Games on the tablet Minecraft 0.11 0. Minecraft is a construction game of the "sandbox" genre created by Marcus Personsson, the founder of Mojang AB

Hello everyone! On this page you can download minecraft PE 0.11.0 and 0.11.1! Judging by the latest updates that have already announced the developers in their blogs, Minecraft 0.11.0 will have a lot of new things and on the size of updates is approximately equal to the long-awaited 0.9.0, and even it may exceed it. Probably, many now have a question, they say, why would it? In MineCarfT PE 0.9.0, endless worlds, trolleys and another MNF other were added. I agree with you, but let's compare everything that has been added to MCPE 0.9.0 with new things in MCPE 0.11.0. Below I will try to describe everything that has been added to the 0.11 version of minecraft. If, suddenly missed something, correct me in the comments and I will correct the shortcomings. Okay, to business. Let's look at what they promised to make programmers and download a couple of cards.

What will be adding to MineCarft PE 0.11.0?

  1. Music in the game - we promised to transfer part of the melodies from Minecraft to the mobile version. It also discussed what would make a kind of player.
  2. A new character management system - according to developers, they began to make a new system from 0.8.0, but did not release it as there were a lot of faults. However, today the system is already ready.
  3. Squat - a very useful thing. Litting, Steve will move slower and do not fall from a high height.
  4. Commands - many players expected teams at 0.9.0. Tomass in his blog promised to make some teams at 0.11.1
  5. The ability to make old worlds endless - if you have created a world with a limited world, then you will have the opportunity to make it infinite!
  6. Hardcore - Personally, I do not play on this mode, and I do not know who plays generally, but nevertheless it seems to me that many will be glad to the new game regime!
  7. Endless day - if this option is enabled, then you will never come in. By the way, this feature is already in MCPE 0.11.0 and this looks like:
  8. The ability to switch the game mode - the ability to change the game mode without using third-party applications (Scrong above).
  9. Far land is the exclusive generator function for the mobile version of minecraft. Far worlds will differ from PC. How they will look so far not known.
  10. The weather is as possible, the weather will be added. That is, you go in a T-shirt and then the snow went. Woven iron armor - and rain!
  11. New trolleys - new types of trolleys should appear, such as: trolley with a stove and trolley with a chest.
  12. Redstone Schemes - One of the MineCarft PE programmers said that at 0.11.0 there would be a final release of the Redstone, perhaps now we can build all sorts of mechanical stuff!
  13. Boats - for some reason, at 0.9 the boats were not and at 0.10 they didn't make them either. This time in Mojang promised to solve this problem! We were told that the boat would turn out to be more in size, compared with PC and for its craft will need 5 pieces of wood. If you are interested, What was added to MineCarft PERead more. By the way, the boats will be slightly more in size compared to the boat in the PC, and in order to scaffle the boat you will have to spend five blocks of wood, instead of five boards blocks. Also, in contrast to the PC, when a boat collision with a jug, the water lily will remain a whole. Well, another pleasant plus is what two characters will be able to fit into the boat!

  14. The oars is the same exclusive thing for Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.11.1. Punches will be added for boats! Because of this, the appearance of the boat management was changed. It seems that they would swim straight, the players will have to alternately press one, then another buttons that are located in the lower corners.
  15. - Also a cool thing, which, as far as I remember, not in PC. In the first build there is no it, so it should be soon.
  16. Skins - Finally, it will be possible to play with your beloved skin and at the same time others will see it! You can also change right in the Minecraft settings of Skin with Steve on Alexa (Skina screen below).
  17. Animation Schidomombi - Now the pigcombi will make parts of the face.
  18. The cave spider - the cave spider will live in the caves and when bite will infect you with poison.
  19. Multilingual - minecraft will support many different languages.
  20. The potion capacity and the effect of potions - you will finally be brewing potions and apply them! From the effects, only these are known: 1. Strong jump 2. Covering 3. Speed \u200b\u200b4. Resistance 5. Fire resistance 6. Nausea 7. Absorption. Other potions are unknown.
  21. - Few people know, but in Minecraft PE 0.11.1, spruits will be unambiguously added.
  22. Developers also promised to port hell in Pocket Edition! This means that the world will become much more interesting and you will be able to get a red stone not an old Dedov's way, but visiting hell. Despite the fact that much remains unknown, we still think that the lower world will be an analogue of the lower world PC! The gasts did not plan.
  23. The desiccant - also lived in the live broadcast, that the Minecraft 0.11.1 will create a desiccant, who can be called on and of course fight him!
  24. Still promised to add spells.
  25. Also in the computer successfully transferred to the game bats!

  26. In MCPE 0.11, the Redstone block was added, but it is still unknown whether the mechanisms will appear. It is possible that they will be, but only like things for decoration.
  27. We also liked that the MCPE was made to support color text. Previously, the color text was supported through the Blocklauncher program, which you can download. Now it will be possible to avoid using this program, unless, of course, you do not want to play with mods.
  28. It is possible that 0.11.0 and 0.11.1 It will be possible to shove animals in the boat. I wrote about this in the article.
  29. If you pound or banned on the server, then you will tell you the client!
  30. If Steve perbs in the course of the game, you will also come a message in which it will be explained from which he died.
  31. In Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.11, players will have the opportunity to drink milk from the bucket! It is very good, because when the bite of a poisonous spider, which, as I wrote above, was added to the game, you can cure with milk.
  32. Minecraft PE 0.11 will add the opportunity to establish a raincoat! Yes, yes, this was not waiting for this, but most likely it will appear in 0.11.0!
  33. Support packages skins. As I understood, you can download many different skins and choose the desired right in the game! And all this can be done without using the BLOCKLAUCHER program!
  34. Of course, the developers did not forget about fish! With the release of minecraft 0.11.1 you can catch all kinds of fish that are in PC!
  35. Very often there are disputes at the expense of Ocelotov. So, perhaps, they will be included in the game! One of the programmers wrote that Ocelotus will be added after that. How to make fish. So the fish is made, so it is quite possible that Ocelotus will be in the game with the release of this version!
  36. Minecraft PE 0.11 will appear a fishing rod and can now fish.
  37. Yes, it seems to me in Mine added a lot of different items and opportunities! Here, for example, an exclusively for PE edition Thomas added in Minecraft PE 0.11.1. The road block from the ground. Most likely, it will be generated instead of gravel tracks in the villages. This unit can be made from the shovel.
  38. In creative mode, there will now be such blocks as: an iron shovel and milk in the bucket, as well as eggs calling the following beings: bat, Ocelot and cave spider!
  39. It became known that in 0.11.1 a button appears when you click on which you can change the color of the dog's collar.
  40. And here's another cool update - the game will add experience! And once they made the opportunity to receive experience, most likely in the following versions it will be possible to spend things!
  41. Another cool thing - the fishing rod will appear in the 3D style.
  42. It became known that Ocelovot will be able to tame! Earlier it was planned only to add without the possibility of taming the animal.
  43. Now in Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.11.1 will be much more food! The developers were allowed into the lakes of fish, gold apple and poisonous potatoes! By the way, the golden apple can be attached!
  44. Great news! In Minecraft, 0.11 implements the status of the server that will show the server status. Those. It works or turned off. The thing is really very comfortable!
  45. Another minor update is the change in the frequency of generation of emeralds. Compared to the PC version in Pocket Edition, they will be more difficult to find by 50%, but the scales will meet 100% more often compared to the same PC version.

If everything goes according to plan, MCPE will go to Google Play and AppStore during the next weeks. While you can play the PC version and download a pair. As I understand it means that through the week two you can already play a new version of minecraft!

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Something like this. Over time, we will update, so I advise you to add to bookmarks, whatever you lose. Download Minecraft PE 0.11 You can be slightly lower. Do not forget to tell friends about our site and evaluate this entry!

For quite a long time, we update this article and the developers have declared the development next version of the game. You can on a special page of our site. There we will write about what was drilled by developers and what was added. Everything will look like both on this page.

We are glad to inform you that now you can download Minecraft PE 0.11.0 for Android from our site, as well as. In this version, a lot of new things and interesting appeared, which will undoubtedly please you. Also, it was eliminated all the bugs that were seen in the past versions of the minisprof. This version will be available for all the owners of Android phone numbers and tablets.

You can also download other versions of Minecraft: , , .

New in MCPE 0.11.0

  • Skins
  • Added boats that can transport 2 mobs!
  • New World Editing Screen
  • Ability to rename the worlds
  • Ability to change game mode
  • Ability to block / unlock daily cycle
  • The ability to make old worlds endless
  • Localization!
  • Fishing and new types of fish!
  • Added effects for mobs (poisoning)
  • Added block of red stone for storing dust
  • Added block `Path`
  • Added text formatting codes
  • Types of stone bricks: carved, cracked and tiny, can now be screaming in survival
  • Now with zombies falls rotten flesh
  • Display server status and day message for servers in the list of worlds
  • In the chat screen added button hide
  • Messages about death

New mobes

  • Squid
  • Now save skeletons
  • Cave spiders
  • Added volatile mice
  • Added zombie children and zombie riders

Now you can download the full version of the game minecraft PE version 0.11.0 which came out of the test stage, it became very stable, it flies and almost does not have bugs and glitches.

Maincraft free download for Android You can always on our portal. It is always available and always all files are checked for viruses.

Custom skins

  • Skins! Change your appearance in the game using your own skin or choosing the skin you like from the downloaded sets.
  • And something else about the skins: some of them are paid, but most can be installed for free, so use on health!
  • Support multiple languages!
  • Double boats! Take your pets in a pleasant walk through the water.
  • From boats can also be rushed with such objects as snowballs and eggs.
  • Fishing! Now you have the opportunity to catch the fish!
  • Squid!
  • Riders on spiders!
  • Cave spiders!
  • The bats!
  • Cute zombie kids!
  • Unusual riders in curies!
  • Fish clowns can now eat!
  • Useful new world editing screen on which you can rename the worlds, change the game mode, etc.
  • Players in creative mode now, unfortunately, you can't wait anymore.
  • Kuram from now on forbidden to walk on the water of Aki by the bump.
  • For breeding, animals should now be slightly spinning with sleeves.
  • A glass of milk is now treated from Mobei Disease.
  • Fixed a ridiculous amount of minor errors.
  • Many other cool innovations that best try personally!

Well, dear friends. Days after March 8 became very pleasant days, because the light saw a new version Minecraft PE 1.2.11. And although it was represented after the release of beta version 1.2.13, the developers still manage to surprise us!

All basic changes, all edits must definitely have players. Imagine that the new version has undergone 24 changes! This indicates that Mojang.there are constantly working on our favorite game with you. Before download Minecraft PE 1.2.11 for Android On your phone and appreciate all the innovations!

Below we will tell you about all modifications. If you are not interested - you can wash and download the game at the end of the article.

All fresh edits in minecraft PE 1.2.13

  • Finally, the possibility of moving the full stack of one chest to another / inventory was returned.
  • Achieving "Teleports me" was returned to the game.
  • In the game settings, a section appeared that is responsible for switching on and disconnecting the ability to hurt other players in PVP battles.
  • Warning vine has been fixed.
  • A bug was also eliminated, because of which levitation appeared at players during sleep.
What else to tell you about? Do you think the provision of a demo version of paid content is important for you enough for you? If so, then here's a brief description of the update: now all paid additions will have a demonstration option so that the player who plans to make a purchase could take the right decision. Basic components will help solve whether you really need the material you want to purchase.

There are also smaller edits that tell, of course, not necessarily. But I still do it.

  • The speed and performance of the game was also optimized.
  • If you had departures during shooting - there will be no more.
  • The directional blocks were also changed. Now they are directed up always, regardless of the player coordinates MCPE.
  • Now players will not fly in their beds during sleep.
  • In the event that the distributor is closed, you will not get a chalker box.
  • Redstone torches that burned, now cannot be reused without the use of new blocks.
  • The blast explosion will be slightly less dangerous.
  • Card prompts will receive some adjustments.
  • Well, the most important thing is the interface


Minecraft is the construction game of the Genre "Sandbox" created by Marcus Persicon, the founder of Mojang AB.

The game allows players to create and destroy various blocks
and use items in a three-dimensional environment.
A player manages a little man who can destroy or install blocks, forming fantastic structures, creating and artwork alone or collectively with other players on various multiplayer servers in different gaming modes.
Gameplay in Minecraft consists of course from adding and destroying blocks on the map.
There are various types of blocks, they perform different functions and have different properties.
(Example: Sand falls due to gravity, if there is no block under it).
Using blocks, you can deploy large construction:
build castles, roads, buildings and bridges, as well as draw pixel art.
A gigantic chessboard or a picture is hard not to notice on the server.
Also from blocks you can build stadiums for spield.
Given all the functions of the blocks, you can build different mini-games, etc.
Having built his first house in minecraft - you will start to treat this wonderful game by different.
first always scares the graphics, but here it plays a minor role, since there is nothing
it is better to be truly free.

What's new at 0.11.1? (Tyk)

▪ Custom skins

▪ Skins! Change your appearance in the game using your own skin or choosing the skin you like from the downloaded sets.

▪ To your note: You can change the skins in Minecraft: Skin Studio, which is in the App Store.

▪ And something else about the skins: some of them are paid, but most can be installed for free, so use on health! Other
▪ Support for multiple languages!
▪ Double boats! Take your pets in a pleasant walk through the water.
▪ From boats can also be rushed with such objects as snowballs and eggs,
▪ Fishing! Now you have the opportunity to catch the fish!
▪ Squid!
▪ Riders on spiders!
▪ Cave spiders!
▪ Bats!
▪ Cute zombie kids!
▪ Unusual riders in curies!
▪ Clown fish can now eat!
▪ Useful new world editing screen on which you can rename worlds, change the game mode, etc.
▪ Players in creative mode now, unfortunately, you can't wait anymore.
▪ Kuras from now on it is forbidden to walk on the water of AKI.
▪ For breeding, animals should now be slightly spinning with sleeves.
▪ The glass of milk is now treated from the Mobia Disease.
▪ Fixed a ridiculous amount of minor errors.
▪ Many other cool innovations that best try personally!


Is free


FAQ Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Game on the Internet (tyk)

Question kak play on the local network? Answer Enable Wai Fi Router from a friend, on another device to connect to it, a friend with a router comes into the world, you go to the list of worlds, there will be the world of your friend. Connect and play.

Added new build 14!

URAA! Congratulations to all with exit new version of Minecraft PE 0.11.0All we have long been waiting for the exit this versions because it carries a lot of global changes and additions. What's new in Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.11.0 and a list of all changes and additions in the MCPE 0.10 game, see at the bottom. The most important changes are new mobs, fishing, double boat and added skins!

For those who have problems have and the game does not start delete the Games folder. But just do not forget to keep your world before that. And you all come out.


What's new in MCPE 0.11.0 Build 14? Read here:

What's new in MCPE 0.11.0 Build 13? Read here:

No longer will be departure with fishing rod;
- There will be no departures if the chhanki loaded too early;
- when creating and some objects there will no longer be more errors;
- problems with localization corrected;
- coverage of objects that are bordered by the world;
- The back button on the menu will now work.

All tools have been added to Creative mode.

What's new in MCPE 0.11.0 Build 12? Read here:

Cave spiders will now be spawned;
- Skins will now be located in the center of the screen in the skin-pack;
- Sitting in the boat can now be rushed with eggs, arrows and snowballs;
- Fixed a bug with buckets;
- it became easier to fall into the boat;
- Fixed a bug in the client;
- More player will not get damage when only went into the game;
- From poison, armor does not get more damage;
- the players are no longer ignited in the creative mode;
- Chicken are no longer walking along the water;
- more players can not be endless food;
- no longer will be departures in the destruction of mushrooms and colors;
- the error is fixed when the player is turned off, the game stopped;
- Little slugs will no longer be spawned in the peaceful game mode;
- There will no longer have some problems with the localization of the game.

Creative mode removed additional elements;
- Selection of the skin is changed.

News about Minecraft PE 0.11.0 Build 10:

In the mode of the 3rd face, mutually aging with different items can only be ahead of the players;
Skin Paks will be available (free and paid);
Creative Mode Fixed Settings.

Skin Paks are available in the game (paid and free!)
Interaction with objects in the mode of the 3rd person can only be ahead of the player
Extended Creative Mode Settings

Bugs that corrected:

Removed bug on servers with players throwing;
- Now the tap buttons will be opened, and not dragging;
- When the player connects to the game server, it will teleport to the host after spawn;
- Hobar is no longer shifted to the left;
- Fixed a bug with food;
- more gravel on the biome of the mountains;
- More players can not be pulled out a fishing rod;
- Cleared errors when opening worlds.

Read under this spoiler all changes in Minecraft 0.11.0 from Build 1 to 9.

Changes in Minecraft PE 0.11.0 Build 9

If you hit the burning mob then you will light up.

Bug fixes:

Removed game localization errors;
- There will be no more errors when choosing a skin on the screen;
- the speed of the game is corrected;
- The first spa player in the game was corrected;
- taming wolves corrected;
- because of Tesselator will not be more departures;
- Error with falling sand was fixed:
- Water errors are also corrected.

Changes in Minecraft PE 0.11.0 Build 7

Arabb is fixed on zombies;
- The position of your player was fixed on the language selection screen;
- There will be no more departures when the reactor of the lower world was turned on;
- no longer will be departures due to mob spawners;
- The "Back" button is applied on the language selection screen;
- before there were departures because of the "empty" subjects of items - corrected;
- In the multiplayer there will be a normal animation of the seating of wolves;
- Now players will receive drop damage;
- at death earlier, the inventory was not closed;
- There will be no more jams of the game in the black screen.

What's New in Minecraft PE 0.11.0 Build 6:

Features New:

In a hot bar, you can rear items with swipes;
- the possibility of swipes to rearrange items in Hotbar;
- Ability to replace the skins.

Bugs to have been fixed:

Replacement of the game mode;
- "Always Day", this switch will now work;
- more things will not disappear from the chests;
- Duplication of players will work in a multiplayer;
- no longer departure from the game after death;
- players that appeared (set themselves) will have a true direction;
- bug Disable from the server;
- Fixed a list of players that play in the creative;
- improved on the discard servers;
- And a few more.

What's new in Minecraft PE 0.11.0 Build 5

New opportunities
- New splashes.

- Symbols and chat skip were corrected;
- continuous unloading;
- drop when leaving;
- Bag black screen;
- when loading damaged skin, a failure is fixed;
- Float Fish Film;
- When breakdown, the chests will no longer have a game
- After you use the milk, the effect of particles will not be removed;
- Molok will now have the name;
- Enderman will have his name;
- There will no longer paint with creepers.

What's new in Minecraft PE 0.11.0 Build 4

The ability to drink milk to remove negative poisoning.

Errors that were corrected:

First person will display the right hand;
- fixed error of displaying the duration of effects;
- Removed some problems in the gamepad setting;
- Spoon player high in the sky has been corrected;
- There will be no more problems with rotation and the wrong speed of the player after the spauna;
- Fixed the display error in the chat if you write with a bold font;
- Float fishing rods will no longer face trolleys and boats;
- A new way to save and load the skins.

Now the word "beta" will be included in the title

What's new in Minecraft PE 0.11.0 Build 3

BLO added an egg with which you can call a cave spider.

Errors that were made:

Used by himself who was when deleting AddientityPacket;
- There will be no more failures when opening a game in the desktop window and skins;
- failure in the destruction of the stove if in it inside the items;
- Failure when another player is connected to the gaming session when leaving the world;
- several artifacts due to the fact that there were errors in the code;
- Animation of an angry face Enderman will be normalized in all modes of the game;
- pants will be correctly displayed;
- Removed mistake with gates;
- improved localization;
- Entities will be sent to the game code last action;
- more when dropping some blocks will no longer drop things;
- Fixed a bug when displaying armor icon in the Minecraft interface "A;
- The game was made by the order of "packages".

Now the stove will drop one camp of any item instead of their separation.

What is fixed Minecraft PE 0.11.0 Build 2
- There will be no departure at the entrance to the old worlds;
- Now it will be possible to register the mobs normally;
- New option in the game! Camera shaking when walking, very realistic;
- Fixed the bug when the effects did not disappear after the murder of the mob;
- corrected departures that were associated with skins;
- Some verification on the server were made;
- Skin will be displayed normally;
- The wolf will no longer be angry if you kill another mob;
- In this version, the fishing hook will disappear when leaving the game;
- There will be no more departures due to arms from Luke;
- It is impossible to pick up arrows in the air anymore.

Spoon on servers will now work fine.

What's New in Minecraft PE 0.11.0 Build 1

Added boats for two people;
- the game added skins;
- new editing of worlds;
- a huge day;
- You can make the old world endless.
- It will be possible to rename the map (world);
- the ability to change the game mode;

New mobs:

Cave spiders;
- The bats;
- spruits;
- rider skeletons;
- Zombie-residents, children and zombie riders.


It will be possible to fish and have new fish added;
- Some mobs will be able to impose effects, these are poisons;
- added codes with which you can edit the text, its color and the like;
- killing zombies it will be possible to get rotten flesh;
- Redstone block added to the game;
- a new block for tracking tracks;
- more information on server records screen;
- You can hide the button on the chat screen;
- stone brick;
- A message will be given about death.

Faster and improved loading of worlds and chunkov;
- less than lags when placing torches;
- in the creative will now shovel;
- If the server is turned off, you will be sent a warning;
- rooted game and improved render;
- improvement of the type of texts;
- Now there will be server checks;
- Improving the bandwidth of the game in the multiplayer;
- the servers and the client is finalized;
- Added as in the PC version of the limit on the Nick's player.