Anti-church moods increase in Russia. Anti-church moods grow in Russia

When it comes to anti-church sentiments in society - and recently this topic rises very often, "I always lack clearly distinguishing the causes and motives of an increasing or, in any case, an increasingly pronounced negative attitude towards the Russian Orthodox Church

For my part, for my part, the reasons for "external" in relation to Russian Orthodoxy and the "internal" reasons caused by the modern features of church life. I think this distinction is important and useful for the discussion.

About "external" reasons

The first and main reason for the public rejection of Orthodox Christianity is that all people in one way or another have craving to evil. The commandments of Christ and his name for many are unacceptable in principle. For Christians, this is an agricultural truth that determines indulgent and patient attitude towards criticism, but from the side of society it would be useful to remember that many people are ready to scold unfortunately, to dug and even chant Christians, only for Christ's name.

Secondly, it is necessary to mention the secular, production and oriented, godless, sufficiently shameful in humanitarian plan, which does not make it possible to understand Christianity in his depth and comprehend church life in its depths and comprehend church life. . The pragmatic approach is reigning, in which Orthodoxy is perceived hostile, as a "black box", and sometimes as a threat of "personal life" and freedom.

The most vividly post-Soviet culture showed itself in television and other media, which are much stronger than the "family and school", form the worldview of the people. I dare to say that today the information flow is largely antichrist. It is not necessary to prove it, because the main priorities are power, money, violence, sex.

It is clear to me that behind television and other media, which has long been a private business, there are fabulous money, whose task is obvious - to give power and bring even more money. There is nothing to say about educational functions, about morality. For all 20 years of post-Soviet life, even the Russian Church could not seriously or rather could not influence the morality of the teleecurity. No one is known for the removal of the program from Ether on the initiative of the Church, although repeatedly and at the official level mentioned the most depraved and decomposing the television program. What to say about the public council on morality, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe creation of which was discussed many times, and did not come to the matter (I also wrote somehow about this). If you omit the "little things" of the type of lie, dishonesty, the power, the blessing and all the erosion pops, even the frank pornography and the occult, both flourished, and flourish on television, raising, or rather decompose the Russians. Orthodox television channels cannot at all compensate for this decomposition, for they are something a little professional and innovative and, according to many, rather repel people from Orthodox Christianity than they lead to it.

The effect of television is so powerful that even in church circles I had to hear the expression: "What is not on TV, there is no in life." Moral, the aesthetic worldview of Russians today is so weak and so depends on television, which sometimes it becomes scary - it is worthwhile to hold a "zomboyashchik" "Expanding company" against Orthodox in the style of the "Antiluzhkov TV series", and the people will go romance to the temples.

Thirdly, false expectations from the Company contribute to the Church's discontent. On the one hand, the expectations of pseudoreligiosis. Among the Russians, it was even rooted in many ways to the pagan, ritual, formal and even commercial understanding of Orthodox Christianity, the logic of which is simply expressed: "I am you, you me." The first part of the "contract" - funds for the temple, purchase of candles, etc., as a rule, is executed, but the second is health, money, success and earthly well-being - no, nothing to do with Russians is added. Church life as an embodiment of personal belief in Christ people do not need.

On the other hand, it is more important, there are false expectations of social benefits and even at least some help from the Russian church generated by the fantasies of the people. Dissatisfaction with the authorities, socio-economic difficulties, even despair is sublimated, poured in the hope that the ROC is a real defender and assistant. But time is coming, and the expected help does not come, and the displeasure, poured and on the church, accumulates in people.

Unfortunately, few understand that the Russian Church cannot become a kind of "ministry" on material, social, psychological and other assistance, because it is, above all, the unity of Christians, united by the faith and the desire to live with Christ God and fulfill his commandments . Of course, the church may even be engaged in both peacekeeper, and social ministry, and cultural education, but it is necessary to understand that for her - these are different types of ministry of Christians who cannot be regulated in advance and harshly. No Christian ministries can in principle become a system response to the collapsed socio-economic life of the country.

The task and calling the church is not in solving problems. It is impossible in principle to squeeze out of Christians of the "ministry system" or "efficiency", it is impossible to build a ministry in the "Vertical Management". It is this idea of \u200b\u200bministry, as the voluntary execution of the commandments for the sake of the neighbors and for the sake of Christ, is not clear to the "external" to the Church to people, which also generates false expectations.

Fourthly, I will say about the monstrous illiteracy of secular journalists and a different kind of "talking heads", little knowledgeable in church affairs and issues of faith. Often exactly describing their feelings, experience or mood of people, journalists cannot adequately understand the meaning and causes of what is happening, cannot even adequately perceive the church terminology and the structure of the church management. The church life described by them is not related to reality, but brightly printed in the minds of watching, listening and reading.

I do not understand why, but there is no common systematic practice of consultations, working with experts, even if analogy with themes of the economy or even the weather. Instead of dealing with something and translate an event to a language-minded Language, events are important for the church and even countries are simply ignored. Secular journalists too often turn to the most understandable "landed" church themes, to scandals and "exposures", which form the inadequate image of the ROC in people, as one of the spheres of Russian life, like a showubusale.

"Internal" reasons

The first and most important "inner" reason can generate dissatisfaction with the Russian Church - this is the life of Orthodox Christians themselves. Church people in fact live the same as many around in simple life and in business. Orthodox is not against highly paid work, watch TV, listen to rock and pop music, are interested in news, wear fashionable and expensive clothes, drink alcohol and even smoke cigarettes. Moreover, everyone knows the stories about the collaborated family of a priest, about who who drank with whom who met who met at the resort, who cunning received money and spent them on the temple, who and why he drives on an expensive car, who spent a traffic cop and did not pay a fine etc. etc. Trust in such stories is high, for in most cases they go from eyewitnesses. I remember how twenty years ago my institute friend transferd me the words of my mother, involved in the hotel business that someone who known her personally unclean "businessman" ordained to priests. How to refute this? Of course, with the advent of blogs and social networks, the number of such stories has increased, and reliability fell, but still nothing has changed. Murder will out.

It is clear that the national expectation of holiness "here and now" is another myth, another false wait. But on the part of the Orthodox "Church of the Earth" was not preached as "the Church of Heavenly"? In some cases, people are fairly waiting for the priests and the parishioners of "Hooring", for only hear about him and rightly impass that they do not see holiness around and at every step. It is not clear to me why the Orthodox Christians still do not offer a real modern understanding of church life on the basis of a real modern understanding of church life?

A very bright contradiction between preaching and reality was revealed by the example of the famous director and the actor, who became a priest. Few people can understand why for him, according to his own words, "all the frameworks are spread" and cannot only be "pouring basic principles", "do pornography" and "non-tailed violence", and not even the milk in the post to drink.

So, the most serious "internal" problem of Orthodox Christians is the inexplication of itself and the world around, which means the life of a Christian in the modern world, which really distinguishes Christians from non-Christians today.

The second reason, and this has already been mentioned above, is the incomprehensibility of Orthodoxy, non-acceptance by the society of some archaic traditions (enough to refer to the discussion about the Church-Slavic language). From the side of Orthodox, it is time to stop ignoring this truth and begin seriously invest in educational, educational and social projects. Modernity, the obviousness and significance of cases and words addressed from the Church to society does not mean the retreat from the "Fathers faith". But it was already many times written about this.

Thirdly, it should be said that from the point of view of a modern person who is accustomed to full information openness, the closeness of information about internal life is very effectively affected by the Russian Church. I do not say that closeness is bad. I say it is difficult to understand and accept the modern person. From the last bright discussions on intracrekny issues, which came out of blogs in the media, it is clear that even many Orthodox Christians are not clear something, and they are forced to ask questions and talk about their bewilders. The only argument that remained in some topics "we trust the bosses" is quite acceptable within the Orthodox Community, but it is definitely not working at all. An example of the last days is a sensational open letter to the Holy Patriarch, where dissatisfaction with the cooperation between the Church and the Ministry of Health was expressed. The reason served as a tragic history of refusal to treat a seriously ill man. The author of the letter argument "Trust" does not satisfy, it is important for him to understand why the church, concluding contracts, is silent of corruption and immorality in the field of health?

Because of the information closure, many turn to rumors and speculation, and this, in turn, use lgs and provocateurs. Recall the famous TV shows "NTV-Shnik", dedicated to the "exposure" of the ROC.

Unfortunately, in 20 years, church journalism will not be ascending the asbetic principle of text advertising: it is necessary to explain "why?" And "Why?", not just having fun to declare "Truth in the last instance." If people understand the meaning of what is happening if the goal is separated, then not only with patience will be treated for temporary difficulties or someone's mistakes, but also become assistants and defenders - the apologists of the Church.

I think, a natural counterweight of various kinds of rumors and slander could be a real living orthodox blogosphere, which I somehow wrote about the potential. It is clear that bloggers can be critics, but if they are Orthodox Christians, they will always be on the side of the church. I am not talking about showing or registered mediating articles, but about the live response of participants and eyewitnesses. But, unfortunately, for a number of reasons such a blogosphere was not seriously developed. No one has taken confidence and understanding of Internet space activists.

Fourthly, I think that very detrimental to the image of the church affects the internal deep separation of Orthodox, often on secondary issues. "External" in relation to Orthodoxy people cannot know this and not see.

For example, a very bright division of Orthodox gone into large media spawned a scandal with a "narcotic" activity in the Yekaterinburg region. The stumbling block was the subject of attitude to addicted people - addicts, alcoholics: whether to treat them as personalities, or they are nothing more than "danger." Faith in Christ turned out to be so unfriendly for Christians themselves, that even for her, many did not agree to come to reconciliation. Is it not antimissance?

The second example. The well-known authoritative Orthodox blogger in his live journal blends people, "merges" the denunciations and compromises, and even on the bishops. In fact, he created a platform based on the Christian brothers and, not embarrassed by anyone and nothing, only gains momentum and enters the increasing pad. It came to the point that the head of one of the synodal structures had to be publicly through the well-known information agency to settle a borne blogger. It is impossible not to notice such a scandalous, bright and status online site. It is quite logical to hear the question: how can you trust Orthodox, if among them, not embarrassed, "black piring" and provocateurs?

In conclusion, I will say that the negative attitude towards the ROC is the demagogic of the sermons of many Orthodox activists. I had to hear unflattering responses about the Russian Orthodox Church as an "organization of demagogues". Too much is said correct and necessary, but it is not always from the outside of the case confirming said. Of course, there is a flaw in the Orthodox media, it also affects the lack of a developed blogosphere, but not only. For example, brightly, sometimes too brightly promoted largeness. But with the exception of single examples, certificates are not known for supporting large families and young parents in the intracreverkovny environment. The salaries of church workers, as a rule, do not allow to contain even a family with one child, not to mention three or more. For people from outside, no cases of payments made by law, no cases of granting maternity leave and vacations for the maintenance of young children, etc. Famous Orthodox organizations do not hire women mothers, motivating these high requirements for work. In fairness it should be noted that the last couple of years with the development of the Synodal Department for Church Charity and Social Work is changing something, but so far it's a drop in the sea.

What of all this follows?

By listing such numerous reasons for a negative attitude towards the Russian Orthodox Church, I tried to show that this topic is not black and white, it does not have the only right solution or answer. On the part of Orthodox, too often talk about "external" causes and ignore or simply deny "internal". From the side of secular, it is almost always forgotten that Orthodoxy is primarily Christianity, and emphasis is on "external" forms and mistakes of church life.

The only thing that can resist the increasing public discontent - and I think that it really increases, is a dialogue and desire to hear opponents and critics, and not only in the camp of their "opponents", but also in their own. A vivid example of such a dialogue was the performance of the Co-Chair of the Right Case party, Leonid Gozman at the World Russian People's Cathedral in the presence of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Kirill.

For Orthodox, to which the release of serious media "ordered", I think, is very important information openness and the availability of Internet space for public, honest and trusted discussion of the modern problems of church life. Probably, according to the plan of the organizers, such a platform can be the site of the "interstory presence of the Russian Orthodox Church" - a church-public advisory body, designed to consider actual issues of church life and offer the most difficult solutions to these issues.

In Russian society, anti-chic moods increase - specialists of the Owl Analytical Center came to such a decision

This is due, in the opinion of analysts, with numerous conflicts arising around the temples, with cases of pogroms of exhibitions in museums and other actions, which the last time has increasingly began to allow themselves to afford a different kind of Orthodox activists. It is reported by RBC,

Today, a new and quite serious "point of tension" has begun to form in society, associated with increasing anticleric moods. This is stated in the traditional report of specialists of the Information and Analytical Center on the state of freedom of conscience in the country. Such a conclusion specialists came, based on the increasing number of cases of active confrontation between supporters and opponents of the construction of temples. Analysts "Owl" managed to consume almost three dozen such conflicts only by the past 2015.

Researchers also note that the self-organization of opponents of the construction of new temples is constantly growing. By paying attention to the absence of any reaction from the official power, as well as the increasing aggressiveness of supporters of the Church, the protesters developed mechanisms that allowed them to have effective resistance, albeit not in each case. For example, the defenders of the Torphinka Park managed to achieve the transfer of the construction of the temple in this place to another territory, and after for six months, the onslaught of Orthodox activists were constrained, who tried this decision to bypass.

It happened to protest against the construction of the temple and residents of Moscow Yasenevo, the inhabitants of the districts of Troparevo-Nikulino and Izmailovsky Park. Numerous conflicts on the construction of new Orthodox churches were recorded in other regions. Thus, such confrontations broke out at one time in Smolensk, Obninsk, Novorossiysk, Novokuznetsk, Yekaterinburg, Belgorod, Ryazan and St. Petersburg.

A separate part of conflicts was caused by cultural events and exhibitions of works of art. These activities, as a rule, are not satisfied with the Orthodox activists, assert the analysts of the Center. The displeasure of the supporters of the Church at one time turned into a scandal around the opera Wagner "Tangayer", staged by the Novosibirsk State Opera and Ballets. In addition, in Moscow, the parishioners of one of the temples in the Petrovsky Park took an attempt to rip the concert in honor of the 20-year anniversary of the radio station "Silver Rain" by setting a real scuffice.

The risk area in this background, according to experts, includes Russian Muslims. This is due to echoes of anti-terrorism and anti-extremist policies of the authorities of the country. During the construction of mosques, many Muslim organizations have repeatedly had to face protests of local residents, but most often the difficulty arose due to officials who refused to provide land plots for such construction or even prevented the construction of the already started construction work.

Making conclusions during the study, analysts of the Owl Center say that today the division of the state and the Church, as it should be on the constitution, does not work. The Russian Orthodox Church managed to benefitly take advantage of the favorable political conjunctural situation, until the country's political leadership conducts aggressive anti-invasive policy. And in this policy, experts believe, the federal authorities are often relying on ideological technologies and the developments of the Orthodox Church itself.

Sergey Kovalev


Anti-church moods grow in society, found out analysts of the Owl Center. This is due to conflicts around the construction of temples and with pogroms in museums that are satisfied with Orthodox activists.

Photo: Sergey Krasnukhov / Tass

Construction of churches

The company has formed a "new serious point of tension", which is associated with the growth of anticlerical sentiment, the annual the report of the Information and Analytical Center "Owl" on the state of freedom of conscience in Russia. This conclusion is made on the basis of the increased incidence of oppositions of supporters and opponents of the construction of temples. Experts "Owl" counted at least 26 such conflicts arising in 2015.

The study marks the growth of self-organization. Faced with the lack of reaction from the authorities and the aggressiveness of supporters of the construction of temples, protesters were able to resist, and in some cases their efforts were effective. For example, the report says, the defenders of the Park managed to achieve the transfer of construction to another place, and then for half a year to withstand the Orthodox activists who were trying to bypass this decision.

Against the construction of churches, residents of Moscow from Yasenevo, Izmailovo Park and Troparevo Nikulino also protested. Conflicts around the construction of Orthodox churches were also celebrated in the regions, for example in St. Petersburg, Ryazan, Belgorod Region, Yekaterinburg, Novokuznetsk, Novorossiysk, Obninsk and Smolensk.

Pogroms exhibitions

Many conflicts were associated with cultural events and works of art, which were not satisfied mainly by Orthodox activists, is noted in the report.

Their discontent flowed, for example, in In the formulation of the Novosibirsk State Opera and Ballet Theater. Also in Moscow, the parishioners of the Blagoveshchensky temple in the Petrovsky Park tried to disrupt , and staged a scooling.

Division of church and state

The report emphasizes that the ROC increasingly began to interfere with social life.

In fact, the separation of the church and the state disappeared, believed in the "owl": the ROC took advantage of "a favorable political situation, when the country's political leadership conducts anti-comma policy, in many respects based on the ideological developments of the ROC itself."

This is facilitated by mood in some sectors of the population. As the Levada Center survey showed that the church increases the impact on maintaining public morality and morality.

At the same time, the "owl" suggest that the growth of anti-carot sentiment could concern the federal authorities, and after them and the leadership of the ROC, which decided to respond to the situation by sending from the post of the chapter of the Synodal Department for the Relationships of the Church and Society, Archpriest VsevolodChaplin, "whose provocative On the tone of the speech caused a disturbance of a significant part of society. "

Nuances of financing

In 2015, funds from federal and regional budgets were allocated mainly to the restoration of religious objects, emphasized in the study. For example, the Moscow government increased the cost of the restoration program by 50 million rubles. In total, 200 million rubles were spent on the restoration of 14 religious facilities during the year. On the restoration of the Solovetsky Monastery, within the framework of the federal state program, 1 billion rubles was allocated, on the restoration of the Moscow church of the Nativity of the Virgin onKulshikh - 475.6 million rubles. It took 50 million rubles for work in the cathedral mosque of St. Petersburg.

Also, organizations directly controlled by the Moscow Patriarchate of the ROC or close to the ROCs that are not related to restoration work. For example, a grant of 8 million rubles. It was allocated to the organization of educational readings "Prince Vladimir. Civilization selection of Russia. "

How to pay attention to the center of "Owl", some budget spending were very unexpected. For example, the Government of the Rostov region has placed two applications for 450 thousand rubles on the website of the State Transportation For the organization of a banquet on the occasion of the arrival of Patriarch Kirill.

"In some cases, officials did not allocate money directly, but used administrative methods to encourage subordinates financially to support certain religious undertakes," emphasizes in the report. As an example of such relationships, the Ministry of Health of the Kaluga Region, which obliged the staff of the subordinate organizations to transfer to the diocese of donations to the installation of the monument to St. Lawrentia.

Conflicts around the construction of temples cause an increase in anti-chic moods in society. The Russians protest against new temples and churches if the ROC chooses for the construction of the territory of parks and environmental zones, records the information and analytical center of the owl in his report on the results of the 2015 research, reports "Rain".

The dissatisfaction with the Orthodox rhetoric was caused, first of all, the aggressive intervention of Orthodox activists in secular and cultural events, the report of the Owl Center said.

Many conflicts arise around the construction program of typical Orthodox churches supported by the Government of Moscow. Conflicts are caused by an unsuccessful selection of a plot for construction, the authors of the report are considered. In Moscow, against the construction of churches, in particular, residents of Yaseneva, the South Administrative District, residents of Izmailov and visitors of the Izmailovsky Park, Losinoostrovsky District on the construction site in the Park "Peathanka" were protested. And in some areas the residents submitted claims against the ROC on the recognition of the construction of temples illegal. So they did, for example, residents of Rostokino districts, Troparo-Nikulino, as well as hoddles.

Against the development of park zone areas with churches, according to Odu, protested in St. Petersburg, Ryazan, Anapa, Yekaterinburg, Novokuznetsk, Novorossiysk, Smolensk, Saratov, as well as in the Kaluga region near Moscow, and Obninsk.

Aggressive anti-acecular rhetoric [imposing one religion - rain] The authors of the report include conflicts associated with cultural events and works of art. Kramol in art saw, mostly defenders of the feelings of Orthodox. Such conflicts belongs to the scandal around the opera "Tangayer". In addition, Novosibirsk Metropoline opposed the play of the local Globus Theater "Songs about Motherland."

Orthodox activists were also indignant by theatrical productions in the Kaliningrad region, Udmurtia and Moscow. In addition, the Kubana festival was canceled in the Kaliningrad region after the protests of the Diocese, the Okuman festival was canceled in the Tomsk region, and in Moscow, the parishioners of the Blagoveshchensky Temple in the Petrovsky Park tried to break the concert dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Silver Rain radio station.

Orthodox activists traditionally protested against the celebration of Halloween and Valentine's Day. In some cases, the management of the Moscow schools, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Saratov and Orenburg regions, the local officials were recommended not to celebrate Halloween.

The state, in turn, actively supports the ROC, believes the experts of the "owls". In particular, the restoration of the ROC facilities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk, Novgorod, Orenburg and Tyumen regions was funded from the budget. The Government of Moscow in 2015 sent more than 200 million rubles to the restoration of religious facilities. The largest tranches are a billion rubles for the restoration of the Solovetsky Monastery within the federal program and 475.6 million rubles for the restoration of the Moscow church of the Virgin of the Virgin on the village.

The authors of the report include the decision of the leadership of the two regions of Kaluga and Tula - not to register the divorces on July 8, when Orthodox noted the memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia, considered by the patrons of marriage.

In Berdsk, also express dissatisfaction with the "Occuriousness of the ROC". The townspeople resisted the construction in the Park of Victory Poklonnaya Cross. Architects spoke about the inconsistency of the Orthodox image of the overall concept of Glory Memorial. The opponents even went to the picket, wrote appeals to the mayor. But in April 2015, the Poklonnaya Cross set after the blessing of the Metropolitan of Novosibirsk and Berdy Tikhon ,.

Berdsk's power recognized 500 trees before the construction of the temple near the hospital in the summer of 2015. But the construction of a wooden church is nearing an end. Despite the protests of citizens who believe that the religious object is not the place here that the city has lost a place for the future medical center.

In court, the prosecutor's office of Berdsk achieved demolition of the Orthodox gymnasium fence at the Preobrazhensky temple. The fence overlapped Tchaikovsky Street. Earth along with the road, as it turned out, the secular authorities gave the ROC to perpetual use. In 2016, a public servitude was imposed on some of the streets, the church in use.

Berd Orthodox Activists - participants of all anti-flower demarcers. They actively fought with the opera "Tangayer", proving in court the insultness of the feelings of believers. They were not allowed to the Novosibirsk of the rock bands, exhibitions of contemporary art, fearing for the rapid souls of young people. And the fatty Metropolis, said the head of the Novosibirsk Metropolis under all this, stated at the end of 2015 from the Tribunes of the Berdsk City Hall, allegedly established by the US Department of State and the Orthodox Pleague Claimer.

For my part, for my part, the reasons for "external" in relation to Russian Orthodoxy and the "internal" reasons caused by the modern features of church life. I think this distinction is important and useful for the discussion.

About "external" reasons

The first and main reason for the public rejection of Orthodox Christianity is that all people in one way or another have craving to evil. The commandments of Christ and his name for many are unacceptable in principle. For Christians, this is an agricultural truth that determines indulgent and patient attitude towards criticism, but from the side of society it would be useful to remember that many people are ready to scold unfortunately, to dug and even chant Christians, only for Christ's name.

Secondly, it is necessary to mention the secular, production and oriented, godless, sufficiently shameful in humanitarian plan, which does not make it possible to understand Christianity in his depth and comprehend church life in its depths and comprehend church life. . The pragmatic approach is reigning, in which Orthodoxy is perceived hostile, as a "black box", and sometimes as a threat of "personal life" and freedom.

The most vividly post-Soviet culture showed itself in television and other media, which are much stronger than the "family and school", form the worldview of the people. I dare to say that today the information flow is largely antichrist. It is not necessary to prove it, because the main priorities are power, money, violence, sex.

It is clear to me that behind television and other media, which has long been a private business, there are fabulous money, whose task is obvious - to give power and bring even more money. There is nothing to say about educational functions, about morality. For all 20 years of post-Soviet life, even the Russian Church could not seriously or rather could not influence the morality of the teleecurity. No one is known for the removal of the program from Ether on the initiative of the Church, although repeatedly and at the official level mentioned the most depraved and decomposing the television program. What to say about the public council on morality, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe creation of which was discussed repeatedly, and did not come to the matter (I, too, somehow). If you omit the "little things" of the type of lie, dishonesty, the power, the blessing and all the erosion pops, even the frank pornography and the occult, both flourished, and flourish on television, raising, or rather decompose the Russians. Orthodox television channels cannot at all compensate for this decomposition, for they are something a little professional and innovative and, according to many, rather repel people from Orthodox Christianity than they lead to it.

The effect of television is so powerful that even in church circles I had to hear the expression: "What is not on TV, there is no in life." Moral, the aesthetic worldview of Russians today is so weak and so depends on television, which sometimes it becomes scary - it is worthwhile to hold a "zomboyashchik" "Expanding company" against Orthodox in the style of the "Antiluzhkov TV series", and the people will go romance to the temples.

Thirdly, false expectations from the Company contribute to the Church's discontent. On the one hand, the expectations of pseudoreligiosis. Among the Russians, it was even rooted in many ways to the pagan, ritual, formal and even commercial understanding of Orthodox Christianity, the logic of which is simply expressed: "I am you, you me." The first part of the "contract" - funds for the temple, purchase of candles, etc., as a rule, is executed, but the second is health, money, success and earthly well-being - no, nothing to do with Russians is added. Church life as an embodiment of personal belief in Christ people do not need.

On the other hand, it is more important, there are false expectations of social benefits and even at least some help from the Russian church generated by the fantasies of the people. Dissatisfaction with the authorities, socio-economic difficulties, even despair is sublimated, poured in the hope that the ROC is a real defender and assistant. But time is coming, and the expected help does not come, and the displeasure, poured and on the church, accumulates in people.

Unfortunately, few understand that the Russian Church cannot become a kind of "ministry" on material, social, psychological and other assistance, because it is, above all, the unity of Christians, united by the faith and the desire to live with Christ God and fulfill his commandments . Of course, the church may even be engaged in both peacekeeper, and social ministry, and cultural education, but it is necessary to understand that for her - these are different types of ministry of Christians who cannot be regulated in advance and harshly. No Christian ministries can in principle become a system response to the collapsed socio-economic life of the country.

The task and calling the church is not in solving problems. It is impossible in principle to squeeze out of Christians of the "ministry system" or "efficiency", it is impossible to build a ministry in the "Vertical Management". It is this idea of \u200b\u200bministry, as the voluntary execution of the commandments for the sake of the neighbors and for the sake of Christ, is not clear to the "external" to the Church to people, which also generates false expectations.

Fourthly, I will say about the monstrous illiteracy of secular journalists and a different kind of "talking heads", little knowledgeable in church affairs and issues of faith. Often exactly describing their feelings, experience or mood of people, journalists cannot adequately understand the meaning and causes of what is happening, cannot even adequately perceive the church terminology and the structure of the church management. The church life described by them is not related to reality, but brightly printed in the minds of watching, listening and reading.

I do not understand why, but there is no common systematic practice of consultations, working with experts, even if analogy with themes of the economy or even the weather. Instead of dealing with something and translate an event to a language-minded Language, events are important for the church and even countries are simply ignored. Secular journalists too often turn to the most understandable "landed" church themes, to scandals and "exposures", which form the inadequate image of the ROC in people, as one of the spheres of Russian life, like a showubusale.

"Internal" reasons

The first and most important "inner" reason can generate dissatisfaction with the Russian Church - this is the life of Orthodox Christians themselves. Church people in fact live the same as many around in simple life and in business. Orthodox is not against highly paid work, watch TV, listen to rock and pop music, are interested in news, wear fashionable and expensive clothes, drink alcohol and even smoke cigarettes. Moreover, everyone knows the stories about the collaborated family of a priest, about who who drank with whom who met who met at the resort, who cunning received money and spent them on the temple, who and why he drives on an expensive car, who spent a traffic cop and did not pay a fine etc. etc. Trust in such stories is high, for in most cases they go from eyewitnesses. I remember how twenty years ago my institute friend transferd me the words of my mother, involved in the hotel business that someone who known her personally unclean "businessman" ordained to priests. How to refute this? Of course, with the advent of blogs and social networks, the number of such stories has increased, and reliability fell, but still nothing has changed. Murder will out.

It is clear that the national expectation of holiness "here and now" is another myth, another false wait. But on the part of the Orthodox "Church of the Earth" was not preached as "the Church of Heavenly"? In some cases, people are fairly waiting for the priests and the parishioners of "Hooring", for only hear about him and rightly impass that they do not see holiness around and at every step. It is not clear to me why the Orthodox Christians still do not offer a real modern understanding of church life on the basis of a real modern understanding of church life?

A very bright contradiction between preaching and reality was revealed by the example of the famous director and the actor, who became a priest. Few people can understand why for him, according to his own words, "all the frameworks are spread" and cannot only be "pouring basic principles", "do pornography" and "non-tailed violence", and not even the milk in the post to drink.

So, the most serious "internal" problem of Orthodox Christians is the inexplication of itself and the world around, which means the life of a Christian in the modern world, which really distinguishes Christians from non-Christians today.

The second reason - and this has already been mentioned above, is the incomprehensibility of Orthodoxy, non-acceptance by the society of some archaic traditions (enough to consult a discussion). From the side of Orthodox, it is time to stop ignoring this truth and begin seriously invest in educational, educational and social projects. Modernity, the obviousness and significance of cases and words addressed from the Church to society does not mean the retreat from the "Fathers faith". But it was already many times written about this.

Thirdly, it should be said that from the point of view of a modern person who is accustomed to full information openness, the closeness of information about internal life is very effectively affected by the Russian Church. I do not say that closeness is bad. I say it is difficult to understand and accept the modern person. From the last bright discussions on intracrekny issues, which came out of blogs in the media, it is clear that even many Orthodox Christians are not clear something, and they are forced to ask questions and talk about their bewilders. The only argument that remained in some topics "we trust the bosses" is quite acceptable within the Orthodox Community, but it is definitely not working at all. An example of the last days is a sensational open letter to the Holy Patriarch, where dissatisfaction with the cooperation between the Church and the Ministry of Health was expressed. The reason served as a tragic history of refusal to treat a seriously ill man. The author of the letter argument "Trust" does not satisfy, it is important for him to understand why the church, concluding contracts, is silent of corruption and immorality in the field of health?

Because of the information closure, many turn to rumors and speculation, and this, in turn, use lgs and provocateurs. Recall the famous TV shows "NTV-Shnik", dedicated to the "exposure" of the ROC.

Unfortunately, in 20 years, church journalism will not be ascending the asbetic principle of text advertising: it is necessary to explain "why?" And "Why?", not just having fun to declare "Truth in the last instance." If people understand the meaning of what is happening if the goal is separated, then not only with patience will be treated for temporary difficulties or someone's mistakes, but also become assistants and defenders - the apologists of the Church.

I think a natural counterweight of various kinds of rumors and slander could be a real living Orthodox blogosphere, about which I somehow. It is clear that bloggers can be critics, but if they are Orthodox Christians, they will always be on the side of the church. I am not talking about showing or registered mediating articles, but about the live response of participants and eyewitnesses. But, unfortunately, for a number of reasons such a blogosphere was not seriously developed. No one has taken confidence and understanding of Internet space activists.

Fourthly, I think that very detrimental to the image of the church affects the internal deep separation of Orthodox, often on secondary issues. "External" in relation to Orthodoxy people cannot know this and not see.

For example, a very bright division of Orthodox gone into large media spawned a scandal with a "narcotic" activity in the Yekaterinburg region. The stumbling block was the subject of attitude to addicted people - addicts, alcoholics: whether to treat them as personalities, or they are nothing more than "danger." Faith in Christ turned out to be so unfriendly for Christians themselves, that even for her, many did not agree to come to reconciliation. Is it not antimissance?

The second example. The well-known authoritative Orthodox blogger in his live journal blends people, "merges" the denunciations and compromises, and even on the bishops. In fact, he created a platform based on the Christian brothers and, not embarrassed by anyone and nothing, only gains momentum and enters the increasing pad. It came to the point that the head of one of the synodal structures had to be publicly through the well-known information agency to settle a borne blogger. It is impossible not to notice such a scandalous, bright and status online site. It is quite logical to hear the question: how can you trust Orthodox, if among them, not embarrassed, "black piring" and provocateurs?

In conclusion, I will say that the negative attitude towards the ROC is the demagogic of the sermons of many Orthodox activists. I had to hear unflattering responses about the Russian Orthodox Church as an "organization of demagogues". Too much is said correct and necessary, but it is not always from the outside of the case confirming said. Of course, there is a flaw in the Orthodox media, it also affects the lack of a developed blogosphere, but not only. For example, brightly, sometimes too brightly promoted largeness. But with the exception of single examples, certificates are not known for supporting large families and young parents in the intracreverkovny environment. The salaries of church workers, as a rule, do not allow to contain even a family with one child, not to mention three or more. For people from outside, no cases of payments made by law, no cases of granting maternity leave and vacations for the maintenance of young children, etc. Famous Orthodox organizations do not hire women mothers, motivating these high requirements for work. In fairness it should be noted that the last couple of years with the development of the Synodal Department for Church Charity and Social Work is changing something, but so far it's a drop in the sea.

What of all this follows?

By listing such numerous reasons for a negative attitude towards the Russian Orthodox Church, I tried to show that this topic is not black and white, it does not have the only right solution or answer. On the part of Orthodox, too often talk about "external" causes and ignore or simply deny "internal". From the side of secular, it is almost always forgotten that Orthodoxy is primarily Christianity, and emphasis is on "external" forms and mistakes of church life.

The only thing that can resist the increasing public discontent - and I think that it really increases, is a dialogue and desire to hear opponents and critics, and not only in the camp of their "opponents", but also in their own. A vivid example of such a dialogue was the performance of the Co-Chair of the Right Case party, Leonid Gozman at the World Russian People's Cathedral in the presence of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Kirill.

For Orthodox, to which the release of serious media "ordered", I think, is very important information openness and the availability of Internet space for public, honest and trusted discussion of the modern problems of church life. Probably, according to the plan of the organizers, such a platform can be the site of the "interstory presence of the Russian Orthodox Church" - a church-public advisory body, designed to consider actual issues of church life and offer the most difficult solutions to these issues.