Structure and functions water system. Political system of society, its structure and functions

Correcting about the political sphere of public life, we usually imagine a combination of certain phenomena, subjects and existing persons who are associated with the concept of "politics". These are parties, the state, political standards, institutions (such as voting law or monarchy), symbols (flag, coat of arms, anthem), values \u200b\u200bof political culture, etc. All these structural elements of policies do not exist apart, independently of each other, and make up system - A combination, all parts of which are interrelated so that the change in at least one part leads to changes in the entire system. Elements of the political system are ordered, interdependent and form a certain system integrity.

By political system can be Call an ordered set of rules, institutions, organizations, ideas, as well as relations and interactions between them, during which political power is being implemented.

A complex of state and non-state institutions carrying out political functions, that is, activities related to the functioning of state power.

The concept of a political system is more capacious than the concept of "state administration", since it covers all persons and all institutions involved in the political process, as well as informal and non-governmental factors and phenomena affecting the mechanism of identifying and formulation of problems, to develop and implement solutions in the field state-power relations. In the broadest interpretation, the concept of "political system" includes everything that is related to politics.

The political system is characterized:

  • , traditions and customs.

The political system exercises the following functions:

  • conversion, that is, transformations of public requirements into political decisions;
  • adaptation, i.e. adaptations of the political system to changing social life conditions;
  • mobilization of human and material resources (cash, voters, etc.) to achieve political goals.
  • the protective function is the protection of the socio-political system, its initial basic values \u200b\u200band principles;
  • foreign policy - the establishment and development of mutually beneficial relations with other states;
  • consolidating - coordination of collective interests and requirements of various social groups;
  • distribution - the creation and distribution of material and spiritual values;

Classification of political systems

There are various classifications of political systems.

Under political culture Understand the part of the spiritual culture of mankind, which includes a combination of political knowledge, values \u200b\u200band behaviors, as well as political languages, symbols and traditions of statehood.

All elements of the political system, being in constant interaction, contribute to the implementation of important social functions:

  • determination of promising areas of social development;
  • optimization of society movement to their goals;
  • resource allocation;
  • coordination of the interests of various subjects; the introduction of citizens to active participation in politics;
  • development of norms and rules of behavior of members of society;
  • control over the implementation of norms, laws and rules;
  • ensuring stability and security in society.

The political system includes the following institutions:

  • and his;
  • socio-political movements;
  • pressure groups, or.


In relation to the political system, the party is divided into systemic and non-system. Systemic Forms a part of this political system and operate according to TE, guided by its laws. The system party is fighting for power by legal methods, that is, adopted in this system, in elections. Non-system parties Do not recognize this political system, fighting for its change or elimination is usually violent. Usually they are illegal or semi-face.

Party role in the political system It is determined by its authority and confidence of voters. It is the batches that formulate the state that the state is carried out when this party becomes ruling. In democratic systems, as a rule, the party rotation takes place: from the ruling they go to opposition, and from the opposition - again to the ruling. By the number of batch, political systems are classified as follows: single-party - authoritarian or totalitarian: bipartisan; Multi-Parliate (the latter prevail). Russian political system - multi-party.

Social and political movements

Social and political movements occupy a minor place in political systems. In terms of their goals, movements are similar to political parties, but they do not have charter and decorated membership. In Russia social and political movements for elections are not allowed: They cannot nominate their candidates for deputies; The organization claiming political goals, but not numbering 50 thousand members, is translated into public organizations.

Pressure groups or interest groups

Pressure groups, or groups of interest - trade unions, organizations of industrialists, large monopolies (especially transnational), church, media and other institutions - organizations that are not intended to come to power. Their goal is to have such pressure on power so that it will satisfy their specific interest - for example, reduced taxes.

All listed structural elements, state and non-governmental institutions operate, as a rule, in accordance with certain political standards and traditions that have been developed as a result of great experience. , let's say, should be elections, not a parody. For example, it is normal that at least two candidates are in each electoral bulletin. Among political traditions, it is possible to celebrate rallies, demonstrations with political slogans, meetings of candidates and deputies with voters.

Means of political influence

State power is only the government of the state, but the power of the entire political system. Political power functions through a whole complex of institutions and seems to be quite dismandable.

Estimates of political influence - This is a combination of political institutions, relations and ideas that personifies certain. The mechanism of such an influence is the boarding system, or a system of political authorities.

The functions of the system of political power authorities are reactions to the subjects entering this system: requirements and support.

RequirementsWith which representatives of the nlastical bodies are most often faced:

  • with the distribution of goods (for example, requirements concerning wages and working time, improving the work of transport);
  • providing public security;
  • improvement of sanitary conditions, conditions of education, healthcare, etc.;
  • processes in the field of communication and information (information on policy objectives and decision-made decisions, demonstration of cash resources, etc.).

Support The community strengthens the position of officials and the board itself. It is grouped in the following directions:

  • material support (payment of taxes and other items, providing services to the system, such as labor on the public basis or military service);
  • compliance with laws and directives;
  • participation in political life (vote, demonstration and other forms);
  • aTTENTION TO Official Information, Loyalty, Respect for Official Symbols and Ceremonies.

The reaction of the government system on the impact of various entities is grouped into three main functions:

  • rule-making (the development of laws actually determining the legal forms of the behavior of individual groups and people in society);
  • bringing laws;
  • control over the observance of laws.

A more detailed list of government system functions may look as follows. The distribution function is expressed in the organization of the creation and distribution of material and spiritual values, honors, status positions in accordance with the "Tabel" in this political system. The foreign policy feature implies the establishment and development of mutually beneficial relations with foreign organizations. Software-strategic functions means the definition of goals, tasks, ways to develop society, the development of specific programs of its activities. Mobilization feature involves attracting and organizing human, material and other resources to perform various public tasks. The function of political socialization is the ideological integration of social groups and individuals into the political community, the formation of collective political consciousness. The protective function is to protect this form of political relations in the community, its initial basic values \u200b\u200band principles, the provision of external and internal security.

Thus, responding to the impact of various policies, the Board system implements the changes in the community and at the same time supports stability in it. The ability to respond quickly and adequately to the requirements, to achieve the goals, to keep political relations within the framework of recognized norms ensure the effectiveness of the Board system.

Under the structure of the political system It is understood as the method of communication of its elements into a single, holistic system education, that is, the establishment of stable connections and relations between the elements of this system.

In legal literature allocate the following components, or subsystems, political system that are connected with each other and ensure the functioning of public authorities.

1. Institutional;

2. Regulatory;

3. Functional;

4. Communicative;

5. Cultural and ideological.

Institutional subsystem It consists of political institutions, each of which is also a system - state, party, socio-political, in turn, from private subsystems. The leading political institution, which focuses in itself the maximum political power is the state. A special role in the political system belongs to political parties and socio-political movements, including trade unions, organizations of entrepreneurs to all sorts of lobbying organizations created with the structures of the legislative and executive. On the one hand, they are important participants in the political process, carry out peculiar mediation between different state structures and the population. For this reason, they are sometimes united under the general concept of "political infrastructure". The specific place in the political system is occupied by such social institutions in nature, as the media and the church, which are able to significantly affect the process of formation of public opinion, and through it - to put pressure on political power.

Regulatory subsystem Forms all sorts of norms - legal and moral, political traditions, values, customs. With their help, the political system has a regulatory impact on the activities of institutions, the behavior of citizens, identifying the rules of their relationship.

Functional subsystemit is expressed in the forms and directions of political activities, in various political processes, in the method and methods of the implementation of power. It is the basis of the political regime, whose task is to ensure the functioning, transformation and protection of the mechanism of power and society.

Communicative subsystemit implies a set of relations and forms of interaction, developing between classes, social groups, nations, individuals on their participation in the implementation of power, developing and implementing policies. At the same time, these are relations based on the norms of law and informal norms and relationships that are not enshrined in the norms of law.

Political relations are the result of numerous and diverse relations of policies in the process of political activities. To join them and political institutions encourage their own political interests and needs.

Highlight primary and secondary (derivative) political relations. To first, there are various forms of interaction between social groups (classes, nations, estates, etc.), as well as inside them, to the second - Relations between states, parties, other political institutions reflecting the interests of certain social layers or the entire society.

Cultural and ideological subsystemit is a set of different political ideas, views, ideas, feelings of participants in political life. The political consciousness of the subjects of the political process operates at two levels - theoretical (political ideology) and empirical (political psychology). Forms of manifestation of political ideology include views, slogans, ideas, concepts, theories, and to political psychology - feelings, emotions, moods, prejudice, traditions. In the political life of society, they are equal.

In the ideological subsystem, political culture occupies a special place, an as complex of the typical of a particular society of political orientations, installations, values \u200b\u200band models of political behavior is occupied.

Political culture - This is transmitted from generation to generation experience of political activity in which knowledge, beliefs and models of human behavior and social groups are connected. Political culture ensures the stability of the political system of society and reproduction of political life on the basis of continuity.

In modern political science typology of political culture, Offered by scientists S. Verba and G. Almond. By choosing people to participate in political life as a criterion, they allocated three "clean" type of political culture.

1. Patriarchal political culture is characterized by a complete lack of interest among community members of political institutions, global political processes. Media of this type of political culture is focused on local values, indifferent to politics, installations and standards of the central authorities. This type of political culture is characteristic of developing countries in Asia and Africa.

2. The subdinctive political culture is characterized by the orientation of subjects to the political system, the activities of the central authorities. Her carriers have their own idea of \u200b\u200bpolitics, but do not take actively participating in it, waiting for the authority or benefits or order.

3. Civilian political culture inherent in modern developed democratic states. The carriers of this culture are not only oriented towards the political system, but also seek to be active participants in the political process. They obey the velves of power, but at the same time affect the development of decision-making by government agencies.

To date, it is rare to meet the "clean" type of political culture. For most modern societies are characteristic mixed types: patriarchal-subdinal, alleged-civilianand patriarchal civilian political culture.

The political system acts in the unity of all the specified subsystems that are closely interrelated and cannot function if at least one of the subsystems does not work properly.

The essence of the political system of society is most pronounced in its functions. Therefore, the characteristics of the political system will be incomplete without their consideration.

In the theory of systems under functionit is understood by any action aimed at maintaining the system in a sustainable state and ensuring its livelihoods.

You can select the following functions of the political system:

1. Function of political socialization. The admission of an individual to political values, following political behavior adopted in society, loyal to the institutions of power. This process involves the formation of the political consciousness of the individual, when the latter is included in the work of specific political mechanisms, due to which the political system is reproduced by introducing all new members of society to political participation and activities. Thus, political socialization plays the role of the mechanism for the preservation of political values \u200b\u200band system purposes, makes it possible to preserve the continuity of generations in politics.

2. Adaptation function. Preparation and selection of entities of power (leaders, elite) capable of finding the most effective ways to solve topical problems and offer them to society.

3. Response function. Using this feature, the political system responds to signals coming from outside or from the inside system. This feature allows the system to quickly adapt to changing conditions. This is especially important when new requirements of groups, parties appear. Ignoring these requirements can lead to disintegration and disintegration of society.

4.Extraction function. Extracting resources from the external and internal (natural, economic, social, etc.) of the medium.

5 . Distribution (distribution) function. Involves the distribution of the functional load between the various political institutions and the components of the political system, the distribution of resources among groups within the Company; Maintaining normal vital activity of the political system and ensuring its daily action and further development.

6.Regulation function. Impact on society. This impact may manifest itself by introducing norms and rules, on the basis of which individuals interact, as well as the use of measures in relation to violators.

Among the many concepts existing in the scientific literature, the definitions "political system" seems to us the most complete definition, which is given by Professor A.V. Malko:

The political system is an ordered basis on the basis of law and other social norms a set of institutions (state bodies,

In political parties, movements, public organizations, etc.) within which the political life of society occurs and political power is carried out.

Thus, the political system of society is a reflection of the political life of society as a whole.

Speaking about the structural elements of the political system, it should be noted that in legal literature there are many points of view on this issue. At the same time, in most cases, only its static, organizational and structural elements (parties, public organizations, funds, etc.) are considered as elements, which does not fully reflect the functioning, the practice of the political system, its dynamics in modern conditions. In this regard, the concept of the system involves the relationship, the interaction of all elements, their interdependence and dependence on each other, recognized to disclose its livelihoods as a system of complementary relations and relations between the subjects of the political system.

In legal literature allocate five structural elements of the political system, each of which characterizes the various sides of its livelihoods:

1. Institutional (organizational) element. Is the main in the political system, because It gives the system stability, forms its regulatory framework and other means of influencing society. This element includes government agencies, public associations (public organizations, funds, public amateur bodies, etc.) political parties - as a specific subject, etc.

2. The regulatory element includes the regulatory framework for the activities of the political system (political standards contained in the charters, political parties; the norms of the right to contain in the Constitution, the Federal Law "On Public Associations" and others; political customs and traditions (for example, the opening of the first session Parliament with the senior deputies);

3. Functional element. Discloses the content of specific actions and functioning in practice of this element of the political system (political actions - holding rallies, processions, demonstrations, picketing, etc.; Political processes - the process of formation of parliament, government, public opinion, etc.); acts of implementing functions inherent in the structural elements of the political system (for example, the actual nomination of the candidate for elective state bodies - there is an act of implementing the political party functions);

4. ideological element. Includes theories, submission, the concept of the basis and paths of its development, political consciousness in society, etc.;

5. Communication element. Includes all kinds of media and is those channels for which information on the activities of various components of the political system and decisions taken by those or other bodies are communicated.

It should be noted that the elements of the political system mentioned above are considered in their unity and relationships.

There is also a different classification of structural elements of a political system, which includes the following components:

· The political organization of the Company includes a state, political parties and movements, public organizations, labor collectives, etc.;

· Political consciousness characterizing the psychological and ideological aspects of political power and political system;

· Socio-political and legal norms regulating the political life of society and the process of implementing political power;

· Political relations that are developing between the elements of the system about political power;

· Political practice consisting of political activities and cumulative political experience.

In legal literature, depending on the various bases, the following types of political systems are distinguished;

1. By type of legal crops, political systems are divided into:

· Political systems with Roman-German legal culture;

· Political systems with English legal culture;

· Political systems with socialist legal culture;

· Political systems with religious and traditional legal culture.

2. Depending on the nature of the political regime are divided into democratic and anti-democratic.

3. By type of political cultures, political systems are divided into:

a) the Anglo-American system;

b) continental-European systems;

c) pre-industrial and partially industrial;

d) totalitarian systems.

4. According to the degree of participation of citizens in the political process, the following political systems allocate:

· Developing;

· Communist;

· "Liberal Democracy" for which a high degree of voluntary, but passive political participation is characterized.

In addition, the system is divided into open, i.e. having a dynamic structure and wide connections with other systems and closed, i.e. having a rigidly fixed structure and characterized by minimal connections with an external environment.

Speaking about the essence of the political system of society, it should be noted that it is most brightly manifested in its functions. The following functions of the political system are allocated in legal literature:

1) political calculus, i.e. Development of political goals relating to changes (strengthening) of power, political institutions, democracy development.

2) power-political integration, i.e. The use of policies and power to express the will of the whole people and the subordination of all the main links and society.

3) the function of regulating the regime of socio-political activity in society, i.e. The establishment of such behavioral and activities of people, groups, organizations, forms of their relationship between themselves, with the state that would ensure compliance with the common interests and sustainability of social relations.

4) the function of ensuring the integral management impact of the management subject to society as a whole, its spheres, sectors of the economy, culture, etc.

5) The function of organizing society as a whole.

6) the function of determining and distributing material and spiritual values, benefits in accordance with the interests and needs of each member of society.

7) approval of this socio-political system, ensuring internal and external security.


The topic "Political System of the Company" occupies an important place in the course of political science: its study allows you to make an idea of \u200b\u200bsociety as a complex organism, assimilate the characteristic features of its functioning, overcome a one-sided approach in policies analysis.

The problem of forming a political system is relevant to modern Russia, experiencing a transition to a qualitatively different state. Knowledge of the structure and functions of the political system makes it possible to understand the political processes taking place, determine their trends.

1 Structure

The prevailing point of view in political science on the structure is the allocation of such subsystems as institutional, regulatory, functional, communicative, cultural. Briefly reveal the content of each of the subsystems.

Institutional The subsystem consists of political institutions, each of which is also a system of state, party, socio-political, representing, in turn, private subsystems.

The fundamental basis of the political system as a whole and its institutional subsystem is the state. It is a domineering support of the existing social system, has a significant impact on the activities of other subsystems. The state has a monopoly law on the territory controlled by him, on behalf of the whole society, internal and foreign policy, publish laws, regulations, mandatory for the entire population, to charge taxes, various payments, control compliance with laws and legal norms up to the use or threat of physical coercion.

In the boundaries of the political system, various political parties, socio-political movements, professional unions, youth organizations, organization of entrepreneurs, creative associations, all sorts of lobbying organizations in the structures of the legislative and executive branches of power, the pressure group.

Special place in the political system is occupied by religious associations. Their impact on real policies is carried out through the participation of believers from political life.

Regulatory The subsystem is all sorts of norms. The norms of law, the Constitution, which serve as the main regulator of social relations, ensure the normal functioning of not only government agencies, but also public organizations, without interfering in the internal activities of the latter. The regulatory subsystem includes political traditions, morality, ethics of political life.

Functional The subsystem is expressed in the forms and directions of political activities, in the methods and methods of the implementation of the authorities, the relationship of the state, society, individual, that is, political mode. Modern science allocates such modes: democratic, authoritarian, totalitarian.

Communicative The subsystem includes a variety of forms and principles of interaction both within the political system and between political systems of countries. An important element of the communicative subsystem is the media acting as government agencies and as parties, mass community organizations. Their impact on political life as an important channel for the formation and expression of public opinion and publicity, as well as informing the public about the events, activities of the state, parties, movements.

Cultural The subsystem is a complex of values \u200b\u200band samples of behavior that meet the needs of the development of this political system and involving citizens in political life, approval and support by their existing power, participation in decision-making processes, elections, etc. The political consciousness is a great influence on the functioning of the political system - the perception and awareness of the world of politics, political processes and events of the person, social group, society as a whole. One of the forms of public consciousness is a political ideology, which expresses the interests of certain social groups and justifying ways to achieve their goals.

A fastening factor of the structure of the political system are political relationsIn the process of which all spheres of the Company's vital activity are ensured. The special role of political relations is that they express relationships on the public authority of large groups of people - classes, nations, social groups.

2 functions

Under functions The political system is understood as its standardized effect, which helps to maintain the achieved state and further development. The initial objective requirements for the political system are in ensuring its safety and stability. Functions include everything that promotes the self-preservation and effectiveness of the political system. The functions of the political system are not unchanged, they are constantly developing, updated taking into account the specific historical situation. You can select the following functions:

1) determination of the objectives of the Company's development;

2) power-political integration;

3) regulation of the regime of socio-political activities;

4) legitimation of the political regime;

5) ensuring a holistic management impact on society;

6) conflict resolution;

7) mobilization of resources, etc.

Otherwise, these functions can be designated as "coordinating, integrative, aimed at achieving adequate reflection of priority social interests in the political decisions made" (see Farukshin M. Political System of the Company. // Social and Political Sciences, 1991, No. 5).

The American political analyst G. Almond proposed to divide the functions of the political system to "incoming" and "outgoing".

"Incoming" functions:

1) political socialization and involvement in politics;

2) articulation (expression) of interests;

3) aggregation (integration) of interests;

4) political communication.

"Outgoing" functions:

1) rule-making;

2) use of rules and norms;

3) control over the compliance of rules and norms

Political system of society - organized on a unified regulatory basis a set of relations of political actors related to the implementation of power (government) and society management.

Forms of political systems:

· Democracy

· Theocracy

The following components of the political system, determine which elements it consists, as they are interrelated among themselves:

· organizational (Institutional) Component - Political Organization of the Company, which includes the state, political parties and movements, public organizations and associations, labor collectives, groups of pressure, trade unions, church, media.

· culturalComponent - political consciousness characterizing psychological and ideological parties

And political system (political culture, political ideas / ideologies).

· normative Component - socio-political and legal norms regulating the political life of society and the process of implementing political power, traditions and customs, moral norms.

· communicative Component - informational relations and political relations, developing between the elements of the system about political power, as well as between the political system and society.

· functional Component - political practice consisting of forms and directions of political activities; Methods for the implementation of power.

Allocate the following functions of the political system:

· Ensuring political power for a certain social group or for most members of this company

· Management of various spheres of life activity of people in the interests of individual social groups or most people

· Mobilization of funds and resources necessary to achieve these goals and tasks

· Detection and representation of the interests of various subjects of political relations

· Satisfying the interests of various subjects of political relations through the distribution of material and spiritual values \u200b\u200bin accordance with those or other ideals of a particular society

· Integration of society, creating the necessary conditions for the interaction of various elements of its structure

· Political socialization (by means of which the political consciousness of the individual is being formed and it is included in the work of specific political mechanisms, thereby reproducing the political system by learning all new members of society and encourage them to politically and activity).

· Legitimation of political power (that is, the achievement of a certain degree of compliance of the real political life by official political and legal norms).

8.Political regimes, their classification.

Political regimes - A combination of funds and methods for the implementation of political power, reflecting the degree of democraticness of the relationship between the State-Wa with a person and society.

Character floor. The mode is determined:

interests of political groups, on which the regime of the democraticness of funds and resources of the role of violence and coercion into the state is based on the role of violence. Management of compliance with the rule of law by the attitude of the authorities to the rights and freedoms of a person by the level of the floor. Participation and floor. Cultures of citizens by the capabilities of the free rivalry of the ruling and opposition elite

Signs of democratic regime:

The source of power is the people; The presence of a "middle class" - social. The basis of democracy; State Device on the principle of "separation of the authorities"; All that is not prohibited by law is allowed; floor. Pluralism, favorable conditions for the development of civil society

Signs of totalitarian regime:

Comprehensive monitoring of state over society; dominance of ADM.-Command Management Methods of Management Society; The head of the state and government is the leader, not accountable to citizens; The principle "It is prohibited by everything that is not permitted by law"; Power manipulates public consciousness and behavior

Unlimited power of one person or state. Organ; methods of coercion, the desire for total control over society; Closed methods of selection and nomination of state. Persons; prohibition system; State Structures manipulate consciousness and behavior of citizens

Oligarchy- The power of a few, the form of state. Control, with a cat. Manages the society a small group of financial capital representatives.

Politia - State. Board combining the principles of monarchy, aristocracy and democracy.