Western Front in 1942. Pro Northwest Front

Specially decided to wait, when the annual front dust around May 9th will take a little. Below will be able to consider several dozen pictures made in May of this year in one of the very bloody "squares" of the Demyan Cotelet. I go there is already far from the first year, I try to communicate as much as possible with the few participants of the local events and eyewitnesses, the benefit is still there. I did not write about my impressions, it is too thoroughly there you can feel everything described. But I will say one thing - now there is sometimes rolling like an animal fear, especially when you try to imagine what felt there were tested there.

From January 7 to May 20, 1942, the troops of the North-Western Front (P.A. Troopkin) conducted a dedication offensive operation. During her, the Soviet troops by the end of February disconnected the old-Russian and Demyan group of the enemy, and the last of the six divisions of the 16th Army surrounded. However, the elimination of the surrounded group was delayed, and the enemy managed to connect to the age of 23 to connect with surrounded troops, forming a so-called Ramyshev corridor with a width of 4 km. The further offensive actions of the Soviet troops in order to eliminate the Demyan group did not have success. The struggle of the parties turned into a zone of the generated corridor, which by the end of April was expanded by the enemy to 6-8 km.

Map of military action

Map of military action

Not far from the neck of the corridor in the winter of 1941-1942, tragic events unfolded. Attempts by the onset of the Red Army Only on a small section of the front turned around bloody losses: about 18,000 soldiers and officers and more than 80 tanks. Against the Krasnoarmeys fought, including soldiers of the SS division "Dead head" and the Danish COP. The Germans were defended persistently, turning those adjacent to the settlements of the forest into deeply echelonized fortified areas. Divues, barbed wire and solid mine fields were waiting for attacking besides cold, rapid marshes, machine-gun and artillery fire.

There is a lot of this kind of funnel filled with water in the forest. Often they are discouraged after the battle killed.

There is a lot of this kind of funnel filled with water in the forest. Often they are discouraged after the battle killed.

Scattered widespread helmets with the most intricate samplers are harvested in heaps and those of them that they are not too rusty and usurized - use for the device of non-good homemade monuments

Scattered widespread helmets with the most intricate samplers are harvested in heaps and those of them that they are not too rusty and usurized - use for the device of non-good homemade monuments

The forest in the strip of our offensive is scored by a rusty, worn iron. And, of course, people ...

The forest in the strip of our offensive is scored by a rusty, worn iron. And, of course, people ...

British smoke min

British smoke min

German newspaper

German newspaper

Stars with fraternal sogs, where unnamedly buried their comrades in 1941-1942

Stars with fraternal sogs, where unnamedly buried their comrades in 1941-1942

About unknown soldiers

Several units of medallions for several hundred found red Army teams are common. As a rule, those killed are completely shallow, right under the rod. Weapons with them do not have or it is damaged in the fight. Well, if a person lies in a helmet - there is a chance to find it with a metal detector. We are just such a "rigging" fighter and found.

From personal belongings, there were only two coins of 20 kopecks, a flak with a cologne and a spoon with a stigm of the city of Kirov. A spoon lay in the boots. No inscriptions or signs, which could help identify the deceased ...

Sailors in the "boiler"

Sailors fought in the Demyansky Cotelet. As part of Marine Rowed Brigades. Sea Rifle Brigades began to form under the decision of GKO No. 810 of 18.10.41 on the formation of 25 rifle brigades and the order of the NKO USSR No. 00110 of 18.10.41 on the same (from number 61 through number 85). As a basis, the recently adopted staff of the Cadet Rifle Brigades was taken, in which the rifle regiment was located until the end of October. Since the beginning of November, the brigades have been translated into the state of a separate rifle brigade with three rifle battalions. The name "Marine Rifle Brigades" received by order of NPO No. 0512 dated 27.12.41. Nothing else other than the presence of 20 to 80% sailors in l / s and destination in them miscellaneous number There were no distinguished cadets of military schools and district courses, did not differ from ordinary shooting brigades. After the "October" brigades in accordance with the decree No. 935 of 22.11.41 were formed 116, 138, 142 OMORSBR also on the staff of individual shooting brigades. In December 1941 - January 1942, 154 OMORSBR was formed (on a separate NPO Directive).

It was formed 02.01.42 in Moscow as a result of renaming the 166th brigade of the marine infantry, which in turn was renamed 28.12.41 from the 1st Moscow individual detachment of sailors from the front to the capital. On January 19, the brigade was aimed at the 3rd shock army of the North - Western Front. None of the brigade kept in his title the words "Classian". The OmorSBR of the formation of 1942 also did not have in the title "Cadet". The expression "Candanie Brigades" appeared, as it seems, the mixing of heterogeneous facts in one. Marine infection during the formation and in use of the fighters of the Oormsbre could call themselves, the command is also, but in the history there are "sea rifle brigades". As in the order of NGOs.

The Order of Alexander Nevsky was awarded the commanders of the Red Army, who showed personal courage, courage and courage to their homeland, the courage and bravery and the skillful command that provided successful actions of their parts, for the manifested initiative for the choice of a successful moment for a sudden bold and successful attack on the enemy and applying a major lesion with small Losses for their troops.

The Order was awarded the commanders of regiments, battalions, mouth, platforms. According to the decree of the USSR PVS of 10.11.1942, the rewarding of the Order was distributed to the division and brigades commanders.

The first rewarding of the Order took place by decree of the USSR PVS dated November 5, 1942. Sign No. 1 received the commander of the batch of marines of the 154th Marine Rifle Brigade Senior Lieutenant (subsequently - lieutenant colonel) I.N.ruban. .

Sailors really fought famously. Suddenly, boldly and courageous. In black bushlates, under the hoarse "half!" They threw out the Germans from a small village and were preparing for the next attack. And the Germans also prepared. Intelligence, especially air, was delivered to them wonderful. And therefore, the sailors are again fearlessly attacked, the Germans met them by the film guns and self-propelled guns. Almost all the attackers they killed or wounded, several dozen sailors were captured. Later all the dead, the Germans were collected and dropped in a sandy career in a deep gallery. And fell asleep with an explosion. For many years I was looking for the Demyan search engines this gallery. Found.

Every day there are careful taking into account the fighters found. A total of more than 300 fighters of the Red Arctic Watch

Every day there are careful taking into account the fighters found. A total of more than 300 fighters of the Red Arctic Watch

About monuments

There is a dedication squad commander. His will and hands created the overwhelming majority of monuments and burials in those places. His detachment found and burned almost 9,000 dead fighters - more division!

About Bobrov

Bobras became a misfortune of this year. Beavers skillfully damaged a small river, through which our fences fell in the fall of 1941-1942.



Previously, through the river it was possible to jump over, and now I had to seriously overcome her on the boat.

Previously, through the river it was possible to jump over, and now I had to seriously overcome her on the boat.

About god

West Front Formed on June 22, 1941, on the basis of the Order of the USSR NGO of June 22, 1941 on the basis of the Western Special Military District in the composition of 3, 4, 10th and 13th armies. In the future, it included 1st shock, 5, 11, 16 (from May 1, 1943, the 11th Guards Army), 19, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30 (from May 1, 1943 10th Guards Army), 31, 32, 33, 39, 43, 49, 50, 61, 68th Army, 3rd and 4th Tank, 1st Air Army.

Front's troops participated in the strategic defensive operation of 1941 in Belarus, in the Smolensk battle (July 10, September 10, 1941), in the Moscow battle (September 30, 1941 - April 20, 1942)

During the Moscow Strategic Offensive Operation (December 5, 1941 - April 20, 1942), the troops of the front in cooperation with the troops of the Kalininsky and South-Western fronts were made by the first major defeat of the Troops of the Army Group "Center" and discarded the enemy by 100-250 km from Moscow.

During the Rzhev-Vyazemsky strategic operation (January 8, April 20, 1942), the troops of the front in cooperation with the associations of the Kalininsky front and with the assistance of the troops of the North-West and Bryansky fronts, the enemy was thrown in the Western direction for 80-250 km, liberated Moscow and Tula Areas, many districts of Kalinin and Smolensk regions.

On July 30- August 23, 1942, the Russian Troops of the Western Front, together with the Kalininsky front, held Rzhevsky-Sychevsky operation, were eliminated by the opponent's bridgehead on the left bank of the Volga in Rzhev.

In the Rzhev-Vyazemskaya operation (March 2-31, 1943), the troops of the Western Front, together with the troops of the Kalininsky front, were eliminated by the Rzhev-Vyazemsky ledge in the defense of the German troops, moving the front line from Moscow by another 130-160 km.

During the Kursk battle in July 1943, the troops of the left flank of the Front together with the troops of the Bryansky and Central Fronts participated in the Oryol Strategic Operation (July 12, August 18, 1943) to eliminate the enemy grouping. At the same time, the main forces of the front, using a favorable covering position, conducted on August 7-20, 1943, in cooperation with the arms of the left wing of the Kalininsky front, a Smolensk strategic operation. As a result of a successfully conducted operation, the front troops have advanced to the West to a depth of 200-250 km and freed part of the territory of the Kalinin region and the Smolensk region.

Front's troops during the offensive in the Vitebsk and Orsha directions at the end of 1943. early 1944 were published on the territory of the eastern regions of Belarus.

Based on the directive of the TGK rate of April 12, 1944 on April 24, 1944. The front was renamed the 3rd Belorussian Front. The three of his armies were transferred to the 2nd Belarusian Front.

Commander Front: General Army Pavlov D. G. (June 1941); Lieutenant General Yeremenko A. I. (June-July 1941); Marshal of the Soviet Union Tymoshenko S. K. (July-September 1941); Lieutenant-General, since September 1941, Colonel-General Konev I. S. (September - October 1941 and August 1942. - February 1943); General Army of Zhukov G. K. (October 1941- August 1942); Colonel-General, from August 1943, General Army Sokolovsky V. D. (February 1943 - April 1944); Colonel-General Chernyakhovsky I. D. (April 1944)

Members of the FRONT Military Council: Corpus Commissioner of Phomini A. Ya. (June- July 1941); Army Commissioner 1 rank, from October 1942 - Lieutenant General Mehlis L. 3. (July 1941 and December 1943 - April 1944); Secretary of the Central Committee of the CP (b) of Belarus Ponomarenko P. K. (July 1941); Lieutenant General Bulganin N. A. (July 1941 - December 1943); Lieutenant General Makarov V. E. (April 1944)

Headquarters of the Front: Major General Klimovsky V. E. (June 1941); Lieutenant-General Malandin G. K. (July 1941); Lieutenant-General, from June 1942, General-Colonel Sokolovsky V. D. (July 1941.- January 1942 and May 1942. - February 1943); Major General Golushkevich V. S. (January-May 1942); Lieutenant General Pokrovsky A. P. (February 1943 - April 1944)

Western Front - Operational Association of Soviet Armed Forces during Great Patriotic War , acted in 1941-1944, formed on June 22, 1941 on the basis of the Western Special Military District. Initially, the front was the 3rd Army, the 10th Army, the 4th Army, the 13th Army. Command of the front adopted General Army D.G. Pavlov, a member of the Military Council became the Corrupt Commissioner A.Ya. Fominy, Headquarters Chief - Major General V.E. Klimovsky. In the Belostok-Minsk battle on June 22 - July 8, 1941, the troops of the Western Front suffered a defeat: most of the forces of the front fell into the environment and was destroyed. Of the 625 thousand person's personnel, the front lost about 420 thousand, a large number of military equipment fell into the opponent's hands. Wines for defeat in the border battle was assigned to the front command. June 30, 1941 Commander Front D.G. Pavlov was removed from the command, later arrested and sentenced to shooting. He was also shot by the head of the headquarters of Front V.E. Klimovskogo, a number of commanders of the front and army link management of troops. On June 30, a new command was appointed Western Front: Commander - Lieutenant General A.I. Eremenko, Head of Staff - Lieutenant General G.K. Malandine, a member of the Military Council - P.K. Ponomarenko. Already on July 2, the new commander of the front was Marshal S.K. Tymoshenko, Eremenko became his deputy. At the same time, the troops of the second strategic echelon were transferred to the front.

In early July 1941, the Western Front included the 22nd Army, the 20th Army, the 13th Army, the 21st Army. In the front reserve were the 19th, 16th, 4th Army. At the beginning Smolensky battle The troops of the Western Front again suffered, but did not allow the enemy to reach operational space. July 19, 1941 in connection with the appointment of S.K. Tymoshenko, the Commander-in-Chief of the Western Direction, by the commander of the Western Front became A.I. Eremenko. From the top wing of the Western Front on July 24, 1941, the central front was formed, later on the left flank of the Western Front was formed Bryansk Front.
July 30, 1941 by the commander of the Western Front again became S.K. Tymoshenko, and headquarters - Lieutenant-General V.D. Sokolovsky. In early August 1941, the Western Front included the 22nd Army, the 29th Army, the 30th Army, the 19th Army, the 16th Army, the 20th Army. After the end of the Smolensk battle on September 10, 1941, the West Front switched to defense.

September 12, 1941, Colonel-General appointed commander of the Western Front I.S. Konech . At the end of September, the front occupied the defense in the band 340 km from Ostashkov to Yelni, had six armies in his composition: 22nd Army, 29th Army, 30th Army, 19th Army, 16th Army, 20th army. The backup front army was deployed in the rear of the Western Front. On October 2, 1941, the troops of the German Army Center "Center" began the Moscow battle. Bringing the Soviet defense, the German troops surrounded the main forces of the Western Front in the area of \u200b\u200bVyazma. In the cupboard of the environment, the troops of the 16th, 20th, 19th armies, as well as the 24th and 32nd army of the backup front were found. On October 5, 1941, the 31st and 32nd army of the reserve army were subordinated to the Western Front. On October 10, 1941, the western and backup front troops were combined into one West Front under the command of General Army GK Zhukov . I.S. Konev was left by his deputy on the right flank. On October 19, 1941, he headed an independent Kalinin front as part of the 22nd, 29th, 30th, 31st armies. Members of the Military Council of the Western Front were appointed N.A. Bulganin, I.S. Khokhlov, I.A. Serov; Head of the headquarters of the front was left by VD. Sokolovsky. On October 12, the Moscow Backup Front troops were transferred to the Western Front.

The Western Front stopped the enemy on the Mozhaisk line of defense, where the 16th Army focused, the 5th Army, 33rd Army, 43rd Army, 49th Army. Due to disbanding Bryansk Front November 11, 1941 The composition of the Western Front was transferred to the 50th Army General-Major A.N. Ermakova. On November 15, 1941, the German group of the Center "Center" resumed an offensive to Moscow. In the course of defensive fights near Moscow, the 30th Army was transferred to the Western Front, the 1st Impact Army, the 20th Army.

On December 6, 1941, the Western Front, with the support of the Kalinin Front and South-Western Front, moved to a counteroffensive near Moscow, in which: the 30th Army (December 16 was returned to the Kalinin Front), 1st Impact Army, 20th Army , 16th Army, 5th Army, 33rd Army, 43rd Army, 49th Army, 10th Army, 50th Army. As a result of the counteroffensive troops of the German Army Group, the "Center" was defeated and were thrown away from Moscow. In January 1942, the West Front resumed an offensive with the aim of interacting with the Kalinin front and the Bryansk front to defeat the main forces of the German "Center" armies. To coordinate the action of the fronts on February 1, 1942, the main command of the Western direction was recreated, which was headed by G.K. Zhukov. He simultaneously remained the commander of the Western Front. However, the Rzhev-Vyazemskaya operation conducted on January 20 - April 20, 1942 was not crowned with success. Later than 1942 and the winter of 1942-1943, the West Front led offensive fights in the central direction (the first Rzhevsky-Sychevskaya operation; the second Rzhev-Sychevskaya operation), but did not achieve success. On August 26, 1942, the Commander of the Western Front appointed General-Colonel I.S. Konev, headquarters from May 1942 was Lieutenant General V.D. Sokolovsky. In the summer and in the fall of 1942, the Western Front included: 31st Army, 20th Army, 5th Army, 33rd Army, 43rd Army, 49th Army, 50th Army, 10th Army , 16th Army, 61st Army, 3rd Tank Army, 1st Air Army.

February 28, 1943 I.S. Konev as commander of the Western Front changed Colonel-General V.D. Sokolovsky . Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General A.P. was appointed Pokrovsky. In the winter of 1942-1943, the front was part of the front: 30th Army, 31st Army, 20th Army, 29th Army, 5th Army, 33rd Army, 49th Army, 50th Army, 10th Army, 16th Army, 61st Army, 1st Air Army. The permanent active actions of the Soviet troops near Rzhev were forced the Army Group Center on March 2, 1943 to start a tack of troops from the Rzhev-Vyazemsky Bridgehead. Soviet troops began the persecution of the retreating enemy (the second Rzhev-Vyazemskaya Operation), and by March 31, 1943, the Rzhev Program was eliminated.

Southwest Front. MOSCOW. 1942.

Annotation: South-West Front. Voronezh - Valuyki - Olkovatka. Voronezh on the eve of occupation, bombing. Rossosh. Uryupinsk. Stalingrad. Return to Moscow. Position on the fronts. Eyewitness stories. Meetings with Kokkinaka, Molokov. Pogosov's story about Arkhangelsk and caravan. Voronezh was delivered. Maykop was delivered. Editorial Life.

Notebook No. 20-19.05.42-19.08.42

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Part Four Southwest Front

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