Who in Russia live well what direction. Who in Russia live well (poem)

"Who lives well in Russia" - Poem N. A. Nekrasov. He tells about the journey of seven peasant men throughout Russia in order to search for a happy man. The action occurs shortly after the abolition of serfdom in the Russian Empire.

History of creation

N. A. Nekrasov began working on the poem "Who in Russia live well" in the first half of the 1860s. Mention of reference Poles in the first part, in the chapter "The landowner", suggests that the work on the poem was started not earlier than 1863. But the outline of the work could appear before, as Nekrasov collected the material for a long time. The manuscript of the first part of the poem is marked in 1865, however, it is possible that this is the date of the end of work on this part.

Soon after the end of the work on the first part, the prologue of the poem was published in the January issue of the contemporary magazine for 1866. The printing was stretched for four years and was accompanied by all the publishing activities of Nekrasov, censored persecutions.

To continue working on the poem, the writer began only in the 1870s, writing three more works: "Feat" (1872), "Peasanthie", "PIR - for the whole world" (). The poet was not going to be limited to written in chapters, three more or four parts were conceived. However, the developing disease prevented the author's ideas. Nekrasov, feeling the approach of death, tried to give some "finished" of the last part, "PIR - for the whole world."

The poem "Who in Russia live well" was printed in such a sequence: "Prologue. Part One "," Feat "," Peasantka "," PIR - for the whole world. "

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Plot and poem structure

It was assumed that there would be 7 or 8 parts in the poem, but the author managed to write only 4, which may not follow one after another.

The poem is written by a three-stranded yamb.

Part one

The only part that does not have the name. It was written shortly after the cancellation of serfdom (). At the first quatrain of the poems, it can be said that Nekrasov initially tried to anonymously characterize all the problems of Russia time.


In which year - count,
In which land is guessing,
On a pillars
Seven men agreed.

They had a dispute:

Who lives fun
Volgovo in Russia?

They expressed six options for answering this question:

  • Roman: landowner;
  • Demyan: official;
  • brothers Ivan and Metrodor Rubin: merchant;
  • Pat: minister, boyar;

The peasants decide not to return home until they find the right answer. In the prologue, they also find a self-primary tablecloth, which will feed them, and go on the road.

Chapter I. Pop

Chapter II. Rural fair.

Chapter III. Drunk night.

Chapter IV. Happy.

Chapter V. Lenchant.

Feat (from the second part)

In the height of Senokos, the wanderers come to the Volga. Here they become witnesses of a strange scene: the Barsky family swims on the shore on three boats. Kosov, who had just faded to relax, immediately jump out to show their diligence old Barina. It turns out that the peasants of the village of Vakhlachin help heirs to hide from the surviving from the mind of the landlord of rattling the cancellation of serfdom. For this, the relatives of the followers - Uttatin promise the men by the floodborn meadows. But after the long-awaited death, the followers of the heirs forgot their promises, and the entire peasant performance turns out to be in vain.

Peasant (from the third part)

In this part of the wanderers decide to continue their searches for whom to "live having fun, in Russia" among women. In the village of Naggedina, the women were told by men, which is in the wedge "Governor" Matrius Timofeevna: "Verious and ironing - there is no women." There, seven men find this woman and convince her to tell her story, at the end of which she converts men in their happiness and in women's happiness in Russia as a whole:

Keys of happiness female
From our free voyage
Abandoned, lost
God himself! ..

  • Prologue
  • Chapter I. Before Marriage
  • Chapter II. Songs
  • Chapter III. Savely, Bogatyr, Svyatarus
  • Chapter IV. Dormushka
  • Chapter V. Wolchitsa
  • Chapter VI. Hard year
  • Chapter VII. Governor
  • Chapter VIII. Babia Padcha

Pier on the whole world (from the fourth part)

This part is a logical continuation of the second part ("Feat"). It describes a feast that manned men after the death of the old man. The adventures of the wanderers do not end in this part, but at the end one of the pouring - Grisha Dobrons, the son of Dycachka, the next morning after the feast, walking along the river bank, finds what the secret of Russian happiness, and expresses him in the short song "Rus" By the way, used by V. I. Lenin in the article "The main task of our days". Ends on the work with the words:

Would be our wanders
Under the native roof
If you could know, they
What happened to grisha.
Heard his chest
Forces are immense
Sewnned his hearing
Sounds of grace
Raybear sounds
Anthem noble -
He sang an embodiment
Happiness of the people! ..

Such an unexpected ending arose because the author realized his ambulance death, and, wishing to finish the work, logically completed the poem in the fourth part, although at the beginning of N. A. Nekrasov thought 8 parts.

List of heroes

Temporable peasants

  • Novel,
  • Demyan
  • Luke,
  • Ivan and Metrodor Rubin,
  • Steamed
  • Prov.

Peasants and slats

  • Artyom Dyubin,
  • Like naked
  • Sidor,
  • Echorka jester
  • Vlas,
  • Agap Petrov,
  • Ipat
  • Yakov,
  • Gleb,
  • Prosper
  • Matrion Timofeevna,
  • Sovelius Korchagin,
  • Yermil Girin.


  • Obolt-Oboldow
  • Prince Utyatin (conserves),
  • Fogel (German, manager of Salashnikov landowner)
  • Shalashnikov.

Other heroes

  • Elena Alexandrovna - Governor, who took the childbirth of Matrius,
  • Altynnikov - a merchant, a possible buyer of Mill Ermila Girin,
  • Grisha Dobrons.

For many years of the life of Nekrasov gave work on the poem, which was called his "favorite brain." "I was conceived," Nekrasov said, "to state everything I know about the people in a connected story, everything that I was led to hear from his mouth, and I started to live in Russia." It will be the epic of modern peasant life. "

The material for the poem writer copied, according to his recognition, "on the word for twenty years." Death interrupted this gigantic work. The poem remained unfinished. Shortly before the death, the poet said: "One thing that sorry deeply, this is what I did not finish my poem" to live well in Russia. "

Nekrasov began work on the poem in the first half of the 60s of the XIX century. The manuscript of the first part of the poem is marked by Nekrasov 1865. At this year, the first part of the poem was already written, started, obviously, a few years earlier. Mentioning in the first part of the reference Poles (the chapter "The landowner") makes it possible to consider 1863 the date for which this chapter could not be written, since the suppression of the uprising in Poland belongs to 1863-1864.

However, the first sketches to the poem could appear before. An indication of this is contained, for example, in the memoirs of G. Potanin, who, describing its visit to the Nekrasov apartment in the fall of 1860, transmits the following words of the poet: "I ... yesterday I wrote, but I didn't finish it a little - now I'm curtail ..." It was an outline of his beautiful Poles "Who lives well in Russia." She did not go out for a long time. "

Thus, it can be assumed that some images and episodes of the future poem, the material for which was going for many years, arose in the creative imagination of the poet and partially embodied in verses earlier than 1865, which the manuscript was dated the first part of the poem.

To continue the work of Nekrasov proceeded only in the 70s, after a seven-year break. The second, the third and the fourth part of the poem follows one after another with small intervals: "Fat" was created in 1872, the "peasant" - in July-August 1873, "PIR - for the whole world" - in the fall of 1876.

The publication of the poem Nekrasov began soon at the end of work on the first part. Already in the January book of the "contemporary" for 1866, a prologue of the poem appeared. The printing of the first part was stretched for four years. Fearing to shake the already sharp position of the "contemporary", Nekrasov abstained from publishing the following heads of the first part of the poem.

Nekrasov was afraid of the censorship persecution, which began immediately after the release of the first chapter of the poem ("Pop"), printed in 1868 in the first issue of the new Nekrasovsky magazine "Public Notes". A. Lebedev Censor gave such a characteristic of this chapter: "In the poem, like their works, Nekrasov remained faithful to his direction; In it, he tries to imagine the gloomy and sad side of the Russian man with his grief and material flaws ... There are ... there is a sharp place in its indecent place. " The censorship committee, although he allowed a book of "domestic notes" to press, but about the poem "Who in Russia live is well" still sent into the highest censorship instance of disapproving opinion.

The subsequent heads of the first part of the poem were published in the February numbers of "domestic notes" for 1869 ("Rural Yarmont" and "Drunk Night") and 1870 ("happy" and "landowner"). In general, the first part of the poem appeared in the press only eight years after it writing.

Publishing "Followas" ("Domestic Notes", 1873, No. 2) caused new, even greater quenching censorship, which believed that this part of the poem "is different ... the extreme disgrace of the content ... wears the character of Paskville to the entire noble estate."

The next part of the poem, the "peasant", created by the Nekrasov in the summer of 1873, was published in the winter of 1874 in the January book of "Domestic Notes".

There was never a separate publication of the poem of Nekrasov during his lifetime.

In the last year of the life of Nekrasov, returning severely ill from the Crimea, where they were mainly completed the fourth part of the poem - "PIR - for the whole world," with amazing energy and perseverance entered into martial arts with censorship, hoping to print "PIR ...". This part of the poem was subjected to censorship especially violent attacks. The censor wrote that it finds "all the poem" feast - for the whole world "is extremely harmful in its content, as it can excite the hostile feelings between the two estates, and that it is especially offensive to the nobility, such a newly used landlord.

However, Nekrasov did not stop fighting censorship. A chained disease to bed, he stubbornly continued to seek the publishing "Pir ...". He converts text, cuts, strikes out. "Here it is, our craft of a writer," Nekrasov complained. - When I started my literary activity and wrote my first thing, I immediately met with scissors; It has passed since the 37 years, and so I'm dying, I write my last work, and again I come across the same scissors! " "Got" the text of the fourth part of the poem (so called the poet alteration of the work in order to censorship), Nekrasov countdated permission. However, "PIR - on the whole world" was again banned. "Unfortunately, I recalled Saltykov-Shchedrin," and it is almost useless to bother: everything is so fulfilled by hatred and threats, which is difficult even to approach. " But after that, Nekrasov still did not compare the weapons and decided to "approach", as an extreme measure, to the head of the main department for censorship V. Grigoriev, who in the spring of 1876 promised him "his personal intercession" and, by rumors who came out Through F. Dostoevsky, allegedly considered "PIR - for the whole world" "absolutely possible to print".

Nekrasov suggested to Milk at all censorship, having enlisted by the resolution of the king himself. To do this, the poet wanted to use his acquaintance with the Minister of the courtyard Count Adlerberg, and also resort to mediation S. Botkin, who was at the time of the court doctor (Botkin, who treated Nekrasov, was dedicated to "PIR - for the whole world"). Obviously, precisely for this case and were inserted inserted into the text of the poem "with a gnage of dental" devoted to the king, well-known lines "Walk, the people who gave freedom!". We do not know whether Negrasov undertakes real steps in this direction or refused their intention, understood the uselessness of the trouble.

"The PIR - for the whole world" remained under the censored ban until 1881, when he appeared in the second book of "domestic notes", however, with great abbreviations and distortions: songs "Cheerful", "Barshina", "Soldier", " The deck is oak ... "and others. Most of the excerpts thrown out by censorship from "Pir - for the whole world" was first made public only in 1908, and the whole poem is entirely, in an unexpected edition, was published in 1920 by K. I. Chukovsky.

The poem "Who lives well in Russia" in its unfinished form consists of four separate parts located in the following, by the time of their writing, order: part of the first, consisting of a prologue and five chapters; "Fat"; "Peasant woman", consisting of prologue and eight chapters; "PIR - for the whole world."

From the papers, Nekrasov shows that according to the plan for the further development of the poem, the creation of at least three chapters or parts was established. In one of them, previously called Nekrasov "Sneakessa", it was necessary to go about the stay of seven peasants on the Sheksne River, where they fall into the midst of the povered case of livestock from Siberian ulcers, about their meeting with the official. Covering several poems from the future chapter, Nekrasov writes: "This is a song from the new chapter" Who in Russia live is good. "The materials for this chapter began to collect the poet in the summer of 1873. However, it remained unlocked. Only a few prosaic and poetic black passages have been preserved.

It is also known about the intention of the poet to tell about the arrival of the peasants to Petersburg, where they had to look for access to the minister, and describe their meeting with the king on the bear hunt.

In the last lifetime publishing of "Poems" N. A. Nekrasov (1873-1874) "Who in Russia live well" is printed as follows: "Prolog; Part One "(1865); "Feat" (from the second part of "who in Russia live is good") (1872); "Peasanthie" (from the third part "Who lives well in Russia") (1873). Copyright is the order of arrangement of parts "Who in Russia live well" in publication 1873

Plot and poem structure

Nekrasov assumed that the poem would be seven or eight parts, but managed to write only four, which may not follow one after another.

Part one

The only thing does not have the name. It was written shortly after the cancellation of serfdom ().


"In which year - count on
In which land is guessing,
On a pillars
Seven men agreed ... "

They had a dispute:

Who lives fun
Volgovo in Russia?

They expressed six options for answering this question:

  • Roman: landlord
  • Demyan: official
  • rubin Brothers - Ivan and Metrodor: merchant;
  • Pahom (old man): Minister

The peasants decide not to return home until they find the right answer. They find a self-primary tablecloth, which will feed them, and go on the road.

Peasant (from the third part)

Feat (from the second part)

PIR - on the whole world (from the second part)

see also


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This article or section needs recycling. Please improve the article in accordance with the writing rules of articles. Poem ... Wikipedia

POEM - (Greek. Póiēma, from Poiéō - I do, doing), a large poetic work with a narrative or lyrical plot. P. also refer to an ancient and medieval epic (see also Epos), nameless and author, who has been signed or ... ... Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Greek. Póiema) Large poetic work with a narrative or lyrical plot. P. is also called an ancient and medieval epic (see epic) (see also Epos), nameless and author, who has been signed either by ... ...

Poet; Born on November 22, 1821 in the small Jewish town of Vinnitsa County of Podolsk province, where at that time the Army Regiment was quartered, in which his father Alexey Sergeevich Nekrasov was served. A. S. belonged to the impoverished noble ... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

I.A.V. II.Russkaya oral poetry A.Teriodization of the history of oral poetry B. Development of ancient oral poetry 1. Extreme sources of oral poetry. Underworctic creativity of ancient Russia with x to the middle of the XVIV. 2. Forward poetry from the middle of the XVI to the end ... ... Literary encyclopedia

Nikolai Alekseevich (1821 1877) Visident Russian revolutionary democratic poet. R. December 4, 1821 in the family of a wealthy landlord. His childhood spent in the estate of the Greshnevo Yaroslavl lips. In an extremely heavy setting of the brutal dissection of the Father with ... Literary encyclopedia

RSFSR. I. General information of the RSFSR formed on October 25 (November 7) 1917. Borders on S. Z. with Norway and Finland, for C. with Poland, on Yu. V. with China, MNR and DPRK, as well as with the Union republics incoming In the USSR: on Z. with ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

"I was conceived," writing Nekrasov, "all I know about the people in a connected story, everything that I was led to hear from the mouth of him, and I started it" to live well in Russia. "This will be the epic of modern peasant life." But the poem remained unfinished. Shortly before the death, the poet said: "One thing that sorry deeply, this is what I didn't finish my poem" who lives well in Russia. "

Work on the poem began in the first half of the 60s of the XIX century, but the first sketches to the poem could appear before. The indication of this is contained, for example, in the memoirs of G. Potanina, who, describing its visit to the apartment of Nekrasov in the fall of 1860, transmits the following words of the poet: "I ... yesterday I wrote a long time, but I didn't finish it a little - now I'm curtail ..." There were an outline of his beautiful poem "to live well in Russia." She did not enter the press for a long time. "

To continue the work of Nekrasov began only in the 70s, after a seven-year break, "the consensus" was created in 1872, the "peasant" - in July-August 1873, "PIR - for the whole world" - in the fall of 1876. Already in the January issue of the "contemporary" for 1866, almost immediately after writing the first part, there was a prologue of the poem - the seal was stretched for four years: fearing to shake the already sharpening position of the "contemporary", Nekrasov refrained from publishing the following heads of the first part of the poem.

Immediately after printing, the censors were oppressed: A. Lebedev gave such a characteristic of this chapter: "In a meant poem, like their own works, Nekrasov remained faithful to his direction; in it he tries to imagine the gloomy and sad side of the Russian man with his grief and material flaws. .. it meets ... a sharp place in its indecent place "

The subsequent chapters of the first part of the poem were published in the February numbers of "domestic notes" for 1869 ("Rural Fair" and "Drunk Night") and 1870 ("happy" and "landower"). Publishing "Followas" ("Domestic Notes", 1873, No. 2) caused new, even greater censorship quarrels: "differs ... extreme disgrace of content ... Wears the character of Paskville to the entire noble estate", and "feast - on the whole world "It was met with even less approval. The text of the fourth part of the poem of Nekrasov was trying in every way to cut and rewrite to munify the censorship, right up to dedicated to the king of the words "Walk, the people who gave freedom!", But "PIR - for the whole world" remained under a censored ban until 1881, when he appeared in the second The book of "domestic notes", however, with great abbreviations and distortions: songs "Merry", "Barschina", "Soldier", "The deck is oak ..." and others. Most of the excerpts thrown out by the censorship from the "Pir - for the whole world" was first made public only in 1908, and the whole poem is entirely in an unexpected editorial board, was published in 1920 by K. I. Chukovsky.

The poem "Who lives well in Russia" in its unfinished form consists of four separate parts located in the following, by the time of their writing, the order: part of the first, consisting of a prologue and five chapters; "Fat"; "Peasant", consisting of prologue and eight chapters; "PIR - for the whole world."

In the drafts and plans, Nekrasov remained too much - he understood that he would not have time to complete the poem, which in the future would be very greater importance. Nekrasova has to give the feeling of the completion of the "feast" and introduce the image of the peasant intercessor much earlier than was planned:

Would be our wanderers under the native roof,

If you could know that they were going on with grisha.

The thought of "forward flying", Grisha saw the "embodiment of the happiness of the people." It raised his creative forces, gave him a feeling of happiness, and readers - the answer to questions who are happy in Russia, in what his happiness.

The history of the creation of the poem "Who lives well in Russia"

For many years of the life of Nekrasov gave work on the poem, which was called his "favorite brain." "I was conceived," said Nekrasov, "to state everything in a connected story, I know about the people, everything that I was led to hear from his mouth, and I started to live well in Russia." It will be the epic of modern peasant life. "

The material for the poem writer copied, according to his recognition, "on the word for twenty years." Death interrupted this gigantic work. The poem remained unfinished. Shortly before the death, the poet said: "One thing that sorry deeply, this is what did not finish his poem" who lives well in Russia. "

Nekrasov began work on the poem in the first half of the 60s of the XIX century. The manuscript of the first part of the poem is marked by Nekrasov 1865. At this year, the first part of the poem was already written, started, obviously, a few years earlier. The mention in the first part of the reference Poles (the chapter "landowner") allows you to consider 1863 the date for which this chapter could not be written, since the suppression of the uprising in Poland belongs to 1863-1864.

However, the first sketches to the poem could appear before. An indication of this is contained, for example, in the memoirs of the city of Potanina, who, describing his visit to the apartment Nekrasov in the fall of 1860, transmits the following words of the poet: "I ... yesterday I wrote a long time, but I didn't finish a little - now I'm curtaining ..." It was an outline of his beautiful The poems "Who in Russia live well." She did not go out for a long time. "

Thus, it can be assumed that some images and episodes of the future poem, the material for which was going for many years, arose in the creative imagination of the poet and partially embodied in verses earlier than 1865, which the manuscript was dated the first part of the poem.

To continue the work of Nekrasov proceeded only in the 70s, after a seven-year break. The second, the third and the fourth part of the poem follows one after another with small intervals: "Fat" was created in 1872, the "peasant" - in July-August 1873, "PIR - for the whole world" - in the fall of 1876.

The publication of the poem Nekrasov began soon at the end of work on the first part. Already in the January book of the "contemporary" for 1866, a prologue of the poem appeared. The printing of the first part was stretched for four years. Fearing to shake the already sharp position of the "contemporary", Nekrasov abstained from publishing the following heads of the first part of the poem.

Nekrasov was afraid of the censorship persecution, which began immediately after the release of the first chapter of the poem ("Pop"), printed in 1868 in the first issue of the new Nekrasovsky magazine "Public Notes". A. Lebedev Censor gave such a characteristic of this chapter: "In the poem, like their works, Nekrasov remained faithful to his direction; In it, he tries to imagine the gloomy and sad side of the Russian man with his grief and material flaws ... There are ... there is a sharp place in its indecent place. " The censorship committee, although he allowed a book of "domestic notes" to press, but about the poem "Who in Russia live is well" still sent into the highest censorship instance of disapproving opinion.

The subsequent heads of the first part of the poem were published in the February numbers of "domestic notes" for 1869 ("Rural Fair" and "Drunk Night") and 1870 ("happy" and "landowner"). In general, the first part of the poem appeared in the press only eight years after it writing.

Publishing "Father" ("Patriotic Notes", 1873, No. 2) caused new, even greater quenching censorship, which believed that this part of the poem "is different ... the extreme disgrace of the content ... wears the character of Paskville to the entire noble estate."

The next part of the poem, the "peasant", created by the Nekrasov in the summer of 1873, was published in the winter of 1874 in the January book of "Domestic Notes".

There was never a separate publication of the poem of Nekrasov during his lifetime.

In the last year of the life of Nekrasov, returning severely ill from the Crimea, where they were mainly completed the fourth part of the poem - "PIR - for the whole world," with amazing energy and perseverance entered into martial arts with censorship, hoping to print "PIR ...". This part of the poem was subjected to censorship especially violent attacks. The censor wrote that it finds "all the poem" PIR - for the whole world "is extremely harmful in its content, as it can excite the hostile feelings between the two estates, and that it is especially offensive to the nobility, such a newly used landing rights ...".

However, Nekrasov did not stop fighting censorship. A chained disease to bed, he stubbornly continued to seek the publishing "Pir ...". He converts text, cuts, strikes out. "Here it is, our craft of a writer," Nekrasov complained. - When I started my literary activity and wrote my first thing, I immediately met with scissors; It has passed since the 37 years, and so I'm dying, I write my last work, and again I come across the same scissors! " "Got" the text of the fourth part of the poem (so called the poet alteration of the work in order to censorship), Nekrasov countdated permission. However, "PIR - on the whole world" was again banned. "Unfortunately," Saltykov-Shchedrin recalled. - And it is almost useless to bother: everything is so fulfilled by hatred and threats, that it is difficult even to approach. " But after that, Nekrasov still did not compare the weapons and decided to "approach", as an extreme measure, to the head of the main department for censorship V. Grigoriev, who in the spring of 1876 promised him "his personal intercession" and, by rumors who came out Through F. Dostoevsky, allegedly considered "PIR - for the whole world" "absolutely possible to print".

Nekrasov suggested to Milk at all censorship, having enlisted by the resolution of the king himself. To do this, the poet wanted to use his acquaintance with the Minister of the courtyard Count Adlerberg, and also resort to mediation S. Botkin, who was at the time of the court doctor (Botkin, who treated Nekrasov, was dedicated to "PIR - for the whole world"). Obviously, precisely for this case and were inserted inserted into the text of the poem "with a gnage of dental" devoted to the king, well-known lines "Walk, the people who gave freedom!". It is not known whether Negasov undertakes real steps in this direction or refused his intention, which understood the uselessness of the trouble.

"The PIR - for the whole world" remained under the censored ban until 1881, when he appeared in the second book of "domestic notes", however, with great abbreviations and distortions: songs "Cheerful", "Barshina", "Soldier", " The deck is oak ... "and others. Most of the excerpts thrown out by the censorship from "Pir - for the whole world" was first made public only in 1908, and the whole poem is entirely, in an unemployed editorial office, was published in 1920 by K.I. Chukovsky.

The poem "Who in Russia live well" in its unfinished form consists of four separate parts located in the following, by the time of their writing, order: part of the first, consisting of prologue and five chapters, "Fat", "peasant", consisting of a prologue And eight chapters, "PIR - for the whole world."

From the papers, Nekrasov shows that according to the plan for the further development of the poem, the creation of at least three chapters or parts was established. In one of them, previously called Nekrasov "Sneakessa", it was necessary to go about the stay of seven peasants on the Sheksne River, where they fall into the midst of the povered case of livestock from Siberian ulcers, about their meeting with the official. Materials for this chapter poet began to collect in the summer of 1873. However, she remained unlocked. Only a few prosaic and poetic black passages are preserved.

It is also known about the intention of the poet to tell about the arrival of the peasants to Petersburg, where they had to look for access to the minister, and describe their meeting with the king on the bear hunt.

In the last lifetime publishing "Poems" N.A. Nekrasova (1873-1874) "Who lives well in Russia" is printed as follows: "Prolog; Part One "(1865); "Feat" (from the second part of "who in Russia live is good") (1872); "Peasanthie" (from the third part "Who lives well in Russia") (1873), which corresponds to the author's will, but it was not his last will, because the work on the epic continued, and the order of the location of Nekrasov could change, just as It made Lermontov in the final version of the novel "Hero of our time", without counting with the sequence of creating and publishing parts entered into it.

The disease that made it difficult to work on the poem, including over the part of "who in Russia is sinful. Who are all holy. Legends about serfdom ", threateningly developed. Nekrasov acknowledged with alarming that he would leave his "favorite brainchild" unfinished, "and this is such a thing that can only have its meaning." The disease encouraged the poet to look for such a final of the latter, as he understood, the part that could cause the impression of the "completeness" of the unfinished. It took something almost impracticable. Such an opportunity was buried in the nature of the folk intercessor, in the acceleration of the meeting with him the seekers happy. The poet made this opportunity. He developed the image of Grisha Dobroblon as the resultant in a number of images of "Heroes of Active Goodness" - Belinsky, Shevchenko, Dobrolyubov, Chernyshevsky.

In this regard, Nekrasov took off the initial name, which limited the content of the dispute about who in Russia is all the sinners, who are all saints, and wrote: "Poms on the fastenings", and then, staring written, gave a new one, the final name - "PIR - on the whole world". For such a universal feather "Pominoks along the fastenings" was not enough, it hinted at the end, which was the whole cause of the crown.

By changing the name in accordance with the expanded content, the poet clarified the position of the "Pir ..." in the composition of the whole. Apparently, Nekrasov wanted to call the reader from the reader the impression of the completion of the "favorite brainchild", giving an answer to the question of a storyline:

To be our wanderers under the roof of the roof, if you could know that they were going on with Grisha.

But what they did not know and still could not know the wanderers, readers know. The thought of "forward flying", Grisha saw the "embodiment of the happiness of the people." It raised his creative forces, gave him a feeling of happiness, and readers - the answer to questions who are happy in Russia, in what his happiness.

Year of writing:


Time reading:

Description of the work:

The well-known poem who lives in Russia was well written in 1877 Russian writer Nikolai Nekrasov. For more than many years, Nekrasov worked on the poem from 1863-1877. Interestingly, some ideas and thoughts arose in Nekrasov back in the 50s. He thought to capture in the poem who in Russia lives well the most as much as possible everything that he knew about the people and heard from the mouth of people.

Below, see the summary of the poem to live well in Russia.

Once on the postal road, seven men are converged - recent serfs, and now temporary "from adjacent villages - SPAKATOV, Dryryavina, Razovov, Znobishhina, Gorelov, Nelova, a fault of the identity." Instead of going to his expensive, the guys inspire a dispute about who in Russia there is fun and freely. Each of them, in his own way, judges who is the main lucky man in Russia: a landowner, an official, pop, merchant, a nonsense boyar, Minister of Summer or King.

For the dispute, they do not notice that they gave a hook in thirty-wool. Seeing that it was late to go home, the men diverge the fire and the dispute continues behind Vodka - which, of course, little to grow into a fight. But the fight does not help solve the problem who worries the peasants.

The decision is unexpectedly: one of the men, steam, catches the chick of the Preamka, and in order to free the chick, the foam tells men, where you can find a dressing apparent tablecloth. Now the men are provided with bread, vodka, cucumbers, kvoma, tea - in a word, to all that they need to long journey. And besides, the apparent tablecloth will repair and erase their clothes! Having received all these benefits, the men give a jam, "who lives having fun, freely in Russia."

The first is the "lucky" who met on the road, turns out to be pop. (Not the oncoming soldiers and beggars were asked about happiness!) But the answer of the population to the question about whether his life is disappointing, disappointing men. They agree with Popom that happiness is in peace, wealth and honor. But none of these foods possesses. In Senokos, in Znitvino, in the deaf autumn night, in Lutzy Frost, he should go there, where there are sore, dying and born. And every time it soul hurts at the sight of tombstone sobs and orphans - so that the hand does not rise to take copper piles - a pathetic reward for the required. The landowners who previously lived in the birth estates and were walked here, the deudes were baptized, the dead were chosen, - now they are scattered not only in Russia, but also on the far alien; It is not necessary to hope for their rejection. Well, about what the ass is honored, the men know and themselves: it becomes embarrassing when the pop mats for obscene songs and insults to the priests.

Realizing that the Russian pop does not apply to the number of lucky, men go to the festive fair in the Kuzminsky trading village, in order to ask the people about happiness. In a rich and dirty village there are two churches, a tightly clipped house with the inscription "School", Feldscher hut, a dirty hotel. But most of all in the village of Peteing establishments, each of which is barely managed to be managed with thirsty. The old man did not buy the granddaughter gantry shoes, because she soaked to the ground. It is good that Pavlushe Veretennikov, an amateur of Russian songs, whom everything is for some reason called "Barin", buys a cherished hotel for him.

Guys-wanderers are watching a female parsley, watch how the offsets are gaining book goods - but not Belinsky and Gogol, but portraits to anyone who has not been slammed fat generals and works about Milorda stupid. They also see how the brisk trading day ends: the crewing drunkenness, fights on the way home. However, the men are indignant at the attempt to Pavlushi Veretennikov to measure the peasant for the Merzzo. In their opinion, it is impossible to sober to live in Russia: he will not stand neither unosassant labor, nor a man's misfortune; Without drinking from an angry peasant soul, bloody rain would shed. These words confirmed by a screwed naked from the village of Bosovo - one of those who work to death, drinks to half death. " It believes that only pigs go on the ground and the eyelids do not see the sky. He himself during the fire saved the money not accumulated in his life, and useless and favorite pictures hanging in the hollow; He is confident that with the cessation of drunkenness on Russia will come great sadness.

Guys wanderers do not lose hope of finding people who live well in Russia. But even for the promise of a gift to walk the lucky people, they can not detect those. For the sake of a darm drink, the lucky worker is ready to declare themselves and a torn worker, and a former yard broken by paralysis, the forty years licking from the Barina plates with the best French truffle, and even torn beggars.

Finally, someone tells them the history of Yermil Girin, Burmister in the Votchin of Prince Yurlova, who has deserved universal respect for his justice and honesty. When Irina needed money in order to buy a mill, men lend them to him without demanding even receipts. But Ermil is now unhappy: after the peasant rebellion, he sits in an acute.

On the misfortune, comprehended by the nobility after the peasant reform, tells the men's shutters, the Rumennikine sixty-year-old landowner Gavril Obolt-Oboldov. He recalls how in former times everyone has fun Barin: villages, forests, novices, fortress actors, musicians, hunters, which belonged to him. Obolt-Oboldov with a defeating tells about how in the two-month holidays invited their fortress to pray to the Barsky House - despite the fact that after that I had to drive the bars from all the victims to launder the floors.

And although the men know that life in the serf times was far from painted Idylli, they still understand: the great chain of serfdom, having broken, hit at the same time, and in Barina, who once lost his usual lifestyle, and a man.

Desperate to find happy among the men, the wanderers decide to ask the women. The surrounding peasants remember that Matrin Timofeevna Korchagin, which everyone considers everyone to be considered to be wetting. But Matrena herself thinks differently. In confirmation, she tells the wanderers history of his life.

Mattress lived in the non-breaking and wealthy peasant family. She married she came out of the liver from a foreign village of Philip Korchagin. But the only happy thing was for her that night, when the groom persuaded Matreus to go out for him; Then the usual experienceless life of a rustic woman began. True, the husband loved her and beat only once, but soon he went to work in Peter, and Matrena was forced to endure offenses in the family of Svokra. The only one who spared Matreus was the grandfather Savely, in the family who lived his century after the cortical, where he fell for the murder of the hated German manager. Savelius told Matrey that such a richness: a man cannot be defeated, because he "and grows, but will not break."

The birth of the primacy of Demechki scratched the life of Matrena. But soon, the mother-in-law banned her to take a child in the field, and the old grandfather Savely did not follow the baby and rape his pigs. In front of Matrena, the judiciary came from the city took an autopsy of her child. Matrena could not forget his firstborn, although after she had five sons. One of them, the shepherd Fedot, once allowed Wolfice to carry the sheep. Matrain took on the punishment appointed to the Son. Then, being a pregnant son Liodor, she was forced to go to the city to look for justice: her husband bypassing the laws took into the soldiers. Matreya was helped by the governor of Elena Alexandrovna, for which the whole family is praying.

For all peasant standards, the life of Matrena Korchagin can be considered happy. But about the invisible spiritual thunderstorm, which passed through this woman, it is impossible to tell - just as about the unpaid mortal resentment, and the blood of the firstborn. Matrena Timofeevna is convinced that the Russian peasant can not be happy at all, because the keys from her happiness and free volatus are lost from God himself.

In the height of Senokos, the wanderers come to the Volga. Here they are witnessing a strange scene. On three boats, the Barsky family swims towards the shore. Kosov, who had just faded to relax, immediately jump out to show their diligence old Barina. It turns out that the peasants of the village of Vakhlachin help heirs to hide from the surviving from the mind of the landlord of rattling the cancellation of serfdom. Relatives of the follower - rattling for it promise men by the floodborn meadows. But after the long-awaited death, the followers of the heirs forgot their promises, and the entire peasant performance turns out to be in vain.

Here, in the village of Vakhlachina, the wanderers listen to peasant songs - a barbecue, hungry, soldier, salty - and stories about serfdom. One of these stories is about the Calop of the exemplary Yakov faithful. The only joy of Yakov was the belling of his Barin, a small landowner of Polivanov. Samodor of polivans in gratitude beat Jacob in his teeth with a heel, which caused even greater love in the Laca soul. To the old age, Polyvanov had a legs, and Jacob began to walk behind him, as a child. But when Yakov's nephew, Grisha, he conceived to marry the fortress beauty Arisha, polivans from jealousy gave a guy to recruits. Jacob was repaid, but soon returned to Barina. And yet he managed to take revenge on Polivanov - the only one affordable to him, Lacée. Taking a barina to the forest, Jacob hanged himself right above him on a pine. Polyvanov spent the night under the corpus of his faithful holp, horror moans driven by birds and wolves.

Another story - about two great sinners - tells the men of God of God Lyapushkin. The Lord awakened conscience in Ataman Robbers Kudyar. The robber had a long sin's sin, but they were all allowed only after he in his arrivals of anger killed the cruel Pan of Glukhovsky.

Guys wanderers listen to the history of another sinner - Gleb-Old Towns, for the money hidden the latter will of the late admiral-widow, who decided to free his peasants.

But not one men are wanderers think about folk happiness. In Vakhlachin, the son of Dyachka, Seminarist Grisha Dobrozlonov. In his heart, love for the late mother merged with love to all Vakhlachin. Already fifteen years old Grisha firmly knew who was ready to give life to whom she was willing to die. He thinks about all the mysterious Rus, as a wretched, abundant, mighty and powerless mother, and is waiting for that it will also have the unstable strength that he feels in his own soul. Such strong souls, like Grishi Dobrosoblon, the Angel of Mercy itself calls on an honest way. Fate prepares Grisch "The Path of Nice, the name is a loud folk assistant, Cahotku and Siberia."

If the men's men knew what was happening in the soul of Grisha Dobrosaklon, - they probably would understand that they could already return to their native shelter, because the goal of their travel was achieved.