Psychological training for school preparation. An abstract of the teacher-psychologist with children on school preparation

So that the doctrine does not become a torment for a child, it is not enough to just teach it to read and count. The kid must understand what is waiting for him in the new role of the first grader, and was internally ready for her. How to achieve this?

Why do we need a school?

Many psychologists love to ask children a question, the essence of which comes down to the following: Do you want to learn because you will buy a new beautiful launcher and pencil pencils, or in order to know more? Often, motivation to the school is external in nature - it is associated with the attributes of a schoolboy, but not learned. The same thing happens if the child goes to learn because of friends who will be with him in the same class, or to resemble the older brother or sister.

Your task is to create a positive image of the school, learning, teacher and the child as a student at the future first grader. If the baby is already dreaming about any profession, explain to him that all people learn in order to become the whom they want.

Valuable preschool skills

Even with good reading skills and account, the disciple will have difficulty if he is not granted. We must develop in the child the ability to listen and hear others, and not only teachers, but also other children, in a pair with which you often need to perform the task. Will the kid can postpone his games at home or on the street if he needs to cook lessons?

In order to develop a discipline in the child, play games with the rules - "cladding" with a cube and chips, checkers, chess, various board games. This will teach it properly react to limitations and relate to the successes of others.

Another valuable preschooler skill is household self-organization. If your baby constantly scatters things and toys, which he forgets, he will have to be difficult for school. Form a useful habit of putting everything in place, just act without aggression. It will come in handy not only at school, but also in later life.

Children's psychology: learn to communicate

In its class, the child will become part of a large team. And what place he will take in it depends on how much he can interact with other children. If your baby is the only child in the family, homemade favorite, and not attended, but for a walk in all you come to the profits, urgently change this picture! Drive the child for an interesting classes, let go to play with other children yourself, not interfere with without need, go to visit friends with children and invite them to yourself, in one word, teach him to communicate. Communication in children's psychology is given a very significant role!

Trace how the child behaves in the crowd (in the store, at the airport), as he communicates with other adults. If the kid has a fear of a large cluster of the people and strangers, begin to entrust him with responsible tasks, for example, buy bread yourself. Praise the child every time and say how the price of his help.

Self-esteem baby

Both unsure in itself boys and girls and children who consider themselves the center of the Universe, at school will have difficulty. The first, even knowing everything on "excellent," will be shy to respond, and they will be eclipsed by more mediocrous, but relaxed classmates. And those who are accustomed to adean from their relatives, will not need to realize that they do not even belong to them as well, and success should still be achieved.

So that this does not happen, praise the child deservedly. No need to admire every action, as if he was one year. He tries, he turns out - praise sincerely. If hard - help, but do not do everything.

If the kid is pathologically shy and not confident in herself, let him reveal, find a lesson in the soul, in which he will definitely achieve success. This will help him gain confidence and not to get lost among the firm comrades in the classroom.

Focuses can be a wonderful help, just to learn their child needed as it should. And then the appelodisments of the audience will not make himself wait, and along with them the self-esteem of the child will grow!

Psychological aspects of the preparation of children to school

Before the child goes to school, parents need to be confident that he is ready for a new step in his life. And an important factor here is the psychological aspects of the preparation of children to school. :

  • he has a desire to learn;
  • can bring the work started to the end;
  • able to overcome difficulties when achieving the goal;
  • knows how to concentrate his attention on anything and hold it;
  • understands for what purpose he will learn at school;
  • society will not avoid
  • comfortably feels in the team;
  • knows how to get acquainted with peers;
  • has an analytical thinking skills - can compare anything.

Psychological Preparing for School: Exercises

In order for the child to feel at school confidently, it needs to be prepared for admission to the first class. A very important aspect of this process is psychological preparation for school.

Kuzmina Alexander Anatolyevna
MBDOU "Kindergarten № 17" Biysk
Psychologist teacher

Master class "Formation of psychological readiness of children 6-7 years old to school"

Currently, according to federal state standards, preschool childhood is not considered exclusively as preparations for the school, as considered before. From September 1, 2013, a new version of the Law on Education was introduced, in which a pre-school education for the first time in the history of Russian culture becomes a full-fledged level of education along with elementary school, school, university. The main objective of the standard of pre-school education is positive socialization and individualization of the individual, therefore the most important task of the pre-school education system is the comprehensive development of the child's personality and prepare it for successful socialization in school conditions.

Preparing children to school - a multifaceted task, covering all the lives of the child's life.

Under psychological readiness To school, the formation of a whole complex of neoplasms, allowing the child to be painlessly included in school life. Conditionally, in this willingness allocate several components.

First of all, it intellectual readinesswhich includes a certain stock of knowledge about the world, about people, a certain level of development of thinking, the degree of correctness, clarity and generalization of the child's representations, the ownership of a number of techniques of mental activity, etc.

Secondly, this is the so-called motivational readiness To school related to the formation of the desire to become a schoolboy.

Thirdly, this is personal and social readiness.helping the child to establish himself in the team, be able to act together, communicate with adults and peers, form the level of claims.

In addition, the concept of psychological readiness includes the achievement of a certain level in the development of all mental processes - perception, memory, attention, as well as the development of some simple skills - accounts, reading, solving elementary tasks.

And finally, this wallave readinessassociated with the formation of control over external and internal processes and planning of its own actions.

Psychological readiness for school arises in children not by itself, but it is formed gradually and requires faithful pedagogical leadership , that is, specially organized classes with a child. Your attention is offered one of these classes.


1. The performance of the self-esteem and the confidence of the child in itself.

2. Weathered method for removing muscle and emotional voltage.

3. Development of arbitrary regulation of activity.

4. Development of cognitive processes.

Input part

Purpose:configure a group to work together, establish emotional contact, rally a group.

  1. 1. Greeting "Cheerful greeting."

Purpose:establishing emotional contact, unification of the group, forming a feeling of proximity to other children.

The psychologist includes any dance music and children begin to walk around the room (you can jump, dance). After the words "once, two, three friends find!" Each child should find a couple and get up near. The psychologist proposes to say hello to the ears, maizins, heels, etc. "

  1. 2. The warm-up "Cotton runs in a circle."

Purpose:development of attention, activation of children.

Children in a circle, in turn passing cotton to their neighbor.

Main part

Purpose:development of mental processes, communicative skills, arbitrary regulation of activities, improving self-esteem and self-confidence.

  1. Game "Speak"

Purpose: development of ability to control impulsive actions.

Tell the children the following. "Guys, I will ask you simple and complex questions. But you can only answer them only when I give the team: "Speak!" Let's practice: "What is the time of year now?" (Pedagogue pauses). "Speak!"; "What a month now" ... "Speak!"; "What is the day of the week?" ... "Speak!"; "How much is two plus three?" and so on. The game can be carried out both individually and with a group of children.

  1. 4. The game "There is something wrong."

Purpose: development of speech, attention.

The presenter pulls the doll Timosh. Timosh addresses children: "Hello guys! What I'll tell you! I go yesterday along the road, shining the sun shines, dark, the leaflets are bluish under your feet. And suddenly, from around the corner, how the dog will pop up, how he grows on me: "Ku-Ka-re-ku!" - And the horns have already followed. I was afraid and ran away. "

"I go through the forest. The circle of the car ride, traffic lights blink. Suddenly I see - mushroom! There is growing on the branch, among the leaves of the green hid. I jumped and threw it. "

"I came to the river. I look, sits on the shore of the fish, my leg snapped and chews the sausage. I approached, and she jump into the water and sailed. "

Children must say that it was wrong in timoshi stories.

  1. Fisminet "Bear"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Bear in more often lived

His head was twisted. (Circular movements head)

So, like this (alternately in different directions)

His head was twisted,

Messenger Honey was looking for

A friendly tree swung.

Like this

A friendly tree swung. (slopes to the sides, hands forward)

Going to Walking

And from the river saw water,

Like this

And from the river saw water. (walking "in bearish", tilting forward)

And then they danced,

Above the paws raised.

Like this

Above the paws raised. (Dance, hands up)

  1. 6. Game "Pyramid of Love"

Purpose: bring up respectful, caring attitude to peace and people; Develop communicative abilities.

Children sit in a circle. Psychologist says to children: "Each of us loves someone; We all inherent in this feeling, and we all express it differently. I love my family, my children, my home, my work. Tell me and you who and what you love. (Children's stories.) And now let's build a "pyramid of love" from our hands with you. I will call something loved and put my hand, then each of you will call your favorite and put your hand. (Children build a pyramid.) Do you feel warm hands? Are you nice of this condition? Look, what a high we got a pyramid, high - because we are loved and love yourself. "

  1. 7. Complex "Magic Sleep"

Purpose: Self-disabling.

The psychologist asks children to close his eyes.

Cilia are lowered

Eye closes ...

We calmly rest (2 times).

Sleep magic fall asleep.

Breathing easily, smoothly, deep

The tension flew ...

And the whole body is relaxed (2 times).

As if we were lying on the grass,

On green soft grass ...

Heats the sun now ...

Hands warm with us ...

Breathing easily ... smooth ... deep ...

(Long pause)

We rest calmly

Sleep magic fell asleep.

Good to relax!

But it's time to get up!

Fasten the cams compress

Raise them higher.

Pull up, smile!

Children open their eyes.

Final part

  1. Reflection.
  1. 9. Farewell ritual "Gathered all together in the circle"

Gathered all together in a circle

I am your friend, and you are my friend!

Together by hand we take,

And smile to each other.

Children in a circle give a smile to their comrades.

This program was partially adopted by me from colleagues and in my practice showed good results!

An abstract of developing classes for children 6-7 years old "Znayka - School Find out!"

Work description: This program will be useful primarily for teachers-psychologists and educators of the preparatory groups of kindergarten when working with children 6-7 years old when preparing for school. The occupation is carried out according to the results of the diagnosis of readiness for school learning as a tool for the development of the child's arbitrariness, cognitive activity, the formation of the internal position of the student.
Purpose: Development of cognitive activity and an increase in motivation for school training.
- to expand the vocabulary of children on the topic "School", "School supplies";
- to form a positive school motivation in children through the creation of a success situation;
- to expand the knowledge of children about school, school successes and difficulties.

Correctional - educational:
development of random attention and memory;
development of spatial relations;
removal of anxiety before school;
development of logical thinking;
Development of speech activity in children.

Travel course:

1. The introductory part.
Psychologist: Hello guys! I am a special correspondent for the magazine "Nest". The editors of the magazine gave the task to take in your kindergarten interview to write an article for children who know nothing about school. Please listen to questions that I will ask, and then try correctly and quickly answer them. "

Exercise "Interview"
Questions Interview
1. What is your name?
2. How old are you?
3. Do you want to go to school? Why?
4. What do children do at school?
5. What are the tables for which children learn?
6. What is the name of a person who teaches children?
7. What is the time called when children listen carefully to the teachers?
8. What is the time called when you can relax a bit?
9. Why do you need to go to school?
10. What do you need to have a student to be ready for school?
11 What lessons? What do students do on them?
12. What is homework?
13. Why do you need to perform homework?
14. What will happen in your life when you go to school?
Psychologist: Well done! How much you already know about school.
(Children are sitting on chairs)

Psychologist: Guys, tell us why you want to go to school.

Exercise "I want to go to school because ..."
The guys are trying to prove, whether they want to go to school and why. Transferring to each other some item.
The psychologist brings children to the concept: it is necessary to learn to know everything in the world, being smart, smart.

2. Main part
The psychologist draws the attention of children to the envelope, which says:
"Check yourself. Are you ready to go to school? "
In the envelope are cards with numbers.
Look, here is the first task.
Children are sitting at the tables.

Exercise "Fourth Excess".
Psychologist: you need to find an extra object and cross it. Think as you can call the shortest objects. (Children perform a task in notebooks. The psychologist verifies the correctness of the task).

Psychologist: Before performing the next task, I suggest you to warm up. Perform with me.
Quickly stand up, smile,

Above, draw above.
Well, straight straps.
Raise, lower.
Left, right turned to the right,
Knee hands touched.
Sat down - got up, sat down - got up
And on the spot ran.

Psychologist: The next task "Write a digit" Adult throws 2 cubes: one cube shows what figure he writes, the second cube shows how many times the child writes this number).

Psychologist: The next task "Name words to the letter". The adult shows the letter, the task of children to call words on this letter.

Psychologist: All first-graders know what should lie in the portfolio. Do you know? The following task must be collected by an imaginary portfolio.
Exercise "Collect your portfolio"
Children sit in a circle. The first participant says: "I will put it in my portfolio ..." - and calls some necessary thing in school. The next child repeats the name of the subject that the previous child called, and adds its item, the next two words and its own, the latter repeats all these items.

Psychologist: Well done you coped with all the tasks! So you are ready for school.
And lastly, I want to offer you to fill in the "Piggy bank of the first grader".

Exercise "Piggy Bank of First Class"
Instructions: Children are offered to "fill" two piggy banks: "Difficulties of a student" and "student's successes" (small boxes are used as piggy banks with the braces of different color). Children lists that, in their opinion, it may make them difficult to study, life in school, to upset or, on the contrary, bring pleasure to please, help cope with school difficulties. Each statement is accompanied by throwing coins to the corresponding piggy bank. When the options run out, to offer children "rumor" with a piggy bank and determine where the content is more. If children believe that the piggy bank of the "success" is a call, summarize that the student's student is more successful. If the same, then, despite difficulties, there will be no less success. And if there are more difficulties - add "chips" into the piggy bank "Success", mentioning what the children have forgotten about.

3. Final part.
Psychologist: Our occupation approached the end and before saying about. Everyone name what he liked the most. And now I will say goodbye.

A summary of the joint activity of the teacher psychologist with the children of the preparatory group "Travel to

Cycle of classes for the work of the teacher-psychologist with children of 6-7 years in training them to school

Objective: Formation of psychological and motivational readiness of children 6-7 years old for school training.


    Formation of training motifs;

    Development of visual analysis;

    Formation of logical thinking backgrounds;

    Development of abilities to accept and understand the learning task;

    Development of the arbitrary regulation of activities and behavior;

    Formation of susceptibility to learning assistance, exercise motives;

    Development of verbal mechanical memory; Development of shallow motility; visual and motor coordination; imagination; perception.

    Develop cognitive interest in school, educational motivation;

    Form universal training skills (control, self-control, work in pairs, preparation of your workplace);

    The development of the ability to realize, understand and express emotions verbally and non-verbally.

The cycle of classes involves the formation and development of the educational and important qualities of the personality of the preschooler 6-7 years, includes educational games, exercises, psycho-personatic exercises.

Lesson 1.

Password game "Who knows, let continues"

Purpose: Exercising in the classification of wildlife.

The course: the teacher calls a generalizing word, and the children of the word relating to this value.

For example: insects are ......... (fly, beetle, etc.)

Fish is .........

Purpose: to develop a sense of group unity, a mood for the upcoming work.

Sit comfortably. Take a deep breath and exhale three times.Music is included. I invite you on a trip to the cloud. Imagine that you sat on a white fluffy cloud, similar to a soft mild from soft pillows. Feel how you are well located on this big cloud pillow. The journey begins (children are covered with bedspread ). Your cloud slowly rises to the blue sky. The wind tastes your face. Here, high in the sky everything is calm and quiet. Let your cloud take you to the magic country where you will be interested. Try to mentally see this country as much as possible. Here you feel completely calm and happily. Here it can happen, something wonderful and magical ... (30 seconds). At the expense of "three" open eyes.

Game "Presentation"

Purpose: Promote the harmonization of awareness by the child of his own behalf.

Game Travel: The game is held with a soft ball. The presenter welcomes the children of those who gathered to occupation and invites everyone to introduce themselves. One child calls her name, and everyone else invent as can be called gently. For example: "My name is Julia." Children choir - Yule.

Game "What I love"

Purpose: Refracting participants, partial removal of protective barriers.

Game Travel: The game is held in a circle with a soft ball. Children are invited to answer a few questions. First: what my favorite activity is. Then - a favorite toy, favorite delicacy.


Raise her shoulders

Jump, grasshoppers.

Skok jumps, jump.

Energetic movements shoulders.

Stop! Seli.

Herbushka attempt

Silence listened.


Above. Above. High.

Jump on socks easy!

Work at the tables. Jobs on leaves, see Appendix 1.

Purpose: Development of logical thinking

"Drawing Bus"

Purpose: to identify the amount of conditions that the child can keep in the process of activity when perceiving a rumor task.

Instructions: "Draw 5 rounds the first and fourth paint into green, and the other circles in any other color."

Work in pairs. And now the neighbors exchange their jobs and check the correctness of the execution.

Game "Image Phenomenon" (1 part)

Purpose: Development of emotional and expressive movements.

The teacher along with children list the signs of autumn: the wind blows, trees swing, it rains, puddles appear.

The teacher shows movements that correspond to these phenomena:

"Wind blows" - blowing, stretching his lips.

"Trees are swinging" - shakes hands stretched up.

"Fall leaves" - performs smooth movements with hands from top to bottom.

"It's raining" - performs minor movements with hands from top to bottom.

"Puddles appear" - closes his hands into the ring in front of them.

Children are invited to repeat and remember the movements shown.

Game "Image Phenomenon" (2 part)

Purpose: stimulation of attention, the development of skills quickly and accurately respond to a signal, improving expressive movements.

Sounds of calm music sounds, the children move in a circle or dancing chaotic around the room. As soon as the music stops, the children stop, listen, which phenomenon will call the teacher, and perform the corresponding movement.

Ritual exit from the magical country of knowledge "Traveling on the cloud"

Purpose: develop a sense of group unity, relaxation.

Structure exercise: (Children sit on the carpet). Relaxation music from the "Chromotherapy" series No. 2 (green-health) sounds.

You perfectly coped with all the tasks, but now we have the road back. Sit comfortably. Take a deep breath and exhale three times. I invite you back to the cloud. Imagine that you sat on a white fluffy cloud. Now you are again on your cloud and it is lucky you back. Your cloud slowly climbs into a blue sky, again the wind has a face. Everything is high in the sky, everything is calm and quiet (1 seconds) cloud descends slowly and melts in the air. At the expense of three open your eyes. Stop, pull, straighten up.


Lesson 2.

Password "Name a sign of the object"

Today, the password on our occupation is the game "Name a sign of the object." I show you an object and a card with a sign icon, you answer the full answer. For example: toy on the sign of humidity is dry.

Ritual entrance to the magical country of knowledge "Traveling on the cloud" (see Execution No. 1)

Game "Good Wizards".

Purpose: To set up children to work, the destruction of protective barriers, choking the child from others.

The game begins with the fact that children are sitting in a circle, and an adult tells them a fairy tale: "In one country, there was an evil wizard-Grubian. He could smoke any child, calling him a bad word. And all he called in rude words, stopped laughing and could not be kind. Carettle such a child could be only good, affectionate names. Let's see if we have such enchanted children? "

The adult chooses unpopular children, aggressive children and asks others to help them: "And who can become a good wizard and argue them, calling them affectionate name?"

Take turns approach aggressive children and try to call them affectionate name.

Game "Shop" with Dienesh blocks.

Purpose: Teach children to find an object by description using the "Object name" model - the value of the sign name ".

The teacher describes one of the blocks according to the properties, and the child should find this block by the description. For example: "Find, please, red, thick, rectangular, small block." Children in turn find out blocks by description, and at the end of the game counts the number of blocks from everyone, the one won the blocks more. If the child does not cope with the task, the move goes to the neighbor on the right, etc., until the task is fulfilled.

Fizkultminutka (see Lesson number 1)

Work behind the tables

4 extra game

Purpose: To form mental actions of classification and generalization by rumor.

    Old, Dry, Small, Old

    Brave, angry, bold, brave

    Hour, minute, summer, second

    Book, tv, radio, tape recorder

    Bus, house, plane, ship

    Potatoes, cabbage, saucepan, apple

    Boy, Girl, Mom, Grandmother

    Leg, shoes, boots, slippers

Exercise "Continue row" (see Appendix 4)

Purpose: develop logical thinking (systematization)

The game "Stop, one! Stop, two! "

Purpose: Develop attention

You can run around the room until I say "Stop!" And I will not call any number, for example, "one". Then you must become so to touch the floor only one part of the body. How did you do that? Can anyone show me how he was standing? ..

If I'm crying "Stop, two!", You must touch the floor with two parts of the body. Can someone show me, how would he be touched to the floor? ..


Lesson 3.

Password: game "Find Similar" (1 option)

The teacher shows any object and invites children to find in the room similar, by any sign (color, shape, material, form, etc.) object

Ritual entrance to the magical country of knowledge "Traveling on the cloud" (see Execution No. 1)

Game "Magic glasses"

Purpose: set up to work; Remove barriers to choking the child from others.

An adult brings a box with a surprise and solemnly announces: "I want to show you magic glasses. The one who puts them will see only good that a person hides sometimes from everyone. Here I am now on these glasses ... Oh, what are you all beautiful, funny, smart! " Approaching each child, an adult calls any dignity (someone is well drawn, someone has a beautiful dress, etc.). "Now I want each of you to run these glasses and carefully reviewed my neighbor. Maybe they will help to consider what you have not noticed before. " Children in turn are put on magic glasses and call the merits of their comrades.

Exercise "Error in books"

Purpose: Develop attention.

Shuroka Ryaba, Golden Cut, Bowl, Gusli-Swans, Shelves and Seven Cats, Kooms, Nature - Havrochki, Kisa and Jorasl, Smattnaya Tank, Red Slipper, Mole in Boots, Ugly Duckling, Square, Tender Queen, Gray Wandered Savka Murka, Fedorino Sea, Little Flower.

Game "Logic Cubes - Confectionery Factory" (Games with Dienesh blocks)

"In front of me lie boxes, as you think it should lie in these boxes (candy). Today we will be confirors and in order to choose our blocks and logical cubes in our boxes of candy. " Children throw up the cubes in turn and select the appropriate block on the selected properties.

Work behind the tables

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3.

The game "Stop, one! Stop, two! " (see Lesson number 2)

Ritual exit from the magical country of knowledge "Traveling on the cloud" (see Lesson 1)


Lesson 4.

Password: Find Similar game (1 option) game (see Lesson 3)

Objective: Teach children to find objects in the world around the world through the perception of their signs and properties; Develop observation, thinking.

Ritual entrance to the magical country of knowledge "Traveling on the cloud" (see Execution No. 1)

The game "I am friends with ..."

A leading teacher who utters the words "I am friends with ...", and then describes the appearance of one of the children. The child needs to know yourself, quickly run up to a watering, shake hands and say "Hi!" Next lead he.

Exercise "Guess the word in his definition"

Purpose: development of the horizon, care.

    Knitted, Leather, Workers, Warm, Yellow (Mittens)

    Rubber, Like, Knitted, Surgical, Boxing (Gloves)

    White, black, lush, ruddy, fresh, stale, rye, wheat (bread)

    Air, earth, christmas, billiard (ball)

    Chervivoy, green, red, squirrel, sweet (apple)

    Day, night, children's, shoe, whipped, massage (cream)

    First, Last, Door, School, Telephone (Call)

    Golden, River, Sugar, Sea (Sand)

    Wheat, corn, football (field)

    Solar, Electronic, Wall Mounted, Manual (Clock)

    White, gray, fly, field, computer (mouse)

Fizminutka "Quickly stand up, smile"

Quickly stand up, smile,

Above, draw above.

Well, straight straits

Raise, lower.

Left, right turned to the right,

The hands of the knees touched.

Sat down - got up, sate-got up

And on the spot ran.

Game "Logic Cubes - Gardener" (Games with Dienesh blocks) see Lesson 3

Purpose: develop logical thinking.

Exercise "Laying out of matches" (see Appendix 35)

Purpose: Development of random attention, shallow motors of fingers.

The child is offered by the pattern to lay a pattern or silhouette of matches.

"See what is depicted in this picture (pattern, house, etc.)? Take matches and lay out exactly the same pattern (house). When laying out, be attentive. Getting to work. "

Purpose: Develop attention and memory.

Playing stand in a circle. A digit is selected, which cannot be pronounced, instead of her utterance, the playing slaps in your hands. For example, the Forbidden Number 5. The game begins when the first child will say: "One", the next account continues and so up to five. The fifth child silently claps his hands five times. Six say: "Six", etc. He who is mistaken coming out of the game. The game is gradually becoming complicated if children cope with one forbidden number, the presenter prescribes 2 or 3 forbidden numbers. The game continues until 1-2 children remain in the game.

Ritual exit from the magical country of knowledge "Traveling on the cloud" (see Lesson 1)


Lesson 5.

Password: Find Similar game (2 options)

Objective: Teach children to find objects in the world around the world through the perception of their signs and properties; Develop observation, thinking.

Children are offered to find two similar objects in the room and prove their similarities on features (material, color, place, etc.)

Ritual entrance to the magical country of knowledge "Traveling on the cloud" (see Execution No. 1)

Exercise "Compliments" (game with ball)

Purpose: Removing barriers, educate a benevolent attitude towards each other.

Children become a circle. Looking into the eyes of a neighbor, I need to say a few good words to him, for something to praise, promise or wish something good.

Game: Chain "(Games with Dienesh blocks)

Purpose: develop logical thinking

From an arbitrary chosen figure, try to build as a long chain as possible. Chain construction options:

a) so that there were no shapes next to the same form.

b) so that there was no equal in the form and color of figures (in color and size and shape, in thickness, etc.)

c) so that the shapes were the same in size, but different in shape, etc.

d) To close the shapes of the same color and size, but of different shapes (the same size, but of different colors).

Psycho-person's exercise "Saltay-Boltay"

Purpose: Muscular Relaxation

Humpty Dumpty

Sit on the wall.

Humpty Dumpty

Dropped in a dream.

Children turn to the torso right-left, hands are free to hang out, like a rag doll. The words "fell in a dream" sharply tilt the body housing down.

Work at the table

Task: "verbal analogies"

Purpose: Development of intellectual abilities, logical abstractions.

The psychologist calls the words associated with logical analogues, the task of the child is to choose the appropriate analogy in the example of the proposed couple.

Day - Night (Sun -?)

Pilot - Shoofer (aircraft -?)

Snow - ice (skis -?)

Bidon - kettle (milk -?)

Ax - Spit (firewood -?)

Exercise "Graphic Dictation"

Purpose: Development of attention, shallow motility.

Children on speech instructions draw a pattern, and then it continues.

One cage up, one cell right, one cell down, one cell right, etc. After children continue the pattern.

Game "Nazis neighbors"

Purpose: Development of coordination, thinking.

The teacher takes the ball and throws each child, in turn calling the number from 1 to 10, the caught ball should call the "neighbors" of the named number (1 more, 1 less). That who was mistaken dropping out of the game.

Ritual exit from the magical country of knowledge "Traveling on the cloud" (see Lesson 1)


Lesson 6.

Password "Describe an object on features"

Purpose: Improve the ability of children to use in practice the ability to work with the model "Object - name name - the value of the sign name".

Today Password on our occupation game "Describe an object on the grounds." I show you the object, and you remember signs of signs and find this feature from this facility. For example: toy on the sign of humidity is dry.

Ritual entrance to the magical country of knowledge "Traveling on the cloud" (see Execution No. 1)

Exercise "Let's say hello"

Objective: to expand the knowledge of children about non-verbal means of communication, create a positive emotional attitude to the lesson.

The teacher asks in children as possible to say hello to each other. Children answer. If only verbal greeting forms are called, the teacher itself leads examples of non-verbal greeting forms. Children are invited to say hello to each other without words. Exercise makes every child.

Exercise "Evaluate the situation"

Purpose: to familiarize children with the rules of school life.

For the first task you need one green, one red circle, they are prepared for you on this tray. Take. I read the rules of school life. Your task is to answer the question on the principle of "traffic lights". If you think this act is right, lift the green circle, if you do not agree, then the red circle(Children themselves prepare their own workplace).

    Serezha in the classroom talked to his friend all the time.

    Katya listened carefully to her teacher.

    Lena shared pencils with Natasha, who forgot the pencils.

    Cyril During the lessons, the answers shouted from the spot.

    If the teacher did not ask Sasha, he was offended.

    Seeing that an example is complicated, Kolya did not even try to solve it.

    Anya raised her hand to answer the teacher's question.

    Roma on a change helped the teacher to prepare a class for a lesson.

    Dima shouted loudly in the corridor loudly.

Game "Tell the Lream" (antonyms and adjectives)

Objective: Develop attention, enrichment of the vocabulary stock.

    Wolf evil, and grandma (what?) ....

    Racket board, and stone (what?) ... smooth

    Grandfather old, and dad (what?) ... young

    Heavy brick, and a fever (what?) ... Easy

    If the house is made of brick, then it (what?) ... brick

    The hat was sewn from fur, it means that she (what?) .... Fur.

    Happy light, and at night ... dark.

    In the summer it is hot, and in winter ... cold.

Game: "The second row"

Purpose: develop logical thinking.

The teacher lay out in a number 6-8 (by the number of children) figures. Children are invited to build a second row under it, but so that under each figure of the upper row, the figure of another form (color, size; the same form, but of a different color (size); other color and size; not so in shape, size and Color.

Fizkultminutka "First Classroom"

How the desired hour will come circular movement right hand

"clock face"

We will go all in the first class cheering in place

Everyone about school we will tell you headed your hands on the belt

We will keep the hand "shelf" in front of them

Books, recipes, notebooks 3 times for every word Dilute direct

hands in front of him

All homework set to fold hands above the head "house"

We will execute exactly on time to knock on the wrist-"clock"

And always without late, cheering in place

Come to everyone on the hand lesson "shelf" in front of him

At school should learn

There can not be lazy to pursue a finger

Need to do everything on "five" rhythmically clap, show palm


Task "Dorisui in each square of the desired subject" (generalization, classification (see Appendix 5)

Purpose: develop thinking (classification, generalization)

Exercises facilitating writing letters.

Purpose: Development of shallow motility and preparation of a hand to a letter.

Exercise 1

Palms lie on the table. Children raise fingers one by one first on one hand, then to another. Repeat this exercise in the reverse order.

Exercise 2

Palms lie on the desk. Children alternately raise their fingers immediately on both hands, starting with the mother's maiden.

Exercise 3.

On the table lies 10-15 counting sticks. One hand should be collected in a fist, taking one thing, then also put on one to the table (perform, without helping the second hand).

Exercise "Continue pattern" (see Appendix No. 39)

Purpose: Development of visual and motor coordination and shallow motility, preparation of a hand to a letter.

Game "Colepko, ring, go on the porch"

Purpose: teach children to arbitrary expression of various emotional states.

Children sit in a circle and fold a palm so that you can hide a small item. The lead is bypassing everyone, pretends that it hides every ring, but actually leaves only one participant of the game. The task of expressing the face to guess, in whose palms the lead hid the subject. If he is twitching, who has a ring, he drives. Children are dead and pose trying to mislead the leading.

Ritual exit from the magical country of knowledge "Traveling on the cloud" (see Lesson 1)


Lesson 7.

Password: "Find an object for a specified sign"

Purpose: Improve the ability of children to use in practice the ability to work with the model "Object - name name - the value of the sign name".

I call the name of the sign name, and you find an object in the office, suitable for this feature. For example: Blue color.

Ritual entrance to the magical country of knowledge "Traveling on the cloud" (see Execution No. 1)

Exercise "Tsarevna - Nesmeyan"

Purpose: set up on a positive, destruction of protective barriers.

An adult tells a fairy tale about Tsarevna - Nedmeyan and invites children to play the same game. Someone from the children will be princess, which all the time be sad and cries, and the rest in turn will approach her and try to laugh. Tsarevna tries not to laugh at all of all. Wins one who will be able to call her smile or laughter.

As a princess - unmeasured, a rejected, non-conscious child (better girl) is chosen, and the rest are trying to laugh by all their might.

Exercise "School and Mood" (with a mild ball)

Purpose: Continue to acquaint children with different emotions and transfer them using facial expressions; Determine the level of motivational readiness.

"Let's remember with the help of pictograms, what feelings can experience a person. I show the pictogram, and you depict this feeling on your face. And with what feeling you will go to school, you will show this feeling on your face and why, explain "(children pass the ball in a circle and perform the task).

Exercise "Spoke by Groups" (work with Dienesh blocks)

Purpose: develop logical thinking.

"Spread out the figures into groups so that in each group there were something similar. What are the figures in this group? " Each child takes several blocks and creates a group of similar signs.

Fizminutka see Lesson number 6

Work with leaves, see Appendix No. 6.7

Purpose: develop thinking

Game "Earth, Water, Fire, Air"

Purpose: Development of attention, arbitrariness, thinking.

Children become a circle. The presenter throws the ball alternately to each child and says "Earth" or "Water" and the child must say the name of the animal or fish, or birds, if you call "air" with the word "fire" the child should turn around him around him and slam your hands. He who is mistaken, drops out of the game. The winner is selected.

Ritual exit from the magical country of knowledge "Traveling on the cloud" (see Lesson 1)


Lesson 8.

Before you "Model of the World", we will call objects related to the man-made world to class: dishes, toys, clothes, etc.

Ritual entrance to the magical country of knowledge "Traveling on the cloud" (see Execution No. 1)

Game "Competition Bouncen"

Purpose: Remove the barriers to communication, set up to occupation.

Children get into a circle in a random order, and adult announces: "Today we will spend a bouncer with you. Won one who boasts better. But we will be boasted not, and our neighbor on the right. After all, it is so nice and honorable to have the best neighbor! Look carefully on someone who sits on the right of you. Think what he he is, what is good in him that he can, what good actions he committed than he can like. Won one who is better to boast who will find in his neighbor more advantages. " The winner is selected.

"Two hoops" game (games with Dienes blocks)

Purpose: develop thinking.

On the floor there are two multi-colored hoops (blue and red), hoops intersect, therefore have a common part. The presenter offers someone to get up:

    inside a blue hoop;

    inside both hoops;

    inside the blue, but outside the red;

    outside the blue and red hoop;

    inside a red hoop;

    outside the red hoop;

    inside red, but out of blue.

Then the children are in turn placing blocks so that all the round blocks are inside the blue hoop, and all the red hoops were inside the red hoop.


    What blocks lie inside both hoops?

    Inside blue, but outside the red?

    Inside red, but out of blue?

    Out of both wrap?


We are kicking top top

We are crawl clas

We are the eyes of MiG Mig,

We shoulders chick - chick.

Once - here, two - there, turn around yourself.

Once - sat down, two - they drove.

Hands up all raised.

Once - two times - two,

Do we have time!

Work behind the tables .

Jobs on leaves, see Appendix No. 8

Purpose: develop thinking

Movable game "Phone - Fax"

Purpose: Learn to realize your tactile sensations.

"Which of you at least once has seen a fax? .... I want to show you how our group can turn into a phone - fax. Standing in the chains with each other, each of you looks at the back of the one who stands ahead. I draw something with a finger on the back of a child standing at the end of the chain, and he tries to understand what was drawn, then draws the same on the back of one who stands in front of him. And so the picture is passed further and further. A child standing in front of everyone paints her on the board. We start right now ... "

Ritual exit from the magical country of knowledge "Traveling on the cloud" (see Lesson 1)


Lesson 9.

Password: "What class treats?"

Purpose: Fasten the ability of children to work with the model of the world; Develop thinking, ability to classify.

Before you "Model of the World", we will call objects related to natural world to class: animals, plants, etc.

Ritual entrance to the magical country of knowledge "Traveling on the cloud" (see Execution No. 1)

Exercise "Candle"

Purpose: set up on occupation, remove barriers, to liberate participants.

Children in a circle transmit a burning candle from hand to hand, they say good words and wishes to each other. The transfer of the candle is accompanied by relaxation music from the "Chromotherapy" series.

Work at the tables.

Gaying of mysteries (children stand around a table with school supplies)

Purpose: develop thinking and horizons.

    In school bag, I lie.

How do you learn, I will say. (diary)

    I'm big, I'm a student

In the wreck of me ... .. (diary)

    Must every student

to school take with you ... ..

    How the student has time

Tell all about him a diary.

    I look like a box

Pens you put on me.

Schoolboy, did you find out me?

Well, of course I .... (pencil case)

    It is worth the house who will enter it

That mind will acquire (school)

    To be where to write

We need a school at school ... Notebook

    The new house is in hand,

Doors at home on the castle.

Here are residents of paper,

All terribly important. (portfolio and textbooks)

    Who will color our album?

Well, of course…….pencil

Work on leaves See Appendix No. 9

Game "Touching to ..."

All playing dressed in different ways. The presenter shouts: "Trying to ... blue!" Everyone must quickly find the game participants, something is blue and touch this color. Colors are constantly changing who did not have time - leads.

Ritual exit from the magical country of knowledge "Traveling on the cloud" (see Lesson 1)


Lesson 10.

Password exercise "how to use

Purpose: develop imagination, creative thinking.

The lead calls any item and invites children to say how it can be used. Example: newspaper - read, write, build a boat, lay on the table or floor, light a bonfire, wrap something in a newspaper, etc.

Ritual entrance to the magical country of knowledge "Traveling on the cloud" (see Execution No. 1)

Exercise "Greeting"

Purpose: Removing barriers, mood to occupation.

"Hello everyone who has sisters, pigtails, who today ate candy, who today led himself, and who is bad, who have blond hair, etc. etc." Children instead of the answer "Yes" say "hello."

Exercise "What does this word mean?"

Purpose: Develop thinking, connected speech.

"You have drawn items. Imagine a man who does not know any of these words (you can put a toy and tell her). Try to explain to him the meaning of each word. For example: Boots are waterproof shoes to walk on water and dirt.

The game "Two hoops" (games with Dienesh blocks) see Lesson number 8

Work behind the tables

Exercise "Schoolboy's Briefcase" (work near the table, children stand around)

Purpose: Develop attention, expand the horizons.

"Tell me, and you had such that you or your acquaintances, my natives forgot, confused, somewhere late (children's answers). Good or bad to be scattered, inattentive?. Look, I have two briefcases in my hands, one collected attentive student, another scattered, let's define who collected which portfolio "(children consider the contents and determine). Children are divided into two teams, and collect a portfolio of a careful student, and after the team, each other is checked.

Jobs on leaves, see Appendix No. 9

Movable game "Forbidden Number"

Ritual exit from the magical country of knowledge "Traveling on the cloud" (see Lesson 1)
