Transnistrian conflict reasons briefly. Conflict in Transnistria

The conflict between national, differently oriented groups in Moldova matured before the collapse of the USSR. The root cause of such a situation was that the People's Front of Moldova (NMM) formed in May 1989, flirting on the national feelings of the Moldovan people, managed to hold their supporters to the Supreme Council of the MSSR.

Using methods of threats and intimidation of deputies of Moldavian nationality, as well as methods of physical impact on deputies of other nationalities, NFM, all the main principal provisions of their program adopted at the congress of the People's Front of Moldova, gave the form of the law and formed the leadership of the republic for monofamic sign.

Thus, the main content of the starting ethnic conflict was the desire of ideologues and creators of ethnonational movement, namely NFM, change in order to ensure more equitable from their point of view, accounting for the national interests of the Moldovan people (Moldovan only!). The statements of some Moldovan leaders were aimed at separating nationalities that did not belong to most. All this, ultimately, served as a detonator for ethnic riots.

However, no one in the People's Front of Moldova (NFM) was not going to be limited to the lands "between the rod and the Dniester". The ideology of the NFM is a direct heir to the ideology of the legionnament, which was guided by the Romanian occupation authorities in 1941-1944. Not in vain the organ of the Union of Writers of Moldova (as in other Union Republics of the USSR, it was the creative intelligentsia, and especially the writer, he headed sharply anti-Soviet and anti-Russian movements, forming the ideology of folk fronts), the newspaper "Glasul" (July 9-14, 1990) Published a huge article dedicated to the memory of Antonesska, under the expressive title "Requiem for Innocent" ("RecViem Pentru un Invins").

"Laundering" named Antonescu, returning to the transnistrial doctrine immediately gave a specific tint of the Romanian Film of the People's Front, which led to the replacement of Kirillic to the Moldovan language to Latin, and the glotonim (language name) and ethnonym (name of the people), respectively, to Romanian, "Romanians". It became clear that we are talking about the continuation of the occupation policy of 1941-1944, one of the "pillars" of which was just a denial of the very existence of the people of Moldovan. And since the Chairman of the National Council of the Tornstroy Romanian established in December 1942, N. Smeokina recorded the development of the Light Coast Moldovan "Feelings of Moldovan Ethnic Original", a whole program was developed to eradicate the latter. The organic part of it was the resettlement of Romanian from Southern Dobrudji for the Dniester and, accordingly, evicting Russian and Ukrainians towards Bug. On February 26, 1942, Antonescu said: "Trans-stricken will become Romanian territory, we will make it Romanian and evicted all the innings."

Let me remind you that in July 1941, Ion Antonescu stated an intention to drive out from Bessarabia and Bukovina not only the Jews, but also the "Ukrainian element". The policy of the total ethnic cleansing of Romania from the inonation population was carried out, primarily Bessarabia and Bukovina, and then transnistria for the purposes of romanization and colonization of these territories. Jews as the most unprotected population in the occupied Europe were the first to fall into this meat grinder. And if it were not for the victory of the Red Army in the bloody slaughter, then ...

On August 19, 1941, Antonescu signed a decree on creating an effective administration on the territory between the Dniester and Bug. The entire territory of Moldova and part of Ukraine came down in three governors: Bessarabia, Bukovina and Transventistics. The first two were directly part of the Great Romania.

On August 30, 1941, in Bendars, the German and Romanian command signed an agreement with which the shameful countdown of the ethnic cleansing of the Population of Bessarabia and North Bukovina began. A secret addition was attached to him, in which the Romanian special services and the Gestapo department under the leadership of Eichman "decided" regarding the further fate of the Jews. There, in particular, it was said that the Jews of Transnistria will be transferred to the Germans to be deported to the Governor-General. Hitlermen needed a delay to build camp of destruction.

It seems to be not difficult to understand what reaction among Russians, Ukrainians, Bulgarian Transnistrian opened the first attempts to glorify Antonescu, who declared themselves on the right bank of the Dniester. However, the indignation expressed not only they, but also Moldovans, besides very violently. After all, according to the main legend of the Romanian nationalism, they are just, at best, subethnos Romanians, the latter in this doctrine build their genealogy through Roman legions directly to the Capitol Wolf, the famous sculpture of which has long been decorating Bucharest. And although the Roman legions were not at the best of their mass from Italikov, and they were the Merchant Amalgam of all ethnic groups of the Great Empire, in this case it is not so important, for "Wolf" here personifies primarily by the Westolatin vector of political and cultural aspirations as such, in His sharp confrontation of the vector East Slavic. Not in vain "Roman guest", now I have already decisive and Chisinau, I found myself the reflection on the former Kievan street, which is significant renamed to the street on August 31 - the day of the adoption of the law on the language that replaced Moldovan - Romanian and translated it to Latin schedule.

The processing of ethnic conflict in the interstate between the Moldova and self-proclaimed and self-resistant state of the PMR was accompanied by an increase in the organization of both parties, in particular the replacement for agitation to the state-regulated official propaganda, the transition from the semi-general formations of volunteers to regular military formations.

"The" Stramumban "" moods in Moldova were warm and warmed by the performances of certain political forces in the Romanian itself, seeking to create "Romania Mare" ("Great Romania"). After the collapse of the Union, the official Bucharest has intensified its policy on the accession of Bessarabia.

The threat of "Romanization" was one of the reasons for armed conflict in Transnistria. "The" nationalization "of the Moldavian language along with extremist pressure, unionists who advocated the union of Moldova with Romania, was the main cause of disintegration processes in the republic.

Fearing forces:

  • on the one hand, the National Movement Moldovan, in the Moldavian side, along with military formations, performed "Volunteer League" (about 4,000 people) and police divisions;
  • on the other hand, the Russian, Ukrainian and Moldavian population, living along the left bank of the Dniester, Gagauz (152,000) Christians of the Turkic Nature, were opposed to the "Guard of the Transnistrian Republic" ", as well as the Cossacks divisions.
  • In addition to the opposing forces of Moldova and Transnistria, there was also a "third force", the sabotage actions trying to disrupt the stabilization process in the region.

The first collisions in Transnistria accounted for at the beginning without the death of people. However, the disadvantage and the refusal to search for copromis subsequently turned the tragedy.

Moldova. Area 337 thousand square meters. km, the population is 4.352 million people, of which 65% Moldovan, 13% of Russians, 14% of Ukrainians. The length of the border with Ukraine is 939 km, of which 270 km fall on the PMR.
The military-political situation in Moldova is concerned primarily in Ukraine, having a direct border with Transnistria.

Only for 1995 -1996 the number of Russians in Moldova increased 10 times - local residents are actively taking Russian citizenship. For three years, it was made 30 thousand people, and about 60 thousand, according to preliminary data, they intend to get it. Moreover, among them are not only Russian, but also Ukrainians, Gaguses, Jews, Moldovans - on the "" Fifth point "" The Law on Citizenship of the Russian Federation Reception does not limit.

In Chisinau, it is said that the provisions of the Sovietization and Russification of the Right, Bessarabian coast were the Transnistrian Moldovans, whose language was saturated with Russian words.

The overwhelming number of enterprises of the Moldavian industry was subordinate to the Allied Ministries in Moscow. Huge plants, many of whom belonged to the military-industrial complex, were a kind of extraterritorial zones that republican power did not spread.

When in the summer of 1990, Moldova proclaimed his sovereignty, Transnistria's leaders immediately declared their disagreement with him and announced the creation of the Transnistrian Soviet Socialist Republic. Events developed rapidly and uncontrollable. The reason for the events was the performances (including the leaders of the republic) for the accession of Moldova to Romania.

After that, the process of formation of new authorities on the right bank and left bank was almost parallel with a slight advance in favor of Chisinau.

Linguistic: background to conflict. In Moldova, as in other republics of the former Union, one of the priorities of the domestic policy has become a fundamental change in the language situation in all areas and in a short time.

Moreover, the law "" On the functioning of languages \u200b\u200b"" in the territory of the Moldavian SSR proclaimed the Romanian state of state and returned the Romanian alphabet. This law, adopted on August 31, 1989 - even before the collapse of the USSR, was immediately used. The mechanism of language discrimination worked as a detonator, the social and political consequences of which are huge.

Externally, the weighted text of the law could not be misled and actually suffered the interests of the Russian-speaking population. While Moldovans owned both Moldovan, and Russian languages, many of the Ukrainians who moved here and the Russians are weakly owned by the Moldovan language. Therefore, the Russian-speaking population of Moldova considered the law as a threat to its existence. The law facilitated the leadership of the Transnistria decision to separate from Moldova.

By the way, the overwhelming majority of the population supported this project and acted for both state languages, but still with the predominance of the role of Russian. After all, he is practically a language of interethnic communication.

Later, the CSCE mission considered the law as one of the causes of the conflict. From the point of view of human rights and the creation of prerequisites for the settlement of the conflict, it was necessary to revise the law.

The confrontation mechanism was launched: The reason is always located. But one of his ominous feature is not fully taken into account: the conflict comes out from under the control of people, it begins to develop in its own monstrous scenario, in which, through the flour and suffering, they take place without exception - guilty and innocent. There are no winners - only defeated. Is we able to make meaning and clarity in understanding those prerequisites that are inevitably leading to an explosion?

In our attitude to Moldovan problems, there is something from the naivety and self-deception of a person, confident in his choice and not a suspect that they manipulate, imposing exactly such a choice. MNF successfully sowed the wind - the people reached the storm.

Moldova's population did not participate in March 17, 1991 in the referendum on the preservation of the USSR. At the stage of the revolutionary struggle, the NFM has enjoyed sympathy and support for the wide segments of the population and the liberalized intelligentsia, which in the conditions of a prolonged university allowed the leaders of the movement to seize power within the borders of Moldova.

After the capture of the NFM power began its legislative activities: On April 27, 1990, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova Law "" On the State Flag "" (introduced "Tricolor" "Sin-yellow-red flag of the Romanian state with the addition of an eagle with a bull head), and November 3 "" About state emblem ". Romanian National Anthem - the revolutionary song of 1848 - was declared a hymn of Moldova. The government took a coupling rate with Romania. Chisinau became like Munich Times of Beer Nazi Pouches. Beying people's deputies were beaten by the family of departing Jews. The newspaper "Youth Moldova" is crushed, journalists are taken by hostages, the editorial office of the newspaper "Evening Chisinau" is set fire.

Nationalists, having gone out the doors, broke into private houses, beat people, robbed. In the city center, Dima Matyushin is scored to death, who did not manage to answer the question as defined in Romanian. And this is all with the complete inaction of the police. It was in 1989.

The Popular Front by force loaded by buses inhabitants of the surrounding villages and brought them to the city for the demonstration of "national unity" with a vodka, promising "urban apartments with furniture" when the "invaders" are expelled. The People's Front seized power in the republic completely. The dismissal of foreign language began. In fact, the order of the governor K. Werezuleska was performed on November 15, 1941 on the province of "Bessarabia": "... civil servants are forbidden to talk during the service in someone else's language ... Students are forbidden to talk in someone else's language, with the exception of languages \u200b\u200btaught in a lyceum. Violation is punishable in prison imprisonment up to two years. "

In fact, at the highest state level, the leaders of Moldova were proclaimed the language and ethnic unification of the "Romanian" and "Moldavian" both languages \u200b\u200band their own nation, which, starting from the mid-eighties, decided that she was "Romanian". The Transnistrian people, including the Transnistrians of Moldavian origin, did not want to be called "Romanians", nor consider "Romanian" their language (based on the Cyrillic alphabet). The opposite side stubbornly continued to consider himself Romanians, and declaring the war to the Transnistricians, armed his soldiers with Romanian weapons, uniform with Romanian stripes, recognizing the Romanian flag and anthem as their own state symbolism, Romanian. Thus, as in the years of World War II, Transnistrians fought with Romanians. The violent disintegration of Moldova occurred as a consequence of the new Romanian state - the Republic of Moldova, who proclaimed the course to unite with the Mother Motherland Romania, considering that Transnistria is the same "Romanian" land, as well as Bessarabia. In response to adequate measures of self-defense from Transnistrians, Moldova unleashed the military campaign, and tried to occupy Transnistria.

Over the past 15 years, Moldova and Transnistria develop as two independent and absolutely unlike each other. The Transnistrian people are modern and has already established common, separate from the Republic of Moldova. The Transnistrian people are to their historical uzam fraternity with neighboring Slavic peoples - Ukrainians and Russians. However, it does not put the basic goal of reunification with neighboring states, repeatedly during the referendum confirming the desire for independence and genuine sovereignty.

Moldova, on the contrary, at the highest level, proclaimed the strategic goal of entering into Romania. Let me remind you that Romanians from Moldova, arranged ethnic cleansing on the territory of Transnistria, especially cruelly tortured by the Transnistrian Moldovan, considering their "traitors of the Romanian people." An expert who does not observe the ethnic component in this conflict, or noncompetentient, or acts in the interests of only one of the parties. This position of American and European diplomats does not in any way contribute to the settlement of the conflict, and the full dialogue of equal parties in which Moldova and Transnistria are indicated in all major documents.

Birth of the Republic of Moldova. The point of reference followed the events of the latest history is considered to be Day on June 5, 1990, when the Supreme Council of the Moldavian SSR established the new state name - the Republic of Moldova. June 5, 1990 was declared illegal to congress of deputies of Transnistria. He is assigned to the creation of parallel power structures. There were threats to apply sanctions against its organizers.

On June 23, 1990, Moldova adopted a declaration of sovereignty, which took him out of the USSR. And immediately, the commission of the Commission of the SSR Moldova appeared on the denunciation of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Covenant, as a result of which it became possible "illegal proclamation on August 2, 1940 of the Moldavian SSR." Bessarabia was announced by the occupied Romanian lands, which should be returned. Thus, the state is self-orded.

At the same time, the law on Moldovan citizenship entered into force. The former leader of the Communist Party Mircea Snezhore was headed by the National Movement and became Chairman of the Supreme Council.

On June 28, 1990, the Commission of the Supreme Soviet Council of the SSR Moldova was adopted on the political and legal assessment of the Soviet-German Agricultural Treaty and the Additional Secret Protocol of August 23, 1939, as well as their consequences for Bessarabia and North Bukovina.

In conclusion, it was emphasized "" the illegal proclamation on August 2, 1940 of the Moldovan SSR, which was an act of dismembering Bessarabia and Bukovina. The transfer under the jurisdiction of the Ukrainian SSR of Northern Bukovina and counties Khotyn, Ishmael and Cultary Albe contradicted the historical truth and the ethnic reality of that time. " (Historically, the reality is that in 1924, the Moldovan ASSR was formed in the Ukrainian SSR, although Moldovans accounted for only 30% of its population).

Then, in accordance with this logic, the Supreme Council of the SSR Moldova thereby dismissed himself from the right of the highest body of the sovereign state of the SSR Moldova. And the very existence of such a state, according to the logic of the conclusion, is excluded, for its territory is recognized as the territory of Romania occupied since 1940 by the Soviet Union.

By virtue of this, the second emergency congress of people's deputies of all levels of the Transnistrian region on September 2, 1990 gave a political and legal justification for the creation of the Transnistrian Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic.

On September 2, 1990, this Congress for his decision was formed by the Transnistrian Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic. With the inclusion of the Transnistrian MSSR: Grigoryopolsky, Dubossarsky (left bank), Rybnitsy, Slobodzay (including the right bank); The cities of Bendery, Dubossara, Rybnitsa and Tiraspol. On this day, the declaration was also adopted on the formation of the Transnistrian Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic. ""

On 27 August 1991, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova was adopted in Chisinau "" Declaration on Independence of the Republic of Moldova ".

The Declaration was proclaimed: "" The Republic of Moldova is a sovereign independent and democratic state that can freely solve its present and future in accordance with the ideals and holy aspirations of the people in the historical and ethnic space of his national formation. " In addition, it was required "" from the government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to begin negotiations with the Government of the Republic of Moldova on the termination of the illegal state of its occupation and to bring Soviet troops from the National territory of the Republic of Moldova ". Moldova's national leaders relatively quickly change the revolutionary modification of the national-revengeful ideology on the statement - as they are "Small", the subordinate nation goes into the category "" large "" dominant.

After the collapse of the USSR in the role of the leaders "" Small Empire "", sprayed from the inside by ethnosuvers of even smaller ethnic groups - Gagauz, Russians and Ukrainians, they immediately turned into the "" "Holders" ", most concerned about the preservation" "of constitutional order and legality "".

In Moldova, the selection and personnel nomination began on business qualities, but depending on the knowledge of the state language and their national affiliation.

Violation of the economic relations of Transnistria, like the whole of Moldova, led to the breakdown of supply of raw materials, energy, made it difficult to sell products.

Reference. The Transnistrian Moldavian Republic (PMR) occupies a profitable geographical position between the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine and occupies a narrow strip of the territory along the left shore of the Dniester with an area of \u200b\u200b4163 square meters. km with a total length of borders of 816 km. The population of Transnistria has 556 thousand people. And has a huge potential in Moldovan standards (12% of the total area of \u200b\u200bMoldova, 17% of the population). Transnistria includes Grigoropolsky, Dubossarsky, Kamensky, Rybnitsky, Slobodzean regions of the former Moldavian SSR, as well as the city of Tiraspol and Bendin (Tyagina).

On the eve of the collapse of the USSR in 1989-1991, Transnistria was an industrially developed part of the agrarian Republic of Moldova. Large industrial enterprises of Transnistria were in union, and were much stronger with industrial centers of Ukraine and Russia than with Chisinau. Among the directors of Transnistrian industrial enterprises, as among the then party nomenclature, there were no Moldovan, as in the republican nomenclature - in this environment, people from large cities of Russia and Ukraine prevailed.

The entire industry of the former Moldavian SSR was concentrated in Transnistria. Almost all of the region's industry is focused on export. On the eve of the collapse of the USSR in 1989-1991, Transnistria was an industrially developed part of the agrarian Republic of Moldova. Large industrial enterprises of Transnistria were in union, and were much stronger with industrial centers of Ukraine and Russia than with Chisinau. Among the directors of Transnistrian industrial enterprises, as among the then party nomenclature, there were no Moldovan, as in the republican nomenclature - in this environment, people from large cities of Russia and Ukraine prevailed. And today the state of the local economy is no worse than in Moldova, which does not create additional incentives for entering Transnistria to a new state education.

In 1989, promotion and strikes began at the enterprises of Transnistria in response to the decision of the Moldavian authorities to deprive the Russian language status. In January 1990, a city referendum is held by Tiraspol, the capital of Transnistria, the status of an independent territory was assigned. Following the same solutions, other areas of the Left Bank Moldova are taken. By March 1992, a full-scale war began in the region to use heavy weapons. In August of the same year, the opposing parties are still only in the city of Bender, for the first time they were divided by Russian peacemaking forces. Since 1993, armed conflicts in Transnistria does not occur, negotiations begin with the status of this territory from this time.

Transnistria produces 34% of fruit and vegetable products, 35% industrial and 6% of consumer goods. Here the degree in the region is located in the region - Dniester Gres, which produces 90% of the electricity of the entire Moldova. Through its territory there are largest transport highways, a gas pipeline that supplies gas from Moldova. The Republic controls 270 km of the Ukrainian-Moldavian border.

In the territory of the PMR, the monopolist enterprises, such as Tiraspolsky plant of foundry, which during the Soviet Union gave almost the entire volume of their production of the entire USSR), the Moldavian plant of the autorerger (63%), Moldovcabel plant (63%), Elektoash plants, "Electric apparatus" and others.

Almost 90% of PMR products goes to Russia and other CIS countries. About 100 joint ventures, almost independent of the economy of Moldova, are operating on the territory of PMR.

The republic has the necessary attributes of statehood - controlled territory, parliament, president, government, independent judicial system, defense, budget.

By the way, back in 1924 - 1940, Transnistria, as an autonomous republic, was part of Ukraine. In Transnistria, 39% Moldovan live, 26% of Ukrainians and 23% of Russians.

Excursion in history. Even in the Middle Ages, the left bank as a Dniester and the rod was the zone of mixed settlement of Slavs, Moldovan and nomadic peoples of the Northern Black Sea region. Slavs along with other communities - the root ethnide region and the ethnide has had its statehood. In the X-early XII century. The territory of Bessarabia was part of the ancient Russian state, then - Galician and Galician-Volyn Principities. In this capacity, she divided the fate of Slavs, hitting in the middle of the XIII century. Under power of the Golden Horde, the exemption from which again became possible due to the efforts of all the peoples of the region with the Slavs.

In 1359, the Moldovan Principality was established. However, very soon it falls under the control of the Ottoman Empire. At the turn of the XVII and XVIII centuries. In the river and dniester interference, the interests of the brilliant ports faced the ambitious aspirations of the Romanovs.

The contract of 1711. Between Peter I and the Moldovan Lord, Kantemir provided that in case of success of war against the Turks, the border of Russia with Moldova will be held on Dniester. As a result of the Russian-Turkish war 1787-1792. Transnistria departs to Russia.

In 1812, in the Bucharest Peace Agreement with Turkey, the Russian Empire was included in the Russian Empire, where the Bessarabian province is being created. This area in the XIX-early XX century. He was part of the Kherson and Podolsk province.

In December 1917, after the occupation of Bessarabia, Romanian troops proclaims her reunion with "historical homeland". Left Bank of the Dniester even in those troubled times remains for Russia.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating Massar filed members of the RCP (b), previously members of the Romanian Communist Party A. Nicholas, P. Kiraran, I. Dick, A. Badulesk. They wrote a letter to the Central Committee of the RCP (B) and the Central Committee of the CP (b) y, dated February 1924. With the same request appealed to the Central Committee of the RCP (b) and G.I. Kotovsky. Requests were heard, and on March 7, 1924, the meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) (July 29, 1924) decided:

a) To consider it necessary primarily for political reasons to allocate the Moldovan population into a special autonomous republic as part of the Ussr and offer the CPU Central Committee to give the relevant Directives to the Ukrainian Soviet authorities.
b) Suggest the CPU Central Committee to make a message to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP a month about the progress of the work on the organization of the Moldovan Autonomous Republic.
c) instruct Comrade Frunze Observation of the fastest conduct of this issue "(protocol NO 13).

During this "issue", data on the number of Moldovan populations were noticeably falsified with respect to the peers of 1897 and 1920, which was dictated by the same political considerations. Of course, there was no question of any forms of free willing when creating Massar, there was no question that even the formulations of the "political feasibility" frank and, especially the "relevant directives of the Soviet party bodies, in spirit and the letter of the doctrine, the authorities of the people's self-government . It is difficult not to see here the pre-preparation of the upcoming drama: rejected by the party leadership of the USSR will of the Woli of the people of Transnistria, expressed through the tips, about what will be said below. But in 1924, the whole procedure had a rigid team character: the directives of the highest party bodies were sent to local party organizations and were accepted for unconditional performance.

On October 12, 1924, the III session of the Central Executive Committee of Ukraine decided to form the Moldovan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (Massar) as part of the Ukrainian SSR in the Slavs populated by two-thirds of Transnistrian lands. The new autonomous republic covered 11 areas of the left bank of the Dniester with a population of 545.5 thousand people. The territory of the republic was 8.1 thousand square meters. km.

Her capital was the city of Balta, and since 1929 the Center for Autonomy was postponed to Moldova - to Tiraspol, having, apparently, in mind that if it really comes to a turn before the transmission of autonomy into the future Socialist Moldova, it's necessary to give it to her Composition and purely Ukrainian city).

In Romania, this fact did not pass by the parliament and in one of the November days of 1924, the Parliament of the Royal Romania buzzed and worried: in the Senate, there was a stormy debate on how to understand the new and, undoubtedly, "cunning" move of Moscow - the creation of Moldavian Or, as they were often talked then, the Moldovan Republic (Massar in the composition of the Ukrainian SSR). Moreover, on the left bank of the Dniester, in the territory, never part of the Moldovan principality since its foundation in the XIV century; And throughout the short life of the Romanian state itself, never the object of any claims on his part. Debates were sharp. Soothing the excited meeting, the Prime Minister K. Bratian ironically and, as the future showed, it was very longly remarked: "I don't want to stop now and here on those intentions and calculations of the moment, because of which such a republic was formed. I want to consider this question With a more general and long-distance point of view. We (Romanians) cannot be concerned, but on the contrary, we can only rejoice that the neighboring state recognized that in our territorial claims we did not go so far, as it should be. "

At the same time, in 1924, the newspaper "Luppa", close to military circles, reported: "Military circles received information that the possibility of reacting the republic is not excluded that the Romanian villages of the rebstroy, dissatisfied with the Bolshevik regime, will decide to send delegations to us to To declare that they are on the side of Romania. " And then: "In the case of Soviet propaganda in Bessarabia, the advice risks to initiate the intention of the transition of the Romanian villages of the rebstroy on our side." Thus, the plot of the upcoming drama in the main features was formed in those autumn days of 1924, and all he, as in the nucleus, is concentrated in the opposition of two consoles: "In" and "at-". When the left bank of the Dniester is referred to as the backstroy (transnistria), this means that Romania is accepted for the point of reference, moving to the East not only from the rod, but also from the Dniester. The naming of his Transnistria implies a different: the point of reference in this case is Russia moving to the southwest, in the Black Sea region, and includes land adjacent to the Dnest from the East. The kernel was still to detonate the explosion. The years that have passed since that distant autumn, the years that have accommodate the Catastrophe of the Second World War, and the expensive price of the post-war stability of Europe, frozen in those who have already been unshakable borders, - by the beginning of the last decade of the 20th century, excitement made, shocked 60 years ago This corner of Europe, where the Carpathians converge with the Balkans, distant and some kind of toy, as if intrigue of medieval German courtyards. Malo k.g. Russia and the last war of the twentieth century (1989-2000). M.: "Veche" -s.96

The formation of Massar from the very beginning was focused on the possibility of restoring the "historical status quo". Such an opportunity was introduced in black for Romania 1940, when under the influence of Germany and Italy, as a result of the second Vienna arbitration, it was forced to give up the Northern Transylvania of Hungary, and a little later (according to the Kraiovsky Treaty), Dobrudju - Bulgaria.

For a month and a half to these events - 26 and 27 June 1940 - the Soviet government puts forward two ultimatum with Romania with the requirement of the unconditional return of the USSR of Bessarabia and North Bukovina.

According to the Ribbentrop Pact - Molotov, some historians say, part of Northern Bukovina and Bessarabia moved away from Romania to the USSR. Really, Romania in December 1917 occupied Bessarabia and in November 1918 occupied Bukovina.
I wanted to remind you that in the secret additional protocol of August 23, 1939, signed by Ribbentrop and Molotov in paragraph 3 recorded: "Regarding South-Eastern Europe, the Soviet side pointed to its interest in Bessarabia. The German side clearly declared the full political not interested in these territories" . Did the Soviet side have the right to such a wording? I certainly had, for Romania at that time, during 21 years, illegally occupied Bessarabia.

Yes, indeed, on June 28, 1940, the Red Army entered the limits of Romania, and Bessarabia again turned out to be as part of the USSR.
There is a need to return to the book Henri Barbus "" Stalin "," where there is such a passage: "The German army rejected the Baltic countries and Finland from Russia. The allies rejected Poland from it and, supplementing it with pieces of Austria and Germany, created an independent state ... They were stolen from the Soviet state to Bessarabia, so that the desires of Bessaratsev, to pay Romania, ".

We will not refer to the authority of Henri Barbus, but you should pay attention to the lexical nuance: one thing "broke out", "ottorni" is all of the political lexicon and suddenly "stolen" ... and the word it is not by chance, in the literature of the twentieth Another interpretation about the Bessarabia is found. It turns out that in December 1917, Romania occupied Bessarabia.

On March 5, 1918, in Yassas (and in Odessa, on March 9, 1918), with the participation of the holding of the Entente, representatives of the Moscow Romania signed "Agreement between RSFSR and Romania about cleansing Romania Bessarabia."

According to this agreement, Romania undertook to clear Bessarabia for two months. Immediately it cleans the strategic clause of Faude - the area lying in the depths of the bay, near the mouth of the Danube. All the terrain purified by Romanian troops are now engaged in Russian troops. After two months in Bessarabia, the Romanian squad out of 10,000 people for the protection of Romanian warehouses and railway lines remains.

Romania did not fulfill the obligation, moreover, Romania repeatedly appealed to the Honors of the Entente, so that they decided on the inclusion of Bessarabia to Romania, but it never received an international legal document for the ownership of Bessarabia. Thus, a contract of March 5, 1918, as it were, remained in force. And Romania ignored him. That is why Henri Barbus appeared the word not from the political lexicon - "stolen".

Note of Moscow. On June 26, 1940, the Soviet Union sent a "ultimative note to the Romanian government," where it was emphasized: "The Government of the USSR considers the issue of the return of Bessarabia is organically related to the issue of the transfer of the Soviet Union that part of Bukovina, the population of which in its huge majority is associated with Soviet Ukraine as a generality of historical fate and generality of the language and national composition. Such an act would be all the more fair that the transfer of the northern part of Bukovina to the Soviet Union could submit - however, only a minor degree - the reimbursement of that huge damage that was inflicted by the Soviet Union and the population Bessarabia 22-year-old domination Romania in Bessarabia. The Government of the USSR offers the Royal Government of Romania:
1. Return Bessarabia to the Soviet Union.
2. In the Soviet Union, the northern part of the Bukovina within the boundaries, according to the "attached map."

And forced Romania to fulfill its obligations on March 5, 1918 and nothing more.

June 28, 1940 The troops of the Red Army join these territories. In accordance with the same year adopted by the same year, the decision of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the areas of Transnistria are included in the boundaries of the Moldovan SSR. Moldavian ASSR is abolished. Most of it is part of the new Moldavian Union Republic, the southern and northern sector of Bessarabia (including the yield of Moldova to the Black Sea, and the first capital of Massar G. Balta) remain in the composition of Soviet Ukraine.

(In fact, on August 2, 1940, the Moldovan SSR was formed, in which the law established "to include the city of Tiraspol and Grigoropolsky. Dubossarsky, Kamensky, Rybnitsky, Slobodzean and Tiraspol regions of the Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the city of Chisinau and Beltsy, Bendesky, Chisinau, Kakulsky, Orgeaevsky and Soroksky district of Bessarabia. "As we see, in law, not even alphabetically, but on priority: first areas of the Moldavian ASSR, and then areas attached to the USSR of Bessarabia. Trifle, but accents begin to shift: Bessarabia, as it were, they joined the already existing Moldavian Republic on the basis of Transnistria.

Thus, the historically established bonds between the ethnium enterprises in the region were tied to the tight node, the end of which was reliably tied to the public-union center. Problems with this node began exactly when the very center fell.

Redone the Soviet heritage. Bessarabia's return in the USSR LONO in July 1940 marked himself the legitimization of the power of Tiraspol over the territory of the republic liberated from the Romanian occupation. At the same time, the capital of Tiraspol was postponed to Chisinau, and on August 2, 1940, autonomy was transformed into the MSSR.

It should be recalled that the act of the Moldovan Parliament in July 1990 ("On the illegality and invalidity" of the fact of creating his own state) automatically restored the so-called Massar, which existed until August 2, 1940. Thus, the highest state authority of the MSSR declared legally self-destruction of the republic, and its geographical space proclaimed the Romanian territory, allegedly forcibly occupied by the Soviet Union. And this means that from a legal point of view, today's "suzenny" claims of Chisinau to the PMR mildly are unreasonable!
Our, view of Ukraine and Russia should have put the conditions for the official Chisinau for further negotiations on the Transnistria.

PM Parliament should be canceled by the July 1990, the decision on the denunciation of the act of creation of the MSSR. Otherwise, it will have to be recognized by the legitimate adviser of the Soviet Moldova is the PMR with the opening of embassies in Tiraspol. And then the participants in the negotiation process should seek the adoption of the PMR in the UN, OSCE, CIS and other structures.

As an official parliamentary statement of August 27, 1989, and the Declaration on the State Sovereignty of the Republic of Moldova, "on June 23, 1990, contain wording, condemning the Covenant and actions taken in 1940, which united Moldova and Transnistria within the framework of the USSR. Both text of the statements can be viewed as a secretly authorizing proclamation of the independence of Transnistria, which occurred in the same period as a result of a number of referendums.

Proclamation of independence. The independence of Transnistria was proclaimed on September 2, 1990 after the adoption of Moldova two documents against illegal actions that led to the unification of Moldova and Transnistria within the framework of the MSSR.

Let me remind you that, according to the results of the referenda, Transnistria proclaimed its independence - almost a year before the declaration of independence in Moldova and Ukraine. All three countries proclaimed independence unilaterally. However, Transnistria was the only state to proclaim the independence of which was preceded by a referendum who determined the will of the people.

For only on December 1, Ukrainian voters approved the department from the USSR. The referendum on the independence of Moldova took place only in March 1994. As the report B219, prepared in April 2006, by the International Council for Democratic Institutions and State Sovereignty - MS DIWIGIS), "State Sovereignty of the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic (PMR) in accordance with international law". ("State Sovereignty of Prednistrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika (Prednistrovie) Under International Law" (ICDISS): The desire of Moldova to independence since 1989 was reapplying national hatred and discrimination of the Slavic people who have created a majority of the population in Transnistria, but who were a minority in Moldova.

The collapse of the Moldovan SSR. Historically, Transnistria has never been part of Moldova. According to the statement of the highest legislative body in Chisinau dated 2 August 1989, the Soviet Union made an act of aggression, combining both parties and including them in the USSR. Four days later, a local parliament who has no appropriate authority at that time, but justifying their actions with reference to the right of the people to self-determination, adopted a law on language, declaring the Romanian language by the state language and replacing Cyrillic graphics to Latin. Subsequently, the flag was changed, and Moldova's power stopped obeying the central government. For a repeated Call of Moldova "To eliminate the political and legal consequences" of the Molotov Ribbentrop Covenant (it is possible that it was a fake, which appeared in the late 80s of the twentieth century, which was supposed to give the pushes to the collapse of the USSR) followed independence as Transnistria In 1990 and Moldova in 1991, which laid the end of their "forced marriage" in the MSSR. The modern Republic of Moldova bases its education and existence on the proclamation of independence unilaterally, accompanied by a statement that the violent association of Moldova and Transnistria at the beginning of the 2nd World War (quoting the declaration) was deprived of a "any real legal framework." Considering this statement within the framework of international legislation, Moldova refers to the status quo Ante Belum (the situation that existed before the war) as the basis for its independence. The consequence of this principle is the impossibility of the plaintiff to claim the territory that did not belong to the occupation and annexation.

Legal and actual tests demonstrate that during the decay of the Soviet Union, the MSSR broke up into two successor states: Moldova and Transnistria, and that the existing border between them is extremely consistent with the traditional historical border separating them from the early Middle Ages. The current situation on the former territory of the MSSR refers to the fact that the actual self-destruction of the MSSR in July 1990 makes the current Chisinau regime of illegitimate. While the PMR, in essence, the adviser Massar, which was previously part of Ukraine. That is, today the PMR is more legitimate education than the Republic of Moldova. For some reason, our politicians are silent about it?!

The current situation on the former territory of the MSSR refers to the fact that the actual self-destruction of the MSSR in July 1990 makes the current Chisinau regime of illegitimate. While the PMR, in essence, the adviser Massar, which was previously part of Ukraine. That is, today the PMR is more legitimate education than the Republic of Moldova.

What experts say. The report "State Sovereignty of the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic (PMR) in accordance with international legislation" experts summarize: "For many years of international practice, collected in Charters, allow you to list the criteria used to define statehood: permanent population, a certain territory, government, the ability to enter In relations with other states. Transnistria now meets all the requirements: Transnistria has its own democratically elected president and the legislature, which is currently under the control of the opposition party. His government commands the armed forces and enters into discussions with foreign states. "

In the case of the PMR, the viability of the state is established, as well as the legality of the process of state formation. More than half a million people living in Transnistria, occupying the territory of 4.163 sq. Km, successfully comply with all signs of statehood in accordance with international law. Transnistria has a well-functioning government with its own bodies, a constitution, currency, taxation, jurisprudence and a population exceeding the number of residents of many UN member countries.

The right of PMR on self-determination is no less respected than the principle of territorial integrity of Moldova, which is in the composition of which this unrecognized republic has never been part of historically.

As we see the findings convincing, and the situation itself shows that for 16 years, the PMR confirmed its viability. And "democratizing" her like Iraq is hardly worth it. Moldova should measure and leave the PMR alone. Transnistrians are not very torn to Moldova, which stands on the last place in Europe by level of life. Yes, and the blood spilled by Transnistrians in 1992 remained forever in their memory.

Armed conflict. Transnistria, in which, mainly, lives the Russian-speaking population, which has the most developed industry, categorically rejected the idea of \u200b\u200baccession to Romania and made autonomy. Ukraine and Russia began to be involved in the conflict, or otherwise. Russia protects the Russian-speaking population, Ukraine is extremely concerned about the prospect of the appearance of a hot spot at its border and the probability of being drawn into an armed conflict.

When the efforts of Russia and Ukraine, the conflict switched to a calmer bed, the Moldovan government began to take into account that there was a number of objective reasons to unite with Romania:

firstly, In Bessarabia, they still remembered that in Romania Moldovans were citizens of the second grade;
secondly, The economy of Moldova, the life level of its citizens was higher than in Romania;
third, Moldova and Romanian have a completely different national character. "In spirit, we are much closer to the Slavs, than to our Romanian brothers," one of Moldovan diplomats said.

The outbreak of violence between the new state of Moldova and its rejected by its Transnistrian Transnistrian Moldavian Republic (PMR) has already resulted in armed conflict in the spring of 1992.

In fact, the first collision occurred on May 20, 1990, when the division of the NFM militants, which included disguised police officers, tried to hoisting the Romanian flag over Bender.

October 25, 1990. Moldovan police and volunteers (read, mercenaries), under Romanian banners, armed to the teeth, tried to establish a "constitutional order" in Gagauzia, but the workers of Transnistria came to the aid of Gagauz and defeated aggression.

Residents of Dubossar, not wanting to let a drunken volunteer-police slaughter in the city, barricaded the bridge over the Dniester. Against citizens armed with a stakenik, the executive executioner Kostash threw the Oponovans (a special purpose police) in full equipment and gave an order to conduct aimed fire. Three young people died: Oleg Gleetyuk and Valery Mitsul, Ukrainian Vladimir Gotsot, died.

Started at the end of 1990 with punitive shares of the Chisinau Police Detachment (sober) in Dubossara, the power suppression of the "aliens" and "separatists" (so the ruling circles of Moldova called the Slavic population and Turkic-speaking Gagauzov, living in the southern regions of the republic) March 1, 1992 . rearranged to conflict.

Let me remind you that political events in the then January developed in their scenario. Ukraine first in the CIS announced the creation of its own armed forces. The 14th Army in January 1992 promptly submitted to the Odessa Military District. He commanded the troops of the district Colonel-General Ivan Morozov, who previously served in the Far East.

On January 16, 1992, Yuri Maksimovich Netkachev, the newly appointed commander of the 14th Commercial Army in with the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, Colonel-General Boris Gromov flew from the Chkalovsky airfield to Tiraspol. Gromovo was instructed to submit Major General Yu.M. Nishkachev commander of the 14th Commercial Army of the Personal Makeup of the 14th Army instead of Lieutenant General Gennady Yakovlev and local leadership.

reference. Yuri Maksimovich Netkachev in 1988 graduated from the Academy of General Staff and arrived and arrived and Bobruisk to the post of First Deputy Commander of the 5th Guards Tank Army and from this post was appointed commander of Commander 14 OA. The main grouping of the 14th Army, the main shock forces were just on its territory. The officers put an ultimatum: take the Ukrainian oath - you remain serve, do not accept - the tablecloth is the road. All army real estate, equipment, weapons and property The then President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk declared the property of the republic.

In February 1992, the Odessa District already headed the new commander Lieutenant General Radetsky V.G. Comandarmum 14 General Army General -Myoror Netkachev, he clearly stated: "You do not obey us, because we will be deployed in Moldova. You have your own wedding, we have our own." From the most powerful military group, which covered the southwest border of the USSR, I, Comandarm, who took the case and the position, remained almost a third of the troops: 59th Motional division in Tiraspol, two missile brigades in Beltsi and Bender, other parts deployed on Moldova territory. Here, in the neighborhood, part of the district subordination remained, which were not part of the 14th Army - engineering and saming brigades in Dubossaras and Rybnitsa, a pontoon-bridge regiment in Bender, etc. On the territory of the PMR, about 10 thousand officers lived on the territory of PMR, Which in due time served in the 14th Army.

By March 1992
. The confrontation between Chisinau and Tiraspole turned into an armed conflict. In connection with the constantly deteriorating political situation on March 28, 1992, a state of emergency was announced with the presidential rule.

As expected, not only local (government and unconstitutional) armed formations were involved in it, but also parts of the 14th Army of the former USSR, as well as mercenaries and volunteers from the CIS countries and Romania.

On March 29, 1992, the anniversary of the union of Bessarabia, the opposition was preparing a rally throughout Moldova, going to enter them with slogans "" Resigns of the President ". However, Moldovan President Mircea Snegore inflicted a proactive blow and on March 28, on the eve of the rally, announced the introduction of a state of emergency in Transnistria. The Decree threw the work of the conciliation commission, caused a sharp escalation of the conflict, but the opposition turned into an ally of the president.

Moldova weapons. A not an unavailable role in equipping the created Armed Forces of Moldova was played by armament and military equipment 14 of the army. Soviet generals and officers tamed equipment and weapons to national formations throughout the Soviet Union. According to the information of the Commander of the 14 Army major General Nakachev handed Moldova As of April 15, 1992, the following weapons and military equipment:

5381 Bhi (Base of storage in Floreshti)

21 R-145 radio stations based on BTR-60;
3 PCM-4 reconnaissance chemical machines;
54 crawler tractor MTLB-AT;
2 reconnaissance chemical machines on the MTLB chassis;
27 9p148 Pttur based on BRDM;
12 anti-aircraft guns of 57-mm caliber;
32 Z-23 anti-aircraft plants.

4 Artillery regiment G.Ungens:

32 152-mm Pushki-Gaubitizers D-20;
21,52-mm Giacinth Giacinth 2A36;
7 radio stations P-145;
20 1B18 and 1B19;
53 tracked tractor MTLB-AT;
6 mobile intelligence

603 Jet Regiment G.Ungens:

28 rocket systems of the "Hurricane" 280-mm caliber;
1 BM13 "Katyusha".

275 Anti-aircraft missile brigade Gushin

2 anti-aircraft missile divisions C-200;
3 anti-aircraft missile divisions C-75;
4 anti-aircraft missile divisions C-125.

86 Fighter-Aviation Regiment G.Murkuleshty:

31 MiG-29 aircraft;
2 aircraft MiG-29UB.

Girl's helicopter detachment:

4 Mi-24 helicopter;
4 Mi-4 helicopter.

Small weapons (only in the armed forces of Moldova):
27 RPG-7;
2714 Automatic Kalashnikov AK-74;
50 machine guns;
882 Makarov pistols. The price of betrayal // Day. - 10-16 May 1992. - №19.

As a result of the concessions of Moscow and with the connivance of Marshal Aviation Evgenia Shaposhnikov in the spring of 1992, Moldova privatized:

the RSZO "Hurricane" regiment - 24 units, a division of heavy mortar "Peony" (they can shoot nuclear ammunition), anti-tank regiment - 54 units (PT guns "Rapiir").

In addition, 220 MTLB was located on the storage base under Chisina, as well as about 12 thousand small arms units.

In 1993, after the output of the personnel of a parachute-land regiment from the Moldovan capital, about 120 targets of the landing machine (BMD-1) remained there.

Weapon of Transnistria.
Transnistrians privatized smaller, but this weapon would have enough for mainstream combat operations. About 7 thousand units of small arms were transferred to the Guards of PMR, as a result of the betrayal of some officers, they "clashed" the anti-tank battery, 7 tanks, about 10 armored personnel carriers. At one time, Transnistrians themselves produced 82-mm mortars, possibly small arms.

In the example of Ukraine, Igor Smirnov signed a decree, according to which military towns and all that remained in them was announced by the property of the self-proclaimed republic.

By the summer of 1992, the war took a positional character. The Theater of Military Activities has expanded and covered the left-bank villages of the horns, cochips, cellars, a cat, recreamed and Dorotskoy on the approaches to Dubossams, as well as the right-bank city of Bender with the villages of Gisk and Kitskana. The residential neighborhoods of the Transnistrian district centers of Dubossara and Grigoriopol were subjected to systematic artworks. In such a situation, an attempt to breed the conflicting parties in Bendars with the help of military observers of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Romania did not give results.

On May 23, "To ensure the territorial integrity of Moldova," the orders of the Ministry of Defense was transferred to the Ministry of Defense to the Ministry of Defense to the Ministry of Defense. Such transformations, considering the transmission of the Moldova of the former Soviet Army (including the MiG-29 airlock in Marculeshtach) by the Commander of the United Armed Forces of the CIS Evgeny Shaposhnikov, could only mean the growing conflict.

True, on June 18, the Moldova parliamentarians together with Transnistrian deputies approved the basic principles of peaceful settlement, which provided for the separation of the opposing parties, disbanding voluntary paramilitary formations (this concerned, above all, the Transnistrian side) and the return of refugees to the places of permanent residence. It seemed to everyone that the war would end with the hour for an hour, however, we needed only one day so that these illusions dispel.

In June, the same opposition sharply opposed the peaceful proposals of the Moldova Parliament, after which On June 10, the supreme leadership of the republic was given an order about the beginning of the punitive operation in the city of Kenders. The invasion of the city of Motorized Brigade was accompanied by a speech on the radio of the President of the Snotera, thereby demonstrating his personal involvement in this action. Her result is 200 dead and more than 300 wounded only in three days June 19-21.

The formal reason for the operation was the incident, the essence of which is now impossible to determine. According to the Snotera, June 19, "illegal guards formations and other militarized parts took a fierce attack on the local police station." According to Transnistrian sources, on that day, Moldovan police seized an officer of the Guardian PMR, and the group of guardsmen who arrived at him to help was shelled. Anyway, a small joke turned into street battles. At 19.00 in Chisinau and Kaushan highways the Bender entered the Moldovan columns of armored personnel carriers, artillery, T-55 tanks.

For several hours, the city was busy army of Moldova. Disorder shooting of all types of weapons led to a huge number of victims among civilians. The massive blows of the part of the Republic of Moldova were applied along the city executive committee, the guards barracks, the militia burn.

At dawn on June 20, part of the Army of Moldova captured Bender Station-1, Zhilsotsbank. Fire led tanks, sau, btra; From the village of Lipkana, a mortar shelling of the city was walking. One of the mines fell into the warehouse of the FMS in / h 48414 of the 14th Army of Russia, which led to the death of Russian soldiers. Several tanks of the Armed Forces of PMR tried to break into Bender to help defending, but were stopped by the fire of anti-tank guns "Rapira".

In the afternoon of the part of the army of Moldova, they took the assault on the Bendery Fortress, where the rocket brigade of the 14th Army was located. When reflecting the attack from the Russian side were killed and wounded. From the "accidental" of the Russian army who flown into the territory of the Russian army were injured by a few more servicemen. Throughout the day on June 20, the provocations of the Moldovan Army against the 14th Army, which occupied the position of strict neutrality in the conflict.

Seeing how the city is destroyed, women from the Bendery strike committee captured several units of military equipment of the 59th motorized rifle division of the Russian army. On this technique, the guardsmen, the Cossacks and militia from Tiraspol moved to Benders, leaning both Moldova's artillery batteries on the bridge, made their way to the deposited building of the city executive committee. These tanks broke through the siege ring. The troops of the PM began to randomly retreat. By the morning, on June 21, they controlled only two Bander microdistrict and the suburban village of Varnitsa.

On Sunday June 21, battle for the city continued. At about 12:00, the mortar shelling of the Leninsky microdistrict began; The city was overwhelmed by Moldovan snipers, shooting at any moving target. Because of the incessant hostilities, it was impossible to remove the corpses on the streets that the epidemics threatened in a 30-degree heat. Residents buried the dead in the courtyards, on the spot of death.

22nd of June Fights in Bender did not stop. The Bulgarian village of Parkan's Bulgarian village was subjected to the cruel art frester.

June 23. Before the Air Force of Moldova, a task was set to destroy a strategically important bridge over the Dniester, connecting Transnistria with Bender. Two MiG-29 aircraft were involved for the impact of the blow, which carried six Bombs OFAB-250. Probably, one MiG-29Un took part for monitoring the results of the plaque.

In 19.15, Moldavian pilots produced bombing, but inaccurately and, the bridge remained intact, and all the bombs fell to the nearby village of Parkan. A direct hit was destroyed a house in which the whole family died. Moldova officials initially denied the involvement of their Air Force to the raid; However, then the Military Minister of the Republic of Moldova recognized the fact of destruction of the house, but it was completely rejected by the statement of the media about the death of people.

However, on June 23 there was a relative lull. The city council was able to negotiate with the police department on the ceasefire to bury the killed, the number of which over the past night reached three hundred. There was no electricity in the city, the telephone connection did not work, there was no gas. Snipers continued. The local police, holding the part of the city with the support of the sieve, mined the street, erected the barricades, shed trenches.

June 29 The calm ended: about 19 o'clock, Moldova's army resumed a massive shelling of the city from Gaubitz, mortars, grenade launchers and small arms. The Armed Forces of the PMR managed to suppress some firing opponent's firepoints only after three to four days.

In early July, an agreement was reached on the cease-fire, which, however, was constantly violated not only in Bender, but also through the entire confrontation line until Duboscap. In Bender, the part of Moldova was systematically destroyed by enterprises whose equipment failed to take out. Throughout the month in different parts of the city, battles were conducted.

During the combat operations of 1992, Bender was undergoing strong destruction, 80 thousand residents became refugees, about one and a half thousand were killed and injured. Now the main part of the destruction is eliminated, but the traces of the battle are still reminded of themselves. For courage and heroism, shown by Benderchanas in protecting the conquests of the PMR, in 1995 the city was awarded the highest award - the Order of the Republic.

Attempted in July by order of Chisinau attempting the Moldavian army to take Bender failed. The former then commander stationed in Transnistria of the 14th Army General - Major Alexander Lebed ordered to block the approaches to the city and the bridge over the Dniester.

Within all 40 days, the Moldovan military washed over to all that they fell at hand, they tried to bring down the flag of Transnistria, who was towering on the administration building on the main square of the city of Bender.

No one expected such a turnover of events, so during the summer hostilities from Transnistrians more than 500 people were killed, 80 were missing. Moldavian side The number of victims of their military does not reveal to this day.

Only on July 21, by the Presidents of Russia and Moldova, by Boris Yeltsin and Mirchy Snowyore, an agreement was signed "On the principles of peaceful settlement of armed conflict in the Transnistrian Region of the Republic of Moldova".

The agreement is signed, but the conflict is not authorized so far.

Only on July 29, 1992, the Tula Military Division entered Bender And installed the world in the region. The peacekeeping forces of Russia to this day constantly restrain the confrontation and stop the possibility of hostilities in Bender.
Russia, Moldova and Transnistrian declared a band along the Dniester of the security zone, the control over which was charged with trilateral peacekeeping forces as part of the Russian, Moldovan and Transnistrian contingents under the supervision of the Joint Control Commission (OCC). Bender were announced "Safety Zone" with a special mode.

Romania's interest in the provision in Transnistria, as well as the facts of the supply of weapons and the direct participation of Romanian citizens in conflict, strengthened the anti -umuman moods and on the left bank of the Dniester, and in Moscow, and among the indigenous people of Moldova.

During the armed conflict in the Moldavian army, as in Transnistria, there was a large amount of weapons (and modern) and ammunition. According to the unofficial data of this weapon, taking into account the already formed molding police and the militia parts, enough to form two motorized rifle regiments and combat parts. Considering the presence of such combat systems in Moldova as a "hurricane", "hyacinth", MiG-29 multipurpose fighter-bombers, one could assume that the period of stabilization of the military-political situation in the region will be long.

Armed conflict in Transnistria will be a heavy burden on the economy of Moldova, throwing it for many years. The costs of combat operations in Transnistria were 4 million rubles, in Moldova - up to 15 million rubles a day. Destruction in Bender make up more than 50% of the total number of buildings.

We give the tragic figures of the war 1992, more than 500 dead residents of PMR and foreign citizens who have provided her assistance in the reflection of Moldova's aggression: residents of Tiraspol - 109 people; Bender - 209; Slobodzay district - 14; Grigoryopolsky district - 9; Dubossar district - 58; Rybnitsy district - 22; Kamensky district - 3; Foreign citizens - 76 people. Moreover, 389 dead - fighters, with weapons in the hands of defended the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic, including: the Republican Guard - 124 people; Folk militia - 137; Cossacks - 84; TSO - 36; MGB battalion "Delta" - 4; Battalion MVD "Dniester" - 4 people. But this is not final data, as people still continue to die from wounds and diseases obtained in war, and ruthless bloody statistics of wars continues to grow.

According to Moldovan Parliament, the Moldovan Parliament is postponed among the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the MNB, amounted to: 152 dead, including 69 police officers, 11 carabineers, 13 MNS officers, and 573 wounded.

A large number of killed and wounded, disadvantaged due to loss of housing, both with that and on the other hand, will cause mutual hatred for many years. The destroyed economy will not cope with the provision of the population, social explosions and government instability should be expected both in Moldova and Transnistria.

The defeat in the parliamentary elections of the 1994 Popular Front and the coming to power of the agrarian-democratic party, more loyal to national minorities, created the conditions for the peace negotiations of Chisinau with two regions separated from it: Gagauzia and Transnistria. The search for ways to unite the republic pushed and aggravated economic situation. What is the attempts by the power permission of inter-ethnic and interregional problems, they understood in Moldova on the example of a military conflict in Transnistria.

Gagauzia. In the south of the republic in the Budzhak steppe Gagauz (the Turkic Group of Orthodox Religion) settled more than two centuries ago and today there are about 160 thousand people. In 1989, they first declared that they were aware of themselves, and turned to Chisinau with the last provision of autonomy. In 1991, after activating the movement for the reunification with Romania, headed by the People's Front, five southern regions announced on August 19, 1990 by the Gagauz Republic independent of Moldova, created their own state structures and national armed formations.

It should be emphasized that the ethnic conflict in Transnistria was realized as a struggle against "Romanization", "and therefore it did not prevent unite Russian, Ukrainians and Moldovans of Transnistria, who were supported by Gagauz.

Transnistrian war somewhat colded hot heads and in Chisinau, and in Comrat.

During the protracted conflict with the Moldovan authorities, Gagauz has achieved consent to the special status of Gagauzia in the composition of the Unified Moldova.

In December 1994, the Moldovan Parliament adopted "" The Law on the Special Status of the Territory "", on which the Gagauzes are compactly reside - the Turkic-paternal people of Christian religion. The law on the status of southern peoples is accepted with the only one, perhaps a serious amendment: the formulation of "national-territorial education" was replaced by autonomous-territorial. Arguments: Along with Gagauz, Bulgarians, Moldovans, Ukrainians and Russians live in the region. Sememar, where these nationalities prevail, have yet to be solved, to enter or not to enter or not in the already declared autonomous education. The referendum was announced in 15 settlements.

In accordance with the law in the event of a change in the political status of Moldova itself (ie, if it ever decides to join Romania), Gagauzia is guaranteed to be the right to external self-determination.

Currently, the law on the status of southern regions is adopted with the only one, perhaps a serious amendment: the wording "" National-Territorial Education "" was replaced by autonomous-territorial.

It should be emphasized that the Gagauz autonomy is an Islamic zone of Moldova. It is known that the whole period of negotiations on the status of this autonomy has been extremely high interest in the problem showed Turkey and, at least Saudi Arabia.

Gagauzia is allowed to have their own national symbolism, legislative assemblies operating under the Constitution of the Republic. Official languages \u200b\u200bon its territory recognized Moldavian, Gagauz and Russian. It is believed that the outcome of the Gagauz question is a model that can be shifted and on Transnistria, negotiations on the special status of which continue.

Mandate. The decision on the direction of the OSCE long-term missions in Moldova was made on February 4, 1993. At the 19th meeting of the Committee of Senior Officials (currently - Guiding Council). The Committee's Vienna Group at its 7th meeting on March 11, 1993 approved the mandate of the mission, which sets out its tasks. In accordance with it, the goal of the mission is to facilitate the achievement of a solid comprehensive political settlement of the conflict in all its aspects. It meant the preservation of the territorial integrity of Moldova in combination with the recognition of the special status of the Transnistrian region.
Among other tasks of the Mission: Development of agreements on the withdrawal of foreign troops; fulfillment of obligations regarding ethnic and national minorities; Assistance in monitoring the implementation of agreements on achieving a long-term political settlement.

On May 7, 1993, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Government of Moldova, which determined the specific conditions of the mission in Moldova within its mandate. On August 25, 1993, after the exchange of letters between the heads of the Mission and the President of the PMR, Igor Smirnov entered into force agreement on the activities of the OSCE Mission in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova. Moldova and Transnistria's authorities provided at the disposal of the mission of housing and working rooms in Chisinau and Tiraspol.

Meanwhile, withdrawing four of the six peacekeeping battalions, Russia practically left two army against the security zone. Moldavian leadership considers the current layer in the Dniester zone insufficient to maintain peace and requested the OSCE peacekeeping contingent. And Transnistria gradually introduced into the security zone, left by Russian soldiers, border detachments. The Dniester becomes a clearly designated boundary.

Formally, the armistice agreement is valid in the Zone of the Transnistrian conflict, however, the key question about the political status of the Transnistria territory and its relationship with the central authorities is not resolved.

It is important that, stating the recognition of the independence of Moldova, members of the international community viewed this state as existing within the borders of the former Moldavian SSR. The same came from the same, taking Moldova in his ranks.

Secession (separation) based on violence, as well as emerging statements, cannot be justified by references to either geopolitical, no other interests. Violence, whatever good intentions it hovered, inevitably leads to the undermining stability, poses the question of economic and social progress and contradicts ultimately long-term interests of the state and inhabiting his peoples. Aphorism is involuntarily remembered, the truth of which was repeatedly confirmed by the story: "It cannot be the right goal, for which the achievement of which is required to be required."

Modern international law comes from the fact that nations are eligible for protection against any threat to their existence, to respect and develop their identity (self-identity) with the inadmissibility of any attempts of forced assimilation. However, the creation of an independent mono-ethnic state is not obligatory to implement these rights, separation from historically established formations. Yes, and in practice it is not always feasible. The whole experience of world development shows that the principle of "one people is one state" is often a hopeless illusion, since most ethnic groups are usually multi-layered (there are now over 2000 nations and large ethnic groups in the world, and the number of states does not reach and 200), And the orientation of the priority of the interests and values \u200b\u200bof the title ethnos infringes the right of national minorities, conflicts with human rights.

However, its own statehood, broad independence within a single state guaranteed by constitutional and other legislation, and, if necessary, and international authority, it allows to satisfy the interests of the personality, nation and the state, while not disturbing its territorial integrity and without preventing progressive integration processes .

Political settlement. Memorandum on the principles of the normalization of relations, signed on May 8, 1997 in Moscow in the presence of Presidents of the Russian Federation and Ukraine Boris Yeltsin, Leonid Kuchma and OSCE leadership, recognizes Moldova with a single state, including the self-proclaimed Transnistrian Republic. However, it says that the section of the authority and the status of Transnistrians will need to be more concerned.

Since then, meetings of two presidents are held regularly, they say many, partitioned, as a rule, for midnight, but no significant shifts can be seen. Mainly there is a disassembly of mutual claims - accumulated in the past and arising, after the signing of the Memorandum. Without the opportunity to convince each other at the table of negotiations, each of the parties proves its right thing "" on the economic field ".

The signing of the Memorandum was preceded by prolonged and intricate diplomatic maneuvers of the parties and intermediaries. These maneuvers reflected both the requested positions of the parties and the general trend in the development of the situation, which was that, on the one hand, every day the hopes of Tiraspol on the international legal recognition of their "rebellious republic", the other - the confidence of Chisinau was preserved, which "The abroad will help us" and that the separatists themselves are about to form a weapon.

Under these conditions, the main opponent of the regulation of the settlement is the leadership of Transnistria - began to change its position and since 1996 almost itself insisted on the signing of the Memorandum. "We, - commented on the position of Tiraspol on this issue to the speaker of the Transnistrian Parliament Gregory Maracz, - really initially opposed the James with the Memorandum, since he contradicts our popularly approved constitution, proclaiming Transnistria by an independent state.

However, in accordance with Memorandum Moldova and Transnistria - subjects of common state. And these are different things. Overcome this difference for us it was not easy. The secret of "pliability" of Transnistrian diplomacy opened very simple.

The Memorandum Text included article 3, which says that "Transnistrian participates in the implementation of the foreign policy of the Republic of Moldova - the subject of international law, on issues affecting his interests. The decision on these issues is made by the consent of the parties." This statement practically removed the Transnistria from diplomatic nonsense and allowed to require the legal framework to participate its representatives in the discussion of all the issues related to the region in all international forums, including the OSCE.

In Chisinau, undoubtedly saw the danger of this text and invented the corresponding "antidote" in the form of a joint statement of the Presidents of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, which confirmed that the provisions of the Memorandum could not be interpreted in contradiction with the principle of territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova. The corresponding provision was included in the text of Article 11, according to which "parties will build their relations within the framework of a common state within the borders of the Moldavian SSR for January 1990" (allocated by me. - A.Ya.).

Meshcherinsky agreements. At the end of September 1997, Peter Luchinsky and Igor Smirnov was met, which ended with the signing of a protocol containing a number of important interests for the process of resolving moments. An agreement was reached on holding regular (once a month) meetings of the leaders of Moldova and Transnistria, the preparation of joint steps to reduce tensions and military confrontation in the security zone, about the new round of negotiations at the expert level on the draft interim document on the delimitation of items and mutual delegation of powers between Chisinau and Tiraspole.

As a result of the next negotiations in the village of Meshcherino (October 6-10, 1997), the parties with the help of intermediaries managed to agree on the draft interim agreement (the so-called Meshcherina document) to resolve the conflict, which was assumed to sign during the CIS summit in Chisinau on October 23. However, the Transnistrian side at the last moment abandoned the previously reached agreements and disavowed the signatures of their representatives.

The last example of this is "" Customs War "" from the beginning of February 1998 on the banks of the Dniester, Chisinau introduced excise taxes from the goods following the Transnistria than even more aggravated the already severe economic situation. In response, Igor Smirnov received "adequate measures" "and ordered the charges from the goods going to Moldova from the CIS countries through the left bank of the Dniester and, moreover, reduced the power supply of electricity" for non-refundable debts ". All this makes it look for compromises, postponing the decision of the main political task for later.

As evidenced by the next meeting in February 1998, President of Moldova Peter Luchinsky and the leader of PMR Igor Smirnova in Chisinau ended with the signing of five documents on the establishment of economic relations, which makes it possible to talk about some convergence of positions.

Ukraine is interested in stabilizing the south-western geopolitical space, which is the sphere of its vital interests.

Odessa agreements. In the future, truly titanic efforts were made to bring the flywheel of negotiations from the dead point. The central place in these efforts occupied the four-sided (Moldova, Transnistria, Russia, Ukraine) Odessa meeting on Transnistrian settlement March 19-20, 1998. During this meeting, important agreements were achieved and documents were signed to strengthen confidence measures between the parties in the conflict, as well as Attempts to solve military property issues related to the residence of the United Group of Russian Troops (OGRV) in the Republic of Moldova.

Signed on March 20, 1998 during the working meeting of the Presidents of Ukraine, Moldova, the heads of the Government of Russia and the head of Transnistria, the Agreement "On the confidence-building events and the development of contacts between Moldova and Transnistria" and the Protocol "on some priority steps to enhance the regulation of the Transnistrian problem" .
Agreement "On the events of confidence and development of contacts between the Republic of Moldova and Transnistria" is important not only for regions, but also for the entire European continent. This was announced at a joint meeting of the participants of the Odessa meeting, Leonid Kuchma, who, together with the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, represent guarantors in a peaceful settlement of the problem.

According to the agreement, the parties have agreed for two months to reduce the composition of the peacekeeping forces of Moldova and Transnistria to 500 soldiers on each side with the staff of military equipment and weapons. Now in the region is based on more than 2000 people in the Society of peacekeeping forces.

Meeting members pledged to promote the excessive Russian property as soon as possible from Transnistria. Ukraine expressed his readiness to ensure its transit through its territory. The number of checkpoints and pental posts will be reduced. They will be replaced by mobile patrols, and this will significantly utter movement and people and goods. A construction plan was also proposed until May 1 of this year of the automobile bridge across the Dniester River in the area of \u200b\u200bDubossary.

A proposal was obtained on the introduction of Ukrainian observers in Transnistria.

Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and the leader of Transnistrian Igor Smirnov signed on March 20, 1998 the Minutes of Military Property Agreements. The weapon in the location of the Russian troops in Transnistria was accumulated there for decades. According to the agreement reached, all weapons belonging to the Russian peacekeepers in Transnistria will be divided into three parts: the first group includes weapons, ammunition and property of the group of Russian troops, which will remain in immunity, the second will be military equipment to be unconditional export to the territory of the Russian Federation, and Third will include excess weapons that can either be destroyed in place or sold. Revenues from their implementation of the Russian Federation and Transnistria will share equally. The Transnistrian side undertakes to not repair the obstacles to the export of Russian weapons.

According to A. Adamisin, continuing to fulfill the responsibilities of the Minister of Cooperation of the Russian Federation with the CIS countries, "the meeting was an effective, attempt to" push the "Peace settlement process in Transnistria" was successful. "

Moldova is interested in replacing Russian peacekeeping forces on the Ukrainian peacekeeping contingent. After all, it is known that Russia uses the peacekeeping contingent located there and the 14th Army to strengthen its geopolitical influence in the region. Since the summer of 1996, the peacekeeping function of the 14th Army has significantly strengthened the position of the Transnistrian side. According to independent experts, by mid-1993, by mid-1993, with the help of the 14th Russian army, the formation of the Armed Forces of Transnistria, 70% of which was posted in the security zone in violation of the Agreement. At the same time, more than 52% of the soldiers and sergeants of the 14th Army are completed from the local population of Transnistria, which makes doubt on the ability of the Russian contingent to comply with neutrality when performing peacekeeping functions.

Documents signed in Odessa did not solve the problem finally, since the most important question, the future status of Transnistria remained not solved.

Tiraspol defends the right to recognize the statehood of the region with a special international status, but within the framework of the unified borders of the former Moldavian SSR. This means - its government, its parliament and all the attributes of statehood: coat of arms, anthem, flag, etc.

Bosnia is applied as an example of such education. The experience of the Bosnian settlement did not become a role model in Odessa, but the meeting participants mentioned him as a "possible model" "in search of the political status of Transnistria.

The population of Transnistria after the completion of the conflict sees his destiny in defending his interests. The inhabitants of the right bank are more pessimistic, they are resettled among Moldovan, they feel pushing factors: proclaiming the language of the title nationality by the only language in the republic, the adoption of the Law on Citizenship, deprived of many Russian and Ukrainians of any prospects, a decline in professions that prevail among the Slavic population, a surge of self-consciousness Title nation.

Polls showed that the Russian-speaking population of Moldova believes that the emergence of interstate relations, the political and legal way to solve the problem will be a significant obstacle to potential migration.

Kiev agreements. In the future, however, "Odessa initiatives" began to fade. In July 1999, he was replaced by the "Kiev impulse" - a high-level meeting in Kiev (July 16), on which, finally, the provisions on the unified defense, legal, economic and cultural space were agreed. Nevertheless, the OSCE Istanbul Summit stated in November 1999. The lack of "tangible movements on the main issue is to determine the status of the Transnistrian region.

Visit of the President of Moldova to Ukraine. May 18, 2001 President of the Republic of Moldova, Vladimir Voronin, arrived in Ukraine on an official visit.

At the airport, the head of the Moldavian state was met by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Anatoly Zlenko and other officials. At the airport V.Voronin, said: "We have an intention to extremely seriously build our relations with Ukraine, especially because in Moldova there is a very numerous Ukrainian diaspora." He also noted that the Moldovan side has already prepared a package of future joint agreements.

The program of the visit provided for the negotiations of the two presidents, after the completion of which the Ukrainian-Moldovan negotiations will be held in an extended composition.

According to their results, the signing of joint documents was planned, as well as a press conference of heads of state.

The meeting of Vladimir Voronin with the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine I. Flying, Prime Minister V. Kushchenko, is scheduled. During his stay in Ukraine, Moldovan President visited the Mint, Kiev-Pechersk Historical and Cultural Reserve, examine the exhibition center with. Chubinski (Kiev region). Recall that shortly before his visit to Ukraine, V.Voronin, in an interview with the Japanese newspaper Sanka Simbun, said that he considers Russia a strategic ally and sees as the main task of his government to "bring Moldovan-Russian relations to a new stage." "We fully import useful minerals from Russia, and 70% of the foreign trade of Moldova falls on Russia," Voronin explained. According to him, by 2007, Russia and Belarus will form a "unified economic space", but Moldova also "is interested in entering into such an alliance from an economic point of view." "Thanks to this, we hope to get energy resources from these two countries, especially oil and gas, at prices below the world," said the Moldavian president. Voronin also noted that Moldova should explore the experience of reforms conducted by China's compatience.

Chisinau and Tiraspol inchuriently refuse to sign an agreement on a comprehensive political settlement. Chisinau is ready to recognize the right of Transnistria to autonomy in the composition of a single state, Tiraspol, as well as Sukhumi, in the case of Georgia, insists on the equalization of the parties, i.e., from a legal point of view, on the confederative nature of the future of a single state. In the case, in the Transnistrian question, the most important problem is not allowed - this is a problem with the recognition from Transnistria to itself as part of the Republic of Moldova, which will not go for the decision of which PMR today. In fact, this means that by the beginning of 2003, the parties essentially were as far from the agreement, as well as at the very beginning of the conflict in 1990, the myth that the Transnistrian conflict is close to completion, no more than a myth. In this regard, it does not differ from other so-called frozen conflicts in the post-Soviet space.

Ukraine and Russia for resolving the conflict. Russia, Ukraine and the OSCE, which are intermediaries in the process of Transnistrian settlement, intend to transfer the Moldova and Transnistria to the leadership of Moldova and Transnistria to the management of compromise proposals and recommendations to solve the Transnistrian conflict.
This was reported to journalists in Chisinau, the head of the OSCE Mission in Moldova William Hill.

According to him, this document was preparing during September and October 2003. It contains compromise proposals for resolving issues relating to the State Device of the Future Federal State, delimitation of powerful powers between Chisinau and Tiraspole, as well as some security guarantees in a reintegraded Moldova.

The head of the OSCE Mission in Moldova expressed the hope that these proposals will help intensify the negotiation process between Chisinau and Tiraspole and find the best option for the final decision of the Transnistrian issue. Moldova and Transnistria - on the threshold of creating a new federal state.

Plan of a kozak. On November 20, 2003, Moldova and Transnistria leaders received a new memorandum (plan) of the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. The essence of the Russian peacekeeping plan involves the transformation of Moldova into a federal state with two subjects of the Federation - the Transnistrian Republic and Gagauzia. It is fundamentally new that the detailed setting plan is proposed with a presentation of specific provisions that regulate the structure of the future of the Federal State in sufficient detail.

The plan provided:

  1. the creation of an asymmetric federation in which two subjects will exist - Transnistria and Gagauzia;
  2. the creation of a bipotable parliament;
  3. introduction of a transitional position until 2015;
  4. "Complete demilitarization of the future state" while maintaining in the region of Russian peacekeeping forces for the entire period of demilitarization of the conflict zone;
  5. giving the Russian language status of state (the origins of the conflict Kozak saw in the "violation of the interests of the Russian-speaking population");
  6. the representative office of Transnistria in the political system of the new Federation on parity with Moldova.

According to the plan, after the final coordination of the provisions of the Plan, a signing was to be signed on November 25-26, 2003 Agreement between Moldova and the Transnistrian Republic on the settlement of the last 13 conflict.
However, Russia has developed a plan as part of a five-sided format of conflict settlement negotiations with the participation of key stakeholders - Chisinau and Tiraspol, as well as guarantors of security - OSCE, Russia and Ukraine. But recently there were complaints in the West in the fact that the conflict resolution is carried out without the participation of the European Union and the neighbor of Moldova - Romania. Therefore, among the OSCE experts, disagreements appeared relative to the plan of Russia to resolve the Transnistrian problem.

Reference. On November 24, 2003, the OSCE Secretariat in Vienna Mr. De Hoop Scheffer outlined his position, stating: "OSCE does not approve of Russia's plans for Moldova, however, if the parties really come to an agreement in accordance with the plan proposed by Russia, the OSCE will take a neutral position." That is, the solution of this issue of the OSCE leaves for the Moldovan people. Also, a number of OSCE member countries are seriously concerned about the absence of clarity in the proposed division of power between the central and regional authorities. But if the Parties reached the agreement, the OSCE is ready to continue cooperation with both parties in the process of developing as a new constitution and assist in the preparation of a nationwide democratic referendum so that the Moldovan people can express their will in relation to the future of their divided country.
Experts pay attention to the fact that the providers of the Transnistrian issue prevents the factor in the collision of the interests of external forces and local politicians seeking to obtain their political dividends at the very moment, more than ever, Moldova was close to the beginning of the full-scale settlement of the Transnistrian problem.

The plan proposed by Russia is the result of the actual compromise of the parties. The principles of the asymmetric federation, the mechanisms of functioning of democratic institutions, laid down in the project, are extremely full for the Republic of Moldova. But the adoption of documents of such strategic importance cannot be carried out in the presence of confrontation from whose side.

The selected molding course on European integration causes the indispensable approval of the proposed plan for the settlement by European structures, and primarily the OSCE. This is necessary, first of all, in order for the European Future of the Moldovan State ever and could not be questioned.
Therefore, in such conditions, Moldova's leadership considered premature signing a plan without coordinating its provisions with European organizations.

Experts note the positive side of this plan as the impetus to the process of exporting Russian weapons from Transnistria. 50 armament echelons were to remove for 6-7 months (at the rate of 1-2 echelon per week).

It seems that the experience used now in Moldova, the developed methodology for resolving conflicts may be useful in other conflict zones in the CIS and abroad. It is possible that the resolution of the Georgian-Karabakh conflict and the settlement of the Problem of Georgia can develop for a similar plan.

Today, in the security zone, stretching along the Dniester by 225 km and 12 - 24 km in Widrine, peacekeepers are engaged in the prevention of provocations, preventing the actions of illegal armed and gangster formations, the preventing of transit of weapons, ammunition and drugs, the provision of legality and law enforcement. The security zone is divided into three sections: north, central, southern. This was done at the first stage at the stop of the armed conflict for the convenience of control, since each zone was created by military compendices. And within this zone at the first stage, more than 40 peacekeeping posts were placed on major transport highways, roads that were inbound and exit from the security zone, and at all bridges within the security zone.

The controls were also dams of hydroelectric power plants, pontoon crossways and zones with an increased security mode. Currently, due to the fact that the volume of tasks performed by the peacekeeping forces decreased by the decision of the Joint Control Commission (political supro in a peacekeeping operation operating on a permanent basis, which includes representatives of Transnistria, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine and the OSCE.) Number Posts and checkpoints are reduced to 15. 8 of them are located in the central site and 7 - on South. Plus, military commandants act in the cities of Dubossar and Bender.

Despite the political demarches on both sides of the Dniester, the stabilization of the situation has significantly reduced the peacekeeping contingents of the parties. Today, more than 1,000 servicemen of Russia, Moldova and Transnistria are carried in the security zone.

Meeting of the presidents. On April 22, 2005, Georgian presidents Mikhail Saakashvili, Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko, Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and Moldovan Vladimir Voronin met in Chisinau. The leader of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov did not come, but the representative of this country participated as an observer. Also as observers in Chisinau, Presidents of Romania and Lithuania Traian Basescu and Valdas Adamkus flew. The leader of Poland Kvasnevsky was not arrived on the eve. Brazdes of the chairmanship in GUUAM Saakashvili conveyed Voronin.

President of Ukraine Yushchenko proposed a number of new initiatives designed to resolve the Transnistrian problem, the so-called "roadmap".

Reference. "Roadmap" - tracing with the concept of Road Map - the Anglo-American term from the field of management, is an analogue of the Soviet "promising plan". In the political context of recent years, the term Road Map appears as a "settlement plan", a list of actions to overcome the crisis offered by third-party (Oon, and more than American) "crisis managers" where they often have helped its creation first.

The plan contains 7 steps among other things relating to the proposals of the Transnistria administration on the creation of conditions for the development of democracy; On the holding in the near future election to the Supreme Council; On the possibility of attracting the EU, OSCE, the Council of Europe, Russia, the United States and other democratic countries and international entities. Together with Ukraine, they must ensure control over free elections. It was about the possibility of transforming the international military presence in the territory of the PMR, about the possibility of admission to military enterprises of monitoring missions.

In response, Voronin carefully noticed that such initiatives require "attentive and comprehensive study." In turn, the Romanian leader Basescu did not comment on Kiev initiatives, but suggested connecting Romania to the negotiation process. Analyzing the situation in the self-proclaimed republics - Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Nagorno-Karabakh and the prospects for the peaceful settlement of conflicts, the participants of the Chisinau meeting demonstrated the utmost unity in the assessments. Thus, the format of the peace process, in which Russia has dominated from the beginning of the 90s, it is necessary to change, connecting the "new world players" - the USA and the EU to it. Azerbaijani President Aliyev was more cautious: "The cave approach to their settlement has no prospects. We must find civilized mechanisms for solving these problems. "

Unfortunate and eloquent in the fight against totalitarianism and defending democratic values \u200b\u200bwas Georgian President Saakashvili. In his speech at the Summit, Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili posted that there is no democracy and freedom in today's Belarus. "We are far from demanding the replacement of individual managers, this is the cause of the peoples themselves," Saakashvili said. But the Belarusian people "have the right to free choice," the Georgian president stressed.

It is clear that the laurels of the winner of the revolution do not give him calm down. It seems that he decided that he had already brought Georgia to a bright democratic future and it's time, having risen the sleeves, spread his "advanced" experience to other states in which unfortunate peoples would literally vocate a miserable existence without freedom and democracy on Saakashvilevsky. Let the Belarusian people now know that in distant Georgia, the president has a soul for his heavy undemocratic share and he is ready for the harsh struggle for his bright future ... although by and large Saakashvili would have to learn from Belarus, which in terms of growth rates, and The level of life, not to mention the social security of the population, far converted its "caring" critics.

Following the summit, the declaration was signed "in the name of democracy, stability and development".

As President of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko, said at the final press conference, "GUUAM from the informal institution becomes a formal body that will have its own secretariat, its own structure of workers, the formed goals of its activities, as well as the registered financing issues."

President of Ukraine V. Yushchenko, who had previously rejected the supranational authorities in the EEA, proposed to create joint armed forces of GUUAM and supranational authorities financed from the Ukrainian budget.

Unfortunately, on May 5, 2005, Uzbekistan's leadership sent the Chairman of the GUUAM organization (Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Moldova), President of Moldova, Vladimir Voronin, notice of his exit from the organization. This decision was made according to the results of the GUUAM Summit in Chisinau, in which Uzbekistan refused to participate in connection with the fact that GUUAM turned into a "political organization".

Since Uzbekistan left the organization, it automatically turned into GUAM, that is, Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova remain in the current composition of the organization.

Elections in the PMR. The parliamentary elections held in Transnistria on December 11, 2005, the parliamentary elections had a serious impact not only on the internal political development of the PMR, not only the course of the dialogue of the unrecognized republic with Chisinau, but also on the balance of power in the post-Soviet space. Elections to the Transnistrian Parliament occurred by the majoritarian system. On 43 places in parliament claimed 179 candidates.

And although many candidates were nominated by parties and public movements, people actually competed, and not the party. In addition, the number of voters from which the deputy is elected is relatively small - 8-10 thousand.

According to the Central Election Commission of the Republic, the voter turnout amounted to more than 46%. This means that elections can be considered consistent, since it requires a turnout of 25% of voters.

Moldova's authorities, Ukraine, the European Union, the OSCE, who advanced elections in the Transnistrian parliament "non-democratic" (obviously, by the democraticity of the electoral process with the international legitimacy of the territory on which elections are held), not only "lost" elections, but also more destroyed Your authority in the eyes of Transnistrians. Moreover, refusing to send observers, they themselves comply with the possibility of giving any assessments of this process.

Although the OSCE ignored the last parliamentary elections in the republic, the new electoral Code of PMR provides for the mandatory availability of the point "against all" in the Bulletin, and a clear deputy review procedure. Chairman of the election commission of any level is obliged (!) To sign all drawn up acts of violations.

For Ukraine, which Transnistrians traditionally perceived earlier as not sufficiently reliable, but still friendly power, such a position looks extremely erroneous in the point of view of its position in the region. In Transnistria, the position of Ukraine was regarded as "treacherous".

So, in Transnistria, elections were held, which, according to observers, comply with international democratic standards. Elections strengthened internal political stability in the PMR. The efforts of the PMR and Russia for the legitimation of these elections were crowned with success. In negotiations on the Transnistrian settlement, Tiraspol gets a stronger negotiation position. The authority of European structures, Moldova and Ukraine fell into the PMR.

The aggravation of the conflict (March 2006). The exacerbation of the situation between Tiraspole and Chisinau occurred, after the request of Moldova, the President of Ukraine, Yushchenko, introduced on March 3, the customs regime, in accordance with which all Transnistrian goods should pass Moldavian customs clearance. Thus, the unrecognized republic of Transnistria was actually in economic isolation.

Let me remind you that the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, March 1, 2006 issued an order No. 112-p: "The issues of customs registration of goods and vehicles that are imported into Ukraine from the Republic of Moldova." .

The decision was followed from the Customs Agreement between Ukraine and Moldova, which was signed on December 30, 2005, in which Ukraine agreed to recognize only Moldovan - and not Transnistrian - customs documents. The United Ukrainian Transnistrian Commission was to solve the fate of the Customs Declarations of Transnistria, but on March 1, the Ukrainian side went without explanation. As a result, two days later, the border was closed for transporting goods originating from Transnistria.

The Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuri Yekhanurov called it "the originally blocked. "In his opinion, Transnistria should simply make it cargo in the customs of Moldova. To do this, they would have to re-register their economic agents in Moldova, and not in Transnistria, which would require the economic agents then pay 20% VAT for all types of export activities (Transnistria, on the contrary, and does not impose VAT or export taxes on its Products).

It can be argued that this measure Moldova and Ukraine destroyed the settlement negotiations and significantly worsened opportunities for a peaceful, constructive transformation with the involvement of Transnistria.

NGOs as a pressure element. NGOs played here, which performed the functions of the pressure groups, and were funded by the Soros Foundation and Ukraine were presented: the Institute of Euro-Atlantic Cooperation, Romania: the Center for the Prevention and Early Conflict Prevention, Moldova: the Institute of Public Policy, which voted "tripartite plan to solve the problem Transnistria "(IEAC Ukraine, IPP Moldova, CCPEW Romania), published February 4, 2006.

The project was carried out with the support of the East-East program: partnership outside the borders of the Revival International Foundation, the Soros Foundation in Moldova and the Open Society Foundation, Romania. The publication in Russian was carried out with the assistance of the Moscow center of Carnegie.

Initially, these groups discussed the uncompromising Romanian idea of \u200b\u200bthe Cuban Style Trade Embargo against Transnistria. Plans were maintained in secret from the OSCE and the EU - and the United States observers, there were only two government arbitrarians in the course: Oza Nancta from IPP in Moldova and his colleague Boris Tarasyuk from IEAC in Ukraine. Between these two organizations, the diagram of the bilateral Moldovan-Ukrainian intergovernmental agreement was created for signature on December 30, 2005, providing that all the goods imported and exported from Transnistria can cross the Ukrainian border with only Moldovan customs documents.

After his planned commissioning, on January 25, more wise chapters were prevailed: Ukraine Head suspended him, stating that his implementation should be delayed. This led to a terrible confusion in a private, notable network of pressure groups, and was decided that more pressure is needed, this time in the form of the "Recommendations" policy, which will be made by someone from the network - Boris Tarasyuk (about which below) from IEAC .

Interestingly, the text of this "tripartite plan to address the problem of Transnistria" was created by a privately called "group of experts of Moldovan-Ukraine - Romania", a private group, which is increasing from typical specialists in East - European policies, which earn not bad For life, receiving money from Soros and as much as possible grants from the West (the name Soros appears five times in the document, the cover of which also has the emblem "Project East."). This work did not have among its authors of government officials by any of these three countries; Thus, providing refutability and ignoring the need to verify facts or any responsibility in general, in relation to the voters of these three countries.

When you open a document, you see only self-proclaimed "experts", which did not even bother to invite Transnistria representatives to participate in work, but Romania was presented, although it is neither a participant in the problem, nor the state bordering the Transnistria.

This document was used by the unreasonable language of the discharge of the situation, calling its causes of "increasingly urgency" (but only a general approval, and no explanation, why) in the "struggle against terrorism, illegal trade in weapons, smuggling and drug trafficking and people (without proofs quoted to Support these serious allegations or any other invented violations by Transnistria.) "In short, it is now the generally accepted panic tactics, which has numerous examples convicted by the OSCE and EU officials as simply inappropriate, and which are always presented without any evidence. Interestingly, What Ambassador William Hill, the head of the OSCE Mission in Moldova, said at a press conference in Chisinau

May 15, 2006 that EUBAM is an EU mission on the border during its first six months a two-year program did not reveal any involvement of Transnistria to the smuggling of weapons or drugs. Hill recognized the unreasonableness of Moldovan accusations against Transnistria, adding that the work of EUBAM demonstrated this "such statements are exaggerated."

The document demanded the "strict implementation of the" Ukraine regime and instructions "of the border and customs control, trade and economic relations with enterprises and firms" of Transnistria, and indicated Ukraine that it is necessary to "be carried out without any further delay of the Bilateral Agreement of the Republic of Moldova - Ukraine dated December 30, 2005 on Import / Export from Transnistria of goods across the border, unilaterally suspended at noon on the day of its entry into force, "and" stop commercial relations with firms and agents "located in Transnistria.

The report did not conquer herself with reference to international law, but instead, rather a clearly hinted on new customs measures introduced simply as a political pressure of pressure: "The largest Transnistrian companies (in particular, the company" SCHERIFF ") will probably incur significant losses. "

It was less clear that these new circumstances would lead to any results other than the uncertain promises that this measure could "push local political figures to a more flexible position, inclined to compromise."

Now, having a chance to look back, and paying a high price for such an exercise in the diplomacy of the scorched land, Ukraine justifies the question: was the alleged result achieved?

Objectively speaking, this measure had the effect of the complete opposite; True diplomatic disaster, which led the participants on both sides to the detachment, made their positions more inflexible, caused a chance of settlement, caused the release of two main parties due to the negotiation table and caused irreparable damage to any hopes that could have existed about the possibility of finding a friendly Solutions with mutual benefits.

Interestingly, in the preparation of the report in the section "Transnistrian conflict - Review", the issues of armed conflict in Transnistria, as if there were no fighting of the Moldovan Regular Army against the population of the Transnistria region, there was no slaughter in Bendars on June 19-20, 1992, when The dead did not have time to bury, but loaded into refresherators. True, in such studies, it is often unilateral, just reflecting the interests of the Customer. Hello Boris Tarasyuk director of the Institute of Euro-Atlantic Cooperation (United States Foreign Minister) was played by the latter role. In his private role, he takes dollar donations from Western groups seeking influence for the private institution that he personally founded. It is even more confidentially known as a contactor for a network of small and shadow groups of interests with the direction of the Romanophilia, based in Bucharest, Romania and Chisinau, Moldova. These groups pursue a policy that is in contradiction with the interests of Ukraine, but is not in contradiction with the personal interests of Boris Tarasyuk, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

Tarasyuk - the founder of the IEAC, a political group of pressure, created, first of all, to push Ukraine to NATO and membership in the European Union, that he regularly does from the moment of the appearance in the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

However, in the Ukrainian parliamentary elections, the ruling party Yushchenko suffered a stunning defeat: she came to the third, receiving less than 14% of the votes. (23)

During his period of stay in the office of Ukraine, Boris Tarasyuk often used his private pressure group to conduct a policy change campaigns, which he then, as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, carried out as government policies. In one such example, this group coaled in the compilation of the report recommending a resolution 112, and less than four weeks after the publication, the decision was already in action - just before the elections to parliament and when Tarasyuk was still under the post. This is an example of the abuse of diplomacy for deterioration, and not to improve relations between two growing antagonists.

When the election results are now calculated, and the desire of people of Ukraine has become clear to all, neutral observers may assume, and whether time has failed to revise Ukraine's policies in relations with its neighbors.

This is a test of democracy in Ukraine: Will the government fulfill the true desire of people of Ukraine? Or is it a shadow ordinary business, where the shadow politburo funded from abroad of close friends takes political decisions behind closed doors, which are against the free democratic desire of voters?

On the contrary, the Party of Regions with the most realistic approach to Transnistria was rewarded by voters - making it the election winner. Viktor Yanukovych became the first in the modern history of Ukraine a man who twice managed to enter the office of the Prime Minister for the rights of the owner (was still, Vitaly Masol, but for the first time he headed the Cabinet of Ministers, then the Council of Ministers, even with Soviet power) and become a chapter The 13th of the Government's account for 15 years of unlosability.

The biggest loser is Ukraine, and in political and financial plan. Analysts in Ukraine, as well as abroad, agree that measures against Transnistria are the government of popularity and there are millions of millions every week in lost income.

At the border points of the pass from the Transnistrian side, hundreds of cars with cargo were killed, dozens of enterprises were stopped in the region, thousands of protests were held. In Tiraspol, it is stated that the new rules led to a stop of a number of enterprises and loss of 46.2 million dollars, which are increasing daily by an average of $ 5 million. Losses carried and Russian enterprises cooperating with the Moldavian industry.

US pressure and EU. Recall that Ukraine has committed itself to not missing Transnistrian goods without Moldovan customs documents in May 2005. Then Peter Poroshenko, who held the post of Secretary of the Security Council, was able to delay the introduction of tough measures. Ukraine rang out of pressure on Tiraspol and in December 205. However, this time the pressure from Brussels and Washington turned out to be too strong: in the EU and the United States began to seriously refer to the data of the pre-election ratings of Ukrainian parties, and while the government is completely loyal to Yushchenko They decided to connect Kiev to pressure on Transnistria.

The rate was made to prepare in the unrecognized republic a kind of color revolution. This year, special courses will open in Moldova, whose listeners will be fifteen non-governmental organizations from Transnistria. All expenses take on the Soros Foundation. Main goal: include the Transnistrian civil society in the public life of Moldova. Several organizations, about which in Tiraspol, no one heard anything, recently appealed to the OSCE demanding to replace Russian peacekeepers to an international contingent. The head of the OSCE Mission William Hill also stated that "the replacements of peacekeepers want the public."

Defabilization in the region is beneficial, above all, west:
firstlybecause in the event of the beginning of the armed conflict, it is Russia that can be accused of the inability to preserve peace in the conflict zone;
secondly, Instead of Russian peacekeepers, the peacekeeping forces of NATO will come to the region, which have long planned the development of this space.

And the conclusion suggests simple: Moldova, in this case, it is possible with the power assistance of the NATO troops to subjugate the rebellion. For Ukraine, the benefit of exacerbation is also obvious - there are many ethnic Ukrainians in Transnistria, whom "under the blockade of Shumkov" illegally deprived the rights of the electoral vote, which they in the presidential election of 2004 gave for V.F. Yanukovich. In the parliamentary election-2006, the Central Election Commission did not open a single polling station in Transnistria - obviously, Kiev understands that the political preferences of the Ukrainian Transnistrians have not changed. Since even with the help of Russia in self-insulation of Transnistria, it is difficult to resist. In Tiraspol, they hope that the Cabinet of Ministers, formed by the Party of Regions, will change attitudes towards the Transnistria.

As you can see, there is a struggle for geopolitical domination, and the last springboard of Slavs - Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Transnistria.

While time plays on the PMR side. Ukraine, Moldova, Romania and Western countries, on the contrary, are in a hurry.

The big diplomatic game began. In Washington, they would like to get rid of unrecognized republics in the post-Soviet space in favor of their allies (Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan) earlier than the independence of Kosovo, so that this analogy will be inappropriate.

Moscow, on the contrary, will insist on the relevance of this analogy to achieve recognition of the independence of Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Nagorno-Karabakh. Ukraine in this diplomatic battle could have learned much benefit, but could not play an independent batch.

After March 26, 2006, this romantic and conflict page of Ukrainian history was turned over.

Interested in the fact, President-Communist Vladimir Voronin completely refused his promises, data in 2001 by voters, in 2005, stating that she strives for the reunification of Moldova with Romania. Apparently, thereby, Voronin expects to "enter into the EU", as Romania will become Europe already in 2007. But in this Moldova prevents Transnistria, it obviously and served as a reason for the conflict, which is clearly aimed at reintegrating the PMR into Moldova.

We add to this undermining of the trust of Transnistrians to Ukraine, a serious blow to bilateral trade relations with a Tiraspole, participation on the side of Moldova and, ultimately, Romania in the economic submission of this Russian-Ukrainian enclave at the gate of Europe.

However, until recently, all attempts to start a large-scale attack on the independence of the PMR were blocked by the economic independence of the region. In terms of industrial production, PMR, barely noticeable on the map, comparable from all of Moldova. A significant part of all produced goods was exported, providing a constant influx of money to the republic.

According to the memorandum of 1997, signed by Tiraspole, Chisinau, Moscow and Kiev, the foreign economic activity of the unrecognized republic was not limited to anyone. Transnistrian goods went both to Ukraine and Russia and other countries.

The position of the region's leadership, which considers the presence of Russian capital as a guarantee of preservation in Transnistria status quo (since 1992, the Transnistria de facto lives independently of Moldova, although De Yura is its component). The increased interest of Russian business people to Transnistria is also explained - on a wide sale, which is declared here, you can always buy a standing object for almost a snot. So in its own time was sold by Moldavskaya GRES: She left the first buyer for $ 20 million, although it is now estimated at 150 million.

For example, Moldavian GRES, located on the territory of Transnistria, sold by the subsidiary of RAO "UES of Russia" - Inter RAO. This power plant is able to provide electricity not only with all Moldova, but also a number of countries. Just recently, the Moldovan Metallurgical Plant (MMZ), located in the town of Rybnitsa, passed the reality of the Russian investor. The controlling stake in the world's best in Europe (among its class enterprises) bought Ural Steel (owner - Russian businessman Alisher Usmanov). Prior to this, the owner of the MMZ, which covers 30% of the Transnistrian budget, was the Metallurgical Union of Ukraine. 90% of the export of the plant falls on Western countries. In addition, the Russians bought such Transnistrian enterprises as Winery "Bouquet of Moldova", Bendery Silk Plant, Floare Shoe Factory, Factory "Device" producing weapons, and others. About one hundred industrial facilities remained unaccounted, including Transnistrian power grids and a well-known Kvint brandy plant.

Therefore, it can be assumed that it is Russians and will soon be the owners of the owners of the non-replenished part of Transnistrian state property.

Thus, the situation was formed when Chisina Transnistria is necessary as a developed and successful part of the country, but the Transnistria was not interested in reuniting with Agrarian Moldova, which constantly challenges the championship in Albania in the list of the poorest European countries. At the same time, it is not necessary to forget that the PMR has developed its own political and economic elite, which has no desire to share power or money with Chisinau. And this would be an imminent consequence of a possible association.

Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistria signed a declaration of joint actions. The leaders of the three unrecognized republics - Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistria - signed on Wednesday on June 15, 2006 at a tripartite meeting in Sukhumi, a joint declaration on general principles of relationships and an application for the inadmissibility of a change in the format of a peacekeeping operation in the conflict zones.

Under both documents, the chapters of unrecognized republics - Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistria - Sergey Bagapsh, Eduard Kokoity and Igor Smirnov. They announced that they stop acting separately and transfer to joint actions to achieve common goals.

The document notes that "the Community created is not directed against third states or international organizations and associations." Abkhazia, Transnistria and South Ossetia proclaimed the creation of a community "for democracy and the rights of peoples." Its main goals:

  • completion of the collapse of the USSR through international recognition of the three republics; achieve common tasks with peaceful means and political methods;
  • creating favorable conditions for the development of the republic's economies in the name of the well-being and prosperity of their peoples; the preservation and development of the cultural, national and territorial identity of the peoples of the three republics.

The declaration emphasizes that the unrecognized republics intend to achieve independence through referendums, as the "highest form of democracy", but also "to continue negotiations on the determination of acceptable forms of interstate relations" with Georgia and Moldova.

Abkhazia, South Ossetia and the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic are self-proclaimed unrecognized state formations in the territory of the former USSR. All of them at the beginning of the nineties, during the collapse of the Soviet Union, separated from the independence of the republics: Georgia and Moldova. It was preceded by tough ethnic pressing from the side of the former "small metropolis", later grown into bloody armed conflicts.

Romania dreams of "swallow" Moldova. On Saturday, July 1, 2006, President of Romania Traian Basescu publicly stated that "Romania is the only country, the only people who remained divided after the reunification of Germany, and Romanian-Moldavian association will occur within the European Union." He also led the example of Germany, "I managed to reunite a nation", and recalled that "Romania denounced the Molotov-Ribbentrop Covenant, which divided the Romanian nation in the nation."

Romanian president also voiced the proposal to the Republic of Moldova "Together to enter the European Union", although it believes Basescu, "the decision to take the Moldovan authorities and the population of the country."

At the same time, President Romania noted that "Bucharest recognizes Chisinau's desire to be an independent state," and recalled that Romania and the Republic of Moldova are "two independent, sovereign Romanian states."

In Chisina, this statement caused confusion. The fact is that it is the prospect of the unification of Moldova with Romania in the early 1990s divided the country into two parts and provoked in 1992 the Transnistrian armed conflict, which is not settled so far.

For many years, Moldovan politicians tried to convince the Transnistrians in the fact that the "union of two Romania" is just a myth. And on the denial of the Romanian factor in the Transnistrian settlement, the entire propaganda work of the Moldovan authorities carried out with the population of Transnistria was built.

Moldavian political scientist, the co-chairman of the Social Democratic Party of Moldova Osas Nanta noticed on this reason that "Moldova may enter the EU today only on Romania's back", but for this it is necessary to pre-unite. But in the country, in which the Communists win two times in a row, according to Nanoy, such an idea will not be supported. At the same time, the politician made a reservation: "It's never happening to say that this will not happen. Moldova is integrated into the EU, and when this process is completed, given the practical absence in Europe in the internal borders, it can be said that the mechanical association of the two countries will take place. "

As a statement by Trajan Basescu, historical plans of Romania in relation to Moldova have been preserved. Romania did not refuse implicitly expressed pritenzy on Moldova and to strive to add it in every way. Thus, President Romania, not wanting to strengthen the position of the unrecognized republic. It is clear that the PMR is absolutely incomprehensible to Romania, which means that Tiraspol will never go to a deal with Romania.

Forces of war. To say that Chisinau refused the power reintegration of the PMR, perhaps not worth it. But how real is the military operation of the Moldavian army "to solve the problem" of a breakthrantened territory? It is known that Romanian generals have long been ready to support Moldova's intervention in the PMR, as it has already happened in 1992. At the meeting of the Minister of Defense of Romania Theodore Anastasiu with President Moldova, held on June 21, 2005, issues of the supply of Chisinau Romanian weapons and ammunition in 2005-2006 and the provision of military assistance to Moldova in the case of armed operations against the PMR were considered. Consider the composition and armament of opposing parties.

Armed Forces of Moldova. The number of the aircraft 6800 people. Military budget 9 million dollars.
Armor of the army 229 units of armored vehicles, 120 Martial vehicles of the BMD-1 landing machine, 226 artillery guns, 24 installations of the Holy Fire Mounting Fire System Division of Heavy Moments "Peony" (they can shoot nuclear ammunition), anti-tank regiment (54 guns "Rapiir") .
Aviation; About 30 helicopters "Mi-8" (True, most of them, if not all, long ago on the "joke"), 6 old aircraft of Polish production VILGA 35 (of which, after the disaster in May 2005, used only one - mainly for Training and training personnel).
File air defense: - anti-aircraft missile systems C-200, C-125, C-75, CRKK needle.
On the storage in Chisinau, there are also 220 armored personnel carriers and about 12 thousand units of small arms with a corresponding engineering kit and other weapons.
Armed forces can be strengthened. First of all, it is the 11-thousand Carabinier casing (about 3.8 thousand people and 19 units of armored vehicles are placed on its composition along the border with Transnistria). It is also special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (2500 people). There are also border troops (about 7 thousand people), some of which can also take part in the possible intervention.

Armed Forces of the PMR. The number of the sun is 7.5 thousand people. There are four motorized rifle brigades (divorced in Tiraspol, Tigin, Rybnitsa, Dubossara). In addition, there are a detachment of special forces (according to other information - four squads), a tank battalion, an anti-aircraft-artillery regiment and anti-tank division, air defense team, engineering and self-safe battalion, communication battalion, logistics divisions, training center.
Armament: from 18 to 70 tanks (T-55, T-64 and T-72), 150 BTR and BMP, 122 Artillery systems (from them from 18 RSSO "Grad", 30 Gaubitz and cannons, self-propelled artillery installations, 66 mortars).
Anti-tank agents. Greno launchers RPG-7, RPG-18, RPG-22, RPG-26 and RPG-27, machine-made anti-tank grenade launchers SPG-9; Ptur "Baby", "Fagot", "Competition".
File aircraft. SPR "Strela-10", ZSU "Shilka", CRKK "Needle", "Strela-2M" and "arc"
Aviation: 29 aircraft: helicopters 9 Mi-8, 6 Mi-24, 2 Mi-2; The rest are An-2 aircraft, An-26 and Yak-18.
The forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: Battalion of Special Forces "Dniester" ("Black Berets") and nine police departments of 500 people each. Ministry of State Security: Delta Battalion ("Blue Berets"), seven national militia battalions with a number of 2 thousand people and seven detachments of the Black Sea Cossack troops (up to 1 thousand people).
The potential number of folk militia is about 10,000.

MIC PMR. Factory "Device" (city of Bender), produces mortars and reactive systems of salvo fire BM-21 "Grad"; Plants "Electromash" and "Metal County" (PM, TT, PSM pistols, AK, AKM, AKM combat kit, anti-tank grenade launchers SPG-9.

According to media reports, on the "Electric Appliance" and the factory. Kirov recently mastered the production of grenade launchers "bee" and "gnome", portable mortars "Katran" and "Vasilek", "Arc" CRKK. However, on the other hand, it did not receive confirmations from international observers admitted by the Transnistria authorities to the relevant objects.

As we can see, the forces of opposing sides are approximately equal, but it should be borne in mind that the back of Chisinau is aggressive Bucharest. This means that the armed conflict can be bloody, where the largest loss will suffer civilians. Therefore, the task of the guarantors to continue the negotiation process to eliminate any attempts of armed intervention.

Referendum in Transnistria. On September 17, a referendum took place in Transnistria. 78.6% of registered voters were 262 sections. On the question "Do you support the course of independence of the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic and the subsequent free accession of Transnistria to the Russian Federation?" 97.1% of the votes spoke positively. For the merger with Moldova, only 3.4% of Transnistrians spoke. Against this - 94.6% of the voting.
International organizations declared a referendum illegal. The Council of Europe, the European Union and the OSCE announced that they do not recognize its results. The same position is occupied by the Republic of Moldova, seeking to register control over Transnistria, and the neighboring Ukraine.

Official Chisinau did not recognize the results of the referendum.

"We do not recognize the results of the referendum. Yesterday will not change anything. The so-called referendum is Smirnovsky political farce," the Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Moldova Andrei Strastt said to journalists. He also added that the Moldovan authorities would be talked to the real democratization of the Transnistrian region, and its agency will continue to "promote the country's reintegration policy."

The Russian side believes that the results of the referendum will not have real legal consequences. Nevertheless, as the head of the Committee on CIS Council of Federation Vadim Gusts said, "this is a signal for the international community, which is impossible to ignore" ..

The OSCE refused to send his representative to the referendum in Chisinau. Russia, at least at the level of state-owned media, shows full support for the course of the Transnistria leadership. Another unrecognized republic - South Ossetia - scheduled a referendum on independence from Georgia for November.

It can be argued that the referendum in Transnistria has legal and political importance, since it takes place in a de facto existing, but self-proclaimed and unrecognized state, the population of which is trying to implement the right to self-determination.

At the same time, the question remains whether the inhabitants of Transnistria will be able to take advantage of this right from a legal point of view. For the political value of the referendum is very important the question is how much its preparation and conduct is consistent with democratic principles.

So far, the only place where the results of the Transnistrian referendum recognized is another unrecognized republic of Abkhazia. Her President Sergey Bagapsh assured that "Abkhazia supports the desire of Transnistria to independence and its choice of entry into Russia."

By and large, the referendum in Transnistria is not a request for recognition facing the global community. The latter is still. It recognizes those and then he needed and profitable. And, as the story showed with the fate of the same dismembered and practically erased from the map of Europe, Yugoslavia, - while the world community is absolutely not interesting for themselves all those norms and laws, on behalf of which it acts. And, by and large - it comes correctly.

Today the right is nothing - without a power capable of adhere to the right. In politics, not international laws and "Universal Values" are ruled, but real state and class interests. And the one who, with a lack of strength, the right to him favorable right gives his strength to the support of the right beneficial to him, - even if this right is controversial - but indifferently assigns his eyes when indisputable, but his unprofitable right.

In Transnistria, people who almost won't want to live in the self-proclaimed Republic of Moldova live in Transnistria. And they want to live either in the USSR or - in the Russian Federation as its residue. Either, in the most extreme case, in his own republic. No normal person can clearly explain why those who want to live in Transnistrian Moldova, having a state status with almost eighty years (and did not lose it during this period) - there are no such right, but those who want to live in " Republic of Moldova, "who proclaimed his state status fifteen years ago - is this right?

Where are our rights "established state", and where is it the rights of it for the department? After all, the Transnistrian Moldova (the former Moldavian ASSR) does not even claim the territory reunited with it in the 40th year - and noble recognizes its controversial right to independence.

Output. The past years after the proclamation of the PMR confirmed that it could well live without Chisinau, and without Moscow, and without Kiev. What you can not say about Moldova, which has no electricity, energy, and production in decline. Therefore, for Moldova, the main thing is to find a compromise solution so that the final gap with the PMR does not occur.

Using the principle of UTI Possidetis de Facto in the case of Moldova during the proclamation of its independence, it can be argued that its territory ends where it ceases to carry out effective control.

For Transnistria, the principle of "UTI Possidetis" is the principle of preserving the existing situation of things by the people and the government, as well as continuous territorial sovereignty since the declaration of independence are key elements confirming the state sovereignty of Transnistria. With territorial disputes of the two states, the principle of UTI POSSIDETIS ("of the owner, than already own").

Transnistria now meets all the criteria used to define statehood: the permanent population, a certain territory, the government, the ability to enter relations with other states and has the necessary attributes of statehood - controlled territory, parliament, president, government, independent judicial system, defense, budget, and population, exceeding the number of residents of many UN member countries ..

It can be stated that the viability of the state of the PMR is established, as well as the legality of the process of forming a state. Transnistria comply with all signs of statehood in accordance with international law.

Transnistria is not even a certain province of Moldova. This is the basis for its current statehood. It was Transnistria who was the first to receive state self-determination in the form of autonomy as part of the USSR, and only later in 1940 became the sovereign Moldovan SSR in its current boundaries. That is, we have not even such a state of things when the province is separated from the metropolis, here the metropolis, which has lost power over the province, wants to gain his status.

And another important point. The current PMR is the part of the Moldavian SSR, which did not go out and did not come out of the Soviet Union. When it is called the "self-proclaimed republic" - it is incorrectly by definition, for she did not self-proclaim himself, he never established himself, she did not go anywhere. All this did the so-called. "Republic of Moldova": it is self-proclaimed against the Constitution of the Moldavian SSR. It has established some new new, never existed public education. It came out - contrary to both the allied, and republican constitutions - and from the USSR, and from the MSSR. If she does not like that the basis of Moldovan territories does not follow it - it is her problems.

The Ukrainian authorities were fascinated by the "defrosting of the conflict" in the pointer of the West, and after all, legally, the same state, like Moldova and is managed not worse than PM, and has the right to life.

As we can see, the right of PMR on self-determination is no less respected than the principle of territorial integrity of Moldova, in which this unrecognized republic never entered historically.

The "non-recognition" of the state does not mean the rejection of his politicians zhdanans and vice versa, "Defositiveness" does not guarantee national loyalty. The defined extremism of the PMR authorities of the PMR is fairly criticized by the world community, nevertheless relies on the massive support of citizens of these formally non-existent states. This factor should certainly take into account when nominating peacekeeping initiatives aimed at resolving the dispute between the "virtual" PMR and the "legitimate" Moldova.

It can be concluded that the conflict-hazardous region in the south-west direction is still, for Ukraine is Moldova.

The tragedy on June 19, 1992 burned bridges to unite the territories and peoples of Moldova and Transnistria. These events, so recent, naturally, remember both parts of the collapsed Moldova. In Bender is a tragedy museum opened in 1997. The events of June - July 1992 were rallied by the people of Transnistria, they gave him new self-identification.

Spilled blood in the conflict between the pro-Moldovy population and the population of Transnistria for many years will complicate relations in this region for many years.

Reference. For 2014

average salary In Moldova in 2014, 4225 lei ($ 325) - on 375 lei more than 2013
According to the Transnistrian Republican Bank, the levels of wages in the Republic of Moldova and the PMR, given to the general equivalent of Transnistrian ruble. A resident of Moldova on average earns 15.7% less than a resident of Transnistria

Pension level in Moldova and PMR Below the subsistence level, Transnistrian pensioners as an increase in pension receive Russian humanitarian assistance in the amount of 166.6 lei plus monthly payments from the State Budget of the PMR in the amount of 111.11 lei. Given all the premiums, it turns out that the average pension in them reaches 1445 lei, which is higher than the minimum subsistence minimum equivalent to 1033 lei.

Real estate: One square meter on the primary Tiraspol market will cost buyers in 352 euros, on the secondary - in 392 euros. The price of the offer on Chisinau reaches an average of 820 euros per 1 sq. M. meter in the secondary market, and in the new building - 733 euros.

Baby benefits
In the right bank, a one-time allowance at the birth of the first child is 2300 lei, and for each subsequent - 2600 lei. The minimum size of a monthly child care benefit for insured and uninsured persons is calculated by 300 les. The monthly allowance is paid before the child achievement of the three-year-old age, if the recipient is insured, or until the age of one and a half years is achieved - for uninsured persons. For insured mothers, the amount can be significantly higher. They receive monthly benefits to raise a child before reaching it for three years in the amount of 30% of the average monthly income over the past 6 calendar months preceding the child's birth month. Everything was not so bad if in Moldova most of those working in private companies did not receive salary in envelopes.

In Transnistria, an additional one-time allowance at birth (adoption) of the first child is 3380 lei, for the second and subsequent - 4046 lei. In the case of two or more children, the manual is assigned and paid to each in the appropriate sizes.

The monthly allowance for child care until the age of 1 and a half years 2016 was established in the amount of 1027 lei. Mother who did not work before pregnancy receive 327 lei per month.

Payment apartments, services:In Moldova, the lion's share of the family budget "eaten" services. Gas prices, light and even the water have become an unbearable burden for ordinary citizens. Recently increased electricity. For consumers Gaz Natural Fenosa, the cost of 1 kW / h increased to 1.58 lei, for RED-NORD consumers - up to 1.71 lei and Red Nord-Vest - up to 1.73 leu. And the inhabitants of Transnistria still pay for electricity only 57 bans per 1 kW / h.

Russian gas remains the most expensive for Moldan. A cubic meter of blue fuel for consumers spending per month less than 30 cubic meters, costs 5.97 lei (without VAT 6%), for all other users - 6.22 lei.

At the same time, Transnistrians pay only 91 banks per cubic meter of gas.

Rates for centralized heating are essential. For clarity of comparison, we took Tiraspol and Chisinau. In Tiraspol, the cost of heating is calculated as follows: 3.5 lei is multiplied by the total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment, then the resulting figure is multiplied by the number of people prescribed in the apartment.

In Chisinau, the heating fee depends on how much gigacloery is spent on heating housing of the corresponding area. One gigaklorine costs 987 lei. According to estimates, in the middle townspeople in the heating season 2011-2012 paid 30 lei per square meter.

Now, compare how much money was spent on heating Chishenta and Tiraspolchanin. Suppose both live in two-room apartments of 50 square meters. meters in which two people are prescribed. So, a family from Chisinau paid in the past heating season of 1500 lei per month, and a family from Tiraspol - 350 lei. The difference is not just big, but colossal.

In Transnistria, women are retired at the age of 55, men - in 60, in the Republic of Moldova, the age of retirement in women - 57 years old, in men - 62 years.

Recently, a trend has emerged in Moldova in obtaining second citizenship of PMR.


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14. Novikov Sergey. Bender-92: bitter memory // Independent Military Review June 29, 2001. - Original:
15. Wikipedia material - free encyclopedia
16. Krivoruchko Evgeny. War History /\u003descation
17. Gamova Svetlana. Gagauza in Moldova received autonomy. - Izvestia. - December 29, 1994. - p.4.
18. OSCE Yearbook. - MGIMO, Institute for the Study of Peace Problems and Security Policy. - M. -1995 - p.149.
19.Bvinogradov. The status of Transnistria Chisinau and Tiraspol will determine according to the results of the "Customs War". - Izvestia. - February 19, 1998. - C.3.
20. March 23, 1998. ITAR - TASS.
22. In Transnistria, elections to parliament took place. // Air Force. Monday, December 12, 2005, 09:06 GMT 12:06 MCK
23. Kab_net Mіnіstіv Ukraine Rosipovyna Vіd 1 Birching 2006 p. № 112-r Kyiv Patten of the Mitat Decorated Telights of the Vehicle Plugvobiv, Scho to zoom in Ukraine from the Republic of Moldova
24. Three-sided plan for solving the problem of Transnistria. "Bucharest - Chisinau - Kiev. Carnegie Moscow Center.- January 2006. -46 S.
25. Three-sided plan for solving the problem of Transnistria. "Bucharest - Chisinau - Kiev. Carnegie Moscow Center. - January 2006. -46 S.

26. Wolf Alexander. Team number 13. New Government of Ukraine: persons, biographies, informal communications .// 2000. Week of Ukraine.- 11-17 August 2006.- S. E1
27. Voloshin Oleg, Karaban Dmitry. Kosovo on the Dniester. // Expert. - №11 (62). - March 18, 2006.
28. Gamova Svetlana. Of Moldavia, Russia is owned by Russia. // Independent newspaper. - April 17, 2006. - Original:
29. The unrecognized republics of Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistrian signed a declaration on joint actions. // - June 14, 2006.
30. Smirnov Andrei. Romania and Moldova will be united in the framework of the European Union, the Romanian president says. // New region. July 4, 2006.
31. Gamova Svetlana / Romania is ready to absorb Moldova // Independent newspaper. July 5, 2006 - Original:
32. Denisov Vitaly. We are able to protect our independence. The Minister of Defense of the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic, Lieutenant General Stanislav Hazhev, is responsible for the "Red Star" questions. // Red Star. - June 30, 2006.
33. Brutal Paul. If the sparks still fly the Dniester? Chisinau is armed. Tiraspol has something to reflect the possible intervention. // Military-industrial courier. - №22 (138) - 14-20 convict 2006 -\u003darchive.2006.138.articles.geopolitics_01
34. Babakov Alexander. Russia should extend the handbook of the Transnistria //
35. Transnistria - for joining Russia // Address article on -Http: // - Date and publishing time: 2006/09/18 10:44:52 GMT
36. Manachinsky Alexander. PMR or Moldova-Who is legitimate // Weekly "2000". Forum. - №35 (331) - September 1-7, 2006. - S.A5.
Additional sources
Ethnic and regional conflicts in Eurasia: in 3 kN.: KN.2. Russia, Ukraine, Belarus / General. A.Zversrev, B.Kopiters, D. Tenin. - M.: Publisher "All World", - 1997. - 224 S.
Ethnic and regional conflicts in Eurasia: in 3 kN: KN.3. International experience of the permission of ethnic conflicts / Society. B.Kopiters, E. Warakl, A.Zvershev. - M.: Publisher "All World", - 1997. - 304 S.
Malo k.g. Russia and the last war of the twentieth century (1989-2000). M.: "Veche" - 346s.
EURO-ATLANTIC JOINT FORUM GRUPB-219. "State Sovereignty Of Prednistrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika (Prednistrovie) Under International Law" -i Nternational Council for Democratic Institutions and State Sovereignty (ICDISS): -2006. 32p.
A.Manachinsky. '' Troyansky horse '' for Ukraine? - Pіdtext. - 11-17 Chervnya 1997. - N22 (44). - p.16-17.
O. Manachinskiy. Casty world on the shores of the DNISTra ..// Ukraine і Svіt Sudzhnі. - 16-22 Vesna 2000. - №37- p.7
Manachinsky A. Without Transnistria Moldova is impossible. Or vice versa? Weekly "2000". March 16-22, 2001. - №11 (64) - p.25, 28.

Moldavian Transnistrian conflict

Parties: Moldova-Transnistrian Moldavian Republic (unrecognized) -rusia (secondary side) -e (secondary side) -Ukraine (secondary side).

Conflict roots.

Historical roots: Moldova and Transnistria for most of its history were parts of various state associations, in connection with which there are significant differences in culture and mentality.

Moldova has coexisted with the population of Eastern Romania for more than four centuries, which created close economic and cultural communications between them. The Poland was under the rule of Poland, and since 1512 he seized the Crimean Khanate.

Bssarabia has always perceived the power of Sultan Ottoman Empire (whose subject she was), as his \\ Transnistrians were looking for protection in the East - Russian Grenader and Zaporizhzhya Cossacks.

Entering the Novorossia Bessarabia became a separate administrative-territorial unit \\ Transnistria did not get away from local residents.

In 1859, Moldova and Valahia united in a single Romania (Bessarabia remained in its composition until 1940) / Transnistria remained as part of Novorossia.

On the territory of the current Moldova, the Moldovan People's Republic arose, part of the population of which subsequently supported the Romanian army who invaded there, and the Bessarabsk Soviet Socialist Republic was proclaimed in Transnistria in Transnistria, and on October 12, 1924, the Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the composition of Soviet Ukraine .

On June 30, 1940, about half of the territory of Massar, it was united with part of the land between the Dniester and the Prut, and the northeastern districts of Massar remained as part of Ukraine. The new subject of the Soviet Federation is the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic - was created without a referendum or any other accounting of the opinion of the population (ceased to exist in a year due to the occupation of German-Romanian troops).

The fate of the Right and Left Banks of the Dniester after the formation of the MSSR was not the same because the left bank has passed until 1940. socialist reorganizationAnd the right bank is not.

Moldovans of Transnistria have always clearly realized themselves with Moldovans, not Romanians. They do not fully identify themselves with the Moldovans of Right Bank, calling them "Neurarabans", or "Bessarabians."

For a significant part moldovan Right Bank Some splitness of national self-consciousness with some orientation to the Romanian Ethnic. However, here the bulk of the population does not consider themselves Romanians. Yes, and in Romania, the immigrants from Bessarabia on the household level are not considered "real (full-fledged) Romanians."

Linguistic roots: 60% of the population of Transnistria Russian-speaking, therefore it is not surprising that it has been hostile to the process of ethnopolitization of the Moldovan society and perceived this process as a real threat to the existence of its own lifefriend. But at the same time the conflict was not between the Russian-speaking and Moldovan population, the language here was used only as a reason, hook. Since the border between PMR and Moldova is not the border between the Russian-speaking and Romanian-speaking population. A third of the population of Transnistria - Moldovans by nationality, and the Russian population there is no more. A large Russian-speaking minority (according to different calculations component from a quarter to a third of all citizens) lives in Moldova itself. Russian and Russian-speaking in Moldova do not feel their involvement in the Transnistria, and very many do not even sympathize with him what the social skins are evidenced. Transnistrian Moldovans show themselves as convinced supporters of the statehood of the PMR, as well as the two other third of its population (Russians and Ukrainians). Even the first victims in Dubossara were two Moldovan and one Ukrainian, which once again emphasizes the fact that the language in the conflict was used only as a weapon and reason, and not a true reason.

Political roots: Moldova focused on fromclosure or even union with Romania (as evidenced by the adoption on April 27, 1990 by the Supreme Council of the Socialist Soviet Republic of Moldova of the State Flag of the Republic, fully identical to the Tricolor Romania), Transnistria did not support this initiative, but it was interested in acquiring a new state status that would allow the region to separate and become Independent, which made the conflict with an exceptional step towards the department.

Economic roots : In Transnistria, it was concentrated about 40% of industrial capacity MSSRThe leadership of which in the process of "restructuring" and privatization passed directly to the governing nomenclature. Thus, when receiving autonomous state status, the ruling tops of Transnistria would take everything in their own hands.

"This conflict was a clash of the economic interests of the so-called" pragmatic "republican and allied partner. The path to the market economy, which was the reformist "pragmatic" partner in the USSR, headed by M. Gorbachev, provided for the creation of market entities, private owners. As such owners, of course, should be the "pragmatic" partner, who had no other way to become the owner as assign oneself by state ownership, Using his monopoly on state power. The first task of the "pragmatic" partner was the suspension of representatives of the reaction part of the partner, which stood on guard of state property and the administrative planning system of economic management.

The second challenge was to create a mechanism for legal assignment of state ownership and accumulation of primary capital. In this context, new reformists of the past regime carried out measures to privatize government facilities obviously in favor of the Directory Corps and all those who occupied high state posts both in the economy and in general in the system of public administration.

The assignment mechanism in the USSR was introduced at the time of "restructuring" and was a large number of private joint-stock companies with limited liability, created under state-owned enterprises. At the same time, the state-owned enterprise remained production activities, and the activities of private firms were commercial in nature related to the sale of products of state-owned enterprises. The nomenclature with such a system was treated with huge oversized through such financial transactions that were conducted through submarine firms.

Quite quickly such a process of assignment led to war between the Republican and the Allied Nomenclature for the most profitable state-owned enterprises. The main principle of distribution was the territorial and sectoral principle, because the Soviet economy was built in such a principle. To assign government enterprises to the authorities of the Republican elites, political sovereignty from the center was needed. Such sovereignty provided a monopoly on power in the republics, and then a monopoly on the assignment of state-owned enterprises posted on the territory of the republics. Consequently, the state sovereignty of the republics was a necessary political condition for the assignment of state ownership of the Vlamitic Republican Nomenclature. The assignment process itself passed depending on which of the political elites was in power in the republics. " - from the analysis of the Transnistrian conflict of G.N. Prepail "Causes, Problems and Development Forecast"

Thus, the sector of the shadow economy has become increasingly growing, and all state ownership passed under the control of state leaders and their environment.

Causes of conflict.

  1. The unfolding process "Perestroika" With its reference to the privatization of the partner of all industrial facilities of the Soviet republics. As a result, the power received one who is closer to the center and closer to those who are closer to the center (clay).
  2. Nationalist interests of Moldova They sent it to rapprochement with Romania, which she may have seen how the exorbitant way out of the USSR. The rapid process of Romanization of the Moldavian society (the adoption of the Law on Languages \u200b\u200bProclaiming Practically identical to the Romanian Moldavian language based on Latin graphics; adoption of the National Flag - Romanian Tricolor; Wide Propaganda in the media of the community of the Romanian and Moldavian culture and the rejection of the national culture of minorities) led to the fact that In the spring of 1990, as a result of democratic elections, she fully lost power in the republic. Representatives of the Popular Front came to power, which united in herself as National Democrats and Ultra Nationalists. The Government of the Republic of Moldova was headed by M. Druk, sympathizing with nationalist sentiment.

Thus, the Transnistrian nomenclature has lost all perspective to be represented in republican structures and in Moldavian society as a whole. On the other hand, adopted by the Supreme Legislative Body of the Republic, the Declaration on the State Sovereignty of Moldova broke it from the Union Center, without the support of which she risked completely lose power and authority not only in Moldova, but also in its own region, which means to lose and loyering on the horizon Precious fruit "Perestroika". In this regard, Transnistrians appealed for help from the USSR, supporting the initiative of its conservation by making it the flag - his refusal to obey the decisions of the newly elected government of Moldova and the proclamation of the Russian and Moldavian language are equivalent. This confrontation ended - the proclamation of the autonomous Transnistrian Moldavian Republic.

  1. Romanization of Moldavian society
    1. August 31, 1989 in Moldova was accepted law on LanguageFixed Identical Romanian Moldavian language based on Latin graphics as an official state unified language that the official language is the language of the title nation. Given that the population of Transnistria was Russian-speaking, I made this bill withdrawn the population not only in the use of a language in everyday life, but made it mandatory to carry civil service (and the Latin graphics was completely unacceptable and unusual, since the root differed from Cyrillic, although The pronunciation of Moldovan and Romanian has minor differences); studying in educational institutions where the study of the languages \u200b\u200bof the NAC minorities (especially Russian) has sharply reduced, and many Russian-speaking schools have been closed in general; Russian literature was withdrawn from the libraries, which put a culture under the blow and forced the population to think not only at all about its preservation, but also the future for the next generations.
    2. On 27 April 1990, the Supreme Council of the Socialist Soviet Republic of Moldova was adopted state flag republic, fully identical tricolor Romania.
    3. Wider propaganda of the projuminary sentiment In society and heating the national dislike: "Utopim Russians in Zhidovsky blood!", "Wake up, Romanian !!", "from the mountains to the sea !!!", "Who lives well in Russia?", "Crucified, Vyganaya Moldova!" "Occupation, not liberation!", "Yes, let me have hands on the elbow in the blood !!!", "Russian and Soviet - Vaughn from Moldova!", "Down with the occupation!", "Russia! Take your lost sons! ", And a little later -" Long live a great Romania! "," Romania-mother! Rightly dedicated, crucified daughter - Moldova! "," Russians for the Dniester - Jews in Dniester! "," Suitcase! Railway station! Russia!".

Thus, on the wave of "perestroika" and privatization, as well as the fire of nationalist interests on all the expanses of the Soviet Union, Moldovsko, arose - the Transnistrian conflict. In it, pursuing his political and economic goals, the Government of Moldova and Transnistria faced the struggle for the autonomy and the inheritance of the USSR, which mostly was located in the territory of the PMR. The desire of the Transnistrian governing top to preserve power and strengthen it, having received all the proper gifts by separating from Moldova, as well as in consequence, from the USSR, they drastically contradicted the interests of the Moldovan government to take everything into their hands and in no case lose the industrial potential and in no way Wealths that were on the territory of Transnistria. An excellent reason for Transnistria to demand autonomy was the process of the romanization of the population, which is sharply linguistic factor, which, in principle, could and could be circumvented, but it was not profitable partner. In this regard, uniting the population of Transnistria with all possible cultural and historical Uzami, as well as their "Sovietness" - the government threw the forces on a sharp military confrontation, and in consequences - to block the conflict, which is extremely convenient for the political and economic elite of the region.

The collapse of the Soviet Union was accompanied by a variety of armed conflicts. Only a few of them managed to resolve to our time. In the late 80s, the collapsed USSR was divided according to the previous administrative boundaries. No one thought that in the Soviet state, the peoples were mixed, and the boundaries between the republics were cut from considerations of the convenience of control. Oils in the fire poured the widespread surge of nationalist sentiment in the breakaway republics. The first such conflict, which passed all stages from rallies before the war was Transnistria. Not the most bloody in the history of the former USSR, he became a harbinger of future troubles, a lesson that no one wanted to learn.

After the civil war, Bessarabia occupied Romania. The USSR retained the left bank of the Dniester. After the Great Patriotic War and the permission of territorial issues with Romania, all this territory has united for several decades as the Moldovan SSR. However, the differences between the narrow strip of the Earth along the Dniester and the rest of Moldova were preserved. Speaking in Russian, inhabited by Slavs and Industrial Transnistria, already stand out on the general background of the republic, more oriented to agriculture and talking mainly in Moldavian.

In the 80s, Moldova, like many other republics, was experiencing a rapid growth of nationalist sentiment. The head of the process was the local intelligentsia, called the consolidation of the status of the Moldavian language in the republic, and the activists simply chant the unnewned "Russians for the Dniester, the Jews in the Dniester!". Prior to the hands of the hands, and the Russian-speaking deputies of the Supreme Council of the Moldavian SSR also became the victims, and people who spoke in Russian were too loud.

The situation in the Slavic Transnistria and Gagauzia (region, where a small Turkic speech, Gaguses, compactly lives compactly. In 1989, a discussion of the Law on the language began in the Supreme Council of the Moldavian SSR, the approval of the only state language - Moldavian, and with Latin graphics. Moreover, the activists of the "People's Front of Moldova" promoted the ideas of unionism - association with Romania.

In Transnistria, first responded with mass strikes. The region gave almost half of industrial products and 90% of the electricity of the republic, so it seemed a serious lever for the pressure on Chisinau.

On June 23, 1990, Moldavia announced his sovereignty. In the same year, after beatings and overhank, the Supreme Council left Russian-speaking deputies. The rhetoric of the parties became good. Mircea Druk, prominent local politician - soon he will be the Prime Minister of Moldova - quickly moved from dialogue to threats:

They remind me of Oansians in Algeria or a white minority in South Africa. Moldovans are ready to go to the last, but not to retreat. If they do not accept our explanations, then there will be Olster or Karabakh.

In Transnistria, the first body of the Office has already been established by the Unified Republic of the Unified Council of Labor Collective. The protesters were going around theright, and soon he became the basis for the government of the self-proclaimed republic. In just a few weeks after the proclamation of the independence of Moldova, Transnistria and Gagauzia declared about their independence.

The city of Tiraspol became the capital of Transnistria, and the head of Igor Smirnov, director of the Tiraspol Electrotechnical Plant.

The first event of the starting war was a campaign to Gagauzia. In Moldova, they began to form volunteer detachments to combat separatists, and Gagauzia became their fighting baptism. The army did not have problems yet, there were problems with weapons, and the nationalists went to the rebellious province with sticks and reinforcement. Meeting with the detachments of the local self-defense ended in nothing: the sides were terrified by the batons, but until no one managed to cross over himself and start killing opponents. With Gagauzia managed to agree on the status of autonomy. In Transnistria, the events developed for a much worse scenario.

In cities and villages, militia detachments were created, but both parties have laid weapons. The source of replenishment of stocks were the Arsenals of the Soviet Army. Another source of weapons was the help of Romania, who passed their own military property to Moldovans.

The position of Transnistrians was more difficult. Parts of the 14th Army on the left bank of the Dniester remained under Russia, but the troops were officially distant from participating in conflict. Nevertheless, the Transnistrian militia gradually armed. Many officers sympathized with Transnistria and did not interfere with the pops of the warehouses, and sometimes they themselves switched under the name of the newborn. It was the retired officers of the Soviet army that ended up at the head of the Armed Forces of the Transnistrian Republic.

While it was gradually walked this process, the first blood shed.

The fatal incident happened in the town of Dubossary. There was a detachment of Moldovan Police and tried to arrange a gearbox on the bridge across the river. A skirmish began with the crowd of unarmed local residents, during which the police had nerves and they opened fire on the crowd. Three people died, and the war had just gained momentum.

Around Dubossar began to form a real front. The river and weakness of the created troops prevented the parties to deploy active actions, but by the spring of 1992, waiting for the final collapse of the USSR, politicians in Chisinau decided to finally crush the rebellious republic.

In March 1992, Moldova's epon of Moldova attacked the Russian military base in the coocyers, which near Dubossar. The police captured the weapon, and soon followed the present attack on Dubossars on both sides. These were already full-fledged fights with dozens of killed and wounded. With "Romanian" (Moldovan Transnistrians constantly called Romanians) The parties in the battle participated mainly by police formations and nationalists.

However, Transnistrians did not remain alone: \u200b\u200bvolunteers from Russia and from Ukraine began to arrive in the republic. Transnistria became the first post-Soviet conflict, in which Russian Cossacks participated in massively. Paradox of the 90s: on one side with them there was a numerous squad of Ukrainian nationalists from Uno-ONSO *.

As soon as full-fledged fighting began, the Transnistrians began to be much more zhenous than before, to seize the former Soviet military units. Moldovans soon discovered that there were entire armorroups against them. In the summer, the offensive on Dubossars stalled.

Not far from Tiraspol, on the West Bank of the Dniester, the city of Bender was large for local standards. In the spring of 1992, drooplow reigned there, Moldovan police and local police worked.

In June 1992, there were sluggish negotiations on the cease-fire. However, Chisinau decided to conduct a major operation. A specific reason for her was the incident on June 19: the Transnistrian officer on the street was twisted the Moldovan police officers, the militias began to beat the comrade, the shootout began.

And in the evening, the Bender began to enter Moldovan forces with armored vehicles. "Romanians" first of all blocked the bridge over the Dniester, and fleshy contact battles went inside the city. The civilian population was never in such a situation, people rushed around the city, not understanding what to do. Because of the panic, hundreds of people were killed, who simply turned out to be between two lights. In addition, the sweeter of the warring was at a low level, so the soldiers were paled in white light.

At this time, a desperate fight was on the streets. Transnistrians tried to unlock the bridge with the riding on the selected from the Russian military armored vehicles. Several attacks were unsuccessful, but in the end, a group of Cossack volunteers was shouted through the Dniester Zalikatsky. Due to the fact that the bridge and approaches to it were clogged with burning appliances, the Cossacks, hiding behind it, at full speed they could cross and capture the Moldovan cannons who were put on the straight entrance. Soon in Bender, a shaky balance was established, but the front line ran right across the streets and gardens, and the fights were going with the former fierce.

In Moscow, the attitude towards conflict gradually changed.

On June 23, an officer arrived in Tiraspol, who called himself Colonel Gusev. Under this simple disguise, General Alexander Swan was hidden. He flew to Moldova with the instructions from Moscow to stop the war and restore the handling of the 14th army, which was already spontaneously retained to the conflict on the side of the Transnistria.

A few days later, the swan headed the army, and, together with him, the officers of the leisure officers began to arrive at the Dniester, which was ordered to not blame obstacles. With the arrival of the Swan, the 14th Army moved to the open support for the militia of Transnistria. On June 26, the Russian Air Defense Complex shot down the Moldovan aircraft, attacked by the position of Transnistrians. And on the night of July 3 - after the next shelling, Dubossar - the artillery of the 14th Army arranged a short, but cruel firing raid on the explored positions of Moldavian troops.

Since so far Moldovans used the absolute advantage in heavy weapons, losses - and most importantly, the moral effect of this blow - turned out to be simply monstrous. The Swan himself handed out the interview, generously rushing to promises in the case of which "dine in Chisinau, and to dine in Bucharest" and "find fascists like a place on the post." The decisiveness of the swan really allowed to stop the war.

In Transnistria, a peacekeeping contingent of Russian troops was introduced, and the republic remained in suspended - with anyone not recognized so far.

The conflict in Transnistria had no real basis. The real antipathy of Moldovans and Transnistrians did not feed each other then and do not feed now. There were no deep contradictions between the Republic on the Dniester and Moldova. In essence, the only reason for which the war was held, turned out to be an irresponsible populism of politicians, who tried to play with the donkey stubbornness to play a national map.

* The organization of the organization is prohibited in Russia by the decision of the Supreme Court.

The relevance of the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict remains high for the Russian Federation: first, the people of the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic (PMR), which formed in the process of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent armed confrontation with the Republic of Moldova, repeatedly and unequivocally expired her desire to go to the side of the most closely Union with the Russian Federation.

At a minimum, in self-determined, but still not recognized by the world community, the multinational population is not only for the preservation, but also an increase in military Russian presence. Ignore the opinion of hundreds of thousands of people Russia cannot.

In addition, we will not forget that only due to the existence of the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic on an important geostrategic south-west direction on the left bank of the Dniester, the Russian military presence is maintained. Further - only the Balkans, where our influence at the end of the nineties was minimized by the efforts of the North Atlantic Alliance.

Until recently, the conflict itself and the questions of its fair for all interested parties to permit in the Russian media and, often, in the Russian society itself were evaluated very formally. What, for example, cannot be said about Ukraine, whose authorities frankly and repeatedly declared their strategic interests in this region. Moreover, the Ukrainian authorities actively implement their interests here.

Speaking about the Transnistrian-Moldovan conflict, one should not forget that historically lands of the Dniester left bank never belonged not only to Romania, but also not included in the Moldovan Principality. In 1792, the great Russian commander Count Alexander Suvorov founded the Russian city of Tiraspol - the fortress on the left bank of the Dniester, which was a counterweight of the Turkish fortress Bender.

According to the results of the civil war on the Dniester River, a borderline was held between the Soviet Union and Romania formed in the Russian Empire. In 1924, the Left-Bank Transnistria was issued as the Moldovan ASSR as part of the Ukrainian SSR. After the joining of Bessarabia to the Soviet Union in 1940, a new Union Republic was created - the Moldovan SSR, the Soviet power to her and joined the Transnistrian left bank.

In the summer of 1990, political events in the Republic of Moldova were very similar to what happened in the territory of the Georgian SSR. The Parliament of the Republic announced the liquidation of the Moldovan SSR. Chisinau announced his strategic task reunification with Romania. In response, the people inhabiting the territory of the Leeter of the Dniester announced its unwillingness to exit the composition of the Soviet Union. The representatives of many of the nationalities of the left bank elected by the general voting in early September 1990 were proclaimed the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic. The conflict entered its decisive phase.

Brief history of Transnistrian conflict

Already by the end of the 80s. In Moldova, the pro-Women's moods grow rapidly and appear for the "Historical Union" with this country, especially since the shooting without trial and investigation in 1989. Nicholas and Elena Ceushestka put a point in the history of the communist dictatorship in Romania.

At the XIII session of the Supreme Council of the MSSR, the law "On the functioning of languages" is adopted, in which Latin writing was introduced without taking into account the interests and civil rights of the Nemoldavsky population.

Chisinau's policy does not remain unanswered: the most significant protests among Gagauzians in the south of the republic and in Transnistria are most significant. There are advice of labor collectives for the protection of the rights of the population in enterprises. I passed the congress of the Joint Board of Labor Tools (Oshka).

June 1990 - In S. Parkana, I took place at the congress of People's Deputies of Transnistria of all levels, on which the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an independent state was expressed. However, on June 5, 1990, Moldovan authorities declared the Congress illegal.

At this time, the Allied authorities occupy (as with Georgia) a suspended position. The perestroika press approvingly calls the Moldavian power to democratic, and Transnistrians call no other than the "communists", and the orthodox sense itself. Thus, the society was disoriented. The growing conflict was filed as a struggle of advanced democratic views with his senior communist ideology.

At the II Extreme Congress of People's Deputies of Transnistria, a declaration on the formation of the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic is adopted. As a legal justification of the declaration, it is stated that at the time of the formation of the Moldovan SSR in 1940, in the territory of the left bank, the Moldovan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic existed in the Ukrainian SSR, formed on October 12, 1924.

Autumn 1990 - the beginning of an armed confrontation between Moldova and the PMR. Already on November 2, the forces of the Moldovan One (a special purpose squad) are attempted. Shoulder of local authorities in Dubossara. According to the Transnistrian side, Moldovan and Romanian nationalists from the knowledge and under the leadership of Chisinau powerful departments took part in armed promotions on the side of Moldova.

In the PMR a year after Dubossar events, the Republican Guard was formed and a committee on defense and security was established. Aven a year later, on September 8, 1992, the Government of the PMR determined the structure and timing of the formation of the armed forces of the proclaimed republic. Acting Minister of Defense on September 23, 1992 was appointed Colonel S. Hazeev.

March-July 1992 is the main and largest events in the Moldovan-Transnistrian conflict, when the opposing parties conducted active fighting. In the areas of Bender and Dubossar walked full-scale battles with the use of tanks and artillery. Only the tough position of the command of the 14th Army, personally teamar Alexander Lebedy and the officers of the Russian General Staff, who took the unequivocal position of the "military neutrality", prevented the further development of armed conflict.

According to official data from the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic, 284 servicemen died during the armed conflict (taking into account the dead from injuries - 364) and more than 600 peaceful residents of the left bank.

Transnistrian Moldavian Republic


Currently, 31% Moldovan, 29% of Russians, 26% of Ukrainians live in the territory of the territory controlled by the authorities of the PMR. The principle of equality of all nations is dominated in the National Policy of the Republic. There is no concept of "state language" on the left bank of the Dniester, the Transnistrian legislation defines three official languages: Russian, Moldavian and Ukrainian.

Domestic political situation

According to observers, the political and state system of the PMR has kept many elements of the Soviet sample. To change this state device in conditions of military confrontation and powerful foreign policy pressure in the PMR was impossible. The Soviet system was very suitable for "to exist in an enemy surrounding for many years."

PMR as a sovereign state could continue for 10 years only with high centralization of power and state control over many areas of public life. However, in all formal signs of the PMR - a democratic state with parliament, a constitution and a strong presidential authority.

Experts noted the absence of any significant political disagreements on its territory, expressly pronounced and strong opposition in Transnistria simply. The leadership and political elite of the republic are united by the "military past" and are focused on Russia.


The PMR has its own banking system and produces its own currency - the ruble. A serious blow to the Transnistrian economy was influxed by the Russian default in 1998, since a significant part of Transnistria's financial resources was posted in the GKO RF. Currently, the main financial flows go through Ukrainian correspondent banks.

The main export enterprises of the PMR, bringing income to the budget, are the Metallurgical Plant (MMZ) in the city of Rybnitsa and Cognac Plant "Quint". MMZ is a completely modern European-level venture conducted by independent economic policy.

Transnistria fully ensures that electricity from Dubossarskaya GRES, which works on a gas received from Russia.

The left bank of the Dniester is also the agricultural region. Favorable climatic conditions (two harvest per year of many types of vegetables and fruits) and good agricultural culture in the potential allows you to export large volumes of gardened and viticulture products. The state annually allocates subsidies for agriculture. However, the main sales markets were lost, and their restoration is hampered by the complex economic situation and the uncertainty of the international status of the PMR.

Negotiation process

In July 1995, an agreement was signed on non-use in mutual relations of military force and economic sanctions, which was the first international document and was approved at the OSCE Summit.

On May 8, 1997, a Memorandum was signed in Moscow "On the basics of the normalization of relations between the Republic of Moldova and Transnistria", which determined the basic principles in the relationship between the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic and the Republic of Moldova.

This document was enshrined a number of agreements reached earlier and the right of PMR was granted to establish and develop economic, scientific and technical and cultural relations with other states.

Memorandum fastened a new approach of the parties to the problem of settlement, obliging the turnons to mutually consideration of problems.

During the negotiation process, the parties on the basis of bilateral appeal, expressed the wish to turn intermediaries in the guarantors of the fulfillment of the agreements reached.

The Russian Federation and Ukraine became the guarantors of the fulfillment of the agreements reached, OSCE, refusing to participate in the negotiation process as a guarantor, retained the status of an intermediary.

As a result of this, the following articles appeared in the Memorandum "On the basics of normalization of relations between the Republic of Moldova and Transnistria"

The parties to the negotiation process are mutual guarantors;

The Russian Federation and Ukraine guarantee the implementation of agreements reached by the parties during the negotiation process.

On May 24, 1997, the leadership of the Republic of Moldova and Transnistria, based on the need for the earliest implementation of the Memorandum of May 8, 1997, confirmed the entry into force of all the articles of the Memorandum and agreed to proceed with the development of mechanisms for the implementation of the provisions of this document.

Memorandum on the basics of normalization of relations between the Republic of Moldova and Transnistria

Management of the Republic of Moldova and Transnistria, referred to as the following parties,

based on the need for a speedy and complete settlement of relations between the Republic of Moldova and the Transnistria exclusively peaceful, political means;

reaffirming the commitment of the UN principles, OSCE and generally accepted norms of international law, as well as agreements previously achieved between the Republic of Moldova and Transnistria;

conscious of the responsibility for providing civil peace, interethnic consent, strengthening stability and security in this region of Europe; attaching the primary importance to the implementation of the fundamental rights and freedoms of a person, regardless of national affiliation, religion, political beliefs, place of residence and other differences;

considering that the combination of their spiritual and material resources will speed up the decision of common economic and social problems and will open the prospect of building the joint efforts of a modern prosperous society; With the mediation of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and the OSCE mission, agreed on the following:

1. The parties confirm their obligations do not resort in mutual relations to the use of force or threat of force. Any disagreements will be solved exclusively by peaceful means, through negotiations and consultations with the assistance and mediation of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, as the guarantors of the implementation of the agreements achieved, the OSCE and with the assistance of the CIS.

2. The parties will continue the formation between them of state-legal relations. The document defining this relationship, the status of Transnistria, will be based on the principles of mutually agreed solutions, including distinction and delegation of authority, and mutually secured guarantees. The parties will begin to develop this document immediately after the signing of this Memorandum, taking into account all previously achieved fundamental agreements, including those achieved on June 17, 1996.

3. Transnistria takes part in the implementation of the foreign policy of the Republic of Moldova - the subject of international law, on issues affecting its interests. The decision on these issues is made by the consent of the parties. Transnistria has the right to independently establish and maintain international contacts in the economic, scientific and technical and cultural fields, and in other areas - by agreement of the parties.

4. The parties turn to the Russian Federation, Ukraine and the OSCE asking for the continuation of their intermediary efforts to achieve a solid and comprehensive normalization of relations between the Republic of Moldova and Transnistria.

5. The Republic of Moldova and Transnistria become mutual guarantors of the complete and unconditional implementation of agreements on the relationship between them.

6. The parties welcome the statement of the Russian Federation and Ukraine on their readiness to become the states-guarantors of compliance with the provisions of the provisions of the relevant documents of the status of Transnistria and agreements recorded in this Memorandum.

7. Parties turn to the OSCE with a request to continue promoting compliance with the agreements between them.

8. Parties declare the need to generate warranties mechanism by all participants in the negotiation process.

9. Parties confirm that peacekeeping actions carried out by joint peacekeeping forces in the security zone in accordance with the Agreement between the Presidents of the Republic of Moldova and the Russian Federation dated July 21, 1992 "On the principles of peaceful settlement of armed conflict in the Transnistrian Region of the Republic of Moldova" will continue .

10. In case of violation of the agreements reached, the party is entitled to apply to guarantors for consultation in order to take measures to normalize the situation.

11. The parties are building their relations within the framework of a common state within the borders of the Moldavian SSR for January 1990.

The starting point for the current conflict between Chisinau and Tiraspole was developed in early 1989 by the Supreme Council (Sun) of the MSSR draft laws "On the State Language" and "On the functioning of languages \u200b\u200bin the territory of the MSSR". As the only state language, Moldovan on the basis of Cyrillic, and Romanian was recognized. Russian - only the role of the language of interethnic communication was assigned. This decision, accompanied by a noisy campaign of Romanization of socio-political and cultural life, sharply aggravated the national question and caused the growth of inter-ethnic contradictions in the republic. It was very painful, it was perceived in the most developed in an industrial attitude compared to the rest of Moldova industrial region - Transnistria, most of whose residents, due to historical reasons, was Russian-speaking. The Transnistrian deputies were executed in the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Mandatory referendum on the draft laws mentioned, but it was rejected by a nationalist majority. As a result, on August 31, 1989, these two documents were accepted, and the date itself was proclaimed by the national holiday - the day of the language.

The actions of Chisinau Transnistria regarded both the legislative infringement of the equality of citizens of all nationalities living in the MSSR. In the cities of the region passed mass protests.

On such a wave, Transnistrian deputies in the Armed Forces of the MSSR were forced to initiate a question about the autonomization of the region as part of a Unified Moldova, followed by a referendum. This question is, although it was included on the agenda of the next session of the MSSR Sun, but his discussion by the efforts of the nationalists was essentially blocked. At the same time, the Romanian Tricolor was declared the state flag of the republic, and its name was changed to the SSR Moldova (SSRM). In relation to the Transnistrian group of deputies, powerful psychological pressure and physical violence was applied. Nevertheless, Transdniestrians continued to actively work in parliament and oppose the growth of nationalist manifestations until adoption on June 23, 1990, the SCRM declaration of sovereignty, which laid the beginning of the process of exiting the republic from the USSR.

The whole course of such events contributed to the maturation of the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating in the Transnistria of an independent state. If on June 2, 1990, in Transnistria, the first congress of deputies of all levels spoke only for the autonomous status of the region, after exactly three months later the creation of the Transnistrian SSR was already proclaimed at the second similar congress.

At the same time, the process of autonomization and another region of Moldova - Gagauzia, whose population opposed the rising wave of Moldovan-Romanian nationalism was for the proclamation of cultural autonomy. In October 1990, elections were announced in Gagauzia to the local Supreme Council. Chisinau tried to prevent them from holding, sending a police and volunteers from among the Radical Nationalists of the Popular Front. The bloodshed was avoided only by entering the region at the request of the Gagauz leadership of special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. Events in Gagauzia sharply aggravated the domestic political situation and accelerated the process of distinguishing Transnistria with the rest of Moldova, which led to the first victims among civilians. On November 2, 1990, near the city of Dubossars during the operation of the Moldavian police, three Transnistrovers were killed, sixteen wounded on August 27, 1991. Declarations on the independence of the Republic of Moldova (PM) are adopted in Chisinau. In response to this, the Supreme Council of Transnistrianavskore proclaims the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic (PMR) and approves the decision to translate into its subordination of all state bodies of the left bank. On December 1, 1991, presidential elections and a referendum on the independence of PMR from PM are held in the region.

Chisinau, recognizing the actions of Transnistrians to illegal and refusing the political means to resolve the situation, became on the path of force solving problems with the Tiraspole. It was then that for the guidance of terror among the inhabitants of the Transnistria of Moldova and Romania, the detachments of the militants from the nationalists are created. One of the most active among them was the sabotage group "Buzhor", headed by an unfair Ilushka, which with its accomplices "distinguished himself" with particular cruelty.

Focal clashes in March 1992. By the summer of the same year, gradually turned into a large-scale armed conflict on the shores of the Dniester. In relation to Transnistria, the entire arsenal of the Moldavian army was used. In fact, it was genuine aggression against the region, which led to the death of hundreds of people. The fighting was carried out in the immediate vicinity of the military units of the former 14th army, which was housed in the Transnistrian region. Her servicemen were subjected to provocations by capturing hostages and weapons. Despite this and numerous appeals of civilians, the 14th Army retained neutrality. When the conflict acquired a threatening character and his escalation reached apogee, the command of the army at the request of the Moldavian President M. Snezhura decided to intervene and dilute the coming parties to put the end of bloodshed.

As a result, on July 21, 1992, in Moscow, the presidents of Russia and Moldova in the presence of the head of Transnistria, an agreement was signed on the principles of peaceful settlement of armed conflict in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova.