The filter for drinking water osmosis. Reverse osmosis (water treatment)

tap water from various impurities, although quite recently everyone drank tap water and did not worry about anything. In any case, in large cities, where strict control is exercised over the purification of tap water, there was no special need for additional measures, and even now there is none.

But, manufacturers of various household water filters have taken a completely correct marketing move, telling us, ordinary people, about what terrible and harmful water we drink. Therefore, there was a rush demand for products for water filtration on the market.

For the most part, in order to get rid of mechanical impurities present in the water coming from the old pipeline, it is enough to install a mechanical water filter or two filters located one behind the other at the inlet to the house or apartment. The first will produce a rough water purification from large particles, and the next one will retain smaller impurities.

But, since we want to drink completely pure water, we are ready to purify it further, getting pure H2O. For this, jug filters and entire systems built directly into the water supply are widely used.

One such system is the reverse osmosis filter.

What is reverse osmosis?

It is worth starting with the fact that the reverse osmosis process is the exact opposite of the natural osmosis process.Osmosis is the ability of water molecules to move from a less saturated solution to a more saturated one.

Reverse osmosis is the opposite process - it is the penetration of water molecules through a semi-permeable membrane from a salt-saturated stream into a special container, purified from salts and impurities.

This process is possible for two reasons:

  • ordinary tap water, saturated with salts and mechanical impurities, is supplied to the membrane under pressure;
  • mechanical impurities and salt molecules are much smaller than water molecules, which prevents them from penetrating through the membrane holes, while water molecules freely pass through them.

As a result, at the filter outlet, we get absolutely pure water, devoid of any mineral impurities. Moreover, the quality of water purification is very high. And, perhaps, this is the only plus of this filtration system.

Reverse osmosis filters are built on the principle of modularity. That is, each filter is a whole set of modules, each of which can be easily replaced during operation, since each module has its own service life and must be replaced in due time.

What modules can be in the filter system:

  • The first element in this water purification sequence is always a filter to remove mechanical impurities that can quickly damage the osmotic membrane.
  • The second is usually a carbon filter that removes chlorine and other gaseous impurities from the water.
  • osmotic membrane.
  • Next, a mineralizer should be located, the task of which is to introduce into the water the necessary trace elements that were removed at the previous stage.
  • A device based on ultraviolet radiation that kills all microbes contained in the water.

In fact, there may be more purification steps in the system. But each additional module is (and not small). And if you consider that all of them are subject to regular replacement, then the operation of such a filter will not be cheap.

There are systems without mineralization and UVR, but then you get clean, but tasteless water, devoid of any benefit, although much cheaper.

As a result of the operation of the reverse osmosis filter, two types of water are produced:

  • Purified drinking water entering the storage tank or directly to the tap.
  • Water with a high content of impurities, unsuitable for use, which is discharged into the sewer.

Moreover, for 1 liter of clean water there are 3 liters of contaminated brine, which is very wasteful in terms of

Filter selection criteria

You need to select a filter based on several criteria:

  • First you need to determine what kind of water you want to get at the outlet of the filter. This will help determine the number of required modules.
  • Then you need to find out what water pressure your home plumbing provides. The fact is that filtration through the membrane is possible only at a pressure of at least 3 atm. If the pressure is lower, then you need to purchase a pump. It can be either built-in or mounted separately.
  • Decide if you need a mineralizer that enriches clean water with microelements. Although, many experts consider the presence of a mineralizer to be nothing more than a marketing ploy that allows you to make the filtration system more expensive.
  • UV emitter. If you live in a city where water treatment takes place centrally, then you don’t have to worry too much about germs. If you live outside the city, then it may be worth spending money on this module.
  • It is believed that infrared radiation makes water healthier. Here the choice is entirely yours.
  • When choosing a filter in the store, you need to find out which pre-filters are included in the kit and how many of them. Here you need to proceed from the quality of tap water: if it is very dirty, then the emphasis should be on mechanical filters. Perhaps put even more than one. If the water is very chlorinated, then it may be better to use carbon filters.
  • Regarding the filtering membrane, you need to know that there are membranes coated with a special layer that protects them from the deposition of dirt. They last longer, but also cost more.
  • It is very important to correctly determine the amount of filtered water consumed, the volume of the storage tank depends on this, which can reach 40 liters. For an average family, a 12-liter tank is enough.
  • Also an important part of the filter. It can be single, or maybe double. Double is used in a set of filters with a mineralizer. It makes it possible to use both simply purified water and mineralized separately.

After considering all these possibilities, as well as your filter requirements, you can make the best choice. It is also necessary to take into account your financial capabilities, since extra modules that are not needed in your case are extra expenses, and permanent ones, given the need for their regular replacement.

Please also note that most filters clean water very slowly - literally a few liters per hour, so you can not wait for them.

Where else are reverse osmosis filters used?

To be precise, these filters were not originally intended to purify ordinary water. They were invented as devices for desalination of sea water. True, the pressure there is not 3 atm, but all 70.

Back in the 70-80s of the last century, these systems in many areas:

  • water desalination, including on ships and submarines;
  • water purification in industry;
  • obtaining ultrapure water used in medicine;
  • in water treatment systems
  • in the food industry to create concentrated juices and other concentrates.

There is only one conclusion from the above: when deciding which filter to purchase for home use, analyze your needs. It would also be nice to get a health certificate for your home. This will allow you to make an informed choice of a device designed to bring health and safety to your home.

Often, turning to us, customers ask how reverse osmosis systems differ and how to make the right choice in such a large range of filters presented on our website.

Well, let's figure out what reverse osmosis filters are and how they differ.

Let's start with the usual flask system in the basic configuration. An example for us is a reverse osmosis system.

The system consists of five stages of cleaning:

The five cleaning steps in it are the same as in the previous model, so we will not repeat it. Let's take a closer look at how they differ:

1. An additional module is installed in the system - . It mineralizes water, saturating it with a useful amount of minerals and trace elements for the human body, and prepares it for consumption in its raw form. Inside the mineralizer there are natural minerals - dolomite and calcite, the water passes through them and is saturated with minerals, and the level in the channel is about 0.2 mg/l. Another of the functions of the mineralizer is to equalize the acid-base balance (Ph), bringing it closer to the optimal level for your blood of 7.0 - 7.5.

2. The faucet in the reverse osmosis system with a mineralizer has two lambs, the water in it is divided into water before mineralization (for cooking and drinking) and water after mineralization (for raw consumption).

Thus, we can say that if you want to use water after the filter in its raw form, then you should consider a model with a mineralizer.

Another additional module in reverse osmosis systems is a bioceramic cartridge.

For example, consider the filter model.

This system is equipped with a water structuring module. When you open the water faucet at the sink, the water after the mineralizer passes through.

It is designed to structure water and bring it closer in structure to thawed water. The bioceramic module is filled with balls of pressed natural tourmaline material, baked at a temperature of 600 °C. As a result, passing through the tourmaline balls, water is structured under the influence of infrared radiation.

As a result, you get water of the correct structure, which is more easily absorbed by the body.

Summing up, we can say the following:

- - this is the best thing invented by mankind for water purification. The most efficient and subtle cleaning method available.

Water is a transporter in the human body, therefore, the purer the water you drink, the more useful minerals and microelements it will be able to transfer throughout your body.

Relevance: May 2019

The human body is 80% water. The quality of this liquid directly affects the state of health. Environmental pollution has reached catastrophic proportions. Industrial waste and other pathogenic impurities, penetrating into the soil, dissolve in aquifers. Then all this "Mendeleev's table" gets into the water supply and settles in the human body. Hence, allergic reactions, chronic ailments, indigestion and other "charms" of centralized water supply.

How to protect yourself from the negative impact of low-quality water? You need to apply individual cleaning. Reverse osmosis filters do this best. Modern multi-level systems are able to filter water to its original state - as from a spring.

We have compiled a list of the best reverse osmosis filters based on expert reviews and reviews from real buyers. Our recommendations will help you make the best choice for your requirements and desires. There are many competitors on the global equipment market, but we have selected the best manufacturers and recommend paying special attention to them:

  1. Atoll
  2. Aquaphor
  3. New Water
Chlorine cleaning Mineralization Softening storage tank

* Prices are valid at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice.

Reverse Osmosis Filters: Chlorine Removal

Mineralization / storage tank / Chlorine cleaning/ softening

Main advantages
  • Multilevel drinking water purification system
  • Three degrees of mechanical cleaning from sand, rust, chloride and organic compounds
  • Semi-permeable membrane filters out 99% of contaminants left after mechanical cleaning
  • At the last stage, mineralization occurs with the addition of liquid salts.
  • Water, after filtration, is comparable in quality to spring water
  • Possibility of installation under the sink or worktop in the kitchen makes it easy to use and does not require special training

storage tank / Chlorine cleaning/ softening

Main advantages
  • Multi-stage filter for drinking water purification with a capacity of 200 l / day
  • Pre-filtration of three modules removes mechanical impurities and chlorine compounds, improving the overall composition of the liquid
  • The semi-permeable membrane allows water and oxygen molecules to pass through, retaining from 92 to 99% of harmful substances remaining after mechanical cleaning
  • The drainage system prevents the semi-permeable membrane from premature clogging and failure. Constantly washing the membrane, it makes it possible to pass up to 3500 liters before the scheduled replacement of the filter element
  • Easy installation under the kitchen sink or worktop makes it easy to use and does not take up valuable space

storage tank / Chlorine cleaning/ softening

Main advantages
  • Universal filter for water purification, arranged in one module. Fits well into any kitchen
  • Large volume of purified water up to 230 l / day - a fairly high performance in its class
  • The design of the filter implements purification by the reverse osmosis method, which provides almost pure water at the outlet and retains up to 99% of organic and chemical impurities
  • The system operates freely at temperatures from 4 to 38 degrees Celsius and can be used to supply cold and hot water
  • The compact design and design fits perfectly into the free space under the sink, making it much easier to find a suitable installation location and save time

storage tank / Chlorine cleaning/ softening

Main advantages
  • Fine cleaning system with a storage tank of 10 liters and a separate tap for purified water
  • Thanks to the use of innovative technologies, the filter is able to retain the smallest impurities up to 0.0005 microns in size. This guarantees a high degree of purification.
  • For maximum efficiency, a semi-permeable membrane is installed in the system, in combination with innovative sorption modules made using carbon block technology.
  • The housings of the filter elements are made in the form of a flask, as in most manufacturers, allowing the use of filter modules from other manufacturers
  • All elements of the system are compactly placed on a mounting metal plate, which simplifies the assembly and installation of the filter

Chlorine cleaning

Main advantages
  • A new generation reverse osmosis in-line filter, in the product line
  • The system is designed to purify water with a normal or high content of salts of heavy metals, iron and hardness salts, as well as mechanical impurities (sand, rust, silt)
  • Thorough cleaning is ensured by a highly selective Japanese-made Toray Industries Inc polymer membrane
  • In an emergency at the inlet of the line, it withstands instantaneous water hammer up to 45 atmospheres, which indicates a large margin of safety
  • Maintenance is low cost due to fewer replacement cartridges, increased membrane life and low water discharge to the sewer

Show all products in category "Chlorine cleaning"

Reverse osmosis filters: Mineralization

Mineralization / storage tank / Chlorine cleaning/ softening

Household water filters reverse osmosis are necessary to purify tap water from impurities.

After passing through old pipes, not only bacteria, but also construction waste can remain in the water.

Salts of heavy metals are especially dangerous, which can provoke the development of serious diseases, as well as disrupt the operation of plumbing fixtures and household appliances.

Reverse osmosis filters are among the most efficient today. They successfully eliminate manganese, iron, chlorine, dangerous bacteria and make the water completely drinkable.

The design of the equipment includes a storage tank, replaceable cartridges, a special membrane, and a number of models also have a pump.

In general, the device turns out to be compact and quite affordable and provides a high level of water purification.

This technology was first used in 1970. At that time, it was used to purify water for medical as well as industrial purposes, for desalination of sea water.

The result is water similar in composition to melted and distilled water, suitable for drinking without the need for boiling.

Water purification is provided by a complex multi-stage system of pre-filters, membranes from post-filters.

First, water enters the pre-filter, which eliminates mechanical impurities, organic compounds, chlorine.

Before choosing equipment, it is necessary to determine the desired characteristics:

  • device performance,
  • The pressure level in the water supply (it is necessary to use a pump if the indicator is less than 2 atm),
  • Water quality for the correct selection of the filter cartridge.

Filters can also have additional functions, for example:

  • Infrared radiation,
  • Mineralization.

Products from different manufacturers are presented on the domestic market. The most popular products are Aquaphor, Atoll and New Water.

It has been successfully used by Russian buyers for a long time. Models with mineralizers are especially popular.

The design includes a semi-permeable membrane that purifies water by 99%. Only water molecules pass through it, while heavy metals, chemical compounds, salts and bacteria are retained.

Aquaphor Morion filters equipped with a mineralizer will improve the composition and taste of water. They equip the water with inorganic salts that are beneficial to health.

Novaya Voda reverse osmosis water filters are equipped with the Prio system and composite polymer film membranes. It is manufactured by the Japanese company Toray Industries. The filter membrane provides water purification from all foreign impurities at high speed and in a wide temperature range.

The New Water filter line is represented by the Praktic, Econic and Expert models. Praktic are affordable household filters with a quick-release membrane. Econic and Expert are compact, lightweight and stylish. Features a high-tech design. Connect with a tee and a ball valve to the water supply.

Atoll Reverse Osmosis Water Filters– equipped with a five-stage cleaning system. Compact models are conveniently placed under the sink, and if there is not enough space, the tank can be placed in any cabinet next to the sink.

Cartridges are very easy to change, without disconnecting from the sewer, tank and faucet. Water purification occurs without chemicals, through a membrane of several layers. All insoluble particles and impurities are reliably retained.

For domestic purposes, case systems with a compact case, which contains all the components, are actively used. The main feature is the absence of a supporting structure.


How to connect a reverse osmosis water filter

Requires proper installation. From this will depend on its service life, and the level of cleaning. It is important to consider whether there is enough space for the equipment, and how convenient it will be to reach the device to replace the cartridge.

The best place to install is under the kitchen sink. Do-it-yourself installation is not recommended, it is best to entrust the procedure to professionals.

From the tools you will need a fum tape, drills, a drill. A manometer and a TDS meter for water analysis will help to check the correct installation and operation of the equipment.


For most models, manufacturers attach a passport with a detailed connection diagram, which must be followed.

  • First you need to make room under the sink, bring a towel and a container under the water.
  • Then you need to turn off the cold water tap and open it on the mixer to relieve pressure.
  • The next step is to screw in the ball valve and wind the fum tape to prevent leaks.
  • Next, you need to unscrew the flexible hose that supplies water to the mixer. If the hose has been used for more than a year, use a rubber gasket.
  • It remains to screw the nut onto the other end of the coupling. Then you need to shut off the faucet responsible for the water supply and open the general faucet.

    • Then you need to open the faucet on the sink to bleed the air in the hose. After the air leaves, close the valve. Water will rest and create high pressure. A fum tape must be wound on the water supply thread.
    • The next stage of work is the installation of a drainage clamp. To do this, you need a drill with a 7 mm drill bit.

    The installation of the clamp must be in a place above the water seal so that odors from the sewer do not come up.

    • Unpack the drain clamp and drill a hole for the polypropylene tube. The kit should include a seal on a self-adhesive basis, which must be glued from the front of the clamp.
    • You need to put a nut on the polypropylene tube and thread it into the front of the clamp so that it protrudes a few centimeters.
    • Insert the tube into the hole and bend down inside the siphon, attach the second part of the clamp and tighten with bolts.
    • The water outlet tap is most often placed in the corner of the sink under the right hand. Be sure to leave a place at the bottom for the shrinkage of the gasket.
    • Filter cartridges must be unpacked and placed in housings, screw and tighten them.
    • Before starting the device, check all connections and begin to smoothly open the tap that supplies water. At high pressure, water will begin to flow within a few minutes. Watch carefully for leaks. You can put a cardboard that will give a signal if water drips somewhere. It will take about an hour and a half to completely fill the tank. When it is full, the valve will shut off the water supply.

    If the pressure is not enough, it is necessary to install a pump - a vibration pump. High-quality models of pumps work automatically.

At the moment, there are a large number of reverse osmosis systems: Atoll, AQUATEK, Raifil, Crystal, AquaPro, HF, Filtroff, Aquafilter, Istok, Geyser, BioRay, New Water, Merlin, etc.

Systems with a pump, with ultraviolet, with a mineralizer, high-performance without a storage tank, etc. How to choose a filter among such an assortment?

General rules for choosing a system

When buying a reverse osmosis system, remember that the more complex the system, the more expensive its maintenance, the higher the cost of consumables and the greater the likelihood of system failure. Even the most “high-tech” systems do not guarantee you the best water quality. In our understanding, “the best” means that it does not create additional problems (except for routine maintenance). The one that will work for the maximum time without repairs and leaks, which will be easy to maintain and inexpensive to repair.

The most common, time-tested reverse osmosis systems are as follows.

The quality of such systems can be assessed by the number of defects (leaks, failure of the flow switch, check valve or storage tank) per batch, say 100 or 1000 pieces.

All systems have problems, mainly related to system leaks. It is very important to identify all the shortcomings of the system during installation. Therefore, the reliability of the filter by 50% depends on who installs and puts this system into operation, that is, on the skill level of the installer.

How to check the quality of the installation

During the installation of a household reverse osmosis system, we recommend that you definitely require verification and check yourself:

  1. Tightness of connections (factory and made during installation).
  2. Check the performance of the flow switch and check valve (turn off the water supply to the membrane or, more simply, drain the water into the sewer, when the system is filled) check at least 2-3 times.
    How to check?
    The procedure is as follows: we close the storage tank, close the tap at the sink, disconnect the drain pipe from the sewer, for visual control of the water flow, wait 2-7 minutes. If the water flow stops, everything is fine, the valve works!
  3. Pressure in the storage tank (norm ~ 0.45 BAR or ~ 6-7 psi). Tested on an empty tank.

Choose a system with a pump (pump) or not?

Let's figure it out! With pump or not? The pump is necessary to raise the pressure on the membrane. The system functions normally at a pressure of ~ 2.5-3 atmospheres.
If the water pressure is below 2.5 atmospheres (BAR), water will not be able to pass through the pores of the membrane, i.e. water will go to the sewer, while clean water will not flow into the storage tank at all or it will flow very little.
Before buying reverse osmosis, check the water pressure in the pipeline.
At pressures above 3 atmospheres, you do not need a pump.

How many stages of purification should be in a reverse osmosis system?

Let's look at the purpose of each cleaning step.

  1. The first step is a preliminary mechanical cleaning cartridge (5-20 microns).
  2. The second stage is a cartridge - granular activated carbon (GAC).
  3. The third stage is a cartridge - pressed activated carbon (CB). In some installations, a mechanical cleaning cartridge (5 microns) is installed as the third stage.
    Stages 1, 2 and 3 - preliminary water purification. There is no fundamental difference, whether there will be two stages of pre-treatment or three, it does not affect the performance and quality of the output water. When choosing two stages of pre-cleaning, you save on subsequent maintenance - periodic replacement of the lower cartridges. When choosing three steps, you slightly extend the life of the membrane.

  1. The fourth stage - the main element of water purification - reverse osmosis membrane.(35G, 50G, 70G and 100G - membrane performance under certain conditions) determines the filtration rate of the entire system and the water quality.
  2. Fifth stage - cartridge - activated carbon, post-filter. Improves taste, color, smell of water.
  3. The sixth stage is a mineralizer cartridge. Do you need a mineralizer? There are no exact figures for the mineralization of water with this mineralizer. There is unverified information that:
    1. The degree of calcium saturation directly depends on the presence of carbon dioxide in the water. The mineralizer enriches water only with calcium, raises the total hardness to a maximum of 0.5 mg-eq / l.
    2. It saturates the water with “everything useful” (what exactly and as far as no one knows and does not guarantee) to a total salt content of ~ 70 ppm.
      As a result, we get either a negligible increase in hardness from the mineralizer or the addition of something useful (or not useful) up to 70 ppm.
      Without the lack of exact figures, there is no understanding of the usefulness of this cartridge, or at least its harmlessness. This is another commercial move to increase sales of reverse osmosis systems and accessories. Based on this, at the moment there is no need to install a mineralizer until the exact numbers and guarantees for its operation appear.
  4. An ultraviolet sterilizer (sometimes called an irradiator) - for disinfecting water. The membrane prevents the penetration of viruses and bacteria, and we disinfect the water with a sterilizer. And she can catch something after the membrane?
    This is only possible if the system (post-filter or storage tank) has been contaminated at the factory.
    In our practice, there were no such cases. Therefore, it is not advisable to buy a system with an ultraviolet sterilizer or install it additionally.

Reverse osmosis scheme

Features of the system configuration

Now let's look at the standard components of the system.

The threaded connection (external or internal thread) and the color of the flask are unimportant in choosing a system. Any flasks, both transparent and not, can burst. In case of pressure increase or water hammer, the main load always falls on the first flask. Both transparent and opaque flasks burst, both with external and internal threads. Workmanship plays a big role, not color and smell.

The advantage of a transparent flask is that it is possible to assess the degree of contamination of the mechanical filter.

It is worth paying attention not to the thread, but to the type of connection and the design of the flask itself.

Now it has become fashionable to make a non-standard shape of the flask, in which only certain cartridges are installed.

Thus, you are obligated to buy a certain type of cartridges (of a certain brand), which can differ significantly in cost, and are more difficult to find in free sale.

storage tank

Its type and material of manufacture have absolutely no effect on the functioning of the system. In our practice, there were only a few cases when, after ~ 10 years of operation in adverse conditions, the metal tank rotted through and needed to be replaced.

Usually, the breakdown of the storage tank is associated with a rupture of the membrane (rubber pear), due to uncontrolled use of the tank - the air pressure was not checked and was not maintained. When choosing a plastic tank, pay attention to its size and shape. Not always, it turns out, to place the system together with the tank under the sink. In this case, narrow, lightweight plastic tanks help out.


With plastic handle.

Over time, the plastic wears out (about 3-5 years of operation), and the tap stops opening and closing normally.

Most new systems are no longer equipped with such a faucet.

Metal valve - with a ball or ceramic mechanism.

The best solution so far. There are a sufficient number of options and colors of these faucets, you can choose for any style of kitchen.

A silver, chrome-plated faucet usually comes standard.

Why is it worth ordering the installation of a reverse osmosis system with us?

  1. We install proven, reliable systems that have proven their quality over the years of operation;
  2. We carry out installation and maintenance of reverse osmosis systems throughout Moscow and the Moscow region;
  3. Optimal prices for services and components.