Kineetetic Mnemonic Psychology. How to communicate with people of different psychotypes

Each individual person appreciates the world, based on its own sensations. In psychology, it is customary to allocate four varieties of perception characteristic of people. These include: visuals, audilations, kinestics and digitals. Each type has its own characteristics and characteristics.

General information about the types of perception

The division of people on visualists, auditists, kinesthetics and digitals in accordance with the basics of neurolynguistic programming (NLP) allows you to identify the dominant sense authority. At the same time, one prevailing sensory perception of the world in humans does not mean suppressing others. For people, the presence of four channels, for which they will know the world:

  1. Visual. With it, a person is predominantly developed by a visual surrounding system of surrounding. It has a value color, shape.
  2. Auditory. The hearing body is dominated and the internationally corresponding to him through sounds, timbres, melodies, volume.
  3. Kinestical. The tactile function prevails. It is easier for a person to recognize one or another subject by smell, taste, touch.
  4. Digital. The logical perception of the world dominates by building a person internal dialogue.

The leading canal of the world-carriage information in humans allows to intensify mental activity. Thanks to him, other processes in the form of memory and imagination are launched.

There are several methods, how to identify a visual, audio, kinestics and digital. The main is the diagnosis of the prevailing modality by testing developed by S. Efremtev. The test is available online for Internet users who want to know their dominant type of perception.

The characteristic of audials, visuals, kinesthetics and digitals includes:

  • the dominant authority involved in the perception by a person of the surrounding world;
  • the impact of the leading channel of perception on nature;
  • the ratio of the type of perception with the type of person's personality;
  • a set of differences in one form of an assessment by a person of the surrounding reality from others.

Characteristics of visuals

Audials, visuals, kinestics, digitals differ from each other by nature, method of communication, external features. The peculiarity of visuals is their perception of the world through visual images. The dominant organ of feelings have eyes. At the same time, other forms of assessing the world in such people are not less developed, but it is easier for them and it is more convenient to process the incoming information that is through vision.

You can identify a visual by characteristic facial expressions. It serves as a distinguishing feature. Much is determined by the view of a man:

  • directed up and left with the desire to recall any information;
  • up and right when fantasy;
  • directly and away with mental activity.

These features are characteristic of people with the prevailing visual channel of the worldview. At the look of the visual, you can determine, he says the truth or lies.

Interesting! The visualist trying to tell the wrongness, looks up and right in the case when he is asked a specific question.

The following features are characteristic of visuals:

  • perception of information through images;
  • pronounced gesticulation;
  • use when talking to the words "see", "see", "I think", "Take a look", "see";
  • perception in the process of learning only visual information in the form of graphs, schemes, drawings, photos, experiments;
  • appeal to the appearance of other people, their facial expressions, gestures, poses;
  • good imagination.

Appearance is important for visual. He is susceptible to everything that sees. Such people appreciate the beauty of the world and its individual items. They do not like dirt, slope and mess. If a child is a visual, then in the learning process, it will be better to absorb the information presented to him in a schematic and illustrated form.

People of this type are rapidly mastering the speed and better perceive information in the form of text. Visuals are also characterized by visual memory. They are better than others remember the location of the items, well oriented on the ground.

Visualists prefer to keep a distance when talking with other people. For them, the comfort zone is important. Moreover, the distance between them and interlocutors must be at least one meter. The view of the visuals wanders and is in the search. For successful completion of the tasks set, such people need clear schemes, visual pictures and images.

Characteristic of audials

For this type of perception, the information obtained through the hearing organs is a special value. The audio can be called a person who is better absorbing the material read out loud. This is especially important for schoolchildren. Children audies remember only the information that was presented to them by the teacher verbally.

The audio is characterized by the following signs:

  • the use in the speech of "auditory" phrases ("I heard", "I can not understand", "say", "I heard", "Listen to me");
  • good perception of music, conversations;
  • not bad hearing;
  • the need for complete silence when focused on something;
  • high demanding both to its and someone else's speech;
  • big love for music;
  • sensitivity to conversations;
  • good hearing memory.

Attention! When talking with an audialist, it is important not to raise the tone and not shout because it causes rejection from him to the interlocutor.

People of the specified type are considered good narrator. They prefer to discuss with others any question. So they better assimilate any material. Audials are more oriented for communication. This is one of the most sociable types of people.

The audialists worse than others remember the faces of people and are not always well oriented in space. But they are better than others recognize a person in voting. Determine such people manage to look. They usually directed either to the right or left.

Audials less than others are prone to conflict and often prefer not to raise the voice. They have it usually smooth, and the speech is measured and calm. A common profession among the audialists is a musician. Taking into account sociability and ability to deal with such people seek success in work related to oratory art.

For the audio, only a specific fact is matters without unnecessary details. He is important to contact with a person who has a pleasant voice for him. They pay less attention to the appearance of people, guided mainly by the auditory sensations.

Description of kineette

You can identify such a person for a number of signs:

  • frequent use of words with a pronounced emotional tint ("excited", "goosebumps", "I am delighted");
  • frequent touch to the interlocutor;
  • close distance with man when talking;
  • restlessness;
  • emotionality;
  • the best assimilation of information through movement and touch.

Kineetetic will know the world through personal experience. He prefers the practice of theory. At the same time, it is important for him to take direct participation in the process. People of this type are more like more oriented, smell. It is important for them to personally touch or try the subject to make the necessary conclusions.

Kinestics are among the active people. They can give an accurate definition. These are workaholics that do not endure inaction. Kneesthetics do not differ good attention, they are poorly concentrated on something for a long time. For this reason, they do not like routine and monotonous work.

Kneenthetics are inherent in a special psychological portrait. Despite the desire of such people to be at the minimum distance from the interlocutor during a conversation, they are selective in communication. Close to themselves, the kineetetic may only winning his confidence of man.

Interesting! For kinestics, it is especially offensively disturbing his personal space by an unfamiliar man. It can not pass without a trace for him.

Like visuals, people of this type do not perceive oral information. It is easier for them to know the world due to visual data and through personal contact. For kinestics, it is a physical contact with a close person. It has a serious effect of comfort. Any inconvenience provokes strong irritation in the kinestics. Such people love conversations concerning feelings and sensations. Emotional exchange with the interlocutor is important for them.

Features Digital

Audial, Visual, Kineette - not the only types of people, depending on the perception of them in the world. The fourth type is distinguished, called digitals. You can distinguish such people from others by the following signs:

  • management logic and thinking of actions;
  • clear activity planning;
  • minimal manifestation of senses when communicating;
  • weak emotions;
  • the desire for meaningful conversations and rejection of empty topics for them;
  • high composure and calm in stress conditions.

Digital is more difficult to identify among other people only by what words he operates in the process of conversation. For him, some signs of the visual and the audio are characteristic.

For digital and kinestics, various approaches to the perception of the world are characteristic. The first is trying to understand the essence of events and actions through logic schemes, the second - due to sensory experience.

The percentage of digitals remains low compared to other types of people. This is a rare type of perception. A child who is digital prefers accurate science and achieves success when studying them. He is inclined to plan a learning process and is distinguished by discipline.

- "accepting"; from lat. Capio, Cepi - "Take, perceive"), also known as kinesthesia (from Dr. Greek. κοινός "General" + αἴσθησῐς - "Feeling, feeling"; Fr. Cénesthésie), - Muscular feeling - the feeling of the position of the parts of its own body relative to each other and in space.


Exercises for proprioception (balance exercises) occupy an important place in the preparation of athletes and with rehabilitation after injuries.

Types of muscular feelings

Due to the proprioceptia, a person can feel position, movement and strength:

  • Feeling position - The ability to feel, at what angle is every joint, and in the amount - the position and the position of the whole body. The sense of position is almost not subject to adaptation.
  • Sensitude - This is information about the direction and speed of the joints of the joints. Man perceives as active Movement of the joint with muscle contraction and passivecaused by external reasons. The threshold of motion perception depends on the amplitude and on the rate of change of the angle of flexion of the joints.
  • Feeling power - This is the ability to estimate the muscle force attached to move or to hold the joint in a certain position.


In the narrow sense of the word, the terms "kinsthesia" and "proprioception" coincide, this is the ability to feel their body in space. Propriocecia is a feeling resulting from processing information from a specialized type of receptors - proprioceptors. Signals from proprioceptors come to the brain and give information about the position of muscles, joints and tendons. Without such an ability, a person could not perform coordinated movements with his eyes closed. In the broad sense of the word, the term "kinsiasia" also includes the ability to realize the position and movement of the body due to both proprice and signals from the vestibular apparatus and vision, which are integrated into the brain to obtain complete information on the position of the body in space, taking into account the surrounding items. Both of the term, "kinsiasia" and "proprioception", entered the scientific way, although the authors do not always distinguish them consistently. Currently, neurophysiological studies in this direction are conducted in a more general context of the so-called

Hello, dear blog readers Website. We all perceive the world through sensations (see, hear, feel, comprehend), but each individual person has a preferred perception channel.

In psychology, people are divided into the type of their perception of four main groups: visuals (vision prevails), audies (sounds), kinestics (value tactile sensations) and digitals (prevails mind).

Moreover, the main way of perception affects the nature of this person. Therefore, understanding who in front of you, you will be much easier to establish contact with him.

Today I want to talk in detail about the kinestics, since such people are strongly distinguished from the total mass and are "atypical."

Audial, Visual, Digital and Kineette

Each person is an individual person who perceives the outside world in different ways.

  1. Someone listens to every word, voice timbre, better perceives information on rumor. it audio.
  2. Someone focuses on color, form, appearance. Such people are called visuals.
  3. Digital - This is a person who mainly perceives the world with a logical thinking, paying less attention to perception through analyzers (eyes, ears, hands).
  4. Kineetetic is A person who perceives the world to the touch, tactile.

In addition to the specifics of the main channel, through which information is received, the audio, visual and kinestytik differ from each other, for example, by the method of learning, which must be applied to an effective result, manner of behavior.

Kineetetic is a person who ...

Audial, visual, kineeter - these groups of people are not accurate and exceptional when it is impossible to find). Each of us perceives the world with different analyzers. Just one of the channels more clearly expressedand prevails over others.

Therefore, by some characteristics you can attribute a person to kinestics More than other groups. To understand this, you need to look at the behavior of this person:

Kinestics depending on the floor

Let's start by S. women kinetetikov. Spa salons are rich in clients of this type of perception. Women love massages very much, take a jacuzzi. Also, they are pleasantly going to a hairdresser.

There, the hair is calculated, they are painted, dried, lightly wear paint or mousse. Therefore, such girls look good because of their love for touches: well-groomed hair and body.

Such women love men very much, because they are always affectionate in relationships. Love hugging, kissing, massage your back to your partner. Behave very romantic. But at the same time it will not walk on large studs, if she is more comfortable shoes on a low sole. It will not throw an old warm sweater, even if there is a lot of new clothes in the closet.

Male kinestytik - This is a person for whom the external (visual) view of a woman is not important. When he chooses his partner, then she simply should have a body shape, on whose contour is nice to hand. The skin should be soft and velvet, smell well.

Such a man always cares for his hair, gently cuts his nails, often can be caught in a massage room. But at the same time, just like girls of this group of perception, he can walk in a comfortable, but not new (uncomfortable) clothing. He is often a silent partner, which most importantly will speak touch.

Keynestik child: how it is manifested in childhood

Kinestics - which is laid since childhood. Each child begins to explore the world from the touch, compressing objects, tries to taste toys. Therefore, a person who truly belongs to this group, can be recognized Another 2-3 grade.

Such a child keeps the desire to touch the toy, any other object. Loves something to show, and not tell about it. Playing with others, twirls girls by hair, hugs friends, kisses them in a cheek.

The kineetetic can not wait, when the layout will be shown at the lesson of natural science and he is trying to study it. True, at such age it is difficult to distinguish: either the child really has such a type of perception of the world, or it is manifestations of the deficit deficit syndrome. Since those and other children show themselves very active and nonsense.

If such a child is stuck, then you are unlikely to convince him so that he lines posture. Even if you bring him many facts why it harms health. Or show from the side, as it is ugly. The child is still. The main thing is that it is so convenient sit.

Children-kinestics Very love to experiment with your body. Therefore, try to write with the right hand, then left. Adore to walk on different circles. For example, on dancing, figure skating, gymnastics, karate.

In order to such a child help better perceive learning:

  1. offer to make diagrams or layouts in lessons - this will concentrate on and provide a visual understanding of information;
  2. teach him poems or theory when he does exercise;
  3. do not stop him if he runs, but at the same time, the task decides in my head - the child has its own approach;
  4. give me to school with a sports bias, as physical education is a lesson on which such children feel like fish in water;
  5. if there is no possibility, then be sure to write to some kind of section in which you need to move a lot and feel your body.

How to handle kinestics?

Kineetetic is a person who do not need perfect order. Therefore, it is not necessary for it to scold, but simply perceive the way it is.

Attitable pie on the table near the crumpled papers is normal for him. You can calmly ask him to remove or do it for him, and the kineetetic then sincerely thanks strong arms.

If it works, it can do it standing at a computer. Or can walk between the tables at work when thinking about something. The supervisor should not stop such behavior as it contributes to its greater efficiency and efficiency.

Does your close person dresses sloppy, in old things? Do not worry, he is so comfortable and this is the most important thing - so that he felt good. You can calmly try together To pick up a new comfortable clothing that will not fade movements, will be made of pleasant to the touch of fabrics, will not form folds.

Baby sludge? You will not be able to force it to align any explanations, threats or screams. It is better to give it to the sports section, where the spine will be aligned and the child will have to keep posture. In addition, in the class he will free up all his energy and comes home calm and balanced.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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Good afternoon, readers and readers of my blog! Today's morning I remember to me in one event. While in the textile store, had the pleasure of seeing kinestics in action. Among the many visitors who just looked, compared prices and discussed, one girl taped, stroked and leaning each cloth to face. According to her reaction, it was seen which material is pleasant, and which is not. When she liked the feeling, she was delayed near the fabric much longer than the rest.

Perhaps on the outside it looked strange. But not for me. As a psychologist, I know that people can perceive peace in different ways. The girl I saw today is a pronounced kineetetic, this is a person who receives information through tactile sensations.

Why is that?

In psychology there is a huge number of classifications. One of them is based on a preferred method of perception and receipt of information from the surrounding world. For these purposes, a person can use one or more sensory systems: visual, auditory, taste, olfactory or tactile.

Ideally, it describes Saien Baylok in the book " Brain and body. How sensations affect our feelings and emotions”.

Accordingly, depending on the choice (unconscious, and from birth), a person can belong to one of the psychotypes. Highlight 3 main types: visuals, audies, kinestics.

For visuals, it is important that they are perceived by means of their visual apparatus. These are typical aesthetes. For them, it is not comfortable or practicality, but beauty. They prefer beautiful and stylish clothes, order in the apartment, always go with proud posture.

The audies also send all their attention to the sounds. Pay attention to intonation, but they can ignore the essence and appearance of the interlocutor. Their distinctive feature is a thin musical taste. To be honest, I personally did not come across this psychotic, since he is the most rare.

Dimensions also prefer sensations. For them, this is not a luxury and rare pleasure, as for other people, for them this is part of life, the main way to respond to the world.

Do you know what the largest person of a person has many receptors of various accommodations? Leather. Receiver, which are in the epidermis, distinguish cold and heat, pain, pressure, gentle touch.

Probably, men and women are becoming kinesthetics, who have been well developed from birth, these receptors are well developed. Thus, all emotional or not very situations will be associated with what he felt, being near a person.

Features of development

For such people, love is expressed in touch. It originates from childhood. Baby-kineetetic to everything pulls his handle, touches, pulls into his mouth. Here it would be possible to draw an analogy with ordinary children, but it is not all the features. The baby quickly finds himself friends, loves to hug brothers and sisters, willingly goes to his hands to unfamiliar people. From parents requires attention, heat heat. If this does not give it, insults arise, and parents can often make a child to blame, how to prevent it, read in mine.

Taking into account the activity, adults will have to watch him vigilantly. After all, the child will acquire exclusively on his experience. Starting from the harmless taste of salt, wetting water and to the point that putting the plug into the socket, it will hit the current.

In the puberty period with kinesthetic, problems may occur, especially in the school system. After all, knowledge is obtained by the retelling of information: visual, auditory, and experiments are rarely held and only for some subjects. Outside the school will help switch attention, feel in its environment. It may not be easy, but quite feasible.

Having matured, the kinestics do not change their preferences, but they become more tolerant and perishable, if necessary, analyze information visually or ear. An integral element of their lifetime is a warm bath after the working day, a delicious lunch, a soft bed.

Their motto "Comfort in everything". They will never be able to fall asleep on the crumbs, rather come around all night. And put on the shoes on the hairpin girl - like the feat of Hercules, which is possible only in an emergency. Just like the guy put on a tuxeding tuxedo and pass in it all day.

Kinestics - frequent bath visitors, massage rooms, gyms, spa salons, swimming pools. They are monitored, but not because of the appearance, but for considerations of care for your body.

Have a well-developed smell, taste analyzers. Therefore, the profession of the taster, the textile expert is not uncommon. Although there are also excellent masseuses, dancers, builders, florists, coaches, actors, designers (if it is a practical situation, and not web modeling).

Household manifestations for which the kineette is noticeable:

  1. Physical rapprochement. And it's not at all about harassment or flirting, aggressive offensive. A person can be fascinated by a conversation, but touching or finding near him strengthens the effect of words, emotionally color everything. Also, if you need to force the kinestics to pay attention to something, you can touch his hands, it will take it.
  2. Chaos in the apartment. Here, visuals will faint (kidding)! Kinestics can live in disorder, but they will always know where it lies and why it is more convenient for them.
  3. Remaining. The care of itself is associated with the actualization of its own experiences, experienced sensations. If you really need to discuss something to attract the attention of the interlocutor.
  4. Action without words. Above I wrote about activity. So, I matured, a person retains the trend towards actions. Sometimes spontaneous. Long weighing and reasoning - not about him, he will prefer to redo or make a mistake than to delay the embodiment of the idea.
  5. Appearance. The physique can be any, but the movements have a smooth species, having, as these people are well owning their body. Osanka may not follow, as it is not convenient. Prefer non-moving clothing movements. It can be mint and not iron, but clean.

Contact with others

With other types of people, kinesthetic is difficult. Sometimes the problems arise already at the dating stage, when the desire to touch the wrong thing. Maximum compatibility has with those who have a mixed type, which includes some manifestations of kinesthetics.

In close relationships will have to stock up a huge portion of patience. After all, love will manifest themselves in tasty food, kisses and caresses, the pastime together. The kinestics will rather notice the roughness of the skin, the softness of the hair or a new pimple, rather than a new tuning of the car or haircut - it is not for them. Therefore, it is better to communicate it yourself, and not wait for them to notice.

Despite the love of touch, people of this type of pickup. Unconscious or those who do not trust them, they will not allow close distance. This is the prerogative of loved ones. The invasion of personal space can be perceived quite aggressively. Therefore, before using kinestics receptors, it is better.

In general, most conflicts can be leveled if you know the features of each person and proceed from its needs.

How to determine to which psychotic do you feel? Watch the same and compare, taking into account the information that I gave.

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Each person has a certain perception of its surrounding space. Every one processes information. For some, it is preferable to receive it in the form of visual images, it is better to hear once again, and the third read data through the tactile sensation. The last type of preferences are peculiar to kinestics.

As a child, every child is a kind of kinesthetic, knowing the world through a touch, taking the surrounding items and trying to taste them.

After the time of time, the physical perception of the world is dulled by providing a place to other options for cognition.

But some individual personalities have a tactile channel information remains basic. A person gets the necessary information with the help of smelling, touching and touching.

Distinctive signs of kinestrics:

The desire to actively move, touch, taste, sniff. It is not always expressed by excessive mobility, but he perceives all the surrounding space only through his own bodily sensations;

A representative of this type of person is trying to provide himself with maximum amenities and comfort that it is vital for him. As a rule, kinestics take care of the most suitable room temperature and good ventilation;

Such a person is trying to adhere to a short distance. While close to the interlocutor, he unconsciously touches his hand or shoulder. Thus, the kinestric expresses its presence in a conversation. It does not look into the eyes at the same time, and the expression of his face is missing;

People of such an image of perception are usually not strong in planning. They are a person actions. When others are different and discussed all the nuances - the kinestytik proceeds to perform the task.

Of course, such actions are not always deliberate and often have to change tactics in the process, but the kinesther cannot be in a simple, and long time to expect the result. From this he appears a sense of discomfort, and he prefers to adjust the behavior during action;

Most kinestetics prefer to actively act in relationships. Propricing problems they consider little meaningful chatter if this does not cost certain practical actions necessary for its solution;

On the desktop and in the apartment kinestics, things lie in a convenient order for it. And even if it is from the side to make the impression of the utmost Bardaka - it is not really wrong. Each item is at a convenient and affordable place and, if necessary, it is easy to get to it;

Kinestics are usually concerned. They control their body perfectly and understand the body signals. Representatives of this type are often becoming excellent dancers or successful athletes. They can also be excellent masseuses and tastors.

A person with such a type of thinking more remembers the overall impression and does not emphasize unnecessary attention to small details;

Many laidesthetics are inappropriate, and being in the company, try to stay in the shade. They often "go to ourselves", switching to their own internal sensations. It makes sense to deal with the manifestation of this type. It is better to try to return the person unobtrusively in the channel of communication by touching it.

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