Cauccian soup with solid cheese. Cream Soup of Zabachkov

Soup from melted cheese - this is a very tasty dish, with the preparation of which any beginning mistress will cope. This soup, though not meat, but it turns out very satisfying, and its gentle, cheese-creamy taste will not leave anyone indifferent. Well, young cook, today I will help you with the preparation of beautiful dishes, because the ability to cook delicious and inexpensively in our time is very important!

In the summer, especially in the heat, it is very difficult to force yourself to eat something heavy, on the contrary, I want something insanely lung, gentle and air. Soup with cheese zucchini- This is a combination of taste of fresh vegetables and creamy melted cheese. It is satisfying, but at the same time completely weightless, not leaving somewhere inside the feeling of gravity. And do not worry, sticking out for several hours at the slab you do not have to, because it is preparing soup with cheese zucchini Very simple, now I will tell you how.

Ingredients for the preparation of soup puree from cheese zucchini:

  • Zucchini Fresh 400-450 grams
  • Onions on 2 pieces
  • Garlic 2 teeth
  • Bouillon vegetable, meat or chicken 1-1.5 liters
  • Cheese melted 100-150 grams
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper black ground to taste
  • Greens Fresh (dill, parsley) to taste
  • Inventory:

    Pan, Blender, Kitchen knife, Cutting board, disposable paper towels, habervel, kitchen tag for hot.

    Preparation of soup-puree from cheese zucchini:

    Step 1: Prepare the zucchini.

    Rinse zucchini, wash and cut into small pieces of arbitrary shape. True, it's all as simple if you have selected zucchini young, with a soft skin, which is easily scratched with a nail or fork. But older vegetables have already managed to acquire more rigid, leather, which will have to cut off with a knife. Also sure to cut seeds from such a zucchini.

    Step 2: Prepare onions.

    Bulbs Clean the husks, cut off everything too much. In order for the cutting, the vegetables did not spray in all sides their burning juice, from which you want to cry, slip them, and the knife you will cut in ice water. But now pour bulbs on medium-sized cubes.

    Step 3: Prepare garlic.

    Covers of garlic Clean the husks, and then peel into small pieces.

    Step 4: Cooking soup with cheese zucchini.

    Cooking cheese soups from cheese with cheese is very simple, briefly the instructions for its cooking looks like this: fold everything in a pan, pour the broth, bring to a boil, peck for 10-15 minuteson slow fire, add grated or finely chopped melted rods and continue to cook all the time stirring until the cheese is melted, then remove from the fire, salt and peep to taste, with the help of a blender turn everything into a homogeneous thick puree. Everything! I would only like to remind you that when turning the soup in mashed potatoes, you need to be very careful, as the mass can begin to spit in all sides by burning splashes, especially this is true for those who have a blender submersible.

    Step 5: We feed the soup from zucchini with cheese.

    A ready-made soup from Zabachkov is a real summer lunch, which he should be ideally. That is, easy, useful, just getting ready and quickly eaten. Serve it with croutons, crackers, sprinkle with chopped fresh greens like me. You can even add sour cream or still cheese, but no more melted, and parmesan, for example. In general, act as your culinary intuition suggests you and you will have a really wonderful dish, in which there is no even account anything superfluous and everything is very tasty and harmoniously.
    Bon Appetit!

    Of course, the broth can be replaced by ordinary clean water, only then the soup will be too fresh.

    You can use zucchini or mix them with a pumpkin, in any proportion, can also be used to prepare this cream soup zucchini.

    For color, you can add bright orange carrots to the soup.

    Zucchini, like most other vegetables, is very good in the soup. And since his season is in full swing, let's take advantage of this and prepare the summer soup from cheese with cheese, as well as with other solar vegetables and add beans for satiety.

    Perhaps all cheese soups are tasty - they are distinguished by a saturated creamy taste. And if you still add fragrant spices and several types of vegetables, then, perhaps, one plate of hot will be not enough, additives will definitely want

    Today I prepared the first dish without the usual ingredient - potatoes. In summer soups, I rarely use it, because on the shelves are now full of other products, so they can be safely used as an alternative to the winter root.


    • Zucchini - 1 pc.
    • Patchson - 1 pc.
    • Eggplazhan -1 pcs.
    • Onions - 1 pc.
    • Carrot - 1 pc.
    • Crushed cheese - 100 g
    • Beans (optional) - 1/3 cup
    • Broth (water) - 1 liter
    • Salt to taste
    • Ground pepper, turmeric and paprika - by pinch
    • Bay leaf - 1 pc.
    • Green chopped - 2 tbsp.
    • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.

    Summer Zucchini Soup with Mace Cheese

    Vegetable broth (I was after cooking cauliflower, which I am preparing as described in this recipe) put on the stove so that it boils. Meanwhile, vegetables laid out on a pan with vegetable oil: cut onion and carrots with cubes.

    Eggplazhan (I had a little) cleaned from the peel, sliced. Throwing to bows with carrots. Roasted on a strong fire of 3 minutes.

    Then threw the patisson sliced \u200b\u200bby cubes. Instead, you can double the portion of the zucchini.

    This is such a vegetable mixture:

    Following the zucchini - also chopped by cubes.

    Roasted on medium heat until the softness of all components. Then threw the turmeric, paprika and pepper.

    This time I used not just ordinary ground pepper, and the spice called "garlic pepper".

    The melted cheese (it is better to take creamy, without extraneous skiing and additives) to the cubes and threw into a frying pan.

    When vegetable broth boiled, laid out canned beans (you can use boiled, and you can do without it at all).

    Then posted roasted vegetables with cheese.

    Gave the cheese to bloom in hot broth, put a laurel and chopped greens (dill and parsley). Sounded and after 3 minutes turned off the fire.

    That's all, vegetable soup from zucchini with cheese ready: quick and tasty! By the way, if you wish, you can use a blender and turn it into a puree.

    Bon Appetit!

    Soup from zucchini with cheese will be a good option for both everyday and festive dishes. Such soup is rich in taste, very satisfying and easy to prepare. The dish is prepared very quickly and simple. Such a first dish fill the vitamin body will increase the energy level in the body and configures on a productive day. The dish can be prepared both in the saturated variation and in vegetarian.

    You can add a zucchini in a soup not only by various types of cheese, but also cauliflower, potatoes, greens, meat products, spices, seafood, pumpkin and herbs.

    For a more delicate consistency, soup can be boiled on milk or add cream to the finished dish.

    basic chip in a supe from zucchini with cheese in his beautiful and exquisite feed. You can decorate a soup in different ways: greenery, pierced bacon, crackers, cream, pieces of cheese and various seeds.

    How to prepare zucchini soup with cheese - 15 varieties

    An unusual combination of shrimp, cheese and zucchini in this dish create an incredible taste, aroma and excellent aftertaste.


    • Zucchini - 1 pc.
    • Spices - to taste
    • Broccoli cabbage - 500 g
    • Stroke beans - 250 g
    • Shrimp - 200 g
    • Onions - 1 pc.
    • Melted cheese - 100 g


    Boil vegetables with adding spices and salts.

    Scroll to boil shrimps.

    It is worth adding a spoonful of lemon juice to this seafood. Thus, the shrimp will save the tender meat texture.

    Pereric vegetables along with cheese and a small amount of water.

    Place the soup in the tank and sprinkle with shrimps.

    Spicy and saturated with spices soup with greens and garlic perfectly suitable for satisfying lunch.


    • Potatoes - 250 g
    • Soft cheese - 150 g
    • Onions - 1 pc.
    • Olive oil - 3 tbsp.
    • Garlic - 1 teeth
    • Vegetable broth - 850 ml.
    • Parsley - 20 g
    • Salt and pepper - to taste
    • Zucchini - 1 kg.
    • Green Bow - 20 g


    Chopping zucchini.

    Cut into cubes purified potatoes.

    Chopping onions, green onions, garlic and greens.

    Fry on the bowl onions. A 5 minute add potatoes.

    After 15 minutes, add zucchini and garlic.

    Pour the broth and bring to boil.

    Purrrage dish, pour parsley, onion and cheese.

    Such a beetter with a zucchild and goat cheese will greatly decorate any solemn table.


    • Ground pepper - 5 g
    • Potatoes - 1 pc.
    • Macadamia nuts - 150 g
    • Beets - 1 pc.
    • Goat Cheese - 150 g
    • Zucchini - 3 pcs.
    • Pea sprouts - 10 g


    Press the beet juice through the juicer.

    Machine peeled zucchini and potatoes.

    Beat the vegetables in the blender, pour the beet juice and bring to boil.

    Soup bring to taste.

    Nuts are crushed with a knife or mortar.

    It is best to fry nuts. Such an action will help to reveal the aroma of any nuts to the maximum.

    Soup cool, pour pieces of cheese, macadamia and peas sprouts.

    Radio and delicious soup with zucchini and cheese for satisfying dinner.


    • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
    • Creamy cream - 1 pc.
    • Champignons - 120 g
    • Refined oil - 3 tbsp.
    • Fragrant herbs - to taste
    • Zucchini - 1 pc.
    • Dried garlic - 1/4 tsp.
    • Carrot - 0.5 pcs.
    • Hot water - 0.7 liters.
    • Onions - 1 pc.
    • Pepper - to taste


    Pass sliced \u200b\u200bonions and carrots on the maslice in a small saucepan.

    When the bow softens, add potatoes.

    After 5 minutes, chopped mushrooms and zucchini will add.

    After 5 minutes, pour vegetables with water and add herbs. Stew about half an hour.

    Add cheese and completely dissolve it in a soup.

    Pereric soup and deliver garlic. Boil.

    Vitamin and very light soup perfectly suitable for dietary dinner.


    • Broccoli cabbage - 1 pc.
    • Olive oil - 2 tbsp.
    • Goat Cheese - 100 g
    • Broth - 700 ml.
    • Zucchini - 2 pcs.


    Cook cabbage and zucchini.

    Pereric vegetables with oil, adding broth for more cream consistency. Boil the dish.

    Pour into cheese soup and serve to the table.

    Very gentle and zucchini cream soup will be a good addition to dining meals.

    For a beautiful and original feeding, it is worth using homemade crackers with oregano and olive oil.


    • Carrot - 1 pc.
    • Zucchini - 3 pcs.
    • Chicken broth - 1 l.
    • Escape plates - 1 pc.
    • Garlic - 2 teeth
    • Cream - 200 ml.
    • Onions - 1 pc.
    • Muscat nut - 1/2 C.L.


    All vegetables are choking a cube.

    Fry in a saucepan onions and garlic.

    Add other vegetables to them.

    Pour the broth and stew to the softness of vegetables.

    Purrrage ready-made soup and add cheese.

    Cook for another 10 minutes.

    For the preparation of crackers you need to choke a cube bread, pour oil and sprinkle oregano. Send into the oven for 10 minutes at 160 degrees.

    Finished crackers put in the soup and season the dish of greens and muscat.

    Soup with crackers and garlic "velvet"

    Rich and very easy to prepare The soup is perfect for fast and tasty snack.


    • Zucchini - 1 pc.
    • Building crackers - 3 tbsp.
    • Onions - 2 pcs.
    • Vegetable broth - 1 l.
    • Garlic - 2 teeth
    • Melted cheese - 90 g


    Chopping onions and garlic. Pour the broth and bring the boil.

    Add zucchini, cheese and cook before the softness of vegetable.

    Pour at the end of the preparation of crackers and spices to taste. Purrrage dish.

    Serve ready-made soup to the table together with roasted croutons.

    Spicy, very gentle and delicious soup with tomatoes and zucchildle is not only suitable for the lunch menu, but also for festive feed.


    • Zucchini - 800 g
    • Croutons - to taste
    • Water - 800 ml.
    • Flour - 2 tbsp.
    • Cream - 200 ml.
    • Curry - 0.5 ppm
    • Melted cheese - 100 g
    • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.


    Clear skin and seeds zucchini and chopping into two plates - large cubes and small.

    Pour the large-sliced \u200b\u200bvegetable with water and send to cook.

    Little zucchini cubes cut into flour and fry.

    Pourrish boiled zucchini. Add melted cheese and melt it in a dish.

    Add curry and cream. Bring to taste and boil the soup.

    Pick up zucchini in soup.

    Fry tomatoes and also pour ready-made dish, spilled in plates.

    Decorate with croutons.

    Velvety, gentle and very useful taste and ripe avocado and cream mozzarella.


    • Avocado 2 pcs.
    • Mozarella - 50 g
    • Potatoes 2 pcs.
    • White pepper - 5 g
    • Zucchini 1 pc.
    • Orego - 5 g
    • Water - 500 ml.


    Boil potato and zucchini cubes.

    In the finished soup, add Avocado cubes and let boil the dish.

    Dissolve in boiling soup Mozzarella Ball.

    Sensing oregano, pepper and salt.

    Purge soup and decorate.

    This brewing soup with chicken is completely saturated and give forces for all day.


    • Onions - 1 pc.
    • Melted cheese - 200 g
    • Carrot - 1 pc.
    • Garlic - 2 teeth
    • Water - 1 l.
    • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
    • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
    • Chicken breast - 300 g


    Pour into the breast with water and send to fire.

    During the boiling of meat, it is certainly worth shooting a white foam. This will make broth transparent and fragrant.

    Cut potatoes and zucchini.

    Chopping onions and garlic, grate carrots.

    Remove the breast and fall asleep in broth vegetables - potatoes and zucchini.

    Pass onions along with carrots and garlic. Sell \u200b\u200bto taste.

    Pour roaster into broth to finished vegetables.

    Grind the soup with a blender.

    Then, pour melted cheese.

    Add chicken pieces in soup.

    Shrimps, Cherry and Cheese create a unique tandem of tastes, which makes soup not only delicious, but also fragrant.


    • Shrimp - 10 pcs.
    • Zucchini - 2 pcs.
    • Basil - 5 g
    • Cream - 100 ml.
    • Cherry tomatoes - 4 pcs.
    • Garlic - 2 teeth
    • Goat Cheese - 50 g


    Sprinkle with oil sliced \u200b\u200bzucchini, garlic and cherry and send to the oven for 20 minutes.

    Pouring baked vegetables by adding cream.

    Add cheese and basil to dish.

    Decorate soup with boiled shrimps.

    Saturated in taste and very satisfying soup to your table!


    • Zucchini - 200 g
    • Millet - 100 g
    • Chicken broth - 2 liters.
    • Cauliflower - 200 g
    • Carrot - 1 pc.
    • Garlic - 3 teeth
    • Pepper Bulgarian - 1 pc.
    • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
    • Seasoning - to taste
    • Onions - 1 pc.
    • Melted cheese - 2 tbsp.
    • Greens - to taste


    Boiling broth.

    Machine all vegetables.

    Pass carrots and onions.

    Add cabbage, potatoes and millet into broth.

    After 7 minutes add other vegetables and grip.

    Sell \u200b\u200bto taste. After 10 minutes add garlic. Greens and cheese.

    Very spicy and savory soup for warming dinner.


    • Zucchini - 2 pcs.
    • Celery root - 5 g
    • Chicken broth - 1.5 liters.
    • Parsley root - 5 g
    • Carrot - 1 pc.
    • Mozarella - 50 g
    • Dried parsley - 5 g
    • Dill - 5 g


    Boiling broth. Add root and sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables to it.

    Bring to readiness, pour cheese and greens.

    Purrrage dish and serve.

    Vitamin vegetable soup for light dinner.


    • Cream - 100 ml.
    • Zucchini - 2 pcs.
    • Pumpkin - 20 g
    • Carrot - 3 pcs.
    • Bowls - 3 pcs.
    • Pepper Bulgarian - 1 pc.
    • Melted cheese - 50 g


    Machine all vegetables.

    Pour water, salt and boil vegetables until soft.

    Purrrage soup and add cream together with cheese.

    Add a spoonful of olive oil. Serve dish to the table.

    Aromatic exquisite soup for festive feed.


    • Zucchini - 1 pc.
    • Rosemary - to taste
    • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
    • Saffron - 3 ppm
    • Carrot - 1 pc.
    • Goat cheese - to taste
    • Olive oil - 1 tbsp.


    Boil zucchini and potatoes.

    Pass carrots along with saffron on oil.

    Add cheese and groze to finished vegetables.

    Purrrage dish and spit rosemary.

    We have gathered for you the best recipes for cooking soup-puree from zabachkov: with cream, milk, kefir, vegetables. Quickly, simple and very helpful!

    • Half a large or one medium zucchini, about - 1.5kg
    • Three small carrots - 150-200g.
    • Onions Rusta - 150-200g.
    • Vegetable pepper (sweet not bitter) - 100-150g
    • Garlic - 2 teeth
    • Vegetable oil
    • Creamy butter 1 Art. the spoon
    • Cream 2 glasses

    The ease of preparation of this soup is that the ingredients are not necessarily cut into smooth pieces, then they are still needed to grind them.

    Put on a small fire 3l. Pan, preferably with a smooth bottom, and pour vegetable oil to the bottom. Once the oil is warm up, put onions in the pan, put no more than 2-3 minutes. Onions can not be fried otherwise he will give bitterness.

    In the sweened bow add carrots and the pastry for another 3-5 minutes.

    As soon as the carrot gave color, and the sweetness add pepper and everything together for another 5 minutes.

    We lay the zucchini, we spit a little (so that the zucchini gives juice) and the carcass to full cooking. I define the readiness of the color of the zucchini. As soon as they become transparent, turn off the fire under the saucepan and let me cool a little.

    After the scell is cooled, grind it with a blender turning into a homogeneous mass.

    In the resulting mass, we pour the glass of cream, add butter and put on a small fire.

    Around to boil, salt puree soup to taste.

    As soon as the soup boiled, add crushing garlic and turn off the fire.

    You have turned out to be a gentle puree soup, which can be served as a European dish with crackers or fresh bread. You can decorate a plate of cream drops, fresh greens and crackers.

    Recipe 2, simple: Soup Mashed from zucchini and potatoes

    If the soup is needed less calorie, you can use water, and for a more diet option, for example, chicken broth. But, whatever you choose, the result will definitely please.

    • Water or chicken broth - 750 ml
    • Sour cream - 2 st l
    • Vegetable oil - 1 st l
    • Garlic -2 tender
    • Onion - 1 pc
    • Carrot - 1 pc
    • Potatoes - 3 medium pcs (can and more, soup will get more free)
    • Zucchini - 2 pcs
    • Salt, pepper to taste, croutons, greens

    Onions clean and cut into half rings or a little less, garlic plates, all together fry in a saucepan.

    Carrots, zucchini, potatoes cut into small slices and send in Luka and garlic, all slightly fry.

    Add water or chicken broth, stew on medium heat until vegetable availability. Before graduating from cooking, salt and add black ground pepper.

    Add sour cream and submersible blender to beatted in a puree. I got a pretty thick soup, you can adjust the pussy of soup yourself, vegetables or broth.

    Serve zabachkov soup with greenery and croutons. Instead of sour cream, cream can be used, for this amount approximately 100 ml.

    Recipe 3: Delicious soup puree from zucchini with milk

    Zucchini are very well combined with almost all dairy products. Milk gives a soup gentle and refined taste, and parsley emphasizes it. Soup dietary and especially should like those who follow the figure. Milk in the recipe is still divorced by water.

    • 1 medium zucchini (300 g);
    • 1 tbsp. milk;
    • 1 garlic clove;
    • little parsley greenery;
    • salt, pepper to taste.

    The zucchini is thoroughly rinsed and together with a skin cut by large cubes. We put them in a saucepan, pour a glass of milk and add a glass of water so that the zucchini is not burned and the soup was more like a soup.

    Largely cut parsley and also put in a saucepan.

    We put on the middle fire, cover the pan with a lid. Zucchini enough minutes 10-15. They should be soft and easily sneeze the fork. Water should not evaporate greatly. Boiled zucchini with milk salim and pepper to taste.

    Let us squeeze the clove of garlic. We process a submersible blender in a puree right in a saucepan. Soup soup from zucchini with milk ready! Serve with fresh parsley greenery. Tasty with a conventional white bar. Bon Appetit!

    Recipe 4: Soup Mashed Cuccchiks with Creams (step by step)

    When you want something lightweight, refreshing, but at the same time and delicious - prepare zucchini cream soup! He will satisfy, but will not give a feeling of gravity in the stomach, will delight with a gentle creamy taste and its pastel color ... And if you have a beautiful "hearty" croutons to him - it is possible to surprise your soul mate. We will prepare vegetable soup with cream zucchini, the consistency of this soup is very gentle. Try!

    • zucchini - 3 pcs.;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • potatoes - 2 pcs;
    • onions - 1 pc.;
    • cream 20% - 250 ml;
    • garlic - 2 slices;
    • salt;
    • for crouthing - Bread / Baton.

    Kabachkov, carrots, potatoes, garlic and onions cut off and clean the outer shells (husks / peel). Cut the zucchini, bulbs and all the roots are large arbitrary pieces, and garlic - large slices. It is better to use young zucchini, they have gentle peel and small seeds, such a cut in such a crop.

    If you are cooking from ripe zucchini, then clean them from the peel, cut the zucchini in half and cut all seeds.

    Put an anti-stick / ceramic frying pan on fire, pour several spoons of the selected vegetable oil. Fry first Luke segments together with garlic slices until soft.

    And then add all other vegetable ingredients - zucchini, carrots and potatoes. Assorted together 7-9 minutes, systematically and constantly stirring a set of vegetables, on a small, moderate heat. At the end, pumped the salt.

    To pour warm broth (ideally) or to save time - ordinary boiled water, boil up to absolutely (!) Completeness of vegetables, first of all, your potatoes.

    When zucchini and vegetables, potatoes will be ready - put all the circles and lumps into a deep dish (liquid, of course, do not merge, it is still necessary for us!). "Tear" stew vegetable assorted powerful blender, in homogeneous, without unpleasant lumps, mashed potatoes. At the same time, you need to warm up on the fire of cream.

    In one pot, connect vegetable puree, the remaining broth and heated cream. Mix the mashed potatoes with cream, if necessary, season with spices and let's draw cream-soup under the lid. Soup from zabachkov ready!

    While the zucchini cream soup is insisted - quickly prepare wonderful croutons. At the same time, they can be any selected shape - hearts, letters or certain characters. Just cut out kitchen scissors from a not thick slice of the baton All that you want to express your loved ones.

    Finger the croutons on a dry pan and serve to the zucchini cream with any fresh greens! By the way, the soup can be sprinkled with a sweet hammer with a paprika or a pinch of red peppers, to file a lemon lurch or sprinkle with a balsamik ...

    Recipe 5: Dietary Soup Mashed Caucasus with Garlic

    This soup will be a welcome guest at the dinner table. If you stop - it diversifies your lean table, and if you do not stop, you can replace part of the water with cream. But the soup is good and in this Little version! The most difficult thing is to keep yourself and do not empty the entire saucepan. So cook and enjoy.

    • Zucchini 2 pcs.
    • Leek 1 pc.
    • Garlic 1 teeth
    • Dill 50 gr.
    • Olive oil 2 tbsp. l.
    • Salt to taste
    • Pepper on taste

    Cut on rings leek. I love this loaf for a delicate taste and spring green.

    Heat in a saucepan olive oil. Olive oil is better to use cold spin, it is called Extra Virgin.
    Lay on a leek and stirring, fry 5 minutes.

    Add crushed dill, salt, pepper, pour 1 liter of hot water and bring to a boil. After 2-3 minutes turn off.

    Remove the saucepan from the fire. Carefully beat the blender to the state of the puree.

    Add garlic. Our puree soup is ready. Bon Appetit!

    Recipe 6: Zabachki soup mashed potatoes with melted cheese

    The soup is delicious and nutritious. This dish great diversifies your menu.

    • 2 young zucchini;
    • 1 melted creamy cheese;
    • 1 bulb;
    • 1 garlic clove;
    • 300-400 ml of chicken broth;
    • olive oil;
    • butter;
    • salt;
    • sweet hammer paprika;
    • greens for feeding.

    Recipe 7: Soup puree from zucchini and cauliflower

    Delicious, useful and lean soup mashed cauliflower and zucchini. During cooking into the broth, it is not necessary to add anything extra - laurel sheet and black pepper will be enough. Even kids are happy to eat such a puree soup for lunch.

    • Cabbage Color: 200 g
    • Zucchini: 1 pc.
    • Broccoli: 100 g
    • Bay leaf: 2 pcs.
    • Salt: to taste
    • Fresh greens: to taste

    Mashed can be prepared as a side dish, and in the form of soup. Kids love this dish and eat it with pleasure. As a supplies, this is an excellent option. In addition, for unloading days or in the post of cauliflower puree and zucchini is also ideal.

    We deal with cabbage on inflorescences and cut the zucchini is not too finely (one ring into two parts). In the meantime, we put a saucepan with water on fire and wait for boiling.

    We send vegetables in boiling water, salt and season to taste (I recommend using only the bay leaf and pepper pepper). Cooking before vegetables (no more than 10 minutes on weak fire).

    We send vegetables in a blender and crushing. If you want to get soup soup, add a little broth.

    Before serving, sprinkle dill or parsley. If you cook for a baby, you can add more broth, potatoes when cooking broth and carrots.

    Recipe 8: Lean Cream Soup from Zucchini and Potatoes

    You can cook puree soup from zucchini and potatoes at any time of the year, but take care of the blanks for soups you need in advance. Zucchini perfectly withstand freezing, so they can be cut into cubes, freeze and store them in the freezer until spring. And if the cottage pleased you with a good zakachkov harvest, then put the largest to the balcony or keep in a cool place. In the fresh form, large zucchini is stored until winter.

    • middle size zucchini - 1 pc;
    • potatoes - 3-4 pieces;
    • carrots - 2 pcs;
    • onion - 1 pc;
    • water or vegetable broth - 1.5 liters;
    • garlic - 2 large teeth;
    • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l;
    • salt - add to taste;
    • pepper black large ground - 2 chopping on a portion;
    • any greens - for feeding soup.

    We cut the vegetables while wearing water or vegetable broth. If the soup is preparing not in the post, you can cook on the chicken broth. Zucchini clean from the peel, cut the circles and check if there is no hard seeds. Cutting cubes not very large.

    We cut a small cube carrot or three of it on a large grater. Large of course faster than to chop, but when roasted, rubbing carrots will pick more oil, so that time saving will be wrapped by unnecessary calories.

    Potatoes cut finely, cubes or thin straws.

    Finely cut onions and garlic lobes. It is possible to add garlic, by the way, you can add without roasting at the end of cooking in a saucepan with crushed vegetables or in plates.

    Water began to boil intensively, it's time to upload potatoes into a pan. We are waiting for the water again to boil again, adjust the fire so that boiling is not very violent, and begin to pass vegetables for soup.

    In oil heating onion and garlic cubes. We do not support, we will not do roaster. We add carrots, stirring the vegetables for 2-3 minutes.

    Pour zucchini in the pan, mix the contents of the frying pan and continue to stew in quiet fire for another five minutes.

    Potatoes already welded, you can upload stewed vegetables into the pan and cook them until complete readiness.

    Cook soup about 10-15 minutes on a very quiet fire. The slower the fire, the better it is even warming up and stealing, the vegetables gradually give their taste, soaking with different flavors.

    Fire turn off when vegetables will become completely soft. We give a little cool, shift the shimmer into the bowl of the blender and grind in the puree. If the walls in the pan are high, then you can merge part of the broth and grind vegetables without taking them out of the pan. Then warm up, add broth and dilute to the desired pitch soup. Salt the soup, wait until it starts to boil and turn off.

    It is not necessary to incande the soup-puree, after cooking it is immediately spilled in plates and served on the table. You can add crackers, croutons, toast bread, dried in the oven, and the soup itself slightly ground black pepper and fresh greens. Bon Appetit!

    Recipe 9, step-by-step: zucchini soup with cream

    Puree soup from baked garlic - fragrant and nutritious first dish. The longest stage in its preparation is the baking of garlic cloves, but it is garlic and gives the dish of a delightful taste. By the way, in the process of baking, garlic loses its inherent sharp smell, and in return, it acquires an amazing thin fragrance, which is transmitted to the soup. Gentle zucchini is the main ingredient of the dish, make soup gentle and appetizing. Potatoes harmoniously fits into the overall composition, making the kushan or satisfying. And roasted onions and fresh black peppers only complement the taste.

    • zucchini - 600 g
    • garlic - 1 head
    • onion - 1 small head
    • potatoes - 3-4 tuber
    • cream 10% fat - 200 ml
    • creamy butter - 1 tbsp. l.
    • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
    • fresh-hearted black pepper, salt - to taste.

    Heat the oven to a temperature of 200 ° C. Garlic head divide into teeth. Clean from the husk is not necessary! Put the teeth into the refractory shape and sprinkle with vegetable oil (1 tbsp.).

    Bake up soft for 30 minutes.

    Cool down. Carefully cut the tips of the skins and squeeze the fragrant garlic pulp out of the teeth. Bulb is free from the husks, rinse and cut the half rings.

    Wash and clean potatoes. Cut the tubers with small cubes.

    Zucchini rinse and cut into mugs or semicircles. Young zucchini cleaning from the peel is not required, and the old it is desirable to clean from coarse skin.

    In a saucepan on a slow fire, we melt the butter, add vegetable (1 tbsp.).

    We offer to prepare a fairly satisfying first dish for the whole family, which has a delicate taste. Take advantage of our detailed step-by-step recipe with photos to boil the delicious cheese soup soup with melted cheese. Such a fragrant, appetizing dishes like not only adults, but also for children.

    Cheese puree can be prepared from different vegetables (including zucchini), mushrooms, meat species, using various broths. If you experiment a little, then interesting dishes are obtained. Cheese, as a binder, connects all sorts of ingredients. Its cream taste is successfully combined with any products.

    How to cook cheese puree soup with zucchini

    An important point in the preparation of cheese first dishes is the choice of the most important component, cheese. For soup-puree from zabachkov, you can use ordinary melted cheese, bulk, homemade cooking or special.


    • Melted routine 100 gr. - 2 pieces;
    • Zucchini - 150 gr.;
    • Potatoes - 3-4 pieces;
    • Vegetable oil for frying;
    • Carrots - 1 pc.;
    • Onions - 1 pc.;
    • Parsley dried - 1 teaspoon;
    • Salt.

    Preparation of zucchini soup-puree with melted cheese

    Step 1.

    The onions cut arbitrarily, all ingredients at the end of the preparation will be turned into a puree with the help of a blender. Carrots cut or grate on a large grater. Fail onions with carrots in vegetable oil.

    In a cauldron or a saucepan put vegetable roaster.

    Step 2.

    Zucchini clean the skin and seeds. Cut into cubes, put onions and carrots.

    Step 3.

    Potatoes clean, cut into cubes, put in a saucepan. Sprinkle with dried greens.

    Step 4.

    All pour cold water and put on the stove. Boil to complete availability of vegetables (about 15 minutes).
    While the vegetable broth is boiled, it is necessary to cut the melted cheese so that it is quickly melted in a hot soup.

    Step 5.

    Cheese need to run into broth a few minutes before turning off.