Distinctive and recognizable features of black brew. Refrupt or dry gently loading white edible or not

In nature, there is a huge variety of mushrooms: there are edible, and there are poisonous. Only edible species are used. A man appreciates this miracle of nature for its nutritional properties. After all, mushrooms have a number of useful substances. They contain proteins, microelements, mineral salts and vitamins, normalizing the exchange processes of the human body. For this mushrooms are also called "forest" meat.

Summer time presents many surprises to mushrooms. The most common in the forest zone are mushrooms from the family of raw materials. In this article, we will introduce readers with the contractor black, we will give a description of the fungus, talk about the peculiarities of its growth. Consider what the priests are useful and what the most common species are found in nature. In general, we will tell you what kinds of edible mushrooms exist.

Edible mushrooms and their types

In the nature of edible mushrooms a lot - thousands of species. The most delicious are oyster, rims, butter. To this list it is worth adding Caesarsky mushrooms, greenushki, hassle, raw materials, mushrooms, umbrellas and others. Many of them are delicacies, such as Caesar Mushroom, which grows on the Mediterranean coast.

There are conditionally edibles to them include waves, freight, mushroom Voyuy, Dubovik, Gorkushka, Crashchka ordinary, native and others. These forest gifts after heat treatment lose poisonous properties inherent in the raw form. It is advisable to use young mushrooms in food, pre-scolding them in a large amount of water for at least 40 minutes. As a result of this processing, all bitter and caustic poisonous substances will be removed.

Edible mushrooms are a storehouse of nutrients. Next, we'll tell you about the diagnostic black - bright representative of the family of cheesegling.

Short description

Podrugs are quite large mushrooms, their hat can reach 25 cm in diameter, but usually this indicator is held within 5-15 cm. The flesh is fleshy and brittle, white. As it grows, it can be from pink-gray to black-cutting on a cut. This is due to the fact that mushroom plates are aging, acquiring dark gray on dents. Spore powder white coloring.

The Ham itself originally has a flat-convex shape, the edges bent. Changes occur with the age of mushroom. The older it is, the more revealed, similar to a wide funnel and straightened naked shape it acquires. To the old age edge of the hats become wavy. During the ripening of the hat, the color changes color: at first it is dirty-gray, as it changes the shade to the olive-brown or dark brown with a greenish tide. Heat Hats can not be removed. After the rain, always dry and smooth, it happens slightly mucous.

Mushroom Programmer black has a thick leg with a thickness of 2-3 cm. It is short, no more than 5 cm in height, and the same color as the HAT itself. To the touch dense, cylindrical shape, without a chance. When touched, a smooth structure is felt, but the surface at the same time will then black.

Generic affiliation and features

Priary black is a representative of the kind of cheesegles, the family of raw materials. In appearance, it is similar to Gruzny, for which it was called a black cheese. Unlike the ground, does not have a characteristic fringe on the edge of a hat, which has a slightly grayish, and sometimes a blackboard. In the pulp, the diagnostic juice is missing, and with age, the mushroom hat becomes adhesive. In appearance can resemble a dense and strong cheese.

Places of growing and seasonality

Log, the photo and the description of which we provided to you - a frequent guest in the forest zones of our territory. It is found almost everywhere. But the greatest accumulations of mushrooms can be observed in coniferous, wide and mixed forests. Their presence gives out small tubercles above the ground, covered with dry foliage.

It grows mainly on the acidic sandy soil near the pine. Prefers well-lit places, so it can often be seen along the forest paths, nearby water bodies and at the open sun of Polyana. The easiest way is to find a storage, if you go to the northern part of the forest. These may be oak or birch groves.

On the territory of our country in the forest belt, except for black, the refruits are being found white. Ripening peak falls on the summer months - July-August. To please the harvest of Mushroomnikov, the blacks will be black will be until October, meeting in the forest zone not only single, but also in large families.

In addition to Russia, the black blasting is distributed in the entire globe, where moderate climate prevails is North America, Canada, Western Europe, Central Asia, the Far East.

Similar species and what their differences

The description of edible mushrooms will not be complete, if not to say about their views. This also applies to the priests. This type of mushrooms belonging to the family of raw materials forms a separate independent group, which includes:

  • programmer black and white;
  • frequency or leafy;
  • log in greenish and stuffing;
  • black and white and shortzhang;
  • belbar white false.

For example, a black mushroom's subspecies began to stuffing. Both representatives in general have similar characteristics: found in birch and coniferous forests, do not have a milky juice, are good in saline, as both have a sharp and sweet taste. But the pulp of the black cheese will not blush, but immediately become black. Her leg in adulthood has a dirty yellow color, covered with brown spots and blacks. Mushroom plates are rare, peel on the hat is easily separated. This is their difference.

Fig, black is often confused with another representative of the species - the mushroom is a hustyolic or frequency. The second grows on little-known soils, has a yellowish brown tint. The mushroom hat is decorated frequently surprised plates. It has the earthy smell, and the taste is overly burning.

Programmer is black, the photo and the description of which is presented above, confused with other representatives of the family, for example with a white program. Both belong to the group of edible mushrooms. Only the first - enough fresh taste. For the same reason, it is confused with a black and white mushroom, which received its name for the capability of the hat to change the color in the process of growth.

The nutritional value

This mushroom is edible. It is easy to collect, but it should be done while he is young. The older becomes a reflection, the celever. If we talk about taste qualities, then they are low. Mushroom for a long time retains the smell of raw land characteristic of mold. The flesh has a sweet and caustic taste in the plates, a little sharp.

Experts refer black to the IV category to the IV category and are recommended to use together with other mushrooms. It is more often used for salting, cooking soups, marinations and frying. After soching and heat treatment, the pulp acquires a black color, the caustic smell goes away, and a pleasant sweet taste remains. Adult mushrooms, on the contrary, hard and tasteless.

Sweezing dishes do not have high calorie, for which they love and prefer fans diets. Black doesn't have poisonous twins, nevertheless collect mushrooms better than a specialist.

Medicinal properties

Blades black is used in pharmaceutical as an anti-carcraft. Back in 2004, an ellagic acid derivative was obtained by a group of scholars from the mushroom, which was called nigrication. The extract successfully suppresses the activity of cancer cells, thereby suspending the growth of sarcoma and carcinoma. In addition, it includes substances with antibacterial and antioxidant effect.

For a crazy mushroomcan, the question of what is distinguished by a smooth from the crepuna will not cause a long reflection. It perfectly knows all the differences, allowing to exclude the risk of getting into the basket of inedible and dangerous in terms of poisoning of instances. We offer and you learn how to distinguish a white Gruzka from Gorchak, the sorridges, worshi, rogues and other mushrooms that have external similarities. The page contains comparative characteristics and complete descriptions of similar species of mushrooms. See definitely how to distinguish white freight from false in the photo, where all typical signs are illustrated. This will help you feel more confident during the "quiet hunting" in the forest. Collect mushrooms very carefully. Recently, cases of poisoning when eating like eating the usual species of fungi. In fact, active mimicry and poisonous mushrooms are becoming very similar to edible in their appearance.

Round hat, usually concave inside, funk-shaped, white or yellowish color, with large rusty stains, wet, slightly fluffy, with a large fringe along the edges. Plates are white, yellowish. The flesh is white, dense, juicy, thick, highlights bitter milky juice, especially when stammer. The leg is short, white, inside the hollow. Refer to the "lamellar" mushrooms, in which the lower part of the caps consists of gentle plates. Next, consider the main differences of weak from a row similar in the appearance of mushrooms.

Grows in birchings and mixed forests with admixture of birch. It is quite rare, but sometimes large groups, in the period from July to October. The hat is large, up to 20 cm in diameter, in young mushrooms are white, rounded-convex, then funnel, with a fluttered edge, white or slightly yellowish, often with slightly noticeable watery concentric stripes. In crude weather, she is mucous, for which this mushroom is called "Raw Gruz." White flesh, dense, brittle, with spicy smell.

Milky juice white, caustic, bitter taste, in the air becomes sulfur-yellow.

Plates descending on the leg, white or cream, with a yellowish edge, wide, rare. The leg is short, thick, naked, white, sometimes with yellowish stains, in ripe mushrooms inside the hollow. Conditionally edible, the first category. Used for salting, less often for pickling. Salted freight have a bluish tint.

What is the difference between white germ from black

Grows in coniferous and deciduous forests. It is found by singly and groups from July to October, and sometimes in November. A hat with a diameter of up to 20 cm, almost flat, with a depression in the middle and a wrapped edge. Later the hat becomes a funnelular with straightening edges. The surface is slightly adhesive, olive-brown, to the edge of lighter. The first thing is different white germ from black, it is the color of the outdoor color. Plates are dirty-whitish, later with brownish spots. When pressing darkened.

The leg is short, fat, first solid, then the hollow. The flesh is dense, white or grayish-white, with abundant white caustic milky juice, dark on the break. Black groove is good for salting. Thoroughly washed and swelling, they lose their bitterness, the flesh is made of crispy, dense. In the salt of the hat acquires a beautiful dark purple-cherry color. Groove black in bedding for years do not lose the fortress and taste. Conditionally edible, the third category.

The difference between white loads from the ground

The hat is more concave more concave than that of the real weak, less fluffy. In young progress, the edges of the hats are also wrapped inside, but not completely omitted. Hat and rare plates white. The flesh is white, with a breaking, bitter milky juice stands out. Dry surface and white color - distinctive features of this mushroom.

Grows from late July to late autumn. The main difference is white to load white from grounding in that it is found in coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests of the northern part of the forest zone. Grows from July to October. The white boobing hat is a diameter of up to 20 cm - first flat-eyed with a curved edge and reducible in the middle, then a funnel-shaped with straightening edge, pure-white, sometimes with brown-eyed spots (subapalities). The leg up to 5 cm long, smooth, first solid, then the hollow, white. The flesh is white, it does not change on a break, in the fabric hats, the flesh is moist, in the plates - caustic. The records are descending, narrow, clean, to the outer edge are sometimes flavored, split, white.

Usually this mushroom is solid. Salted fods acquires a weakly brownish color. In many places, white boobs are called "dry grounds", in contrast to the trucks of real, whose hat is usually a bit mucous. White fods differ from Gruzny and other signs. The edges of the hats have inappropriate, the flesh does not contain milky juice. Conditionally edible, the second category is used salted and pickled. In the northern half of the forest zone there is another kind of progress - black fods. Hat up to 15 cm in diameter, flat-eyed with a depression in the middle and with a wrapped edge, later a funnel, naked, slightly adhesive, from a dirty gray to dark brown.

The flesh is white or grayish-white, without a milky juice.

The plates are frequent grayish-dirty color, with pressing black. For the dark color of the hats, the mushroom is sometimes called a "grain", and for a fragile flesh - "raw black". These mushrooms are often worm. Plates is very caustic. For the ambassador, he must be sure to be boiled. In salty and boiled form - dark brown color. Conditionally edible, the third category is used only for solka. Salted mushrooms are black.

Look, what is the difference in freight and storage in the photo, where the main differences are shown.

What is the difference in freight from the waves

It grows from the end of August to the first frosts, mostly alone on birchings and mixed forests, mainly in the northern part of the forest zone. Hat with a diameter of up to 12 cm, first flat with a hole in the center and with a wrapped edge, later a funnel, fibrous, on the edge of a shaggy, woolly. Let's figure out what is distinguished by freight from the waves and how to conduct their differentiation in the field.

In the wet weather of the hat in the middle of the sticky, pink or yellowish-pink, with pronounced dark concentric zones. Removable or descending plates, thin, white or slightly pinkish. A leg up to 6 cm long, a diameter of up to 2 cm, a cylindrical, hollow, one-color with a hat. The flesh is loose, brittle, white or pinkish, with white zhigu-caustic milky juice. Wave is used for salting. It is sues it only after thorough soaking and boiling, otherwise mushrooms can cause strong irritation of the stomach mucosa. It is best to take young fungi to the salting, up to 3-4 cm. His hat is strong, with a wrapped deep inside the edge. Such minor waves are called "curl". In the salty form it has a pale-bright with an admixture of pink color, retains pronounced dark zones. In the northwestern and central regions of the country and in the Urals, usually on the edges of young birch forests from the beginning of August to October, you can find a white wave (Belyanka). It is largely similar to the wave of pink, but her smaller. A diameter with a diameter of up to 6 cm fluffy-silky, first convex, later funnel-shaped, white with yellowish-reddish, as if blurred spots, with a wrapped haystone edge. White milky juice sharp, sometimes bitter. Plates are light-failed, weakly pinkish, increasing or descending, frequent, narrow. The leg is dense, brittle, short, smooth. White pulp or weakly pinkish. Beyanka is sometimes confused with white white. But the last hat has significantly larger, and on the edge naked or slightly pubescent. It goes only in the seaside after pre-pulling in water or scalding with boiling water. Beyanka appreciate the gentle flesh and a pleasant taste. In salty form light brownish. Mushroom is conditionally edible, the second category.

Differences Scrippers and Glow

Quite often occurs in coniferous and hardwoods of the middle strip, large groups, from mid-June to mid-September. A diameter of up to 20 cm with a diameter, first the plane, in the middle is intended, with a wrapped edge. The difference of the violinity from Gruzdya is that later the hat becomes a funnel-shaped with a wavy, often cracked the edge. The surface is dry, slightly pubescent, pure-white, later slightly ocher. Plates are rare, whitish or yellowish. The leg is up to 6 cm long, thick, the base is somewhat narrowed, solid, white. The flesh is coarse, dense, white, later yellowish, with abundant white zhigu-caustic mossy juice. The collected mushrooms in the basket will rub each other and publish a characteristic creak. For this, they were called "violins", "sriceps". The mushrooms do not always take these mushrooms, although they are used for the ambassador, becoming strong and acquire the grounding smell. The mushroom becomes white with a SIZ, and crepts on the teeth. Mushroom is conventionally edible, the fourth category. Used for solka and downtown. Previously need to soak and persuade to remove bitterness.

How to distinguish white Gorchaka white

You need to know how to distinguish a white ground from Gorchakka, because it meets everywhere, but mainly in the northern half of the forest area. Prefers several wet forests. Growing usually by large groups. A hat with a diameter of up to 8 cm, first flat-convex, then funnel-shaped, usually with a tubercant in the middle, dry, silky, red-brown. Reloss plates or earliest, frequent, pale reddish-yellowish, usually with a white ridge from the dispute. The leg is up to 8 cm long, smooth, cylindrical, first solid, then the hollow, light reddish-brown, at the base with white felt. The pulp is dense, first white, then slightly red-brown without a special smell. Milky juice white and very caustic, no wonder the mushroom called Gorky. Because of the very bitter, acute taste of mushrooms are only solid, preliminarily dried and only after that they sueple. In the salty form of mushrooms of dark brown, with a noticeable sharp tubercle on a hat. Mushroom is conventionally edible, the fourth category.

Differences of black grounds from por

Pork, rod of lamellar mushrooms. The difference of pebbles from Gruzda is that it has a hat with a diameter of up to 20 cm, first convex, then flat, funnel-shaped, coated inside the edge, velvety, yellow brown, sometimes with an olive tint. The flesh is light brown, dark on the cut. Low-running plates are connected at the bottom of the transverse veins, they are easily separated from the hat. Leg for Up to 9 cm, central or shifted sideways, narrowed down the book, one color with a hat. Griber grows in the forests of various types, large groups, from July to October, can form mycorrhiza.

It is necessary to know the difference between the black ground from the twist, since in recent years, the pig is referred to poisonous mushrooms (it can cause poisoning, even with a fatal outcome). It found substances leading to a decrease in blood erythrocytes. Moreover, the manifestation of poisoning depends on the individual characteristics of the human body and may occur both a few hours later, and a few years after the use of these mushrooms. Pork thick is characterized by larger sizes, a dark brown velvety leg. Forms Mikuriza or settles on wood. Conditionally edible. Porks have the ability to accumulate harmful compounds of heavy metals.

What is the difference between the row of firing

Growing on sandy soil in coniferous, mainly pine forests from August to autumn frosts, single and small groups. Distributed everywhere, but it is quite rare. Hat up to 10 cm in diameter, fibrous, mucous-sticky, first flat-convex, then semi-abrasion, from light gray to dark gray, often with a yellowish or purple tinge, in the center darker than around the edge, with radial dark stripes .

Most importantly, what is the difference between the small robes of Elus, this is what the flesh is not broken, white, in the air does not turn yellow, with a weak smell of flour, freshly taste. Plates are white, then light yellow or bluish-grayish, rare, wide. The leg is up to 10 cm length and up to 2 cm thick, smooth, white, then yellowish or grayish, fibrous, sits deep in the soil. Mushroom edible, fourth category. Used boiled, fried, salted and pickled.

Differences White and White Waves

In the northwestern and central regions of the country and in the Urals, usually on the edges of young birch forests from the beginning of August to October, you can find a white wave (Belyanka). It is largely similar to the wave of pink, but her smaller. The difference between the whitefish from the white ground is as follows: a diameter of up to 6 cm fluffy-silky, first convex, later funnel-shaped, white with yellowish-reddish, as if blurred spots, with a wrapped haystone.

White milky juice sharp, sometimes bitter. Plates are light-failed, weakly pinkish, increasing or descending, frequent, narrow. The leg is dense, brittle, short, smooth. The difference between the carrots is that they always have a white flesh, and not weakly pinkish. Beyanka is sometimes confused with white white. But the last hat has significantly larger, and on the edge naked or slightly pubescent. It goes only in the seaside after pre-pulling in water or scalding with boiling water. Beyanka appreciate the gentle flesh and a pleasant taste. In salty form light brownish.

What is the difference between a false germ from the present

The first than the distinguished false germ from the present is a diameter with a diameter of 4-12 cm, a density, convex, or flat-insulated to the funnel-shaped, sometimes with a tubercle, first with a fitted, and later with a lowered edge, dry, silky-fiber, smooth, with age Almost naked, hidden meat-reddish, hidden-dirty-pink-gray or pinkish-brownish, when drying with blurry spots. Designating plates, narrow, thin, whitish, later pinkish and cream and orange-ocher. The leg is 4-8 × 0.8-3.5 cm, cylindrical, dense, with a half-time, felt, at the base of the hair-felt, the colors of the Hats, in the top of the lighter, malievable. The flesh is yellowish with a reddish tint, in the bottom of the legs are reddish-brownish, sweet, without much smell (in dried form with the smell of Kumarina); Milky juice is watery, sweet or bitter, the color does not change in the air. Growing in moistened coniferous and deciduous forests. Fruit bodies forms in July - October. Poisonous mushroom.

See how to distinguish a white gently from the false on video, where all features are shown.

Written by Nikolai Budnik and Elena Mecc.

Priary of the black on the street is rarely found, but grows by large groups. To be accurate, we call the black and actually, and the stuffing software itself, and the factor is frequency. While we are not ready to divide them, especially since they are almost the same and in appearance, and to taste, and in the way of consumption.

We met the definition black in rather dry places, usually under the pines. This mushroom is almost always worm. Probably, so we can't collect it. We can't say anything about the taste of the blackbone, because they did not try it.

1. The stroke of the black on the street is infrequently found.

2. Usually it grows in quite dry places.

3. You can rarely meet a lonely mushroom.

4. Usually it comes across groups and families.

5. Mushrooms are almost completely buried in the forest litter.

6. Growing, they raise moss on a hat, leaves, every forest trash.

7. And this is the same mushroom, purified from above.

8. The first blacks are appeared in mid-July.

9. In our areas, this is the period of the strongest heat.

10. Maybe therefore they are so worm.

11. These mushrooms have already been fully decomposed.

12. Only such young, burned in the ground, copies can be without worms.

13. And these are certainly affected by larvae.

14. Blackfoot fools like a coniferous forest.

15. May they grow in a mixed fir-pine forest, ...

16. ... but pine preferred.

17. Only mushroom hats are often visible.

18. Black - rather large mushroom.

19. It can achieve large sizes.

20. Here is the height of the black storage.

21. These mushrooms have grown in autumn dampness, so such large.

22. The mushroom hat is painted in different shades of brown.

23. The middle of it is usually darker.

24. On the hat are often visible dots, stripes, strokes.

25. In the young age, the hat is almost round, with bent inside the edges.

26. Very soon the edges are straightened.

28. The hat becomes uneven.

29. In old age, it is often wavy.

30. The hat is usually visible to her particles of forest debris.

31. And this mushroom has a bark of some forest folk.

32. So the hat is adjacent to the leg.

33. Middle Frequency Mushroom Plates.

34. At first they are bright.

35. Then the plates become gray.

36. In old age, they are very darker, brown spots appear on them.

37. This is how the plates differ from the inside.

38. And so they join the leg.

39. You can look at it closer.

40. The feet of the fungus is usually straight and thick.

41. It is white and grayish.

42. The leg happens a bit sparkling, uneven.

43. It is often visible gray and dirty brown spots.

44. That's how the leg joins the Earth, ...

45. ... And so - to the hat.

46. \u200b\u200bOn the cut, the leg is solid, incomplete.

47. Look at it near.

48. Unfortunately, the leg almost always worms.

49. On the cut, the flesh is tight and white.

50. Gradually, it becomes almost black.

On the photo of the Mushroom Pribor

Grows in coniferous forests, especially under the pines, on sandy soil.

Fruit from July to October. Meets one or small groups.

Black does not have twins. See how the files in the photo looks like and read the description of it below in the article:

These mushrooms can be found in almost all forests of Russia: in coniferous, and in deciduous. They are usually growing with groups, which very much like mushrooms. Hide under foliage, so they need to be sought and refused.

Among edible qualities, the fungus is popular for its healing properties. It is actively used in pharmacology for the manufacture of a variety of drugs, as well as in traditional medicine.

The priest refers to the family of raw materials. Meet in the forests from June to November. They are a few species:

  • white;
  • black;
  • inside;
  • facility.

With its appearance, the priests look like a germ. Similarities are visible in shape of a hat. But it does not have fringe edges, matte-white or with rig stains, dry. Its size is no more than 20 cm in diameter. The fashion mushroom is distinguished by the presence of dents on the hat from above, and an adult with funnels. Puff breaking. Plates for this type of mushrooms are often white, sometimes can have a bluish tint.

Consider in more detail all the types of strokes presented, see more in the article.

On the photo of the reflection white

Belbar white (dry ground) has a short and thick leg. It is a white shade. Than mushroom older, the greater the likelihood that the leg will be half in the middle.

The cheese mushroom has a hat in diameter from 7 to 20 cm, a tinge pure and white, dry. Often it has the attractive lumps of land or foliage. Plates are white, thin. Their shade can be with blue or slightly greenish. The flesh is dense, white. Does not change its color on the layer. White plates, caustic.

Pribrabiable white in appearance has similarities with a violin. A significant difference is the absence of a Milky juice. See how white refruits looks like in the photo:

Use this view in cooking in the fried form, for mushroom broths, marinate and sued. Alcohol tinctures on fruit bodies are also prepared and they are treated with sarcoma and carcinomas.

In the photo frequented progress

Another name of this species is Chernushka frequency. It occurs more often in the south of Russia, in the forests of coniferous, mixed or deciduous.

The hat is more sulfur, sometimes a brown tint, which with an increase in the mushroom becomes olive, and sometimes brown. Its diameter is rarely more than 12 cm. In young mushrooms, the hat is lyprochable, with age it becomes dry. The leg is the same by shade with a hat.

The pulp on the layer becomes red, then brown, and then drawn. This germ has light plates that do not reach his legs.

Taste quality is inexpressive, the smell is weak.

The medicine uses extract from a frequency brand. It has antimicrobial activity. To relax muscles in medicine, it is the properties of this type of fungus.

In the kitchen, the feeder is frightened, they make broths, marinate and plant. Mushroom can not be subjected to preheating.

In the photo of the stuffing fodder

Breakfast stuffing has a hazypudo 20 cm. In the course of growth, it changes his shade with brown whitewings, and the old mushroom becomes black. Plates are white sometimes yellowish, but as they grow up as dark. They are rarely located apart from each other.

The flesh of the body is solid, sufficiently dense, when reactions with air changes its shade on the dark. The taste of mushroom is pleasant, not burning. The leg of the black view is solid and acquires a brown shade.

Look at this mushroom feeding in the photo:

From the description of its main differences from other subspecies, it can be seen that its distinctive feature is a dark color that he gave him the name.

It is most often possible in the forest moderate zone of Russia from July to October. Loves the soil under coniferous and deciduous trees.

Mushroom refrupt black

In the photo of the program black
Pulp cutting

Breakfast black is different from the blackcutter basically only with a shade of pulp on the cut. It becomes red. Taste and other qualities remain similar.

Pharmacy is used as an antioxidant and anticark. Nigcanic is obtained from it.

Food is used mushroom in fried, saline or marinated form. It is suitable for cooking soups.

Pribrats, a description of the species of which we provided to you, quite frequent guests in the forests of our territory. They grow under foliage or cheese and give their presence only with small tubercles above the ground. Mushroomcarns love these mushrooms for their taste.

If the summer heat is accompanied by heavy rains, then at this time you can meet a black mushroom like a germ. He is collected only when he is small, because he is very amazed by worms.

Priary black grows in mixed, deciduous and large forests. He prefers birch and oak groves. Less often meets in pine bodies and spruce. It grows out of the deciduous substrate, and his caps make their way through thick and dry soil.

Adults and great representatives of the black hard and tasteless. According to the description, they resemble charred wood pigeons. Hats very slowly decompose and dry out, thereby preserve the mushroom until next year.

Only young copies are collected in food, because the pulp is often amazed by worms.

Pribrabia is growing in all areas that can be attributed to a moderate climatic zone. Mushrooms begin to appear from the middle of the summer and grow before the start of frosts. They can meet alone or groups, sometimes very large.

Priary black - edible mushroom fourth category. It can be solent for winter or boil. In salty form it is usually used with raw materials.

Appearance: What does he look like?

Priary black changes its appearance as it grows. Over time, its hat increases in size, can reach from 5 cm to 25 cm in diameter. A young mushroom has a light gray shade, as it grows darkness and turns into a gray-brown. Next, it acquires a black and brown shade and under the end becomes a bits-brown. The middle of the Hat is darker, and the edges on the contrary bright. The surface of the Hat is smooth and dry, usually sticks a lot of garbage on it. In the rainy summer it can be slightly mucous.

The shape of a black shrewd cap in the young form is convex, with the edges wrapped in a circle, as it becomes a flat prostrate. The center of it is slightly populated, and the edges bent, stupid and smooth. In mature mushrooms, the caps are bursting and exposed white fabric. On the inside of the hat has plates that have a thickness of up to 2 mm. The plates according to the description can be both rare and frequent.

Mushrooms have a leg long from 3 to 10 cm high, and a thickness of 1-4 cm. The leg is strong and has a cylindrical shape, covered with white-brown longitudinal veins. Young individuals have a whitish leg, and in maturity it becomes the color of the hat.

The pulp in young individuals is thick and dense, with time it becomes breaking and quickly accepts orange-red painting. Pribrabia has a pleasant fruit smell and bitter taste in raw form. Spore powder white.