Churches and their names. The most beautiful temples of the world - the place of spiritual power

Beautiful temples have not only religious meaning. They are distinguished by amazing beauty and originality, are real architecture masterpieces. These buildings surprise those around their majestic and divine views. Their diversity and interesting design leads to this delight. This list includes only the most beautiful temples in the worldthat deserve every connoisseur of excellent architecture.

1. Sagrada Cathedral Surname

Sagrada Familia It can adequately wear the title of the most beautiful temple in the world. This is an amazing building in the very center of Barcelona. The author of such a beautiful creation is the famous architect named Antonio Gaudi. Fancy forms and architectural reliefs of buildings cause sincere delight from local residents and tourists. Inside the cathedral, you can see a lot of decoration in the form of paintings, stucco and mosaic. Harmoniously complement the building beautiful sculptures and towers. It regularly has free excursions for guests who wish to personally familiarize themselves with all the features of this building. While inside the Sagrada Temple, a surname, you can experience the entire atmosphere of biblical time.

2. Temple of Savior on Blood

Temple of Savior on Blood - One of the most beautiful temples of Orthodoxy, located in St. Petersburg. The structure is decorated in a Russian style with the use of Italian marble and other semi-precious stones. The decor is made in theatrical style, because of which the church looks like a carved box of gems. Many additional parts and multi-colored finishing materials give the temple of special attractiveness, and the sparkling of mosaic and tiles of different colors gamut originality and uniqueness. The temple of the rescue-on-blood with confidence can be called an incomparable model of mosaic architecture, because this is the direction of art is used in the process of decorating facades, which gives the temple of the festive appearance. Historians rightly refer to his monument of world importance.

3. Santa Maria del Fiore

Continues a list of the most beautiful temples in the world Santa Maria del Fiore. This cathedral is a great attraction of Florence. In the architecture of a unique building, the natural marble of three shades is harmoniously combined, which gives him uniqueness. The gothic style in which the construction is erected, the impression of antiquity and nobility. The interior design is quite strict. The facade decoration is the statue of the mother of God with a baby on her hands and a gentle lily flower. Special attention is attracted by the vintage clock, the arrows of which move in the opposite direction.

4. Crystal mosque

Ten of the most beautiful temples in the world entered Crystal mosque In Malaysia. It consists of different minarets in the form of neat structures covered with mirror glass. Thanks to this, during the daytime, the mosque is overflowing in the sun's rays, and at night shines with fires specially created backlight. Such a number of glass perfectly misses light and creates a favorable atmosphere for prayer. The crystal mosque is called one of the most unusual worldwide. In addition, it has a modern equipping, such as the Internet and Wi-Fi, which is very valued not only by local residents, but also tourists.

5. Notre Dame de Paris

In the heart of France, there is a well-known beautiful Catholic temple called Notre Dame de Paris. In the process of its construction, romance and gothic styles were used, harmoniously filling the furnishings with grace and monumentality. The inner design of the room is so great that the royal marriages were often held here before, chic funeral ceremonies, as well as imperial coronations. It was in this cathedral who for many years is kept the crown of Jesus Christ, who is the great relic of Christians. On the territory of this temple, 9 thousand parishioners can fit at the same time.

6. Blue Mosque

Blue Mosque - One of the most beautiful Muslim temples in the world. Located a mosque in Istanbul and consists of six minarets. She received his name thanks to a beautiful trim of blue. Currently, the construction surprises with its scale, as well as the original architecture. Here you can see a large central dome, complemented by volumetric columns and cascades. The interior is made in bright colors, among which the white, blue and blue color dominate. The walls of the temple are decorated with handmade ceramic plates, which are perfectly combined with lamps and carpets. Each dome here is painted by quotes taken from the Quran. The presence of a large number of windows makes the mosque with light and cozy.

7. Cathedral of Basil Blessed

St. Basil's Cathedral - The most famous and beautiful temple of Russia, which is also known as the Pokrovsky Cathedral. He is rightfully considered a symbol of Moscow. The Cathedral entered the UNESCO World Heritage List, thanks to a unique architecture. It represents eight different churches with beautiful dips in the shape of bulbs. There is even a legend that Ivan Grozny after the completion of construction deprived the masters of view, so that they had no opportunity to create another such masterpiece.

8. Golden Temple in Amritsar

It could not not be included in the top 10 of the most beautiful temples and this construction, which is considered the main shrine of India. Ancient Golden Temple was erected in the "Lake of Immersion", which chose Ram Das himself. Once he had a vision in which he looked at the flickering temple with lights, after which he decided to embody it into reality. Here come to cleanse the sins and get closer to God. The appearance of a beautiful temple resembles a white-gold lotus flower, as the upper part of the building is covered with gold, and the bottom is marble.

9. Church of Akshardham

Incredibly beautiful temple called Akshardham It is a large-scale complex that is not only religious, but also scientific and cultural. Here is the temple itself, a large garden, as well as a research center. The main decoration of Akshardham is the statue of God Schvaminarayan in gilding, the height of which is two meters. In the garden you can see a beautiful waterfall, lake and attractions, which gives the setting of some modernity and comfort. In the Research Center you can visit the library, historical archive and section for training. In addition, there are several interesting exhibitions on the subject of India on its territory. It comes here with close two million tourists every year to see all the features of this attraction.

10. Milan Cathedral

The most unusual temples in Russia.

Church of the Icons of the Mother of God "Unless Cupina" in the city of Dyatkovo

This temple was called the eighth miracle of the world, because nowhere in the world there are no same iconostasis as in the Nealimovsky Church of the city of Dyatkovo Bryansk region. The entire iconostasis of this temple is created from Crystal. In 1810 he was built by the owner of the local crystal factory of the Malts. Not only heavy, elegant work Crystal iconostasis, "as if floating in the air", but also crystal chandeliers and panicadals, unique candlesticks from multilayer and multicolor glass height in human growth decorated church until 1929. The amazing temple was destroyed, but some parts of his decoration were hidden in the Dyatkovsky Museum.

In 1990, the destroyed temple was recreated, and local glass windows, using the preserved 200-year-old drawings, thousands of items were made for more than a year for its decoration. The restoration of the iconostasis took several tons of crystal, and not simple, and the fused with lead - such a alloy goes to the manufacture of the most expensive dishes.
The Nealimov Temple inside seems to be ice, and rainbow: under the crystal plates on the walls are placed mirrors, which gives the effect of a rainbow glow.

Arkhyz church

Arkhyz temples are the most ancient or one of the most ancient in Russia. They are dated to the end of the IX - the beginning of the city. Scientists believe that it was here, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ancient settlement Magas, the capital of the Patriarchate of Ancient Alania was the capital. Alan finally joined Christianity in the first quarter of the X century, but his penetration was much earlier. Written sources mention this since the second half of the VII century.
On the territory of the settlement, three medieval temples are preserved - North, Middle and South. During the excavations by the archaeologist V.A. The Kuznetsov was found even the only ancient baptismal in the North Caucasus, built of flat stone slabs. The walls of the temple covered skillfully performed by Byzantine masters of the frescoes - this is evidenced by the drawings of the artist and archaeologist D.M. Storm made at the end of the XIX century.
In the middle temple, even acoustics are thought out: there is a system of vote - through and deaf holes in the walls of the temple.
The southern temple of this settlement is now the oldest operating Orthodox Church of Russia. In the rocky grotto near this temple, the face of Christ, manifested on the stone.

Church in honor of St. Nicholas Wonderworker on blue stones in Yekaterinburg

On the usual Yekaterinburg Khrushchev kids hand drawn a bell tower and a boy on it. Along the wall stretches written by the Slavic Vysuya "Hymn of Love" of the Apostle Paul. 13 Chapter, Message to Corinthians ... You will come closer by the words of love, and read the inscription: "Sky on Earth". That's just just even children can start comprehending Christian wisdom. In this temple there are no high ceilings with rotunda and domes, inside leads a narrow corridor, and the racks with books are straight along the church walls. But here are always full of children and there are many of its traditions: for example, to spend role-playing games, drink tea to all the arrival after Sunday Liturgy, sing along with choir or draw "good graffiti". And the Epiphany Water here sometimes "sell" for knowing the first commandment or immediate study. The parish releases the "revived stones" newspaper, and the site of the temple lives with life filled with creativity.

Church of the sign of the Most Holy Virgin in Dubrovitsy

The mysterious church with a mysterious history, the only temple in Russia, crowned who is not a dome, and the Golden Crown. The construction of the Znamensky Church refers to times when the Dubrovitsy's estate was owned by the teacher of Peter I Prince Boris Alekseevich Golitsyn. By the way, Peter I himself with the son of Tsarevich Alexei attended the sanctification of this temple. This church is not similar to Russian, it is built in a rare for our lands with Rococo style and is very richly decorated with round sculptures of white stone and stucco. They say, it is especially impressive in winter, when the landscape around is emphasized Russian.
In 1812, the temple was taken by Napoleonic troops, without causing, however, he had no damage. But in the twentieth century and this temple was closed
In 1929, the temple was closed for worship; In September 1931, the bell tower was blown up and the Church of Adrian and Natalia was blown up.
An interesting story of inscriptions inside the temple. Initially, they were made in Latin, later, at the request of Metropolitan Philaret (Drozdov), they were replaced by Church Slavic. And in 2004, during the restoration, the temple "spoke" in Latin again.

Temple wagon in Nizhny Novgorod

Almost opposite by his idea, the Orthodox church appeared in Nizhny Novgorod in 2005. The temple surprises, not trying to surprise, because it is located in ... railway car. This is a temporary structure: the buildings of the stone church are waiting for parishioners. It all began with a gift: the Nizhny Novgorod Diocese of Railway workers presented the car. And the diocese decided to equip him under the Church: the car was recorded, they made steps with a porch, installed Dome, Cross and December 19, 2005, on the day of the memory of St. Nicholas, the wonderworker, was consecrated. In the people, an unusual temple is called a "blue wagon" in the same name of the children's song, and "Soul Train" into English manner. The symbolism of the train, the car, which means the path, ancient to inherent in the Christian church. From the early times, the temples were built in the image of ships - in this sense, the Nizhny Novgorod temple continues to the Byzantine traditions! It is worth noting that this is not the only one, but the most famous temple car in Russia.

Kostomarovsky Spassky Women's Monastery

The oldest cave monastery of Russia with "divami" - the chalk pillars, inside which the monastery monastery are built. The bell tower of the Spassky Temple is constructed between two siques and literally soars in the air. Inside, thicker of the chalk mountain, the temple is so great that it accommodates two thousand people. It is here that the "Cave of Repentance" is famous for the whole of Russia - a corridor stretching underground 220 meters and gradually narrowing. It is known that before the revolution, they sent here to the "correction of the mind" of the most institutions of sinners. Movement on the cave configures to confession: repenting a long path in the dark, holding a lit candle, the cave arch is becoming even lower, and the person bends in the bow. Pilgrims say that they feel as if someone's hand gradually worsens their head, humming human pride. Even today we attend the "Repentance cave" are not accompanied to the end: a person leaves a part of the path alone.

Trinity Church "Kulich and Easter" in St. Petersburg

This nickname of churches came up with no witty Petersburgers - the Customer Customer Himself General-Prosecutor A.A. Vyazemsky asked the architect to build a temple in the form of traditional Easter dishes. Both buildings are crowned with "apples" with a cross. Due to the fact that the "Kulich" dome has no drum, in the altar part of the church it becomes dark. The game of light and blue "Heavenly" dome change the feeling of volumes, so from the inside the temple seems much more spacious than outside.
At the bottom of the bell tower, Easter is the Baptistery, which has only two small windows at the top on the walls. But right above the baptine - bells, the sound of which spreads through the arches cutting in the wall. The wall thickness increases the book, as the wall tilt. On the outside of the bells, above the bells, dials are drawn, each of which "shows" different times. By the way, A.V. was baptized in this temple. Kolchak, future admiral.

Religion takes the most important place in the life and history of mankind. It is not surprising that religious monuments have always been distinguished by beauty and scope. Temples and churches, mosques and cathedrals, chapels and synagogues - no matter what religion they are confessing in them - they are all architectural attractions, interesting in their centuries-old history or modern ideas. Most of them are made to the lists of global cultural heritage and are protected by the state. It is the temples that are in any city of the world, first of all attract the attention of tourists. We offer to familiarize yourself with the most impressive temples of the world.

1. Temple of the Holy Sepulcher, Israel

One of the greatest and most beautiful shrines for the whole Christian world is the Jerusalem Temple of the Resurrection of Christ, better known as the Temple of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, Israel. It is here that annually, during the bright holiday, Easter is committed a miracle of convergence of a fertile fire, which is transported in all corners of the globe. According to legend, the temple is built on the site of the crucifixion and burial of Jesus Christ. To date, this is a large complex containing many Christian relics, for example, a stone of world-building, the cave of the coffin of the Lord, the burial bed, Calvary and many others. Inside the temple is divided between numerous denominations: Catholic, Greek-Orthodox, Armenian, Syrian, Coptic and Ethiopian. Liturgy on the coffin of the Lord serve in turn, and the keys to the temple are kept in a Muslim family to avoid conflicts between denominations.

2. Ayia Sofia, Turkey

Saint Sophia Cathedral - Wisdom of God is an ancient Orthodox church in Istanbul, Turkey. The church is the world-famous architectural monument of Byzantine architecture, at one time she was a mosque, and the Orthodox church, and today there is a museum inside. The first church on the site of the modern cathedral was built in the early 4th century under the emperor Konstantin. The temple that we see today was built by Emperor Justinian in the 6th century, its construction swallowed three annual income (!) By the Byzantine Empire, and for many centuries he remained the largest church of the world. The appearance of the temple still amazes with its scale, and internally decoration - luxury and wealth. In addition to the Orthodox images, here you can find quotes from the Quran, as well as the Runic lettering.

3. Notre Dame de Paris, France

The Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God or Notre Dame de Paris is one of the most ancient monuments of religious architecture. The location of the temple on the island of Sita in Paris is by no means by chance. In ancient times, the pagan temple of Jupiter was here, later - the first Christian church of the city - the Basilica of St. Stephen, and in 1163 the construction of the Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God, which lasts more than 200 years began. The main architectural style of the temple is Gothic, however, the towers are very different in their appearance, it is explained by participation in the construction of many architects. The greatest Christian relic is kept in the Cathedral - the crown of Jesus Christ - transported here from Jerusalem. There are no paintings on the walls inside, however, the largest color stained glass windows illustrate the scenes from the Bible. An interesting legend is the story of the casting bells of Emmanuel weighing 13 tons: it is created from molten female decorations. The famous Book of Victor Hugo about Gorboon from Notre Dame and beautiful Esmeralda brought a special popularity.

4. Saint Peter Cathedral, Vatican

The Cathedral or Basilica of St. Peter is considered the largest Christian church worldwide, which can accommodate up to 60 thousand people at the same time. It is also the central and largest design of the Vatican. In 324, N.E. At the site of the Cathedral, the Emperor Konstantin was built a church, which stood about 1200 years. In 1506, the church decided to redo the largest Christian Cathedral. This was attended by the most outstanding artists and the Architectors of the Renaissance: Bramte was the first architect, after his death, construction work was headed by Raphael; Michelangelo designed the dome and vaults of the cathedral, and Bernini is the main square. The inner decoration of the cathedral amazes its harmony and beauty: there are many statues and sculptures, tombstones and altars, wonderful artworks.

5. Church of Paraportiani, Greece

Residents of the Island of Mykonos in Greece assure that at its territory there is exactly 365 churches - one for every day in a year, and the Church of Paraportiani, the construction of which dates back to 15-17 centuries is considered. The snow-white structure, preserved to this day, looks particularly effectively against the background of the sea and the bottomless blue sky. The temple is four churches standing in their foundations on Earth. And the fifth church is located next floor. The temple is built of stone, strictly adhering to the canons of the Byzantine architecture. The absence of external decorations gives it some kind of rigor and special holiness. It is concerned that the beautiful streamlined forms of this particular church were inspired by the Great Gaudi to create his famous masterpieces.

6. Cathedral of the Holy Family, Spain

By the way, about Antonio Gaudi. The magnificent redemptive church of the Holy Family or Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain, whose project has developed the Great Spanish architect, is considered one of the business cards of this country. The construction of the temple lasted for 40 years under the beginning of Gaudi, and not completed to this day. According to one version, the initiators of construction set a condition that the temple was built exclusively for donations of the parishioners. Modern masters suggest that construction work will be fully completed by 2026, but the local population has established the Church "Cathedral, which will never be completed." The temple plan is made in the form of a Latin cross, the facade is decorated with sayings from the Bible, and such a long construction of the temple is also explained by the duration of the manufacture of stone blocks, which form the bizarre forms of the church.

7. Cathedral of Basil Blessed, Russia

The beautiful Orthodox church on the Red Square in Moscow is named after Yurodya Vasily, daring to express his dissatisfaction with his rule to the great king Ivan Grozny. Another famous name is also considered the Cathedral of the Cathedral of the Holy Mother of God, and until the 17th century, the temple was called Troitsky. The cathedral was built in the middle of the 16th century, according to the legend, the architect, built it, was blinded by order of Ivan the Terrible, in order to never create anything more beautiful. The temple is considered a visiting card of Moscow and all of Russia, it is included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List. To date, the branch of the State Historical Museum is located inside. The height of the cathedral is 65 meters, and the total number of domes is 11.

8. Las Lahas, Colombia

The Catholic Cathedral of Las Lajas is located in the Department of Narino, Colombia, and is one of the most visited country catches not only by church parishioners, but also by numerous tourists. The church is built directly on the bridge over the Guaitar River. The construction of the cathedral is dating from 1916-1949, and the main architectural style of the construction is neo-neochical. Beautiful legend is connected with the construction of the Cathedral: there was a cave, who used the local population with incomplete glory. Once, a mother with a deaf-and-dumb daughter passed through it, and a miracle happened: the Mother of God healed the sick girl, and her mother Maria as a sign of gratitude drawn on the walls of the cave beautiful portrait of Our Lady. By the way, experts still cannot determine what kind of paint is applied on the walls of the temple. The only thing that could be figured out is that the stones are saturated with paint through.

9. Taj Mahal, India

In addition to Christian religious monuments, it is worth mentioning about masterpieces of architecture related to the Muslim world. One of these is considered the Mausoleum-Mosque Taj Mahal in Agre, India. It was built in the 17th century by Emperor Shah-Jahan in memory of the hot wife Mumtaz-Mahal. Mausoleum-Mosque is considered the most outstanding sample of Mughal architecture, combining elements of Islamic, Persian and Indian styles. Taj Mahal is included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List and represents not only the Mausoleum itself, but also the whole complex around it. In construction used translucent marble, which makes the mosque of multicolored at different times of the day, as well as beautiful inlays from gems - turquoise, agate, carnelian, malachite and others.

10. Crystal Cathedral, United States

The most valuable from the point of view of architectural attractions is the ancient churches and cathedrals, surprisingly surrendered to the present day. However, we cannot but mention a modern attempt to combine the latest trends with religion. The result of this can be considered a Crystal Cathedral in California, the United States, built in the late 80s of the 20th century. This Protestant church amazing the imagination of the sizes is almost completely made of glass blocks, which have more than 10 thousand. The appearance of the church is a four-pointed crystal star, but most of all the cathedral amazes from the inside, especially when the sun's rays penetrate through the glasses. One of the special attractions of the Church is a huge organ with 16 thousand pipes, and the premises itself can accommodate about 3 thousand parishioners.


Russia, Cathedral of Basil Blessed

This is the cult factor of the century is the most popular temple on our planet. Italian architects were erected. In their work, they used Russian folklore, decorated the temple in the form of "arrows", "Kokoshnikov", "Crosses", etc.

Each dome of the temple is decorated with buried brick, multicolored mosaic. If you look at the cathedral from above, it can be found that all his eight domes form an eight-pointed star, which is the symbolism of the Blessed Virgin. Located in the capital of Russia - Moscow.

Vatican, St. Peter's Cathedral

This is the heart of the Roman Catholic Empire. His architecture was engaged in the most famous Italian artists, one of them was famous Michelangelo. Its construction lasted for many centuries.

The walls of the cathedral are striking the diversity of biblical characters, inside there are many sculptures made of marble. The inner decoration of the cathedral is gilded altars and painted frescoes.

Spain, Holy Family Cathedral

Its chief architect is the great master of his case - Antonio Gaudi. The construction of the temple began at the end of the nineteenth century, and continues until now. The redemant temple of the Holy FamilyStoms from high columns, between which biblical sculptures are located.

The most difficult thing in its construction is the stone itself, as it is made by the most complex technology. The end of construction is scheduled for 2026. Located in Barcelona.

Turkey, Sofia Cathedral

In Istanbul (former Constantinople) there is a unique cathedral, the years of construction 537 -1453. Since ancient times, he was considered the "heart" of the Byzantine state.

Numerous worship services were held in his walls, during which precious materials and relics were used. Around the temple there are numerous sculptures of the biblical saints. The fate of the building is interesting: at first it was a church, then the mosque, currently - the museum.

Italy, Milan Cathedral

Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary - Cathedral in Milan. Built of white marble in the Gothic style. Start of construction in 1386, completion at the beginning of the XIX century. Some details were completed until 1965 dedicated to Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

This architectural masterpiece is a symbol of Milan. The building contains many spiers and sculptures, pointed turrets and marble columns. There are 3,400 statues in the cathedral.

Israel, Temple of the Coffin of the Lord

This is the main and most significant shrine not only Israel, but all the inhabitants of the world power. The foundation date is 326. Located in Jerusalem. It is in these walls, annually, in honor of the great resurrection of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, there is a miracle - the alignment of the fertile fire.

The legend says that it was raised on the place where it was crucified, and then Jesus Christ was buried.

United Kingdom, St. Paul's Cathedral

The Anglican Church of St. Paul, located at the highest point of London, is a bishop residence. Built by architect Christopher Renom. Year of construction 1675-1708.

The dust of two hundred most famous citizens of Great Britain is resting here. The cathedral is buried: his architect is Christopher Ren, Admiral Nelson, Duke Wellington, Sir Alexander Fleming, artist Henry Moore. In this temple, Winston Churchill fled, was crowned with Prince Charles and Princess Diana.


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Some of these temples were erected several centuries ago, others are the creations of modern architects. For the implementation of some ideas left decades and even the century. Another required for only a few years. All these buildings unites one - their architecture is unique, and it attracts millions of people, regardless of beliefs.

website There are some of the most outstanding places of worship from around the world from the point of view of architecture.

Milan Cathedral, Italy

Church of the Holy Trinity, Antarctica

The Russian Orthodox Church was built in Russia in the 1990s, and then transported to the Russian station in Antarctica. This is one of the 7 churches on its territory.

Taktsang-Lakhang, Bhutan

Sheikh Zaid Mosque, United Arab Emirates

Church of Hatlgrimskirkia, Iceland

Lutheran Church in Reykjavik - the fourth in height of the building in Iceland. It is located in the center of Reykjavik and is visible from any part of the city.

Temple of all religions, Kazan, Russia

In this unique building, the Christian cross, Muslim crescent, the star of David and the Chinese dome are miraculously combined. True, no rituals are held here, because it is not a valid temple, but just a building, inside a similar residential building. In total, the project provides for the dome and other iconic elements of cult buildings of 16 world religions, including disappeared civilizations.

Lotus Temple, India

For residents of India, Lotos means purity and peace. This is one of the most visited buildings in the world.

Mosque Kul Sharif, Kazan, Russia

The designers of the new mosque tried to recreate the main mosque of Kazan Khanate, destroyed in 1552 by the troops of Ivan the Terrible.

Las Lahas Cathedral, Colombia

The neo-eating cathedral is built directly on a 30-meter arched bridge connecting two sides of the deep gorge. Caring for the temple is carried by two Franciscan communities: one - Colombian, other - Ecuadorian. Thus, the Cathedral of Las Lahas became the key to the world and the Union between the two South American peoples.

Chapel of Silence Camppy, Finland

It is intended for privacy and meetings. Services in the chapel are not held. Here you can hide from the bustle, enjoy the rest in one of the busiest places of the capital and interface in an environmentally friendly space. Because of the appearance and materials, the chapel of silence is often called the "Sauna Spirit".

Church of the Assumption of the Virgin, Slovenia

The church is located on the sole island in all Slovenia. To get inside, you need to twist the lake on the boat and climb 99 steps.

Cadet Chapel of the Academy of the Air Force, USA

The unique design chapel is a classic example of modernist architecture. In the magnificent interior are combined under one roof several different areas of worship, including Protestant, Catholic, Jewish and Buddhist chapels. Each of them has its own distinctive symbolism, ammunition and its own exit.

Poaai Church, Philippines

St. Patrick Cathedral, Australia

St. Patrick's Cathedral is the highest and largest church in Australia.

Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, Kizhi, Russia

The church is built in the traditions of Russian carpentry craft, that is, without nails. She was crowned with 22 domes, and her height is 37 meters.

Green Church, Argentina

The most common Catholic church became famous thanks to the rich living decor from Ivy, which turned the facade into alluzia to the biblical hethymalic garden.

Andreevsk Church, Ukraine

The church is located on a steep hill, offering a beautiful view of Kiev. According to the legend, it was built on the spot where the Holy Andrey was the first-surveyed cross. This is just one of the many legends that the Andreevsk Church is enveloped.

California Mormon Temple, United States

A huge building is made in dazzling and white. And such a color solution is no coincidence, because white color is traditionally perceived as a symbol of purity and indispensability. Inside the very temple of Mormons, tourists and just curious not allowed are not allowed, only members of the community can enter the premises of the sacred structure.

Crystal Mosque, Malaysia

It is located on an artificial island. The mosque is made of steel and glass, so the feeling is that it is crystal.

Dutch Reformed Church, South Africa