Thesis compassion 15.3. Works of OGE on the text about the aunt of the ground (A. Lihanov)

Using the text read, perform only one of the tasks on a separate sheet: 9.1, 9.2 or 9.3. Before writing an essay, write down the number of the selected task: 9.1, 9.2 or 9.3.

9.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statements of the Russian linguist of the modern linguist M.A. Kronhausa:

"The way we say draws our speech portrait. This portrait, like our face, can be attractive and unattractive. "

Argumenting your answer, bring 2 examples from the read text.

You can write work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You can start the writing with the words of the Russian linguist L. Yu. Maksimova.

9.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the fragment

text : "- Or maybe stole anyone? There are such scoundrels ... "

Bring two arguments from the read text confirming your arguments in writing.

When applying examples, specify the numbers of the desired offers or use the citation.

The composition of the essay should be at least 70 words.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

9.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word compassion?

Word and comment on this definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic:

"What is compassion", taking the definition of you as a thesis. Argumenting your thesis, bring 2 (two) an example-argument confirming your arguments: one example is the argument from the read text, and the second is from your life experience.

The composition of the essay should be at least 70 words.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) Somehow in the summer, a template, having matched on the fence, waved with hand in Sergei.

- (2) Look ... I have a slingshot. (H) did himself! (4) beats without mishai!

(5) The slingshot tried. (6) Marya Pavlovna looked out of the window.

- (7) is a bad game, because you can get into my cat.

- (8) So, because of your cat, you can not play? - Dreeko asked Levka.

(9) Marya Pavlovna looked at him intently, took the purr in his arms, shook her head and closed the window.

- (10) Well, do not care! - said Levka. - (11) I want to get into the drainage pipe.

(12) He chose a ladder for a long time, then pulled a long elastic band - from the window of Maryia Pavlovna, a glass was sprinkled with a ring. (13) Boys frozen.

- (14) run! - I shouted the temporary, and the guys rushed in the southwer.

(15) It has come unfortunately waiting for payback.

- (16) The old woman will surely complain, "the template said. - (17) That's frowning! (18) Wait ... I will arrange a thing! (19) it will know ...

(20) Levka showed on the purr, who was loved by all the neighbors, because he did not give a hassle to anyone, but peacefully slept over the window peacefully, pushed Seryo and hesitated something to her ear.

- (21) Yes, it would be nice, "Sergey said.

(22) Several days have passed.

... (23) Embeding with a woolen blanket and freeing one ear, Sergei listened to the conversation of his parents.

- (24) What do you think, where could he go?

- (25) Well, what can I think, the father grinned. - (26) Maybe I went to walk, that's all. (27) Or maybe stole anyone? (28) There are such scoundrels ...

"(29) Can't be," Mother said resolutely, "everyone knows Mary Pavlovna on this street. (Z0) No one will be offended old, the sick woman ... (31) After all, this purr - his whole life!

(32) On another day, Marya Pavlovna approached the boys.

- (ZZ) guys, have you seen purr? - (34) Her voice was quiet, gray eyes, empty.

- (35) No, looking aside, Sergei said.

(Z6) Marya Pavlovna sighed, ran his hand on his forehead and

slowly went home. (37) Levka spoke to the grimace.

- (38) led ... (39) And the harmful after all, he twisted his head. - (40) And the truth itself is to blame ... (41) thinks if we are children, so we will not stand up for yourself!

- (42) FI! - Svisnul Levka. - (43) What kind of plaks! Think - Red cat disappeared!

(44) So a few more days have passed. (45) All neighbors included in the search for a cat, and the unfortunate Marya Pavlovna was completely desperate and slotted with a heart attack.

(46) And the guys could not stand.

- (47) It is necessary to find the old woman, which we gave the cat, they decided.

(48) But it's easy to say "Find", and where it will be ourselves now, when so many days have passed.

(49) Suddenly, they were lucky: they saw her in the city market and grumbled rushed to an elderly woman who even frightened:

- (50) Why do you need from me?

- (51) Kitics of redhead, grandmother! (52) Remember, we gave you outside.

- (53) you are ... (54) ago, then you want to take? (55) Cat your yelling day and night. (56) I don't like me at all.

(57) When the old woman led them to his house, Levka jumped into the parisader, cling to both hands for a wooden frame and pressed his nose to the window:

- (58) purr! (59) Beast ...

(60) A minute later, the boy solemnly stepped down the street.

- (61) just do not miss now, - Levka puffer. - (62) I found it! (6Z) Mustache-striped!

(According to V. Oseva) *

* Oseev-Khmelev Valentina Aleksandrovna (1902-1969) - Children's writer. The most famous works of her works were the story of "Dink", "Dink says goodbye to childhood."

In which answer is the information necessary to justify the answer to the question: "Why did Level and Seryozha decided to steal the cat in Marya Pavlovna?"

1) Marya Pavlovna was an evil old woman and did not like the guys.

2) Marya Pavlovna believed that the children play a bad game, and promised to complain to parents.

3) Level and Seryozha decided that the ability to "stand up for themselves" will be shown like this.

4) the cat screamed and at night and therefore did not like the guys.


The correct answer is indicated under No. 3.

Answer: 3.

Relevance: corresponds to the demoment of the current year

Specify, in what value is used in the text word "stand" (Proposition 41).

2) wait, not hurry

3) protect, do not offend

1) do not move some time
2) wait, not hurry
3) protect, do not offend
4) do not pursue something


The correct answer is specified at number 3.

Answer: 3.

Write an essay-reasoning, disclosing the meaning of the statements of the Russian writer Boris Viktorovich Shergin: "The oral phrase transferred to paper is always subject to some processing, at least in terms of syntax.

Argumenting your answer, bring 2 examples from the read text. When applying examples, specify the numbers of the desired offers or use the citation. You can write work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You can start the writing by the words B. V. Shergin.

The composition of the essay should be at least 70 words. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


Let us give an example of writing-reasoning in a journalistic style.

When we sit down to write, whether it is a letter or an essay, an essay, or a greeting card, we definitely think about how more accurate thought, as it is more correct to build this or that preset. Oral speech often does not require such tension from us, as a written speech.

In the given text, V. Oseva is widely used by the dialogue. The dialogue is used to transmit oral speech. Let's see how the dialogue has a dialogue. The frequent use of dots in the text is drawn to. The dot serves to transfer the incompleteness of thought, sometimes, the uncertainty of heroes in their reflections. Examples may be sentences No. 38-40: (38) "led ..."; (39) "And the harmful still, he twisted his head."; (40) "- the truth is to blame ...".

The same purpose also serves the use of monosyllary of call proposals. So, with the help of calling proposals No. 58 ("Murlyshka!"), No. 59 ("Upsa ...") is transferred to the joy of the guys after returning the cat. Heroes's emotions helps to convey also to use an exclamation proposal (No. 58), sentences with ellipsis (No. 59).

The above examples confirm that Boris Schgin was right when he argued: "The oral phrase transferred to paper is always subject to some processing, at least in terms of the syntax."


We give examples of writing

15.1. Let us give an example of writing-reasoning in a journalistic style.

From how a person speaks, his perception of others depends: what impression he will produce how his words will be perceived, will he achieve his goals. Our speech is the indicator of our culture or teaching, our spirituality or confusion, our inner wealth or poverty. That is what says saying MA Kronhausa: "The way we say draws our speech portrait. This portrait, like our face, can be attractive and unattractive. "

Let's try to confirm our assumption examples from the text V. Oseva. So, for example, in Proposition 10 (well, to do! - said Levka) The boy's speech is not different in wealth and expressiveness: the use of a coarse word does not better characterize the hero.

Proposal 33 (guys, you did not see the purr?) Makes us a speech of another heroine - Marya Pavlovna. The proposal is complicated by the appeal, and this appeal is a word with a diminutive-laquating suffix - so one word in the speech of the heroine already allows you to penetrate it with sympathy.

Thus, we managed to prove that a human speech is an indicator of his mind, soul, its essence. Consequently, the rights was MA. Krongauz, arguing that our speech can say a lot about a person.

15.2. In the given fragment of the text, the father with condemnation calls those who could steal the beloved cat's cattle, scoundrel, not even guessing that these are the most scoundrels nearby. The cat is the only living existence, which is attached to Marya Pavlovna, to deprive her of this being - means to deprive her the most expensive that she had.

The boys decided to take revenge on the neighbor, making himself that she would complain to their parents. In offers number 16 -19 we find confirmation of this. The fear of the Heroes's heroes on a noise business.

It is good that the guys correctly appreciated their act and could fix it on time. A remarks of conscience made the boys go to search for a cat. That is why after meeting with the purr, they felt liberated from their shame. It is no coincidence that in the offer number 60 about their return with the cat home says that they went "solemnly."

The whole life of a person consists of a permanent choice, the choice between good and evil, between the truth and lies, between mercy and indifference. The most important forms of moral consciousness are shame, conscience, debt, duty, responsibility. Heroes of V. Oseva possess these qualities, therefore, most likely, the actions that contradict their moral landmarks will be avoided.

15.3. Compassion - the ability to experience someone else's pain as your own, the desire to help, sincerely sympathize, not to condemn. Not everyone has the ability to compassion, because, probably, in our society grows distrust to each other. The inability to compare is covered with suspicion, the search for thousands of reasons do not come to the rescue.

The boys, the characters of the text of V. Oseva, decided to take revenge on the neighbor, making himself that she would complain about them to parents. The fear of them is for her no matter. It is good that the guys correctly appreciated their act and could fix it on time. They realized that the cat is the only living creature to which Marya Pavlovna is tied to deprive her of this being - it means to deprive her the most expensive that she had.

When our neighbors had a fire, all our acquaintances responded to trouble: brought things, furniture, money. This trouble has become our common misfortune. To pass by meant to stop being a man. A person must be typical of compassion and the desire to come to the aid - important manifestations of humanity.

When we create good, life around becomes brighter, that's why the multiplication of goodness is always rewarding with a hundredfold.

What is compassion?

Compassion is the quality of the soul, which, I think, is present in all people, but not everyone knows how to show this feeling.

For me, compassion is also an understanding, experience and help from close, it is required by each of us in a difficult situation, most importantly, to show it on time.

The text of V. Oseva talks about two boys, serving and leav, who once shot out of the slingshot, and the old woman of Marya Pavlovna made them a remark. The boys did not like it, and they decided to teach the old woman, staging her cat, whom

he loved the whole house. Several days after the disappearance of the cat passed, and all the neighbors were looking for the purr, and the unfortunate Maria Pavlovna was completely desperate. Levka with a servant noticed this, and they became a pity to the old woman. The feeling of compassion awoke in their souls! The boys returned a red cat.

I will give an example from life experience. My friend of Olesi had a dog that everyone loved. But the dog liked and their neighbor. And one day he did not suffer and stole a buoyan. Close of Olesya began to look for an animal, the neighbor noticed this and could not resist. He let go of the dog, which is back in Saraj. At that moment, he also woke up the feeling of compassion, like the boys, the heroes of the work of V. Oseva.

So, compassion is a feeling of pity, manifested as people and to animals.

Other works on this topic:

  1. Explain how you understand the meaning of the text fragment: "- Or maybe someone stole? There are such scoundrels. " I understand the meaning of the fragment: the missing cat, according to the Father ...
  2. What is compassion? The compassion, according to the article "The Intellular Dictionary of the Russian Language" S. I. Ozhegova, is "pity, sympathy caused by misfortune, grief to the orphans." In the text and ....
  3. Explain how you understand the meaning of the text of the text: "The dog went to the water, sat down on the sand and again froze in his eternal waiting." I understand this phrase ...
  4. What is compassion? Compassion is an active kindness. Not just sympathy, kind words addressed to the victim, and the desire to help you get into trouble and the word, and ...
  5. How do I understand the word "compassion"? How do I understand the word "compassion"? I think this is such human quality when you are ready to feel someone else's pain, for the first call you will hurry ...
  6. Compassion - pity, caused by the unfortunate of another person. These are sympathy and mercy to people coming from a pure heart. So, an example of compassion may be the attitude of Kolya ...
  7. Explain how you understand the meaning of the text fragment: "- Or maybe someone stole? There are such scoundrels. " "Or maybe stole anyone? There are such scoundrels ... "So one sounds ...
  8. How do you understand the meaning of the word strong man. ? A strong person, in my opinion, is the one who has a great physical force, powerful. Another meaning of the word is ...

Mercy is one of the most important qualities of a person, it means the desire to help someone who found himself in a difficult life situation and needs help.

I believe that mercy in our time is a very important manifestation of the human soul because only mutual assistance and support helps us survive in this world. This excellent quality needs to be developed in itself from the small years. The merciful can be called the person who is capable of a disinterested act for the other, despite the fact that the consequences of this act may adversely affect it itself.

Confirmation of my thought can be found in the text V.P. Astafieva. The storyteller, being a child, committed a merciful act, when the fear fears and, despite the big risk for his own life, saved geese, who threatened a serious danger.

The manifestation of mercy we can meet in everyday life. We all know about the situation in Syria, about the difficult life of the Syrian residents.

Russian military show mercy when risking life, clarify cities from bombs and unexploded shells.

Thus, mercy helps us feel feelings of compassion for other people and the desire to help them.

Updated: 2017-06-13

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Compiler Suuryazov Irina Anatolyevna

Stages of work on an essay 15.3

1. Carefully re-read the source text.

2. Find the answer to the question you suggested: what is it? (Humanity? Kindness? Courage? Heroism?).

3. Formulate this answer in your own words and write it on the draft.

4. PREPARE MATERIAL FOR first argument:

Find examples in the text illustrating this ethical concept;

Remember what to explain how manifests itself humanity (kindness, courage, heroism...) in a concrete case;

It is necessary to comment on the actions of heroes, based on the proposed task;

Do not forget to indicate the numbers of the offers you referring to;

5. Think over what material you will take as second argument:

Remember whether you came across this concept in our own life, in the life of parents, friends;

Write your memories, but pay attention to the fact that it should be not only the retelling ("a friend said ...", "He did ..."), but also analysis (why was done!);

Contact your knowledge (this is also an argument based on life experience): Remember the recently read book, about the movie viewed, about the historical fact ...

6. And, of course, do not forget about the output. Re-read everything that wrote, and make a conclusion, summarizing what is written.

Let's talk again about the composition composition. In writing 15.3. May be four paragraphs.

1 paragraph -interpretation of the ethical concept proposed for reflection;

2 paragraph -argument from the source text;

3 paragraph -argument from life experience;

4 paragraph -output.

Do not forget that each subsequent paragraph must contain new information.

Questions who worry graduates


1. it Generalization of some vital facts:

A life story that happened to you;

A life story that happened with your friend;

Life story that occurred with your parents or their familiar.

2. it Appeal to the read book, dedicated to this topic.

3. it appeal to the film in which this topic is disclosed.

4. it appeal to historical facts which you know.

5. Maybe, it will appeal to some interesting bright poem dedicated to you the topic. In this case, it must be quoted.

Possible accessions

1. Tell me about Dr. Lisa:- the real name is Elizabeth Petrovna Glinka;

Russian philanthropist , that is, a person engaged in charity to help in need;

Resuscitation doctor; - Executive Director of the Fund "Fair Help"; - the Foundation provides material support and provides medical assistance to dying oncological patients, low-income patients of an neonocological profile, homeless; - exported patients and wounded children from Ukraine.2. Tell about Mother Teresa;3. Tell me about our participation in the action "Become Santa Morozom":- held since 2003;

Gifts for pupils The world orphanage, the Semilukian sanatorium boarding school and the Ostrogozhsky social and rehabilitation center for minors;

4. Tell me about the participation of your family in the white flower charitable action:

- donations of Voronezh residents went to the treatment of children patients with oncological diseases.

5. Tell me about the participation of your family in the promotion of the "Week of Good",annually conducted in our school:

Collection of toys, stationery, clothes for Kamensky social and rehabilitation center "Nadezhda";

Assistance to older people;

Contest wall newspaper;

Reading and discussing stories on this topic;

Greening school.

6. Tell about the charitable fund "Give Life »:

Co-founders Dina Korzun and Chulpan Hamatova;

Foundation has existed since 2006;

The fund helps children with oncological diseases.

Everyone can transfer money to the Foundation's account to save at least one child.

1. Tell meabout your friend and his help in a difficult moment 2. Tell meon the friendship of famous people (for example, about the friendship of A.S. Pushkin and his lyceum friends) 3. Share your impressions from the read parables given below.

The task:Read the parable and express your opinion about friendship (with a support for read), starting the argument like this: "I recently read an interesting parable about friendship, which says that ...

Be sure to say what conclusion you did from the read parable

One day two friends were going through the desert. They argued somehow, and one hit another person. He who hit the face was offended, but did not say anything. Only wrote on the sand: today my best friend hit me on the face. They went further, and in the distance they saw an oasis, and wanted to drink and swim. On the way to the oasis, the one who hit, suddenly found himself in Zybuchi sands. He began to dive even deeper and deeper, but his friend saved him. After that, the victim wrote on the stone: today my best friend saved my life. A friend who first hit him, and then saved his life, asked: "When I hit you, you wrote it in the sand, and now you write on the stone, why?" A friend replied: "When someone is wounded, we must write it on the sand so that the wind for forgiveness can erase the traces. If someone makes us something good, we have to cut it on the stone so that no wind can erase it. "Lack to write your resentment on the sand, and everything is good on the stone.

4. Readbook about friendship and Sharewith your impressions, linking the essay theme 1. Remember Have you experienced a feeling of envy. How did you feel at this point (was it happy to have life, friends, new books or everything seemed black and evil?). Think whether the harm is harmful to the person who envies. 2. Remember Was the situation in your life when they envied you. How envy reflected on your mood, on your relationship with that person who envied. Televisions what I remembered. 3. Think over the question, You can share envy on black and white. Agregate your answer. Did you envy? 4. Remember"The fairy tale of the Dead Tsarevna and about seven heroes", written by A.S. Pushkin (envy stepmother to the younger stepdaughter and her beauty). Analyzethis fairy tale, and express your opinion on stepmother actions. 5. Remembertragedy A.S. Pushkin "Mozart and Salieri". Express Your opinion on such a feeling as envy. 6. Rememberbiblical parable about Cain and Avele. Analyze it.

1. Tell meabout a person who knows how to respond for his actions, knows how to take responsibility. It may be a teacher, friend, elder brother, father, mother, friend father, just familiar.

2. Analyze the historical example of irresponsibility:

Turks were able to capture Constantinople, passing through the gate, which someone forgot to close.

3. Reada small essay of A.vertua "Ants". Analyze it:

Between two glass plates, fastened with the edges of the paper, fussed and the whole tribe of tiny brown freaks was shoved. The seller poured the ants a little sand, and they cut through it through the moves that everyone came out at one point. There - in the middle itself - almost motionlessly sacrificed a large ant. It was the Queen - ants constantly fed her.

There are no trouble with them, "said the seller." It's enough to put a drop in honey to the hole in the month ... one-only drop ... And the ants themselves will take honey and share themselves ...

Just one drop a month? - A young woman was surprised. "Is it enough of one drop to feed all this folk?"

A young woman was a big hat made of white straw and a maslin dress in colors, without sleeves. The seller sadly looked at her.

One drop is quite enough, - he repeated.

How cute! - exclaimed a young woman. And I bought a transparent anthill.

My friend, you have not seen my ants yet? Snow white handle with maphoric fingers held a glass anthill. A man sitting next to a young woman admired her proclaiming.

How interesting with you, dear ... You know how to make a novelty and diversity ... Yesterday evening we listened to the Bach ... Today ... We watch the ants ...

Take a look, dear! - she said with childish gusty, which - she knew it - he liked him so much. - See that tremendous ant? This is a queen ... Workers serving her ... I feed them myself ... And do it, honey, honey, they have a single drop of honey per month ... Isn't that charming?

Week passed - Ants during this time had time to bother and her husband and lover. Young woman put an anthill behind the mirror standing on the fireplace in her room. At the end of the month, she forgot to put a drop of honey into the hole. Ants died slow hungry death. Until the very end, they burned a little honey for the queen, and she died last.

1.Proalize The terrible facts of the human indifference set forth in the "Arguments and Facts" newspaper:

In the Novosibirsk region from exhaustion died five-year-old Anton Kiryanov. Mother and grandmother with grandfather considered the boy too voracious and to feed it less, tied a baby with a cable to the bed. Everything happened in the village of Chupino, where everything and everything in sight. But none of the neighbors paid attention to the suffering of the child.

In Barnaul in front of the passengers and standing at the stop of people, the bus driver closed the door and moved from the place, without waiting when the pensioner comes out of transport. On only one foot, she stepped on the ground - the second remained in the bus. An elderly woman dragged under the wheels, she died from injuries. None of eyewitnesses even tried to stop the bus.

2. Analyzewords Bruno Yasensky

Do not be afraid of friends: in the worst case they can betray!

Do not be afraid of enemies: in the worst case, they can kill!

Fear indifferent: they do not kill and do not betray.

But only with their silent consent

It happens on the ground murder and betrayal!

3. Read the storyA.P.Chekhova "Tosca". In it, you will find examples of indifference.

"Joy treats, and grinds sadness," says the Russian proverb. How well said. A person who can rejoice in any event will find positive moments. With such a person it is easy to communicate. The source of joy he sees in everything: in nature, his surrounding, in friends, in work, in the family ..


"The grief can be survived alone, but joy - to know it fully - you need to divide with another person," said the American writer Mark Twain. Indeed, when you joyfully, I want to scream on the whole world by sharing it with all familiar and unfamiliar people.

2. Tell meabout your most happy life moment. Share your joy with us.

3. Tell about joy,tested to you when you saw any miracle of nature. 1. Readthe poem in the prose I.S.Turgenev "Sparrow" about the courage of the bird, who threw the defenders of his cub.

the dog slowly approached him (to the chick, dropping out of the nest ), Once suddenly, having broken from a close tree, the old Chernogood Sparrow fell in front of her face itself - and the whole disheveled, distorted, with a desperate and pathetic peak jumped two times in the direction of the tooth-revealed mouth.

He rushed to save, he departed his brainchild ... But all his little caller trembled from horror, his voice was wild and hoarse, he silent, he sacrificed himself!

What a huge monster was to seem like a dog! And nevertheless, he could not sit on his high, safe branch ...

Work samples

Task 15.3.

What devotion ? Devotion is readiness to sacrifice something for anything, the ability in any situation to maintain loyalty to anyone or anyone, whether it is an idea or person. I will try to justify this definition of this ethical concept.

As the first argument You can lead a proposal of 15 from the text of V.V. Chapina. It describes the dedication of wolverine maternal debt - the protection of their children. As soon as her cubs began to threaten the danger, she, despite everything, rushed to protect his offspring.

As a second argument confirming my point of view, I will give an example from my life experience. I know two friends. They served together during the war in Chechnya. One day during the retreat of one of the comrades wounded. He could not move and remained to cover the departure of our troops. Suddenly his friend lies next to him and says: "Russians do not throw their own!" Here it is, real devotion: despite the threat of one's own life, to remain a faithful friend, not to quit it in a difficult moment.

I think that leading two arguments, I proved my understanding of the word "dedication." It is a pity that it rarely meets today. ( Belov Nikita)

Essay 15.3.

I guess, that friendship - This is a relationship between people based on trust, sincerity, self-sacrifice. I will prove it with the help of the text and your life experience proposed to us.

For example, in the work of roses, Gosman is a friendship of two girls: Olga and Elena. Olya writes poems. She herself understands that they are not very good (1). However, Lena is always praised (13). But the girlfriend is insincere: it flatters the Ole, and behind her laughs at her (19-21). Therefore, when Olya finds out the truth, the girls quarrel. In this situation, Olya behaves very generously: she forgives Lena, and that, having received a good lesson, changed the attitude towards the passion of Oli, and the girls resumed friendship (45-50).

In addition, I want to give an example from my life. My girlfriend always helps me, keeps secrets and supports me in all endeavors. I also try to answer her the same. Therefore, I consider it a true friend.

Thus, I proved that friendship is based on understanding and trust. The role of friendship is enormous in the current world, after all, it is well aware that you have someone to rely on a difficult moment.

( Ekaterina Listeyshenkova)

Essay 15.3.

I know that friendship - This is a relationship between people based on trust, sincerity, self-sacrifice. I will prove it using the source text and your life experience.

In the work of A. Ivanov, an example of real friendship is given. Ovechkin was ready to sacrifice his own life to save friends. He fearlessly jumped on the trunk of a tree and began to chop it (45-46). Ovechkin knew what risk he went, but did not stop, but completed his business (48-57).

In addition, I want to give an example from my life confirming my point of view. When I had trouble in my life, because of which I was very worried, my girlfriend was near, supported and encouraged me. I thought it was she who helped forget the incident. I want to express your gratitude for it.

Thus, I proved that friendship really plays a big role in a person's life, it keeps the whole world. ( Ekaterina Listeyshenkova)

Essay 15.3.

friendship - These are close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, community of interest. This is something invaluable, important, necessary, because in your life there is a person who you are very expensive and on which you can always rely on. Let's try to figure out this ethical concept.

As the first argument the correctness of the subject expressed by theses Take an example from the text of the rose Gosman. Proposals 45-50 show us that Lenka was still ashamed of his behavior, since in Olga's eyes, she expressed her admiration to verses, and he laughed behind her work. But Olga, being the "character of very soft and peaceful", forgave Lenka, and they remained wonderful friends.

As a second argument confirming my point of view, I would like to give an example from life. My father, when he was 15 years old, gathered with friends to give a river. By installing fishing rods, he inadvertently dropped the float and, without knowing how to swim, rushed after him. When he no longer felt the bottom, he understood that he began to sink. Fortunately, at the time when the rest of the comrades went to the forest for firewood, the Baston Grisha was launched near the shore. He, not a minute not doubting, rushed to the rescue. My father was saved, and until today, they and Gregory remain better friends, ready to help each other.

Thus, it is impossible to disagree with the fact that friendship is holy, and it is very important to have such a friend who will always support you and will not leave in trouble. ( Anastasia Borko)


What friendship ? This is joy! Huge joy of communication! The joy of the fact that there is a close person close to you, who will help the Council, always listens and will certainly support in everything. Only he can fully trust. Only from him you can, without resentment, listen to criticism in your address. Real friendship, like real love, phenomenon is quite rare. But if she is still there, it must be preserved as an eye. After all, losing a friend, we lose a particle yourself. And you should always remember that it is easy to lose it, but find it insanely difficult. To confirm the said, analyze the article by the famous trainer Natalia Durra and reader experience.

Turn to the read text. Natalia Durway Road Elephant and Oslik-Kroch, because they are its real and true friends. After all, she spent a lot of time with them, not only working out any circus programs, but simply playing with them, trusting their secrets (3-5).

Recall the fairy tale A. Sent-Exupery "Little Prince". I was touched by simplicity and at the same bottomless philosophical depth of the work. A special impression on me was made by that episode when a small prince tells the pilot, who dreamed of being an artist, about his meeting with the fox, whom he tamed, and how they became friends. Fox taught a little prince to take care of loved ones, asked not to forget that he was "responsible for those who tamed."

I think it is impossible to disagree with the fact that friendship is spiritual love, the ability to communicate with heart and soul. (Borko Anastasia)

Essay 15.3.

Good - The opposite of evil, this is what makes you smile even in a difficult moment, what brings happiness to those who do good actions, and to whom they are intended.

You can give proof of the text fragment Yu.Ya.Yakovlev. The dog was waiting for her owner as devotionally that she did not want to leave the bone and Zhenomena from the coast. This devotion means that the dog loved his owner, wanted him good and speedy return from the sea that she hoped that he was still alive. (28-34)

In addition, I would like to turn to the examples of the manifestation of kindness in our life. People often take part in various charitable promotions, one of which is the action "White Flower". Volunteers collect cash, clothing to assist people who have fallen into trouble, sick and need. Voronezh, and my family, including, did not remain aside. All donations went to the treatment of children, patients with oncological diseases.

Thus, we were convinced that good was intentional and disinterested help to another, as well as love for loved ones. ( Horny Anna)

Essay 15.3.

Good - The opposite of evil, this is what makes you smile even in a difficult moment, what brings happiness to those who do, and for whom it is intended. Let's try to figure it out in the sense of this concept.

Let's turn to the text of Yu. Ya. Yakovlev. The writer tells us about a sick boy who has a dog (34-37). But his mother, since there is no free time to walk away the taxi, decides to sell it, and the Costa is called to walk with Laptg (39-42). And we understand that the boy is a good man.

Examples of good can be found in life. At the moment a promotion is held: everyone can buy New Year's gifts and send them to the children of Donbass to please the children of Ukraine, where the war goes. Many people, including my family, took part in this action. I think, together we made a little good to this world.

Thus, we were convinced that good was intentional and disinterested help to other, as well as an effective love of loved ones. ( Horny Anna)

Essay 15.3.

You never wondered what is good ? It seems to me that good is disinterested and sincere actions aimed at helping a close or unfamiliar person, an animal or plant.

As the first argument, you can cite an example from T.istinova. Masha, as she could, cared for Timofee: fed it, allowed to help her in work, became his friend (4, 8-10). She undoubtedly committed good actions. After all, without taking anything in return, she made a boy happy.

As a second argument, I will contact the life of an amazing woman, who was disadvantaged and alone: \u200b\u200b"You are not alone!" I think many have heard about her - about Mother Teresa. She devoted his whole life to help poor and sick people. All over the world, under its patronage, 400 branches and 700 mercy houses are open, where any person, regardless of nationality and religion, can seek help. What is it, if not the desire to give people a joy and happiness?

Lowing two arguments, I proved my understanding of the word "good". I would like in our world it was as much as possible. ( Belov Nikita)

Essay 15.3.

I think that good - This is a positive attitude towards people, these are disinterested deeds committed by man from a pure heart. To prove it, I will bring an example from your life and read the work.

For example, in the story T. Ustinova heroine allowed Timothy to watch how she feeds bears, and when the boy helped her, she allowed him to become her assistant. Soon they made friends, and Masha began to communicate with Timothy on an equal footing, was the ray of the light that he did not want to lose. Masha was a good girlfriend, and precisely because of this, friendship began between Masha and the boy. She cared for Timofee and supported him. But, unfortunately, their friendship ended when the heroine married and left.

In addition, I want to give an example from my life. I try to live in harmony with my heart and soul. Helping parents, sister, friends and relatives. I try to help in a difficult situation to others, do everything in my power. Not always a person can make a global act, but we should not forget that you need to start with a small one, because the small good deeds can help someone.

Thus, I proved that good helps to survive people among all the problems and adversity in our world. ( Ekaterina Listeyshenkova)

Essay 15.3.

I think that good - This is a positive attitude towards people, these are disinterested deeds committed by man from a pure heart. To prove it, I will bring an example from your life and read the work.

First, in the fairy tale A. Sent-Exupery, the Little Prince was a good boy. He gladly decided to make friends with the fox, which was sad and lonely to live alone, without friends. Also, the kindness of the main character is manifested in his sincere sadness, which he feels when he says goodbye to the fox. Fox is also a good character, because he is not offended on a small prince, but understands and forgives him.

Secondly, I also make small good deeds. In the neighboring entrance of my house lives an old grandmother. Her legs hurt, and it is difficult for her. Therefore, I often help her take the garbage bucket when I meet on the street. Also near our house there are many homeless cats, which I feed. In the future, I want to help people more.

Thus, I proved that good one person helps others survive difficult moments and can bring joy to this world. Ekaterina Listeyshenkova)

Essay 15.3.

What good ? To answer this question, turn to the dictionary S.I. Yohegova, in which it is written: "Good - this is something positive, good, useful, opposite evil; Good deed. " We prove this statement.

As the first argument, take an example from the work of Tatiana Vitalevna Ustinova. Proposals 11-12 show us how much Masha is not sensible to Timofey. After all, she, seeing him every day, of course, noticed that he was undernourished and therefore began to feed it, thereby making a good deed. In addition, she allowed him to help her in the zoo, became his friend. And for a lonely, none of the necessary boy it was the most important in life.

As a second argument, I will give an example from life. My father's friend once saw an advertisement in the newspaper about a seriously ill boy and decided to help him, providing material assistance. He, not a minute immediately, scored the room and contacted his boyfriend's parents. After a couple of days, funds were listed, and a sick boy was assisted. Familiar father never regretted his act. A few years later, he opened the center for the provision of material assistance to sick children to save many lives hanging in the hairs.

Thus, it is impossible to disagree with the fact that it is necessary to do good - this is necessary and necessary: \u200b\u200bwe show humanity towards people around us and help those who have fallen into a difficult situation. ( Borko Anastasia)

Essay 15.3.

Humanity - This is the moral quality of a person who shows his kindness and not indifference to others. Let us try to figure it out in more detail in this ethical concept, illustrating it with examples from life experience and read text.

V.P. Astafyev tells us that the hunter released a kunitsa to the will, although she "returned" many animals from the resentment on the courtyard boys: they dragged them from the nest, as a result of which one died. A man that realizing that Belogrudka simply defended his cubs, showed sympathy for poor Kunitsa Mother.

Examples of humanity can be found in life. The money of the local church and donations of the benefactors from all over Russia in the Liski built a shelter for children who were in a difficult life situation. This is the manifestation of humanity to the victims.

Thus, we were convinced that humanity is intentional and disinterested assistance to another, this is an expression of human-like. ( Horny Anna)


Humanity In my opinion, this is the ability to participate in the fate of other people: to help them in a difficult moment, to render moral, and if necessary, and material support. To confirm the said, turn to the text E. Seton-Thompson and the life experience.

The writer introduces the reader with the relationship between the hunter and the forest deer. Yang has long hunted on this deer and, finally, when he quit him, wanted to kill. However, the deer was so beautiful and at the same time defenseless that Yang regretted him. (26-34).

Reflecting on the question of what humanity is, I want to tell about the case of life. Most recently, the "Best Church Card" and "Gifts of the Children of Ukraine" were held in our school: we brought candy, toys, things for Ukrainian children deprived of the world. Having received a chocolate, or a book, or new shoes, they will find, it seems to me, "a piece of happiness," joy, "will remember about peaceful life.

Thus, we are convinced that humanity is selfless help to another, it is moral or material support for those who need it. ( Gvozdyukov Sergey)


beauty - This is what admires and brings aesthetic pleasure. Each person has its own understanding of beauty. I want to introduce you to your perception of beauty and with a point of view of the writer M.M. Prishvin, who is enthusiastic, seemingly the most ordinary things.

First, Mikhail Mikhailovich draws our attention to how the spring rod is rumped. This sound "caresses" the ears and raises the mood. Perhaps it is he who creates that the most spring attitude that the mood lifts people (Proposition 2).

Secondly, when you see how dawn comes, then you are covered by the indescribable feeling of lightness, delight, mystery. The bright orange sun illuminates everything around and gives rise to a new day. The clouds and the sky itself are painted in pink and orange tones. Fascinating landscape ... Isn't that beauty?

Thus, we made sure that the beauty is everywhere and for everyone she is their own.

( Orlova Irina )


Wanting to determine what is beauty We present beautiful people and beautiful corners of the earth. However, the beauty itself, each person evaluates in different ways. And at the same time on Earth there is something that will be equally beautiful for everyone. This is the beauty of nature. Simple natural phenomena, such as the gentle sea, blossomed flower, waterfall, the first snow, carry sources of joy ... To confirm the said, please contact the text and your life experience proposed for analysis.

The first argument will find in the text I.S. Sokolova-Mikitov. Looking at the sunrise, the author, he penetrates his charm, filling with joy ... (Proposal 1), because the sunrise is a small particle of beauty that nature gives us.

The second argument will take from personal life. Very often, on a summer sunny day, it will suddenly overtake us warm rain. After such a phenomenon in the sky, a wonderful multi-colored strip often arises, called rainbow. She, like a track from some kind of magical fairy tale, shows that at one end of the Earth there is a big treasure. Rainbow is one of the manifestations of beauty.

Thus, after analyzing two arguments, I proved that the beauty may be not only gypsum figures or some items made by a person, but also what the nature creates.

( Naumenko Irina)


Childhood ... How much is hidden in this word for every person. After all, whatever it is, heavy or complete happiness and fun, we all regret when it goes away. Why? Maybe we miss the pleasant moments near the New Year tree or walks in the spring forest, and maybe, according to the lessons that I prevailed our life every minute? You can not get rid of childhood: it always lives in the depths of our soul. To confirm the said, analyze the proposed text and my attitude towards childhood.

As the first argument, I will add to the text of Natalia Durra. She recalls her childhood spent in the circus, those bright moments when he played hide and hiding behind the "huge ivory" (4). Her childhood was connected with this big kind elephant. Saying goodbye to the port, the future trainer washed with her hand Childhood, which forever walked into unknown edges (14-16).

As a second argument, I will give an example from personal experience. When I hear the word "childhood", a Christmas tree arises in front of me. Near the Christmas tree, with huge gifts in my hands. Near the parents are sitting and help me cope with colored packages. I remember the solar warm days of the summer, which I spent at my grandmother in the village. In memory there are amazing hiking in the field behind flowers or strawberries, a trip to Senokos or evening walks to the spring. All this is a childhood that leaves, alas, irrevocably.

After analyzing two arguments, we came to the conclusion that for each person the childhood is the most wonderful time. What a pity that such a short one. What a pity that everything ends. What a pity that we will never see all of that surprising that you admired in childhood, there was a head ...

( Ostapenko Victoria)


Childhood ... Everyone has its own. For someone - this is the morning of the grandmother in the village with fragrant pies, for someone - games with friends in the courtyard all day, and for someone - fairy tales who read parents for the night. Unfortunately, childhood ends sooner or later, but certainly everyone remains warm memories of him. Let's try to figure out in the sense of this concept in more detail.

As the first argument, we turn to the proposals of the 14-16 of the text of Natalia Durra. She says that childhood floats from her with Barka, in which her friends are located: Elephant and Oslik-Kroch. It is about them that she will remember, nostalging by childhood.

I would like to give an example from my own life as the second argument. The brightest memories of childhood are connected with parents. Our joint campaigns in the forest, traveling to the sea and evenings, held at desk games, all this includes the word "childhood". Now I have become older, the time we spend together becomes less and less. But those seconds, minutes, hours, days spent with their parents, for me the most expensive. After all, this is my childhood.

I think we have proven that childhood is inevitably, but fortunately, it can be returned with memories, those wonderful memories that have imprinted in the soul forever. (Molodelova Julia)


Childhood As a kind tale, lives in the soul of each of us all my life, because it was during these years that the brightest sun shines, the unusual flowers are growing, bold dreams come, which are necessarily come true. Childhood is postponing the imprint to the entire subsequent life of a person: it is at this age that the main features of its character and the worldview are formed, the abilities and talent develop. It is said that childhood is the happiest time of life that we appreciate, alas, we start only when it left us forever. To confirm the said, analyze the article of the famous trainer Natalia Durra and his reader experience.

As the first argument, I would like to give an example from the text. The last sentence of this article-memoil helps to understand how Natalia Durov was the Elephant and Oslik-Kroch roads: these were not just the performers of some of its teams and orders, but the most real and true friends with whom she spent her own childhood. It is easy to imagine how difficult it was to look into the flood-up Barca, on which the expensive hearts walked forever, comrades ... She sang with bitterness that her childhood floats with them ... she matters ...

Also in confirmation of his point of view I will give an example from reader experience. After reading the story of Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy "Childhood", I did not remain indifferent to the history of the little hero. I was touched by the simplicity of the writer's language, its ease and philosophical depth, The main character with whom the author introduces us, having fun and carelessly lives in the village with all his family, without thinking about anything and daily admiring the angelic face of Mother and mysterious, indisputable, beautiful father. But it was the time of departure, and Nikolenka Irtenyev understands that the moment of farewell to childhood is accompanied by a sorrowful and sad feeling of the upcoming separation with his hometown. And the door closed forever in childhood, the boy is only when his mother dies, and he understands that there is no return road and it is impossible to return to the wonderful time ...

Thus, it is impossible to disagree that childhood is a wonderful time, very quickly fluttered, but memorable many happy moments. Unfortunately, childhood ever ends, and adult independent life comes to shift ...

(Borko Anastasia)


Heroism - This is the ability to sacrifice themselves for other people or anything, willingness to give all your strength in the name of something good, Light. You can illustrate this thesis on the example of the source text and my life experience.

As the first argument, you can bring words from the poem of Ivan Bunin "Wisely": "The hero of the enemy crazy gave fire, but he died himself - burned down in an unequal battle as a sparkling meteor" (1). With these words, the author affects the theme of self-sacrifice, one of the distinguishing features of heroism. The hero does not think about his life when he takes an unequal battle.

As a second argument, I will give your example. During the Great Patriotic War, heroism was often shown. One of the heroes was Alexander Sailors. One day his regiment received an order to take the village of Chernushki. Our warriors could not suppress one of the dumps. Then the sailors, praying for him, closed his ambrusura. Alexander did not think about himself, he thought about his homeland, which should remain free, despite everything. His feat repeated our countryman - Vasily Petrovich Zakharchenko, whose name is wearing a school in which I study. Both of them posthumously awarded the Golden Star of the Hero .

I think that leading two arguments, I proved my understanding of the word "heroism". I hope in our time, people did not forget that it means . (Belov Nikita)


I think that Motherland - This is where you were born, where the years of your mature, dating life. The very first and important memories of childhood are connected with thoughts about their homeland. To prove it, I will give an example from the work of Alexander Yashin and his life.

For example, in the story of A. Yashin, the author tells about his love for his homeland. He was the son of a peasant, grew up in the village, worked on Earth. The writer loves his homeland. He is sure: when his countrymen are doing well, he easily lives him easily. The author wants to prove to his children that living in the village is good and he will never exchange his village childhood on urban, because the village is his small homeland, which is the way to him most in the world.

In addition, I want to give an example from my life. I, like all people, there is a big homeland - my country and small homeland - a place where I spent my childhood. In winter, I love to walk along the familiar streets drowning in the snow, in the fall - to wander around the rustling leaves and collect acorns and chestnuts, in the spring - inhaling the aroma of blooming cherries and pears and admire the "blizzard" of sprinkling white-pink applete lobes. I think the homeland for a person is like roots for wood. If the tree has strong, strong roots, the tree will be great, beautiful, strong. So and a person who has a place with good children's memories, a place where you can return, the soul will be decent.

Thus, I have proven that every person has a homeland, and he does not exchange it to any other country, because he left his happiest days of childhood and a particle of his soul, because it was here that his life is the origins of his life. (Ekaterina Listeyshenkova)

Works for work on errors

The task: 1) try to find and correct errors in the compositions composition; 2) try to find grammatical errors and fix them; 3) Try to evaluate the work by exposing the scores by criteria.

Essay 15.3.

Responsibility "This is what every person must learn, fully giving himself a report in what the consequences will certainly go for your actions. A responsible person is always trying to fulfill its work as high quality or task and enter other people.

First, an example of responsibility can be found in the text: When Vanya went straight to the pensioner, trying to save the Vasyatka from bees. You can also see an example of irresponsibility, when Grignka and Fedya decided not to help the Vasyatka who had fallen in trouble, but just leave.

Secondly, such examples can be found in our lives, for example: every student at school, the institute should understand that on how much it will be responsible in studying will depend on his future. It is a pity that this is not aware of everything.

Compassion means the ability to feel the pain and suffering of another person or living being. This feature may have only a kind and responsive personality, attentive to others.

Compassion is the ability to listen to someone in trouble. When a person talks about what happened and sees that he is listening carefully and worried about him, then the problem seems no longer so terrible. In a circle of loved ones and sensitive people, a person does not feel lonely, he understands what can count on support and help. Family members and real friends always show compassion in relation to each other.

To feel the pain and longing of another person, it is not at all to be familiar with him. For the manifestation of compassion, no names or surnames are needed, a good heart and desire, a gust come to the aid who needs it. For example, a person slipped and fell, passing by him, people help to rise and clarify whether he missed if he was not necessary to call ambulance.

The main obstacles for compassion are egoism, pride, as well as pity for themselves, thoughts that others live better. A man should never forget that there are people in the world who are not so lucky in life: they have no home, they are starving, they have serious injury, etc.

Show compassion - does not mean help only people. Pity, care, help and love - all this can be shown in relation to animals. They, unlike people, can not tell about their hardness. But a sensitive and kind person only in one type of animal or to express the eye will immediately understand what the trouble and a cat or a dog need help.

In the books, many examples of compassion, which cause admiration and teach us to be more attentive and kinder. So, in the story of A. Kupper "Wonderful Doctor" the doctor saves the family. Although he could just pass by, do not pay attention to a man sitting in the winter park. But the doctor had enough one glance to feel despair. Another amazing example of compassion is the Costa Boy from the story of the "Bagulik" Y.Yakovlev. He walked dogs whose owners could not do this due to illness or left their pets.

Writing reasoning compassion with example

Compassion is the positive quality of a person who personifies all the kindness and tenderness of his soul.

Unfortunately, compassion is not every person. In the modern world, cruelty prevails over kindness. Sometimes people do not pay attention to the world around us, paying to themselves all the time. However, I believe that compassion lives in every person. Perhaps someone has been hidden deep in the soul, but still it is, just need to get it. And some people have compassion expressed stronger than the rest.

No need to confuse such terms as compassion and pity. Compassion is the ability to feel the same as the other person. This empathy. But pity, in contrast to compassion, cannot be considered positive quality. After all, it is almost the same thing that say: "You are a loser."

It is the compassion that helps a person understand that another person feels. Whether it is physical or moral pain. Compassion makes a person help people.

In the fifth grade I had a friend named Julia. I never noticed neither compassion or empathy. She seemed to be deprived of these feelings. So it seemed to everyone in the class. After all, when some girls rushed a skirt, she all empathy. Except Julia. But we were all wrong. Julia is the only one of us, who even in fifth grade was the right ideas about compassion. Once, my classmate died hamster. And the only person he commended was just Julia. All the others did not pay any attention to this boy.

I believe that the compassion needs to be brought up from childhood. Moreover, you need to empathize not only to a person. Sometimes, animals also need compassion. For example, homeless dogs and cats. After all, what is worth a person to provide them with shelter? For this, animals will give love and love. Yes, even take birds. They also need to empathize. What is worth a person hanging a trough on a tree and throw several grains there?

The world does not hold on cruelty, but on kindness. And it does not happen much, like compassion. Therefore, every person must find these feelings from childhood in his soul and learn to empathize the world.

Option 3.

The opportunity to live life, a complete set of feelings and emotions, without resorting to lowland natural instincts, is the main feature, thanks to which a person stands to a step above unreasonable animals. Many of us seems to be the whole world, everything that surrounds us shines much more brighter paints when a person is able to feel it. However, the more vivid taste of our joy and happiness give high feelings, the stronger they oblige us to feel bitterness and adversity, and even sometimes, someone else's pain.

So, everyone, without exception, the child once leaned over the chopped out of the nest of the nest, put up the puppy's door, pulled by his hand and stopped a hurrying parent, envying the homeless with an outstretched hand. This feature and the extraordinary charm of children's consciousness. It is this example that we are convinced to follow the adults, saying that children have something to learn.

The child stops not idle curiosity. They drive a hot desire to sympathize, help. Often, as you know, foul paintings throw children in tears, hysterical. A person's heart is able to notice someone else's pain, it wants to help disadvantaged, in need of neighbors on the planet since birth.

Is it preserved a noble desire throughout life? I think it depends only on the person himself. Examples of many people are known and revered, when they themselves have the last penny in his pocket, they do not hesitate to gave him to, having learned that someone's fate overtakes even greater than their own. The property to sympathize and disinterestedly help the neighbor is one of the most beautiful qualities in people, and the name is compassion.

Thus, we conclude that compassion makes us people. It is it that allows us to live on Earth so friendly and all right as possible. Of course, this is the most important property of the human soul, and those of us who were awarded them from birth and managed to carry through all their life should be grateful, do it with courage and dignity. The same, in whom such important quality, as compassion, is not sufficiently developed or has exhausted itself, should make efforts to return such important things as help, donations and support in their lives. Remembering how they are the only possible way to happily people living, and generations that have to come to a shift.

Grade 9.3 OGE

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