In a dream, collect berries big. What is the berries: ripe, delicious, black, unknown? The main interpretations of different dreams - what is the berries? What dreams of red berries, black, ripe, green, rotten, many

Dream interpretation for bitch

What dream of a berry woman:

Berries are awaiting successful affairs, the execution of the conceived and receiving good material profit.

Dream of flowers

See the berry in a dream means:

There is a disease.
Also, see watermelon, grapes, cherries, strawberries, viburnum, gooseberry, raspberry, plums.

Muslim dreamnik

Sleeping with berry in the dream interpretation is extruded as:

Wine berry means means to life mined by pervolored, clean and legal. If anyone sees in a dream, that he ate a wine berry, "will receive or a thousand gold dinars, or a thousand silver dirhemes of coins.

Dream of Pechora Healer

Sleep with berry means:

Berries - to the bad.

Dream Miller

Sleep value Berry:

To be in the meadow with an abundance of berries - improvement, recovery;
Collect berries in deep dishes, forgetting that they may interfere - your good intentions turn into misfortune;
see a lot of berries, but they are still very green - you do not need to run forward and hurry the events, it will not speed up the case, will bring Savbar;
Put a big spot from berries on your favorite suit and not know how to bring it - a person who hurts you trouble will not be punished;
You have been keen on the windowsill for the New Year - a certificate of your complacent setting and readiness to help even in the most unrealized projects;
For a man - to treat his beloved man with berries, and he refuses - the gap of the longcoming and exhausted relationships;
For a woman - such a dream - intrigue in a circle of familiar loved one.
Also, see the new year, honeysuckle, elderberry, strawberries, raspberries, there is a berry.

ABC Interpretation of dreams

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a berry:

Berries that appear after the completion of flowering - symbolize the fruits of past works or the consequences of joy.
Therefore, there are berries - reflects that your works will remain unpleasant. This is a sign of longing and sadness.
Most berries see besides bitter - a sign of success.
Blackberry, Malina - Financial Luck.
Collect berries - your work will be appreciated.

Dream Birthday Birthdays January, February, March, April

What can be a berry:

Black berry - to tears, red - to joy.

Health Dream Interpretation

Berry, in a dream means:

See red berries - to health; Green berries - to the disease.

Dream Azara

If the girl dreams of a berry, then that means:

Black - to tears, red - to joy

Esoteric dream book

Why dream of a woman's berry:

Collect - a very good dream, a sustainable favor for your fate. Crush - if in order to make wine or jam, then sleep is favorable for all your undertakings; If the goal is not defined, then difficulties are waiting for you, since you do not trust your intuition and do not meet fate. See "Wine", "Jam".

Modern dream book

What is the dream of a berry:

See yourself in the meadow with an abundance of berries - to improving cases, recovery.
Collect berries in deep dishes, forgetting that they may face - this dream warns: your good intentions will turn into misfortune.
If you see a lot of berries, but they are still very green - it means that you do not need to run forward and rushing the events, it will not speed up the case, will bring Savbar.

Culinary dream book

What is the dream of a berry:

There are wine berries - joy; Dried or boiled - well-being and success in the deed. See red berries - tears. See a lot of berries and walk on them - winning the victory over the enemy, whatever.

Small dream book

What is the dream of a berry:

If you dreamed that you are collecting garden berries, then I can enjoy the results of your work. Collect ripe forest berries means that fate will be favorable to you and give you a unique chance. There are berries - to a new twist of love relationships. For a young woman, a dream in which she cooks jam from berries, means that she seeks to keep his beloved, which began to cool to her.

Dream Birthday Birthdays May, June, July, August

What is the dream of a berry:

Berries - to a short disease, temperature.
Crush the berries to get juice from them - to the infertility of your efforts.

What is the dream of a berry:

To see in a dream of berries - to tears.
If you dreamed that you were collected or bought berries - you yourself will be blamed that you will be brought to tears.
There are berries - to a bad mood.
If you dreamed that you were selling berries - soon you will spoil the mood to your close relatives.
If you have dreamed that you dried berries - you will be in a bad mood for a very long time.

Sonnie Grishina

What is the dream of a berry:

See a lot of berries - a lot of works, little benefit; Big tears.
Different red berries see - tears.
White berries see - victory, celebration, success.
Black - regret.
Collect - prepare what will lead to tears.
Give others to sorrow.
There is with a large or smaller appetite - cry more or less.

Slavic dream book

What is the dream of a berry:

See tears; There is a disease; Wine berries - surprise; White berries - success; Red - tears; Dried - Care.

Italian psychoanalytic dream book A.Berti

What is the dream of a berry:

Berries - Symbols of sexual pleasure or disappointment (immature berries).

Dream Interpretation Martina Zadaee

What is the dream of a berry:

Berries - interest; Wine - profits.


What is the dream of a berry:

Red berries - to the arrival of relatives.
Black - surprise.
Put in a dream of berries in order to squeeze juice from them - you want to squeeze money from your debtors, but nothing will work.

Chinese dream book

What is the dream of a berry:

Eat the berries of the Mulgarian - foreshadows the birth of a noble son.

Old Russian dream book

What is the dream of a berry:

tears; There is a disease.

Newest dream book

What is the dream of a berry:

Berries - the pleasure of gourmet.

Female dream book

What is the dream of a berry:

If in a dream you boil jam from berries - it means you are trying to warm up the feelings of your chosen by all my might of the world.

Dream Taro.

What is the dream of a berry:

Wine berries - spiritual growth, pilgrimage to holy places

Ukrainian dream book

What is the dream of a berry:

Berries - Tears. Berries - success in affairs. Dried berries - before the disease.

Astrological dream book

What is the dream of a berry:


5 house horoscope.

Dream of Freud.

What is the dream of a berry:

Most berries, in small exceptions, as well as fruit - symbolize the bulges of a female figure, that is, breasts and buttocks.
Collection of berries or eating them - symbolize sexual intercourse.
If a man eats in a dream of berries - he seeks numerous sexual contacts, but only with very attractive women.
If a woman eats in a dream of berries - she seeks sexual contacts with other women.
If you have a mouth with berries, and you lureed - it symbolizes your desire to have a child.
If you collected berries and did not find anything - your sexual partner cooled to you.

Dream Khasse

What is the dream of a berry:

Berries - success in affairs.
Red berries - health and contentment.

Family dream book

What is the dream of a berry:

To see berries in a dream - collect berries - a symbol of upcoming stupid troubles and small trouble. If in a dream you ate berries, then this is a good sign, in the near future you are enjoying pleasure, pleasant pastime and small joy. Green (unloaded) berries or dried, symbolize your impassableness and impatience in affairs in which it is unacceptable. Chervichy berries suggest that in your environment there is a person who wants you evil, or freely or unboring you. Sale in the sleep of berries indicates the hassle associated with money.

Sonner Simon Kananita

What is the dream of a berry:

Berries - Success in Affairs

Esoteric dream book

What is the dream of a berry:

Berries to collect - a very good sleep, which is a sustainable favor for your fate.
Crush if in order to make wine or jam - sleep is favorable for all your undertakings; If the goal is not defined, you are waiting for difficulties, since you do not trust your intuition and do not meet fate.
Red Berry - Passion, Emotional Glow.
Rob, there is jealousy, envy.
Stretch, break - choke your passion, which can lead to heart disease.

Dream Azara

What is the dream of a berry:

Black berries - to tears, red - to joy.
Collect red - the death of close blood.
Collect black - heartlocks and anxiety.

Dream of flowers

What is the dream of a berry:

Berries - tears; There is a disease.

Dream of flowers

What is the dream of a berry:

See yourself on a berry meadow - to improve in affairs, recovery.
The dream in which you collect berries in the basket, forgetting that they can interfere - caution: Your good intentions will turn into solid troubles.
Green, immature berries - dreams of illness.

School Schiller Dream

What is the dream of a berry:

success in affairs.

Dream Interpretation Catherine Great

What is the dream of a berry:

Berry - You see in a dream a lot of berries at your feet - if you are sick, then you will soon recover. You seem to collect berries - consider that you are misfortune you collect; And even what you want to do well, you do bad. You will have immature berries - a hurry harms you.

Sonnie Grishina

What is the dream of a berry:

See a lot of berries - a lot of works - little benefits; Big tears.
Different red berries see - tears.
White berries see - victory, celebration, success.
Black berries - regret.
Collect berries - prepare what will lead to tears.
Give others to sorrow.
There is with a large or smaller appetite - cry more or less.

Dream of Wanderers - Terentia Smirnova

What is the dream of a berry:

Berries (Recall: All berries, unfortunately, more often, take off for diseases and exacerbations of chronic diseases).

specifically by the name of the berry.

Akulina healer dream book

What is the dream of a berry:

You have dreamed of berries - you are awaiting well-being and success in the planned case. Imagine that you are moving the berries, wash them, fall asleep sugar and cook jam.

Dream Healer Feedorovskaya

What is the dream of a berry:

Berries - to the bad. Especially black (blueberries, black currant, etc.). But red (lingonberry, cranberry, strawberries, etc.) - also not for good.

Modern dream book

What is the dream of a berry:

Berries - Good luck in business

Dream Interpretation O. Adaskin

What is the dream of a berry:

The berry is a dream in which you collect garden berries - a sign that you are waiting for a successful completion of cases. Results will not be happy. If you collect forest berries, be prepared for the fact that fate gives you your generous. You will have a unique chance of cool change your life. What is the dream of a berry - only for women - if in a dream you boil jam from berries, it means that you are trying to warm up to warm up the feelings of our chosen one.

Dream Interpretation Kolden Medea

What is the dream of a berry:

Berries - berries appearing after the completion of flowering, symbolize the fruits of past works or the consequences of joy. Therefore, there are berries - reflects that your works will remain unpleasant.

This is a sign of longing and sadness. Most berries to see (except bitter) is a sign of success. Blackberry, Malina - Financial Luck. Collect berries - your works will be appreciated, so deciphering what dreams of you in a dream.

Home dreamy

What is the dream of a berry:

You dreamed of berries - success in affairs.

Russian dream book

What is the dream of a berry:

What means in a dream of berries - red - joy, pleasure; Attractive young girl; tear the berry - intimate proximity; black - tears; Minor results of any activity.

Magic dream book

What is the dream of a berry:

What means in a dream of berries - black - to tears, red - to temptations. Collect berries - you should be patient and persistence. Wake up berries - get rid of tears or temptations (depending on what color berries). Put red berries - shed blood. Dried or boiled berries - to profits.

Dream Maya.

What is the dream of a berry:

Good denied you dreamed that you collect berries, in the near future you will get the opportunity to get an increase at work. Going to work, hold for a week for the cheek any berry.
Bad denied you dreamed that you eat berries, then in the near future you will have problems with the skin. To avoid them, wash yourself during the week before bedtime salted water.

Chervichy berries - they suggest that in your environment there is a person who wants you evil, or freely or unboring you.
Sale in a dream of berries - denotes the hassle associated with money.

Online dream book

What is the dream of a berry:

Polyana, trimmed with berries - a symbol of what you can establish everything in your life.
If they were immature - then the situation should be released, because not all the circumstances are clear.
I dreamed that they were collected - the fun in your life will be, even debt.
Red berries - come across prudent and carefulness.
Black - Your jealousy is able to cause damage to a relationship important for you.
By dream, berry jam - a sign that you will go on a promising journey.
Wine from them - promises you to suffer from cooling in personal relationships.
They ate them - your mood can go to no.
Traded berries in a dream - you can behave badly with those who value you.
Dried them - some events will seriously spoil your mood.
If you are shot small, but already ripe berries are a reason with optimism to look into the future, you will be lucky in everything, for no matter.
If in a dream you saw black berries - it promises you failures and problems on the love front, you will not be able to find mutual understanding with your chosen one, it will be especially difficult in an intimate life. But it is also important to take into account the overall symbolism of the vision, it is she who determines the interpretation to a greater extent.
According to the dreams, collect berries in the forest - in reality to obtain a profitable offer for work, you will rapidly raise the career ladder.
If you do it like

Dream icons

What is the dream of a berry:

Berries - Berries are symbolically "not lucky."

There are or seeing many berries in a dream (especially dark color), as practice shows, very often signals a person about future diseases, exacerbations of chronic diseases and various painful sensations. The following associative-leading logic is possible: the patient needs natural vitamins. So the sick wild animal for cure purposes is looking for any grass or berry in nature.

Ukrainian dream book

What is the dream of a berry:

Berries - success in affairs.
Dried berries - before the disease.
Teren berries - trouble and impoverishment.

The dream in which there were berries, may be a harbinger of pleasant surprises or bitter regrets. Interpretation of this sleep is double and contradictory. If you have dreamed of berries in a dream, check out all possible options for it to be fully armed.

Red berries are a symbol of blood, related bonds. Often they are sent to sleep to warn about the unexpected visit of relatives living very far. They can also serve as a sign that close is worried and worry about your destiny. Sleeping with red berries can be sent and as a warning: perhaps soon someone from family members will need support. In some dreams, red berries are interpreted as precursors tears.

Black berries see in a dream - sign negative emotions: you are awaiting disappointment, sadness, regret.

If ripe berries have dreamed, it's a good sign. It shows that patience, exposure and perseverance that you appear will soon be rewarded. And it concerns this not only the areas of workers' relations, but also a family circle, friends familiar. Choose yourself, in which direction this result is most desirable.

Green or unhealthy berries in a dream signalize that you must more control your emotions, as you are unbalanced, irritable and impatient. You will be successful in affairs only if you are out of themselves these qualities. Dry fruits have the same meaning.

If the berries dreamed of worms or rotches, look at your surrounding. Most likely, someone harms you, free or involuntary, or wishes evil. Many berries in a dream, especially if they are dark color, marvel health problems: painful states, exacerbation of already existing diseases or developing new ones. But if you went to berries in a dream, soon you will be waiting for the victory over the enemy or rival.

Growing on the meadow of berries talk about emergency cure from the disease.

If in a dream you saw a bucket filled with berries, then the body is experiencing extreme need in vitamins. Do not refuse the proposed treats, to enjoy them in the station.

Collect berries in a dream - what?

Collecting berries in a dream marks that soon you will be entrusted with a tedious, monotonous and time-consuming work that will require maximum concentration, attention and perfection. However, do not hurry to disappoint, but try to realize the prospects of the goals and tasks before you. In this case, the occupation will bring valuable fruits, and his process itself will become not so bad and routine.

In the Jewish dream book, the collection of berries is interpreted as a precursor of close unrest and experiences.

If berry juice got on your clothes, be careful, communicating with unfamiliar people: high likelihood of trouble.

If you have been selling berries in a dream, this marks cash troubles.

What dream is there, eat berries?

Dream that we eat berries

If in a dream you have to eat berries, take advantage of the opportunity and try what they are taste. I enjoy the process of eating sweet, gentle, expiring juice, appetizing fruit - a sign that you have nothing to worry about, because luck in all matters will be on your side. But if it was necessary to taste unattractive, acidic, bitter, dry, damaged by rotting berries, it is worth alert and prepare for probable significant difficulties.

What dream to eat berry

If there is some other person in a dream of berries and your profession is associated with tasting, this is a good sign. Here the berries foreshadow that soon the work will bring you a huge pleasure.

Masives and the type of berries. Eating wine berries means ambulance joy. Dried or boiled berries - prosperity and good luck in the case, profits.

What dreams of strawberry berries, raspberries, cherries, cherry, currant, strawberries, blueberries, victoria berries, gooseberry, cherries, grapes, rowan, forest berries?


Strawberry is a life-affirming symbol of sensual pleasure, solvents, love. In France, it is even considered aphrodisiac. Berries of strawberries in a dream predict an erotic adventure that will give an unforgettable pleasure.


Raspberry berries will dream of non-volatile optimists and people with a subtle taste. They foreshadow a lot of pleasant situations: receiving long-awaited and well-deserved awards, pleasant leisure, relaxation after hard work. Collection of raspberries in a dream means an ambulance wedding, it is possible that with the hero of sleep in the lead role. There is a different interpretation, less positive: to see raspberry berries in a dream - to bad well-being and even to the disease.


Cherry berries warn about close disorders, regrets, tears. Their probable cause will be in the love sphere, especially associated with the encroachment on the forbidden fruit. Such a dream can be interpreted and as a signal to reconsider its priorities, because the world does not rotate around a single subject, it has many other exciting moments.


The cherryhi berries seen in a dream are positive, joy, delight, babysitting, the onset of long-awaited change. Soon your life will fill a whole series of bright events that will give a great mood and the desire to love the whole world. You will want to convey to the surrounding part of your cheerfulness, making unfortunate gifts to your loved ones. In the love sphere, it also expects complete mutual understanding. If you ate the cherry in a dream, then you will be accompanied by peace and consent. And if at the same time you shared berries with other people, you prepared a big profit and an outstanding career.


Have you seen currant berries in your nights? Correctly express their importance will help the circumstances in which you encountered them. Collect the currant foreshadows an ambulance and decent reward for your works. If you are engaged in selling currant in a dream, be prepared to face the temptation and check of your durability. Message currant symbolizes the emergence of new features: Very soon you will get a tempting offer that must be taken.


The berries of strawberries in a dream are precursors that luck will suddenly smile. You can hope for pleasant surprises and important meetings that cool fate. They may not fit into plans and significantly disrupt your schedule, but it will only benefit you. And if you dreamed not just berries, but a whole strawberry glade, you are waiting for a major luck.


To see in a dream, blueberries means that soon you will find yourself on a large peer with an abundance of all sorts of treats. This is likely an event that will bring romance to your life, making a gray ordinary. Berryberries are also talking about what needs to be followed by their well-being, take care of vision, do not worry because of the smallest detail.

Victoria berry

Victoria's berry in a dream predicts euphoric fun, a big holiday and incredible sexual pleasure. But consider: if the berry is rotten or unhealthy, a disappointment will quickly come to replace joy.

In the dream book Miller Yagoda Victoria pushes two: as a sign of unexpected difficulties and obstacles and at the same time as their prosperous permission. Maybe she will be laid in night gold to bitterness and tears. And if the berry is ripe and bright red, begin to prepare for the arrival of the relatives, with which they have not met for a long time.

Sweet cherry

According to a universal dream, see the berries of sweet cherry on the tree means fast tears. But there is a cherry, on the contrary, a good sign talking about favorable news. For example, if you were born in the summer, late spring or early autumn (in warm time), you can count on a successful deal that will bring great benefits.


Attaching the gooseberry in a dream, the gooseberry foreshadows great happiness and opening in front of you large prospects. True, before the onset of happy days, you will have to survive a lot of disturbing and sad events. Joy will be the greater, the larger than the berries dreameded to you. If you break off a non-free gooseberry, there is a chance of committing a major error. Control your emotions to avoid danger.

Berries that have long to look for among the leaves, sign up for a possible disease. Post for your health.

There is a ripe gooseberry in a dream - a favorable sign. You can achieve the desired result in your affairs. But for women such a plot predicts disappointment. If the gooseberry turned out to be immature and sour, get ready to pay the bills.


There is in the dream of grapes promises you troubles and anxieties, overcoming which one orders your character and make you stronger. Together with the receipt of useful skills, you will be provided with a worthy place in society. If grapes eat another person, it means a large purchase and joy. But be careful. If such a dream saw a person with poor health or workaholic, a heart attack is possible.


Forest berries of unambiguous interpretation do not have. If you thought that you collect them, ahead awaits anxiety, excitement, bustle. However, ultimately, for your concern you will definitely be rewarded.

If suddenly you have come on berries and dispersed them, do not be sad, this is a sign of fast victory. To see in a dream, unappletent, wrinkled, dried berries - alarming signal. If this happened, it's time to start watching your health.

Want to improve prediction - make jam from forest berries. It marks good luck on a business field and getting a big profit.


Rowan ripen brushes are talking about the possibility of relationships with the object you are interested in. If you collect Ryabin, you have a serious conversation with him. Eating sour ripper berries is an omnation of love troubles, quarrels, disputes. They will be stronger if the berries will be very bitter taste. But if the berries are sweet, wait for a pleasant stay or a short journey.

Dream Berry

Dream Vangu

A large number of berries in a dream is a warning. You have to go through a lot of temptations and temptations. But at the end of the way you are awaiting a reward. If in a dream you eat berries, then prepare for very severe shock and strong suffering. You will distract and interfere with you. Take care of patience and add some perseverance to him, then you can accurately achieve conceived.

Berries that crumbled on the floor or on the ground, sign about small adversity. You can easily overcome them if you go to confession and ask for the help of God.

Miller's dream book - see berry in a dream

If in a dream you were on a berry meadow, wait for your deeds, recovery after the disease. Seen a lot of green berries - you should hold your impatience: your active actions at this stage will not bring the desired result, but only add chaos and confusion in your affairs.

If the berries are ripe on your window in the winter, then you have such features of character as grateful and willingness to help in any, even the most hopeless situation.

Berry juice left a big spot on your favorite clothes, and you do not know how to bring it, - in this case, the person who put you will remain unpunished.

If a man in a dream treats his beloved berries, and she does not agree, this is the sign of the rupture of those relationships that have long been filled. For women, such a situation in a dream sulite intrigue among familiar beloved.

Why dream berries - Dream of Freud

In men's dreams, berries mean a man's desire to make their sex life more diverse. In women - the desire for sexual contact with its floors.

If you eat berries in a dream or blot their juice, then your subconscious readiness for the birth of a child is expressed. If, collecting berries, you break through the woods, it is an omnation that your feelings are hidden. However, they can still be revived if you want it.

Old Russian Dream Interpretation - Dreamed Berries

Tracting berries as a harbinger of tears. There are them in a dream - to the disease.

Noble dream book N.Grishina

To see a lot of berries in a dream means much strength, but a small return. It is also an omnant of abundant tears.

Red berries are shot to tears. White berries - the sign of the triumph, victory, achievements, good luck. Black - sadness, regret, grief.

Collecting berries says that you yourself prepare the soil for disappointment and tears. Introduce the berries to others - to sorrow.

There are berries with a large or smaller appetite - more or less tears to shed.

Schoolchildren Schiller Dream Interpretary Hasse

Berries mean good luck in all matters.

Dream Interpretation Martyn Zadaee

Berries are interpreted as interest. See wine berries promises profit.

Dream Azara

Collect red berries - to the death of a close blood relative.

Collect black berries - to love experiences and unrest.

To see black berries means tears.

Dream Maya.

Collecting berries in a dream - a signal that very soon you will be promoted over the career stairs. To strengthen the effect of the omen, within 7 days after sleep, lay the cheek any berry and keep it there all the way to work.

Fouring berries means you should pass on the condition of the skin, problems with it are possible. You can avoid their occurrence if you wash the skin with salted water before bedtime during the week.

Eastern female dream book

If you are on a berry meadow, wait for progress in affairs, improved health, cure. We carelessly put the berries in a basket where they are impelled - this is a warning from hasty actions: caused by good encouraging, they will not bring goodness, but will turn into trouble. Green or unhealthy berries - a disease warning.

Esoteric dream book

Collecting berries in a dream shows that you are a pet favorite.

If in a dream, press the berries to make wine or jam, you can safely begin new things, they will all be successful. If you do it aimlessly and mindlessly, beware, because on your way there will be obstacles soon. A more listen to the voice of your intuition and do not oppose the fate.

Small Velezov Sonnik

To see berries can mean either good luck in affairs, or tears, diseases.

There are berries - to the disease.

Black berries - tears from grief, sadness, disappointment.

Red berries - tears from joy or illness.

White berries - good luck.

There are boiled berries - a carriage.

Clip white berries - win over the enemy.

Gypsy dream book

Berries in a dream foreshadow tears.

There are boodies boiled with sugar or dried up - to profit.

There are raw berries - harm and illness.

Dream Interpretation Kolden Medea

There are berries - the effort will be a gift and remain unrecognized. You are awaiting sadness, despondency and sadness.

See a lot of berries, but not only bitter - to luck.

Blackberry and raspberry berries commemorate success in financial affairs.

Collect berries - get the fruits of your works.

To understand what dreams of collecting berries, dream interpretation proposes to remember what is actually in a dream. You dreamed nothing but a result of growth, flowering, ripening. Details of the dream will prompt what fruits to be reaping in reality.

Paradoxes Miller

Prediction, what dreams of collecting berries, in Miller's dream book sometimes means completely opposite phenomena: from full collapse to dizzying success, from sudden separation to an equally unexpected meeting. Consider these images more.

If red berries have dreamed, let me know about yourself, whom you have no longer hoped to see. When in a dream, their size or appearance causes annoyance, the symbol means tears. The great set foreshadows difficulties in affairs, which, however, will not interfere with achieving brilliant results.

What will tell color

Involver, what dreams of collecting red berries, Esoteric dream book proposes to remember their purpose. If the wine varieties were dreamed, success is going in any endeavors. Raw materials for jam testifies the favor of Fortune. When it is not possible to recall the goals, it makes no sense to look for everything explanation, just trust the call of my heart.

The healer Fedorovskaya believes that the black fruit is not good. If you had the opportunity to see a blueberry or currants and pass by or even step on them in a dream, in real life I will be able to defeat rivals.

Werez's dream book promises the triumph of justice to those who collected black and yellow berries in one basket. In predicting summer birthday women, red currants and cherries warn of a non-essential increase in temperature.

the Forbidden fruit

Some dreams with caution belong to the plot in which the berries were able to collect and there they are there. The sorcerer of Medea believes that the sleeping can greatly disappear ingratitude.

Gypsy interpretation of sleep informs that there are freshly plagued raspberries and blackberries happening shortly before easy malaise. Perhaps the image reminds that the gifts of nature before use is desirable to wash.

At the same time, the modern Oracle claims to tear and eat the berries one after the other falls on the eve of small joys.

Assorted for Lakarka

In dream books you can find a variety of interpretations, which is what dreams of collecting berries of different varieties:

  • Lukoshko strawberries collected in a dream foreshadows a series of bright impressions;
  • If it was lucky to find the melanian strawberries, good news will violate plans;
  • See strawberries in a dream accounted for true connoisseurs of pleasure;
  • If you dreamed of tearing strawberries, ahead erotic adventure;
  • Gathering in a dream, the blueberries will be invited to a fun banquet;
  • If you dreamed of collecting cherry berries, the long-awaited event will come;
  • The collected raspberries consider wedding harbingers, perhaps own;
  • Blackberry and her collection symbolizes material well-being.

Forest secrets

Explanation, what dreams of collecting berries in the forest can be found in an old dream interpretation. The plot reflects interest in self-knowledge, identifying and developing its best qualities.

If the collection of the gifts of nature in the forest was dreamed, the dream book of Ezopa promises success, however, the path to it will be long and thorny. In a snorker, the launches of Navi forest plants symbolize the inevitability of changes.

In the children's dream book, the search for delicacy in the forest personifies the ability to combine pleasant with useful.

Do not invent

It is no secret that you can collect berries in a dream at any time and in the most unexpected places. Do not be afraid if the scene was the scene in the night sperm. The collection of ripe fruits in the cemetery testifies to the ability to use the past as a storehouse of life experience and not repeat the former errors.

If I had to collect berries lying on the floor, the dream book of the wanderer promises humiliation and insult.

If the sleeping hopes to collect a crop in winter, the Ukrainian interpretation claims that he often takes care of unpromising projects. According to a psychoanalytic interpretation, a sign concerns unfinished affairs or relationships that will soon remind themselves.

What does dreams want

When in a dream, you have to tear cherries from a tree at high altitude, Azara's dream book promises that in real life it will be possible to overcome financial difficulties.

An unfinished sign is considered to collect berries, as well as mushrooms inedible or worm. What you dreamed, suggests that you feel not in your plate. Too often, you have to endure offenses from loved ones or disappointed in them.

What dreams of collecting many identical berries can be interpreted literally: this particular product is now required to your body.

With quality sign

What dreams to collect ripe large berries will tell Freud's dream book. Ahead of the dream is an unforgettable romantic date, which will help comprehend the new faces of sexuality.

Large raspberries and blackberries indicate non-vulnerable, which has repeatedly rescued in a competitive struggle. If you collect sweet berries in a dream I had to patient, he was on the right path to recovery.

"Large universal dream book for the whole family O.Smurov"

If red and sweet berries dreamed - it means joy and success in matters and in love.

Sour, immature, rotten berries in a dream - a sign of failures, experiences and troubles.

There are berries in a dream in the season foreshadows getting joyful news or meetings.

Juicy berries predict carnal pleasures and love pleasures. Dried and boiled berries in a dream indicate a good income from some enterprise. See fruits and the names of berries.

What dreams of the berries in the dream book -
"Truthful dreams - the most complete dream book"

If the berries have dreamed - it symbolizes the fruits of past works. There are berries in a dream - your work will remain unpleasant; Sign of longing and sadness. If all berries have dreamed, except the bitter - a sign of success. If the blackberry dreamed, Malina is a financial success. Collect the berries in a dream - your work will be appreciated. If red berries have dreamed - it says that you will be disappointed with a close person. If black berries have dreamed - misunderstandings are waiting for you. Cook in a dream jam from berries - you have a long road. Wine or filling from berries foreshadow the discrepancy in views, dissatisfaction and disappointment.

What dreams of the berries in the dream book -
"Dream Interpretation: Truthful Interpretator of Dreams L. Moroz"

If dried berries were dreamed - to profits; Collect the berries in a dream - to tears; If fresh berries have dreamed - to a little joy; tear in a dream of berries - learn news; scatter tuys - to unpleasant surprise; Cook in a dream jam from berries - there will be a quarrel in your family; If you dreamed that you eat red berries - your dreams will come true; Collect red berries in a dream - after a long expectation, joy will come to your house; If you dreamed that you eat black berries - to sorrow; Black berries, collect in a dream - to tears.

Seen in a dream of berries may impose pleasant meetings and disappointments. Dream interpretation is sometimes quite controversial interpret this symbol. Are you going to know what to dream about this? Examine all available options.

Collect and eat

If in a dream you had to collect berries, then in the near future a monotonous painstaking occupation will have. Modern dream book promises that if you try to understand the goals and objectives, the work will seem not so boring.

Since I had a chance to eat berries in a dream, try to try to progly carefully. Sweet, juicy and appetizing appetizing fruit promise success in all endeavors. If they turned out to be unbroken, sour, and even more embezzlement or dry, you need to be alert, as you can threaten serious trouble.

If ripe berries have dreamed, this means that your patience and the ability to wait will not remain unnoticed. Sleep can concern any of the life areas - both business and interpersonal relationships. You decide where at the moment you need the desired result.

Color and ripeness

Everything that is dreaming a red berry, the interpreter connects with relatives. Red berries are often in night gold editing Rodney from afar. It is possible that someone from the close at the moment is worried about you. The dream can serve as a warning that someone in the family will soon need help.

Cherry and Malina

The universal dream book is considering cherry as a sign of the upcoming disappointments and even tears. One of the possible causes is not the most successful attempt to enjoy the forbidden fruit in search of romantic adventures. Sleep says about a passionate desire to achieve any goal, although it did not come together with the Light of the Wedge, and there are many more interesting things in life.

If Malina dreamed, then you have a penaltious and exquisite taste. Women's dream book considers Malina the harbinger of M Loves of joyful events. The dream is awaiting a deserved award and a pleasant stay, and the one who collected will soon have fun at the wedding, it is possible that on its own. The plot also warns about the likelihood of unreason.

Strawberry and Cherryukha

If there is a strawberry, it is not difficult to guess that it symbolizes the cheerful thrust towards pleasures. Berries of strawberries can dream of an adventure with erotic subtext that will deliver extraordinary pleasures.

Cherry and blueberries

The universal interpreter believes that the cherry growing on the tree, take off to tears. Just do not hurry to get upset in advance: if in a dream you eat a cherry, it foreshadows good news. The dreams born in the warm season should be prepared for the accomplishment of a profitable deal.

If a blueberry was dreamed of a blueberry, a real feast will be held soon. A certain upcoming event will make some romance in your everyday life. At the same time, it is recommended to take care of the state of health, take care of your eyesight, do not be upset over trifles.


Dream Dream Ezop does not give an unequivocal response, which foreshadows a vision in which forest berries appear. Collecting these gifts of the forest is thrust concern and troubles that eventually justify themselves.

If you, having gone, went on the berries, waiting for the victory. Unattractive fruits - an alarming mark, it's time to worry about health. There is also a way to "sweeten" prediction, cook from forest berries jam. Fragrant jam foreshadowed in affairs and expected profits in full.

Strawberries and currants

If the currant berries dreamed, try to remember how you ordered them, this important item will help to correctly interpret seen. If you collect currants, get ready for the work done for the well-being remuneration. If you sell - expects temptation. If you decided to just eat currants in a dream, then you will soon make an interesting offer. Agree without thinking.

Finding a strawberry glade - Big luck. The dream book of the wanderer believes that these berries are in night gold to pleasant surprises, fateful meetings, an unexpected luck. The joyful event can make changes to your plans, but this does not grieve.

Various interpretations

Universal dream book will tell without unnecessary modesty, which foreshadows Victoria berry. It is huge joy, a fun holiday and an unforgettable sex. That's just if the rotten or misfortune is dreaming, the fun will end with disappointment.

Miller's dream book considers this symbol ambiguous: a berry can be a harbinger of both unforeseen difficulties in affairs and their successful completion. A similar plot can dreamed of tears. If in a dream the fruits of bright red, with a large share of the probability expected a visit of relatives, which you have not seen for a long time.

If you dream a bucket of berries, then your body is now, more than ever required Vitamins. Eastern Dreamnie calls not to deny himself in delicacy and at the same time combining a pleasant with useful. It is preferable in a dream that there are those berries that were filled with a disintended bucket.