Features of examination materials for the participants of the state final exam (HBE) with disabilities, children with disabilities. The attitude of a person to man: an essay about an important reflection on the importance of attention to the neighboring essay

When selecting a project team, various psychological tests may be of interest, which often help project managers when working with staff. In our opinion, the most practical test of tests is the test of Meredith Belbin, the effectiveness of which was noted more than once when working with project teams.

Testing technique

Meredith Belbin is an American psychologist, which over ten years has dedicated to the study of the conditions necessary for the successful activities of management teams. Belbin's assumption is that each member of the working group plays a double role. The first role, functional, is associated with the formal specificity of the Group's activities. The second that Belbin called the "team role" is much less obvious, however it is it important for the successful activity of the group.

Belbin managed to create a model confirmed by an unusually large array of experimental data. As a result of large-scale and carefully planned experiments with working groups, it allocated and described eight command roles, which are characterized by all role-playing diversity of the group. These eight roles were conditionally named as: "Artist" (s), "Chairman" (P), "Shape" (f), "Thinker" (m), "Resource Researcher" (IR), "Evaluating" (O) , "collectivist" (k) and "bringing to the end" (e).

When selecting a team, it should be included in it, the personal characteristics of which cover the range of the qualities necessary in order for all eight roles to be implemented. This does not mean that the group should be certainly of eight people, one of the workers can combine psychological roles, most importantly - so that all functions are performed. The full role-playing structure creates prerequisites for effective partnerships that ensures the results of work activities that correspond to the interests of the project team. In case the group works inefficiently, it is useful to analyze its composition in the light of the eight roles. It is possible that the team lacks an employee who could play any important roles. Then it is necessary to choose such a person or try to train other members of the group to perform the appropriate functions.

Test Belbin

Test Belbin consists of seven sections. Each of the sections need to distribute 10 points between possible answers according to your presentation of their compliance with your own behavior. These ten points can be distributed among several allegations or, perhaps, everyone is assigned to one-sole answer.

  1. What, in my opinion, I can enter the team:
    • (a) I suppose I can immediately see new opportunities and benefit from them;
    • (b) I can work well with the most different people;
    • (c) the generation of ideas is one of my natural qualities;
    • (d) I have the ability to attract people who can make a valuable contribution to the work of the Group;
    • (e) My personal effectiveness is largely based on the ability to bring the started to the end;
    • (f) I am ready to accept temporary unpopularity if it leads to significant results in the future;
    • (g) Usually I quickly "grab", which will "work" in practice in the situations known to me;
    • (h) I can offer something reasonable for an alternative course of action without manifestation of addiction or bias.
  2. My possible disadvantages when working in a team can manifest as follows:
    • (a) I feel anxiety if the team meetings are not sufficiently structured, their move is poorly controlled and they are conducted in a not organized manner;
    • (b) In contrast to the team, I was inclined to support people whose reasonable point of view did not receive due rating;
    • (c) I tend to speak a lot in moments when the group moves to the proposal of new ideas;
    • (d) My objectivism makes it difficult to find a compromise with colleagues;
    • (e) when there is a need to give a move of any case, the surrounding sometimes perceive me as a person inclined to authoritarian methods;
    • (f) It is difficult for me to make leading solutions, because I am too much (a) to the atmosphere in the group;
    • (g) I'm inclined (a) to get involved in ideas that come to me in the head, and thus lose the "thread" of what is happening around;
    • (h) My colleagues often consider me a person who is unnecessarily concerned about the details and exaggerating the possibility of adverse event outcomes.
  3. When I participate in your work on any project with other people:
    • (a) I have the ability to influence people without putting pressure on them;
    • (b) My attentiveness allows you to avoid many errors and mistakes;
    • (c) I am ready to insist on immediate actions so that participants do not waste time and did not lose sight of the main goal;
    • (d) I can deposit an original contribution to the Group's work;
    • (e) I am always ready (a) to support a reasonable proposal that meets common interests;
    • (f) I always conduct a search for the latest ideas and developments;
    • (g) I believe that those surrounding will appreciate my ability to impartial judgments;
    • (h) I can rely on me that all major types of work will be organized.
  4. A characteristic approach to group work is as follows:
    • (a) I am sincerely interested (a) in getting better learning colleagues;
    • (b) if I do not agree with something (a), I feel quite easy to challenge the opinion of the surrounding or support the point of view of the minority;
    • (c) I usually know how to find arguments for refuting unreasonable proposals;
    • (d) I think I have a talent for organizing a job properly when it is necessary to implement a planned plan;
    • (e) I'm inclined (a) to avoid banalities and speak with unexpected suggestions;
    • (f) I usually strive to achieve perfection in any activity;
    • (g) I know how to benefit the group using external contacts;
    • (h) I listen to different points of view, but when making a final decision, I follow my own opinion.
  5. I get satisfaction from work because:
    • (a) I like to analyze situations and weigh possible alternatives;
    • (b) I am interested in practical solving problems;
    • (c) I like to realize that I contribute to a good working relationship;
    • (d) I can lobby the adoption of the necessary solution;
    • (e) I can converge with people who can offer new ideas;
    • (f) I know how to seek people's consent to act as necessary;
    • (g) I feel comfortable when I can fully focus on performing the task;
    • (h) I like to find an area of \u200b\u200bactivity where you need to strain your imagination.
  6. If I suddenly commissioned a solution to a difficult task, limiting the time and providing unfamiliar people at my disposal:
    • (a) I was most likely retired (as) in order to find a way out of the situation that was created before developing a single line of behavior;
    • (b) I would be ready (a) to support that which approach to solving the problem will be the most positive, no matter how difficult it is;
    • (c) I would find a way to reduce the time to solve the problem, establishing what kind of best contribution could be made by various people;
    • (d) My tendency to an urgent solution to the task would help me ensure the execution of the schedule;
    • (e) I believe that I would save comprehensive and the ability to think objectively;
    • (f) I was (a) would be ready (a) to achieve the goal, despite any pressure;
    • (g) I was (a) would be ready (a) to take on the role of the leader if I was conscious (a) that the group is not moving forward;
    • (h) I am dried (la) to group discussions in order to stimulate the search for new ideas and move the deal with the "dead point".
  7. Working in a group and thinking about I have problems available:
    • (a) I am inclined to express my discontent to those who impede progress in work;
    • (b) I am ready to recognize that others can criticize me for being too analytic (a) and not relying enough to intuition;
    • (c) I am ready to recognize that my desire to ensure that everything is carried out properly can delay the promotion of work;
    • (d) I am inclined to be demanding of the work of others and rely on one or two team members to which I have a location;
    • (e) I find it difficult to start something to do if the goals are not clear;
    • (f) Sometimes I am not able to explain the complex ideas that come to me in the head;
    • (G) I realize that I want from other things that I can not do myself;
    • (h) I do not decide to set out my objections when I come across a real opposition.

Make sure that the amount of points for all issues of each section is 10 and the result for all seven sections is 70. The table shows the distribution of statements on all seven sections for eight main roles in the team described by Belbin (the first letters of the role name are indicated in the table header). To count the points for each role, enter the scores to the table for each of the approval. For example, for the first partition 10 points could be distributed as follows:

a \u003d 3; b \u003d L; C \u003d 4; d \u003d 0; E \u003d 1; f \u003d 0; g \u003d 0; H \u003d 1.

These points must be entered into the corresponding columns of the table of the table. The same is necessary to do in all other partitions of the questionnaire, and then summarize points for each of the eight columns.

Section "AND" "P" "F" "M" "IR" "ABOUT" "TO" "D"
1 g. d. f. c. a. h. b. e.
2 a. b. e. g. c. d. f. h.
3 h. a. c. d. f. g. e. b.
4 d. h. b. e. g. c. a. f.
5 b. f. d. h. e. a. c. g.
6 f. c. g. a. h. e. b. d.
7 e. g. a. f. d. b. h. c.

Types of command roles

"Collectivist". Representatives of this role have a "smoothing" impact on the team: their presence improves the moral climate and increases the degree of cooperation between team members. Often, the teams are forced to include people in their composition, whose work is fraught with conflicts. In such cases, the role of "collectivists" is particularly important, capable of providing a mild effect on the situation and prevent potential conflicts, thereby having invaluable assistance to the formal leader of the team in performing the task. Such an impact of "collectivists" on the situation in the team is explained by the fact that they put the interests of the team above their own, know how to listen to others, find a common language with complex people and build trust relationships with others. In fact, they take on the role of internal facilitators of the team.

According to test results, "collectivists" are inherent in sociability characteristic of extroverts, but without a tendency to dominate, great interest in people and especially human relationships. They feel good condition and mood of people and trust them. Representatives of this type are often found among the top management of organizations. And it is not by chance. The leadership in which the management managers dominate the management managers, sometimes creates a climate in which the responsiveness and diplomatic skills of "collectivists" become constantly in demand, especially where the authoritarian style of leadership, overwhelming any conflicts, makes the situation in a dead end. At the same time, "collectivists" are not considered by colleagues as a possible threat to their status and plans, but are of respect for the commitment of group interests and are perceived as people designed to serve under whose beginning. They are characterized by advisory style of leadership and a tendency to informal communication with colleagues and subordinates. Of these, excellent mentors of young managers are obtained.

"Evaling". Representatives of this role brightly show themselves in a team until the time of making important decisions comes. At the same time, the team members offering ideas ("thinker" and "resource researcher") are rarely the people who are able to assess the benefits of their ideas and their consequences. Here on the foreground and comes out "Evaluating".

According to the results of testing, representatives of this role in the team have a high intellectual level, critical thinking, especially for their ability to put forward counterragments. They are inherent in the realism and knowledge of judgment, which is "not flawed" arguments based on emotions or prejudices. They are distinguished by seriousness, prudence and "congenital" immunity against enthusiasm. This is the second after the "thinker" intellectual in a team, capable of equal (in the intellectual sense) to talk with the latter. Moreover, he can convince the "thinker" to change his point of view and keep his respect for himself.

The main advantage of the "evaluating" is the ability to soberly assess the various solutions, taking into account all the factors. "Evaluating" is almost never mistaken, but they cannot boast of the originality of thinking or imagination. They are characterized by a low orientation on achievements and no closure to be carried away by anything. The absence of enthusiasm and passion for the team turns into an important advantage of "evaluating", since true impartiality is possible only in the absence of commitment to anything. Ideally, it was "estimating", and not the "chairman" must act as an arbitrator when making decisions in the team. At the same time, the more proposals in the team sounds and the more complicated decision-making process, the more important the role of "evaluating" as a person who can restore the consensus.

"Evaluating" Surely slow down in their arguments and always prefer to think carefully. They may be perceived as dry, somewhat mined and sometimes too critical people. Many are surprised how representatives of this category are generally becoming managers. Nevertheless, "evaluating" often occupy high strategic posts in organizations, especially at headquarters of large companies. In some activities, success or failure depends on a relatively small number of large and responsible decisions, and this is the ideal territory for the "evaluating" - a person who takes into account all "for" and "against". The evaluating "are not inclined to take many decisions per unit of time, but the solutions made are almost always optimal in terms of risk and subsequent results. The slowness of the promotion of the team to final solutions gives them the opportunity to show their strengths. Despite the fact that the personal characteristics of the "estimating" do not correspond to the image of a typical "man of the team", they nevertheless often organically fit into the team and feel comfortable, participating in her work, especially if their role is clear to them and others.

"Executor". The main quality of "performers" reflecting their installation and character is discipline, other natural abilities or intelligence are almost always secondary. Being disciplined in essence, they streamline are suitable for any work entrusted to them. Among their distinctive qualities should also be called: Organizations, consciousness, commitment to obligations, a serious attitude to any case, reliability, practicality, tolerance for others and conservatism (in the sense of a valid attitude to established rules and views). The test results in addition to this indicate their internal stability and a low level of anxiety. Their weaknesses should include insufficient flexibility.

"The performers", as a rule, take existing restrictions and, without asking questions, make what is required. Another name of this role is the "Company Man". This is not just a person who does or organizes anything, this is a person who really works on the company and has a personal interests. Such people take the goals set in front of them, which become part of their moral code, and adhere to them when performing work. They never have any questions due to the fact that the work cannot be fulfilled because they do not like it or does not cause interest. The characteristic given by one executive director with his colleagues as "a manager, taking care of the work, for which no one will take," reflects the features of the "performers" and their appointment in the team. They are inherent in a practical and realistic approach to performance. "Artists" - effective organizers and administrators.

In large, well-structured career organizations such people usually develop successfully. At the same time, although it is believed that the qualities of the "performer" have only limited attitude towards the management of the manager, nevertheless representatives of this category in the medium of the highest management echelon organizations are no less than others. Success and recognition comes to "performers" with time as a result of the fact that they systematically make the work that needs to be done, even if it does not meet their internal interests or does not bring pleasure.

"Resource Researcher". This is a member of the team, like the "thinker", focused on the offer of new ideas. However, the method of generating ideas by "resource researchers" and the nature of the ideas proposed by them are different from the "thinkers". They are prone not so much to offer original ideas, how much to "select" fragments of the ideas of others and develop them. Resource researchers are skillful in the study of resources outside the team. The ability to set contacts and build relationships gives them the opportunity to return to the team with new offers, which are often valuable for its further work. Their approach is to search and develop ideas through a network of personal contacts and dating. "Resource Researchers" usually do not impede anyone to know anyone, and their communication with people skillfully heads for the search for their answers. They go, watch, meet with people and ask them well-thought-out questions.

This is a type of manager who is difficult to catch in his office. At the same time, their proposals are usually not too original and are not distinguished by a special intellectual gloss, their advantages can rather attribute flexibility and multilateralness. "Resource researchers" are characterized by average intellectual level and creativity, as well as extrovers, sociability, curiosity and social orientation. Thanks to these qualities and ability to use resources "resource researchers" are easier than "thinkers", integrate into the team. Their approach to innovation more consisted of established and prevailing managerial axioms. "Resource researchers", as a rule, successfully leads various negotiations and achieve high results both in the organization of a new case and in the management of the already established business. With the skillful leader's leader's leader, the "thinker" and "resource researcher" can successfully coexist together, making each contribution to the proposal of new ideas.

"Thinker". The main purpose of the "thinker" in the team is the introduction of new and original ideas. As a rule, "thinkers" act alone, sitting in their corner and pondering various options. It is an advisable self-running, analytical approach to solving problems. Test results indicate a high intellectual level of "thinkers", high creativity and expressability. Their thinking is characterized by high criticality, and they create a large number of negative designs, i.e. Points for rejection of various proposals. Their proposals are distinguished by originality and "intellectuality". "Thinking" are single intellectuals, and they are often perceived by other team members as not too sociable. They are peculiar to directness and honesty in communication.

The more successful "thinkers" fulfill their role in the team, the less their behavior is similar to the usual model of the manager's behavior. Their managers rarely develop successfully. As a rule, they are very capable and have the necessary skills of work, which leads to the fact that they become in most cases technical experts, and do not occupy high management posts. In long existing, sustainable organizations, it is rare to meet "thinkers" among the top management, except for those cases when unforeseen circumstances have put an organization in a difficult situation threatening her survival. Upcom in the development of the company and the threat to its survival can lead "thinkers" to the highest echelons of such organizations, which is unthinkable in other circumstances. "Thinkers" are found in the new, only emerging companies, since in their warehouse they are rather entrepreneurs than managers.

"Shaper". In the group "Shapeners" act as intensifying to action, and if the team is prone to inaction or complacency, the presence of the "Shaper" will lead it from this state. He changes the "point of equilibrium" in the team, breaks peace and makes the team able to get out of the usual rut. This is more individualistic than the "Chairman", the type of leader who, pushing the team to actions and carrying her members behind him, as often leads the team as a failure and success. On the other hand, "Shaders" is usually the destructive strength in a well-balanced team, especially led by a person with typical qualities of the "Chairman", able to break the work of the team. As a rule, the "Shaper" and "Chairman" cannot be comfortable in one team, unless one of them will compromise or not switch to another role. Teams need both types of leaders, but at different times and under different circumstances.

Representatives of this role in many parameters are antipodes of "collectivists": they challenge the team, argue, do not agree. They are impatient and easily fall into frustration. Their tendency to sufficiently aggressive behavior can lead to a response of other team members, to which they, as a rule, are responsible with great enthusiasm and humor, because they adore all sorts of battles. When they take part in business games, the subject of their aspirations - winnings, while the learning process itself is secondary for them. Their behavior can often be described by the principle "The goal justifies the funds." They are dynamic, active and focused on victory at any price. According to the results of testing "Shaders" are characterized by high self-esteem, a tendency to frustration, sociability and suspicious attitude towards people. These are extrovertes that prompted the actions of the external environment.

"Shaders" - emotional, uncomplete people, with whom it is enough to deal with the case, prone to overly react to defeat and stagnation, but at the same time fearless and adamant. As managers, they are successful in situations characterized by "political complexity", holding back forward. These are situations in which problems require concerted actions at different levels, and the rules, procedures and interests of individual people contradict each other, which in the end inevitably leads to inertia and stagnation. And it is "Shaders" - people who can cut such "proud nodes". They can withdraw a system of stagnation, accelerate its development or even change the way its functioning. If a preliminary analysis of the situation is careful and reliable, this will certainly lead to positive results. Their strong parties can also include perseverance and assertion when negotiating. As leaders they are in demand for a cohesive team, which in their work faced with a complex external or inner obstacle.

"Chairman". The main key to the success of the "Chairman" is his personal qualities. First of all, by its nature, he is inclined to trust people and take them as they are, without manifestations of jealousy or suspicion. In contrast to this quality, he must be able to dominate the group and be committed to the objectives and objectives of the group, which increases and morally justifies its dominant position. Successful "Chairman" must be calmers, balanced and unperturbed in the face of disputes and disagreements in the group. His credo is practical realism.

By nature, the "chairman" is an enthusiast with an inherent extrovert the ability to inspire and motivate others. But since its extrovertness is usually a very moderate character, it is inclined to certain divertiness and distance in social relations. Successful "Chairman" is a person who thinks mainly in positive categories. It uses verbal designs demonstrating the approval of the group members who recognize and support the objectives of the Group and seek to contribute to its work. It is focused on the effective use of the Group's potential and therefore recognizes and encourages the talents and capabilities of people who contribute to achieving its goals. It integrates and coordinates the team's efforts, appointing each participant to each participant to achieve a common goal.

In principle, the ideal "chairman" is a good manager, i.e. A person who knows how to use resources exclusively adaptive when communicating with people, but at the same time never losing control over the situation and the ability to make independent decisions based on their own assessment of what is needed in practice. This is a person tolerant so much to always listen to others, but strong enough to reject their advice. The "chairman" is not inclined to the permanent guard of team members, and its intervention in the work of the team occurs, as a rule, in critical moments. He never allowed the team meetings to the patron of command meetings and with any disagreement withstands the direction that meets the main goal of the meeting.

According to psychometric tests, the intellectual level of a successful "chairman", as a rule, does not exceed a significantly average team. It should be on one "intellectual wave" with the team, otherwise, either he will not understand team members or they are it. If the intellectual level of the "Chairman" is below the team level, it will not be able to establish sufficient contact with it. His behavior will be perceived as indecisiveness and inability to control the situation, as a result of which the team will lose direction and enthusiastically will be enthusiastic disputes. If the intellectual level of the "Chairman" exceeds the average level of the team, then it is inclined to push mainly his own ideas and turn the team to the means for implementing a personal strategy. In both cases, this leads to the destruction of bilateral communication, which is the key to the successful leadership of the Chairman. As a rule, the "Chairman" is a leader of a well-balanced team, in front of which are complex and multifaceted problems, requiring effective distribution of roles in the collective.

"Coming to the end". The success of the team, as a rule, is judged by the final results of its work. At the same time, many people almost pathologically cannot bring them to the end, and the ability to complete the started is quite rare. "Complete to the end" are people who have this quality fully. They complete everything they start, and reluctantly take something if there are doubts about the fact that it will be possible to bring the case before completing. They care about the completion of the intended and insist on this when the enthusiasm of all other team members has already been exhausted. Their presence does not give a team to spend time on projects that cannot be communicated to the end. Such people are distinguished by the details, since a small error can lead to big troubles, as well as the skill to keep the planned one in the head, do not miss anything and aroused before completing all the details of the plan. They prefer constant efforts, consistency and sequence of actions "Cavalry attacks".

"Complete to the end" are focused on fulfilling obligations, and not for spectacular and loud success. The inclination to achieve excellence in everything, for which they are taken, and inflexibility in achieving the planned - their indispensable qualities. Test results indicate their inclination to concern, but at the same time about high self-control and discipline. Colleagues rarely manage to see them lost their composure, and even when you have to completely change the direction of actions, they remain calm and calm. In its warehouse "Complete to the end" is more likely to introvert than extroverts. Their weaknesses should include insufficient flexibility, as a result of which they sometimes make significant efforts to achieve the intended goals, which in the changed circumstances are unattainable. Their management style is close to the style of "artist" and "collectivist" and is often underestimated because there is prejudice about its nonpipicity for successful managers. But contrary to the image, replicated in the media, successful managers differ from the usual stereotype of a large businessman, and their success is largely based on self-discipline, allowing them to work much and hard, bringing everything started to the end.

Yuri Popov,
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Institute of Economics and Finance
Synergy, European Management Development Fund (EFMD)
The article is provided by the site

One of the most common and discussed topics is the attitude of a person to man. An essay about it is written even schoolchildren. Although this topic is included in the high school program. And this is right, because we talk about relationships to adolescent age (that is, until that time, until children have formed at least some kind of consciousness) - almost meaningless.

The main thing is to understand the essence

So, what is this - the attitude of a person to man? An essay on this topic is not very simple if you want to set out your thoughts so that they are understood and, most importantly, felt by others.

It has long been the essence of human relations interested in thinkers. They tried to find as many ways as possible to achieve balance and harmony with each other. But this topic will never lose its relevance. Whatever tips did not give Freud, Dostoevsky, Socrates or Solomon - relationship will always be given with difficulty. Sometimes, especially at the beginning, it does not seem so, however, the practice shows the opposite - everyone has difficulties.

Well, to write a really interesting essay with meaning, it is worth thinking about the very essence of the theme. To identify its problem for yourself, analyze vital cases and situations, try to set out them on paper in the draft version, and then make certain conclusions, preferably even with the council.


It is necessary to comply with the traditional essay structure, however, it will be original if the main part is made up of several mini essays. To be clearer, you can give an example. So, the introduction is written, now you need to proceed to the main one.

A little higher it was said that for the best presentation of their thoughts it is worth describing specific life situations. You can briefly tell about something, for example, that sometimes even the strongest relationships, tested by not one tenth years, are crumbling due to the fact that one of the pair stopped listening to another. To say how important it is to listen to the opinion of a loved one, to make compromises, otherwise because of your own egoism you can destroy everything.

Here is an example. To write an essay on such a burning topic, it is necessary to approach not from the point of view of working out a syllable or literacy. A psychological approach is needed here. It is necessary to think, remember, analyze and put yourself in certain situations, considering them at different angles. Then the written "attitude towards people" will become not only interesting, but also, perhaps, instructive.

Subtleties of psychology

The overwhelming majority, having heard the word "relationship", immediately think about the "man + woman" pairs. It is logical because this topic is worried almost everyone. But it is worth noting that many other interpersonal contacts are indicated by this word.

In psychology there are plenty of terms. Types of relationships to man are numerous - identical, dual, tonic, relaxing, prompting, parallel, opposite, mirrored - and this is only a small list of terms, under which a detailed and diverse characteristic is hidden. But for the writing it is not necessary. Even if the schoolboy knows terminology and can explain the essence of each concept - then the essay will be too voluminous. And not everyone can understand it. So, for the essay, the topic of love, friendships, family, partnership, friendship, work is quite suitable. All this corresponds to such a topic as the "attitude of a person to man." The writing, of course, write most often about your friends or parents, less likely - about beloved, by virtue of age. However, it is possible to write and reasoning about what has no personal experience, but there are some thoughts about this.

Statement of thought and its specificity

"Man's attitude to man" - an essay that should make thinking. Very topic is suitable for reflection. You should not fall into despair, if at first glance it seems that there are no thoughts. They are, since a lot of material for writing, even too. He is around us.

We see each day of the attitude of people to each other every day, accepted directly participating in interpersonal contact. In order to write about it, you only need to make some efforts and remember what was impressed. This may be a good situation in which a kindness and humans manifested, or what the soul hurt in the bad sense of the word - it also needs to be covered.

By the way, the essay on such moral and ethical themes is remembered better if something immoral, inhumanical was commented in them. Such texts are forced to think, and sometimes to reconsider their attitude to something. But this is the main award for the author.

Essay on the topic "Compassion, love for near A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" " 4.67 /5 (93.33%) 3 votes.

Topic: compassion, love for neighbor
A.I. Solzhenitsyn Matrynin Dvor

The heart in which love lived

Thousands of books are written about the love of neighbor. Rather, each of them calls people
To this, each glorify good and encourages compassion. But, alas. How many ne.
Repeat the word Halva, and in the mouth will not become sweeter. Something should change in man
so that the pain and the needs of the other he felt like his own, and even better not to
hurt another.

Fyodor Mikhailovich long brought the formula for the uselessness of empty words about
universal love and equality, he claims to love all humanity - it means
hate melee. And it is. It makes no sense, and soreness one in the linded speeches about
pity, love and respect, if the one who says does not notice the people who are his
They surround, and divides everyone to friends and enemies.

But what would have been in the world if everyone treated life as Matrain Vasilyevna
From the story of Alexander Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor"? I can not talk
beautiful, unaccepting at all, the share fell bitterly to her, and the heart had a huge, in which
There lived only love. Such a feeling that the author is not a story wrote, but the life of the Holy
the righteent was shifted on paper, no wonder and the name of the work should have been
Being others: "It's not worth the village without the righteous." Probably, while there is at least one such
Unselfish righteous on earth, Russia will live. The righteousness of Matrena is not in
sermons, but in life, given to people.

Matrena is completely alone: \u200b\u200bthey live cockroaches in her house, mice and sick cat, which
The hostess shelted out of pity, and in the yard the old goat. And the character's heroine was also distinguished
Unprecedented love of work: it was always darkened, the oven treated, I prepared food,
He was offended by the goat, and then there was always free work for her for her neighbors. All
Life worked in a collective farm for "sticks", but even when it struck, in suffering
Always called her to help, but again did not pay money.

I could not refuse anyone, but not because of the weakness of character, but on the call of the soul: if in
It needs, how not to help? She received joy and new forces for life.

And life beat her mercilessly. It all started with the fact that Matrena's bride tightly
World War I, and she decided to go out for his brother, did not live for three months
Newlyweds, as returned to the village of Faddey. So I thought my master was a guilt
All other troubles: All six children died back in infancy, her husband did not return with
Wars (there was no news), and then lived for many years without a pension.

But Matroin Vasilyevna did not envy anyone, did not bother and did not close in himself, so
And lived with an open soul. Even happiness fell to her: she screamed to raise her daughter
Faddey, niece of Kiru, raised her and sent it to life.

For Solzhenitsyn Matrena - the ideal of the Russian woman, since it is
The carrier of Russian spirituality. Her holiness does not understand people, she seems to them
bad mistress, because it does not save the property, because it does not take money for work,
because the sickness does not know how to adapt, because it regrets everyone and forgives

And death takes their mother, helping others. She gave the Fadda Hubinee her:
and disassembled, and to transport with everyone they got ridiculous, and on the crossing Sani stuck before
approaching train. Mattress died with a nephew and her bastard.
For nothing, they said people. And they did not understand that Matrehu took the Lord, freeing from
Further suffering and torment, and all the lesson left them: not in the accumulation of life
Human and not in fuss of the dresses, because no one knows when and at what point
Here it will take a huge locomotive, will come to himself, it takes everything good, and
Then you have to keep an answer for everything.

Matrena will answer, but what the Faddey, killed his son and Martin for the sake of logs,
will be justified?

Features of examination materials for the participants of the state final exam (HBE) with disabilities with disabilities, children with disabilities and disabled (OVD) Russian language Zinina Elena Andreevna, Scientific Secretary FGBNU "FIPI" Webinar April 25, 2016 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor)

Categories of students with ABS, primarily needing to create special conditions when conducting GIA 1. Deaf students 2. Low-impaired and late-headed students 3. Blind students 4. Weak-shaped and late gradual students 5. Studying with severe speech violations. 6. Students with disorders of the musculoskeletal system 7. Students with a mental development delay 8. Training with the disorders of the autistic spectrum

Regulatory documents Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia 1394 from "On approval of the procedure for conducting the state final certification on educational programs of basic general education" New changes to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from, registration in the Ministry of Justice of Russia). Clarifications are given in the letter of Rosobrnadzor from the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia 1400 from "On approval of the procedure for conducting a state-state certification on educational programs of secondary general education" (as amended)

Methodical materials that determine the features of EM HBE Methodical recommendations (applications for the transmission of Rosobrnadzor from / 10-01) MR on the conduct of GEV-11 (written form) of MR on the conduct of GEV-11 (oral form) of MR on HBE-9 (written form) MP for HBE-9 (oral form) Comment comments on the selection of examination materials content describes the examinations and types of tasks formulates the requirements for the organization and conducting the exam, recommendations on the evaluation of examination works of the exam participants are given

The labeling of examination materials (EM) GEU in the Russian language (written form) The EM number was marked with letters "K" - EM for deaf participants, for participants with a mental delay, with severe speech impairments (in texts, auditory images are minimized) the examination material has A number of features: It is allowed to write not only compressed, but also a detailed presentation (on the selection of a graduate); Requirements for the minimum volume of deployed responses are reduced; The texts are plot and adapted with the category of examinations; The formulations of tasks are simplified; Special evaluation criteria and instructions for tasks reflecting the specifics of a particular category of participants with ABS) are provided. "C" - EM for blind participants (visual images are minimized) "d" - uh in the form of a dictation (only participants write with the disorders of the autistic spectrum (those who cannot write writings and presentation) "A" - EM is intended for all The rest of the categories of HBE participants (with OVD and without OVD)

GEV-9 in Russian language (written form) in 2016 alternative to forms (choosing a study on the day of the exam): an essay (a choice of 4: 3 free, 1 literary) or a presentation with a creative task for participants with autistic spectrum disorders - dictation use spelling and sensible dictionaries. The minimum required volume of the writings "A": from 250 words (less than 200 words - 0 points); "K" from 100 words (less than 70 - 0 points) a presentation with a creative task: a compressed statement "A" - from 70 words (less than 50 words - 0 points); "K" from 40 words (less than 30 - 0 points) creative task "A" - from 200 words (less than 150 words - 0 points.); "K" from 70 words (less than 50 - 0 points.) Evaluation: A set of evaluation criteria, corresponding to a specific type of tasks, is used: the criteria for all types of work are the criteria for assessing literacy and the actual speech accuracy of the examin. The third check is appointed if the two experts diverged 8 or more points (with a non-essential discrepancy, the final points are defined as the average arithmetic points of two experts) is recommended for the transformation scale to a five-point mark "2" 0 - 4 "3" 5-10 "4" 11- 14 "5" 15-17

Differences of HCE-11 from GEV-9 in the Russian language (written form: a presentation with a creative task) Another wording of a creative task for the presentation of GEV-9 The problem is formulated by the GEV-11 problem must formulate the participant itself (the task aims to comment by one of the author's allegations and argumentation own position). The requirements for the volume are enhanced in the "K" of the GWE-9 compressed statement "K" from 40 words (less than 30 - 0 points) creative task "K" from 70 words (less than 50 -0 points) HBE-11 compressed statement "K" from 50 words (less than 40 - 0 points) creative task "K" from 100 words (less than 70 -0 points)

Differences of HBE-11 from GWE-9 in Russian language (written form: an essay) The requirements for the volume of increased HWE-9 writings "A": from 250 words (less than 200 words - 0 points); "K" from 100 words (less than 70 - 0 points) HBE-11 writings "A": from 300 words (less than 250 words - 0 points); "K" from 150 words (less than 100 - 0 points) Another complete set of works. HBE - free (philosophical or ethical and moral issues). 4 - literary (works studied within the framework of the "Literature" rate). GWE-11 is not included 4, and 5 topics: literary (works studied in the framework of the course "Literature"). 3-5 - free (philosophical or ethical moral issues).

The requirements for the formulations of the compositions and configuration of the Works Themes should be an incentive for writing an essay-reasoning to target on the reasoning (the availability of a problem in the wording) correspond to the age-related features of graduates, time reserved for writing ancient (3 h 55 min) to be clear, competent and diverse According to the wording, the set of works with the mark "K" differs not by the structure of the kit, but on the simpler formulations of the compositions

A sample of the set of works of HBE-9 "A" a set of works of the essays A9-1 1. "Love is so comprehensive, which reborn ourselves." (F.M. Dostoevsky) 2. "The appointment of a person is exactly what to do good." (V.I. Dal) 3. What, from your point of view, can the civil position of a person can manifest itself? 4. What vital principles chose Khlestakov for himself? (By comedy N.V. Gogol "Auditor") Select only one of the writings offered to the topics, and then write an essay on this topic in a volume of 250 words. If there are less than 200 words (in the counting of words, all words are included, including service), then such work is considered unfulfilled and 0 points are estimated. In the event of a choice of one of the first three, the essays, you can argue your position with both the content of artistic works and your life experience (personal impressions, your own reflections, knowledge, etc.). In the event of the fourth essay theme, rely on the author's position and formulate your point of view. Argument your abstracts, relying on literary works. Think over the composition composition. Essay Write clearly and dispute, observing the norms of speech.

A sample set of works of HWE-9 "K" set of works by the compositions K9-1 1. "Nature ... wakes up the need of love." (I.S. Turgenev) 2. Reflection on the importance of mutual understanding between people. 3. What is the destructiveness of selfishness for the person? 4. What human defects ridicule D.I. Fonvizin in the Comedy "Lady"? Select only one of the writings offered to the topics, and then write an essay on this topic in the amount of 100 words. If there are less than 70 words in an essay (all words are included in the counting of words, including service), then such work is considered unfulfilled and estimated 0 points. In the event of a choice of one of the first three, the essays, you can argue your position with both the content of artistic works and your life experience (personal impressions, your own reflections, knowledge, etc.). In the event of a fourth essay theme, rely on the artwork and formulate your point of view. Argument your abstracts, relying on literary works. Think over the composition composition. Essay Write clearly and dispute, observing the norms of speech.

A sample of the set of works of HBE-11 "A" a set of works of the essays and how the images of the landowners are correlated with the name of the poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"? 2. Drama of love in the play A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm". 3. "Who is truly free? One who does not drive his own passions and other people's kinds "(F.N. Glinka) 4. Reflecting on the importance of attention to the neighbor. 5. How should we relate to your own talent? Select only one of the writings offered to the topics, and then write an essay on this topic in the volume from 300 words. If there are less than 250 words (in the counting of words, all words are included, including service), then such work is considered unfulfilled and 0 points are estimated. In the event of a choice of the first or second essay theme, rely on the author's position and formulate your point of view. Argument your abstracts, relying on literary works. In the case of the choice of the third, or fourth, or the fifth theme of the essay, you can argue your position with both the content of artistic works and your life experience (personal impressions, our own reflections, knowledge, etc.). Think over the composition composition. Essay Write clearly and dispute, observing the norms of speech.

Sample set of works of HBE-11 "K" a set of works to what poems F.I. Tyutchev you are interested in and why? (For example, at least two poems of your choice) 2. What the larch of the character of the poem of A.T. possesses Tvardovsky "Vasily Torkin"? 3. What role does the book play in the spiritual education of a person? 4. What life goals seem to be the most important? 5. What is the point of investing in the concept of "feat"? Choose only one of the writings offered to the themes, and then write an essay on this topic in an amount of 150 words. If there are less than 100 words in writing (all words are included in the counting of words, including service), then such work is considered unfulfilled and 0 points are estimated. In the event of a choice of the first or second essay theme, rely on the author's position and formulate your point of view. Argument your abstracts, relying on literary works. In the case of the choice of the third, or fourth, or the fifth theme of the essay, you can argue your position with both the content of artistic works and your life experience (personal impressions, our own reflections, knowledge, etc.). Think over the composition composition.

General requirements for texts for dictations and presentations Text for presentation (dictation) is selected from the works of domestic authors and is an adapted fragment of a literary work with social, moral issues) Text should have the semantic completeness to be understandable and comply with the age characteristics of graduates not to include detailed dialogs. (Several proposals with a direct speech are allowed) to have positive educational potential; to be a correct and adequate control situation, do not contain psychologically traumatic details (should not be excessively tragic, contain cruel, naturalistic details) not to discriminate with students with OVD to have an approximate volume of 280-400 words (for dictation no more than 350 words) have stubborn E and not Contain typos

Text requirements for presentation and creative task The text for the presentation should be an incentive for writing an essay-reasoning to make a compressed retelling to be narrative, plot (nor a description, no reasoning should dominate) to be understandable for students with disabilities (the usual lack of internal irony , simple syntax, minimum of words with a portable value) correspond to the age features of graduates (the text should not be too complicated, nor too primitive, the texts should not be built on fabulous or fantastic plots) text for presentations with the "K" letter must have a clear content, With a clear statement of the sequence of events, do not contain the complicated arguments of the author, a large number of actors. Do not include complex syntactic designs, the abundance of fine means and trails, dialectic, archaic vocabulary The creative task must be due to one of the problems of the text correctly formulated sets for the participants of the GEE

Assessment criteria Use a set of estimation criteria corresponding to a specific type of tasks: an essay on a literary work on a free topic. Explanted with a creative task Dictation for each of these types of tasks has developed special criteria for all types of work are the criteria for estimating literacy and actual speech accuracy of the examin Table 6.1, for deaf and weast-impaired students studying with severe speech disorders - Table 6.2).

Different written forms of GEV-11 in Russian language and aspects of assessment of examination work. The form of aspects of the assessment of Ballumax. Score Essay Content Literacy Outline with Creative Task Exposition Creative Task Meaning Mystery of Saying and Implementation of Creative Task Literacy Dictation Literacy Accuracy Text Recording

GWE-9 and GEE-11 in Russian language (oral form) in 2016 give 15 tickets to 15 Tickets: each ticket includes text and three tasks that check the skills: understand the meaning of the text reading to analyze the text (define the topic , the main idea) to carry out different types of language analysis to create a statement on a linguistic theme, using examples as an illustration from the text of the examiner's response assessed by special criteria. Criteria for estimating the implementation of the task 1 - 2 points Criteria for assessing the execution of the task 2 and 3 - 6 points Criteria for assessing the speech design of the response - 3 points recommended a translation scale to a five-point mark "2" 0 - 4 "3" 5-9 "4" 10- 14 "5" 15-17

Training collections of examination tasks for preparation for the GIA student with disabilities, children with disabilities and disabled people have been developed by groups of collections (published on the site and are available at reference 28 of training materials for training for GIA-9 and GIA-11 for 14 educational subjects of students with ABS; 28 training materials for training materials for the preparations for the GIA-9 and GIA-11 blind and late gradual students on 14 educational subjects. Collections include a set of tasks similar to the examination, criteria for assessing individual tasks and examination work as a whole, the transformation scale of the primary scores For work in a five-point estimation system. For a number of objects, training collections for blind participants GIA are presented in a format compatible with screen access programs for blind users. Training collections do not give a complete view of the examination model, since individual tasks are grouped by type.