What is the difference between the brain and the behavior of right-handers and left-handers. Leftshies: The view on the other side of the left-handed brain is more prone to mental disorders.

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Different people live in the world. Louds have always caused special interest and some wary of the attitude of others, they excited surprise and curiosity. In the Middle Ages, people who were made with his left hand burned on the bonfires. In the modern world they were trying to treat forcibly. And, nevertheless, every year Left is becoming more and more. If you believe statistical data, today they are born twice as many than 24 years ago. And according to the forecasts of scientists by 2020, their number on Earth will translate over a billion.

The relevance of the topic - in society there was an ambiguous attitude towards left-handedness, some consider it a serious disadvantage, others - manifestation of genius. The existence of such extreme points of view indicate a small study of this phenomenon. The number of newborn left-handed has increased, and what to do the parents of the left-handed child, and not, we will study during the work.

Levorhood is the feature that is clearly visible.

August 13 marks the International Day of Leishem. Where does the Leophority be taken from? What to do: be upset or rejoice if you or your child is left-handed? What is the peculiarity of people who dominate the left hand? Leopiness is a "gift of fate" or "punishment"? What needs to be done to make the most adapt to the right-point world?

The purpose of the work is to identify the causes of the development of left-handed, positive and negative sides for the left, to find the answer to the question: Is it worth moving left-school? Give recommendations to the parents of the left-handed children.

1. Give the definition of left-handedness, study data on the causes of the development of left-handedness in science, analyze the positive and negative sides in the life of the left-handers, to study the consequences of the reappearance of the left-handed.

2. To reveal the left-handed among the students of School No. 18, to perform a comparative analysis, to make a genealogical tree of the left-handed family.

3. Show the results of the study of the work performed, answer the question: "Is it worth moving left-handed?", Give recommendations to the parents of children-left-handers.

The object of the study is the human population

The subject of research is left-hand among people.

Research methods:

Study of the theoretical part;

Comparative analysis;


Preparation of the genealogical tree

Practical significance: This work will introduce the peculiarities of the left-handed people, will learn the causes of the development of left-handedness, as well as, answer the question "Is it worth moving left-school?", Give recommendations to the parents of children-left-handers.

1 leopard among people

1.1 Definition of leftovers

"In nature, the movement goes to right.

All shining and their satellites describe the circular paths from the east to the west.

Human right hand developed better than left ...

Curls of the shell, with rare exceptions, wrapped right to left.

And if there is a sink-left-hander, experts appreciate it on the weight of gold. "

Jules Verne

The hand is "the most polyfunctional organ of motor activity." Many asymmetry symmetry symmetry, the most common notation is: right-handed, left-handed, ambidex.

Levorhood is not pathology and not a lack of development. Levorhood is a very important individual feature of a person. The hypothesis was put forward by the hypothesis that in antiquity humanity in the overwhelming majority was levoryuk. The predominance of the right hand appeared later as a result of evolution. The left hand has great potential. It rustier to static loads, more precisely determines on the touch form of objects, it reaches a given effort.

Left -sha is a person preferably enjoyed by his left hand instead of the right. Levorhood - congenital or forced use of his left hand. These individual features depend on the dominance of one or another hemisphere of the brain.

And here it is appropriate to remember the name of the French doctor of Brock Field, who drew attention to the fact that paralysis of the right hand is very often accompanied by a violation of speech, and during paralysis of the left limb, it is usually not suffering.

What is the separation of functions between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Responsibility for different activities are divided between them. Moreover, one of the hemispheres is dominant, and another subdominant, i.e. subordinate. In this case, there is a cross process: the right half of the human body is controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain and vice versa. Thus, the right-handers in the body dominates the left side of the brain, and the rightmost is right.

The right hemisphere processes information simultaneously, it perceives the world of vividly, colorfully, figuratively, holistically, and does not calculate it; It is responsible for emotions, intuitive abilities, the ability to synthesize, understand humor, is responsible for spatially visual functions;

it relates sensitively to intonation (while the left hemisphere is not able to distinguish the shades of emotions in his voice), to the facial expression, it is musical. Given this characteristic, it is appropriate to recall the genius of left-handed, then there are those who dominate the right hemisphere.

The percentage of gifting among the left-handed people is extremely high: Alexander Macedonian, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Charlie Chaplin, Albert Encen.

In music: Mozart, Beethoven.

In painting: Leonardo da Vinci, Rafael, Rubens.

Actors: Robert de Niro, Julia Robert, Bruce Willis, Tom Cruise, Sylvester Stallone.

Computer genius - Bill Gates.

It is advisable to determine the leading hand in 4-5 years, because, starting from 16-20 weeks to 2 years, the child has a wave-like change of "managing". From 2 to 4 years, the hands are almost equal equal and equally active, and most of the action takes place with both hands. And only aged 4-5 years, the child prefers one of the hands.

Lefts make up 10-17 percent of our planet's population. In Russia, their order of 15-18 million people. Moreover, the domestic army of the Levorukhua increases the year from the year - since the popular education left, finally, unlike students alone. The following is known: among children of the right-handed parents of left-handers are approximately 2 percent, if one parents of Personaruk - 17 percent, in two left-handers - 46 percent. There are approximately 9-11 percent of the left-handed children in the world, but in our country - almost 25 percent. This fact is explained by one regrettable circumstance: a rare Russian mother gives birth without problems. Pathology in childbirth reaches 70 percent.

The increased number of left-handed among the twins. In statistics, the one-way twin of the Lefty man has a 76% chance to be left, the reasons for this are identified as partially genetic and partially environmental

Among the population of South Asia, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia occurs a much more left-handed than in other ethnic groups around the world, while among the population of Western and Northern Europe, Africa - left-handed is much less.

1.2 Data on the reasons for the development of left-handedness in science

Theories of origin of left-hand:

The asymmetry of the hands is explained by the asymmetry of other bodies (Aristotle).

Mirror symmetry of Lefty's brain (V. Ogl, 1871)

Social theory of left left. Levorhood is the result of habit (S. Jackson, 1905).

Levorhood is the result of emotional negativism (Z. Freud).

Separation of functions between the left and right hemispheres of the brain (A.V. Semenovich, 1950)

1. A person can be a "compensatory" left due to any damage to the brain, more often - its left hemisphere. The activity of the right hand is mainly regulated by the left hemisphere and therefore in case of injury (may be generic) or illness, the corresponding functions can take on the right hemisphere. Thus, the left hand becomes the lead, that is, more active when performing household actions, and afterwards, most often with a letter.

2. Testosterone: According to the theory of neuropathologist Norman Geshevind, exposure to high doses of testosterone before birth can lead to the birth of a child-left-handed. As Norman Gesvind believes, testosterone affects the rate of prenatal height of the semi-of developing brain and is responsible for possible differences in the structure of the brain in men and women. The high content of testosterone during the period of intrauterine development according to Geshevind slows down the growth of the left hemisphere in the male fetus compared to female and contributes to the relatively greater development of the right hemisphere in male people. 3. Theory of ultrasound: Popular theory regarding the fact that surveys with ultrasound can affect the brain of future children. It is believed that this can cause the development of left-handed. The theory has very limited use (only in humans and only in developed countries in the last few decades) and cannot explain anything and predict.

4. Evolutionary theory of asymmetry V. A. Geodakian: Rule of Rule and Legurance is not pathology, but normal, adaptive phenotypes for a stable and volatile medium governing the behavioral plasticity of society. The embryo prevails more ancient biological right hemisphere that controls the left hand. In the best conditions, the intensive development of the left hemisphere leads to the fact that sooner or later it overtakes the right hemisphere and there is a complete translocation of the dominance of hemispheres and arms, that is, the left-handedness goes to the trans-right hand (the prevalence of the left hemisphere of the right hand). Extreme conditions (ecological and psychological stress of the mother) create hypoxia, oppressing a more sensitive left hemisphere of the embryo.

Archaeological data speak in favor of the fact that after the initially the same use of both hands (symmetry), asymmetry occurred towards preference to use the right.

5. In 2008, British scientists found the "Government gene". The LRRTM1 gene plays a key role in the formation of speech and emotion.

6. In 2012, the Canadian researcher S.Korny found that the letter preferred with his left hand is more often born in later marriages than young parents. Physiologically normal for childbearing age from its point of view - 18-24 years. It made certain calculations, according to which the 30-35-year-old parents of the left is born by 25% more, in 35-39-year-olds - already by 69%, and in 40-year-old dads and mothers the likelihood of the birth of a child-left-handed to 100%.

Conclusion: To date, several theories are known for the causes of the development of left-handedness in science, but none has been proven with accuracy.

1.3 Positive and negative sides in Leftshies

Positive sides

There are in the "Level" and its advantages.

1. Forced to adapt to the "right-handed" world, left-handers, as necessary, develop both hands, while right-handers actually act alone. That is why many left-handers have an advantage and seek serious success in some sports. Legal tennis players, fencers, boxers, fighters do not like - with them it is inconvenient to compete.

2. Lefts have more chances to be geniuses - or having a high IQ.

3. British scientist Chris McManus, in the book "Right Hand, Left Hand" proves that throughout the human history of Levshi achieved higher achievements than right-handed.

4. Levorya men earn more money than right-handed.

5. Leftshies are better seen under water.

6. As a rule, Leftches are better playing video games than right-handed.

7. Legshy, it is easier to transferred and restored after the stroke than right-handed. 8. Lefters drivers are more successful when teaching driving than right-handed. 9. Summary in sports.

Recently, more and more special stores for levoryuk or departments in ordinary stores have become in the world lately, where everything can be purchased for left-handers - from knives and forks to golf kits, musical instruments and computer accessories.

Negative sides

Of course, certain difficulties will always go to the leg with Lefty. The right-handed world will try to substitute the footboard every time, as soon as the left-hander will dyate to something developed, left hand. We will have to get used, learn, adapt. Or search for an alternative - buy special items for left-handers.

1. Many things - ranging from scissors, cameras and computers and ending with sewing machines, automata and turnstiles in the subway, - "sharpened" under the right-handed people.

2. Lefty is more often right-handed production injuries.

3. The left-hander is much more likely to have diseases of the musculoskeletal system, because the tools and equipment are developing for those who better possess their right hand.

4. The handwriting can present big problems, as as the left-handed child learns to write, he often hurts the already written line, thereby smearing the ink on the page.

Conclusion: the positive sides are much more negative.

1.4 Relief of the left-handed as it were, the consequences

- I was undeservedly offended and insulted precisely because I didn't have that hand was the main thing,

And the first who offended me and insulted - it was a mother. Herself, being left-hand, she beat me for it ...

- Share the memories of Victor Sukhorukov.

Previously it was considered: left-handed anomaly, it is necessary to get rid of it. Many who endowed with this gift, parents and teachers tried to move back in childhood. Until 1986, a special program for the reappearing left-hander was worked in the USSR, starting at the kindergarten. No one thought that the reappearance of such children led to tragic consequences: they rushed natural ties between the hemispheres of the brain, neuroses began and stress. "I buried, I suffered, I cried, I did not know what to do with it," admitted in the film of Sukhorukov.

In the USSR, it was believed that the left-handed children need to be mentioned that with the letter they used only the right hand. Only years later, the negative consequences of violent transformation were noticeable and were recognized, as a result of which in 1986 at the legislative level abolished the need to reappel the left-hander.

Levshi's reaption is a unsuccessful attempt to remake the biological nature of the child. It can be forced to write and eat right hand, but it is impossible to change the leading hemisphere of the brain.

As the Soviet experience showed, the reaption leads to a significant deterioration in the mental and physical health of the left-handed. This state got a name « dextstastrass » According to A. P. Chuprikov. Dextstrastress - Psychophysiological stress tested by the Levorukham in the conditions of pressure of the right-handed environment.

In the brightest form "Dextstastrass" manifests itself with the violent reappearing of the left-handed children and ban on the left hand. The consequence of it is the deterioration of the child's health: the appearance of various neurotic and neurosis-like states (depression, fears, night enuresis, stuttering, etc.), the aggravation of the hidden consequences of perinatal hypoxic encephalopathy - up to epilepsy.

In the process of violent reappection, the child becomes a hot-tempered, capricious, irritable, sleeping restlessly, his appetite decreases. Later, more serious disorders appear: frequent headaches, constant lethargy. According to medical statistics, every third child with stuttering is the left-handed left.

Violations can manifest itself both in one and in the complex. In addition, retraining is fraught with the fact that the child will be bad to study at school, and later at the Institute.

The leaning left-handed man who has adapted to uncomfortable the right type of motor behavior, retains all the features in the sensory sphere and neuropsychic activity.

Today, teachers and parents have no reasonable reasons forcing children to change their hand. The proposed explanations are stacked in the range from: "It's unpleasant to look when a person writes with his left hand" to "The world is created for the right hand, and my left-handed child will be in a losing position." All this is unconvincing, and these excuses often mask a common prejudice against left-handed prejudice, which now quickly disappears!

Conclusion: reappection causes irreparable damage to the child's health.

2 Practical research

2.1 Detection of left-handed among students of school №18

Ancutting among students of school №18. Annket is presented in Appendix A. These questionnaire results are presented in Figure 2.1

Figure 2.1 - Results of the survey among students of school number 18

Conclusion: by conducting survey among students of School No. 18, 2 left-year-old children from 74 were revealed.

Data on the attitude of students and teachers to the left is presented in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2 - The ratio of students and teachers to the left

Conclusion: 4 people consider levuty by deflection in development, 73 people - an ordinary feature, 7 people - genius.

In Appendix B, the photos are represented on which the left-hander is recognized using certain tasks: "Castle of the brushes", "Pose of Napoleon".

2.2 Comparative analysis of the implementation of the same type between left-handed and right-handed

A) Knitting - right-hand it is easier to cope with the task, and Leftche teacher could not pass the skills of knitting.

B) Opening the door - the door is arranged for the right hand, right-hand it is convenient to open, Leftersh - no.

C) Using a spoon for cream - a spoon nose is arranged on the right, right-hand it is convenient, Left -sha is experiencing difficulties in use.

D) left-handed and right-hander sit at one desk - interfere with each other to write.

E) left-handed, trying to write with his right hand he has discomfort and inconvenience, the handwriting is distorted.

Photos are presented in Appendix V.

2.3 Genealogical Tree of Left Wheel

In the section "Data on the reasons for the development of left-handedness in science", there is a theory that, in 2008, British scientists found the "gene left-hander". The LRRTM1 gene plays a key role in the formation of speech and emotion.

Based on the proposed theory, a genealogical tree of the left-handed family was drawn up, where the transfer of the LRRTM1 gene is traced. Appendix G.

3 Leopard - not pathology

3.1 Research results

After analyzing the positive and negative sides in the life of the left-hander with the help of theory and practice, it was found out that the advantages of the levuty are much more than the minuses. In the modern world, stores are open to acquiring devices specifically for left-handed, left-handers are smoothly rebuilt on the right hand as necessary, to date, the left-hander does not exterminate, according to Figure 2.2. These are as common features.

Having studied how it was reappeared in the USSR and to what psychological and physical consequences it leads to a conclusion: difficulties arising from left-handed in the process of conducting experiments do not justify the violent reincarnation of children-left-handers.

Levorhood is not pathology and not a lack of development. Levorhood is a very important individual feature of a person.

But this is why it happens, no one knows. And if you were born left, it means that you automatically got into the list of mysteries of nature. And let your share fall a lot of tests, you are left-hand, and therefore - cope. You are available from the original face of thinking, you look from a special point of view on everything. Your approach to any topic may be so unusual that right-handed will be in bewilderment to swing heads.

How to behave parents of the left-handed

Of course, it is important to always remember that the child has a leading hand - left. However, what exactly should not be done, so it is:

It is overly reminded to him about the left-handedness, highlighting it to incorrect with most of the people - neither a child nor others should see something anomalous in it. Such an attitude towards left-handed road to reduced self-esteem and shyness.

Praise for left-handed - a child can form an opinion that it is allocated only by the fact that he is left-hand.

Each time you specify whether it is convenient to keep items - it is better to just be observing, sometimes offer a decision or help, and always try to put yourself in place of the child-left-handers.

And of course, you should not move a child - this is the real "violence" above the brain of the baby.

What classes come to the left handed

Due to the fact that a small left-handed brain hemisphere is the right, more creative, creative and figurative, such children often show interest in various kinds of art: painting, painting, dance and music can very much like your child.

Some noted that all the leftists unites inquisitiveness, the desire to know the device of this world. This trait of character helps in the development of natural sciences and those disciplines where their magnificent sense of space can be applicable: geography, geometry and so on.

Well, do not forget about the harmonious physical development of the left-handed child. Sports such as running, boxing, tennis, sports gymnastics and gaming sports are perfectly given to levoryech children.


The first chapter shows the definition of left-handedness, data on the reasons for the development of left-handed in science were studied. To date, several theories are known for the causes of the development of left-handedness in science, but none has been proven with accuracy. The positive and negative sides are analyzed in the life of the left-hander, the positive parties are much more negative. The consequences of reappection of the left-handed, reappection causes irreparable damage to the child's health

The second chapter revealed left-handed among students of School No. 18, by conducting survey among school students, 2 left-handed children from 74 were revealed.

A comparative analysis was performed, a genealogical tree of the left-handed family was drawn up.

In the third chapter, the results of the study of the work performed are shown, the answer to the question "Is it worth moving left-handed?" The recommendations of the parents of Lefters are given.

Objectives and work tasks have been achieved.

List of used literature

1 Bezruchy M.M., Dubrovinskaya N.V., Farber D.A., Child psychophysiology. Psychophysiological foundations of children's valeology: M.: Vlados, 2000, from 144.

2 Burenkova E.V., Features of interpersonal relations of the left-handed people. 2014 from 170.

3 Britina N.N., Dobrozhotova TA, human functional asymmetry. 1998 with 240.

4 Rose N. D., Functional asymmetries. Motor asymmetry. 1970 G. P. 361.

5 Chuprikov A.P., Identification of left-handed children and psychohygien of left-handed children. // Methodical recommendations, 2011, since 191.

6 Internet resource: http: //www.gazeta.zn. Right left hand

7 Internet resource: http://www.Labirint.ru. Putting books and some goods for left-handers and left-handers

8 Internet resource: http: //www/leftorno.ru. Store convenient for left-handed goods

9 Internet resource: http://www.lefthandwriting.ru. Stationery for left-handers, handles, pencils, rules, erasers

Appendix A.

Appendix B.

Detection of Levshi.

Appendix B.

Performance of the same type of work right-handers and left

Opening doors

Using a spoon for cream

Lefty writes with her left hand, right-handed right

Left -shest tries to write with right hand

We live in an asymmetric world without noticing it. Many things you see, only when they begin to cause you inconvenience. Leftshies, being in a world adapted for the right-hander, are forced to accept the fact that the lever of the car gearbox, the school pass, the computer keyboard is created as if specifically in order to spoil them, left-handers, life. Machines and sewing machines, locks and scissors - everything serves exclusively to the right-handed people. The asymmetry of the universe is painfully reminded of itself left-handers and during sports competitions, and in the army, and even with ordinary handshake.

And nevertheless, it is left-handed by many (too many that it was an accident) ingenious creations of humanity - the work of Raphael, Michelangelo, Durera, Roden, Leonardo da Vinci, Rubens, Picasso. Alexander Macedonsky, Caesar, Karl Great, Napoleon, Zhanna d'Ark were left-handers. Left hand recorded their insights Aristotle, Newton, Einstein, Tesla, Pavlov, Maxwell, Poincare ...

But with left-handedness often associated not only creative activity, but also the weird behavior and even mental illnesses. Among people suffering from schizophrenia, autism, attention deficit syndrome, also a lot of left. And even they say among homosexuals. Payback for talent? Incorrect, in general, some of these leftys. And not only in the hands of the case here - they have something with their heads. To the left-handers have long been suspiciously: the left side has never been associated with nothing - "go to the left", "get up from the left leg", "left income" ... whether the "right" business is the right, legal, truthful, righteous ...

The dominance of one hand is characteristic not only to people. Many monkeys have one hand plays a leading role, and the second is subordinate. But the primates are about the same as the same way, and we have the ratio of 9 to 1. By the way, this ratio changes: a new generation one left-handed is already five right. Who are these left persons, are they "not like everyone else" and why are there less than right-handers?

Why are some people - Lehshi, and others - right-handers?

No one answered this question yet. There is a mass of hypotheses, myths, assumptions - from genetic predestulation to social factors.

The case is complicated by the fact that Leftches are different. Some are born by the left-handed (although we can not find the law of inheritance in families where many left-handers) is a genetic option.

The second option is compensatory: the child becomes left-handed as a result of some unknown while dysfunction in the development of the brain. There are almost as much such children as with genetic leftovers. Although in many countries with a good placement system, the share of the compensatory version of the left level is only about 10%.

Strictly speaking, left-handed degree of severity. There are highly pronounced left-handers who can not make anything right hand. There are more moderate options. The same and right-handers. There are ambidexters - people who are equally well owned by both hands. Therefore, the concepts of "left-handers" and "right-hander" are very relative.

The people are common in the opinion that the left right-handed brain hemisphere is more developed than other people. How valid is it?

The idea that the left-handed people are affected, and the right-handed leisure, is the myth, and the old one is quite old, he was 200 years old. It was previously thought that the activity of the right hand is regulated only by the left hemisphere of the brain. It was believed that if somehow the work of the left hemisphere is disturbed, the child can become left-handed. In this hypothesis, there is some truth, but later they found out that there is no such rigid hand binding to the opposite hemisphere. The activity of each hand is adjustable and controlled by both hemispheres.

In some kind of activities, one hemisphere plays the leading role, other more involved in others, but they always work together. Anyone any complicated human activity includes attention and attention, and perception, and memory, and thinking - there is no activity that we could "bind" to one hemisphere. Take the reading process: there is a verbal analysis, and visual-spatial, and semantic, that is, both hemispheres are required. Moreover, the younger than the person and the less formed activity, the more both hemispheres are involved. Only in the usual, well-masted activity can greatly dominate one of them.

And here is another, most likely, the myth: that left more often than the right hand, creative inclinations are found, or, in another embodiment, that among creative people more left-handed.

"Among the creative people more left-handed" is an incorrect wording. Back in 1924 there was such a doctor Kapustin, which was examined by patients in the neurological clinic and found that among them more left-handed than the right-handed. And concluded that all left-handed - degenerates. But it is incorrect to conclude about the entire totality of the left-handed sample. This is only one version of the development disorders, perhaps leading to left-handed. If you use such incorrect samples, it is very easy to conclude that left-handers are especially talented or, on the contrary, that they are flawed.

So no one has yet considered, no one has done it yet. And then, the question: how to count? Artists are one thing, and mathematics are completely different ... Here are many of the journalists a lot of left-handed: they do not need to work behind the machine, with tools. The levoryuk is really hard to become a pilot and, apparently, easier - a journalist.

Well, in addition to myths - is there really some differences between right-handers and left-handers?

We are on the basis of studies that have been held for 20 years, we believe that a child with a genetic version of the left is no different from the ruleok, at least in the field of mental abilities. But children with a compensatory version of left-handed, as well as right-handed children who are subject to one or another risks in development, a total of a bit behind the left-hander and right-handed with a normal development.

In your studies, the success of the tasks of right-handers and left-handers was compared, but maybe there are some differences in no results, but in how children perform these tasks - in their cognitive styles or even in personal qualities?

Not. There are many differences in the style of tasks and inside the rulers group, and inside the left-hander group, but there are no significant differences between groups. As for personal development, it is associated to more with sociocultural living conditions, and not with genes and natural features.

In general, how many of them, left-handed?

In the 70-80s, at school age, they were detected 3-5%, and now 20%. They were simply stopped moving. And before, "re-educate" began before the school. It was a sufficiently rigid system, but still 3% left left, who did not give in to any reappecification. Although wrote almost all right hand. The same rigid system of requirements was almost all European countries. But there began to move away from it since the 1950s, and we broke with it only in the 90s.

Or maybe it makes sense after all, at least a little to move left? After all, this is also the development for the brain.

Any abuse of nature is wrapped in very sad consequences. And the reaption is not just violence over nature, but a situation in which a person should with great difficulty perform some actions, while still feeling failure. And planned failure! Try to beat the nail with a hammer not leading hand - you will get along the fingers all the time. And here in this situation "hitting the fingers" we put the child, for example, when you make it write not by that hand. He cannot write qualitatively, it will constantly experience psychological discomfort.

A person in such a situation can not exist normally. The child writes every day, fulfilling his tasks, but they are unhappy and teachers, and parents. Due to the fact that he does not write badly, he gets bad estimates - not only in writing, but also in mathematics and so on.

The brain is very plastic and can gradually rebuilt. But constant stress due to its own failure leads to the emergence of severe neurosis. Doctors are very well known to the neurosis of the left-handed children when reappear. Therefore, it is impossible to move in any way, there is no point in that.

What difficulties are the most often faced by the left-handed children in our time?

Children with a genetic version of left-handed, as I said, nothing special from the right-handed, they have the same difficulties that all children have no specificity.

Do I understand correctly that it is now customary to speak not just about the left level - right, but about the lateralization profile, which includes "Levonozhost - the Bulkness", "Lev-Job is talpage"?

Indeed, along with the leading right hand, the child can be leading left leg, left ear, left eye. This is an interesting problem, we also do it the last decades.

And what, by the way, means "leading eye"?

When you look into the pickle pipe or in a microscope, you always apply the eyepiece to the leading eye. The leading ear is better distinguished by the shades of sounds. Even our nostrils have different sensitivity. Moreover, a person can be not only an ambidexter, he has a feet, and eyes can work equally well.

So, people who lead the left hand, leg, ear and eye, only about 1%. People who have all signs right, more - 40%. The rest are mixed variants of the combination of left and right signs.

From this point of view, "Left -sham" and "right-handed" are somewhat outdated concepts?

If we take into account the lateralization profile, it turns out that clean left-handers are not more than 1%. And this is still excluding sensitivity to pain or cold, which is also different in the left and right half of the body. And what does this have to do with the hemispheres of the brain, while the question is.

Is there any unsolved issues that you especially worry about the levion?

All questions we are talking about, unresolved. I would, of course, I wanted to understand the brain mechanisms of the organization of the activities of the right-handed and left-handed children. According to our hypothesis, the activity of the hemispheres of the brain is organized in different ways: the right-handed tight connections between the hemispheres, and the levories - within each hemisphere. It turns out that the left-handed children's hemispheres are more disassembled, each of them works more in its own way than the right-handed.

I read - it seems, at the same Goldberg, - that there is the same difference between men and women.

This is also a myth. Moreover, they say that women are left-hand, and men are ruthless. And until the 70s, everything was the opposite: they said that men were left-handed, because it was believed that the left hemisphere is "our all", the dominant, and the right - utility. And in the 70s, they began to understand that without the right hemisphere, no activity is possible, and gradually it was exactly the right hemisphere to attribute those functions that very much wanted to have men. And now men began to consider themselves the right risks.

In fact, the situation here is the same as with left-handers and right-handers: the difference in cognitive development between women and men is generally much less than the difference inside a group of women or inside a group of men.

Let's go back to the left: what can this distinction mean between the left-handed and right-handers in the intermetrous and intra-haircut connections?

There is evidence according to which in highly left-handed and highly right-handed a lower intelligence coefficient than people with poorly pronounced left-handed and rulers. We assume that in highly left-handed hemispheres are too divided, the relationship between them is insufficient, and the differentiation is insufficient, it is insufficient, it is difficult for them to organize some new interaction options.

But if people are most successful who have more or less developed both hands, it turns out that you still have to deal with children to develop in this direction?

You are no longer for the first time you are trying to push one thought, whose opponent I am. This thought is well known: "We cannot wait for mercies from nature, to take them from her - our task," as Michurin said. But the brain of any person, no matter how organized it, has fantastic capabilities. It is not necessary to redo it. Brain can be helped. Any violence, any inadequate requirements will lead not to the development of the child, but to braking. If we do not want it, we should not follow Michurin thesis.

Mariana Nezurekova - Director of the Institute of Age Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor. The author of about 350 scientific and popular works, among whom "the child goes to school", "why to learn difficult", "the left-handed child in school and at home", "child fidget", etc. She was the first in our country to have developed recipes for left-handed children .

  • Who are the left-handers?
  • Levual: heredity or illness?
  • Levorhood and Health
  • Advantages of leftovers

August 13 - International Day left-handed. Once, in 1992, the British Leader club suggested celebrating this date, demonstrating the surrounding secrets of the "left-sided" life. Relovernment people sometimes do not even imagine what it is - to be left in the "right-hand" world. MedaboutMe congratulates all the left-handed people and understands the reasons and the consequences of their natural gift.

Who are the left-handers?

In the modern world, only 42% of people are pronounced right. 48% - ambidexters, originally ready for work with both hands. And finally, the rare category of people - left-handers, which are on average there are 10%. It is also known that among the men left more often.

Interestingly, the left-handers and right do not always use exclusively leading hands - it all depends on a number of factors: from a specific task, as well as from social or religious public installations. For example, when it was believed that left-handed to be incorrectly (as once in China, Russia), children were reappearing in the early stages of development, which led to a significant drop in the owner's share in society - in relation to the letter and meals. But many other tasks that society did not pay attention, left-handed as it was more convenient. Therefore, if you navigate the writing hand, the frequency of governments in different countries is ranging from 2.5 to 12.8% (according to other studies oriented on other parameters - 7-11.8%, 3.3-26 , 9%, etc.).

Levual: heredity or illness?

10% is a lot, very much. Lefters already existed 35 thousand years ago, during the days of Neanderthal. And since the left-handed children are so often born today, it means that they for some reason are needed by mankind. Theories on this topic There are many. For example, a simple explanation: Legiculture gives an advantage in a fight - if of course the opponent is right-handed. The theory is more comprehensive: preservation of the polymorphism of the functionality of the hands is another way of evolution to maintain a variety of our species. Finally, there is a theory explaining the rights as a result of the development of speech, which is associated with gestures, which led to the separation of brain functions. Well, left-handed left phenomenon, so to speak.

What factors today allocate scientists?

  • Heredity.

It is exactly that heredity plays a significant role. The children-left-handers are much less often born in the right-handed parents. But if both parents are left-handed, then the likelihood that they will have a diet-left-handed is 30-40%. Moreover, the left-handed children are born if the father is right-handed, and the mother is left-handed, but not the opposite. This means that the inheritance is adherent with the floor, and the influence of maternal genes is stronger.

  • Features of intrauterine development.

There is a version that some factors can determine the dominant side of the child still in the womb. It is known that in 9-10 weeks the fruit already demonstrates single movements of the hands with the "right" side. That is, 75% of future babies move with right limbs, 12.5% \u200b\u200b- left, and the remaining 12.5% \u200b\u200bare left, then right (future ambidexters, not otherwise). From the 15th week the fruit starts sucking a thumb of the dominant hand. And from the 38th week, the child's head is turned into the dominant side, relative to his body.

According to some scientists, prenatal hormones have a significant impact on the CNS of the Fetal, and therefore on the health of the child. For example, if the mother has increased the testosterone level, it increases the risk of anomalous dominance - that is, left-handed. This is explained as follows: the left hemisphere of the child ripens a little later than the right, and therefore it is longer under the influence of increased testosterone. This leads to a slowdown in the growth of neurons in it and the weakening of its abilities. There is even a theory of Geswind-Behane-Galabourd (unproved), connecting high testosterone in mothers, left-handedness, as well as dislexion, impaired immune system and sometimes encountered unusual talentedness of such children - as a compensatory mechanism.

Finally, there is a version according to which if the child is left-handed due to heredity, it is simply more sensitive to testosterone during intrauterine development. And this is the cause of various disorders of nervous and immune systems.

  • Multiple pregnancy.

Among the twins left-handed more often, and regardless of whether they are single or not. Perhaps this is due to the peculiarities of intrauterine conditions in this case.

  • Diseases of the central nervous system.

There is a controversial statement that people can become left-handed with some pathologies of the nervous system developed in early childhood. This theory is based on statistics, which states that among patients with epilepsy, schizophrenia, delay in development, mental retardation and other CNS pathologies, left-handed 2 times more often than on average in the population. Such diseases are considered as a "switch" of the body on left-hand - in some cases.

Failed to prove the following theories:

  • the cause of leftovers are stressful events transferred by the mother during pregnancy.
  • leopard can develop as a result of generic injury and hypoxia brain;
  • lefts are more often born from primary mothers aged 39 years and older.

Levorhood and Health

In general, Levshi is more common among people with the following pathologies:

  • low birth weight;
  • congenital malformations of the fetus: defects of the development of the nervous tube, wolf fall;
  • psyche disorders: autism, schizophrenia;
  • neurological disorders: Dysxia, stuttering, hyperactivity syndrome;
  • immune system disorders: eczema, different types of allergies, atopic bronchial asthma, etc.

But most studies show that left-handed, rather, can be considered by the side, parallel effect of the listed processes. This means that left-handedness is not the cause of certain diseases and in itself does not affect health. But it can be argued that it speaks about the increased risk of certain diseases, as it is, a kind, marker, that is, often accompanies them. This is an important difference.

Lefters on average a little later reaches puberty than right-handed - for 4-5 months.

According to observations, left-handers have a weaker nervous system. Their fears are more pronounced than right-handers, they often feel uncertain. True, given that not so long ago, the left-handed society was not recognized as a society, perhaps such a reaction of the left-hander - the result of an implicitly implicit, but even existing pressure on the part of society.

Leftches are more often dying as a result of accidents - and it is not surprising. Our world is focused on right-handers. In the process of adapting to this world, left-handed children are even experiencing the so-called dext-stress. The overwhelming majority of the mechanisms of varying degrees of danger for a person is created for people with dominant right hands. And this, by the way, is the reason that the life expectancy of the left-handed people is a little lower than that of the right hand.

Advantages of leftovers

  • In Left, apparently, due to the need to live in the "right-service" society, much lower asymmetry in skills, skills.They are more effectively working as noteping hand than right.
  • The left-handed so-called intermanual coordination - the ability to coordinate the simultaneous actions of both hands.This is due to the best inter imparal transfer of information than that of the right hand.
  • Levshi often demonstrate excellent speech possession, thanks to a more developed corn body, and may also give a right-handers in some memory types.
  • Left-shovels are more often creative personalities.
  • Among gifted children with IQ more than 131, the proportion of left-handers is also higher.True, this effect is leveled by the fact that the left-handed is quite small.It was also not proven, but it is argued that talented musicians and mathematicians are more common among the left-handers.
  • Male left-handers earn more right-handers. Not much, only 4%. And left-handed women, on the contrary, for some reason they lose money for their chiral rivals. Moreover, education additionally strengthens the financial success of the left-hand men, and there are no effect on women.
  • Lefters are often among the leaders in tennis, baseball, fencing, martial arts - in interactive sports, they have an explicit advantage. And where there is no interaction with the enemy - swimming, gymnastics, bowling and others. - Levorhood does not give any advantages.
  • Leftshies are better reading texts for blind, written by Brül's font, as information gets into the right hemisphere, and it works more effectively with spatial perception.


  • Lefts make up a worthy competition of right-handers in most areas of life.
  • Do not move left in right-handers. It can provoke various mental and nervous disorders. King-left-handers Georg VI As a result of such attempts, he was stuttering - the film "King says" demonstrates what works it cost him to cope with his ailment.
  • If the left-handed child should carefully observe his health so that, if necessary, track the start of problems with the nervous and immune system in the earliest stages.
  • For the full development of the brain and the maximum adaptation to the world of right-handers, specialists recommend introducing additional classes in mathematics, music, as well as sports.

Leftches are unique people, there is no doubt about this. They make up 10% of the population of the Earth, but sometimes it seems that they forget about them: remember all the "right-handed" gadgets, not for all conveniently combined desktops, as well as cutlery, which are designed to use the right hand.

What is the causes of the "left level" of man?

Scientists do not give an accurate response to this question, but studies indicate the close relationship between genetics and the external environment of a person. There are no accurate data on the presence of the "left" gene, but there is a confirmation of the fact that Levshi usually have more "left-handed" relatives than right-handed. In addition, scientists have found differences in the structure of the brain hemisphey in the left and right-handers.

It does not matter that it makes people use predominantly left hand - tireless researchers discovered a number of qualities characteristic of extremely left-handers.

We offer to the attention of all left-handers, as well as right-handers with the "left left" and "equivors" (or with the ambidexter function).

Review of the Facts and Myths of Lefters

1. left-handers are more prone to mental disorders.

Lefts make up 10% of the population. However, according to research, in the group of people with mental disorders, this indicator is higher. Recent studies have shown that 20% of people prone to mental disorders prefer to use left hand.

Researchers of Yale University (New Haven, Connecticut) and University at the Texas South-Western Medical Center in Dallas examined 107 patients in outpatient psychiatric clinics. In a group with light disorders, like depression or a bipolar affective disorder, left-handed 11%. However, in a group with severe psyche disorders, like schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder, the percentage of the left-hander reached 40%. As scientists believe, in this case, the intermetrous asymmetry is important.

2. Health may depend on a more developed hand

According to the conclusions of the study published in 2010 in the journal "Pediatrics", Leftshies are more susceptible to dyslexia (inability to read reading and writing), attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity and some other neurological disorders. Researchers cannot explain such a phenomenon, but they associate it with the interaction of neural connections in the human brain. The human brain consists of two hemispheres: left and right. Most people (both right-handers and left-handers) use the left hemisphere to master the speech.

However, about 30% of the left-hander, at the same time, either involve partially and right hemisphere, or do not have a dominant hemisphere in general. According to scientists, it is important that only one hemisphere be dominant to be dominant, which is why the left-handed such mental disorders can meet.

But left-handed more lucky. According to the study published in the magazine "LATERALITY", left-handers are subject to less risk to sick arthritis or ulcers.

3. Lefts perceive speech differently

According to the study of the Medical Center of the Georgetown University, Leftches are easier to perceive rapidly changing sounds than right-handed.

Researchers found that the left and right hemisphere react differently to various sounds. The left hemisphere that controls the right hand is responsible for recognizing the rapidly alternating sounds, like consonant, while the right hemisphere that controls the left hand is responsible for recognizing intonation modulations and slowly alternating sounds, like vowels.

If you believe researchers, when you waggle the flag during a solemn speech of some politics, it will be perceived by you differently depending on what hand you have a flag.

This study can provide valuable assistance in curing stuttering or springs of the speech apparatus.

4. And in the primitive century left-handed the minority

"Rights" is not a trend of our time: the person enjoyed the right hand more confidently than the left, more than 500 thousand years ago.

Researchers from the Kansas University recently determined the "huteness" of an ancient person on his jaw (which sounds rather strange, is not it?). The study, the results of which were published in the magazine "Laterality", showed that when our great-grandfathers - well, you understood - the great-grandfathers treated animals of the skins, they kept one edge of the skin with her hand, and the other were teeth. After analyzing the wear of prehistoric jaws, scientists were able to determine which hand our ancestors enjoyed the most active. "One tooth is enough to determine who is a man - left-hander or right," Researcher David Freier told the magazine "LiveScience".

And what is the verdict?

"Prehistoric beings, like modern people, used mainly with his right hand."

5. Leftshies - more sophisticated and artistic

For many years, Leftshies have been proudly arguing that they are more creative than right-handed. But does this correspond to reality? Is it really to be left-handed to be more creative and initiative person?

According to the study published in the American Journal of Psychology journal, Levshi really have at least one advantage in terms of creative development: they have better developed a divergent thinking - the image of thinking, in which various solutions are simultaneously generated in the brain.

To determine how successful in the work of the left-handers compared to the righters, representatives of the "Left-Handers Club" conducted a survey among more than 2,000 left-handers, right-handers and people with the same possession of both hands. The study confirmed that left-handers are really more successful in terms of construction Careers in art, music, sports and information technology.

6. Vote for Left!

It turns out that it does not matter, "right" with our politicians or "left": the highest percentage of US presidents adheres to the "left" side - not in terms of politics, of course.

The list of left-handed presidents was quite impressive. We give an example of at least the last four of the seven commander-in-chief of the United States - these are presidents Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, George Bush and Gerald Ford (and recall the addition of James Garfield and Harry Truman). There were rumors that Ronald Reagan was born left, however, at school, the strict teachers retracted him to the right. Is it possible to assume the idea that the presidents right-handers are simply pretending to be left-handed?

Probably growing number of left-hand presidents is a simple coincidence. However, the data of a recent study of Dutch scientists suggests that left-handed policies have an undoubted advantage in television debates. Guess why? Usually, ordinary people associate gestures with their right hand as "right gestures", "gestures of good". Since the television transmission works as a mirror image, the gesture of the left hand in the eyes of the viewer is displayed as movement in a positive direction (in the "Side of Good").

7. Leftches defeat in sports

Legend of Golf Phil Mixerson, Tennis Star Raphel Nadal, Champion Boxing Oscar De La Goya - You Can not imagine how many of our sports favorites are left-handers!

If you believe these books by Rick Smiths "Multiority of the World of Legal", the advantage in sports martial arts does not really have. But only subject to the competition one on one. For the right-hander, the "left level" of the opponent turns out to be a surprise to which they are not ready: for the most part, it concerns tennis, boxing and baseball.

8. Leftches are afraid more often

According to the British Society of Psychology, Leftches are more susceptible to the influence of fear than right-handed.

Under the conditions of the study, the participants watched a 8-minute episode from the movie "Silence of Lambs". After viewing the left-handed, there were more signs of post-traumatic stress disorder than right-handed, and more errors in the description of what he saw were demonstrated.

"It turns out that left-handed after the experience of stress (even if the stressful situation was in the movie), also behave, like people after post-traumatic stressful disorder," said Karolina Caudgerry researchers. She believes that the reasons are in brain activity. "Obviously, That two brain hemispheres react in different ways to stress, and the right hemisphere reacts more to the factor of fear. However, additional research is required, before approving something unequivocally, "it adds.

9. Leftches are angry more

If you have breaking with your "right-handed" partner (perhaps, it is in many ways), a probability of "left" is likely to be like. According to Blitz-research, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease magazine, left-handers are more prone to a feeling of negative emotions, they are already inclined longer to worry and pull with reconciliation.

10. left-handed it easier to discourage

Leftches are much more prone to self-esteem. Researchers from Aberetai University in Scotland examined 46 left-handers and 66 rights on the subject of the impaility and manifestation of self-control. It turned out that the left-hander react to the approval of the type "I am afraid to allow a mistake" and "criticism or ridicule acts on me." The totality of the responses of the left-hander led researchers to the opinion that left-handers are more vulnerable, shy and not confident in themselves compared to right-handers.

"Lefty is prone to fluctuations, thinking, while right-handers are more decisive and reckless in their decisions and actions," the Lynn Wright researcher said the BBC News service.

11. Leftshies are more worst for the collar

The next time you are stuck in the bar with a fit, pay attention to what hand he squeezes a glass from whiskey: Surely, this hand will be left.

It was previously believed that left-handers are more prone to alcoholism. There were no reliable facts or convincing evidence. And only recently a study conducted in 12 countries with the participation of 25 thousand people, a little cleared the situation. Lefts do not make up most of the alcoholics - however, they really drink more and more than right.

According to Kevin Dennie - a researcher who conducted the ledge of the left-handed to alcoholism, the results of which were published in the magazine "British Journal of Health Phochology", the main purpose of the study was the task of debunking the myth about the povel alcoholism left-handed. "There is no reason to argue that left-handers are necessarily inclined to excessive alcohol consumption," he notes in the official press release. "And there is no reason to argue that excessive traction for drinking is due to disharmony in the work of the hemispheres of the brain or stressful situations due to the social status of the left-hander as a public minority."

12. Left has its own day

Leftshies around the world celebrate this day, which, with the light hand of the "Left-owned club" in the UK in 1992, became an official holiday with the aim of attracting attention to the characteristics of the lifestyle of the left and their problems.

According to the application on the website of the Initiative Group, "This holiday is a day when Levshi is proud of their" left structures "and try to convey all its advantages and disadvantages to the rest of the fellow citizens."

How can this day right-handed be celebrated? Create a zone for the "left-hander": if you are doing a business in which a narrow line for the left-hander is possible - do it, develop it, even if it is a trifle like office tables for left-handed staff or cutlery for the left hand.

Pens, scissors, cars, computer mice ... All these things are designed for 85% of humanity - on the right hand. In recent years, scientists began to pay attention to the left-handers as completely different, in other thinking and living individuals. From that, left-hander you or right-hander depends not only by what hand you write, but also how you look at the world and how to interact with it, they found out scientists.

Hand votes for mind

Researchers from Chicago University approve What, fulfilling usual actions, people subconsciously choose a more comfortable and comfortable side for them - and so is the side of the working hand. This means that if the right-handed person sees in the bar two equally attractive people for himself, he instinctively meets a man standing on the right side. Similarly, a person will behave in the store: without seeing special differences between two products, left-handed the left product, and right-handers are right.

Why are right-handed and left-handed so differently? The lead author of the study by Daniel Casamanto suggested that the concept of choice of "good" and "bad" partially depends on what kind of hand they use more often. He says that people can act much freely in the dominant hand, so they unconsciously connect good things with it.

If this fact seems quite logical, then the next observation of scientists has become very unexpected for them. It turned out that such behavior was transferred to the choice of candidates for ballot bulletins when voting:

the likelihood that right-handers will choose a candidate, the name of which is recorded on the right side of the page, 15% higher than in the case of left-handers.

This means that if a person was not fully determined with his political preferences and expects to think, already being in the election booth, an accident may well play a joke with him.

Left treat differently

The authors of the study did not stop at a simple fixation of the peculiarities of the behavior of people - they found out that the differences in the right-handers and left-handers apply to the brain. The right-hander centers responsible for creativity and the feeling of happiness are in the left hemisphere, the left-hander is the opposite. This means that therapy focused on specific parts of the brain can have an opposite effect on a person depending on its leading hand.

"Scientists have long considered that the centers responsible for happiness and anger are in the left hemisphere, - says one of the authors of the study Dr. Daniel Casamanto. -

It turns out that this is true only for the right hand, and the organization of brain activity depends on which hand is the lead. "

Such discoveries are of great importance for the treatment of various mental disorders - for example, depression, to save the patient from which doctors are trying by the method of increasing the activity of the left hemisphere. In fact, for the left, such treatment may have the opposite effect, so therapy should be directed to the right hemisphere.

How to throw a glove mind

As mentioned above, right-handers subconsciously bind good with the right side of the space, and the bad - on the other hand, the opposite. To check whether it is possible to change such behavior, scientists from the Institute of Psycholinguistics of the Max Planck Society and the University of Pennsylvania conducted a number of unusual experiments. Read more with this study you can read On PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE magazine pages.

Scientists have proven that even

a few minutes of working with the predominance of the left hand are able to change the views of the right not that the right is good, and the left is bad.

In the first experiment, people asked to choose one of their two products, one of their two job candidates, as well as evaluate which of the two alien creatures depicted in the pictures, smarter than the other. Right-handed, as expected, the right objects, left-handed left, were chosen much more often. Then, scientists checked how right-handers thought about the bad and good after they lost the ability of ownership of the right hand: or as a result of some injuries, or with artificial restrictions of the actions of the leading hand (the tests put on the hand to the ski glove).

It turned out that those who lost the ability of full-fledged ownership of the right hand, considered the left "good" - as well as the "natural" left-handers. The same pattern was discovered in healthy students who performed the right hand in the bulky glove a variety of tasks for motility, requiring speed and agility.

After 12 minutes of such "clumsy" motor activities, the leading hand of right-handed has been changed on the fact that the right is good, and the left is bad.

Scientists suggest that people are accustomed to think that their judgments are rational, and the concepts are stable. But if wearing gloves for a few minutes can completely change the usual judgments of people about what is bad, and what is good, then maybe our mind is more supplied to changes than we assumed earlier?

Is it good to be ambidexter?

The people are among the people that the ideal and universal embodiment of human skills in relation to law and left-leopard is the same ownership of the right and left hands. Scientists destroyed this myth: it turns out that the owners of this amazing ability are much more difficult in life than ordinary right-handers and left-handers.

Scientists assure: Children with Ambidstracy are much more likely to have problems with languages, health, worse study at school and are prone to attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity (ADHD).

Researchers from the Imperial College of London and other European institutions suggest that their conclusions can help teachers and health workers to identify children who are more than others at risk of developing certain problems. This study was published in the journal Pediatrics. .

Each hundredth child is an ambidextr. Researchers examined about 8 thousand children, 87 of which were ambidexstraces, and found that at the age of 7-8 years old, children who own both hands were twice as often experienced difficulties with the development of their native language and problems with school performance than their right-handed peers. .

When these children reached 15-16 years old, the ambidexters were again twice as long as the risks of the symptoms of the deficit of attention and hyperactivity. "Two" teenagers, as at an earlier age, have larger problems with the language than right-handed.

At the moment, the scientists know little about what contributes to the formation of ambidexter in children, but researchers suggest that this may be associated with the work of hemispheres, as well as the right-handers and left-handers. For a more detailed understanding of the problem, researchers suggest to deepen and continue further work. Also, scientists emphasize that they only found in ambidexters an increased tendency to certain disorders and problems - this does not mean that such problems arise from all ambidexters without exception.