Presentation of sports with disabled people. Presentation on the topic "Day of Disabled"

Presentation on the topic: Russian athletes - disabled

Prepared: primary school teacher Tarasova E.A.

Okou "Tötkinskaya School - boarding school for children with disabilities"

Dmitry Kokarev

Dmitry Kokarev (born on February 11, 1991) - Russian swimmer. Dmitry per year, doctors set a terrible diagnosis - children's cerebral paralysis. The child since childhood was swimming and already at the age of 14 fell into the Paralympic team of Russia. And a year later, young Kokarev became the opening of the World Cup, won three gold medals. At the 2008 Paralympic Games in Beijing, the 17-year-old representative of Nizhny Novgorod won in three final swims (in two - with world records) and in one became the silver prize-winning competition. 11-fold world champion Dmitry Kokarev in London planned to perform several distances.

Olesya Vladykina

Olesya Vladykina (born on February 14, 1988) - Russian athlete, champion of Paralympic Games 2008 in Beijing. In 2008, on vacation in Thailand, the excursion bus came to an accident. Olee's girlfriend died, and the girl lost his left hand. However, soon Olesya resumed the workout and after five months she became a champion of Paralympicade on swimming at a distance of 100 meters by Brass. In London, the athlete planned to perform at several distances - both in individual disciplines and relay. Olesya Vladykina is the ambassador of the 2014 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi.

  • Lebedinsky Andrei Anatolyevich was born in Khabarovsk in 1963. From an early age he was fond of shooting, as his father was an avid hunter and often took his son to the forest. Actually, he also taught Andrey the first shooting lessons. Already later, at fourteen years, the guy fell into the pool shooting section, where he demonstrated his skills. In fifteen years he became a candidate, and in seventeen - a master of sports. The guy predicted a large sports future. In 1981, he won the USSR Championship on Pool Shooting. But in 1984 the tragedy happened, as a result of which Andrei lost his leg. For a whole year, he was treated and rehabilitation, and to pay it, Lebedinsky had to sell his gear. But as soon as the doctors gave good, he returned to the sport, without which no longer thought of his life. In the national team, he debuted in 1996, conquering three medals at once (two gold and bronze). The athletes-Paralympians of Russia have always hit their incredible efforts of will and courage, but Andrei Lebedinsky passed a very difficult way to desirable victories. In 1999, he was injured by the right eye, almost lost sight. And it happened a year before the Olympics. All 365 days Andrei studied to a leather healthy eye and trained from morning to night. As a result, he became only third in Sydney. But Athens and Beijing brought two long-long gold in his piggy bank.

  • Alexey Bugaev Alexey was born in Krasnoyarsk in 1997. He is one of the youngest athletes included in the top "most famous Paralympians of Russia." Recognition Guy received on games in Sochi, where gold won in slalom and super combination (skiing). Alexey was born with a terrible diagnosis - "Congenital anomaly of the right hand." Parents gave a boy to sports so that he strengthened his health, found friends and just adapted to life. Aleksey's skiing from six years old. In fourteen, he was already in the Paralympic national team. And it brings advances to him!

  • Alena Kaufman is biathlonist and skier, despite the recent birth of a daughter and a rather big list of achievements, competes on. Alena since childhood suffered from the diagnosis of "weak grabbing reflex". But, since her parents were existing athletes, the girl did not have to choose. As soon as she learned to walk, Alyona was put on skis. Despite the state of health, Alena performs in biathlon, and shooting is easy to do it. This is one of the strongest sides of her sports career. In Sochi, the girl won two medals of the highest dignity and replenished the piggy bank of their champion gold. The famous Paralympians of Russia are actively engaged in public operation, helping the same children as they themselves, believe in themselves and their strength. For their activities, Alyona became the winner of the Prize "Return to Life".

Inga Medvedev

Multiple champion of Russia, silver Olympic champion in ski slalom. At 11 years old at a pedestrian crossing, the car was shot down, moved the girl's leg and disappeared. Foot failed to save, I had to amputate. But the girl did not break it, but did more. Inga chose the most extreme sport and achieved high results.

Functional classification of disabled,
With regard to the tasks of sports of higher achievements
team members
Paralympic sports

Paralympic Sport

Summer sports
Winter sports
Basketball on wheelchairs
Volleyball on wheelchairs
Row academic
Horseback Riding
Rugby on wheelchairs
Shooting bullet
Tennis on wheelchairs
Tennis Table
Fencing on wheelchairs
Football 5x5
Football 7x7
Kerling on strollers
Ski race
Hockey on Sanya

Classification is the process of forming homogeneous groups of disabled athletes for their functionality

This is a process
homogeneous groups
athlete in their athlete

Purpose of classification

Purpose of classification
provide disabled athletes
Fair conditions of competition
give an athlete warranty that his
The defeat will not be
An obstacle to implementation
sports activities

Classification features

Definition of admission
for participation in
Athletes in

International Paralympic Committee (IPC) Classification Code

Code of International
Paralympic Committee
adopted in November 2007,
spreads to everything
Sports and is
leadership on all
Classification levels.

The technology of functional medical classification of athletes with the lesion of the musculoskeletal system is based on the assessment of the engine

Functional technology
Medical Classification
Athletes with lesion
Motor Movement
The device is based on the assessment
Motor capabilities
Athletes (in points)

The lesions of the musculoskeletal system included in the classification functional system (FGC) and allow you to participate in competition

Lesions of the musculoskeletal system,
Included in the functional classification system (FGC)
and allowing participating in competitions
Spinal injury
Cerebral paralysis, including
Brain injury
Amputation limbs, including
Congenital underdevelopment of the limbs
"Dwarfism", for example, ahondroplasia,
arthrogriposis, etc.
Other lesions of the musculoskeletal system

Minimum lesion level

Sports and medical classification of athlete informants with congenital and amputation defects
Class A1 - bilateral amputation of the thigh.
In the class A1, athletes can use a stroller if
It is necessary from a medical point of view and recorded in
Qualification card. If the athlete chooses for
participation in the competition stroller, he must remain in
It throughout the entire time
Class A2 - one-sided thigh amputation.

One-sided thigh amputation in combination with

Class AZ - bilateral shin amputation.

ammputation by the pierce.
Bilateral amputation by piercing.
Class A4 - one-sided shining amputation.
One-sided shin amputation in combination with
amputation of foot at different levels.
One-sided shin on the pyrplay in
combination with foot amputation at different levels.
Class A5 - Bilateral Shoulders amputation.
Class A6 - one-sided amputation of shoulder in
Combined with an amputation of shin on the pierce.
One-way shoulder amputation in combination with
amputation of foot at different levels.

Class A7 - bilateral amputation forearm.

Shoulder amputation.
Class A8 - one-way forearm amputation.
One-way forearm amputation in combination with
Amputery on the tower.
One-way forearm amputation in combination with
amputation of foot at different levels.
Class A9 - unilateral hip amputation in
Combination with an impertension of the forearm.
One-sided thigh amputation in combination with
Shoulder amputation.
One-sided shin amputation in combination with
Ammputation forearm.
One-sided shin amputation in combination with
Shoulder amputation.

Note: Minimum physical disadvantage
For admission to athlete competitions after
Amputation of one lower limb should
to be expressed in the level of amputation
accounted for at least ankle
Minimum physical disadvantage for admission to
athlete competitions after amputation of one
the upper limb should be expressed in
The level of amputation took place at the wrist level.

Sports-Medical Classification
Disabled athletes with the consequences of injuries
spine and spinal cord.
This classification takes into account neurological
Picture of the consequences of the injuries of the spine and the dorsal
brain, which highlights conditionally six classes,
Class 1A Defeat of the Upper Division
spinal cord (from C4 to C7 segment and higher).
Three-headed muscle does not function, does not
Resistance (no more than 3 points with manual testing.
Class 1B - the defeat of the medium-sized department
Spinal cord (C8 segment). Normal strength
Three-chapted muscles (4-5 points MMT). Function
Field of forearm not broken, weak muscles
forearm (0-3 points MMT).

Class 1C The damage to the bottom of the spinal cord (B1
Segment of the chest). Normal strength three-headed muscles,
The normal strength of the forearm flayers (4-5 points MMT).
Inter-emergency and black brush muscles do not function.
The muscles of the body and the lower extremities are weakened.
Class II Defeat of the Spinal Cord Wrkhopeggudinal Department (O2-O5
segments). Intercostal torso muscles do not function in
Sitting equilibrium position is not held, completely
paralyzed lower limbs (lower spastic parapapaprex,
Class III The defeat of the Nizhneggudinal Spinal Cord Department (O6-
O10 segments). Muscles of the body and breast muscles are weakened (1
- 3 points MMT). Reduced abdominal muscle power, bottom
Parapeperse, paraplegia. Perhaps hold
Equilibrium in the sitting position.

Class IV - the defeat of the lumbar spine
brain. The power of the muscles of the body is preserved (more than 3
Balls MMT), weak extensors of the leg and
The leading muscles of the thigh (1-2 points MMT).
Total power of the muscles of the lower extremities 1-20
Patients with the consequence of polio can also
be included in this class if when testing
They dial 1 - 15 points.
Class V is the defeat of the sacacon.
Fouring thigh muscles operates (3-5
Points MMT). The rest of the muscles are weakened. For
Testing results MMT 21-40 points.
This also includes people with disabilities with consequences.
Poliomyelitis, who scored 16-50 points.

Class VI
The defeat of the sacrum (below S1
segment). This class includes people with disabilities having
41-60 points MMT, as well as patients with
The effects of polio -35-50 points MMT
Note. This class is a subclass
Fifth and stands out only for swimming.

Manual Muscular Testing
In case of para- and tetraplegia, as well as with disease, polio
To determine the class applies manual-muscular
Testing (MMT). Manual muscular taking is
Not other than the measurement of muscle strength:
0 points - complete absence of arbitrary muscle
voltage (paralysis);
1 point - weak muscular voltage without moving
2 points - arbitrary muscle contraction sufficient for
performing full movement without overcoming gravity;
3 points - arbitrary muscle contraction sufficient for
performing movement against gravity;
4 points - arbitrary muscular reduction, full volume
arbitrary movements with overcoming gravity and
resemblance resemblance;
5 points - arbitrary muscle contraction sufficient for
performing movement against strong resistance, normal
Muscle power.

Athletes with cerebral palsy:
Class C1 quadroplegia. The patient can not move.
Class C2 quadroplegia. Can move only in the wheelchair
with lever control.
Class SZ Quadroplegia, triplegia or hemiplegia. Can
Move in a wheelchair by driving it with one hand.
Class C4 - paraplegia. Moves in the stroller.
Class C5 - hemiplegia. Disabled can move on
Legs with extra support or without it.
Class C6 - four limbs athettosis. Go
Class C7 low-voltage quadroplegia or hemiplegia.
Walks yourself.
C8 class - light disorders coordination of movements, almost
Normal motor functions. Can walk, run, etc.

Defeats not included in the classification functional system

Dysfunction of the internal organ or its
Common chronic disease
Age wear joints
Psychiatric states
Skin disease

Defeats not included in the functional system of classification (2)

Violations of vision

IBSA (International Sport Association
Blind), highlights three classes - full loss
view, partial loss of vision, visually impaired
CISS (International Sports Committee
Deaf), allocates two classes - complete hearing loss
and hearingly loose
INAS-FID (International Sport
Association of persons with intelligence impaired),
Allocate one class
SOI (International Special Olympiad
For mentally retarded persons), one class highlights

To be admitted to the competitions athletes
with impaired intelligence must match although
would minimal criteria that in accordance with
Definition of the World Organization
Health (WHO) are expressed as follows
The level of intelligence in points does not exceed 70 IQ
(Middle man has about 100 IQ)
Availability of restrictions in mastering ordinary skills
(such as communication, social skills,
self-service, etc.)
manifestation of mental retardation before reaching
age 18 years old

Classification procedure

Medical testing
Technical testing
Observation during the competition

Group of classifiers

Medical Classifier (doctor)
Technical Classifier (coach)
Classification rules

Medical classification

coordination tests
Tests that assess the state of the muscular
Tests evaluating the mobility of the joints
Measuring the length of amputized
limbs or length limbs when
Congenital underdevelopment
Growth measurement and determination of disorders
Body proportions

Technical classification

this is an estimate of implementation
Outside competition
Specific tasks I.
actions that are
part of the sport,
which are engaged

Sports and Medical Commission meets
motor capabilities of each participant
Competitions not only according to classification,
But during the international
Competitions, at the European Championships, Peace,
Paralympic games.
In sports such as an easy athletics, swimming,
Testing is carried out in the pool, in the stadium.
Offering the participant to swim certain
Distance or participate in wheelchair races
Commission members determine which muscle groups
really do not work.

A peculiar study takes place for riders on
strollers. Leading riders world having
Authority among specialists, together with
subjects go to the distance, after which
Report Commissions on Physical Opportunities
In the pool, all these tests take place significantly
easier, since everything features are visible from the side
or other person.
Only after all surveys are determined by the class
participant and data are transmitted and main
Judge Board.

Opportunities of a healthy swimmer - 300 points tolerance for competitions - with a lack of at least 15 points based on the results of medical tests

In swimming, disabled with lesions of the musculoskeletal system are released 10 classes (S1-S10). The lower the class number, the greater the degree of raising

In swimming disabled with lesions
Allocate 10 classes (S1-S10).
The lower the class number, the more
degree of lesion, for example,
Class S1 corresponds to the maximum
restriction of physical activity, and
Class S10 - minimal limit

Analysis of the results of the primary functional medical classification of the national level conducted at the Russian Championships

Analysis of the results
Primary functional
Medical Classification
national level
performed by
Russian swimming championships
among disabled athletes with
For the period from 2007 to 2011

The total number of disabled athletes who have passed the primary classification - 260 people

The total number of athletes who have passed the primary
Classification - 260 people

1 Group - Low Classes (S1-S4) 2 Group - Medium Classes (S5-S7) 3 Group - High Classes (S8-S10)

Dynamics for 5 years have been revealed: an increase in the number of low and medium-sized classes an increase in the number of young athletes under the age of 20

Stage of Medical Social Examination

diagnosis of sports and rehabilitation
Potential of people with disabilities, taking into account their interests
and the previous physical education
Drawing up an individual program
disabled rehabilitation (IPR) taking into account
Classes recommended sports, i.e.
Providing, for example, sports chair-tank table tennis,
basketball, sports dancing, etc.)

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Paralympic lesson "Disability is not a sentence"

The history of the Olympic Games is well known to many. Unfortunately, the Paralympic Games are much less known - Olympics for people with physical disabilities, limited features.

The founder of the Paralympic Movement, an outstanding neurosurgeon Ludwig Gutman (1899-1980), was born in Germany. Using its techniques, Gutman helped many wounded in the fights of World War II soldiers to return to normal life after the hardest injuries and injuries. An important place in these techniques was given to sports. For outstanding merits in the save of people from the ailments of bodily and spiritual, assistance in the restoration of their sense of civil goodness, dignity, Gutman received the Knight's title and the highest award - the Order of the British Empire. In 2011 in 1948, Gutman held an archery competition among athletes on the strollers. In London, the Olympic Games opened at the same time. The persistence of Ludwig Gutman was crowned with success. Immediately after the 1960 Olympics in Rome, the first summer Paralympic Games took place, and winter games were held regularly.

The opening ceremony took place on September 18 at the Aquaacetos Stadium, where five thousand spectators were present. 400 athletes from 23 countries took part in the competition. The delegation of the athletes of Italy was the most numerous. The Roman Game Program included eight sports, among which there were an athletics, swimming, fencing, basketball, archery, table tennis, etc. Medals were played out in 57 disciplines of 8 sports. Athletes with damage to the spinal cord participated in the competition. In these games, outstanding results were shown by F. Srisi from Italy (fencing), D.Tomson from Great Britain (light athletics), etc. First place on games in the informal team competition occupied Italy, the second and third places were divided by the United Kingdom and the United States. Summing up, L.Gutman has defined the "value of Roman games as a new model for integrating paralyzed into society."

Athletes are divided into 4 classes: - damage to the musculoskeletal system; - cerebral palsy; - amputants; - visually impaired. Depending on the injuries, they use various equipment. These are monochings, orthopedic accessories, also voice-leader's voice commanders. Compete in various types.

Summer types of Paralympic Sports. Basketball on wheelchairs. The very first game appearance, which was presented on summer games. In the teams of five players; Rules, except that the players move on the strollers are close to usual.

Volleyball. There are two varieties - standing and sitting. The popularity of this sport among athletes with disabilities began after inclusion of volleyball sitting in the competition program.

Golbol. The game with a ball for blind athletes, in which you need to roll into the opponent's gate a big ball with a buckler inside.

Rugby on wheelchairs. Take men and women. Rugby on the wheelchairs combines elements of basketball, football and hockey with a washer, but play it on a basketball court. Special strollers are used, softening strikes in collisions.

Football 7x7. Athletes competition with cerebral paralysis and other neurological disorders, the degree of disability is strictly stipulated by the rules: violations must prevent normal game, and violations are allowed, but it is necessary to maintain normal coordination in the standing position and when hitting the ball. In addition to the reduced sizes of the site and a smaller number of players, there is no "off-game" rule and permitted by one hand. Two half play for 30 minutes.

Football 5x5. Game for blind and visually impaired athletes; Close to the holbe, but playing standing. The team has four players, and the gate protects the sore coach-goalkeeper, which manages actions. The game with a recycle ball lasts 50 minutes. In one team can be blind and visually impaired players; For all, except for the goalkeeper, banners are required.

Billiards. Classic billiards - Snooker in version for wheelchairs was represented at the Games in 1960 by one male view. The rules are not fundamentally different from the usual. Fencing on wheelchairs. The first appearance adapted for athletes with disabilities. A fundamental feature - strollers are fixed on a special platform, and instead of movements of the legs, the work of the case or only hands is used.

Cycling. The rules are not adapted specifically for athletes with disabilities, but additional protective equipment has been introduced. Wheelchairs are competing on wheelchair-bicycles with manual drive, athletes with violations of vision - on tandem bicycles in pairs with moaning assistants. Men and women are involved. The modern program includes highway races, as well as track types: Team, individual, persecution racing, etc.

Tennis on wheelchairs. Men's and female, single and paired competitions are held. The main difference from ordinary tennis is allowed two rebounds of the ball from the site. Table tennis. Wheelchairs and amputants are involved, there are single and team competitions.

Archery. The first paralympic species - precisely from it began competitions of wheelchairs, organized by Ludwig Gutman in Stock Mandeville. The program includes team competitions, shooting standing and sitting in a stroller. Shooting bullet. Wheelchairs shoot sitting in a stroller and lying. Athletes are divided into two categories: those who use, and those who do not use an additional hand support. There are men's, female and mixed species.

Rowing academic. Competitions are held in four types: men's and women's lonely boats (athletes who work only by their hands are involved), mixed twos (hands and hull) and mixed four (legs). Sailing. Men and women compete together in three classes of ships.

Swimming. Rules are close to usual, but there are changes. So, blind swimmers inform about touching the pool wall. There are three start options: standing, sitting and out of the water. Judo. In the paralympic version, blind fighters (and men and women) capture each other before the signal of the beginning of the fight. Power types. Powerlifting was the greatest distribution - the bench rods lying.

Athletics. Running, jumping, throwing, all-around, as well as specific species - wheelchair races.

Barrel. The option of the Greek game with the ball. The rules are simple: the leather ball must be thrown as close as possible to the control white ball. Athletes with severe disability, men and women together are involved in competitions; There are individual, pair and command options.

Dance sport. Flying dance competitions are divided into three kinds - in a stroller partner, in a stroller, both dancer in the wheelchair.

Winter types of paralympic sports biathlon. In 1988, only men with impaired limbs participated in competitions. In 1992, species for athletes with violation of vision were added, which was made possible thanks to the special sound electrical equipment created in Sweden. The diameter of the target for athletes with impaired vision is 30 mm, for athletes with impaired musculoskeletal system - 25 mm. Penalty minute is prescribed for each slip. The rifles of athletes are on a shooting range, and they should not be worn on themselves. Shooting only lying. Athletes with violation of vision assumes a conductor who helps them take a position and charge the rifle.

Ski race. At first, athletes with amputation were participating (used special adaptations for sticks) and with vision disabilities (they passed the distance with the conductor). Since 1984, sportswomen-wheelchairs competed in ski racing. They moved on sedent ski salads - the seat is fixed at an altitude of about 30 cm on two conventional skis - and kept short sticks in their hands.

Skiing. The three-piece slalom is invented: the athletes are descending from the mountains on one skid, using two additional skiing fixed at the ends of the sticks. Competitions on a monochine are designed for wheelchairs and resemble snowboarding.

Kerling on strollers. Unlike traditional kerling, there are no "adjustments". Commands are mixed, among the five players should be at least one representative of each sex. Athletes compete on their usual strollers. Stones are moving with special sliding sticks with plastic tips, which cling to the stone knob.

Impassion-hockey. Invented three disabled from Sweden, which were engaged in sports on wheelchairs on frozen lakes. As in traditional hockey, six players play (including goalkeeper) from each team. Players move along the field on the sledding; The equipment includes two sticks, one of which is used to repulsion from ice and maneuvering, and the other to hit the washer. The game consists of three periods with a duration of 15 minutes.

The development of Paralympic Sports in Russia. In Russia, more than 10 million people with disabilities, many people need to have rehabilitation activities precisely by means of physical education and sports. For more than 15 years, there is a paralympic movement in Russia, the Paralympic Committee and the Federation of Physical Culture and Sports of Russia's disabled people. In 1988, Russia for the first time took part in the Paralympic Games, both in the Summer and Winter. Currently, the development of the role of state is celebrated in the development of sports among people with disabilities in Russia. This is manifested primarily in state-owned sports from people with disabilities; financing the system of preparation of disabled athletes; Formation of social policy in the field of sports disabled, in particular, the social security of athletes, coaches, specialists.

Russian paralympuses Mikhail Terentyev Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Born in 1970 in the city of Krasnoyarsk since 1984 was engaged in a ski diet. In 1986, at competitions in the city of Kirov, after an unsuccessful landing, a chest spine broke. Member of the Winter Paralympic Games in Lillehammer in 1994. In 1996, the first gold medal for Russia among athletes-wheelchairs wins in the world championships in ski racing and biathlon. On Paralympic Games in Nagano won 2 silver and one bronze medals. On the Winter Paralympic Games in Saltleik City 2002, 10 km is becoming a champion of games. On distances 5km and 15 km ranks 2nd. Season 2002 / 03GG. Bronze medalist in the overall World Cup. Silver winner of the World Cup in the Ski Racing season 2003 / 04GG. Bronze medalist of the World Cup in the Ski Racing season 2004 / 05g. At the 2005 World Cup. Conquered a silver medal. Bronze medalist of 100,200,400 m at the European Championships in Athletics in 2005. 1 and 3 place on the long and short distance distance and 6th place at a distance of 10 km at the 1st stage of the World Cup on skiing and biathlon in Italy. In the winter Paralympic Games in Turin in 2006, the bronze medal in Biathlon won. Secretary General of the Paralympic Committee of Russia. He was awarded the Order "For merits to the Father's" Fourth Degree ".

Sergey Shilov Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Born October 1, 1970. In the city of Pskov. Since 1982 He began to engage in sports orienteering, fulfilled the standard "Candidate for Master of Sports". In 1986, returning from the competition from Estonia, in the car accident gets severe injury, the fracture of breast vertebrae. In the sports with disabilities since 1990. In 1993, he took part in competitions in ski racing and biathlon. Absolute European Champion in Ski Racing 1997, European Champion 2001. Since 1993, the multiple winner and the winner of the championships of Russia. Member of the Summer Paralympic Games: Beijing, Athens, Sydney, Atlanta, Barcelona. Winter Paralympic Games Champion 1998 in Nagano, Japan. On the Winter Paralympic Games in Saltleik City 2002. I won 3 gold and 1 silver medals. In the winter Paralympic Games in Turin in 2006, 2 silver and 1 bronze medals won 2. Two-time champion of Paralympic Winter Games in Vancouver 2010 (relay, sprint). 4x-multiple European champion; 7i-multiple world champion; 60 Paralympic champion. Member of the executive committee of the Paralympic Committee of Russia. Awarded the Order of Honor and the Order of Friendship.

Roman Petushkov Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Born February 18, 1978 in Dmitrov Moscow region. Education is secondary special. Engaged in skiing. In February 2006, the novel was injured, lost both legs. From September of the same year he is engaged in I.A. Thunderous. Silver and Bronze medalist of Paralympic Winter Games in 2010 in Vancouver (Ski Racing 15 km and biathlon 12.5 km). World Champion 2009 in Finland (ski racing for 10 and 15 km). World Champion 2011 In Khanty-Mansiysk (biathlon-parquet). He was awarded the medal of the Order "For the Merit of the Fatherland" of the II degree. In the season of 2011/12, the winner of the Great Crystal Cup of the World Biathlon and Ski Racing.

Vladimir Kiselev Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Born 10/11/1974, Listra, Moscow region. Recordsman of Russia in the marathon (1.24.12). In 2000, on the summer Paralympic games in Sydney, ranked 4th at a distance of 10,000 meters. After the Olympiad decided to finish playing sports. In February 2005, he returned to a great sport and began to work under the leadership of Dmitry coaches and Irina Thunder. She took 3rd place at the European Championship in Athletics in Helsinki. At the 1st stage of the World Cup took 3rd place in Biathlon. In the winter Paralympic games in Turin in 2006, two gold medals in Biathlon won. In the Paralympic Games in Vancouver in 2010, won one silver and one bronze medals. Winner of the World Cup World Cup 2005 and 2006. in biathlon. World Champion in Biathlon 2009 (VOCATTI. Finland). He was awarded the Order of Friendship, the Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" of the II degree, the laureate of the prestigious sports national award "Glory", the winner of the Paralympic Committee of Russia "Return to Life".

Alexandra Miethary Master of International Class Sports. Born on August 18, 1990 in the Arkhangelsk region. Sport began to study in Nizhny Novgorod. Congenital disability of the right hand, since childhood is engaged in athletics. Participant of the Summer Paralympic Games in Athens - 2004 and Beijing - 2008. Multiple winner of the world championship at 100m distances, 200m. Since 2009, he is trained under the leadership of I.A. Gromova in Moscow.

Ivan Goncharov was born on April 3, 1985 in Moscow. Since 1998 he was engaged in Sunny sports. In February 2003, at the Russian Championship in Sunny Sports in the city of Krasnoyarsk, in training arrival was injured incompatible with life, miraculously survived, but remained disabled. Since June 2006, he came to sports disabled people, began to engage in I.A. Thunder ski racing and athletics (stroller race). The winner of the championships of Russia for athletics. Participant of Paralympiad in Vancouver. Silver and bronze medalist of the World Cup in Khanty-Mansiysk 2011 in Biathlon. Master of sports of international class.

The experience of successful overcoming difficulties at a high sports level, gives each participant a sense of satisfaction. Disabled people seek such sports results that were previously impossible. Having deviations in health take part in competitions, overcoming difficulties, become stronger in spirit, self-realizes and have an active vitality. They are all - the athletes-Paralympicians - heroes, because they did not accept fate prepared by fate. They reheated her and won. And it doesn't matter much, whether their victory is crowned with official award or not.

The presentation prepared a physical culture teacher GBOU boarding school №113. Samara Meshcheryakova Svetlana Mikhailovna 2017

People with unlimited possibilities of Ashapatov Aleksey Vitalyevich Ashtalman-Paralympic, trustee V.V. Putin In 2008, two gold medals won the Paralympic Games in Beijing, setting new world records - in the pushing of the kernel and throwing the disk. At the Games in London in 2012, he repeated his success, becoming a champion both in the disk throwing, beating its own world record and in the pushing of the kernel. At the opening ceremonies in Beijing and London, there was a sign of the Russian national team. For outstanding sports achievements awarded the Order of Honor and the Order of Friendship.

People with unlimited possibilities of Bezuglov Ksenia Yuryevna Public figure In August 2008, Ksenia fell into a car accident, as a result of which was chained to a wheelchair. But already in 2013, it became the owner of the title "Miss World" among girls on wheelchairs. Leads an active social life: It is a member of the youth council under the mayor of Moscow, the Coordination Council under the Minister of Health of Moscow and the Council under the Minister of Culture of Moscow, where protects the interests of disabled wheelchairs, taking an active part in the development of the projects of a barrier-free environment, as well as the organization of the All-Russian Beauty Competition Among the Girls -Coable. As a Torchorosphere participated in the opening of the Winter Paralympic Games Sochi-2014.

People with unlimited opportunities since childhood was swimming, became a master of sports. As a result, the accident lost hand. After the course of treatment and rehabilitation resumed training. At Paralympicide in Beijing in 2008, she won the 100 meters by 100 meters by Brass, setting a new world record. In 2012, in London, she again became a champion and again with a global record. In 2010, at Winter Games in Vancouver, the ambassador of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi 2014 was performed. Vladykina Olesya Yuryevna Sportswoman Paralympic

People with unlimited possibilities of Gunderov Igor Alexandrovich Chairman of the Board of MoOs "Kolesnitsa" is not amenable to illness, in 2013, Igor received the International Daiver Certificate, and in 2014 he graduated from the Moscow State Humanitarian and Economics. Co-founder of the Moscow Regional Public Organization of Persons with Disabilities "Kolesnitsa", a member of the Councils on Disabled Persons with the Chairman of the Federation Council and under the Government of the Moscow Region. Leads the program "Available Wednesday" on the Inva Media channel.

People with unlimited possibilities Gurzkaya Diana Gudaevna The Russian pop singer, a public figure of Diana convinced teachers that he could learn the game for piano. And in 10 years already debuted in the Tbilisi Philharmonic as a vocalist. In 1995, he won the music contest "Yalta - Moscow - Transit", and in M \u200b\u200bimagined Georgia for Eurovision in Belgrade. The singer is one of the creators of the Foundation for the help of blind and visually impaired children "in the call of the heart."

People with unlimited possibilities of Elagin Andrei Vladimirovich General Director of ANO "Katarzhina" founder and general director of an autonomous non-profit organization engaged in the development and production of wheelchairs, including sports. 50% of its employees themselves are disabled. After receiving disability after the accident, Andrei felt the inconvenience of an obsolete wheelchair on his own experience. Today, his company produces strollers that are cheaper than foreign analogues, do not inferior to them in quality and available in need.

People with unlimited kokarev Dmitry Vasilyevich Athlete Paralympic Russian Swimmer. Due to the diagnosis of PPC began swimming at the age of 5, and already at 17 years old became one of the discoveries of the Paralympic Games of 2008 in Beijing, taking three gold and one silver medal. At Paralympiad in London in 2012, three "silver" and one "bronze" won. Multiple champion of Russia, Europe and the world in swimming. "We just need to work. A person can all. If a person wants to achieve something, nothing can interfere with him, "Dmitry is convinced.

People with unlimited possibilities of Kolpakov Roman Borisovich Creator of the social service for transportation of persons with disabilities "Invaksi" (Moscow) for more than ten years ago Roman was injured by severe spinal injury. Almost as much later spent in hospitals. At the same time, on his own experience, I learned: to order a specialized wheelchair machine can take a few weeks. Gradually came to the idea that it was necessary to create an affordable transport delivery service, which for three years facilitates the life of Moscow people with disabilities. During this time, it was possible to increase the fleet of up to four cars equipped with special equipment.

People with unlimited capabilities Kretsul Oleg Vasilyevich Russian judoist Paralympic is professionally engaged in judo since childhood, a multiple winner and a medalist of international and all-Union judo and sambo tournaments. Honored Master of Sports, three-time world champion and two Judo champion. In 1997, shortly after the wedding, he got into a car accident, in which his wife died, and he lost sight. Oleg found the strength to endure the misfortune and two years after the tragedy returned to a great sport. He became the champion of the summer Paralympic Games of 2008. He was awarded the Order of Friendship, the Medal of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" II degree.

People with unlimited Lozko Lozko Petrovna Public figure, an athlete in 2000 at the first official championship of the Wheel Dancers in Norway, Elena Lozko, with his partner Dmitry Polyakov occupied I place. Thanks to its efforts in 2006, sports dancing on wheelchairs were registered in Russia as a separate sport. Became president of the Federation of sports dancing on the wheelchairs. Currently, its goal is that Russian athletes are disabled for victory in championships received scholarships.

People with unlimited possibilities of loved by Alexey Alekseevich Specialist in the adaptation of Internet sites for visually impaired and blind people in 20 years lost sight after flu, which has given complications. Since then, dealing with the problems of rehabilitation and adaptation of blind. Researcher of the Lab Content and methods of teaching children with violation of the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy RAO, a member of the Coordination Council of Public Organizations, working with young people with disabilities of the Department of Family and Youth Policy of Moscow. Engaged in adaptation of Internet sites for visually impaired and blind people.

People with unlimited possibilities of Nabiyev Tatyana Mikhailovna Business Lady Tatyana was a co-owner of a travel company, when in one of the working trips to disappear into an accident, after which it became disabled. Having started working in a non-profit organization, the Charitable Foundation "Social Adaptation of Persons with Disabilities", significantly expanded the field of activity of the Fund, creating programs for the adaptation of persons with disabilities abroad (Turkey, Greece, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Egypt, USA, other countries) and became president of the Foundation. He writes poems, draws etudes, engaged in journalism, helps the family of his son to educate grandchildren.

People with unlimited possibilities of Nafikova Gulnara Rajanovna Specialist in the employment of disabled Gulnara dedicated to the employment of people with disabilities, working in the Bashkir Republican Organization of the All-Russian Society of Disabled. Having two higher psychological education, organizes a variety of events in the "Active" youth club led by it. Another social project is the online store "Needlework". Each of his participant can make, sew or tie home a unique product to put it on sale online and earn.

People with unlimited possibilities of Novikov Mikhail Leonovich Public figure under his leadership was implemented by more than 30 projects, including international, in the development of employment programs for disabled people. Author of more than 15 benefits for specialists and employers. Manages the employment programs of people with the disability of Poi "Perspective". Member of the Expert and Analytical Working Group of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on the monitoring of the decrees of the President of Russia V.V. Putin on the creation of jobs for disabled.

People with unlimited possibilities of Oleinikov Alexander Public Activist Activist ONF, Assistant Governor of the Volgograd Region for Disabled Persons. Having injured in adulthood, he literally re-re-made himself. Based on the network of orthopedic salons in Volgograd, became a successful entrepreneur, assists with disabilities.

People with unlimited potental capabilities Igor Leonidovich Plovol Paralympic, coach Igor was born without both hands, but brought up among ordinary peers, studied in a general educational secondary school. In the Paralympic team of Russia since 2002, the champion and double silver winner of the Paralympic Games in Athens-2004, Champion of Games in Beijing 2008, World Champion and European Champion. In 2011, graduated from the Faculty of Physical Culture of the Tyumen State University. He dedicated life to working with children, whom smoking swimming.

People with unlimited Poddubny Sergey Anatolyevich State Duma Deputy, public figure Honored Master of Sports of Russia on table tennis, repeated champion and winner of Russia championships, international rating tournaments. Winner of the World Championship in Paralympic Table Tennis of 2010 in Korea. Takes part in the autocaleges, writes for the regional newspaper "Disabled", in 2006 he was admitted to the Union of Journalists of Russia.

People with unlimited possibilities Natalya Igorevna Public figure The spine trauma shared the life of Natalia for two unequal parts. But not broken. She is a successful economist. Happy wife and mother. In addition, the public figure: organized the Public Organization "Katyusha", which helps other mothers and dads with disabilities to distract from their own dramatic experiences and look at the world with wide eyes, in the full sense of the word write its own history from pure sheet.

People with unlimited possibilities of Rukhledyev Valery Nikitich President of the All-Russian Society of Deaf as his childhood, a boy with hearing problems, refused to take into a sporting wrestling section. And only the sambo coach Anatoly Matyushenko, having received a note "I am Valera Rukhledyev, 14 years old, deaf, I want to deal with the struggle" believed in the seriousness of the teen intentions and gave him a chance. Fighting the medals along with healthy athletes, won 11 international tournaments, the title of Champion of the USSR and Europe by Judo. In 1992, he headed the Russian sports union of the deaf, in 2010, transformed into the All-Russian Sports Federation of Sports Deaf. President of the Surrilmpic Committee of Russia.

People with unlimited possibilities of Sergeev Victor (Happy Victor) Public figure at the age of 15, Victor diagnosed "progressive muscular dystrophy". At 35 years old sat in a wheelchair. Organized the local community of disabled people in the Moscow region Otradnaya. Further - more: began to expand, organize concerts, sports holidays, trainings.

People with unlimited possibilities Smolin Oleg Nikolaevich State Duma deputy, public figure Doctor of Philosophy, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Vice President of the Paralympic Committee of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the All-Russian Public Movement "Education - for All". Professor, Academician of the Academy of Humanitarian Sciences and Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences. Author of more than 700 scientific, scientific and journalistic and journalistic works, including 7 copyright books.

People with the unlimited possibilities of Terentyev Mikhail Borisovich Athlete, Chairman of the All-Russian Society of Disabilities since 14 years old has been engaged in skiing diet. At the age of 16, the competition was injured by the spine, after which he was able to move only on a wheelchair. Despite this, remained in sports. He entered the national teams of Russia in six Paralympic games. The owner of four silver paralympic medals in ski racing and two bronze medals in biathlon. Since 2012 - Deputy State Duma VI convocation. Secretary General of the Paralympic Committee of Russia.

People with unlimited chairs Leonid Romanovich Tennis player, coach, the most famous Russian tennis player in the world. He began to play tennis since 1992, and already in 1998 he held in the world classification 23 place in a single discharge and 15th - in the pair. He took part in the Paralympic Games in Athens and in Beijing.

People with unlimited capabilities Shindin Natalia Valeryevna An artist from Yekaterinburg. Personal cerebrals, Natalia has grown in the Tywn house of disabled. He learned to go for 14 years, but she failed to develop her hands. Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming an artist, so I started drawing, holding a brush with teeth. Write his work with watercolor, butter, pencil, mastered the painting technique for a battle. Now lives in the house of disabled in Yekaterinburg. Its works were widely known and are constantly demonstrated at exhibitions organized by the regional disabled rehabilitation center.

People with unlimited possibilities Yaroshevich Svetlana Anatolyevna Athlete-Paralympic Master of Sports of the International Class on Free Wrestling, Five-time champion of Russia, winner of the World and Europe championships. In 2003, as a result, the accident was injured by the spine and lost opportunities to walk. Returned to classes in 2008, starting to master light athletics, ski racing and biathlon. Winner of the Paralympic Committee of Russia "Return to Life".

Disabled - People with disabilities who have forever or for a long time have been violated any important functions of the body. Disability is given to people in order to make their lives better with the help of social benefits, payments and other measures to make their lives, who have all the functions normally.

People with disabilities need help and supporting healthy people. After all, many become disabled in tragic chance.

Each of us wants to live a full life, communicate with each other and recognize the new one, and each of us has its own characteristics. People with disabilities are the same people as any of us. They are almost no different, only wear glasses with thick lenses, the auditory apparatus, use auxiliary technique for movement, special reading books, take certain medical drugs or are limited in receiving some food, etc. And for communication or joint activities with these people is required to comply with some rules. We will talk about it today.

Violation. Blindness.

Means for improving life :

  • braille font used in inscriptions and books
  • audiobooks

  • dogs-guide
  • sound traffic lights
  • relief power stalls

  • special Keyboards, Displays, Clock (Sound)
  • touch phones


There are special educational institutions for blind and visually impaired: general education, vocational schools, music schools, masseuric schools, etc.

Blind "see" fingers, they read and write along the relief system of Brülle.


Work on the phone (dispatcher) and hands (in production, massage, music). Among the products created by the blind on special training and production enterprises of Vos, medical instruments, electrical and radio engineering parts, parts for cars and agricultural machinery, etc.

Hearing impairment and lack of speech - deafness.

Means for improving life :

Hearing Aids

  • sign language
  • TV: Survival and Titres


Special schools for deaf-and-dumb.


Handwork is used in production, in crafts, in agriculture, where there is no large number of communication (for example, hairdresser, seamstress, artist, assembly)

Cerebral palsy .

The defeat of the nervous system during the birth rate (before or after), in which the coordination of movements is violated (violations of vision, speech and mental development are also possible).

PC is not a hereditary disease. Many children are afraid to communicate with the "strange" children, but there is nothing to be afraid - the centers can never be infected or get sick.

For treatment Apply:


Orthopedic devices

Special shoes and Langeti

  • medical physical education
  • developing classes, speech therapy
  • medicine
  • hippotherapy, dolphinotherapy


Children with cereals are trained in special educational institutions or ordinary schools.

Work Depends on the type and complexity of cerebral palsy. In many cases, cerebral palsy is not an obstacle to the desired work.

Damage to the spine and the musculoskeletal system.

Means for improving life :

Wheelchairs, Walkers

  • ramps in public places, entrances, transitions
  • special lifts (transport, pool)

Many wheelchairs lead an active lifestyle.

They can learn in general education institutions or in boarding schools. And work where their physical capabilities allow.

There are such chronic diseases , the heavy forms of which lead to disability. But when complying with a certain regime and timely medication, these people can lead full life, nothing different from the life of a healthy person .

For example,

Bronchial asthma severe degree - chronic inflammation of bronchi, in which normal breathing is disturbed.

Diabetes Heavy Forms - Violation of metabolism in the body due to the increased blood sugar content and violation of the biological effect of insulin.

Congenital heart disease Heavy Form is a violation of the structure of the heart, causing life limitations.


Any of the listed diseases is a test for a person, but it also trains the Will's power and learn responsibility for themselves and their loved ones, which often helps to achieve success in life.

As you know, people with poor eyesight are exacerbated by other feelings, usually, rumor. People with cerebral palsy and deaf and deafness are often found abilities for creativity.

People with disabilities can go to school, have a job, marry, maintain a family and live in their own home. They can be physically limited, but they are limitless in their abilities, talents and desire for self-expression. Thanks to the huge strength of the Spirit and Will, these people can succeed in a wide variety of areas: science, business, artistic creativity, art, sports.

Very often, people with disabilities can achieve more than completely healthy people. For many years, various sports competitions for disabled people and special Olympic Games are held. And the disabled-athletes often show the results that are far from every healthy person can achieve even stubborn workouts!

Here are examples of people who, despite their illness, have achieved great success in the life.

Ludwig van Beethoven - An outstanding German composer who has lost his hearing.

Blind musicians:

George Shiring - English musician, composer and virtuoso piano,

Andrea Bocelly - Italian opera singer,

Diana Gurtkaya - Russian pop singer.

Russian actors Yury Nikulin and Mikhail Boyarsky,

American writer Ernst Hemingway,

Famous American Rock Singer Elvis Presley,

World famous American inventor Thomas Edison ,

Great Russian singer Fedor Shalyapin ,

  • famous figures of science and culture

with diabetes.

Paralympic games.

In addition to the Olympic Games there are also "Olympiad Number Two" - Paralympiad. . These are sports competitions between disabled people and athletes with disabilities

Paralympic sports.

Athletics. Cycling. Fencing. Judo. Weightlifting. Archery. Ski cross. Hockey.

Paralympics 2010 in Vancouver: Russian athletes took part in ski racing, biathlon and skiing.

According to the results of the Games, the Russian national team took the II Communion Place, won 12 gold, 16 silver and 10 bronze medals.

The goal, for which this day was proclaimed, is a complete and equal observance of human rights and the participation of persons with disabilities in society. To protect the rights and interests of people with disabilities, communities are created - Wari, Vos, Vog.

Unfortunately, the life of disabled continues to remain very difficult. While in Russia there are still many problems that deprive the disabled opportunities to lead a full-fledged lifestyle and isolate them from society, leaving one on one with their misfortune.

People with disabilities do not ask for pity for them. They consider themselves equal members of society, although they sometimes need to help those surrounding people.

There is a golden rule: before you do anything for such a person, you need to ask if it needs in your help. Thus, it is respect for his personal freedom.

What can we do to make the world better?

The main thing is to remember: with disabilities, unfortunately, everyone can become! The disabled is the same person as everyone, just to live much more difficult to live than a healthy person! Only kindness and participation will save the world!