Which area refers to the work of Vysotsky. Vladimir Vysotsky: brief biography

Vysotsky Vladimir Semenovich, (1938-1980) Russian poet and actor

Born on January 25, 1938 in Moscow in the family of military service. In 1947-1949 He lived with his father and his second wife in the city of Eberswalde Finn (Germany), then returned to Moscow.

During study at School, Vysotsky was engaged in the drama and wanted to enter the theater institute, but at the insistence of parents passed the exams in the Moscow Construction Institute named after V. V. Kuibyshev, where he left soon. In the summer of 1956, he entered the school studio named after V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko at Mkate.

At the end of the Studio (1960), he worked at the Moscow Drama Theater named after A. S. Pushkin and in the Moscow Theater Miniature. Then he began to act in the movies.

In 1964 he was adopted in the Moscow Theater of Drama and Comedy on Taganka, where he worked until the end of his life. The artist played on the stage of Taganka more than 20 roles, of which the most famous role of Hamlet from the Shakespeare tragedy of Shakespeare is the most famous.

In 1960-1961 The first songs of Vysotsky appeared. For his life, he created them about a thousand. Formally not recognized, bypassing radio, television, printing, thanks to the tape recorders of Vysotsky's songs became known to everyone.

Many songs and ballads meant for movies. In 1966, Vysotsky starred in the picture "Vertical" and wrote five songs for her. In total, he played 30 art films. The last years of Vysotsky's life were dramatic. With nationwide popularity, he could not achieve the publication of his poems, the output of the plates; Heavyly worried about betraying, unleashed in the press. From overvoltage sick, in 1979, a clinical death was transferred.

He died on July 25, 1980 in Moscow, buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery. Only after death was published the first collection of his poems "nerve" (1981).

In 1987, for the role of Captain Moore Gleb Zheglov in the five-sister television tape of the director S. S. Govorukhin "The meeting point cannot be changed." He was posthumously awarded the State Prize of the USSR.

Vladimir Vysotsky was implemented as a poet in the genre of the author's song. The early works of Vladimir belong to the 60s of the last century. At first they were performed by Vysotsky in a circle of close comrades, it was later spread with tape recordings. Vysotsky's songs were on various topics: street, yard, military, camp, etc.

Childhood, youth, training.

Vladimir was born in 1938 in Moscow in a military family. The early years of childhood of the little Vysotsky passed in the grinding of a communal apartment. In 1941, his father was called up for military service, and with the arrival of war, the mother and son were evacuated in the Orenburg region, from where they came back to Moscow after 2 years. At that time, the marriage of Father and Mother Vysotsky was under a big question. Parting of parents affected the creative activity of Vladimir. His feelings were reflected in the work of the "Ballad of Childhood".

In 1945, the boy Volodya went to school. Next year, he began to live at the father and the new spouse Seeds Vysotsky.

A year later, Vladimir, together with the new family, he moved to Germany, where he began to engage in music. One of his teachers believed that the boy had absolute hearing.

In 1949, the poet arrives in Moscow.

In 1953, Vladimir gets acquainted with actor Sabinin, thanks to which it becomes a participant in the theater mug. Soon they are written by the first poetic work "My oath".

After graduating from school in 1955, Vysotsky begins training at the Engineering and Construction Institute. However, after some time, it throws training in Him in the hope of getting to theatrical. The following year, the poet becomes students of the acting Studio MCAT.

Actor and musician.

After studying in the acting school, Vladimir begins creative activities in the theater. Pushkin. A little later he writes the song "Tattoo". In 1964, becomes an actor in the theater on Taganka. Here Vysotsky plays in many performances, such as "Life Galilea" and "Pugachev".

In addition, he becomes a movie actor and writes songs to the movies.

Last years.

In 1978, Vladimir Vysotsky gets the highest category of pop soloist. However, during this period, the poet comes to drugs and begins to drink a lot. In 1980, Vladimir Vysotsky dies. The cause of death was heart failure.

While Vladimir Vysotsky was alive, his songworks did not receive official recognition. On the contrary, they were pursued with tough criticism. Until 1981, no edition released the book of the poet's texts. Censorship was removed only after his death, and then partially. The beginning of the legalization of his work falls only for 1986. Since then, the issue of writings of Vysotsky began. Some researchers of his creativity estimate Vysotsky as an important figure in the formation of the views of Russian society.

Option 2.

Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky was born on January 25, 1938 in Moscow. His father was a serviceman, and his mother worked as a referential translator. During the war, Vladimir and Mother had forced to move to the Urals for two years, and then after evacuation, they returned to the capital again. But in Moscow, Vysotsky spent a little time. Having lived five years in marriage, parents divorced. Father married again and moved along with her son to occupied Germany, where Vysotsky began to study the game on the piano, and the mother soon married. Vladimir continued to communicate with both parents, but with a stepfather of the future musician, the relationship did not make up, therefore, having left Germany in 1949, the young man settled in Moscow with his father's family. In the capital, he became close to the companies that sang in the courtyards of the song under the guitar, and carried away the game on this tool.

Already in school years, Vysotsky began to show interest in the theater. He visited a dramatic circle for a while, but then he still did not know that the acting field would become part of his life. After graduating from school, Vladimir Semenovich entered the Engineering and Construction Institute, but then realized that his destination was the actor profession, and decided to submit documents to the MCAT Studio School. At the end of it, Vysotsky changed several Moscow theaters and even tried to get to the theater "Contemporary". The flourishing of his acting career came to work in the theater on Taganka. His Vysotsky dedicated 16 years old: since 1964 to the last days of life. In the theater on Taganka, his talent was embodied in the images of Hamlet, Pugachev, Galilee, Svidrigaylov.

Vladimir Semenovich wrote poems from an early age, and in 1961, inspired by an example of the Bulat Okudzhava, whom he considered his teacher, imposed them to music. So the first song of Vysotsky appeared. The heritage of the musician is about 1000 songs. Among them are those that Vysotsky wrote for movies. Vladimir Semenovich received roles in thirty artistic films. Despite the talent, the love of the people and active creative activity Vysotsky did not receive official recognition. His songs were distributed only on tape recorders, the poems were not published, and the concerts were prohibited. The spouse of the poet - Marina Vlady had supported him in organizing a concert tour of the United States, and also introduced Vladimir Semenovich with the most famous actors in Europe and musicians.

Throughout life, Vysotsky was passionately passionate about cars. Marina Vlady often gave him the cars, including the first foreign car actor - Mercedes. Vysotsky loved to ride at high speed and often broke his cars.

For many years, Vysotsky suffered dependence on alcohol and smoked no less tutu cigarettes per day. This was the reason for the musician and kidney problems from the musician. The fact that doctors were used to treat Vysotsky narcotic substances, which he subsequently began to use regularly.

On July 25, 1980, Vladimir Vysotsky was found in his apartment dead. The reason for his death is not known, since the close poet did not give consent to the opening. According to one of the versions, Vysotsky died due to asphyxia, according to another - from myocardial infarction.

Detailed biography

In winter, January 25, 1939, the future great - the poet, actor and artist, written by him - Vladimir Vysotsky, was born in Moscow. It takes 2nd place in the list of "Russian idols of the 20th century", making an assignment to Yuri Gagarin.


Little Vova lived in a communal apartment with his father and mother: Semen Vladimirovich and Nina Maximovna. At the beginning of the Patriotic War, the boy was only 4 years old, during this period, his parents decided to divorce. Five years later, despite all the vital difficulties, Volodya is interested and regularly engaged in music. A year later, suddenly fond of theater, as a result, it starts to walk on theatrical circle.

After school, the young man goes to the Moscow Institute of Construction, but she graduates after some time, since there was no tenderness to this activity. The thrust for the theater takes the top, and Vysotsky enters MCAT. After the first exit to the scene, all his remaining life is connected with the theater.

Creativity Vysotsky

Poetry Vladimir was also interested in school age, but it began to create thoroughly in this area in the 60s. However, despite the attraction of people, he had a frivolous attitude towards his songs. Every day, Vladimir Vysotsky gained popularity, performed at various concerts, received many awards, with all this, the time to arrange a personal life. But he was in conflict with the Government of the USSR. The power did everything so that the songs of the artist did not apply.

As a result of large moral loads, Vysotsky began to drink, which caused another issue of problems. But Vladimir coped well with all the difficulties, without ceasing to engage in favorite hobbies. He wrote almost 600 songs and about 200 poems. In 1978, he was assigned the highest category of vocalist and pop soloist. Contrary to health issues, in recent years of life, Vysotsky did not cease to give concerts before the public, in parallel speaking in the theater.

The death of Vladimir Vysotsky

With health, Vysotsky was not all right. The use of drugs and alcoholic beverages did not take place without a trace. In 1969, the first attack with serious consequences happened in his life. A year later, he found a steady dependence on drugs. And later it turned out that he could not without this day.

July 25, 1980, Vladimir Vysotsky died, he was 42 years old. He predicted this by saying his relatives. The reason for his death is not clarified, as the autopsy decided not to exercise, but the mother was sure that Vladimir was killed by narcotic substances.

Vladimir Semenovich died many years ago, but the memory of him still remains in our hearts.

Date biography and interesting facts. The most important thing.

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Vysotsky Vladimir Semenovich (1938-1980) - a brilliant poet who lived and worked in the Soviet Union, a film actor, author of prosaic works; He was a leading actor in the theater on Taganka, performed his own written songs on the Russian seven-string guitar. In 1987, the USSR State Prize is posthumously.


Vladimir was born on January 25, 1938. This happened at 9 h. 40 min. Morning in the Dzerzhinsky district of the capital of the USSR, on the third street of Messenskaya was the hospital number 8. Now much changed their name, now it is Schepkin Street, and the building of the maternity hospital belongs to the Monica Institute. But there still is a sign that on January 25, a great man was born here ─ Vladimir Vysotsky.

His dad, Vysotsky Semen Vladimirovich, was from the Ukrainian capital, the city of Kiev. He was a military relations, passed the Great Patriotic War, had about 20 medals and orders, it was accustomed to the title of Colonel. Vysotsky's grandfather in the father's line was also called Vladimir Semenovich, he came from Brest and at one time received three higher education - a lawyer, a chemist and economist. Grandmother of the poet, Daria Alekseevna, worked as a nurse, later a beautician, she adored his grandson Vladimir and was a passionate fan of his creativity.

Mom, Nina Maksimovna (Maiden's Name Surigina), had a diploma of the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bon Higher Education. Worked by a translator with a German language, later in the "Intourist" guide.

And the Father, and the mother was much survived by their ingenious child. Semen Vladimirovich died in 1997, Nina Maksimovna in 2003.

The Vysotsky family lived in a huge communal, located in an old house on the 1st Meshchanskaya street. After many years in the "Ballad of childhood", the poet will write about his first apartment: "There are only one-room for 38 rooms."


With the beginning of the war, the dad went to the front, and the little Volodya with Mom was evacuated to the village of Vorontsovka near the city of Buzuluk Orenburg region. There they lived two years and returned to Moscow in 1943.

Vladimir's father at the front got acquainted with the young widow Evgenia Likhalatova, and when he returned home, Vysotsky's parents divorced. Mom soon got married a second time, but a little Volodya had a relationship with stepfather, and at Nina's most time for the upbringing of the Son, Nina Maksimovna.

Then the Father decided to take away the child with him to Germany, where he was sent to the service. Volodya in his native mother, of course, missed, but he really liked the stepmother. Evgenia Stepanovna by nationality - Armenian and to show how respectfully he belongs to it, Vladimir accepted baptism in the Armenian Apostolic Church. He called her mother's wife, and the woman was practically alone engaged in the upbringing of the step, because Semyon Vladimirovich disappeared with whole days in the service. In the future, it will be to defend Volodya when he decides to tie his fate with his work, his mother and father will be categorically against it.

Vladimir began school training at Moscow School No. 273, where he studied two years. Then the training was held in the German city of Eberswald, where the father served. He immediately began to explore riding a bike and a game on the piano. In the fall of 1949, he came with his father and his mother in Zhenya to Moscow, where he went to study in the middle men's school number 186. He continued his studies in the 5th grade at the place of residence, and the father and mother of Zhenya were located on a large regime alley, which he was later Wire his famous song. It is here, at home number 15, the first memorial plaque is installed in a nationwide idol.

Study at institutions

Artistic data was manifested in Volodya back in school years, he was engaged in a dramatic circle under the leadership of Actor MHAT V. Bogomolov. And in the adolescence, all the evening, Vladimir spent in the companies of the courtyard of the Youth, the main entertainment of which at that time there was a whining on the guitar and the execution of shifting songs about Kolyma, Murku and Vorkuta.

In 1955, Volodya received a certificate of secondary education and at the insistence of parents became a student of the Mechanical Faculty at the Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute. But here he did not adopt and years. On New Year's Eve, when all students celebrated a holiday, Volodya with another Kohanovsky Igor did drawings, without which there would be no admission to exams. When everything was drawn, Vladimir took the ink and poured on Watman with the finished drawing, saying: "Enough. I have 6 months in stock to prepare for admission to theatrical. And this is all - not for me ... ". He wrote a statement in the dean, and he was expelled from an educational institution at his own request.

In the summer of 1956, Volodya entered the acting department to the MHAT Studio School. In the third year, he first played on the theatrical scene. It was a training formulation of "crime and punishment", he got the role of Petrophrya Petrovich. At the same time, it comes from his first work in the cinema. In the painting "Peer" Vladimir played a small role of the Petit Student.


After graduating from MCAT, Vysotsky went to work at the Pushkin Theater. Here he played a little, about 10 characters, most of the secondary. The largest role was leached in the "Scarlet Flower".

The next place of the work of Vysotsky became the theater Miniature, but here he did not get much joy, the role of him was given episodic or even involved in the extras. Many frankly laughed at his low voice with hoarsely, who later became his corporate piece. Here the actor worked less than two months.

Tried Vladimir to break through to the theater "Contemporary". From 1960 to 1964, he was in the search until he fell into the theater on Taganka. From now on, two words "Taganka" and "Vysotsky" will be forever interconnected insepactly, here it will work until death, despite the fact that he did not always have a relationship with the leader of the theater Yuri Lyubimov.

It took quite a bit of time, and already people went to the theater on Tagank only because of Vysotsky. He furiously started the public, to the moan and exhaustion, as it can only make the greatest actors.

It is impossible to replay it, the roles performed by them will remain the best forever:

The name of the performance The role of Vysotsky V. S.
"Life of Galilee" Galilee
"Good man from Seshuana" Second God
"Mother" Vlasov-father
"Hero of our time" captain Dragunsky
"Pugachev" Clapper
"Hamlet" Hamlet
"The Cherry Orchard" Lopakhin
"Crime and Punishment" Svidrigailov

In the theater on Taganka, Vysotsky had envious, but there were also real faithful friends-Filatov Lena, Demidov Alla, Valery Zolotukhin. Together with the team, Vladimir often traveled abroad on tour: in Bulgaria and Poland, Hungary and Germany, France and Yugoslavia.


Especially loved and continue to love the audience the role of Vysotsky in the movies.

He played in almost 30 kinocartines, in 6 films sang his own songs, and in 11 his songs were performed by other people.

In which year, the film went to the screens? Movie title The role of Vysotsky V. S.
1961 "Career Dima Gorina" Sofron (assessment assets)
1962 "713th asks landing" american Marian
1963 "Free kick" Yuri Nikulin (Gymnast)
1965 "Cook" Andrei Pchexel
1965 "For tomorrow's street" Peter Markin (Brigadier)
1967 "Short meetings" Maxim (geologist)
1967 "Vertical" Volodya (radist)
1968 "Intervention" Voronov / Brodsky
1968 "Master of Taiga" Ryaby (Brigadier Allifies)
1968 "Two comrades served" Blusnow
1975 "Mr. McKornley's flight" Bill Sieger (singer)
1976 "Tale about how King Peter Arape married" Ibrahim Hannibal
1979 "Little tragedies" Don Guang

Well, and, of course, the most famous film "The meeting place is impossible cannot be changed," where Vladimir has played the captain of the Moscow police Gleb Zheglov. Directed by Stanislav Govorukhin was not easy to work with the actor. Vladimir did not like the second double, if he had played once, then he passed everything through himself, already survived these emotions and repeated them was not going to repeat. And our partners started so that they were also played out from the first dubl.


Vysotsky wrote more than 850 poetic works (poems and songs).

It is difficult to call the other side of life that he would not affect in his work. He wrote about love and politics, humorous and satirical poems, which sharply criticized the social system, he composed ballads, songs-fairy tales, monologues. He sang about how simple mortals are about their honor and dignity, about the strength of a human nature, the weights of fate.

In Soviet apartments at that time, bobble tape recorders began to appear, and there was probably not a single family in which he would not listen to Vysotsky's records. He was banned by the government, and the people did from Vladimir Kumir. Especially threw the soul of his "Songs on the backward":

  • "About the paradise apples";
  • "Two destinies";
  • "Horses picky";
  • "Giraffe";
  • "Balnika in white";
  • "I dont like";
  • "Running Innodtsa";
  • "Sail";
  • "Wolves Hunt";
  • "Song about a friend";
  • "Big Kareny";
  • "He did not return from the fight";
  • "Save our souls";
  • "Ships".

Unfortunately, recognized the great poet after his death. In 1981 he saw the light of a collection of poetic works of Vysotsky "nerve".

Personal life

With his first wife, Vladimir, Vladimir met his student years. They played a wedding in 1960, but a joint life turned out to be completely short.

In 1961, Vysotsky became acquainted with the most beautiful artist of the Soviet Union, so he described the future spouse to his friend. It was Lyudmila Abramova. Two sons were born in their union - in 1962 by Arkady and in 1964 Nikita.

With Lyudmila Abramova Vladimir divorced in 1968. Nevertheless, after many years after his death, she founded and is a keeper of the memorial museum V. S. Vysotsky.

His third spouse and the museum became Marina Vlad, actress from France.

Vladimir knew her on the film "Witch", in which she played at the age of 17. Then men around the world were in love with the beauty of Marina. Vlad was also heard about the actor Vysotsky and about his songs from its French colleagues.

Their meeting took place in 1967. Marina came to the Soviet Union, came to the theater on the Taganka, to the play "Pugachev", where it was so furious Vysotsky shouted and rushed, shaken in the chain, playing a clapboard. She shocked this power. After the performance, they first met each other in the restaurant.

She went to Paris, but the incomprehensible longing did not give her peace, at first Marina could not figure out, which is why the heart whine. When a phone call was heard, and she heard at that end of the wire a voice with hoarse, I understood right away why she was so bad. Marina Vlady disappeared, because they fell in love.

The Soviet leadership was favorably and allowed to get married in 1970. But they lacked the time to be happy. Marina constantly sought some loopholes to come to her husband in the USSR. It was impossible to go to the Soviet Union for permanent residence for her, she had sons from previous marriages in Paris.

Infinite visas and huge distances were tormented by them, but those days when they were together became for Volodya and Marina with a real holiday. It overthound only that it was noticed every time, as highly Vysotsky enters into alcohol addiction. Vlad was constantly fought for him, tried to win him from this harmful habit. It almost happened: in the last visit to Paris, Vladimir promised her that she would start with this case forever.

Yes, he tied. Forever ... On July 25, 1980, a telephone call rang in Paris in the apartment of Marina at 4 am. She immediately felt that he would hear now; At that end, the wire was told: "Volodya died."

Death and funeral

He died in his Moscow apartment in a dream. Native refused to take an autopsy, so no one knows the exact cause of death (infarction or asphase).

The country passed the summer Olympiad. It was forbidden to report the death of the Great Poet and the musician. At the cash window of the theater on Taganka, a small piece of paper hung, where they wrote that the performance would not take place, the actor Vysotsky Vladimir died. No person who bought a ticket for the performance did not pass it back.

Despite the fact that the death of the poet did not report any radio nor television, learned the whole country, and the entire Moscow appeared on the Vagankov cemetery. The people have a huge ohaphki of living flowers and in the scorching July day hung them under umbrellas so as not to be called. Vysotsky sincerely loved and regretted ordinary people, and they idolized him for it.

Name: Vladimir Vysotsky (Vladimir Vysotsky)

Age: 42 years

Place of Birth: Moscow

Place of death: Moscow

Activity: Actor, poet, singer

Marital status: married to Marina Vlad

Vladimir Vysotsky - Biography

Vladimir Vysotsky in his biography was not like anyone else in any company, before any audience was always his own. As Yuri said: "Volodya had a gift amazing, he knew how to love a man. Therefore, people have so stretched to him. "

Marina Vlava wanted to put a fallen meteorite on his grave. Vysotsky lived a bright, but short life, burners in a too dense atmosphere of the Soviet state. He paid an expensive price for remaining a real man.

In our country, he was Che Herger, James Din and John Lennon in one person. Freedom wrestler, a singer, collecting stadiums, an alcoholic and addict, a talented actor, a great poet. Vysotsky has never been an anti-signature, but the party officials even mentioned his name caused an allergic reaction. Vysotsky was not allowed to be filmed in the cinema, the criminal cases began, first drawn out of the lists submitted to state awards and titles. It is about to see their poems printed, the poet, which today put in one row with Pasternak, and Brodsky, did not even dreamed.

The main crime of Vysotsky is that he was not like that. Too free and strong. He remained the only Soviet actor who had played heroes, which in our time would be called "Macho." Not collective farmers, proletaris or intelligent spies, but people with animal magnetism and calm restrained power.

Vladimir Vysotsky belonged to the generation, which always believed that "late to be born." It seemed that after the end of the Great Patriotic War in the world there was no more place for the feat. Perhaps it is here that the roots are sometimes a little disguised manhood of Vysotsky. The poet had proved all my life - let him born too late, but he is worthy of those who were in war.

Vladimir Vysotsky - childhood, family

However, Vysotsky war just found. He was born on January 25, 1938 at 9 am to 40 minutes in the maternity hospital at the third Meshanskaya (now - Shchepkin Street). He spent the first years of life in the same area of \u200b\u200bMoscow, at the first Meshanskaya, in the building of the former hotel "Natalis", divinical to communal apartments.

As a child, Vysotsky found "noises in the heart", so later it was recognized as unfit to military service. But many of Vysotsky's relatives were in one way or another associated with the army - it's not by chance that he has so many songs about the war, about soldiers and pilots. Military, for example, were the brothers of Mothers of Vysotsky - Sergey and Vladimir.

Summer pilot Sergey Seregin in the pre-war years commanded squadrons. But in 1939 he was arrested, accusing that during the emergency landing Sergey was more worried about the life of the crew members than about the safety of the aircraft. And his brother Vladimir was a military relationship. He also introduced his sister Nina with his colleague - Semen Vysotsky.

Vladimir Vysotsky's parents lived together shortly. In 1941, Semyon Vysotsky went to the front. It was one of the first memories of Little Volodya. He so wanted to go along with his father to war, that he was not discouraged and allowed to sit in the car along with Semen Vladimirovich. But before being sent by Volodya, they called a walk on the platform, and the train went without him. The boy was so upset that he had to carry him in his arms.

Semen Vladimirovich no longer returned to the house on the first mesh. During the war, he met Evgenia Stepanovna Likhalatova, who worked in the main department of the NKVD's highway roads, and, having come from the front, settled on her in a large regime.

But so far before it was far away. Nina Maksimovna and Volodya was on duty on the roofs, stealing incendiary bombs, hid in a bomb shelter. Then, in the biography of Vysotsky, there were two years of evacuation in the Ural village: Spiritzavod named after Chapayev, where Nina Maksimovna worked, a log hollow, forty-degree frosts. Volodya had to give to the kindergarten on the six day. Having come home once, he said: "Happiness is when there are no lumps in the manna kas."

In 1943, they returned to Moscow. And after two years, Volodya went to school. He studied well, but there was no excellent student - a lot of hooliganil, messed up classmates and teachers, wrote some poems and fables in the lessons. Vysotsky considered a talented lazy - such usually exist in each class. Somehow in elementary school, the teacher kicked him out of the lesson. Volodya, gathering things, went to a parallel class: "Now I will learn from you."

In 1946, Vysotsky's parents officially divorced. Nina Maksimovna married again, but relations with a stepfather of Volodya, to put it mildly, did not work out. Therefore, when Semen Vladimirovich received a appointment to the Soviet troops in Germany, it was decided that Vladimir would go with his father and his new wife.

The biography of children's years Vysotsky is difficult to call unhappy. It was simple that it was somehow unsettled: mother and stepfather, father and stepmother, constant moving - any child is confused, where his real family. Although life in Germany, any of his peers should seemed like a fairy tale: a separate three-bedroom apartment, stitched specifically for Volodya, a military uniform donated by his father's bike. True, on this bike, he rode not long - gave the German boy who lived next door. Semenu Vladimirovich Volodya explained: "I have you, and he died on his front."

There are many of these stories from the childhood of Vysotsky. If it were about another person, they could be considered the fruit of the fantasy of his biographers - about great people it is necessary to write that they and in childhood were smart, kind and bold. But in history with the bike it is impossible not to believe: Vladimir and many years later, without thinking, crushed his things. Just as it is impossible not to believe in the fact that a couple of years later, on the dacha near Moscow, he has spread his friends to untie the neighbor's boat and give her to float along the river. The boys avenged living in the village of the family of doctors who refused to help a sick child.

By that time, Vysotsky had already lived again in Moscow - in the apartment on a large regime, together with Semen Vladimirovich and Evgenia Stepanovnaya. The yard company first did not accept a stranger, which was called "American" - for a bright foreign jacket. Volodya had to bring friends from the first mesh and "explain who is here American."

There, on the suspension of Vysotsky Great Kareny, his code of conduct was formed. Without thinking, climb into a fight, if someone tries to insult. Protect weak. Never betray friends. Vysotsky's company was even their own charter. For example, friends swore belong to women not "on a friendly", as prescribed at the time by the Charter of the Komsomol, but in Knights.

Irene Vysotsky, a cousin of Vladimir, recalls the biography of that time: "He is almost sixteen ... a happy time to awaken the feelings, first meetings. One of these first romantic attachments of Volodya was the young relative of our neighbor, the famous Transcarpathian artist Erdeld, an uncomfortable girl. So I see: she stands on one side of the fence that shares our homes, he is another. Conversations stretch over midnight. And even then, in these timid courtship, it is manifested by a knighthood, respectful attitude towards a woman: whether it is a mother, a loved one, any close or even a stranger ... "

The courtyard code of honor of a large regime was like a rigid rules for which the heroes of street boys lived - criminals and political prisoners who returned from the camps. "Blessed" in the cap and with a fix for many was an example of a real man. Not because of the robberies and murders, but because he constantly risked his life and did not lose his own dignity.

Vladimir Vysotsky also could not stay aside from this thickened romance. It is not by chance that his first songs were parodies and imitation of soul-permanent criminal romance. Although then they usually obtained much better than originals.

Vladimir Vysotsky - Study

Igor Kohanovsky - the author of the "Indian Summer" song, which long was attributed to Vysotsky, - taught Volodya the simplest guitar chords. Anatoly Utresky introduced him to actor Sabinin, who, in turn, led Vysotsky to the theater circle of Vladimir Bogomolov. At that time, Vysotsky finished school and knew exactly what he wanted to become an artist. But the father forbade him to come to theatrical head. Semen Vladimirovich believed that the Son must first get a "normal profession." Vysotsky and Kohanovsky decided to go to Engineering and Construction - MII. But to draw drawings and make calculations to Vladimir categorically did not like. Convergently all the first semester, in front of the winter session, he took the documents from the Institute.

The following year, Vysotsky entered the MCAT Studio School. It turned out to be not easy - some members of the Commission considered it "professionally unsuitable" due to hoarse voices. Vysotsky and otherwise there was little like the bohemian bohemians and girls who studied in theatrical. He always differed from the rest, but it was precisely this and attracted many girls -Even sensersnitz, who usually did not pay attention to newbies. Town then at the third year of Iza Zhukov said that Vysotsky was already "in a special jail. At the nineteen years he was a man really, in a large, large. So it's not by chance that many girls of our course, as they say, laid eyes on him. There was also me among them. "

Vladimir Vysotsky - Personal Life

Washed Vladimir at the party. The young teacher took care of her, but Vysotsky was not embarrassed. He just took her hand and left the party with her. In the autumn of 1957, they settled on the first Meshchanskaya, where Mom Vysotsky lived: he almost did not communicate with his father after his departure from Misi.

This marriage did not last long ago: four years later, Vladimir and Iza broke up. Vysotsky never treated his marriage, personal life seriously. When they came to submit an application to the registry office with Zhukov, they began to explain how to fill the blanks. Vladimir laughed: "This is the bride, explain. I do not understand anything in it. "

In addition, Vysotsky, as he sang in one of the songs, too "loved women, and leprosy." While Zhukov worked in the Rostov Theater, Vladimir, as he himself said, "fell in love with the most beautiful actress of the Soviet Union" - Lyudmila Abramov. "When I arrived in Leningrad to shoot," Lyudmila recalled, "I was issued, but I did not have time to give a salary. And soon I spent the most recent money in the restaurant of the European Hotel.

Late in the evening I went to the hotel, the guys spent me. Everyone had three kopecks to have time to take bridges to take the tram to the other side of the Neva. And I, already literally without a single penny, went to the hotel - and met Volodya. I did not know him in my face, I did not know that he actor. I saw a drank person in front of him. And while I thought how to get around it, he asked me money. Volodya had an abrasion on his head, and, despite the cold rainy Leningrad evening, he was in an unbuttoned shirt with torn buttons. I somehow immediately understood that this person should be helped. "

Abramova gave Vysotsky ancient ring to leave him as a collateral in the restaurant. Vladimir started the fight there and was supposed to pay for the broken dishes and broken furniture. Three hours of Vysotsky came to the Room of Lyudmila with a guitar and a bottle of brandy: "Dali".

All night he sang Abram song - his own and other people, - and in the morning suddenly offered to marry him. Lyudmila agreed. A year later, they were born the son of Arkady, and in two years - Nikita.

Vladimir knew that his voice was acting on women. Writer Eduard Volodarsky recalled: "When he started to sing, all the girls were His! It was not interesting to walk with him even on the babes. Only dries - all it. Think: what are you doing here, fool! A mighty voice fascinating tightly ... In him, a man sat in powerful ... "

Vladimir Vysotsky - the beginning of the acting career, theater

However, in the theater for this "powerful man" for a long time simply was not the roles of the appropriate heat and scale. Vysotsky had to play Leshego in the "Scarlet Flower", some episodic characters in the play with the title "Pork Tails". After graduating from the Studio Studio, Moscow, Vladimir changed not one place of work.

Only in 1964, immediately after the appearance of the second son, the theater appeared in the creative biography of Vysotsky, the Taganka Theater appeared. On September 19, Vysotsky has already played the role of the second god in the play "Good Man from Selyuana." It was only the beginning - then the role of Galilee, Gamlet, Clapper, Lopakhina followed. All of them are even a hamlet, who until the moment was made to depict the pale feasible young men, "the execution of Vysotsky was primarily the men. As the actor himself believed, "Shakespeare wrote a man. The time was cruel, people ate meat with a knife, slept on the skins. "

Those who saw Vysotsky on the stage were not surprised that he could conquer the woman almost any of his favorite, "after all, he actually hypnotized hundreds of spectators by clock.

Alla Demidova, a colleague Vladimir Vysotsky on the theater in Taganka, recalled: "He possessed an amazing energy, which, saccumulating on the image, like a ray of a strong spotlight, beat into the hall. This tension field people felt even the skin. I sometimes went to his back so as not to fall under this crushing power of exposure ... "

The low and thin Vysotsky on the scene was transformed. He seemed giant, superman. Despite its small growth (about 170 centimeters) and a slim figure, Vysotsky was an excellent athlete and tried to maintain a good physical form. He loved to impress the girls, rising on his hands on the stairs or making flip. Vysotsky could even dance several Pa on a vertical wall.

Elena Sadovnikova, who worked at the Sklifosovsky Institute, told: "Folded Volodya was simply amazing. As a doctor, I looked at many people, but there was no such way, a beautiful, strong body. "

But physical strength is not all. Much more important was the inner force - it was felt by everyone who saw Vysotsky in the theater or on the screen. He did not just play the roles of climbers, American marines, geologists, investigators. Vladimir Vysotsky lived their lives - and sang songs about them. Many of his works begin with the pronouns "I" - and every time it was another "I".

In the USSR, for a long time, few people knew the real biography of Vysotsky - everyone told his legend. Someone fought with him, someone sat in the camp, someone rose to Elbrus. In any city, it was possible to meet a person who crushed the circumstances of his meeting with Vysotsky-Skomp or Vysotsky trucker in detail and refused to believe that the author of famous songs was a Moscow actor, who loved the expensive cars and beautiful things.

This is how Vladimir Vysotsky described the same Alla Demidov: "He bought a brown jacket with fur inserts, synthetic, and was so proud of it, and all the time went to the mirror and looked at himself all the time ... he had a favorite red tedney Silk which tightened his biceps, the chest is wide. And the shoes have always been very sour, cleaned, with a good sole. Aesthetically loved it ... Once he at some other anniversary, unexpectedly came in a beautiful blue blazer, with gold buttons. All groaned from surprise and delight. He counted on it. "

However, Vysotsky has never been simply "Pijon". When his last wife, Marina Vladi, asked why she did not find her husband in France, she replied: "There is Sharman, and here is a man." The French actress of Russian origin, being in Moscow, first saw Vysotsky at the Pugachev rehearsal: "On the stage, a semi-dressed person screams and beats. From the belt to the shoulders, it is wrapped in chains. The feeling is terrible. "

Later, they with Vysotsky were in the same company in the WTO restaurant. "Finally I met you," he said the actress, and then the whole evening was explained to her in love. Marina for a long time it seemed that she had no feelings for Vladimir: a pretty and talented young man, no more. But returned to Paris, heard Mom: "Yes, you are in love, my girl." And I realized that this is true.

A year later, Vysotsky broke up with Abramova. Began a long, exhausting novel with Marina Vlad. She came to the Soviet Union on the tourist tickets, met with Vysotsky on the apartments of friends, went with him on tour. Only 1970, the priest finally married him.

Knowing that Vladimir will not be able to live abroad, Marina was ready to move forever in the USSR, taking off the children from the first marriage. Vysotsky then decided to acquire his own home: "I decided to buy my house. Thousands for seven ... Marina filed this idea ... I already found the house, with all the amenities, an ordinary wooden cottage in an excellent condition, to furnish her ... I will have the opportunity there to work there ... Marina acts soothing on me .. . "

Vladimir really began to build a house - on the territory of the country site Edward Volodarsky. But he was finished only in the spring of 1980, shortly before the death of the poet.

Vysotsky and Marina Vlad had to live on friends, then on removable apartments, then in hotels. But the Frenchwoman who was accustomed to the luxurious life did not complain about a unsettled life. Having met the Russian "man", Marina Vladimirovna Polyakova-Baydarov, actually named Marina, was a simple Russian woman for verification.

According to the memories of Lyudmila Chursina, Marina, having married Vysotsky, "Slightly spread out, the dress on it was slightly spread along the seams, the novels were not distinguished, and the novelty was not distinguished, and the hair was disappeared. But she was so natural and felt perfectly! .. "

Once on the set, as one of the familiar Vysotsky told, Vladimir asked Marina to go beyond the beer: "She tied her head with some handkerchief, took the most ordinary bidonchik and went to the nearest baths where they traded a good beer."

By that time, Vysotsky was already seriously sick. All his attempts to recover from alcoholism were unsuccessful. Vladimir passed through the most painful procedures, including "blood purification", but after a few weeks or even days again fell into the filing. Marina said: "... Your condition finally begins to disturb the drinking companions. First, they are so nice to be with you, listen to how you sing ... But always comes when, finally tired, rubbed, they see that all this whistle turns around the nightmare. You get unforgettable, your effluent with vodka strength scares them, you no longer shout, and you are. " Marina once even "sewed" along with Vysotsky to support him.

Marina Vlad was far from the only woman who helped the poet and taking it. To say that Vysotsky was obliged to all what he achieved, representatives of the beautiful sex would, of course, it would be untrue. But women really always tried to help him.

Fans of Vysotsky, who worked on film studios, recommended the actors to the role and "pushed" his songs in movies. Stewardles persuaded the pilots to delay the sake of the flights. Telephone prompts once died over all hotels of Rome for several days to find Vysotsky Marina Vlad, which was then in Italy on tour. Even Galina Brezhnev, the daughter of the Secretary-General, always tried to help him than could.

American Barbara German, wife Valery Janchlovich, one of the friends of Vladimir Vysotsky, recalled: "With women he turned ingenious! If it was a young girl, then Volodya began to tactfully "pester", and if a solid woman aged, - spoke already completely differently: very politely and carefully. "

Vysotsky really knew how to care in different ways. He often loved to portray the "Breeding Guy from the Moscow region", persistently demanding the attention of the woman liked. But once, seeing how the young sixteen-year-old girl comes out of the entrance, in an elegant white dress, which, apparently, went to the dance for the first time, or on a date, Vladimir just came up, kissed her hand and quietly said: "How are you quietly Beautiful. "

And Faina Ranevskaya knew quite another Vysotsky. At one time, they worked together in the theater. Approaching once to the bulletin board, "Ranevskaya saw several dozen orders, in which Vladimir Vysotsky declared reprimands for various disorders of the discipline. "Who is this poor boy?" - Actress was sorry. The low slender young man standing nearby answered quietly: "I". Since then, Faina Georgievna took over Vysotsky patronage and was constantly stirred for him before the bosses.

Vladimir Novikov, the author of Vladimir Vysotsky's biography, nevertheless argues that in fact the poet usually "preferred a male company to women's society." The statement, of course, controversial. However, Vysotsky's wives really seemed that friends were always for him in the first place. After all, for a real man, friendship is holy.

True, after the death of Vysotsky, it turned out that he had several dozen "best friends." Perhaps all these people really often communicated with him, but we must not forget that the poet, especially in recent years, was extremely indispensable in dating.

He, of course, was friends with his colleagues - with Valery Zolotukhin, Vsevolod Abdulov, Ivan Bortnik, Oleg Dalem. But Vysotsky always attracted people with unusual biographies - freedom captains, test pilots, climbers. Strong, bold - the same as he himself. Or at least what Vysotsky himself wanted to see himself.

On a large register of his older friend, the teacher and idol was Levon Kocharyan. Leva, as everyone called him, finished Jurfak, worked in Mura, and then became the director on Mosfilm. One of Kocharian's colleagues told about Levon: "He was a man of uncommon opportunities and enormous will. He knew everything: to repair things and break obstacles, cook the exquisite dishes and there are glass glasses, catching terrible gangsters and with especially scary to be friends, to keep scholars and fight their heads, to be gentle and careful to friends and mercilessly tough with enemies. "

The same friend, and perhaps in something and the teacher, became later for Vysotsky Vadim Tumanov. He was one of the few, with whom the poet could be friends "on equal." At the time of their meeting, the fogs, once served as an assault on the Northern Fleet, was the gold defector. For eight years he spent in the camps "for anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda", which were in the hobby of Mayakovsky, Yesenin and Vertinsky - during the search he was confiscated several dozen plates.

Vysotsky saw in Vadim Tumanov a man who had a chance to survive what was not in the fate of the poet himself, and considered herself to call himself him friend.

Perhaps alcohol was for Vysotsky "skipping" to the life that his friends and idols lived - complete adventures and dangers. For those around him, he was a hero and a superman, but the poet himself wanted more. And maybe Vysotsky, who constantly in the atmosphere of prohibitions and censorship, thus tried to give the exit of its energy, his passions. He no longer had anything else: And, smiling, I broke your wings, my wheeight was sometimes similar to how much was on howl, - and I have no one from pain and Besalie, and only whispered: "Thank you for being alive."

Gradually, Vysotsky turned out of an alcoholic in a drug addict. For the first time he tried drugs in the mid-70s. During the tour, some woman told him that her husband comes out with their help from the swallows. Vysotsky decided to follow this example - and soon could not do without a zone. Thanks to his connections, he could get any forbidden drug.

Many who saw him on stage in recent years, spoke about his "glass" eyes - Vysotsky could no longer play without "doping". In 1977 he was taken to the hospital directly from the play "10 days that shook the world." The role of Kerensky for him milked Zolotukhin. Vysotsky has discovered brain swelling. The liver and one kidney were destroyed. Doctors announced that with this lifestyle, he is waiting for death or mental inferiority.

Vysotsky seemed to try to experience the taste of life, methodically destroying himself. At the end of the seventies, Valery Zolotukhin recalled, Vladimir sometimes it seemed that he sees his life from the side - as if watching the movies. A film about the famous actor, a singer, collecting stadiums, a Russian man, married in French film actresses and traveling around the world.

Even the Hollywood stars could not resist his charm. Lisa Minhellley and Natalie Wood on one of the parties how the people were listening to the songs of Vysotsky, sitting at his feet. Marina Vlad was jealous: "Lisa Minhelli, with her huge, to the whole face with eyes and false eyelashes, throws a carnival look at you."

Of course, with trips abroad, everything was not just just, but thanks to the French wife, Vysotsky, after all, became "away." Now he could walk along with Mikhail Shemyakin on Marseille Port Kabakov, could buy Mercedes in Germany. However, Vladimir was not going to stay abroad. There he was not needed anyone. Vysotsky was not just a real man - he was a real Russian man. Let him come out of the plates in France, even if Charles Aznavour himself admitted: "He is better than me. He does not sink - he chooses. " All the same, Vysotsky himself was only in his homeland.

Vladimir Vysotsky - Care from life, death

But he was also no longer able to live in the Soviet Union. The authorities did not need heroes. Vysotsky began to slowly and methodically kill. Yes, and the poet himself seemed to bring his end to his end - alcohol, drugs, mad rhythm of life, when he slept three or four hours a day. The fact that he lived to forty-two years was already a miracle.

Death came early in the morning of July 25, 1980. Official diagnosis - myocardial infarction. Worn organism in the end refused. In the last days before his death, he almost did not get out of bed and shouted from pain. But still refused to go to the hospital. He said that on July 27, he needed to play "Hamlet", and the 29th - to fly to Paris to Marina Vlad. Although everyone who has seen then Vysotsky, remember that he constantly spoke of early death. Perhaps he just did not want to live more, did not want to save him.

No ads on radio and television that day, of course, was not, but by the evening of the death of Vysotsky already knew the whole Moscow. On July 28, thousands of people reached out on Taganka. The theater was forgated with Vladimir Vysotsky - a poet, a singer, a musician, an actor. The hero, who believed that was "late to be born," but still died in the war - on his own undeclared war.

In Moscow in the family of a serviceman.

His mother in the early years of the war served as a transcription bureau with the main administration of geodesy and cartography of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, then worked as a German-language referent in the Foreign Department of the Central Federal District, a guide in "Intourist". Father - Military Connector, Colonel, Veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Cavalier of more than 20 orders and medals.

After the divorce of parents, in 1947, Vladimir moved to live in a new family of his father and until 1949 lived at its place of service in the city of Eberswalde (Germany).

Returning to Moscow, the family settled in a large regime lane, where Vladimir entered the fifth grade of school No. 186.

Since 1953, Vysotsky visited a drama in the teacher's house, who led the artist of Mkhat Vladimir Bogomolov.

In 1955, at the insistence of relatives, he entered the Mechanical Faculty of Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute, which left after the first semester.

In 1960 he graduated from the Studio School of MCAT, Pavel Massalsky.

The first of his theatrical work was the role of Petrophry Petrovich in the educational performance "Crime and Punishment" (1959).

In 1960-1962, Vysotsky worked at the Moscow theater named after A.S. Pushkin, where played the role of Leshego in the play "Scarlet Flower" on the Aksakov fairy tale, as well as about 10 of the roles, mainly episodic.

In 1962-1964, he was an actor of the Moscow Theater Miniature.

In 1964-1980, Vladimir Vysotsky worked in the troupe of the Moscow Theater of Drama and Comedy on Taganka under the leadership of Yuri Lyubimov. He played the main roles in the play "Life Galilee" and "Hamlet", participated in the performances "Good man from Selyan", "Antimires", "fallen and living", "Listen!", "Pugachev", "Cherry Sad", "Crime and punishment "and others.

In the cinema, he debuted in 1959 in the episodic role of the Petit Student in the film of the director of Vasily Orda "Persener". At the beginning of his film director, Vysotsky was occupied mainly in episodes and roles of the second plan. He starred such films as "Career Dima Gorina" (1961), "713-th requests landing" (1962), "sinner" (1962), "Our House" (1965), "Strayaku" (1965), "Sasha" - Sash "(1966)," Vertical "(1966)," Intervention "(1968). Played the main roles in the pictures of "Short Meetings" (Maxim, 1967), "served two comrades" (Blusnow, 1968), "Taiga Master" (Rybag, 1968), "bad good man" (background Koren, 1973), "Tale About how the king Peter Arap was married "(Arap, 1976)," Little tragedies "(Don Guang, 1979)," The meeting place cannot be changed "(Zheglov, 1979).

His first poem "My oath", dedicated to the memory of Joseph Stalin, Vysotsky wrote, being an 8th grade student, in March 1953. In the early 1960s, the first songs of Vysotsky appeared. One of the first steel songs "49 days" (1960) about the feat of four Soviet soldiers drifting and surviving in the Pacific, and Tattoo (1961), which posted the beginning of the cycle of the "Blessed" topics.

He first performed his first songs in a narrow circle, since 1965 sang from the stage.

Poetic and song creativity, along with work in the theater and cinema, has become the main thing about his life. Vysotsky songs sounded in 32 art films.

In 1968, the first flexible record of Vladimir Vysotsky with songs from the movie "Vertical" was published, in 1973-1976 - four copyright minions, in 1977 three more author's disks were released in France.

On February 13, 1978, by order of the Minister of Culture of the USSR, according to an entry in the artist certification certificate, Vladimir Vysotsky was awarded the highest category of Vocalist Solist of the stage, which was the official recognition of the Vysotsky "Singer-Professional".

The long-term concert work of Vysotsky was constantly faced with external difficulties, the widest fame of his texts was accompanied by a tight ban on their publication. For the first time and for the last time in the USSR, Vysotsky's poem ("from the Road Diary") was published in 1975 in the Soviet Literary and Art Collection "Poetry Day".

In total, Vladimir Vysotsky wrote about 600 songs and poems.

In the second half of the 1970s, he often had been abroad, spoke with concerts in France, USA, Canada and other countries. Vysotsky gave more than one thousand concerts in the USSR and abroad.

The last speech of the artist was held on July 16, 1980 in Moscow Region Kaliningrad (now Korolev). On July 18, 1980, Vysotsky last appeared in his most famous role in the theater on Taganka - as Hamlet.

On July 25, 1980, Vladimir Vysotsky died in Moscow. There was no official death report - at that time the Moscow Olympiad was held. On the day of the funeral to say goodbye to your favorite artist came about 40 thousand people. He was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.

In 1981, the first poetic collection of Vysotsky "Nerve" was published, in 1988 - the collection "I, of course, will come back ..."

In 1986, Vladimir Vysotsky was posthumously awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR; In 1987, the State Prize of the USSR was awarded (posthumously, for participation in the television series "a meeting point cannot be changed" and the author's performance of songs).

At the Grave of Vysotsky at the Vagankovsky cemetery, a monument of the sculptor Alexander Muzvishnikov, open on October 12, 1985, was established.

The Petrovsky gate in Moscow on July 25, 1995, on the day of the 15th anniversary of the death of the poet, a monument was established a monument to vysotsky work Sculpture Gennady Ripopov.

The actor and singers were opened in various cities of Russia and abroad.

The monument to Vladimir Vysotsky's work of the sculptor Alexander Apollonova was opened in the Crimea in Simferopol.

In 1992, the State Cultural Center Museum V.S. was created. Vysotsky "Vysotsky House on Taganka."

In 1997, the annual Vysotsky Prize of His King was established by the Charitable Foundation Vladimir Vysotsky, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Committee on the Culture of the city of Moscow established the annual premium of the Vysotsky "His Kale". The premium is awarded to people whose life and creativity are consonant with the themes of Vysotsky Poetry.

The Commonwealth of the actors of the Taganka made the performance of the "Air Force" (Vysotsky Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky).

A huge number of documentaries and television programs has been filmed about the life and work of the actor and the poet.

On December 1, 2011, the film was released "Vysotsky. Thank you for the living" director Peter Buslova on the scenario of the son of Vysotsky Nikita.

Vladimir Vysotsky was married three times. The first wife is an actress Iza Zhukov, the second - actress Lyudmila Abramova. Two sons were born in this marriage: Arkady (born in 1962), which became a screenwriter, and Nikita (born in 1964), which became like parents, the artist of theater and cinema. Since 1996, Nikita Vysotsky has been the director of the State Museum of his Father.

Vladimir Vysotsky's third wife - French actress of Russian origin Marina Vlad.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources