What is needed by the exam. Delivery of the EGE in the early period: Benefits and Disadvantages

The first analogue of the USE was introduced in France in the 60s. The French colonies in Africa gained independence, and there were a lot of immigrants from Africa in the country. The level of their formation was extremely low, but, nevertheless, the children of immigrants needed to learn, and the French authorities went to meet them, strongly simplifying the examin system. Test polls were introduced, the final exam was combined with introductory university.

Very soon in France, numerous demonstrations and protests began: the people did not take a new system, believing that it leads to the "part of the" nation. The confrontation lasted not long: after three years, the government, assessing the results of the new policy, refused to innovations.

However, such a system quite successfully passed on to America. It is less costly and very convenient. Now the idea of \u200b\u200b"2 exam in 1" began to get widespread all over the world.

EGE in Russia

The first samples of the USE began to appear in Russia in 1997. In individual schools began to conduct experiments on voluntary testing of graduates.

The author of the idea of \u200b\u200ba single state exam in Russia became Vladimir Philippov, who headed the Ministry of Education from 1998 to 2004. It was he who began a large-scale reform of domestic education: Russia's accession to the Bologna process with the division of higher education for undergraduate and the magistracy, the creation of new educational standards. One of their necessary conditions for this process was the introduction of new ways to assess the knowledge of schoolchildren.

The exam was to destroy corruption in schools and universities and to ensure an effective testing of graduates' knowledge (a standard five-point scale with this task has not yet coped). That is why the test form was chosen with which an impartial machine is running. In addition, the state examination was to make a higher education truly affordable for children from the regions.

"To all elite and in most other universities, you can enter only either through tutoring at a given university, or through paid courses with it, or through the target reception, which they are implemented, or through the" contractual "schools that Moscow and St. Petersburg universities have" , "said Philipp.

In 1999, the Federal Center for Testing the Ministry of Education was created. Task: Development of testing system in the country, as well as monitoring the quality of knowledge of students in Russian educational institutions.

Under the direction of the director of the center of Vladimir Khlebnikov, an idea, technology and methods for conducting an exe, as well as its software and scaling test results were developed. At the same time, the foundation for the compilation of kimov was formed, the issues of coordination of information technology support were solved.

In 2000, the Government of the Russian Federation was marked by a new plan for the development of education: "A phased transition to the regulatory impact financing of higher professional education provides for the development of technology for the unified state final exam and its subsequent legislative consolidation."

The implementation of the new plan began almost immediately. However, it was impossible to provide in advance all the probable obstacles and "underwater" stones. The exam during its existence has undergone a lot of changes. Its development was carried out in several conditional stages.

Stage 2001-2003

    The experiment on the introduction of the USE was given the launch of two decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation:
  • "On the organization of an experiment on the introduction of a single state exam" of February 16, 2001
  • "On the participation of educational institutions of secondary vocational education in an experiment on the introduction of a single state exam" of April 5, 2002.

Experimental regions were chosen, where for the first time on eight subjects, EGE was held: the Republic of Chuvashia, Mari El, Yakutia, Samara and Rostov region. More than 30 thousand people and about 50 state universities in eight academic disciplines took part.

Before the start of the experiment, a large-scale campaign for the support of a single state examination was deployed. First of all, active work was carried out to inform the population through the media, conferences and trainings were held for teachers, special classes in schools. In parallel, a powerful anti-corruption movement began in the entire education system.

A specific list of items for which the EGE was conducted in 2001-2008 was established by each region independently.

In 2002, the experiment on the introduction of a single state exam was already in 16 regions of the country. His graduates 8400 schools were handed over, receiving estimated on the exam was carried out in 117 universities.

In 2003, 47 regions took part in the experiment, and in 11 of them graduates handed over the EGE on all nine subjects of the school program. The exam was held 18.5 thousand Russian schools.

Significantly increased the number of universities that have signed students based on the exam results - up to 245. In the experiment included, including some medical schools, as well as universities who are preparing specialists in the field of culture and sports.

In short, the exam is extremely actively spread throughout the country. Already in 2004, the maximum in 2005 - the experiment was recognized as successful and planned to make mandatory.


However, not everything was smooth.

Protest voices loudly against the introduction of the USE. Many figures of science and culture, teachers, schoolchildren, their parents were dissatisfied. Indicated the main disadvantages of the exam. It was alleged that testing in principle was not able to identify the level of knowledge, and the learning process turns into a "scattering" to the exam. Also, many talked about the exorbitant complexity of tasks for schoolchildren, and the total increase in the load on students.

According to many, with this form of certification, there was no individual approach to schoolchildren, the difference was not taken into account in the context of their training.

In addition, many prestigious (and not very) universities did not take into account the results of the EGE, so graduates had to withstand the dual load of exams.

According to the results of the trial exam, it was concluded that the regulatory framework requires significant improvements and improvements. There was a lot of problems with the work of the examination commissions, appeals, enrollment in universities.

In addition, problems with the organization of the exam, both with the procedure for conducting the procedure itself and with the delivery and processing of results, were revealed. But most complaints caused questions and assignments of the exam.

Stage 2004-2006


A task was set: for three years to solve the main problem of the USE - a decrease in the load on graduates through the complete combination of graduation and entrance exams. For this, the number of universities taking applicants based on the results of the USE was significantly increased.

In 2004, the exam was handed over 65 regions of Russia, the number of universities and cities increased to 946 and 1530, respectively. The number of general educational items increased by the exam. In 2006, the exam summed up 950 thousand schoolchildren in 79 regions of Russia.

Since 2004, the Ministry of Defense since 2004 took part in the experiment on crediting cadets to the first courses of military universities on the results of the examination of the USE, and in 2005 introduced the state final certification in the new form (GIA) for graduates of the Suvorov military, Nakhimovsky Naval School and Cadet enclosures.

An important improvement was the possibility of absentee admission of graduates at the same time in several universities. Moreover, it was possible to send documents into an unlimited number of educational institutions (from those that counted the results of the USE). Even more financing the project. The procedure for holding the exam was significantly improved.

Testing for graduates was carried out in two stages: immediately at the end of the school (in May-June) and another month. It was introduced so that schoolchildren still had enough forces for the exam, as well as time to send their results to a greater number of educational institutions.


Of all the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, only the Nizhny Novgorod region categorically refused to participate in the experiment on the exam. Nizhny Novgorod explained this by the fact that the exam is incorrect in their essence, and their exam will be held only after the corresponding government solutions in staffing, when will be legalized.

By 2005, it was not possible to complete the experiment, and it was customary to make an exem mandatory by 2008. A decree appeared: in the shortest possible time to complete the draft government of the Russian Federation "On the phased introduction of a single state exam in the Russian Federation", as well as determine the approaches to the creation of the All-Russian quality assessment system Education.

However, there was a serious problem with the introduction of the USE in creative universities. Rectors of the largest educational institutions categorically expressed themselves against the introduction of the USE. True, the state examination did not cancel the creative contest, and the applicants still passed these disciplines in the same order. Nevertheless, the main general educational items (Russian, literature, mathematics) in most creative universities have already been counted according to the results of the exam. The most cardinal change occurred in the capital: Moscow Department of Education ordered all educational institutions related to art, to allocate 50% of the specialties for applicants entering the results of the USE. Bypassing this decision could literally units.

However, despite the visible success of the USE, there was still no discontent. Another problem was added to the old issues: the discrepancy between the requirements of the exam and the school program.

The main opponent of the introduction of the EGE, the rector of Moscow State University Victor Sadovnichy, called the State Examination "Forge of Mediocre." His point of view was divided by almost all rectors of large universities in Russia. But then, Vladimir Putin in the message to the Federal Assembly, unambiguously spoke in the importance of the transparent procedure of the state test of knowledge, realizing that it was the EGE.

Stage 2007-2009


In 2007 adopted by the Federal Law "On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation" On Education ", the Federal Law" On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education "and Art. 2 of the Federal Law "On Amendments to Selected Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation due to improving the delimitation of powers."

Until 2009, the procedure for the exam remained the same. In full, the provision on the holding of the USE approved by the order of the Ministry of Education seven years ago continued. New amendments were established in Russia until January 1, 2009 transitional period for the introduction of the USE in full throughout Russia. They contained significant changes during the exam.

First of all, school medals and diplomas of SPO lost their strength with honors, and their owners were deprived of benefits: now they had to pass the exam on general conditions. However, the total number of beneficiaries increased significantly: beyond the competition, subject to successful exam pass, universities that remainless children or children and children, persons under the age of 23 (as previously decided), as well as the children of military personnel, could act in universities. Killed in the fulfillment of military service responsibilities or with participation in the conduct of counter-terrorism operations. In addition, the champions of the Olympic, Paralympic and Surdilmpic Games for training in the field of training (specialties) in physical culture and sports were entitled to receive without entrance examinations.

Also, the Federal Law of February 9, 2007 significantly expanded the number of Olympics, according to the results of which a graduate school can be adopted in a higher educational institution with a minimal score on the exam. From this time, their list will be approved annually by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Also, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, together with Rosobrnadzor, began the active development of additional legal acts governing the issues of the exam and GIA among graduates.

A specific period was established: until April 1, all the sseaves and universities should declare a list of specialties and forms of training, which was announced by reception based on the results of the USE, and a list of entrance tests. And on May 1, the rules of admission must be fully published.

In 2008, the exam summed over a million students in all regions. The number of subjects of the Russian Federation, where the USE passed, increased to 92 regions, the reception according to the exam results began to lead 1650 universities and 2000 ps

On January 1, 2009, amendments to the laws "On Education" and "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" entered into force, which proclaimed the exam committed for all graduates, regardless of whether they were going to continue learning in the university or not. The obligatory state examination was also for students in Russian schools, individuals without citizenship, refugees and forced migrants.

EGE-2009 was significantly transformed. In addition to the above points, other changes were introduced. First of all, he began to play a major role in admission to the university. The results of the exam in the school at the same time began to be counted as entrance exams.

To obtain a certificate, schoolchildren needed to pass only two mandatory exams - in the Russian language and mathematics, and for admission to the university - four. Additional exams were determined depending on the university's requirements for admission, however, the results of entrance examinations in the Russian language were mandatory for all specialties.

Some universities (namely 24) received permission from the government to conduct their own additional tests for some specialty. Additional tests were organized by the specialties of creative and professional orientation, requiring special creative, physical or psychological qualities.

Also, each university has now obliged to install their passing threshold before receiving applications. This is necessary in order to facilitate the choice of educational institution for those applicants whose points are not high enough.

Documents for admission to the university can now be sent by mail, which greatly facilitated graduates of receipt.

It became more difficult to get a tolerance to the exam: now it is not enough to just finish grade 11 - it was necessary to write a final assessment of the final control in mathematics and an essay in the Russian language.

The points received on the state examination are from now on do not affect the final marks that are exposed to the certificate. However, if a graduate leases both mandatory exams unsatisfactory, he is issued a certificate of school training, and the right to relocate the exam only in a year.

Solved the problem with recalculation and scaling of the results of the EGE: the transfer of points in the assessment is canceled. Now the graduate, ending the school, received a separate certificate of the exam and the certificate. The results of the EE are valid until December 31, the next year after passing the exam.


The receiving campaign, usually calmly held until the end of July, in 2009 ended only by the beginning of the school year. The main problem was the opportunity to submit documents into an unlimited number of universities and three "waves" of income. Because of this, there was a huge confusion and a lot of scandals.

Difficulties arose and due to the fact that many applicants could not pick up the original documents for admission to the selected university, since they were already enrolled in another.

The mass of discontent arose because of the "influx" of the incident category applicants. The first list of state employees was almost entirely from applicants coming out of the competition. As a result, people with high EGE scallies found themselves before needing to either wait for the second wave, or to submit the original documents to other universities. Successful applicants with good EGE results often could not go to the desired university.

The problem of the uncertainty of applicants in his choice was also revealed: they filed documents for a wide variety of directions, not to any definite. This created difficulties not only when enrolling, but also during further training.

2010 year


Some changes have been keen in mathematics and literature. This was preceded by the collapse of graduates in the examination of the previous year: 25% of schoolchildren wrote a mathematics exam for unsatisfactory assessment. As for literature, the main problem was the impossibility of an objective assessment of such an abstract, sometimes intuitive subject in test form. Mathematics tasks were transformed into more specific, everydays. New tests assumed not only knowledge of formulas and rules, but also the ability to use them in practice, understanding the subject itself.

Graduates who graduated from high school before January 1, 2009, i.e., before the unified State Exam has become obligatory, received a choice. Now, when entering the university, the university may not take the exam, and pass exams in the traditional form. Previously, this was allowed only to those who arrived at the correspondence and evening branch of universities.

The number of stages of enrollment in universities decreased from three to two. This made it possible to determine whele whether an appreciated the required number of points scored to enroll in the selected university. Strictly observed the right of a student to pick up his documents from the admission commission of one university and to transfer them to another, where he passed in the second wave. And to do it all could be within one day.

Universities received the right to establish a minimum threshold of points not only on their own, but in all other subjects.

The target reception was reduced by 10%. In addition, it became relevant to his abolition on humanitarian directions, where there are too many graduates: lawyers, economists, managers, etc.

It was also legislatively approved a new rule: this year was not more than five universities, and not more than three directions in each.

In order to avoid repeating conflict situations, often arising from the lack of needed information, the government committed all universities before February 1 to publish its own rules for the reception, direction of training, a list of entrance tests.


According to the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights of Educational Services and the Department of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2010 due to the mandatory state examination, the volume of corruption in education increased. Moreover, bribery has passed from universities to school levels. This became one of the main arguments of opponents of the introduction of the USE in Russia.

Creative universities still defend their right to accept applicants not according to the results of the EGE, but on the basis of their own exams. There are those that you manage: Conservatory them. P.I. Tchaikovsky, State Music School. Gnesins, Rati and Studio Studio Mkhat.

However, in most creative universities, the results of the USE minimum are counted on one of the exams. True, until the StateCell is canceling traditional entrance tests.

At the same time, many educational institutions find a way to "bypass" the exam. For example, the Higher Theatrical Schools them. Shchepkin and them. Schukina count the points of the state examination only for the writing, and only for citizens of the CIS countries. Medalists make it possible to choose: submit the results of the exam or write an essay right on the exam.

Restriction of the number of educational institutions where documents could be submitted, a positive role was played: the stir and panic of 2009 managed to avoid. The receiving campaign was calm and quite successfully.

There was another problem. In the conditions of the brewing demographic crisis, many universities began to reduce the passing score in many specialties, as a result of which, often they were recruited not too well-trained students. This problem is now the most relevant, since graduates every year becomes less and less. The Ministry of Education and Science focused on, first of all, on solving this issue.

The introduction of the EGE and its evolution for almost 10 years made it clear that neither the Government of Russia nor the Ministry of Education and Science nor the scientist community does not consider such an assessment of the knowledge perfect. Each year, the EE changed and will change until all participants in the educational process arrange.

Stage 2011-2014


In 2011, the rules for admission to universities for winners and winners of the Olympiad of this year have changed. They could use their benefit on arrival only in one university, and in the rest to go on a common contest with the results of the exam.

In 2012, the Historical Portrait of the Historical Portrait was introduced in the exam on history to the part "C". The essence of the task: choose from the three proposed historical figures of one and briefly tell about it in the form of mini-essay.

In addition, new, more complex options appeared in the "B". If earlier it was enough to compare the date and personality correctly, then the historical event was also added now. "

The EEE in mathematics included tasks in the "Probability and Statistics" section and tasks for the course of geometry. The number of tasks and in kima in computer science changed: in the first part, their number is reduced from 18 to 13, in the second part - increased from 10 to 15. The number of tasks in the sections "Elements of the theory of algorithms" and "modeling and computer experiment" increased less Jobs by section "Number System" and "Basics of Logic".

In Kima, on the literature, new tasks for choosing the right answer from the proposed options were introduced into the literature in the base level of the complexity, however, the total number of tasks remained the same.

In the period of the exam in 2013, more than 150 fragments of examination tasks were revealed on the Internet. In addition, almost 2 thousand groups on social networks graduates 11 classes solved tasks online to all wishing for a small payment.

Because of this, a large number of lime "Stubliks" appeared. As a result, children were injured, who honestly did the entire period of study at school and hoped only for their knowledge. Because of the Lime "Stublniks", many guys are not able to enroll on budget branches in those universities in which they planned. And they were forced to either postpone the receipt of higher education, or go to learn from a commercial basis.

In November 2013, a letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On the Action of the EGE" results was announced, which reported that the results of a single state exam when admission to undergraduate programs and specialist programs are valid for four years, following the year of obtaining such results.


Due to the fact that in 2013 there was a massive leak of KimEkzamena, Rosobrnadzor set the task - to make a "work on errors" so that in 2014 the EGE passed on equal terms for all graduates.

In 2014, Rosobrnadzor plans to hold a number of activities that will help avoid the leaks of kimov. For this purpose, an increase in examination materials and the number of options will be made. For each time zone, their variants of control and measurement materials will be developed.

Kima in the regions will be brought out not three days before the exam, as before, and per day. It is planned to determine them into special storages with a video surveillance system.

In addition, graduates of 2014 will have to give an exe under the sight of video cameras that will be installed in the audiences and corridors. It is assumed that the "muffler" of the cellular signal will be operated in the classes.

Innovations in the ege-2015

  • Added oral part in foreign languages. This section may be enabled at the request of the participant.
  • For individual achievements of schoolchildren, you could get up to 10 points to the results of the exam.
  • The writage that was held in December was to admit to the exam. Evaluation - Starting / Execute. When admission, the university could evaluate the essay - a maximum of up to 10 points to the exam.
  • In the Russian language, the test part was removed in the Russian language. For other subjects - reduce tasks with the choice of answers.
  • In Kima, the division was removed on blocks (A, B, C), there was a simple numbering.
  • Separation of the EGE in mathematics to the basic and profile levels.
  • Most of the tasks plan to take from an open bank. In the future, the formation of kim is 100% of the open bank.
  • Everyone will be allowed to go to the early delivery of the USE - students and graduates of past years.
  • The ege can be rented in the current year.
  • The ege can be handed over after grade 10.

Innovations in the ege-2016

Russian language.

All the main characteristics of the examination work are generally preserved. The selection of language material is expanded for performing tasks 7 and 8. The wording of the task 25 is clarified. The criteria for estimating the task 25 are clarified.


The basic level of changes in the structure and content of the examination work is not.

The profile level from the first part is excluded two tasks: the task of the practical oriented focus of the basic level of complexity and the task on stereometry of the increased level of complexity. The maximum primary score has decreased from 34 to 32 points.


Options are excluded with the choice of one response from four (1-21 for Numbering 2015) and the setting of conformity (24). In part 1 of the work added new tasks for establishing conformity: on the knowledge of dates (2 on the numbering of 2016); on knowledge of basic facts, processes, phenomena (5); to work with a text historical source (6); on the knowledge of the basic facts of the history of culture (17); The task on the history of the Great Patriotic War to filling out permits in sentences (8), as well as a task with a brief response to work with a historical source by XX century. (ten). From part 2 of the examination work, a task is excluded for checking the ability to represent the results of historical and cognitive activity in free form (40 on the numbering of 2015). Added a new task, involving the writing of the historical composition at a certain period of the history of Russia. In part 1 of the examination work of 2016, the location of the tasks changed: tasks are located in accordance with the principle of alternation of activities. The time writing time is increased to 235 minutes.

Biology, literature.

There are no changes in the structure of the structure and content of the examination.


    In 2016, compared to 2015 adopted the following changes:
  • In part 1 of the work, the format of six tasks of the base level of complexity with a brief answer is changed. These are the following tasks: - №6, its implementation provides for the application of generalized knowledge about the classification and the nomenclature of inorganic substances. The result of the task is to establish three correct answers from six proposed options; - No. 11 and No. 18, their implementation provides for the application of generalized knowledge about the genetic relationship of inorganic and organic substances. The result of the task is to establish two correct answers from the five proposed options. - No. 24, No. 25 and No. 26, the answer to these tasks is the number with a given degree of accuracy (instead of the number of the correct answer in 2015). Also, in part 1 of the work, the format of two tasks of the elevated level of complexity - No. 34 and No. 35, which check the learning of the characteristic chemical properties of hydrocarbons and oxygen-containing organic compounds. In 2016, these tasks are presented in the format of assignment assignments (in 2015, these were tasks for a multiple choice).
  • Based on the analysis of the results of the exam, 2015, adjustments were made regarding the distribution of tasks in terms of complexity and types of checked skills and methods of activity. Thus, in particular, the expediency of checking the assimilation of the element of the content "Chemical equilibrium; The displacement of equilibrium under the action of various factors "Only tasks of an increased level of complexity. At the same time, the assimilation of the knowledge of the characteristic chemical properties of nitrogen-containing organic compounds and biologically important substances is only at the basic level.

Spanish, German, French, English.

Social Studies.

The examination of the examination work is optimized: - the logic of the structure of part 1 is aligned with the logic of part 2: tasks are focused on checking certain skills (requirements for graduate preparation level) on various content elements; - From part 1 of work, tasks are excluded with a brief response in the form of one digit corresponding to the number of the correct answer; As a result of the rearrangement of the tasks of various types, the total number of tasks of part 1 decreased by 7 tasks. As a result, the total number of job tasks decreased by 7 tasks (29 instead of 36). The maximum primary score for the fulfillment of all work has not changed (62).


The structure of Kim EGE in 2016 is left unchanged. For the plot lines 2-5, 8-10 and 11-16, the spectrum of controlled elements of the content is expanded.


Model Kim 2016 compared with Kim 2015 changed slightly. The sequence of preventing tasks 1-5 was changed. The number of tasks and the maximum primary score remained unchanged.

Changes in control and measuring materials EGE-2017.

    No changes in structure and content in the following subjects:
  • Russian language.
  • Mathematics (basic and profile levels).
  • Geography.
  • Informatics.
  • Literature.

Foreign languages:no changes in structure and content.
Clarified the wording of the task 3 of the oral part of the exam.

History: No changes in structure and content.
The maximum score is changed for performing tasks 3 and 8 (2 points instead of 1).
Advanced formulation of task 25 and the criteria for its estimation

Social science: no significant changes.
The structure of the plot of part 1, which checks the content of the "right" section, is unified by the sample structure of the blocks that check the content of other sections of the course: Task 17 Added to the choice of faithful judgments, the numbering of tasks 18 (former 17), 19 (former 18) was changed. Task 19 as it existed in the Kim previous years is excluded from work.

Biology: significant changes.

  • The tasks with a choice of one answer are excluded from the examination.
  • The number of tasks from 40 to 28 is reduced.
  • Reduced maximum primary score from 61 in 2016 to 59 in 2017
  • Increased the duration of the examination work from 180 to 210 minutes.
  • Part 1 includes new types of tasks that differ significantly by type of training actions: Filling into the missed elements of the schema or table, finding correctly specified designations in the figure, analysis and synthesis of information, including those represented in the form of graphs, diagrams and tables with statistical data.

Chemistry: significant changes.

    The structure of the examination work is optimized:
  • The structure of part 1 of Kim is fundamentally changed: tasks are excluded with a choice of one response; Tasks are grouped by separate thematic blocks, each of which has tasks of both basic and elevated levels of complexity.
  • Reduced the total number of tasks from 40 (in 2016) to 34.
  • The estimation scale has been changed (from 1 to 2 points) to perform the tasks of the basic level of complexity, which check the learning of knowledge about the genetic bond of inorganic and organic substances (9 and 17).
  • The maximum primary score for the performance of work as a whole will be 60 points (instead of 64 points in 2016).

Physics: significant changes.
Changed the structure of part 1 of the examination work, part 2 is left unchanged.
The tasks with the choice of one right answer are excluded from the examination and tasks are added with a brief response.

Changes in the Measuring Materials EGE-2018

    No changes in structure and content in the following subjects:
  • Mathematics (basic and profile level)
  • Geography
  • History
  • Biology
    Russian language: significant changes.
  • In the Russian examination in the Russian language, the task of the baseline (No. 20) is included, which checks the knowledge of the lexical norms of the modern Russian literary language;
  • The maximum primary score for fulfilling all the work is increased from 57 to 58.
    Literature: significant changes.
  • Requirements for the execution of tasks 9 and 16 (canceled the requirement to substantiate the choice of an example to compare);
  • The fourth essay theme (17.4) was introduced. 3) the criteria for estimating the execution of tasks with the deployed response (8, 9, 15, 16, 17) are fully redesigned;
  • The maximum score in all operations is increased from 42 to 57 points.
    Social Studies: significant changes.
  • Recycled the rate of estimation of the task 28;
  • The wording of the task 29 is detailed and the system of its estimation is changed;
  • The maximum primary score for the performance of all operations is increased from 62 to 64.
    Informatics and ICT:
  • The task 25 removed the possibility of writing an algorithm in a natural language due to the unclaiming of this opportunity by the participants of the exam;
  • Examples of texts of the programs and their fragments in the terms of the tasks 8, 11, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25 in the C language are replaced by examples in C ++, as much more relevant and common.
    Foreign languages: there are no changes in the structure of KIM.
  • The criteria for estimating the fulfillment of tasks 39 and 40 are clarified.
    Chemistry: significant changes.
  • Added one task (No. 30) of a high level with a detailed answer. Due to changes in the baldness of the tasks of part 1;
  • The maximum primary score for fulfilling all the work remained unchanged (60).
    Physics: significant changes.
  • In part 1 added one task of the base level (No. 24), checking elements of astrophysics;
  • The maximum primary score for fulfilling all the work is increased from 50 to 52 points.

Innovations in the ege-2019

In 2019, graduates of schools in a statement to participate in the USE will be required to choose one of the two levels of the EE mathematics: or basic, or profile.

If the graduate does not cope with the exam in mathematics, it can replace the previously selected level and pass it re-in reserve days. And did not pass the profile level and in reserve days, they will be able to pass the base for receiving the certificate in September.

In 2019. graduates of past yearsalready having a certificate cannot take the mathematics of the baseline.

Since 2017. test part of the tasks The exam is excluded from almost all control and measuring materials. The exception of the test part from the tasks of the EGE is added to the previously excluded test parts, the following objects: physics, biology and chemistry. Exam participants must enter the answer themselves, and not choose it from the proposed.

In 2019, for the first time, the exam will be held chinese language. He will become the fifth language for the choice for the participants of the exam, along with English, German, French and Spanish.

In 2019. certificate with distinction will give those graduates who have the outcome of "excellent" in all educational subjects, successfully passed the state final certification, and also passed the exam in Russian and mathematics of the profile level at least 70 points or 5 points on the exam in the basic level mathematics .

Since 2019, the EE has become the main form of conducting state final certification for graduates of Crimea and Sevastopol.

Changes in control and measuring materials EGE-2019

In Kim, for all educational subjects, additional reminders were introduced for the participants of the USE on checking the recording of answers in the form No. 1 and No. 2 under the relevant job numbers. All changes in the KIM EGE are not fundamental. For most objects, the formulations of tasks and improvement of the task assessment system are carried out to increase the differential ability of the examination work.

    No changes in structure and content in the following subjects:
  • Mathematics (basic and profile level);
  • Geography;
  • Physics;
  • Chemistry;
  • Informatics and ICT.
    Russian language:
  • The number of tasks in the examination work from 26 to 27 due to the introduction of a new task (21) verifies the ability to conduct a punctuation analysis of the text;
  • Changed the format of tasks 2, 9-12;
  • Extended range of spelling spelling and punctuation skills.
  • The level of complexity of individual tasks was refined;
  • The wording of the task 27 is specified with an expanded response;
  • The criteria for estimating tasks 27 are clarified.


    The criteria for estimating tasks with a detailed answer are refined:
  • refixes are made to the estimation of tasks 8 and 15 (the wording of the criterion 1 with a description of the requirements for the answer to 2 points, the rules for calculating the actual errors in the criteria 2),
  • in tasks 9 and 16 (in criteria 1 and 2, possible options for flaws in response),
  • in tasks 17.1-17.4 (in the criterion 4, logical errors are added).
    Social Studies:
  • The wording is detailed and a refined task estimation system 25;
  • The maximum score for the execution of the task 25 is increased from 3 to 4;
  • The wording of the tasks 28, 29 is detailed, and the systems of their estimation are improved;
  • The maximum primary score for the fulfillment of all operations is increased from 64 to 65.
    Foreign languages: There are no changes in the structure and content of KIM.
  • The criteria for estimating the implementation of the task 40 of the "letter section" in the written part of the exam, as well as the wording of the task 40, in which the participant of the exam is offered to choose from two topics of a deployed written statement with the elements of the reasoning "My opinion"

A single state exam, or the EGE, is a special form of the final exam, which is held in schools. According to the results of testing, the graduates come to various educational institutions. An experiment with the introduction of this exam launched in 2001. Schoolchildren and teachers appeared another headache, and with her the question: "Who invented the exam in Russia?" The name of this official you will learn in our article.

Why introduced the EGE

The purpose of this form of the exam is to reduce the level of corruption when entering higher educational institutions, as well as an increase in the possibility of obtaining higher education for graduates. Among teachers, students, as well as their parents are hot discussions on the topic of the complexity of testing, the insecurity of the results and so on. Graduates break her head over those who came up with the exam in Russia, and at the same time curse the reformer.

in the world

If you think that the ege first appeared in Russia, then you are very mistaken. World education is familiar with this form of the exam for more than 50 years. But before dealing with the question, who came up with the exam and OGE in our country, let's explore the global practice.

The first such exam was conducted in France in the 1960s. At this time, the African colonies of an independent French state have gained independence, therefore many visitors from Africa appeared in the country of gourmets. It is easy to guess that the level of their formation was very low. But children traveling parents needed to learn. French officials have done everything to simplify the exams system for migrants. They introduced test questions.

Thus, the final exam was combined with introductory tests to higher educational institutions.

Unlike Russians, the French began to conduct serious protests. They were reported by the authorities that such a form of the exam leads to the "partnership" of the nation. The struggle was short.

After 3 years, the French authorities appreciated the results of the reform and were forced to abandon innovation. Despite the French experience, systems of such testing arrived in the United States of America. It is believed that it is practical, so the practice of "2 exam in 1" is used in many countries of the world. Now you know who invented the exam for the first time.

Russian experience

Before the schools were introduced into schools, in some gymnasiums and lyceums were experiments, where graduates voluntarily passed testing. On the question of who invented the exam and GIA in Russia, many mistakenly answer: Alexandrovich. But this is far from that.

The Creator of the EGE in Russia is the official who held the post of Minister of Education from 1998 to 2004. His name will tell you about what. This minister gave a large-scale reform of Russian education. What came into it? First, he joined the Russian Federation to which higher education is divided into magistracy and undergraduate. Secondly, created and introduced new educational standards. He believed that the introduction of a single state exam would end with corruption in educational institutions, as well as create an effective and qualitative check of the level of knowledge of graduates - after all, the five-point evaluation system has long been outprof.

To the question: "Who came up with the exam in Russia?" - There is a unambiguous answer: Philippov Vladimir Mikhailovich. He believed that the test form exam would cope with these problems. In one of his interviews, Philipov argued that in the elite universities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, you can go through the tutoring, paid courses or a target reception, which is practiced in the two capitals of our state.

In 1999, a federal testing center opens at the Ministry of Education and Science. The task of this center is to develop testing systems in the state, as well as monitor the quality of knowledge from students and students in educational institutions.

Now you know who invented the exam, but it was not easier to live from this. Let's learn the opinion of the President of the Russian Federation on this form of the exam.

What the President says

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin knew who came up with EGE and GIA. And it repeatedly noted that the exam has both minuses and pluses. He said that thanks to the special form of the final exam, several times the number of applicants, which come to the leading universities of our state by passing testing were increasing.

In other words, the president recognizes flawlessness from the state, but nevertheless, this measure considers it effective in combating corruption and in increasing the availability of education for graduates from the regions.

Who can pass his ege

Agree to know who invented the exam, it doesn't matter. It is important to know who has the right to pass a special exam. All students of eleventh grades admitted to teachers are entitled to participate in the state examination.

It has the right to undergo testing students in colleges, technical schools, as well as graduates of secondary schools who have ever passed the exam, but considers the results unsatisfactory.

Avoiding the USE may disciple eleventh grades with disabilities. To do this, they need to make a certificate of disability.

Graduates of the Penal Executive System Schools, as well as children with deviant behavior, are given to graduates in traditional form.

When the exam passes

The exam takes place in Russia on a general schedule. It is the Ministry of Education and Science. Practice has shown that the wave of passing the exam begins in the second half of May and ends in June. You can pass the exam ahead of schedule. To do this, apply to the school or college administration, then you will have the opportunity to go through testing in April.

Measuring materials

This long phrase refers to a test, they call them differently. Their development belongs to the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Studies. Each year, FIPIs lay out the demonstration versions of control materials in each type of objects. As a rule, kima have three parts.

Assessment of results

The one who came up with the EGE, namely introduced a 100-point knowledge estimation system on the exam. The evaluation process is carried out in two stages. On the first of them, the number of primary points is determined. The amount is determined by adding points obtained for each question. You can find such data on the FII website. Download the demo version of the desired subject. Open the folder, and then learn the document called "Specification".

At the second stage, the primary points compilers of kimov are translated into test. There are 100 of them 100. It is the test points that sees a graduate in his certificate about the delivery of the USE.


As a rule, the examiners do not have any problems during the exam. Of course, it was not possible to completely get rid of the excitement yet. But it should be noted that the situation on the exam is calm and unlawful. It does not matter to know who invented the exam. It is important to have knowledge in the head on the subject, and then no exam will be terrible!

Most often, the problems arise from the exam organizers. Every year there is a leak of answers to the Internet. There were cases when they were laid out on social networks. For several years, the administration of the popular site "VKontakte" cooperates with Rosobrnadzor. Now in "VK" is monitored. Suspicious documents during the newsletter are blocked.

Now you know the name of the official who introduced the exam. However, this is not the most important information that is required by a school graduate. Learn and get ready in time to successfully pass upcoming exams!

What is the exam?

The unified State Exam (EGE) firmly entered the life of graduate schoolchildren. Since 2009, the EGE has been the main form of the state final certification of graduates 11 (12) of schools of the Russian Federation, as well as the form of entrance examinations in Russian universities. At the same time, the disputes around the feasibility and the order of the exam do not subscribe to this day, and the changes are made annually. But, first of all, it would be worth understanding what it was - the exam.

Unified State Exam (EGE) - This is a form of state-state certification (GIA) on educational programs of secondary general education. When conducting an exam, control measuring materials (KIM) are used, which are sets of tasks of standardized shape, as well as special forms for registration of answers to tasks.

Admission to the delivery of the EGE from 2014/2015 of the school year is outcome essay (presentation) which graduates are written in 11 (12) class.

What subjects can be passed (ege 2017)

For the receipt of the certificate, it is sufficient to successfully pass two mandatory objects: Russian language and mathematics (basic).

It should be noted that, if desired, the student can pass and basic and profile mathematics.

Having received a certificate, a graduate can continue his education in higher educational institutions, technical schools, colleges, etc. But to enroll in the university, you must pass objects for choosing and, if necessary, profile mathematics . The majority of universities are quite a total of three EGE, but they need them more in some educational institutions. Information about introductory tests and the minimum number of scores necessary for submission of documents is published on the websites of universities. Therefore, at the beginning of 10 (11) a class, it is worth deciding on the choice of objects that the student plans to pass so that it is these disciplines to pay more attention.

Depending on the desired educational institution, additional items are selected: someone is needed for the admission of physics, someone will need social studies, and someone and biology. There are educational institutions, where, in addition to the results of the EGE, will have to take an additional exam associated with future professional activities, as a rule, is a creative exam.

In addition to Russian and mathematics (basic or (and) profile), you can hand over 12 items:

- Physics
- Chemistry
- History
- Social Studies
- Informatics and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
- Biology
- Geography
- Literature
- English language
- German
- French
- Spanish language

These subjects of the EGE 2017 members pass on a voluntary basis. You can pass any number of items from this list.

The list of entrance tests in universities for each specialty (direction of preparation) is determined by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of September 4, 2014. №1204 (ed. From 10/13/2015) "On approval of a list of entrance examinations when admission to educational programs of higher education - undergraduate programs and specialist programs."


For EEG 2017, three stages are established: the start period (the end of March is the beginning of May), the main stage (end of May is the beginning of July) and the additional period (September time). Inside each period, the main and reserve days of passing exams are established. To pass the exam in the main stage, it is necessary to apply before March 1.

As in 2016, the schedule, along with the reserve periods for the exam on individual training subjects, provides an additional reserve day for exams for all academic subjects. It is necessary for those participants who for any reason could not participate in the exam in the primary or in a reserve day, for example, due to the coincidence of two selected items on one day or absence on a valid reason.

Rules and procedure for holding EGE 2017

When passing the exam, the exam procedure is strictly followed. The beginning of the exam for all academic subjects at 10.00 local time. The exam is held in writing in Russian (with the exception of the section "speaking" in the exam in foreign languages). After having arrived at the exam, the participant of the EGE should present a document certifying the person (hereinafter - the passport). In addition to the passport, the participant of the exam takes with him a handle, medicine and nutrition (if necessary), means of learning and education (in mathematics line; physics - a ruler and an unprogrammed calculator; in chemistry - an unprogrammed calculator; in geography - line, transport, unprogrammed calculator) ; The participants of the EGE with ABS, children - disabled and disabled - special technical means. All other personal belongings are left in a special place. During the exam, the participants of the EGE are prohibited to have a notice of registration for exams, communications, electronic computers, photo-, audio and video equipment, reference materials (except those resolved, which are contained in KIM), written notes and other storage facilities and Information transfer.

During the collection and seating in the audience, the participants of the exam constantly accompany representatives from school (accompanying) and organizers whose instructions need to strictly perform. In the event of any controversial moments, you need to contact the organizers. During the exam, exams participants are prohibited from the audience and PPE examination materials (EM) on paper and (or) electronic media, written accessories, written notes and other means of storage and information transfer, photograph EM, talk to each other, exchange any materials and objects. With other participants of the exam, rewrite tasks Kim in drafts with a stamp of the educational organization of the EGE, to arbitrarily exit from the audience and navigate through the PPE without escorting the organizer outside the audience. In case of violations of these requirements and the refusal to comply with the organizers, together with the members of the State Examination Commission (GEK), have the right to delete the participant of the exam from the exam. The examination of such a participant is not checked.

Blanks Eger

Special attention should be paid to the filling of the forms - the quality of verification and results will depend on it. There are special instructions for filling the blanks with which students will get acquainted in their educational institution. In addition, you need to carefully read the instructions for performing the work specified in the kime, and strictly follow it. For all filling issues, it is necessary to contact the organizers who are present in the audience. All forms are filled with only gel or capillary handle with black ink.

Minimum points

The minimum number of points that must be recruited by the participant of the USE is established by the order of Rosobrnadzor No. 794-10 of 03/23/2015. "On establishing a minimum number of points of a single state exam required for admission to undergraduate programs and specialist programs, and the minimum number of points of a single state exam confirming the development of the educational program of secondary general education"

For certificate :
- Russian language - 24 points (according to the stubblock estimation system);
- mathematics of the profile level - 27 points (according to the stubblock estimation system);
- Mathematics of the base level - 3 points (according to the five-poal estimation system).

The minimum number of points you need to pass mandatory objects for admission to the university (submission of documents) :
- Russian - 36 points ;
- Mathematics of the profile level - 27 points (on the rolling rate of estimation) .

The minimum number of points to which you need to pass objects for choosing (on the rolling rate of estimation) :
- physics - 36 points;
- chemistry - 36 points;
- Informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT) - 40 points;
- biology - 36 points;
- History - 32 points;
- Geography - 37 points;
- social science - 42 points;
- literature - 32 points;
- Foreign languages \u200b\u200b(English, German, French, Spanish) - 22 points.

It should be noted here that the passing points needed to enroll in the university to budget places, many universities of the countries significantly exceed the minimum number of points. For admission to paid training, minimal points is quite enough, of course, if the number of paid places is not limited.

Scaling the results of the EGE

The results of the exam for each exam first is first calculated in the primary points depending on the tasks performed. Then the primary scores are exceeded in the test scores of the EGE on a stubble scale based on statistical data. It is this result that is necessary for obtaining a certificate and admission to the university. This procedure is called scaling. It is held for all items, with the exception of the Mathematics of the Basic Level. The results of the Mathematics of the base level are issued in primary points (0-20) or as a percentage of the maximum score (0-100%), can be translated in a five-point scale, but are not translated into the stubble test score.

EGE 2017 results

The results of the EME of each participant are recorded in the federal information system, paper evidence of the results of the USE is not provided. The term of the results is 4 years, following the year of obtaining such results.


If the participant of the EEE (graduate of the current year) receives the result below the established minimum number of points according to one of the mandatory learning items, it has the right to re-surrender in the additional time provided for by a single schedule.

If the participant of the EEE (all categories) does not receive the minimum number of EGE points in elective subjects, re-examing the USE for such participants of the USE is provided only in a year.

Graduates of 2017, who received unsatisfactory results on two mandatory educational subjects (Russian language and mathematics), or received a repeated unsatisfactory result according to one of these items on GIA in advance, will receive the opportunity to participate in the exam in the Russian language and the mathematics of the basic level in the additional ( September) period.

Preparation for the USE

To successfully pass the exams, of course, it is necessary to prepare much and stubborn yourself on your own. It is worth remembering the higher the scores received on the exam, the easier it is to turn into the best universities of our country. It is necessary to sharpen tests on selected items, because the more kimov is swore, the more successful there will be a graduate on the exam. It is no secret that the main thing in working with tests, of course, besides knowledge, it is an opportunity to fill your hand. This is for this and you need to break as many tests as possible on subjects. Today on the Internet you can find many sites offering kima by different subjects. One of the most convenient sites where you can prepare before the Russian language exam is

As a form of state final certification of general secondary education, a number of years have been used by mandatory objects - mathematics and Russian. Conducting final certification has general rules that have repeatedly subjected to changes. On the latest changes in general rules and will be told in this article.

On the rules

EGE (required objects and options for choosing) are carried out using control measuring materials (KIM), which are standard form complexes with tasks. In addition, there are special binding blanks to issue answers to tasks. Mandatory objects of the EGE, as well as items on the choice are taken in Russian in writing, if this is not a section of foreign languages \u200b\u200b("speaking").

Examinations are held in Russia and outside it in a single schedule. The organizers are Rosobrnadzor and the executive bodies of those subjects of the Russian Federation, which implement the management of the field of education (OIV). Over the limits of the country, the EGE (mandatory items and options for choosing) are also Rosobrnadzor and the founders of the Russian educational organizations, which are located abroad, have state accreditation and implement educational programs of general secondary education, as well as foreign funds of the Russian Foreign Ministry, which have structural specialized educational units.

Admission to the EME

Required items and options for choosing students who do not have academic debt and fully implemented individual or common with estimates for all subjects for all years of study are not lower than satisfactory.

State final certification have the right to hand over in the form of an exam (Russian language and mathematics) children with disabilities and disabled people, as well as students who have limited health capabilities, studying in educational and educational safety institutions of a closed type and institutions where they serve punishment in the form of imprisonment.

Students on educational programs of professional secondary education are also entitled to certification in the form of the USE (Russian language and mathematics, as well as items on the choice for admission to the Higher Educational Institution). Students in educational organizations of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol possess the same right.

Retestation and extern

The right to certification in the form of the USE is available and graduates of past years (with a document on obtaining general full secondary education until 2013), as well as those students who master educational programs of professional secondary education and are studying in educational organizations abroad, even if they have There are valid exam results of the past years.

There may be an exam and people who have mastered secondary education programs in other forms of family education or self-education, or eating educational programs inactive. They can be externally to go through gia in


Now compulsory items for passing the exam - Russian language and mathematics. However, in 2020, change and additions are planned. First, according to the head of the Ministry of Education and Science, Olga Vasilyeva, will be required for all history exam. In addition, the obligatory items of the EGE in 2020 may include a foreign language and geography. Indeed, without knowing history, the country will not be able to successfully move at tomorrow. There will be a geography of the obligatory subject of the exam, while since the entire existing examination system will be revised.

However, English as a mandatory subject in the exam (or other foreign), most likely will be. A number of regions in 2020 will take such a subject in the mode of testing. Further, by 2022, the country will be ready to make a foreign language in the examination minimum in schools, and now test tests are compiled, programs are being developed. History as a mandatory subject in the exam is a matter of almost solved, although it will happen, according to Olga Vasilyeva, not earlier than 2020. It will be the third mandatory subject.

History with geography

Olga Vasilyeva made many statements at the All-Russian Conference on the history of Russia, which was held in February 2017, regarding the development of education in the country. A lot was said about the surrender of the exam in 2020. Mandatory items will be replenished. She clarified that today children pass only mathematics and Russian, but the third object of the exam should be the story.

She also stated that he was carefully listened to the louder to a sound public opinion regarding the GIA, which students surrender after the end of the ninth grade, in geography. Many citizens are advancing for the introduction of such an exam when issuing from school. The list of mandatory objects of the USE will be replenished. Perhaps and geography will enter their number.

For admission to university

In 2009, all graduates of schools received information about the obligatory subjects of the USE. They became Russian and mathematics. At the same time, each eleven grader should get a score no lower than the Rosobrnadzor installed. Additionally, school graduates choose themselves several necessary items for admission to university. You need to choose from the list of general educational disciplines, which are included in the list of the EGE. How many mandatory objects, for example, have to hand out eleven grader going to enter the university? This will depend on the selected specialization. For example, an ICT and computer science is needed by the future programmer.

The tasks of the exam in mathematics can be performed in advance not only completely, but also repeatedly, for this there are official portals with open banks. Since this subject is mandatory, graduates are exactly the same. But math mathematics mate. The same future programmers should not solve the basic option, but profile. The tasks of the process of mathematics of the profile level require, meanwhile, only the knowledge of the school course. On the site of the selected university, there is probably a free demo material that can be used during self-preparation.


Items, including obligatory, on the selection of a graduate school for admission to the university:

1. Russian.

2. Profile and basic mathematics.

4. Physics.

5. Social Studies.

6. History.

7. Information and communication technologies and informatics.

8. Geography.

9. Biology.

10. Literature.

11. Foreign language (English, French, German, Spanish).

To get a certificate about the end of high school, you need only two mandatory objects - Russian and mathematics. Next, on a voluntary basis, a graduate can pass on its own selection any items, respectively, the requirements of a certain all depends on the planned direction of preparation, that is, the specialty.


Since the country does not occur too fast, but cardinal changes, it can not not touch the education system. A lot of complaints have accumulated from the Ministry of Education and Science by the country's population. Of course, in this system of passing exams there are advantages, such as the option of preventing corruption and the independence of the obtained knowledge assessment. But there are a lot of minuses. It is planned to develop a mechanism for passing the exam for six subjects, as well as increase the number of attestations of the younger school. Of course, knowledge should be evaluated systemically so that students acquire the skills that increase responsibility and order.

In the minus there is an existing organization of the EGE and parents, and teachers put the test character of the exam. Most students simply try to guess the correct answer. This system has long been necessary to abolish, replacing it with a survey form, which existed until 2009. Of course, a rehearsal and public opinion polls are needed before will be introduced into this system anything new, because, first of all, it is necessary to understand how much the situation will improve each of these changes.

Terms and tasks

Conducting an exam in the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as and abroad provides for a single schedule. Each academic subject has its own time of the exam. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in January of the current year issues a decree in which a single schedule approves and the duration of each exam. It also gives the entire list of funds that will be needed for training and education and will be used during the exam.

FIPI (The Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements) is developing exam tasks (KIM), that is, complexes of standardized tasks, with which the level of development of the educational standard will be established. On the website of the FII, you can familiarize yourself in advance with the section of the demo options of the EGE for each subject, as well as with documents that regulate the content and structure of Kim - with all codifiers and specifications. Tasks can be both unfolded and with brief responses. Oral responses examined in foreign languages \u200b\u200bare recorded with the help of audio points. This section ("speaking") is still on a voluntary basis.


Information of control measuring materials, which are used to conduct state certification, cannot be disclosed, since it relates to information with limited access. Therefore, everyone who will be involved in conducting an exam, as well as persons passing the exam during its holding, are responsible for disclosing the information of the CIM in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If the information of the CIM will be published, for example, on the Internet, this will be evidenced by the availability of signs of an offense under articles 13.14 and 19.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses; 59, Part 11 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Education in the Russian Federation".


The state final certification, which is carried out in the form of the USE, uses a robust assessment system for all subjects, except for the mathematics of the base level. Separately, for each subject, a minimum is set by the number of points, and if the examiner overcame this threshold, then the development of the general mid-level educational program will be confirmed.

When the examination of the examination work is completed, the results of the EGE in all subjects are considering the Chairman of the GEK, after which it decides on the cancellation, changing or approving them. The approval of the results occurs within one working day after checking all examination works.


If the examining graduate of high school is not satisfied with the points obtained, it has the opportunity within two days from the date of declaration of the results of the EGE to file an appeal of disagreement. It is drawn up in writing and is being submitted to the educational organization, which gave admission to the examining to the USE.

Graduates of past years and other categories of the participants of the EGE can be applied to the place of registration for rent or other, which determined the region. The results of the EGE for each examination exist only in the federal information system, and paper evidence of them is not provided. The term of their action is four years.

Repeated delivery

If the graduate of this current year receives the result below the established minimum of points on any of the mandatory objects, it can pass the USE re-in a single schedule for this, additional terms are provided. If any category of the participant of the USE will not be able to get the minimum of points on subjects that he chose for admission to the university, then the relief will take place in a year.

Since 2015, all schoolchildren can take the exam for obligatory subjects up to three times (this applies only to mathematics and Russian languages). This is possible either on additional days if only one object is failed, or in the fall (September, October). In the latter case, the admission to the university cannot take place, since the necessary deadlines passed, but the student's certificate will receive.

Today, in Russian schools, students of 11 classes will hand over the first single state examination (USE) on the choice. The exam will begin at 10 am local time. To respond correctly to all test questions, two hours were released 22 minutes. Today we give exams in a foreign language and computer science.

Use during the exam as English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries is prohibited. It will not be possible to get a hint and from the beloved teacher by INAZ: at all, without exception, the teachers who teach this item are not present.

In the State Duma Committee on Youth Affairs on the eve of the "Hotline" on the EGE issues, calling, schoolchildren and their parents can get advice with the best teachers of Russian schools and Moscow universities.

The Unified State Exam (EGE) is a centrally conducted by the State Exam introduced in 2001. It serves simultaneously with the final exam from the school and the entrance exam in the university. When carrying out the exam throughout Russia, the same type of tasks and uniform assessment methods are applied on a 100-point scale. After passing the exam, all participants are issued certificates (which operate 2 years), where the obtained points are indicated. Since 2009, the USE will be the only form of graduation exams at school and entrance exams in most universities.

For the first time, the EGE's introduction experiment was held in 2001 in 5 regions of Russia in eight disciplines. In 2006, unified State examinations handed over about 950 thousand schoolchildren in 79 regions. Over 2 thousand higher and secondary-seat educational institutions counted the EGE points as assessments of entrance exams.

Until 2009, the USE applies as an experiment. The list of items by which the USE is conducted in each region is determined by this region. Currently, the exam is introduced in most regions of Russia.

In 2006, the exam in Moscow passed a total of 9714 people. In the capital, all universities, with the exception of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, took applicants based on the results of a single exam.

In 2008, the exam in Moscow in Russian and mathematics schoolchildren will be submitted. At your own desire, graduates will be able to pass his ege back to nine subjects: foreign languages, chemistry, social studies, geography, biology, literature, mathematics, history of Russia, physics. Not all universities will work only according to the results of the exam. For example, MSU them. M. V. Lomonosov led by Rector V.A. Sadovnichy stated that the reception board would take into account the results of the EGE. But the traditional exams for applicants will also have to pass. Points scored on entrance examinations will be summed up with the results of the USE. And the competition will follow the final assessment.

In 2009, the USE is introduced everywhere. Graduates who surrendered the exam within the EGE will be able to send documents to most of the country's universities and wait for the results of the competitive selection. Certificate of the results of the EGE is valid for two years. The one who could not undergo a competitive selection to the Middle and Higher Educational Institutions According to the exam results, may re-pass the exam in subsequent years.

Also, individual universities can be given the right to carry out additional entrance tests - on professional orientation. The procedure for selection and a list of these universities and preparation directions will approve the Government. Such universities include - Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, MSTU Bauman, MEPI, MIPT, and a number of others.

Each task of the USE is estimated at 1 or more points. The amount of these points is the source score of the subject (for example, the maximum possible source score for the exam in Russian in 2006 was 60).

Next, the correspondence is established between the primary and scale points (the maximum test point is always 100). The transformation scale of the primary points in the scale depends on the complexity of the tasks and is calculated using a special computer program. This scale is not linear: For example, 30 out of 60 primary points in the above exam corresponded only 43 tests from 100.

Finally, the correspondence between the scalked scallers and the school mark. In each academic year, Rosobrnadzor publishes the disposal to establish a score of the transfer of points in the marks when conducting a single state exam in disciplines included in the list of the USE. For 2007, the following criteria were established:

Evaluation (School) Mathematics (up to 10kl) Mathematics (10-11kl) Physics2 0 - 35 points 0 - 6 points 0 - 32 points3 36 - 54 points 7 - 12 points 33 - 51 points4 55 - 73 points 13 - 18 points 52 68 points5 74 or more points 19 - 30 points 69 or more points

It is possible to conduct appeals by any part on the basis of a written statement of the graduate. Items - mathematics, literature, Russian, history, physics, social studies, English, French, German, informatics, chemistry, biology, geography.