Honor: photo and description of edible mushrooms. Distribution Places Voronechatte, Description of the fungus How to prepare govari orange

Honor or Clitocybe (CLITOCYBE) are not too popular in our country (Clitocybe) belong to the family from the family of ordinary or Tricholomataceae. To the govascus, it is also customary to attract the mushrooms of other genera, which have a similar description. This very widespread genus includes both edible and inedible varieties.

Edible varieties

To distinguish a useful and edible mushroom govitka from false varieties of CLITOCYBE, it is necessary to know its main characteristics.

However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that a significant part of the species is difficult to distrust, and it is for this reason that collecting govari is recommended exclusively to experienced mushrooms.

View of Govorushki Hat description Characteristic legs Mushroom flesh
Voronex or C. Gibba Flat, intended and funnel-shaped, pinkish-ocher color, prone to fading Cylindrical shape, with a weak expansion at the base, oath or whitish color White, with almond smell, fresh
Wailed or C. Geotropa Broad-rolled, prostrated or breadth uniform with a tubercle in the central part, reddish Dense, with longitudinal fibrity, cylindrical shape, with yellowish input Beloto-fawn staining, with almond aroma and pleasant taste
Snow or C. Pruinosa Flat-convex, intended, fibrous type, with a whitish raid on the surface, gray-brown with concentric rings of a darker color Cylindrical or tapering form, reddish-cream color, with lean surface White or creamy staining, with a pleasant taste and light mushroom flavor
Pahuchau or C. Odora Convex, flat or indulged, with wavy edges and a small tubercle in the central part, painted in a bluish-greenish color A sufficiently dense, cylindrical form or with a weak expansion at the base, bluish-greenish color Whitish staining, with the presence of a strong anise odor and a pleasant mushroom taste

Inedible and poisonous govari

Deadly dangerous, poisonous mushroom Govorushka does not have too pronounced, significant differences from edible varieties of CLITOCYBE, so you should be extremely attentive when collecting and be sure to get acquainted with the description of poisonous species.

Where to collect govari (video)

View of Govorushki Hat description Characteristic legs Mushroom flesh
Gray or C. nebularis Semi-shaped or convex form with the edges of yellowish-brown staining Dense, pin-shaped, or with thickening at the base, with a whitish raid on the surface Fleshy, brittle type, dense, with an unpleasant specific smell, amplifying in the cooking process
Pale or C.Metachroa Flat-convex, indelible or funnel shape, light beige or brownish Pale brown, cylindrical shape, with expansion and downstream White or grayish color, thin, does not have taste and smell
Claudual or C. Diatreta Convex or concave and prostrated form, with an indulged center and wrapped down the edges, oath-reddish color Reddish-brown staining, cylindrical shape, with severe base Sufficiently thin, fawn or whitish color, with an unselected mushroom fragrance
White or C. Candicans Flat-convex or aligned flat shape, with translucent edges, whitish or pink color Cylindrical, with a narrowed base, pinkish or dirty white Grayish-white staining, watery type, with severe unpleasant smell and bitter taste
Reddined or C. Rivulosa Convex form with exposed edges, mild-white staining with gray uneven stains on the surface Cylindrical, with a narrowed base, dirty and white with gray stains Focusing, fibrous type, with a pleasant mushroom fragrance and sweetish taste
Estimated or c.phyllo phyllophila. Flat-convex or flat shape, with edges and white-coated or grayish-cream surface and the presence of concentric darker zones or stains With longitudinal fibrity or hollow, may contain wate-like pulp Watery type, pinkish, without a pronounced mushroom fragrance and taste

Features of distribution in our country

Gift mushrooms as edible species and poisonous varieties are practically common everywhere, but due to the complexity of the identification, the "quiet" hunting lovers collect such mushrooms extremely rarely.

Hovorchka can often be found in forest areas in the Primorsky Territory, as well as in Siberia and in the European part of Russia, in regions with moderate climatic conditions. The fruit bodies of govarushki can grow up both single and fairly large groups, while forming massive "Windy Circles" in mixed forests, where CLITOCYBE is fruits in the period from the last decade of June and until mid-October.

Which, unlike a dangerous double, has a white or slightly yellowish, and then heating, without watery circles, a hat, as well as white and then pink plates and pink spore powder. You can also confuse some varieties of happiness with a violin or a violin and white weft.

Features of cooking

Almost all edible varieties of govari belong to the fourth category, Therefore, from the point of view of flavoring characteristics and nutritional qualities, they are low-value fungi. Before cooking, the collected CLITOCYBE mushrooms must be carefully cleansed from the forest garbage and soil particles, and rinse them several times under running water.

Experienced mushroom pickers recommend exposing clean fruit bodies of edible govari with mandatory double boiling in water with the addition of salt. As a result of such a booze, it is possible to obtain fruit bodies completely ready for further use in dishes, which can be used to prepare soups, stuffing, cold mushroom snacks, extinguishing and roasting. Also, these mushrooms can be preserved by marinating, they prepare an incredibly delicious mushroom caviar.

Hovorushka wax: poisonous mushroom (video)

It should be noted that the symptoms of poisoning can manifest themselves and when eating edible varieties of CLITOCYBE, if the mushrooms have passed incorrect or defective preliminary training. Also, a strong allergic reaction and intoxication is observed while using fungal dishes made from golube, with any alcoholic beverages.

Govorushka is the name of a large squad of mushrooms, in large numbers common in the territory of moderate latitudes of Russia. The detachment includes a huge variety of edible species, but even poisonous mushrooms also come across.

Characteristic of govarushki Voronechata

Hovwashka Voroneque or CLITOCYBE Gibba (on Latin) is a conditional edible mushroom (IV category for use in food) from the family of tricholome (robes) of the govarus. Prefers mixed, but more deciduous forests, grows perfectly in symbiosis with oaks and pines. Groove with piles on the litter of trees, sometimes forming a circle. The most common in the moderate climate of Russia, Canada, and the territory of some European countries. The "quiet hunting" season on the govaruschka lasts from June to October.

There are several more names of this mushroom, which will differ depending on the place of growth: hare ears, having a fragile or fragile, mushroom funnel, funnel. It is unknown, why the mushroom received such a "speaking" name, but there are several versions on this matter.

Of course, the mushroom can not talk and publish any sounds, although it is this thought that visits first. Presumably the nickname "Honor" still happened by the association from the phrase "speak quickly, often to taitor", because the mushroom is often found, it is going to quickly and grows with a bunch.

Another version, more believable, sounds like this: the fungus is suitable only after a long cooking - "Varushka". This was the previously true title, but with the time "Varushka" was transformed into the "govirushka", that is, the mushroom says: Swari and then eat. However, both versions are only linguistic teaching hypotheses, unaffected by anything.

Appearance of the mushroom

Hovwashka fragrant is a small, in shape resembling a funnel or a mushroom glass. The hat has a concave view with uneven, raised to the top of the edges, dry to the touch. The diameter reaches 8 cm. The shade varies from fawn to yellow-brown.

The pulp flesh is light, thin, slightly condensed to the center of the hat. It has a specific smell resembling pineapple. White, often located plates descend to the leg. Mushroom dispute powder also white color.

The leg grows up to 7 cm, in diameter - about 1 cm. The pulp legs rigid, fibrous. Its color coincides with a hint of a hat, or a little lighter.

This type of fungus is known for its low calorieness, is often used as the ingredient of dietary power supply. Govorchka smelting rich in vitamins, microelements and amino acids, in excess contains fiber. The correct combination of these substances in the mushroom brings great benefits to human health. Pros from the use of govarushki Voroneque in nutrition:

  1. Normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Improves the functioning of the stomach, inhibits the development of abscesses, eliminates the hemorrhoids and bloating.
  2. The process of regeneration of the Russian Academy of Sciences is diminishing. Inflammation of tissues disappears, blood circulation is restored.
  3. Strengthens immunity. The high content of fiber cleans the intestine well, removes toxins, harmful elements, lowers cholesterol indicators.
  4. Prevents the appearance and growth of cancer cells.
  5. Brakes aging processes. The appearance improves, the work of the liver and kidneys is normalized.
  6. It has antibacterial properties.
  7. Accelerates metabolism.

Use in cooking

Since the govarushka Voroneque is conditionally edible mushroom, then its use is possible only after careful culinary processing. In general, the mushroom is considered edible only at a young age. Use only hats, the legs are rigid, tasteless and poorly absorbed.

Immediately before the preparation of the govari, it is thoroughly cleaned from garbage, washed and left for short time in water to let. Like all mushrooms, they can be fastened, marine, dry and frost for long-term storage. However, it is worth noting that all these procedures should be carried out after a long cooking. If the mushrooms were decided to pickle - be sure to use a strong acetic marinade.

The specific aroma of govars and the long process of cooking significantly limit the variety of possible dishes. This kind of mushrooms is not quite suitable for soups and cream sauces, badly combined with fish and bird. But it is well harmonized with fried and boiled vegetables.

The use of mushrooms is extremely contraindicated to people with a disease of the stomach, children under 12 years old and allergies.

Mushrooms doubles

Adult govari is difficult to confuse with other mushrooms - they are painted in yellow and have a characteristic glazing shape. However, only young specimens are suitable for food. During this period, they are easy to confuse with other mushrooms.

There are some types of inedible and poisonous govari, very similar to the edible mushroom of the funnel. One of these twins is whitish whitish. This is a very poisonous mushroom, after its use, I will inevitably have a fatal outcome. The habitat, the place and time of collecting the govarushki whitish is absolutely identical to the govarusha. It is necessary to be extremely neat and attentive. Even with small doubts, it is better not to cut the mushroom.

This mushroom is much smaller described, has a grayish white! Color. The main distinguishing feature - on the Hat necessarily a tormenting raid.

Other types of govari are also similar to each other, but if you prepare them, applying the above-described rules, nothing critical will happen. It is giant, weakly and winter.

Video: Hovwashka Voroneque (CLITOCYBE GIBBA)

Govorchka sorry refer to the family of govars and to the family of row. Quite often in the people, it is also called: Honor Gray, smoky or rogue.

These names of the mushrooms were obtained thanks to the smoky rapt, which accumulates on the surface of the Hats. With visual inspection, they are usually gray.

Govorchka refers to the conditionally edible form of mushrooms. Experienced mushrooms are careful not to collect this species, since with improper preparation there were cases of severe poisoning.

Description of type

Description and photos of the govarus allow you to have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe external properties of this type.

With visual inspection, the following characteristic features of this type of fungi can be distinguished:

An adult hat has quite large sizes. It varies from 5 to 25 cm. The form is presented in the form of a hemisphere cooped inside the edges.

As the fungus grows it, it gradually straightens having a convex base near the center of the leg. In the rain period, these mushrooms have a pronounced gray color.

On the surface of the cap there is a gentle skin, which accumulates a large number of leaves and fir needles. With age, the amount of smoky raid gradually decreases. On the photo of the mushrooms of the govarus, the changes in the appearance of an adult mushroom are imprinted.

The base of the leg has a cylindrical shape that provides a dense fixation of the fungus. The height is about 10-15 cm, and the diameter in the region is 5 cm.

The pulp of an adult mushroom has a fibrous structure. In the field of the Hats, it is more fleasting. This breed has high hygroscopicity. During the rain, its mass significantly exceeds the permissible norm.

Under the Hat there are plates that have a beige-gray shade.

The main disadvantage of these mushrooms is that they quickly collect all the compounds of harmful metals.

Distribution of type

Gift mushrooms prefer location in a temperate zone. Quite often, the whitish can be found in a conifer or mixed forest.

The main element of the nutrition of this mushroom is old and destroyed wood. This material contains the largest amount of nutrients.

Extreme humidity is needed for rapid glow growth. That is why the process of fruiting this species begins on the rainy season.

The ripening of the planting material occurs from the beginning of September and until the end of October.

Favorable weather can provoke a protracted spread of mushroom microspores. The unusual location and appearance of these mushrooms make it quite popular among beginner mushrooms.

Quite often they form a cluster in the form of rings or clearing. This type of mushrooms stand out against the background of others.

Hovwashka Serovaya has a large external similarity with another, more dangerous mushroom is an enholic. With visual inspection, it really looks like a govar. The only difference is the subtle pinkish disputes and a more dense pulp of the caps.

The amount of poisonous substance contained in one mushroom exceeds the allowable rate of 5 times. By consulting such a food product, a person is experiencing strong inxication of the body.

The fact is that sometimes not every mushroom can be visually determined by a safe option. Even in ancient times, in the process of making fungi, many hostesses added a whole purified bulb onion.

If it is at the end of cooking, then there are poisonous compounds in the container, which can lead to the strongest poisoning. If the bulb does not change its color, then the boiled product is completely safe for eating.

Useful and negative qualities of tale

These mushrooms contain a large amount of natural a potent antibiotic - nebulin. It is used to treat such serious diseases such as pulmonary tuberculosis and inflammatory processes of the human respiratory system.

Frequent use of them in food may become the main cause of serious poisoning. The minimum number of these mushrooms in the diet helps to fill the body with the useful substances and microelements.

Experienced mushrooms advise to collect them no more than once a month. On the photo of the Mushrooms of Govorushek, depicted all the elements of which consists of an adult.

Photo Govorushki

Hovwashka, or Clitocibe, ( Clitocybe.) - the genus family, which includes both edible and fatally poisonous hats mushrooms. Govoruska refers to the department of basidiomycetes, the class of agaricomycetes, the order of agricultural, the family of robes. Often to the govascus mistakenly attribute to them in the appearance of mushrooms from the genus Lepista. or Leucopaxillus..

The origin of the name, which gave the Latin definition of the genus, is not fully clarified. Some researchers associate it with the Greek word "κλιτύς", which is translated as a "hill" or "slope". What caused such a comparison is unknown. The Russian name "Honor" may have happened due to the fact that these mushrooms are usually growing quite closely, large groups, as if talking to each other.

Hovwashka (mushroom) - Photo and description


Hand tamper small or medium size. Its diameter ranges from 3 to 6 cm, however, there are instances of which this figure reaches 10-15 cm. Young hacks have a hemispherical shape. As it grows it levels, and the mature mushrooms often have an indulged form, right up to the funnel-shaped. In normal weather conditions, the surface of the Hats is dry and smooth. Its painting can be whitish, grayish-brown, palee, pinkish-brown and even different shades of ohlogen color. The intensity of the color is uneven, brightening from the center to the edge of the hat. Often, the residue of mycelium is detected on its upper surface, similar in appearance with mold stains.


Plates, located on the bottom surface of the hats, white, yellow, yellow as the mushroom agrees.


The height of the leggings depends on the speciesity of the fungus and can reach 8 cm, and its diameter ranges from 0.5 cm to 3 cm.


The flesh of the fruit body is usually white, dense consistency, but as the mushroom agrees it becomes loose.

Spore powder

Spore beer powder is usually white or cream-white.

Types of govascus, titles and photos. Edible and poisonous govari

CLITOCYBE includes more than 250 types of govascus. About 60 species are studied in the territory of the Russian Federation. There are both edible and fatally poisonous gods, so this mushroom is recommended to collect only experienced mushrooms, as it sometimes happens very difficult to distinguish.

Below is a description of several types of happiness:

  • Humor bent (redhead) ( CLITOCYBE GEOTROPA., Infundibulicybe Geotropa.)

edible mushroom with fleshy bell-shaped meat caps, which later take a view of a wide funnel with thin, lowered down the edges. In the middle of the hat there is a tubercle, which is clearly visible in young mushrooms and remains noticeable in mature fruit bodies. Smooth skin covering the top surface of a hat, painted in yellowish-brown color. As it agrees, it fades to pale tones with severe rusty spotting. White dry pulp of dense consistency over time acquires a fawn color and has a characteristic low-rise almond smell. The pulp on the cut does not change the color. The leg is quite high, slightly pubescent, has a shape of a cylinder with thickening to the bottom, painted into light yellow color. Old mushrooms have almost no different from the hat. Frequent plates, highly descending on the leg, have a width of less than a millimeter and painted in white or cream tones. Bending govari grow in Germany, France, Poland, Spain, Italy, Russia, Belarus and other countries of the northern hemisphere with a temperate climate. The beginning of fruiting falls on the first days of July, and ends at the end of October. It is found along the edges of the paths, on forest edges and grassy glades, in the depths of deciduous, coniferous or mixed forests on the litter of false foliage or moss. Forms large clusters in the form of arcs, tracks, or so-called "widen circles". Only hats of young mushrooms are going to culinary treatment, as the legs and the fruit bodies of adult govets are not suitable (they are heavy for the stomach and poorly digested).

  • Clitocybe Gibba.)

edible mushroom, the most common view of the happiness. The adult mushroom hat has a deep funnel shape with a diameter of about 10 cm with a thin winding edge. Its painting can be brownish-fawn, yellow-ohlogen or reddish. The flesh is a loose, white or slightly creamy color with a pleasant almond fragrance. Smooth or with small longitudinal grooves The leg with a height of up to 6.5 cm has a cylindrical or slightly expanding to the surface of the Earth. Its color is almost no different from the color of the hat. White pulp legs are tougher, consistency resembles rubber. Often, the narrow plates of the hymenophore are painted in white or cream color (depending on age) and are quite high on the leg. Honor Voroneque is widespread in coniferous and deciduous forests of the European territory of the Russian Federation, the North Caucasus, Western Siberia, as well as the majority of European countries. Govoruska grows on forest edges, glades and along the roads. Only hats of young mushrooms go to culinary treatment, as the legs and fruit bodies of adult govaris in food are unsuitable.

  • Govorchka smelly (Hovwashka Anisova) ( CLITOCYBE ODORA)

edible mushroom. Thanks to a specific anise smell, this is one of the brightest and recognizable species. Mushroom flesh fleshy, pale gray with a greenish tint. In young mushrooms, a convex hay-greenish hat with time becomes a grayish yellow and has a near-flat surface with numerous deep wpads. A concrete leg length up to 8 cm has a significant thickening at the base. Its coloring coincides with the color of the Hats, although it may be a little paler. The plates located on the lower surface of the Hats are painted in a pale green color and pretty much fall on the leg. The mushroom is plentifully fruits, starting from the first decade of August to the second half of October. Golovashka plowing in deciduous, mixed or coniferous forests of the European part of the Russian Federation, Western Siberia, Central and Eastern Europe.

  • Hovwashka Plulavonogaya (Maulamoidal) ( Clitocybe Clavipes.)

edible mushroom, but when used, together with alcohol, can lead to poisoning. Hat 4-8 cm in diameter, thick-fleshy, first convex, then flat, in the center dull or with a tubercant, sometimes conical, dark ashes, the edge brighter, whitish, smooth. The leg is 3-6 cm long, cylindrical, at the bottom of the blooming, shaped resembles a belaw, one-color with a hat or white, fiber. The flesh of the shocks ash-gray, with a pleasant mushroom smell and taste. Low-playing plates, rare, wide, first white, later yellowish. Plotovoid govitka grows in coniferous forests from July to October. Sometimes it is found in deciduous and mixed forests.

  • Leucopaxillus Giganteus.)

edible mushroom, which refers to the genus of a white-wing. It has a large hat with a diameter of 8 to 30 cm of milk-white or cream color. In the center of the handcraft can be slightly darker. The shape of the hat is convex in a young mushroom, and then becomes an indulged and funnel. The height of the whitish leg is 4-7 cm. Cylindrical leg shape, no bedspread. The flesh of the giant giant is white and dense, does not have a special aroma or taste. Gimentoor plate, plates are designed to the leg and have white or cream color. Giant giant is growing in North America, European countries and in Russia. It occurs from the end of August to October. With good weather fruits and in November.


inedible mushroom, some sources include mushroom to poisonous. The shape of the hats hats changes with age. The young mushroom has a slightly convex hat, almost flat. In old age, the hat becomes an indelible and reminiscent funnel with a curved edge and a surface covered with pretty deep holes. Its diameter does not exceed 5 cm. The flesh of a grayish or whitish color of a water consistency, without a pronounced smell. When drying the mushrooms of the govari acquire a resistant smell of sharpness. Hollow leg, low, cylindrical, 3-6 cm diameter, gray or grayish brown. Slightly expanded base leg has a whiskers. Frequently located pale gray plates are quite low descended on the leg. Govitka pale-painted widespread in Spain, France, Sweden, Italy, Belarus, Poland and other European countries. From the second decade of August to the beginning of November, there is a gloomy, since the European part in Russia, since the European part and ending with the seaside edge. The most comfortable mushroom feels in fallen birch or oak leaves, although there are populations growing in mixed and purely coniferous forests. Unlike other representatives of the genus Clitocybe, forming quite large clusters, a pale-painted govarus is growing alone. However, single cases of the formation of "width circles" were noted, in which there were more than a hundred fruit bodies.

  • Smoking tamper (Gearing Gray, Govarushka Smokato-gray) ( Clitocybe nebularis.)

mushroom, which refers to a conditionally edible category. Some scientists consider mushroom to poisonous. The use of smoky govari in food can cause serious failures in the work of the digestive system due to the content of nebularin cytotoxic substance in the mushroom. Smoke hazel hat medium sizes, up to 15 cm in diameter. Its painting, depending on the weather, can be gray-brown, yellowish brown or ash-gray. On the surface of the young mushrooms caps, it is often noted easily shot by a grayish-whitish flare. White pulp in gray govari is a fleshy, dense consistency that does not change its color on the cut, has a characteristic fruit or floral fragrance. The pulp on the cut does not change the color. The mace-shaped leg with a smooth or slightly fibrous surface has a length of up to 10 cm at a maximum thickness of 3 cm. The young talex consistency of the pulp is quite dense. However, as the fiber-spongy substance, the filling leg, is reborn, and it becomes a hollow. White or slightly yellowish garmenophore plates are freely separated from the bottom surface of the cap and legs. The mass fruction of govaruschi smoking lasts from the second half of August to the last decade of November. This species is found in all types of forests of all countries of the northern hemisphere. Usually forms quite large populations in the form of long rows or "witchcours."

  • Govorchka translucent (Hovwashka Diatreta, Govorushka Avaid) ( Clitocybe Diatreta.)

poisonous mushroom with a small rounded corporal, nut or ohloque hat, with a slight reddish tint. Its surface after the rain becomes slippery and sticky. Thin translucent edges of the hats are wrapped down. The fleshy pulp of whiteish-fawn color with high humidity can increase in volume. Unlike most other govari, translucent govarushka does not have a pronounced smell. The leg of the cylindrical shape, often narrowing to the base, does not exceed 3.5 cm. Its surface, painted in light beige, pale or red-brown tones, as the fungus aging is becoming darker. Straight plates have a width of 1 to 6 mm. They are painted in cream-white color and partially increased to the leg. Govorchka translucent is widespread in Western Europe, North Africa and in the countries of the former Soviet Union. The Russian Federation meets not only on the European part, but also in Western Siberia, in the Caucasus and the Far East. Fruit bodies of govarus translucent can be found from the middle of spring and at the beginning of autumn in coniferous and deciduous forests. Growing a habit of large groups on non-fermented soils with a large sand content, forming rather long rows or arcs.

  • White tamper (white) ( Clitocybe Candicans.)

this is a poisonous lamellar mushroom with a small (from 1 to 4 cm) flat or slightly pressed cap. The color of the caps on the edges of a pale gray, in the center of pale-red, with a whiten wax-like raid, disappearing as aging. The flesh of the fruit body has a pleasant smell, resembling an aroma, published by tomato leaves. Contains poison - muscarine. Frequently located plates of the hymenophor pale cream color are designed along a cylindrical leg, the height of which ranges from 2 to 4 cm. The surface of the leg can be both smooth and fibrous, and its color is light gray with a light pink tint. At the base, the color of the legs are grayish. Hovwashka whitish is widespread in Germany and France, Poland, Romania, Spain and Portugal, Belarus, Russia, as well as other European countries. Govorchka and on the North American continent. Blesley govars grow on meadows, in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests on the nutrient substrate from false foliage or needles. Fruit bodies appear in the middle of summer and meet until September.

  • Govarushka is a seasoned (firing, grayish) ( CLITOCYBE PHYLLOPHILA.)

poisonous mushroom from the genus of govarus. Contains a very high concentration of musarine poison. The smooth hat has a diameter of 6-8 cm, painted into dirty white tones, its wavy edges are wrapped up. A low leg has a cylindrical shape, its color coincides with the color of the hats. A small thickening, located at the base of the leg, has a light white edge. Govarushka is widespread in all countries of the moderate belt of the Eurasian continent. It can grow both in deciduous and coniferous or mixed forests, occurs in the litter of rotting foliage and needles. It almost does not grow alone, usually forms large groups in the form of tracks or circles. Fruit from early September to mid-November.

  • Clitocybe Rivulosa.)

poisonous mushroom with a small hat (no more than 4 cm in diameter), changing its shape as agreed. Its painting is milder-white, pinkish-fawn, pinkish-brown or ocher. Often in adult govars of this species on the surface of the cap, a thin muccious raid and stains of a grayish color are observed. The fleshy pulp of elastic consistency has a slightly sweet and pleasant aroma. A short thin leg with a cylindrical shape, a somewhat narrowing to the base. In young mushrooms, it is filled with a dense fibrous material, however, at old govars it becomes a hollow. The garment plates with a width of 2 to 5 mm wide, painted in whitish, and later in light yellow tones, rather low on the leg. The fruiting season begins with the second half of July and continues until the beginning of November. The reddish govarus is found on forest glades and edges, in places of industrial and sanitary cuts, as well as in urban parks. Usually forms large clusters in the form of "width circles". Govaruska reddish grows on an extensive territory, which includes almost all countries of Europe, North America, the European part of Russia, Western and Eastern Siberia, Primorye, China, etc.

Where are the gummy mushrooms grow?

The agricultural agriculture area is very extensive and includes all the countries of the northern hemisphere with a temperate climate. Gift mushrooms grow among meadows, fields and parks. Rod forms sustainable mycodes with deciduous or coniferous trees of forest arrays of the European part of Russia, France, Italy, Portugal, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Belarus, Spain and other worldwide countries. It is found in the territory of Western and East Asia. Populations of talkers are marked in Turkey, China, Primorsky Krai. Separate species grow on the expanses of the North American continent.

Useful properties of Govorushek

Edible types of govascus are used to prepare soups, sauces, they are also used in fried or stew. Hovorchka smoke can even sore or dry. The fruit bodies of the fungi of this kind are used as low-calorie products, without which there is not a single professional diet undemnical.

  • Hats of young edible govascus contain in their composition vitamins of group B, as well as macro- and microelements, being real storage copper, zinc and manganese.
  • The pulp of govarus helps to bring accumulated slags from the body.
  • The optimal ratio of plant proteins, vitamins, fiber, amino acids and mineral substances allows to reduce the risk of various diseases. Gift mushrooms reduce the content of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels, the use of them in food has a beneficial effect on the state of the digestive system.
  • In addition, in folk and official medicine, antibacterial properties of the govarus are used. Honor decoction is used to remove tuberculosis manifestations, and the substance contained in them is included in the preparations for the treatment of epilepsy.

Harm Hovwick

It should be remembered that govari, like all mushrooms, can accumulate various toxins and heavy metals in the pulp. Therefore, it is impossible to use talkers in food from industrial enterprises and roads, as this can lead to food poisoning.

Poisoning poisonous govasci

In the pulp of poisonous govascus, a rather large amount contains a strong toxin, which is called muscarine. Symptoms of poisoning with govascus appear for a maximum of 3 hours:

  • disorder of normal operation of the gastrointestinal tract, expressed in strong nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and spasmodic abbreviations of the stomach and intestines;
  • violation of the function of the cardiovascular system, manifested by a sharp decrease in blood pressure and the occurrence of sinus bradycardia;
  • increased salivation and sweating;
  • difficulty of normal respiration, expressed in the form of bronchospasms or asthmatic manifestations;
  • the most dangerous poisonous mushroom from the genus Clototsybe is a govaruska foughtful, it is stuck. Her flesh has a pleasant taste and smell. Often symptoms of poisoning practically do not manifest. However, on the fifth day, a person who hung up these mushrooms may die due to kidney failure.

There is usually no influence on the nervous system of tampering. The states of anxiety and unfortunate fear arise against the background of the general condition of the body. At the first signs of the withdrawal poisoning, you need to immediately apply to ambulance.

  • Some kinds of govascus, for example, hacking reddish (Clitocybe Rivulosa) are capable of radiating a weak glow of pale green.
  • Many types of govascus grow groups that form peculiar circles on the ground surface. Previously, their appearance was associated with manifestations of unclean strength. It was believed that in such places witch or other evil spirits at night they organized their dances.
  • Contrary to the current centuries, the traditions of the Russian feast mushrooms are not compatible with alcoholic beverages. Combined consumption can lead to heavy food poisoning.

Very often the mushrooms, even experienced, bypass such an interesting mushroom like a govarushka, side. The reason for this is ignorance. He edible or not? Where is growing? What does it look like? You can find answers to these questions in this article, as well as find out a lot of interesting things about the govari.


The outer characteristic of govarih, as it looks like:

  • The mushroom hat is small enough, in diameter does not exceed 6 centimeters. Sometimes you can meet a hack with a hat of 15 centimeters, but it is rare. Shape - halffe, in an adult mushroom can be a funnel-shaped. The color palette is diverse, from Beles to Palevy, brown. There are boo-pink hats and even ocher.
  • Plates on the inside of a white shade cap, at the old mushroom - yellow.
  • Leg. The height depends on the species, on average it reaches 8 centimeters. Maximum diameter up to 3 centimeters.
  • The flesh has a white shade, rather dense. The older the mushroom, the higher the ruffiness of the pulp.
  • The spore powder is mostly whiten, but maybe creamy-white.

When are the govari grow?

You can go to mushrooms in August, and finally charge in October. Grow in deciduous and coniferous forests, forming a circle. The people call such a phenomenon "Witch Circles".

Govarushki belong to the family of ordinary, kind of cap.

The nutritional value of govaris is (per 100 grams):

  • Proteins - 3.7 grams.
  • Fats - 1.7 grams.
  • Carbohydrates - 1.1 grams.
  • Calorie - 30 calories.

Types of govorushek

  1. Hovwashka Anisova (CLITOCYBE ODORA). The people call the fraud or fragrant. Hat in diameter reaches 10 centimeters. Color palette from bluish gray to greenish gray. The leg is thickened. The taste is weakly expanded, the aroma is bright, anise with dine notes. Collection time from August to October. Conditionally edible.
  2. Hovwashka White (Clitocybe Candicans). It has the following synonyms: bleached and elevated (CLITOCYBE DEALBATA), furochy and reddish, Clitocybe Rivulosa. Hat in diameter reaches 6 centimeters. Color palette from white to oath. The leg in the form of a cylinder. Growing July-November. Poisonous.
  3. Govorchka fragrances (CLITOCYBE FRAGRANS). Hat in diameter reaches 6 centimeters. Color palette from grayish to paleva. Thin and long leg. Anise fragrance is strongly expressed. It grows september-October. Conditionally edible.
  4. Bead-colored or gray (Clitocybe Metachroa). The hat in diameter reaches 5 centimeters. In dry weather, has a brown shade, in wet - more grayish, with a pronounced center. The leg in the form of a cylinder. Slightly saturated mushrooms make an unpleasant smell. Grow August-November. Poisonous.
  5. Hovwashka Cyathiformis (Clitocybe Cyathiformis). Hat in diameter reaches 8 centimeters. He has a deep funnel. The leg is thin. Grow August-September. Conditionally edible.
  6. Hovwashka Plitocybe Clavipes. Hat in diameter reaches 8 centimeters. The form, mostly prostrate, but the old mushroom may have a funnel-shaped. The middle has a brown tint, the edges are very bright. Floor male-shaped. Growing July-October. Conditionally edible.
  7. Buro-Yellow Humor (CLITOCYBE GILVA). Hat in diameter can reach 6 centimeters, sometimes 10 centimeters. Filing, covered with small wet spots. The color palette is yellow with different shades. Cylindrical leg. It has anise fragrance. Growing July-October. Poisonous.
  8. Hovwashka Voroneque (CLITOCYBE GIBBA). Hat in diameter reaches 8 centimeters. The young copy of the hat is smooth, but as the funnel appears as they grow up. Smooth leg. It has a peculiar fragrance. Growing July-September. Edible.
  9. Gotchard (Clitocybe Cerussata). Hat in diameter reaches 10 centimeters. Wide enough, with wavy edges. White color. Cylindrical leg. Grow August-November. Poisonous.
  10. The smoking tamper (Clitocybe nebularis) can also be called gray. Hat in diameter reaches 15 centimeters. Most fungi edges are a little adjacent. Color palette ash, sometimes inherent in yellow shade. Floor male-shaped. Grow August-November. Conditionally edible.
  11. Govitka smoky white shape (Clitocybe Robusta). Hat in diameter can reach 20 centimeters. Adult copies have an open form with curved edges. Color palette from pure-white to dirty and white. The leg is massive, male-shaped. It grows september november. Edible.
  12. Govorchka Vibecina (CLITOCYBE VIBECINA). The hat in diameter reaches 5 centimeters. It has an outstretched form. Color palette with brown or white tint. Cylindrical leg or smooth leg. It grows November-January. It is rare. Inedible.
  13. Hovwashka Winter (Clitocybe Brumalis). The hat in diameter reaches 5 centimeters. In young mushrooms, the form is prostrated, in adults - indulged, curved edges. The color palette of brown, sometimes with an olive tint. Cylindrical leg. The end of the autumn is growing - the beginning of winter. Edible.
  14. Hovorchka is pouring (CLITOCYBE PHYLOPHILA). The hat in diameter reaches 10 centimeters, more often 6 centimeters. Form rounded, in the center of the tubercle, which over time is pressed. White color palette, with gray or brown splashes. Cylindrical leg. It grows september november. Poisonous.
  15. Hovwashka Aurantiaca (CLITOCYBE AURANTIACA). The hat in diameter reaches 5 centimeters. The form is initially convex, then open. The color palette is redhead. Externally resemble chanterelles, only the edges are not wavy. Cylindrical leg. Growing August-October. Conditionally edible.
  16. Hovwashka inverted (CLITOCYBE INVERSA). The hat in diameter reaches 8 centimeters, sometimes 10 centimeters. In an adult mushroom, the form has a wide funnel. Color palette Orange, sometimes with rusty splashes. Growing August-October. Poisonous.
  17. Bending or redhead (CLITOCYBE GEOTROPA). The hat in diameter reaches 12 centimeters, sometimes - 20 centimeters. The form is slightly cannon, resembles a funnel. The color palette is reddish, sometimes even white with rusty splashes. Cylindrical leg. Growing July-October. Conditionally edible.
  18. Hovwashka is a weakly (CLITOCYBE DITOPA). Hat in diameter reaches 6 centimeters. The form is initially convex, then funnel. Has a beige shade with a wax raid. The leg can be both cylindrical and shiny. Growing December-January. Inedible.
  19. Govitka Snow (Clitocybe Pruinosa). Hat in diameter can reach 4 centimeters. The shape of the funnel, edges are omitted. In crude weather, the color palette is grayish-brown, in dry - white, with wax glitter. Thin leg, cylindrical. Growing in May. Conditionally edible.
  20. Giant Giganteus (Leucopaxillus Giganteus). Hat in diameter can reach 30 centimeters. The form is slightly funnelized. Color palette Palevo-white. Growing August-October. Conditionally edible.
  21. Govorchka translucent, as well as a cupid or diamitieta (Clitocybe Diatreta). The hat has a walnut shade, sometimes reddish. In crude weather edges become transparent and wrapped. Cylindrical leg. Growing April-September. Poisonous.

Similar types with govascus are considered mushrooms of the genus Lepista or Leucopaxillus.

Composition, harm and benefit

The chemical composition of the happiness is rich enough, it includes both vegetable and animal fats. As well as vitamins of group B1 and B2, zinc, manganese and copper, clitobicin.

Useful and therapeutic properties

  • Displays accumulated slags, salts and heavy metals, toxins from the body.
  • Enhance immunity.
  • Improve digestion.
  • Thanks to a rich composition, which is not inferior to meat, is perfect for vegetarian dishes.
  • Reduce cholesterol levels, which prevents thrombosis.
  • Hood from mushrooms helps fight respiratory diseases.
  • Reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Help with urolithiasis.

Due to the insignificant calorie content are used to prepare dietary dishes.

Does not bypass a side of govascus and traditional medicine. From this mushroom prepare various brazers and tinctures, even ointment. And all due to the fact that the govars have the following properties:

  • Wound-healing.
  • Disinfecting.
  • Antibacterial.

In medicine, mushrooms have found their use for the treatment of epilepsy due to the part of clitobicin.

Is it possible to harm

Gift mushrooms (edible species) that were collected in an environmentally friendly area, they cannot harm health. At the same time, the collection is better to entrust the experienced mushroom, which will definitely not bring poisonous specimens.

Do not forget that all mushrooms are able to accumulate toxins and harmful substances, so the collected govari near the plant or the highway, the body benefit is unlikely. It is also not desirable to eat mushrooms before bedtime.

Cooking recipes

There are quite a lot of options as cooking govari. Consider the most popular.

Warm govarius correct

To boost mushrooms, you need to follow such a scheme:

  • With govarusch, the whole garbage and dirt are written.
  • Pretty washed with cold water.
  • Mushrooms are put in a saucepan with salted water (salt spoon on a liter of water).
  • After boiling to break 30 minutes.

Marinate Govorushki

  • Gift mushrooms - 1 kilogram.
  • Water - 150 milliliters.
  • Vinegar (9%) - 150 milliliters.
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.
  • Carnation - 4 pieces.
  • Lavar leaflet - 2 pieces.
  • Cinnamon - on the tip of a teaspoon, you can a little more.
  • Pepper black peas - 10 pieces.

Step-by-step cooking:

  • Clear mushrooms from garbage and sand, rinse well with running water.
  • Place mushrooms in a saucepan, add water, salt, carnation, laurels, cinnamon and black peas.
  • After the contents of the pan boils, cook on the middle light of 30 minutes.
  • At the end of the cooking add vinegar.
  • Oil vegetable sterilize.
  • Mushrooms decompose on banks, pour oil spoon and marinade.

You can store such mushrooms in the refrigerator.

Gentle vinaigrette with govari

It will be necessary to prepare:

  • Marinated govari - 150 grams.
  • Potatoes - 1-2 pieces.
  • Carrot is a thing.
  • Beet - thing.
  • Sauer cabbage - 2-3 tablespoons.
  • The bulb is a small head.
  • Sunflower oil for refueling - 2 tablespoons.

The vinaigrette dish is not complicated, the well-known. Therefore, it will be superfluous to talk about how to cook vegetables. All ingredients are cut by beautiful cubes, cabbage is added, refilled with vegetable oil. You can crumble in salad greens or decorate it with whole mushrooms. Vinaigrette with govoruki is very tasty and unusual.

Caviar from Govorushek

It will be necessary to prepare:

  • Marinated govari - 170 grams.
  • Onions - mid-size head.
  • Sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons.
  • Salt.
  • Pepper.

Step-by-step cooking:

  • Onions cut into cubes, fry in a frying pan on sunflower oil.
  • Mushrooms cut into small pieces, mix with onions.
  • Solim and Pepper, once again be careful.

Caviar can be served as a side dish or eating yourself. You will be sure to surprise guests such a caviar.

Toasts with govorushkami

This dish is preparing as quickly as possible, which is very relevant when guests are already on the way:

  • On the finished toasts lay out the lettuce.
  • Mushrooms finely nourish, fry with onions
  • Top neatly decomposing the mushroom mass.
  • Sprinkle with cheese.

Cheese is better putting on hot mushrooms, then he melt a little, and it will be more tastier.

The method of storage of govarus is quite ordinary, the main thing is to proceed correctly. It is better to choose young specimens for storage, as they are more beautiful, elastic, with uniform painting. Preparation for storage includes the following steps:

  • Mushrooms are cleaned of dirt and sera.
  • If damaged areas are inherent, they are cut.
  • Pinnormal and worms are throwing out.
  • Soaked in water for 10 minutes.
  • Dried.

Store only in the freezer.

If you decide to sharpen or pick up govari, they will need to boil.

Dry mushrooms in a dry room where there is no humidity. They can absorb foreign smells and influence some products. Therefore, they should not be nearby.

If you really liked such mushrooms, like govari, their cultivation is permissible at home. This process is very simple, as the fungus can form mikurizu with any young tree. Sowing is recommended from May to September. Do it as follows:

  • Around the trunk of the tree makes several holes for 20 centimeters in the depth and 10-15 centimeters in width.
  • The wells half fall asleep with soil (the substrate should be used for indoor colors).
  • Mycelium is distributed over wells.
  • Ups again poured soil.
  • Sevings are covered with foliage, moss and small twigs.
  • Watering is carefully carried out in order not to wash the seeds.

The first mushrooms can be collected for the next year. Fruit creases will be up to 5 years. Under each tree, about 17 copies grows.

Suppose sowing and indoors, for this use boxes. You can grow at any time of year.

For curious:

  • Sign such types of govascus, for example, reddish, which at night emit a slight glow of greenish tint.
  • Why do mushrooms collected in a circle, are the people called "Witch Circle"? It was believed that the appearance of such a "ring" symbolizes the appearance of unclean power. In his center of the witch and various evil spirits satisfied the Sabbath, celebration, drove dance.
  • Mushrooms have a very unusual spicy taste, so it is necessary to carefully select food to them, so that the combination has been successful.
  • If the govarus has a fruit or flower fragrance - it says that you have met a young copy, and it is not only possible to take it, but also need.
  • In cooking, only hats are used, the legs are quite tasteless.

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