Skin care on the stomach after delivery. How to care for the skin of the face and hands after childbirth? How to restore the elasticity of the skin after childbirth

The birth of a child is an excellent event. However, the appearance of a loved one does not pass without a trace for the health and appearance of a woman. So, for example, the skin "like a baby" can now boast only the baby himself. It is not worth sad about this. We just need to be patient and enthusiastically move towards the past figure. Today, how to return the beautiful body after the nine-month oldest kid.

The problems faced by the body after almost the year to wear a child, a lot. These are the stretched abdominal muscles, and additionally acquired kilograms, and flaky skin, which both ever needs to activate collagen generation. That is why one magic pill from the imperfect body after giving birth is not. But there are a set of methods and rules, following which guarantees the speedy achievement.

Healthy nutrition- The basic rule of any hike for a beautiful body. As for the postpartum period, it is food - the main key to success. Rules of the game are all the same: eat often in small portions; refuse flour, sweet and fat; We make a choice in favor of protein and fiber, drink a day for at least one and a half liters of water and yes, we run on vegetables and nuts (in reasonable doses). They contribute to the production of elastin in the skin.

Sports and load also to help your skin. With the help of exercises, the extra calories are not only burned, but also muscle tissues are stimulated. After childbirth, special attention should be paid to, by itself, complexes on the press, any kind of respiratory gymnastics and hikes in the pool. And take the rule: if a free moment was issued, make an old-good breathing exercise - pull the belly on the exhale and protrude on the breath. Do these exercises always and everywhere, it is not much noticeable for others, but give a good effect. Separately, it is worth noting that it is necessary to start active classes not earlier than three months after delivery.

Massage. It is impossible to exclude it from the plan. Rising blood microcirculation and improving lymphatic drainage, massage visually fix the state of affairs. If it is impossible to organize visits to a professional, it can be done at home. Banal rubbing or a more advanced option with honey and a vacuum can - solve you. Any options are effective.

Salon procedures. Women who gave birth in the 21st century, was incredibly lucky not only because of the presence of diapers and breastsososos. Today, in almost every cosmetology salon, a lot of procedures capable of bringing the body into tone as soon as possible.

Tatiana Tikhonova, a cosmetologist.

Especially effective in the recovery of body and skin after childbirth, several salon procedures are considered immediately. As lymphatic, as well as to eliminate local fat deposits, manual or vacuum-roller massage works well. This is due to the improvement of local skin microcirculation and subcutaneous fluid. Improve the effect of these procedures pressotherapy- Absolutely painless procedure for removing excess fluid using compressed air.

Align the relief and handle stretching will help heawayzuzhidkost peeling during the catore using a special nozzle sprayed a gas mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide. As a result, there is a slight removal of dead cells of the epidermis and enrichment of deep layers of skin with oxygen. These manipulations will well complement various wraps and mechanical peelings of the skin of the body.

Also for the speedy return to the forms, I recommend two more procedures: cryoilipolysis and fractional phototermolysis. The first - removes local fat deposits using fat freezing technology, the second - is a laser non-performing skin suspension. Cryolipolysis and fractional phototermolysis are not shown in nursing women.

Skin care. And last. If before childbirth you were not a fan of leaving for the body, then it's time to become. Without additional support during the recovery period, you can not do. Special attention is paid to skin care during and after domestic water procedures. Every day, use a physiological scrub or a rigid sponge to remove dead cells and contribute to the formation of new, more elastic. Problem zones need to massaging with a scrub at least 15 minutes a day, and do not forget to apply special toes on the skin in the morning. What, you ask? We again picked up the best exhibits for you from those who are able to help mothers as quickly as possible to achieve goals in the form of a beautiful body.

Eisenberg Body Lifting Treatment

Loves of women - Eisenberg French brand cream. Its action is aimed at activating the vital activity of cells, an increase in the level of skin elasticity and reducing stretch marks. In a word, just the fact that the doctor prescribed. As part of Chlorella, the structure of which 60% consists of proteins. Finding into the body, it not only protects collagen and elastin from damage, but also stimulates the production of collagen by our own organism. Among other things, the cream protects both oxidative processes that adversely act on our skin.


Ultra-simulator from Payot. As part - the smoothing extract of Asian centelliers, which activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin. The combination of special active components reduces the destruction of supporting fibers. The tool really effectively strengthens and tones the skin, and, among other things, has a pleasant texture and aroma with notes of Bergamot.


The intensive correction cream against cellulite Thalgo High Performance Firming Cream works at once with several tasks: stimulates cellular update, strengthens all layers of skin and prevents the distribution of adipocytes - cells from which adipose tissue consists. As a result: the structure of the skin is visually leveling, it acquires elasticity and tone. Plus, the patented technology with an encapsulated oxygen day after day Attacks the groups of fat cells, returning the desired forms.

Elemis Pro-Collagen Lifting Treatment Neck and Bust

After a long period of pregnancy and breastfeeding in special care needs women's chest. To help her - a lifting cream for neck and bust Pro-collagen from Elemis. Thanks to the unique components, it contributes to the natural formation of lipopeptides, which run the subsequent process of updating and rejuvenation of the skin. The result is noticeable in two weeks, the bust and the truth becomes tone and elasticity. The active extracts of sea buckthorn oil and algae Paddamika have a tonic and strengthening effect, cleaning the skin from toxins.

Mary Kay Smooth-Action TimeWise Body

"We have spent years of research to create a means that will allow women to significantly reduce the visual manifestations of cellulite," say the creators of Timewise Body from Mary Kay. And not in vain spent, we say. Cream gel contains glycolic acid, argan oil, blackberry extraty, caffeine, algae and cakes, which improve skin texture, strengthen it and contribute to the fir splitting process. The cream helps a visual cutting of cellulite and pulls the skin in the most problematic areas - especially, on the hips, buttocks and the upper arm.

Firming Frais Monde Framing Cream

The Frais Monde Italian Brand Modeling Cream with Sunflower and Saflower Extracts prevents cell aging and speeds up the splitting of subcutaneous fat deposits. Other natural components, such as extract of horse chestnut seeds, maintain muscle tone, stimulate cell microcirculation and strengthen blood vessels.

Librederm Hyaluron Body Cream

As a basic care, we have attracted cream with a light low-fat texture from Librederm, created for effective moisturizing and increasing the elasticity of the skin of the body. The cream formula contains components that feed and increase the skin tone, creating an invisible natural barrier, protecting from moisture loss during the day.

Text and Pictures: Alina Shandruk

A pregnant woman is beautiful, her appearance radiates incredible femininity, elastic velvety skin glows, eyes shine waiting for motherhood. However, soon, many mothers face some deterioration in their appearance. And many are perplexed: why did the skin and face, after the birth, became dry, because during pregnancy she pleased with his state?

There is nothing strange in this, the estrogen hormone is responsible for the elasticity and health of the skin, the level of which during pregnancy increases. After giving birth, the mining of hormone is sharply reduced, which affects the appearance of a young mother. Do not despair, care for the skin of the hands is not complicated and does not require much time.

Causes of skin drying after childbirth

In the body of pregnant, there is a serious hormonal perestroika. Estrogen production increases, and skin fat is synthesized in minimal volumes. Therefore, the skin in pregnant women is clean, without snare rash and greasy. Hormone progesterone reduces the elasticity of the skin, which is why the skin becomes too thin, prone to damage. After childbirth, the level of progesterone is growing, and estrogen, on the contrary, goes to a decline. It is precisely because the matte skin suddenly dries, sometimes covered with a rash, stretch marks can appear.

If a nursing mother consumes an insufficient liquid, the body dehydration begins, the skin dries.

The lion's share of beneficial substances entering breast milk. To avoid hypovitaminosis and drying the skin, the allowed vitamin and mineral products should be included in its diet.

After the birth of the baby in the life of a woman there are a lot of changes. If during pregnancy a dream was possible at any time and any duration, now the child "dictates" a new routine of the day and night. Insufficient sleep, fatigue, anxiety for the child is the main causes of physical and psychological overload, including the drying of the skin.

After childbirth, some women stop engaged in their appearance, although it is during this period the skin of the face and, especially, the skin of the hands require reinforced attention.

How to restore the skin of the face and hands after childbirth?

To restore the skin after childbirth, a lot of time will be required. You can wait until the body restures on their own, and the problem will solve itself. But you can speed up the recovery process.

Skin dryness prevent:

  • Balanced with a high nutrient content (allowed vegetables, fruits, porridges, and so on.);
  • Sufficient sleep. If the baby does not sleep at night, then the mother must be sleeping with him, thereby finishing the lost sleep clock;
  • Cosmetic skin care procedures. If the skin is not moistened, not to clean and do not feed, it will soon become a decay, deprived of elasticity;
  • Drinking water in the required volumes. In the period, not less than 2 liters of pure water without gas daily. Tea and coffee are not recommended;
  • Walk every day. Fresh air is useful not only to the baby, but also for the condition of the skin of the mother. Even in cities where car exhaust cars do not extend, you can find time for a useful walk;
  • Vitamin complexes for women during lactation. However, before proceeding to receive means, you should consult with the doctor.

Adhere to these recommendations, and after a couple of weeks you will see improvements in the condition of your skin.

Effective tools for skin care after delivery

When the skin recovered a little, it is important to choose the right tools. It is better to stop on natural, not causing allergies, means without fragrances.

Grass-based masks are prepared very simple. It is necessary to cook a decoction, soak them a gauze napkin and impose on the face. In the napkin make openings for the eyes. It remains to choose the grass:

  • For oily skin: calendula, mint;
  • For dry skin: chamomile, sage, nettle.

You can also type the decoction into the container with the sprayer and spray the face throughout the day.

Home collagen mask moisturizes skin and give her elasticity. To prepare such a mask you need to melt on the water bath of 50 g. The creamy oil, add 3 teaspoons of olive oil and cool. Then add 2 yolks to the oil mixture, half a teaspoon of honey and as much glycerol. Mix everything thoroughly, pour 200 ml of ragger chamomile and 1 tablespoon of camphor oil. Use such a mask twice a week.

A good delicate scrub can be prepared from oat flakes. To do this, they are poured with boiling water and give fun. Use twice a week for washing.

You can also purchase Aevit capsules in the pharmacy and use them to moisturize the skin of the face and hands. It is enough to pierce one capsule and apply its contents on the skin every 7 days. Do not wash off.

Attention! The use of any medicines and dietary supplies, as well as the use of any medical techniques, is possible only with the permission of the doctor.

And childbirth brings the beautiful half of humanity only positive experiences. Many young mothers have to deal with such a problem as the flabby of the belly skin and the appearance of stretch marks. The belly after pregnancy loses elasticity and looks extremely unattractive. A woman has to not only take care of the baby, but also to engage in the restoration of their beauty.

How to pull the skin on the stomach: Important conditions

It is important to note that the fight against such a common problem as leather flabbiness should be complex. First of all, it should touch your diet. If the flour products, sugar, spices and smoked products appeared, then they should be immediately abandoned in favor of dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Do not neglect and abundant drink. Throughout the day, it is important to adhere to the daily rate of 2 or 2.5 liters of water. Such rules will help not only improve the condition and turgor of the skin, but also able to quickly restore the entire body.

After each water procedure, it is necessary to apply a moisturizer. Taking a shower or bath contributes to washing from the surface of the skin of the protective layer. This negatively affects the condition of covers, creating a dry and damaged environment. To achieve improved state of the figure after childbirth, it is worth it with the right daily care, the moisturizing in which is considered to be the number one step.

How to pull the skin on the stomach after childbirth? Effective ways of skin suspenders

Popular and effective are the following ways to tighten the skin on the stomach after delivery:

  1. wraps;
  2. masks;
  3. massages;
  4. physical exercises.

The first measure of eliminating the stomach flange after childbirth is wraps. This process helps the skin to return the lost elasticity, saturated with useful substances and moisture. For the preparation of funds from sagging skin on belly after delivery, blue, white and red clay are used, various vegetable oils in combination with essential compositions, seaweed and honey. All these components are effective as one, and in the aggregate. The more active than the components in the prepared compositions, the faster the tangible effect of their application will appear. Wraps from stretch marks on stomach and declarations begin with breaking and purification, and end with applying a solution of the food polyethylene film, which creates the necessary temperature regime and prevents air flow.

Another way to suspend skin on the stomach is masks. Masks apply without using films. The prepared solution may include all the elements of wraps, as well as are supplemented with gelatin, protein eggs, beer yeast and yogurt. These compositions have the effect of tightening and do not need long exposure time.

Popular and effective is the introduction of such a component into massage mixes such as mummy. This substance is a resinous viscous texture of dark brown color, which is freely sold in a pharmacy and has a huge amount of useful minerals. It is bred in warm water, and the resulting solution is gradually introduced into cream to a homogeneous consistency. In addition to the properties to restore the stretched skin, the mummy can quickly remove stretch marks and small scars.

Massage is an efficient and powerful tool for eliminating problems caused by excessive skin stretching. With the help of it, microcirculation is improved, the relief is growing near the navel, the subcutaneous fat accumulations on the legs and a sagging belly are eliminated, the elasticity of the skin is fully increasing. Massage It is advisable to combine with all the other skin care procedures. Its action is capable of improving the quality of the procedures carried out several times and strengthen the effect produced. The skin will become better and faster to absorb useful elements, the metabolism is activated, and the visual surface will tighten, and the figure will gain the desired forms.

Quickly eliminate the sagging belly after childbirth, and also eliminate loose skin condition and remove extra centimeters on the waist is capable of vacuum massage. It is made by special glass or plastic banks in which the hole has been done. During the procedure within the bank, a vacuum is created, which draws the skin and contributes to the influx of blood to the processed places. It is recommended to massage problem areas and navels along with moisturizing cream or oil for 10 or 15 minutes. This effective tool is easily applied and can quickly replace other types of manual massage.

A set of exercises is able to help with sagging skin. It is from this step that many women begged with this problem. Physical exertion accelerate the metabolism, improve cellular breathing and contribute to the tide of blood to the skin cover. Due to this, regeneration processes are activated. If you do exercises in a complex with comprehensive skin care, you can quickly achieve tangible results, and the flabbiness and sagging will quickly eliminate.

The most popular exercise is considered to be a fold. The simplified option can be called a standard exercise aimed at working out the muscles of the press. The initial position is lying on the floor with legs bent. At the same time, the hands are folded in the castle behind the head, elbows are divorced to the sides. From such a condition, the torso smoothly rises due to the tension of the muscles of the press to a position at 90 degrees relative to the floor.

To tighten your breasts, any exercises using dumbbells are perfectly suitable for skin on your forearms. If their houses do not turn out to be, you can use simple water bottles. Weighing exercises perfectly strengthen the muscles and pull up problem areas.

Nothing makes women so happy as the birth of a child. But it often happens that the feast of the appearance of a new life on Earth spoils the spectacle of what, as they say, under the very nose.
The tummy after pregnancy can acquire a lot of not lovely the eye of the feature, among whom the sagging of the abdomen, the appearance of stretch marks and pigment spots.

It would seem (and often seems) that the life of a woman gave the crack, which will have to walk ugly until the end of the days or save a certain amount for plastic surgery. But, Specta to assure you, everything is not so scary, as it seems. Return the figure after childbirth is quite real. Everything is in your hands, so you should not omit them.

What is the reason for all troubles?

Let's start with the fact that the sagging of the abdomen is due to the stretching of the abdominal muscles. This process will not be avoided, it remains only to work in order to return to the former elasticity and tone.

However, as if quickly, I did not want to return the old species to the tummy, you should not plan hikes to the gym and other sports facilities ...

This is due to two reasons:

First of all, the abdominal muscles usually usually return to a normal state, and each woman is different. Someone quickly, someone - on the contrary, too slow.

Secondly: Large physical exertion is contraindicated with young mothers, especially during the first months after childbirth.

Therefore, you should not fall into a panic and tear your hair on your head in trying to change something. Wait a month or another with it and then return the figure after giving birth will be much easier.


You can say that for this reason you can hang almost all trouble with the body, and you will be right. Do not underestimate the role of vitamins in the development and operation of our bodies, because the mother should provide them with not only herself, but also their child.

Therefore, during pregnancy and after (with breastfeeding), the mother gives a lot of vitamins of the infant.

Excess weight

During pregnancy, as a result of hormonal restructuring of the body, the fat layer increases. She is designed to protect the fetus from external influences.

This is especially true of the abdomen, therefore, after childbirth, in addition to stretched muscles, a fat layer on the stomach remains. Because of this, he acts, looks uneven and ugly.

Stretching on belly after pregnancy

First, let's see what stretch marks are, because, as they say, "Know the enemy in the face!".

Stria (Lat. Striae - strips; folk - stretch marks), or stretch marks on the body - skin defects in the form of strips of different widths that can be painted from white to red-violet color. Stria does not cause physical inconvenience, but it looks outstone.

Most often, stria appears in the form of atrophic scars on the chest, abdomen, hips and buttocks, but athletes who quickly increase muscle mass may also appear on the inside of the hands and shoulders.

Mostly stria appear in pregnant women, but are found in men. As a rule, these are either athletes, or people suffering from obesity.

Stria appears as a result of microtrams of the skin and subcutaneous fiber.

As a rule, there is a genetic predisposition to stretch.

In other words, stretch marks are the gap of the skin as a result of skin tension. In addition, each person has its own predisposition to their appearance, so we have contradictory data on the action of various means of struggling and preventing stretch marks. But there is something that applies to all cases.

This is the fact that it is necessary to prepare for stretchings on the stomach after pregnancy not only after the birth of crumbs, but also during the entire period of pregnancy.

And it will not be superfluous, because stretching will remain with you for life. So you yourself decide whether to follow this point in a timely manner, or to spend a bunch of means and time to reduce and disguise the already existing Stry in attempts to return the figure after childbirth.

But here some are waiting for pitfalls. The fact is that in some women, regardless of their efforts, stretch marks will appear and, moreover, significant.

As mentioned above, genetic predisposition, and do not really care anything. But here should not be desirable, since efforts are always rewarded, and, in this, the case of Stryia will be much smaller and unnoticed than without work on the skin.

How to restore the skin after pregnancy?

This question is probably never ceased to be relevant, and you can find many answers on the Internet. We will not go against various opinions, but we will minimize the subtleties of this process in front of you.

In the end, how to restore the skin after pregnancy and return the shape after childbirth? And here is a little trick, because it is never too early to care for the skin and never too late. Agree, it is better to prevent unwanted moments than then shed tears over the ability to shed.

The skin is the main indicator of beauty and health, especially for women, so do not deny yourself the pleasure of taking care of yourself, especially since it does not need to contact expensive beauty salons at all, and everything can be done at home.

Therefore, do not be lazy, and take a note the following tips that can save your beauty and stretch it for many years:

Proper nutrition. This topic is so extensive that advising the "correctly eat" is not informative than the same "be healthy (a)". This term includes: Food schedule; diet; Refusal of some products (alcohol, for example) and restriction of others and so on.

This question is better to discuss with a nutritionist, since each case is unique and should be considered separately. "We are what we eat", do not forget it. Also, it is very important!

Permanent skin care. Treat your skin, as the best of your clothes, which is so convenient that there are no words ... But you need to know the measure. And then return the figure after childbirth will be much easier.

During pregnancy, it is worth applied to the skin of the belly of moisturizing creams / oils / lotions, they will prevent the appearance of stretch marks. We remind you what to do it every day and better twice.

Try to avoid as much as possible in the process of having a child's use of masks from clay and dirt, as they pull up the skin that we are currently only harmful. Leave them for the postpartum period.

To return the shape after childbirth, do not be afraid to use your own skin masks made at home, especially those from vegetables and fruits, however, not without nuances. Try to use home products grown without the use of chemicals and all sorts of GMOs, since such a mask will not only moisturize the skin, but it will feed it with vitamins and trace elements. There is no need to bring recipes, they are also a premium amount, everyone will be able to choose a couple of taste and opportunities, just be careful and do not use exotic recipes (which, by the way, is also enough).

Moderate physical exertion. And, of course, more positive! Life is a beautiful thing, it is necessary to look at it more carefully. Especially when there is someone to convey all positive emotions.

Do not forget that the child almost always imites the facial expressions of his loved ones, so they smile more often and learn to rejoice in the trifles that constantly occur around.

Happiness is such a thing that, how much do not give it, and less it does not get it, only more. Love, rejoice, smile, give warm and affection to your child and your favorite man.

Quite a few tips, and what effect you can get if you stick to them. Do not be afraid, do not be lazy, do not despair and never give up, for "the way goes away" ...

Many giving birth to women familiar the problem of the smell of belly after the birth of the child. To combat such a flabby and sagging skin, it is necessary to take comprehensive measures, in particular - to comply with the diet, make a massage and perform other procedures that can return the skin elasticity and tone.

In detail about all effective methods You can find out by reading the article.

How to pull the skin at home?

To tighten the tumor without surgery, a number of exercise should be performed:

  • squats at the wall - an exercise is performed as ordinary squats, but at the same time the straight back is tightly pressed against the wall;
  • planck - the body is held on the films bent in the elbows and socks the maximum amount of time;
  • on the press - lying on the back, you should lift the body, the legs are tightly pressed against the floor;
  • mahi - should be dramatically throwing hands to the sides, while turning alternately left and right-handed the housing.

In addition, it is necessary observe a diet - Try to eat no more than one and a half thousand calories per day. There must be protein food in the menu, and quickly digestible carbohydrates are preferably completely excluded.

It is important to drink enough liquid - if less than 1.5 liters of water arrives in the body, the skin tightening process on the stomach can delay.

What effective methods can help?

To return the skin elasticity, you need to apply daily on it cooked independent scrub - It is made of apricot or peach bones, grinding in a coffee grinder, and also - from the thick of coffee.

Such natural and affordable ingredients will help make the skin on the stomach more elastic and rid it from the sagging.

With sagging belly excellent wraps are coping - Any composition is applied to the body that you like (it can be algae, honey, aromatic oils, and so on), after which the problem zone turns into a food film. After that, it is necessary to lie down at least half an hour under the warm plaid. It is washed off under the contrasting shower, while the skin must be intensively massaged.

Cope with the problem will help and roast massage - For the procedure, special banks and aromamaslo jojoba will be required to be purchased at the pharmacy. So, the stomach is rubbed into the scrub, it is washed off with contrasting water, and then oil is applied to it. Banks are located on both sides of the navel, after which they begin to take them gently, leading in a circle.

If the skin on the tummy has become a flabby, you can spend simple, but very useful procedure - A mixture of pre-divided cosmetic clay and liquid, fresh honey is applied to the problem area. This composition should not rub, it simply should be evenly located on the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe body.

After applying the mixture follows wrap the belly The widest bandage that can be purchased. The procedure is carried out every day, while leave the mixture under the bandage it is necessary for a whole night. In the morning, clay and honey are washed off under the shower of contrasting temperature. It is recommended after the procedure to apply a cream to eliminate cellulite and having a lifting effect on the stomach.

How to remove stretched skin?

To return the tummy antenatal shape, follows daily, at least 20 minutes in a row ,. But, you should choose Hula-HUP with special balls, and not the usual smooth. Do not worry if after the first sessions you will find on the waistly poured bruises - they will pass quite quickly, and over time, the skin and muscles are adapted to the loads.

Quickly cope with stretched skin helps normal jog. You can run at any convenient time, and the intensity of classes depends solely on your physical form. It is important not to overdo it - if we are rehwered in the first classes, then the desire to play sports and put yourself in shape may fall into the form. It is necessary to run daily, and the time of one jog should not be less than half an hour.

How to quickly cope with the problem?

High temperatures are perfectly active on the skin - regular visiting a steam room It will help to cope with the disgusting belly.

But, you should know several rules:

  • before entering the steam room, smear honey - it is rejuvenated, cleanse and pull the skin;
  • warbed a broom - such a procedure stimulates the acceleration of exchange and regenerative processes;
  • drink tea, boiled on herbs - it will provoke an active extinguishing of excess fluid from the body.

Excellent, if there is a swimming pool with the most cold water in the bath or sauna - it is necessary to climb into it immediately after leaving the steam room. The sharp change of temperature gives a simple magic effect - literally after a couple of months Visits Baths about the sagging belly can be forgive forever.

Main efficient methods

In order for the skin rather came into a form, you need to feed the baby to the chest. This will allow the body rather get rid of surplus calories - During lactation, up to 500 calories are burned daily. At the same time, it is necessary to limit yourself in eating harmful products that do not support the body - do not eat sweets, sdobu, fatty and overly sharp dishes.

The menu should have a sufficient amount of food containing protein - proteins are necessary for the growth of muscle tissue. The average amount of protein consumed must be not less than 50 grams Everybody is to get it mono from low-fat beef, cottage cheese, chicken breast and other products. The proteins are contained by collagen fibers that have a beneficial effect on the tone and elasticity of the skin.

It is important to maintain normal emotional condition - If you constantly worry about the sagging belly or other reasons, the process of bringing the body to normal will be delayed.

To feel balanced, we must try to spend more time in the fresh air, actively engage in sports (but not to rebuild, physical exertion should be moderate), communicate with interesting people and please yourself.

Water treatments

To combat accusation it is useful to take a contrasting shower - a minute should be washed under rather hot water, the loan is as much under almost ice. For one visit to the shower should be performed at least 7 alternations. So the skin will be elastic faster and the problem will be eliminated.

Useful and taking a bath that prepare with Stachmal. So, it is necessary to dissolve a glass of starch in a two-liter tank filled with warm water. The finished mixture is poured into a pre-dialed bath. The bathing procedure should continue at least 15 and no more than 20 minutes. After the session is completed, it is necessary to smear a problem zone with a cream with a lifting effect, mixed with several droplets of tea tree oil.