Moula Bandech Technique Implementation for Men. Bandhi: For what they need

They say that during training in Mysor, students on any question, whether the technique of carrying out the balance of Asan, a bad mood, nonlade in personal life, etc., etc., receive the answer "Moula Bandha!".

Moreover, hold this mysterious thing permanently, with the exception of Shavasan, toilet and sleep. Trying to find out what kind of Moula Bandha is such, the disciples heard from Guruji (Pattabhi Joyce): "Contract Your Anus!" ("Squeeze anus!"). No other explanation could have suggested. So they had to hold their own research by contacting various sources and books about yoga. As a result, it was found that Moula Bandha is a technique involving the entire space of the pelvic floor, and a good practice can hold many muscles and organs in the field of their attention, which is relaxing or tightening them as needed. Over time, this turns into a kind of holistic process, which, in fact, is Mula Bandha. And, of course, it is very and very difficult. So practicing this should almost 24 hours a day. But why would I like to know?

You probably heard about the physiological benefit of Moula Bandhi. First, without it, you will not be able to fulfill the good half of the Asan, who demand to hold the body in different strange positions - such as the head stand, stand on hands, Pinch Maiurasan, Bhuja-Pidzana, etc. If your pelvis is hanging back and forth, you will quickly clamp on the floor. Thanks Moula Bandh, we will stabilize this area.

Secondly, Mula Bandha is an excellent means for strengthening the muscles of the pelvic bottom, which with age is usually saved, which is why the internal organs lying on them change the situation and fall that, in turn, leads to different unpleasant diseases. Girls, remember: Always Mula Bandha, and you will see your gynecologist much less often!

As always, there is also contraindications. Here are cases when to perform Mula Bandhu should not:

  1. If you have hemorrhoids in the stages of exacerbation (in the remission stage, on the contrary, Moula Bandha is shown).
  2. If you suffer from prostatitis and in general any inflammation in this area.
  3. If you are on the first trimester of pregnancy.

Now about the main thing. In addition to the above bonuses, Moula Bandha is a way to hold in a state of awareness throughout the day. If you really try to perform this technique constantly, the first thing you see is not easy. You will find that your mind jumps from one to another with a terrible speed, and he does not have forces to do more and Moula Bandhi. This is very important, since before starting to work on yourself, you need to make sure that this work is necessary. Most of us are in the illusion that we are almost on the verge of enlightenment, while everyone else is mired in ignorance. It would seem to be a simple matter, as the holding of certain muscles in a given position, shows where we are in reality are. We will face inability to focus, with the inability to control their body and thoughts, as well as with negative emotions on the composition of the above. This is the first step towards finding out who we really are.

In addition, thanks to the unceasing attempts to concentrate on Mula Bandh, we will be partly protected from an uncontrolled thread of thoughts and feelings that wears us on stormy waves in reality and in a dream. In any case, we will have the opportunity to observe their emotions, and then control them at the level of behavior, that is, not to be inspired. Think about how it would be nice if we did not say and did not make 90% of what we said and did. When you want to shout once again on someone, make Mula Bandhu and see what happens.

The focus is that when at least a small "part" of our mind is free from digesting their own reactions and impressions, the level of our identity with feelings and thoughts is reduced, and we can act not as robots, "automata" reproducing usual behaviors, but as reasonable Creatures that have a choice.


Today I will tell you about Moula Bangdha. First, let's figure out what bandhi is. These are also certain yoga exercises that are also called castles.

The word "gang" means "keep, hold, tie". It very accurately describes the physical actions necessary to perform these exercises. Various parts of the body are gently, but powerfully reduced and strain that it has a massive effect on the internal organs, removes the stagnant blood in them, stimulates and regulates the functioning of nerve tissues innervating these organs, improves the functioning and health of the body as a whole. Moula Bandha is a root castle, one of the main gangs in Hatha-yoga.

Despite the fact that gangs are physical actions, they have a subtle effect on energy centers and energy. Practice stimulates the stream, and Bunches direct it into the necessary areas of the body, preventing dispersion.

Today I will tell you about one of the gang - Moula Bandhu. Moula Bandha helps strengthen the muscles of the pelvic day and crotch, directs energy up.

Why do you need to strengthen these muscles? First, it facilitates the course of pregnancy and childbirth for women. Secondly, prevents various diseases. Thirdly, removes the involuntary urine leakage due to the weakness of muscle data. It helps to quickly return to the form after childbirth, allows a woman easier to reach orgasm during sex. It is safe to say that the strengthening of the pelvic dna muscles will make your sex life brighter and rich.

With permanent practice, Moula Bandhi Prana and Apana are combined, urination and chair decrease, and even the old man becomes young.

Hatha Yoga Pradipika

All practices that combine two opposite forces, Prana and Apana are generated and distinguished in the body a huge amount of heat. This for a short period of time increases the tempo of metabolism in the body, which reduces the intensity of the dieting and decomposition of the cells; The absorption of nutrients and their absorption are improved and the nervous system, blood circulation and function of the brain are strongly stimulated. The mind becomes more alive, sensual desires and the need for a dream are reduced and even during sleep takes place greater awareness. When Mula Bandh is practiced regularly, the physiological needs of food decrease and the same symptoms are manifested, which are due to perfection in Pranayama and Uddiyana Bandh.

moula Bandha - implementation techniques

At the initial stage of the practice of Mula Bandha there is a tendency to compress two areas, namely, the crotch and anus. Moula Bandha takes place in the center of the body, not in front and not from behind. Then compressing directly. The controlled systematic compression of the crotch or cervix produces heat in a thin body, and this awakens the potential of Kundalini.

Technique 1.

Sit in comfortable, the body must be completely relaxed, and the spine is direct.

Male should compress the area that is exactly inside the crotch, so at first it is better to concentrate in this place for a few minutes. Women should focus on the neck of the uterus, since the muscles of the vagina and cervix should be shrinking.
After a few minutes of concentrations, start gradually cutting and relaxing the muscles of the crotch or cervix.
The abbreviation of the muscles should last within a few seconds.
Breathing should be normal. Perform up to twenty cycles of cutting and relaxing muscles.

Technique 2.

Prepare as for previous practice. Reduce the muscles of the crotch or cervix and delay this cut.
Hold the muscles in the abbreviated state as long as possible, then relax them. Perform up to twenty times.

Technique 3.

Compression should begin gently and only partially. Slightly strain the muscles and hold such a condition without relaxation.
Then cut the muscles somewhat stronger. Continue to gradually increase the tension of the muscles until there are no complete reduction in their total reduction.
Hold full compression as long as possible; Try to maintain normal breathing.

Join C.

Namaste, friends! I remember how I first heard the phrase "Keep a light Uddka Bandhu." In my head rushed: "Bank? Gang? What is this gang, and where to find it? ". In search of a gang, I squeezed everything that could from knees before the chin, so that cramps were enough. Oh, these ambitious goals in yoga are the road to nowhere. I am currently studied gangs and their effect on themselves, Better I understand the execution technique. And the article will tell you why you should not forget about them during practice.

"Bandh" literally means a castle or print, and we have three castles in our body. Anatomically, these neuromuscular locks that regulate changes in intra-abdominal and intrabrudal pressure affecting internal organs.

They provide support and stability in the position, and help make the practice safe. Having learned to work with your body of Outri and outside, you will longer hold asians, more stable in the balanced poses. Also they distribute the stream of prana in a thin body.

We have 4 main gangs:

  • Mula Bandha;
  • Uddiyana Bandha;
  • Jaladochar Bandha;
  • Mach Bandha.

The ancient yoga philosophers said that, mastered by all three castles, you will gain concentration in Asanas, sustainable breathing, clear and calm mind. Bandhi helps to control and regulate all internal systems, hormonal, sexual, metabolic, digestive and much more.

Note: Bands should not be practiced during pregnancy.

Moula Bandha (root castle), how to find?

The most important for women, and no less important for men, nevertheless enough available in performance. Imagine that you are in the middle of 3 hour traffic jams, and the highway has turned into a parking lot, and you urgently need to urinate. Or you are a lady in white short shorts, go through the park, and critical days started a day before you expected. And here are the most muscles that you instinctively squeeze in such situations to tighten and keep it, that is about to begin, it is possible to count in general Mouli Bandha Or at least that region Moula gangs that must be pulled up during practice.

it root Castle, and compression of the muscles of the pelvic bottom. This technique, for those who want to improve the condition of their body, and be filled with forces, vigor, enthusiasm. It helps strengthen the muscles of the pelvic bottom, and the crotch, directs the energy up.

Why strengthen the muscles of the pelvic bottom? For women, it facilitates the course of pregnancy and childbirth, removes the involuntary urine leakage, helps to quickly return to the form after childbirth. For men is a guarantee of health and longevity. In Pradepik, it is written that even the old man becomes young.

With regular practice, the mind becomes alive, the nervous system is stimulated.

The whole truth is that Moula Bandhu needs to keep all the practice of yoga. Yes, for a whole hour or one and a half hours. And for this there are many reasons, including the blocking of energy, which allows her to flow up. Thanks to Mula Bandha, your energy will remain inside you, it will allow you to feel surprisingly easy.

It helps to concentrate on the process, which is happening here and now. The very state of awareness. During Pranayama, you need to perform Mula Bandhu so that Prana is accumulated.


  1. Hemorrhoids in the stage of aggravation (in the remission stage, on the contrary Moula Bangdha shown);
  2. If you suffer from prostatitis and in general by any instances in this area;
  3. If you are on the first trimester of pregnancy.

Udandyna Bandha and its action on the body

A little above Mula Bandhi We have a second gang, Udandyna. Translated from Sanskrit as "take off". That is, this is a dear castle, you ask? But no, not yet dear, but close to it. It takes off, it is called because your muscles raise the chest, and internal organs. You will feel that the internal organs as if decreased. And the energy rose even higher. Uddiyana massages digestion organs.

Technique implementation

Arrange the legs a little wider width of the pelvis, inspire through the nose and lift your hands to the level of the ears, exhale through the mouth with sound: "Ha", and put your hands on your knees. Not inhaling, close your mouth, straighten your elbows and feel like your abdominal wall and organs pressed to the spine.

If you have done it correctly, then looking at your profile in the mirror, you will see how your waist becomes stylish, miniature, with protruding ribs above the belly and navel. Save this position as long as possible, and leave the bandha, breathing through the nose. Stand straight, lift your hands up, then lowering your hands down, exhale again.

Practice Uddiyana Bandhi. One of the progress promoting you in mastering your own body, and using it during classes, you become an advanced practice.


  1. She protects the spine during twists and allows the body to jump faster, swim, bend and flexing;
  2. Helps in the prevention of abdominal and gastrointestinal diseases;
  3. Eliminates constipation, stimulates the production of digestive juice, thereby increasing the metabolism;
  4. Balancing the adrenal system, removing stress, lethargy and tension ;;
  5. It is used in yogatherapy for the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, massage of internal organs, increases the fire of digestion, activates the mind.

This gang has contraindications:

  • menstruation;
  • pregnancy;
  • infectious diseases;
  • tumors, intestinal inflammation;
  • increased body temperature;
  • it is performed solely on an empty stomach.

Jalandhar Bandha (Gorel Castle) and execution technique

Jalandhara Bandha "This is perhaps the only case when you want a double chin, and try to do it." In Sanskrit Jal means the throat, Jalan means the network, and Dharan means the flow. Thus, the meaning of Jalandhar Bandhi can be considered the burning of the throat, and control over the stream of energy in the nervous system and behind the flow in the blood vessels of the neck.

Technique implementation

To find Jalandhar Bandhu, sit down at a comfortable position, crossed legs, and put your palms on your knees. Spin is absolutely straight. Inhale slowly and deep through the nose, hold your breath, then attract the chin to the neck and lift the chest slightly. Put on your knees, straightening your elbows, and save this position as long as possible. To get out, lift the chin, breathe the remaining part of the air into the lungs and exhale. If you felt an unpleasant double chin or noticed that someone photographs your profile, then I have done everything right!

Unlike the first two, Jalandhar Bandha is usually performed in combination with specific respiratory practices and is rarely done by itself.


  1. The pressure rendered to the receptors during the execution of gangs, slows down the heart of the heart and soothes the mind;
  2. Squeezes sinuses on the main arteries of the neck, and it helps to regulate blood circulation and respiratory systems;
  3. It massages the thyroid and parachitoid gland, stimulating them;
  4. The practice of Jaladochar Bandhi removes stress, anxiety and anger;
  5. By itself, she is obtained in the turned asahs;
  6. The pressure on the throat normalizes the metabolism.


Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. It takes it only after the confident practice of the two previous gangs, therefore, the contraindications are the same as the Moula Bandhi and Jalandhar Bandhi.

And if no one looks at work on you, make Jalandhara Bandhu for mental relaxation, fixing stress and anger.

Mach Bandha (Grand Castle) and Technique

This is a great castle. Combination of all three locks.

Sit at a comfortable position, crossed your legs, put your palms on the hips or knees. Inhale completely through the nose and completely exhale through the nose until the end. And not inhaling Moula Bandhu, then lift the chest and make Uddkayan Bandhu, and pressing the chin to the chest, follow Jalandhara Bandhu. When you want to breathe, lift your head, breathe and release the bans in the top down.

Maha Bandhi the advantages of all three gangsplus an endocrine system adjustment. Do not try to master Maha Bandhu until we will master all three. Its use for spiritual seekers is indescribable because it is a powerful method of stimulating the flow of mental energy and places the mind into a meditative state.

Contraindications are the same as all three locks.

If you want to explore the Bandhi and wise to study in more detail, and their beneficial effect on the body, Swami Satyananda has the book "Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha". Namaste!

As promised - I will say a few words about Malabandh).

I have a little yoga classes - first only two classes
on the
Therefore, I still treat all throes with caution and caution.

In particular, Malabandha just frightened me at first.

Because when there are soased problems with the intestines and a chair, the indication of "clamping everything" is perceived as - all this is even more inside the ramp) ...

But I must say that yoga regulates these terrible questions very successfully and over time I stopped afraid of Moula Bandhi). Because noticeably understood that it was exactly that she solves my problems in this area.
Formerly, these difficulties demanded operations - now it appears hope that yoga will correct what is inflicted in an unbearable work on a nice plot and difficult childhood) ...


"Moula" - (SanskR) "root, basis, basis; The lowest part. "

"Bandha" - "Castle, clamp, close, lock."

"Moula Bandha" means compressing Muladhara-Chakra, Cundalni Country. The voltage center is located at the root of the spine - in the crotch.

At the physical level, this is a reduction in muscles.

On a thinner level, this is a compression of Muladhara Chakra.

It is very important to remember that Moula Bandha is not just a reduction in the muscles around the prostate (and, accordingly, the cervix in women), but "locking" (compressing) Mullaghara-Chakra.

Prostate and neck are triggered as trigger zones that allow you to find the Mladian Chakra mental center.

Moula Bandha (Nizhny Castle) is also understood as a volitional abbreviation of anus muscles.

That is, there are no discrepancies here: according to one information you need to reduce the muscles of the anus, in other muscles in the Genital area. How to do better - we'll figure it out further.

Technique Moula Bandhi.

You can select two versions:

1. When Moula Bandh, the volitional effort is reduced anus muscles.

This is similar to the natural contraction of the muscles when the defecation is stopped. But when fulfilling the mule, Bandhi needs to continue the movement, as if retracting the middle of the anus up and feel this movement along the spine.

2. In this embodiment it is necessary to spread the tension forward through the crotch to genitals.

In some schools, work with the muscles of Anus is called Ashvini Muda.

And when they talk about Mula Bandh, they mean work only with the crotch muscle, or the muscle of qi, in the tradition of Taoist yoga.

There is advice - not to emphasize the discrepancies, but to start doing, and after some time our own sensations and knowledge will appear as for you better.

In my case, Malabandch meant the reduction of "total" - that is, muscles and anus, and genitals. I still do so now. In this case, I feel just what is described: the movement of energy on the spine and the feeling in the language. There is still a feeling of sweet saliva, feelings in the back of the head and in the head. It all means that Kundalini's energy rises to the top level.

How to do Malabandhu in your case - feel you).

The importance of Moula Bandha

Malabandha causes a spontaneous sonolation of the physical, mental and mental bodies.

· Reducing the muscles of the perineum leads to the harmonious work of the endocrine system, improving the work of the nervous apparatus of the pelvic region, the normalization of the operation of the internal organs. This contributes to curable diseases of the abdominal cavity organs and a small pelvis, that is, disorders of digestion and sex disorders.

· Moula-gang has an impact on the mind, creating a feeling of deep relaxation. This relaxation frees a person from most mental and psychosomatic disorders - stress, overvoltage and feelings of constant anxiety. Nowadays the ability to get rid of constant stress - expensive.

· As a "mental relaxant", Mula Bandha was useful in treating depression, neuroses, some phobias, hysteria and manic states.

· Experimental data on the beneficial effects of this exercise on patients with psychosis, little. But, given the impact of Moula Bandhi on the brain, as well as the fact of its beneficial effects during depression, it can be assumed that Mula Bandha is able to harmonize the state of manic-depressive psychosis and in some cases of schizophrenia, especially in the early stages.

Moula Bandha is the most important muscular "castle". It is present in many yogic practices. Regular fulfillment of Malabandha gives a person perfect health and helps to develop an incredible vitality. The ability to control the manifestations of sexual energy is purchased. Lifting up, sexy power is transformed into creative energy, a man's view is made open, thought - clear and free.

While he wrote about Malabandhu - I remembered about
which are similar but Moula Bandhi, but are characterized by their technique
and have certain indications). How the Material Material - I will describe).

In the meantime: good practice in execution

Soon I will add a new additional material for this complex).

Moula Bandha is an exercise with which you can find power over your energies. "Moula" - root, and "Bandha" - a castle. That is, when performing Moula Bandhi overlaps, closes in the castle, the root chakra or moldhara.

Features of Moula Bandhi Practice

Exercise is not so easy as it seems when the first description. The thing is that the muscles of the pelvic bottom, which will need to be cut to close the Molandhara, consist of three areas: muscles around the anal hole, muscles of the central part of the crotch and urogenital muscles. Their compression is respectively:

  • Ashvini Muda;
  • Moula Bandha Muda;
  • Varzoli Muda.

To master Moula Bandhi, you must first learn to differentiate the voltage of these sites. At first it is difficult, so the exercise is performed, squeezing all the muscles in stages.

Practice benefit

At the physical level, the benefits of Moula Bandha lies in the following:

  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • acceleration of metabolism and blood circulation;
  • stimulation of the organs of childbearing and urethra;
  • strengthening the muscles of the pelvic bottom.

For women, Mula Bandha is one of the most useful practices, since good blood circulation in the pelvic area provides the health of the entire gynecological system. Exercises Moula Bangdha for women of childbearing age benefits bringing the muscles of the perinee and gynecological organs.

At the energy level, I am sexy, I am transformed into the energy of the highest levels and accumulates in the manipura.

The properties of the manipurates are such that it easily accumulates and gives energy at the right moment for any needs of the body. That is, the constant execution of Moula Bandhi helps to remove sexual tension, get an additional supply of vital energy, free from neurosis.

How to prepare for the fulfillment of Moula Bandhi?

To fulfill Mula Bandhi, as for the start of any practice, it is necessary to understand physics and energy exercises. You need to carefully examine the structure of the pelvic dna muscles, approximating the knowledge gained on your body.

It should be understood that at the energy level inside the pelvis above the crotch is the egg-shaped energy body, from which all the main energy channels of the person are consisted. Squeezing the crotch area at the physical level, the practitioner squeezes this energy egg, squeezing the energy of the lower centers - aphanas - and forcing it to move through the channels. Athana is the energy that gives a person to solve material issues: making money, give birth to children, solve survival issues. When this energy begins to move up, it is sophisticated, reflected, its vibrations are transformed before the vibrations of the upper, spiritual, chakras.

The following skill you need to possess, taking for Moula Bandhu, the ability to keep track of breath. It is conscious to breathe not as simple as it seems. Trying to switch to breathing, many are knocked down and breathing becomes bright, deep or, on the contrary, superficial. Breathing when performing mule-gangs should remain natural, all muscles, except those involved in the exercise, should be relaxed.

And finally, Jalanhara Bandha. This is a throat castle. Some schools describing the fulfillment of Moula Bandhi do not indicate the need for its implementation. However, able to perform Jalanghara Bandhu, yoga does not give a raised energy from the lower centers to leave his thin body, returning it along the channels of Nadi to the manipuer.

Technique implementation

The overall technique of making Moula Bandhi in the classic version consists of the following steps.

  1. Take the initial posture, usually padmasuan. For beginners who have not mastered this posture, any convenient sitting pose is recommended.
  2. Focus your breaths for 1-2 minutes. Attention to concentrate on the crotch.
  3. To completely exhale and perform Varzoli-Mudra on the breath's delay: reduction of the urogenital region.
  4. To inhale, perform Ashvini-Mudra, pull the belly, squeeze all the muscles of the pelvic bottom.
  5. At the end of the breath, perform Jalandhar Bandhu: the neck stretch to the top of the head, omit the chin towards the jugular cavity.
  6. Even stronger to squeeze the muscles of the crotch.
  7. With the beginning of the exhalation, remove the throat castle and gradually let the compression of the muscles.
  8. To begin with, repeating 5-7 times, bringing to 20 times twice a day. Do not hurry to increase repetitions.

Features for women

A feature of the fulfillment of Moula Bandhi technique for women is an embodiment of practicing standing. Become to its original position: legs on the width of the shoulders, hands are freely omitted. Straightening the pelvic bottom muscles on the breath, try not to strain the muscles of the thighs. In general, try all the muscles of the body, except the muscles of the perineum, keep relaxed. The remaining items of the exercise are similar to the classic. This embodiment of the exercise is good for those women who have problems with the hip and knee joints, which is why they are difficult for a long time.

If you practice a yoga for a long time and easily perform Padmasun, then Moula Bandhi is well in this pose. On the breath strain the muscles of the perineum, and at the end of the breath, make Jalandhara Bandhu. Try to linger in such a state until you feel warm in the body, tingling. Each manifestation of energy movement may be different. Pay special attention to those parts of the body, where negative manifestations will be: cold, the feeling of failure, emptiness, pain. Most likely there are problem areas there, give them more attention, simply concentrating it in these places.

Errors when performing

The correct technique of fulfillment of Moula Bandy eliminates the manifestation of the following signs:

  • increased sexual tension;
  • sensations of hot burning in the crotch;
  • voltage of any other muscles, except the muscles of the pelvic bottom and perineum;
  • personnel.

Practice Moula Bandhu and stay are always healthy and young!