High calories are nuts. How many calories in nuts: composition of juvenile, nutritional value

Nuts are the richest source of protein and vegetable fat, which is why they are considered rather nutritious. Some people rightfully include nuts to an excellent meat substitute. Each type has its own calorie nuts. So, for example, we can instantly gain weight from some nuts than others. That is why they should be used with extreme caution to people who adhere to a low-calorie diet. On average caloric content of 100 grams of nuts 520 kcal.

Despite the fact that nuts are a rather high-calorie product, they are allowed to eat no more than 50 grams without harm to health. In order to figure out how many calories in nuts (per 100 grams), you can carefully examine the table.

Peanut29.2 50 10 610
Brazilian nut13 65 11 564
Walnut15 64 10 647
Pine nuts11 60 19 628
Cashew25 53 13 642
Coconut3 33 28 379
Sesame19 48 11 564
Almond18 57 15 644
Pistachii20 50 7 554
Hazelnut16 66 8 703

According to the table, it can be seen that the largest number of proteins is contained in peanuts - 29.2 g of protein on 100 g. The nuts are rich in vegetable protein, will allow a long time to feel the feeling of satiety. Scientists have carried out a lot of studies related to the study of the digestibility of plant protein in the human body, as a result of which it turned out that the vegetation proteins of the nuts are completely saturated with various amino acids and microelements. The protein of nuts is a complex protein that does not only satisfy the organism quickly, but also takes care of the state of the body muscles.

Nuts are a wonderful product in which you can find the greatest amount of proteins and the smallest carbohydrates. So, for example, the pistachio contains only 7 g of complex carbohydrates. This means that the process of digestibility will be much longer, it means you will feel a feeling of satiety for a long time.

As for fats, many people can scare a lot of fat content in nuts, on average, it is about 50 g. But it is not necessary to frighten, vegetable fat is not harmful to the body, he, on the contrary, allows you to better assimilate many vitamins (vitamin A, E, B2 and T .d.), But this does not mean that you can use nuts in large quantities, know the measure, because the excess of any substances in the body will not lead to anything good.

Nutritional value of pistachios and other nuts

As mentioned above, nuts are quite nutritious, the daily use of which will help bring slags and toxins from the body, as well as stimulate the work of the heart and brain. Also themselves nuts (pistachios, almonds, etc.) are rich in fiber, which will help to establish the work of the intestine. Nuts should be applied for the prevention and control of atherosclerosis, as well as with an insufficient number of iron salts and cobalt in the human body. It is believed that all active substances that are contained in nuts are capable of having a beneficial effect on the brain vessels, which will significantly increase mental activities several times. Evoying the handful of nuts per day, you get rid of yourself from nervous tension.

Nuts are the gifts of nature, eat them daily and will be healthy, but do not forget about the daily rate - 50 g!

Walnut - benefit and harm. Composition and calorie walnuts: video

It is one of the most ancient products on the planet. His homeland is considered the territory of modern Iran. It has long been called the "tsarist", because it was used in food only noble peasants. To the poor, until some time, this fruit was unavailable.

It is known that the daily use of such nuts contributes to a significant increase in brain activity. It enters the mandatory diet of people who adhere to a healthy lifestyle and follow their weight. Despite the high fat content, this product is widely used in the preparation of various diets. What kind of walnut calorie has a walnut (1 pcs and 100 g), you can learn from our article. Here we will tell about the benefits of this nut, including weight loss.

Caloriciness of walnuts (100 g)

Many supporters of diets try to avoid such a high-calorie product like walnut. It seems to them that it is enough to eat one small nuts, and all their efforts will be in vain.

The caloric content of walnuts is definitely high and is 654 kcal (in 100 grams). But you should not be afraid of this figure. In fact, 100 grams are approximately 50 nuts. Eating such a number of so-calorie fruits is not even an adult person. Also, by simple arithmetic calculations, it is possible to find out that the weight of 1 walnut is 5 g. From here, it is also possible to understand how many calories in one walnut. Consider this question in more detail.

Walnut: Calorie 1 Walnut

Doctors and nutritionists believe that the rate of nuts of nuts per day is 4-6 pieces. Thus, eat 50 pieces or 100 g of this product at all. With such an uncontrolled use, the only harm can bring walnut.

The caloric content of 1 nut is calculated from the general caloric content by 100 g. It is already known that 100 g contains 654 kcal, that is, 1 g accounts for 6.54 kcal. One walnut weighs about 5 g. Thus, a value of 6.54 multiply on 5 g and we obtain the caloric content of 1 nut, which is equal to 32.7 kcal. From here you can calculate the daily rate.

Without harm to the figure, a person can eat 4-6 pieces of such a product like walnut. Calorie 1 pc. It is 32.7 kcal, which means that the caloric content of 4-6 nuts will be equal to 132-196 kcal. Such a number of calories will not bring significant harm for the figure, but the benefits of the use of nuts will be quite a lot.

The nutritional value

Since ancient times, walnuts used as a medicinal agent, absolutely without thinking about its calorie content. It contains a practically a complete set of omega-3 fatty acids, which are not produced by their own by the body, but are very important for its normal functioning, and many other useful components. Vitamins B, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, iron and zinc are contained in a walnut in large quantities, and vitamin E makes this product especially rich in antioxidants. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in it is 50 times more than in citrus fruits.

The special uniqueness of walnut is that it contains a completely unique compound, which not only protects healthy cells of the body from possible cancer contamination, but also disinfect patients. This is how good the walnut is. The caloric content of 1 nut at the same time is only 32.7 kcal. Proteins in 100 grams of walnuts contain about 15 g, fats - 65 g, and carbohydrates - just 7 g.

Beneficial features

For the body is as follows:

  1. With regular use of walnuts, the brain work improves. Due to the strengthening of blood flow to it, more oxygen and nutrients are incorporated, which contributes to its normal functioning. Including they are recommended for the use of schoolchildren.
  2. Athletes withstand heavy physical exertion also helps walnut (1 piece, the calorie content is 32.7 kcal, increases energy several times).
  3. Nuts are useful to use to prevent anemia, heart disease and thyroid gland. Magnesium contained in them contributes to a decrease in nervous excitability, and dietary fibers help to establish the work of the intestine.

Despite the high calorieness, walnuts should be able to be present in the diet of every healthy person.

Harm and contraindications

The harm from the use of walnuts can be associated with allergies to this product, which leads to rashes on the skin and mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Therefore, it is important to monitor the number of eaten nuts. In addition, excessive use of this product can lead to brain spasm. The norm is 4-6 nuts per day.

What is the importance of calorie 1 walnut for weight loss?

Despite the high calorieness, in one of the well-known diets walnuts, it is recommended to completely replace all fats of animal origin. As you know, any organism even during weight loss needs fats. But, in addition, in nuts there is also a lot of useful substances that lead to a struggle with harmful cholesterol. So, such fats will be much more useful than animal origin. But this is not all the benefits that can bring during a walnut diet.

The caloric content of 1 nut, as is well known is 32.7 kcal, and the amount of fats in 5 g (1 nut) is equal to 3.26 g. It is elementary, given that 65.2 g of fats are 100 grams of nuts. In 4-6 pieces, which doctors recommend to eat daily, contains 13-19 g of fats, with a norm for a healthy person 40.

All these calculations make it possible to conclude that walnuts are useful for the body and can be eaten even during a diet.

Nuts are considered a very high calorie product. At the same time, few know that calories from nuts cannot be considered harmful. It should be borne in mind that in this product of plant origin there are substances capable of reduced cholesterol and activate the process of fat burning.

Therefore, nuts in reasonable quantities, not only will not spoil the figure, but on the contrary, they will help make it perfect. Yes, and health thanks to them can be corrected.

The American Association of Nutritionists has included walnuts in the top 10 products that help combat high cholesterol.

The thing is that they contain a large level of omega-3 fatty acids. And these compounds are able to reduce the level of triglyceride. The types of fatty compounds present in the blood and are an integral part of the harmful cholesterol.

Caloriciness of walnuts 100 g

Despite the high caloric content of walnuts, this product is used in many dietary dishes. The thing is that the calorie content of this product is considered useful. After all, vegetable fat from nuts is extremely useful for diet to reduce weight.

Dishes and products:

  • Chocolate Picnic Mega Walnut - 473 Kcal
  • Salad of beets with walnut - 134 kcal
  • Hercules porridge with walnut - 181 kcal

Almond Calorie - Table

But, these nuts have long been used to reduce weight. Experts from Barcelona Medical University conducted an experiment in which the group was divided into two parts. In both groups there was the same diet. But, in one group, one of the snacks was replaced by a cup of almonds equal to calorie content.

After some time, scientists conducted measurements of weight and subcutaneous fat. The group, in the diet of which he consisted of almonds, the average weight not only did not increase, but on the contrary, became less.

Calorie of almonds, roasted in oil with the addition of salts 100 g

Caloriciness of fried almonds in oil without adding salts 100 g

Caloriciness of fried almonds without oil and adding salts 100 g

Almond calorie 100 g

Almond refers to the so-called "Superpope". This type of food includes products that can saturate the human body with almost all the necessary nutrients. At the same time, the almonds move well the feeling of hunger. And it means it can be used with diets during snacks.

Dishes and products:

  • Almond cookies - 486 kcal
  • Chocolate Snickers with almonds - 509 kcal
  • Almond Pie - 286 Kcal

Hall Calorie - Table

The hazelnut is characterized by low carbohydrates. Therefore, in small doses, it is safe even during a diet. Moreover, useful connections from this type of nuts will help clean the body from slags and toxins.

Calorie Hazelnut 100 g

Calorie of roasted hazelnut nuclei 100 g

Like all other types of nuts, the hazelnut is able to reduce cholesterol levels, improve the work of the cardiovascular and endocrine system. And without the normal operation of these systems, no diet will help reset overweight.

Dishes and products:

  • Chocolate Alpen Gold Hazelnut - 532 kcal
  • Oatmeal cookies with hazelnuts - 175 kcal
  • Muffins with Kuragya, hazelnut and carrots - 303 kcal

Peanut Calorie - Table

These compounds cannot harm a person who wants to cope with overweight. But, there is one extremely important item. In order to get from Peanut, he needs to eat raw. With frying, all useful substances of this product are destroyed, and calorie content increases.

Calorie Peanut in Sahara 100 g

Calorie Peanut Salted 100 g

Calorie Peanut Balanched 100 g

Peanut calorie 100 g

Peanuts on a third consists of a protein and half of the fats beneficial for a person.

Dishes and products:

  • Chocolate Nuts Peanuts - 498 Kcal
  • Kozinak Peanut - 485 Kcal
  • Peanut paste - 547 kcal

Cashew Nut Calorie - Table

Cashew is a nut in which there are a lot of oil

But at the same time, its caloric content is less than this indicator in peanuts and walnuts. Cashew have no less benefit for the body than all of the above nuts. This nut is very well absorbed and quickly reduces the feeling of hunger.

Cashew Calorie 100 g

Calorie Cashew fried 100 g

In order for these nuts to help get rid of extra kilograms, and did not become the source of unnecessary calories, eat no more than 5 cashews per day.

Dishes and products:

  • Greek salad with cashew - 90 kcal
  • Curd Cashew Cookies - 198 Kcal

Calorie Sesuit - Table

It's all about Cesamine. This substance has an important function. Finding into the body, it can slow down the grease process. Cezin from sesame not only slows down the formation of new fat deposits, but also capable of splitting already formed.

Calorie Kozinak Sesame 100 g

Calorie Sesuit 100 g

The greatest amount of sesamam is in sesame oil. They can refuel salads or simply use one teaspoon every morning.

Dishes and products:

  • Kozinak Sesame - 510 kcal
  • Salad with grapefruit and sesame - 74 kcal
  • Cookie sesame - 433 kcal

Calorie Pistachios - Table

The composition of these nuts is a lot of fiber and protein. At the same time, they also like sesame prevent the deposition of fatty tissues in the body. Pistachios have a very small glycemic index. Therefore, they can be used in the diet of any diet.

Caloriciness of pistachios fried without oil and salts 100 g

Calorie pistachio 100 g

And also, pistachios is an excellent alternative to liver, chocolate and seeds.

Dishes and products:

  • Rakhat-Lukum with pistachios - 327 kcal
  • Ice Cream Viva La Crema Pistachio - 239 kcal
  • Macaron Pastashkovoy Cake - 387 Kcal

Caloric of cedar nuts, Brazilian walnut, coconut - table

Cedar nuts

Many amino acids from these nuts are used by the body in various metabolic processes. But, it is also necessary to know that cedar nuts contribute to the production of cholecystokinin - hormone, which is responsible for saturation.

Caloriciness of fried cedar nuts 100 g

Calorie Cedar nuts 100 g

Brazilian nut

But, in its composition there is a lot of selenium and magnesium. These minerals are struggling with cell oxidation. That is used by the body to extend youth and beauty.

Calorie Brazilian 100 g


What can help in the fight against extra kilograms. There is even a fairly popular coconut diet, where this nut is the basis of the diet.

Calorie coconut shavings 100 g

Calorie Coconut Milk 100 g

Summary Table of Calorie Oremen 100 g

Product Proteins Fat. Carbohydrates
Kkal c. c. c.
Peanut 552 26,3 45,2 9,9
Brazilian nut 656 14,3 66,4 4,8
Mustard-seed 474 25,8 30,8 23,4
Cedar nut 673 23,7 60 20,5
Kedar nut roast 620 16 50 21
Coconut milk 230 2,3 24 6
Coconut shavings 592 13 65 14
Sing-seed 565 11,6 61 19,3
Almond 609 18,6 53,7 13
Walnut walnut 656 16,2 60,8 11,1
Cashew 600 18,5 48,5 22,5
Pistachii 556,3 20 50 7
Hazelnut 651 15 61,5 9,4
Peanut Roasted Nut 626 26 52 13,4
Almond naughty chicken 642 22,4 55,9 12,3
Roasted Hazel Nut 703 17,8 66,1 9,4

Olesya. Of course calorie nuts are not a reason to refuse them. After all, they contain useful fats. And the amount of carbohydrates is not as large as in products that are really postponed on the sides. I always eat nuts. Of course, in small quantities. But even in those days when I sit on a diet.

Katya. I love to use oil nuts more. Especially walnut oil and forest walnut. Just fills them salads and that's it. Such oil enriches the composition of salads and makes them more delicious. And the nuts practically do not eat. Although I like the idea with useful snacks.

Video: Pine nuts: weight loss, lose weight, the benefits of cedar nuts

Nuts are a magnificent source of vegetable squirrel and fat competing with meat. In their composition, many nutrients needed to function our body, but the presence of fats speaks of high calorie product. Consider how many calories in nuts, their composition, influence on the body, pros and cons of the delicious product.

What are nuts

Nuts call the solid fruits of trees and shrubs, which have a large number of species. These fruits were the component of the diet of primitive people. Researchers were found tools similar to walkers dated with age at 780,000 years! And the "culinary" fossils speak of the varieties of these fruits, most likely, our ancestors were used to eat pistachios, almonds, chestnuts, Eurial frightening.


Walnut fruits and rootfodes in the world there are a huge amount. Everyone is useful in their own way, nutritious, rich in vitamins, minerals, fats, amino acids, but there are species that harm human health. About this next.

In the botany of separation on species are pleased. Nuts are divided into real and unreal. TO present Believe dry fruits with a rigid coating. They have one or two cores. TO unreal The fruits of various crops that have nothing to do with the orphan family, except for the appearance. This list includes peanuts belonging to the legume family, but also considered to be walked, as well as the fruit of cedar, which is a seed of cedar wood, coconuts that are absolutely and completely different from usually walnuts.

The energy value of nuts and their composition differ significantly, you can make sure that I consider each type separately.



Table of calorie nuts

Each product in its own way is caloriene, for example, walnut calorie content is 647-705 kcal per 100 grams, almond caloric content - 583-650 kcal / 100 g, and the calorie content of the hazelnut, all beloved delicacy, - 651-704 kcal per 100 grams. The nuclei contain a large amount of protein, fats and carbohydrates. Consider in more detail the calorieness of nuts, the table will show a comparison of data between the species.

No. p / p Name of fruit Proteins Fat. Carbohydrates Kkal
1 Chestnut (Fresh) 3.4 3 30.6 166
2 Chestnut (fried) 3.2 2.2 33.8 182
3 Coconut 3.4 33.5 29.5 380
4 Peanut 26.3 45.2 9.9 551
5 Pistachii 20 50 7 556
6 Brazilian 14 66 12 565
7 Fried cashew 17.5 42.2 30.5 572
8 Almond 18.6 53.7 13 609
9 Peanut dried 29.2 50.2 10.8 611
10 Cedar 11.6 61 19.3 629
11 Cashew fresh 25.7 54.1 13.2 643
12 Manchurian 28.6 61 7.7 643
13 Walnia 15.2 65.2 11.1 648
14 Pekan 9.2 72 4.3 691
15 Hazelnut 16.1 66.9 9.9. 704
16 Makadamia. 7.9 75.7 5.2 718

From the table it is clear that most of the nuts are fats, therefore, before throwing a handful of tastes in the morning oatmeal with dried fruits, it is worth familiar with these data. The calculation is taken from 100 grams of the product. The daily rate for a person is his handful. Do not exceed the dose, especially if you sit on a diet. For self-control, take the necessary dose and remove the unnecessary, mix with food or grind in a coffee grinder, it is not enough that it is delicious and quickly digested, but the useful components are better absorbed by the stomach walls.

Low calories and athletes are better to choose low-calorie nuts:

  • Peanut;
  • Pistachios;
  • Cashew;
  • Almond.

The kernels should be in its pure form without adding salt, sugar, glaze or chocolate. Nuts can be eaten for breakfast with oatmeal and fruit or as a snack before dinner, when the body is best processed carbohydrates, and they are not postponed in our sides.

Even the one who exactly does not know how many calories in nuts will say that there are many of them. The fact that they are rich in fat, you can feel even taste. Nutritionists claimed that if you eat only 3 "extra" walnuts per day, then for the year weight will increase by 5 kilos. So - to completely refuse these gifts of nature, so as not to spoil the figure? Do not rush to draw conclusions!

Nuts - powerful source of energy and useful substances

Valuable, nutritious, and most importantly, a very tasty product - nuts. Many use them as a snack or add to pies and salads. Nuts like seeds, very "contagious": enough to eat one, as the hand is already stretched after another, and so imperceptibly devastated all the pack or vase. In these fruits, a whole set of vitamins and useful trace elements. One problem - by calories they are much ahead of other plant gifts.

A person eats different types of them. To find out which you can (and whether it is possible) there is when weakness, it is enough to know what the calorie content of nuts.

About the energy value of nuts

Among those who need to lose weight, such a myth goes: if the menu is replaced by meat with nuts, then you can get rid of extra kilograms without torment and restrictions. Below to this legend can except those who have never been interested in which the energetic value and the composition have nuts. The calorie content of these products (at the rate of 100 grams and 30 grams) will be like this:

  • walnut - 700 kcal; 185 kcal (7 cores);
  • brazilian - 703 kcal; 186 kcal (6 fruits);
  • cedar - 620 kcal; 188 kcal (167 nuts);
  • almonds - 694 kcal; 163 kcal (23 nuclei);
  • hazelnut - 707 kcal; 178 kcal (21 pcs.);
  • pistachios - 610 kcal; 158 kcal (49 pcs.);
  • peanuts (Earth) - 551 kcal; 166 kcal (28 pieces);
  • cashew - 633 kcal; 155 kcal (25 pcs.);
  • pecan - 861 kcal; 193 (19 walnut halves);
  • coconut - 669 kcal; 200 kcal.

Why do you need to know what calorie content in a 30-gram portion of nuts? Because it is so much the weight of the packaging with an appetizing snack.

In the walnut family there is a favorite - this is the most expensive and rare instance. It grows in Australia and costs about 30 cu. per kg. This delicacy "Makadamia" is called. Energy value of such elite nuts - 718 kcal.

How much is combined with the dietary characteristics of calorie nuts? The table shows that none of these products cannot be called low-calorie, which means they should be careful with them to those who do not want to lose a slim figure.

How many calories can be found in 1 nut?

Safe portion of nuts depends on their nutrition. Since the fruits contain an impressive supply of fat, it is important how much energy is hidden inside 1 nucleoline. The answer will not please those who are dissatisfied with their weight. So, 1 Walnut Primary for you so much kilocalories:

  • whole walnut - 26 kcal;
  • cedar - 1.12 kcal;
  • almonds - 7 kcal;
  • hazelnut - 8.4 kcal;
  • pistachios - 3.2 kcal;
  • peanuts - 5.9 kcal;
  • cashew - 6.2 kcal;
  • pecan - 21 kcal.

Some think about how many calories are concluded in young (misunderstanding) walnut. He really lags behind the energy value from his more "adult" relative, but not much. But the taste qualities of such a product differ sharply from ripe fetus.

Benefit or calorie? Truth somewhere in the middle

Each of the nuts is useful for the body. Thus, in walnut contains a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids. It is a powerful antioxidant. A elllantic acid, which is rich in this product, effectively supports immunity. If you eat a day from 4 to 6 walnuts, it will be useful for the body and will not affect weight. After all, at the same time, the calories will increase by 156 kcal - this is the norm for snacks between the main meals.

Cedaries have in their composition almost all unique amino acids, and their protein is completely absorbed by the body. On a day you can eat a maximum of 100. Almonds - champion in the number of vitamin E. Safe portion - 30 g. The hazelnut contains a lot of iron, strengthens blood vessels. In order not to recover, enough 7 pieces per day.