he was granted 3 thousand rubles for comprehension. In 1717. he became vice President of Foreign Affairs College, Deputy, as we would say today, G. I. Golovkin. Shafirov awarded the Order of Andrei First Called And made senator, produced in valid secret advisers .

Contemporaries testify that he was a little growth, barely moving away from thickness. As the identity of Shafirov was inclined to intrigue, often quarreled with influential government officials, including G. I. Golovkin and A. D. Menshikov. With the latter, he held on the White Sea craft of walrus, whale and gracious fat. French Ambassador Lavi. Challenged the Shafirov as a person of a vain, ambitious, arrogant and even coarse, borestiving and vengeful. Others write about him that he lived perfectly and distinguished by an unusually pleasant appeal.

Quarrels with high-ranking statesmen called Peter Pavlovich "Shafirka", Not passed. When it turned out that as a senator he contributed to the issuance of an inflated salary to his brother Mikhail.They reported to the king, who, as you know, rigidly punish his devotees for treasures. They checked the post office, which managed the shafirov - and there were discovered abuses. A loud quarrel with Menshikov in the Senate ended the patience of Peter. Then- that was the execution of vice chancellor.

But in Siberia, Shaffirov did not hit. He was left in Novgorod, lived at 33 kopecks per day, and two years after Peter's death was returned Catherine I. In the capital, he returned the baron dignity, the rank of a valid Stat adviser and the position of President of the Commerce-College. Vice-Chancellor at the time was Osterman. In fact, Peter Pavlovich was removed from public affairs, instructed to write the history of Peter the Great, allowed to use the archives (the book was not written), and then sent them to Arkhangelsk for the device there a Kitol Company.

Shaffirov owned the Publist's pen. He wrote "The reasoning about the reasons of the Svaskaya (Northern) War" . This essay became the first printed tract for international law and enjoyed great fame within the country and abroad. It has been published in 1717.and 1720 for 1200 copiesWhat was then a big circulation. The book was written on the instructions of Peter I, who participated in its editing. It was translated into German to be an accessible to the European public.

P. P. Shafirov read a lot, had a good library, he had a deep knowledge of history and science. One of the educated people of his time, he satisfied interesting assembly, the indispensable attribute of the life of the metropolitan nobility, surrounded himself comfort and luxury.

Shaffirov was married to Copiene, from this marriage he had a son Isaiah and 5 daughters. In the Penza Province Peter Pavlovich owned Lomovskaya Sloboda Mokshansky County, now the Luninsky district. Earth was granted him in 1718., he had about 300. peasant yard. According to local history A. V. Tustyna, the native of this village, Shaffirov was in the Lomov estate, where there was a large domain house, apple orchard, a distillery plant.

After the death of Peter Pavlovich, Lomovka moved to his son Isaai. He had about 5 thousand ten, a large amount of livestock. In the village of Isaevka An oil block was built. Isai Petrovich did not differ moral life. The abuse of alcoholic beverages and a card game led to a ruin, it was transferred under guardianship to various persons, including the grandchildren of Peter Shafirov, but in the end it turned out to be in the palace department, and later passed to other owners.


Boris Petrovich

Boris Petrovich Sheremetev, outstanding Russian commander, born in 1652.. Sheremeteva lead their pedigree from the XIV century, two centuries later they are already known in the rank of Boyar. Boris Sheremetevlike other born offs in 17 years was granted B. household worms . This chin made it possible to be close to the king and the prospect of a brilliant career.

Boris Petrovich repeatedly accompanied the king Alexey Mikhailovich In private trips through the monasteries, performed the duties of the bodyguard at the solemn receptions, was later appointed in the Polki Boyharin and Voivpets Prince M. A. Cherkassky. Sheremetyev had to soon speak at the head of the three rates and seven soldiers' regiments against the Tatars, disturbing the borders of the state.

In 1682. When weighing the throne Peter and John Boris Petrovich was granted in the boyars and since then he participated in the management of Russia's foreign efforts. A particularly prominent role of Sheremetev played in negotiations with Austrian and Polish ambassadors in the 1680s For the conclusion of the Union against Turkey. As a result, a contract was signed, according to which Poland was forever refused claims to Kiev and parts of Malorus. Boris Petrovich traveled as a diplomat in Venice To pinch the Anti-Isian Union of European powers, was sent with diplomatic orders to Poland, Austria, in Rome and on Maltese Island. Travel's road impressions formed "Traveler's notes", Published after his death.

Contemporaries are described so Sheremetev:

"Boris Petrovich is a blue-eyed blond with an open face and exquisite manners. He possessed the qualities inherent in the diplomat: in case of needing, it could be arrogant and impenetrable, preventive and amiable ",

he was not alienated and western culture.

But glorified Boris Petrovich like a commander at the beginning of the XVIII century. Major hostilities with his participation:

1700 - battle with Swedes under Narva. Here, happiness did not smile the Russian army, because Swedish military forces then were the best in Europe.

1701 - Sheremetev commanded the main group of troops against the Swedes. In December, he inflicted a number of army defeats Shlippenbachwhich lost 3 thousand people, captured 350 Swedesat. It was the first victory over the Swedes, they were discarded for "Sveiy frontier" . The son of Boris Petrovich took part in the battle Michael. AT Pechersk monastery A solemn meeting of Russian troops was organized. Victory was widely celebrated in Moscow. Sheremetev was granted the Order of Andrei First Called and rank feldmarshala. Then Peter wrote to him:

"Greught in your works."

And then there was a further liberation of the territory of the Baltic States. When taking Marienburg, the future empress and the wife of Peter - Catherine. Then her was called MarthaShe was an orphan and brought up in Pastor Glitka, served as the servant. She took her to the service Sheremetev, that the captive has grown A. D. Menshikovwho noticed her Peter. Since 1703. She is his favorite, with 1712 - wife.

1702 - in the Baltic was received Nomenburg (Oreshk), old Russian city. Peter wrote in one of the letters:

"True, the beer was the" nut "of this, however, thank God, happily sprinkled."

1703 - taking Nienscans, near which Peter founded Petersburg.

1704 - under the command of Sheremetyev taken Derpt.and Narva. Sheremetev often copied with the king. Judging by the letters, their relations were friendly. The warlord described Peter one of his visits to the capital. In the royal circle was popular Ivashka Khmelnitsky (Bacchus), And here Boris Petrovich writes the king, like Ivashka Khmelnitsky mastered them:

"I've been afraid of my shirt in the morning in the morning, only in one tie and wig. And Glebov retired under the table and, come to the memory, did not know how and where to wipe. "

In 1706-1708 Feldmarshal Highlights could see in Western Ukraine, in battles with the Swedes. June 27, 1709 Victory took place Poltava battle. And after again the Baltic States, where it was necessary "Get Riga" . After the victory, Boris Petrovich was granted a house in Riga and a solemn entrance was held in this city.

1711 - unsuccessful Prut CookWhen Azov was again given to the Turks. Sheremetev made a high patriotic feat - gave the son of Mikhail to the hostages of the Turks, so that the world was concluded. The hostages were waiting for the practical surrender of Azov by Peter, balancing every day on the verge of life and death. On the way from Turkey, Mikhail died near Kiev and was buried in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

B. P. Sheremetev He headed the Russian army of 20 years, but after the death of his son, the 60-year-old Widovel requested peace because of the diseases of the feet. He was going to go to the monastery, closer to the grave of his son, but instead of the tonsure Peter ordered him to marry Saltykova Anne Petrovna, widow L. K. Naryshkin - Uncle Tsar. She was for 34 years younger Sheremeteva. 5 children were born from this marriage. Among them are known Peter Borisovich - owner manor in Kuskovo. - Masterpiece of palace and park arts in Russia, in which there were opera and ballet theater. Daughter Natalia Borisovna was married to Ivan Dolgoruk , followed him in the link in Siberia., later wrote memories in which there are words:

"For 26 days of prosperous or telling joyful days, 40 years to this day is the hell."

She rushed into a nun under the name Nectaries, Her grandson is a famous poet and memoirist I. M. Dolgoruky - served in Penza Vice-Governor, founded the theater here, wrote memoirs and a number of poems, where many rows are devoted to Penza years.

In 1717. Sheremetev was freed from the command of the army and appointed general governor-general of the Baltic lands. But the appointment of this was not destined to take place: February 17, 1717. of the year Boris Petrovich Sheremetev died. He is buried in St. Petersburg in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. At the death of Peter wrote about him:

"Boris Petrovich is not already, will not be soon. Bravery and faithful service will not die and memorable will be in Russia forever. "

The main wealth of Sheremetyev is his victobs. They inhabited more than 20 and 18 thousand male shower. Only the margins were 11 thousand rubles per year. Boris Petrovich had the highest salary - 7 thousand rubles per year. In the Penza Province His estates were in with. Old Kutla (now Luninsky District), at with. So (Belinsky district) And others.

B. P. Sheremetev Was first Russian Graph. In the 1770s His correspondence with Peter I (in 4 volumes) was published. It shows that Sheremetev knew his price. Often Peter is impatient and even anger rushing military happiness. But Boris Petrovich, deploying slowing in actions, carefully thought over every military operation, the coast of soldiers. He is the only thing Senata did not sign the death penalty tsarevich Alexey.By saying:

"To serve my states, and not judge their blood - my post is."

Always and everywhere he, by definition A. S. Pushkin, was "Sheremetev noble" . Directness of him, personal courage inspired the confidence of contemporaries, the love of soldiers. No wonder he became the hero of folk songs and epic.

In 1729. artist I. N. Nikitin The front portrait was written B. P. Sheremeteva.


* * *

In addition to these people, with land tenure in the Penza region Other contemporaries of Peter were connected: Trubetskaya Ivan Yuryevich, General Feldmarshal (s. Progress, Bessonovsky district); Trubetskaya Nikita Yuryevich, General Feldmarshal, Prosecutor General of the Senate, President of the Military College (s. Shaino, Pachelm district); Golitsyn Mikhail Mikhailovich, Senator, Feldmarshal, member of the Military Secret Council (p. Pyryankino, Luninsky district); Matveev Andrei Artamonovich, statesman and diplomat (s. Andreevka, Kamensky district); Dolgoruky Vasily Lukich, diplomat (s. Znamenskoye, Bashmakovsky district).

In the Nizhnelovsky district, Peter I were highlighted by the Earth Count I. M. Golovinwho founded the village of Kamenka (now the city), Golzzzzchenino and others; in Mokshansky county - P. M. Apraksinu (s. Racing, ceremony, Muromba), M. G. Romodanovsky (p. Podgorny, Ples, Znamenskoye).

In the Gorodishchensky district, SERMAN, Bazaar Kenysha owned P. A. Lopukhin, in Penza, Kerensky and Spassky counties - boyars Saltykov, Kolychev, in the Narovchal district - General Annef D. A. Shepelev.

In fact, in each subsense of the Penza province at the beginning of the XVIII century The Earth was allocated for the companions of Peter I and his combat associates.

In conclusion, it must be said that the targeted and rigid policy of the king in strengthening the state laid a terrible burden on the country's total estates, forced Peter to take emergency economic and political measures. Truly, according to the expression of the poet, he "Rose Russia" .

One of foreign diplomats leads the words of the Peter:

"I know that Tiran is considered me. Foreigners say I command slaves. This is not true: do not know all the circumstances. I command the subjects, who obeyed my decions: These decrees contain benefits, and not harm to the state. It is necessary to know how to manage the people. English liberty is not here at the place ... I do not exacerbate slavery, curling the mischief of stubborn, softening oak hearts, not hard to cherish, moved the subjects to a new dress, setting up order in troops and citizenship ... Let the anger slander. God is my judge! The wrong senses in the light will spread the wind. "

A. K. Narov, one of those close to Peter officials, said:

"When, many knew that I drove that I demolished and what he was visiting the sorrows, they would have been horrified, he lied with human weaknesses and forgiven crimes ... And although there is no more Peter the Great with us, but we live in our souls, and we live. who had happiness to be with the Sea Monarch, I will die faithful to him. "

After the death of the emperor Faofan Prokopovich (1681-1736), writer, state and church actor, so summed up the reign Peter I.:

"Whatever he made Russia, so will be; made good love and love will be; made enemies scary, terrible and will be; Made to the whole world nice, nice and never cease. "

An important result of activity "Petrov's chicks" chicks it is that each of them contributed to the work of strengthening the power of Russia and turning it into the Great Power.

Petrove nest chicks

Petrove nest chicks
From the poem "Poltava" (1828-1829) A. S. Pushkin (1799-1837). So the poet called the nearest associates of Peter the first:
Behind him was walked by a crowd
These chicks of Petrova nest -
In the premented lots of earth
In the writings and war
His comrades, Sons:
And Sheremetev noble
Bruce, and Boore, and Repnin,
And, happiness balovane rooted,
Singher-magnetic lord.

"Halfriznaya Lord" - Alexander Danilovich Menshikov (1673-1729), the nearest associate of Peter 1.
The expression sometimes serves as the basis for the same type of phrases with the corresponding replacement of the "socket" accessories.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lock-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003.

Watch what is "Petrov's nest chicks" in other dictionaries:

    - (inloom.) The associates of his cf. Behind him, the crowd of these chicks of Petrova's nest, in the premented lot of earthly, in the writings and war of his comrades, sons: and Sheremetev's noble, and Bruce, and Boore, and Repnin ... A.S. Pushkin. Poltava. See a flock ... ... Mikhelson's Big Thick-Frazological Dictionary

    The chicks of Gnzhzda Petrova (Austice) associates. Cf. Behind him, in the clock, the crowd of the chicks of Gnѣzda Petrova His comrades, Sons: and Sheremetev's noble, and Bruce, and Bauer, and Rѣpnin ... A. S. Pushkin. Poltava. See a flock of nice ... Large intelligent-phraseological dictionary of Michelson (original spelling)

    Book. Study. About colleagues of some A prominent leader. / I\u003e Quote from the poem A. S. Pushkin "Poltava" (1828 1829). BMS 1998, 476 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    Petrove nest chicks - Comraders. Literally associates and coming friends of Peter I ... Dictionary of Peterburger

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with that last name, see Pavlenko. Wikipedia has articles about other people with the name Pavlenko, Nikolay. Pavlenko Nikolai Ivanovich Date of birth: February 15, 1916 (1916 02 15) (96 years old) ... Wikipedia

    - (Born on February 15, 1916 in the village of the Umansky Essay department of the Kuban region) Russian historian and writer, Honored Worker of Science of Russia, a specialist in the domestic history of the XVII XVIII centuries. Member of the Writers Union (since 1987). Contents 1 ... ... Wikipedia

    Nikolai Ivanovich Pavlenko (born on February 15, 1916 in the village of the Umansky Essay Department of the Kuban region) Russian historian and writer, Honored Worker of Science of Russia, a specialist in the national history of the XVII XVIII centuries. Member of the Union of Writers (with ... ... Wikipedia

    Nikolai Ivanovich Pavlenko (born on February 15, 1916 in the village of the Umansky Essay Department of the Kuban region) Russian historian and writer, Honored Worker of Science of Russia, a specialist in the national history of the XVII XVIII centuries. Member of the Union of Writers (with ... ... Wikipedia

    Nikolai Ivanovich Pavlenko (born on February 15, 1916 in the village of the Umansky Essay Department of the Kuban region) Russian historian and writer, Honored Worker of Science of Russia, a specialist in the national history of the XVII XVIII centuries. Member of the Union of Writers (with ... ... Wikipedia


  • Petrova's nest chicks, N. I. Pavlenko. The book gives historical portraits of the five associates of Peter I: "Sixtellular Lord" A. D. Menshikov, the first combat Feldmarshal B. P. Sheremeteva, diplomats of goggous ...