Literary excursion as a means of forming the aesthetic susceptibility of the reader-schoolboy Achkasova Galina Leontievna. Methodical development "Virtual excursion as a means of familiarizing preschool children with a native edge" Video

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

FGBOU VPO "Orenburg State

pedagogical University"

Faculty of pre-school and primary education

Department of Pedagogy Preschool and Primary Education

Course work

Excursion as a means of forming ideas of younger students about aesthetic values \u200b\u200band ideals

Direction Direction - 050100 Pedagogical Education

Students 3 courses

correspondence department

Surkova Galina Nikolaevna

scientific adviser

to. n., Associate Professor of the Department of Padino

Mousse Galina Nikolaevna



The future of mankind is sitting at the desk now, it is still very naive, trustingly, more often. It is entirely in our adult hands. What we form them, our children - they will be like that. And not only they. So there will be a society after 30 to 40 years, society, built by them on those ideas that we will create.

These words B.M. Nemensky suggests that the school decides that they will love and hate, what to admire and be proud of what they will be happy, and what to despise people in 30 to 40 years. This is closely connected with the worldview of the future society. The formation of any worldview cannot be considered completed if the aesthetic views are not formed. Without aesthetic relationship, the worldview cannot be truly solid, capable of increasing reality in its entirety. "How it is impossible to imagine human society without the history of his cultural and artistic development, it is also impossible to imagine a cultural person without developed aesthetic views."

In recent years, attention has increased to the problems of theory and practice of aesthetic education as the most important means of forming a relationship to reality, the means of moral and mental education, i.e. As a means of forming a comprehensively developed, spiritually rich personality.

And to form a person and aesthetic culture, "many writers, teachers, cultural figures are noted - especially important in the most favorable younger school age. The feeling of the beauty of nature surrounding people, things creates special emotionally mental states in the child, excites direct interest in life, exacerbates curiosity, develops thinking, memory, will and other mental processes.

Teach to see the beautiful around itself, the system of aesthetic education is designed in the surrounding reality. In order for this system to impact the child most effectively and reached the goal, B.M. Nemensky singled out its next feature: "The system of aesthetic education should be, above all, a single, uniting all objects, all extracurricular activities, the whole social life of a schoolboy, where every subject, every type of occupation has its own clear task in the formation of aesthetic culture and student of a schoolboy "

Thus, the problem of research is to study the formation of aesthetic values \u200b\u200band ideals from younger students.

Taking into account the relevance of the problem of research, its topic is formulated as follows: "Excursion as a means of forming the ideas of younger students about aesthetic values \u200b\u200band ideals."

Object research: aesthetic education of younger students.

Subject of research: excursion as a means of forming aesthetic values \u200b\u200band ideals.

The purpose of the study: to study the features of the formation of aesthetic values \u200b\u200bin the younger students and ideals by means of excursion.

Research tasks:

To analyze scientific pedagogical literature.

Examine the conditions of use of the excursion in order to form the aesthetic values \u200b\u200band ideals of younger students.

Justify the pedagogical opportunities for the aesthetic education of younger students during excursions.

Research methods: Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, questionnaire, observation, surveillance, conversation.

Chapter 1.Toretical foundations for the formation of the ideas of the younger schoolboy on aesthetic values \u200b\u200band ideals

1 Essence of aesthetic values \u200b\u200band ideals of man

Aesthetics As a philosophical science is beautiful in the form of independent discipline only the XVIII century. German philosopher Alexander Bumgarten in 1735 in dissertation "Philosophical Reflections on some issues related to the poetic work" for the first time uses the term "aesthetics", forming it from Greek "sensual perception." According to the thinker, aesthetics - this science about sensual knowledge, which makes it possible to "penetrate also in those arts that lower cognitive abilities can be improved and applied more favorable for the benefit of the world." The merit of Baumgarten was that he found the key to the unity of the aesthetic sphere, introducing not only the term "aesthetics", but also derived from him "aesthetic". From this point on, the philosophical knowledge has not been parted with the "aesthetic" as an independent category covering the entire object of aesthetics - aesthetic attitude of a person to the world. And although Baumgarten has no concept of "aesthetic value", on the approaches to it are the terms "aesthetic significance", "aesthetic wealth", "aesthetic dignity".

The compound of "aesthetic" with the concept of "value" occurs in the work of Johann Zulzer "Universal theory of Fine Arts": "The artist, claiming to genuine glory, should direct his attention to the value of aesthetic material." It should be noted that before that, the "value" was used only in the moral and moral sense.

Aesthetic values \u200b\u200b(like any others) are the synthesis of three main values: a real-subject, psychological, social.

The real value includes the characteristic of the external properties of things and items acting as an object of the value relationship.

The second meaning characterizes the psychological qualities of a person as a subject of value relations.

Social significance indicates the relationship between people, thanks to which the values \u200b\u200bacquire a common character. The peculiarity of aesthetic values \u200b\u200bis characterized by a well-characteristic human attitude to reality. It implies a sensual spiritual, disinterested perception of reality, which is aimed at comprehending and evaluating the inner essence of real objects.

Earring the concept of value in the rank of philosophical category, Herman Lotza showed that the highest degree of aesthetic value is inseparable with moral-ethical. The aesthetic value of unity and manifold, sequence and contrast, tension and relaxation, expectations and surprises, identities and opposites are not in itself. And if the complexity, tension and relaxation, if the surprise and contrast have aesthetic value, then this value is based on the fact that all these forms of relations and phenomena are the necessary elements in the order of the world, which in their relationship should create inevitable formal conditions for comprehensive implementation of good .

All objects and phenomena of real and conceivable reality may have aesthetic values, although the values \u200b\u200bthemselves do not have any physical nor psychic nature.

The essence of them is to significantly, and not in the actuality. Since the aesthetic values \u200b\u200bare subjective and objective, that is, indicate the correlation of them with a person, the presence of aesthetic value of these objects depends on which particular system of socio-historical relations they are included. Therefore, the aesthetic values \u200b\u200bhave unsubstantiated borders and their content is always socially historical.

Based on the developed aesthetic science, the classification of aesthetic values, its main form is the perfect, which in turn acts in a variety of specific variations (as elegant, grace, milanotability, splendor, etc.); Another type of aesthetic value is an exalted - also has a number of variations (majestic, magnificent, grand, etc.). Like all other positive values, the beautiful and sublime is dialectically correlated with the corresponding negative values, "anti-precision" - with ugly (ugly) and lowlands.

A special group of aesthetic values \u200b\u200bis tragic and comic, characterizing the value properties of various dramatic situations in the life of a person and society and figuratively simulated in art.

Attention should be paid to the conflicting nature of aesthetic values. More ancient noticed the internal and external mismatch. For the first time in philosophy, Plato puts the problem of the differences in the essence of beauty from its manifestations. "What is beautiful?" And "What is beautiful?" - He promotes.

The distinction between the essence of aesthetic value and its manifestation, between the objective and subjective side of the value can be found in the reflections of Richard Avetarius. This representative of empiriocritism to explain his thought introduced the concept of "E-value", calling it also "character". According to him, "E-value" is available to the description of the value, "once it is considered the content of the statement of another person." The "beautiful" and "ugly" thinker refers to the "character", or "E-values", with all the subjectivist consequences arising from its interpretation. Avenaius sees the value nature of the "ethical and aesthetic apperception": "Each of them is intended to determine the value of the subject, and the result of this estimate in the form of a predicate is attached to the subject, calling it good or bad, beautiful or ugly." However, the value itself, according to Avenarius, is reduced to the positiviste of the desired feasibility - "the principle of the smallest spending of forces." "We will not seem, perhaps, too brave," he writes in "Philosophy as thinking about the world according to the principle of the smallest force measures," if we try to reduce the aesthetic value of certain forms, besides the principle of expedient strength costs. "

The original system of values \u200b\u200bwas offered a psychologist and philosopher Gugo Münsterberg. Aesthetic values \u200b\u200bexpress self-consistence of the world. They exist on two levels: at the level of vital values \u200b\u200band at the level of cultural values.

At the first level is the subject of joy: the harmony of the outside world, the love between people, the feeling of happiness in the human soul.

At the level of cultural value - these are the values \u200b\u200bof the beautiful, embodied in art reproducing the external world (visual art), which reveals the relationship between people (poetry) expressing the inner world of man (music).

Beauty as value embodies the aesthetic unity of the person and the world. It is superfluid, but implies an individual attitude - a spontaneous at the first level and conscious on the second.

The problem of aesthetic value is examined in detail by such neocantian Baden school as Ionas Kon. He puts the task to determine the place of the aesthetic region of values \u200b\u200bamong other types of values \u200b\u200b- the "values \u200b\u200bof pleasant", logical, moral spheres of value, religious. The thinker divides the values \u200b\u200bof two classes:

) Consecurative value is that we appreciate as a means of purpose;

) Intensive value is that we appreciate the sake of it yourself, therefore the degree and measure of values \u200b\u200blies solely in the very same thing.

Aesthetic value is an intense value, and it distinguishes it from useful. But intensive value in such an understanding is also the truth as a logical value and good as the value of moral. To determine the subsequent differences in the world of values \u200b\u200band identify the specifics of the aesthetic value of Kon themselves, "intensive values" is divided into:

) Value is immanent, i.e. such value, which is closed on its internal value;

) Transgredit value - value indicating in its value beyond your own area. The latter is the value of truth and morality. The aesthetic value of immanent, it is immanent-intensive value, or the value is purely intense, since the immuneity represents, to a certain extent, adding and replenishing the intensity.

Spiritual values \u200b\u200bare a kind of spiritual capital of mankind, accumulated over the millennium, which not only does not depreciate, but, as a rule, increases. The nature of spiritual values \u200b\u200bis investigated in the theory of values, which establishes the ratio of values \u200b\u200bwith the world of the reality of human life. It is, above all, about moral and aesthetic values. They are rightfully considered the highest, for largely determine the behavior of a person in other valuables systems.

As for moral values, it is the main thing here is the question of the ratio of good and evil, the nature of happiness and justice, love and hatred, the meaning of life.

In the history of mankind, there were somewhat replacing each other installations reflecting different systems of values. One of the most ancient - hedonism.

Hedonism approves pleasure as the highest welfare of the life and criterion of human behavior.

Asceticism of the ideal of life proclaims voluntary renunciation from pleasures and desires, the cult of suffering and deprivation, the refusal of the benefits of life and privileges. This concept manifested itself in Christianity, especially in monastic, in the philosophical schools of nursery. The utilitarianism of the greatest value and the basis of morality is beneficial. According to I. Bentam, the meaning of ethical norms and principles is to facilitate the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.

Thus, the essence of the aesthetic values \u200b\u200band ideals of a person is that the aesthetic values \u200b\u200bare the synthesis of three main values: a real-subject, psychological, social. The essence of them is to significantly, and not in the actuality. Since the aesthetic values \u200b\u200bare subjective and objective. Aesthetic value is intensive value. Aesthetic values \u200b\u200bare the coherence of peace.

2 Features of the formation of ideas of younger students about aesthetic values \u200b\u200band ideals

Researchers view aesthetic education as a holistic pedagogical process, the formation of ideas of younger students about the aesthetic values \u200b\u200band ideals.

In the life of a child, there is an educational value literally all: decoration, premises, suit of costume, form of personal relationships and communication, working conditions and entertainment - all this or attracts children or repels.

The aesthetic development of the person begins in early childhood. In order for an adult to become spiritually rich, it is necessary to pay special attention to the aesthetic education of children of preschool and younger school age. B.T. Likhachev writes: "The period of preschool and younger school childhood is hardly the most decisive in terms of aesthetic education and the formation of a moral and aesthetic attitude towards life." The author emphasizes that it is at this age that the most intensive formation of relations to the world, which gradually turn into the property properties is carried out. Essential moral and aesthetic qualities of personality are laid in the early period of childhood and are stored in a more or less consistent form for life.

It is impossible or, at least, it is extremely difficult to teach the young man, an adult confidence in people, if he was often cheated in childhood. It is difficult to be kind to someone who in childhood did not join the sympathy, did not survive the children's direct and therefore indelible strong joy from kindness to another person. It is not suddenly in adulthood to become courageous if in preschool and younger school age did not have learned to decisively express his opinion and boldly do.

Of course, the flow of life changes something and makes its own adjustments. But it is in preschool and younger school age that aesthetic education is the basis of all further educational work.

The following feature of aesthetic education in the younger school age is associated with changes occurring in the field of educational processes of the schoolchild.

For example, the formation of aesthetic ideals in children, as part of their worldview, complex and long-term process. This is noted by all teachers and psychologists mentioned above. During the upbringing of life relations, ideals undergo changes. In certain conditions, under the influence of comrades, adults, works of art, vital shocks, ideals can undergo indigenous changes. "The pedagogical essence of the process of forming aesthetic ideals in children, taking into account their age characteristics, is to form the sustainable meaningful ideal ideas about society from the very beginning, from early childhood, about the person, about the relationship between people, making it in a variety of changing on every stage of a new and fascinating form "- notes in his work B.T. Likhachev.

For pre-school and younger school age, a leading form of dating with aesthetic ideal is children's literature, animated films and movies.

Book, animated or cinema heroes, whether people, animals, or fiction fictional creatures, endowed with human qualities, are carriers of good and evil, mercy and cruelty, justice and falsehood. In the measure of his understanding, a small child becomes adherent of good, sympathizes the heroes leading the struggle for justice against evil. "This is already certainly the formation of an ideal as part of the worldview in that kinda form, which allows kids to easily and freely enter the world of public ideals. It is only important that the first ideal ideas of the child remained at the level of only verbal-shaped expression. It is necessary to constantly, by all The means to encourage children to follow their behavior and activities to follow the favorite heroes, really showed kindness, justice, and the ability to portray, express the ideal in their work: verses, singing and drawings. "

Changes in the motivational sphere occur with younger school age. The motives of the relationship of children to art, the beauty of reality is recognized and differentiated. B.T. Likhachev notes in his work, that a new, conscious motive is added to the informative incentive at this age. This manifests itself in the fact that "the guys are about art and reality is aesthetically. They enjoy reading books, listening to music, drawing a movie viewing. They still do not know that this is aesthetic attitude. But they have formed aesthetic attitude. To art and life. The thrust for spiritual communication with the art gradually turns into need for them. "

Other children communicate with art outside the aesthetic relationship. They approach the work rationalist: Having received a recommendation to read the book or watch a movie, they read and look at them without deep comprehension of the essence, only to have a general idea about it. "And it happens that they read, watch or listen from prestigious considerations. Knowledge The teacher of the true motives of the relationship of children to art helps focus on the formation of a truly aesthetic relationship.

The feeling of the beauty of nature surrounding people, things creates special emotional-mental states in the child, excites direct interest in life, exacerbates curiosity, thinking, memory. In early childhood, the guys live immediately, deeply emotional life. Strong emotional experiences are maintained for a long time in memory, often turn into motives and incentives of behavior, facilitate the process of developing beliefs, skills and habits of behavior. In the work of N.I. Kiyashchenko is quite clearly emphasized that the "pedagogical use of the child's emotional relationship to the world is one of the most important ways to penetrate children's consciousness, its expansion, deepening, strengthening, designing." It also notes that the emotional reactions and states of the child are the criterion for the effectiveness of aesthetic education. "In the emotional attitude of a person to one or another phenomenon, the degree and nature of the development of his feelings, tastes, views, beliefs and will" are expressed.

In the life of the child, there is an educational value literally all: the decoration of the room, the suit of the costume, the form of personal relationships and communication, working conditions and entertainment - all this or attracts children or repels. The task is not to adults to organize the beauty of the environment for children in which they live, learn, work, rest, but to involve all children in active creating and preservation of beauty. "Only then beauty, in the creation of which the child takes part, is truly visible to him, becomes sensually tangible, makes it a zealous defender and propagandist."

Advanced teachers understand how it is important to combine in the process of aesthetic education the entire set of diverse tools and forms that awaken and develop an aesthetic attitude towards life, to literature and art. At school, attention should be paid not only to the content of school items, but also on the means of reality, on factors affecting the aesthetic development of the individual.

One of these factors is the aesthetization of the medium, marked in the work of G.S. Labkovskaya. The main task of the esthetization of the habitat in her opinion is reduced to "the achievement of harmony between the" second nature "created by the person" and natural nature. The problem of habitat is organically related to the solution of one of the complex and urgent problems of perfect humanity - the problems of rational use of natural wealth and environmental protection. . When a person stays alone with nature, just revealed the true face of his aesthetic culture. Studying the guys of the laws of nature development, the ability to see the diversity of its forms, the comprehension of her beauty is the main thing that the school should teach. "

The following factor of the aesthetic development of the individual - the aestheticization of life - stand out in the works of A.S. Makarenko, G.S. Labkovskaya, K.V. Gavriloviec and others.

A.S. Makarenko, in his pedagogical work, paid great attention to this factor: "The team must be decorating and external. Therefore, I even when our team was very poor, I always built a greenhouse. And you have a rose, not some rubbing flowers, and chrysanthemums , roses. " "From aesthetic point of view, life, one can say, is a litmus paper level of development of aesthetic development of the personality, group or a team. The material environment of life, its spirituality or confusion, - an indicator of the respective qualities of the people who created it," - notes G.S. Labkovskaya.

If the office hangs a casually decorated newspaper in the office, if the cool corner does not carry a new, interesting necessary information, if not paying due attention to the cleanliness of the office, schoolchildren gradually make up the installation on tolerant attitude towards excesses, negligence.

Aesthetics of behavior and appearance - no less significant factor of aesthetic education. Here, the personality of the teacher has a significant impact on children. As noted by K.V. Gavrilovian: "In his work, the teacher affects the pupils with all its appearance. In his costume, the hairstyle manifests a aesthetic taste, attitude to fashion, which cannot but affect the tastes of young. Fashionable and at the same time business style in clothes, feeling Measures in cosmetics, the choice of jewelry helps to form in adolescents the right look at the ratio of external and internal in the guise of a person, to produce "moral and aesthetic criterion of human dignity".

A.S. Makarenko also paid a lot of attention to appearance and argued that students "shoes should always be cleaned, without this, what kind of upbringing can be? Not only the teeth, but also shoes. On a suit there should be no dust. And the requirement is hairstyle ... serious requirements To present to each trifle, at every step - to the textbook, to the handle, to the pencil. "

Promotional emotional well-being, the state of security, as named after A.S. Makarenko, stimulates the most complete self-expression of the person in the team, creates a favorable atmosphere to develop the creative departments of schoolchildren, exposes the beauty of sensitive relationships to each other. As an example of excellent aesthetic relations, such relationships can be considered as friendship, mutual assistance, decency, loyalty, kindness, sensitivity, attention. The participation of children together with adults in the relationship of various dignity imposes a deep imprint on the childhood personality, making their behavior with beautiful or ugly. Through the entire set of relationships and the formation of the moral and aesthetic appearance of the child is carried out.

The most important source of emotional experience of schoolchildren is intimidian relations. Forming and developing value of the family is obvious. However, not all modern families pay attention to the aesthetic development of their child. In such families, there are quite rarely conversations about the beauty of the objects around us, nature, and about the campaigns in the theater, the museum cannot be speech. A class teacher should help such children, try to fill the lack of emotional experience, special care in the class team. The task of the class teacher is to conduct conversations, lectures with parents on the aesthetic education of the younger generation.

In addition to the impact on a child of surrounding reality, an educational educational process of the school is important through aesthetic education. According to D.K. Ushinsky every subject in school can aesthetically educate: "In any item there is a more or less aesthetic element." Any item, be it mathematics, physical education, environmental science causes certain emotions in the schoolchild through its material. To become a means of aesthetic education, the teacher is quite creative to approach the subject of their science, awaken creative interest in his schoolchildren.

One of the important sources of the aesthetic experience of schoolchildren is a variety of extracurricular and out-of-school work. It is satisfied with the urgent need for communication, and the creative development of personality occurs. On extracurricular activities, children have great opportunities for self-assessment. The domestic school has accumulated extensive experience in the aesthetic education of schoolchildren in the process of extracurricular and extracurricular activities. Great practical experience in this business belongs to A.S. Makarenko and S.T. Shatza. In organized educational institutions, the guys were widely involved in the preparation of amateur performances, creative dramatic improvisations. Pupils often listened to artworks and music, visited and discussed theatrical performances and movies, worked in Isokruzhka and studios, showed themselves in various types of literary creativity. All this served as an effective incentive of the development of the best features and personal qualities.

In this way,

3 Excursion as a means of forming ideas of younger students about aesthetic values \u200b\u200band ideals

Funds and forms of aesthetic education are very diverse - ranging from the items of the natural-mathematical cycle at school and ending with "shoes on shoes". It is aesthetically brings up literally everything, the very surrounding reality. An excursion belongs to important sources of aesthetic experience of children.

Excursions, with proper preparation and conduct, expand the horizons of younger students, teach them to see, compare, summarize what is based on the development of creative imagination and abilities. In the process of targeted observations and excursions, the teacher draws the attention of children not only to the essential features of a phenomenon, but also on the beauty of slooked labor, transforming nature, on the nobility of the relationship between people built on mutual assistance, partnership and care of each other.

Excursion - Metodically thought-out display of attractions, historical and cultural monuments, which is based on the analysis of objects of objects before the eyes of the eyes, as well as a skillful story about events related to them. However, only this essence of the concept of "excursion" would make it wrong.

Consider several formulations of the term "excursion", which were published in various publications over the past 70 years. The first of them looks like this: "Excursion - there is a walk that is a task of studying a certain topic on a particular material available to contemplation" (M. P. Antsiferov, 1923). Describing the place of sightseeing activities in extracurricular work with children, the excursionist L. Barhash believed that the excursion is a visual method for obtaining certain knowledge, education by visits to a predetermined topic of certain objects (museum, plant, collective farm, etc.) with a special leader (guide).

We also give one of the last time of published definitions: "Excursion is a special form of educational and outside of academic work, in which the joint activities of the teacher-guide and leading schoolchildren-excursors in the process of studying the phenomena of reality observed in natural conditions (plant, collective farm, Monuments of history and culture, memorable places, nature, etc.) or in specially created storage facilities (museum, exhibition) ". These are the opinions of the excursionist scientists.

Consider the interpretation of the term "excursion", data in various dictionaries and encyclopedias. The earliest (1882) interpretation of this term gives V. Dal: "Excursion - a penetration, a walk, exit to find something, for collecting herbs, etc." 3. In the Small Soviet Encyclopedia, the term is disclosed as follows: "The excursion is a collective visit to any locality, industrial enterprises, state farms, museums, etc., mainly with a scientific or educational purpose."

A detailed explanation of the term "excursion" gives the Great Soviet Encyclopedia "one of the types of mass cultural and educational, agitation and academic work, which is intended and deepening the knowledge of the younger generation ...".

In the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language (under the leadership of L. N. Ushakov, 1940) the word "excursion" is explained as "a collective trip or a walk with a scientific and educational or entertainment target."

In the Small Soviet Encyclopedia, it is said that "the excursion is a collective trip or a hike in the attractions with scientific, general education or cultural and educational purposes."

The following definition is given in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia: "Excursion - a visit to the attractions of the objects (cultural monuments, museums, enterprises, terrain, etc.), the form and method of acquiring knowledge. It is being carried out, as a rule, collectively under the guidance of a tour specialist ". Other interpretations of over time do not differ originality and do not add anything to previously made characteristics.

In the above, excursions can be found some discrepancies. They are not accidental and do not give grounds for conclusions about the existence of opposite points of view on the tour. Each formulation is related to the functioning of the excursion at a certain period of time. From here - differences in the wording of goals, tasks and forms of excursions characteristic of one or another time. Over the years there is a complication of tasks. Other purposes are set before excursions, the forms of their conduct are changed. At the same time, the features of the excursion, its differences from other forms of cultural and educational work manifest themselves brighter. And at the same time, it is impossible to pass by attempts by individual scientists to limit the excursion to a narrower framework.

In some dictionaries, for example, in a brief pedagogical dictionary and methodological guides, the tour is considered as one of the forms of visual learning, educational work. At the same time, the meaning of only one of the parties is emphasized, namely the fact that excursions transfer the learning process into the surveillance of objects (objects) in the environment or exhibited in the museum.

Excursion, being a product of specific authors, is based on the requirements of the requirements for the literary work and has its own story to which all the sightseeing material is subordinated.

Excursion As a form of direct communication involves the relationship and interaction of subjects (guides and excursions) based on their joint activities. Being a specific form of communication, the excursion makes it possible to children to obtain a significant amount of information, forms ways to mention. Communicating with other participants in the event, the child with the help of imitation and borrowing, empathy and identification absorbs human emotions, feelings, forms of behavior. In the process of communication, the necessary organization and unity of the actions of individuals entering into a group are achieved, an emotional understanding of them is being implemented, the community of feelings, sentiment, thoughts, views is being formed.

Communication of people on excursions should be attributed to the spiritual and informational type of communication, a combination of two forms of relations between subjects and objects, as well as personal and group relations. Knowledge of the foundations of psychology and pedagogy helps the teacher properly organize the process of excursion. Practically communication is a communicative phase in the activities of the teacher. Properly organized chatting of the guide and excursions is the basis of such a pedagogical process as an excursion. Communicative component is an important part of the professional mastery of the teacher. The effectiveness of the excursion is determined not only by extensive knowledge of the teacher on the topic, the ability to use the method of presenting these knowledge of the audience, but also with the ability to communicate with children of younger school age, methodists and other employees of the excursion institution, the museum. An important role in communicating with children is played by such qualities as preventability, the ability to maintain a normal dialogue.

The path of development of the excursion goes through the line of its entity. Initially, the excursion was a walk pursuing practical tasks, such as the search for therapeutic herbs. Then, there were scientific tasks in front of it, such as the identification of exhibits for the local history museum. The search for new forms of self-education put forward a general educational goal before excursions. The desire to improve educational work, make it more efficient turned an excursion to one of the types of cultural and educational work.

Currently, the excursion acts as something complete, holistic, having its own specific functions and signs, a peculiar individual technique. To a large extent, it has enriched in content, forms of conducting and the method of presenting material and is characterized as an integral part of the ideological and cultural and cultural work.

Conclusions on the first chapter

In the last decade, aesthetic education is considered as a process aimed at the formation of abilities in children's active creative activity. The essence is defined as a targeted process of interaction between the teacher and students on the formation of an emotionally responsive and creatively active personality, capable of perceiving and evaluating the beautiful in art, nature, the surrounding life, the behavior of people and aspiring to satiety of aesthetic and objective activities.

The essence of aesthetic education of students is to improve the aesthetic culture of the individual. "The task of modern education and upbringing, according to E.V. Petushkova, - to form genuine subjects of the culture of the world with a high creative potential in whatever field of activity, the pupils have implemented themselves. "

Junior school age is a special age for aesthetic education, where the main role in the schoolchild's life is played by the teacher. Using this, skillful teachers are capable of not only to establish a solid foundation for aesthetically developed personality, but also through aesthetic education to lay a genuine human worldview, because at this age, the child's attitude to the world is formed and the development of the essential aesthetic qualities of the future person.

The aesthetic education of younger students involves the formation of initial aesthetic ideas and concepts based on sensual development of images, as well as as a result of multiple experiences in the process of aesthetic perception of objects and phenomena of reality and works of art. On this basis, children form elementary aesthetic knowledge, emotions and feelings; Needs, interests and inclination; Aesthetic taste and ability to creative activity, aesthetic behavior.

Chapter 2. Experience in the formation of the ideas of the younger student about aesthetic values \u200b\u200band ideals

1 Diagnostics of the ideas of the younger student about aesthetic values \u200b\u200band ideals

When studying the ideas of the younger schoolboy about the aesthetic values \u200b\u200band ideals, it is necessary to use not one method, and their system, a complex in which methods would complement each other. Currently, a large number of diagnostic methods have been developed, but not all of them apply to children of younger. The most acceptable experts consider: observation, conversation, experiment, survey.


Simple and at the same time complex, light, but not reliable diagnosis. It is carried out by a teacher in the process of naturally leaking the real life of children. Being near the children, the teacher sees and hears the most diverse manifestations of the personality of pupils, according to these observations, he concludes. Observation also assumes the creation of an artificial way of situations of a natural plan. It is professionally interesting to observe such situations, because the children at this point are free in the choice of behavior.

Casual observations of children always have a priority to special techniques, as if the shelters have not been.

The goal is to establish, in the course of direct communication, the psychic features of the pupil, which allows you to obtain the information you are interested in using pre-prepared issues.

The conversation can also be held with the group when the educator sets questions to the whole group and ensures that the responses are attended by the opinion of all members of the group, and not just the most active.

In preparation for conversation, preliminary work is very important.

The leading conversation must thoroughly think over all aspects of the problem of which he is going to speak, choose the facts that may be needed. Clear statement of the conversation helps to formulate clear questions and avoid random.

It is important to choose the right place and time of the conversation. It is necessary that there are no people nearby, the presence of which could be embarrassed, or, worse, influence the sincerity of the interlocutor.

From the point of view of the performance of the conversation, it is better to set several minor questions than one large.

In a conversation with pupils, indirect questions should be widely used. It is with their help that an educator can get the information you are interested in about the hidden parties of the child's life, about unconscious behavior motives, ideals.

In no case cannot be expressed by gray, trite or incorrectly, trying to approach the level of his interlocutor in this way - it shocks it.

For greater reliability of the conversation results, the most important issues should be repeated in various forms and thereby control the previous answers, complement, remove uncertainty.

Do not abuse patience and time of the interlocutor. The conversation should not last more than 30-40 minutes.


The questionnaire belongs to the most proven, practiced and mastered methods. But this diagnosis has one common negative trait. It is exploited when the teacher does not make a little labor creatively select the techniques for a particular pedagogical goal, and with the help of the questionnaire they are trying to learn from the children themselves, what is the measure of their pupils. Therefore, teachers are often resorted to a simultaneous poll of parents and children, and also take into account their own assessment.


Questionnaire is a questionnaire, compiled as a system of issues, allowing to detect a wide range of relationships to any vitality. Very often, every question requires a clear answer "yes" or "no". The questionnaire is easy to procrate and output total quantitative results for the fact that the answers are concise and are uniform in shape. Questioning is most often carried out at the end of a prured joint period of active activity, removing results, although obvious, but in need of confirmation.

The holding of the questionnaire reveals many details of the general picture, the teacher is easier to understand the situation of education, but it is easier to trace the meaningful changes in the identity of the child, thereby opening the road to the professional freedom and professional understanding of everything that teacher produces that he thinks in its work, which involves getting in as a professional product of its pedagogical work.

Diagnostics is of great importance for the focused and effective implementation of the educational process. It allows us through control (monitoring) and the correction of the entire system of upbringing and learning and component components to improve the process of education, training and development of children.

In pedagogical practice there is a need for diagnosis, i.e. diagnosis procedure. "Diagnosis" (Greek) means "definition", "recognition". Diagnostics - (Greek. - "The ability to recognize") is an estimated procedure aimed at the "clarification" of the situation, conditions and circumstances in which the process proceeds.

Pedagogical diagnostics - the diagnosis process, i.e. Establishment of the level of development, education and educational schoolchildren. Its main goal is to get a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthose causes that will help or impede the achievement of the outlined results.

The concept of "diagnosis" means the process of research in order to identify, recognize, determine the characteristics of a person who are internally detecting in direct and direct communication with man.

Pedagogical monitoring permeates all the activities of the teacher in the educational process. When planning his work, the teacher creates a plan, a project, a prototype of the pedagogical process, which he organizes, makes adjustments, tracks its results in practice. At a certain point, the need to summarize, check the results, compare the "intent" with the results. After analyzing the results, the teacher is building new plans, attracts new funds, thinks out new interaction options with pupils.

The study of the results and effectiveness of the process of aesthetic educationalness is one of the most difficult issues of pedagogical theory and practice. The complexity is due primarily to the fact that not only the conditions of the school itself are affected by the state, the results and efficiency of this process, but also an external one, with respect to it.

The study and analysis of the aesthetic studies of schoolchildren allows:

specify the objectives of aesthetic education;

differential approach to students with different levels of development of pupils;

provide an individual approach to the identity of each schoolchild;

substantiate the choice of content and methods of education;

correlate the intermediate with the initially fixed result;

see close and more distant results of the educational system.

The diagnosis of aesthetic pupil occupies a significant place in pedagogical work. In order to professionally judge the aesthetic liction of younger students, it is necessary to highlight the evaluation criteria and their indicators, i.e. The degree of development of a given criterion (Greek. - "Distinctive Sign").

Based on pedagogical studies, criteria and indicators of formation of aesthetic educativity are identified.

Criteria and indicators for formation of aesthetic pupil

The criteria of aesthetic pupilness of the formation of the formation of aesthetic pupilness of aesthetic knowledge of the aesthetic knowledge; the ability to judge the beautiful and ugly in life and art, understand the figurative language of art; the development of estimated judgments; the ability to defend its views, beliefs, aesthetic ideals (in accordance with the age capabilities) the ability to aesthetic perception of perception of the perceived object; integrity; Depth of perception; Harmony of intellectual and emotionability to emotional responsiveness (aesthetic experiences and feelings) manifestation of an involuntary emotional reaction in the perception of aesthetic in life, art (joy, delight, lunizing, indignation, feeling of shock); character of an emotional reaction (duration, stability, intensity, depth, sincerity, restraint, expressiveness); adequacy of emotional reactions of the content of the artistic work, the nature of occurring phenomena in nature and public life; The ability to feel the mood of people, empathize; the ability to evaluate its emotional state, relate their experiences with the environment, behavior standards, to manage their emotional state; The external culture of manifestation of aesthetic emotions and feelings (mimic, pantomime, verbal reaction) manifestation of aesthetic taste to assess the aesthetic phenomena of reality and works of art; the ability to substantiate its assessment; manifestation of aesthetic taste in behavior, appearance, an aesthetic and objective activity-artistic orientation-based sustainability of hobbies and aesthetic interests; The formedity of the aesthetic preferences system, which is characteristic of the age of aesthetic interests and the requirements of the corresponding focus on the aesthetic objects and the phenomena of reality; latitude of interest in art; manifestation of a positive attitude to mastering aesthetic and object activities; The relationship of aesthetic experience with the need for action (the desire to participate in artistic and creative activity, expand the aesthetic horizon); Social and aesthetic activity requirements for aesthetic - subject creative activityProduction of artistic and creative abilities in aesthetic activity (speed orientation, resourcefulness, intelligence, independence, originality, initiative, ability to plan work)

The aesthetic lifting of the person is based on the organic unity of natural forces, the ability of perception, emotional experience, imagination, thinking of artistic and aesthetic education. On this foundation, creative individuality arises, its aesthetic attitude to art, to himself, to their behavior, to people and social relations, to nature and to work. The aesthetic students of the student suggests that he has aesthetic ideals, a clear idea of \u200b\u200bperfect beauty in art and in reality. The aesthetic ideal is due to society and expresses the presumptures of the moral and aesthetic perfection of man and human relations, labor.

Today it is impossible to present educational and educational activities without targeted analysis and a specific assessment of its results expressing in the development of the child.

The diagnosis is of great importance for the focused and effective implementation of the educational process. It allows us through control (monitoring) and the correction of the entire system of upbringing and learning and component components to improve the process of education, training and development of children.

2 Practice of work on the formation of the ideas of the younger student about the aesthetic values \u200b\u200band ideals of the excursion

aesthetic Lifetime Value Excursion

The aesthetic student of the student is unthinkable without a developed artistic taste, the ability of feeling and evaluating perfection or imperfection, unity or opposite of content and form in art and life. An important feature of aesthetic pupil is the formed ability to admire beauty, perfect phenomena in art and life. Often, children in the art galleries and at the exhibitions briefly view pictures, write the names of artists, brief content, works, quickly moving from one canvas to another. Nothing causes them to amazement, does not force, admire and enjoy aesthetic feeling. A quick acquaintance with masterpieces of painting, music, literature, the cinema excludes from communication with the art of the main element of aesthetic relationship - admiring. Aesthetic pupil is characterized by the ability to deeply experience aesthetic feelings.

In the formation of ideas from younger students about the aesthetic values \u200b\u200band ideals, excursions occupy a special place.

During excursions in museums, galleries, theaters, children, get acquainted with the life and activities of outstanding writers, composers, artists, join their creativity, expanding their horizons, is formed aesthetic attitude. This contributes to their fastest and versatile development. The main social meaning of the aesthetic education and development of children is to adapt, adapt children to the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof public consciousness.

We have developed a pilot experimental study on the formation of the ideas of the younger student about the aesthetic values \u200b\u200band ideals of the excursion.

In accordance with the curriculum and thematic planning of lessons in grade 3, we have made an excursion plan for the school year, which will help the formation of the younger school age of aesthetic values \u200b\u200band ideals.

Working week The topic of excursionesto Escape of the excursion "Why I need butterflies" VVC Exhibition of living Baabochi Development of aesthetic interest; Love for the nature "Inhabitants of Africa" \u200b\u200bMoscow Zoo learning to manage its emotional state; External culture of manifestation of aesthetic emotions and feelings (mimic, pantomime, verbal reaction) "Method of movement" Museum of retro cars Aesthetic education, as well as expansion of the horizon, receiving additional knowledge in various fields of science and culture "My Dream doll" Theater Extinguity Education of aesthetic qualities personality; culture of communication of children with adults and peers; Rules of culture of activity. "What is the scenery?" Museum of decorative and applied and folk artist painting of sensual aesthetic impressions and ideas about beautiful and ugly; Develop the ability to argue to aesthetic judgment, assessing works of art and phenomena of reality (manifestation of aesthetic taste) "Railway" Museum of the History of Railway Technology Development Aesthetic Cases of Aesthetic perception and experiences of aesthetic objects carrying the aesthetic values \u200b\u200b"Universe" Planetarium Studying Rules and Conduct Norm , managing your emotional state; External culture of manifestation of aesthetic emotions and feelings (mimic, pantomime, verbal reaction) "Ancient Animals" Paleontological Museumstetical Education, as well as the expansion of the horizon, receiving additional knowledge in various fields of science and culture "Favorite Heroes" Museum "Puppet Home" Development of interest in fairy tales of different nations; Development of imagination; faith in miracles and magic; Aesthetic education of creative activities "My own cartoon" Multimedia-art museum-based artistic and creative abilities in aesthetic activity (speed orientation, resourcefulness, intelligence, independence, originality, initiative, the ability to plan work) "Pernaya inventors" Park Park "Sparrows" azvy behavior, culture of emotions; Careful attitude towards animals "Aquarium - Little Artificial Ecosystem" Moscow OceanariumSoise Rich Diversity of the Underwater World; Making care of pets; Caring for the Environment "My Fatherland. The memory of the past "Historical Museum of Patriotism, Love and Respect for Motherland, socially useful work, to other peoples; Aesthetic education, as well as an extension of the horizon, obtaining additional knowledge in various fields of science and culture "Why do we need a weapon? »Central Museum of the Armed Forces Explain to Children's Significance of Weapons; Education of patriotism, moral human qualities "Our Defenders" Museum of the Underwater Fleet of Russia Welcome to the Municipality of Patriotism and Love to the Motherland "Famous Cosmonaut" Museum of Cosmonautics Development of imagination; Interest in the history and new technologies "Ice Age" Museum of Ice-Detective perception of art; manifestation of aesthetic value-artistic orientations in creative activity and behavior; "Great Artists" Tretyakovskaya GallerySimary stock of sensual aesthetic impressions and ideas about beautiful and ugly; Develop the ability to arguelyeted aesthetic judgment, assessing works of art and phenomena of reality (manifestation of aesthetic taste) "lived - were ..." Museum House of fairy tales "lived - there was love and interest in art, the desire to gain knowledge about art, to the aesthetic perception of works; Interest in world art and culture of other peoples "Favorite Tales A.S. Pushkin" Museum of Fine Arts. A.S.Pushkin's ability to express your attitude to the work of art with the satisfaction of artistic terms; Aesthetic views, ideal (in the formation stage); "Favorite cartoon" Children's Museum on the creation of cartoons with a film studio named Gorky Development abilities, skills and skills to make a beauty and life, in nature, work, create and multiply the wonderful environment, desire Transform her in the interests of man. "What do different people know how?" Museum of folk art. Frosting formation of skills and skills of aesthetic and subject creative activity and the development of creative activity; "Without difficulty and fish from the pond" Museum-exhibition center "Worker and collective farmer" manifestations of artistic and creative abilities in aesthetic activity (speed orientation, resourcefulness, intelligence, independence , originality, initiative, the ability to plan work) "Nomads, who are they?" Museum of nomadic culture easthetical education, as well as expansion of the horizon, receiving additional knowledge in various fields of science and culture "Inhabitants of the Earth" Zoological Museum Study of the diversity of animal and plant peace; conservation of nature; animal protection; Careful attitude to living organisms "Ecological Lake System" Park "Sokolniki", Losina Lake Education of the aesthetic qualities of the personality and culture of behavior in nature and in public areas "Moscow Zlatagnaya" Red Square to upbringing the feelings of pride and respect for the history of the native city, as well as his uniqueness; Promote the positive perception of its identity. "Peoples of Russia" Local Lore Museum of Patriotism, Love and Respect for Other Peoples; aesthetic education, receiving additional knowledge about the life and culture of different peoples; Respect and interest in the culture of the people, folk art, traditions, customs, folklore, the desire for their creative development and conservation; "Flowers for mommy!" Botanical Garden Development of creative potential through the joy and pleasure received by the child from the perception of the beautiful, which "pours" in your own creative activity. "Laugh is allowed!" Trekking in Circus Study of rules and behaviors; ability to manage your emotional state; External culture of manifestation of aesthetic emotions and feelings (Mimica, Pantomimima, verbal reaction) "Spring has come!" Park Tsaritsyno develop the need for aesthetic environmental conversion; love for nature; Labor culture "Happy Victory Day! On the route Parade, the development of a person's ability to aesthetic perception and experiences of aesthetic objects carrying the aesthetic values \u200b\u200bof the" Souvenirs of Russia "Museum of Matryoshki Detection and development of artistic and creative abilities; Moscow State Unified Museum-Reserve" Izmailovo "Education aesthetic qualities of personality; culture of communication of children with adults and peers; Rules of culture activities.

Thus, excursions develop observation in children, the ability to see such phenomena and objects that children passed before, not noticing them. Significant change undergo many mental processes and phenomena. Children develop the ability of the aesthetic perception of objects and phenomena of nature, the surrounding reality, the life of people, the native country; A stock of aesthetic impressions and ideas in clearly sensually perceived and figurative-conceptual forms is created. The accumulation and aesthetic generalization of the facts, knowledge in the figurative form of the world's patterns contribute to the formation of aesthetic susceptibility and education on its basis of aesthetic taste. The experience of accumulated impressions and aesthetic experiences contributes to the development of creative potential.

Conclusions on the second chapter

Summarizing the material studied, you can draw the following conclusions. The diagnosis of the level of aesthetic educational institution of children in our time is very relevant. When diagnosing students, the teacher must rely on the following indicators of aesthetic pupil:

an indicator of aesthetic pupil is the focus of attention of the child "on the object", "on other people", "on yourself"; as well as the highlighting of a positive orientation - on the beautiful;

an indicator of aesthetic pupil is the presence of socially significant personal qualities. A set of these qualities may be different depending on the model of a graduate of a particular educational institution. As leading landmarks, you can allocate attitudes towards higher values: to person, labor, school, beautiful, nature, to yourself.

indicators are the attitude of the pupil to the beautiful; knowledge of pupils in accordance with their age aesthetic categories; The formation of skills and skills to the perception of reality phenomena, as well as the manifestation of independence for creativity and in the field of arts in general.

Thus, to determine the level of aesthetic educational schoolchildren, it is advisable to use such diagnostic methods as observation, conversation, experiment, jointly with parents. Filling diagnostic tables.

Diagnostics fix the presence of certain identity characteristics, helping the teacher to expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe development and development of the child's personality.

Diagnostation allows the teacher to adjust the educational process, improve the ways to work with children and enrich the content of the educational process.

Pedagogical diagnosis is mounted in the context of children's vital activity. Conducting diagnostics in itself is an educational act. In addition to their main function, they also serve as a means of forming value orientations and self-esteem.


Based on our work on the formation of the ideas of younger students on aesthetic values \u200b\u200band ideals, you can make the following conclusion.

The essence of the aesthetic values \u200b\u200band ideals of a person is that the aesthetic values \u200b\u200bare the synthesis of three main values: a real-subject, psychological, social. The essence of them is to significantly, and not in the actuality. Since the aesthetic values \u200b\u200bare subjective and objective. Aesthetic value is intensive value. Aesthetic values \u200b\u200bare the coherence of peace.

Junior school age is a special age for aesthetic education, where the main role in the schoolchild's life is played by the teacher. Using this, skillful teachers are capable of not only to establish a solid foundation for aesthetically developed personality, but also through aesthetic education to lay a genuine human worldview, because at this age, the child's attitude to the world is formed and the development of the essential aesthetic qualities of the future person.

An excursion belongs to important sources of aesthetic experience of children. The excursion with proper preparation and holding expands the horizons of younger schoolchildren, teaches them to see, compare, compare what is the basis for the development of creative imagination and abilities. In the process of targeted observations and excursions, the teacher draws the attention of children not only to the essential features of a phenomenon, but also on the beauty of slooked labor, transforming nature, on the nobility of the relationship between people built on mutual assistance, partnership and care of each other.

Excursions are developing in children observation, the ability to see such phenomena and objects that children passed before, not noticing them. Significant change undergo many mental processes and phenomena. Children develop the ability of the aesthetic perception of objects and phenomena of nature, the surrounding reality, the life of people, the native country; A stock of aesthetic impressions and ideas in clearly sensually perceived and figurative-conceptual forms is created. The accumulation and aesthetic generalization of the facts, knowledge in the figurative form of the world's patterns contribute to the formation of aesthetic susceptibility and education on its basis of aesthetic taste. The experience of accumulated impressions and aesthetic experiences contributes to the development of creative potential.

The aesthetic lifting of the person is based on the organic unity of natural forces, the ability of perception, emotional experience, imagination, thinking of artistic and aesthetic education. On this foundation, creative individuality arises, its aesthetic attitude to art, to himself, to their behavior, to people and social relations, to nature and to work. The aesthetic students of the student suggests that he has aesthetic ideals, a clear idea of \u200b\u200bperfect beauty in art and in reality. The aesthetic ideal is due to society and expresses the presumptures of the moral and aesthetic perfection of a person, human relations and labor.


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Shchurkova, N.E. Cool Guide: Diagnostics, - M., Pedagogical Society of Russia, - 2001. - 104 p.

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Svetlana Grishin
Methodical development "Virtual excursion as a means of familiarizing preschool children with a native edge" Video

1. Explanatory note.

Justification of the relevance and significance of the problem.

"Everything starts with childhood" - This phrase is not available to be associated with this topic. Thinking about the origins of moral feelings, we always appeal to childhood impressions when the baby begins to know Motherland through his family is his nearest environment.

The actualization of this problem at the present stage is obvious, since in modern conditions, when the deepest changes occur in the life of society, one of the central areas of work with the younger generation remains patriotic education, the acquisition of children to sociocultural standards.

Very often we burn with the desire to raise love for the Motherland, but it turns out, is not able to raise the lovely love for the closest - to native House and kindergarten, and this is the basis of the basics of moral and patriotic education, its first and most important step.

Preschool Childhood can be called sometimes daily discoveries. To us, adults should be given to children the joy of these discoveries, filling them with ideological and educational content, which should contribute to the formation of the social foundations and senses of patriotism.

The concept of spiritual and moral development and education draws our attention to the fact that the most important goal of modern domestic education and one of the priorities of society and the state is education, socially pedagogical support for the formation and development of highly moral, responsible, creative, initiative, competent citizen of Russia.

IN "Strategies for the development of education in the Russian Federation from 2015 to 2025" It is reflected that "Education as a pedagogical component of socialization represents a targeted process of personality development, deliberate on the humanistic interaction of the teacher and pupil. At the same time, the studies of the pupils as a person and the development of values, moral attitudes and moral norms of society will occur. And it is also prescribed that the basis of the strategy is the basic national values \u200b\u200bof Russian society, enshrined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, among which is specially distinguished by patriotism (love for Russia, to his people, to his small homeland, the ministry of the Fatherland).

In Law №273-F3 "On education in the Russian Federation" As the principle of state policy in the field of education, education of citizenship, patriotism, hard work, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the surrounding nature, homeland, family, is enshrined (Art. 3, p3).

GEFs pretemses to combine learning and education in a holistic educational process based on spiritual and moral and sociocultural values. Problems of moral education are solved in the implementation of educational areas "Socio-communicative development" and « Cognitive development» . Namely, the main tasks, in accordance with GEF, marked as follows: Socio-Communicative Childhood Development preschool The age should be directed to the formation of a valid attitude and feelings of belonging to their family and to the society of their peers and adults. Cognitive Development involves the formation of primary ideas about themselves, other people, objects of the world, about the Maja Motherland and the Fatherland, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe socio-cultural values \u200b\u200bof our people, about domestic traditions and holidays.

The sense of patriotism is multifaceted by content.

We, it is we - the teachers are obliged to regret in the children's soul of the warmth of heat, love, feelings of care and a gentle attitude to their family, their home, kindergarten, native edge, own country.

We understand that it depends on us, whether children are not only to take, but also give away: Take care of your loved ones since childhood, to be attentive to each other, help not only in a word, but also.

GEF to require our search and introduction of new approaches to the upbringing and training of children. Information and communication technologies allow today teacher to organize an educational process.

Today it is difficult to imagine how 10 years ago we got without multimedia presentations, an interactive table and a board. Today we are able to prepare presentations, create web quests. Most teachers have their own websites and blogs.

I, despite my big work experience, is no exception, I try to keep up with the times.

For me, an interactive whiteboard has become a real discovery that significantly expands the possibilities of presenting educational information on this issue, it allows you to strengthen the motivation of the child, expand the horizons, spend virtual excursions Right on the territory of the kindergarten, without going beyond its limits.

When preparing for nodes familiarization of preschool children with the nearest environment, in particular, with hometown of MuromI have repeatedly encountered a problem - I wanted to diversify the subject of classes, expand the horizon of visiting interesting, deserving attention and just beautiful places of our city. But in the absence of transport, the probability of accidents on the roads, just the lack of good weather, often excursions have been postponed. With the appearance in our kindergarten internet and interactive boards, I had the opportunity to use in working with children of a new, modern, fascinating form of conducting node.

purpose methodical development: Submit material from work experience virtual excursions when familiarizing preschoolers with native edge.


- introduce me to Pedagogues with diversity virtual excursions;

Talk about the features of virtual excursion;

Provide materials for conducting excursions.

2. Analytical part.

Theoretical foundations of the holding virtual excursion.

Currently, the leading position occupy training Methods and Acceptancebased on the use of modern computer technologies, which led to fundamental changes in the theory and practice of education and allowed to apply teacher in their activities virtual excursion.

Word « excursion» I think everyone is familiar.

Excursion - This is not a simple pastime, it is intellectual activities in free or school time, requiring certain costs of physical and spiritual forces.

Excursion - organizedaccompanied by explanations showing something conducted on a specific plan with educational or family goal.

Within the framework of educational space excursion becomes one of the most interesting and binders methods for organizing the cognitive activities of preschoolers to familiarize them with their native clock.

In connection with the introduction of new information technologies, the approach to the formation has significantly changed excursions, have new species excursions - Virtualinteractive excursions.

Virtual excursion has several advantages over traditional excursions:

Without leaving the building of the kindergarten can be visited and get acquainted with objectslocated outside the dow, city and even countries.

Automation of processing information about the object being studied increases the performance of teachers.

Helps organize the activities of teachers in mastering scientific knowledge.

Familiarize yourself with the search methods, systematization and visual presentation of information using a computer.

However, holding virtual excursions Teachers in the audience contribute to the qualitative, productive absorption of the educational material.

3. Practical part.

Now, due to the fact that the personal computer and the Internet very firmly entered our lives, and modern children show considerable interest to them, I, as an educator, try to use the data funds in their work. After all, the personal computer, and the Internet has recently become for me immediate assistants in preparing and conducting cognitive activities with children.

One of the options for applying new information technologies in my educational process - virtual excursion. Despite the seeming simplicity virtual excursionsThe teacher may face a number of problems. The first and main problem is the lack of connecting to the Internet. In this case, interactive, multimedia can help excursions, developed by the educator. Such multimedia excursions also refer to the category of virtual excursionsBut for their organization there is no need to connect to the Internet. It is enough to have a computer and a multimedia projector. Dignity of data excursions in TomThat I myself can select the material I need, make the necessary route, change the content according to the goals set. Components of this excursions can perform video, sound files, animation, and reproduction of paintings, images of nature, architectural monuments, photos.

This is the features of virtual excursions - How to use resources internet environment - directly When using an interactive boards and without connecting to this environment- In this case, you must prepare a multimedia presentation.

Before conducting virtual excursions I studied material about ourselves excursionsthen about ways to conduct virtual excursion, I studied myself to make them in a presentation, picking up the desired text, photos, pictures, pictures. I brought great help to me to use the Internet space, the study of a number of regulatory documents: Law "On education in the Russian Federation", Sanpin, OOP before.

In my opinion, virtual excursions are an effective form of organization of work on familiarize preschoolers with native edge and in this respect have a number of significant didactic functions:

They allow you to diversify and make interesting, and therefore a more effective educational process, which is why it increases significantly cognitive activity of children;

Help to implement the principles of visibility and learning, because the process of perception of the present material becomes much more exciting;

Promote the development of observation, self-work skills.

Use of holding virtual excursions I first started as part of the project implementation This form of work I really liked the fact that it made it clearly, diverse, emotionally present material to children when forming systemic knowledge of history and culture native region, upbringing the feeling of love for your family, with his small and big homeland, pride for her, for the Russian people, his cultural heritage.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe project lies in the formation of systemic knowledge and culture in children native region, upbringing the feeling of love for your family, with his small and big homeland, pride for her, for the Russian people, his cultural heritage.

When implementing the project, I wanted to find a new form of work, such that will be equally interesting and children, and parents, and me - the educator. Virtual excursionslike an unusual form introductory, awareness or fixing cognitive activity, Ideal due to the fact that the supply of material occurs visually, accompanied by text-decoding, falls on already familiar, previously obtained knowledge of children.

I started my activity with the study of literature, the material that found on the Internet. Then amounted to a calendar promising plan excursions. With it, I took into account the project plan "My family, my city, my country" and thematic planning of the kindergarten.

Excursions I spent 2-3 times a month. It depended on the topic of the week, its connection with the history of the city and the country. Each time I prepare a room in advance by viewing or multimedia presentation, or virtual excursionor for playing for an interactive table. All cognitive The activity lasts 15-20 minutes.

Organizational side excursions It is expressed in a clear thoughtful plan of its organization. So i like guide, in the process of selecting the material, the place studied in advance excursions, thought out the path of the substantive side excursions.

My main task was to show children that native The edge of the famous history, its traditions, attractions, the best people. Rising in children Love for your city, I sought to bring them to understanding that our city is a particle of the Motherland, because in all places, large and small, there is a lot in common.

Therefore, the upbringing of love for his Fatherland pride for his country should be combined with the formation of a benevolent attitude towards the culture of other peoples, to each person individually.

Conducted by me excursions It can be classified into groups and types in the allocation of their main features that determine the nature of preparation for them, conducting, subjects and the various types of me virtual excursions can be divided by the following criteria:

- Modern Murom:

- Vintage Murom:

Famous names cities:

Traveling around the cities of the Vladimir region Multimedia presentations

Date in calendar

Moscow - the capital of my homeland

In my practice, I used urban and museum species excursions.

Every time development of a new excursionI tried to clearly define her goals. When choosing a topic relied on the subject of the calendar plan and on the project plan "My family, my city, my country". After all, the selected topic serves as the basis, the rod, which combines all objects and submers excursions to a single whole.

After that, I thought about what kind virtual excursion I can use on this topic: either multimedia presentation or excursion Using an interactive board. When choosing objects to demonstrate, it is important to remember that the show of these objects is part of the dominant position in excursions. The correct selection of objects, their number, the show sequence affect the quality of the material represented.

When determining the route excursions I tried to choose such places of the city, following which the children would recognize them. After all, it is very important that knowledge New passed gradually: From the famous - close to the distant - unexplored. Yes, and for yourself excursions built according to the principle of close - "A family, native street» , - Far, gradually moving to such concepts as "My city, its surroundings, his beauty", "Famous names of the city", and then "Cities of the Vladimir region", "My motherland", "Moscow Red Square", "Famous names of the Motherland", "Date in calendar".

I tried that every route selected by me was the most convenient way of following excursion groupcontributing to the gradual disclosure of the topic, the situation is valid and when creating virtual excursion. In Samoa excursions Sequence of material i am soSo that he revealed the theme chosen by me, was built with a logical sequence and had a visual basis for the disclosure of the topic. In preparation virtual excursions I used various types of presentation material: with chronological, thematic or subject chronological sequence.

When drawing up text virtual excursion I took into account age features of children, the level of their knowledge, interests, availability of the material, its compliance with the stated topic. I tried to choose laconic, short, capacious, understandable, clear wording.

Separately I wanted to tell about the technique of holding virtual excursion.

Usually excursion I start with introductory conversation, during which i designate her goals and objectives. At the same time, you can use various options for a conversation, the sophisticated word, riddles, sayings, Russian schools, proverbs, a statement - quotes.

A huge role in the intensification of children during virtual excursions Playing the reception of problematic issues to children on the topic and content excursions.

I want to pay attention to the fact that the basis of the preparation of any excursions The main principles and requirements of pedagogical science, such as the relationship of learning and education, the registration of the logic of the subject, the sequence and systematicity, clarity and the availability of presentation, visibility, emotionality, consideration of age-related features.

Ends excursion final conversation, during which the teacher together with the children summarizes, systematizes seen and heard, identifies impressions.

Thus, the use of information and computer technology (including virtual excursions) Makes the process of upbringing and learning more interesting, high-quality, efficient.

Each of the spent excursions Must be carried out with a maximum educational effect, which requires careful preparation from the educator. Excursion Specifies the software material, expands the horizons and deepens the knowledge of children. Methods of holding any excursion must come from the specifics of it as a small journey.

Therefore, my preparation for excursions Started from the selection of the object excursions While drawing up an annual calendar plan. Taking into account the program requirements and the availability of the location of the visited places, I still had objects to conduct objects before the school year. excursions. At the same time, I sought every child to be interested in conducted excursions. For this, at the beginning of the school year, I spent the first excursion using a multimedia presentation on the topic "Streets of our city". And the parents of children attracted to this work. It is clear what is "Movie" It was interesting, both for parents themselves and for children. And already in the future virtual excursions They were perceived by children, as a result of some common work, since he relied on the knowledge gained earlier, an experienced experience in children.

Especially pleased, I would even say that the guys were in some shock from virtual excursion"In the center of our city". Since right on the screen, the heroes of the canal were told and showed the streets of the city and the sights on them. To hold it, you use ready-made material from the site Traveling with us! / Murom. History. - Russia 1 / video_id / 127510 /

At the end excursions, children shared their impressions, knowledge about seen objects of the city, remembered the names of the streets.

When conducting excursionsIt is important to take into account that she contributes to the enrichment of children with unique impressions. When preparing it is necessary not only develop the program and the route itself, but also customize the guys to actively participate, the desire to share their thoughts, knowledge, impressions about seen and heard. To do this, I used the reception "homework" (It was necessary to get information about the proposed object of visits during excursions) When carrying out virtual excursions"Streets of our city", "Moore in winter", "On the Victory Square of the city of Muroma", "On Red Square in Moscow". During the holding excursions Children told about familiar objects, based on the knowledge gained by them at home from books from the Internet, from parents.

Special admiration and interest are caused by children's places about which we resemble the solemn dates of the calendar. Such virtual excursions cause an exacerbated feeling of celebration, unity, some spiritual lifting, joy knowledge. Such were excursions about Ilya Muromets, Yu. A. Gagarine, visiting the Square of Victory in Murom and Red Square in Moscow.

Virtual excursion In the center of the training of astronauts. Yu. A. Gagarin passed when using the Site reference 3D tour of the starry town - star / 3DTOUR /

Also in educational activities I use other types of digital educational resources: Presentation, videos, electronic library, where multimedia materials of children's electronic encyclopedia are widely represented. So, to show the beauty of Murom, its surroundings, introduce me to With landmarks, architectural monuments, or just listen to songs about our beloved city. You can use the site "Murom video» where you can choose the material for the city you are interested in.

To acquaint children with the history of your city, you can take advantage of ready videos from the Internetwhich are completed using text or musical accompaniment.

Thus, the use of information and communication technologies makes the learning process more interesting, high-quality, effective, allows you to increase the children's, parent and pedagogical competence in the issues of history, culture of the city of Murom, form a caring attitude towards the family, native city, his homeland.

We all want to look into the future to at least with one eye see His children are happy, smart, good, respected people - real patriots of their homeland, hear from the mouth of a little child with pride said the words: "I'm Russian! I'm proud of my country!" Do we often hear these phrases?

And in order to sound these cherished words from the mouth of the child, we - adults need a lot to show him, tell, explain. One thing, when you yourself, one is passionate about the idea, and your idea looks completely different when you are fascinating other people. You have comrades, assistants, embodiments of your ideas or ideologists themselves who help not only the execution of your ideas, but they themselves contribute to something new.

To speak with parents on your understandable language, and most importantly, in order to interest them with this form of work, I conducted a consultation for them "Traveling the whole family", where showed how at home, you can visit familiar with children, next to the place of the place, advised using panoramic excursions Show and tell children about modern buildings of Murom, its attractions. Many of the parents are very interested in this kind of travel, using links to sites on my recommendation.

Family tours of microdistrict, City Visit with parents of museums, city institutions. Results of such excursions There were family photos that children gladly demonstrated to all children. Parents acquainted the guys with the name of the streets native cityTheir history, with buildings and architecture, the fact that they are, and children, coming to the group, were shared by the knowledge gained with other children. We all learned the story of one or another street and enriched knowledge about the history of our city, recorded and collected drawings about their city. Of course, all this introduced children to the history of the edge and their city, brought up love for his homeland.

4. Conclusion.

After spending this work, although somehow it does not turn to call it by work. Rather, thanks to our common with children and their parents of joint passion, a common goal and the idea, we were able, I hope to instill our little muromers a sense of pride of the fact that they are the inhabitants of such a beautiful, let the old, but at the same time, such a modern, landscaped cities. Cities that have a very rich cultural and historical heritage, cities, so rich in terms of mercy, a warm attitude towards the glorious famous people of their city. And all this contributed to the participation of children in virtual excursions, organized by us, adults.

Multimedia presentations I. virtual excursions have invaluable assistance in the formation of a valid attitude and feelings of belonging to your family, a small and big homeland, love for native land, the right attitude towards society, labor people, their responsibilities. They born in the souls of children interest in the history of the city, lied a sense of love, involvement in the cultural heritage of their people, to nature native region.

In the future, I will continue to work on this topic and apply all my strength and knowledge in educational activities with the following my pupils.

Thanks to well-organized excursions, a child with disabilities (OBAs) learns reality through the functions of analyzers. The main advantage of excursions is a clarity that actively attracts the attention of children, developing, mental processes and enriches speech.



State budget special (corrective) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities - Special (correctional) Secondary school boarding school № 115

g.O. Samara

Report prepared and hears

on regional scientific and practical

Conferences 13.12.2013.

Busiankina Valentina Yuryevna

Samara, 2013

Excursion as a means of forming the main life competences of younger students with OVD

Thanks to well-organized excursions, a child with disabilities (OBAs) learns reality through the functions of analyzers. The main advantage of excursions is a clarity that actively attracts the attention of children, developing, mental processes and enriches speech.

Excursion is one of the types of classroom studies with the surrounding world. During an excursion, a child with a disruption of intelligence can observe and understand the phenomena of nature, seasonal changes, see and analyze how people convert nature in accordance with the requirements of life and how nature serves them as well as the work of people.

What is the advantage of excursions to other activities to familiarize children with the outside world? According to I.P. Pavlova, the more analyzers participate in perception, the more precisely, richer, brighter and meaningful.

Students are important to have the opportunity to see objects, touch, swell, sniff, feel their severity and so on. On the excursions in children develop observation. They are prone to peering in the subject and notice the characteristic features. It causes deep experiences from students, indelible impressions, contributes to the development of aesthetic feelings. On this basis, a materialistic understanding of the world is formed.

Features of excursions with children

In order for nature excursions to have a correctional orientation and effective nature, it is important to conduct them on a specific system. I organize on the same objects at different times of the year, in order to show the children seasonal changes that occur in nature.

For example, in the spring season I spend three excursions to the park with a gradual complication of tasks. The purpose of these excursions is to acquaint children with spring changes (Nobuchi kidney, burst, appeared green adhesive leaves, smell tasty, etc.) and understand the cause of what is happening in nature, as well as enrich the dictionary. Agricultural excursions spend to familiarize themselves with certain types of work, professions (climbing, flower water), labor instruments (tools). Excursions to the museum, in city I spend in order to familiarize yourself with the sights of the city and dating with his history.

Distinctive features

It is much more difficult to organize the excursion than the lesson in the group. It will be successful only under the condition of careful preparation. In my case, this is done in conjunction with primary school teachers.

Planning an excursion, exactly define the topic and purpose of the excursion, specifying the tasks, wealthing the objects of the excursion. It is important to choose the road to a place that would not be tedious, did not distract the children with intellectual failure from the target target. By determining the place of excursion, consider the physical capabilities of children, as well as the season, the features of the road, the weather condition. Having been on the site of the route in advance, agreed with people who will tell 3-5 minutes about their work and products of labor. After that, the sequence of observations, the content and volume of those knowledge that children should receive about this circle of phenomena should receive; Installed where they can independently observe and relax.

Preliminary familiarization with the place of the future excursion makes it possible not only to clarify and specify the plan, but also come up with the receptions of it. In order for the excursion to be interesting, poems, riddles, proverbs were selected in advance. A few days before the excursion, they spent a small conversation with students, in order to arouse their interest in the upcoming lesson, revitalize the ideas and impressions that could be useful during the excursion, the goal was reported. Children is important to know where to go, why what should be collected. For example, an excursion "Autumn - Living Nature". To get knowledge, he conducted excursions to our park, Botanical Garden, Strodovsky Garden. Lowing the guys to the site of the excursion, in a brief conversation clarified the purpose of the classes and the task. Then gave them the opportunity to look around. After that, they proceeded to observe the intended objects and phenomena of nature. For example, asked questions:

  1. What trees grow in the park?
  2. How can you find out in the fall of birch, poplar, apple tree, lilac? Etc.

Gave the tasks to children:

  1. Raise the branch called the tutor, explain how she was recognized. Confirm the correct answers.
  2. Put two branches near (birch and poplar) and answer questions: How did you find out that these are branches of birch, poplar? What is the surface of the crust to the touch?
  3. Suggest gently bend the branches: find out, flexible they or fragile. Etc.

In the process of observation, the works of children's fiction, poems, riddles were used. With the help of didactic games ("learn by the smell", "Guess the description", "Branch, a branch, where is your branch?", "Once, two, three - to the ash (lipa) run!") Fastened knowledge about the characteristic features of objects .

He conducted a number of agricultural excursions to the station of Junnov: to the garden, the garden, in the greenhouse, the poultry and others. These excursions clearly showed and gave to understand the guys with a disruption of intelligence, as a person acts on nature, as plants grow, animals. Here, children got acquainted with the main labor operations, some performed themselves.

Pedagogical work after excursions

Knowledge obtained on excursions has expanded and secured in classrooms and games. 1-2 days after the excursion conducted classes. Here we have made crafts from natural material, read fiction, listened to the stories of children about where they were and what they saw, painted their impressions. In conclusion, he conducted a generalizing conversation. Planning a conversation, formed questions so that in memory of children to restore, intensify the knowledge gained during an excursion, emphasize the most important things in educational and educationally, help them independently establish causal valves between phenomena. For example:

  1. Why in the summer there is no kidneys on the trees, and in the fall there is?
  2. What paints use autumn?
  3. To be with trees in winter, if they did not drop the leaves in the fall?

Also spent tours of the project "Project". Walked with children to the fire part. Here we met with the labor instruments of the firefighter. We very interestingly told about the work of firefighters. The guys made a big impression on the guys. They gladly shared their impressions of their journey, called which tools of labor were used to extinguish fires and help. And firmly remembered 01. The special significance of this work is that it provides the opportunity for the general practice of free speech communication of the guys and consolidate speech skills in the daily life and activities of students, forms communicative and information competence of students with ABS.

The result of monitoring educational work has shown that students have increased the volume of the horizon, dictionary and the ability to establish causal relations. Positive dynamics showed 8 students from 12, i.e. 66.4% of the group's pupils. The duration of classes has grown, the guys have become less extracts, all students have a more sustainable attention, the memory has improved. In heavy children, Dima S. and Namik F. appeared positive dynamics. If Dima before did not understand the installation to the lesson, it is now engaged within 35-40 minutes. Namic has a pronounced attempt to speech activity. It can independently form phrases, dialogue. He has a need for verbal communication.

As a result, guys develop mental processes: the ability to observe, summarize, compare.

Sections: History and social studies

Before modern education, there are important tasks of formation among students of significant sociocultural competencies. Currently, approaches to the educational process have been fundamentally changed. The priority was the competence approach, which implies, among other things, the formation of the ability and readiness of students to analyze the events of the past and present, to identify causal relations, to consider alternative options for the stroke of the historical process, based on the study of historical sources to make their own conclusions and conclusions.

The task of modern education is to approve in the minds of each pupil patriotic worldview, to make a learning process significant for students representing the immediate, vital interest, to form a desire to conduct independent research work. Competence includes the ability to learn, analyze, draw conclusions, etc.

It is important to teach trace the connection between the history of the whole country and its local peculiarities, to identify the mutual influence of events and processes occurring across the entire state and performing on the territory of a particular region. During the development of the historical and local history material, the formation of a civil position, sense of responsibility and involvement in the fate of their country, edge, cities. The achievement of these goals and objectives is the implementation of the discipline "History and Culture of the Sochi region" in Sochi College of Policy Education, which is preparing specialists of pedagogical and service specialties.

In addition to audit classes, the discipline curriculum provides for a volumetric excursion unit, including the following excursions:

  • Past of our city (Appendix 1).
  • According to historical places of Lazarevsky district (Appendix 2).
  • Early Christian temple in the village. Loo.
  • Matsesta - the heart of the resort.
  • Excursion to Dolmen-Monolithic in the Volkonsky Gorge.
  • Excursion to Cadepstinsky ("Cherkessky") cult stone.
  • Ting-brushing grove.

Excursions are mainly combined (bus-pedestrian) or pedestrian. The length of time is from two to eight hours. Each tour includes familiarity with historical and cultural and natural objects with mandatory access to them for direct inspection and study.

The purpose and objectives of the excursion are determined by the content of the educational material, according to which it is carried out, for example: the Caucasus Dormant Culture, the spread of Christianity on the Black Sea coast, the Black Sea coastline, the emergence of the resort of Sochi, Sochi in the period of the Great Patriotic War.

The criteria of a successful excursion is its cognitive value and focus on the formation of historical and local history competencies.

  1. The main topic and subtopics are revealed.
  2. Any excursion has an educational goal - the formation of patriotism, love for "small homeland", tolerance.

During the preparation and direct excursions, special techniques are applied - preliminary tasks, research, ritual.

When studying the appropriate topic in the process of auditing classes, students receive a preliminary assignment: collect theoretical material on a particular excursion object. For example, to get acquainted with the history of the study of the dollar-monolith on the r. Godlick, the history of the emergence of a local settlement, where the tour (Lazarevskoye, Loo, Nor-Luis), the architectural features of the object (the early Christian temple in Loo, Byzantine Strengthening in the Tiso-Samsuccite \u200b\u200bGrove, the Winter Theater, Marine Station, etc. ). Performing a preliminary task, students attract various sources of information - scientific publications, archival materials, witness of eyewitnesses, publishing in the media, Internet resources. The method of comparable analysis of materials obtained by their various sources is applied.

Immediately before the start of the excursion, students are assigned to research: to perform measurements; Determine the orientation of the object (either of its fragments) on the sides of the light, perform photography.

The ritual techniques include a minute of silence at the burial place; Laying colors to monuments. The use of this reception has direct educational significance.

The final part of any excursion includes the processing of the assembled material, the preparation of the report in one form or another, conducting a final lesson or a conference on which results will be heard.

Each of the excursions prepared electronic presentations. On their basis, in case of impossibility for one reason or another, a correspondence tour is carried out to organize a real excursion. Presentations are used as a teacher of the discipline "History and Culture of the Sochi region" and the students themselves during pedagogical practices in Sochi schools when conducting lessons on local history and classroom clocks.

The work has become not only the creation of electronic presentations on the basis of photographic materials collected during excursions, but also their mandatory protection at meetings of student scientific society and student conferences. The use of such forms of work allows you to introduce a wide audience with a historical and local lore material - students of schools and students of all college specialties, increases their motivation for the study of regional history.

During the preparation and excursions, conditions are created for the formation of the learned experiences of an independent solution of cognitive, communicative, organizational, historical, moral and other problems that make up the content of education.

The use of excursion as a form of training allows the formation of not only historical and local history, but also broader information competencies:

  1. Request different databases.
  2. Align the environment.
  3. Consult yourself from experts.
  4. Work with documents, classify them.
  5. Critically comprehend the information received.

Thus, the tour is the means of forming historical and local history competencies, makes a significant contribution to the formation of personal and professional competencies of the future specialist.

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Non-cultural excursions as a means of forming environmental knowledge of younger students


ecological Schoolboy Education Excursion

The relevance of research.Currently, in accordance with the GEF, the learning of junior school students is paid to much attention, both modern pedagogical technologies and traditional forma and training methods, which should contribute to the formation of independence, creative potential, the ability to perform universal learning activities from students.

An important part of the modern general primary education of the younger schoolboy is an environmental education that will be more effective if various combinations of forms and teaching methods will be used, such as a lesson, practical work, project activities, role-playing game and nature excursions.

The whole history of humanity is inextricably linked with nature. At the present stage, the issues of traditional interaction with a person rose into the global environmental problem. If people in the near future do not learn to take care of nature, they will destroy themselves and the world around.

In order to preserve nature, it is necessary to bring up an ecological culture and responsibility, starting with younger school age, since at this time the acquired knowledge may continue to transform into strong convictions.

Environmental education is one of the most important directions in the modern educational process. Formation in children responsible attitudes towards nature is a complex and long process. Its result should be not only mastering certain knowledge and skills, but also the development of emotional responsiveness, skills and desire to actively protect, improve, ennoble natural environment.

Pupils that have received certain environmental performances will be more careful to nature and its wealth. In the future, this may affect the recovery of the environmental situation in our region and in the country.

The elementary school is one of the first links where the foundations of an environmental culture are laid. Large heritage in the field of education of children of the environment left us an outstanding teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky. In his opinion, nature underlies children's thinking, feelings and creativity.

The attitude of children and adolescents to the objects of Nature Pedagogue tightly connected with the fact that nature is our region, the land that has grown and feeds, the land, which has been transformed by our work. Nature itself does not raise, brings up only active interaction with it. So that the child learned to understand nature, feel her beauty, take care of her wealth, you need to instill it from early childhood.

To raise all these senses in children, you need to use various methods and forms of work in this direction. One of the leading forms of environmental education of children - nature excursions.

Non-cultural excursions are necessary in all cases where the subject or phenomenon should be considered in their own environment. This includes, for example, the study of trees, shrubs, forest herbs, wintering birds, spring ranked plants, etc.

Non-cultural excursions are also necessary in order to trace seasonal changes in nature.

Analysis of the experience of teachers showed that the conduct of natural excursions with an environmental orientation gives positive results in terms of moral education of children, the formation of aesthetic views, respect for the surrounding nature. So, the excursion as a form of learning solves a whole range of educational and educational tasks in elementary school.

Large pedagogical possibilities of natural excursions playing an important role in the formation of environmental knowledge about nature are justifying topics for researchthis final qualifying work: "Non-cultural excursions as a means of forming environmental knowledge of younger students."

Problem Research:what are the ways to form the environmental knowledge of younger schoolchildren in the study of the subject "Enough Peace".

This problem determines the purpose of our study:identifying the importance of natural excursions and determining the conditions for their successful conduct for the formation of environmental knowledge of younger students.

To achieve his goal, the following was to solve

Research tasks:

1. To study the state of the theory on the problem of studying anti-scientific excursions and their importance for the formation of environmental knowledge of younger students.

2. To form a positive attitude towards nature from younger schoolchildren and instill proper behavior in it.

3. Describe the role and place of natural excursions in the educational process and determine the pedagogical requirements for their conduct.

4. Note ways and techniques for working with students during nature excursions.

5. Develop an abstracts and conduct a number of natural excursions to form the environmental knowledge of younger students.

Object researcheducational process in the lessons of the surrounding world.

Subject of researchthe content and methodology for the implementation of natural excursions in order to form environmental knowledge from younger students.

Hypothesis Research:if during the educational process with students of primary classes, excursions will be systematically carried out in nature, then this will deepen the environmental knowledge system, to instill interest and careful attitude towards the world around.

Methods of solutiontasks set:

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical and methodical literature;

Conversation with teachers and students;

Observations of students in the lessons and during nature excursions;

Pedagogical experiment.

Graduation qualifying work consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion, literature of literature.

In the theoretical part, we analyzed the psychological - pedagogical literature, revealed the concept of excursion from different authors (N.K. Krupskaya,

B. A. Sukhomlinsky, K.P. Yagodovsky, P.A. Vonutiev), reviewed the organization and methodology for excursions in elementary school, gave an analysis of modern programs on the subject of the "surrounding world".

The practical part consisted of three stages: a statement, forming, control. Iquisition was conducted, testing students. A statistical analysis of the data obtained has been carried out. An analysis of the conducted excursions.

Approbation of experimental work was carried out on the basis of GBOU School №1173 YUAO Moscow in 3 "E" class.

1. Excursion as a means of forming environmental knowledge of younger students

1.1 Russian teachers about the role of excursions when studying the initial Natural science

In the "Russian Language Dictionary" the word "excursion" is understood as a collective trip or a walk somewhere with a scientific and cognitive or entertainment goal.

Excursions are extremely important in teaching natural science. Without them, it cannot be effectively learning this subject. Excursions contribute to the implementation of the school coupling of natural science with life, with the surrounding nature.

The specifics of the excursions compared to other forms of academic work is that students have the opportunity to visually know the relationships that exist in nature.

The educational and educational importance of excursions are great. They help children "... to argue their horizon by observing wildlife, living people, their labor, their relationship."

Highly evaluated excursions to the nature of E.I. Theheeva, who made a serious contribution to the development of methods for their conduct. Its basic requirement is to make the content of the excursion interesting for each child, because the "accuracy of observation and the depth of perception is proportional to interest." The stronger the excursion was carried out, the more she interested and fascinated the children, the more diverse they will respond to it in the future: remember, ask, reflect the visible and experienced in the game, in the visual activities.

Studies of scientists implemented in recent years convincingly show that favorable conditions are being created on excursions for the comprehensive development of children. Familiarization of schoolchildren with the surrounding - the first steps in the knowledge of the native land, the native nature, in the upbringing of love to the Motherland.

The Mnog's world of nature awakens curiosity from schoolchildren, is surprising. "Sincere astonishment before the secret nature of nature, B. A. Sukhomlinsky notes, - a mighty push for the rapid flow of thought." The toastfulness of the child, his curiosity is manifested in cognitive issues that help him navigate in the surrounding world, to detect existing connections and dependencies.

Therefore, teachers, directing the activities of children, should stimulate their cognitive activity, the emergence of questions, the desire to find answers on them, try to strengthen and deepen interest in nature, her knowledge.

At the same time, they teach the guys to correctly call items, the phenomena of nature, their properties, quality, develop the ability to express their thoughts and impressions. And as a result, the speech of the child becomes more rich, meaningful, connected; Children learn to describe what was observed to reason.

We will reveal the main provisions of research of methodologists in nature and natural science in elementary school.

K.P. Yagodova (1877-1943) - Author of a large number of works on the method of teaching natural science in elementary school: "Natural science lessons in elementary school", "practical classes in natural science in elementary school", "How to teach natural science in elementary school", "live corner at school and houses, "" corners of nature in elementary school "," practice of teaching natural science ", etc.

In the works of K.P. Yagodova first brightly and convincingly disclosed the psychological need of children of younger school age in the study of nature. He believed that a methodally expedient selection of material for studying, as well as upbringing skills in accesses in handling of specific facts, should be decisive when building a system for obtaining knowledge of nature.

The result of all his scientific activity is the book "Questions of the General Methodology of Natural Science". In an effort to substantiate the methodology of natural science, the author demands, first of all, to link it with pedagogy and psychology, rightly considering that without general theories of upbringing and learning, without taking into account the psychological and physiological characteristics of children, it is impossible to scientifically build a technique.

Considering the issue of the formation of concepts, the author special attention pays to the leadership of the teacher's informative process in educational work, believing that "the technique begins from the moment the teacher becomes the head of the cognitive process that occurs in the consciousness of the student."

K.P. Yagodova shows the goals and requirements that are presented to the content of material on natural science in programs. Interesting are his arguments that natural science need to be studied as early as possible, because it is the necessary basis for studying future systematic courses.

In order to overall the student, he considered it necessary to create the skills of the simplest generalizations in children, filling the right content of the word about nature through excursions.

K.P. Yagodova on specific examples showed a methodology for education in junior schoolchildren primary generalizations based on a small number of bright and figurative views. He paid special attention to the work of the teacher on the general development of students, consciously assimilating the material being studied.

P.A. Veduyev (1890-1970) made a significant contribution to the method of teaching environmental education in primary classes. In his works, he sought to show how to form natural representations and concepts by methods that are peculiar to natural sciences. The technique developed by him, experiments and excursions helped create a specific basis for the formation of natural concepts. P.A. The envy has planned a system of subject lessons, identified their content and methods of conducting ("excursions and subject lessons in I-IV classes"). He paid a lot of attention on the school site ("Educational and Experienced Plot of I-IV Classes", "labor of students I-IV classes on an educational and experienced section"), where students acquire skills and skills to grow plants. He believed that natural science is the initial stage of polytechnic learning of students.

The success of observations and experiments, excursions and subject lessons is determined by the wide use of various means of visibility.

K.D. Ushinsky (1824-1870) - the largest methodologist and teacher in the field of primary learning - believed that the training of children should be built not on a verbal basis, but on the basis of the impressions of them directly from the world.

K.D. Ushinsky emphasized that the observation of the phenomena of nature and their generalization should be the main sources of knowledge. He said that nature is a natural medium in which a person deploys its activities using it for its own purposes.

E.A. Valerianova (1885-1970) - Methodist according to natural science in primary classes. She paid a lot of strength and time to work with teachers, emphasizing the great role and the importance of the principle of visibility in teaching natural science. She created "diaries of observation of nature and human labor activities" for students I, II, III, IV classes that have not lost their importance and now.

M.N. Shotkun (1900) - Methodist for teaching natural science in primary schools and polytechnic training of schoolchildren; author

programs in natural science in elementary school; The author of textbooks on nature for the III and IV classes. He pays great attention to the issues of methods of teaching environmental education, especially the issues of the methodology for excursions, calendars, observations in nature, intensifying the cognitive activities of students, extracurricular work on nature education in primary classes, ways to improve learning efficiency. They created a series of visual aids, tables, paintings, collections, movies, as well as guidelines for their use in the lessons.

Speaking about the founders of natural science as science, about the methodologies of the nature studies, it is impossible not to recall the words of the Great Russian teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky. He wrote: "It is very important that the amazing world of nature, beauty, music, fantasy, creativity, surrounding children to school, did not close before the student of the cool door .... The first lessons of thinking should not be in the class, not in front of the blackboard, but among nature ... ".

The main principle of V.A. Sukhomlinsky - upbringing through nature, constant communication with nature. "Go to the field, in the park, drink from the source of thought, and this living water will make your pets with wise researchers, inquisitive, inquisitive people and poets. What is missed in childhood is never compensated in the years of youth and even more so in adulthood. This rule concerns all the spheres of the child's spiritual life and especially aesthetic education. Durability, susceptibility to beauty in childhood is incomparably deeper than in later years of personality development.

One of the main tasks of primary school teacher is the upbringing of the need for a beautiful, which largely determines the whole system of the spiritual life of the child, its relationship in the team. The need for a beautiful asserts moral beauty, giving birth to intolerance and intolerance to everything vulgar, ugly. "

During the excursion, we strive to show them the world so that they think about the truth that nature is our home, and if we are wasteful and carefree, then destroy it.

Thus, the analysis of various works of outstanding teachers makes it possible to note the greatest role of excursions in the development and raising of children.

1.2 Forms and methods of environmental education younger students

The main forms and methods of environmental education of younger school students belong:

1. Lesson-Form training in which training sessions are conducted by a teacher with a group of students in constant composition, the same age and the level of preparation for a certain time on the established schedule to achieve educational goals. Each lesson is dedicated to the study of a certain issue of the program and therefore is a complete and however, it is a continuation of the preceding lessons and support for the next.

The deepening of cognitive interest, the upbringing of love for nature contributes to the introduction of games into the educational process. They help children to absorb the qualities and properties of objects, consolidate the norms and rules of behavior in nature.

2. Didactic game- this is such a collective, targeted training activities, when each participant and the team as a whole are combined with the decision of the main task and orient their behavior on winning.

In the didactic game, the main type of activity is educational activities, which is woven into the game and acquires the features of joint gaming learning activities. The Didactic Game Rules are thoroughly thought out and communicate to children before it began.

Didactic Games:

v activate cognitive processes;

v raise the interest and care of children;

v develop abilities;

v Enter children in life situations;

v teach them to act according to the rules;

v develop curiosity;

v Enchant knowledge and skills.

The didactic games of environmental content include games with lotto type cards, games - quiz type "who lives", games - riddles, such as "portrait" on the card to find a plant in herbarium

but. Role-playing gamesenvironmental content is based on modeling social content. Unlike the usual lesson in learning in the gaming situation, the restructuring and regrouping of concepts, ideas, facts that are associated with the design of a responsible speech on behalf of the public or a political figure, a scientist, administrator or technical specialist are actively involved. For example, the game "Environmental Expertise": decided to build petrol stations with washing between the highway and the river. The discussion between the groups of "Ecologists", "Engineers",

"Motorists". Role behavior gives youngest a young student to show independence of judgments. Forms their skill to lead a discussion.

b. Simulation environmental gamesbased on environmental modeling. For example, the game "Who, where does it live?" Discloses the dependence of animal propagation from habitat conditions.

4. Environmental fairy tales- These are fairy tales who carry "environmental information", i.e. Give knowledge of nature, animal chas, help expand the environmental horizons, comprehend the world and change the relationship between people with a habitat, form elementary ecological concepts.

They teach to know the world around us, bring up a sense of involvement in well-being in nature, think about the consequences of their actions towards the environment.

5. Environmental tasksactiviate cognitive activity, expand the volume of natural concepts, bring up a cultural personality, able to love nature, guard and take it. They not only stimulate child curiosity, but also contribute to the manifestation of care and concern about the state of nature. These include riddles on plants, animals, nature phenomena, crossword puzzles, rebuses and actually tasks.

6. Environmental modeling- This is the construction of children with the help of a teacher of graphic and dynamic schemes (models), reflecting those or other relationships in nature. Models facilitate students understanding links, serve as a support for memorizing and reproducing knowledge about them.

7. Excursion to nature - This is the form of organization of the educational process, aimed at mastering the educational material, but carried out outside the school, which allows to conduct observations, as well as to directly study various objects, phenomena and processes, in naturally or artificially created conditions. We consider this form in more detail in paragraph 1.3.

1.3 Organization and methodology for natural excursions with younger students

Excursion is the form of the organization of the educational process, aimed at mastering the educational material, but carried out outside the school. When the entire class and material excursion takes part in the excursion, it becomes closely associated with the program according to natural science, it becomes a form of social work. In this case, it enters the system of lessons and is an important part of the educational process. In addition, the excursion can be a form of extracurricular work when it is carried out with a group of individual, most interested students.

In the text of the Federal State Educational Standard of the Primary General Education of the second generation, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 29, 2014 No. 1643 "On approval and enforcement of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education" indicates the peculiarities of the modern organization of extracurricular activities in an educational institution.

The standard identifies the directions of the development of the personality, according to which extracurricular activities in elementary school are carried out, namely:

· Sports and recreation direction;

· Spiritual and moral;

· Social;

· General inactive;

· Communication.

Announced forms of emergency organization: excursions, mugs, sections, round tables, conferences, disputes, school scientific societies, competitions, competitions, search and research, socially useful practices, etc.

Excursion allows you to combine the educational process at school with real life. On the excursions, the teacher has the opportunity to link the events of the past directly with specific historical monuments - a dumb witnesses of those events that helps students create more faithful ideas about the distant past; The tour helps schoolchildren to become as if contemporaries of historical events of the past.

The subject of excursions is diverse. It can be submitted by the following groups:

W excursions in nature (in the park, forest, on the pond, in the field) in order to study seasonal changes, the lives of plants and animals; communities;

W excursions that are familiar with the seasonal labor of people (harvesting, plowing, garden and garden work, cleaning foliage and snow, etc.);

W tours, revealing issues of protection and conservation of nature in natural and artificially created conditions (zoo, greenhouse, reserve, biological office, winter garden);

W excursions, introducing various professions and labor of people (factory, factory, library, theater, etc.

W excursions dedicated to the study of the attractions of the native land (architectural monuments, museums, monuments of great people, memorials);

She excursions at historical places of the native land (historical - artistic monuments, places of battles, memorials).

Excursions on natural science are introductory(at the rate or topic)

current(as the topic of the topic), and generalizing(after studying the material theme).

On the introductoryexcursions Students receive a general understanding of the material studied, tasks for observation on the whole topic, conduct short-term observations. An example of an introductory excursion can be a tour of the third class on the topic "Spring Changes in Nature".

Currentexcursions suggest acquaintance with specific objects or phenomena in nature itself. An example of the current excursion may be a tour of "familiarization with the peculiarities of the local reservoir, its use and protection."

Generalizingexcursions are held at the end of the study of the topic or part of it and suggest concretization, systematization and generalization of the material studied. They are built in such a way that schoolchildren have found in the surrounding nature, what was studied in the classroom and on the textbook at home, and answered questions supplied by the teacher.

Systematic excursions developing skills in students to study their edge.

We highlight several fundamentally important aspects that the teacher must keep in mind when organizing and conducting a tour.

1. Emotional side. The teacher must try to support children's emotional state, which is caused by the excursion. This is achieved by the exception of authoritarian leadership: ("Stand here", "don't look there", "do not run", etc.) In the process of excursion, the teacher should, figuratively speaking, "let go of the entrance" - give schoolchildren the opportunity to easily move around, feel some freedom; Provide a short time to communicate with the observed object. It is necessary to avoid sharp disciplinary comments, punishments and direct instructions. The style of communication should be necessarily confidential, soft, sincere. Otherwise, the excursion will leave the children an emotionally negative impression.

3. The organizational side. Every excursion, the teacher is preparing carefully and in advance; It defines the topic of excursions, presentations and basic concepts that will be worked out on excursions; chooses a place of excursion; develops a sightseeing route; certainwise visits the place of excursion to meet him, the selection of the most interesting and typical objects for the demonstration and independent observation of students; Determines the place of stops for recreation. This work of the teacher is completed by the preparation of the excursion plan. Planning a tour of the excursion, the teacher should provide such structural elements:

Ø Teacher's brief introductory word or an introductory conversation with students in which it is necessary to reflect the time of year, the state of surrounding inanimate and wildlife;

W independent work of students;

W form reporting schoolchildren;

W check performed independent work;

W Summarizing conversation.

Students must also be prepared for excursion. A teacher introduces them in advance with the topic of excursion and its tasks, with questions that students should find an answer; Distributes students to links - groups for better management by them during the excursion, appoints among the senior group, gives sightseeing equipment: folders for herbarium, jars, chucks, magnifying glass, etc. Depending on the content and tasks of the excursion, distributes between the groups of tasks for independent work, the collection of natural material.

Before starting the excursion, the teacher first in the classroom informs students the goal, plan and route of the excursion, distributes tasks for independent work. In addition, it is necessary to negate the rules of behavior in nature, about the movement on the route. Any tour in nature is best to start with the description of the natural landscape. The teacher draws the attention of children at the time of year, on the state of inanimate and wildlife in this season, gives the characteristic of the terrain or talks with students on the basis of their direct observation. It is also necessary to smash students to the groups to perform independent work and dictate their lists of need for a tour guide. General tasks better inform each student individually. It is necessary to explain what and how to prepare excursors to which lists should be made, how to issue the results of observations.

So, for example, before excursion on the topic "Signs of autumn.

Leisure Falls »Students The following questions and tasks are offered:

1. Do you like autumn?

2. What poets wrote poems about the autumn?

3. How has the weather changed by October?

4. Pick up the leaves from one tree in such a way that all transitions from green to yellow and red are presented.

5. Determine what tree belongs to the leaves.

6. What leaves do you like most? Why?

7. What kind of paints need to mix to get the shades of autumn leaves?

8. What names could I come up with for these leaves?

9. Houses children make a panel from the collected leaves - participation in the exhibition.

The more the child learns about the life of nature, the more it will have opportunities for the formation of the right relationship, to raise love for the beauty of native places.

For successful excursions in order to avoid misses and shortcomings, which can largely devalue the excursion to the novice teacher should be remembered by some rules.

The main requirement is to organize the active work of excursants, not to leave them only by the audience and listeners. For this purpose, they should give individual independent tasks, such as learning, collecting and distributing material, monitoring those or other phenomena of nature, performing specific measurements and others.

Next, it is necessary to organize viewing the assembled material, conversation to explain the causes of certain observed phenomena. This work is finally completed and summarized already at school. Sometimes the preliminary generalization is made immediately after the excursion, and the final summary is carried out after the results of the results.

Typically, students are most active in cases where a research method is applied on the excursion. It requires more initiatives in the performance of work, conducting observations of objects and phenomena, more independent conclusions on the basis of what has seen and studied on the excursion. .

But due to the need for a short time, a larger amount of material on excursions usually prevails an illustrative method. However, where possible, research methods are needed. A teacher should strive for this, improving the method of organizing excursions as experience and knowledge of children accumulates.

The second rule arising from the first - the specificity of the material studied objects and tasks. Long verbal explanations and all sorts of deviations from the main theme and objects are better to avoid at the excursion. If longer verbal explanations are needed, it is better not to do them during the tour, but before or after it during the processing of the results.

It should also be overloaded with tourists in many special terms of names for certain objects. It should be borne in mind that children are of the desire to know the name of a particular subject - this is a completely natural desire to correlate the subject and verbal idea of \u200b\u200ba particular object. But, as a rule, on excursions with younger schoolchildren it is advisable to consider no more than 8-10 objects. The task of the excursion is to open the links and ratios that are observed in nature. This goal is by no means achieved by loading the memory of terminology. It is necessary to give names, but in a small amount so that they do not "littered" memory and not tired students. If desired and need, you can suggest read any of the scientific and popular and fiction.

The next requirement is the ability to correctly show various objects on excursions, not excluding the smallest. Giving some explanation, the teacher must first make sure that the excursions gathered around him. Therefore, students get acquainted with the rules of behavior on the excursion.

Consideration on excursions is large, all well visible objects do not require special equipment. It is difficult to study small objects, sometimes very small size (small insects, some details in the structure of plants, etc.) The most important thing here is to teach children to become around the head with a wide ring, the radius of which is determined by the extended hand of the teacher located in the center of such a living rings.

An educational excursion should not turn into a walk, so it is necessary to learn students all their observations and work to record in the notebook, without relying on their memory; Otherwise, many will be forgotten.

Finally, you need to teach the guys to collect only the necessary materials and, bringing them to school, process, put in order; Live objects are placed in comfortable conditions for them. Without this, a lot will die - deterrently and by the time studying in the class will not be able to be used. The teacher needs to clearly determine which objects are to be collected, and which cannot be collected in any way. This applies to rare and protected plants such as primroses, Lily of Mayan, representatives of the family of licorious and others. From the insect catch are not subject to butterfly, with the exception of whitebird, bumblebees, can not be collected mollusks and some other animals. Collecting any living objects should be appropriate, and the objects themselves must be used subsequently to replenish school benefits or detailed study in the classroom. Otherwise, it is enough to monitor the excursions. This contributes to the development of environmental skills and environmental education not in words, but in practice.

1.4 Analysis of modern general education programs on the subject of the "Around World"

The elementary school lays the foundation for the knowledge of the child's environment. The elements of knowledge about living and inanimate nature, the phenomena of nature, the rules of behavior in society are included in the integrated course "Environment", which consists of three blocks:

1. "Man and Nature"

2. "Man and society"

3. "Life safety rules."

Thus, on the implementation of the educational component "Environmental Peace" in a four-year-old elementary school, the basic curricula of general education institutions of Russia provides for the following number of hours per week:

Th class - 66 hours (2 hours a week, 33 school weeks)

Yy, yy and yv classes - 68 hours (2 hours a week, 34 school weeks)

Currently, the elementary school is engaged in three educational systems: the traditional, developing system D.B.

Elkonina - V.V. Davydov, developing system L.V. Zankov. All these systems comply with the requirements of GEF NOO.

Consider and analyze modern traditional general educational programs on the subject "Olions World"

1 . Etcgrandmate World (UMC "School of Russia")for a four-year elementary school A.A. Pleshakov, it has a pronounced environmental orientation. It is built taking into account the younger students of emotional responsiveness, curiosity and, together with the ability to master theoretical knowledge. Its environmental orientation determines the idea of \u200b\u200bdiversity and environmental integrity of nature, the unity of nature and man.

The priority task of the course is:

* Formation of students in a single, holistic painted image of the world, its own and common to all people, for all living things;

* systematization and expansion of children's ideas about the subjects and phenomena of nature and public life is carried out;

* Development of interest in their knowledge, enrichment of moral experience of students, upbringing their love for their city (Selu), to their homeland.

The listed aspects of the content are highlighted in the program as separate topics.

Also in program "Surrounding peace" A.A. Pleshakov, Umk "School of Russia",students monitor the phenomena of nature and public life with the help of a teacher. To successfully solve the tasks of the course, the author offers excursions and training walks throughout the year.

The purpose of this course is the upbringing of a humane, creative, socially active person, carefully, responsibly related to the wealth of nature and society.

Forms of organization of work when studying the course "Environmental World" are diverse: lessons in the classroom and in nature, excursions, field workshops, homework. Methods, techniques and learning tools are also diverse. So, a significant role is given to observations in nature, practical work, demonstration of experiments, visual benefits, etc.

2 . Etcgrand "Enough Peace"A.A. Pleshakov, M.Yu. Novitskaya, Umk "perspective"created with a support for cultural principles, concepts, categories that harmoniously unite naturally - scientific knowledge and experience of humanitarian sciences. The leading, from the point of view of the organization of the content, is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of the world of nature and the world of culture. With this principal position, the world around the world is considered as a natural - cultural whole, and a person is as part of nature as the creator of culture and as its product, i.e. Also natural and cultural whole.

The program defines the concepts necessary for perception and study by the younger students of the surrounding world:

· Nature and culture, integer and part, general and different, external and internal, living and non-living, space and time as the most important parameters of being;

· Natural rhythm of human life as the basis of human physical and mental health;

· The world is like a hierarchy, order, ode, as the relationship of everything with everything.

Thanks to the cultural installation, the program performs an integrating role in the training system and raising younger students. Almost all the topics of the program can receive a special interpretation in the lessons of visual art and music, literary reading and Russian, as well as in the lessons of physical culture. In accordance with the program material on the "surrounding world", extracurricular and out-of-school work can be built, work with family, in groups of extended day, the system of work of a full day school for younger students. Therefore, at the end of each section, the content of each class is offered "block of extracurricular, extracurricular work" with approximate subject; Any teacher can transform it according to regional, local conditions in which a specific school is located.

The approach used in the program to structuring the learning material allows you to identify separate parties from year to year in those generalized wording. So gradually, step by step, from the position of the cultural approach and, taking into account the increase in the age-related opportunities of students, deepens the consideration of the value-semantic potential laid down in the content of the "Enough Mir". The spheres of natural and social life appear in their unity and close mutual communication.

3 . Etcgrand "Enough Peace"N.F. Vinogradova, G.S. Kalinova, Umk "elementary schoolXXI century "it offers the study of natural science and social science issues in a single course throughout all four years of study. This integrated course is of particular importance in the formation of a holistic look at the social and natural environment around us, the person in it, its biological and social essence.

The main objective of the subject is the formation of the social experience of a schoolchildren, awareness of elementary interaction in the system "Man - Nature - Society", the upbringing of the right attitude towards the habitat and rules of behavior in it.

The study of the subject allows you to:

Establish closer among the knowledge of nature and social life;

Ensure the real continuity and prospects of studying the surrounding world;

Create conditions for the smoother and expedient formation of moral and ethical installations;

The course is based on the linearly concentric principle of studying the educational material.

Taking into account the importance of expanding the sensual experience of younger schoolchildren and the need to communicate learning with life in the program, excursions and practical work available to children at this age are provided. It is advisable to conduct a generalization lessons. Their goal is to revive the knowledge of the schoolboy, to systematize and summarize the obtained views. The study of this course requires the use of non-traditional forms of classrooms, organizing classes outside the class (in the corner of nature, in the park, museum, gym, etc.).

4. The main feature of the course content programs

"The world"FROM. Pepper, Ugk "Harmony"is his integrative character. In a single course, knowledge of nature, man, society, the most important events in the history of the Russian state is united.

In accordance with the general didactic principles of systemic, accessibility, visibility, continuity , taking into account local history, environmental, seasonal principles of training, the painting of their living and inanimate nature in its versatility and diversity unfolds in front of students. They learn about the diversity of plants, mushrooms, animals, sushi forms, types of water bodies, land as the planet of the solar system, about natural communities and natural zones, about seasonal changes in nature and in human life. We study the properties of air, water, soil, the substances necessary for all living on Earth, discuss the problems associated with their pollution and are aware of the need for a careful attitude towards the environment. The initial ideas about the development of plant organism, about the stages of the development of some groups of animals, about how the human body functions and develops, from which its health depends on.

Much attention is paid to identifying changes in the environment related to human activity, in the process of direct observations of the objects and phenomena of nature, students during excursions and walks towards architectural monuments and modern architecture, in the parks, in museums. Mandatory short-term walks (1 and 2 classes) and subject or complex excursions(3 and 4 classes) to study the objects of nature or human creations in their natural conditions.

5. Course content programs "Enough Peace"I.V. Potapova, G.G. Ivchenkova, E.V. Saplin, A.I. Saplin, Umk "Planet Knowledge"allows you to organize targeted work on the development of aesthetic perception of the surrounding world. The program consistently discloses not only the scientific and practical significance of the objects under study, but also their aesthetic value for humans and society as a whole.

The development of thinking is ensured by the inclusion in the teaching aids of various tasks for comparing objects, identifying their essential features, classification, the establishment of causal relationships and dependencies.

6 essential feature programs "Enough Peace"IS HE. Fedotova, G.V. Traffic, S.A. Traffic, Umk "Perspective Primary School"it is that it contains a meaningful basis for the wide implementation of interdisciplinary bonds of all elementary school disciplines, which gives a disciple key (method) to understand personal experience, allowing you to draw the phenomena of the surrounding world by understandable, familiar and predictable, find our place in the nearest environment, Follow the direction of their personal interests in harmony with the interests of nature and society, thereby providing further as their personal and social well-being.

The subject "The World War" uses and thereby reinforces the skills obtained in the lessons of reading, Russian language and mathematics, music and visual arts, technology and physical culture, together with them by children to the rational and emotionally valuable comprehension of the surrounding world.

Thus, the course creates a solid foundation for studying a significant part of the main school items and for the further development of the personality.

7 The situation will take shape when using the course programs "Enough Peace"A.A. Vakhrushev, DD Danilova, A.S. Rautiana, S.V. Typing, to which an integrated course refers within UMK "School 2100".Schoolchildren introduce wide ideas about the world that form a system covering the entire world around. At the same time, the most important concepts ("islands of knowledge") explain only a small part of the world around them, but the closest development zones are made around them allow to respond to most of the questions that arise from the guys. The presentation of a relatively complete picture of the world will make it possible to give the creative research nature to the process of studying the subject, forcing students to ask new and new questions specifying and helping to comprehend their experience.

In this case, the traditional for textbooks "Schools 2100" Minimax principle.According to this principle, textbooks contain redundant knowledge that the guys may assign and redundant tasks that students can perform. At the same time, the most important concepts and connections that are ministed in the minimum of content (standard) and the components of a relatively small part of the course must learn all students. Thus, textbooks differ significantly in terms of the material that students may and must be learned.

Analyzing the programs, we have compiled a summary table number 1 non-cultural excursionswhich are offered the authors above the following programs.

Non-cultural Excursions in the course "Enough Mir"



1.Uk "School of Russia".

Etc. "The world around the world", Avt. A.A. Pleshakov



Excursion to the zoo.



On the guests to the autumn. On a visit to winter.

On a visit to the spring.

"Nature and we"

Nature manifold Excursion State Darwin Museum.

Excursion to the agro-community

"Moscow". Excursion B.

"Ethnogrphic Museum

on dolls »

"We and our

What grows by the school.


Etc. "Surrounding

"Our class"

world, Auth.

A.A. Pleshakov,

"Spring and Summer"

Excursion to the forest. Autumn excursion to the park.

M.Yu. Novitskaya.

Winter walk.

Spring walk.

Excursion to the forest.

"What teaches us


Excursion in Atelier,

shoe workshop.



Walk to school

yard (Square) for

Etc. "Surrounding


observations of objects

world, Auth. FROM.

the surrounding world I.


natural collection



Excursion to the Winter Forest.


Ponds of the native edge.

nature "


Excursions K.




m city, historical

or local lore

4. UMK "Initial

Natural phenomena:

school of the XXI century. "


September-first month

Etc. "Surrounding

autumn; October already


world, Auth.

N.F. Vinogradova, G.S. Kalinov.

In December, in December all trees in silver; January - year the beginning, winter of the middle; March - drip; April - Aquarius;


community "

Forest and its inhabitants; Meadow

and its inhabitants;



Excursions to nature in

different times of the year

5.Uk "School 2100".

Etc. "The world around the world", Avt.






















Etc. "The world around the world", Avt.








Excursion to the forest.



Excursion to the zoo.




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