Star Show: Where it is better to observe the brightest meteor thread of the year. Meteorful flow of comet Gallea - Orionides will reach the peak on the night on Saturday what is called the stream from which the star fell

Perseys are a meteor stream that appears in July-August every year. It is named because the flying "stars" arise in the Perseus Constellation. It is this starfall that is considered one of the most spectacular and dynamic.

Perseys Star in 2019 will reach the peak at night from 13 to August 14. On this day, the number of falling "stars" per hour can reach 100 and even 150. In general, the star rain goes starting from July 17 and to August 24.

At the end of July, you will see only a few meteors per hour. Every day the number of falling "stars" increases. And after reaching the peak, August 13-14 decreases. Closer to the 20th, only 1-2 meteor remains per hour.

Why is the starfall?

What is just starskad? The name of this phenomenon is deceptive and introduces some misleading people. No, the stars are not falling down.

Astronomers are called starstelple meteor flow, and create its numerous meteors. These are fragments of comets, which fall into the atmosphere of the Earth and burn in it, while on their way down they will shine, like the stars.

If we talk about the Star rain of Perceid, he arises when our planet passes through the train of the comet of Swift - Tattla.

From the ground it seems that the center from which Meteora is falling is in the Perseus Constellation.

But in reality, the meteor flow is not related to this constellation, simply carries its name and occurs in the same part of the sky.

Which part of the sky is watching?

So, you caught fire the idea of \u200b\u200bseeing Persians. Where to look for them?

  1. Direction: Northeast.
  2. Raise my head up, but not so high to look over your head.
  3. The best time to admire meteor rain: from 2 to 4 am. But it is permissible to start at 10 o'clock in the evening.
  4. For observations, it is not very good for days with a full moon, as the Moonlight overshadows the lights of falling "stars". In 2019, this case, the full moon will occur on August 15, but even 13-14 numbers of the moon will already shine brightly. However, seeing incident meteors is still possible.
  5. It is preferable to choose a place away from the city and light sources that will eclipse the flow of meteors.

This is what the constellation of Perseix looks like and the neighboring parts of the starry sky (photo clickable). The radiant is the center from which the flow of meteors comes out.

Mystical significance

In distant times, when humanity has not yet known about the existence of regular meteorous flows, their appearance instilled in people fear and surprise. Someone even considered that the aliens flew.

There is a curious belief: if you make a desire for a falling star, it will surely come true. So our ancestors thought, and today many believe in accept. Oddly enough, very often it comes true.

In 2019, on August 15, a full moon will occur. So you can spend various rituals. Especially effective rituals for wealth and fulfillment of desires. The accompanying meteor rain will strengthen their effect.

To increase your chances, follow the simple rules:

  • spend a ritual alone;
  • clearly specify what you want, with all the details;
  • call the exact date to which the desire should come true, let this date be realistic.

Starfall - the phenomenon is delightful in its beauty. Flying "Stars" Blard imagination, give birth to fantasies. The starry sky is perfect in itself, and when the meteor rain is observed on it ... It is exactly worth not to sleep at night.

Mystics are confident that the falling "stars" bear with them to the ground energy flows. The characteristic of this energy depends on the constellation, which is observed in the zone of the meteor flow center.

Perseus's constellation is, according to Esoteric statements, rivalry between the light and the darkness of our world. During this period, many people will prefer to fight for justice, to defend good and their interests.

  • show compassion to others;
  • be tolerant to relatives and relatives;
  • do not hurry to get up on the war path.

Look at the video, what the meteor rain looks like. He is amazing!


The earliest mention of the Persians appeared at the beginning of our era in Chinese chronicles. They were also regularly mentioned in Japanese, Korean and Chinese historical documents in 8-9 centuries.

In Europe, the first official mention of Perseid was made in 1835 by Belgian Adolf Ketle.

However, it is obvious that Europeans also knew about the August Star Rain. In Italy, he was called the "Tears of St. Lawrence", because on August 10, the festival of this saint passes, and the date is close to the peak of starstel.

Probably, all people had to see "Falling Star" at the night sky. It seems that a small sparker on the split of a second flashes against the background of the starry sky and then goes out. Sometimes there are periods when you can see the whole "star rain" in one night. In these August, we can observe one of these "rains" - the meteor flow of Perside. To tell you more about this stream, as well as about other similar celestial phenomena and their features, we asked the head of the scientific and methodological department of the Volgograd planetarium Olga Kolesnikov.

- Olga Borisovna, what is the feature of the August "Star Rain"?

The flow of his name was from the name of the constellation, from which, as it seems from the ground, and "fall" the stars - the constellation of Perseus. This is one of the brightest meteoric flows that we can observe in the northern hemisphere of the Earth. In addition, August is a very good time to observe meteors. The August nights are warm and clear, many are now resting outside the city and in the country where the starry sky is not closed by electric lighting of cities.

- And tell us about the origin of meteor flows.

The occurrence of meteor threads is associated with dust particles Comet, through the swarm of which our planet passes periodically. These particles break into the earth's atmosphere with speeds of about 60 kilometers per second and as a result of friction ignite. The meteor flow of the Perseid gave rise to the comet of Swifft-Tutl, and now annually in August, the earth faces particles from the tail of this comet.

- What else are bright meteor threads?

In early January, it is possible to see a rather spectacular "star rain" quadrantidides, in April - the flow of Lyrida, the maximum of which falls on April 22, and in the fall (in October) Orionides. But still the most bright is the August meteor flow. In principle, this phenomenon is actually happening every month, just some streams are not as spectacular and noticeable.

- Do meteorous threads observe scientists?

Sure. The fact is that, watching the intensity of meteor flows, you can learn a lot about comets and even to some extent to predict their evolution. In addition, sometimes you can observe the flights of very bright meteors - the car. They arise when not microscopic particles fall into the atmosphere, but all stone blocks. And if they come to the ground (this is already a meteorite), they themselves are of great value for scientific research. Meteor's observations are also available and interesting for amateur astronomers. In addition, for each year special directories are drawn up for similar meteoric flows, which describe their characteristics. If you know in advance when and where one or another flow occurs, you can, armed with binoculars, watch the magnificent heavenly spectacle.

Surely meteor flows found their reflection in the worldview of many nations of the world. Can you tell some interesting examples of the presentation of people about the nature of the "Star rains"?

As well as any noticeable an astronomical phenomenon, meteorous streams gave birth to many stories and legends. According to one of them in the old days it was believed that every person in the sky has its own star. And the life of a person directly depended on this star. If she listed dim, then life was not very, and if it was a bright star - then life, respectively, was outstanding. But if the star fell (and visually seems to be really a star hanging hanging, and then breaks away from the sky), it was believed that someone's life was broken at that moment. But we know that if it were so, then no stars have not enough in our sky ...

In August, a powerful meteor flow of Persians is held above the Earth. He will reach his peak in the period from 11 to 13 August, and it will be possible to see it from almost any corner of our planet. "360" found out than this starship is unique and how to observe him.

What is the flow of Persians?

The name of the Perseid occurred from the constellation of Perseus, from which, if you look at, and take these "incident stars". The guilt of the appearance of a meteor flow is a large comet of Swift - Tattla. Although the phenomenon is called "Starfall", in fact, no stars will not fly by passing, we are talking about the smallest dust particles of a comet size with a pea. They fly to the ground and burn in the layers of the atmosphere, and the inhabitants of the planet receive a beautiful sight in the form of a fiery rain. At first he "sheds" with the greatest force, then gradually weakens.

The land passes through meteoric flows quite often - several times a year, but the coming starfall will become special. According to forecasts of an international meteor organization, at least 100 meteors per hour will fly past the planet in the coming days.

"This time a successful year was released to observe the Perceid. Now the new moon, which means that burning particles will be clearly visible in the sky, "the leading researcher of the Main Astronomical Observatory of Ran of Georgy Goncharov explained" 360 ".

Is the starfall dangerous for the Earth?

Despite the impressive spectacle, for our planet, this phenomenon can hardly represent a serious danger - meteor particles are too small to reach the surface of the Earth to its full combustion. In space, it is different - sometimes the meteor flow can hurt an artificial satellite.

"Since the comet breaks unevenly, sometimes large objects seem to fall in a meteoric stream like what fell in Chelyabinsk. In principle, during meteoric flows, the likelihood of falling large meteorites increases, but this happens not every day, "said Goncharov.

With him, the astronomer and the junior researcher of the Pulkovo Observatory Maria Boruha: "It was not a bound phenomenon. Chelyabinsk meteorite before it collided with another cosmic body. In addition, the Chelyabinsk meteorite is not a piece of comet. It was not an ice body, but solid. "

In any case, both experts agreed that those who wanted to watch the cosmic phenomenon should not look for any shelters, and just enjoy his beauty.

Where is it better to observe the starfall?

The worst option is to look at the stars in major cities that are strongly evolving the sky. In them you will be deprived of almost all chances to see the beauty of the meteor flow. At best, it will be possible to see one or two meteors per night, so this is not too good the idea, an astronomers explained.

The rule here is simple - the darker, the better. Therefore, it is desirable to leave the cities and any settlements although 20-30 kilometers, since even an illicit horizon can spoil everything. In addition, it is mistaken to believe that for observations of the starfall you will need a telescope. He will not only not help, but it will be to interfere - the fall of meteors occurs on an extensive space, while the telescope focuses on a small portion of the starry sky. What is worth taking with you, so it is only a soft litter and warm things that long observation is comfortable.

"I personally checked this and I can assure if you all make it right, you are practically guaranteed one meteor every a few seconds. Just imagine: You do not need to wait for a phenomenon for hours, it really happens in your eyes, "Goncharov shared.

If you for some reason you can not watch the meteor flow of Perside, this fall will be a chance to see an equally impressive spectacle - the parade of the planets. It will be visible from the ground in the evening from October 11 to 14. True, it is best seen from the Equatorial countries like Indonesia or Thailand. There in one part of the sky it will be possible to observe the moon and at once five planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

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Since ancient times, "falling stars" attracted the attention of people. This is a wonderful sight, when the starry sky suddenly flashes the sky a bright track. The impression is as if the star fell. However, not the stars fall, and small particles of the substance at high speed bursting into the atmosphere of the Earth. They flare out of friction and completely burn in the atmosphere. The speed of meteors from the flow of Perseid is 61 km / s, so meteors from the flow of Perside white and dramatically stick the sky.

The radiant of this stream (the point of seeming departure of meteors) during the maximum period is in the constellation Perseus (from here and the name of the flow). The coordinates of the radiant during the maximum period are equal to Alpha - 45 degrees, Delta - + 57 degrees. In 2003, the main peak of the meteor flux is expected on August 13 at 4 hours and 40 minutes by world time. However, the maximum flow falls on the full moon and the moon, all night in the sky will greatly interfere with observations, but bright meteors from the stream can be seen.

The meteor flow of Perseys begins to act from July 17, so you can observe the Persians now, but, of course, there will be much less than that at the maximum. If you notice the meteor, mentally continue the line of its flight from the end to the beginning. If the imaginary continuation of the path will cross the Perseus Constellation, then you can be sure that this is a meteor from the Perseid flow. Another sign is a fast and white meteor (slow and yellow or other color is not characteristic of the Perceid). Meteors are flying out of the radiant, which is easy to determine by applying several meteors from the stream. The location of the intersection of the continued paths of meteors from the end to the beginning and will be a radiant point.

Of course, meteors are visible not only near the radiant - they are visible throughout the sky, but they fly out of one point of the sky. Meteor convergence in the radiant apparent. It looks like a converging railway railway. It seems that the rails converge at one point away. In fact, this is not the same and the same thing is also observed in meteor.

At the maximum of meteororal flow, in this case, Perseida, the next picture is observed in the sky. This drawing reflects the view of the star sky with meteors from the Perseus constellation. The view of the sky is given for the beginning of August (in 2003 the Moon will be near New Moon and watch meteors will easily) for 1 hour of local summer time.

Letter R. The figure indicates the flow radiant. Of course, at the same time, such a picture will be observed with a rich meteoric stream. At the beginning of the meteor flux, only one meteor can be seen in a few minutes, but when applying meteors, a similar picture will be observed on the map.

During the observations of meteors, it is necessary to take a convenient position while sitting or lying, having prepared the place of observations in advance from which the sky is well reviewed. It is necessary to prepare a photocopy of the starry sky that you are going to watch.

When observing meteors, they need to be applied to a star card with a description of the meteor. Application of meteors on the map is possible to more accurately apply a meteor on the card, so it is not necessary to try to apply all the observed meteors. With the flight of the meteor, it is necessary, for some time not taking the eye from the sky, remember the path of the meteor. At the same time, it is possible to use a ruler that the observer holds on the stretched hand parallel to the meteor.

After that, the observer inflicts a meteor on the card and records the following data:

  1. Meteor number, which is also placed in a meteor card;
  2. Moment up to minute
  3. Star magnitude meteor
  4. Corner length of meteor in degrees
  5. Corner speed in the symbols: BS - fast, cf - medium, MD -Med, 0 - fixed, "stationary"
  6. Color: K - Red, O - Orange, Well - Yellow, Z - Green, G - Blue, C - Blue, B - White, F - Violet
  7. Notes on the presence of traces, outbreaks, etc.
Observations can be reduced to the table (see below), be sure to indicate the coordinates of the observation and observer item, as well as weather conditions.
  1. Name of the supervisory point;
  2. Coordinates: latitude, longitude;
  3. Address of paragraph;
  4. The nature of the observation site;
  5. Weather conditions, clarity of the sky, the effect of the moon.
Additional information.
Section Astronomical observations of the site "Galaxy" wishes all fans of clear weather and successful observation of the meteor flow of Perseid.

Copyright © 2002-2012 "Galaxy" site. When you copy a link to the source is required. Copyright belongs to the site "Galaxy". Released by the site "Galaxy" 07/19/2003 The page is updated:

Small particles, - will call them with pebbles, although many of them are iron, - the phenomenon of meteors, or incident stars, often carry large walry. Meanwhile, the larger bodies carry in space and fall on the ground with solids and in any case are not in the company with meteors. They no matter how much want to know the trifle, and sometimes the star rains observed, entire flows of meteors are not accompanied by the participation of meteorites. This suggests that although the composition of meteors and meteorites is the same, but their origin may be different.

Star rains and Livni were noted more than once, although rarely.

The first of them, described scientifically, was observed in November 1799. In November 1833 (on the 12th), a similar rain of meteors was observed at night across the land. The stars fell like snow flakes in the winter blizzard, and often one viewer surrounded up to 20 meteors per second. How many of them fell across the sky, which one observer could not see at once! However, such calculations were made more than once. One observer, more or less angry, can keep track of the sky with a diameter of about 60 degrees. Since Meteors are glowing at an altitude of about 80 km above the ground, the area of \u200b\u200bthe atmosphere is overlooking our observer at this height of about 5000 km². But the surface of the whole atmosphere is 100,000 times more. In the middle moonless night, when there is no meteoronic rain, the observer notes for an hour on his sky around the sky about a dozen meteors, therefore, 24 million meteors could be counted over the entire land in the atmosphere.

In the November night of 1833, instead of 10 there were about 70,000 meteors per hour. So, this night fell on the Earth hundreds of billions of meteors! And how many of them flew by the earth?! That nobody knows exactly, because tiny pebbles, carrying the earth, are completely invisible, they will not shine. It is only possible to say that the number of pebbles that swept past, probably, for the same time more than the number of people who came to the earth's atmosphere and the fought fiery trail, how many times the number of rain drops in a strong shower is more than one that fell on a hat of any unfortunate Under this rain.

Of particular major star rains, the latter occurred on October 9, 1933, when up to 350 meteors flying from the constellation of the dragon appeared every minute. However, the meteors were lack of meteoras and, starting to appear from the evening at the night sky of Europe, they completely stopped at midnight, so that when the night moved to America, there was not this beautiful spectacle. The swarm of pebbles, who flew to the ground, swept past her, obviously faster than the earth managed to make a quarter turn around his axis.

At certain days, it is possible to see the enhanced drop in meteors every year, although it is impossible to be called starry rain. For example, annually on August 9-14, meteors in large numbers fly out from the constellation Persea, April 19-22 - from the constellation Lyra, December 9-12 - from the constellation of twins, etc.

The center of that place from which meteors fly, as arrows, is called radiant. Meteors, the radiant of which is in the constellation Perseus, are called Perside, those who have a radiant in Lira, - Lyrida, etc.

It is not difficult to understand that the convergence in one place is in radiate - meteor paths, continued back, there is a phenomenon that seems promising. In fact, meteors at the end of their path are approaching us and therefore seem to be dismissing removing apart. The beginning of their visible path is higher in the atmosphere, farther from us, and at a high distance the paths seem close to them. You have seen more than once, as they come closer and merge due to the prospects for railway or tram rails, in reality parallel to each other. The paths of meteors in space are also parallel to each other. In parallel, the flying particles that constitute the flow, crashing into the air, begin to light up and as they approach the observer, it seems increasingly leaving from the point (radiant), from which they move to us.

Every day, the Earth meets individual meteoric particles and "every little" are visible separate meteors, which cannot be attributed to any meteororal stream. They are called sporadic meteors. Compared to the meteors of flows, it is like lost excursions or soldiers who have retained from their columns.

You can count the distances between the particles of the meteorland, observing the number of incident stars appearing per hour on a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe earth's atmosphere, and knowing the speed of the particle movement. It turns out that meteors fly in space not very close swarm. For example, in the Perseid stream for each part there is a volume of 10 million cubic kilometers! Particle from the particle will be on average two more than a hundred kilometers! Makes up with them outside the land, for example, flying in an imaginary ship of interplanetary messages, we would not suspect what kind of magic heavenly fireworks they can produce for an observer on earth.