Dating where girls write really the first. Bumble: new dating service where the choice do women

Good news for you! A service service has appeared where girls write the first men! Did you know about it? If not, read and use if you are ready to speak with a man first.

Actually, this is not news. The Bumble service is spoken in many countries around the world.

If you do not hesitate to speak with the guy first and even invite him to a date, then boldly download this application into your smartphone and - ahead!

Bumble does not allow a man to start communicating with the girl first, only the young lady can start communication. The guy simply does not have such a technical opportunity in this service, so the man has to wait patiently while it is chosen. Beautiful know-how, right?! Now the girl chooses, and not the opposite!

Statistics: Worldwide, more than 5,000,000 couples are already communicating in this way through the Bumble service, developers have something to be proud!

How does it work:

Listing the pages, choose a man, write to him the first and wait for the answer. Answer (if you liked it) is given exactly 24 hours. If communication has not begun during this time - everything, it disappears forever from the list of contacts for you.

It is convenient that the selection of cavaliers takes place in the city where you are at the moment, so on a date with him will not come to another country.

This service allows you to simply show sympathy, send a compliment, invite a cup of coffee, a lot of things.
Bumble service (dating where girls are written first) does not guarantee absolute safety from the bailiffs of inadequate men, but some restraining factors are available on it. After filling in the graph with the name and age, this application "pulls up" education, place of service (work), a photo of a man, which is synchronized with Facebook, so that anonymous users do not like to penetrate here.

Perspectives in Russia

This application was created in America, it was there that got the greatest distribution, crossed the borders and began to spread around the world.

We have in Russia, it is used so far very and very little. But the prospects are very, very tempting.

Dating where girls write the first (sites, forums, services) are almost completely absent in our country, and many young ladies would like to begin to get acquainted, but some conventions do not allow the first step. With the advent of the BUMBLE, the situation changes in favor of girls. The psychological configuration of girls changes itself. The customers of this service claim that now they and in ordinary life do not have problems in order to approach and speak with the guy first!

Who uses

The average age of users of Bumble 18- 29 years. As a rule, these are people with good education, successful in his career, work on enough prestigious positions. Very many representatives of creative professors, designers, artists, musicians.

The founder of the service Whitney Wulf believes that in Russia this application will soon have a huge success. According to her service where girls write the first to help develop confidence that successfully affects many areas of life, helps become more relaxed and active.
Among other things, with the help of such an application, you can find a new good job.


become one of the first users with this service and "remove the cream" - the first always get the best!

I wish you success!

Finally, humor:

The late student looks into the audience

- Igland, professor, can I enter?

Student - Yes, yesterday I lay down about two ...

Lecturer (soften) - Okay, pass. Next time, go around one and do not be late.


The faces of my beloved there is no one, of that person, on whose disseminated background of each other birds handrails give. And the hands of my beloved there is no one who has the hands of the gentle, tempered by the sun, that caressing is treated my life sorry. And the eye of my beloved there is no one who seems to float freely fish, forgetting about drought and about the scorching, and about me, what awaits on the shore. As an ancient fisherman, the hope is full. And the voices of my beloved there is no one. In which it sounds, without interrupting, and is overclipped, charuly like a song. The light that surrounded her features, nothing and no one is illuminating, and even the sun leaves the sky when she is alone with grief. And sometimes I am even inclined to believe that this magic and these properties to anyone else in the world are no longer inherent, and even her.

Olegprivetik .... And let's get acquainted in real life and not here? 2 hours ago Tamaraa What we have with the growth to get acquainted not here, and in real life? 2 hours ago I have 177 + heels 10 cm, it's like? 2 hours ago I love high and not at all complex 2 hours agoTamara, you love you too? 2 hours ago I don't know, let's try 2 hours ago I will not

From the ads of dating ... Protopch the path in your house from the sofa to the refrigerator. Looking for a girl, the floor does not have the floor. I want to meet a woman. I can't say anything else about yourself. A convinced bachelor will get acquainted with a grumpy, untidy and low-cultural woman to strengthen his beliefs. A man - Leo would like to meet a woman, preferably a cancer ... A young man without bad habits would like to meet a girl who will teach it these habits. A young man is looking for a woman, a friend, an interlocutor and a mistress in one person. If all four will come, I will only be happy. Rare cattle is looking for a sophisticated bitch for joint discussions about high. Looking for a beautiful girl to create a strong family for one night. Prince on white "Audi" is looking for a princess with a garage. I am looking for a woman clever, gentle, economic, inexpensive. Young cute student looking for an elderly businessman life companion. Looking for a girl / woman, at home with hot water from May 17 to June 5. Further relationships are possible (next year). Looking for a woman 25-30 years old for serious intercourse ... A lonely man will get acquainted with a lonely woman in order to create a lonely child. Please respond to the girls named Luda. Cannibal. I want to meet my happiness. There is a place for meetings. Rent a woman with an apartment. Children - Flowers of Life! I sell seeds! We will get acquainted with two cute swallows. We are two cute lashes. I propose friendship. True. Pure. Strong. Male. Expensive. A young guy 24 years wants to get acquainted with a fun girl for comprehensive communication. And in front and rear. Let's be friends with organisms! Adans of girls: Cute, but the floor is looking for a calm, but harmful. No matter what, and I will get acquainted with someone for something. Fulfill the most bold and unexpected male fantasies - cleaning the apartment, cooking dinner, even takeaway garbage. In ...

1. We never go away from women with whom we are good. And even from those with whom it was good - not immediately. 2. We understand in women twice as much as I would like. But twice as much as you think. 3. Most of us knows how to erase. And also iron, wipe dust and even cook yourself something acceptable. Therefore, women's help on housekeeping is not so necessary to endure the sake of this weldness and disrespect. We are not afraid of strong women. We just do not like us, as well as you do not like weak men. Both of these types are damaged, so it is easy to converge: a pair of a strong woman and a weak man is not uncommon, but rather a classic.5. If a man seems like a misinterpretative mattress, he may just just want you. Yes, and this also happens! We are able to inflate the tail of peacock, and fall into the hibernation - depending on the situation. Reflections of a friend about the fate of the world and a vanity of things should alert you. They may turn out to be a symptom of prostatitis! 7. The girl screaming on the waiter does not cause respect for us. But only disappointment on the verge of squeezing. Sometimes we really know what we are doing. Even when you really do not want to recognize this. We can be bad and long to perform all your whims. But sometimes it's just curiosity - how far you can go to your egoism. The results usually follow the Ords. There are about three billion women in the world. Moreover, among the beautiful and sexual among them, much more than among men - smart and successful. We remember this when you demand too much, but they give too little. Not all of us consider the female completely disadvantage. With age, this question takes us less and less.12. Each of us most appreciates in women accessibility. But only if this accessibility is one for him. Forgive us for this paradox. If anyone of us lead a girl in a restaurant, it does not mean anything. Similarly, nothing knows smiles, jokes and other light flirts. We are just like you ...

Are you ready to speak with a man first? And invite on a date? If so, then you will like Bumble - a new dating service that the whole world speaks. Home Intrigue - Girls are the first to communicate. Maria Bogdanchikova, who urgently downloaded this application, there is something to tell.

Eight o'clock in the morning, Saturday. We are going to the race of rough terrain in the old Kupavna, near Moscow. The bus is scored by athletes, half of which are brave girls. In every way. First, in an hour we will run half-marathon (21 km) on the sand along with men. And secondly, in our party, the runways are so confident that in the bar, for example, you can easily approach the man you like and talk to him. And not only. Last time on the path to the trail, we were vividly discussed One-Night Stand, and a neighbor on the bus (she a little more than 30) shared that he almost immediately tells new cavaliers, what pleasures she counts in bed: if they don't know how to will not be.

Today I am not participating in this exciting chatter, because I buried in an iPhone and sheet a new application for dating Bumble, which blew up the world of online dating in America. It works like a tinder - you are lying on the pictures of men, and if you also liked them - boom! - You can talk. True, there is one condition - and it only changes in principle! - Only girls can begin to communicate. To gather with thoughts, we have exactly 24 hours, otherwise METC will forever disappear from the list of contacts. "I will hurry the events if I ask, do you want to meet somehow?" - I write 37-year-old David, an employee of the United States embassy, \u200b\u200bsimilar to the young Rupert Everett. "Let's do it right today," my virtual (for now) is responsible instantly. I wonder if he jokes or not? Apparently, no, because further follows the invitation to drink tomorrow evening on a glass of interlets in one current Moscow bar. Bumble like me more and more. A selection of potential cavaliers on the view is quite high quality. Half an hour of the game, and I have a volleyball player from Canada in candidates, a surgeon from America, a petroleum trader from London, a graduate of Harvard, which takes place in Moscow. Yes, expatures prevail, but there are also compatriots in Bumble, and also with an impressive resume: the marketing-director of the automotive company, the CEO film company, a fairly well-known online millionaire. And my whole little regiment, hopping breathing, waits when I send them a message. It makes it terribly!

Girlfriends are often complaining about online dating - they say, a sense of zero. Home Complaint: no efficiency. "As long as the man reads my message and write an answer, I will marry already married," Vika crushes, 29 years old. She is an event-director of a major sports brand. And there are no options to accelerate the potential prince - you will think about yourself, it will not open the same Mamba website on the working computer, especially if it sits in OpenPsey. Another thing is a dating application installed in the smartphone. For example, many famous Tinder is a cheerful confidential taimkiller on boring meetings. There, communication goes far faster, but, according to the wiki and many other users of this dating service, the quality also suffers - in particular, the initiative men are infrequently falling out, which are immediately called dating. Most like empty chatter, and not without vulgarities. With the advent of Bumble at my girlfriend and thousands of women around the world showed the opportunity to take the situation in their hands. Or rather - the official right to choose a man. Well, or at least clearly designate its intentions - to show sympathy, make a compliment, invite to coffee. In Bumble, a strong floor has no technical opportunity to communicate with the girl you like - they should wait patiently until they choose them. Bumble developers are proud of this know-how, thanks to which more than five million pairs (fresh company statistics) finally spoke to each other.

This service came up with 25-year-old Whitney Wolf - spectacular blonde, who used to be tinder. It is considered the co-founder of this popular application. A year and a half ago, Whitney with a scandal left the company, submitting to her for sexual harassment (the process she won, receiving $ 1 million as compensation). In her opinion, when the first girl writes a man, the likelihood of finding unpleasant or indecent messages is greatly reduced.

Whitney Wulf, 2018

As for the Tinder, which I have been actively useful for a year, personally, I am extremely rarely crushed. Sometimes I, however, I get suggestions to play porn or create a "triple union" (I do not have a KHANZH, of course, but before discussing group sex with me, maybe say hello to start? ..). Thanks to Tinder, I went to a lot of dates and can remember a couple of good stories. For example, a mad romance with the Englishman - three months we loved each other every time in the last. I also carefully storing in my romantic collection about the guy who invited me to the morning jog. "Wow! Sportsman, "I was delighted. He decided to discuss in advance, in which shorts to come - attention to him! - in red latex or leather with high waist. I so laughed - a gorgeous sense of humor. True, it soon turned out that he did not joke. Hold my pace, he suggested a wicker from sex shop (right in the park, yes yes). And after he called me with his Mrs., I was completely confused. A generous stream of intimate pictures in the same piggy bank - my profile on the Dating site Badoo in the "Personal Messages" folder seems to keep all the ends of the world (in every sense). I do not use this site for a hundred years, but intentionally I do not remove the account - sometimes it is nice to hurt your collection before bedtime. Honestly, all these stories are cheerful, but the mother who sometimes opens Tinder while traveling abroad, is strongly annoyed by sexist insinuations of some men. She registered there a year ago during the summer holidays in the Czech Republic and immediately received several offers to have sex "here and now" (the application shows the location of all users and the time when they were last active - so many use a tinder to quickly search for a partner) .

It is necessary to tell her about Bumble, because here the path from Mathech to sex is not so easy, and the risk to meet the BDSM-Zantyka is minimized. Of course, from aggressive or inappropriate messages in our time, we are not insured by anywhere, but in a month, while I dance the "white dance" in Bumble, I have never been offered to become Mrs or to pose a bare riding on someone's dog - of course! - For the sake of art (in Tinder and it happened). Maximum batch in tennis - without commitment. As a deterrent, the fact that the application behind the name and age is tightened by the place of work and the education of the user, as well as its photo (it is synchronized with Facebook).

In Russia, Bumble is spinning slowly, so the choice is still small (I watched about a hundred men - on this suggestions ended), but the fact that you have to take the initiative to your hands, does not let you be bored. At first I met Eddie, a 26-year-old cardiac surgeon from Portland. He in Moscow for the first time, came to the medical forum just a week, then flies to Samarkand to operate some official. Doctors - my old passion. By the way, this is how I started our conversation in Bumble and invited Eddie for a walk on Zamoskvoretia. Honestly, I was worried. No matter how liberated girls of my generation, in our heads still sitting installation that men should call on dates - type so more correct. But Eddie was inspired, and I immediately relaxed. At the meeting, he warmly convinced me that in America the girls had long been looking for, "try" and choose partners (I wonder if it was then affected by the quality of relationship?). My visa, by the way, turned out to be a pleasant guy, even by a handsome - a state brunette with dark skin, similar to the actor of Benjamin Bruta. But Chemistry, as they say in America, that is, sexual chemistry between us, alas, did not happen. But when a couple of weeks ago, I wrote a pretty employee of the Royal Bank of Scotland, after an hour of Correspondence, he already taught me to play tennis in the Ekaterini Park. The master class smoothly switched to a cute picnic, and a few days later we have a date again. But with the local I do not develop. Mikhail, a 36-year-old film producer who turned out to be my neighbor (geolocation showed that he was in a hundred meters), to enjoy the freshly baked pear pie at my house did not respond at home. Probably married. I can imagine what the temptation of Bumble for non-free men! This is an opportunity for free, without much effort to get women's attention. Therefore, I was not upset at all. Such services are better not to relate at all, there will be less disappointments.

And in general, following the new rules of the game, I slowly change the attitude to online dating. I used to think I could not think that I would take the sacred right to take the first step. Now I do not seem unnatural. "I don't mind if the girl shows the initiative," my colleague, who also downloaded Bumble too, reveals at the dinner. Sergey, like me, 28 years old, he is single and adores women. "What a difference, who writes first, still after three messages will become clear how good it is intense, cute or boring." By the way, the main chip of the Bumble - show your interest in the first - I moved into real life. If someone like me - in a nightclub or there at a party, - I do not play giveaway. I install Eye Contact with a fabulous guy and smile widely. If we have Matt, then he will definitely catch me up and will definitely find what to say.


Whitney Wulf, 2018

Whitney Wulf, The founder of mobile service Bumble, tried to convince Marie Claire that modern men like girls who know what they want.

And who forbids them to be hunters? Please take care, seek the girls - when you begin to communicate. But who said that the first step should certainly be for a man? All these notorious rules of dates have long been outdated! Why should girls sit back and wait for the prince? Society has changed.

How, in your opinion, will the fate of your service in countries where feminism and female emancipation is not in Favor? Russia, for example, is still quite a conservative country.

I heard about Russia, but it does not prevent me from believe in the success of Bumble. Plus I do not really believe in stereotypes. It can not be that all men you have completely Macho! And even if they behave like a macho, then perhaps only because it seems to them that society is waiting for them. And in fact they dream of being close to a woman who is confident in themselves and knows what he wants. And perhaps many of them will be wildly pleasant if the girl will take the first step. We give women a chance, and men too. Confidence in yourself is cool! And if something does not work, throw everything on us, on Bumble and its strange rules!

Who is your average user?

On average BUMBLE users between 18 and 29 years. They have good education and excellent work. Among them are many creative people - designers, architects, etc.

And your girlfriends are already downloaded?

And how! And not only my girlfriends - Bumble in America becomes very popular, though! Although we are only a year. But I know a lot of girls who, with his help, have already found a boyfriend. Some use the service, just to go somewhere in the evening - drink a cocktail in a fashionable bar or look at the party. And for other BUMBLE - a method of non-massing, and some have already found a good job with it. In short, I do not know anyone in my environment, who would not use this thing!

5 more new dating services

Pure App-Manifest Free Love. There are no chats, no profiles. From the user you need a photo and readiness to have sex in the very near future.

LoveTime. Service that helps find the perfect pair due to the huge number of filters.

The League. The luxury version of Tinder with hard selection of users (from appearance to the university, where you studied, the data is synchronized with the LinkedIn professional network). Huge leaf of waiting.

Double-Double. - Application for double dates. "Four people are a party already," the creators of the service for double dials joke. After registration, call a girlfriend and lay down together in search of pretty men.

Happn. French know-how to get acquainted with men who go with you among the routes. Access to the correspondence opens if users live nearby, work or drink coffee in the same cafe.

Tinder: Make your choice

Polmyr now gets acquainted through Tinder - a new phone application that drives together men and women currently in the same city. Svetlana Ring found out how to qualitatively diversify his personal life

Despite the fact that the world is now promoting the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "magic tablet" (glow press per week, reset 17 kg per month, get a girl for 1 day, buy yourself cool clothes and you will become cool), there are things that really work.

They are just working not because megakruts, but because of what was obtained by experienced and some difficulty.

Suspended these new knowledge in practice, and you cries your questions about writing a girl when familiarizing in contact and any other social networks.

You understand that if you do not move and your finger, then things themselves do not occur around.

And if you just read this article and do not undertake anything, or you will act crawled, it will not come out, or the results will be unsatisfactory for you.

Answer to her top 3 questions in the first posts

Any girl who writes an unfamiliar guy is set as follows:

  1. Who are you?
  2. What do you need, what do you want from her?
  3. Why exactly she?

Any personwhen communication with an unfamiliar man begins, always these 3 questions in the head.

Therefore, the answers to these three questions are what you need to write after the word "hello" girl.

1. "Who are you?"

We will analyze these questions more details.

The girl does not know you and she is interested to know who you are.

Maybe someone selected you from her acquaintances, or you from some kind of real estate agency.

In her head, the mass of options is scrolled. Clear the situation.

Ask yourself: "Who are you?", And write it about it.

Know for yourself the answer to this question, and then you will know your the value you will be broadcast through messages When meeting her.

The next visual example will give you a clearer picture of what to write to the girl to meet her.

2. "What do you want from her?"

This is the second question, the answer to which the girl wants to know from you.

Maybe you want to sell it through the Internet Plasma TV or call into some network marketing or financial pyramid.

On the Internet are full of all sorts of different people.

You can one first post respond to three Question as in the following example. This is exactly what you can write to the girl when familiarizing in contact in the first message.

This removes many suspicions immediately.

Sometimes enough to answer only one question from threeAnd she is ready to meet you. Look in the screenshot.

3. "Why did you choose it?"

Here you need to write about what she attracted you, and why did you choose her among other girls.

That is, you write her about what did you like it, and why did you decide to write her: "Because you are pretty", "I will entail me", "I like you" and others.

It's all pretty good examples for you to write a girl in the first message "VKontakte" or on Facebook.

You may have our own unique reasons why you chose it.

At this moment, girls often check guys.

Here they want make sure that you are the guy who give themselves, or you lie to her.

It is from whether you can pass it Or not, it depends, whether you will get to meet with it or not.

Commier, do not be afraid of them, accept them, and the meeting will not make it wait.

With practice and over time, you will learn to taste these techniques, change the answers to these questions.

You will have such a kind of flair, when you can immediately ask the number and call for a date, and when it is too early and get closer to know each other.

Be with her absolutely sincere and congruent.

Very detailed and detailed article.

Some guys have big problems with what they do not know what to say and what to choose a topic for conversation When meeting with a girl.

Why she doesn't answer you

  1. Most men write banality girls: "Hello how are you what are you doing?".
    But it does not work at all.
  2. Some guys are simple offered to "buy" the attention of the girl with entertainment or even in the open - Money. This is mistake.
    It will come off the girl even more from you. She will turn on the protective mechanism "I am not so".

We also have a detailed article for men about institute at work And in other places, without attaching any effort and not trying to please her.

What needs to be done with your profile?

1. Load good photos

I recommend first Delete absolutely all photos where you look tired, irritated, drove to the piglets, in the company of rolled friends. Well, you understand.

If you come to mind that it will seem incorrect to your friends or even to yourself (it may seem like this), - throw these lousy thoughts from the head and start acting.

You go to life filled with beautiful girls and your personal happiness in the end!

So remove not embarrassed.

When you do 6 - 10 photos with a professionalYou will know why you need to remove the old.

2. Fill out information about yourself in the profile

It will also be useful to fill out information about yourself in the profile.

It will create more trust to you.

Fill out points in the "Interests" section. Write only the truth.

Write your favorite books, your interests, favorite movies and music.

The case when it was attracted pictures

Do not correspond much. If you feel that you can call for a date, do it.

There you can already flirt with an eye on the eye.

We have a detailed article about when meeting and on dates.

When you have good photos and a trust account on social networks, you are already very much and not soared about writing a girl in the first message on a dating site.

The following screenshot of this is confirmation.

Girls first look at your photo and what life do you live

When you get to the page of a pretty girl In the social network, what do you look first?

Of course photos.

Do you think girls do differently?

Of course, appearance is not a determining factor, but on it people definewhether they want continue acquaintance With this person.

If the first photos beat off every desire, then communication will not be charged - here be sure.

Therefore, originally have an album with attractive and pleasant photos. And then you can chat and think about writing a girl who likes to VK.

Girls will look more at thatWhat a photo you have and what life do you live, rather than on information in the profile!

After all, they are skilled craftsmen in the creation of images, attracting the opposite sex, and reliably know that most try to seem cool and steep for others.

And this is the usual thing.

After all, since childhood, society dictates men and women what they need to do so as to like other people if they want to be successful.

However, truly successful people do not try to like them, they are simply themselves - without wanting to impress and impress.

Think about it.

Video with my lively acquaintance with a girl who walked with mom

"Why real lively dating is much better than virtual, and why do I love them so much?" - you ask.

The answer to this question in the video below.

Pretty woman went down the street with her mother, but it did not stop me.

Do not do the following typical mistakes

Do not complicate yourself all. Everything in this world is easy and simple.

That's all. Now you know everything about writing a girl when meeting via the Internet.

Do not hesitate to write to girls in classmates, contact, facebook and any other social networks.

You have a rather removal profile on the social network, as well as a positive in development!

We continue to move towards success!

More unique content and advanced knowledge you can also get on my individual training programs on social dynamics, seduction and acquaintances with girls.

You can get acquainted with the girl under any circumstances, but in some places it is easier to do it. Most often now get acquainted in social networks. Dating in public places have more advantages, do not require special financial costs and allow you to meet a girl based on common interests. Do not forget about places that are not suitable for this.

Good places to get acquainted with women

Below are the most non-standard places where it is easiest to get acquainted with a good girlfriend.

Acquaintance on the Internet through social networks

Often get acquainted through social networks, since they are one of the main common channels for communication. Here you can get acquainted with a real person and immediately learn all the information you are interested in.

Just to write the first to your favorite girl: Having received a message from a stranger in format: "Hello!", She just ignores him. At first it is necessary to learn the page and find what you really hooked (except for photos of yourself with your beloved). It can be music, a film, an interesting entry on the wall or even common friends. Start the conversation should be based on the mention of this fact.

For example, having noticing a photo of the book that you recently read or want to do this in the future, you can ask what the girl thinks about her, whether she read other books of this author or from this series. Such a correspondence, if the young lady willingly go to contact, then it is possible to translate into personal messages to another social network, and there already include all your charisma and achieve a personal meeting.

Your personal page should be completed, have real photos and at least a couple of recordings on the wall. "Fake" pages are scare away, and if the girl will really be interested in you, it will be interesting to look at your interests and make sure that you are a real person.

Step by step guide about. From this article, you will learn how to prepare your page, how to choose a girl to write when you meet.

After acquaintance, you need to support interest in it to communicate. To do this, follow.

Free book

Want to know many more interesting things about where and how to get acquainted with beautiful girls, what to talk to them, how to invite on dating so that you do not get a refusal? Then I strongly advise you to read new Free Book Egor Sheremetyeva. To download the book and leave your e-mail. An email will come to the mail with reference to the PDF file.

Various group classes, mugs, master classes, trainings

Dancing. In the dance school of girls among customers more than men, so you can confidently sign up for any younger courses. In order not to spend money, you can walk on free open lessons and try to meet there.

In addition, dancing classes help maintain a good physical form, they train posture and develop confidence in themselves - it all attracts girls.

The ladies older than 25 years old love the double classic dances, so if there is no partner, they are often looking for a couple in groups of dance schools or on the forums. You can try happiness there and sign up with a pretty partner, for example, to Tango courses.

Psychological trainings. On this kind of trainings, like on dancing, there are predominantly girls.

It is worth come in advance and gathering to the famous individual or even two girlfriends. You can talk about the topic of training, ask how much this topic is close, that the girl can tell about the speaker.

If the lesson is long, then in the middle, usually take a break, during which you can also get acquainted. But at the beginning, it is preferable: often on psychological trainings give paired tasks, so if you start acquaintance at the very beginning, then this can be useful.

Courses of foreign languages. Here is a whole space for creativity: a visit to the language courses reveals a man as a person who is opened to the world and new knowledge, and women like it.

Language learning allows you to make new acquaintances, learn a lot about different countries and diversify your resume.

Men are increasingly appearing in language courses to learn the language for a particular purpose, and women as a hobby. In such a situation, the girls are open to new acquaintances and will be happy to take care of the opposite sex.

In addition, when learning a language at the classes themselves, many topics raise, so you can learn a little information about the girl you like.

If you want to learn to meet and communicate with girls, be sure to read :. In this article, one of our permanent authors spoke about his experience in the seduction of women.

Various group classes perfectly help to overcome shower when communicating with women. If this is your problem, you will find a lot of useful information.

After you find a suitable girl you need to invite it to the first date. It is very important to choose the right place. - here.

Shops, supermarkets

In the girls nature laid a desire to help others, so in stores it can be safely used.

If we are talking about the clothing store, you can learn the advice on whether you have a specific thing or not. In the grocery supermarket, you can specify the qualities of a product, ask whether it is not difficult to prepare what you want to buy. Girls rarely refuse to help.

Only one should not ask for help in choosing women's clothing or baby food: you may not understand and get acquainted.

Acquaintance in such places does not require additional financial investments, but the risk does not continue communication outside the store.

Libraries, Bookstores

Since almost everywhere there are consultants, you should immediately stop questions regarding where you can find one or another book. If the shelving costs a girl with the volume that you have read, you can approach and give advice, whether it is worth buying this book or not.

It is well acquainted in the thematic departments, choosing a girl with a similar literary taste. The main plus of such a dating - you can find a young lady.

Mass events, holidays, sports matches

At the mass events, everyone has a good mood, people come to relax and with pleasure communicate with random strangers.

In such a situation, you can make a conversation with neighbors in the chair, come to talk to a shared table and invite a pretty girl to participate with you in the competition. People willingly go to chat, and familiarity after the event can be sent to a place quieter.


The beach is another great place where they come to relax. The resort atmosphere has to easy dating and relaxed communication. We have . You will learn how to approach her what to say how to behave.

Museums, Art Galleries, Exhibitions, Theaters

If you are interested in history or art, then museums and exhibitions are also good dating sites. The principle is the same here as at concerts or in bookstores.

One of the advantages of this place - here come here, as a rule, adults, wealthy women in 30 years. Therefore, if you want stable, mature and serious relationships, then such places are ideal for typing acquaintance.

If you understand the painting or some sphere of art, you can interest a woman about a specific exhibit.

In major cities there are unusual museums: for example, with old slot machines, where you can also play Soviet games. Getting acquainted at the exhibition or in the theater can immediately turn into the first date.

Night clubs

In the nightclubs there are many girls who are not against dating for one evening.

You can get to know the bar rack, just saying hello. You can also join the girl on the dance floor. Such dating almost never develop into long-term relationships, and still have to spend money on 1-2 cocktails for every girl.

Of all the place of exploring, this may require the greatest financial costs.

On the street

In order to get acquainted with a beautiful girl, it is not necessary to choose some special place. Sometimes it is enough just to get out of the house and look back.

It is best to get acquainted on the central streets of the city, squares, in parks and squares, i.e. Where people come simply walk and breathe fresh air.

There is an opinion that the girls negatively belong to dating on the street. In fact, it is not. Most girls are absolutely adequate to guys who are suitable for them in public places. If you are positively configured and keep confidently, she will surely chat with you for a few minutes, agree on a date and give your phone number.

Public transport

You can also make a new relationship right in public transport. All that is needed for this is a bit of self-confidence, perseverance and a couple of suitable first phrases. We told about all tricks in the article :.

Dating websites

The easiest option that does not require any extra televitations at all. It is enough to complete the questionnaire and lay out some beautiful photos.

Nevertheless, there is its own specificity. Often there are girls who cannot meet in ordinary life. It is often related either with an unattractive appearance, or with oddities in character and behavior. This method of acquaintance requires serious time costs, as well as the reserve of patience: to seek for a long time.

A serious minus is that many sites require financial investments: to gain access to full information in the profile of girls and have an unlimited message limit, you have to pay.

Where and how should not get acquainted and why

There are also not the most successful places to get acquainted.

Waitresses in bars and restaurants, saleswoman in stores

Girls who work in the service sector constantly attract male attention. They produce a kind of "immunity" to customers.

Most often, saleswoman in stores and waitresses are divided into two categories:

  1. Those whom it is forbidden to start relations With customers according to the rules of work in the institution. Managers often do not want problems at work, especially if we are talking about bars and restaurants. Doodle young people can cause problems if other visitors will provide their girls in high marks of attention;
  2. Those who ourselves Put such a rule. Due to the large number of male clients, the girl just get tired of attention to their person and stop all attempts to meet.

If you want to get acquainted with such a girl, then it is best to "pinch" her immediately after the end of the shift on the way home.

In a state of alcohol intoxication

No normal woman will not be acquainted with a pushing young man. Going to the girl is better for a sober head and in the positive arrangement of the Spirit, and not talking with the oveready.

So, to get acquainted with the girl, they turn to social networks or go to the place where you can find a girlfriend in interest. Financial costs are often no need if you do not go to the nightclub. And to bypass the saleswoman in stores, do not confuse girls attempt to get acquainted in public transport and not waste time for dating sites.