Bush's legs - weapons. "Bush's legs" as a weapon of mass lesion salvation from hunger

Bush's legs - a nickname of chicken grooves imported from the USA distributed in the post-Soviet space. The name appeared in 1990, when a trade agreement was signed between Mikhail Gorbachev and George Bush-elders about the supply of frozen chicken chicken in Russia. Since in those days, Soviet counters were almost empty, "Bush's legs" were very popular.

Most Americans prefer white chicken meat. This fact is due to low prices for the exported chicken, as they are compensated by the cost of sold in the domestic market of lean breasts, which in the United States is about 3-5 times higher than in Russia.

The United States are the largest Kuryatina supplier to Russia. In 2006, only 55% of the total chicken sold were grown in Russia, 35% were imported from the United States, 6% from Brazil, and 4% from other countries, mostly European. In 2005, an agreement was signed between the Russian government and the US government, according to which until 2009, American suppliers own 74% of Curyatin import quotas and each year of delivery should grow by 40 thousand tons.

The supply of American chicken is used by both parties as a political pressure lever. When in 2002, Salmonella bacteria were found in American chicterity, the importation of Bush's legs into the territory of Russia was prohibited. In response to the termination of Curyatin's imports, the American side threatened to increase the duties to import steel and not to cancel the discriminatory amendment of Jackson - Vanik. After a month, the ban on imports was removed.

It is common that the "Bush's legs" are harmful to health, since antibiotics and hormonal drugs used in the cultivation of bird are concentrated in limbs. However, the use of hormones in the cultivation of a bird is legally prohibited in the United States since 1972, and for the prevention of bird diseases, drugs are used, including in Russia, drugs. As a result of the use of antibiotics, people who often use the "Bush's legs" may decrease immunity and allergic reactions; Also, consumption is not recommended for children. In American enterprises in the production of poultry meat, chlorine uses chlorine, while the officially resolved chlorine concentration is 20-50 parts per million. Manufacturers consider chlorination with weak solutions permissible and harm to human health, conducting a comparison with the addition of chlorine into drinking water. This is done for disinfection purposes.

Americans argue that control over the quality of poultry in the US is one of the toughest in the world. By law, each produced chicken is checked at least four times. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that the embargo on the import of chicken meat, which has been treated with chlorine, is valid in the European Union since 1997.

The decision of Rospotrebnadzor "On the production and turnover of poultry meat" entered into force on January 1, 2010. Lenta.ru.
In the "Bush's legs" too much chlorine, so they do not correspond to new Russian sanitary standards. Favorite city.
From January 1, the importation of American chicken chips is prohibited in Russia. Zagolovki.ru 08:00
The head of Rospotrebnadzor Gennady Onishchenko said "Interfax" that the year allocated to the modernization took place, but the partners from the US did nothing.
Gennady Onishchenko, Rospotrebnadzor, chapter All quotes of the plot (30)
In the plot: Gennady Onishchenko, Tom Wilsak, Sergey Yushin, James Miller, Albert Davleev, US Department of Agriculture, Rospotrebnadzor, National Meat Association

"Bush's legs" - a nickname of chicken chicks imported from the USA in the post-Soviet space.

The name "Bush's legs" appeared in 1990, when a trade agreement was signed between Mikhail Gorbachev and George Bush-elders about the supply of frozen chicken chicken in Russia. Since in those days, Soviet counters almost empty,
20 years feed the country with American poison ....

"Bush's legs" are harmful to health, since antibiotics and hormonal preparations used in the cultivation of birds are concentrated in limbs.
However, the use of hormones in the cultivation of a bird is legally prohibited in the United States since 1972, and for the prevention of bird diseases, drugs are used, including in Russia, drugs. As a consequence of the use of antibiotics, people who often use the "Bush's legs" may decrease immunity and allergic reactions, and the consumption is not recommended for children.
At American enterprises in the production of poultry meat, chlorine uses chlorine, while the officially permitted concentration of chlorine should normally be 20-50 parts per million. However, check even this norm is quite difficult .. yes, it is done for disinfection purposes.
Similar techniques are used on Russian poultry farms. The rapid growth of modern bird breeds is explained by improving breeding, rational nutrition, controlling diseases.

Gennady Onishchenko does not allow "Bush's legs" to Russia
Russian producers of chicken abandoned harmful technologies

The main sanitary doctor is dissatisfied with the fact that Americans are treated chlorine chickens

The main sanitary doctor is dissatisfied with the fact that the Americans are treated with chlorine chickens.
Photo: photoxpress.

From January 1, the main sanitary doctor of Russia Gennady Onishchenko forbade the import of birds treated with chlorine. The first to tighten the sanitary standards was reacted by the Americans. US Agriculture Minister Tom Wilsak said that the delegation of civil negotiators landed in Moscow on January 17th. And hinted: bargain for the supply of Bush's legs will go in the political plane.

We hope that Russian officials understand what difficulties a new rule will create for the industry in our country and in their country and for their consumer, as well as the impact on our relations in general, "Vilsak spoke.

According to our sanitary authorities, the use of chlorine in the processing of poultry meat gives him harmful properties. Therefore, Russian producers of Kuryatina abandoned such technologies. Now instead of chlorine in our factories, there are more harmless acetic acids and lactic acids over the birds of birds.

Sanitary standards for chlorine should have taken into force a year ago. But the overseas poultry products now pretend that the requirement of the Russian authorities has become unexpected for them.

The year has passed, - atchenko is indignant. - Not a single attempt to make some suggestions from the American side was not. Only in December, officials from this country again raise the issue, and in the format: "We will not do anything, but buy meat." We pay for this currency and have the right to demand the meat that our country needs.

Negotiations are not easy. Representatives of the United States will probably remind you of the desire of Russia to join the World Trade Organization. And Russian officials certainly understand that the refusal to the cheap "Bush's legs" will first hit the pocket of the poorest segments of the population. According to the National Meat Association of Russia, domestic poultry products produce about 2.5 million tons of meat per year. American importers supply more than 500 thousand tons. The reserves of inexpensive Zaochanskaya Kuryatina will be enough for 1.5 - 2 months. This time is clearly not enough to replace the imported bird of domestic. And for the price, our products are more expensive than American.

Now our authorities need to decide: whether the meat treated with chlorine treated with chlorine is harmful, "says Sergey Yushin's head of the National Meat Association. - Americans are not enemies to themselves. Supplies to us ham, and white meat consumes themselves. Therefore, if the government decides that chlorine-processed chlorine is harmless, then the situation on the market will not change. And if the requirement for chlorine still remains in force, it will have to prepare for price increases.

According to a survey of the Romir Research Center held in the summer of last year, Bush's legs buy 3/4 of the population of Russia. The reason for the popularity of chicken chips is simple - they are cheaper than Russian by 10-15 percent. US Trade Representative Robert Zelik said that Washington in response to the termination of Curyatin's imports can block Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization and will not cancel the discriminatory amendment of Jackson Vanik.

American chicken ham, famous for the people like "Bush's legs", are dangerous to health.
This conclusion came to the Russian Ministry of Agriculture.

"We have confirmed 10 samples of poultry poultry produced by the United States, which are confirmed by American veterinary certificates. They gave the result for pathogenic bacteria - Salmonella, "said Sergey Dancutert, the first deputy minister of agriculture of the Russian Federation.

The conclusions of the Leningrad Regional Veterinary Lab after examining 10 different batches of American chicken chips. In all the same diagnosis: salmonellosis. Disease, in many cases for a man deadly. But in American veterinary certificates there is no word about it. Many confusion and in documents.

"The documents are written in the document container, which converges with the container number to our. Further - the ship "Senator Vladivostok", and to us "Uta Johanna" comes to us. That is, we are talking about the fact that the certificate is issued during loading is not the ship, "says Sergey Duncutert.

The name of the "Bush's legs" appeared in 1990, when President Bush Senior signed a trade agreement with Mikhail Gorbachev. And in a month, the flow of frozen chicken limbs was hung to Moscow. The counters in the stores were then empty, and the "Bush's legs" enjoyed frantic demand. In kilometer queues, real passions were boiling.

Meanwhile, the United States continued to increase delivery, expanding production. And now "Bush's legs" is the fifth of all American exports to Russia.

The Americans themselves do not eat. They prefer environmentally friendly white meat - breasts, and red meat or legs, so as not to throw away, send to the needy, making big money on it. Minimum - halfdollar with a kilogram.

Three months ago, Ukraine banned the importation of American hamchors, even before China made it. The fact is that antibiotics are accumulated in the limbs of broilers, which Americans are used in their cultivation. The same antibiotics with whom people are treated.

"When a person consumes this meat with antibiotics remnants, they naturally accumulate in the human body. Now a man is ill. The doctor prescribed him to treat the same penicill. And in the body a certain amount has already accumulated. Thus, the therapeutic dose is broken, "said Vladimir Fisin, the first vice-president of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

As a result, a decrease in immunity and strong allergic reactions. It is especially dangerous for children. On one cup of the scales it turned out to be the health of the nation, to the other - the commercial interests of American partners. And the Department of Veterinarian Russia made a choice: banned the import of American bird. As long as the United States leads its veterinary regulations in accordance with Russian. For negotiations on the bird's issue to Russia from America, an expert group of eight people headed. This ban, according to the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the measure is not political and not even economic, but a purely medical.

"All over the world today increases nutritional requirements. It `s naturally.
In Russia, there are its own requirements. And they must be respected by everyone. Once again I want to say that this is a technical problem and it is not necessary to politicize, and the more erection to one rank of bilateral disputes, "said Igor Ivanov.

Until now, "Bush's legs" covered 61 percent of Russia's demand in Kuryatin. And if the prohibition action is delayed, then this liberated niche will have to fill something. The Ministry of Agriculture is confident that Vacuum will not arise. The replacement of American meat will come better European. And then and its, Russian. Professionals say that this will happen in 2-3 years.

"Taking into account the fact that in Russia there are a lot of old poultry farms that require a small recovery. It will be enough for minor amounts of investment in Russia to reanimate them and revive them so that they can produce poultry meat. There will be no catastrophe, "says Naum Babaev, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the APK" Mikhailovsky ".

Pelinskaya poultry farm provides chicken half of Moscow and the Moscow region. Built production and keeps the brand. Otherwise it is impossible. The price of Paperean chickens is 10-15 percent higher than that of Bush's legs. It remains to take quality.

Only one shop of the poultry farm produces 50 tons of products per day. This is forty with more than thousand broiler chickens, each of which passes the full cycle in just 15 minutes: from receipt to packaging.

In the factory - medical sterility. At the entrance you wear white bathrobes, caps and booties that change in each case. In the poultry houses - their microclimate. Permanent temperature and humidity. Ultimately, it will affect chickens. Parents are fed differently. The chickenies give more calcium, cocks - vitamins.

"The cockerel should always be pulled, workable and always ready for mating," emphasizes the director of the Galician poultry farm Nina Sedykh.

Eggs are sent to the incubator, and the chickens of chickens who appeared from them and cherished for another 36 days. As a result, semi-kilogram broiler chickens are found on store shelves. They are not fundamentally freeze, but only cooled. This is another favorable difference from American hammers.

Dear bloggers do not buy this poison, never !!! ....

Forum.Msk: 58th Army will enter into battle for the independence of Alaska?
From the editors: Usually the demarchas of the main sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation onishchenko are not random - first the ban on Georgian wine and Borjomi, and then bring the 58th army to complete combat readiness.

Everyone knows that Alaska, open and mastered by the Russian-American company, was acquired by the United States for very doubtful grounds, besides, for rent, the period of which has long expired (territory area of \u200b\u200b1 million 519 thousand square meters. Km was given up to 7.2 million dollars Gold, that is, 0.0474 dollars per hectare). No less dubious from a legal point of view is Annexia by the United States and Hawaiian Islands, also mastered by A. Baranov, the Supreme Ruler of Alaska.

Neither the state of the Russian Federation nor private individuals - the possible heirs of the discovers of Alaska and Hawaii, from these territories, nothing is due, on the contrary, we see the barbaric exploitation of the natural resources of these territories and the full neglect of the interests of the local population, which is subject to genocide. Let's say, the entire population of Alaska is less than 700 thousand people (even on tiny Hawaii almost 2 times more), the largest city of Anchorage - 270 thousand. At the same time, the indigenous population (including a small number of Russians) is only 88 thousand people. Orthodox, which are almost 10% on Alaska, are exposed to the greatest oppression.

Alaska Independence Party is the American Political Party, which comes for the exit of Alaska from the United States and the creation of his own state. As of June 2006, about 13.5 thousand members were registered in the party. Formed in 1984 by Joe Vogler. The party calls for the transfer to the ownership of the Alaska of Earth from the federal property, control over weapons, deprivation of the right to vote to the American servicemen in Alaska, the conclusion of American military facilities from the territory of Alaska. In 1990, the representative of the party Walter Joseph Hikel won the governors of the elections in Alaska. In 2004, the party nominated his candidate for the presidential elections in the United States.

The indigenous population of Hawaii was even more barbaric genocide: by the end of the 19th century, about 30 thousand people remained from the 300,000 Polynesian population. In 1893, with the direct intervention of the United States, the Queen of Liliocalani was overthrown, and a year later, the Republic of Hawaii was formed, who was directly dependent on the United States, with its president, S. Dul. In 1898, in the midst of the US Spanish-American War, Hawaii annexed and in 1900 provided them with the status of the "territory" (in 1959 - state). November 23, 1993 US President Bill Clinton signed a law 103-105, also known as the "Apolmentation Resolution" (English. Apology Resolution), which apologies to Native Hawaiians.

It is time to assist the struggling to the peoples of Alaska and Hawaii.

(liked the text, do not forget to make a useful, overpower or throw a link ...)

On November 30, 2018, the 41st US President George Herbert Walker Bush died. George Bush - the eldest lived a long and rich life. Born in the family of Senator and Banker, he did not run from the Second World War and at the age of 17 went to military service, where he became the youngest pilot of the US naval forces. Before the very end of the war, he participated in hostilities. After the end of the war, she was engaged in business, in the mid-60s went to politics. In 1976-1977 he headed the CIA. Finally, in 1989, George Bush - the eldest reached the highest point of the career - became president of the United States.

The presidency had accounted for the difficult economic period in the country, and because of the forced tax increase, he could not re-release for a second term. In foreign policy, the period of its Board coincided with huge changes in the world. With George Bush - the older US held a major military campaigns in Panama, in the Philippines and, of course, in the Persian Gulf. But the most significant event of this period was the collapse of the USSR. And if Ronald Reagan is accused of the post-Soviet space that he finally exhausted the Soviet Union with his "star wars", bringing him to the collapse, then George Bush - the eldest firstly associate with the "Bush's legs", which were one of the main Foods in Russia.

Young George Bush (in the center) with Joe Riehert (left) and Leo need during World War II

The chicken ham on the nickname "Bush's legs" turned into one of the symbols of the 90s. The supply of American chicken began in 1990. The food situation in the USSR has already become critical. Foods have become less and less, the queues - everything is longer, but friendship with the USA is all stronger. As a result, Mikhail Gorbachev and George Bush - the senior signed a trade agreement on the supply of frozen chicken chicken in the USSR. Kuryatin all over the world is considered "meat for the poor" - this is the cheapest and affordable source of animal protein. Not just chicken came from the US, but the cheapest part of the chicken, ham. Individuals say that those supplies were essentially "selling waste" to Russia. However, there will be no exaggeration to say that the cheap "Bush's legs" was very helped by the Russians in the 90s. There was no choice. Or American chicken, or at all without meat.

Around the "Bush's legs" and today there are many myths and legends. It is believed that this meat was harmful because hormones and antibiotics were seen in chicken legs, which were rocked in American farms. There were rumors that people who constantly ate these ham, decreased immunity and allergic appeared. Some argue that "Bush's legs" is the strategic reserve of NATO, which ten years was kept on American warehouses, and in the 90s it was very profitable sold to Russia. And a separate suspicion caused white meat.

Photo: Vitaly Belousov / Tass

In fact, in the United States and in the 90s there was very hard control over the production of meat. Thousands of state inspectors worked in the poultry farm, who constantly followed the compliance of standards. Each bird was checked at least four times and corresponded to all American rules. The reason for the whiteness of meat was the processing of chlorine in a small concentration (not higher than in drinking water). Hormones in the cultivation of birds in the United States were banned back in 1972. And antibiotics for the prevention of bird diseases were used exactly the same as in Russia.

One of the main myths - as if spoiled Americans eat only white meat, and the legs and wings throw out, and that waste was sold to Russia. Myth is just partly partly. Americans really willingly consume white meat. However, it is enough to look at the American Fast Food, and immediately becomes an obvious absurd of statements, as if the Americans do not eat chicken wings and legs. The Americans in the 90s delivered a huge number of "Bush's legs" to Russia. In the second half of the 90s, 70% of chicken meat in Russia was foreign origin. And most came from the USA. So, in 1997, the volume of American imports of poultry meat to Russia amounted to 950 thousand tons. But the Americans themselves consumed then more than 3 million tons of wings and legs.

Another popular myth is that the Americans have concluded a contract with a traitor to Gorbachev and destroyed the Poultry Industry of the USSR and the Russian Federation. In fact, the Soviet agriculture was backward on world standards. And food deficit was caused including low efficiency of technology. The Americans in the 90s created joint production in Russia, brought technology, finished equipment, and today's poultry farms in the Russian Federation copied the American.

With the growth of the share of own production, the percentage of the "Bush's legs" gradually fell by Russia. But they were supplied to the country until 2014. In 2014, the Russian government in response to US sanctions against Russia imposed sanctions against the Russian population, banning the supply of all meat products from the United States.

The story of "Bush's legs" will be incomplete without mentioning humanitarian aid for Russia in the 90s. The most famous episode was the Operation Provide Hope ("Feed Hope"). It was the US Air Force Operation on the delivery of humanitarian aid to the CIS countries. Silent military transport aircraft delivered food and medicines. For 20 years of the program, 985 flights were committed with delivery of 24,000 cargo of various types. Operation Provide Hope has largely carried a propaganda orientation. Its volumes are insignificant on the background of help from other organizations and countries.

From the beginning of 1991 to January 9, 1992, Russia received 284 thousand tons of foreign humanitarian aid, including food - 246.1 thousand tons. Until the end of the 90s, humanitarian assistance volumes remained huge. So, in November 1998, the United States assisted the Russian Federation assistance in the form of 1.5 million tons of wheat and 100 thousand tons of other food. In addition, a loan was issued $ 600 million for the purchase of food from American farmers. Then the European Union allocated $ 500 million as a gratuitous grant for food purchase in Europe and $ 13 million for medical care.

In 1891, in the territory of the Black Earth and the Middle Volga region there was a strongest cropping. State grain reserves were not enough. The situation was aggravated by the epidemics of typhoids and cholera in 1891-1892. The number of killed from hunger and disease is estimated at more than 400 thousand people.

To assist in the United States, a hovering assistance committee (Russian Famine Relief Committee of the United States) was formed. The first ship "Indiana", which delivered 1900 tons of food, arrived in Russia on March 16, 1892. A total of USA was then delivered to food aid by $ 1 million. In addition to helping, the US government has provided financial assistance in the form of loans in the amount of $ 75 million.

But even more surprising was the assistance of the United States of Soviet Russia in the early 1920s. In 1921-1922, mass hunger broke out, which covered 35 provinces. The most affected by the South Urals and Volga region. The reasons of hunger were the consequences of the Civil War, the 1921 drought and the policy of "military communism" with the priests and the seizure of food. The number of hunger victims was about 5 million people. Numerous cases of cannibalism are known. The Soviet government turned out to be unable to cope with a disaster and turned to foreign countries for help.

The main help came from the American formally non-state organization "American Assistance Administration" (ARA). The first ARA dining room opened on September 6, 1921 in Petrograd. In early December 1921, the organization fed more than 500 thousand Soviet children. In the middle of 1922, ARA fed more than 6 million people in his dining room. Also, help turned out to be grocery and clothing parcels, medicines, clothing and shoes. According to drug addicts, ARA imported about 595 thousand tons of humanitarian aid. In total, the organization was spent 78 million dollars, of which 28 million were provided by the American government, 13 million Soviet, and the rest of the money were collected at the expense of private donations.

Remember about the help from the "Amerikosov" in Russia do not like. Especially today. Periods of weakness of the state diligently move into the corner. Propaganda without tired convincing ordinary people, that insidious America craves to destroy, break into the pieces of Great Russia. However, the "collapse" once the USSR, America did not finish Russia, and vice versa - assisted, saving people from hunger. Russia, a slightly adjusting fat for the years of high oil prices, is looking for confrontation with those who have not helped it in the most difficult periods.

Post prepared Alex Kulmanov

Meanwhile, when the Euphoria from the appearance of ham on the Russian food market was held, citizens became interested, whether it is helpful to use meat for health in principle. Experts have repeatedly said that in chicken legs there are hormones and antibiotics, which are injected in the process of growing. As a result, immunity decreases and various allergic reactions may be observed in lovers of hammers.

In addition, it became known that chlorine is used on American poultry farms for meat processing, and its officially allowed chlorine concentration is 20-50 parts per million. According to manufacturers, such weak chlorinated solutions should not harm human health. However, this information was enough to alert potential consumers and sanitary doctors.

In 2002, a scandal occurred at all: Salmonella bacteria were discovered in imported from the USA, which are able to cause symptoms of poisoning, sometimes leading to death. The import of "Bush's legs" to Russia was banned for one month.

From January 1, 2010, the disposal of the chief state sanitary doctor about the prohibition of the sale of chicken in the production of chlorine was used in the production of chlorine in high concentration for the purpose of disinfecting.

However, on August 7, 2014, the embargo on all meat products from the United States were introduced by Russia. After that, the "Bush's legs" ceased to supply to Russia. In May 2015.

the year, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev made a statement that Russia is able to independently provide himself with poultry meat. So, although today on our counters, chicken trees are still lying, nor to America, nor to Bush, they no longer have any relationship ...

President Medvedev during his visit to the United States and meetings with his comrade Obama promised for the ghostly support of the United States in relation to Russia's accession to the WTO, re-open our country for American ham. Why is the export of hammers to Russia so relevant for America for more than fifteen years? At one time I wrote an article on this topic. She was published in the newspaper "Russian Land", reprinted with the "Slavic Bulletin", "On Islands" and Digest "24 hours." Also, the article printed on the printer distributed in its time in the State Duma. I don't know whether my merit was in this, but the ham is then banned.
I apologize, the article is long. However, to dil the topic full, it does not always work shortly. So:

"Bush's legs" - weapons?

"We have such a confusion with meals here that the main thing is incomprehensible: who, in the end, eats?" Nikolay Matveenko "The Story of the Area"

One of the symbols of perestroika, her hero became the "Bush's legs". The Russian population has long forgotten who is actually a bush. But his feet will still live in popular memory. With them we survived one of the most gloomy periods of our story. A huge country collapsed, a not one war flashed and went out on its territory, the coup with the coup was replaced by each other, and Bush's legs were victorious of the USSR, CIS and Russia.
During this time, the attitude towards them changed. From his beloved Western delicacy, they turned into food for the poor and dog food that we have the same thing. Gradually, we began to understand the food and realized that the quality of Western products (at least brought to us) is lower than any criticism. These products, at best, quench the hunger, but the appetite does not cause.
When we tried to abandon American legs that have already flooded domestic poultry farming, the United States did not allow us to do this. The role of a community, which brings us down to the local Kury, took over the vice-president of Albert Mountains, the nearest man Clinton as office and spirit. He also went to anyone, but to Chernomyrdin. Why does the US government really need us to eat their chicken legs? Care about us? Fresh legend, can hardly believe. Economic factor, of course exist, but really because of the legs it was necessary to take such a large-scale effort? At the highest level?
There is a feeling that the truth lies much deeper and in the other. Protecting the interests of American farmers at the level of the first persons of the United States is a primitive hoax. Yes, they would eat these collar somewhere else! Did you never know the world hungry?! But the United States really want them to be eaten in the former USSR and Russia. And anywhere else. Why?
But because they are originally designed for the stomachs of the enemy. Thanks to its unique qualities, these chips will soon leave the ballistic missiles, chemical, bacteriological and all other weapons without work. In this case, neither the declaration of war or the maintenance of the war or all other inconveniences will not be required. The ham is done legally, and most importantly, the opponent will pay for his destruction.
Motives: Russia remains the only state to confront the United States, especially when changing in our country a political regime, which is more than likely in the near future. And the US opponent never ceremony. The destruction of the enemy by any means is the consistent policy of this state from the first day of its existence. Where did the current people of human rights be started with the current political and state biography? With the genocide of the indigenous people of America - Indians. The conquerors did not be bored with any means. For example, infected with scarlet and diphtheria with blankets thrown into indians - and those without any immunity against these infections are pulled off. Or already in the latest history, the bombardment of the peaceful cities of Japan. But today's image of the United States does not allow to commit to Russia in open. Yes, now, with the appearance of ham, the need for direct aggression simply disappeared. It seems that "Bush's legs" is the best operation of all ever conducted by one country to destroy the other ...
Here it is necessary to distract. Let's grow out: What is the perfect poison? The perfect poison is that poison that acts slowly and imperceptibly for poisoned and surrounding, time to leave the body to the death caused to them (so that it was impossible to identify its laboratory) or take the form (metabolized, decomposed) conventional substances in the body normally. And the type of death caused to them must be disguised as death for other reasons, preferably natural. That is, death from poison must resemble death from a heart attack, stroke, pneumonia, etc.
Substances applying for the perfect poison, quite a lot. They are used by the special services of many countries. The press has already described not one such case. For example, the elimination of the Bulgarian dissident Markov in London. Poison ricin was introduced using a syringe disguised as a simple umbrella, right on the street. Markov's death did not cause suspicion. So far, the details of the poisoning emerged after the archives of the Bulgarian KGB were declassified. Or poisoning of one African political CIA leader. His death was recently considered natural, from a heart attack. And only thanks to the leakage of information from the special services, it turned out that he died from poison inflicted on the steering wheel of his car.
But this, as they say, single, one-time cases. But the collar turned out to be a tool, that is, the perfect poison, which can bring a whole nation in the grave and without a single evidence!
How to make poison perfect? All aspects we will not consider in the amount of this article. But let's stop on some.
Recall one of the latest developments for a chemical war made in the United States, the so-called "VI-Gaz". In one container there are several chemicals, harmless to the body, even eat them. But at the right moment, under certain conditions, these substances are connected to a super workman capable of destroying a person with thousands of milligram and less, actually several molecules. Modern chemical protection means are practically powerless.
In efficiency, this weapon is at the nuclear level, and in many respects and exceeds it (for example, the cheaper production and safety of material values \u200b\u200bin the application zone). No wonder the United States is afraid of the appearance of such weapons in third countries. It is enough to remember the events with Iraq, where the problem arose with the control of the production of chimpery. The United States was preparing to start a new war with Iraq for such, it would seem insignificant about. But in this case, Americans understand what risks, and know what they are doing.
An example of "Vi-Gas" was needed to explain how the deadly amount of innocent terms is obtained from the sort of innocent terms. So with our chickens, but about it a little later.
Another problem: how to deliver poison to the consumer? Military solution to the problem is known to all. The greatest effect will be obtained if it is sudden and unnoticed. In tempting to turn it without costs and especially tempting, to make it legally. It is desirable that the poison will spread at the most important territory, ideal - through the territory of the whole country of the enemy.
The best solution turned out to be a poison under the type of product of widespread consumption, and then the need will disappear in rockets, bombers, saboteurs, and the like. Disguise under the familiar product or include in the composition of the usual product - one way. But there is a more witty solution - to make the usual product poison. This will require a set of activities: in our case, starting from a special diet for chickens, before selection with the connection of genetic engineering methods. And innocent on appearance product turns into an ideal poison.
We will bring together everything.
The first-person troubles in the US government in front of our Prime Minister Chernomyrdin on the occasion of the obstacles from Russia for the supply of hammers. The Americans even went to hard pressing in the form of personal calls Clinton Yeltsin in the "hot phone" (which is used in emergency situations, for example, in the event of a threat of war). Knowing the attachment of Boris Nikolayevich to a friend Bill, and his willingness to serve high friendship with their people, they did not calculate. In addition, the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development were connected, which threatened to stop all the lending to our economy.
Efforts do not disappear. The flow of hammers in Russia did not attend.
But why, throwing all things, the US government and the president took up pushing the most ordinary product to Russia, one of many supplied to us from the United States. I repeat, the most ordinary, it seems to be?
Further. A sharp decline in the life expectancy of the Russian population. Especially in the major cities of the country, which are the main consumers of ham. Moreover, mortality rose from diseases that cannot be explained as a consequence of adverse factors arising during the period of restructuring, although it is impossible to deny their definite effects. The country collapsed unnaturally high mortality in natural, like, reasons.
In large cities, scientific, industrial, economic and cultural potential is concentrated. The population of these cities is the elite of the country. Therefore, high mortality of this population group (namely, it is especially high now: the average life expectancy of a specialist with higher education in St. Petersburg is only 56 years old, and in the provinces 58) will lead to paralysis and degradation of the whole country. Incorrectly here to use the concept of genocide, but - ethnicide will be just right. Otherwise, it is not possible to say possible, and after a certain time, the overall intellectual level will simply decrease to the critical point, after which it can be said that the country is populated by the "working livestock". But this is a dream - the presence of a population capable of low-qualified labor with the richest reserves of minerals and the domination of Western monopolies and capital, that is, Russia as a raw material base without claims to anything more - the cherished dream of Western powers since Hitler.
By the way, about the history: immediately after the war 1939-45. In the United States, a plan "Rropshot" was developed, where, by twenty atomic bombs, discarded on the largest cities of the USSR, were going to destroy yesterday's ally in the war with Germany and Japan. In subsequent plans, only the number of bombs and cities destroyed by them increased. Cities!
The appearance of neutron weapons The Americans counted in their time the most promising. The neutron bomb retains the bulk of material values, destroying only the population. In the American press he was called "humane weapons." Apparently, it was another contribution of the swakes of freedoms of freedoms and humanists into a matter of human-minded.
The new generation of weapons was to get rid of the latter shortcomings of the neutron bomb. It was necessary to make it really selective, gradual, environmentally friendly, unaportial and even more "humane." Imagine that the army of the winners is included in the city after the explosion of the neutron bomb: it is necessary to clean the city from the corpses, put out fires that have arisen due to a sudden leaving without control of various equipment due to the instant mass death of the population, restore flooded metro, etc. etc.
It is quite another thing if the action of the weapon is stretched for a period of time - 5-10 years. During this time, the destroyed population is translated into self-service. It does not only bury himself, maintains material and cultural values \u200b\u200bin due state, but also creates new, quietly, gradually freeing the territory for future owners.
The same enemy army will not only not spend money and effort by entering such cities, but in general may not include as an army. She will drive, like resting to the resort.
What such a weapon is developed in secret laboratories is known. It is not known only what "Bush's legs" is a test ball, a test or a full-scale action that has already applied?

American hammers are characterized by significant sizes. It seems like well: we all love the legs so much that since childhood dreamed of a coar-wave. But why do the Zaokan Kury they are so cool to our stupid joy? What are they tedied?
American agricultural technology is characterized by methods of intensive growing grain, meat and other products. Chemical management of agriculture is extremely high. Various fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, inseccides, growth stimulants are introduced into the ground. The main group of these compounds is poisons of directional action, respectively against insects, weeds, microorganisms. But not only them.
For example, herbicides serving weed protection are made on the basis of arsenic. In past centuries, it was a favorite poison of all household criminals. The "loving" spouses fed each other arsenic for more than one hundred years in a row until the progress of criminology allowed to expose this type of poisoning. The poison mixed up in food and caused death similar to natural. It was impossible to expose the statements for a long time. The arsenic was poisoned even Napoleon on the island of Saint Helena. And we remember that the high content of arsenic was found in imported chicken and pork meat more than once.
About other substances can also be said to say. However, we go further. Plants concentrate in themselves everything that is entered into the soil, and the bulk of this nasty is going precisely in the part of them that is used in food. For example, in the root, and not in the top, in the spike, not the stem. Even if the level of these substances is relatively low in the grain, then when the cattle of cattle, the bird occurs a new stage of the concentration of poisons in the tissues of the animal. One kilogram weight gain is required by the most minimal ten kilograms of food. That is, after the cultivation of the animal, even a small dose of poison grows up to dozens of times. And concentration, happens again unevenly. Certain organs are saturated more than others. For example, substances containing iodine are assembled in iron tissue, strontiums in bones and milk, herbicides and pesticides in the liver and muscles. Studies have shown that the chickens are the most "dirty" are paws. The difference between breast meat and legs is so significant that inside the US themselves use only breasts. Moreover, the meat structure was so different and in other parameters that breasts were enrolled in dietary products, and the legs in the technical varieties of meat.
Both in the cultivation of grain and in the fattening of animals, a mass of different growth stimulants are used - from banal nitrates to anabolic hormones. The use of products grown in intensive technology explains the phenomenon of acceleration, which has embraced industrially developed countries. Our children feeding in broomers themselves turn into broilers. Intellect does not have time for the growth of the body. The needs of early ripening body dominate the lagging mental development of the individual, up to its braking. The company increases the number of ambals with the increasing level of development of psycho-moral qualities, which leads to the further decomposition of society, degradation. No wonder there is an increase in children's and youthful crime, alcoholism, drug addiction and debauchery. The generation of accelerators, the ripe, gave a phenomenon in the same US, called the Broiler Generation and Broiler Society.
In adults, the consumption of stimulants leads to serious problems with the liver, all hormonal exchange is disturbed. Take bodybuilders. Of course, the doses of hormones that they used were significantly higher than those that fall to us with meat, but the exposition (consumption time) allows them to be considered commensurate. The bodybuilders of the first wave, have already gone, and among the following there is a high pathology of the liver - cancer, cirrhosis, hepatitis. They have sex problems, right up to complete impotence. Schwarzenegger does not get out of the various clinics.
Chicken fat is one of the most unstable fats. It decomposes when changing the temperature, it is easily oxidized in air, washes, etc. The fact that fatty food is harmful in itself, it is known to everyone, it is trite to repeat here. Now you have to stop at the most important thing.
Fat from "Bush's legs" is divided into two types: subcutaneous fatty fiber and fat, located directly inside the meat. Additionally, the fat that inside meat is also divided into two subspecies - fat layers and the one that is directly inside the cell. Each second resident of developed countries in the grave is driving a friendly couple - fat and cholesterol.
Unlike swine and beef, chicken fat is easy to deteriorate and therefore cannot be long stored. It will seem logical and conditioned and caused by the freezing of ham, according to the "deep frost" method. This allows you to preserve, to some extent, their taste and relative, so to speak, "freshness of the second grade". But freezing leads to the destruction of the cellular structure. Ice crystals tear the cage shell. Intracellular fat becomes available air oxygen, it is oxidized, washes. Cryogenic destruction (cold destruction) leads to the decay of fat molecules on shorter chains with active radicals. Similar occurs during radiation damage and dying of the cell. Fatal exchange in the dying cell is under degenerative type. In medicine, this phenomenon received the name of lipid peroxidation. Resuscitation, discovering in a patient a lipid peroxidation, ordered a banker in the morgue, because this kind of "exchange" is the causal mechanism of death of the cell in particular and the body at all.
In the hammers, this group of compounds is artificial. And in significant quantities. And their eating food is an introduction to the body of components and programs of "cell death".
When freezing, another trouble takes place: the death of vitamin "E". The value of this vitamin is so great, which deserves a detailed consideration. The population is familiar with Vitamin "E" less. He came up with the name "Vitamin breeding" and stuck in the end of the vitamin row. At the right, Vitamin "E" ranks first. It provides all the complex energy processes in the body, controls the exchange of fats, hormones, stabilizes cell membranes. And the stability of all cells and means the viability of the body. It contains this vitamin in active, full potency of products endowed with energy growth: seeds (especially gerolled), eggs, nuts, caviar, fish oil. (Fishes, unlike animals, grows all their life and do not get sick of cancer!)
The lack of vitamin "E" leads in easy cases to a decrease in vital energy, the emergence of unmotivated fatigue, etc. And in severe cases - to the death of the body. Formally, a person dies from adverse environmental impacts - from stress (or rather its consequences, materializing numerous acute vascular pathology), from innocuous infections. And in fact, he lacks vitamin "E".
The first value of vitamin "E" understood the ancient Jews. Their kosher system in principle implies the maximum preservation of vitamin "E". It is only fresh in food: everything that is cooked for breakfast is eaten by breakfast or ejected, and not left for lunch. Storage of finished dishes, freezing and repeated dishes are categorically excluded. We see the result of the inexhaustible boiler energy of the Jews throughout the life and five thousand years of its history.
Feed example: indigenous peoples of the north, feed on, mostly frozen products, from meat and fish to milk. All of them, unfortunately, extinct peoples.
In our time, the understanding of the value of vitamin "E" came from military biologists who solved the problem of using dolphins in the submarine wars of the future. Dolphins, which were in dolphinarities, usually died in a few months. In the death of dolphins could not find regularities, since the causes of death, in each case, it seemed to be different. Activation of microbial, viral, fungal infection of various localization. But for some time to death, Dolphins have observed a certain pattern: they became sluggish, closed, lost their innate fun and friendliness. Initially, it was interpreted as boredom, longing for the will. So far did not pay attention to the difference in the diet on the will and in the dolphinarium. Dolphins fed the same fish that they themselves were caught free. But only the fish was ice cream (more precisely: caught - frozen - frozen before feeding). Vitamin "E" decomposes at all.
The bottom line is that this vitamin is involved as we said in the exchange of fats. And to utilize degraded fats (frozen and frosthed), additional consumption of vitamin "E" is required. It turns out that the vitamin "E" the body needs much more, and the flow of it with a frostbed food does not occur. In medicine, this phenomenon was called the "vicious circle". That is, at the same time, we introduce the connections to the body programming the death of the cell into the body, and immediately block the protective mechanisms of the cell itself.
It is not surprising that dolphins as a result of such a diet gibbles. It is surprising that we still remain alive.
By itself, Avitaminosis "E" underlies the decline in the occasion of the body, premature aging syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome and other charities. Many hostesses, intuitively feeling it, remove fat from chicken chips. But only subcutaneous fat can be removed. And extracellular and intracellular remove it is impossible. What happens when burning fat is known to everyone. The one who fries "Bush's ham" should understand that he just prepares a portion of carcinogens. The word "carcinogen" is translated from Latin as "Cancer".
In the west, meat with a large content of intracellular fat is considered not just low-quality, but unsuitable for eating. Such meat is considered there as falsification of the product. This is such a Trojan horse, with the help of which fat, cholesterol, carcinogens and other nastiness fall into the body.
At one time, the Baltic republics, after leaving the USSR, they hoped to master their products the West market. But fiasco suffered, the sanitary services of all European countries rejected meat from the Baltic States, for the high content of intracellular fat. He was assigned the category of "technical meat". Therefore, there is nothing left to the Balt, as it is still to sell their meat products to Russian "buyings". True, now their conscience can be calm: they do not feed the Russians, but etching.
But compared to the trees of the United States, the products from the Baltic States can be considered dietary, for the amount of fat is incommensurable. The diseases of the squirrel have a special composition of the protein. There is amended the composition of amino acids - the so-called, indispensable amino acids are simply absent. So plastic processes (the growth of the organism, the synthesis of its proteins) is impossible. If you feed in such a protein of children, they will live, and not grow. And in general, the inability to maintain protein exchange is death.
Now another one. According to the materials of the Western press, it became known about cases of mass disease salmonellosis transmitted through chicken meat. In England and Scandinavian countries with significant mortality. There were even talk about a new epidemic. It was given that about 75-90% of chicken meat was affected by Salmonella. The percentage of infection increases with increasing the duration of storage and transportation range. This is explained by changes in the thermal storage regime, repeated defrosting and freezing. The exposure time of the microbe in meat increases, the likelihood of posthumous infection increases, that is, the infection is already after the poultry slaughter. The ham is sailed to us from behind the ocean. Therefore, the mass of contacts with port, ship and warehouse rodents, and easier - rats. This is not you from the local poultry farm chilled chickens bring.
The consumer enters the scissors: with insufficient heat treatment, high risk is sick with salmonellosis. And with a long-term high-temperature, which guarantees the death of Salmonella, the number of carcinogens grows sharply. Therefore, the choice is not high: or salmonellosis or cancer.
If you exit all the above, the hammers are a combination of malicious factors that potentiate each other so that the total harm is superior to the simple addition of these negative factors. That is, we have the effect of "Vi-Gaza" here, which was spoken at the beginning of the article. And as a result, the perfect poison.
To the one who will hurry to argue: "But what about our sanitary services?" - I propose to pay attention to advertising with high representatives of these most television services for anything from dental powders to Tampaxes with diapers and the untested drugs themselves. Pay them more, so they and the potassium cyanide will be called vitamin, without smorn in the TV.
And if you still did not convince you yet, I can only wish you a pleasant appetite. And easy death
Yuri Yum.
The article was published in 1998 in the newspaper "Land Russian" №11-14, reprinting the newspaper "24 hours" №13 2002.