New Year walks on the planet (scenario of the New Year holiday in the preparatory group). The scenario of the New Year's matinee for children of the preparatory group "New Year is walking on the planet

- Good afternoon, dear guys, teachers, parents! We are glad to welcome you today in this New Year's room!

Today we will take a New Year's trip to our planet and find out how new year is celebrated in different countries.

- and so, meet students 2 "in" class and our presentation

"New Year steps on the planet"

(children go to the music of "Jingle Benz", line up by country)

(Forward come forward:

From the stars and lights shine the sky.

Adults Rada and children.

Again to the ground came new year

And ran around the planet.

Rushed along the villages and cities,

Winter meeting and summer.

After a minute will look at us

We will gladly meet him.

And he will give us a new dawn,

Taking the turn on the planet.

No more generous holiday -

He is the finest in the world.

New Year is a magical holiday marked all over the world.

New Year's meeting in different countries is associated with traditions that have preserved from ancient times.

Another ancient peoples originated belief - as the New Year will meet, so you will spend it.

To this day, in different countries, they resort to various tricks to "lift" success, prosperity and well-being.

We all know and honor the traditions of the celebration of the New Year in our country.

But in other countries of the world there are traditions, many of whom are very unusual and interesting.

We will tell you about them today and tell.

I: - Sit comfortably. And listen carefully. And the first country in which we will go with you (slide with the photo) choir:


I: - In which country, we just visited? What is the name of Finnish Santa Claus? (Jolupukka)

"And now, guys, guess the riddle and tell me which country we will go further?"

- What is surrounded by the blue seas
Green sails boots.
In it, on christmas presents
Or for the new year
Hidden immediately so much
What you do not open for the year:
Cities of vintage,
Rivers and channels,
Orange groves
Yachts, carnivals,
Mountains and so on ...
And it's all - …

Bonjorno, Amigos!
New Year on the planet steps!
Laughter gives and joy, lights lights up
To visit us in Italy invites everyone!
There Babo Natalle, the old man is good prepares gifts, garlands, clappers!
And Fairy Befana brings sweets to those who studied and was with all the example!
But if Shaliel you all year on the span
You will get a simple corner in stockings.
Irons and pans fly from windows
Old chairs, chanda and pills.
We do not meet the year with bad attitudes, sing songs and eat treats
Fun in every house we have
We invite you to visit!

roles - Mom Agatha,
girl Mellola, Bella girl,
Boy Antonio,
Babo Natal - another boy
(Grandfather Jose and Aunt Litiza for Frame)

Mom in a color apron with a duct pillow (on the old pillowcase to put big patches, the pillow can be thrown into the hall) comes into the room where children play dominoes.
- Girls, Mellola, Bella help please aunt's advice to cover the New Year's table. I'll go to the old things with the Pope while I go, because the new year you need to meet with everything new.
- Hurray, on the table, after all, there will be a lot of tasty, though Mama Agata? (Mirpella)
- And I really love * Bollyito Misto * and * Pafelte * who cooks Tuptice so well (says Bella)
-And we still have to guess 12 desires and eat every 12 grapes - says Mellola
- And the main thing is to have time until the last blow of the clock! (says Bella)
"Antonio, choose the most beautiful grapes from a large basket that Grandfather Jose brought.
And do not forget to light the candles on the window, just carefully with matches!
Antonio sits on a chair in sneaking, kicking the table with a foot.
-Antonio Well, what are you sitting, rather, let's choose grapes for the New Year's table. (Bella)
-Yes, Antonio is not harmful. A bad and naughty guys Babbo Natal will not bring gifts to this magical night. (Mirpella)
- I believe in your babobo Natal, all this fiction. (Antonio)
-Well, why do the fiction .. it is .. we know exactly ... let's go to celebrate the new year on the square, we will go into the room and you will see him yourself. (Mellola)
(for the scene's voice)
-Derty. We are waiting for you!
Children run away, on another part of the scene near the fireplace in the twilight, someone will be hired.
Children are quietly suitable and see that it is Babbo Natal with a bag of gifts.
- Kids! And where is the boy who did not believe in me? Ay-ah, you have to believe in miracles!
Antonio with surprise and delight:
-you exist!
-Ving children you are good, obedient! His behaved well, senior helped.
Do you promise Antonio to believe in miracles and obey the elders?
-that's good! Here are your gifts!
Happy New Year!

I: - This country is located in the southern part of Europe, because it is one of the solar and warm countries. In this country there is a famous port of Aventura, as well as the Corrida and Flamenco. Madrid and Barcelona are among the top ten most stylish cities in the world.


New Year in Spain

Music sounds, two couples walk along the scene. Around Anton. Couples stop in the background.

Anton:Buenos.Dias., in the New Year in Spain, no one stays at the festive table, everyone strive on the square - to admire the bright street carnavals and participate in them. People dress up in carnival costumes, and it is more believed that good luck will bring red and in the dress must be something red.

Masha and Vanya go to the fore and continue the story, another couple laughs, chatting and scatters confetti in the background, Anton joins them.

Vania:Spanish Santa Claus, name is Pope Noel, one more his name is Olentssero, which means "time is good."

Masha: Oltsero comes to children on December 28 and leaves his gifts on the balcony. And on this day, the holiday of disobedience is celebrated in Spain. Only on this day, children are allowed to do anything.

Dima and Sasha come to the fore.

Masha, Vanya, Anton take bags with candies and begin to throw candy in the hall.

Dima:for Spaniards a holiday that is not accompanied by the vulgarity of products is not considered a holiday. For the new year, candy and sweets are scattered on the squares during the carnavals, which especially like children.

Sasha: And the Spaniards are inhibit the kulets with the 12th grapes, during each hour of hours at midnight you need to eat along the grape, so that the cherished desire is fulfilled, and it is possible to make one desire, and immediately twelve one for each month.

Masha, Vanya, Anton put the kules with grapes and distribute the rest. Everyone is built on stage in a row (from left to right): Dima, Sasha, Anton, Masha, Vanya.

Anton:Try the Kuranti
Soon twelve times.
Twelve berries
Each supasses on this night.

Masha:We look at the clock
Toast raise
His desire
Per hour Magic Certious!

Vania:12 grapes
Under the hours of clock on the tower.
12 grapes -
Desires sweet row.

Dima:Lost and found:
Sadness in the day yesterday.
Lost and found:
Happy warm glare

Sasha:Soul so want miracles.
So that the fairy tale is sudden
To our house came,
Given us
More happiness and warmth.

Eats 1 grape and makes a desire aloud out loud: let the world be worldwide

Antoneats grape and makes a desire: I want a scooter

Masha:Let everyone be healthy

Vania:I want to find yourself in the North Pole

Dima:I want mom to buy me a kitten

C.asha:I want all toys in the world to be mine

Anton:I want to go to Leggings

Masha:I want a speaking parrot


Dima:I want a sea of \u200b\u200bchocolate and ocean marmalade



The battle of chimes sounds and everyone is friendly in Spanish and noise with musical instruments. At the end shout:FelizAno.Nuevo. And go from the scene to the noise of tools.

I: - Guys, do you like winter? Then let's see how you guess the winter riddles.

New Year's riddles with answers

Decorated with toys

Balls and crackers -

Not a palm tree, not a pine,

A festive ... (Christmas tree)

He comes with gifts

Horics with us leads.

White beard Obros

Good grandfather ... (Frost)

For children to visit Santa Claus

Granddaughter brought on the sleigh.

Snow figurine -

We will come to us ... (Snow Mary)

And in boxes and packages

Candy packed.

Falki so bright!

Will be all ... (gifts)

The whole year was lying on the shelf,

And now hanging on the Christmas tree.

This is not a flashlight,

And glass ... (ball)

Quickly light flashes,

From above down running down.

This friendly team

Called ... (garland)

On beauty forestry

Golden rain wave -

With silver cord

Down hangs down ... (Mishur)

Blizzard in the court walks,

In the house, the Christmas tree sparkles.

Children lead dance.

What holiday? (New Year)

- Well, and now the guys from another country arrived to us.

This is the birthplace of the famous composers of Ludwig Van Beethoven and Johanna Sebastian Bach, as well as famous storytellers of the Grimm brothers



New Year in Germany

Action and performers:

German boy (Letkin Maxim),

German girl (Grishina Masha),

Santa Claus (Balikoev Ruslan),

Snow Maiden (Sorokina Katya),

Pipper (Melniki Georgy)

Every January 1, Sylvester comes in Germany. Do you know what it is? New Year! This holiday is so called in honor of the Pope Sylvester, according to the legend of the victorious terrible monster - Snake Leviafan!

Happy St. Sylvester is associated with many customs. One of them dates back to the ancient Germans who believed that noise can be removed by evil spirits and demons. Therefore, on December 31, there are so many noises on the streets of German cities. People sing, playing music, shoot flappers, New Year's fireworks are arranged and bells.

Everyone calls to bells

Grishin Masha (cap, apron)

Over the New Year's table in Germany, the whole family is going to the tradition.

On the festive table must be a dish of carp. It is believed that this fish brings wealth to the house, because her scales resembles coins.

Also in the new year, a brightly painted dish with apples, nuts, raisins and cakes is certainly put on the table.

The main dessert of the New Year's feast is considered a gingerbread rush (Lebkuchen [Liebkühhen]). Tradition Gingerbread furnace for the New Year appeared in Germany for a very long time, in the Middle Ages. German hostesses bake gingerbread from flour, sugar and raisins. Gingerbreads can reach very large sizes.

Balikoev Ruslan (fur coat, hat)

German Santa Claus is name Vakhnachtsman. Christmas grandfather travels riding on a donkey. In Christmas night, before bedtime, the children put a plate for gifts on the table that Wainkatsman spreads, and in the shoes they put the hay - a treat for a donkey.

It was in Germany that the custom was born to arrange a Christmas tree on the winter holidays. This custom leads its origin from the veneration of the trees, which since ancient times was characterized by all nations. The ancient Germans had such a magical tree: under the New Year, they went to the forest, where trees were made around decorated and lit candles. The custom who arrived in Germany gradually spread to other European countries.

Sorokina Katya (basket with apples, walnuts, gingerbread), white handkerchief on shoulders

And he declares not one, but with a cute and good German Snow Maiden, which Cristkind is name in Germany. The face of a cute girl covers a snow veil, and in his hands she holds a basket with nuts, candy, gingerbread and apples. In Germany, an apple is considered a symbol of the knowledge of good and evil, and coping with a solid shell of the nut and eating a delicious core man knows the joy of overcoming the difficulty of life and achieve the goal.

If good Cristcind sing a song or read the poem, it will stand up for the halopa, and it will be forgiven - instead of a rogue, he will be coated with a gingerbread.

Melniki Georgy. (Peduchist costume)

Hello! I am a pipeline!

Why am I here?

Because I am also an important symbol of the new year in Germany. Meeting with me on New Year's Eve promises good luck. But even greater magical power possesses the one who fuses at this time in the soot - the accuracy of good luck is provided to him!

When meeting, I wish you happiness, good luck and success. And you, celebrating the New Year, congratulate each other like this:

All congratulate each other Happy New Year in German:

Letkin Maxim (turning to the grishine machine)

Guten.Rutsch.! [Guten Handle]. Good slip!

Grishin Masha

(turns to Balikoev Ruslan)

Danke.sCHö n.! [Danke Shen]. Thank you so much!

GeSundes.Neujahr.! [Gesoundsya] Happy New Year!

Balikoev Ruslan

(turns to Soron Kate)

Danke., gleichfalls. [Danke, Glaschvol]. Thank you! Same to you!

GeSundes Neues! [Gesoundesnais]. Happy New Year!

Sorokina Katya

( turns to Melniku Georgia)

Dankee.benfalls! [Danke, Ibenfals] Thank you! And you too!

ALLES.GUTE.iM.neuen.Jahr.! [Alles Gut them Nyun Yar] all the best in the new year!

Melniki Georgy.

Danke., gleichfalls. [Danke, Glaschvol]. Thank you!Same to you!

Melniki Georgy.

I want to tell about another interesting tradition - as soon as the clock on the New Year's Eve is beginning to beat midnight, the people of the most different age are closed on the tables, chairs and chairs and with the last blow, with joyful greetings "jum down in the New Year"

All bounce in place once

Georgy Melnikov

The 9th Symphony of Beethoven - "Ode to Joy" became a new year anthem for the inhabitants of Germany.

Now and you know how fun and interesting meet New Year in Germany!

Sounds 9th Symphony "Ode to Joy"

I: - This is truly a great and mysterious country. She is the most densely populated country in the world. It was in this country that invented suspension bridges and air coils. Capital - Beijing.


- no matter how well travel, but the wise saying says "a guest is good, and at home ..."

- We return to us to Russia.

One of the traditions of the New Year celebration is to dress up a Christmas tree.

- In fact, it does not matter how the new year people celebrate and what the name of the Snow Grandfather.

The main thing is that on New Year's Eve we become the most happy people, because our cherished desires come true, because so cozy in the circle of the most expensive and beloved people.

- So the wonderful mood that I want to sing and dance ...

I once dreamed of a new year once in the summer.On green herbs, the Snow Maiden floats.And to me with a bouquet of daisiesSanta Moroz declared,And so he is a casket magic present.

Went a fun round,What is funny forest people

Everything takes time, an unexpected sleep has disappeared.But sometimes it comes to me again.And once the meanings of things forgottenI accidentally raised the casket -So the tale of the New Year's summer is not the end.

New Year's toys, candles and slappers in it,And my cheerful animals turned the house.Went a fun round,What is funny forest peopleAnd I could not believe that everything will pass a fabulous sleep.

New Year's toys, candles and slappers in it,And my cheerful animals turned the house.New Year's toys, candles and slappers in it,And my cheerful animals turned the house.

On this we end our journey through New Year's countries. I want to wish you all the best, light in the new year. Health and happiness to you and all your loved ones!

-Happy New Year!

- And for you prepared this holiday guys

2 "in" class and Majorova E.A.

Irina Myotov
The scenario of the holiday "New Year steps on the planet"

Municipal educational institution of additional education of children

The House for arts and crafts for children

Scenario of the New Year holiday

« New Year steps on the planet»

The script is designed

Soaping Irina Vladimirovna

teacher of additional education

Soilnikova Tatyana Aleksandrovna

Teacher organizer


Guys let's go on a journey to the New Year together today planet.. And learn how in other countries celebrate» New Year". Implement that we sit down in festive Wagon of New Year's express and he rushes us (track wheels) In the snow-covered Finland (blizzard and blizzard).

Frozen? So let's warm up. Finland -Orodina wonderful dance "Tree-tree".Tany dance "Letka-Yaka".

We continue our journey (track wheels) . And we are in Germany. Guys, and you know how to meet new Year in Germany? There at 12 o'clock stand on the chair and jump from it, so they like injections in new Year. Let us try to jump into n. G is only from the place and at the expense of times, two, three.

Tradition to dress up the Christmas tree came to us from Europe.

Guys, do you like to dress up a Christmas tree? And now we will check if you know how?

The game; Who cares faster the Christmas tree?

(Track wheels) And we go to Italy. Makarena Favorite dance not only in Italy. So let's go with you Makarena dance. In Italy, there is a belief that N. g must be started, freeing from the whole old one. Therefore, it is taken on New Year's Eve to throw old things from the windows. Therefore, it is taken on New Year's Eve to throw old things from the windows. On the streets of Italy, it is dangerous to go on New Year's Eve.

The game. Children are invited to get rid of everything bad by writing it on sheets of paper, having joking sheets in "Snowballs"It is enough to have time to throw them into the bag, with which leads the lead to the music. In Italy, on New Year's Eve, it is accepted loudly shouting, screaming with all his might, say goodbye to the old year. Let's and we will say goodbye to the outgoing year by -Italian (screaming).

And again in the path - the track. We rolled in Europe, and now we will go to hot exotic Africa, but the trains do not go there we will go by car (car motor noise).

Game-ride closed eyes by car.

On earth in Abiji in N.G, residents of the villages are gathering not only on ritual dancing, but also for races on all fours with an egg in the mouth. The winner is the one who will be the first to get to the finish line and will not damage the shell. After all, an egg in the Abiji-symbol of life.

Competition. Running squatting (goose step) With Mandarin in the mouth.

We continue our journey to transplant the ship and swim in America. Every year on the eve of N. G, a competition is held in America on the strongest, hardy and debris man. And we will spend a New Year's competition for the most deft boys and girls.

The game. ; Rove the napkin with one hand and for one will arrange snowfall.

Transplant to the plane and fly to Australia. And in Australia, Santa Claus appears in a swimming suit on a specially bright decorated surf-it is such a board. In his clothes, there is always a hat with a red with a pomponchik, and on the end and white beard is reflected. And what to do it in the snow they do not happen in mom, and there are no deer and trees.

And what is the most popular animal in Australia. That's right, Kangaroo. Of course you know that the kangaroo wear children in her bag, on the stomach and at the same time jump. You can jump.? And how to kangaroo?

The game: Kangaroo

Good to meet N. g away, and at home is better. Return to Russia (plane).

In Russia, it is customary to decorate the house with spruce and fir branches, as well as fun to repair with dances with music and games.

Games; Snowman, snowballs, posters. Drive dance, sing songs. We say goodbye.

Scenario of the New Year's Matinee for the children of the preparatory group

"New Year steps on the planet"

The music "should laugh" the audience enter the hall. Leading:

1 new year flies from the sky?

2 or from the forest goes?

1, or from a snow bug

New year comes to us?

1, probably lived snowflake

On some star

2, or hid gunkoy

With frost in the beard.

1 designed he climbed into the refrigerator

Or to a squirrel in a hollow ...

2 or in an old alarm clock

Did he climbed under the glass?

1 Evidence is always a miracle:

On the clock twelve beats ...

And unknown

1I2 - New Year comes to us!

To the music from M / F "Smeshariki", children enter the hall.MUZ-RITMICH. Composition "On the Round Planet"1reb - Here the New Year steps on the planet Fits with the song of happiness in every home. And the children are happy with his joy, And we sing about it.Song "New Year" / Jingle Bells /1 designed with you in different countries Look at the farthest corner, Let's see how there New Year meet, When he enters the threshold with a song./ Off light, kourarti battle sounds /2, the chimes are hit on Madrid's Square, Spain celebrates New Year Here they decorate the city by grapes, And everyone, at this time, a miracle awaits.1, we hear the sweet song Rhythm, And the sounds of kastannet. Elastic ringing guitar She dances, but around her The crowd slips away. Here's black curl goes and flies Negligent silk makes the neck And waves of skirts and bracelets Glik, And the black eye shine blinds./ Spanish dance / 1 Christmas tree for the holiday nobody dresses, Mainees at home and palm trees decorate, There are fairy tales of adults and children And fabulous there is no place on the planet. 2, in the rustle of the wind, in the breath of the desert, In the smell of spicy oriental bazaars, Win tales, live today, Unqualified in the centuries of Shakhrizada. 2 Bares who saw solar dawn, Who heard like wind sing, He will be able to evaluate the East, Understand what is the dance of beauty./East Dance/1 Will we turn through the ocean, Went on the new continent. Here pines in the New Year bring to the house. And Santa Claus here comes to children. 2 here is a horse man best friend Cowboys jump in the steppe wide. And the new year knocks on the door to them, He is all waiting for far away in the country.3 grab-fate, oh, not easy. Dangerous Cowboy Road. Do not grab bull for horns Hang on the tip of the horns.4bb- does not seek a cowboy In the way my happiness is crazy With my colt and my horse, So good luck with me.5 grade when I sit on the horse, In the morning awakening at earlier, With delight looks at me Beauty from a neighbor ranch./ Dance Cowboys /1, here New Year meet everything in April, When beautiful gardens bloom. Cow here is called the sacred beast. But the cow's milk also drink.2 Freedom Freedom Tart and Spicy, Ocean's noise - tump and tide. Slender palm trees and bankers, India smell manitis and captivate.6 rubbing hands like bat snakes How much light in Indian dance! Turn head and neck Knocking leg - This sign is not vowel./ Indian dance / 1, we did not go any roads, Visited beautiful countries But Russia we all mile Snow Russian white even. Heaven of all pigeons, And frost is not spiny at all. Our homeland, our country We know exactly what you are better. 7reb - and how good the fluffy snow,
Flying from height!
He hangs on the branches,
Like white flowers.

8bred with snowflakes falling from the sky,
Like white mushki.
Covering everything around
Soft velvet carpet.

9 reinfeit came ... outside the windows
Where black tree row
Fluffy and lungs
Snowfish fly.
Fly, flutter, circling,
Fluffy fly
And white soft lace
Envelop the garden.
/ Song about snowflakes /10 rubb times, two, three and we shod.
It's not even boots!
Enough and half minutes -
You can rush along the track.
11rerebred in winter are friendly -
Defend decent people
And sell on the market asked.
They say - Fashion returned!
12reb and grandfather frost
Never wove your legs -
Not terrible winter threats,
Let the expensive notice
Nothing in them is afraid,
Is that Protalinki.
From the soul in the winter, we join,
After all, on the legs of the boots!
/ Wovenka dance /2DVISEENESE comes to an end, We returned to native expanses.13reb- in the new year we wish you
Believe people, their words,
So that in the thoughts it was clear
To life is beautiful.
14reb-to seek and dream
Never retreat
Do not be afraid to take a step.
Happy New Year! All the best!
Earth. Communication "Wish ..."Children are rebuilt into the circle. Santa Claus's voice is heard. / MUZ-Rhythm. Composition / Russian Santa Claus /

Santa Claus: So I got to you,
Although a little lingered.
As a lot of people in the hall,
I know that you were waiting for me.
Happy new year to you, friends,
I finally arrived at you.
I defeated all obstacles,
He knew that I was glad to me here.

Together: Hello Dedushka Moroz.
We all waited for you,
You knew about your arrival.
Santa Claus: Ah, yes Christmas tree - Beauty,What do I like she!And hard, and slightShe shines Mishuroy.Only lights on the Christmas tree are not lit,We must make a festive rite,Speaking 1-2-3.Christmas tree - Krasavitsa, please burn! Tree lights up / song about the Christmas tree.

D.M.-A Let's play

In an interesting game.

What christmas tremble

I'll call you now.

You listen attentively

And answer necessarily.

If I say right -

Say "yes" in response

(And clap your hands).

Well, if suddenly incorrectly -

Answer boldly "no"

(And keep your feet).

/ Game "What happens on the Christmas tree?" /

Wake-up claps?

Blankets and pillows?

Stuffed Toys?

Marmalaka, chocolates?

Clams and cribs?

Glass balls?

Wooden chairs?

White snowflakes?

Pestria pictures?

Ripped boots?

Buvari and books?

Live cats-mice? Red lanterns?

Bread crackers?

Multicolored beads,

Garlands are bright?

Bright checkboxes?

Caps and shawls?

Tasty candy?

Fresh newspapers?

Snow from Wat White?

Rangers and portfolios?

Multicolored balls?

Thread bright tinsel?

Golden cones?

Stars radiant?

D. M.- I could not confuse you ...

I was offended at you!

I leave you guys.

Goodbye, in good time!

Vedasym, and we will not release you from the circle!

/ I will not release from the circle »/

D.M.- A, I then the corruler.

/ game "Corrosion" /

D.M.-Relassed, not at all hot.

It's time to distribute gifts!

Santa Claus (surprised).

Put a bag here, I remember

Where did he - I do not know at all!

While we sang and danced -

Gifts as if fled!

Forest is great, I will go to look

(Children) You will have to wait.

Going to leave.

Santa Claus.

Who is the grandfather there?

Let it come here soon!

Runs out a "bag" (child).

Santa Claus.

Ah, you, father, bag,

Itself goes here.

Where did you contacted?

Bag. Travel started ...

Santa Claus.

Must you stand still

Ile walk with me together.


And today, in the New Year,

It will be the opposite!

Runs, Santa Claus behind him.

Santa Claus.

Stave, wait,

Do not go anywhere!


I, a bag of difficult,

I'm magical, that's what!

Santa Claus.

Well, the bag, twinkle,

Yes, the guys will show!

"Bag" dances under the phonogram of the Russian folk song "Ah you, Songi."

Santa Claus. And now you tell us ....

"Bag" does not listen and runs away again by the door, Santa Claus behind him.

Santa Claus. Stave, wait ...

Santa Claus comes out and makes a bag with gifts.

Santa Claus.

I ran after him on the heels,

Worried, but caught up!

And now it is divided

Yes, let's see what inside (peek).

Oh, yes here are gifts,

Like a lot of them, look!

Santa Claus distributes gifts to children.

Santa Claus. All gifts got?

We have not forgotten anyone?


Well, thanks, Santa Claus,

For a fun new year.

Santa Claus, and now it's time for me. Goodbye, Datvora.


Goodbye, Santa Claus,

Goodbye, Christmas tree,

We are a fun new year

Will not forget for a long time.

Mashed with hand, leave the hall.

Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region

State budgetary educational institution of the Sverdlovsk region for students, pupils with disabilities - "Special (Correctional) Secondary school - boarding school № 56"


pedagogical Event with Children

Compiled by: ZinnurovaAliya Nabin, tutor

Ekaterinburg 2012

Scenario of extracurricular activities "New Year steps on the planet"

Purpose: Laying the foundation of a festive culture.


1. Continue to acquaint with the traditions of the New Year celebrations in Russia and in various countries.

2. Attract to actively participate in preparing for the holiday and its conduct.

3. Relieve a sense of satisfaction from participating in collective festive activities;

4. Call emotionally positive attitude towards the upcoming holiday, the desire to actively participate in its preparation.

The course of the event.

(Leading children enter the hall to the music from the ballet "Nutcracker" "Polonse" step)

1 baby. All here are speedy,

Going to this room,

If you see you want

New Year's carnival!

2 baby. Holiday visit us.

Come in a hurry,

Our cute friends!

Rest, having fun.

It can not be bored!

3 baby. There will be masks, there will be dances.

So let's quiet

Someone near the tree,

To welcome guests!

4 baby. Everything is ready for their arrival.

Santa Claus them gave them.

We begin, start

Everything New Year's carnival !!!

(children to music in carnival costumes run into the hall)

(Executables musical composition "Carnival")

(after dance Children are built up by a semicircle)

5 baby. Guest came to us from the edge,

Zelen, even though not a frog,

And not a teddy bear,

Although her shaggy paws.

6 baby. And we can not understand:

Needles for what are needed?

Not seamstress she is not hedgehog,

Although the hedgehog looks like.

7 baby. Who is fluffy, although not chicken?

Must know any child.

Guess very simple

Who came to visit us now?

8 baby. Here is our Christmas tree.

In the brilliance of radiant lights

It seems to be all more paints,

All green and lush.

9 baby boy. In the greenery hiding a fairy tale

White swan sails.

Bunny slides on sled

Squirrel nuts nibble.

10 baby boy. Here it is our Christmas tree

In the brilliance of radiant lights.

All of us from joy dance

On the day of New Year under it.

11 baby. Hello hello

Our Christmas tree!

Christmas tree - hello!

On the day of the cheerful New Year

Better guest is not!

12 baby. Hello, Russian fashion,

Collationsavitsa - Soul!

Snow-white winch,

Hello, Mother-Winter!

13 child. Have a kind word we dybate

Years of old care.

We start in the morning early

New day and new year.

14 baby boy. We will meet under Christmas tree

New Year!

Give birth to children

New Year!

All the guys are happy.

We all meet

New Year!

Performed song "Three White Kony" (children go beyond the Christmas tree)

Leading. Guys! Today we do round the world

traveling on the ship "Friendship" throughout

planet. Get acquainted with new friends.

Are you ready to go on the road?

Children. Yes!

Leading. Our path lies in Spain.

Captain, lead our ship!

Hold the course to Spain!

(run in the 2 sailor hall)

Captain - Raise anchor!

Sailor. There is, lift anchor!

Captain. Full forward!

Sailor. There is a complete forward!

Leading. While our ship sails, listen

pooh about the tree

Pooh "Christmas tree outfit"

15 child. Before the holiday of winter

For green trees

Dress white sama

She sewed without a needle.

Smoked white snow

Christmas tree with a bow.

And worth most beautiful

In a green dress

She is green to face -

Christmas tree knows it

How is she under the New Year

Well dressed!

Leading. Our ship comes to the shores of Spain.

Spain meets us.

(Performed "Spanish Dance")

Leading. Farewell, Spain!

Our ship holds a course to the shores of America.

Captain. Raise anchor!

Sailor. There is, lift anchor!

Captain. Full forward!

Sailor. There is a complete forward!

Leading. While our ship sails, we will go out

(Children make the riddles of winter)

Leading. Our ship went to the shores of America,

we are met by Texas Rangers - Cowboys.

(Executed dance "Cowboys")

Leading Goodbye America! Our ship is holding

path to the shores of India.

Captain. Raise anchor!

Sailor. There is, lift anchor!

Captain. Full forward!

Sailor There is a complete forward!

Leading. We swim to the shores of India and becomes very hot.

(Water game)

(Who is faster from one bucket wooden a spoon takes water into a glass and less pull water)

Captain. Walk a deck!

Sailor. There is, shout a deck!

Leading. Here we arrived in a fabulous country

India. We are welcomed by the great rage.

Rajah. Hello, about the most expensive public.

Yes extends Allah your years to you

walking for weddings at your widows.

And I congratulate you all happy New Year!

(takes a bucket with confetti and sprinkles everyone)

Leading.- Thank you, about great rage! But we are time to go. We must move home to Russia to the New Year's Christmas tree.

Rajah. Have a good trip! Goodbye! (goes to the music)

Leading. And now the most dangerous way -

we are approaching the shores of Africa.

Do you feel hot?

But I grabbed the chest with snowflakes.

Let's all together in the dark to snowflakes


16 child. Here the breeze did

The cold smelled.

Like a grandmother - Winter

Sleeve waved.

Flew from height

White guns.

On trees and bushes

Snowflakes roll.

(Executed dance "Snowflakes")

/ MUZ. Tchaikovsky "Nutcracker" /

(Noise, gams, knock are heard. Robbers run,

sing the song of robbers from M / f "Bremensky Musicians")

Leading. Who are you?

1 robber. We are the famous Rogues of the Indian Ocean.

Leading. What old man are you going to rob?

2 robber. Who - who? Yes, you are frozen.

Leading. Santa Claus!?

3 Robber. Well yes! With him, this girl holly walks. She is

losses, it will be stolen, it will fall asleep under the bush.

Leading. So are you about the Snow Maiden?

All robbers. Well, yes, about her!

Leading. Why do you want to rob them?

1 robber. We heard that your grandfather has a lot

gifts, here we will pick them up.

Leading. Why are you so evil? Look at our guys, what

they are beautiful, cheerful, friendly, kind.

2 robber. Good? What does it mean?

Leading. You are granted a chance to hold us to the shores.

Russia so that no one nobody attacked on us and meet

together with the guys New Year in Russia with Santa Claus and

Snow Maiden.

3 Robber. Well, the commander, move!

Raise anchor!

1-2 Robbers. There is, lift anchor!

3 Robber. Full forward!

1-2 Robbers. There is a complete forward!

17 baby. The clock is knocking, out of the old year.

Rustly rustle his last pages.

And let all good let him leave

And no good - not to repeat.

(Performed song "When the clock is 12 beat."

Hears the ringing of the buberets)

18 baby. Troika rushes, troika jumps,

Goes dust from under hoofs;

The bell is ringing crying

And laughs, and squeal ...

19 baby. Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

The holiday is joyful in all.

Let it be ringing under each arch

Songs, music and laughter!

We congratulate everyone, welcome everyone

Long live jokes, fun and laughter!

20 baby. Put on the country of New Year's outfit,

And the holiday today is the guys everywhere.

Everywhere, everywhere, wherever we look,

Shine colored lights shine.

21 baby. How many nights the stars in the sky

In bright sparks at home.

Hello, white, like swan,

Our Russian winter!

22 baby. The snow flew and the land was covered,

Purga and cold winds dried

But let the bad weather raging and angry,

We will have fun at the holiday.

At the festival, we destroy the soul,

Favorite songs sing.

(Under the loss of the song N. Kadysheva "New Year's Eve"

children overlook, holding hands, bypass the hall and become a semicircle)

Performed song "New Year's Eve"

Leading . And what for the new year without Santa Claus and Snow Maiden?

Let's call them!

(Kids name Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.Santa Claus's entrance.The holiday continues on Santa Claus scenario.)

Hello guys!

Winter is a wonderful time of the year. Outside the window is snow, all white - white.

Do you like winter?

Why do you love her?

What a fun holiday comes to us in winter?

Today, the guys came to tell you about the new year, to introduce you to the relatives of Santa Claus, you will also play, Right up the riddles.

Game "Attach the nose Snowman"

Who is the main on the tree?

Who brings gifts?

The story about the relatives of Santa Claus.

In Italy, for the new year, the children were happy to wait for the Faja Befan, it was she who took care of the holiday in this country: brought sweet children, toys, different things. True, she was evil and harsh, "awarded" them only with extinct coal. The Italians believed that Befena brought stars, she penetrates the house through the chimney and puts gifts in stockings suspended to the hood caps of the foci.

In Finland, Santa Claus has a very funny name, Joulupuk. Translated, this name means a christmas goat. And such a name was given by Santa Claus only because in Christmas he travels around the wagon, pronounced goat.
It looks like Juloupuk, is also very interesting, he dresses a short red fur coat and a cone-shaped red cap. Always with him next to his assistants gnome, and Julupuk himself, because of its low growth, very similar to the gnomic

Focuses with water.

For focus, three banks will be required (volume of 500- 800), filled with water. Banks must be with spinning lids, water is not poured up to the top of the jars. The inner side of each lid is painted watercolor paint (3 covers - 3 paints: blue, green, red) after pronouncing magic words, Old Man Hottabych takes one of the cans and shows it to children, it turns out that there is ordinary water in the bank. But after magic, water will change its color. Pronounced text and water should touch the lid. Watercolor on the inside of the cover dissolves and stains water into the desired color. Such a focus is done with each can. Text words change.

You are water-water!

Friend you are my student.

Beginning, water-water,

Not simple, green!

You are water-water!

Light as anaya!

Water-Water Water

Not simple, but blue!

You are water-water!

Friend you are my beautiful!

Water-Water Water

Not simple, but red!

Note. In order not to paint the lid, you can glue the paper circle painted in any color.

Game "Yes and no"

The presenter sets a number of questions, and participants quickly, especially without thinking, must answer: "Yes" or "no". Who will make a mistake, he drops out of the game.

Santa Claus - Merry old man?

Loves jokes and jokes?

Does songs and riddles know?

Eat all your chocolates?

He will light the guys christmas tree?

Hide threads and needles?

He does not grow soul?

Will we warm on the street?

Joulupukka - Brother Frost?

Flowed under the snow rose?

New year is going closer?

Does the Snow Maiden have skis?

Santa Claus carries gifts?

In the new year, all the masks are bright?

On the Eastern calendar comes the year who?

In Russia Spokon centuries

Dear Petukhov

Who else will compare

With this brave bird?

In fairy tales, he is ready to help

Allow all disputes

After all, it is not for him

There is a braid and spurs.

On him always, in everything

Can rely

So, no matter how you look, -

No more important than birds!

Song "Peter Cockerel"

Game "Cheerful Driver"

(Pencils are tied to the tape on both sides and the participants will attend tape on the pencils. Who will "reach the middle" quickly)

Game "New Year's Theater"

We wish you happiness and good luck,

Health strong way.

Vacation joyful, merry,

But, chur, do not forget about school.

Learn to "4", "5".

At home mom help,

Wish every home

It was rich in the world and warmth.


Thank you all for your attention,

For Zador, for the ringing laughter.

That is the moment of the train,

Tell you: "Goodbye!

Behave new meetings! "

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"New Year steps on the planet"

New Year steps on the planet

Velikko Elena Nikolaevna primary school teacher MBOU "Gymnasium №5 Morozovsk" Rostov region

In Italy, for the new year, the children were happy to wait for the Faja Befan, it was she who took care of the holiday in this country: brought sweet children, toys, different things. True, she was evil and harsh, "awarded" them only with extinct coal. Italians believed that Befena brings stars, she penetrates the house through the chimney and puts gifts in stockings suspended to exhaust M caps of foci.

In Finland, Santa Claus has a very funny name, Joulupuk. Translated, this name means a christmas goat. And such a name was given by Santa Claus only because in Christmas he travels around the wagon, pronounced goat. It looks like Juloupuk, is also very interesting, he dresses a short red fur coat and a cone-shaped red cap. Always with him next to his assistant gnomes, and Joulupuk himself, because of its low growth, very similar to the gnome.

Japanese grandfather Frost is the name of Czegatsu-San - Mr. New Year. Favorite New Year's entertainment girls - a game of Volan, and boys in the days of the holiday launch a traditional air serpent. The most popular New Year accessory is a rake. Each Japanese believes that it is necessary to have them for the New Year than to lake happiness.