How to download music to iPhone from computer. Download music to iPhone using iTunes How to transfer a melody from a computer to an iPhone

To transfer songs or, for example, audiobooks, from a computer to an iPhone- you need to install the program on this computer iTunes. All manipulations for copying any files to Apple devices are performed only through this program.

So, install iTunes on your computer, after downloading it on the official website. At the time of writing, the current version iTunes-12:We start the program. Select the tab in the top center My music”, or click in the upper left corner on the icon in the form notes:
If suddenly you are on top menu bar not showing, click on the square icon in the upper left corner and select “Show menu bar” there:

So, we are in the “Music” section and so far we have nothing here. Now add songs from computer here, and then for convenience put them in a separate playlist.

This is done as follows: in the menu bar, go to “File” - “Add file to media library” (if you want, you can add a whole folder with songs- then you need to select "Add folder to library"):
We find the songs we need on the computer, select them and click “Open”:
Songs added to iTunes! iTunes displays songs by default in the form of albums. This is not very convenient:
Therefore, I advise you to click in the upper right corner on the word “ Albums” and select “ Songs”:
Now we can clearly see all our downloaded songs:

In principle, it is already now possible to connect an iPhone to a computer and transfer our music to it. But personally I suggest first create individual playlists and scatter our downloaded songs on them. Imagine that we would add not 7 songs to iTunes, as in my example, but, for example, 70. If we create 2-3 different playlists, then it will be easier for us to navigate, and they will look neat on iPhone.

Switch from the top center to the tab “ playlists”:
Then in the menu bar go to “File” – “New” – “Playlist”:

A new playlist will be created, which we rename as we need: for example, Songs 2015:
Now click on the “Add” button on the right:

Then, from the list of our songs, we select those that we would like to put in this playlist, and drag them with the mouse to the right(where the note is shown). You can drag them one by one; possible by pressing the key ctrl, select several at once and move them all at once. After dragging the desired songs here, click the “Finish” button on the right:
One playlist is ready!

Now, for the sake of an example, create another playlist. In the menu bar, go to "File" - "New" - "Playlist". Let's give it a name: Songs for the Beach:
Then click the Add button on the right. Drag the desired songs to the right side - click "Finish":

So, we have created two playlists with songs. Now we can copy them to iPhone.

Connect iPhone to computer with a USB cable. After that, our device will be displayed on the icon bar - click on it:

Music". Then check the box on the top right Sync Music". A little lower, switch the marker to the “ Featured playlists, artists, albums and genres”.

Even lower in the “Playlists” section, we put checkboxes on the playlists we created: “ Songs 2015" And " Songs for the Beach”.

After that, at the very bottom, press the button “ Apply”:

Everything! Right after that on my iPhone in the Music app There are two new playlists with songs:

How to delete music from iPhone?

It's very simple. Run the program on the computer iTunes. Connect iPhone to computer using USB cable. After that, our device will be displayed on the icon bar - click on it.

Here, in the “Settings” section, select the line “ Music". Then top right Uncheck "Sync Music".
A window will appear with the message: “Are you sure you don't want to sync music? All songs and playlists on iPhone will be deleted.” Click the "Delete" button in it:
And then press the button below Apply". Everything! After that, all songs and playlists will disappear from your iPhone.

Users who previously used Android smartphones and now have an iPhone often have problems transferring various files from a computer to an iPhone and vice versa. For example, very often users do not know how to transfer their favorite music collection from a computer. This is exactly what you will learn in this article.

The easiest way to transfer music from computer to iPhone is through iTunes. If you don't have iTunes yet, the first step is to download it from the site and install it on your computer. Once installed, launch iTunes and go to the "My Music" section.

Most likely, in your iTunes, the "My Music" section will be empty. This is normal, because you have not uploaded anything there before. In order to fix this, open the menu "File - Add Folder to Library" and select the folder with the music that you want to transfer to iPhone. You can also add music to the library one by one using the menu "File - Add File to Library".

After selecting the files, the process of adding files to the iTunes library will begin. This may take some time depending on the number of files you are adding. At this point, you just need to wait while iTunes adds all the files.

Once added, your chosen music will appear in your iTunes library. You can view the contents of the media library using the links on the left side of the window (Recently Added, Artists, Albums, Songs, Genres).

After filling the library with the necessary music, you can start transferring this music from your computer to the iPhone's memory. To do this, you need to connect your iPhone to your computer using a USB cable and click on the iPhone icon in iTunes (this icon will appear in the upper left corner of the window).

This will take you to the iPhone settings. Here you need to go to the "Music" section and enable the "Sync Music" option there.

You can also choose which music to sync here. If you select the "Entire Library" option, then all the music that you uploaded to the library will be transferred to iPhone. If you select the option "Favorite playlists, artists, albums and genres", then you can choose which music to transfer and which not.

In order to start transferring music from the library to the iPhone's memory, you need to click on the "Finish" button, which is located at the bottom of the window.

After that, a warning will appear about making changes to the iPhone's memory. Here you need to click on the "Apply" button.

Transfer Music via iTools

In addition to the above method, there are other, alternative ways to transfer music from a computer to an iPhone. For example, you can use the iTools program. This program is not official, it is developed by Chinese programmers. Both advantages and disadvantages follow from this. On the one hand, the iTools program is much simpler than iTunes, and on the other hand, it has compatibility problems, sometimes it simply refuses to work.

You can download the iTools program on the website or on the forum. You can also find more information about this program there.

In order to transfer music from a computer to an iPhone using the iTools program, you need to connect the iPhone, launch the iTools program and go to the "Music" tab. Here you need to click on the "Import" button and select the desired music.

Users who have bought an iPhone for the first time very often encounter problems when trying to transfer something from a computer to their smartphone. Especially often problems arise when working with music. If you also found yourself in a similar situation, then this article should help you. Here we will look at two ways at once how to transfer music from a computer to an iPhone.

The first method is the main one, it involves the use of the iTunes program and it is used by most iPhone owners. The second way is alternative. In order to use this method, you will need the iTools program, created by Chinese developers.

Transfer music from computer to iPhone using iTunes

If you want to transfer music from your computer to your iPhone, then the easiest way to do this is to use iTunes. Download iTunes to your computer (you can do this) and install it. After that, launch iTunes and go to the " My music».

Most likely, in the "My Music" section you will have an empty one. This means that you have not added any music here yet. In order to fix this, open the menu " File” and select “ Add file to library"(in case you want to send only one musical composition to your iPhone) or the item" Add folder to library” (in case you want to upload a lot of songs at once).

If you select " Add folder to library” and open a folder with a large number of songs, the window “ Adding files”, which will show the process of adding music files to your iTunes library. At this stage, you just need to wait until all the files you have selected are added to iTunes.

You can browse music in your iTunes library by added time, artist, album, song, or genre. The most convenient option is to view individual songs. Therefore, we go to the section of the media library, which is called " Songs". Viewing the media library in this way is convenient to create playlists and edit song descriptions.

After that, on the left side of the window you will see an image of your iPhone, and under it the "Settings" menu. In this menu, you need to select the section " Music", and then turn on the function" Sync Music” and click on the button “ Ready", which is located at the bottom of the window.

If you don’t want to transfer the entire iTunes library to your iPhone, then here you can select the option “ Featured playlists, artists, albums and genres". After choosing this option, you can choose what exactly you want to send to your iPhone.

After clicking on the "Finish" button, you will also need to confirm the synchronization by clicking on the " Apply».

Now you can go to the Music app on your iPhone. There should already be musical compositions that you have thrown off from the computer.

Alternative way to transfer music from computer to iPhone

There is also another way to transfer music from a computer to an iPhone. This method is less known and not as popular, but it is much simpler and faster. It consists in using the iTools program developed by Chinese programmers.

The iTools program can be downloaded from the official website. If you need more information about iTools, then check out the related topic.

In order to transfer music from a computer to an iPhone using iTools, you need to launch this program, go to the "Music" section and click on the "Import" button.

After that, you need to select musical compositions and click on the "Open" button. And that's all, after selecting the desired songs, they will immediately be thrown into the memory of your iPhone.

How to transfer music to iPhone via iTunes? There are two ways to download music to iPhone (Iphone) through iTunes:
- by synchronization;
- by moving the music files separately.

You can move media files to your Apple device by following these steps:
1. Open iTunes on the computer;
2. To plug iPhone (Iphone), iPad (Ipad) or other Apple - device via USB - interface with a lightning cord;
3. Select your iPhone in the device menu. To do this, go to the section "Devices" tabs "Overview" and click on the button with the name of your device.

4. In the "Options" menu, you need to check the box "Process music and video manually", which will allow the user to set up synchronization with his own hands.

6. If you need to copy the entire music library to your apple device, check the box next to "The whole media library" .

7. If you want to move individual playlists or some musical compositions to iPhone (Iphone), iPad (Ipad) or another apple device, check the box next to "Selected playlists, artists, albums and genres".

In addition, automatic filling of the free space of the device will become available for use.

8. Select the playlists and songs you want to copy to your device.

9. The last step to set up iTunes sync with Apple - the device will be pressing the button "Apply". After the synchronization process is completed, copying music files to your device can be completed.

This sophisticated method of copying media library files has several advantages, such as:
- the ability to customize images - covers media files that will be displayed on the device while playing music;
- the ability to change the parameters of the equalizer and volume level playing music for a specific music file;
-sorting capability and move files based on group name or artist name, performance genre, and so on.

The procedure for copying music in this way:
1. Visit the official Apple developer website and download iTunes to your computer.

2. Click the "File" button, select "Add to Library", and then specify the location of the music files.

3. Customize the contents of your music library.

Important! The names of the files in the media library may not match the original names of the files. Change the name of the media file, in case of incorrect display, you can right-click on the composition, select the item in the context menu "Intelligence" and in the field "Name" enter the required data.

It will not work just to connect the iPhone to a laptop or computer and transfer music to it. Such actions are performed using special software from Apple. The article is devoted to how to transfer music to iPhone through iTunes.

iTunes needs to be launched. Open section "Media Library", and then switch to the tab "Music".In this window, drop any musical compositions that you will then listen to on your mobile device. Please note that you can sort audio recordings, create playlists, add covers for them, and so on.

Sync with iPhone

The main part of the instructions on how to move music to iPhone through iTunes is over. It remains only to enable the synchronization of software from Apple with a smartphone. To do this, follow these steps:

This is the easiest option on how to transfer music to iTunes. Now check out the supported audio formats.

Supported audio formats

The iPhone and iPad will turn on the playback of the following audio formats: MP3, AAC, WAV, Audible, Apple's proprietary standard - Lossless, as well as their various variations.

An error may occur when copying music files to a smartphone, or even before the transfer has begun. This indicates that the file extension is not supported by the iOS operating system. You need to convert the track to the desired format. There are special programs for this, you can easily find them on the Internet.