Measurement of the waist circle algorithm. Measuring girth and waist measurement algorithm

": The data obtained will help you detect problems or adjust your head plan.

Health control

To control the health of the endocrine system, periodically hand over blood analysis on glucose.


Do not allow the development of abdominal obesity that increases the risk of diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, etc. Watch out for: men should not exceed 94 cm, in women - 80 cm.

Survey card

Use "" for storing and interpreting the results of laboratory research (blood tests, urine, etc.).

Health map

Fill out the questionnaire on system systems, get a personal conclusion for each of the health control and recommendations.

Health control

To control the health of the urinary system 1 time per year, give the analysis of blood and urine.

Healthy nutrition

Do not eat more than 5 g (1 teaspoon) per day. It will protect you from problems with the water and salt exchange in the body.

Negative impact

Learn all the risk factors affecting your health in the "Negative Impact" block.

Health control

To control the health of the respiratory system 1 time per year do fluorography and pass the examination at the therapist.

Healthy nutrition

To avoid problems with weight and level of glucose in the blood, limit consumption to 6 h. Spoors per day (for women), 9 h. Spoors per day (for men).

Excess weight

Watch out the weight, without going beyond the normal values \u200b\u200bof the body mass index: from 19 to 25. To calculate and control BMI, use "".


Throw smoking or not start, if you do not smoke, it will reduce the risk of developing obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer and a number of other specific "smoker diseases" to a minimum.


Attend the dentist at least once a year, in time to treat your teeth and get rid of the dental stone, not allowing the development of serious diseases of the oral cavity.

Healthy nutrition

To hold the normal level of cholesterol in the blood, do not eat more than 170 g per day (including red meat and bird).


Take advantage of "" to calculate the body mass index, the index of a smoking person, the level of physical activity, anthropometric indexes and other indicators.

Health control

To control the health of the cardiovascular system 1 time per year, pass the examination at the therapist, regularly measure blood pressure and hand over blood test to cholesterol.

Map of physical condition

Use "" to determine your level of physical development.

Healthy nutrition

To diversify your diet by all the necessary trace elements, eat at least 300-400 g per day (fresh and prepared).

Health map

By filling out a "Health Card", you will get complete information about your health status.

Health index

Use "" to assess your lifestyle and its influence on the condition of the body.

Examination plan

With the help of "" make your own schedule for preventive inspections, surrender analyzes and medical advice.

Healthy nutrition

For the health of the digestive system and the proper balance of nutrients, make the basis of your diet, using at least 6-8 servings per day (300 ml of solid porridge and 200 g of cut bread).


Do not allow the development of chronic, fraught with a serious deterioration of well-being and a decrease in the quality of life: in time, solve the problems that arise, rest, pour, lead a healthy lifestyle.


Do not exceed 20 ml of ethanol for women and 30 ml of ethanol for men. This is the best way to minimize harm from alcohol consumption.

Anthropometric map

Use "" to determine the body mass index, type of bodybuilding and identifying problems with weight.

Among the many methods that reveal the presence of unnecessary kilograms in humans, the calculation of the body mass index is the most popular. But scientists and doctors, exploring the state of health, more often consider such an indicator as a waist circle. This is due to the fact that BMI does not indicate the distribution of fat in the body. But this particular factor affects the risk of developing personal diseases.

According to the World Health Organization Protocol (WHO), the waist circle is measured in the area between the lower edge of the lower rib and the upper point of the pelvic bone - the iliac crest. For measurements, a regular centimeter tape is required. When girth, the "centimeter" should create a pressure that is equivalent to 100 grams. With the help of the same tool, the hips circumference are determined - by picking up the ribbon of the widest part of the buttocks.

An error in measuring the waist is considered to fix a centimeter tape at the navel level. Numerous studies have shown that this method does not quite faithful results: the waist can turn out to be thinner than it really is.

Measuring circles of both parts of the body provides for the need for the right position of a person. It is necessary to remove excessive clothes, stand straight, the legs need to put together, put on the sides. Breathing should be calm. All measurements are fixed on exhalation and repeated twice. If the difference in measurements is one centimeter, then the average results are taken.

Norms of the Waist Circle in men and women

With normal weight of the body, the waist circle in men should be less than 94 cm, and women are less than 80 cm.

Overweight speaks of more than 94 cm and less than 101.9 cm in men, and from 80 to 87.9 cm - in women.

A sign of abdominal obesity is the waist circle of more than 102 cm in men and more than 88 cm in women.

It should be noted that with age, the waist circle increases. Moreover, it depends on the growth of a person: the higher the person, the increase in the waist of him more. However, this phenomenon is observed up to 85 years. In people with age from 85 to 89 years old, the average waist circle decreases.

Value of Waist and Hips: An Indicator of Attraction and Health

Under the waist ratio and thighs involve the ratio of the length of the waist circle to the thigh circumference length. This indicator is quite popular in the West, where scientists have conducted a lot of studies, trying to find out how it affects the attractiveness of a person and his health in general. In English, it is denoted by the WHR abbreviation (Waist-to-Hip Ratio), in Russian - STB.

The ratio of the waist and hips allows not only to establish how ideal is the figure of a man or woman, but also to predict the state of health for the future. Results Scientific research shows that women with a type of form "Apple" (that is, when the waist is wider than the hips) are more often at risk of developing health problems than the owner of the pear-shaped body (hips wider waist). This ratio is used to determine the central obesity, which contributes to the emergence of other more serious diseases.

So, the norm is considered the following relations:

  • < 0,85 – у слабого пола;
  • Waist Circle / High Country< 1,0 – у мужчин.

Waist ratio to growth \u003d (waist circle / height) x 100

Calculate waist grumps to growth with an online calculator:

Ratitions making women attractive

Even in the ancient times, ideal women were represented with TBS, fluctuating in the range of 0.6-0.7. In other words, the wider the woman had hips towards the waist, the more beautiful she was considered. Most likely, such preferences of strong sexes are explained by their subconscious understanding that the elect with such forms is more predisposed to the continuation of the genus.

Modern studies have shown that in our days, the ratio of the waist and hips continues to remain an important parameter for women's attractiveness for men. So, women with TBS equal to 0.7 are estimated by a strong floor of Indo-European crops, as more attractive. Tastes may vary depending on the ethnicity of men. In this case, the ideal ratio of the waist and hips in women ranges from 0.6 (in South America, some parts of Africa, China) to 0.8 (in Tanzania and Cameroon).

Why do you need to follow the sizes of the waist?

Recall that if the Waist circle in men is more than 102 cm, and in women more than 88 cm, we have a picture of abdominal obesity. Meanwhile, scientists have established that it is this kind of obesity that is one of the main components of the metabolic syndrome. Abdominal or central obesity leads to the development of ischemic heart disease, as well as arterial hypertension.

In addition, the painful completeness of this species is often accompanied by the development of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus. Abdominal fat is a medium where various metabolic processes actively proceed. This is associated with a high density in the accumulations of receptors to catecholaminams, sex steroids, a somatotropic hormone, thyroid hormones and a minor amount of insulin receptors.

Small insulin activity in visceral fat leads to increased products of components such as free fatty acids, which entails the development of atherogenesis (permanent, exacerbating from time to time of blood damage). That is why the accumulation of excessive amounts of abdominal fat becomes a risk factor for the occurrence of diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes and a number of other diseases.

However, a decrease in body weight is even 5-10% or a decrease in the waist circumference at least 4 cm with a long retention of the results achieved may result in improved carbohydrate and fat metabolism and, as a result, reduced blood pressure.

When measuring the gripped sizes, you should ensure that the centimeter tape, with which measurements, lay the horizontally and its zero division was in front of the test. The researcher must face the subject and consider the division of the tape coming against the zero. The tape should fit tightly to the measured portion of the body; It is not allowed to squeezing soft tissues and skin offset; After removing the tape on the body there should be no trace. To do this, you need to pre-stretch the tape, and then release a little.

· Head circumference is measured by overlaying the tape front at the level of Glabell, behind - on the occipital point.

· The neck girth - the ribbon is superimposed horizontally, it takes place under the thyroid cart, and the back is located in the deepest place of the neck of the neck.

· Breast girth ¾ is defined in 3 states: calm breathing (pause), maximum inhalation and maximum exhalation. The tape is imposed from behind at the bottom corners of the blades with the hands allotted on the outside. Then the hands are lowered: the ribbon, slipping, falls at the corners of the blades. In front of the tape passes through the middlewake point (through the attachments of 4-ribs to the sternum). At the young men - along the lower segments of the near-block circles, the girls are above the mammary glands. All three measurements of the ore cell are produced consistently with a simultaneous overlay of the tape. The difference between the value of the circle at the maximum breath and the maximum exhalation is the tribe of the chest.

· Waist girth - measured strictly horizontally in a narrow place, approximately, in the middle of the distance between the 10th edge and the iliac ridge.

· The girth of the shoulder in the proximal department is measured when the hand lowered at the level of attachment of the deltoid muscle, the shoulder girth in the distal department - with the same position of the hand 4-5 cm above the shoulder supermarkets.

· Prick of forearm - measured when the hand lowered in the place of the largest muscle development, the minimum in the lower third of the forearm, proximal to the hosting processes.

· Wrist girth - measured in a narrow place.

· Ankle girth - measured above the medial and lateral part of the ankles.

· Hips girth - measured in the subject position: legs are straightened, the footsteps on the width of the shoulders, the support is evenly distributed on both legs. The tape is superimposed horizontally under a berry fold. The minimum hip girth is measured in the lower third of the hip, 7-8 cm above the knee joint.

· Girth of the shin (maximum) - is determined at the site of the largest muscle development, minimal - by 4-5 cm above the lower-boring point. The position of the surveyed when measuring the legs is the same as when determining the hip circle.

When using electronic scales, data on body weight is distinguished by reliability, but the following rules should be followed that the reliability of data should be followed.

Scales are placed on a flat smooth section of the floor so that they do not swing. The subject must remain in the minimum number of lightweight clothing, without shoes.

After setting the zero on the scales (see below for operations with electronic scales), the subject falls on the scales and stands calmly without swing, distributing weight evenly on both legs, without holding the surrounding items. If necessary, the study can put a hand on the back to the test to preserve the equilibrium when it is up for scales, but to remove the hand immediately as the subject rose on the scales. The body weight is registered when digits appeared on the scales. It may be necessary to repeat the weighing procedure twice or three times to obtain a repeated value.

What you need to remember when weighing:

    install scales on a flat smooth floor section;

    the subject must stay in light bottom home clothes without shoes;

install the testimony 00 scales to the tested on them;

    the subject falls on scales without swing, distributing body weight on both legs evenly;

    the subject should not hold on to the surrounding items;

    the subject must stand calmly;

    record the number appearing on the scoreboard;

    if necessary, you should repeat the procedure twice or three times before receiving repetitive values.

3. Measurement of the waist circle

Of all anthropometric measurements, the measurement of the waist circle is the most difficult. However, patience and attention to the measurement procedure gives reliable results. The waist circle ideally needs to be measured without clothes or in the easiest underwear. The man should be asked to raise the shirt, and a woman has a sweater or a blouse to free the belly to measure the skin. If it is impossible, the measurement should be carried out through a thin shirt, a shirt or blouse.

The subject stands straight, relaxing the belly, hands freely omitted along the body, heels together. The explore, standing face to face with the subject, covers a centimeter tape the most narrow part of the abdomen, that is, at the level of the natural waist. It is convenient to measure the waist circumference, if the investigating will be on your knees before the subject. In this case, the belly of the subject will be at the level of the interviewer's eye. For obese people, it is impossible to determine the most narrow place - a natural waist. In this case, the circle is measured by placing the ribbon in the region between the edge of the rib arc and the iliac ridge. The subject breathes exactly, and at the end of the normal exhalation, pressing the tape to clothing, without indulging it into the skin, register the waist circle.

What you need to remember when measuring the waist circle:

    it is necessary to have patience and pay attention to the details;

    measurement is made without clothes or in thin underwear at the girth level with ribbon;

    the subject stands straight;

    the stomach must be relaxed;

    hands should be located along the body;

    heels must be together;

    the investigative is faced with the subject;

    the tape is kept in a horizontal position;

    measurement is produced at the level of the natural waist, that is, the narrow point of the abdomen;

    measurement is made at the end of the exhalation;

    it is necessary to keep the tape pressed to the body without indulging in the skin;

Measure up to 0.1 cm.

In recent years, obesity has become a national problem of Russians. About 30% of Russia's inhabitants have an overweight body, about 10% suffer obese. The medical significance of this depressing statistic is very disturbing, because overweight and obesity is a direct path to the development of a second-type diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, various oncological diseases, asthma, apnea, non-alcoholic liver disease, osteoarthritis, infertility and metabolic syndrome.

Of course, fat fat Return is an excess of visceral fat (the fattest in the abdomen) is much more dangerous than the excess of subcutaneous fat and retroperitoneal fatty fiber. Modern studies in this area are mainly concentrated on visceral fat, since precisely with excessive fat deposits in this area are associated with a large number of health problems. The fatty tissue in the abdominal region can function as an organ of the endocrine system, changing the level of inflammation markers - cytokines. Increasing the secretion of these inflammation mediators is increasingly and more often associated with excess visceral fat.

Doctors bind excess fat on the stomach with chronic inflammatory processes. Some believe that it is this problem that can be a key factor contributing to the development of many chronic "age" diseases.

Application in practice

From my experience, I noticed that a significant percentage of customers aware that they have overweight problems, do not know anything about the danger of excessive fat deposits in the abdominal area and their relationship with various diseases. On the primary inspection, I spend the overall system diagnostics of the client's health. One of the methods of this diagnosis is the simplest measurement of the waist girth. In contrast to the calculation of the body mass index, which may erroneously indicate the excess human weight in the absence of harm to health (for example, the implications of the developed muscles in the diagnosis of athletes with a developed muscles), it is possible to diagnose abdominal obesity by measuring waist.

When I just started using this test as an easy way to diagnose obesity, I noticed that customers, after I informs it its results, begin to think and talk about your health, in particular, about the effect of excessive mass of abdominal fat on their health. Customers begin to understand that the features of the distribution of their fatty fiber is much more important than the mass of the body or even the mass of this fatty fiber. They are often wondering that earlier doctors never paid attention to this and did not consider fat on the belly threat to health.

First, to attract the client's attention to this problem, it is necessary to show him a clear circumference of his waist. Before measuring the waist, I always ask for permission from the client. Sometimes customers underestimate this method of diagnosis, considering it useless - its meaning that I wrote above should be clarified.

Measuring the waist circle in adults is a simple task with a minimal error probability. Measurement of such an anthropometric parameter, as a waist circle, is valuable in that it can be revealed for health risks associated with excessive fat weight even in those people whose behavior is normal. I met a lot of customers about which you can say so - thin outside, full of inside (in English there is even a special term - Tofi, Thin-Outside-Fat-Inside).

To properly measure the waist circle, it is necessary to determine the location of the top of the right iliac crest, the highest point of the right pelvic bone. Place the measuring tape horizontally (parallel to the floor) around the abdominal area at the ileal ridge level. The tape should lie tightly, but not to squeeze the skin. Measure the waist girth several times to make sure the results obtained. After measuring, I check the results with the risk table: Men - more than 1 meter of women - more than 90 cm

I always touch this topic, carefully avoiding the condemnation of the client. For example, I can say: "As you can see, your waist girth is 110 centimeters. Based on the table, you fall into the risk group. " Thus, I give to understand the client that his fat deposits in the abdominal region can threaten the state of his health - it will undoubtedly want to correct the situation.

Thus, you have a patient an additional free service - you will be grateful. In addition, you can expand your client base: Many people with overweight are shy to attend massage sessions, but by learning about such a masseur, as you, they will certainly turn to you.

It will also not hurt to have anatomical model and posters in the office where you can demonstrate how closely fat deposits on the stomach are located to the internal organs.

How to draw client's attention to the problem?

Prepare a few more care plans for customers with similar problems. You may need additional equipment for your office and make changes to the massage technique (see the cycle of articles "Massage and obesity -").

Personally, I am right in my office showing customers exercises from aerobics with dumbbells, I provide a number of literature on nutrition and physical culture, as well as advising on nutrition issues (for this I have passed additional training).

First of all, to successfully work with this category of clients, it is necessary to learn to treat all people in the same way, without condemnation. Then you are undoubtedly waiting for success.