The continuity of the DOC and the Meeting Topics School. Continuity in the work between a kindergarten and school in artistic and aesthetic education

Description of the material: I offer you a summary of the conducted seminar on the basis of our dough. In the abstract, I tried to describe how in collaboration with primary school teachers solve problems of continuity and show the technology of the seminar in the form of a round table with elements of a business game. This summary will be needed in the work of senior educators, methodologists, teachers, primary school teachers.

Seminar. "The continuity of DOU, schools and families is the foundations of cooperation and partnership in the preparation of future first-graders"

"School learning never starts from an empty place, and always relies on a certain stage of development done by the child." L.S. Vygotsky
Purpose: To promote the intensification of work to solve the problems of continuity of education of MBDOU No. 21 and SOSH No. 10, identify effective cooperation mechanisms.
1. To the basic concepts, the regulatory framework of the problem of continuity;
2. Analyze the results of work on continuity at the steps of pre-school education MBDOU № 21 and primary education SOSH No. 10, as well as with the involvement of parents of future first-graders, as the main participants in the educational process and our main partners.
4. Find the cooperation of educators, teachers; Promote a mutual emotional location between the participants of the seminar, the birth of trust.
Participants: Senior teacher, educators of preparatory groups, head teachers, primary school teachers.
I. Theoretical substantiation of the issue of continuity between the DOU and the elemental element of the school is the performance of the Senior Educator. What includes the concept of continuity, the view of different authors to the question of continuity. Teachers are invited to choose one of the three statements, which is most relevant to modern approaches to the continuity of preschool and primary education. B.G. Ananiev, who explores continuity on the general theoretical level, offers under the continuity to understand "the development of the system of knowledge of students in the process of learning their main sciences. It is carried out at each lesson when binding a new educational material with recently or long-learning knowledge of similar phenomena of reality "
A.V. Zaporozhets: "If the child is not ready for the social position of the schoolchild, then even if he has the necessary knowledge of knowledge, skills and skills, the level of intellectual development is difficult for him at school, since it is not always a high level of intellectual development coincides with the personal readiness of the child to school. But how he considered the process of continuity A. P. Usov "The multifaceted educational process carried out in preschool institutions is aimed at the physical, mental, moral, labor and aesthetic education of children. One of the most important tasks of kindergarten is to prepare children to school. The solution of this task provides for the harmonic development of the child, but mental education becomes of particular importance. The most effectively educational work is carried out in the training process in class. " (Basically, all teachers choose the statement A.V. Zaporozhets, justify, lead examples from practice.
Senior tutor continues his performance. The presence of the continuity of the formation of a DOA and elementary school, as the levels of the unified system are of great importance for the development of the child, the preservation and strengthening of its mental health. As a rule, the child is first included in the education system, entering the kindergarten, mastering the first stage of education, and after the end, first comes to a new educational step - elementary school. It was in this transitional moment that all participants in the educational process of the DOA and elementary school, not excluding parents, should become one in solving pressing problems of transition from one stage of education to another.
Continuity in education is a completely new concept. Only until recently we were talking about continuity in training. At the same time it was believed that the previous stage ensures the readiness of the child to learning in the next step in terms of accumulation of knowledge, skills and skills. And training at the new stage is built with a support for the achieved level of substantive preparation of the dow pupil. This provision of continuity in the real situation of development of the education system looks narrowly and does not cover the entire latitude of the educational process, as a situation of interaction between children and teachers, teachers and parents. That is why today becomes accepted, about continuity in education, and not in training. To date, numerous theoretical research and practical experience of constructing continuity are accumulated in the domestic education system.
Quest with the participants of the Round Table: "What do you understand under the concept of continuity between pre-school and school?" (Before the participants of the card of two colors, by the number of more than the number of participants, where there are several concepts of continuity belonging to different authors, choose for themselves the most correct and read; it is proposed to choose a pink or blue card)

II. Regulatoryly, the legal framework on the continuity between the DOU and the elemental school of the school is the speech of the School Watch.
In modern legislative acts, it is recognized that the continuity of the necessary condition of the entire educational process. The situation, and listeners, including: name, what regulatory framework you use or using this issue in solving this issue. On the screen, after answers, the list of sources of the regulatory framework on continuity is displayed. The same list is distributed to the participants of the seminar, as a memo.
Federal level:
Federal Law of 29.12.2012 N 273-FZ (ed. From 03.07.2016, with change of 19.12.2016) "On Education in the Russian Federation" (with change and extra
Family Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 1995 N 223-FZ (ed. From 03/28/2017)
The Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by the UN General Assembly resolution of November 20, 1989.
The concept of continuing education (pre-school and initial link) approved by the Federal Coordination Council for the General Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 17.06.2003
Methodical letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation №35-M dated 25.03 1994 "On the organization of continuity in programs of pre-school and primary general education"
Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 237/23-16 of 09.08.2000 "On the construction of continuity in pre-school education programs and elementary school"
Dow level:
Contract with parents
Treaty with school
The main educational program of pre-school education
III. Problems of modern society related to the continuity of the DOU and School - the presentation of the primary class teacher.
The relevance and timeliness of solving the problem of the continuity of preschool and primary education has no doubt, but in practice there is still a violation of successive connections on the main components of the educational system.
Task for the participants of the round table: Call the difficulties that came across in the preparation of children to school, or, on the example of their older children, problems in the initial period of study at school. (Free statements. Parents are particularly active who are sent to the second child's school)
Task: Name the reasons because of which, you think these difficulties arise. (Opinion exchange)
(It is offered to each participant to write your problems on a separate strip. (Participants call problems: children do not speak poorly, do not want to read; there are children who are not covered by preschool education, many sick children. Many call the problem of independent knowledge of knowledge from the first class. Parents, in Mainly complain about homework, which a child cannot perform without their help. A variety of species and types of institutions, where the most different programs use, and the implementation of these programs does not require hard standards. In addition, the specific features of the region are played a major role)
IV. Readiness for school learning, as an indicator of the continuity of the DW and School. Performance of a psychologist.
As we have already seen, continuity is a multidimensional problem. We allocated the most important thing for themselves is the level of readiness for school. All, and parents, and teachers, and educators want to find out the answer to the question - is the child ready to school. School readiness is made up of several indicators, it is a physical, special (pedagogical), and psychological, to which include: motivational, intellectual, emotional - volitional, communication readiness.
Task: Which of the above preparedness is most important for school preparation? And now you can turn the cards and see what is included in this or that willingness. This is small memo - recommendations for you. Five components of readiness for school.
1. Calculation readiness is the desire of a child to go to school, the desire to know the new
2. Waving readiness is a complex of volitional qualities, without which he will not be able to fulfill the tasks of the teacher, without being distracted by the lesson, to overpow the desire to play, join relationships with peers.
3.Social psychological readiness - the ability to get along with everyone in any team.
4.The readiness (intellectual readiness) is the development of perception, the development of observation, the development of attention, memory, thinking; The formation of ideas about space and time, about the animal and the plant world, about public phenomena.
5. Value to learn, the ability to listen and hear an adult, obey its instructions, plan their activities, control and evaluate it.
V. Final word of the Senior Educator: "So, the readiness for school is a certain level and social skills involving the ability to communicate with peers and adults, assess the situation and regulate their behavior; The level of development of those functions, without which learning is difficult or impossible; and a certain level of personal development. I would like to say that all readiness indicators must be formed in aggregate and no type of readiness may not be in priority. Because there is little one motivation, you need physical health and intelligence. A very clever child will not be able to join the class team, if communications does not learn. Continuity provides for the support of the school for the achieved level of pre-school education. Pedaggers of pre-school institutions should be familiar with the requirements for children in the first grade, and in accordance with them should prepare preschoolers for system education in school, conduct classes in microgroups, in pairs using modern educational technologies. (I propose to ask questions that educators, teachers. Sign up for a consultation).
On the other hand, school teachers must have ideas about the specifics of the education of children in kindergarten. It is necessary to organize educational activities with the inclusion of game techniques, forms and funds often used in kindergarten. The use of game technologies in the first classes contributes to the best adaptation to school learning.
Vi. Generalization of the results of the Round Table.Task for all: Name the form of continuity.

Continuity in the work of the DOW and School

The transition from kindergarten to school is an important point for each child, because at this time the activities of the pupil change and goes to a qualitatively new stage - a student. The surroundings of the child, the relationship with peers and with adults change, the requirements for the student change, all this causes a certain emotional response from a student. It is according to this, the work of continuity organized by teachers is ensuring the most secure entry of the child to the school environment.

The mechanism for solving this problem is the consistent implementation of the following joint steps in a preschool educational and general education institution:

The main forms of work with the school in Dow:

mutual relations of specialists of a pre-school educational and general education institution;

conducting joint events (joint sports holidays, entertainment, etc.);

conducting meetings of the PMPC, with the participation of specialists of kindergartens and school.

The construction of the work of the psychologist's teacher in this direction should be carried out according to the main activities: psychodiagnostics, corrective development, psychoprophylaxis, psychological consulting, enlightenment

Main on the implementation of continuity of pre-school and primary school arrjobs in the teacher's activities-psychologistbut

p / P.



Registration of stands in Doe "For you, parents of future first-graders"

Informing parents about the preparation of a child for school

Monthonitoring of preparedness of graduates DOU to school learning

Identification of the level of readiness of first-graders to school

Developing classes for pupils of preparatory groups (during the year)

Preparation of children for school learning

Parental Meetings

Acquaintance of parents of future first-graders with a children's training system for school

Consultation of the Group and Individual Plan for Parents

Raising parental competence

Conducting seminars - workshops with training elements

Practical training of parents

Family contests

Formation of cohesion among parents and children

Correctional and educational classes for children

Prevention and correction of behavior

Creative workshop

Enrichment of the impressions of children about school life.

Main F.ormas work with parents

Individual consultation of the psychologist in the framework of a comprehensive psychological examination of the child

And individual training consultations on the content, forms and M stimulation of development, selection of adequate means of communication with the child, methods of game interaction with it

Group thematic seminars and trainings of psychotherapeutic

Thematic lectures and family contests

Standard information

Basic ways of interaction with family:

Systematic propaganda of psychological and pedagogical classes

Practical Differentiated Help Family in Child Raising

Exchange of positive experience among parents

Active family involvement in the educational process

We will prepare small to independent life among the peers, try to teach it simple rules of the children's hostel:

Do not take someone else's, but not everyone gives away.

They asked - let, try to take away - try to defend.

Do not touch without resentment.

Do not be offended.

Himself can not stick to anyone.

Name to play - go, do not name - asked, it is not ashamed.

Not a teasing, do not cannon, do not make anything. No one no one ask for anyone.

Due to marks, do not cry, be proud. I do not argue with the teacher for the mark, and do not be offended by the teacher. Do lessons, and which marks will be, such and will.

Do not eat behind his back in his comrades.

Do not be dirty, the children are dirty not like, do not be clean, the children do not love and quietly.

More often tell: let's be friends, let's play, let's go, let's go home together.

And do not exhibit! You are not better than everyone, you are not worse than everyone, you are my favorite. Go to school, and let her be in joy, and I will wait and think about you. Move the road carefully, do not hurry.

Tips for psychologist parents

He must be able to care for himself, to undress and dress. It is very important to teach the child to hygiene: not only to mandatory morning procedures, but also to the fact that you need to follow yourself throughout the day - to fix the hairstyle, clean the costume. Teach to remove your workplace, corner, carefully treat things.

In addition, the child must understand perfectly, as needed to behave with peers, and how - with adults. What is the important thing that he communicates with the peers to be equal, but with respect, because it is his friends.

Do not forget that the child should listen and read good fairy tales, watch the classic Russian and Soviet cartoons, listen and sing songs Shainsky, Chickova and other beautiful composers: all those works in which good, friendship, honesty, decency.

1. It is impossible to ignore the objective age patterns of the development of a child characteristic of the six-year-old age.

3. Avoid a sharp transition to the use of new methods and ways to work in the process of learning kids.

4. Use at your work didactic, motor games, travel games, etc.

5. To constantly maintain students interest and desire for classes, use a variety of techniques to stimulate children.

7. Creating the conditions of comfort, goodwill, instill love for school.

8. Work in close collaboration with educators, psychologists, parents of children

compelling - To ensure the protection and health of the child, its full development all parents must master a certain complex of knowledge and skills.

Principles of family support

selectivity - Determination of the knowledge and skills necessary for parents depending on the level of their psychological and pedagogical culture, on the characteristics of family education conditions

groove- mastering parents of educational technology and presentation to its other families

Expansion of social contacts of the family

Development of an individual educational program for a child based on its needs

Improving the professional level of teachers in matters of cooperation with family

Collaboration tasks with families

Education of parents on education and education, taking into account the individual needs of the child

Conversations about school, about the bottom of knowledge.

Workshop "Let's make a gift first graders"

School visit

School game, game - fantasy on the topic "School"

Acquaintance with literary works about school

Inventing funny stories about school life

Correctional-developing plan classes: "Master of their feelings", "Choosing, Think, what will happen later", "The Important Word" No "" ...

Family contests: "Coat of arms of my family", "Costume for first grader" ...

Continuity in the work of kindergarten and school

The continuity of the school and preschool institution provides for the use of all forms of continuity: the study of programs, complex links, mutual exchange of experience, further search for optimal ways of improving pedagogical work, formation in children interest in classes, training activities

School studies are largely dependent on the quality of knowledge and skills formed in preschool childhood, from the level of development of cognitive interests and cognitive activity of the child. The school constantly improves the requirements for the intellectual development of children. This is explained by such objective reasons as scientific and technological progress; an increase in the flow of information; Changes in our society, improving the content and increasing the significance of education; Transition to training from six-year-old.

The results of advanced pedagogical experience are convinced that these requirements are logical, and their fulfillment is possible if educational work in kindergarten and school will represent a single developing process.

Continuity is nothing more than a support for completed, the use and further development of knowledge available in children, skills and skills, expansion and deepening of these knowledge, awareness of the newly known in a new level. Continuity makes it possible in the complex to solve cognitive, educational and developing tasks. It is expressed in the fact that every lower link is promising aimed at the requirements of the subsequent. The problem of continuity in the education system is not Nova. Even K. Ushinsky substantiated the idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationship between "preparatory learning" and "methodical training in school".

It is possible to solve the problem of continuity only when a single child's development line will be implemented at the stages of preschool and primary school childhood.

Only such an approach can give the pedagogical process a holistic, consistent and promising nature, only then two levels of education will act in close relationship.

Programs of kindergartens and elementary school provide continuity in the content on all topics of graduation, mathematics and writing. The principles of continuity and continuity of the educational cycle in the Kindergarten-School complex programs are provided.

However, if the content of school education is built in "School Logic" - the logic of future school subjects, the subjects are practiced by the subjects complicated for preschoolers, the objective age patterns of the child's development, characteristic of preschool age, are becoming a danger of such negative consequences as loss of interest in children's interest .

Sometimes, on the contrary, duplication of goals, tasks, forms and methods of primary school in a preschool institution can provoke a negative attitude of the child to these subjects. The first and most important requirement of elementary school is the formation of graduates of a kindergarten interest in learning activities, desire to learn, creating a solid base basics. But school does not satisfy the formal learning of knowledge and skills. Not only the quality of these knowledge, but also their awareness, flexibility and strength. Graduates of the preschool institution must be consciously, with an understanding of the essence of the phenomena, be able to use acquired knowledge and skills not only in the usual, stereotypical, but also in a modified situation, in new, unusual circumstances (game, work, etc.).

The elementary school is designed to help students fully show their abilities, develop the initiative, independence, creative potential. The success of the implementation of this task largely depends on the formation of students in cognitive interests in kindergarten. The problem of the development of the cognitive interest of the child is solved by the means of entertainment, games, creating non-standard situations in classes.

What do you need to teach a child in kindergarten, except for software requirements for knowledge and skills? To reflect, explain the results obtained, compare, to express assumptions, check whether they are correct to observe, summarize and draw conclusions. It is necessary to learn to notice patterns, similarities and differences, give exercises aimed at the development of attention, observation, memory, a logical task, which are closely related to such teachings of logical thinking, as an analysis, comparison, synthesis, generalization. The reflection of one child contributes to the development of this skill among others.

The mechanism for solving this problem is the sequential execution of the following steps:

conclusion of the contract between the kindergarten and the school to ensure continuity;

drawing up a draft joint activities to ensure continuity;

conducting events such as: "Open Day", "Knowledge Day", Joint Sports Holidays, Entertainment, etc.;

work to ensure the readiness of children for school education (diagnosis and correction of children's development);

conducting meetings of the PMPC, with the participation of specialists of kindergartens and schools (educators, teachers of future first graders, psychology teachers, social teachers, medical workers, senior educators, veships);

planning joint activities for the adaptation of children in school;

monitoring the process of adaptation of children to school.

The first and basic: do not distort the child's faith in yourself as in the future schoolchildren or fear, nor "pink" water of lightweight expectations. Let him go to school as a new, interesting thing - with faith in his capabilities and readiness to experience himself. To form such faith and such willingness, we must know the child well, soberly assess his abilities and inclinations, to represent the limits of its capabilities, everything that it is like, which can and what is inclined. In other words, relate to him as to themselves; After all, we appreciate themselves by what we can and we can, understand that it is impossible to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able.

School readiness implies and readiness for greater than before, independence of the child, to cooperate with foreign adults and peers without direct support and protection of parents.

But if you really want to do with the child of the house, then our recommendations will come in handy:

so that the child learned to recognize the cells in the notebook, draw, make a mosaic, small fishes;

draw "Curvos", draw to the recognizable pattern or funny. Kid learn to see not only a plane, but also a line. It will develop his imagination;

color drawing with pencils, then thick, then pale. Pencils are well changed that thick, then thin;

take watercolor paints and a thin brush and teach a child to circle pictures. First large (figures, flowers), then smaller (berries, circles);

then paint the drawings with watercolor so that the brush leaves a thin strip. So the hand and eye will be involved working together;

teach the child to dial loops on thick spokes and thick knitting needles. It trains the lochot and patience, will help the baby smoothly keep his back during the letter at the desk;

loop out of plasticine, knit - it trains fingers, because they are so naughty;

buy a feather handle and write everything you want (the ballpoint handle strains the muscles of the brush);

do not memorize the letter by heart. Learn the letters all at once and read books with short texts;

buy children's magazines and break the rebuses, crosswords, find differences and similarities in pictures. This will help develop logical thinking;

do not prohibit playing girls in dolls, and boys in the car. Playing, they will assign an account and task.

But I want to pay special attention to health issues. Currently, there are practically no absolutely healthy children. It is necessary to pay primary attention to improving health, physical development, hardening, developing motility, coordination, it is necessary not just to walk in the courtyard, but playing moving games. Understand: If the child does not have physical forces and endurance, then all the rest of his knowledge and skills are practically deprived of meaning. Before school, set the day of the day - the clock of rest, food, classes, walks. The lack of a regime first beats on health, by the faster nervous system. For normal development of the psyche, the child needs a sense of security. In a difficult moment, help, protect, do not pushe your baby. A child at this age is not yet able to appreciate himself, evaluate the results of his work. He appreciates only his efforts. If he tried, everything he did, he likes. Be careful, evaluating the work of first-graders. And even, due to the immaturity of the brain, your child is still very poorly understanding humor. Therefore, it can not be prepared, and it is necessary to make it very carefully.

Today it is customary to load a child with a mass of additional tasks. But in the first class, overload the child with circles, at least the first six months, do not need, and then it is necessary to watch and act on the setting. If the child adapted, entered the school rhythm, the main burden does not cause problems, does not require more voltage, then you can think about extracurricular activities. I want to pay special attention to the musical classes - they usually take too much strength and time, if you do not dream of growing from your son or daughter a great musician, deposit the beginning of this process, at least until the second class. One remains in force always - it is a physical hardening, charging, on a day off - ski skates, walks with parents,

Watch for the child. How much time he can do with you? Develop no hurry. If, as a result of an interesting session, it can work 20 - 25 minutes - this is good. Remember, the prediability is achieved not with coercion (items are needed, but in a soft form), but a living interest.

School readiness is also willingness, the ability not only to enhanced labor, but also to creativity. Children's homemakes are valuable not only by the fact that their child himself smeared, but also by the fact that he finds various uses for them: a stick can become a saber, antenna, spear, but something else is still - she is just encouraging. The creative principle, which is gifted all the kids, can be troublesome for adults, and therefore often - sometimes even inseciously suppressed. We do not always feel how connected with future studies - not only the ability to receive knowledge, but also to think and use them.

It is useful to pay attention to how the child reacts to praise and reigning, victory and defeat. Some children are failure literally paralyzes, others - cause a rapid protest, and thirdly mobilizes and stimulates new efforts. There are children who praise encourages acting with tripled energy, but there are also prone to "rest on the laurels". With the extreme types of child's reactions to success and fail to try to balance them. Uniforms for all "recipes" no and can not be. Apparently, such children are more appropriate to say something like: "Let's make it even better, you know how." It is important that the appeal take into account the reaction of the child and in any case there was no offensive.

School readiness is an alloy of knowledge and skills necessary for successful learning, and the ability to cooperate and overcome difficulties, a positive attitude towards school and school. It is important to feel the complexity of the child's experiences at such a straightening change of life as admission to school, and help him. This, to all of the time, not only increases his readiness for school, but also will retain his health.

The problem of the readiness of the child to the school worries humanity is no longer one decade. Psychologists proved the benefits of earlier starting training. However, life corrects a lot, including school education: Until now, most of the schools of Russia there are no conditions for training six years, and parents understand that a six-year-old and not a completely healthy child (and the majority of such children) are not forces by training loads, and Introduce the beginning of learning for a year ("let it grow up, grow up"). Is it correct? And it is not by chance that the Ministry of Education of Russia decided to transfer primary school for four-year training. At the same time, a child entering school, in September should be at least 6.5 years. But for some children and at this age it is too early to sit at the school desk.

Is the age affect the adaptation to school? Perhaps the older child, the smaller he will have difficulties? These questions often ask both teachers and parents. Unfortunately, it is unambiguous to respond to them is impossible due to the differences in passport and biological age, the inconsistency of the functional and psychological maturity of the body and the complex of educational and extracurricular loads.

Considering the problem of preparing children to school, it is impossible to circumvent such an aspect as readiness for school and school learning. We are talking about the readiness of the child not for training in general, but to school training with the whole complex of its educational and extracurricular loads.

Forms of continuity can be diverse and their choice is due to the degree of relationship, style, the content of the relationship between educational institutions.

Work on continuity is carried out in three main areas:

Work with children;
- interaction of teachers;
- Cooperation with parents.

1. Work with children:

  • excursions to school;
  • visiting the school museum, library;
  • acquaintance and interaction of preschoolers with teachers and students of primary school;
  • participation in joint educational activities, gaming programs;
  • exhibitions of drawings and crafts;
  • meetings and conversations with former pupils of kindergarten (primary and high school students);
  • joint holidays (knowledge day, dedication to first-graders, graduation in kindergarten, etc.);
  • participation in theatrical activity;
  • a visit to preschoolers of the adaptation course of classes organized at school (classes with a psychologist, speaking copist, music director, etc. School specialists).

2. Interaction of teachers:

  • joint pedagogical tips (pre-school and school);
  • seminars, master classes;
  • round tables of teachers dough and school teachers;
  • psychological and communicative trainings for educators and teachers;
  • diagnostics to determine the readiness of children to school;
  • the interaction of medical workers, psychologists of the DW and School;
  • open shows of educational activities in the Dow and open lessons at school;
  • pedagogical and psychological observations.

3. Cooperation with parents:

  • joint parental meetings with teachers of Dou and school teachers;
  • round tables, discussion meetings, pedagogical "living rooms";
  • parent conferences, evenings of questions and answers;
  • consultations with teachers of the DOC and School;
  • meetings of parents with future teachers;
  • open days;
  • creative workshops;
  • questioning, testing of parents to study the health of the family on the eve of the child's school life and in the period of adaptation to school;
  • educational training and workshops for parents of children of predosky age, business games, workshops;
  • family evenings, thematic leisure activities;
  • Visual means of communication (stand material, exhibitions, mailbox of questions and answers, etc.);
  • Meetings of parent clubs (school for parents).

An important role in ensuring the continuity of preschool and school education is played by a detailed study of the submissions of parents and teachers about each other, which will lead them to the interaction and developing joint recommendations.

And an important role in the organization of continuity of pre-school institution and elementary school, the Persons of the educator and teachers play. The teacher in kindergarten is the second mom, which can hug a baby, stroke the head. And the child stretches to his tutor. But today's preschooler comes to school, and a teacher meets him. Everything changes immediately: the student must observe the distance among himself and the teacher. Therefore, the adaptation of the student to school is more protracted than in kindergarten.

Therefore, the main tasks of cooperation of the DOW and School are:

The creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions providing a favorable course of the process of adapting first-graders to school training (the natural transition from kindergarten to school);
- improved training for school education 5-6 year old children;
- deepening interest in life at school;
- Assisting the family in a new situation arising from training for school training and when a child arrives at school.
The most important condition for the effectiveness of work on the establishment of successive ties of kindergartens and school is a clear understanding of the goals, objectives and content of the implementation of continuity, friendly business contact between pedagogical teams of these educational institutions.

The goals and objectives of the implementation of continuity in the work of pre-school educational institutions and schools are implemented on the basis of joint activities, the organization of a single educational space, the use of continuity technologies, forms, methods of training and education.

Olga Stefanova
Forms of cooperation of pre-school educational institution and school on continuity

Forms of cooperation of pre-school educational institution and school on continuity.

Currently, the need to save continuity and integrity of educational spheres are among the most important priorities of development education in Russia.

Key point in implementation continuity isAs you know, the determination of the child's readiness for learning in school. Preparation K. school is one of the components of the provision continuity between preschooler and school education.

Remedies continuity are pedagogical technologies continuous education, compulsory include grounds continuity(development of curiosity, abilities, creative imagination). Child learning preschool The ages are built on the basis of the activities specific to this age (Game, Drawing, Designing, etc.) In which, by 6-7 years, the formation of educational prerequisites.

Admission B. school and the initial period of study cause restructuring image The life and activities of the child. The main thing is that the child needs is a positive learning motivation. The child perceives school as another gamewhich may not be at all so attractive if it does not turn into account cooperation with teacher and peers.

Learning activities require a certain stock of knowledge about the world, formed Elementary concepts. The child should be able to summarize and differentiate objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, plan their activities, carry out self-control. No less important skills of speech communication with peers and adults, a fairly developed small motility of hands.

But full-fledged training activities form Only on the basis of the game. "Nearbyness" It is a serious problem in the life of 6-7 year old children. For successful entry into school lifeFor mastering the necessary social experience, role-playing game is important. In Game forming The ability to use the speech, the ability to negotiate (set the rules, distribute the roles, the ability to manage and be managed. The child is actively mastering "The World of Things" and "People's World". All this is necessary for the future first grader.

Exercise mechanism continuity, its components are functioning using certain forms and methodsimplemented in the process of specially organized administration activities, teachers of the Dow, primary school teachers for the creation of conditions for the effective and painless transition of children in the initial school.

Forms of continuity can be diverse And their choice is due to the degree of relationship, the style, content of the relationship educational institutions. Usually at the beginning of the year, teachers are a joint plan, the purpose of which is to concretize work on the three main directions:

1. Work with children:

Excursions B. school;

Visit school Museum, libraries;

Acquaintance and interaction preschool children with teachers and students initial schools;

Participation in collaboration educational activities, game programs;

Exhibitions of drawings and crafts;

Meetings and conversations with former pupils of kindergarten (Primary and Middle Students schools) ;

Joint holidays (day of knowledge, initiation in first-graders, graduation in kindergarten, etc.) and sports competitions preschoolers and first-graders;

Participation in theatrical activity;

Visit preschool children adaptation course of occupations organized by school(Classes with a psychologist).

2. Interaction of teachers:

Joint pedagogical councils (DOU I. school) ;

Seminars, master classes;

Round tables of teachers dough and teachers schools;

Diagnostics to determine the readiness of children to school;

Interaction of medical workers, psychologists DOU and schools;

Open shows educational activities in Dow and open lessons in school;

Pedagogical and psychological observations.

3. Cooperation with parents:

Joint parents collection with teachers dough and teachers schools;

Round Tables, Discussion Meetings, Pedagogical "Living rooms";

Parent conferences, evenings questions and answers;

Consultations with teachers DOU and schools;

Meetings of parents with future teachers;

Open days;

Creative workshops;

Questioning, testing of parents to study the well-being of the family in anticipation school child's life and in the period of adaptation to school;

education-Eague trainings and workshops for parents of children pre-school age, business games, workshops;

Family evenings, thematic leisure activities;

Visual Means Communication (Stand Material, Exhibitions, Mailbox questions and answers and others.);

For several years our preschool Miscellaneous Group collaborates with a branchZheltuhinskaya Oosh.

After analyzing the entire preceding work on continuity, we concluded that, first of all, the development of a single, systemic and consistent work of two structures is necessary, pre-school and primary education. We revised our work and developed a plan of joint activities, the implementation of which put the task of not an increase in the number of methodological measures, but quality improvements successive connections between preschool and initial linkallowing you to understand the work of each from the inside.

Planning work, we focus on the portrait of a graduate pre-school educational institutionwhich must comply with modern requirements for children going to the first class.

In collaboration, such became effective forms of interactionas a mutual acquaintance with educational programs of the pre-school group and school, organization of joint pedagogical tips, master classes. Another important, in our opinion, the direction of work pre-school group and school - Organization of joint holidays, exhibitions, participation in project activities and other interesting events.

The educators of the preparatory group visit the lessons in mathematics, the Russian language in the first grade. The teacher who is gaining first-graders for the next academic year, attends literacy learning classes in pre-school group. Acquaintance with the specifics of planning work in preschool group and thematic plans for conducting lessons in school allows teachers to share experiences, find optimal methods, techniques and work forms, introduces the situation and organizing the life and learning of children. That collaboration forms In teachers, the understanding of the significance of the process of developing the child, and not the accumulation of knowledge, helps to maintain the health of children, determines the choice of methods of an individual approach to the future student.

During the year, the diagnosis of children of preparatory groups is carried out. school Pedagogue-psychologist. First: In September-November - to identify the level of development and building the learning and development process, taking into account the individual characteristics of children. Second: in April-May - to determine the achieved level. There is a work on the correction of certain abnormalities together with educators and parents between the diagnostics of the psychologist.

Excursions preschool children in school The museum and library leave particularly joyful impressions in children. Children learn the conditions and traditions school Life.

During a year preschoolers attend the circle« School Future first grader ». Where you manage to get used to and love your first teacher.

Good tradition is that in days school Vacation of first-graders can recall again preschool childhood, see educators, play in your group. And, most importantly, feel that they are remembered in kindergarten, they are glad, they love them here, they are interested in their successes and difficulties. On the other hand, the children of the preparatory group are happily meet with their matured friends, exchange impressions, freely communicate with them, are included in joint games, classes.

Students schoolsIn turn, are parties to holidays and events in pre-school group, playing fabulous characters.

For the whole year, our children will know a lot about school, lightness oriented in the building schools. I am pleased to go there. And we hope that all the work carried out by us will be in the system and will help our graduates easily adapt and learn well.

To make the transition of children to school softer, give them the opportunity to adapt to new conditions faster, the teachers should meet with forms, methods of work in preschool institutions, since the psychological difference between the six-year-old and seven-year-old child is not so great. And the familiarization of the preschoolers themselves with the school, educational and social life of schoolchildren makes it possible to expand the corresponding ideas of pupils of kindergartens, to develop interest in their school, desire to learn.

The mechanism for the implementation of continuity, its components function with the help of certain forms and methods implemented in the process of specially organized administration, pedagogues of the kindergarten, primary school teachers for the creation of conditions for the effective and painless transition of children to primary school.

Forms of successive connections

  • - Pedagogical tips, seminars, round tables of teachers Dou, school teachers and parents on topical issues of continuity;
  • - planning and implementing joint practical activities of teachers and teachers with children - preschoolers and first-graders (holidays, exhibitions, sports competitions);
  • - psychological and communicative trainings for educators and teachers;
  • - the interaction of medical workers, psychologists of the DOU and School;
  • - holding "graduates" in DOU;
  • - jointly with the school recruitment of 1 classes from graduates of DW and diagnostics to determine the readiness of children to school;
  • - meetings of parents with future teachers;
  • - Questioning, testing of parents to study the well-being of the family on the eve of the child's school life and during the adaptation period of the school;
  • - Game trainings and workshops for parents of children of preschool age.

Successful work on continuity can be carried out only with the joint work of the teacher and the educator.

The main tasks of the cooperation of DOU and School are:

  • - the creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure a favorable course of the process of adapting first-graders to school training (the naturalness of the transition from kindergarten to school);
  • - improved training for school education 5-6 year old children;
  • - deepening interest in life at school;
  • - Assisting the family in a new situation arising from training for school training and when a child arrives at school.
  • - Mutual visit to the school and kindergarten by the teacher and the educator,
  • - participation in pedagogical councils,
  • - Mutual counseling, seminars, master class;
  • - Joint parental meeting by the educator and teacher, organization of conferences,
  • - Study of education programs in the preschool institution and the first class school program, etc.
  • - psychological and communicative trainings for educators and teachers;
  • - conducting diagnostics to determine the readiness of children to school;
  • - the interaction of medical workers, psychologists of the DOU and School;
  • - open ideas of educational activities in the Dow and open lessons at school;
  • - Pedagogical and psychological observations.

In the school at first grader, everything is collapsed at once: and new rules of behavior, and training information. Therefore, it is better to prepare a baby to the coming change in the usual conditions, gradually step by step introducing new settings that meet new requirements.

Forms of dating preschoolers with school.

Space-playing games can be provided with great help, in particular, the game "To School".

Any plot role-playing game includes five components. This includes:

  • 1. Things - physical, natural or man created by a person.
  • 2. Place - Arena, on which there is an action.
  • 3. Acting - participating people.
  • 4. Organization - norms and rules that regulate the actions of people, information.
  • 5. The meaning of the ideas that need to be learned.

The plot role-playing game "To school" helps the child to successfully enter school life, master the necessary experience. The game forms the ability to use the speech, the ability to negotiate (set the rules, distribute the roles), the ability to manage and be manageable. The child actively masters the "world of things" (cognitive and subjective practical activity) and the "world of people" (norms of human relationship). All this is necessary for the future first grader.

It is important that the reporting information about the school is not only clear to the child, but also feeling them. For this use:

  • 1. Excursions (to the school building, then to the library, in the gym, in class, in the dining room).
  • 2. Consider the picture "School"
  • 3. Reading and analyzing child artistic literature on school life, memorizing poems.
  • 4. Drawing on topics: "School building", "My impressions of the excursion to the school library", "Class".
  • 5. Conversations, adult stories about their studies and favorite teachers.
  • 6. Familiarization with proverbs and sayings, which emphasize the importance of the book, teachings and labor.
  • 7. Consider school supplies and make riddles about them.
  • 8. Velive and didactic games for school themes.
  • 9. Familiarity and interaction of preschoolers with teachers and primary school students;
  • 10. Participation in joint educational activities, gaming programs;
  • 11. Meetings and conversations with former pupils of kindergarten (primary and high school students);
  • 12. Joint holidays (knowledge day, dedication to first-graders, graduation in kindergarten, etc.) and sports competitions of preschoolers and first-graders;
  • 13. Participation in theatrical activity;
  • 14. A visit to preschool children of an adaptation course of classes organized at school (classes with a psychologist, speaking copist, music director, etc. School specialists).

It is advisable not to wrap on a child all school innovations immediately, but pay attention to some or one of the sides of school life, and the remaining components of the situation have not yet to affect. Let it first be things, educational supplies, the school form, which can be viewed in the pictures, and then go to school, sit at the desk.

A child in gentle mode, without a temporary limitation, will familiarize themselves with the appearance and purpose of things that will soon become its constant surroundings. Another time it is worth staying on the norms and rules, trying in the game of the teacher to present certain requirements for the "student" in the game. Next, the object of attention can be textbooks that are useful not only to watch and scroll through, but also try "Ponaroshka" to perform any simple task.

The importance of the problem of educating a positive attitude to school has no doubt. From how our work will be carried out, its success and effectiveness will depend on. "The school should not make a sharp change in the life of children. Let, becoming a student, the child continues to do today what did yesterday. Let the new appearing in his life gradually and not stunning an avalanche of impressions "- so wrote V.A. Sukhomlinsky about the acquaintance of children with a school in preschool education.

Education of a positive attitude towards school of preschool children is one of the topical problems of modern pedagogy.

But we cannot fully prepare a child for school, if we do not act with their parents in one way.

Pedagogical education of parents.

Parents play an important role in educating a positive attitude towards school. Without close interconnection with the family it is impossible to build its work. In working with parents, you can use the following forms of work:

  • - Joint parental meetings with teachers of Doo and school teachers;
  • - Round tables, discussion meetings, pedagogical "living rooms";
  • - parent conferences, evenings of questions and answers;
  • - Consultations with teachers DOW and School (consulting on the topic: "How to choose a school", "What if your child is not accepted to school", "a little about the game", etc.).
  • - meetings of parents with future teachers;
  • - days of open doors;
  • - Creative workshops;
  • - Questioning, testing of parents to study the family well-being on the eve of the child's school life and during the adaptation to school (voice spectacle on the topic "How to help learn");
  • - educational and game training and workshops for parents of pre-school children, business games, workshops;
  • - Family ever, thematic leisure;
  • - Visual means of communication (stand material, exhibitions, mailbox of questions and answers, etc.): Oral magazine
  • - "Your child is the future first grader"
  • - "Knowledge, skills and skills necessary for the future first grader."
  • - "8 advice to parents of future first graders."
  • - Exhibition on the topic: "This is necessary for school."

The publication of the newspaper, which helps to inform the parents about the child's life in the institution.

Meetings of parent clubs (classes for parents and for child-parent couple).

An important role in ensuring the continuity of preschool and school education is played by a detailed study of the submissions of parents and teachers about each other, which will lead them to the interaction and developing joint recommendations.

It is known that the "smooth" continuity in the development of man does not have any transition to a new state, even the most pleasant thing is always stress.

Since it is almost impossible to do without stress, it is necessary to try to "make" them less harmful and more useful for development.

Continuity is a smooth transition from a pre-school institution to school.

The child should not be afraid of a new building, but also should not be used to him so that the effect of novelty, surprise, attractiveness.