What is hypercholesterolemia? Hypercholesterolemia - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods What is hypercholesterolemia.

  • 4. Ways of receipt and converting carbohydrates in the tissues of the body. Glucose conveyors. The key role of glucose-6-phosphate in intracellular carbohydrate exchange. The role of glucocinate and hexochinases.
  • 5. Anaerobic Glycoliz: concept, stages, reaction sequences, regulation, energy balance.
  • 6. Aerobic Glycoliz as the first, stage of oxidation of monosaccharides in aerobic conditions before the formation of pyruvate: concept, stages, reaction sequences, regulation, energy balance.
  • 8. Catabolism of glucose by the mechanism of the pentosophosphate path. Oxidative stage reactions, regulation, bond with glycolysis, its biological functions,
  • 9. Gloundogenesis, fabric features, scheme, substrates, biological role. Key (irreversible) reactions of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, regulation, value.
  • 10. Exchange of glycogen, as a reserve polysaccharide. The decay of glycogen is glycogenolysis, his connection with Glycoliz.
  • 11. Synthesis of glycogen. The concept of glycogenases and aglikeogenases.
  • 12. Chemical nature, and the exchange of adrenaline, glucuine and insulin - their role in regulation of redundancy and mobilization of glycogen and regulation of blood sugar levels.
  • 13. Hyper- and hypoglycemia: the causes of the emergence, mechanisms of urgent and long-term compensation. Metabolic and clinical consequences of sharp and chronic hyper- and hypoglycemia.
  • 14. Insulin: Structure, stages of metabolism, mechanism of action, metabolic effects, biochemical disorders and consequences for hyper and hypoinsulamia.
  • 15. Sugar diabetes: causes of occurrence, metabolic disorders, clinical manifestations, biochemical diagnostics, prevention.
  • 16. Biochemical causes and mechanisms for the development of acute complications of diabetes: hyper-hypero- and acidotic coma. Prevention of disorders.
  • 19. Biochemical diagnosis of hydrogen exchange disorders. Glucosotolerant test, its holding and evaluation. The mechanism of insulin on glucose transport in cells.
  • 20. Features of the exchange of fructose and galactose. Fructose, Galaktozhemia.
  • 1. The most important lipids of animal and plant origin, their classification, structures, properties, biological role. The rate of daily requirement in lipids.
  • 2. Composition, molecular organization, physico-chemical and biological functions of membranes.
  • 3. Digestion mechanisms, suction of lipids. Bile: Composition, Functions, Mechanism of participation in digestion. Steatery: Causes, Consequences.
  • 4. Blood transport lipoproteides: composition, structure, classification of the function, diagnostic determination value.
  • 5. Catabolism of triglycerides in white adipose tissue: reactions, mechanisms for regulating the activity of fat cells, the role of hormones, value.
  • 6. Triglyceride biosynthesis: reactions, regulation mechanisms, the role of hormones, value.
  • 7. Phospholipid biosynthesis. Lipotropic factors, their role in the prevention of violations of lipid exchange.
  • 8. Mechanisms of β-oxidation of fatty acids: regulation, role of carnitine, energy balance. Meaning for the energy supply of tissues and organs.
  • 9. The mechanisms of lipid peroxidation (floor), meaning in physiology and cell pathology.
  • 10. Ways of the Acetyl-CoA exchange, the value of each path. The overall characteristics of the biosynthesis of fatty acids. The concept of essential fatty acids and their role in the prevention of lipid exchange disorders.
  • 11. Ketone bodies: biological role, exchange reaction, regulation. Ketonemia, ketonuria, causes and mechanisms of development, consequences.
  • 12. Cholesterol functions. Body Cholesterol Foundation: Ways of receipt, use and elimination. Synthesis cholesterol: the main stages, the regulation of the process.
  • 13. Hyperholesterolemia, its causes, consequences. Food substances that reduce cholesterol levels.
  • 14. Atherosclerosis: biochemical causes, metabolic disorders, biochemical diagnostics, complications. Risk factors in the development of atherosclerosis, their mechanisms of action, prevention.
  • 15. Obesity. Features of metabolism in obesity.
  • 13. Hyperholesterolemia, its causes, consequences. Food substances that reduce cholesterol levels.

    Hypercholesterlemia is called the excess of the normal concentration of cholesterol in the blood. The norm is 200 ± 50 mg / dl (5.2 ± 1.2 mmol / l) and, as a rule, increases with age.

    Hyperholesterlemia is often developing due to the redundant receipt of cholesterol with food, as well as carbohydrates and fats. Proper nutrition throughout life is the most important factor in the prevention of hypercholesterlemia. Hereditary factors play an important role in predisposition to the development of atherosclerosis.

    Reduce cholesterol levels: olive oil; Other vegetable oils; Sea Fat; Vegetable products rich in water-soluble tissue (grain, coarse grinding flour), pectin (apples, berries), soy. Water-soluble fiber or dietary fibers, which are contained only in vegetable products, reduce cholesterol absorption in the intestines and reduce the concentration of total cholesterol by 10% and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol by 12% in serum.

    14. Atherosclerosis: biochemical causes, metabolic disorders, biochemical diagnostics, complications. Risk factors in the development of atherosclerosis, their mechanisms of action, prevention.

    Atherosclerosis is the most common disease, chronic flow, affecting the walls of the arteries, resulting from disruption of the processing of fats (cholesterol, lipoproteins) in the body. Cholesterol is accumulated, and its deposition in the form of an outflow of "atherosclerotic plaques" in the inner wall of the vessels (intima), as a result of which the wall of the arteries loses elasticity, is compacted, it is narrowed by the clearance and as a result, the blood supply to organs is disturbed.

    Risk factors in the development of atherosclerosis:

    Eternal nutrition. Constant food intake with elevated content of fats and cholesterol; Obesity leads to deposition of cholesterol on the walls of the vessels; Hereditary predisposition (as a result of the congenital lack of certain enzymes involved in the decay of fats, there is an increase in their blood level and deposition in the walls of the vessels); Male floor (women to a certain extent protect female sex hormones); Smoking (in tobacco contains substances that affect the wall of vessels); Diabetes mellitus (violation of fat metabolism); Elderly age (associated with lifestyle); Hormonal changes in the body; Increased blood pressure (damage to the inner wall of the arteries, leading to the deposition of cholesterol in damaged places); Chronic alcohol consumption (the liver function is reduced, where the disintegration of fat occurs); Psycho-emotional stress (increase blood cholesterol levels, damage to the arterial wall due to its toxic action and its deposition on it); Ischemic heart disease leads to a violation of the structure of the walls of the vessels and falling into it cholesterol.

    Metabolic disorders in atherosclerosis are very diverse and mainly reduced to hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipoproteinemia, disproteinemia and the accumulation of coarse proteins.

    Complications of atherosclerosis: angina, myocardial infarction, brain vessel atherosclerosis (psyche lesions), trophic ulcers and gangrene limbs, mesenteric vessel thrombosis.

    Diagnosis of atherosclerosis - biochemical blood test (lipidogram), doppler, angiography.

    In most cases, the treatment of hypercholesterolemia begins with the appointment of a diet aimed at reducing fat consumption, an increase in carbohydrate consumption and fiber. The diet includes an abundance of vegetables and fruits, meat only in the boiled form, milk and dairy products only in a sense. It is necessary to completely abandon fatty meat, butter, sour cream, as much as possible, in their diet, egg yolks, kelid, kidneys, liver and other products rich in cholesterol. Nutritionists are recommended from meat products to go to the fish, more lean on seafood. Together with a diet with hypercholesterolemia, exercise is usually prescribed. The physical activity makes it possible to significantly reduce the harmful effects of cholesterol entering the body, partially burning it. You can deal with any active sport, ranging from ordinary morning runs and ending with swimming, cycling, walking on skis.

    As practice shows, a diet in combination with physical activity makes it possible to significantly reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood (up to 15%). But the reduction in cholesterol levels of only 1% reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 2%.

    In cases where the diet and physical exertion did not give the desired effect, drug therapy can be appointed with special preparations - statins. Statins are medicinal products intended precisely to reduce blood cholesterol. They have high efficiency, can be used for long-term treatment, since the side effects are minimal.


    Preventive measures to prevent hypercholesterolemia are aimed at reducing consumption of fatty high-calorie foods, an increase in the diet of products rich in fiber and vitamins, for example, it is worth it to lean on vegetables and fruits, there are vitamins C and P, and also not forget about Vitamin B6, which are rich yeast and bread products.


    Atherosclerosis (from the Greek word Athero - the Kashitz-shaped mass and Latin word SCleros- thickening) - a chronic disease of the arteries of large and medium-sized caliber, characterized by the gradually developing focal accumulation in the intima of the vessels of lipids, mainly cholesterol and its esters, proteins, complex carbohydrates, followed by the growth of the connective tissue , deposition of calcium salts in them.

    Despite numerous clinical and experimental studies, etiology and the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis cannot be considered to the end studied. Consider the most important of the existing theories.

    I. Infiltration - a combination theory (N.N Anichkov, 1913). The works of N.N. Anichkova and his staff were established that as a result of the violation of the lipid metabolism, the primary infiltration of the inner shell of the arteries is mainly cholesterol and its esters with the subsequent development of connecting thickens (plaques).

    II. The vascular theory is united by theories and hypotheses, in which the main attention of the aspervisory development of the atherosclerotic process is attached to changes in cellular, connecting and intrinsic and other structures of the arterial wall, coming under the influence of various factors, including aging. Already in the initial stages of atherosclerosis, the deposition of lipoproteins into the vascular wall is accompanied by certain shifts in the metabolism of tissue associated with the activation of protective adaptive reactions aimed at neutralizing and disposal of an exogenous substrate penetrating into the intima vessel.

    III. Concept of natural cholesterol (Yu. M. Lopukhin, 1983). Based on the presentation of the age accumulation of cholesterol in the body. A gradual increase in its content is mainly in cell membranes, is the natural mechanism of aging and dying at the beginning of individual cells, then the whole organism. The cause of the age-related accumulation of cholesterol in the human body is to reduce the oxidation processes, biotransformation and the removal of this sterile due to the sequential shutdown of the row associated with the steroidogenesis of functions (reproductive, hormonal, motor.) Programmed genetically.

    A few words about why an atherosclerotic process affects only arteries. It is necessary to take into account the following features of the arterial wall. In the arterial wall, as opposed to venous, conditions for the accumulation of lipoproteins are easily created. Lipoproteins do not have a pronounced damaging action on the wall until their decay and release of cholesterol will occur. Cholesterol is the only lipid, not metabolized in the arterial wall, has a direct damaging effect on it. The absence in the intima capillaries contributes to its accumulation. This phenomenon is observed in other immune tissues, a cornea.

    Source: Studopedia.ru.

    What is hypercholesterolemia

    This is not an independent nosological unit, but a pathological condition in which the level of cholesterol is increasing in the bloodstream. As a rule, the reason for the progression of this process is any chronic disease (diabetes mellitus, etc.). A minor increase in the number of cholesterol does not represent health hazards, but with an increase in the substance to critical indicators - it threatens the development of atherosclerosis.

    Pure hypercholesterolemia is marked by ICD 10 as E78.0, the disease belongs to the group of dysfunction of the endocrine system and metabolism. As a rule, pathological condition is observed in people of middle and mature ages, but there are exceptions. The disease can be diagnosed in any person whose diet contains many animal fats.

    Understand the mechanism of change helps biochemistry of hypercholesterolemia. The human body comes different fats. Due to the complex multistage process, they are split and proceed by enzymes. Free cholesterol does not dissolve in the blood. Light lipids in the split state are held by red blood cells, turning into chilomicon - transport units. Together with lymph and blood, they move through the body, carrying cholesterol. To get inside the organs, they need help lipoproteins (protein and lipid complexes).

    Lipoproteins stimulate the development of hypercholesterolemia. These substances have different density. Units with a reduced density indicator (LDL) are responsible for transporting cholesterol from the liver in the tissue of organs. As a rule, this function performs cholesterol entering the body with food. With the increase in its number in cells, a lot of "bad" cholesterol penetrates. High density lipoproteins (HDL) transfer excess lipids from cells back to the liver. Hypercholesterolemia is formed in violations of lipoproteins.


    Deviation develops due to diseases already available in the human body - diabetes, nephrotic syndrome. Primary hypercholesterolemia arises due to violations of the genetic structure. The main causes of pathological deviation are:

    1. Defects of protein part of lipoproteins. This leads to the fact that LDL cannot dock with tissues and transfer them chilomicrons with cholesterol.
    2. Failure of the synthesis of enzymes responsible for the transportation of substances and participating in the interaction processes of chylomicones with lipoproteins.
    3. Violation of the structure of tissue cell receptors to lipoproteins, which is why they cannot connect to each other (lipoproteins are not able to settle in a certain tissue).

    Secondary hypercholesterolemia is positioned as a consequence of different acquired violations. This includes alcoholism, errors in nutrition, endocrinological disorders, kidney lesions, liver, etc. These factors lead to failures in normal transportation of lipids from red blood cells to tissues. The main causes of hypercholesterolemia are previously breathable diseases that can be:

    • hypothyroidism;
    • diabetes;
    • nephrotic syndrome;
    • chronic liver diseases.

    Pathological condition is inclined to progress in the presence of certain factors in humans. The risk of deterioration of the state is at:

    • hereditary predisposition (in this case hereditary or family hypercholesterolemia is developing);
    • frequent stress;
    • extension availability;
    • increased arterial pressure;
    • hypodynamines;
    • alcohol abuse;
    • unhealthy food addictions, irrational nutrition.

    Types of hypercholesterolemia

    Pathological syndrome is classified on the basis of the causes of its development, but the specific features of the flow or external symptoms of the variety of hypercholesterolemia do not have. Severe three types of deviations:

    1. Primary. It is transmitted inheritance from parents to children, due to gene defects and is divided into homozygous (damaged genes are transferred from father or mother) and a heterozygous form (a defective gene is inherited from one of the parents).
    2. Secondary. Hyperholesterolemia is formed due to the development of certain pathologies, deviations occurring in the body.
    3. Alimentary. Developed in abuse of food rich in fats of animal origin.


    Hypercholesterolemia is not a disease, but a laboratory indicator, indicative of increasing cholesterol in the bloodstream. As a rule, with a minor deviation from the norm no external signs and man. Exterior symptoms begin to appear only when the pathological deviation passes into a more serious form. Signs of hypercholesterolemia are specific, so the doctor is not difficult to diagnose. The main symptoms of pathology are:

    • xanthoma (the appearance of tight nodules - wen nodules on the skin, which often arranged over the tendons);
    • xantellasma (formation of cholesterol sediments under the skin of the eyelids, which look like flat knots of different sizes of yellowish color);
    • the lipoid arc of the cornea (the pathological bezel of white or grayish color can be found in the visual inspection of the eyes).


    To establish an excess of the normal level of cholesterol in the blood, laboratory research methods are prescribed. As a rule, a person does not even know about clustering in its body an excess of lipids, and the increase in their concentrations are detected by chance, for example, with a prophylactic inspection. The diagnosis of hypercholesterolemia includes the following activities:

    1. Collect anamnesis. The presence of in close relatives of cases of strokes and heart attacks increases the risk of a violation of lipid metabolism.
    2. Physical inspection. Aims to identify xanth and xantelm.
    3. General urine analysis, biochemical blood test. These methods help to identify inflammation, other violations in the body.

    4. Lipidogram. With its help, determines the number of different lipids (HDL, cholesterol, triglycerides), which are criteria for the absence / availability of pathological changes.
    5. Biochemical analysis of plasma. Allows you to determine the amount of proteins, uric acid, the level of creatinine, sugar, other substances in the composition of the blood.
    6. Immunological examination of blood. Using the method, the presence of antibodies to cytomegalovirus, chlamydias, set the level of C-reactive protein.
    7. Performance of blood pressure, auscultation (listening to the heart).
    8. Genetic studies. With their help, it is possible to detect a defective gene that brings information about the metabolism of lipids. So hereditary hypercholesterolemia may be discovered.

    Complications and consequences

    The most dangerous and unpleasant consequence of hypercholesterolemia is atherosclerosis - cluster in vessels of cholesterol plaques, which subsequently lead to pathological changes in the wall, it loses elasticity that is negatively affecting the work of the entire cardiovascular system. As a result, the plaques provoke a decrease in vessels, their occlusion, which causes a stroke or heart attack.

    The chronic nature of the complications of hypercholesterolemia is explained by the dysfunction of the circulatory system, due to which the ischemia of vessels and organs develops. Vascular failure is the most dangerous complication, the acute character of which is determined by the vessel spasm. Infarction and breaks of vessels are common manifestations of hypercholesterolemia.

    Treatment of hypercholesterolemia

    Reducing cholesterol levels in the blood is achieved by changing the lifestyle, compliance with the diet and the reception of medication. Adjustment of a lifefriend is a preventive measure to maintain acceptable lipid indicators. If this did not help, the doctor prescribes conservative treatment capable of normalizing cholesterol levels. As a rule, to stabilize the patient's condition, the doctor discharges:

    1. Omega-3. Fatty acids reduce the risk of pathological changes in the rhythm of the heart, increase the life expectancy of people who have undergone a heart attack. Omega-3 support the normal level of cholesterol, prevent the formation of thrombus, making vessels stronger than more elastic.
    2. Sequestrants of bile acids. Consume cholesterol for its synthesis, reducing the risk of heart disease, including ischemia. Sequestrants significantly reduce the number of deaths from myocardial infarction.
    3. Fibrats. Preparations adjust the lipid metabolism in the body, activate lipoproteinlipase (one of the most important enzymes that accelerate the exchange of fats). Fibrats increase the level of "useful" cholesterol, warning the development of atherosclerosis.

    4. Statins. Suppress the production of cholesterol liver, reduce its concentration inside the cells. Statins destroy fats, increasing the life of patients, reducing the risk of the possible consequences of atherosclerosis and the severity of vascular disorders. These drugs can cause negative changes in liver and muscle tissue, so their reception requires regular tests of tests for the presence of signs of liver damage.
    5. Inhibitors. Suction cholesterol from the intestines, reducing its level in the blood. Can be accepted simultaneously with statins.


    Non-traditional hypercholesterolemia therapy provides an integrated approach. In solving problems with cholesterol, affordable and safe funds of traditional medicine helps:

    1. Immortelle. Ground flowers (10 g) Pour the glass of water and boil 30 minutes. Take a decoction of 2/3 tbsp. l. Three times per day for a month. After you need to make a ten-day break and resume the course.
    2. Rosehip. Dried crushed fruits (20 g) Pour the glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, after straining the liquid. Drink 2 times a day by ½ cup.
    3. Garlic. Pour the glass of alcohol 350 g of the coiled teeth. Leave per day in a dark place, after profile. Take a means from hypercholesterolemia 2-3 times per day, spreading 20 drops of tincture in a glass of milk.
    4. Grapefruit. Clean, finely cut the fruit, add a grated carrot, 2 shredded walnuts, 2 h. Honey and ½ st. kefir. Mix the composition thoroughly, drink an empty stomach daily.
    5. Three-line watch. Use crushed leaves as seasonings for food.
    6. Milshchi. Distribute seeds to the state of flour, take 1 tsp. When receiving food three times per day.


    Powered by increasing cholesterol levels should have an antisclerotic effect, removing excess cholesterol from the body by using a certain set of products. General rules for the preparation of the menu are aimed at stabilizing metabolic processes and mastering healthy food habits. Principles of diet with hypercholesterolemia:

    • reducing the number of calories consumed, especially with a sedentary lifestyle;
    • exclusion from the diet of saturated cholesterol products;
    • reducing the number of moths in the menu;
    • refusal to eat for the night, body weight control;
    • replacement of animal fat vegetable;
    • addition of diet with products rich in trace elements and vitamins;
    • the use of a large number of complex carbohydrates and plant fiber.

    Menu diet

    Nutrition with hypercholesterolemium diverse and simple, so there should be no special difficulty diet. At the same time, meat products from the menu are not excluded, but the patient is allowed to eat extremely quenched species. In addition, it is important to handle food correctly - not fry, and cook, stew or bake meat. Allowed and prohibited products at elevated cholesterol are specified in the table.

    Product type



    On meat broths


    Whole grain bread, their products of coarse grinding, porridge

    Flour bread thin grinding


    Meat, bird

    Chicken, turkey (without skin), rabbit, veal

    Lenten beef, liver

    Duck, goose, fatty meat, sausages, pies


    Interestable products

    Bold dairy products

    Cream, whole milk, fatty milk products


    Oysters, sea scallop

    Langstone, crabs, mussels

    Shrimp, squid, sea fish

    Vegetable anyone

    Spreads of vegetable fat without letters

    Creamy oil, solid margarine

    Walnut, almonds

    Pistachios, peanuts, hazelnut

    Salted, coconut

    Fruits vegetables

    Any fresh, ice cream, steam, boiled, legumes

    Fried potatoes on vegetable oil

    Vegetables fried in animal fats

    Seasonings, sauces

    Mustard, pepper

    Silent sauces

    Mayonnaise, sour cream sauces

    Boiled protein

    At the initial stages of the development of pathological deviations sufficient to normalize the state of a person, the measure will excel from the menu of products with "harmful" cholesterol. This will help maintain his level within the valid rate. For the primary prevention of hypercholesterolemia (if it has not yet developed), the patient needs:

    • regularly have exercise;
    • to refuse from bad habits;
    • get rid of excess body weight;
    • comply with the diet;
    • normalize the amount of blood sugar;
    • in time to treat any other diseases;
    • maintain blood pressure within the normal range;
    • limit psycho-emotional stimuli.

    Secondary prophylaxis is carried out already under existing hypercholesterolemia and is needed to prevent the development of vascular ailments and other dangerous complications. It lies in conservative treatment of deviation. The level of "harmful" and "useful" cholesterol in the body is influenced by the level of "harmful" and "useful" cholesterol in the body, so the patient should regularly track these indicators using laboratory studies and, if necessary, adjust its condition through a diet and drug intake.

    Source: VRACHMEDIK.RU.

    Biochemical violations

    Biological chemistry helps to deal with the mechanism of changes caused by one or another pathological process. Biochemistry of hypercholesterolemia is a failure in the exchange of lipids. In the human body comes different fats. As a result of a complex, multi-step process, they are split and "processed" by the corresponding enzymes. Free cholesterol does not dissolve in the blood.

    Light fats in the split state "captured" by red blood cells, transforming into chilomicon - transport forms. With blood flow and lymphs, they move through the body carrying cholesterol. But to penetrate the inside of organs, "transport" the help of lipoproteins - complexes of lipids and protein is necessary.

    It is lipoproteins that provoke the development of hypercholesterolemia. They are different in density. Lipoproteins with reduced density (LDL) are responsible for the transfer of cholesterol from the liver in the tissue of organs. This is mainly cholesterol entering the body with food. With its increase in cells, a lot of so-called "bad" cholesterol is transferred.

    High density lipoproteins (HDL) are transported by excess cholesterol from cells back to the liver. Hypercholysterinemia occurs in violations in the activities of lipoproteins.

    Types of hypercholesterolemia

    The pathological syndrome is classified, based on the causes of its development, but there are no specific features of the flow or external manifestations of its species. There are three types of hypercholytemini:

    1. Primary - transmitted children "by inheritance" from parents. It is due to the defects of genes and maybe:
    • Homozygous (damaged genes were obtained from father and mother);
    • Heterozygous (gene with defect transferred to one of the parents).
    1. Secondary - the consequence of the development of certain diseases, the state of the body;
    2. Alimentary - arises with excessive consumption of animal animal fat.

    The diagnosis of "pure hypercholesterolemia" is patient with cholesterol levels exceeding 5.18 mmol / l. This is an already obvious precursor atherosclerosis.

    Symptoms of pathology

    There are no explicit signs of hypercholesterolemia, on the lifestyle and state of the person until time does not affect time.

    With the flow of pathology on its development may indicate:

    • Gray strip on the periphery of the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eyes;
    • Bloating and bugs (xanthomes) on the fingers, elbows, ankles, knees;
    • Manifestations of angina.

    In the future, cholesterol, located on the walls of the arteries, plaques are formed. The passages of vessels are narrowed, their elasticity is lost, the blood current is worsening. Cholesterol plaques are caused by thrombosis.

    Signs of hypercholesterolemia smoothly "flow" in the symptoms of cardiovascular pathologies.

    The primary (family) hypercholysterinemium is pathology, to fully explore which has not yet succeeded. Therefore, there is no such means that would be guaranteed to warn its appearance.

    The main causes of the appearance of primary hypercholysterinemia is considered:

    • Defects in the structural structure of the protein of lipoproteins. They are not able to interact with organs of organs, cholesterol cannot get into them;
    • Reducing the production of "transport" enzymes. There is a lack of cholesterol in one place and its overabundance in the other;
    • Disorders in tissue cells. They lose the ability to contact with lipoproteins.

    The reasons for secondary hypercholesterolemia can be:

    Excessive use of animal fats - the main reason for the occurrence of hypercholesterolemium at the overwhelming majority of patients.

    Therapy of hypercholesterolemia

    Reducing cholesterol concentration in the blood can be achieved by changing the lifestyle and the use of drugs. Adjusting the usual lifestyle in hypercholesterolemia - essentially preventive measures to maintain acceptable cholesterol indicators.

    If they did not help, the doctor is making medicine measures, assigning:

    • Omega-3 acids - reduce the risk of pathological changes in cardiac rhythm, increase the life expectancy of patients after a heart attack. Support normal cholesterol content, prevent thrombosis, making vessels more elastic and stronger.
    • Fibrats - adjust the lipid metabolism in the body, activate the enzyme lipoproteid media, accelerating the exchange of fats. Contribute to raising the level of "good" cholesterol, preventing the development of atherosclerosis. Can be used simultaneously with statins.
    • Sequestrants of bile acids - use cholesterol produced by the liver, for its synthesis. Reduce the possibility of the development of heart pathologies, including ischemia, reduce the number of deaths from myocardial infarction.
    • Inhibitors are absorbed cholesterol from the intestines, lowering its blood content. Relatively harmless, can be accepted by patients suffering from serious diseases (for example, liver). You can take with statins.
    • Statins - depress the production of cholesterol liver and reduce its concentration inside the cells. Contribute to the destruction of fat, increase the life of patients, reduce the number of possible consequences of atherosclerosis and the intensity of vascular disorders. Capable to provoke negative changes in muscle tissues and liver, and therefore their reception requires systematic control of blood tests on the subject of signs of liver lesions. In case of hepatic illnesses are not prescribed.

    Treatment of hypercholesterolemia provides for an integrated approach. Help in solving cholesterol problems are capable of folk medicine, affordable and safe.

    With hypercholesterolemia, a good effect is given:

    Diet with hypercholesterolemia

    General instructions for a diet with hypercholesterolemia can be set forth in several simple rules:

    • Reduce the number of calories consumed, especially with a low-lifting lifestyle;
    • Do not go for the night, control the body weight;
    • Reduce the amount of animal fat consumed, replacing it with vegetable oils;
    • Include products containing vitamins and trace elements in the diet;
    • Do not give up the use of meat of non-fat varieties;
    • Limit salt consumption;
    • When choosing a dietary table, remember the food addies and not to build prevention into the rankings.

    The table shows an exemplary list of products recommended and contraindicated diets with hypercholesterolemia.

    With hypercholesterolemia, all dishes are prepared for a pair, boil or baked.

    Diet with hypercholesterolemia is diverse and simple. Special difficulty making the menu to call should not. Can not be patient without meat, let him eat with pleasure. The main thing is that it is not fat and fried.

    One-day meal for it can, for example, contain:

    Prevention of hypercholesterolemia

    To maintain a permissible level of cholesterol in the blood, certain preventive measures should be taken.

    According to the rules of primary prevention of hypercholesterolemia (until its occurrence), the patient needs:

    Secondary prophylaxis (with existing hypercholesterolemia) is designed to prevent the occurrence of vascular pathologies and the development of possible complications. It is mainly in conservative pathology of hypercholesterolemia.

    The exclusion of risk factors and qualitative timely therapy can increase the life of the patient and beneficially affecting its quality.


    According to international encoding of the ICD 10, pathology is in the group of metabolic disorders and relates to diseases of the endocrine system. An abnormally high serum cholesterol concentration is observed in 1 case by 125 people, and 55% of Russia's population has increased indicators. Cholesterol is a factor provoking the development of heart disease and vessels that are considered the leading cause of mortality throughout the world. The most dramatic episodes are developing due to family predisposition - more than 20% of heart attacks at the young age happens on its fault.

    General information about hypercholesterolemia

    Cholesterol is an organic compound, bold from a group of lipids. It participates in many processes providing human life: determines the rigidity, the permeability of cell membranes, used by the glands of internal secretion for the construction of sex hormones, is a mandatory component of the bile required for digestion, etc. Responsible for the production of cholesterol liver.

    Cholesterol does not dissolve blood because it is a fat substance. From above, it is covered with a shell of protein molecules - proteins, because of which it is called lipoprotein. There are 4 varieties of these substances: very low, low, intermediate and high density. The first three types are deposited on the walls of the vessels, forming atherosclerotic plaques, it is LDL (low density lipoproteins), or "bad" cholesterol. High density lipoproteins (HDL) are "good" - they remove cholesterol from the walls of the arteries, carry it into the liver.

    Atherosclerotic plaques, 60% consisting of cholesterol, narrow the lumens of the arteries, reduce the amount of blood circulating them, are the main cause of atherosclerosis. Full blockage of artery leads to the development of deadly states of the heart, vessels, brain, legs - myocardial infarction, paralysis, gangrene. To avoid a catastrophe, you should identify pathology as early as possible and starting its treatment.

    Types of hypercholesterolemia

    Hypercholesterolemia is not a disease, but a prerequisite for the development of others, to a greater degree - cardiovascular, pathologies. The flow of an increased concentration of cholesterol in the serum state does not have specific features, therefore it is classified, based on the causes of the occurrence. Three forms of the disease distinguish:

    1. Primary - hereditary, transmitted to children from parents. The genetically determined form of pathology is differentiated depending on the transmission method:

    • homozygous - transmitted together with genes from both parents;
    • heterozygous - defective gene transferred one of the parents.

    2. Secondary - acquired due to the development of diseases, body states.

    3. Alimentary - the result of excessive consumption of animal animal fat.


    At the initial stage, pathology does not exhibit in any way, which is gradually moving into a launched form, leads to serious diseases. Signs of hypercholesterolemia can be:

    • memory violation, attention, reduced performance;
    • xanthoma - bloating in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tendons, fingers and legs;
    • xantellasma - spots, fat deposits on eyelids, sometimes - gray strip around cornea eye - corneal arch, or senile arc;
    • manifestations of angina.

    The clinical signs of the family heterozygous form begin in youth or middle age, homozygous - in childhood. In all age periods, the plasma cholesterol concentration in 95% of the suffering heterozygous form above 200 mg / dl, in the absence of treatment it is possible to exece 300 mg / dl. The homozygous form of pathology may proceed more difficult, with an indicator of cholesterol level up to 600 mg / dL and above, already on the first decade of life it is possible to appear xanth. Without intensive treatment, by 30 years there is a possibility of fatal outcome.

    Causes of hypercholesterolemia

    Finding into the human body, any fats, including cholesterol, are split, absorbed into the lymphatic system, and then with the Lymph current with lipoproteins are transported to organs and tissues. If LDL delivers too much fats to tissue cells, hypercholesterolemia occurs. The disease contributes to any deviations from the norm in the processes of formation and disposal of cholesterol:

    • too intense synthesis;
    • disabilities;
    • high admission with food.

    The main causes of the pathological condition are considered:

    1. Primary, or family hypercholesterolemia arises due to hereditary predisposition when the abnormal genes are transmitted from parents. Inheritable diseases may be broken:

    • structural structure of lipoprotein protein;
    • sensitivity of tissue cells to lipoproteis;
    • synthesis of transport enzymes.

    2. The secondary form of the disease is provoked by the following diseases and conditions of the body:

    • nervous overvoltage, stress;
    • change of hormonal background;
    • nephild syndrome - kidney damage, characterized by high daily loss of protein with urine and visually manifested by edema throughout the body;
    • diabetes;
    • hypothyroidism is a steady flaw or complete absence of thyroid hormones;
    • chronic liver pathologies;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • sedentary lifestyle.

    3. The emergence of an alimentary form promotes the wrong lifestyle:

    • Excessive flow of cholesterol with food and insufficient decay in the body due to irrational nutrition and unhealthy food addictions. For example, the regular use of products fried on Pig Salee helps to increase the amount of bold in the bloodstream.
    • Regular, in large quantities, alcohol consumption.
    • Reception of some medicines - beta blockers, diuretics and more.
    • Hydgodina - insufficient motor activity.
    • Excess weight due to unbalanced nutrition.


    Comprehensive hypercholesterolemia therapy includes drug treatment, compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle, innovative methods, folk remedies. Successful treatment is possible only under the condition of normalization of weight, abandoning alcohol and smoking, moderate physical exertion and diet observance. With severe forms of pathology, it is resorted to a change in the composition and properties of blood using special devices. The following groups of drugs are effective in treating the disease:

    • statins - block the activity of enzymes producing cholesterol, accelerate the process of lipid destruction;
    • cholesterol suction inhibitors in the intestine - reduce the LDL level;
    • fibrats - activate the action of enzymes accelerating the exchange of fats;
    • sequestrants - stimulate the production of fatty acids liver, while spending cholesterol and reducing its level in the blood;
    • omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids - normalize the balance of useful and harmful cholesterol, recycling the latter.


    To reduce cholesterol concentration in the blood, champs can be prepared, infusions, teas based on medicinal herbs. They are used as components of comprehensive therapy or independent supporting agents. The treatment of hypercholesterolemia will be effective if used dandelion root, linen seed, rosehip fruits, beans, alfalfa, etc. Funds cooked by popular recipes are easy to prepare and available:

    1. 60 g of the roots of the enclosure of hemp pouring 1 l of water, boil and tomorrow on a small fire of 10 minutes. Take 100 g before meals every 4 hours. Those who do not endure the smell of the preoccupus, you can add a little Melissa to the decoction.
    2. 1 teaspoon of wormwood one-year (better leaves) pour 1 liter boiling water, insist. Tea should get a pleasant taste, slightly bitter. Drink 1 cup 20 minutes after eating three times per day.
    3. 20 g of dried rosehip berries Place in enameled dishes and pour a glass of boiled water. Place on a water bath, put on a small fire, tomorrow 15 minutes, then cool and strain. Drink at half pasta twice per day.
    4. The seeds of the foxhores are spotted to the state of the powder, take with a meal of 1 teaspoon.

    Features of nutrition

    To withdraw extra cholesterol from the body, a diet should be observed not one month. The diet of the suffering pathology should be diverse, balanced, consist of products and dishes that normalize the metabolism that have an anti-involute effect is supplemented with vitamins, mineral complexes. The diet menu must be compiled, given the following principles:

    • reducing the number of fats;
    • reducing consumption of saturated fatty acids;
    • an increase in the number of plant tissue, complex carbohydrates;
    • restriction of salt consumption;
    • replacing animal fats vegetable.

    The benefits will bring fatty fish grades, fish fat. Meat dishes are better prepared on the basis of fillet and cutting, the fat layer is recommended to shoot. The main components of the diet should be broths from lean grades of meat, cereals, cereals, vegetables, fruits. You can use bread from rude varieties of flour. The dishes are better baked, stew, cook, cook for a couple. If disease should not be used:

    • sausages, sausages, smoked meat, canned meat;
    • fatty grade meat;
    • liver;
    • egg yolks;
    • crab and shrimp meat, caviar;
    • milk products;
    • butter;
    • solid and melted cheeses;
    • nuts;
    • baking, sweets;
    • alcohol.

    Prevention of hypercholesterolemia

    Observing the rules of a healthy lifestyle, it is possible to avoid the appearance of the disease (primary prevention), or timely drug treatment to maintain and reduce serum cholesterol content with existing disease (secondary prophylaxis). The main measures to prevent pathological conditions are:

    • normalization of body weight;
    • diet nutrition;
    • moderate physical exertion;
    • refusal of alcohol and smoking;
    • normal psycho-emotional state;
    • timely treatment of diseases that contribute to an increase in blood cholesterol concentration (diabetes, high pressure, etc.).


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    In order to understand the pathogenesis of hypercholesterolemia, it is necessary to first examine the processes of lipid metabolism.
    In normal conditions, fats of various types fall into the human body. The main ones, those that participate in energy and various anabolic processes are triacylglycerides, free cholesterol and complex lipids.
    After these fats fall into the body, each of them is subjected to its splitting processes. Triacylglycerides under the action of pancreatic and bile acids disintegrate to smaller components. In the same way, other lipids are absorbed in the same way: cholesterol is absorbed in a free state, its more complex compounds are split under the action of enzymes.
    Next, split and lighter fats are absorbed by enterocytes. These are cells of the small intestine that are engaged in the absorption of nutrients from Himus - food lump, which is moving along the gastrointestinal tract of a person during the implementation of digestive processes. In enterocytes, split fats are converted into their transport forms. They are called chylomicon. Hilomikrons are microscopic fat droplets covered with a layer of active proteins and phospholipids. Next, the chilomikrons through the enterocyte membrane travel to the lymphatic system, and it falls into peripheral blood flow.
    Here you need to say that it is not necessary to independently enter the necessary organs for their further transformation, for this they need the help of other components. This assistance is provided by blood lipoproteins - special blood lipid complexes connected to proteins. Lipoproteins help Hilomikrons do not dissolve in the blood ahead of time before they reach the necessary organs. Lipoproteins are different in their density and are divided into the following subclasses:
    - Lipoproteins having a very low density (LPONP).
    - Lipoproteins characterized by low density (LDL).
    - Lipoproteins with intermediate density (LPLP).
    - Lipoproteins characterized by high density (HDL).
    It would seem that a very simple classification, but it is she who takes dominant in the premises of hypercholesterolemia. Each of these lipoproteins is engaged in transport of certain lipids. Hypercholesterolemia develops due to the violation of the function of lipoproteins, which are to capture and transport lipids in the tissue.
    The most important role in the transport of chilomicrons is played by very low and low density lipoproteins. These lipoproteins appear in the liver cells and according to vessels are sent to enterocytes, where they are associated with chylomicron and transport them to tissues. The main specification of these lipoproteins is transport triglycerides.
    LDL are the main "transport" for cholesterol. They will spread cholesterol into the necessary bodies.
    Lipoproteins that differ in high density appear in liver cells and a small intestine, having a very special function. They are engaged in the "pulling" of excess cholesterol from tissue cells. These are the most important "defenders" of the body that perform an "anti-batter" function.
    Thus, HDLs are lipoproteins "defenders", and lipoproteins that have low density are "transport" for converted fats.
    It is low-density lipoproteins that can cause hypercholesterolemia. But this happens only when the low density lipoproteins are "disorient", that is, they lose the function to distribute the chilomikrons according to the fabrics in need. It is then that such a general condition is developing as hyperlipoproteinemia (hypercholesterolemia is its subspecies).
    Hyperlipoproteinemia is characterized by a pathological increase in the number of lipids in the blood. Accordingly, hypercholesterolemia, by analogy, will be a condition in which cholesterol will increase in the blood. As you guessed, "guilty" in the appearance of hypercholesterolemia will be low density lipoproteins, which will transport an excessive amount of cholesterol to cells and tissues.
    The reasons why suddenly functioning organism arise such problems, several. According to them, the disease is divided into primary hypercholesterolemia and secondary hypercholesterolemia.

    Hyperholesterolemia - what is it? Translated from Greek - high cholesterol in the blood. This is the characteristics of the disease. Strictly speaking, hypercholesterolemia is not even a disease - pathological syndrome, symptom.

    And in essence, the reason for many violations in the activities of the heart and blood vessels. To assess the seriousness of the symptom disease, it should be understood in its origin and features of development. This will help prevent the occurrence of hypercholesterolemia, and in case of manifestation - to identify and determine the optimal methods of treatment.

    Biochemical violations

    Biological chemistry helps to deal with the mechanism of changes caused by one or another pathological process. Biochemistry of hypercholesterolemia is a failure in the exchange of lipids. In the human body comes different fats. As a result of a complex, multi-step process, they are split and "processed" by the corresponding enzymes. Free cholesterol does not dissolve in the blood.

    Light fats in the split state "captured" by red blood cells, transforming in chilomicon - transport forms. With blood flow and lymphs, they move through the body carrying cholesterol. But to penetrate the inside of organs, "transport" the help of lipoproteins - complexes of lipids and protein is necessary.

    It is lipoproteins that provoke the development of hypercholesterolemia. They are different in density. Lipoproteins with reduced density (LDL) are responsible for the transfer of cholesterol from the liver in the tissue of organs. This is mainly cholesterol entering the body with food. With its increase in cells, a lot of so-called "bad" cholesterol is transferred.

    High density lipoproteins (HDL) are transported by excess cholesterol from cells back to the liver. Hypercholysterinemia occurs in violations in the activities of lipoproteins.

    Types of hypercholesterolemia

    The pathological syndrome is classified, based on the causes of its development, but there are no specific features of the flow or external manifestations of its species. There are three types of hypercholytemini:

    1. Primary - transmitted children "by inheritance" from parents. It is due to the defects of genes and maybe:
    • Homozygous (damaged genes were obtained from father and mother);
    • Heterozygous (gene with defect transferred to one of the parents).
    1. Secondary - the consequence of the development of certain diseases, the state of the body;
    2. Alimentary - arises with excessive consumption of animal animal fat.

    The diagnosis of "pure hypercholesterolemia" is patient with cholesterol levels exceeding 5.18 mmol / l. This is an already obvious precursor atherosclerosis.

    Symptoms of pathology

    There are no explicit signs of hypercholesterolemia, on the lifestyle and state of the person until time does not affect time.

    With the flow of pathology on its development may indicate:

    • Gray strip on the periphery of the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eyes;
    • Bloating and bugs (xanthomes) on the fingers, elbows, ankles, knees;
    • Manifestations of angina.

    In the future, cholesterol, located on the walls of the arteries, plaques are formed. The passages of vessels are narrowed, their elasticity is lost, the blood current is worsening. Cholesterol plaques are caused by thrombosis.

    Signs of hypercholesterolemia smoothly "flow" in the symptoms of cardiovascular pathologies.

    The primary (family) hypercholysterinemium is pathology, to fully explore which has not yet succeeded. Therefore, there is no such means that would be guaranteed to warn its appearance.

    The main causes of the appearance of primary hypercholysterinemia is considered:

    • Defects in the structural structure of the protein of lipoproteins. They are not able to interact with organs of organs, cholesterol cannot get into them;
    • Reducing the production of "transport" enzymes. There is a lack of cholesterol in one place and its overabundance in the other;
    • Disorders in tissue cells. They lose the ability to contact with lipoproteins.

    The reasons for secondary hypercholesterolemia can be:

    Excessive use of animal fats - the main reason for the occurrence of hypercholesterolemium at the overwhelming majority of patients.

    Therapy of hypercholesterolemia

    Reducing cholesterol concentration in the blood can be achieved by changing the lifestyle and the use of drugs. Adjusting the usual lifestyle in hypercholesterolemia - essentially preventive measures to maintain acceptable cholesterol indicators.

    If they did not help, the doctor is making medicine measures, assigning:

    Treatment of hypercholesterolemia provides for an integrated approach. Help in solving cholesterol problems are capable of folk medicine, affordable and safe.

    With hypercholesterolemia, a good effect is given:

    Diet with hypercholesterolemia

    At the initial stages of hypercholesterolemia, it suffices to exclude products with "bad" cholesterol from the diet. This measure will retain its indicator in acceptable standards.

    General instructions for a diet with hypercholesterolemia can be set forth in several simple rules:

    • Reduce the number of calories consumed, especially with a low-lifting lifestyle;
    • Do not go for the night, control the body weight;
    • Reduce the amount of animal fat consumed, replacing it with vegetable oils;
    • Include products containing vitamins and trace elements in the diet;
    • Do not give up the use of meat of non-fat varieties;
    • Limit salt consumption;
    • When choosing a dietary table, remember the food addies and not to build prevention into the rankings.

    The table shows an exemplary list of products recommended and contraindicated diets with hypercholesterolemia.

    With hypercholesterolemia, all dishes are prepared for a pair, boil or baked.

    Diet with hypercholesterolemia is diverse and simple. Special difficulty making the menu to call should not. Can not be patient without meat, let him eat with pleasure. The main thing is that it is not fat and fried.

    One-day meal for it can, for example, contain:

    Prevention of hypercholesterolemia

    To maintain a permissible level of cholesterol in the blood, certain preventive measures should be taken.

    According to the rules of primary prevention of hypercholesterolemia (until its occurrence), the patient needs:

    Secondary prophylaxis (with existing hypercholesterolemia) is designed to prevent the occurrence of vascular pathologies and the development of possible complications. It is mainly in conservative pathology of hypercholesterolemia.

    Over the course of hypercholesterolemia affects the concentration of "bad" and "good" cholesterol in the blood and the rate of lesions.

    The exclusion of risk factors and qualitative timely therapy can increase the life of the patient and beneficially affecting its quality.