Vangu Recipe from Asthma. How to treat asthma by folk remedies

In most cases, the treatment of bronchial asthma by folk remedies is complementary. But there are situations when there is no possibility to use the designated drugs. To be prepared for such circumstances, you should know the best natural recipes from dry, shortness of breath and asthmatic choking.


Since the ginger with bronchial asthma gives almost instant effect, chronic patients prefer to keep the ginger tincture at the ready, without waiting for the complications of the disease. The most popular next recipe:

  • Clean 350-400 gr. Ginger root, finely cut or soda on the grater.
  • Place the raw material in a liter container.
  • Fill with vodka to the top.
  • Inhabit no less than 2 weeks in a cool place. Once every 2-3 days, vigorously shake the container.
  • Strain. The asthma is used during asthma twice a day, no more than one teaspoon for reception. Especially effective when attacks of asthmatic cough, but it is capable of shooting and a more serious inflammatory process.


To achieve maximum result, it is recommended to use fresh leaves collected from a home plant protected from road dust and exhaust gases. The tool is prepared as follows:

  • Prepare a plant to the collection. After another watering, suspend irrigation for 14 days. It should also not sprinkle with water with water, as it will also slow down the process of saturation of pulp with useful substances.
  • Collect 250-300 gr. Sheet, pretty wipe, not rinse with water.
  • Cut the flesh with a knife into small pieces, put in a liter jar.
  • Fill 0.5 liters. Red wine, add up to 300-350 gr. Bee products, mix thoroughly.
  • Leave in a cool, dark place for 10-12 days.
  • Perfoliate through sieve or gauze.

Ball grease

In natural form, this substance is used mainly as an effective material for prophylactic rubbing. The chest is thoroughly rubbed with the use of fat, while the region of the heart remains untouched, after which the patient is carefully covered. But if the patient suffers from frequent asthmatic seizures, then the treatment of asthma by the folk remedies should be supplemented with a drink from a barthing fat:

  • Heat milk.
  • Mix the teaspoon of fat from 300 gr. Warm milk.
  • Take a half-table of the resulting funds in the early phases of an asthmatic attack.

Ball-haired fat at asthma is effectively relaxing the breathing apparatus, but children can protest against the use of such a product. If your child does not tolerate a mixture of fat and milk, replace it with herbal tincture: during an attack of asthma, extra stress will only aggravate the state of the baby.

Folk remedies against an allergic attack of asthma

Many anti-allergic drugs operate according to the principle of cumulative effect, therefore, in the first months, the patient's treatment remains sensitive to various stimuli. During this period, the treatment of asthma at home can be complemented by applying bravery and tinctures from natural ingredients. Natural funds will not eliminate the reaction to the allergen, but will remove its most acute manifestations, and also accelerate the recovery after asthmatic.

Birch leaves

If the season allows you to use fresh birch leaves - just make sure that they were collected in a grove removed from the roadway, factories and plants. Late in the fall or in winter you can buy a jumped birch leaf in any pharmacy, the effect of it will be no less than from the fresh product.
Leaves are used as follows:

  • Take several tablespoons of the birch leaf, if necessary - rinse (the dried sheet is not needed). Place a liter bank.
  • Boil water and fill the bank to the edges.
  • Insist with a closed lid for a day.

This recipe will help patients suffering from allergies. Take three times a day for a third of a glass to seven days to alleviate the symptoms and relieve irritation with the bronchi.

Herbal collection

This anti-masted gathering will reduce the separation of the mucus with an allergic attack of asthma and will contribute to the development of tolerance to allergens. Prepare a solution for daily use:

  • Take 4-5 spoons of birch leaves, raspberries and chasty. Stir.
  • Place 0.5 liters in the bank with a capacity, pour boiling water.
  • Cover the lid and insist until two hours.
  • Perfect.
  • Add to decoction 200 gr. Beekeeping products (propolis or honey), 200 gr. Kagora, 200 gr. Cream oil and a few drops of alcohol. Stir.

Store the prepared mixture in the refrigerator or cool pantry to avoid premature damage. The treatment of asthma herbs is particularly effective if you make a solution every day, on a tablespoon before each main meal. Do not forget to heat before use, so as not to get up the throat!


A simple garlic tincture will help patients suffering from particularly acute allergic reactions. The only pronounced drawback - the tincture has to be prepared in advance.

  • Take a kilogram of garlic, clean and finely cut (you can also scroll through the mixer or rub on the grater).
  • Place the garlic in the 3-liter container and fill it up to the edges of the filtered, boiled water.
  • Close the container and put in the dark, cool place for 21 days.

The finished tincture will need to take with a glass of hot milk, no more than one teaspoon per day. The highest effect remedy is infused garlic, if you use it until the first meal. Please note: this folk remedy for asthma is designed for long-term use. Do not use it to relieve an attack: it is prophylactic and will not help in an emergency.

Folk Medicine Against Cardic Complications

Frequent asthmatic attacks not only oppress the respiratory organs, but also negatively affect the work of the cardiovascular system. Treatment of bronchial asthma by national funds at home, mandatory should include measures to strengthen the heartcort.


This agent is used to restore heart function at various chronic diseases. If you are going to use propolis during asthma, pay attention to the next recipe:

  • Take 25 gr. Fresh product and place in a cup or a glass.
  • Pour propolis 120-130 gr. alcohol.
  • Leave it for a week in a dark, cool room.
  • Profiltrate the finished tincture, strain solution through the siter.

Alcohol tincture is recommended to cut only adult patients. The teaspoon of the liquid dissolves in warm milk or boiled water, and is used three times per day. The effect is noticeable after 1-2 weeks of application. The maximum use of use is 90 days, then take a break for a month.


This plant has a powerful lining effect. It gives the greatest result with daily preventive use. The treatment of asthma ICHOP is carried out as follows:

  • Take up to 3-table spoons of Issop, thoroughly grind.
  • Place the container in the thermos near the liter.
  • Boost water, pour inside. Give it with an open lid for 5 minutes.
  • Close the thermos, leave for an hour.
  • Ready decoction strain through gauze or siter.

Natural medicine should be stored in the thermos so that it does not cooler. The solution is taken within 30 days, drinking 300-350 gr. Hot liquid for 15-20 minutes before meals.

Homemade herbs medicine

Cardiac complications of asthma can be neutralized by the properties of plants such as Kalina, licorice and korovyat. The greatest effect gives the following medicine, easily manufactured at home:

  • Prepare a tincture for a mixture in advance. Separately pour boiling water Kalina with vegetable glycerol, and herbal collection - clockon, licorice and lobelia. Insist during the day.
  • Mix 2 measures (up to 2 tbsp. Spoons) of a mandatory tincture and 1 measure of herriages.
  • Add half st. Spoons of ephedra and as many cowboat. Mix thoroughly, if necessary, resolute.

Non-drug treatment of bronchial asthma is particularly in demand if a small child is sick. The advantage of this means is that it can be applied regardless of the age of the patient. If the kid is experiencing difficulties with breathing, let me at a quarter of a teaspoon four times within an hour. The mixture will not only restore the heart rate, but will significantly reduce the tension in the respiratory tract.

What folk remedies can not be used at bronchial asthma?

Not all folk treatments of asthma have been checking time. Some techniques that were considered effective for centuries are able to exacerbate the patient's condition - both immediately and in the long run. Remember the following simple rules to protect yourself and your loved ones:

  • Mustarders with bronchial asthma complicated by allergies, it is strictly prohibited! It does not matter whether you use this tool to neutralize an asthmatic cough, or to facilitate the state with a conventional cold. The active separation of essential oils during warming can provoke a complication of allergies, and the desired relief does not bring. Many parents are interested, whether you can put the baby mustard films at bronchial asthma if it has a non-allergic nature. Despite the fact that there is no direct ban, in general, doctors advise not to use mustard pieces in asthma. Even a simple breast warming can cause a long cough, which will cause an excess panic and will inevitably lead to a row.
  • The treatment of asthma starvation does not give a positive result! Full abstinence from food, also known as starvation, has a huge number of followers, confident that this lifestyle will heal from all diseases. But folk recipes from asthma do not contain references to the healing power of fasting, and not in vain. Hunger weakens the immune systems of the body, which means it increases the vulnerability to allergens. As a result, attacks are only rapid.
  • Phytotherapy for bronchial asthma is selected taking into account individual sensitivity to allergens! Most patients suffering from this disease are carriers of an allergic or mixed form of the disease. Each recipe must be checked for compliance with your individual restrictions. Some components can be replaced, but make sure that the replacement comes from another plant family, even if you have similar useful properties. The ill-conceived phytotherapy of bronchial asthma can provoke another attack, so be careful, even if the recipe is approved by your friends or family members.
  • Never replace herbal fees with saturated extracts! Essential oils in the treatment of bronchial asthma can only be used as part of the drugs approved by the medical community. Saturation of oils is too large for direct use, so they should be abstained by even astmatics without expressed allergic reactions.

Stay intelligently and restrained in the treatment of asthma by folk remedies. Do not exceed the recommended dosages, avoid excessively active experimentation with a variety of infuses - and you can get a maximum of Skan wisdom collected by generations.


Now you know how to treat asthma at home with the use of folk remedies. But maybe we missed your favorite recipe from shortness of breath, or did not mention herbal collection, which you find the most efficient? Fill this gap - share your knowledge with the rest of readers in the comments!

Among the various diseases of the respiratory tract, perhaps the most common occasion is bronchial asthma. In the period of exacerbation, this disease takes a lot of strength in humans. The patient has to take special medicinal drugs daily, preventing the bouts of bronchial asthma, although it is extremely difficult to fully cure this disease. Many asthmatics fear that the regular reception of drugs can adversely affect the work of other internal organs, therefore often wondering how to treat bronchial asthma by folk remedies.

How the disease occurs

Bronchial asthma is a complex disease of the pulmonary system, in which the patient regularly suffers from shortness of breath and attacks of the lack of air. Moreover, such symptoms carry a serious threat to human health, because the brain, heart and other organs during the attack lacks oxygen.

Indeed, the period of exacerbation of this disease proceeds very hard, because its main symptom is suffocating. With a bout of bronchial asthma, sensitivity changes and the respiratory tract coming to the lungs. The inflammatory process begins in the bronchi, they swell, a thick viscous mocryt is formed in them. Moreover, the attacks are periodically repeated, the disease is chronic. In the absence of an inhaler, such a state, as a rule, causes panic.

Causes of asthma

The main reason for the appearance of bronchial asthma is allergic processes arising in the body under the influence of such external stimuli, like home dust, chemicals, animal wool, flower pollen. An important importance in the development of the disease has infectious respiratory lesions, a hereditary factor and an unfavorable environmental situation in the area of \u200b\u200bresidence of a sick person.

Medication tools in the treatment

To drug preparations that are used to treat asthma and help to prevent the attack on the attack:

  • Cytostatic - azathioprine, hydroxychloroquine, sulfasalazine, methotrexate, etc.;
  • blockers leukotriene receptors - Montelukast, Zafirlukast, etc.;
  • corticosteroids - bulvikort, ingakort, prednisone, dexamethasone, etc.;

Official medicine has developed a lot of drugs to combat this dangerous disease. However, it is not worth discounting and national medicine, because there are a number of products that are able to prevent the offensive of asthma attacks. For a long time, it was the simple folk treatments that allowed to stop the attacks of suffocation at bronchial asthma.

8 simple folk treatments

1. Ginger

Ginger is not in vain at all, "medicine from thousands of diseases". This unique spice really helps to cope with many ailments, one of which is asthma. According to research, inflammation of the respiratory tract decreases under the influence of ginger, the vessels are expanding, not allowing the occurrence of an attack. In addition, researchers concluded that this spice is excellent muscle relaxant, which enhances the effect of some drugs from asthma.

To prepare a means from asthma, it is sufficient to mix in equal amounts of ginger juice, honey and pomegranate juice. Take this tool you need 2-3 spoons per day.

In addition, you can mix a teaspoon of ginger with 1 ½ glasses of water. It is better to take this mixture for 1 tbsp. before bedtime.

Cutting 5-7 cm fresh ginger into small pieces, they need to be added to a saucepan with 0.5 l boiling water and boil for five minutes. The finished decoction should be cooled and drink 1/2 cup per day. Among other things, the ginger can be in the raw form by sprinkling it with salt.

2. Garlic

Another remarkable means to get rid of the attack of bronchial asthma is garlic. If you get into the body, this wonderful vegetable cleans the lungs from congestion, thanks to which it brings fast relief. If we use garlic-based funds daily, you can also forget about this unpleasant illness.

First of all, 10 cleaned cloves of garlic need to boil on a slow fire in 1/2 cup of milk for 3-4 minutes. Such a decoction should be drinking once a day for the night.

Also prepare garlic tea. To do this, take the floor of the liter of water, add 3-4 cloves of garlic, bring to a boil, and then remove from the fire, after which it is worth allowing the tea to cool and drink it half a glass in the morning and in the evening.

3. Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil is considered an excellent folk agent to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of asthma, and all due to its contrastal properties. This product has a unique component - eucalyptol, which helps break and remove the mucus.

In order to fight the attacks of asthma, it is enough to put a few drops of eucalyptus oil on a paper towel, and put it overnight next to your head to inhale oil pairs.

You can also add 5 drops of this wonderful oil into a saucepan with boiling water and carry out inhalation. It is advisable to make deep breaths for greater efficiency.

4. Honey

One of the simple and effective means of combating this disease is ordinary honey, which also contributes to the expansion of the bronchi and passing the oxygen through them.

First of all, fresh honey can be simply inhaling, which helps to remove an asthma attack.

You can also divide a spoonful of honey at 0.5 glasses of hot water and drink such a drink 3 p / day.

Before bedtime, you can take the following useful tool. A tablespoon of honey is worth mixing with a teaspoon of cinnamon and swallow all this by drinking water. Such a toolic will allow you to get rid of sputtering sputum, which means to sleep all night without any problems.

5. LUK.

Everyone knows about the anti-inflammatory effect that the bow has. In addition, this vegetable reduces the narrowing of the bronchi, which is very important for the normalization of respiration and prevent attacks.

Just eating half of the head of the raw bow can noticeably improve your own state. The same, to whom the taste of fresh onions is unpleasant, it can be finely cropped and add to the salad.

6. Lemon.

Studies show that persons with bronchial asthma have a deficiency of vitamin C. Lemons, which are famous for the large content of this vitamin, help reduce the symptoms of the disease. By the way, other fruits have such actions: papaya, strawberry and blueberries.

Squeezing the juice of half the lemon into a glass with water, you should add a spoonful of honey to taste there, and drink a tool before bedtime.

7. Kurkuma

An effective means against asthma attacks is the healing powder from. It is used both as a prophylactic agent.

For its preparation, the rhizome of the turmeric will be confused in a plush pestle and combine with natural bee honey. The drug is mixed in the following proportion: one tablespoon of powder on 2 tablespoons of bee honey. The prepared composition is eaten immediately as soon as the attack begins, which allows it to stop it.

8. Herbal fees from asthma

Do not exclude such folk remedies as herbal fees, infusions, decoctions, which are used together with drugs. Of course, with all the variety of folk remedies, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body of each person. What perfectly helps one asthmatiac may not fit completely. Therefore, it is advisable to try a few recipes to choose the most appropriate treatment agent.

Recipe 1. The high efficiency of the treatment of the disease has an infusion made from equal parts of the plantain, mother-and-stepmother and pine kidney leaves.

It is necessary to take 4 tablespoons of the medicinal collection and insisted within 2 hours in a liter of cold water. After that, the mixture will be required for 5 minutes boiling, then strain. The resulting infusion takes three times a day with equal portions.

Recipe 2. Some asthmatics advise to take another recipe, which is also considered a rather effective means of treatment, which includes plantan leaves, Rosyanka flowers, tricolor violet and elder.

All plants will be mixed in equal parts. One tablespoon of herbal collection is necessary to pour half liters of water, after which it is boiled on a slow heat for 2 hours. If necessary, water can be gradually treated. The resulting decoction to strain, divide on equal portions and drink three times a day.

Recipe 3. Many argue that it is possible to practically instantly stop the attack of asthma using an inhalation of smoke formed by burning the dried leaves of nettle and herbs and maccas. This effective method is often used in rural areas.

Having considered the question of how to treat bronchial asthma by folk remedies, it should be noted: To prevent the development of attacks, infections should be avoided into the lungs, to make respiratory gymnastics, to regularly attend the attending physician. Then this severe ailment will definitely retreat!

According to statistics, about 10% of the world's population suffers from bronchial asthma. The disease occurs in chronic form, so its treatment implies constant therapy and the relief of attacks.

The main therapeutic effects are provided by drugs, but the positive result is achieved in the treatment of asthma by the folk remedies. At bronchial asthma, garlic, soda, ginger and herbs, having an anti-inflammatory effect, well helps.

Bronchial asthma - a disease caused by inflammatory processes in respiratory organs belongs to non-infectious type pathologies.

The disease may have a different severity. Most patients with symptoms are expressed in problems with breathing, attacks of continuous cough and feeling feeling squeezing in the chest.

The causes of asthma are a lot, but the main provocation is the impact of irritants on the bronchi mucosa, which causes inflammation and strong swelling.

Methods of therapy depend on the causes of asthma, therefore, how to treat the disease, it is necessary to determine individually for each patient.

Methods of treatment of bronchial asthma

Despite all the successes of modern medicine, drugs capable, not invented. Therapy implies compliance with the prophylaxis rules throughout the life of the patient, as well as the use of drug drugs that bout seizures.

The main methods of treatment of asthma are aimed at improving the condition of the respiratory tract to prevent exacerbation.

The complex of therapeutic measures includes:

  • the use of drugs (leukotriene blockers, adrenomimetics or corticosteroids);
  • breathing exercises;
  • funds of folk medicine (hydrogen peroxide, herbs, vegetable preparations, etc.).

The traditional treatment of bronchial asthma should be the main method for preventing and relieving exacerbations. Respiratory gymnastics is used in preventive purposes at the moment of remission, as well as to facilitate the state of the patient after the occurrence of the attack.

Treatment of asthma herbs or other folk remedies is a secondary method that is used both during the remission and exacerbation.

Important! The use of any unconventional method is allowed only with the consent of the attending physician. The funds of traditional medicine can provoke exacerbation, contribute to the worsening of the patient's well-being, since the use of plant components increases the risk of an allergic reaction.

In what cases can be treated with bronchial asthma by folk remedies

Doctors do not prohibit the treatment of bronchial asthma at home. Non-traditional therapy methods can give a positive effect, but only subject to certain conditions.

First of all, it should be understood that a non-drug treatment for asthma will bring the maximum result only at the initial stage of the disease.

If the disease progresses for a long time or is in the exacerbation phase, then folk remedies are used only for additional impact in the drug complex.

Helping home therapy is allowed:

  • after diagnosing the disease;
  • after medical advice and with the consent of the doctor;
  • with simultaneous medication;
  • in the absence of contraindications.

Homemade tools are used at any stage and for any category of patients. However, asthmatics must be aware that the result will be a common effect, a decrease in the intensity of the symptoms of the disease and the inflammatory process.

Note! Treatment of bronchial asthma herbs or other folk remedies is not the main method and cannot become replaceable therapy. Just like medication drugs, home methods do not save from pathology forever.

Folk Medicine in the Treatment of Bronchial Asthma

In the development of chronic diseases, patients are often disappointed in the effectiveness of pharmacy drugs and therefore resort to methods of traditional medicine.

The "grandmother's" ways to combat the inflammation of the respiratory tract are quite a lot, which allows you to choose an effective recipe in accordance with the individual characteristics of the clinical picture of any patient.

Before treating asthma at home yourself, it is advisable to consistent with the doctor and choose the most secure method. Special attention is paid to unconventional ways to combat the disease in children.

The greatest risk is the treatment of asthma herbs, since the children's body is inclined to allergic reactions, and the herbs often cause allergies in humans.

In adults

Treatment with bronchial asthma by folk remedies in adult patients rarely causes side effects, so there are more methods of self-therapy.

If the doctor gives consent, the patient can use one of the recommended treatment methods or combine several.

When choosing a way to combat chronic inflammation of respiratory organs, the causes of the disease, features of manifestations and the severity of pathology should be taken into account.

In the treatment of bronchial asthma, adults can be applied:

  • inhalation on folk recipes;
  • herbal infestees or decoctions;
  • alcohol tincture;
  • infusions based on plant components and other products.

The therapeutic course can last from 2 - 3 months to a year. With frequent exacerbations, home therapy should be monitored by a doctor.

In children

In childhood, the immune system is more than militia, so to strengthen the immunity and reduce the frequency of attacks by taking folk agents during asthma is easier. To achieve a positive effect, a more gentle impact is required and less short medical course.

Permissible means from asthma for children prepared at home:

  • champs or grasses;
  • solutions for rinse throat, based on which soda;
  • herbal medicines;
  • honey mixes.

If a child often has an aggravation of bronchial asthma, the folk medicine is selected only with the doctor. The risk of edema of the larynx due to an allergic reaction in children is very high.

Folk Recipes from Asthma

Bronchial asthma proceeds from each patient in different ways. The attacks can be frequent or happening extremely rarely.

Patients whose exacerbations occur more often once a month, a longer and intensive course of therapy is recommended, while the dosage of folk remedies may be higher. In prophylactic purposes, non-drug drugs can be taken short courses and in a minimum dose.

When taking natural medicines, children are not recommended to give alcohol-containing infusions. Also, to prevent a strong allergic reaction to the first reception, it is desirable to make a test for an allergen, applying a means on the wrist, or give to rinse your mouth with a small amount of medication.

Chest collect

Pharmaceutical companies produce breast fees, which include different herbs. Each collection has a number indicating a certain set of vegetable raw materials. At bronchial asthma, breast fee is recommended No. 4.

The mixture includes:

  • valerian roots, blue sinyuhi and licorice;
  • docted by St.
  • peppermint;
  • pilical lattice;
  • pharmacy chamomile.

Bronchial asthma phytotherapy is carried out within 3 - 4 months. Daily dose - 210 - 280 ml of beam, taking into account 3-4-fold reception.

Preparation of beam: 2 tbsp. l. The collection is sealed with a glass of boiling water and heated additionally in a water bath for about 20 minutes. After it insists 40 minutes and flicker. Add to decoction more water (up to a volume of 0.2 liters) and refined.

Mother and stepmother

If the breast is contraindicated, then other herbs can be used with bronchial asthma. Anti-inflammatory, anti-refuge, expectorant and antiseptic effect makes a coltsfoot.

The bank is poured with boiling water 10 g of leaves and flowers of grass. The agent is not less than three hours. After it is desirable to strain and take 20 ml before meals.

Vegetable balm

Adult patients, especially with severe forms of the disease, will be useful to take green balsam. Due to the content of medical alcohol, he is contraindicated to children.

The recipe assumes mixing in an equal proportion of juices:

  • young leaflets aloe;
  • lemon;
  • radish;
  • beets;
  • cranberries;
  • luke (Republic).

In the same quantity, floral honey, sugar and alcohol (medical) are added.

All components must be fresh. The liquid is stirred and poured into a container made of thick dark glass. After a day, the reception of 40 - 50 ml is beginning. Drink three times a day for a quarter of an hour before meals. The medicine is used month. If necessary, make a seven-day break, then repeat the course.

Ginger and Kurkuma

According to the reviews of many patients with asthma, ginger and turmeric helps to cope with the attacks. These plant products are not accepted together, but in one stage of the course of therapy. Receiving funds from turmeric and ginger root alternate.

For therapeutic purposes, it is advisable to use turmeric powder. Three times a day should be eaten by the fourth part of a teaspoon of powder, drinking with warm water.

Ginger are used in 20 - 30 minutes after taking turmeric. The remedy is prepared by mixing in the ratio of 1: 1: 1 honey, ground ginger and pomegranate juice, drink too three times a day.

Inhalation with propolis

An alternative to the procedure of inhalation with the use of nebulizers and drugs can be a well-known "Babushkin" method. The drug remedy is replaced by the product of beekeeping, and the device is to inhalation steam from the tank.

Preparation: Wax (30 g) and propolis (50 g) are placed in a small cup (enameled), put on a water bath for a quarter of an hour.

After the dishes are removed from the fire. Take a tight fabric and, leaning over the container, cover her head. The patient should inhale evaporation, but at the same time not to bend too low. Inhalation is repeated in the morning and before bedtime for two weeks.

Preventive inhalations can be carried out with soda mortar, adding 2 h to boiling water. Powder (0.5 l of water).


Folk prescriptions of medicines from asthma with garlic have been known for a long time. The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of garlic are so strong that I can make rid of a person from exacerbations for a long time.

The remedy is made by mixing 100 g of chopped root of shit and crushed garlic in the same quantity. The mixture add honey (500 g) and butter butter (150 g). In the enameled dishes, the resulting mixture is kept in a water bath no more than 5 minutes.

Reception of medicine - three times a day across the tablespoon. It is recommended to use a mixture before meals. A full course of treatment lasts about 2 months.


For oatmeal, it is necessary to clean and rinse the grain grain semi-linet. In a saucepan of at least 3 liters boiling milk (2 l) and water (0.5 l).

Oats poured into the boiling liquid and boil it 1.5 - 2 hours. After filtering. For treatment, not obtained by Cashitz, and the decoction.

Take a half-table of warm beam with honey and oil. Drink oat decoction follows once a day and only on an empty stomach. The use of drugs based on oat beam is recommended for preventive purposes when risk raising.

Mustard oil

For at home, you can use mustard oil.

Camphor and mustard oil (50 ml) are mixed in one container. The oil mixture is applied to the top of the back and the chest, while performing massage.

You can use the tool and in order to prevent, making the procedure before bedtime.

Contraindications for the treatment of folk remedies

The traditional medicine is considered more secure, since drug drugs often have many contraindications. However, folk remedies also have a number of restrictions.

It should be carefully related to the selection of components included in the recipe. The herbs are selected for each patient individually, since certain plants and products may be undesirable for use if there are concomitant diseases in a patient.


And adult patients can be quite effective if you follow the recommendations of specialists and not to give up the main therapy.

Folk remedies help improve the health of the patient, reduce the risk of exacerbation, strengthen the immunity and slow down the progression of the inflammatory process.

But do not get involved in home treatment. In the case of a sharp attack, it is better not to risk and use drug drugs, and folk remedies only apply as auxiliary.

Causes of asthma.

The overall mechanism inherent in different variants of bronchial asthma is the change in the sensitivity and ability of the bronchi to react to changes in the external environment, which leads to a narrowing of their lumen. Approximately 1/3 of the asthma patients have hereditary origin. The emergence of asthma allergic forms provoke various allergens - home dust, pollen of plants, bacteria, viruses, mushrooms. The disease proceeds cyclically - exacerbations with characteristic symptoms are replaced by periods of the clutch.

Respiratory gymnastics will remove the attack

Treatment pursues two objectives: the relief of the attack and the actual disease in order to prevent repeat attacks. Remove the attack, in most cases of my practice, was managed by one respiratory gymnastics "Buteyko".

In the future, the patient should learn to breathe only to the nose, ending with the breath as above the lungs and chest. Be sure to limit night's sleep (up to 6 hours), to accustom yourself to get up no later than 6 hours, make at least 15 minutes breathing exercises.

For the treatment and restoration of the body, I recommend comprehensive therapy, which includes the above-mentioned breathing gymnastics - at least 10 days within a month, 2 courses per year (including during the exacerbation period), and at the same time - a course of phytotherapy.

When developing symptoms of the disease, which can provoke (AMP) Lt; Agroup, the wet wet is required primarily.

  • This can be achieved if you give a child ¼ h. Spoons of food soda, which will make the cough productive and facilitate the general condition of the patient;
  • in addition to soda, it is recommended to use the infusion of valerian medicinal (25 drops), pre-divert them in 0.5 tbsp. water and offering this tool to the child;
  • with an acute attack, it is recommended to perform a massage, starting from the head and ending with the thoracic region;
  • significantly reduce asthma symptoms using onion juice;
  • a good effect is achieved with mustard compresses imposed on the bronchi area, but in this case there is a limitation: it is impossible to use this procedure with external skin damage.

In addition to emergency assistance, the treatment of asthma can be carried out at home using the properties of herbs that are indispensable assistants as additional therapy.

Symptoms of the disease

This is a chisanier, cough, interrupting and assertive (with noise or whistle) breathing, appearance of blue skin due to oxygen starvation, anxious state, feeling of helplessness.

A mandatory sign of the disease is the attack of suffocation. The disease often begins an approached cough, accompanied by a shortness of breath with a small amount of vitreous sputum (asthmatic bronchitis). Then the suffocation is light, moderate or severe. Before the attack can occur abundant allocation of a watery secretion from the nose, Chihannie, an attacking cough.

The most common symptoms include:

  • frequent attacks of suffocation, especially at night;
  • parole spastic cough;
  • redness of the skin;
  • hindered;
  • it is often observed heart symptoms in the form of arrhythmias;
  • in addition, the symptoms of the disease can be expressed by dyspexual manifestations, etc.

Asthma, the treatment of folk remedies of which is quite effective, has a negative impact on all organs and systems of the body, which is negatively reflected, especially on the body of children.

Phytotherapy against asthma

Infusion of a mixture of herbs. 1 Piece of rose hips, 6 pieces - taken robust leaf of peppermint leaves, Nuts of dwarfish, field of horsetail, 2 pieces of anise fruit, horizontal grass, pine needles. 5 tbsp. l. Mixes insist in 1 liter boiling water overnight. You need to take 1/3 cup 3 times a day after meals.

If there is no diabetes, a few weeks later, peep onions with sugar and honey. To do this, 0.5 kg twisted on the meat grinder of the reptile onion is mixed with 1 liter of water, half of the Sahara, add 1 tbsp. l. Honey. Boil 3 hours on slow heat until the onions are fully welded, strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day shortly before meals.

Unfortunately, asthmatics often sick with influenza, bronchitis, so they prepare medicine from viburnum berries. Weching 2 tbsp. l. Berries, pour 0.5 glasses of water and stirred from 1 tbsp. l. Honey. Bring to a boil and cook on a small fire, strain. Eat during the day, taking two hours in 2 tbsp. l. Astmatics, prone to hypertension, it is best to take juice from fresh kalin berries in 2 tbsp. l. Not less than 5 times a day.

Infusion of Claw (deaf Kropyva - Ukr.). Clawing contains saponins and mucus, which are beneficial on bronchi and lungs, and besides, it calms the nerves, cleanses blood, eliminates allergic reactions. 0.5 liters of boiling water brew 2 tbsp. l. Dried flowers, insist the night. During the day 2-3 cups drink.

The decoction of the roots of the female stone. 3 tbsp. l. Pour 1.5 liters of boiling water. Tomber is preferably in a thermos night. Take half a cup up to 4 times a day.

The throat of the roots of the hunting stone. Take 1 part of crushed dry roots on 2 parts of vodka (by volume). Insist for 3 weeks. The tool is very effective even with short-term reception. One teaspoon of tincture divorced on water is enough to remove the bronchi spasm, calming the cough.

In the treatment of asthma at home, it should be remembered that the main nutrition should consist of products, which contains proteins. You also need to eat vegetables, any dairy products and try to reduce salt use.

Aspen's kidneys.

Cooking will need to take 1 dec. l. Pine kidneys, plantain and mother-and-stepmother and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Let break for 4 hours. Then put the infusion for 15 minutes of water bath, remove to cool 10-15 minutes, strain and drink during the day.


For treatment, tea from the leaves of this herb is used. To do this, they take the dried net leaves (1 tsp.), 200 ml of boiling water are poured, allowed for 10-15 minutes and drink like tea.

You can combine bombstorm with other ingredients:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. dried and crushed leaves and roots of the plant, pour 200 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid and give 5 minutes to stand.
  2. Then add 1 tsp. Honey and take 2-3 times a day instead of tea.

Efficiency showed the conduct of wrapping procedures. Excellent, if it works in the morning and evening make hardening with a contrasting shower. Breast fees are great for the treatment of breathing problems. Need to 1 tbsp. l. Pharmacy grass add licorice root, ninewood or anise fruit. In the mixture pour 1 tsp. Honey and take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times / day.

Folk Medicine offers many recipes to relieve and treat bronchial asthma. Consider the most efficient:

  • berries viburnum boiled together with honey. Excellent tool for getting rid of sputum, reduce cough attacks;
  • you can use two crushed garlic heads every day, which are mixed with five lemons;
  • drinking on a glass on the day of infusion chiurela. It is recommended to asthmatics that suffer from severe shortness of breath. Pharmacy tincture is mixed with 50 ml of water boiled;
  • repka from the garden will also help with bronchial asthma. Its needed in the raw form without salt. Especially effective rooteplood with poor sleep, reinforced heartbeat.
  • nastya Zverkoy. To prepare to take 40 g of collection and add 200 ml of vodka. After five days of insteading, you can take 25 drops;
  • oats kilogram pour two water water liters. Heat four hours on minimal fire, give cool and strain. Then add aloe leaves passed through a meat grinder. Add a spoonful of honey and take in small quantities every day;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Thousands of yarrow poured 0.2 liters of boiling water. The medicine is accepted three times a day;
  • 20 ml of licorice add to a glass with water. Pour into the saucepan and boil 10 minutes, leave for an hour and drink five days to 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • walnuts in the amount of kilogram pour 0.5 liters of vodka (you can use alcohol). Insist for a week, then take three tens of drops 4 times a day;
  • mix 100 g of garlic with 0.5 liters of honey and the same amount of vodka. Boil half an hour, remove and make cool. Take in warm form, on the tablespoon in the morning, at lunch and evening.

Treatment of bronchial asthma by folk remedies at home is quite acceptable, but only subject to the following conditions:

  • folk methods must complement the medicinal treatment, and not replace it;
  • before starting treatment, you must consult with your doctor and get its consent.

Patients should be understood that the phytotherapy and other folk methods are not panacea and the shortcomings are not deprived. Specialists, on the contrary, emphasize that the phytopreparations at bronchial asthma are potentially dangerous. The fact is that any medicinal plant contains many biologically active substances, and it is not known what effect each of them can have a person on the human body, since such studies have not been conducted.

The composition of pharmacological preparations is precisely known and constant, and the composition of plants is unstable. It is largely determined by the conditions of the external environment (the presence of contamination, climate, the chemical composition of water and soil). In fact, the composition of plants can include various unknown, and sometimes toxic impurities.

It is not a guarantee of the safety of phytopreparations and a long history of their application. For example, the aristology grass (Kirkazon) was widely used in China as a medicine from bronchial asthma, tuberculosis and hypertension. A few years ago, dietary supplements with Aristorochia were actively sold in Western European countries.

But the scientific studies have shown that this, innocuous at first glance, the grass trades a huge danger to human health. Its long-term use leads to an irreversible damage to the kidney tissue and contributes to the development of malignant tumors of the upper third of the urinary tract.

The concentration of active substances in medicinal plants is insignificant, much lower than in pharmaceutical preparations, so it should not be expected from them a quick and persistent effect.

At the same time, it is not necessary to completely refuse to use folk methods at bronchial asthma. Many of them are quite effective and their application has a scientific substantiation, but it is possible to apply them only on the advice of a doctor and as part of the complex therapy of the disease. Unacceptably folk remedies completely replace drug therapy, as it threatens the development of serious complications.

Checked herbal recipes

Put 0.2 kg of cream oil on the pan, fry on it to a golden color as many chopped finely onions. Slightly cool - add the same portion of the butter of the creamy and 500 g of honey. Then mix everything and fold into the bank. Slip this mixture on the bread (on a piece - art. Spoon), and eat a sandwich daily 3 times.

Week drink fresh cluster juice - a day of 40 ml before meal. Then a week rest, and so much face the nettical infusion. 5 g leaves brew glass boiling water, give 20 minutes to stand. All this drink in three receptions before meals. Seven days - break, and again take the nettle juice. Then go to the horizon.

For the cure of the bronchi and the lungs with asthma, drink decoction. Mix pine kidneys, rosehip berries, hormour grass, wormwood, yarrow (each ingredient 25 g), purity flowers (15 g). Pour water (one and a half liters), give a two-hour infusion, spend two-hour boiling on a small fire. Take the decoction, remove in infusion for a day, profile.

Pour the phantchny "Befungin", aloe juice, vodka (each ingredient of 200 ml), dissolve honey (400 g), mix, remove in cold. Take a meal (20 g for half an hour) three times a day. The mucus moves a lot, whistling breathing disappears, the bronchi is cleaned, their resistance to illness is produced.

Collect ripen viburnum berries. Mind 20 g, fill with warm, pre-boiled water (glass), put honey (25 g), highlightly stir. Heat to a boil, a third of an hour to the joke, stir, profile. Drink the resulting portion per day (20 ml with a two-hour break). Treatment - long. Keep the berries in the cold. Astmatic hypertensive is desirable to drink (similarly) berry juice of viburnum.

You can also learn about the beneficial properties of viburnum.

Hisp - grass possessing extensive healing properties. Another hippocrates used it against the exhausting cough, heavy bronchitis and asthma. It is advisable to grow plants and harvest independently. Seeds of Issop need to be sown in the ground (15 × 15 cm) early - it is not afraid of frost. You can sow and under the winter. Issop will go up, and when it blooms - cut off.

Dry in a ventilated and shadow spot (better in the attic), often turning over. Store in a paper three-layer bag, tightly knitted (so that essential oils are not destroyed). Spend like this: 20 g of dry Issop, refill in thermos per liter, fill in boiling water, give an hour of infusion. Drink before meals (20 minutes) in a hot form of 200 g. Conduct treatment without a break, how much raw materials. The recipe helped very many to defeat this terrible disease.

His prolonged reception is able to exclude inhalers, expensive medicines, and will gradually pass the suffocation, cough, whistling breathing. Put in the saucepan a roseer (25 g), nettle or burning nettle (15 g), pour cold water (1 l), insist night. In the morning, put the dishes on the fire, cover the lid.

Heat to a boil, reduce the fire, leave it to boil for 6 minutes. Then, without removing the lid, remove it from the fire, put for infusion for half an hour, away. Hot drink on an empty stomach glass, and the remaining - in 4 reception per day (after an hour). Drink tea for 2 weeks. New portion prepare daily from the evening. Further 2 weeks rest, and again repeat the treatment. And so - to complete recovery.


It is recommended to take 2 heads of fresh garlic, 5 lemons and 1 liter of hot water. Garlic is finely crushed and mixed with scrolled together with lemon lemons. Then the prepared mixture is filled with water and leaves for a week. After the studio, it is recommended to take 1 tbsp. A spoonful of tincture 15 minutes before meals.


Like all the products of beekeeping, propolis is a fairly effective means in the treatment of bronchial asthma. For the manufacture of tinctures it is necessary to take 20 grams. propolis and pour 120 gr in it. Alcohol, placing a cooked mixture for 7 days in a dark room, after which the solution needs to be cleaned and use 20 drops at least 3 times during the day, pre-diluted with it with water or milk.

Birch leaves

In the case when an allergic asthma is accompanied by severe skin symptoms, it is recommended to use birch leaves that are pre-brewed with boiling water. Prepared decoction is used 3 times a day for 100 gr. in a week.


To remove bronchial symptoms, the use of ground ginger (400 grams), filled with 1 liter of vodka. Prepared mass is left to insist for 2 weeks, during which it must be shaken. After expiration, the timeline is needed, after which it is possible to treat the disease (1 h. L. 2 times during the day).

Before performing the collection of plant leaves, Aloe cannot be moistened for 2 weeks. 250 grams of fresh leaves are carefully wiped, but do not wash, and then finely cut into a knife, after which the collection is placed in a glass container. Next is added 0.5 liters. Red Wine and Fresh Honey (350 grams). The prepared collection is well mixed and left for insistence for 10 days, after which the plant obtained is cleaned.

Collections of various herbs are often recommended for the treatment of bronchial asthma. Most often, breast fees are recommended, which includes Veronica, Oshinitsa, Mint, Coltsfoot, Altech, Chabret, Littleca and Plantain. The collection of these herbs is actively restored by immune forces, improving the patient's condition.


It helps to fight a bronchial asthma oregano. For a healing brave, it is recommended to take 200 grams. Dry herbs, boiling water bay (1 l.). The solution is insisted during the day, and then decoction with grass is recommended to use daily 100 grams. after meal.


100 gr. Herbal herbs poured 1 l. Boiled water and after insistenceing during the day is given to the patient for 100 gr. 3 times. This decoction is most positive about children, strengthening the immune system.


With allergic bronchial asthma, it is necessary to prepare chastaby herbs (5 spoons), birch leaves (5 l.) And raspberries (5 l.). All ingredients are mixed and brewed 0.5 liters. Hot water, after which they insist for 1-2 hours and flickering. Next, 200 grams are added to the decoction. Butter, honey (200 gr.

To prepare a drug collection, you need to mix equal parts of the Anisian seeds and 3 parts of nine and licorice. Next you need to take 1 tbsp. l. Herbs and brew 200ml. Boiling water, leaving a fee for 2-3 hours. It is recommended to drink a cooked collection of herbs 3 times a day, after adding honey into it.

The symptoms of asthma and the concomitant heart symptoms are well neutralized using the fees from anise fruits and fennel, connecting them with flax and grass thyme in equal amounts. Then 1 tbsp. l. Grass poured boiling water (200 gr.) After that, the prepared herring is used for 3 reception throughout the day.

It should be noted that the treatment methods of folk therapy, especially in children, require the mandatory detection of the root causes of the disease. Depending on this, bronchial and cardiac symptoms will be removed.

In addition, treatment with the help of herbs implies an integrated approach, together with traditional treatments and mandatory consultation of the attending physician, which will avoid negative consequences.

In this article, we will not consider such exotic folk remedies, such as reception inside the ammonia alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. They are not only absolutely ineffective, but also can cause poisoning, burn mucous membranes and, ultimately, deterioration of the patient's condition.

Let's talk about phytotherapy of bronchial asthma and the use of beekeeping products.

In addition, be sure to take 0.5 h. L. 4 times a day of licorice root powder.

This amazing root is something like a hormonal preparation, only vegetable origin. It may gradually displace prednisolone prescribed by doctors (in no case can be canceled sharply).

With each small course, throw over one tablet on one tablet and at the end of the treatment generally stop accepting them. For the year it is necessary to spend 3 courses.

In the fall, just in case, to avoid an unexpected exacerbation with an epidemic wave of influenza, I recommend to take an additional small course of treatment, drinking the powders of licorice decoction mixture of a ribby with nettle.

    Prepare balsam from 250 g aloe, 0.5 liters of "Kahors" wines and 350 g of undelated honey. Before cutting the leaves, the plant does not water within 2 weeks. Sliced \u200b\u200bleaves wipe from dust (not to wash!), Cut and put in a glass jar, pour out "Korore" and honey. Mix everything thoroughly and insist 9 days in a cool place, then strain and squeeze. Take the first 2 days on 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, then 1 teaspoon 3 times in time.

    Aloe leaves are cut at the age of 3-5 years, kept in the dark 2 weeks at a temperature of 4-8 ° C, washed, crushed, poured with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 3, insist 1-1.5 hours and press juice. 0.5 cups of this juice are mixed with 500 g of chopped walnuts and 300 g of honey. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times in 30 minutes before meals.

    Composition of medication: plantain (leaves) - 1 part, elderberry elderberry (flowers) - 1 part, Rosyanka (grass) - 1 part, violet tricolor (grass) - 1 part. The four teaspoons of the crushed mixture are poured with a glass of boiling water, 5 minutes are kept in a water bath, after which it is cooled and filtered. The decoction is drunk during the day in 3 reception.

    A tablespoon of dry or fresh leaves of the plantain is largely pouring a glass of boiling water, insisted for 15 minutes, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day before meals. It is used as an antifier for diseases of the respiratory tract with abundant moocroty, including with bronchial asthma, cough and tuberculosis.

    Wash and clean from the peel of 400 g of ginger root, grate it on the grater, pour into the bottle and pour alcohol. Insist in warm or in the sun for 14 days, periodically shaking the bottle. The tincture should get yellow. Strain, squeeze and give to settle. Drink 2 times a day 1 teaspoon, drinking 3 sips of water, after meals.

    Thoroughly break 1 tablespoon of viburnum berries and pour a glass warm boiled water, add 1 tablespoon of honey and mix well. Bring the mixture to boil and boil on low heat for 20 minutes. Stir and strain again. The mixture needs to drink during the day, taking 1 tablespoon every 1.5-2 hours. Astmatics, prone to hypertension, it is better to take juice from fresh berries of viburnum 1 tablespoon 6-8 times a day.

    Effective bactericidal and softening agent in the treatment of bronchial asthma is garlic oil. For its preparation, soda on the grater garlic, mix it with salt and butter (per 100 g of oil - 5 large pieces of garlic, salt to taste). Garns oil can be eaten, smearing on black and white bread or adding to potatoes.

    250 g of ground coffee pour 0.5 kg of honey and mix thoroughly. Take small portions before meals. The prepared mixture is designed for 20 days of treatment. If you feel that you have become better, then the treatment can be repeated again. You can also mix 0.5 kg of honey, 100 g of butter, 70. g Khrenitz Khrena and garlic. Take 1 tablespoon per hour before meals for 2 months.

    Under the attacks of asthma, the massage of the upper body is very helpful - from the head down to the chest. You can make a massage using a talc or oily cream. For wet wet during the attacks, drink some sour wine or take soda on the knife tip. Valerian tinctures also helps (15-20 drops on water glass).

    Duram ordinary is used to treat patients with asthma. This plant has antispasmodic effect. Inside the tincture is taken, which is prepared from 1 part of crowded seeds and 5 parts of alcohol, insist 7 hours. When taking strictly observe the dosage: 2 drops on 3 tablespoons of water. Take 3-5 times a day, you can inhale her pairs of 15 minutes 3 times a day.

    40 heads of the seed onion pour boiling water and wait until they become soft. Then water drain and smear the bow in 0.5 liters of olive oil. Stew until readiness, after which itch to the consistency of mashed potatoes. Take in the morning and in the evening 1 tablespoon.

    2 heads of garlic and 5 lemons grate, pour boiled water temperature (1 l). Insist 5 days, then strain and squeeze. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

    With bronchial asthma, cough and chronic bronchitis as an expectorant with an anti-allergic effect, the agent use the decoction of the riser. A tablespoon of crushed grass is poured with a glass of boiling water, boiling 10 minutes, cool and take on a tablespoon 5-6 times a day.

    The fruits of Anisa ordinary, the grass of Thyme Czczuchy, the fruits of the fennel of ordinary and flax seeds sowingly mix. Four teaspoons of collecting a glass of indoor temperature, insist 2 hours, boil 5 minutes, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

    The fruits of the fennel of the ordinary, the fruits of the anise of ordinary, the roots of the licorice naked, the kidney of the pine ordinary and the grass of Thyme to smuggle in equal shares. 10 g of harvesting to pour 200 ml of water, heat at a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cooling 45 minutes, strain and bring the amount of infusion to the initial volume. Take 1 / 4-1 / 3 glasses 3 times in time.

    Take 4 teaspoons of crushed mother-and-stepmother leaves, brew glass boiling water, insist 30 minutes and strain. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day.

    Tymeyan's grass, a leaf of coltsfoot, the grass of a tricolor violet, the root of the high, the fruits of anise of ordinary mix in equal proportions. A tablespoon of the mixture to pour a glass of boiling water, insist for 30 minutes. Take 1/3 glasses 3 times a day after eating with bronchitis, bronchial asthma.

    150 g of fresh grated shine mix with juice 2-3 lemons and take after eating 1/2 teaspoon in the morning and after lunch, without drinking. This tool is intended only for adults.

    Mix porch the grass of thyme crawling, kidney pine ordinary, the fruits of Anisa ordinary, the fruits of the fenhel of ordinary. A tablespoon of a mixture to pour a glass of hot water, heated on a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cooling 45 minutes. Strain. Take 1 / 4-1 / 3 glasses 3 times in time.

    The shell of 10 raw eggs is free from the inner film, dry and confuse into powder, which needs to be pouring 10 lemons juice and put on 10 days in a dark place. The resulting mixture to strain through the gauze and mix with the other composition of the following preparation: 10 yolks to beat with 10 tablespoons of sugar and to the resulting Gogol-Mogol to pour a bottle of brandy. The resulting mixture (shell powder, lemon juice, yolks, cognac) thoroughly mix and take 30 g 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Shortly after reception, relief should come. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated.

    It is recommended to take a mummy of 0.2-0.3 g in combination with milk or with cow fat and honey (in a ratio of 1:20) in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime. Course of treatment 25-28 days. It is necessary to spend 2-3 courses with 10-day breaks.

    The root of the Altea of \u200b\u200bthe Medicinal and Grass Thyme to crawl mixed robust. Two tablespoons of a mixture of pouring a glass of boiling water, insist for 30 minutes. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day after eating with cough, cough, bronchitis, bronchial asthma.

    Mety-stepmother leaves, plantain leaves and pine kidney leaves all row. Four, tea spoons of the mixture insist 2 hours in cold water. Then boil in a closed glassware for 5 minutes. Strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

    Prepare the infusion of the following herbs: the root of AIRA - 50 g, the root of nine-time - 50 g, and-stepmother - 100 g, a richness - 100 g, the violet tricolor - 100 g, cyberous seed - 150 g. All herbs are crushed, mix. A tablespoon of collecting brew for night in a thermos 200 ml of boiling water. In the morning, strain and take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals and 4th time per night.

    During the attack, it is necessary to free yourself from the tight clothes, give the influx of fresh air, the hands of the hands and feet of the legs into hot water or put the mustard pieces, the heart area to rub the rag moistened in cold water with vinegar and salt (if, of course there is no pulmonary disease ), the temples of the patient rubbed cologne.

    Easy the strength of an attack of the top of the body from the head down, to the top of the chest and back. Massage needs to do something oily.

    When attacking, you can apply such a tool: to cook to soft potatoes, put it hot in a bowl, sit down, put a bowl in front of yourself, cover with a blanket with a blanket and breathe a ferry. At the same time, all the time drinks very hot teas from lingers (leaves and berries, fresh or dry). When it becomes easier to breathe, now go to bed and hide well.

    With a sudden (mostly at night), the attack swallow barley coffee with ice slices, sniffing the ammovary alcohol, to the icers to apply mustard pieces, the body to rub brushes. In the room of the patient, the air should always be fresh, do not allow smoking in the room, and if the window is smoked and cannot be opened, it should be very close to the headboard of the patient's bed to put a saucer filled with ammonia alcohol.

    With a weak attack, you can only be limited to one drink of very hot lingonberry tea. The following folk remedies are also good: drink daily on a cup of beard daily. For this, one teaspoon is taken with the top of dry leaves on a glass of boiling water, give it to boil in clay or enameled dishes, drinking like tea, giving a little broken. In aluminum or generally metallic dishes, no herbs can be cooking.

    The means of treatment with asthma belongs to continuous vomiting, especially after the sick of the radish. White Chemeritsa is also very useful, the beam of which is sticking to radish and leave it for a day. After that, the trick is pulled out, and radish eat.

    In addition, during asthma, it is necessary to ensure that the patient has a regular stool. This contributes to the use of salty fish or broth from the old rooster with a field bobber and beet. If it does not help, then the patient sing with barley water, which is boiled with juice juice for a long time. It is very useful to have a heating with honey. In writing during asthma, it is recommended to use seeds of sowing cress, fat hares, river fish, plantain. Such patients should not eat food, which leads to a swirling of the stomach. Useful honey drink, but you need to refrain from drinks after meals.

    It can be used for treatment and 1.5 g of valerian with the infusion of sea bow. The last remedy generally helps with asthma very well as one roasted sea bow with honey. Useful for asthma and cyannaya wormwood, ash, Dubrovnik, beaver jet, gold male.

    This is used from complex drugs: take Dubrovnik Polyum, Armenian Cyber \u200b\u200bWormworms, Dubrovnik Pine, Bobrinal Jet, Issop Ladan 4.2 g and mixed with honey. It turns out the amount of medication for two receptions.

    Very useful in asthma nine and his infusion. A mysteria with resin-resin, from which you can make pills or to take in liquid form with honey water can be strictly. You can also give a sulfur sulfur with the eggs sick.

    Out of oil with asthma, use sweet and bitter almond oil. For rubbing breasts, tavern oil and laurel oil, as well as dill.

    40 heads of the seed onion pour water and wait until they become soft. Then water to merge and put out in 0.5 liters of olive oil. Stew until readiness, after which itch to the consistency of mashed potatoes. Take an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening on one tablespoon.

    Patients suffering from bronchial asthma, Vanga prescribed the use of tincture of fresh leaves and a green oily-divider of walnut, as a means of effective anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antiallergic properties.
    The walnut tincture is prepared at the rate of 50 grams of crushed green octopuloder per 100 ml of forty-portus alcohol or vodka. It is necessary to insist in a dark bottle and in a dark place, but at least seven days with frequent scarce. The fluctuated tincture can be taken 25 drops for 15 - 20 minutes before meals 3 - 4 times a day, ranking it in a quarter of a glass of water. Children give so many drops as the child.

    Gold collection recipe: a glass of water, 1/2 cup of larops of May, 1/2 cup of aspen sheet, 1 teaspoon of fir fir (needles) mix, add 1/2 teaspoon soda, withstand 5 - 6 days in a dark place, Drink on one tablespoon 1 time per day during the week in the morning or before bedtime.

    • It is necessary to observe the sequence in the treatment of asthmatic bronchitis:

      Pour 1 cup of water into the kettle, add a teaspoon of soda. When the water boils, to put on the "Nose" of the teapot to wear a paper tube and raise this ferry 10 - 15 minutes to separate the sputum.

    To drink a glass of hot milk with slow sips, in which the teaspoon of heated healthy is dissolved (inner pork fat).

    Spin and chest dough grabbed a mixture: a teaspoon of health plus a teaspoon kerosene. Wear woolen clothes, to warm up well for the night.

    Continue such treatment 2 - 3 weeks. Like an expectorant and diuretic: Tea from the flowers of a clover meadow or a hunter with honey. Drink warm.

    Dried flower buds and stepmothers in powder. 12 grams of powder boil and take daily. The healing effect is enhanced if there is an apricot nucleoline powder in the same quantity. Mix to brew and take in 3 receptions during the day.

    10 - 15 grams of crushed hemp seeds boil into 1 cup of water or milk. Decoration to drink during the day for several techniques.

    Very good ginger tool. It is necessary to take the ginger, wash, clean from the skin, grate on the grater, pour into the bottle, pour alcohol. Insist on the sun or warm for two weeks until the tincture takes yellow color, time from time to time to shake. Strain, squeeze and give to settle.
    Find out on the bottom of the starch, and the tincture drinks it twice a day on a teaspoon on a half-table of water after breakfast or lunch (or lunch and dinner). From time to time to take a break for several days. At the same time, do not drink meat, keep the legs warm, before going to bed a warm bath. Sometimes ginger almost completely cures asthma.

    Also, the following mixture is also very effective: half aologram of honey, the same amount of bulk fat and butter mix 100 grams of cocoa and ten chicken eggs. Cook 1 - 2 minutes after a boiling, then stirring, cool. Take three times a day on a tablespoon, drinking warm milk.

    If the patient has inflammation of the gastric and intestine mucosa, it is recommended to add a fresh decoction of rice or oat flakes to be added to fresh juice of dandelion.

    2 kg of oats-grain, 200 grams of fresh leaves of Aloe and 200 g cognac and honey. To put everything in the enameled dishes, pour 5 liters of water and put into the oven for 3 hours - the temperature is like baking bread.
    After that, strain and add to 200 g brandy, aloe and honey. In the oven bring to a boil, take out, strain and squeeze. From 3 l of milk to get serum, add 1 cup of honey and 100 grams of crushed roots of nine. Put in the oven for 4 hours. When cooled, strain and squeeze.
    Both rags are kept in a cool place. After easy meal to take 3 times a day. Course of treatment from 2 weeks to 4 months. It is advisable to drink Mineral Water "Borjomi".

    2 heads of garlic and 5 lemons erase on a grater and pour 1 liter of boiled water room temperature. Insist 5 days, squeeze. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.


Poisonous plants in the treatment of asthma

Tincture whites. One glass of vodka pour 2 tbsp. l. White leaves. Insist two weeks in the dark, take no more than 2 drops on 1 tbsp. l. Waters and no more than 3 times a day.

Juice turnips. Considerable benefits can also bring vegetable plants. For example, turnip. Its clutch on the grater, press the juice through the gauze, boil it on a weak heat for 15 minutes. Drink one month over a third of a glass 4 times a day.

If asthma is accompanied by a cough, the mixture of the grass of the richness (3 tbsp) and nettle with burning shallow (2 tbsp).

Infusion of richness and nettle. Pour 2 tbsp. l. Mixtures of 1 liters of boiling water, insist an hour. Take half a cup of 6 times a day.

Broth of richness and nettle. 2 tbsp. l. Mixtures pour 1 liter of boiling water, to tomatize 30 minutes on a temperate water bath (every time you need to cook fresh decoction). Take 1 h. Every two hours for 2 weeks.

On the second course you can enhance the composition of the mixture, adding 1 tbsp. l. Tri-color violets, 0.5 h. Grass ephedra and valerian root. Second course to extend up to 24 days, then take a break for ten days.

In the break to prepare a decoction of the root of the watery: 0.5 tbsp. l. On a glass of boiling water, withstand 30 minutes in a water bath. Adults drink such a decoction of 1 tbsp. l. 5 times a day, children - up to 2 h. Two months later, repeated three courses.

Folk Recipes Vanga from Asthma

Medica from asthma

To prepare the medicine, you must take 2 tbsp. Spoons of the tincture of viburnum and vegetable glycerin, 1 tbsp. A spoon of tinctures from licorice, lobelia and clockon. Next, it is recommended to add to this mixture of 1 teaspoon of the ephedron and the pharmacy tincture of the cowbank and mix the total mass in the dark glass container.

Honey and Kurkuma

Another method that is recommended to treat asthma in children involves the use of turmeric. For the preparation of drugs, it is recommended to take the old root of the plant, shining it into powder (you can take the finished turmeric) and mix 1 tbsp. Powder spoon with 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. This mixture is prepared for simultaneous use.

It is important that the components of the mixture (honey and turmeric), used for the medicine, were not fresh, which makes it possible to more effectively cure the symptoms of the disease. In addition, honey with turmeric is actively used when cardiac symptoms are present. Regardless of the frequency of asthmatic seizures, the tool must be taken daily.

Pine cones

Often bronchial asthma in children are treated with pine cones. To do this, it is necessary to put in thermos 3-4 cones with a small piece of resin from the pine, the bay is 0.5 liters. Boiled milk. The mixture is left for 4 hours. It is recommended to drink 0.5-1 a glass of milk prepared 2 times a day: in the morning and before bedtime. The medical course ranges from 14 to 60 days.

    Several aspirin tablets are destroyed into powder, which is then pretty mixed with a small amount of pure pork fat. 10 days apply to the breast of the sick child the rag for which the mixture is applied.

    When Wantu asked, than to cure a child, a sick asthma, she advised to collect 40 leisses of mother-and-stepmother and, when they dry, bring them to her with a half-liter Rakia. Holding the leaves in her hands, Wanta ordered the father to wet them in Rakia and attach to the baby's chest. After this therapy, the attacks stopped.

    40 dried mother-and-stepmother leaves pour 500 g of Rakia (home vodka) and leave for the night. It should be treated like this: in the first evening, several sheets are put on the back (between the blades). The next evening - on the chest. So you need to alternate the leaves until they end.

    40 heads of the seed onion pour boiling water and wait until they become soft. Then water to merge and smear the bow in the floor-liter of olive oil. Stew until readiness, after which itch to the consistency of mashed potatoes. Take an on an empty stomach in the morning on one tablespoon.

    For the treatment of asthma, the roots of raspberries are effective. They must be collected during flowering or late fall. Summer collection does not give good. The roots are laundered from the ground, dried in the shade. For a decoction to take 50 g of roots by 0.5 liters of water. Boil 30 - 40 minutes. Giving a child to drink 20 - 30 ml of rage 3 times a day. With severe form, you can drink 6 times a day in the same quantity.

    300 grams of honey, preferably lime, waters and chopped aloe leaf cooking on slow heat for 2 hours. Store in a cool place. Giving a child on a teaspoon 3 times a day.

    If the child begins to choke, then before the doctor coming in this case urgently give a child 5 - 10 drops of vodka with a spoonful of water. Or 5 drops of campaign alcohol to pour into the sugar powder and pour into the child's tongue, give it with water spoons.

Starting the second course of treatment, I appoint a snicker juice that helps in violating the activities of the internal secretion glands, 1 h. 3 times a day, and before bedtime - a strong tea from the oregano. Drink in warm.

If Asthma is accompanied by an allergic sinusitis of household etiology, I recommend the herbal collection: a chamber (20 tbsp. L.), The crushed licorice root (5 tbsp) and the grass of a tricolor violet (5 tbsp). 2 tbsp. l. Raw with a glass of steep boiling water, to withstand 15 minutes in a water bath.

Strap after cooling, add boiled water to the source volume. Adults drink 50 ml of infusion 4 times a day before meals. Children, depending on age, give up to 2 tbsp. l. appointment. After an hour, the bronchial patency is significantly improved, it becomes easier to breathe, the attack is stopped.

If you take infusion within two weeks, you can for a long time to stabilize the state of the patient asthma.

It must be remembered that the riser is poisonous, in handling that requires caution.

Herbs and fees for the treatment of bronchial asthma

Phytotherapy of bronchial asthma should be aimed at eliminating the main factors providing the mechanism for the development of the obstruction of the bronchi. For this purpose, medicinal plants are used, which have pronounced anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antiallergic effects. They can be used both individually and in the form of fees.

Pine cones

The infusion of pine cones gives a good effect not only with bronchial asthma, but also with inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract (pharyngitis, bronchitis). For the preparation of infusion it is necessary to take 2 green pine cones and rinse thoroughly under running water. The cones are placed in a thermos, a small piece is added to them (no more than 2 cm in diameter) of the pine resin and poured half alert of boiling milk.

Balzam Recipe:

  • aloe leaves - 250 gr.;
  • honey - 350 gr.;
  • wine (high-quality korger) - 0.5 liters.

Before cutting leaves, aloe is not watered within 10-15 days. The collected leaves wipe away from dust slightly wet cloth. Then they break into small pieces and placed in a liter jar, poured wine and honey. Mix to completely dissolve honey and insist in the refrigerator 15 days. After that, the mixture strain through several layers of gauze, squeezing the leaves.

In the first two days, it is necessary to take on a tablespoon 3 times a day. Then the dose is reduced to a teaspoon 3 times a day.

This tool is intended only for adults. Since the formulation of alcohol its use in children is strictly prohibited in children!

Garlic butter

Treat bronchial asthma, bronchitis, ORVI with garlic, which has a pronounced bactericidal effect. For the preparation of garlic oil, it is necessary to take 100 g of softened cream oil and add 5 fine crushed garlic cloves to it, salt a little to taste. The resulting mixture is stored in the refrigerator and use, as well as the usual butter (used to prepare sandwiches, add to potato puree). Garns oil is distinguished by a pleasant taste and aroma, it is glad to eat not only adults, but also children.


Diet with bronchial asthma

rice, sugar, cottage cheese. It should also avoid roasted and other poorly digestible food, strong tea, coffee, seasonings, pickles, sauces and all refined and purified products. The use of warm alkaline mineral beverages (boor, etc.), which contribute to the liberation of bronchi from sputum is shown.

Bronchial asthma is an inflammatory respiratory disease that is difficult to treat treatment. The disease is mainly chronic, exacerbation periods are often replaced by remission. Medicinal preparations, inhalation and recipes of traditional medicine are used for treatment. Treatment of bronchial asthma by people's methods gives a good result, only if the doctor appointed by the doctor is parallel. Before using any unconventional method, a specialist consultation is required.

Features of treatment by folk methods

Before passing a recovery course of treatment using the recipes of traditional medicine, it is necessary to consult with a pulmonologist. This will avoid various complications and unwanted allergic reactions.

The use of different folk treatment methods helps to prevent asthmatic attacks in children and adults. Many of these methods are tested by patients and approved by doctors. In the treatment can be used therapeutic herbs, badger fat, massage, mustard pieces and many other means.

To determine what means can be used in each case, the pulmonologist conducts a special test that helps determine which components provoke allergies.

The treatment of bronchial asthma at home will be as efficient as possible if you follow these rules:

  • Do not exceed the recommended dosage. It is worth remembering that many medicinal herbs, batching fat and beekeeping products are harmful in large quantities.
  • If the people's recipe does not help for a week, it is replaced by another.
  • It should be understood that medicines are the main method of therapy.

It is not necessary to forget that traditional medicine helps to treat the cause of the disease, and the reduction course with the use of grass reduces the intensity of asthmatic seizures.

You can not use questionable recipes of folk signs, especially if the attending physician did not approve them!

Mustard pieces

A good effect in the treatment of bronchial asthma give mustard plasters. They activate the metabolism, contribute to the purification of the respiratory tract from the accumulated sputum And they stabilize the work of the whole organism as a whole. Before putting mustard pieces, asthmatics, it is advisable to make a special massage.

To put mustard pieces every day. For adults, it is enough for three times a week, children put compresses twice a week. Only fresh appliques are used that have a good shelf life.

The skin of small children is very gentle, so the mustard pieces are pushed through a layer of gauze. This approach avoids burns.

Pretty effectively the treatment of asthma in adults and children with a barcurate fat. This substance is used inside in its pure form, together with other components or is used as rubbing. Those people who cannot swallow fat due to a specific smell, acquire capsules with a barcurate fat at the pharmacy.

The most effective recipes with the use of batchuchea fat look like this:

  • Along the tablespoon of the leopard fat and propolis, it is melted on a steam bath, chopped ginger are added and mixed thoroughly. Take a teaspoon of the resulting composition and stir in a glass of boiling water. Drink such a drink 3 times a day before meals.
  • Tile of bitter chocolate, 100 grams of leopard fat and half a cup of honey drowned on a steam bath, mix well and shifted into a glass jar. Take such a drug need an empty stomach in the morning. Adults eat a dessert spoon, and tea is enough and tea.
  • In a glass of hot milk, a teaspoon of fat Barcuke and as much honey. Drink drink before bedtime.

Making the healing massage to asthmatics is preferably using a barcurate fat. It is not too much to take it, as it is badly rubbed. If after rubbing the patient feels a strong burning, the skin is wiping with a cotton cloth.

Barcuck's fat is preferably bought in a pharmacy. If the product is purchased from the hunter, it is pre-boiled in steam bath.

Bani use

Well heals bronchial asthma and bath. This method is considered one of the most pleasant in the treatment of illness. When breaking the body from the body, toxic substances and slag are derived, and the metabolism is significantly improved.

The bath cannot be considered a universal treatment, but it has a good strengthening effect. If the patient is visiting the bath once a week (only in the remission), he will notice his well-being improved, the number of seizures of suffocation will decrease and the severity of the rest of the symptoms of the disease will decrease.

In the bath you can inhale the pairs of drugs chamomile, melissa, mint, eucalyptus, plantain And many others. The pulmonologist will tell you how the collection is better to take the effect.

You can not go to the bath if a person suffers from hypertension, has chronic heart diseases or is ill with increasing temperature.


The treatment of bronchial asthma by folk remedies implies the use of viburnum. Berries can be applied fresh and dry, as well as in the form of juices and various info. Infusion is preparing at the following recipe:

  • A glass of viburnum berries is washed with running water and spend in a liter glass jar.
  • Add to the jar on a teaspoon of chopped grass chamomile and melissa, as well as a bit of ginger.
  • They pour a 0.5 liter of hot water to the jar and leave to appease in a cool place.

Take the resulting infusion 2 times a day for 1/3 cup. If the child refuses to drink sour drink, it is permissible to add some sugar to it.

For the treatment of bronchial asthma, Kalina berries are preferably collecting after the first frost. In this case, in the vegetable raw materials most of all useful substances.

Effective folk agent from bronchial asthma in adults and children is considered to peroxide hydrogen
. It is necessary to take it according to such a scheme:

  1. On the first day, 1 drop of hydrogen peroxide is dripped in ¼ glass of water and drink 3 times a day.
  2. For 10 days, 1 drop of substance is added daily. As a result, on the 10th day of treatment, the patient should drink three times a day with a solution of 10 drops in water.
  3. Next, take a break for three days, after which they continue to drink peroxide 3 days 10 drops dissolved in water, three times a day.

Treatment continues short courses. Three days I drink a solution of peroxide, 3 days do a break. Drinking such a medicine is needed an hour before meals or 2 hours after the meal.

Children take a medicine along the same scheme, only the dosage is significantly reduced. Children take 3 drops of peroxide 3 times a day. Teenagers increase the dose of up to 5 drops.

If after receiving hydrogen peroxide, discomfort in the stomach is felt, sweating and headache appears, then it is better to abandon such treatment.


To cure asthma forever at home will help the ammonia alcohol. In half a glass of milk, 3 drops of ammonia are pretty stirred and drink the resulting drink.. Drinking such a drug is needed 3 times a day an hour before meals or a couple of hours after eating. The duration of treatment is 1.5-2 months.

A few days after the start of the reception of such a means, the viscous sputum will begin to flip off, maybe even with an admixture of pus. In this case, it is impossible to stop treatment in this case, the ammonia with milk is dressed in a full course until the state is radically improved.


Remove the intensity of asthma attacks will help the recipes of traditional medicine using oats.

Recipe number 1.

Take 5 tablespoons of oats, washed, dried and grinding on a coffee grinder along with husks. The resulting flour is falling asleep in a saucepan, poured a liter of steep boiling water and insist for 2 hours, looking at a towel well.

Take the resulting infusion at half pasta, three times a day 20 minutes before each food reception.

Recipe number 2.

Take 2 cups of oats peeled from husk, washed with flowing water, peck into the pan and poured with two liters of boiling water. Water cooking on a weak heat, a little more than an hour, stirring constantly. After this time, the 0.5 liter of goat milk is poured and also boil about half an hour.

Capacity is removed from the fire, the mixture is slightly cool and filtered. When the composition is warm, it dissolves 3 tablespoons of the lime honey. Drink the resulting drink for half an hour before meat, half a glass.

Store oats-based drug formulations are in the refrigerator. Before applying, the necessary volume is cast and heated to a comfortable temperature.

Medicine Medicine

Help medicinal herbs with bronchial asthma. Medicinal Medicinal has long been applied to the treatment of respiratory diseases - bronchitis, pneumonia and tuberculosis. Prepare medicinal compounds in several ways.

Recipe number 1.

The grass of Issop crushes and fall asleep 4 tablespoons in a large thermos. Pour vegetative raw materials liter of boiling water and insist for two hours. After that, the composition is filled through a small strainer and take on a tablespoon 2 times a day. The first time they drink a decoction in front of breakfast, and the second time immediately before bed.

The course of such treatment is 1 month. After a break in 10 days, the course of treatment is repeated. Issop facilitates the detection of sputum and improves the patient's condition after an asthmatic attack.

Recipe number 2.

0.5 liters of water poured into a pan, 4 tablespoons of chopped Issop are poured and put on a weak fire. Be adjusted to a boil, stirring constantly, after which they insist 15 minutes and filter. Add a tablespoon of honey and drink 150 ml of ragland 3 times a day, two hours before meals.

Recipe number 3.

The tablespoon of crushed Issop is stirred with the same volume of coltsfoot and fall asleep vegetable raw materials in thermos. Pour the grass liter of boiling water and insist 3 hours. Take on half a cup in the morning before meals and in the evening before bedtime.

The folk remedies for the treatment of asthma complements the mustard oil. This vegetable component has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties and normalizes breathing.

The mustard oil is mixed with camphor oil in proportion 1: 1. The resulting mixture is used for rubbing the back and chest. After the problem, the patient's breathing is facilitated. Rubbing is best just before bedtime.

For the treatment of children, a mixture of mustard oil and camphores are bred in half by children's cream, and only then used for rubbing. This avoids irritation of sensitive skin.


In the treatment of asthma, the products of beekeeping are also played by national methods. Propolis has pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and warming properties. In the treatment of bronchial asthma, the patients are recommended to take on the alcohol tinctuction of propolis, 10 drops per 100 ml of water. Take the composition 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is a month, after which they make a couple of breaks and repeat the treatment.

It is not bad to help inhalation with propolis. Take 50 grams of bee wax and 10 grams of propolis, crushed these substances and put it to rush to the steam bath. After the mixture is well warmed up and becomes homogeneous, they rearrange themselves to the table, covered with a towel and inhale healing pairs. Spend inhalation 2 times a day, the duration of each 15 minutes.

Use for treatment products of beekeeping can be used only in the absence of allergies to this product. Otherwise, the state is only aggravated.


  • Take 2 tablespoons with a hollow holly holly and fall asleep into a glass jar.
  • Poured the grass with a glass of vodka and mix well.
  • They put a jar with tincture on a steam bath and withstand about half an hour, after which the composition is 8 hours.
  • After insisting, the infusion is filtered, overflow into a clean container and used for treatment.

In the morning, the empty stomach drink 1 tablespoon of the tincture of the obtained tincture and are hired by any seasonal fruit. At lunch, they drink another 1spoon of tincture, swaying with fruit, and 2 tablespoons drink 2 in bed. This method of treatment allows you to get rid of a strong cough in just a few days.

Treat children with tincture on alcohol is categorically prohibited. For the treatment of children use infusion cooked on water.

Although the bronchial asthma is a bad treatment, the quality of life of the patient can be significantly improved, if they treat asthma by folk remedies. It should be understood that the disease will not be able to win the disease, so do not give up the medicine that he registered the doctor. Applying any folk remedy, first should be consulted with the attending physician.