New Russian oligarchs. The oligarchs of Russia - the whole truth


Representatives of the current regime love to declare from TV screens about the success in the fight against poverty. It is appropriate to recall the restructuring slogan of Democrats, they say, "the Bolsheviks fought with rich, and we will fight with the poor!" True, more than 20 years are fighting ...

And the court propagandists often inflate the cheeks that Putin de, so cool that all the bad oligarchs won, and now we are finally healthy! For a fair note, which is generally at Putin dollar billionaires, it was 12 times more, usually the answer: "There is nothing to envy successful people!"

In general, it turns out from all this lying disgust only one solid farce as a joke:

President Putin once again signed a decree:

"Make people rich and happy.

List of people attached. "

So, was the Russian people for 20 years of anti-people reforms held by irresponsible power, "more better" to live? Or this concerns only elected people from the "lists"?

About this in the article on the basis of the materials of the economist A. Sokolov.

I. Dollar billionaires of Marauders when Putin became 12 times more

The number of dollar billionaires over the years of Putin's reign has increased from 8 to early 2001 to 96 at the beginning of 2012, or 12 times.

A source:

By the number of dollar billionaires, Russia in 2012 ranks 3rd place in the world after the United States (424 billionaire) and China (157 billionaires).

The general condition of the 96 richest Marauders of Russia is $ 376.1 billion or 20.3% of GDP in 2011 (or 55% of budget expenditures, or 102% of all investments), which at times exceeds the same indicator of the United States, China, the EU, etc. . countries and regions.

II. 2/3 dollar marauders of Russia Raders due to criminal grabbing and ties with higher officials

Who are these billionaires and at the expense of what are they rich? Out of 96. Russia's dollar billionaires in 2012, according to the Journal of Forbes, 64 (or 2/3) Redemptions by clamping and connections with the highest officials of Russia. Only 28 billionaires created their business from scratch, and another 4 people were "red directors", that is, they had to directly manage production in Soviet times (but then they also took part in taking).

A source: [ Rice businessmen of Russia 2012], [Finance, 2011]

61% of national wealth were zakhapani at a price of 52 times lower than the real value in a matter of years

Recall briefly the history of the clasization. All reforms, including restructuring, were crushed in order to ensure that the small grouping of persons who had informal relations with the highest officials assigned all the national wealth of Russia. At first, the Soviet Union, CPSU and Socialism prevented this - they had to destroy them. Then it began to interfere with the congress of people's deputies (the only legally elected parliament for the entire new history of Russia). Then Yeltsin declared his dissolution on September 21, 1993 (putting himself out of law), and on October 3-4, he shot from tanks and large-caliber machine guns of his defenders. The crowd caught how thousands of valiant patriots and defenders of the Constitution shed. The people then lost and was robbed.

As a result of voucher clamping and mortgage auctions and all associated frauds and rollbacks, the best folk enterprises, which, and the blood and blood were built by blood, the pride of the Soviet industry, went to the paws of the romance at a price of dozens and hundreds of times lower than their cost!

According to Rosstat, in 1992, 46,815 state and municipal unitary enterprises were caught, in 1993 - 42924, 1994 - 21905.

In 1991, the state belonged 91% of fixed assets, and in 1994 - it is 30.2%, now - 20%. In a matter of years, the people stole 61% of national wealth. Wherein state for 1991-1994 received only 1.16% of their cost, 52 times less!

And what in the end? Were better to manage the new "effective managers" with the scared assets? No, they simply completely disappeared and closed. By 1994, real industrial production fell to 52.3% of the 1990 level, even in 2011 did not reach the level of the RSFSR - 80.7%.

III. 64 major marauders killed more than 561 thousand lives

If the dealer is rich due to the clamping (\u003d theft) of the people's property and thanks to the patrons among the highest officials, and did not create a business from scratch, then additionally should count how much "absolute lives" such a dealers "killed." I will explain what it is about.

If the wealth is htched dishonestly, due to the robbery of everyone else, then this means that many others should have tolerance: pensioners were not allowed pensions, workers - wages, children - benefits. It will be concentrated in this indicator.

As an "absolute life", we define the average income per month, multiplied by 12 and on the average life expectancy in the country in the years. If the state of the marauder is divided into already, then we will see how many absolute lives were "killed" due to the unlasting of national wealth. It will be a conditional assessment that does not reflect the entire amount of the scale of the country caused by the country and the people of Russia by these beasts. But nevertheless, they will show us a peculiar state price of their profit.

So. Secondary monthly income in the country in 2011 - 20703 rubles. The life expectancy of the population is 69 years old. The dollar rate will take 30 rubles. Thus, every billion of the national riches stolen from the people of national wealth is not some nonsense, which will not be revised, this (1,000,000 x 30) / (20703 x 12 x 69) \u003d 1,750 lives!

$ 320.9 billion stolen 64-major Marauders of National Wealth - this

MURDER(320 900 000 х 30) / (20703 x 12 x 69) \u003d 561 654 lives

IV. 59% of the main oligarchs of Marauders focused on the deployment of natural wealth belonging to the Russians of Russia and future generations

In which industries will mostly fly these Deltsi? The project of the pro-Western occupation of Russia with the construction of peripheral capitalism initially assumed the transformation of Russia into the raw material colony. Therefore, first of all, our raw materials are plundered. Despite the fact that only basic funds of enterprises were subject to privatization, that is, buildings and cars that provide, say, oil and gas production. However, in fact, the people were stolen and their own subsoils, which belong to the future generations of Russia, but are located only a narrow grouping of oligarchs and officials.

Only 7 billionaires have machine-building assets, and they are auxiliary nature and are not the main source of wealth.

Industries: 96
retail network, restaurants 11
oil and gas 19
development, Construction, Real Estate 38
finance 38
mechanical engineering 7
agriculture 4
metallurgy, mining industry 29
chemical industry, fertilizer 11
transport 13
food industry 2
telecommunications, MediaBusiness, IT 13
energy 5

A source: [ Rice businessmen of Russia 2012], [Finance, 2011]

As for social status, out of 96 billionaires 11 fell as a result of pseudo-chores in Dumke and Federation Council, and 10 in the ranks of the United Russia party. 5 people once, in Soviet times, apparently, were even workers.

Interests and Social Status 96
part of the State Duma and Federation Council 11
party member "United Russia" 10
orthodox image 2
invests in sport 18
businessman from St. Petersburg 6
state support 7
blogger 2
military 5
member of the Russian Jewish Congress 4
from workers 5

A source: [ Rice businessmen of Russia 2012], [Finance, 2011]

It is worth noting that the list of Forbes is only the visible part of Iceberg. It provides only official public billionaires among private businessmen. That is, those who prefer to stay in the shade, but actually owns huge states, this rating does not reflect.

But even despite this, 11 especially revealing among deputies and members of the Council, and the Council of State

  1. Kerimov Suleiman. - $ 6.5 billion (Deputy Duma 3.4 convocation, member of the Federation Council, Unified Russia (previously LDPR))
  2. Chechrey - 4.2 billion $
  3. Guriev Andrey - $ 3.5 billion(member of the Federation Council since 2001, United Russia)
  4. Gridin Vladimir - 3.0 billion $(Deputy Duma 5, 6 convoors, United Russia)
  5. Ananyev Dmitry - 1,8 billion $ (member of the Federation Council)
  6. Moshkovich Vadim - 1,8 billion $
  7. Molchanov Andrey - 1,7 billion $(member of the Federation Council, United Russia)
  8. Skorobogatko Alexander - 1.7 billion $(Deputy Duma 4, 5, 6 convoors, Unified Russia (previously LDPR))
  9. Motuev Zelimkhan - 1.5 billion $(Deputy Duma 3, 4, 5, 6 convocations, United Russia)
  10. Simanovsky Leonid - 1,2 billion $(MP Duma 4, 5, 6 convocations, United Russia)
  11. Gruzdev Vladimir - 1,0 billion $(Deputy Duma 4, 5 convoors, United Russia)

According to the latest data "Forbes", in Moscow they live and "make money" 79 billionaires, and their general condition is 375 billion dollars. The annual cumulative income is at least 10% of this amount, that is, $ 37.5 billion. From this income is charged income tax at 13%. If a progressive tax scale had been operating, then additional taxes would have enough to increase the minimum of one third of the wages of state employees of all levels [Sitnikov, 2012].

V. In the poor Russia billionaires per capita 4.2 times more than an average of the world

The number of ultra-rich households (Ultra-High-Net-Worth (UHNW) - with more than 100 million dollars) in Russia over the past year increased by 13% - from 607 to 686, providing the country to the fourth line in the world ranking, and the country for the year Raised from 11th place in this ranking, testifies the 12th annual study of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG).

Table 3. The number of dollar millionaires and billionaires in the countries of the world


Population in 2011, million people

Number of millionaires, thousand people. (\u003e $ 1 million)

Number of ultra-rich (\u003e $ 100 million)

Number of billionaires at the end of the year (\u003e 1 billion $)

% of the population

by 10 million people

by 10 million people




Great Britain


Russia / Mir

0,62 / 1,0

4,2 / 1,0

At the same time, as can be seen from the table above, the distribution of wealth among three categories of rich in Russia is very different compared to other countries. Thus, in 2011, in Germany, dollar millionaires numbered 1.16% of the population, and in significantly more in Russia - only 0.1%. The attitude is almost 12 times! However, the number of dollar billionaires by 10 million people. The population is completely different: 6.7 people. and in Germany and in Russia. The ratio from 12 decreased to 1.

If it is similar to to compare the world as a whole (last line), the ratio has changed from 0.6 / 1 by 4.2 / 1, that is, 7 times. Dollar billionaires per capita in Russia in 4,2 The above is higher than the world. Although the level of national income per capita, calculated on purchasing power parity in 2010: Russia - $ 19.2 thousand, the world - 11.1 thousand $ (attitude 1,7 )

That is, the main capital in Russia is focused in the hands of a very narrow layer of ultramilliadeers.

Let's have another comparison. The average salary in Russia at the market rate in 2010 was $ 682, in Poland - $ 1070 (1.6 times higher than in Russia), in the United States - $ 4,240 (6.2 times higher than in Russia) .

The cumulative state of the top 100 rich was in 2010: in Russia - $ 297 billion, in Poland - $ 29.3 billion (already 10 times lower than in Russia), in the USA - $ 830 billion (only only 2.8 times higher than in Russia).

At the same time, income tax in Poland - 18-32%, in the USA - 10-35%, and in Russia - only 13% and a flat scale of taxation.

Vi. The oligarchic coefficient of the Russian economy is higher than its average 8.2 times

To evaluate how many riches are concentrated from the top of the rich country and carry out a cross-country comparison, you need to calculate the oligarchic rate of the economy.

The coefficient of oligarchicity we will calculate as the ratio of the total state of the Top 100 (or Top 40) of the country to the country's GDP, according to the estimates and Ratings of Forbes.

Table 4. The oligarchic coefficient of the Russian economy in Top 100, 2005-2012

RUSSIA 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
The number of dollar billionaires, at the beginning of the year, people A. 27 33 53 87 32 62 93 96
Top-100 total state, at the beginning of the year, billion $ B. 141,3 248,0 337,3 521,7 142,5 297,0 427,2 379,9
GDP at current prices over the past year, IMF, billion $ C. 592 764,3 989,4 1294 1660 1229 1487 1850
Oligarchic coefficient of the economy in the top 100 (B / C),% D. 23,9% 32,5% 34,1% 40,3% 8,6% 24,2% 28,7% 20,5%

Source: [Rally businessmen of Russia , 200 5-2012]

So, the coefficient of the oligarchicity of the Russian economy amounted to 20.5% in 2012, and the average for 2005-2012 - 26.6%.

For comparison: the oligarchic efficiency of the US economy over-100 in 2012 was 6.7%, in China - 4.9%, in Poland - 5.5% (according to data), in the world as a whole - 2.5%.

That is, Russia's economy is 8.2 times more oligarchic than the economy of the world as a whole, 3 times - than the US economy and 4.2 times - than China's economy.

VII. Return from the states of oligarchs for Russia's GDP is many times less than in other countries

If you draw a similar comparison of the top-40, which allows you to consider more countries that the next picture will be.

Tab.5. The oligarchic ratio of the economies of the countries of the world in Top-40, 2012

The number of dollar billionaires, at the beginning of the year of people

Country GDP at current prices, 2011, IMF, billion $

Top-40 total state, at the beginning of 2012, billion $

The oligarchic coefficient of the TOP-40 economy (C / B),%

Righting GDP from the state of the Top-40 oligarchs (B / C), times
The tax on income of individuals,%
E. F.
62,8 5-40%

China *

32,7 5-45%

Great Britain

23,6 0-50%
22,8 18-32%
21,3 10-35%


17,5 17-47%

South Korea

16,9 n / D.


16,0 15-27%


15,8 0-45%
13,0 15-35%


10,0 5-35%
9,0 10-30%
7,6 5-37%


6,3 13%


4,5 5-32%


4,3 1-28%
Notes: * including Kong Kong and Taiwan

A source:

Russia was in 14th place out of 16 with an indicator of 15.9% of the total state of top-40 billionaires in the country's GDP.

Interesting and reverse indicator (E), which shows relative return in GDP from a state concentrated from the TOP-40 rich. So for each +1 billion $ increase of the state of the top-40 oligarchs, the cost of goods and services (GDP) of Russia responds with the increase of only in + 6.3 billion $, whereas in China increases +32.7 billion $ (5.2 times higher), and in the USA - +21.3 billion $ (3.4 times higher).

But not only are the Russian billionaires poorly manage stolen as suggestions, So their income is still subject to a flat scale of 13%That is not in any of the countries in question!

VIII. CIS - the most oligarchic region in the world

The most oligarchic region in the world is the CIS. The total state of the TOP-40 of the rich CIS is 16% of GDP, and the top 100 is 20.9%.

Even in Africa, the level of wealth concentrations at the clans of the clans is only 3.5% - 4.6 times lower than in Russia!

Table 6. The oligarchic ratio of the regions of the world, 2012

The number of dollar millions, at the beginning of the year.

GDP region at current prices, IMF, 2011, billion $

The total state of the top 40 of the rich, at the beginning of 2012, billion $

The total state of the top 100 of the rich, at the beginning of 2012, billion $

The coefficient of olig-chicnation of the economy over the top 40 (C / B),%

The coefficient of olig-chicnity of the economy along the top 100 (D / B),%

Developing Asia

NIS * and Japan

Western and Northern Europe

Central, Eastern and Southern Europe

North America

West Asia

Australia and New Zealand

Latin America


* NIS - New Industrial Countries (Taiwan, Kong Kong, Singapore, South Korea)

The reverse figure that we was viewed above and which characterizes the return for the economy of the country from concentrated in the rich states, in the CIS will obviously be the lowest.

IX. 15% of "people" illegally assigned the fact that by definition they cannot belong

The national wealth of the country is a set of material goods created by the work and natural resources. According to Rosstat and Russian Academy of Sciences, according to different methods, the total cost of national riches of Russia is approximately equal to 340-380 trillion dollars. At the same time, 85% of Russians own 7% of national wealth, and in the hands of a small group of oligarchs (their about 1500 people, which is approximately 0.00001% of the total population of the Russian Federation) more than 50% of Russia's wealth are concentrated. For comparison: according to research conducted in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1% of the richest families of the United States (more than 9 million people) owns 38.5% of the national wealth of their country. [Peskov, 2003]

The current irresponsible authorities, who are obliged to serve the whole people, in fact serve as a narrow layer of oligarchs, protect their dirty wealth. Academician RAS D.V. Lvov noted that according to research data, 15-17% of the population of Russia accumulated 92% of the income of the whole country in their hands.

"There is a rich Russia that lives on a western pattern, which has created a closed loaf contour. This is a kind of closed existence system: Office - moving to a country or other residence, private school, private university - preferably abroad, and then - And leaving abroad. And this small part of Russia, which accounts for 15-17% of the population.

Due to what today is the main share of Russia's income? Our studies have shown that income by 75% is created at the expense of land, oil, forest and water resources and only 20% is the real contribution of capital, business, which sometimes creates effective production.

But if 75% of revenues are created at the expense of natural resources, it is made at least a unique, unforgivable for such a unique country, like our share: what Russia is given from God and is not the fruit of human hands, turned out to be in hand 15% of people, who were illegally appropriated that by definition they cannot belong! " . [Lviv, 2006]

And most importantly, academician stressed in his speech, all the reforms that are held are aimed at maintaining the standard of living of the richest people. What does it mean? This means that we have made our own hands to do this - to create a mechanism for self-reproducing poverty. All control system works on it, and so on.

X. More than 90% of Russia's population suffered unconditional losses for 20 years from anti-people reforms.

If we had the authorities responsible before the people and the Soviet system would continue with the same level of social gap in the income and the same growth rates of real incomes of the population, which in 1970-1986 (+ 3.7% per year), then average incomes It would increase by 2011 compared with 1990 by 114% in all categories of the population, both in the poor and rich.

In reality, revenues increased by an average of only 52% (less than the norm on -62%).

But it is on average. Due to the growth of social inequality (income relations of 20% of the richest income of 20% of the poorest) almost three times it turns out that the revenues of the rich rose as it should be 2.21 times. The revenues of the remaining 80% of the population grew by only 19%.

First 20% group (There are 5.2% of total revenues, and the average monthly income in 2011 is 5383 rubles) - this is the population living below the minimum life level. This is a homeless, this is a real social bottom, people crossed out of life. In the last 20 years, the revenues of the lower, the most disadvantaged social group decreased by 19%, although they would have to really grow by 114% if the Soviet system had been preserved.

The official subsistence minimum in 2011, according to Rosstat amounted to 6369 rubles, and the percentage of the population living below the subsistence minimum was 12.8% (for comparison: in neighboring Belarus, which does not have practical minerals - 5.2% of the population are below the subsistence minimum ).

Second 20% group (accounted for 9.9% of total revenues, and the average monthly income in 2011 is 10,248 rubles) - this is also an extremely low standard of living, in fact those who live in poverty cannot afford nothing but elementary clothes, food and services first need.

Third20% group - There are 14.9% of total revenues, and the average monthly income in 2011 is 15,444 rubles, which is lower than the country of income at 20 703 rubles by quarter.

Fourth20% group - There are 22.6% of total revenues, and the average monthly income in 2011 23,394 rubles - the most that could claim the role of the "middle class".

1,2,3,4 20% groups together - There are 52.6% of total income, and the average monthly income in 2011 is 13,612 rubles. Revenues of these 80% of the population without rich should have increased by 2011 compared with 1990 by 114%, and increased by only 19%. This is unconditionally lost from the rule of irresponsible power and its anti-people reforms.

Fifth 20% group (There are 47.4% of total revenues, and the average monthly income in 2011 is 49,066 rubles) - over the past 20 years increased its income by 121%, but not at the expense of the development of the economy (income growth in all 5 groups while maintaining the Soviet system It would increase by 114%), and first of all due to the growth of social bundle, that is, the robbery of the remaining 80% of the population.

However, if we hold a dotted orange line, parallel with the red dotted, we will see that even these 20% of the rich entered the winning zone from reforms only somewhere in 2005. And for all 20 years, they lost more together than gained, having lost 1 , 01 trillion $ income

That is, Ta the interlayer of society, which certainly won the reforms is even not 20%, but 5-10% of the population.

Xi. The irresponsible power for 21 years deprived the people of Russia more than 29.6 million lives and 9.6 trillion. $ income

The average income in Russia in 2011 amounted to 20,703 rubles (704 $ at the market rate in 2011 prices). If you repel from this figure, then the total losses of income of the entire population in 21 years - 9.55 trillion $ (In 2011 prices) (shaded part between the blue line and the red regulatory dotted lines on the chart). Of these, as noted above, the richness lost 1.01 trillion. $, The poor is 1.58 trillion. $, 80% of the population without rich - 8.54 trillion. $

Concentrated losses of 9.55 trillion. $ Will mean that the Group for the interests of 5-10% of the population "killed":

(9 552 000 000 × 30) / (20703 x 12 x 69) \u003d 16 716 754 life

Calculation based on the demographic balance indicates that real losses are almost 2 times more.

When preserving the average for 1970-1989. The pace of natural population growth (+5.72 people / 1000), the population of the RSFSR would significantly increase. At the same level of migration, which was over the past 20 years, in Russia would live now 172,7 Million Man - here is the Soviet level! Will he achieve?! According to Rosstat, taking into account the census data, the population of the population at the end of 2011 amounted to everything 143,06 million people

In this way, cumulative losses of the population of Russia only for 1990-2011. amounted to 29.6 million years.

The difference between 29.6 million people. and 16.7 million significant. It says that with the destruction of the Soviet system and anti-people reforms the current regime did not just deprivedpeople substantial income, but alsopowerful social security, and most importantly - the meaning of life.

XII. The Soviet level of social bundle has been preserved in Belarus, and incomes increased 4 times more than in Russia

To understand what a normal (Soviet) income level of income of all groups of the population, consider the example of Belarus.

The level of social bundle there remained at about the same level as in 1990. The ratio of income is 10% of the richest to income 10% of the poorest in Belarus only 5.6 times (three times lower than in Russia). And then the income of all five groups of the Belarusian population (both rich and poor) increased compared with 1990 by 210% (2 times more than the norm, and 4 times more than in Russia).

And this is without any colonial launch and passing the reserves of the country's natural resources under Yeltsin-Putin!

The rate of wage growth is even more indicative. The average salary of Russians increased by all over + 18.8% compared with 1990. Whereas Belarusians have a growth of wages + 220%.

In Belarus, a social state has been preserved. Say, in Russia the number of families, we received residential The premises and improved their living conditions in 2011 amounted to 244 thousand (or 171 family / 100 thousand people. population). In Belarus - 47.7 thousand (503 families / 100 thousand people) - indicator 3 times higher!

XIII. Income tax rate in Russia and for the oligarch, and for poor criminal and mockery

Socialist Francois Hollande, President of France, plans to introduce income tax in the amount of up to 75% for those citizens of the republic, whose annual income exceeds 1 million euros or 100 thousand euros per month. This is essentially means a socialist revolution, since three-quarters of the revenues of the rich will be withdrawn to the country's budget for the decision, first of all, social programs. Who is not in the know: now the minimum pension in France is Rovne 6000 thousand euros per year. The French Socialists believe that this is not enough. Therefore, they do not stop at an existing 50% income tax rate. And they are not afraid of the flight of capital. That is the state to collect taxes, and not to cry out that businessmen will rewrite the property to the mother-in-law. This is a matter of the effectiveness of the tax system and the social justice of society.

Professor of the Paris School of Economics Tom Picketti in this regard, said: "... governments will be more and more difficult to explain to citizens why they spend the money of taxpayers to save banks and large corporations, while top managers continue to receive ultrahigh income."[Sitnikov, 2012]

The question of how many oligarchs in Russia are interested in many. According to approximate calculations, the number of oligarchs in Russia is about 100 people and the names of some of them we will call in our today's material.

First of all, of course, it is worth name Roman Abramovichwho started with the fact that he created the co-op of the "comfort" in 25 years. Today, this person is the owner of the football team, the governor of Chukotka and the first in the ranking of the oligarchs of Russia. And although in the biography of the businessman there is a criminal case on the presence of diesel fuel, it does not prevent the head of the richest oligarchs of Russia today. Many novice entrepreneurs try to find some secrets in the activities of this person who became the key to success. But for any young businessman, the main thing is purposefulness, which confirms the experience of Roman Abramovich.

What are the secrets of the success of the richest people Rossi?

Among the oligarchs of modern Russia has a name Vagita Alekperovawho started from the work of the drill to "Kaslavneft", and today is the Chairman of the Board of the NTC NK "LUKOIL".

Victor Vekselberg At 22, it consisted in the Special Design Bureau of Buress Pumps in BN "Connas". Now he is the Chairman of the Reneva Council. Of course, these people have achieved success in many ways due to the fact that they were not afraid of difficult and discerning work. The purposefulness and workaholism did their own - now these businessmen are successful, rich and headed by the list of oligarchs of Russia deservedly. They invest great money in the development of different spheres of science, culture in their own country, are engaged in charity.

Who is the oligarchs of Russia, the source of income of the most successful businessmen

Today, the oligarchs of Russia are represented by the names of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of AFC "System" Vladimir Evtushenkova and director of ZAO Severstal Group Alexey Mordashov. In the ranking of the oligarchs of Russia it is worth mentioning Nikolai Tsvetkov, President of FC "Uralsib", which at one time graduated from the Air Academy.

Graduate of the Siberian Metallurgical Institute Vladimir Lisin I made a career at my native enterprise. He worked as a station, the operator of the continuous casting of steel, the head of shift and plot, deputy head of the workshop. Today he is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Novolipetsky Metallurgical Combine.

For Vladimir Potanina Success began from the moment he graduated from the Economic Faculty of MGIMO. This provided him with a high position in the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the USSR.

How young oligarchs of Russia live: the interests and activities of young rich

All Russia's oligarchs included not necessarily thanks to personal merit. Children of rich parents often become very famous and successful using the capital of their family. For example, Kira Plastinina received world fame due to the fact that the Father has invested 70 million dollars in her case. Felix and Tatyana Evtushenkov are operating in the company Father. Elizaveta Berezovskaya after the end of the University of Cambridge became a designer. Her affairs go pretty successfully.

Sergey Pugachev, the son of ex-senator and the owner of Interprombank, now acquired a newspaper in France. Anna Anisimova is real estate in the United States. Anton Wiener today is the owner of the network of solariums and restaurants in Moscow. Pavel Khodorovsky became the president of the Internet company in the States. Of course, the success of these young people in many ways depended on what capital of the parents-oligarchs invested in the case of beginners. An important factor was also an education, and another choice of such a type of activity that could bring good profits to businessmen.

The richest man of Russia was born in Ivanovo. Higher education he received in the Siberian Metallurgical Institute. After that, Lisin entered the graduate school and finished it in 1984. Labor career The future billionaire began as an electric bellarger. In the Scientific and Production Association, Lisin passed the entire career path from the simple steelovera to the deputy head of the workshop. The next stage for him was the work on the Novolipetsky Metallurgical Combine as the Deputy General Director.

In the late eighties of the nineties, he undertakes the first steps in the business along with Trans Commodities.
A turning step in his career is to buy a controlling stake in the Novolipetric Metallurgical Plant, chairman of the board of directors, it is to this day. Since then, Vladimir Lisin has been one of the largest figures in the world of Russian business. By 2014, he managed to earn 24 billion. Lisin leads a quiet life, avoids scandals and rarely gives interviews.


The winner of the second place was born in Moscow in the family of the head of the Department of International Relations of the USSR State Sports and the Institute teacher. After serving in the army, he entered the State Finance Academy, which he successfully graduated in 1989. At the beginning of the 90s, Prokhorov begins to cooperate with Vladimir Potanin. The turning point in his career can be called its appointment to the post of Director General of Norilsk Nickel, then still in state ownership. In this position he was able to show excellent management qualities. Prokhor, together with his partner, Potanin owned a controlling stake in the enterprise. But in 2005, the long-term process of the section of common property and assets was entrepreneurial. Currently estimated at $ 22 billion. In 2011, he entered into the world of politics becoming the leader of the party "The Right Deale", but soon due to the split in the ranks of like-minded people left her ranks. Although Prokhorov and leads a fairly closed life, his name is associated with several international scandals, widely illuminated by the press.

3 place - Alisher Usmanov $ 20mld.

Alier Usmanov was born in Tashkent in the family of the prosecutor. Education received in Moscow. He managed to enroll in MGIMO for the specialty "International Law". In 1980, he was convicted of extortion item and spent six years in prison. Subsequently, he was rehabilitated in court, and all evidence in this case was recognized as fabricated. After the liberation of Usmanov took up the business. He started in Kazakhstan, organizing an extreme hunt for rich businessmen. After moving to Russia, his cases sharply went uphill. His projects in the field of communications were especially successful. He is the owner of the Publishing House "Kommersant", has a controlling stake in the MEGONON cellular operator and keeps the work of the Internet portal Mail.Ru under control.

4th place - Oleg Deripaska $ 19 billion.

The future "aluminum" King of Russia, born and grew up in the farm Iron, Krasnodar Territory. His upbringing was engaged in grandmother and grandfather. Deripaska received an excellent education - he graduated with honors from Physifak MSU and Plekhanov University. The first enterprise Oleg Deripaska became the "military investment trading company". Already then in the mid-90s he saw the potential laid in the metallurgical area, and was actively inserted there money. He also received the post of Director General of the Sayanogorsk Aluminum Plant. Deripaska became a ideological inspirer and one of the main persons of the Siberian Aluminum Group, which was subsequently renamed to the "Basic Element". This group united the largest Russian enterprises producing products from aluminum, and after a few years he entered the leaders not only by the Russian, but also the global market. In 2000, RUSAL, CEO of which is Deripask, combined enterprises, Siberian Aluminum and Sibneft.

5th place - Roman Abramovich - more than $ 17 billion.

One of the most famous Russian oligarchs was born in Saratov in a Jewish family. Abramovich spent his childhood in constant move, until he finally began to live in Moscow at Uncle Abram Abramovich. After the service of the army, he decided not to enter the institute, but immediately take the business. Starting their activities with trade, he soon switched to one of the most promising areas at the time of the spheres - the purchase and sale of oil. In the mid-90s, he actively collaborated on this field with Boris Berezovsky. The creation of the Sibneft company was becoming a big step in his career. Abramovich always took an active part in great politics, for example, he financed the pre-election company Boris Yeltsin. In 2000, he was elected governor of the Chukotka Territory.

The activities of Roman Abramovich have always been a favorite press topic. His interest in football, expensive purchases and personal life does not come down from pages of newspapers.

6th place - Alexey Mordashov, $ 17 billion.

Alexey Mordashov began his career in business through an acquaintance with Anatoly Chubais. Mordashov studied at the Leningrad Economic Institute, where Chubais taught at that time. After the release, the future billionaire began to work at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Combine, where he quickly moved on the service staircase. Soon the plant, where Mordashov had already worked as director, was reformed in Severstal OJSC. The company did not seem so profitable - the production of the plant was not too popular in Russia and the CIS countries. However, it became one of the key motives for the start of the sale of metal to the West, on which Mordashov and earned its condition.

7th place - Suleiman Kerimov 16.5 billion dollars.

The winner of the seventh place, Suleiman Karimov grew up in the family of a lawyer and an accountant in Derbent. The future billionaire has always had a tendency to accurate sciences, so he decided to receive higher education in the Dagestan Polytechnic Institute at the Faculty of Construction, but soon he moved to the Faculty of Economics. After graduating from the university Kerimov settled on the plant "Elfav" by an economist. A sharp analytical mind allowed him to quickly climb the career ladder and in 1995 he became Deputy Director of the Soyuz-Finance Corporation in Moscow. At the moment, the businessman owns the shares of most top enterprises Rossi, including Gazprom, Sberbank, Polyus Gold and many others. The main asset of Kerimov is the control stake in the Cypriot company Nafta-Moscow. Its state of Kerimov basically earned on financial

8th place - Mikhail Friedman $ 16 billion.

Mikhail Friedman was born in the city of Lviv in the family of engineers. Higher education, he received at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Plovis, after the end of which the future billionaire settled on the first job at the Elektrostal Plant. At the end of the eighties, he begins to engage in entrepreneurial activities and is very successful. It was then, together with his partner Mikhail Alfimov, he organized Alpha Eco, which was subsequently reorganized into Alpha Groups. The company managed to get a huge profit on the export of raw materials. Friedman enters the Board of Directors of Public Russian Television, and also takes an active part in the political life of the country.

9. Vladimir Potanin is 14 billion dollars.

The future president of the Interros Holding received a higher education in MGIMO. After graduating from the Institute, the Potanin begins his career in state organizations. After working in the Ministry of Foreign Trade, Potanin goes to the private sector. In the early 90s, he assigns partnerships with Mikhail Prokhorov, who occupies second place the top of the richest people in Russia. Potanin actively invests in the Communication Market. The "Prof Media" holds him owns such popular Russian publications as Izvestia, Poshishe and Komsomolskaya Pravda. But nevertheless, the main source of its condition are revenues from enterprises specializing in the export of raw materials - Interros and Norilsk Nickel. He also takes an active part in charitable activities. In 1999, "B. Potanina Charitable Foundation" was founded.

10. Vagit Alekperov 14.8 billion dollars.

Vagit Alekperov was born in Baku in the oilman's family. After the end of the Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry, the future billionaire received the position of engineer at Kaspirneft. The oil industry has always been a priority of its activities. He held senior posts at various oil enterprises in the country, until the 90s year, when Alekperov was appointed Deputy Minister and Gas Industry of the USSR. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Alekperov returned to the sphere of private business and since 1993 he was held by the Director General of the LUKOIL oil concern. Despite the scandals associated with the concern, Alekperov managed to significantly increase its fortune over the past ten years.

Indicator 1996 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Condition ($ billion) 1,4 7,8 10,6 13,9 13,5 14,8
Place (in the world) 57 58 50 56 55
Place (in Russia) 7 8 5 5

For dessert video: The richest and well-known people of Russia:

ABC of Russian oligarchs: from A to Ya.

Only 15 years ago there was not a single official millionaire in Russia. And now it is the birthplace of a whole tribe of the magnates, the state of which is measured by billions, and these people know how to decorate wealth. The Moscow Correspondent of the British newspaper The Independent Andrew Osborne decided to lift for his compatriots a gilded curtain surrounding the Lords of the post-Soviet Universe.

A - Abramovich / Abramovich

Undoubted oligarch oligarchs. With a state of 9.8 billion pounds (more than $ 17 billion), Roman Abramovich, 39-year-old owner of the Chelsea Football Club, is the richest citizen of Russia. Most of the time he spends in London - there he has a townhouse in Belgravia, an apartment in Knightsbridge and a country estate in Sussex. A billionaire-hermit is married, he has five children. It visits Russia several times a year to fulfill the responsibilities of the governor of one of the regions. Although they say that Abramovich in good relations with President Vladimir Putin, many ordinary Russians are unhappy with the fact that he spends so much money and spends so much time in the United Kingdom. He gave his billions to the Anarchic 1990s, when most of the Russian industry was sold to several dexhears for a small part of the real value. Abramovich managed to impose a hand on large oil and aluminum assets. Last year, he sold the pearl of his empire - Sibneft oil company - Gazprom's controlled Kremlin for 7 billion pounds (12 billion dollars), which became the largest transaction in the corporate history of Russia. He owns three superyahs and a private aircraft.

B - Berezovsky / Berezovsky

One of the most colorful and politicized characters of the Russian oligarchy. Presumably, 540 million pounds lie in his back pocket (972 million dollars). 60-year-old Boris Berezovsky is a former professor of mathematics, which, to get rich, used his knowledge in logic. Fearing that the Kremlin will plant him behind the bare, Berezovsky received political asylum in the United Kingdom, where it still lives, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs is officially known as Plato Elenin. The Russian government considers him a criminal and unsuccessfully trying to achieve extradition on the accusations of fraud. Berezovsky insists that the accusations against it are falsified and politically motivated. He, the ardent critic of Vladimir Putin, devoted himself to the overthrow of the Russian president, financing anticremal activities in the territory of the former USSR (including the "orange revolution" in Ukraine). Berezovsky earned his money in the 1990s due to close contacts with the surroundings of the then President Boris Yeltsin. Communications allowed him to receive profitable stakes in the Russian oil, the automotive industry and in the media, and many of them he already sold with a huge benefit. According to Forbes, it is the 43rd rich in Russia, and most of his money is in investment funds. He lives with his fourth wife in a luxurious estate in Surrey and has six children from different marriages.

C - CHIGIRINSKY / Chigirinsky

56-year-old Shalva Chigirinsky is one of the representatives of a group of influential persons behind dramatic metamorphoses in Moscow, which has become a dull Soviet city in modern metropolis. With a state of 525 million pounds (945 million dollars), he is one of the most successful developers of the Russian capital, and his company "ST Development" has exclusive rights to restructure the most prestigious places - for this purpose, he wrung out the British architect Sir Norman Foster. Chigirinsky authorized phoster to play a leading role in the revival of the oldest district of the city adjacent to the Kremlin, where the huge hotel of the Soviet era under the name "Russia" is now. The oligarch also pays phostera for the construction of what will be the highest tower in Europe, for redevelopment of a whole island district in St. Petersburg and for creating a huge entertainment complex in the south of Moscow. According to Forbes, it ranks 47th among the richest people of the country, married, has two children. Part of his condition comes from Sibir Energy registered in London. Chigirinsky does not hide his hostility to Abramovich, whom he accuses that he stole half the field that Sibir belongs. Abramovich prosecution denies.

D - Deripaska / Deripaska

Oleg Deripaska - King of the Russian Aluminum Industry, a person whose name will inspire fear in many of its competitors. The owner of a state of 4.8 billion pounds (more than 8 billion dollars) is also interested in the timber industry and the automotive industry. He is 38 years old, and, according to Forbes, the success of his "base element" makes Deripaska 6th in the volume of the wallet rich in the country. His competitors argue that it uses hard methods for violent absorption of companies and it is not easy to persuade him to retreat. It has long been supporting close relations with the Russian political elite, and in 2001 he married Polina Yumacheva, granddaughter of the former President Boris Yeltsin. They have two children and a house in the style of an English ampury in Belgravia, purchased, as far as known, for 25 million pounds ($ 45 million). Deripaska spends a lot of time in the UK, where he visited the lessons of the English language in the London School of Economics. He believes Abramovich, a former business partner, his friend, and on Saturdays it happens at Stamford Bridge Stadium to attend Chelsea matches. He began his career in 1993 by a merchant.

E - Evtushenkov / Evtushenkov

The name of the 57-year-old Vladimir Yevtushenkova, maybe not so well known in the United Kingdom, although the name of the twin Bill Gates to know should be known. Assessing his condition of 4.1 billion pounds (more than $ 7 billion), Forbes puts it on the 8th place in Russia. The source of its wealth is an extensive conglomerate with interests in the telecommunications sphere and in real estate, which is called AFC "System" and in the creation of which he participated in 1993. Last year, the company put out its shares at the London Stock Exchange with a value of 4.3 billion pounds (7.7 billion dollars). AFK "SYSTEM" includes some extremely lacrimal assets that have once belonged to the state: the stationary telephone network of the Russian capital, the leading MTC mobile phone operator (now the largest in Eastern Europe), the store "Children's World", thousands of square feet of first-class office space and large Insurance company. The "system" also manufactures microchip and has a support in the biotechnical industry. Evtushenkov is married, has two children. He is considered one of the most sorted oligarchs, he holds a doctorate of economic sciences. Like most oligarchs, he has a private aircraft.

F - FRIDMAN / Friedman

In his youth, Mikhail Friedman traded theatrical tickets. Now his condition is estimated at 5.6 billion pounds ($ 10 billion), and it is the 4th billionaire of Russia. Its success is based on the Alpha Group Consortium with interests that extend from banking to the telecommunications sphere. He founded Alpha Groups and today is one of the main shareholders of the company. He had done a long way from student days in Moscow, when he worked out, selling theatrical tickets and organizing discos. His smiling person can mislead about his harsh business views, which he set out in television interview in 2002. No one friend who said to anyone, he said, because in one degree or another we are all competitors. The 42-year-old businessman is married, has two children, and now against him in the London court is the process of Boris Berezovsky, accusing him in slander. Friedman traditionally supported a good relationship with the Kremlin, but at the beginning of this year they survived the recession when the Russian authorities took the cottage. The court ruled that the cottage, previously located in state ownership, was privatized illegally, and ordered Friedman to return it. Alpha Group has significant shares in the Russian-English joint venture TNK-BP, a large network of supermarkets and in a number of mobile operators.

G - Gusinsky / Gusinsky

The 53-year-old Vladimir Gusinsky was one of the most influential media magnates, but lost almost everything, and is now rather a mini-oligarch than the oligarch in the full sense of the word. As in the case of several other figures on this list, his history demonstrates how much these people depend on the location of the Kremlin. Under President Boris Yeltsin, Gusinsky flourished, but when Vladimir Putin came to power, his empire crash. In the 1990s, the bright ex-director of the theater seemed to turn everything into gold, which was told, founded the Media Bridge, a company that included the newspaper "Today", independent NTV channel, banking empire and real estate empire. However, NTV television channel due to the exclusively critical lighting of the war in Chechnya in the region of Kremlin. In 2000, Gusinsky was accused of embezzlement and laundering money and forced to leave the country. He denies any violations for its part and lives in Israel. His condition was presumably reduced to 187 million pounds (336 million dollars) - this amount is not enough to get into the "golden hundred" of Russia. He is married, and he has three children.

H - Khan / Khan

The 44-year-old German Han allegedly controls the state of 3.6 billion pounds (6.48 billion dollars), which makes it the 12th richest man in Russia. However, it is known about him extremely small, and he is considered one of the unlisages that do not admire the publicity of the oligarchs. A close friend and business partner of other oligarchs, Mikhail Friedman and Viktor Vekselberg, with whom he spends his vacation every year, Han owns a major share in the telecommunications and banking consortium "Alpha Group". However, his specialization is oil, and it enters the Board of the Anglo-Russian joint venture of TNK-BP, in which Alpha Group belongs to 25%. Like Friedman, he was born in the 1960s on the territory of the then Soviet Ukraine. In the 1980s, while studying at the Moscow State Institute of Steel and alloys, he met Friedman and several other future oligarchs, and this happy turn in fate helped him to hurt wealth. He is married and has two children.

I - Ivanishvili / Ivanishvili

Boris Ivanishvili knows as "a person who knows anything about anything", despite the fact that its condition is estimated at 2.5 billion pounds (4.5 billion dollars). Like many other oligarchs, he avoids publicity, and until 2005, his universal heritage was one-one photo. Today, the 19th issue in the list of Russian rich, Georgian by origin, is known to a little more. He is 50, he is married and has three children. The source of its condition is metals and the banking sector. The description of his path to success, which gives Forbes magazine, can be applied to dozens of other oligarchs. "I bought the firms that were not needed to anyone, for tens of millions of dollars, but sold them for billions." The beginning of his career belongs to the 1980s, when he sold computers, then switched to the import of push-button phones, which were in a novelue in Russia, and after moving into the banking sphere. To seek all great success, he bought the tempting mines, and later sold them with great benefits. Now he mostly sold them, and his money is in investment funds. He lives in a big house, beaten in the slope of the mountain in his native Georgia.

J - Jordan & Jennings / Yordan and Jennings

Boris Yordan and Stephen Jennings are honorary oligarchs of Russia. They do not have Russian passports, but they helped the local oligarchs to accumulate wealth during the Anarchy of the post-Soviet 1990s and, along the way, they themselves managed to earn decent money. In 1992, the Kremlin invited them to organize the first privatization auction, which sells the Bolshevik confectionery factory in Moscow. Yordan is an American investment banker of Russian origin, Jennings is a rugby amateur, New Zelandes. When this duet realized how cheap Russia is going to sell its most attractive assets, Yordan, who is now 39, and Jennings, who is now 46, decided that they themselves do not mind to get a piece. They have passed the states on the field of exchange brokers in the Russian market, creating investment bank "Renaissance Capital" in 1995. According to Forbes, both could enter the list of Tolstosums of Russia, if it were not for the color of their passports. Renaissance Capital, now led by Jennings, is estimated, costs about 800 million pounds (1.4 billion dollars), and Yordan manages investments worth about 300 million pounds (540 million dollars) through its investment fund "Satellite".

K - Khodorkovsky / Khodorkovsky

The once richest and most influential oligarch, 42-year-old Mikhail Khodorkovsky is now the most famous country prisoner. Last year he was sentenced to imprisonment for fraud and non-payment of taxes. His supporters believe that he was put in prison for the growth of interest in politics and the opposition to Putin's president. The Kremlin claims that he was the al-capone of our days, involved in organized crime, and that he had to stop. When, in 2004, Forbes published his first list of rich Russians, Khodorkovsky headed him with a state of 8 billion pounds (14 billion dollars), ahead of Abramovich. Now this figure is supposed to have fallen up to several hundred million pounds, and Khodorkovsky did not even fall into the list of this year, since he was deprived of its assets. Married (second time), has four children. The original source of his wealth was oil and Yukos company, which he created in the 1990s. It is serving an eight-year term of imprisonment of 5 thousand km. From Moscow, in the distant Siberian Correctional Colony of Yag 14/10, and its current existence is little similar to that life he led is beyond prison. For example, recently attacked him another prisoner with a shoe knife, writes the British edition.

L - LISIN / Lisin

50-year-old Vladimir Lisin once worked at the coal mine in Siberia. Now it costs about 6 billion pounds ($ 10.8 billion), heads one of the largest metallurgical companies in Russia, likes to shoot on the plates and chew Cohiba Cigars. He is number 3 for wealth in Russia. Last year, Lisin sold 7% of the shares of the Giant Novolipetsk Investors on the London Stock Exchange. This sale brought about 325 million pounds (585 million dollars), and he still has a share of 83% of the shares in the world's fourth largest metallurgical company. He is married, he has three children, and he never intervened in politics, although it pours some money in the daily newspaper "Newspaper". He paved the way upstairs in the metallurgical industry, starting with an ordinary worker. In 1993, he fell to the Novolipetsky Metallurgical Combine and gradually made him his property. While others bought chic cars and villas in France, he believed that now time to buy shares in the metallurgical sector, he said to the magazine "Company". He leads a quiet life, but last year, as reported, bought a large Scottish hunting estate.

M - Mordashov / Mordashov

The state of Alexei Mordashov (nicknamed tank) is estimated at 4.5 billion pounds (8.1 billion dollars). He is the 7th on wealth in Russia, according to Forbes, and the traditional oligarch - steel magnate. He owns a large share in the Steel Giant "Severstal", privatized in 1993. Like many other oligarchs, the 40-year-old Mordashov was in the right place at the right time. He was the financial director of the Cherepovets Metallurgical Combine north of Moscow, and the elderly general director asked him to buy the company's shares so that they would not fall into the hands of an alien man. Mordashov bought a lot of stocks for himself. In 1996, he became the general director of the company, and later turned it into an influential conglomerate, adding a motor-containing plant, coal mines, railway companies and port objects. In an atypical oligarch, he criticized a huge abyss between rich and poor in Russia. Married, he has three children, is considered a faithful Kremlin and is a solid supporter of Vladimir Putin.

N - NEVZLIN / Nevzlin

The 46-year-old Leonid Nevzlin must, one of the few billionaires, which are wanted on accusations of involvement in the murder. Just like his friend and long-time business associate Mikhail Khodorkovsky, he brought the wrath of the Kremlin and now lives in Israel. He claims that accusations of fraud and murder against him are fabricated, and does everything that can in order to avoid extradition to their homeland. In 2004, when he was last appeared on the list of the richest Russians Forbes, his condition was estimated at 1 billion pounds (1.8 billion dollars). This amount is supposed to be much smaller today. As in the case of Khodorkovsky, the large proportion of its condition was associated with the oil company Yukos, most of which is captured by the Kremlin. Nevzlin is married, has two children, and began its climbing in the ranks of the super-rich in 1987, when responded to the announcement of the vacancy. As a programmer, he worked with Khodorkovsky and remained the right hand of the famous oligarch until 2001. In 1996, he helped to organize and finance the campaign of re-election Boris Yeltsin. Like Khodorkovsky, it has a tendency to interfere in politics and is the rigid critic of Vladimir Putin.


From all oligarchs Valery Oyf, a close associate and a friend of Roman Abramovich, is the most mysterious. According to Forbes, its condition is about 500 million pounds (900 million dollars), which makes it the 52th richest Russian. However, it is known for him. Surprisingly little: he is 42 years old, he is married and has one child. It is even more surprising, given that he is a senator representing one of the Siberian regions in the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. In all grounds, it hates publicity - they say, for the first time, seeing his name in the list of rich Russians, drawn up by Forbes, he "came into rage." The source of his wealth was oil: he held a leading post and had a minority share in Sibneft. OIF - Moskvich, and he was friends with Abramovich back in his student years, when they traveled together with friends in Russia. He was among those who, together with Abramovich, created a plan for the production of plastic toys, and since then, it seems, is one of his most important assistants.

P - Potanin / Potanin

In the last days of the existence of the USSR in his pocket, Vladimir Potanina lay only 5 thousand pounds (9 thousand dollars) with a little, but he had a plan. After 15 years, his condition is estimated at 4 billion pounds ($ 7.2 billion), and Forbes calls him the 9th rich in Russia. The company he managed, Norilsk Nickel, is the world's largest producer of palladium and platinum. Potanin set control over Nickel in the 1990s. It was he who in 1995 was a contradictory scheme, according to which the government sold state enterprises is cheap in exchange for loans. Potanin has always been an insider. His father was a high-ranking trading officer in the USSR, and he himself graduated from the Elite Moscow State Institute of International Relations. In 1996, with Yeltsin, he became the first Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, having received the highest post ever occupied by oligarchs. He is 45, he is married, has three children and lives in an exclusive Moscow residential complex. Now he builds his own ski resort in the south of Russia.

Q - Klebnikov / Khlebnikov

In Cyrillic, there is no letter Q, but the name of Paul Khlebnikov will always be associated with oligarchs, on the wealth of which he drew the attention of the whole world. Khlebnikov, the American of Russian origin, was the editor of the Russian version of Forbes magazine, and in May 2004 published the first authoritative list of the most wealthy Russians, told the world, how rich Russian superbogs and what they spend their money. There were no two months after the list appeared on the trays of the city, and Khlebnikov shot. He was 41 years old, he was married, he had three children. His murderers did not find it, although the Russian authorities tried to prove - unsuccessfully - that he was killed by two Chechens who act on behalf of the Chechen field commander, whom he offended. Some people believe that he could kill him just because he shed the light on the oligarchs famous for his secrecy. After promulgation, the Forbes list caused the anger of Russian superbits, which were afraid that the tax authorities and the kidnappers would be used.

R - Rashnikov / Rasnikov

In 1967, Viktor Rashnikov was a simple mechanic at one of the largest metallurgical plants of the USSR. After 40 years, he heads the board of the company, and his personal state is estimated at 2.9 billion pounds (5.22 billion dollars), which makes it the 16th richest Russian. The 57-year-old rashnikov and the group of its like-minded managers, as far as known, control 99% of the shares of the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine in Siberia. This plant is the largest steel producer in Russia and one of the brightest pearls in the country's industrial crown. The plant reached the legendary status during World War II, when he produced half of Soviet tanks and ammunition. He knows very little about Rashnikov, except that he was born and grew up in Magnitogorsk and still lives there. He enjoys the support of President Vladimir Putin, loves hockey, married, has two children. He began his way as a worker, and in 1997 he became the general director of the plant. Since then, he has resist hostile acquisitions and blackmail and has become one of the wealthy oligarchs of the country.

S - Smolensky / Smolensky

Nikolai Smolensky is an ambiguous 25-year-old Babi-Oligarch. In 2004, he bought a British company for the production of TVR sports cars for 15 million pounds ($ 27 million), but only in order to declare the closure of the plant with large loss of jobs in two years. Alexander Smolensky, his father is the oligarch of the classical crop of the 1990s, which is no less contradictory. The bank, which he once controlled, SBS-Agro, collapsed during the 1998 financial crisis in Russia, leaving thousands of ordinary Russians without cash savings. Smolensky-senior hit the Forbes list in 2004 with a state of 123 million pounds ($ 221 million). The 51-year-old Smolensky is married, and Nikolai is his only child. While the financial collapse of 1998 undermined the position of many ordinary Russians, Alexander Smolensky somehow emerged and created a new bank, which he headed his son for some time before it was sold to another famous oligarch for 110 million pounds ($ 198 million). Smolensk junior is a graduate of private British schools, and lives in his native Moscow, then in the "receiving" London. His condition is estimated at 50 million pounds (90 million dollars).

T - Tariko / Tariko

Rustam Tariko is a vodka oligarch with addiction to elegant arts and beautiful women. The state of the 44-year-old Tariko, as expected, is a little more than 1 billion pounds (1.8 billion dollars), which puts it on the 31st step in the ranking of Russia's richest. The source of his condition is "Russian Standard", the vodo-banking empire, which quickly became one of the most successful companies in Russia. Tariko got into news headers in May, when it became known that he was a New York buyer Pablo Picasso Picasso "Dor Mahar with a cat." He paid for the canvas for almost 51 million pounds (91.8 million dollars). At the beginning of this year, he was present in London on the Russian Economic Forum, where he spoke on the topic: luxury as a Russian national idea. He knows about luxury not at all. His dog named Dow-Jones is a collar from Louis Vuitton, along with him goes for holidays on Sardinia, and she has its own "nanny". Tariko - Bachelor, although he has two children from previous relations. He is a sociable oligarch that can often be seen in the most prestigious Moscow clubs, where he likes to watch people. The company name was drawn up their first four letters of his name - Russian Standard.

U - USMANOV / Usmanov

Alisher Usmanov in business circles is known as a heavy and hard man. His condition is estimated at 1.7 billion dollars. Usmanov built a minovalurgical empire, which made it the 25th richest man in Russia. In 2004, he bought a share in Corus struggling to the survival of the Anglo-Dutch company Corus and deployed an aggressive campaign aimed at obtaining a place in the board, but as a result refused this idea and sold shares. He controls his interests through the Metalloinvest Holding Company and recognizes that his shares are his main love. The 52-year-old oligarch is married and has two children.

V - Vekselberg / Vekselberg

Regardless of how much good it is caught, the oil and metallurgical magnate Victor Vekselberg, it seems, is doomed to stay in mind as "the guy who bought Faberge's eggs." In 2004, this most patriotic from the oligarchs spent 50 million pounds ($ 90 million) to acquire the world's second largest collection of Russian Easter eggs Faberge. The goal declared to them was altruistic - he wanted to return them to his homeland so that every Russian could admire his own cultural heritage. Having a state of 5.4 billion pounds (9.7 billion dollars), Vekselberg - at the 5th place for wealth. He was born in Ukraine and has a reputation as a person, clearly the next Kremlin political line. He began in 1988 with commerce with computers, and then hit the business with a former classmate, who emigrated to the United States. In 1994, he conducted the first aggressive absorption in Russia, but the main source of its fabulous wealth is oil. He is a major shareholder of the Anglo-Russian joint venture TNK-BP. It is famous for its relatively modest lifestyle, although, of course, he has a private aircraft. He is married and has two children.

W - Woman. Female

Elena Baturin is the only woman-oligarch that ever got into the list of Forbes Top 100, which is a familiar difference between the oligarchy. This status is a 43-year-old woman with a little help of his influential spouse Yuri Luzhkov, the mayor of Moscow. According to Forbes, the staring Blonde Baturina costs 1.3 billion pounds (2.34 billion dollars) and is the richest woman with number 29 in the Russian list. The source of its condition is the Moscow Construction Company "Inteko", which she owns. Her critics argue that she was able to bet on the Moscow Construction Boom due to the patronage of her husband. Construction sites distributes Moscow City Duma, and Luzhkov holds the post of mayor for the last 14 years. An influential couple has two children.

X - Alekperov / Alekperov

The surname of the oil magnate Vagita Alekperova begins not with X, but, being the 2nd richest person in Russia, it is definitely a X-factor. Forbes appreciates his condition of 6.8 billion pounds (12.2 billion dollars), and he gave it due to a solid share in the largest oil firm "LUKOIL" in Russia. Because of the huge power, which he possesses, being president of Lukoil, his subordinates call him as a general. 55-year-old Alekperov from the rich oil of Azerbaijan, where his father worked in the Soviet oil industry, he began in this industry. At sunset, the USSR, Alekperov smiled at luck and appointed the first deputy minister for fuel and energy in Moscow. This post was used to linger the fusion of three large Russian oil producers - the company began to be called "Lukoil", and he received the presidency. He is married, has a son who, as he hopes, will inherit a significant stake in Lukoil.

Y - Yakovlev / Yakovlev

The Boss of the Russian Dixons and Oligarch, who actually built a business, and not "inherited" him, Igor Yakovlev - the owner of the largest network of retail electronics, "Eldorado". The 40-year-old Yakovlev earned a state on obviously non-rigid thirst for Russians to buy consumer services for long-term use. According to Forbes, the state of Yakovlev is calculated by 520 million pounds ($ 936 million), and it is the 48th rich in Russia. He founded this business together with Brother Oleg in 1994. His empire includes 848 stores and takes 20% of the retail electronics market. By the end of this year, Eldorado plans to bring the number of shops in 600 Russian cities to a thousand, plus 85 stores in neighboring Ukraine. The success of Yakovleva attracted the attention of the British retailer Dixons, which last year suggested buying "Eldorado" by 2011 for 1 billion pounds (1.8 billion dollars). Yakovlev divorced, has a son. The state of his brother Oleg is about 176 million pounds (316 million dollars). He founded a network of hypermarkets of goods for children "Banana Mom" \u200b\u200band a network of optics salons.

Z - Zingarevich / Zingarevich

In the 1980s, Boris and Mikhail Zingrevichi were poorly paid mechanics at the Soviet pulp and paper plant, impregnated by bureaucracy. Today they have at least 352 million pounds ($ 633 million) (according to Forbes 2004) for two, and they meet in the rule of the largest timber industry corporation of Russia, St. Petersburg "Ilim Palp". Like Barclay brickli in the United Kingdom, they carefully protect privacy from publicity. They are both 46 years old, but it is unknown, whether the twins are or just born in one year. It is also unknown, whether they have married and have children. Everything we know is that Boris was more active. The brothers founded "Ilim Palp" in 1992 together with another partner, continuing the way through the hierarchy of various pulp and paper plants. Today "Ilim" is one of the largest forestry industrial firms in the world, and the brothers make up half of the board of the company. Other oligarchs tried to take control of the enterprise from them, but unsuccessfully. In recent years, the Zingarevichi brothers passed the current management of others in order to make the fruits of their success to a greater extent.

series of Articles of the Agency "Statfort" "Kremlin Wars"

One of the least famous oligarchs, Lisin is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Novolipetsky Metallurgical Plant, one of the largest Russian metallurgical enterprises. Starting as an electric bellarie, he designed with the necessary people during the rise of the metallurgical industry. This led him to in the end to Moscow, where he fully dedicated himself to the metallurgical sector. Lisin ruled the Novolipetsky Metallurgical Combine, until he turned into a third largest steel producer. He acquired a number of assets in the commodity sector (in iron and ore and coal industries). Lisin, apparently, did not play according to the rules established by the government, this problem pursues it now, when his company was under the blow of the global financial crisis. Lisin appealed to the Government for help. He claims that he owns about 5 billion dollars of net worth, although some sources in Moscow say that he has more than $ 1 billion dollars, and he will not survive, unless the Kremlin decides to show generosity to the usually alienated oligarch.

Kerimov, Muslim, from the Russian Republic Dagestan, one of the few real Russian businessmen from the restless Caucasus. He began with his investment company Nafta-Moscow, whose co-owner was a radical politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Nafta-Moscow and its two owners are made by the US Department of Justice to the list of companies involved in the scandal "Oil in exchange for food". At the moment, he owns 4.5% of Gazprom shares and thus is the largest private shareholder of the state-controlled energy giant. Gazprom shares, which he owns, given the high prices for energy resources and the rapid growth of the company, in recent years they have rapidly increased in price. Kerimov also owns shares in the largest Russian bank "Sberbank" and in Polyus Gold. In a word, Kerimov owns shares in the most important and strategic companies, which makes it important for the Kremlin. He is known as the "richest state employee of Russia." According to unconfirmed in Moscow, Kerimov helped put on the place of the former oligarch and the owner of RussNeft Mikhail Gutserieva. Kerimov also helps the Kremlin in matters with Muslims as the head of the Russian-Arab Business Council and has strong ties with many managers and important figures in all Russian republics in the Caucasus, especially in Chechnya, Dagestan and Ingushetia. The Kremlin pushed him in 2007 to become a member of the Federation Council, the Supreme Chamber of the Russian Parliament.

Rybolovlev is the chairman of the Board of Directors of Uralkali, the largest Russian manufacturer of potash fertilizers. In 1992, he took advantage of the destroyed economy to acquire many companies in the Perm Territory of Russia. Rybolovlev mainly remains on the side of the Kremlin, paying the campaign for the election of the governor for those people whom the government asked him to support it in the region, and this agreement, as reported, was organized by his close other Yuri Trutnev, Minister of Natural Resources of Russia. Rybolovlev also has business connections with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. According to the sources of "Stratfora", the Kremlin aimed at Fisherovleva due to the fact that he holds most of his state on offshore accounts in Cyprus, against which the Kremlin is trying to take hard measures.

Abramov founded a metallurgical commercial company, which became a group of "Evraz", one of the largest steel producers in the world. Abramov is in another category than many of the oligarchs, due to the fact that his condition was acquired after 1998 - the economic collapse in Russia, and not during the privatization, which had the place in the early 1990s. He began with research for the Russian naval space program. When these sectors fall apart during the post-Soviet decline, he was forced to start a new career. Abramov acquired a share in a number of metallurgical enterprises and coal mines, being in serious competition with the owners of Alpha Groups because of the buying of steel mills, this struggle continues today. Evraz-Group became a public company in 2005, and Abramov left the post of the company's president, although he remained the holder of the test package. Between Abramov and Putin, in March 2009, there was a very public belling, during which Putin accused Abramov and Evraz in the deception of the Russian people regarding the prices of metal products; Many oligarchs, as reported, consider Abramov next to the queue for major troubles.

Baturin is the only female oligarch, although they say that her real money does not come from a huge monopoly in construction, but from the side business of her husband Yuri Luzhkov (Moscow mayor and the alleged leader of the mafia). The construction company Baturina "Intec" controls all construction, cement and other building materials and resources in Moscow, and this sphere of influence is reportedly due to the alleged criminal activity of her husband well protected. Her husband had their political aspirations for a long time. In 1999, Luzhkov was one of the leading candidates to become the successor of Yeltsin, at least this place was occupied by Putin. After that, Luzhkov refused his own political party, uniting her with Putin's "United Russia". According to the sources of Stratfora in the Kremlin, Putin does not like Luzhkov too much and trying to find a way to squeeze it completely from politics and from the post of mayor, not starting hostility with the Moscow Mafia.

Popov left student at the Institute and became the main shareholder of MDM-Bank, with large groups also in SUEK (coal), EuroChem (bulk chemicals) and TMK (pipe production). Popov took part in the rapid transactions in the metallurgical industry in the 1990s, trading pipes and cable. He began to buy cheap parts of companies during the 1998 financial crisis, having faced with Andrei Melnichenko, who was once a favorite oligarch Yeltsin and managed at the time MDM Bank. Popov and Melnichenko exchanged shares in many companies and now they are jointly owned by SUEK. Although MDM Bank was initially in the shade of financial institutions belonging to other oligarchs, most of them were crash after the 1998 crisis, and MDM became even stronger. Currently, MDM has connections with Gazprom (i.e. communications with the Kremlin), and Popov has personal connections with the oligarchs of Deripskaya and Abramovich. Popova in 2005 called the "most dynamic businessman" under the program of the Kremlin "Man of the Year".

Rashnikov is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant, one of the major Russian metallurgical enterprises. Rashnikov was elected three times to the legislature in Magnitogorsk and has close political ties with the Kremlin. Rashnikov is a member of the Bureau of the Management Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. In recent years, his company had many problems with competitors in the metallurgical sector, when sources of his ore were bought by larger metallurgical enterprises in Russia. Colleagues oligarchs, according to available information, tried to blackmail Rashinikov in order to gain control over the "Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine".

Usmanov, Muslim comes from Uzbekistan, is the main shareholder of Metalloinvest, one of the largest Russian metallurgical companies, has investments in the mining and forest sectors, as well as in a number of holding companies. The Pierce Past Usmanova includes six years in prison in the 1980s for extortion and bribery. Unlike many other oligarchs, Usmanov did not have close connections with the administration of Yeltsin, but he is associated with the chairman of Gazprom Alexei Miller. "Metalloinvest" was established to manage the industrial assets of Gazprom and over time became an independent metallurgical company. Today, Usmanov still owns Gazprominvestholding shares and the merchant media giant. Usmanov also has a stake in the Russian mobile phone operator "MegaFon" - this is a challenge share affecting such players as the former Minister of Communications Leonid Riman and the shareholder Leonid Rozhteskin. In March 2008, Rozhetkin disappeared from his house. Police stated that blood spots were found in his house. It is rumored that it is in the United States in custody to ensure its security, or maybe became a victim of his dispute with Usmanov. When Usmanov was engaged in energy contracts on behalf of Gazprom, he also struggled with the Russian clan leader and Putin's right hand, Igor Sechin, who wanted to conclude the same contracts on behalf of Rosneft. Usmanov also owns the Arsenal football club in the United Kingdom and is the main sponsor of the Russian football team "Dynamo", which is associated with Russian special services.

Deripaska is the owner of the automotive company GAZ, Aviakor Aviation, Ingosstrakh's insurance company and the Basic Element investment company. He is also the general director of the Joint RUSAL company, the largest aluminum company in Russia and one of the largest in the world. Gas is a partner of the Canadian manufacturer of autocomponents "Magna International", and the "basic element" is active worldwide, including Eastern Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe. As they say, Deripaska wanted to become one of the most influential oligarchs in the world, and not only in Russia. When the Soviet Union broke up, he was 22 years old. And although Deripaska is perhaps younger than most of the metallurgical oligarchs in Russia, but he survived in metallurgical wars, because he, apparently, was the same hard and merciless as others. He is married to granddaughter Boris Yeltsin, which until recently gave him a competitive advantage in business and political connections. In 2006, Deripaska became close to Vladimir Putin, and the former president (now the Prime Minister) called him one of his "sons". One of the nearest friends Deripaska is Roman Abramovich, they used to compete, who can kill the biggest condition and who have the best players in the football teams they own.

Right from Ukraine, Khan is an oligarch, who gained its condition in the oil and gas industry. Han was chosen to guide the transaction when the Alpha Group consortium took control of the Russian Oil Company TNK. Han got into the Alpha through his classmate and the oligarch of Mikhail Friedman. Today TNK partially belongs to the British energy company British Petroleum, but Khan is still working as director in the joint venture "TNK-BP". Khan and Friedman were the main in the Plan of the Kremlin to attack the activities of British Petroleum in Russia, allowing the Russian government to aim at their own company to maintain the remnants of its Oil Company TNK. Khan guidelinely counteracted the efforts of British Petroleum to maintain control over TNK-BP.

Kuzmichyov is associated with the Alfa-Group consortium and therefore closely connected with former school friends and oligarch colleagues by Hermann and Mikhail Friedman. Kuzmichyov owns "TNK-BP" shares, although their cost has decreased lately. Currently, Kuzmichyov is involved in the telecommunications industry with the scandalous "VimpelCom" Friedman, a company that has legal and personal disputes in Russia, Norway, Ukraine and other countries. Like many Russian oligarchs, Kuzmichiv lives in the united kingdom.

Michelson is the General Director of Novatek - one of the few independent energy companies in Russia. Former Pipeline Specialist, Michelson engaged in the production side of the energy industry in the 1990s, when he began to acquire companies that had licenses for the development of deposits. He managed his new company "Novatek" under the nose at Gazprom, but kept in the shadows so as not to bring the wrath of the state gianta. At the moment, Novatek works on many contracts with Gazprom, selling its natural gas for export - allowing the Kremlin company to set the price to avoid fate to become the following "YUKOS".

Potanin was a co-owner of a large holding company Interros, Nickel Giant Norilsk Nickel and Sidanko's oil company, and all these companies he got along with its former partner Prokhorov through mortgage auctions. Potanin also worked as president "OnEximbank" and was in 1997 under Prime Minister Victor Chernomyrdine the first deputy prime minister. During the fierce split in Interros, Prokhorov took the action of the Potanin to Polyus Gold, and Potanin received the shares of Prokhorov in Norilsk Nickel - this exchange has since complicated by the secret sale of its shares to another Oligarch, Deripask. The last year in Russia had rumors that the Kremlin, possibly collecting data against Potanina so that, finally, to deposit the oligarch, which at the moment there are no political ties with the strengths of this world.

Evtushenkov got into the oligarchs through the Moscow political scene, which discovered him access to profitable government contracts. He founded the "system", which grew into a conglomerate from more than 200 companies with assets in the telecommunications industry, in the oil industry and financial services industry. Its main asset is the controlling stake in Mobile Telesystem, the largest cellular operator in Eastern Europe. Evtushenkov in 2005 made a "system" with a public company. Evtushenkov - Quiet, but energetic oligarch, who made a good party - his wife is the sister of the wife of the Moscow mayor, Yuri Luzhkov, Elena - and thereby he is well protected from hostile actions. Luzhkova as mayor has a political influence. According to, he is also the main figure of the Moscow Mafia, one of the world's largest organized criminal groups, and a decisive defender of the assets of the Mafia allies (as well as their own).

One of the most famous Russian oligarchs, Abramovich is a Russian Jewish, he left his studies and went to serve in the army. He had interests in a variety of companies for many years. Abramovich, according to generally accepted opinion, began as a merchant toys on the black market before combining forces with the so-called "robber of capitalism" Boris Berezovsky. After the fall of the Soviet Union, they, according to the scandalous program of "pledge auctions", together acquired the Russian oil giant "Sibneft" and a lot of pig farms in the price, which was a small part of their market value. Berezovsky is now in exile in the united kingdom after Abramovich gave him to the Kremlin. Abramovich also lives in the United Kingdom, although it remains close to the Kremlin, who bought Sibneft for the largest Russian gas company Gazprom, its state energy leader. Abramovich sold part of the shares of the aluminum giant "RUSAL" to his friend Deripaska. He was also a bit involved in the Russian gold mining industry. At the moment, he partially owns the second largest Russian metallurgical enterprise "Evraz", and is also one of the owners of the investment company Milhouse. He also participated in Russian politics: Putin, also calling Abramovich one of his "sons" - appointed him twice for the position of Governor of Chukotka, the Federal District in the Russian Far East. Abramovich is well known as the owner of the Chelsea Football Club, a popular British football team.

Former lieutenant colonel of the Air Force and Veteran of Afghan War of Flowers is the founder and president of Nikoil, a leading financial advisory company. Although his company was relatively small and unknown, Tsvetkova's connection with the President of LUKOIL Vagita Alekperov pushed him into the list of oligarchs up when both of them took part in the 1990s in the privatization scheme through vouchers, which was very profitable for LUKOIL. Flowers worked as a financial consultant Alekperova and extracting considerable benefit from his relations with the largest private Russian oil company. Today, flowers are included in the Board of Directors of LUKOIL and is the President of the Financial Corporation Uralsib.

Friedman, Russian Jew, started with the resale of tickets and eventually became the co-founder and president of the holding company with a variety of assets - the Alpha Group consortium. Among these assets - Alpha Bank, one of the largest and most influential banks in Russia; Large oil company "TNK"; and large network of supermarkets "Crossroads". He also had a lot of transactions with British Petroleum, managing the joint venture "TNK-BP" and other absorption. After the case of Yukos, many in Russia assumed that Friedman because of its externally, too arrogant way of doing business will be the following Mikhail Khodorkovsky. But his status of the oligarch is due to his devotion to the Kremlin and the tactics of action - the ability to turn from the oligarch into a state policy tool. For this purpose, he became one of the largest donors for the Putin's Political Party "United Russia". Also, his protection enhances Fredman's partner on Alpha Peter Aven, who is Putin's personal economic adviser. Friedman actively participates in Russian politics, as a member of the Russian Public Chamber since 2005. Friedman continues to conflict with other oligarchs, especially with Vladimir Potanin. Both of them, as reported, are engaged in subversive activities against each other's business.

Makhmudov, Muslim comes from Uzbekistan, is the main shareholder of the Holding "UMMC", the second largest Russian copper enterprise, and the engineering giant Transmashholding. Makhmudov also owns shares in several coal companies and in transport engineering companies. Although it is one of the least public oligarchs, Makhmudov is one of the more influential businessmen in Russia. He is considered to be oligarch, although some observers say that he can actually be hidden by Silovarch ("Silovarch"), because he studied at the Elite University - the University of Tashkent. The Faculty of Oriental Studies at the University of Tashkent has long been a source of personnel for Soviet and now Russian intelligence in Central Asia. Fluently speaking in Arabic Mahmudov in the 1980s worked in Libya as a translator in the Soviet Military Industrial Center. Then he was a translator of a group of Soviet military advisers who worked with Iraqi military personnel. He returned to Uzbekistan in 1988, where he led the state-owned company "Uzbekintorg", which was engaged in international trade for the country. This work, when privatization began in a few years, allowed him to bother the important parts of the state-owned companies. In a very rare 2003 interview, his words were quoted that the oligarchs had complex destinies, and that they would all become once "Putin's soldiers."

Zyuzin is the main shareholder of Mechel, one of the largest Russian metallurgical and mining companies. The business is the interests and assets of Zyuzin in coal mining are mainly in Yakutia, the region in Northeast Siberia, these assets he inherited from the inglorious American billionaire Mark Rich, who came to court in the United States for illegal trade with Iran. In mid-2008, faithful signs that "Mechel" appeared, will probably be the next in the queue on the attention of the Kremlin, when the Russian environmental service stated that the company is engaged in prey in Russia illegally and "harms" the environment. In fact, the dispute was between "Misel" and the "Novolipetsky Metallurgical Combine" about the supply of coal, and in this fight both companies harmed each other, although the "Novolipetsky" political ties were better. The attack on "Mechel" moved to the decisive stage, when Putin publicly chose the company for "deception of the Kremlin and the sell of the Russian people" - causing rumors that "Mechel" will become the following "YUKOS".

Born in Ukraine Vekselberg is a co-owner of the Oil Giant "TNK", the Aluminum Giant "Siberian-Ural Aluminum" and the Swiss manufacturer of electronics "Erlikon" (Oerlikon). He acquired these assets through Renov, a holding company created by him in 1991. Vekselberg in the 1990s was closely connected with the Yeltsin State Apparatus, which brought him the shares of TNK. Although for many years, for many years, for many parts, he was away from the attention of the public, Vekselberg sold his shares in a scandalous deal about the joint venture "TNK-BP" and is located in the center of the fight between the Kremlin, TNK and British Petroleum. (He also owns the largest collection of Faberge Yaiz, owning 15 out of 69 preserved precious art objects).

Alekperov is the President of LUKOIL, the largest private oil company in Russia. Once, LUKOIL was the largest oil company of the country (after the collapse of the Yukos oil giant), but this title belongs now to the state company Rosneft. He is also a member of the De Birsc Group, who wants to remain independent of the global diamond monopoly, "which puts it in Russia into a difficult situation. The security forces do not like Alekperov for a long time for holding his companies away from the Kremlin and helped Western groups to enter the Russian energy and diamond sectors. Although he used dubious tools to strengthen his empire, like all the other oligarchs, he did not remove money from his assets - Alekperov actually created something. So, most of the profits "LUKOIL" again invested in plans for long-term growth of the company. Alekperov, perhaps the only energy sector with which people from the West enjoy business, which strengthened its independence from the Kremlin. The American oil company "Condocophilipses" owns a share of 7.6% in Lukoil and signed an agreement that can allow it to possess up to 20% of the Russian company. In the last year, Putin considered Alekperova and LUKOIL as a conductor to conclude transactions in Russia and in the world, without releasing partners with a state company. It gave Alekperov and Lukoil the status of the "gray" oligarch and a gray company, as they work for the Kremlin, but are not part of the Kremlin.

Mordashov is the main shareholder of Severstal, the largest Russian steel company. Mordashov was lucky in that Anatoly Chubais was a decan at His Institute, and then he became one of the people who were the right hand of Yeltsin and the so-called Creator of the Sport "Shock Therapy", implemented in the post-Soviet economy. Mordashov was one of the oligarchs who came out the winner of the ruthless "metallurgical wars", in which entrepreneurs threw each other a challenge, often violently, for the primacy in the metallurgical sector in the 1990s and in the early 2000s. Mordashov sought to withdraw Severstal to the international level, making significant acquisitions of assets in the United States and Europe, especially in Italy. Mordashov has a reputation as a hard leader and more devoted to his company than the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing an oligarch, which is one of the reasons that he deserved stunning respect in the Kremlin. He has good personal relationships with Putin, whom he knows since they both worked in St. Petersburg. It is believed that his relationships with influential people dedicated to Kremlin affairs, such as, for example, the Chairman of the Gazprom Board Alexey Miller, perhaps help him avoid the Kremlin attacks.

Pilerass, which, in all likelihood, is the current owner of the title of the richest Russian, achieved success as co-owner of the huge "Interros" Holding, which was ruled by Norilsk Nickel, the largest nickel manufacturer in the world. Prokhorov and his partner Potanin acquired its condition through the Program of "Pledge Auctions". The Prokhorov had a very unpleasant and public gap with Potanin, during which both of them shared assets; Prokhorov then got rid of his shares of Norilsk Nickel in favor of Deripaska. Prokhorova has a financial education, he was the President "Oneximbank", which later was absorbed by the Crossroads "Rosbank". Since then, Prokhorov keeps in the shade, being the President of Polyus Gold, the largest gold mining enterprise in Russia. This company on which the attention of the Kremlin and many others focuses is in a situation that can be one of the following largest battles in the Russian business. Prokhorov also tried to link connections with certain Kremlin figures, for example, former Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov, but he still has no real protection from the government. The infamous bachelor, Prokhorov turned out to be one of the two eminent Russians who were detained by the authorities for the alleged swords, although these charges were removed under suspicious circumstances.