Why captured the militants? Why terrorists captured Palmyra militants captured Palmyra December.

"Islamic state *" captured most of Palmyra. Almost 5 thousand militants entered the city from the north, the East and South, almost immediately occupied the ancient castle of Emir Fahreddina Al-Maaani, as well as several dominant heights.

The first information was confirmed by Homs's Governor Talal Al-Barazi. This became known to reporters Reuters with reference to the Syrian TV channel Al Ikhbariyah.

On December 10, there were collisions between the militants of the radical grouping and the Assad army.

Later, the Ministry of Defense of Russia reported that the IG retreated to the outskirts of the city. Russian VKS managed to reflect the attack of terrorists. Representatives of the Ministry of Defense reported to apply 64 strikes, as a result of which more than 300 members of the group were killed. Among other losses are tanks and armored vehicles.

Application of such a limited number of shocks can be explained by the fact that Palmyra is a historically cultural center that is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Register. In this regard, there are concerns that further air strikes could entail new destruction among global cultural heritage.

In the afternoon, on December 11, the militants consisting of 5 thousand people pushed the government troops, as a result, the central part of Palmyra was under full control of militants.

According to the Ministry of Defense of Russia, more than 5,000 militants participated in the attack on the city in three directions. Terrorists broke out in Palmyra with the onset of twilight, using cars with suicide and explosives.

Military specialists note that the IG transferred significant forces on the part of the Rakki to Palmir, as well as most of the military equipment from Deir Ez Zora.

After large-scale rearrangement of militants managed to strengthen and fully reflect the attack of the regular troops of the SAR, while moving into a defensive stage. According to experts, among those who are in Palmyra militants, a substantial part is the terrorists from the Iraqi capital of IG - Mosul, who today is under the control of local forces and with the support of the Western coalition.

Earlier on November 2, the Lebanese TV channel Al-Meridine, with reference to representatives of Iraqi Kurdistan, reported that the coalition forces were ready to provide corridors to the exit of terrorists ISHIL from Mosul. It was about the so-called "southern gates", which militants could use to leave the city. The same source reported that the corridors the terrorists would be able to use Syria to go to the neighboring Iraq.

It seems that the offensive of Islamists has become a surprise for all. Simply put, neither the Syrian army nor Russian VKS bought out. City for a long time (approx. Ed.: Since the spring of 2016) was under the control of tribal detachments of government troops, the so-called "Calamun Shield". They are the forces of the militia from local residents who do not have proper combat experience. The main combat-ready forces at this time were on other fronts, among other things in Aleppo and in the provinces of Damascus.

"ISIL militants again captured Palmyra, as they were confident that the fighting of the United States and the international coalition in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Rakki will not resume until spring"- Such a statement made at the briefing the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of Russia Major General Igor Konashenkov.

He noted that Russian VKS did not hit the cities of the residential neighborhoods of the city, and, using this, the militants strengthened attacks.

Military experts, in turn, argue that the capture of the city is a kind of distracting maneuver, in which the militants distract the forces that support Assad to another zone, meanwhile preparing an attack in any other place. To date, such territories can be liberated Aleppo, Rakka or Deyar Ez-Zor. In the same way, they make an offensive in the most unexpected moments, as long as the main concentration of Syrian forces together with Russian VKS falls on another plot of land.

At this stage, the command of the army has two possible outputs from the situation: to collect the maximum number of people and apply a massive countercondor, or to start the gradual capture of the key heights of Palmyra, thus, thus, the Russian VKS apply straight, point blows on the militants within the city. It is not interesting that the Syrian army does not fully have a full knowledge of military affairs, strategic planning of their actions, tactical thinking, representing the scattered militia divisions. And this despite a long war in the Middle East. There are no regular troops on the territory of Syria, the experience of combat operations can be quite compared with the actions of radical Islamists, which, in turn, train professional instructors in the territories of Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. In addition, a large number of weapons and equipment comes with them directly from the Allies of America in the Middle East.

Previously, on December 8, US President Barack Obama removed the supply of weapons, ammunition and military equipment to Washington's allies in Syria. In fact, the United States openly support terrorists who can harm the "Dictator Assad" and its allies.

In March, the success of the Syrian government troops in Palmyra refused to welcome the official representative of the US State Department Mark Toner, who called the Government forces of SAR only "less than two angry".

Syrians have recently began to adopt the experience of hostilities from Russians who are located in the Middle East from September 2015.

It is impossible to unambiguously argue about the equivalent of the opposing parties.

"Most likely, the misunderstanding of intelligence and Russian drones began to meet such a situation. Terrorists managed to hide the fact of their movements through the desert territory. It can be assumed that the militants accumulated in small formations in adjacent areas and villages, they subsequently united into the number of groups ", "said Dr. Military Sciences, President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Captain of the 1st Rank Konstantin Sivkov.

As a result, militants manage to leak into settlements including as part of numerous refugee columns. For example, yesterday, December 12, about 100 thousand people came from the shelled regions of Aleppo on a humanitarian corridor. It remains an open question, how many of them in the percentage were militants. In those conditions, check such a lot of people is not possible.

Since ancient times, there has been a practice of taking a hostage or hostages from conquered settlements or tribes. Allowed this situation now, it can be assumed that a small group of militants, capturing inhabited item and taking hostages from the families of local residents, organize a convoy "refugees", some of which make up the militants themselves. And the second half of the threat of violence over their families is local residents.

Earlier in an interview with Interfax, the Army General Yuri Baluyevsky, who headed Russia's General Staff in 2004-2008, said that he frankly did not understand why long-term humanitarian pauses were needed, which allow militants to regroup and restore their strength.

"This is again a blow to the prestige. Including in our prestige. Whatever the Syrian army, but not to track the concentration of the enemy forces in the Palmyra area ... It is wrong. It should not be. And my colleagues, which are there, I also do not understand them. Syrians may have no such opportunities like us. But where did we watched? " - noted Baluyevsky.

Questions and intelligence remain in general, in particular, as it could it turn out that a large militant group coordinated and coordinated its actions in the radio for a long time, but we do not know anything about it. Make the possibility that the coordination of action of militants took place with the help of wizard and pigeon mail, just ridiculous.

The offensive of the terrorists of the "Islamic state" group on the city of Palmir could be prevented by coordinated actions together with other states involved in the conflict settlement - primarily with the United States. This was announced to journalists by the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Sadkov.

In particular, the lack of joint coordination of the actions of Russia and the United States in the settlement of the Syrian question takes place, but by and large wines in falling Palmyra lies on our shoulders. Peskov noted that "the capture of the city causes the imagine of all civilized humanity."

It seems that Moscow is really it time to change his behavior manner and not hope for Western partners, regardless of the position of the new administration of the White House. Otherwise, the war in the Middle East can delay for a long time.

On December 11, it became known that the terrorists set full control over the Syrian city of Tador (Palmyra). Later Governor of the province of Homs Talla Al-Barazi confirmed that the Syrian army left Palmyra, giving way to the IG position, adding that government troops fight terrorists on the approaches to the city.

In March 2016, the Government troops of Syria, with the support of the ACC of Russia, freed Palmyra from the militants IG. During the occupation period, many cultural facilities of the city entering the UNESCO World Heritage Register, serious damage was made. Deeping, the militants mined the ruins, in which Russian specialists participated in demining.

First, terrorists prepared in advance to capture the city. Since November, under the guise of civilians in Palmyra, members of the Islamic State * of the Terrorist Organization * "were selected. Their goal was to strike the troops of Bashar Assad in the city itself, while the rest of the groups of terrorists would attack it from the outside. So it happened.


Secondly, the observer notes, the Syrian intelligence was spoken, which missed the concentration of a large grouping of terrorists (about five thousand people) for attack on the city. The puncture of military intelligence as a result led to an incorrect assessment of the situation in the General Staff of the Syrian Army. According to Baranz, Bashar Assad will now have to carefully deal with the current situation, dismissing those military leaders who directly replied for intelligence activities. In addition, he notes, he played his role that many parts of the Syria army were transferred to other sections of the front, including Aleppo, where the remaining extremist remaining surrounded by surroundings.

Thirdly, the journalist approves, the creation of a "shock fist" of terrorists became possible due to the weakening of the fights in other parts of the front. At the same time, the Baranets believes that the USA played a direct role in the fall of Palmyra. According to the colonel in retirement, they helped the militants to get out of the Iraq Mosul deposited by the Western coalition. The militants left the surrounded city and became the main force that attacked the position of the Syrian army. Thus, the browser is confident, the fall of Palmyra is a direct result of the US CORREC with terrorists, which thus intended to weaken the position of Russia in Syria and the situation of the country itself.

Nevertheless, Baratan is confident that the Syrian government forces and their military advisers will return the city possessing the strategic importance and a tremendous cultural value.

At the same time, press secretary of Vladimir Putin Dmitry Sadkov, commenting on the situation, said that the loss of Palmyra is a catastrophe for all mankind, and not only for Russia and Syria.

Syrian troops retreated from the ancient city on Sunday, December 11, after a series of powerful terrorist attacks on their positions. At the moment, the army fell on the western outskirts of the city and is preparing to stop the promotion of militants.

* Organization is prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation

According to the Center for the reconciliation of the warring parties on the territory of SAR, the saboteurs from the group of the "Army of Eastern Lviv" should have a series of terrorist attacks and take the city for the week

Photo: Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation / Tass

Militants again try to capture Palmyra. On the morning of September 1, a sabotage group tried to break through from the area of \u200b\u200bthis Tanf Syrian Palmyra. Support in the preparation of the breakthrough was provided by US forces, states the Russian Ministry of Defense. This was told two militants captured by RIA Novosti.

The Russian Center for the reconciliation of the warring parties on the territory of SAR reported that the saboteurs had to conduct a series of terrorist attacks in the Palmyra region and capture the city in a week. The militants arrived in the Palmyra district from the area located next to the US military base in this Tanfe and the "Army of Oriental Lviv".

The fact that this grouping receives the support of the United States and other Western countries is not at all a secret. "Jeysh Usud Ash-Sharikia" is a rebel organization whose members are mostly natives Deir-Ez-Zora, forced in 2014 to leave the city after he was captured by the Islamic State forbidden in Russia. Then they took place in the mountains of East Kalamun northeast of Damascus.

In fact, this movement consists of tribal fractions, to one degree or another affected by ISHIL. In particular, in the tribe al-Shayat, Igilovtsy, according to some sources, 700 people cut out, after which the militia arose, which was later in the "Jake Usel Ash-Sharikia".

The aim of trying to capture Palmyra may be the desire to distract government troops from the alleged operation in the province of Idlib, the director of the Center for Strategic Conjuncture, Ivan Konovalov, believes. And involved in it, it may not be only "Army of Eastern Lviv", he believes.

Ivan Konovalov director of the Center for Strategic Conjuncture "This does not mean that they all had to be from the" Eastern Lions "grouping. Here we are talking about those groupings that focus under the wing of the United States, there are quite a lot of them. Put Palmyra is a declarative goal. Secondly, naturally, they want to distract attention from the main strike - Idlib. Americans, like their allies, proceed from their goals - cooperate with various groups. We are not talking about orders, but they are supplied, train and eventually use for their own purposes. These militants are not in direct submission of the American, British or French Command. "

The "Army of Eastern Lviv" has always seen its goals in the struggle both with ISIL and with the "godless mode of Sefevidov", that is, the authorities in Damascus. According to January 2016, the grouping numbered 350 fighters. After a year, its number, allegedly, increased to 500 people.

However, it is believed that in addition to the proclaimed goal - the shifts of Bashar Al Asada - the grouping does not have a clear political program. Since at a certain point the main purpose of the group was the fight against ISIL, the joint Franco-British-American "Center for Military Operations" began to maintain it enough.

But to argue that the actions of the diveribive group "Jake Uda Ash-Sharikia" took place on the direct indication of the West, it would be significant exaggeration, the head of the South Caucasus political scientists club, Ilgar Velizade, believes:

Ilgar Veliveada head of the Polystology Club "Southern Caucasus" "We are seeing a certain consolidation of forces. This is an internal process, and the external forces cannot affect it, but there may be some kind of certain coordination. The United States may have a certain attitude towards these actions. On the other hand, there is such a concept as the "Hybrid War", where the information part is given a special role. I do not want to say, straight misinformation, but, if it is correct to express, there are certain information techniques. In this sense, you can not exclude that this statement is to some extent - information reception. "

This event cannot be called defeat, but it is already considered a large military failure of the Government Syrian army. Liberated in March, the city of Palmyra on December 11 again seized by the militants of the "Islamic state", and they needed only a few days. The reaction that followed this retreat was not always adequate. The ill-wishers of Bashar Assad and Russia report on the success of ISIL with a poorly hidden celebration, forgetting that in this case the success was not even an opposition, conditionally called "moderate", and the most real terrorists who do not hide their mitanthropic aspirations. Some people, sympathetic to the Syrian legitimate power and supporting it, on the contrary, succumbed to Panic moods. And those and others did not understand the essence of what happened, and they may need some explanations. They were given military specialists.

Museum City

Palmyra is not just a city, this is a cultural monument and an open-air museum, each of the exhibits of which is invaluable. Entering this treasury in May 2015, ISIL learned the real defeat. A complete list of crimes is still to be drawn up, but many facts excited the world community already then, especially since the terrorists did not hide their atrocities, but on the contrary, they even boast them.

Unique sculptures were destroyed, including the "Lion Alla", the triumphal arch, the images of which were decorated with textbooks on the history of culture, and many other samples of ancient art. Brutants are publicly killed by the scientist Chalda Al-Asaad, who dedicated her life to Palmyra and who had refused to give the mystery to the secret of hidden treasures. The liberation of the city at the end of March has become a real holiday, symbolizing the victory of civilization over barbarism. Wonderful music sounded over the surviving sacred ruins, the people of the entire planet were rejoiced, plans were built on the restoration of victim monuments. Now it is a magical place again in the hands of the enemy.

Tactical atmosphere

From the point of view of historians and art historians, Palmyra are a priceless treasure, the people of the military consider any topographic object only in a tactful or strategic aspect. The city is located in Nizina in the middle of the desert, it is surrounded by dominant heights, which makes it difficult for his defense and facilitates the attack in the event of an elevation capture. Commanders of the armed formations of the "Islamic state", having their own experience in doing the battle right here, perfectly understood these circumstances. The main achievement is that they managed to secretly create the necessary concentration of live strength and technology and ensure the suddenness of the strike. The number of military group is estimated at about 4 thousand fighters. In Palmyra, there were approximately the same defenders and up to 8 thousand civilians. At the same time, the forces of the defendants were presented mainly by NDF, characterized by not very high combat capability. In essence, these are ordinary civilians who have undergone primary military training and scored from volunteers. Moreover, there is no guarantee that among them there were no secret supporters of IHIL.

What for?

It is possible that from the point of view of logical expediency, the command of the Syrian army did not even make mistakes. IHIL should not have been doing to Palmyra, terrorists and so worries a lot. The forces of the Islamists are subjected to massive shocks near Al-Baba, where they are attacked by the detachments supported by Turkey. Their "Capital" of Rakka is besieged by the Kurds, and there is a real threat to its fall. Mosul requires reinforcement. Why, in such a critical situation, divert resources for taking Palmyra, which is relatively easy to capture, but it is difficult to hold? Perhaps about this direction argued by the officers of the Syrian General Staff and helping them Russian advisers. They themselves concentrated forces on more dangerous directions, and it would be correct from the point of view of military science. Therefore, the most combat-ready units of CAA were thrown on the assault of Aleppo, where impressive successes are observed in the form of 90% of the city purified from the anti-government formations. But the enemy did not across science, but according to the established situation, which was a complete surprise.

The goal of IHIL in Palmyra

According to the expert El Murid, the whole thing in military equipment, located in warehouses in Palmyra and is revealed there for a previously planned occurrence on the city of Deir-Ez-Zor. The operation was postponed, and weapons and technique remained there, serving "bait" for terrorists. Objects are protected badly, and the shortage of funds stimulates actions to capture them from the enemy. So always received guerrilla compounds in all wars. Overcoming weak defense, the troops of ISIL went further, seeking to develop success, and it turned out. Most likely, the capture of Palmyra became improvisation that ended with tactical success.

Criticism of the former chief of the General Staff

According to the General Army of the Baluyevsky, which ranked in 2004-2008, the position of chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the loss of Palmyra became the consequence of the carelessness manifested in matters of military planning, and major deficiencies of information and intelligence support. Low it estimates the combat capability and Syrian parts, noting also the incomplete use of the possibilities of Russian VKS, which could control the movements of hostile units from the air, but could not track them in the desert. At the same time, the general in his arguments misses the factor of limited resources of the government army and aviation, that is, the forces distracted from the secondary sections of the CTID.

Overcoming defense

The defense of Aleppo due to the lack of personnel was organized within the existing opportunities. As can be seen in the video materials provided by ISIL after the capture of the city, the supporting points (called in this case are erroneously blocking) were weakly collapsed, and rather practically unnecessary positions. Stony soil made it difficult for fortification work, but, in fact, even attempts to escape full-belly trenches, obviously not taken. Tents were installed with lying mattresses, both primitive living conditions are arranged in them, and all - "checkpoint" is ready. The attackers using SUVs equipped with machine guns, approached suddenly and shot part of the defenders, the rest were captivated. There were two dozen such reference points, and they all turned out to be captured very quickly. After that, dominant heights were busy, and Palmyra actually became defenseless. The only route on Homs is shot from the hills.

And what is VKS?

The actions of the Russian aviation became ineffective after the opposing parties came together so much that it was difficult to distinguish them from the air. Weather conditions were played by the weather conditions that excluded visual control of the battlefield. Nevertheless, according to the report of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, on the morning of December 11, 64 departures were committed, the strikes were applied in columns and places of accumulation of militants, three hundreds of which were destroyed. On Sunday, the careful and optimistic assumptions that the city would be able to hold, but later, the troops had to withdraw from the fear of the full environment. Bomble Palmyra after her seizure of ISIL did not.

Where did the terrorists come from?

Tactical techniques used by ISIL were traditional: "bombs" cars managed by suicide, available armored vehicles, RSZO - all this was aimed at a decisive attack. Live strength, most likely, was deployed from Rakki, where they are already observed, and from Diir Ez Zora. The movement may have thought about distinguishing government troops from the assault of Aleppo, but there was no removal of the forces, "thus, the main task of attack was not fulfilled.

Results and findings

The forces of the Islamic state managed to capture thirty tanks, six guns of 122 mm caliber, seven zenith plants, anti-tank reactive shells, trucks, ammunition, small arms, and other military property, as well as dozens of prisoners. The strategic value of Palmyra is not so important as these trophies. Irrevocable losses were, according to preliminary data, until fifty soldiers and officers.

In order to return the city to a problem location on the map, government troops from Homs and Damascus are tightened, which, in general, can be considered late, but the only correct measure. There is hope that the mistakes allowed will be taken into account, and Palmyra is waiting for a re-release.

However, it is almost impossible to completely reach the order in this situation. War is chaos by definition.

The Syrian Army, in collaboration with the VKS Russia, will soon return the captured Palmyra, assure the military. But when the city is just liberated - while forecasts do not. Why terrorists managed to take Palmyra, who is to blame for this and what to do with it - politicians surveyed by "ribbon".

In the spring, Russian VKS participated in the liberation of Palmyra from the militants of the "Islamic state" (IG, prohibited in Russia). And after the retreat of terrorists, our specialists helped demining the city's quarters.

And yet Palmyra is Syrian, and not the Russian city, reminded in the Kremlin, commenting on a potential damage from what happened. But emphasize that Moscow will continue to fight terrorists in Syria and help the armed forces of the republic.

Along the way, in the Kremlin, they pointed Western partners for insufficient assistance. But what happened to the cause of the capture of the city by militants and how to release it?

Non-flying weather

Dmitry Sablin, Member of the State Duma Committee on Defense, Coordinator of the Deputy Group for Relations with the Syrian Parliament:

"The reason for the capture of Palmyra militants of the IG became and lacking for intelligence, and the lack of reserves from the Syrian army, the main forces of which are involved in the liberation of Aleppo, and poor weather, which did not allow Russian and Syrian aviation to support Syrians on the spot. Militants ig were able to regroup, get reinforcements from Dair-Ez Zora and Mosul.

There is no doubt that the army will return and the ancient Palmyra, and the city of Tador. Well, that they managed to evacuate almost all the inhabitants. For those who did not have time to go away, it remains only to pray.

When I was in Palmyre in April of this year, the Syrians showed me an iron cage, in which people burned. All this should remind the global community about the overall enemy - terrorism. And about what you need to focus on the fight against this hydra, which, instead of a chopped head, grows two new, and not play geopolitical games using "good" terrorists. "

Not enough power

Vladimir Dzhabarov, the first deputy chairman of the Committee of the Council of International Affairs:

"It was very upset, because a lot of strength was attached and the Syrian army, and the CCM of Russia. But while there is not enough strength to keep all the objects, probably. Syrian army in the formation stage.

I was surprised by the other: how this includes some of our partners in combating terrorism. It turns out, it is easier to support the game that they already captured Palmyra and as if bited by Russia, Syria and [Bashar] Assad, than to start fighting together.

We know that this success is temporary at terrorists. They will not go anywhere. Aleppo will still be taken, then they will also be engaged in Palmyra. "

Wheel sticks from the West

Yuri Svochkin, Deputy Championship of the State Duma Committee on Defense:

"It is very smoking that the Western coalition, the so-called moderate opposition, simply opposes us, including prevents military operations.

Not a single day, not one hour can not be given militants to use the territory that they have temporarily occupied. And, of course, immediate action should be held.

At the same time, talking about the timing of Palmyra - it is even incorrect, ugly, ungrateful this thing. I myself participated in hostilities, and when any experts, the high warlords gave forecasts in the time of taking, we were simply outraged. Because it is easiest that way, frankly, give a comment from a warm office. "

Scattered forces

Sergey Zheleznyak, Member of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, Department of General Council of the Unified Russia party:

"I am sure that the Syrian Army, with the support of Russian VKS, will be able to ensure control over Palmyra and its surroundings.

The United States and their coalition allies should understand that they are responsible for the unjustified and even criminal connivance against terrorists, which leads to new victims among the civilian population and delays armed conflict in Syria.

It is necessary to state once again that, not wanting to create a single front against terrorists, the West risks the safety of people not only in Syria, but also in danger of population in other countries, unlocking its international terrorism.

Smoke rises over the districts of Aleppo, captured by anti-government forces

Solution - stop helping terrorists

Valentina Matvienko, Speaker of the Federation Council:

"It should be stopped finally divide the terrorists on good, bad and temperate, it is necessary to stop them the supply of weapons, their financial support.

Today we state not just the strengthening of international terrorism, but turning it into the system challenge to the whole world community, which requires us as a systematic and collective response. (...) Alas, Russia's suggestions hung in the air, instead of cooperation in the fight against the general enemy against us, the information war was unleashed.

There is no speech on the participation of the Russian Federation, Russian troops in the ground operation in Syria. We originally stated this. (...) Our task is not to maintain a ground operation in Syria, but to support with the help of our VKS. " (Quote by.)

Mobilization in Syria

Alexey Zhuravlev, deputy of the State Duma, the leader of the Motherland party:

"Our mission is that we support the official Damascus, helped free Palmyra, but this does not mean that we must hold it. This should do the Syrian army, Russia has no appropriate forces.

Most importantly, it is necessary to finish with Aleppo, in no case will one of the strength from there. Palmyra is a small city, it is, according to our standards, a large village, and in terms of strategic influence it does not matter, except that its capture by militants is a blow to prestige.

Damascus remains quite great opportunities to clean up, so the Syrian army should begin to fight: it is necessary to declare mobilization, and even if there are even ten percent of the population to fight, this army is able to defeat everyone who considers it necessary. The moment when it was time to move to serious actions, and not just defend. "

Start with Aleppo

Andrei Krasov, the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense:

"The terrorism has no future. There may be no success at terrorist organizations, those who shed blood of peaceful people on all continents.

Russia, together with Syria and Iran, takes all measures in order for this cancer tumor of terrorism in the Middle East to eliminate. Terrorists who are located in Aleppo are completely blocked. If they do not surrender to legal authorities, they will be destroyed. The Armed Forces of the SAR with the active support of the CVC of Russia controls about 96 percent of Aleppo. (...)

I think that after eliminating the focus of resistance to Aleppo, some of the forces will be redirected to Palmyra, and the situation stabilizes. "